THE PROPOSED FORM OF NEW BALLOT. PLAN FOR ENABLING ILLITERATE CITIZENS TO VOTE INTELLIGENTLY. TO VOTE A STRAIGHT TICKET MAKE A CROSS | ? ) MARK WITHIN THE UK? .E A?K? I ONE 01 T!?F TARTY COLUMNS TO VOTE FOR AN INDIVIDUA! CANDIDATE. MAKE A CROSS :? ) MARK IN NIE SPACE BRPOKE Mis NAME TO VOTE FOR A PERSON NOT ON THE TICKET, WRITE Till NAME 01 8UCH PERSON UNDER THE TITLE Ol THE OEFICE IS TDK COLUMN ON THI RI'-IIT AND MAKE A CROSS (\| MARK IN TMK SPACE BEFORE THE NAME ANY M-XRK OR ERASURE MADE ON THIS BALLOT EXCEPT AS ABOVE INDICATED MAKES THIS BALLOT VOID AND IT CANN--T BE COUNTED USE ONLY A PENCIL RATING BLACK LEAD. A BLANKET BALLOT. "ROSPECT THAT THK VOTERS OF THIS 8TATE WILL O ET IT AFTER t.? ING WAITING. PROVISION POR PARTI COLl'MNS tXD BTJTROLB ISHEP BUT SPACE LfiFT r R NAM1V. ' ' ?i' OXAL PREFERENCES t? PISTAN?**-; IX THK BOOTHS PONPSXTOPTHBTninVNC.] Mai " Senator Raines lia? fran ? I ? hat ? ? ? ? ins in the L t to have a I passing, Tl it , m ?*-. ;? rally will i ? Interest? . In the iroters will '.ik< to know what i ? ? ? ^"i>- ;?> \ ?? ; ? ' ? ' , ' . i'- ' ? i g J Benai Ju?i try Committee reported the bill favorably during the week which ha? Just passed, *i . , Friday the i was recommitted for the j. ir;?i.,'. of git | ".!???? formers ?... ; ?? ? ? ertaii f< I ? ? it It but most i views of i i ' rmera ar? well ki iwn to th? members of thi ind are not favor ->nsider. i ' - l then 'tie rea ik tii.- bill will be smended, The) ?-, . , . desire the adoption of the Massachusetts sys? tem of arranging: the names of candidate? on s il 'order, when ? both ng Rep ratlc meni eve that the party col -wm Is tl ne, enahiin? the illiterate \ ?ter? to vote easll) th? ticket h? desire?. Th--' most ? ???: ? ?",- ir? I Senator Rait ta? h'.il es the multiple ballot - . ipon I I SUb iallOt S) -tem. Vot? ? ? t *h' ir candidates hy a party ? an1 th- candidates of earh party ar" to h? .-..ratiKei ;n parallel columna Then there li to ?? ?i column for th^ use of h lependeni ?.????.-i -. i\-ith the tltlea of the offices to be fl ed ] Inted ^n : ? of the 1 but with a blank spec? - bel ed In with th? name.- of candida! Indi ten ? .:', say? that nomlnati? ns ol be made bj a oonv-Mitlon or i?r.mary. "t- by a duly rlsed commltt? - irentlon or pi Imarj of a*' party or other nominating bodj ? ral State election poll? i In th- State, or 1 pei ?nl ? m whl? li the conv? ntl ?n oi ? ? ? i provision v . f the State I prlnl ratlc, the Prohibition, the Popu - ? In this Stal ? - ? ? ? ' ?-? ns. So party name which may be l?sd c I ? hav.' -n ire than Uve words !n it. ? : . :??;[- nti I for th voters ' th? S:a*- la thui a S don U of th" pro : .aw: Even ballot intended I i ?h? n.? of electors ; ??? th the protrtatana of ahia a ' aha! ?vice :?>.? ? ich party ?'-; ? sent? I -ordance with the this act There shall he ed at i each < le tl in hut .-. lates 1 ??Tie., and ev< ry nn the names ol a li tni nail, for ant office ? Aed 111 I rn , Il an I wlthdra? I * herewlt h, arrange i in tlcketa or list ? ?. dlu otl ? In ? ms for pr? ! lential electoi tl Pri -. lent and A Preaideni ill I i iac> ? the mmedlat r ? party i reo . ' names of tl ? : - i- gi mi nt ol , u.. ?-???:. given. Tl . ? - ?? ? ? parallel c ilumna . ? es, and thi pat nam? or other I ilgnatlon In such order a- thi -? retar) precedence, howevi elng a party ? hloh p ?lied tii" high? the he : ??... and ao ii The numbei imber ' ? ? .- ,? ling the ballol pi ? i ited ? ? ? nina t Ion I par t j ? (thi hand side of ? ' ' ? ..til""- f : the elect . ace foi which ihe bal? lot I? i .- ' vote and ? left a b anl ipace l" whl ? may write tin- nami of an.t can? didat? or can?! i for whose t ime* are not up ,:i the I i thai office " the apace .