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TREE-BLESSED PUSHING. ITS BHADT. AVENUES A.RE A REMARK AHM-: ARBORETUM. TT\o TM ?OTAXD \ ?RIBTlEg ARK REPRE#BSTBO IN THE T-iV.N AB OAK WHICH DATES Ato y. ??/?o THE OATHKRIiea AT Rl'XXT IIEDE KOMI'S in OXM OB KBW? TORE'S. MOOT DELIOHT PI :. PI Dl'ROfl? Rlalag on s goatl? ? 1? vatio? above til s?:' marsh? s of the aorth -: ? at I - l~; '? ' ??Ml overlooking the windli . .??:?? K be? Mr? : by ? iM i . sometimes lost to vies In lbs lush gi ? h >f mps'l?!?1- grass, Is the village of Vllsstngen. ?. ? ,. u , , ;;,.\ -,i reverence for antiquity and v . foreiga Ravoi ? I the <iM ] nee As rjlcis ? Il t.? lite mo rorafBonplace "flushing. The dl<jtast? for the former appellatloi . eems to have been mani? f . in the hlMory .?r ?h< low n. V? ry Itke ;. ?-??:? ? igh sppi : ,- thing? Duti . for though thay emigrated from Holland ; ? U? r :- ?i'-?'' thi Ir . ?. <; ?v rtaor William Klafl In I '???'?. f i . of the Kni. :h? rhin k? rs, thei were them ?.. \-- English Puritans, r?*fu?jjeas ' - cos ? tab . who hoped to Bad along lh< peaceful ?ti <,- .- . i nie . lb? m In i?io?r nativo 1. intir exp? tal ?ns ?.I ?????: ?intod to a Considerable degree la seen fron the earl) records of t) ? ? gs with the co;oni..i ?. rnra?mi si X?*w-Aaw?*?rdaiii ?Only thro, year? after ihe chartering of the (own Qov error Petei 81 lyveeant summoned several <>f the Wm "i I EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ?osi pros. ' ?' ?r before hlmsetf tr i his council ? ?uni i g "the prin , : persons who r slsi th< Dut? h mod? ? f choosing sheriffs, pretending It Is against I ' cours hi lb? father ind, and who refus? to co their share of the it: ntei nee of the Cr? pious, Hff.iim-i minister, and, If hey r- f-i-.. ??< ? apprehend? i and prosecuted by th< Attorn? ci..!." BRITISH RULE PREFER? As a re? ill if ?):? continually Increasing i rlty of the colonial rule, the discontent of t?:-? towas i ? ;?.? became mur- and more marked, until In 10?;2 Flushing with > ? ther towni ffered allegi erace to the British colony of Conn? tlcut The captura of L the English In WM ? have b>ren cxp? ? l "? them, but so ?j,;it r? Uol a l by the chai ge of government that Us ?? ?' ?? ? ' ? i - bj ihe Dutch was hailed with 3 > ?hon lived, however, for '.n the fol? lowing year !>? i betwi n England and Holland, and Ftnshli ; wa? ones mere un?.ler British nil? . Reltgt? n hail played ? par) In ?his period of unrest. Toll.?v. ng the petty dlaput tween English r ? ?vor shlppers ?ame the intrusion into the American re? ligious worl?l of that world-famous sealot, G Fox. I; was :n i ". that the gn it Quaker came to Flushing, seal by Penn, who saw a field for :!-.?? faith amor; ', i [slanders. John Bowne, g prominent and wealthy citisen, is sai'l to have been U;s tirst coii\?:i. and Fox made bis bouse hi? h"rm :, ' z-:^^mr^y^ ?V r*?. FLUSHIXO IXBTITCTE ?m g ' - stay la Flushing Until ISfB the "Fox oak'' was one ?if - | f g? It was ? of two?the other w ;k blown d? ??? :. In 1841 -un i?r whi?'1' ? pi bsr <l?*l!\-< ? esses to the r-, wd? of villager? w1:?, ram? to hi ,r ihe stranger from ; er t ?ton? h?- !.??? :: 1-. '.? ? . ? to mark the r-pol s'here the historic ttiir.k stood, at a point i i the street from the B ?n ?at, In which is still shown mi a hlch Pos i ? - ? ir:!:!?--. in the open air. 'i - sfter m ?ni, kn 198B, ? ?? i--i the nieetlng-hou?? In I way, which li ?till standing, bearing its :?? I?; ,. I pite of the fact that it Is oi THE XOTED BOWN'l HOMESTEAD. An. remai ....... tlon and t 1 ng, boa r, Is ihe Bowne how - . : its? ! ?tanda in Bowna-ava?, upon the site ? Bowne i ected In MM. I.ik?? the m? t Is bull? "f v." ? I, bul It? tlm ?.f; v . ?.-. -. - : l? )u<lgment that thoy have i g< of time, and tl r? mains a i inly bull i? r an?l one ol the mo ' p ' ,.-'.? feature? of the pretty village. It ?s that i hon astead, the changea "i more than j - y?ears, ha.? nevar i fi .:? ? : ti,.- family, and :.- now own?-1 i-?. H .-.. : ? Bowne Para ins, a lit sal deseen Ian) of J< I ? Ja apit? of I and ancient appearb ? i . ?, fitted ? m? ? rn ti-:; i..- ... .,, ?t..? tt)?. o)..,. M mor?ala ol later times are .,?so to be found. I', ishliw of a "Washington Head Qi'-'M. rs," but tl . long sia? ?? been ?i? BBoilshed. Th< U ?use, however, which Is gl .: standing la Male si . I du ng the Hessian oe? upa t ion In* Revolutionary ::mts as a hospi'al for aaldl?trs. while Ihs old hi. Oeorge's Church a ?rosa the str<eal rwrved .-?s a stab!? for the btnent qijaitartd la th? neighbor? lioo'i. Ti. present rch edifice is of compara '??";? '.it ??-...::. Bl 0>orge'i -, . m with two ?'????'? E? i ?pal - .- Long Island th? i ? *-'' ' ''"'? ? ' ;''- Hi l It? prt? 11? g? s und? i royal ? harter, Without a Cam y I ?? I ? i ll? s! ? ,l | what i?< a family h.< 'il m.? cheat arith oui Hood's nils? it is unworthy the li.iiii? ! II tod'g i'i"s ara especially pre pared f?,r fasnily us?. and arc t? gontlg in and >?, i.? i feel In T' ?\i'.'. action, ?o easy in eflTaet, that they are the ideal hoBM ?ath.u IS-, a?, pi-?partd by C. I. HOOD & Co.. Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills the provisions ot th.