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?T. 0. BACIIK'S DISAPPEARS A CUMOUfl OLD MAN WHO OFFEH PRODUCE HIM. WHKN rt*T to Tin: TBST, ntAKCM PA1 .% \i*!*. (mod ms ?vsscnnom oou Kama thinks tot missin?. ntn MAN IS l'KA.Vh-AI.l.Y HKLO ?>?? RANSOM. -, an vanishing oi -i hn < ">\ i .m Thursday night Pebruarj -\ remal fath med Investit i ' ' -. m i strangely slgnii anl I Mi*. Ba !'.' *?*??? tin flnsn Isl manager, a ktaitistin arr for th? local branch nf the -Central Lift Insurance Company, ? C On th - nipht ? ( hi? disappearance he wai toward Boston on :'??" steamer Plymoutl Dr. Heavy T. Boyle, of this city \ fei i. i "?. i: - la returned alone. He ? - ir Ba -1 ? ? t geth? r until '. r Induced him t? u ... ? l him at the h ? Hi mm. ti??? ' looking up his in ?^ and .:.?3 Ba he n n it live wli . ?? II ?and d i ugh ter, for i day thai ? - wne p n ?.??-! ind ..- ; untlng Wesl \ ? ? Vfterwi thM- a warrant b id d for hla an a ':? a ill ... t i l ;. John M. Paulson, pn-sld? i - ompany, who ? ?sitivi i> d Mr. Ba? he ! ad lo that reflect? ?llghi ? ' - standln rity. Colonel t J. Halre, who has ! ?ng th ? legal adviser of Mr. Bache In vat-ions ter*, waa seen al his home, N< T Irtie-th-st., bj ? "Mbune *. yesti "I m, i that, be bad n, an 1 hly investit;!! ! his client's dl T.i" fbU ?wing Is tance of the ac given by C i I Halrj . I the di tails of t vestlgatl ? Mr, Bache, who is a descendant of th anl well-known Bache family ol this city re -, iv-.'d ?p.m s !. which wer? ?given by pollcy-holdei payment for premiums Having been led b to bell ?h?- good, hi them !. When they were proteste had not sufficient money of his own on ha: n . a them. He then Immediately B - n to try to coll ? m.y v, inch . . ; ir,'in a man In I . wh >se Mr. ; hi.-* n,' ? ni' ly a ? : i by m : ? , which wan inl ion. He 1 boa ; i himself under med? a] tn at ? ?n ?Saturday, Mar '?. ? ? ' I Halre re ?elv letter appan ntly In Mr. ? n to *. t i Qulncy House n Bosl n for i ws i bis < ::<:ic. li ? th" way to the Gi md Central sta Ion, tin bimsell .. ? i. as he s i? s, by det? the West? in Nati I On S ? the i th? iMuai a of I '? warrant was ] Ushed. < ?n Monday, the deti w - withdrawn In th" part of. Colonel Halre, the latter weni B ?ston. At the Qui?i y \ message, telcgi ? ? waiting him. Bache vanish) i :?; Can bridge i n 9 night, on ?J"ut*?day W, J. Baobe, s .isin of th? m mg man and form? - ? anee bui Inesa In Boot W. II iln iy, the 1 . manager I r the Uti Centi il Ins : Halre, at the gmatl atyl? i hh -s Fran Is Francis had f Bed the ini . and stat that Mr. Ba?cho. Colonel Halre exa . anim ?nlj redentiali '"rum ? ? and that he il of Bache'? pera ?nal h Cofe Paire '. : - . : r and ;, nate l thm }'.? ie- was i ? the Ca?ad 1er, but i Deti I Hi Mid that if presidents of the bank and ? - ira . . . : u teeing ?-? . Ba he in.muni'.; from I bis ?a ? m tit in his isitl . with a 6 WOUl 1 gO !" ! '"tn 11 and turn with th" sequestrated flnan lal ??? I it-, s wen d< ;lin I, b n Pr? b! I? . ? ant? of .i long-dl6tance * I asa ? Fran ? ' ? : find g man. v Ith i ? ; . ? Ang Benga Loan A si t! n. and ol ? - lid aa Nadgett, ! wha t he wai s.,. I M i torne] Ca? those I "tui ; ? i one . . him - ? Bache waa n. ?ha* mad? hii y. 1 ?_ ? ?? ? I ? ? K thai rai .-em. I kne? be a . . have anyt. . i I'll b? i i -? d. i - Mr. ! be li ve h? He le! ; ? . 10 h: ? ? ? ' ? i'r I Avenue Hotel, ca? ? dv thai there l ' : the affair that n Bei hi * ? ??i have all the mon, . ? Im ?ral . otfl and assun t) e duties thai ? ?? ?only dtaekarg . -? ? 