- thi ofBci -. shall atad In bretrli r capita ? "? ? 'The vat It,, ol the ? i ?- ? nam? ,- nol I the ballol .or whom he desires to voll - , "1 can :, lat? - -.- ill be ; ' ? of? ? party containing more can? 't" - than at.- t ? ?. |?cti i True > Prtnti i a-- to s ? ? i-' ?? toi ' ' PPortui ". t? designate by a i *- tXj 1 ?V FuyilSpINEpJHNlTURE Table Talk. ? r little tea I ai beautlf ii en ?u ? ?ti autocrai ? bee me the auto n Ti ? TnW ? 'J ? u graceful In shape and i . Dining l Specimens of dl?*! ntntlon m sh ?\n. otheis ai r ? card tablee, hall tables, hbr, - tablea, and I r the parloi labi?s m an ahnoet < ea and shapes. marked ai i he manuf ? luring i 'BUY Of'" ' HI '.' .'.KfP Geo, C.Flint Co. s.l. 45 AMD 47 west /5"r,"i. NEAR BROADWAY. r"Ar.T0RY: 154 AND 156 WEST I9T.MSTREET mark In a lar? >Uink circii lunrter? f an Inch In th , . ? ? iu<1 ah >\ ?? . ?:.?:? ? I ...... . i-il ?-,.!?. 'Mi mi. and by ., cro?s |X> i . spac? .;, the ;? f( nf .,?? ? ; ? ?. ? name ? ni ! :? ? i The balloi - . ivitn ,, .-? ?h an ! -.j?.!,: ihercfi im b? The part abov? the ? ib. ?hall exten?! th, ? ntlr .. ilti ! ?hall be two in ? - .-? .? ;??'??. ereof. I pon th !.. ol nuch s lib ...;.. Her? "To vote ;, ?tralghi ticket make .. ero?* iXi mark within the circle abov, ,n? of the party column?. To vote for ? vidual cand lat, mase a ?ros* iX? m.,rk In tbe ?pace before hi? name. To \ it? for .? person n ?t I person 'in 1er the tltl ? -,.?? ? -,.? m.ih.? ,i . r?.-? i >: i mai k In thi name. Any m irl ? ?.. epl .,-. .in .\? ?? ; ii - ? hallo, v..- l. and li cann ii h, ? ounted. !"?< nn\ Ins M ?? k lea |." On I ill he prtnte 1 i numb t " < >n th? li ick of th ';?? m ? w. at il ind Immi liatel; m the le? I f the ballot -ivt'i he print? i In gr? Roi ipltala ih? w : rls '?( ?-h i ,1 I. ,1- ! CONSECUTIVE NUMBER. No, 279 OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR ELECTION DISTRICT NO. 1, CANANDAieUA, NOVEMBEK li, 1894. (Here ?rill be printed the facmmile dignatun? of the officers causing the ballot to be printed.) 8IGNATURE OF OFFICIAL ? ? ? . ? - - . i i designation of the la prepared, the lat? ???' the le -ti >n, and .-^itriilo ol ihe signature of the ofllcer who ha* caused thi ba'.lots ? pi nted, excepi lhal ballot? con? taining the nun?- ? !' . a!. !: l.t.?-. f ? ? i Commis? .,: Excise for towns ?haH be lndor?e1 "Exclee" only, an l i.ther ballots for town meetings, n (fl n blank lo the ?pa? ?? thai ?v ? i. i- ?i'l? ? hj ?u 'I nan ui ?.,. . |f they wer? prit - : (heron, with the hlank i n. n ?n pr.jvl lit i. ?hall h? fl Th? ? ? , irty lick? t. In? hiding th, ?,,,i ??,. the ?i? vu.? ,,ti .ve and ihe large cir? tu?, i,, th? I? ??i? . ?am,. ?hall 1? eparat? 1 ?? ... ?,.. ,. -? .,? by a I ?? - the circle above the n ime ol the party, In the voter I? to place I t.. vote th, ?l*?lin l by n the In?? deiinlng the blank ?,. fore Ihe name? ?.: .: : i.. - and , |- .,.??.? ... |.:-Iii'.?l in heavy-faced n >npar? il typ Kor a si mark with n I ;' Hckei whali i.. - parat? ? fl >m nth? i pal , I ck? border? n pith? i - ? i?- ?>? ?' ? ? ? ? ' bordei o? i broad - in inch wide ? : i? trimm? I ? tu th, Iwrder .,.ful |.r..\-i-|.. vlth re- i party device? and . - ? . be prii ? ?'? he device? ol Ihe t ? ? . . ? ? ? ? ? .-..??? i i,. , pi ?'?' -? 1 la .?. : hen : .li I?. i '?' ' I Th, I? . oi ? n'?i n . ' '.i??-.?.I may be thi r? pi ? ' ? sn ,.?. ?? ., . ; iei appn pria '??? > (lie , i.l, ol .,1 ill I! II ? .?? .; ?nj -" ?'? ?? '?? ? I t,ne , .-?-.n??-. th? National fiai common to all I " '? '"" ot n? mb , nui ih? : ? - ? ? ? ' ' ? ? ii ilion ?"?' '?'? politi? .. |. I .