- originel document havinc ??--en ratified by ?jpeclal coasenl after the s?paration of th" colonies ftom Qreai Britain. The Garretson lions?m hO? 1 r, Ol ?t I'll, a paii Of it, has a history whieh go*? far back of the Revolutionary p rlod, having been erected, tradition sa?.--, in 1641 This would make ?t wlthoul doubl the old' ?t build? ing In Flushing. Like ?he Bowne boniestead, it ha i remain? I I >r generations ?n th? muh.- family. A RELIC OF DR MUHLENBERG. With lees remote historical ona the old og 11 -, s t i ; u ; ? -. which stands, a i m old pillai I m in appearance, behind i?*- grove of atatel? time .-- ?-'."i . memory with th? orei of men ?r m \~t*?WwKx.^ :?/? ,\> ? w?????.?? ?? BOWNE HOUSE, BOWNE-AVE. wh.. conned their Latin and algebra In Its high roof? i ? lassrooms. Added Interest is attached to the Institution from the fact thai l?r. Muhlenberg, the W?ll-known educator, was It* founder, although he afterward abandon i Its management le engage in the more ambitious undertaking of establishing an Episcopal school, to be called Bl Paul's College, In t:-.- village now known, from the Institution pro? jected by him. as College Point t? > mi!-s to tin north of Flushing village, on Flushing Bsy Probably the moa! Importan! single event ?n th? history of Flushing i ? urn i In 1665, when several Huguenot familles ? ttled in th? town. Few or net;.' of iheir descendant? remain, for most of the -rants r turn? , to their native country ? thin u s.-ote of years or thereabouts; i":t they ?gave to ,?.,. ,.,, bllshed the! ? an Im? petus In the direction of ? I ?hi h lus lern distini ? " town. They bl with them grafts, ittingi at ; you fi ill I ? ? ' th.- tin" stocks grown In France. They recognised ?h" adaptability ?" the fert ? soil o? Dong Island t.. the narp is- - of fruit ; the l idy apple* and pearmalns In man? an oi hard are the de> ,.,:? of the trees ??f their planting. It wa? nn!, however, until nearly th? middle of th? . i^h teenth century thu fruit-raising on a large scale waa seriously attempt. I l nurser) In Flush? ing ai l proba >1) In the ro n:ry, ha\ ng I ? ? ? a tablishe I by Wllll Prli i ? ! 1 he growth of his i islne - wa - ?ui h th i i y th? ti:*:?' th< Ri \"i . brok oui the Prli nui ries had airead) be? came famous Oi firsl .?-ts of Lord Howe, after I ? ? by the British, \ ? guard ? ? ? ? of the "L nursi ry," as it i I by I 8 ?me ycai ?. r I ri si ted t h e ? i '?? -, tine the sain.' ? . ? ' - Thl nun ? i ;. icre* In what si I .....s ,,(? the \ illag?. FINK, SH x DY HI( IHW \Y8. To th? Princ and Parsons famill? r th? also later the en lit tor i be ti vhlch form OLTJ OAK IN PARBONS-AVE. ige -?!'??-. Thanks to them, tha Iowa of Flushing hs .\-: n Iti boi lers the finest aboretum on the Atlai com? prising*, according to Dr. J, W, Bai tow, of Flush? ing, who is an ??'. : lent ttun?, i Hi g< it. -a, with from Ihre? to 1 s specie? be? longing to each -? m ik 2,00*1 individual i r.? t;? - ol tret? within the town Thin estIm ? ' li le? many rare for? gn ?peelmei ?? In th? extensiv? Parsons'? nurse ? ? numl ? : are ?? i he foun 1 bor r t*ie streets und ii pi ' - ? ? V walk thro igh ? - "? -, wii m ? heir ?"'.?-"i l< red Hi si ?' trunk? and their canopies of Intcrlieing branches, furnlshe* ample materl I fo a I ture on : ry, and in ?e beautiful tree tai edu of no m- in influence to? ?. i In : lor n;t Th-- for? .;!,: i f those who plat avenues long before the vlllcge gav mi.\ if attaining to It* present population, .. ui d a splendid growth '>: ?had? tree? In nearly ? ! m" b? m hull! up, in man) caw whole street v i? plunted with ?? ?Ingle variety; foi ex imple, Amlty-s( art of ?t ! ? . Of I .In Bo? n . ? ? l varieties of oak , ? . ?? once hum" repres? . ? now; ev n yei there may be seen d ?plei il ; ? ; ? : ' .... over cup and ph ' ? ive. 1* Shaded entirely by tullo tree? another t>) lh< ? ??...?-. of th< ? . ry ; w hil" l.\:*!i.- h ; n? ? :. - al. i".id iti ano M my um .-. dual trei o! ? : I larlty, sis oi beaut) may '??.? i the gt iun? * of one and ??? . nth? r cltisen of 1 ["he two tulip trei ?five f? '?; in and m? feel a' , he an the m i.'. -? ,.t their kind on I. nng Island, Th? ?? In ti." grounds of the place Is the fin? Btat? an ! was pronoun ? I i?j H r .loi ? ph ?1" k r, din ? * >r ? K. ? ' ; m t!-.- world. ?V cut-leav? K. Murray, Is sai?! i outran! I ? im petHors ?.I In I A WEALTH OF TREES. Am hei tree? ran n this region and cll mata ar? : >?? floui rn ? i ? ? of whl there la a beautiful row in Brn i Chines? taxodlum, tai I; .n Pari ?ni - ? ? . near Broad? iy; the cedar of L .-?.?? ? t cum. , 'i?" Vlrg I, and the n ???? ; n ?? ? i mi .1 ip in? .-?? ? hi -touts. ra nut. the pec in d Eng? lish filbert nearl) ill prod i ? thei fruit even Mi ? lion has been made ol th? Fi s oak and It* TI ....... . . ., , e disappeared, ? ne ' r thi .r " mt? mp ?rlei ? till I tndlng, though | dead, in the middle or Parsons-ave., an ob ! pride and vi m ratl n lo the ?