1>K. TALMAOE PREACHES ABOUT "DITOBCB ? I'-('v- ' ' i* at tii Acaden? of ,. ?? ,,. ., x. w:i "What God hath Jo ?. ? ?? BQ m ir . . aauader." "What w ? wan*" v..;i; ,?; the j,.,,..,,, "In I ? ' ? dl lands, is that dlvor? 6hall be : and mor, ., ,iilt W( wan* Is ' ' s of th? Unit? | . ? ? . . a law ean I . ? ?? il of :;.? .. . Wasl ..', ? F ALU ABLE ]?!>?;> FOISOXBD Two va] ??? burn? enteenth ?t ,H Dr. Blackbui but would lik?% to rin i They ?era an ? ? ?*'..i< ???-,:, me ' : ' i >i Thi | w?r? ..... . . : :. .. -, ?? ? .. round. He la *t ? lo i( how. . er, t" lix ti-. aaa i.? i sr had h ? omplain i fron ?? annoy ??o one. ? ILIOMTFIBl is- im urn si i,eh M'K.TWOMBLT A lire, whl'-h caused bul trifling damage, ??riy lam evening In a chimney, al Se MS Fifth ave. ?he how?? of Hamilton M< Kav Twombl) Th? nervaiitfl, wUh tha aid or a pollceinan, ax "?Wished the t?nmes bot?n the arrival of th< I IIS 1 Vl-ai-tnn n;. ??? - - a lilac ! ;: no net, WALDORF. 'Mil: STRUCTURE TO i:K ?ZXTENDBD ALOSO TITIH TV 'iiiii:'., ? ry arrangen irrt? ran b ma in the way of securing th.- un, gplri : lease on cen belonging t.. the Astor . ?I ite in Thlrtv thtrd-at., ti?? Hotel Waldorf will i,?? greatly enl ' Un- proposed addition -..> the Wal I ir !!,,:,: ?said to be twofol-d. The reason given 1? that the accotrtm<>?atlona <.f th.? pressm hoi ? ? i qu ?. m ir- of ?!,?? hea? y - '? ic .?v.. n i^ m ta iw ... b II? ire t : ? ' ' " ?"?? on :: ? part ol ?A llllam VVal I ?rf As? ta iv ? s ii.?:?-i that In no way will b Inf? rlor ' ' proposes reel .,; Thlrty-fourth-st and Fitt?? tve. Tina . her than the Wa! a the frontage on Flfth-a?, a II be th? Mme: I m n ?arlll b 100 :?? ; ?. rest? i than ???? ?1 ?rf. it la said to be the latent! m of John ? ?-?-.-? to equip bta h..:. I .,-. i run II :;\!'- of magnificence thai m I d?a irl the gi i of - ven the magnMceni Hot? ! Wt I !:'' il .. and o? i? afta by neu h ?t< I and the addition to '?'? aid ?rf are high ? ov? r the rlv ?'ry : < ou ais. While i- il !- '" a ' pr ?nt largi ly by ari Ing i ..? buying up "'' ''i.- real good will (?orne in i he art I? and laborers who will be ? . ..... . Mr. M ..... ?..Y.,?. ? lay; "< >ur a.,? nts hav? pen ? I : me ti vu.; to m ike ., , lo the A tor estai? tie,! ? i ? ?? taken up ? all arrai ?? rill '.:: .?.?. n. Tl an i? Iditl m to the ? ??. to Wear. ? up, the Wa lorf m ik ?Ive addition? and rhood, thi? wUl be quite a re." MEIIt o AND GUATEMALA. SENOR ROMERO M:\irs THAT Tur RESTIONS OF THg TWO KKl'i'J-.l.n's ARE MORE STRAINED THAN Ai' .\\y RECENT TIME. n. March IT.-Minister Romero said to? - had i- ' ii ad? I ? I, the i i. ? .a inge In tha ? ween Mexico aa ? ..:.!,,;. mala that ; I -i waa Just i ? I : : a month or nn,i?\ neither better nor a i : ? m special ?????? . i -.?.?-? and negotlal f r a ?ettlement of the boundary troublea, bul ail.; latem i term? proposed by Mexico, \?i.i ti was announced at the 1 a, no b id been a.- a,.; ' ? the relations between itriea were more ?trained just now is i and " i: ??. ir was bellev? ; I > ent, Seflor Romero said had no Infor . which would Justify or oonftnn th ? pre n pointed a one? ? between Mexl? o e interest lltors of M? -. for the G . i < mpelled :?> use I ? . - of the : t on the ] imlllar . ire that Dril .... . : -...-' eover, a? a ma Inl ? ! -.-; oiled b) struct ? -. irk, and la owne?! . ? will b? m coet of anil tl tion mora tIAROS RHiiTiioi : \'s virus AVorr SILVER. Gen ' nan, who of . . liv? 'i in Lon : ?n, wa i In I ?I itel .Vi.ranir.iir'. Ho h.i.s exten? -dva land and mitring mt?sresta in colora?)