- ?! ? ? ? '? ? embl ni ?i ; ? ? ui nominal I m ar. . I In 111? n.I - ? n ? m i| um ty nu . m . . b. In i .- . . - un i. prlorltx ??I ?' .,, embl. in. ?? i '?.? :l" l?H ?? ?'v ... , o? H I?ai . ' ...? ....... put ,\ . thai .M!? i. i? ?rtle hall I?; . i .nu H there be ? .., ., party, ami ??"?ii ?'i . |jlm ih ?an ? h.,, ?nil ? r .- ... h ... .i onflli Hng I dm ??!?? >? ,.. | ,.;,,?,. ? , I ., I'OIIV? 1.1.'Hi " immlttei Ihereol . ited pan ?' '?? factlot ; ! ? -Ml : ifll ? t ?hall ?... i |. n ? . ., .i fa? lion .- hi? h n., b, un, .j ? .??,,, the ball ,.::!,. I : iwo or m n-?- - ?nv, m. ?:. are ci ? aulh n III, ?. ? 'i clalu .,,. pal i . fot ' . ? tilabl? ?I. ? n i pel -, n m,, to II tlngul i. ih? i m lid ?' ' ?*???' ? ii in from I ho ? . , ,?,.| thi li ? ? I bi ,i nt, , :. \,,\ (|u< lion* refer? Ice or lo thi political ! .n I ? oi ? i ' ? i n? in, d? algnat? i ? ?n? tt-i tlflcst? ?if n imlnsil ?n nil i i? n n n,- ;?. thi pro vlsiom ol '... ? ?ectlnn ot ..? . . ctlon 5? oi i hi? ... , or with reference i?? the construction, validity Il ? !-\ '..? ?ffl ? : U Itll W . . ? -, , i, ? ' ? . ' ..? ffl Of in 1 ?il i to each ? indi I ertlfli-ji r n min itl m aff >? i d ?? - ' ? m? ? ? ?un, i .m'. |u ti or any countt |i mnty. '.?ha : a.?.- - minian ? ?>?-:? n. -. revi ilion and ici Meer, an I t.. n ??ich order in ihe premise;? *? lu -..?.? mat reqt ?*? 'h ?' ? omplalni ?hall I ?? he ir?l upon mich n ' ' -'li'l? I' I.- H a i , ? ?i ? ? '? ?hall ?Un If anv cei ? ? ou i for hy ihe vol r Si Ite. ffi? ? : the S. crel iry of SI ite, suani t ? lhe pro* ?? m- of ihh .? - H ?' ' ? Il t , ll|) (il ? . ' r oil i ? ? , It sha I - ? iry of State to |i ? : ill be ti?? I to dl -,ni" pai .;?:?? ? -'? ' ' I ffl II 11.1 if le?.? iban ?In i . ' ' - I ? - thin ?tsti ? i, i .?i ?. ??? - ? ? t iminati m of ? 1? '? ? ? ?" emb! in ? distinguish the i indi 11 ? ? -? ? , ?* ' ? mln ?t ?n It I ? ill re ' . ? ?" ??-'. . : I ? . . ,.-, ,i - In that pan Th? bill ? i) a thai ill m ?i k? up m be mad? bj s ; n I ivlng i b! u It les l ?\ vn can have thi It I? tl ? 111 '!'.' .'?!,'. official : ' than tin ? roa* ?\> m peni II, or to m irk ? ? h?l'ol In n manner for th. purpose "f Identifying ?ny prlnl ? fig in ??? a m I, or t . wr i g upon it ? v pi the name wl ? ? i vote which Is i ? n th? . onlj in the h? i I under i f the ofl from a I shall hat ? b en i ram d a det i ? ?? -ri. oi ip ?n a hi 'h th< re shall I wi ten any word or -.-. . m the name "f ??in i. ite I hi to .1 vol l by t election inspect : Is to .? ? .. n..! king l bal 1. 1 f t h i ? ? ? '. h t t !ch ? ? : ? ne party for whal nffl h? -h. t a > Si a ki ? < X i ma rk ii I hi i". -.. ? the :. i m :. in : ? ibi Make m i\?3 ( t.\i mark on tl , ? ne of mi!i and oi su? ink i? provided i .' I : l ? ? tea oh- ? wor I . for can lldat? I III ren pa . . ? ... ' \ i n,.n k ind mak? K) marl anl of en ? be desires to vol ? i tl? k"* !. i ' be; or, ?in Mak? .? ' r? ? X ? ma k In tl ?? bot " ' h? n im?.i part). ,; im? ? i ind dati ?,',,'. for, ?n i ti n im il.' croe? ?\i im "-k .. ' r.- thi n.'ni' of an? candl?la! ??f an) other part) foi whom he mu desire t" vol in which case, the rrosi ?Ni '"a:k in the clrculi spa? abovt ?he name of a party will '.i-p tl elector'? vote foi everj candidat? on ihe lickei : -h p irl f, except I ?r ofllci ? f.n are marked on othei party tickets, an?! (X i mark? I" fore th? name? I h rai II lat?-? it : casi ? lor'? vote r o : , m prot I? whet two or mo persons I ?am? offi? ? .?' ? \ - I ? ? ?? I WO 0 more Ilepresentati' In < nxi ? offic? r n ? the n i.r- - .if ? ?? . ach part; ticket im oup? I un ?er I office I which .? i? ar< i unn i ;:. the I? n s ket In Ihi cli uiar spac? at it? h id. .?" ni iii.. il .? nt aup of candldal f?i . Ii '!h ? on at dhei '. ',(??? ?? ? i..?? mm,-" Ii addition i i marking the llcket In thi circulai spa?' hi ??!. ,?: . mak? a ?? ?? tXt marl ? , i .ii" ..f th? gi oup ? >*" can lldat?? for such wh im ti. ?1? ?1res i i v ?te on I u II kei ih i marked; and. pr.ividi I, further, if an elector ?