> hole village, This, with perhap? one exception, Is the only survivor if it may b? said t'i survive In Its presen! state oi ? primeval foresl to be found In Plushing. Pro :? - ? \ ? ? Grav, wh i ? t imli ? ; ? ? trei estimated Its an- al MO yeai If the oplt ? mln? : t iui orli | corn t, the acorn from whl? h 11 im.'-i i .... ? hav? ..- ? ? -, the parent . tree in the r":mi of Henry III, about twent- rears after the barons gained their pea? >ful victory al Runnymi d , 'I HE FLUSHING OF TO-DAT. s? much for hoary antiquity. The I ) - hing of . Is a town of handsome mod m hunos, with a ? ? .nh system of sewers, lighting an i waterworks; rapid Iran t, which brings II within half an houi of New-York, an?l the other equipments and conveni? ence? of n progressive ?uburban town. The water supply is t.'ik?'ii i...k" i ? ikland and from ?.? t.-'-n ?inven wells, which can furnish 3,&00,000 gallons in twenty-four hours, Il n iugh the avei m--, '?.ui'. consumption I? onlj 700,'ssi vallon? Foui companiea and one liooi and la?ldei companj titute ?.n efllclenl i re Department The police force Is small, bul sufficient for the need? of so 'i , ? ? and la? abiding a popul i! on The i rln ?Ipal ? "????t' are macadamized, $t<?..'??-? having hi "n spent upon Ihii Improvemenl in the last four yearn The village ba?. a popula).i 12,'WO, and la growing st? a? IIv: the ?i" ?? th? n iml* i ol bulldlni - averagnngaboul 1O0 yearly Tin re are three ?t? i m rail road station In tl village, and Iwo electi r road? connecting II ?auh th? metropolitan dl trlcl will soon he in operation ; th? proj -toi ? ol th? III ? ? I to approach it on the south i promised t?. hav?- their cars ntnning ibis ng wnili th? north side road will probably be completed in three month? Tin- coming months of spring and -?immer will bring oui tha beautl? of th? town io an extent undreamed ol b) om who ?hould see II for the flral lime In it-' v Intel garb, oi In the undress of March An ?Ms real so th? ittractlom ol i i ? . and aaveraJ spend ?.. i oi th? ?eason ihere ..???:, year, alternating tbeli working hour* with indulgence in the rambles and di k< o pleasant a (? iturc of life Ir. Flushing. HA cue NO. U BOME AOAIX. Th? fKaadard Oil Company'? barge No. &l arrived . lore yiM-t'rday In tov. of tha tug Tilt in, from Hei I muda. Tin- barga brok? looea from Ihs steamei ? Maverick la the big etorm of Februar) 7,and wag When you buy lamns we make.? "The Miller" is our latest and best? You will have lamps to please you. ??Inm llalli, p?Tfi?H> naff, lighted wlttmal -,,,. tna ,'himne) .i.?? no? ?ir<nk m amok* rhleineya, ?V n iIi'IIhIiHhI l,???|? ??> nor. All. ? I 1 l.t> S Tur t ?Itaao. ? bib, M?r<?. Il,il?l. ? Imrrli. Ar. EDWARD MILL?A00.,%-.^^^ , fV. iva .vv::;:,? -agr-s^gj^s blown off ti??. rossl In ? south? ister! ?1?*.?" Bh?< wa? plch <1 up b) the ?teamer Kate .... mile? o? Bermuda and towed nto Hamilton. She arrived then on February 21, and th- Btoiy of hei ad ven ,,??? ws? told In The Tribune i r>a days later. Th? tug Triton wa? ?en) lo Bermiida o toa the ,..,,.?.. up She ws? isk? n firs) I i PI llsdelphls and tin n toa ?i to tins city. PARADES ISO DJS.Milis POR BT. PAYBICK. now the box?! op irblaxd will celebrate THE DAT IN" l Uli CITT. To-.lnv will come the secular observances of Bt. Patrich'a l>.\-. which i?ll on ye?terdsy. The parad? will form im Forts .>n?l-?t.. rtu rlahl flank i . i Flfth-ave. In It will be ihe Hlb rnl in RW< ?, ?umt snlea \ a:, i C; the Vnc eni i irder ? f Hlb? r : ?, | f the County SI go, County Monaghsrt, Count; i?t:y and County Limerick Benevolen) assocl? imns. Th? column will mov? il I '?" p. m. A s?,u?'l of mounted police will clear th? way. Behind them ?111 march a band, which will be followed by the grand marshal. The procession will move up Fifth are, to Ptfty?seventh-?t., aad will be reviewed by Mayor Strong a? II passe? hi? home In Weal Fifty? seventh-st. A reviewing stand al F.fty-se?/e?th st, will I?- occupied by the Board ol Aldermen an?) the l: ida ol th? city departments. At I..mi i'.-,iU. On?*-hundred-and-slxth-st. end Eighth iv< . Recorder <"...rr snd other well-known citizen? v. Ill make speeche? The evening will be given up to dancing snd music, and ;?t Sulxer's Hal :-m River Park another pari of the Ancleni Order ,.f Hlhernians will celebrate. The Oalway Men's Association will meel ?it Clsrendon H.ill In th? evening to henr ?Professor Logan give i? lecture In th? Irlrh language, which ?e will afterwsrd transi?te ln?o English, The I'm? inII'.' Bon of 81 Patrick ?-111 dine at !>?' monteo'? thi- ?M-nin.v. in?l the Friend? of Ireland win ?;;n<- in Roger?*? restaurant, m i'.irk Place. CIYY IOYS AS YRUCR FIRMS. \ fSdlEsTE WHEREBY Tin: POOR MAT RAME THEIR OWE O IRDEN BT?FF" A practical scheme for the bettirnneirt of the con? dition of the poor was outlined si .? racent meeting ?if th?- Xew-York <'h tritlea Conference It close!, fallows th?? plans sdopted In Detroll snd found to be succea fui 'h i-\ iv way. The plan la to turn ,-??* many a? i issibi? of the vj mi lot? ol the city into truck farm? t., be worked by the poor. Thai it doei not t ike .. large amoun' of ground to sup? port a family has been proven In such counl France snd Belgium, where whole '.?if. ? ? II ? off thi? : tu-? :.leriv? 