?,, and his la r-. |, ok :?? ?'* - them ble mi int? inner the mineral ?? I ? :. with a knowled th? . ?Bar? Intere ? ? i ii -, lew of hi? li tendent) I the free ? ?.-?? of silver. Rpeaklng ot the iK-e he - "The United But? i? a ' ? 'in the world's ? ? ? . - - her r? .-. - - .,; an Intel i .-?. i ? ? ? . ? nk that at the aferenc? iv ?red m ire it be? a ' ment la gro and i hat already ? meta lie p u ty haa be? n . | ... this co intry." ., ? ?? New fork Central Ralli ? ft'eat to ? here inv Interests ire. ?; ; : i -. n i : me and ? i - ind. FJ *T1 BDA T'SOBSl RTANCE81XTBFCA TBEDBA 1 It's Day aerv ? at SI i '.i -.?;??'. ": I'1: f 1 ? ifl? i? high ii. i ?? ? , nt. 1 :.',.- R?--v. F? : Krai . ?. ?. ;??.? v. T. i- - ? ;. -.-. \. U, a. Jam M. < ;? need : .*??? i chan _ JAPAN'S l ? RMS OF PEACE SO UNDUE EXACTIONS MADE, ?ncinnatl i they reported in the ? ? i ?ntaln noth hal . mt : ? ? ivl lizaii? ' ? Inl ? ?? ip . ,V?rt-Hi th? Inde ? 'orea. Tl cor.d?tl an noi of Fran ta. ?HRSTANDfl HE? ?EN1 MY*S NATURE From The Brooklyn Eagl? Japan ? ? I ntly und? th? natui ? of : i mg, and she ?'? ?? ? ?1 .. ? , |ay .[ wa her arm ntll ?he > - t whlcii ust come withli ? MORE THAN \ BTINOIN : DEFEAT NEEDED. Providence .1" n The :' l! "ff F rmw ' ' '? lsian?l Is tak? ? If po? i:.!-, at 1? ? ";i1 " : noi I.?? ?urprl ?Ing If It ?a ? k< pi ?? Japane?? --.?:,!.. ? '? ? ?f land an ! t.- .???'? ? uortan? ?? In the evenl of a ?;.,,.. ging ?ei?.?' upon ? bina In the fui ire THE DEMANDA MODERATE. . Th? M nne ipoll ? Ti Ibune ?. rms ?.t pea? ?? -a.d to b ??? b?t?n ? rres ... : i.i:.;in ..r, qui ? ,, tat ? The ? n ol th? o? i ..i.-;, ... Hi- !.-..?;?? '. 1 - -n ?? ? ''??'?? the ' ..- j-,,. and Wei ,l il-We ,;. , tlie payn.? nl of an lud? In ? ? ? - . . flu? territorj ol the em ? ? V? HERE \\ II.I. THE ??'' ''.i' (X>ME I It? rM? . Tim? - n era I I- ..- ? i.t ,-? ,-. ild th. -.',:? n . I r? ?? ? ? ' I" ; ' ? ? . -i., l . : . , f ?. i , i ? re ration In Bur , . : .-t.,i. and ?enl to ? 'hi ? .'li!.'-. ?. HAH . ; .i.i, i ; ? i- - ? .-?...? t?, ? 1.1 ? m i i ? . i. i i Japan : ?.i . ?.-?.-[.!., ... to Ihe vlct?, i ., . . -, i In? i roubli ... n..? lil h borrow goid from uinio ia*n Uie.i wwu eouatry OBITUARY. WII.I.lA.M RANDOLPH CL-AMCSOK. William Randolph Clarkaon, an o!?l .-in?l wealthy flour merchant, died on Saturday al the home of itei III Ayr? . Ko IM WmI Forty-third Mr. ?-!m'1. . i i. ? . in t ?? Metropolitan opera House Hu,Mi ring hi? lingering ? moved to tie more quiet neighbor? hood "T hii ime. He ?ras born In 1MB, and when only twelve year? olfl. came to New York und p.. ,t!"'i in ? groci r salai y of H 50 a ? ? ? It. Evi n al thai i si Ij he - hoe d hi? f i i doS of money, and out of hi ilsrj ha ? i : i.?ige proportion of II i onomy he practlMd an; io longer i ? Mr. ? 'i irkson entered th.- . mploy of Hrooh I the clothlen were ?. l, ? rose to b? , th.- head cashier, and m IS53, when li" lefl them, ; bj a sum iled 1.1 :ti to en! r huslncss for himself. Be then became ., flour i", i. h ??it and . in.ill i. ale, - I ually bulll up a I , amai n tune. 1 lis plac? of buslni ? ? ?' ?? number "!' y? ? Mi Clarf ..m ? I!" ? ' I ' ? .\ li.ini:.. m K-. I.- ;" K. f'ayne. Kor a num? ber of yi ars Mr. Clarkson lived in llalnfield, S. .1 . and h" * ,11 "? ii ; ; hen . His wife survlvi a him. ? JOHN nu ' D esldenl of the Dwyer L Con ; any, al X? ? i k, dii rl Batui laj *.; ;. : al hi i * ' ' S'ewsrk. H ? In Llmerli k, Ireland, - irs to America when he was seventeen years old landing In H"J at fr. ton, Ma.': . i". IS. i h? r. mov? d to Xl T. r. il"-'..: A Co., !? nt. In 1885 ai the leal hi r t nil ? us, an i bull? up ? the Men hants' iv ngs i:..;. 