*b< ): , tM-i- in irk? i a |i ?t ty lickei In the i Ir? ula .,! the hi ui there ?I and mark? -I urn or mon cat ? late on an dhei I k.-i ? : ticket? foi an offi? than on i indldal on n par y I or n"?;l"' i i?> in licate b) In dit liiual mai k ? ? .? i which "i lb? , an?tida tes fot tl ? ?ami offii ? on h ? ...-. n pai I ) then and In sn I :i,,. coli shall be mimo i on ?? t >i !hi . ,;.? for thai office H m , In/ mark befoi h ' name? If, In mm I. IIS ., ? ralith "? mix i I Ick ta itm-i leflneti i i x i mark Ih ma le In I ii almv? ;,,,. i ,m,. ?f a pal i " lieh? I, ami ;,,. i,| more ci - - iXl n ?' i- m ide 1? nain? it m ni" if ca lidates ll tick? ? ,,' ,,?*,,, i m v..-,,, . can llilati - on oth? i pjr'j Hi ket? ire nol - i: '. ;. u< li mark.'? i? t ,|. th? nanu ? ??! ? in I i.i trki -Mili rplu ? ,,,,| ?|, . ).? I," ?? ,.n,m| ! a all ffl .- far whl? h n> can Iher tickel ? i the ex.epi I ? the la- : paragrap ? s i ? .re p i ime office hi.up? ?I on pirt> tl? I. ?? ! he ? ?.' i iiuestl .n sulun ? I? ' n .', )|| make a pros* IX.rk i Ihi blank ?;. ?? ? on ? ?,.. , |Kht of .?n i : .v i v. Iii i, i, il< -.:? - .i if th.- . "? toi m. -n - la ?? t- foi an -??n ?a ? ?; ' ?:- '??; ,.,.n il nu nu l?j writing II ?? h n ? ? I , , ',.,!,? i ih? pi ni? r plu ih h ?nk ? ,,,, the t . r Ihi lllu . I I i, iklllfi a (X ? mark i ? mark mm ;,, ,,. . ted t.? an ."..'?'.' : ? ?'? II I.!.. I. . ? ? || ? .I'm . Nu . U , ,. ', . ? . . ' ? ' ?I ' ? "M" H " ' ?? ' , ,. iffi? e by ?ny | II '" ? ,...::?. -n.m!.I be ed from the 1 ? ? ?? . he mat il? m ? Uni "???... ' ih pei on for wh mi be ,.mil in?- ?in Hie l" .?i.n ; natlot ' ? iffi? ? In 'he bl ml ? th? n.' ami m ikln i in |X? mark i,. T t. Ih? i 'i. ? wrh p. ?ion . i ,?: i ol ? he i ;? pai itlon of ,. .,? This pro Ion rendered i . I M ? ' V11 y pli y ? I ? ' . i ? ? i ? i 11l*i.? ? , . ' , ? I ?II bed b] H" ?I : ih , . ? || , , uer .eilig ll ' ' " i w her? i" i -"i- il registration if all Volei nuire i li la ? ha I ?th lo Ih? In .,,,,-, a - ..i elei II m on lhe ?lu k?n I liai b.? rennon .ni, Ih? I m? an i pla? ? ?f adil.-b he inn-' spi Ify, m i I llsessi ilu nal ip 0| ivlil h bi mn- i, ; Ifv, in li.u sin?? inc J ?t the ii?e of t. >i ? - '??? tot;ii:j i lin I. m -?? . . Ippli . ih., ??' ?*?> ? ? ' rh ting I ih and pr? par hi inci i \ ,t? ! in an ? i ;' "i ?li.*trl? i n i. i- n ?I required by law. lu p ; v h.i i- nA\ si .'.-. lis ibl? I In ..,i ? ? -. rib? d m the second a ? ? - ?' thl i. t, and who shall ? : '- :??-,. ?t thai . ? re ison of ?uci .... . . g unible to ??? ril ? "\ ? ? i- will be iin?ible to enter ih? h ? ? . pr? pare hi? ball it with . .?l| : r til i iiin; in pi ?paring lu bal ??'<-? hu no n? rson aha l i? n 1er ssslstai m ?r? - . th? ??? . i in, ?n I an -i per Kan i "tins :, voter ?hall no! In an) m inn?! re -? ? 1. to p. NUI I? nr ,:i i li ?? an) - I? I partlcu .?i ball ?t, . ? f ?r ?nj | ?? . an i -? ill i ol keep or mak anv ii or ? nl -\ of thing o ?? un nol tl ?? ;?-? - -? ? ime of an? can ?l?l ite ici ,-oti or s hl 'i Hckei i ; ? n- i.i. ? i -:; ? n to i? stify i ??-,.? for a ? ; ? ? -, Khali be i :? ? .?,'.? up ??i t lion ? .- ? te in ? m foi ? th? -. m< re than ten ) ira N i - I) ? ? . ' ;?..? ; ? In ihe prepai ni? n ? ge to anv on* for whom he ? ! 11 inge which .\. ; be ma le I v law will be It? I ? il ab I tlon of the i - - ? a??t In :? irai nelghb ?? M ? only required on the .1;,?. ..r reg ti ? ?? i ' metitui. forbid? il on I ic ? tlon. Ninel > -v\:o per ? ni f the ???