1 from i mln ite amounl of groun I. At the meeting referred to, .-? committee, of v?.'i.'n B ?Hon Hall, of No. hi Broadwsy, i? chairman, was appointed to ? -u r; \ o il the prop . ? I plana snd se? cure the i!" "ess i ry land, The scheme Is said t > be the b al jrei devised I i hi ip l poor by ena ng : hem :?> h? Ip : h? m ?i\ ???-. All Ihe vs? mi : ind In the i cure l . "'1 dlvl led up Into pal he? i f ib >ul third an icr? to each family. Potato cut) .-- .,.id ? i- ail! be I Th? n ? i !, man ?rfll si ?ni to hi? oa i little farm si i the r? ut- ; ! ? lab '? -.- .. be hi own .; .- : laingly ?.-iii,'.? yielda hav? been foun'l to re ill from this tlth il on. \- i ? .? ?.. ? i'onferem ? a .-?: ?; deal of in-1 .n :,?, I out of th? t; w.i> prom i ?? I. Willlai ? gave the i.f KM .?--re? nd In Long 1 ind City, ? x-Mayor il a tl u iv? ?? -if land al Inwood, ColumMa Co'.l?fg? lent i res, and It Is tha ral 1 lousan i il l bj : he ? ?n mil t< Ac to a rece?? ua ) ik n by the Post that there are 17.329 1 ? ?-. below \'. ?-?!'. hundred ? ??? - - snd th llsrlem R n and they c mtaln over 1 i . Tl ? \ ? ? ? x* 1 ! ?I trl a great de I !?? i ??' th? committee I? th, te .- In farming ?rill give many ,. love ' ? the life snd ?sill lead them i? t?,k<? up the life of fai mei ? Th?? i?...ii also t ik.:- away thai disagreeable qual? ity ?if t ? n ng to h i ? i ;.|--i iv Kyelgaard ha? been ?elected to overlook the n? nersl f ?i mlng and \ ?r. charitable Instil it lona will fut - nish assistant?. Much of the succ?s? of the ?Imllar plan thai wa? ?i.? -i In Detroit waa due t.i Captain I'nltrd State?, In fan try, wh.i is atation? i al Fon Wayne, and he m ?:??-. : i : . - ? ? ? - i I ?:?.-??- In thi? m inn x. Po) Hoe?, main : -; ? ARRESTED FOR I SOCTURSAL STROLL MRS MARTIN'S lir.-i-\\!. "?ROTE - IT WAS. \ V ?. m ?.'.i:. Poli men McOov? n and Larkln, of the Weal Thlrtleth-sl ?tatl ,n, si r? lei lai I Saturd iy two women al Twenty third-sl. snd Slxth-av? Both women were lock .1 up over night, end yesterday morning waa broughl before Justice Bin .ifi'-'-on Market Court One woman, l: n wa re? >gn s, 1 and fin I ?:?? The othet. Mi - Mai :' X 1. SO \\ ? -t Forty-? Ighth at., ? d? I - - - on, abo 11 ihlrtj year old, s ?il she ;.,? i t?... ?1 ill thej w? re m kli ; ? m bul . 'i" en ah? b< ??? n to ? ry. Ju ?5??e look? ? puxs ? 1 Al thai m imeni th? woman' ? I .1 t. r : ? im "Thla is ?1 greal outrage " 1 rled. M-, wife has b en 111 for ?omi time snd rarelj goes oui st all 1.. -t ni ?hi I v. is ou) on busin? a, snd h? wa? :? ?ling the need of s litt'.s exercise, and sboul 1 wem oui for n walk. 1 am Intimately ?ir? on tint? 1 i.-nh ? ? . 1 .!-]??- .?? ,,-;. 1 Battle ? a? 1 i? em to col! ?;?? ?., ith ? i??m nd n refet them, If . ? ? iry." The ha raed !-.?;? Mr. Martin ?ay? he is go Ins 1 ? mal ti ubi? : ?>? some on for his 1 arrest. TUE "//<//'/. BLUE VIAMOSD.? n* rivai.? the ?Arnims in t?nt, i !'. ? ie Ht. James' Budget, One of the earliest da rbnred by the youth? ful Intelllgei ?? ol thi ? I im ol It* Instructors Is v .. m || '. .m,: t.,it nelthi ; ??? i ? is i or bl ick ji arl* are ?-!" - lally rai e. Had proverbial Philoso? ph' ? Iven II - mln l to blue diamond* Il would have alighted on something really rich and rire, Unce, although diamond* ol .? falnl blue tinge eomMime* lind their way int.? tii * market, diamond! of an an ...ill.. nmi- are exce? lln rl - *arc? The "Hope blue diamond," of which we have heard so much during the lasl fe? day?, in th.?urse of tho action brought b) young Mi Tr?sh*?r against ,, : i y -i? ..t Hond st. Jewellers, Is probahl) th? flnesl ??? m ut' it-- kind known to exl ;t. Its blue I? so i ? p ?g to be almost li lig ? tlnl unapproa hed even THE HOP? BLI l. DIAMOND AS IT WAS AND AS IT IS. b) 'he sapphire Thi hlston of Ih? ?tone la ' curious, it app srs, indei ?! to i- onl) ?? poi ilon "i a larger stone, with ? pedigree whl? n go?s? back Dme ?... years x? .- mi. i. the i .1.i French lraveller, who lias left such entertaining memoirs Ol ' lo tie Im isl in i ,i i ni pi ?" loll ' ??'",? bough I li o, India in ItHli In the rough it i ?vclKhed li."-, carats; and In b,r,\ \\ araa sold lo i I.ou,- Quatorze, who appear? lo lia,, ha.i it . nt | uur llluslratloi presen! !? in both It? uncut and , It? pr< ' .: oi n \\ii. i,. m i;i,, the then almo o | moribund Roi s.i received ihe Persian Ambas. ? sador he m. diamond upon ?? ribbon round 1 hi" .k From thi* da ?? until the ?evolution m.tu? mi; more la beard ?i iba k'*">. Then, .?moni; the French regalia deposited in the Gard? Meuble. i in?!" v.i found ,? blue illumon?! weighing ?ir, carats, n hi? h, II li b dl? i'< d, i.Id be ? likely i-, ?hi ti' Tavernler'a stone after cutting in f. pi.?miii'i. 1792, ih" diamond was lolen and was foi -?.m?' years los l slghl ol In IMS, however, a ?imitar ?lone, dlfferentl* cut, turned up There . ; di .h ni" n,' lei ' ?bom It* p oi-r". . bul : the expn cm to I I lied lhal 11 n a? either ,, portion "( t.i" in ini'i .?.I'll." i ..i th? Idenfl . i , ? ?lu? ed t.. ti'. car? i by re? lilting i'i om t' ? , .iii'r ,.; m.- di a lei v. h?. |. - ir omi slxtj i ?.,,1 ago ?t p.i- -'"i t.. ih? late .\ii Hope, m om in it ol,tallied Its pi -? ..' 