11. \v.i. i.-. ? si at one Ej Ise. I!" was ? -. and i? - ?? ;loard. lie |e..\.-s a wll and fai NATHAN M. HBAL. Nat iii M. Heal, a well-known residen) of . ft! ' ' Barrett dye? ing ? oi ii- died al i ???,, ., \\. it S? w-Brlglrton, late on Saturday night, from pneu? monia. Mr. Heal m in li"i?'. Me., and ?rsi on? age. 11 ? had llv?d on Btaten ! ,?? was it dm tini" , but retired about ten ytai H i; known In political ? "i i 'asi leton an I ? ?? i foi many yeai a ti i t? ?of the Wesi New-Brighton I'tihll ? School, n. v.M., alt.Ider In the Calvan Presbyterian Church, of Wi Brighton. Joseph >t h er, died ? i Februsry . and - u !?. later his widow died from pneu Oil '11 . i - 01 ? K 1 IHM '.III,' h'T husband, A wldov daughters survive Sir. i: , DR .i? "iv a. BROADCfl I.ou.--: ?1", N>\. ?March 17. I ir. .l-""i A I'm i ! i-.-. Th? burial i.,..k place to-day i:i ?? . u : ? ? ? were held at the V lap I i i '-. William D. Thoi i fa lellvei i the ? Rev Dr. iv 8. H? ' i tgo, par ' ??; it m, ol which Dr. t, imber, n grave in The n v, ' bekl a very ? i ' ' ilpcp' r ? ? i ; Charit of New Tes ' ? nary, al - ' :. . '? h I ublic ? ? Oreek New Tei i i ?.- ? km Hen IM and t tl '. nei ican i Unk? ??' "f the ' r Teal tn 1870 pul ? d a ? - 1 . Ing" rtTTT?, Qlli-Sl ' m'omi ? -'? ' mons an i ? . * \ -, ? : . ? ' ? ? OB1TI M' ; Tacoma, Wai . Mar I irles B. Lau , rn ir of W ? Ina! m a nd N i ? i!,-1 of heart I HI? father live h Bangor, Me. i 17 The Ri v B F. Crary, m Mel ?? luntrj, Is ? ??-. '? ' ' ? ? ? i .?-i ? ? m ? w ir, and at tne ::?iit"i- of "The it ' of St. I/i'm-m At the : The Call ? W. ?'. vi? il' ?Lfi 'x Denvi r. Col., " well f the A In Ni w-Yot k i Hs ime here f i overing his . S A * P?R] .1 ii BRR \ i ?N Si "HORI.EMRB VL6T. berr V"U Bch ? mer-A dfather ul been v tal ght, v i.1 ; i . ?.. n up. He iv. of ' he Clerics I'PPI . ? ? . from th" i . I Conn I von ? '., Ai my bill. oril i court, an M I . ;. i r . ; V. !:'?.,UV B, BTONB. Haiti id. ? ' mn , Mi Rollln s. : ? lied on \i ra Will m, Conn., In n i a'?? in 11 ti i ' ) ?.a. and -..,,> . ras th? i aval ealth < pel . ?. Slit?tOXA 4V/i /,?. RICA ??> /.'I'/' APRIL . , ? ic Dr. Rlci , 1 he race will take place A) Ine. Bol 11 Mr. v .. ?' ? ? lepoalted $730 ? ' ? h? i . Ii ' Irounda ?? Inn o rtlxu t ,; . uldltloii lo carry Its? i I ? ..- I... ,n ? i. : all probability on of Sir Modred. lilt BOATOS TEAM IS COLUMBIA, A C, . i,i.i.i. H ? ' . March 17 H on Sal mal I . . . i ... thus ?rlrh the P n rtlxtei n Duffj ' lansel, H mm, Tsnny, \ ? ?????? S.n.l i ] ? . s flve | e no I sn ' ' ., , . . ey will plsy \. ash' ? I? i ?v\> h-iva the i ' ' i II beat ihem : /!</ /?/. It I /.'*. FATAL FALL. ? boi latir?) . ?of th? Kl Irlds? i . ?, i that si ?'? ? ra? i uni si n? d U the accident. Th? party of college siudanU who ?vri rl'llng In Rfley'S hm-k when he had hla fatal fall visite?) th?? EWrldK??-?t. st.atl??ii yosttrtilay. They ?nld Ril?>y b99B drinking a lltfl?', and the hors??? bsesma immawsgaahts Then on,?, of the atu? (lonta sgasod the reins, caiiHlng the animals ta turn and ?-lash back aerees th?? Bow?rry to Brooms at?, whera th??y wr-r,? i-nnKht by Patrolman Callahan, of the Mulberry-at. station. Two of the itudents ha : J.imr.