-i hi\i> their name? put In regisi .:.-??? ?- on ih, firs) ds.? if reg t: ,n f, i.,!... Fl ilnea ah il!??h< ?. Iln ? ly n| registration, because he thinks ii a ?.-? e?? re? i| i r. -i i.\ti-:i:ii?;i::n?; with CRAIG COLOXY. xl I. \i'\l-i:ii ATTEMPT TO l.K?:iSI.ATK AS BF I'l- i' ' ' ? ' 'i' M \N UlKRM 01 T OF l 'i'l U ' All it ?: ,.-?. al) ?n Ill-ad ed snd !,, . ? it tro du? - l In ihe .\--. mblj bj Mi Kelsej f I .It - . ? ? ? ,i ... I del ili reor? manag mem i:-. Kel.xey'a bill ;? ? ? lo ipeel the plana snd I of the found? and pi??-? ni dliector? of the by leg - Hing the ? ommlsslon of five now i affali i ? remptoiIl) ou) of nui ? .; .i new boar i of m magi r?, iwelve n n hum.-. tu be ' '?' ? :'. -M -i ludlcl ,1 d.e? ?' the Ptate, and four fi ?m the Btate-al lai :?? N.. nibstantlal reason? have so far been discov? ered for the projected reorganisation of the colony, i ia nit slleged that the presen) maaagsra hav? >.. either unfaithful or n?tgllgeni in th??!r duties of le.?.-? than j. year rir?*? bet m: oixoyrn obuecbof tbe people T ? Rev, Thomas Diaon, Jr. snnounofd yester?3ay morning thai he had engaged the \cademy of Mu i,, .,;, i tl ng with the firsi Sunday In April, hi? nee church, "The l*hureh of the People." woul i be formell) atane I. Itervlttes will be held ,.v,r. Runds n. >i ? v '? ,rk'''1 Innovation will i?. m BoarJ of Dea - compose I hslf of women Thl? new? ws? I idlj sprdauded b) the women ? ? \i,. Olson ?l i nol i lo ? tl a engag? men! ,.: n. \, adeni) until late Katui la .. sn l th? lit ?I .,..,,? [he meniberi o) ihe new congregation had ?-'? ? ? ??? l,, pr? faced hi- ?ermon yeaieMaj on .?tome Ke? lt .- Sensationalism" by denying mosi emphal . ? i,, had .n . el - i Into n signing, and In support of the ?tatemen! rrail a lettei from the ,,,. : i, m of th? Hoard of Tru?) ea The :. ti.n . i man) expressions of goodwill toward Mi i, v., ,,, i i i/o denle I the publish?^ re.-i Hut the boa i i had ssk?*i him to resign ONE SWALLOW ??don'l make ;i spring." Neither \\ ill one bottle of Scott's Kmulsion cure a w.'ll established case r the laws of health, will surelj restore t 1m* patienl m thr earl) stages and OFFICER* PINED POR W.l ? >\V. MENT! BAXD TO I'l.vv Altr.AV.'K FOR MKMORIAt, I>AT. Comrades r the vetersn?, ?mi make eva? sions of ih" same Impossible; to unite all veh rsi - i Into a body politic for th-lr own protnetlon. In dependent ??f former affiliations, and to endeavor !i\ all honor?t.!.- means to assist to Ofllc? only auch men rs will pledge themselves to support all ni", ures favoring veterans, iirtir.-rs of the or- i ganlzatlon are Charle? H, i:.i\t?r. president of the rentrai Council ?>f Administration, ofllc? No, -.?vi Thlrd-ave.; Oeorge il. Dyer, vice-president and chalrmai of the I'ommlttee on Organisation; Ferdinand Boehmer. vl -president .. n i chairman l of the Committee on I .aw? and Regulations, and ?-h.inn. "V T. (?ulntard, central secretary, No Real One-hundred-and-nineteenth-st. Farnaworth Post, So. I7>;. a) Mount Verne?, re? solved, on Friday night, upon an innovation thai will make th.- meetings more interesting. .tt alternate meetings of 'h- post s comrade will re? late an Ineldei I .?f s ?k rmlsh, or battle, ?,r of camp In'.-. A committee was also appointed to take under consideration the advisability of adopting a change In the uniform In order thai a comrade . on parade might be distinguished fi ?m s sleeping car portei 01 - ? imboal deckhand. The poal aN.? aiithoriz? 1 the purchase of a grand piano tor the .!