'mim,. II,- guy. :'?, im for it, whlcii we.-.'i red rathei .? lo? price I No? .i appear? lo be "In Chancei . and pos*|bl) , it ma) perora ion? bava a n si possessor. NEW-?0RRf8 PUBLIC SCHOOLS XIII. RBAPOK8 POR Tin: SCANT ATTENDANCE AT Ml!? >"l. NO. M. \ LAMOt'ID PRINCIPAL AND HIS REfllME MIS TORt OF 'I HI* SCHOOL BUILDING. Th* princip?is <>f New-York pubu-? schools as a rule ara ? ? -mm nonlocking ael or in?*n. When a Tribuna reporter irlslted Grammar School N'.>. 16, si No. Bl West Thirteenth*?!., 1 ? -1 ???k, however, he found the principal of that school, Joslah II. '/??? im-k.". far from i""n?,- r I ? * - Id? il Instructor so far .,. p raonal appearances went. Mr. Zabriskts i- a man with a white beard and mustache, but tha nraetaeba ha? been atahaed to a ?iirt> brown with tobacco smoke ?c?rcel) i good ?sample foi boy? Mr. ?Cabriski? bad ? great deal to say sbout th? absurdlt) of children - ? - k ? ? i ? admission In other i and lea ng his s? h<M?l aim >si half vs ai ;.. ? i-y lo undet itand why parents should dei Ire t? have their chlldn n all "1 the other*. \ < -i I.' I If in.- Ar:ti-.*:i;ai ? !. ? .-.? |.. had been esl b!l?he>l In bis school, Mi Zabrlskle Ian* guldly replli I: "Well, I organls? I ll and Ihntt lei it ge," evidently taking no more Interest In II than he ? i . |i in- Dog Btar. (Vhen ark< I If a company of tii.. American Guard h i I been established In h s school, Mr. Zabriskie replli I with equal lang.ior: ?^?^^^^?^^^^'? ^ GRAMMAR SCHOOL NO. li. "Well, i don'i n. ithorll Km i '. i?r I Is establ .". i in t!'" : i ; -. ?Is." ( ?ram mar H hi d No. IC led s are Wiled to overflowing, while N >. ??; , I more than filled It ? >ul i do no : a -?"" '? c i mm m tee of the Board of Rducal in i ild a vlsli to Mr. Z*brl?kle'? school and gave il s iling. The contras! between his h ??. ? osl of thi oth? ? ? l by i T i far a M ippearance ' pi im. pal.i i coni ' ni" I. The sch ?ol ? esl I In 1842 as the P ibllc Ko. 17. Ar th it time Mar \ In W. Fo . . ? i ii " ? He erved till H30, when Iih was u ceeded b) trthur Murphy, who lervi ? until ISt?, v ? i Zabi kle bee ime pi ticip il. Thi original u?hoo| building ? i enlarged h . front ? \ s I to I cal ind wing ? ; : ti I . ? ! were built I ling, ex? ten ill ? .?. : I'm ,.t tu.- grot ? ? only .? nil."? *-;?.?' ? on e.i.-h for playg I ? g the i i.,|. ri epl ! m In New-Y ? :\ the mm ioI Was 'il-' ont : i lilding W is n ? I ..-' ' mo ?- i - ? ilgi I largely I the lolars I un ? '.; a mm ir > 'ho and Grove -? : . ?? ; also to i - ? ? h t a nd ? chool bul . - first flooi mo-lei itel? .m .. : i -, ? mol wa - i dated with G IN I Greet wich .?\??. ? "" :?. ? ?. ?: i ? ?'? ??-.. i ?r s ii . il No. 41. s ? ? ? No. 41 *-*? i? t ime I o\? rai iar School No 16 ? >: < of the . ' ? i I.a?:? ; Manna been im nto No. ? i wltn gre i In many of t - i the cltj , . . i\ ? l by s" 'uring th two lo.le playgrout lion '? ? un 1er tood tha ti rustei t l : s \. ? - I lot S Th-- tru ' ?? ? are John !' Faure, (%'illlam C. Smith. ?-.I'-i- ick, I. .1 MrNamara and Arthur H Kenn? !?? Mi '/.:'?? i 'i '? assistants ari Oscar P. Howe, ? I ??" l> i 'amp an ! John J. 8tur.ll 1 ? ? ? .i of th? primary depart m M? * '. Mi Ke ? AMBITIOUA KLECTRIC l:',ll> PROJECTS. F?altli ire. Mai h IT (8p ciall :-' ? le of the larr est ' '""'i Ic roada In thi ?unit ill tu ru out of ?: ? . , ?? r : of the ro ?d i" Washington ?? I iTaira of the ? ? luch hap* as to assure th con true ? on ' : the llm and Iti operation within sixteen mont! - Congn on thi Is il day of the - pa i the hill granting the company the rlahl of h. n ^v a hlngton. Thi road will enter the way of Rhode lsland-ave? and will run to th? Capitol buildings. The company Is authorised t<> Issue st'..k and bends not to ex ,-,.,.,i :i: f i. ?? for construction purpose?, Five hundred men are now al work on th" tlrst I . The r ? ii u ill h thll I ?? ? mil? ? loi . an will pas? through one ?ftli n,o-1 thick!) populated parts of Maryland. \ companj I n ? ? ? n foi mi a t" build an ? le tri road to Ann.i pol Is, Bnd to develop a larj ? a i ,r on ?? le s . >rn R.v? r. The capital Block Is :.i ? ? ? divided Into -'.""" ?hare? of JM each. The iny 1 h? privileg. o( Increa ilng the Block i" *" , The project for an el Ctrl road to Gettysburg Is also assuming delinite shape. It wdl be com of ?. ,-. ral .".im. >tlrg lines, th ? traction syn? dicate being Interested In the Maryland [-ortlon ol , -|,, road n ill ? ri ilnly ? onnei t v. it h the trac? tion Hi running oui ol this city. Governor Itrown, pi p-m!. nt .?!' tin Baltimore Traction Co - ; ,. i put hing the scheme. Th >n ? my win extend its lines In a northwesterly direction th!? , ,,, ;-. |: If propOS? d tO ""M ' ; ". burg road with the Washington trolley line. , r;| ,-, r ILES DAR? FOE TO-DA Y. ?: rea . H ?? . - m Pan ' !? a N ... :-'?? ~" Hi? .- : N ? .'-.M :?,.?'.'. i.-.?', -.'il, .'?**>. -? _..<;. iijM. ?:?;;.. s???? ait?. S] . ????.... -n.. loi?, .. p ? .! ??? Beach, Par) III Rotor? D? ; . , rit in ni l'an I I .? i- .. i ; ? . ,- tnrun, J Csusea ; ? fi m t?, .1 III for tri.? ? r,, .-..i, Il Itefor" ?ni. ?'i, -i b' *?