-l from the carriage before t?v tipping caused th? vi r*? fall. YWO GERMANS AND A CUFFS FLAG. wen m n vuk.vh.m?K on batuhdat kioht thsj KXOLISHM ?N KEPT STILL An attempl of one ? lerman business man I o pin a Joke on anotbei ol the aai ? n itlonaltty has giv? n t. ? i.mpll?.?'. ".s In Hack? ' i 1 - flag figures In the affaii John 1-engi runs ? barber sht>?. In what la locally known a? "The I'.l?>. I." \..\- door to hi:.i .1 .1. l-'ink has a s .< . ?tore The men ar I fri? nds, l-ange be building In which h H? ;<i"l f. upy the ti? above the I i top atory I? r?-,it?-.i to John '? an Kngllahman, and glories In the fa i. H? dorn, it i? aald, lo e? an onportunit) '... tell ? land, and hi r pos ei on Ian I -, He I -, \ ;, LT nothing over the la il of "The Block," bul it la on I ? ?? l?J ?i s.iti .i | ? . d of a Jok ?? fio has be n try ing to i I even. He plann? an Irlal Ha?, placed .>\<r rink'? store s.n,n,lav nighl Th?- plan? reached Kink's ? .. and II would appeal h ? ? nll?te i thi whom Lange told of th?- plan on hi? side, Kink be bought sonn gre? n loth snd b id rooks painted <?n It. He did this I* i ? h could n,.! buy an Irish Bag lai ? for hi? i" ... - h th? fl ig m ' ? > Un? - ha waited II wa ? late s hen the pi in waa < : ?ni ?? ha I i en ?? and oui of hi-? store sil th? ???? ning ? Ini for the appearan? ? of th? flag above I di or, and wond? r??d much whj II did "?>? appe ir. Finally he found a small ero? d i i ":-: .,:' hia store, laughing. !!?? the ighl th? j ? 11 laughing al ? ?-.??? n tta-?r over Fink's dooi hurrl? l out to Join In ih?? laugh. There was no fiag rei Fink door, dlrecrly rwer his own . Immense grei i fiag, snd In Pink's doorway atood i-'.ak laughing heartily, l-ang? waa not Ions; in realising what had taken place, ai I laugh? I sa i .... tlly ..s any one elae, Borne of Lange'a cus? ? ..? i In the laugh, and Idler? an I p? by swelled the crowd. Lange admitted thai the Irinks were on him, and wa? about to starl back th?. sh??i> to re mm? hia la there waa a diversion from ;.r. unoxp? Ini whet The flag ? aa faatened to a cord atr ? ? om the ? h in,u.-.? to the top ? . front of it. Wh? - there nave climbed through a network?of electric wir? ? i fasten the pole end of the cord. M wa? Impossible tu bring ii??- flag town In fron) lang? ? windows, so It came thai th flag flaunted defiant 1) In fronl of tho 1er? the English ii,..i. If a,.-.:? knew .,:" ir. he Bald nothing and did nothing No) s?? Mr.-. Lange She flag waa pu) there aa an Inauli t.? b? r tenant, Mas? ters, and flew Into a ra ? ? v? ry ... m. . '!' i,.,?.-, i-.iii and Jam?? . the electric llghl ci m| ?nj, ?thi (lag '??? ? ?i ball of twine ?i i pie ?? ? : \? ood at thrown over the flag, and the ?-??r-i Fini has th? tl u ? seen, ? ( - ? n,.- fla ? : ilain? ' ? to rylng much, bui. rm STERFEI1 CHRISYI l S'lYY. ?AXT IX PEW \STi 1" l.t" ' IAT8 '?-: PARK. n n ? \ .. m ?n i?*or rot'xo women The Rev. Di Charl? H. P .->?...... i , i, n-Chi tlai aere nul u un I a? ?. erle?, but follow? ... In pit) on? ite?i a. in*rk*d change attitude of the Madi ion Squar? Church ?i.i :;...- . .,1, n qui? i. I. an l ?t ?--r.i a Ing of purpose. ? ? ng, the thing of n cent i ? window-seats and pulp? ; r fll I. Dr. Parkhi "And atralghtway they for ? . :' . ? i n..i." ? Mark i ; 1 '..? ?a have undertaken," he ?-.ii.|. "to morn? ing m ?<li ktn?ine?s and gentlci - pirl but m of words 1 ' ? ? -ti-i.-t and dir? cl ? i kae -v h ?w ?.. use to the -. Christian? ? following are ? few excerpts from tl . Von cannot.iristis ma n or won an ? ,'hat Chrtat wa [preach ?xunder if it ?rill not help to make the Madison Square C*hurch popular. Now that la devlllsl not Chriatly. There la noi ?n atom >.:' Chrlet In II '?.. rmon might b< ??? ?toquen) as ?he preaching ?a' Ai ..;??