-? - of th" post 100m tdjutani Charles McFarland, of William Lloyd (larriaon Post, So l.i?t. of Brooklyn, waa lined h> a Brooklyn police lustl e foi allowing hi? i'o-' band t.? plaj martial music while returning from ;h" burial if Posi Commander l?ee on Sunday March S. , The able magistrate 1 ipla ned that the law permit? ted militar) mus? on Bunds) during the march of the post to the place of burial, i?ut thai the band ; m .-: not play on the return march. The Army ' ? fulation? presci. foi military funeral* that he mai m to the ^r.i-. ?? ih ? slow time to ?o I "?im musl ." while the return from the t ?m ; i,- ?a quick time, li Is the general Impression : among Oran 1 Army men that the 11 a .v..- : 11 finely con it rued 1 Bt ooklyn. The Ith R glmeni Ve erai it 0 itlon (I I New York Volunteers) mapped out a P"Hi of opi ationa at the meeting of members held a; Hie regli on Mon?la) evening last. Tin- first Incident m il?gica I order n II be the celebration of the 34! ? .um versar) ol tbi leparture of th? regiment to the front, Ma) .7. '.*-.. b) ? dinner at ?'larks, in \v. -?? Twenty-thlrd-si . on Monda) evening. May ?7, A vi*ll to the battleflelds of th? s?.ntti in the fall iv.h decided up-ai By invitation of colone geward, the veterans at? tende : the reg n n religious ?ert I? ??- U 8 Thomas's Chur? 1, Flfth-ave. add F '" thlrd-at., 1 IV. The mm 1 ntm? ? ;.? 11 .???? k of c il mel William ?' M K" \' .? to be S . ? ? ? t of Pollci : Brook ;? n has g ? .1 gn at satlsfa ? vet?i ins "f tha n bol ? -i?'- of th? 1 ver. Superintendent Mc Ke et Is an ?1 tlve member of the r. s. Qrant Post, N . : j;. and i- one of :..- most pop liai omrad? - In 1 par ' ? -' ' Hi? name has freqi 1 bei n in? n Ion 1 In ? onm ? Ion a ?? place* ol Department Bncampments, but he has unlformlj 1. fu?e I to t" : mil a i in ?*as* ' ? be ma le 1 ilf Captain Mm ? h>. ? moted I - sup? r int.-n lent M? Kelvi y ??- Inspi ? toi ??' Poll ? in : -. ; mt* .lo naon and O'Reilly. ? Ivani ed 1 1 grade ol captain, are all Orand Man comrades. Th? Irlsn-Amerlcan Volunteer* of the State ol New York will give their seventeenth innual sntei tainment and reception ? tdelpnl Hall, i-'itt>--" - on !-- an I Broadway, th - ev? nlng 11 ? pi 1 gramme for the occa* m I* sn at ractlve one, ai .,... 1 ,| (taker will pn Colonel Martin J03 ? tt, ranton. ? I.: ' ? - '' " s '"' ,P ' " .. pen I? "? org ?n17.1t m of ? igbteen com . |n ml* State, on :? mo I of Irishmi n. 1 he v,.k. \-.?u '"? companies meet 'or drill si 1 armory, No. las Becond-at ., ever) Monda) si 1 ii m Uran l Marshal Dohert) ha* ???non work on hi* pr?par?t on? foi the : ?*. Memorial l>a ? Many appll? il on* for place? in the 1 ?? ?, ,., I from mlllt ir) an I ? t org in igatlom*. Tin Flr?i Brigadi of the National Guard n-lll receive an Invitation lo turn out, but there will he no undue mrprl? If II I? not a ? epted 'i he ? i|,| ?;?! ird the 9th Regiment, the ?th Bat s,, ia.!i m A an I the .d i*.,c ry, pi rhaps, ?111 igaln appeal in lin'* and escort the Grand Army column. The American Ouard composed of battalion? of ?choolbovs, drilled In a pordance with the plan originally suggested b; Lafayetta Post, v.iii be ?HIT ?II fOI ' . \t the last regular encampmenl of wlnfleld B Ha 1 Post, N ''?. II w i-= ?!"? i ? 1 to present an American flag to Grammar ?School No ?, at Eighty llfth-st and Mad;- 11 -ave 'i': e pr?s? ntatl take pla? on 't'" Ural Friday In May. The post will al.-o present s dig to the Episcopal Orphan Ayylum on ^no''. ir, April 21. The Vosburgh veteran? ?<' the Tl>r Regiment held their regular monthl) meeting last wednesda) evening al theli headquarters, Nos MM and r?is Thlrd-ave President H i Ubenau and Secretary George W, Wyckoff were ai their poats. Several '?v. recruits ?