>?t from I'm III for l ,'ir ',.? ? ? url l'an lu !'?? ?.? ?? U?'!"! *? I "'? _-;i_ ):.'-? ?isu ?lTs Ulli -VI? lu), WS, -???''??. ?-"' ?:.j, 107? .-?> > 'i'.J. UM la?1 . '"--'. -i"i. 23.'*, 23 ?j-iT .:?<>i ?'?;.. -.'v ?'? -'???'? i ;- a i ? lief? i. OT.rlen, J. ?'.?? rrom l'art III ri il i .?*ar. ". ?' i.. || ' u I ?..'-'?:. - i : '?? : ? M \ : ..m. .t N r.y.i r*?, mi < .? ?i Hup r?nu l'a? i r ? <? ? . ., . ? ?n, n . !>?".' ?; i Ibera ?va IHdley. N i ?! alendar. >:i , i i .,i Trial T rm l'art H Helor?? Free im ,i. s?,, (.'?:.. soi n?" i'.-.'i. T?'.'?. ',7i. 1130, ;.ir. ??? IJJ-. I?.,-' |s,,( .),, ?CS, l.'Ml ? ,-.,i.r i .!?? in,il inn r.?i? M Befiire Huero, ,.,?,,., >.,, ;,??. i i 1 .: i. i, ? - ilenner. No ?.?>' ????ellJl 5.,'. ... ? ? I ,!,.'. ? i.. ? ?.? Ai ?: .?'. :? N 177 estate f i hn l">-i-?.. ai I" SO a ru. S?, Il . ?.,,.. Mm et Ha ?I l'?..'?'? a m. E it? i*atharln? l'.ifr-.. ai I0:J.n '? '?'?'? ? ol m? ? '? Burl ai n '.' :'j> p m WI I* r nr.itwK Juliii i. l'allmadge, II??nrs M. Bradhur, m l . |aa ' ? ?' W. \\'.-.i*. H ten 11 . . !>? nn? M ir, K Mu ?? . al 10:80 .i n Kran? neteln, loaeph Ktern I? i? Milla ? lhal al - p. n Sun. aal? ? url- h lai T, roi tu t re I II g, ? ' l, s N. - Mi? .? 10)1 K0U.1 l'.'iT. . u,n..-a l ? ? .,- Spei lai ? -m, B?*f : ll'ejerl !.. .1 N ;i i lea i ? mm? -il'., i :? m. : ' ; ? ? ?; ? irnej U . ? -.. ? PI? ?f T? ,.ii Term- l'art 1 --Il I ' l'are on ' VJ ? Il ?I Hep'ila M -? S i d i i ?,. n lirai Tri i P? rm Parts II sn Mil I t i ni? t? ni] . Durt -i ?? .i T? rm i ?? S irg, -, J M n ??.. ?'"?? ' i ' rilal i- :. Part I- liefiM M ' snhy, .1 '?'?. '.-?i 1.1 ?I I.T?I Vil I31?i r,t H20, nu .??'?: 71'? i'aw unnnli.I ? .'-. . .m i i .' i . , p , n i I? - h ?' .1 0** ?.i- l'.i il'-" i:-...;., n,-? im:? IVM i.-.s III?, H?fl 20H, r.'--n. ..?. .'.i-, [?a?, i ?.;,; m 27,1 ?,??? t.?.'. l-.:n r-.'. n .r. .-.; 11.? ... . nn l'lty i l'erm- l'art III Ile). V m w ? ,. . Itrtl H'AV i..-,t Miu ui? l?.v I.VR! I.'.iin >\\ XAO II'--, l'.ii?. n.'. i..?n,. ::..;-.i lAOti 1....1 ,",. ,.\v i.v.'i, 1 ?'-? :? 1... ;i4.tti, uni, i?u ma ?asi vv SO* ?VI KHr.l 1 ir.! |3lkl Uni 1 im unhnlahi I ? ' ' Ouri THal r? n Pari 1? ?t.-r-?,. h'H/aimon? ? ?1 ?--?.. :-.,.? ;i.-- u;: i,, aaW -i7 .1 :i7..?i -m:: :.: ._? x,;i .:;.-,-, ;;; ?; 1 ,,. .. . ., ? 1: , , ? Wt ,..??, . 1:1:1 KRI ! ? U'PUIK PED, ... 1 Paltn ., . , N'A Tor? I. f.- Inrill .;?.? i' ,,,;,.,.... y, I ; . I II .II..'. I . Il Hl . "i- ?'? ? Man ? 1 1 ?. -. rl< ?. .-,.,? in ?. . ...mi, ? ? ' ?rnei ililiieri M ? I '? Hi) PrintIni 1 mpai 1 . . \ \.. , ,.i;i% ?,ii- sa 1 . - -1 ? ;,. I. 1 m. 1:1,, n. 1 -,? m?a ,, 1. -f-,,.,, ??>?? U' KRS M'CDIN ! i;t,. - .I , ? .,,,. I I-I-- ?-.,!. .1 1 ' ; ? ? M D .-ii >ti \ 1 isttM ?' 1 ? 1 I I f lUI t. r M ?.t .i,, .1 ???i?., i. in,, imana va Martla rt,h?Aatt- i/ij .?h.!,. I ^?fe?^ Chafing Dish \ j f^^P^ Recipe Book Free \ | <^jP%, MERIOEN BRITANNIA CO,, J ? ?3? 208 Fifth Avenue and 4? East 14th St.. New York e> {^ , ?mg.-?*^^'*-?'?^-?^^ TRADE AMI FIS ASC E ABROAD. While anlni its I Inl rnal mal d i us Hon of llti, .1 chara I i Is b Ing ? arried on In regar I to Kgypt, In the presa and dlplon i te of Kurope, the busini md financia i of the Pharaohs' land seems to b* making ?all factor) progrei Al the am nal matine of the stockhold , rn of the "Cri III Foi ? ' Kg ptlen/' the repori f.,, |.o ! md approvi I, md ?? lit ? ir ?M !i a -? ira w.- di wed, payable on F< .'... ji. The Oovernmenl of I! nduras has granted t> W. B. Bcotl a ' m" esslon foi esl iblii hli - " Puerto Cortes, with branch ofllces In otl. parts of the Republic, a bank, thi ipital ? ( ?rhl h fixed for the pre t al ; ? I, ", s th pel ml ?si? n to In :i ?? to $200,0 ' The ? . : In 'i m luln has n?*d tor . -, ? n tor 100 ki: .ti ? ? I Phu-L Thuong ai i I. ingi n 1 ni th i trateglc, or militan*, 'ir"i a comm rclal one. I- iti * n i'.m i h- m, , in .\iar ?!', 1890, and has ni irlly b -en slow, from the fa.-; ? *? . ? ... rere man*, d ti"-- i? - .? t.-.un.- in th i : mu . ?.' hlch h ?.i in-."' be m exp'.or ? I. The historical a*er romanas, or com Rome, whl h ha i been lefi foi centuries, Is likely tu change its aspect In a time, The Italian paper? i port tl il aft many >?? urslom and explorations some iari;?- agi rlsts o: i, him u i. are that I! Is p t . Intro lui e Into a la . ? ; of the district It mm" m: of the cultun ... -, i ? .?. ? ??tu ni Lombard; , ? ? : .,;... ;...? rig of th? i Ik worm. The tramway servi e, !.. the system ol pr< ssed air, ? hit h v. . Ill ed some tl : bel n ' en Versa lb s and Paris, Is In a operation Amei 1st? already know the none, and no? the) ran be transported, via Balnt . :r m 'ti" Loiiv] ? i. i - XlV'e city In a comfortable ? ir containing nfty-one ??? ?' dras n tioM H i| ind r.:| . bj a c ?mpn -- loi omoti. >?. has Ing I welg . i'.-.tit' ti t.M. . The national A lembly of Nicaragua baa full authority to the Bxecul . ? Power to perfect arrangement! .. i I may think proper v*.:th of th ? Bl ite. "l.e .s.-n- iphor ." the gr political .?? : m. t ,.ii organ of Mai 111 i, p ibllahed i some Inten , tic? r?-la*?. to I p, one ol he n i ? articles i the old P ? 