- an I ?? full of G fact? a? the of Si John and yel be s , In It? whole and Impuls? , . Now, Chris) Is mir model. He i.? rh.? Chi anltv thai l< different from Him ? ? terfeti and a mockery, And 1 ?hall have to ?ay I . let) our homes, ?mr pulpit? and oui i ? ?-?? ? full of ilu? Inexpensive counterfeit sien and women .?:?? tr.vinii t?, give themaelvea In auch a to ii-v..i\.? t h?? sin i en ? - they are plea ed lo call theirs And there are greal quantltlea of humbug in soclrty and In th?? Church, ,-.i d it I? ii..; ; . unable that thla rhun h i? .?r. es ? on '.. the . lie . . addre? -?? I In pa i tleular to th?? young women .<f this congregation and '" those of th? m, more particular!) ? ir? In Ihe m iff! u nt or at leasl of c? ml abl? clrcun ? ? ? ,i plan - i nd oci up? tlon?. Thl? II u? m, too. Is ? tnploj ed not so much fa ake ? lall) id Ire ?? i to, aa for the | .... witn Ihe . ? prln? Iple .?. H h ?.-. hl??h our r is underlaid. To hese you ? omen, then, perml! m?? t., aay, Whal are you ??.?in: with your "m. 'El ling ',?'..i>[ i ... it.' The on of this kind ..." question is to min is to the r? ',? ctlon thai Mian is of the ' 'pe r?f Chrlat'? Chriatlanlty, you 1 m to ) our : m? . an?! . ? me that la on \ our ban It. noi i al through ? hi? h ? m ir, li Ing to Im? port tl irg? . : !.? amount of ? ?rnl ,rt, b il a? the . hannel through a/h I ?h you ar.yln? of i otnfort. ?a- ? l'/ , I ?./ | ' :. ? Y i Hr^s LEAGUE ? A ill ,f. Al the Mei ropolitan ? !h? s ? iub on Sal . ... - club .: ? ? thi Manhattan ? ?es Club In ? t? ilu mat? li on eight bo irds, under th ' PI i? began il lo'i lo? k, snd when ihe ref ree called time, at 12 o'clock, i' waa found thai each ; ?il.- bad won three games On rame waa .. dran and on? bad to be adjourned, and hostllltl? ?i ? i ?,i, Wi ' - i ??tun?;. \ - i he s, ore now atanda three and one-half p In ... matoh depend? .>a tins game. The following are the detalla of the m? M .MIA ' T \\ ?'. C, : - I ML ??,?.,,, .1 S i'i ?' 't I:.'I 3 Hob I .?I '? II.1.. ,111 .' i '? 1' l.i|. rhueti .1 ? ', Mi bach ?. i T M M . ?vi '? All. I',.-. . .li . I .II II . ': T i. .1. W i . V* ?. I- II ,ln. s S !.. I i- li Kit ? . II Tl . ? I : llui ?a. A. \.?n.ri. d n n< i ?.un ? I; ?-..|^. .: |i i .. . ? ? ..kl) m ,- , I I ?? Mi ': ; . tea .?:, labli ? ! .. in 1 ?, .-.1 ?I ? ? Tha ?in ,1 Ranx-a ' I t'nloti Square II ?? l n?nl Haturdav, when ? ::?? i. ?itnai ? ' ' m itch of games up al the Martti w??r? i i. ? i. oi . Uelmar ? un in?. losl .?'??? an.I d .??/ L'Y III s | / ti! f, >/ /? ! rBlCK'S I 1; ? bn.I In . a - - Patrl k's ? , . ii . \i ; ? i:. ? u mi ?m ?: M irph) ??..- th. ? ? 'an i, .. -i- . i i.- in '.-. t? !?;. . ?? ?all? ? tu I be | THE i o? UTESi Ol ?m . ;,"? I ig, . ? in . i iiten? -, Mi. Huston, a , ? . : -u- w??rl,| i' .in no I'Dii'tantl mu a ii? a?. ,,? . ' n to \ .?it China, a ven) t?> ? I .? I ?:. I h.,.| till ? I ?' .' t ,k? ,| III .II i .- . ;? i tli. , m?- .?.iiihi?? .? Ill tie i? ? i i | I... III. tl .III .1111 It . ton ippl? i ?, . on ? liver tray a? ? n in? nlrm ell i; ? a? ? sm ..i thing, bu) Il d? n n . u . uau tel lagard foi itiu amenuise of Ufa" AGAINST SUNDAY OPENING. THE I IQVOR QUESTION DMCU80BD FROM MANY PULPIT?. TUB RBI ..;: iim.i, EX-JVDOE NOAH DAVIS, THR REV, f ?'. n;t.i:if \t**;\ IOHN R PAMOK8, Tin: REV i-i: 11 KRBL'RT AM? "'?t!.ni SPEAK The u-v. .1 . n n ill y.\ .1 wig? S tali : ? 