#ere mustered In, and l Flrwt ave., pulling him out fr?>m under a bed, where h.? la i htdd n. Sheridan Is sad to be In a serious condition. The rtoctor? had found .: necessary to make an opera? tion upon him On? of th? cuts In his neck was leeg, and it was feared w.<- likely to cause trouble. foi escaping punishment Is the M key'? , h - n.;. i of much comment among the police, it is laid he h.?s a read) been arreslt I several tim.-s for felonious assault, and In each instance eaotped Ihrouah th? alleged "pull" possessed b) his brother lame? ? friend il mid, of ex-Fire Commissioner H ..Mi,. :. and a po leal hi er of s ?me not? - ??? ? l HE BEOAD-ST. POKEB PI.AYEBS PAROLED. The participants .11 an alleged poker pune In r ? mi ..'. of Nos i*, and M Broadway, who wer? ar 1 -'?'l Saturda) afternoon, ue;. arraigned rester da) In the Tombs Police Court. The names snd addresses given wen Sumner Perclval, In whoM T?.1 Hi" game ? ?- played; Charles V. Moore, ol Ins. John Myei lei -?-. city; John t>ownlng N> 110 Oreenwich-st . Samuel Honor. No. UT Bridge ?t. Brooklyn; Frank Powers, Charle? r Mai Hobi.ken N .1 . md Arthur Bascomb, Flushing Their lawyer, T. J, Sullivan held thai chipa wer? no evld.? thai gambling, in the legal -en-,-. i>a,i been carried on Perclval, who ha? iie-n arrested before ?>n a -in, u 1 irjfe and discharge, w is liei.i lu j./?? bail fa examination to-morro? after Th? othei - were 1 iroled --? - ? ? t.ECTVEEES AT DIXXEB. The men ? ho -..: ... | riving the of fr.-.- i.- 'ture* foi t ? peopl? 111 1er the ? if ta.' Board ol Kducatlon lasi teason gav.- s din ner Saturda) nlgln n th? W Imlsor Hotel, In of Henry M l^-lpsigi . the Assistant City ? tendeni of Public Schools, arho h ? I .-harK" Of ?? lectures Tr .? lectures were lellvered al fifteen dit f.-i.-n: placea during tie- winter, twice a ?????.. and were attended b) mor? than ?0S?ega peopl? The ni.? .-.n.-? 01 these lectures baa be?n largel) owin?< ;.i me efforts of Mr. (?elpsJger, arho has bad th.- course In charge from the ?im.- the) were i?e gun Letters of r.-nr.-t were received from s> ;ii 1 Km'., Mayor Strong, Kandolph Quggenaetmer, Franklin \s Hooper, th? Ret Dr WTUllam r 0 ?iiitn- and Mis* Grac? Dodge Soma "f Ihos? present wer.- Wendell C Phillips, Arthur C Maclay, viitam S Hewitt, John l. S Hunt, w I. Hervey, n.- Wit 1 1 s.iii'iian. T Backus, T I. Ja mea Kvereti I" Wheeler, A. ?' Bernhelm, il n lia.-. Charle? Strauss, H il Adams, Joseph Howard, ii . lohn i' Faun o'Krleii, H il rildne) Maraden Bo) esen l'h 11 li !? . 1 Mil. M ?mlth. > itrieii. 11 il. ?oyesen. ? liarle* riprague >m:u Vdolph Cohn William Halleck, 11 P, Johnston, w il McGuckln, Gustav l K K Hogan, Miss K A Connor. 1 ?? Tanalay, H. \ \l ,1 :. ' ' Il M t\ Il PI) mpion. .1 K Coj i". Charlea M skinner, C 1 Bushneil, Cyrua C \d .un-. 1 Gilmer Speed, H n Lewla. .Unie? Hovie. s. Friedman, A C Martines, W K. .stilling?, Antonio Raalnea. M li Bterne, Cephas Hralnerd, il w flmllh, F. A. Cook. fc. F. l'aintigton, K. B. Dunn, r ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Ha? Stood the Test of Time MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED ?BOO?QB?fc s?ti %ici:. tt?^CQi>)'g'?o?.3p^ g?d',?iWMw?t'Ww|H'''i?w^ Tickles the Palate, Strengthens the ?System. Hires' Rootbeer |THE GREAT HEALTH DRINK. bitiiij,ii,iii,uiijiiiii,iiiii,.iniiliu,tiiiii,iiiiuiiii.i.uii(...f|i)i,i^i..nlr:j "\ r.l???lngtothi> Poor Man" is Ciiiirurt? AiHi-i'itin Plaster. No ache, pata, b?iti?s, ?train, or rauMOlsr we.ikn??..., i-.,; vielda ?., It?g?.??^.|v. :,i| po?SWrflll, never fall? ing, pala"sll>*/Mg|ag sfopscties. SOME PEOPLE inn? H i- ?! ii ' ? i. ?? .1 ? i:', a r.