11. ii".?i,, i'.m- the I t few ye? tatlon ol Fren? h soap rom M i the In ' i" i? It amoui ;:t kil gra ? - and to I2.7U.82I las! year. Th latter figures : m ?.t.- than ha ' quantil porte?! in m France in >?? i isi I I ????: kllogramm? -. \ lui ! at ?..."' DC*.' frai Ii be not " I, ho? ??-. er. tl i-\t. .- live and pros| ?ted Si ? that, . ' .o !: ?? ... the ? . n bj "L< S?maphore" relativ e to i ? the expon ??-?-??.. to 37*>.227 last The Cr?dit Lyonnais has est ? . : h of Bon i- ?v. v m i .." iuc Thls finat ?i i I banking establishment tgo opened s n 'I kdway. X.w-\? . ed i . ? '.-? . \ perlmi ? ? i? not only beaten but iha s '.'.'. mi m ha' ?? ... rade I .ii Plan if tea I - I out at ear lia i . mi nt was a .rears ago. and ? ? : hencef ?? . cul ". m tlon The ? Banse! ung," ?:? ? S s las organ of the build .I lately of a new* pi ' ' on of bull ling m i i ? v- m : ' ? -.'?:. matter on a i .. ... ? " - The art Ici? b ? lien taki I no'.ds are l.g'nt. poroui in?! i I and cul I conduct ira of sound an i hi at. A COLOXIAL WAR AXXIVERSARF. The Hrsl chur ii s< n Ice of 8? rty of C w.'.is in the Btate I.Ni York ? U bi held ??? Bt. Paul's Chapel, on Sunday r.ext, al l p. ni., ir. com? memoration of the 150th annlven ry of the depart? ure of the New-England tr ps I r L ils ?ourg. The members of the ' i ?? hi at :; <.?< p. m., al th? p irtah So. .'.i Vesey-st. The Oomi I C i Bei - ? ? ' :?*. i..- !: .:-.?: rl- . chairman; Fredei k ( m .i. i?" Forest Ora I Evi resl Itaight, liowland P Wil felln, Waltei Ltspenard .-'?;?? lam and Banyer Clark* son, .?? tretary, No. 10 West Fort ? ?ii th? Aisle Committee are Colonel Pri lerl k P. ?. i .i.iIi man; .loan Js ? i Ast i*, ? ? n I E. Booraem, Oouverneur M. t'arnochan, H felin Clark, Clermont Livingston Ciarkson, l-Mward .\. il ? .. Joseph 1..V..1. ???? ? i'"laii-I i. Macurln Livingston De'afleld, Jr., R. lior.t ?? Gallatin, Rob ? ?i-t Alexander Oardlner, J. Hookei Ham r Ship? ley Jones, Philip Livingston, Oe rgi '? Morri? son. Jr., .1. Lynch Montgomery, LuqIo? ogden, -i V. L. l"ii* n. it. Archibald ". ... H *huj 1er d Mile? Btandlrh, P. Olben Tiiebaud, Edward Ti ard, Cortlandl B. Van K ni elaer and William Oor ?ton Ver Planck. WHO DISTURBS REP?BLICAS BABMOXTI Fr mi Th B'.mira A Iv? rtl 1er, liai Wh , -. -, led ou) foi ? lb ? ' W vi" ? ' vv.?!?:,.: Who raised ;?? cry ol " m??? -.? pro? ocatlou .' When Mr Morton was i ted at ? ? ?eri - ? ? ...-: . ui liu ' whli h h? war to c irrj Ph? r? were ?om ; |, | ' - . - | iS . feelini regrel .... I i cnthu is; v. irkci in tn great I : .? :-"' y Morton - ??!? 'Hon. i n in ., reso'utl n which tl ' - |*??',v ol th? ? ?r pre? : an i ippr. i pollc) rty had b ?--i de? .:.-. al St.,!.. Committee ?hould n??t bo r?"organi7.ed r the heel? ol ih.npatgn. bul ?h??u : '?? i l.. .1 the January rnc I ? i of lhi? .'i?-.,! ini'l? r-;.it,.lli:?;. withom r\ giving ,i nice to Mr. w il lam Hr.wkil I, who wa th? n the chairman ???' th? 8tat? < '? m nttl .-".u ? Committee v . in I !'" ws ,1 ??,,-.,i ft ,m hi? offii -, . n i ,i the cum? tin .?r.i! B imu . ? is was not r? e'< .i tre? r nf th,- s-it. Committee. Thi? .v.-- th m : ?? vl ;? n.f the deten ilnatl m on th part o anybody to puni th ai y bo I) el -??. kftei the ? ? ctlon, during aev? r, for? tl: Sea Vork Count) Committee waa to oirn logethe for i. oi.-.. ther wei - ? r nuou? i?ff ?n pul t.. to captut . : ?? ? live? uf thi organisation for n.?pressed an openly dec?an l purposi ol !???? Hi -. M lllam Hrook .i chah man oi tl. ? Xe? Voi '? i "ounl y Commltte, ; ha I sire id ; held roi three years Vg*l ism n an; ' kind In? i been pn d agj nr! ?'? RrookfleUl .?- t hi? Integrity, hi? nt< nee, lit? ability or hi ? ) Whi 'i i he ? 'ouni. i ? . mel he n., iI-:k... i. .m i Kdwanl Lautet . h a we'.l-knowi and hrllllani nwyer, ?/ho wa? beat known, ho a?? the representative <>! corporation? al A Iban; was elect? i In hi i \\ hen M i) or Plti ?n cam? ? i m ike hi spp ? nl ments he made them In .?? ? rd-ince with the pial fot in on which h? wa? ??;??? i?-,i ii nominated ., . Commissioner of Public Work? William Rrookfleld who for four years had been chairman of ih? -; it? I Committee and who would have ye| been chairmai | had he nol been defeated bj these aweel sd? it.? ?>f i??.,", h" had been for three years the chairmai of the County Committee, and would have b ? |i ?-hair-man yet but for thi ?am, advocate? of | see tleneral Collls, who was in?! i , member of ih? State Committee, mil who wa an?l ii .i member a ' the Republican Count) Commltte?1 for the count] of Seo York, ? is ms<le r>eputj Commlslonei o i itiiii. Work? Who waa 11 ihen who first crie? ou) foi a'ar? The present ?'halrman of the Statt Commltte?? Charle? \\ llackett, 'he ben tlclarj ?. Mi Uro? kfleld's downfall N'.-xt in line came e? Marshall Payn, slway i th? al uni? Heul n nl nl Mr I'lail Then came t? uitoi I ??...?.?.. whose language, If corn t\ mated in th? N. ? fork newsi iper? wa? "If we nr.? to havi wai i-i ns have II it once, and no more rhllly-rhally 1! i i"- .' ? will i .-'? ?II Ihe m ?i-'-h up to \ snd the loud snd lurid tin-eat?. .