1 ': ? Dr J ?m ? H. King, A J. Palmi r ?n 1 tin R ? of the ESlgbty-slxth-st. Ms hodlsi ?ai copal Church, 100k par: last evening ' .-liiirch 1 the Inter?! g. Ti '? church wai . r,?. 1. 1. i>r. Hill said, among otbei thlnga "Intel ? ater In th? rural disti ?ou ?-i v. : im r-- work ?? of a nun an : bcaal '? n irklni ... ?even dsj :. ?? for th? phy ileal is the ment il h? ilth t.. ? - : ? 1 srho : ? ? . this '. ? The ? ? to II of the wot , r ? I n- ?i:i ad van tag? ? the p- . . ? ' kept p. ' il... ! ?: Hall said ? ? ? OOO.000 01 150,000.0 ' build L 1, n md " 1 in building horn? 1 f m ?re of an tag? to the . Bald eg .i"<!ir.? Iu-. Is: ? l fell that the ' is I eli 1 lion waa ph ol virtue, lu itl? e .? nd trutl 1 thei lo set its foo firmly upon the saloon. From my thlrtj \ ? ?! experience I pronounce thai eight-tenths of all crlm lu 1 the ilo ms. The sa 0 iiinn on which virtue mual mak.mal a rfan What was my aatonlahmenl I find the liquor men, immediately after ele mending n liberal ex Is?? laws By what right ha Inter? ?is, of all .0 m atlons, to a-k the riKht to i-, business on Sunday? The la? Is only Just when It applies equally l read of s masa-meet Ing the other day advocating Sunday opening, ad? dressed by two oiergymen. My God! What reason ran th- people glv? for advoca tin?: op.-n snloons on Bundaj? "Th? r?ite-t Bid for Sunday Baloon Patronage" was the title a*hlch the Rev. .f V. Baunder?, of Ih Sev? rii Btr. Methodise Episcopal Church, gavi t? I11-1 sermon of last mirht st that Oburch. He >x I his surprise ;?? and condemnation of Thura daj nlght'a Cooper Union meeting, ?rhen Sunday opening was favored and the appearance there of t ? ? clergym? n, n? a ild In ;.'.irt : We have lived nd hear 1 nettling thai 1 isi pul ? blush on every Christian cheek .< i linn* si in. - :o every Christian v. t ei.- ..:' rii.- queet ringa I ever at ten led warn on last Thursday evening In the larfp? hall of ?' ? ?;?"? Institute. The hall was packed by men an l women, ni 11 of whom were evidently In fav r of an open saloon on Bunday. Th ? m teting called for this purp ise, to pr ?teat ?a ;, i,- t ? 1 - m lay and In fav ?r of 1 ? ' hi -n. and sa . . . ? w 1 promin tnl ? ol one of th.- mist honore?] denominations of il R > !\ "?? ites of till- S? 1 'i ? ?: thi n ??on 1 n ..? ? itl tided was tien i could not bell re the ' wer? . ir 1 m 1 dl t. .,' the r ', gentlemen was introduced, and de? Ian? ! hlms If a 0 all wrong and sin. bul as quirk 1 favor 0 ? ?.?m. the R? vi ren ' ? 1 mi the '?ii.- w.i m -? the first speaki :. ? nd ti ? m ? played again. ; ? ,ik. 1 - and the I ?? ' ? th-i 1 . ",., ? ? p thinking of " lltlon of Isr- 1 A wonderful and ;, ; In ?h-- Ian I. the. proph? ts ? ? i--. I.V. I kr ? 1 of .!? r ?al? -n national ruin, I the as n. ?.'. '?.' 1 come m- ;., 1 .. 1 Icsl api skera 0 ? ',,.i|. - last T; ? rs.laj night repr ? ? .?? ?; : bul only tv with the ?sabbath-breaking, I . ? nlty. ? . humil it? hands with tte- aid? ? ."'??- of bo great an iniquity aa the liquor ' Th? B ?'? 11) i.'i ; r qui il 1 Was 'h" topic fer ng al til.- ?'h ii.'n of tin ?'KIi Paternity, Forty-flfth-st. and Ftfth-ave en were John !.. Parsons, tn>- well-known lawyer, Atterburj, te? retary of thi H 1 1 ? m Commission of New-York. Mr. Parsons wsa IP- alii l attention first to th? la iv got erii . Sabbath ' ? ? been ? 1 iw fi 1 agea anil wa 1 llshi l In ESnglsn i j??.!! , . The -??-? ?th da) iv ? i essentiell) a day f"r rest. ? ? ? ime to ch ireh an 1 .? not th ? m if. ni!"d ihe 1 'i- almshouse . an ! thei ? iti thee mmunlty should ha> 1 ?