\i-' \i. ft ,AP v ? ;r inigfrt?? =? ,1, P. \V- rden. H I Q H . Id?ag WALEED Iinirs PBOM MY. KES'SICO. BIOHT N*E*A"SBOTS, 1>I-.- \ i-n !.!> WITH THB IN. I?i ?TRI ?. KAI M UF3IBRT ! . I")? THEIR OLD MX' N - Bight thinly Isd .-?n'l I?-.- ? ? rere ? Mori inia Poll morning by P n?a police ?tatlon, and ? characters," tr (passing -n i '. ? prop?rt] ? ' i te New-York and Harlem Ralli a?l end running away from the Ii : ? ? Kesri Home at Mount Kei ?. -1 sale, i> In ! -om itiv, engli it .. r-. i r'ourth-ava. Their name? sre Michael H? ??. Peter Mang, John Whit ton, Joseph Millet lohn i>.?l>. Charlea gtan? ley, William (Ihent a-il William Koggett, and th< .r address No 9 L?uane-?i . the Xewsl Wh >n q u -? i... i I ? Poll ; , -? it? it, the ? : ?i thai ? ? ? ? Buperint? ndent Hyde, of 1 ' horn?. ??> i he fai m i M i n t ?o on Friday, and wert s t to sno\ nmg ? ?.. i he; w< r- i igg i .i:?. : ? - en ? wore iir ki :-. rh< sa? i si thej nk- l for narra ?i i Ing i \ an 1 ,?.. r.. | t They sil told, Ii > ?m.? story of food that. So 1 u y leclded return I N i I I sreni ta ' le mil ? - fare I .?. He told them, they say, Hiat if they wanted t-> gel . k to the city, the? v...... i .?.??>. ? ? walk II r start?*! out rtly si : six m(i? ? distant, ab il mtdnighl Their ?tories touched tho heari ol ' who handed them s dollar to .;>?; downtown with and then a.a charged ili?-m a.l. a DIAMOXD-DECKED COWBOY. OrrJTAV T M'LCRR, f*Ol*THRRXER. DAZZLBI THB IBTTBRaOB MARKET POUCE COTRT, At rti-- head of the line of prisoners in th" .W ferson Mark'?; i*<>iir: yesterday m?.?rnlng ??too?! C, is t.w Y. McLnre, ?rith g Wide ?ombrer.,, a flaring collar, a ?1!amor.?l watf*h?chaln. two hug-? d.amond rings, tbrts larga dlssnoad si mis. g 44-vaii br,? revolver, and s M*xk*an hairless ?Jog: abeat the sise of .? When M Lure era? arrested lata Bat* urday night in U'Rourke'? restaurant ai Broadaray and Thlrtleth-st. ?? wan) I to fight every oas :n ? j? Justin Slmma, In the JeBeraoa Market Court, he stood i lb? rail lu h. n?gligeai manner. The ?? in ? tr1 ers nearly fell over bs It,ward when they ?sw the chain, .?ti?i ovsja Juftlce Btmma open? ? h s eye? Justice Birnen? m,.-i him u tor ntos aUon tr l held him m lu?? bonds for trial on ?? charge of car? rying concealed weapons McLure protected that iviTvbu.i; went srmed In n??- Bouth wh?rre he came from, but pulled nul .? roll of I a * a hundred dollar wrapper end paid his fine. > B Ho?*???, ?jf No. ..7 ?wrai Blxteenth-st., v\?-ui ball r\.r hita on the ' coainnatloa ta a . .i-? nf tinny \od ????i?' the Rev. ttrrtiert Hhlpman the Re? John C. CampisMl and the Re? \ U ?A'lllson, __. ?? ? . ? CBIEAMSE ASSAULTED, ?.AUEDEIES BOBBRB Las! *tVedn< la) ? ' ? ladrtssa in N*lnth-sve., near Thlrt) eighth-?!., ven rohhed. .? ,,.?,' reported ;?? the polira or Hi?* \\?t Thirty aeventh it. station was thai of Ah Hag, ,t No JM \\ ??si Thlrt) sixth-?) Mag hsd his head ??ut un.i hi? nose brohoa I >"??i>k maa ha.i and h^ would ttfj to tin i ii for him ai '.but mom?fni tv\,> othat m , he said entered the place, The Ural :h?n sprang upon him and lut him In the face When Mi mng ? Ms tense? he found thai ha ha.i bean roblMsl ol IW snd ten bundle? of clothing. An hour lut^r Hin-. Lee walked lato the station-house, and ?iill later ?'mi?; Win?, with almllai tatos ol ?*. The poll t ?" i ?-i?"t John Khevlln, elghteaa ye?re old >.f So ??" ? Slath-ave., sad ?,u ti,,-.??. Chinamen a. once recofrnuwd aim In t!>.? JenTereon Market rouri i.-ii'.li?1 Justice ."-"iiii??? held Khevlln :n I4.0N bonito on two charges of rohbsr) fo:- twnflaa not? th's tnornlm UltANO Shirts RIAOV TO WtAft. Boot*) tormoux CUARANTKgO. Kit. Iiiii.h. Kaahloa. The It**??. Agg YOUR OUTKITTg* FOR THgSg. Wri?