<r retaliation snti \i tigean? > uttered 1? ihe prei..?? mi of ; Thi people will .?i??, i 'call ihe masterly ininner Ir which ilovern Morton mel ?he i Huatlon, snd th? dampened and discourage I ? mdltlon In which th? "arm) of peace" returne?! lo Sen. Vork from theli ,.. u| atlon ol M'.'.,,' Ainl what, im?-, hai thla "arm) of peace" done! Tl . have aroused every n w?| iper frlenrtlj ta t?ii m m the State uf Nea Vorn t>. mlsrepi a nl Mayor ?Itrung, md t?> withhold ? full snd ? rat? repre ntstlon of Ihelr o?*n sttltude Th.-\ have stirred up their friend? In ihe Legislature to hold up snd tn hang up no) only the reform measure? demanded i>? the city ol New v ,1. bul Ih? ??ill-? of the i- ople known t.. be frlenrlh to the reform legislation demanded by the city <>f So? n .?? r i Mayoi It rang has the i. : of Ih? situation. He ha? an old fasliloiii-.l habit of ?ulii line his own b.ui Don't Wait, Get your wheel now and have it paid for before the season is half over. $5.00 Down, is all we are asking lor the , . The best $75 Bicycles built Call and have our plan explained A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 14?<?, 1*48, 130 N'avili St. L'PTOWN ni'l'OT loll BICYCLE*- ?-!) ST. ?Ml I'll '1 II \\ Im. and mirii.-.ns n strenuou ly. if* n., ? > o.i -'ak.-s: be may ha - ? long ?s the i . to I th" b si he ki,??-.?. pie who el? him are ' " ' ' ' ? ? . itlon enacted foi pul ?us ?'.???-)?. of pi ace" !.. a . FOREIGS SATAL SOU -. A r-riort r?. ently i ibmlti ," ? . -,-,? Russia lanuary li : ? :? 12 : ?*>! ' .' ? . . ' ? ? m Time?" tide on ? : . I Um then i ?? i.v.? .r ira as ? of the i. . i ? . lown a i* v te ?n.-.'' within **?? ; -f.'. o !.? w ? '. down to tak of oth.-r*. in ot er s r..-. there ttleehlp?, o: M ? ,1 , ? 1-c'ass cruisers, seventeen third-clai -s. four torpedo I itchei ' frota that I ? I building many crula? I vice on foreign I t.. i ?? spent upoi ahl| i ?n.- of th-? foreign Navy ol leg - ,,! til- .1 - - 'IS Interesting noi ? on th? ? I t ?i. - . - thai ? ? ?? ?? ru - " allied fliroit'.-M i. ,,.: r:,-"| ,.r perfor?t?? 1 by stnall projectile!? of ty; .. i. ata were effect!* ? against s "? ?\ "-,. >.. i ?hell disabled the shielded Mg ruh if t i rruirer an 1 drov* h-r out of ting tops were use !, v.? ? ? i.v. :?;< n any form ?.'.'-' Ti-.e Brasilien ? : . ? -i. tr.i.-i irlth i Fi tl? of two .-i r m ?red veanelt f about the i the protected A m othi ? ? ? ? ' ilars. Each Is to be .'.''? tet a I? ngth snd . ?placement \'-< two turrets mount - I l-lnch gun**, beides four i i ,- | . tght - nailer rai : l-flrfng gui --. or i two I rifled mortan .".'? ? ? it ? st I -. ? ? a'.i iu: fourteen kn : -. ???! . i*;. r Triant fe WHa .,,. ... .. ? .,:-.. ng hei i a few - go, h ig it failed to ?m ? ? , ontra tt speed I' *? teei ts I ? i ? ?? f b A of her emok pip s. Th- re? rose to a l|i \ top of l t the pipe wag ed th t fell 01 '?? ???? e Frlani ??; tren n sembles the li-.'". ' :. i r r. which l ?ok part ;n the Co! nde m New-York Harbor. One of bei -? all) In n ng features is her boilers, whl 'i i I n number. '.'ii.? Ministry of War of Krance is com i . :. ,..? for l.i ' ro ind*. I ' haul .1 ' i, .in I Is between iwenty-t? ? ? |. t.-i 1 and after lg> 1 lu? '? 1 -? 1 harges .?f sn ling 1 lion. The m isxle velocity of the proji tile m la I, an 1 , ':?? ? re Is of au -ii < onsi 1 . th<> wa gun Is pn also t.ic ero? ion >>f the ni'". \ - of - ?' in pedo b .11 have been made a Osv?.r) K ? l ,?\ r .1 hundred Whltehead torp? lots wei and the new metal 1- sal?l to have stoo.i the 1 mai kaj iy well. I . ? ve a m?-..?'. te?i 1 . a were fired In r ?p I - -'.?it. -? ? hin res of 1 r had been a 1 in?! thai the Arlng ? ? Ism m the centre of the door the bretscnle 1 ? lUpp -???1 th? ? .? : I tu!'.? m ou! ! ever be required to al 1 11 d b 1 gres ?'eight l." the use of aluminum. HISS Ot.DCASTLI.'S 9PECIA1 VI Tl SET V. ?? 01 lei all? (Countess de <".? ol srti 1 ipecial matinee In the Garden Theal ?t , .' o'clock this afternoon. Bhe will sppea ? ?*? :. Burglar's Reception," -, play In on* acl ?V Horace B Fry. and ' Ploi ? 1 Pas bj T?o? Taylor She will ?? w .1 Ro . ? ' Re) olds, .' VI 11.:. -I?.-;: ",'. Denlthorne. ?"l>: ? Hall it is (?i... ?1. v , last sppearance her ? for ?01 ; ?h.cpects to sail ahortl) to ' menta In 1 indon, Paris snd Ro 1 I'lSAlU IV 8CH00XI B TOWED ?i",.? N. v. Vork snd Porto R ? 'r Rat n arrive t hero - ? ? \... . s ..n -, sfhooni r 1.3 I'U) i.?'! m wll 1 the teho? nei >? ?*" south of Sana) Hqok i". ?? disi ? '''*? ? ?oner i.-i't Ron ill ?lth a ?*a ? arj ??? fot Provl I? ?? ? It. I On M ; thre itenlng, ? 'api lin hi-?.---- snl ? tops? ? ? before th,?\ Ih 1 ,. . is quail cams down u| terrifl ? force, sn ipptng the f? .? m isl ? x f. ??I I ... IM boa I 1 ?? 1 with n th? mal 1 masts with all sttendlng 1 gains fteveral ? . r-\? were Injun .1 m ihe rail ? ? inly 'i'. ? tin.l 'i'.*'i iws it m ? - The wreck ige was ? leare 1 sws) snd I undei .1 lurj ,i?i March the Hanau wa? I '??? * ah? rt um. ????.i . 1 . 1 ?. .. : 1 ,,.,?, So bargain wa? mad ? The I.? Plat? '? .1 ihre masted ' ?'-l"f s-, 1. hu. Ni ? l-'cct h.un's pills for consti? pation im. and 25c. ( ict the book ai your druggist's and go 1)\ it. ?a!?? nu?r? trun g.OvV?.??!*?.? t ?-?.es?