-:. W sther th? da; hoiild !>?? apent religiously, M**. t'.u- . !. was nol th" ipj.stioi-: ?t was ? munit) ??? ma '? . . ?' ? ve 1 It did. Th- Rev, Dr. ' Atterbury followed Mr. Parsons, an : he conten led that the ri<ln for a qulel Babbath v ?- based upon the niiht of sortety t.> pro.t It '? ? rights In a 1 ommunlty depen !*-1 upon the t ik?? * ~ 1 " the communtt) In which hi lived IP- believed thai a man was compelled to mak? t ti es for the benefit of th- many. H? stated that th"N.>'.!i favor ol the Bunday opening gave aa arKumeni the referendum That was his, and he ?to? 1 r ?ady to itand or fall upon it. Merely be? ca thoi resided In th- First \vir; wanted th Sabbath open and a day of worldjy enjoyment ?ras n it ? n ?lent reason that other portions of ; ? houlri be .-< mi II I to sub t to It, whether thej wished or not. in ,.?? Ing Dr. Atterburj .ndly acorad the Rev. Drs Rali 'ord an i Rylance for th? atatesaenta st ? met ting In ? 'oopi r Cnlon er. Thursds) nirbt last, H? said they lud not Hved up to earl tea ng He waa surprised I 1 think that a minis! I : - would be guilty . i sup? port the saloon man ? i> more than he con! l ? ? Itev. J. A !' v .' ?' pulpll '.??..-? M i all attacl Dr. R ilnsfi 1 R c foi ' .|,T 1 'nlon 1 I . Su iy opei ing : I? l" 1II) appl in with ? ? n, where the; ? - ? ipe 11" 1 , ?? Hanson ' ? :??;??.. ':???. pr? i< 1 aga PATRICK HOSORED IS' CHICAGO. Chi ' ; B Patii? k'l Day ? to turn out in un us al number?. The result wai Ihe i.i . a? -. Al .' " ? lock the hea ! of tl ;? th? pi ? ? ?vous at 1 >< ?plain : . ? r 1 m-mi- !i -. . irl B . . n hour In passing .1 " ? ,ilc Ml'i ?! . !? ?? -....,.,.,; fluards were line. Bo m? r or Later s ni constant cougl ho - "? breath, falling strength, an?! ? ing affection, w hlch ms) 1 avo dud 01 | is Di l). Ja) ne'a Bxpecl irant. . . 'ilie Hydraalle Paa?eaaer Klrvatar 1 ? ? ? ? 1 ; . . . i 1 . ' l.i.-liiu 1 ?iiii|in 11 > 'a i:\irnct of llccf. \li\,i ? " I? ni In wi 1 -a 1 stahl? itini iluni ? hen esl ? 1 DIED. II MINKS "11 -m"M c U ? " - ? srlfs ? . 1 cull.-: - Il ? in ' M , \'. !.. , ? tides . 121 I ? ?i N.-i. 1. . . .*. 1 H ihen I' ' 'n 1 ? ? I'm eral ,?: '1- i'resb) i m .- ?? M n March is m mmmii; Mai h is I i, u ? \? i- pi K Military o S ? ' I I ' Navi i'iiii.--i.i s.Tv i . will ? i v-Yurk ? : il llorar? I \ ' v ? !. ? Hapl . : ? l, ?l i .. ill . I I" l ? i riiui i.i. i i i'i.-. i ? '.' v i II i . ? - i i, rn. i " i ' RRII v i M c ? i I ? xv.O .Mill ? i |ii:\VINU Ai bl. Aui ' I!.mi?.i.\ M .: .-it || IStVi. t'lark I - f Uli im i ?? ? ins |. i.??li ii ? ? .,{ in, .' iy, M arc I is '?' h IT. U?9B Mal i r.?i ? i ? i.i ?? ? ii-i li.?? ? \| Is n aith ?: m i la u s ... V. M '.(',, U'||f,?,1 ?' "II ,. rsaldi n.f ? ti?-, y \s., ?d . , i .-..iinn.ii, N. J.. Tssaday, Marah i*. ax ' I.AO ?. iu hIFIi rjOERKH s,.a,i^niv M..r h l?th al M? ???:?!???? ???? MS st.i? ..... \- -|,.. . r | r'? ??apera HAK,' \- ';-,,. , N v . in i M ? . Ha fleet? *fll?a*tatft, ?\l?jyw uf I-.? ? ? Funeral B?rvlc?S S) I |y,yi "??*?? ..? -' 'ci p. m HEAL ?m - . 'I?, a? Ma In- !<-?t.l?*no?. v-, ? (:,. Nathan M Mast, Is I ha ?.?-.-?,',? it? ??? .-- ??' h ?*? EuneraJ ? , ..-.,.. .. s. TSSS a,- Mai 'i ISil ai n ? ? ? j HORXBUWEH ?? ISSS, "'?'?B U . il ,,,il,|..-\-?.,. m ol " Wl .... H'-ra t,' ,?.???-. in ? '?' U if H BSS> . ? :. ? . -, v ? ? - iMcmia, \-iii , A . i - M'PARLA NT) ? Hi 1? I***. ?. .' . ,1 Firm. ?'? ngt '? 1 ? ?? \t ,.r. t-',, :. L. I M ,. ?y I ? . ! n ?.iliek ... .m i.. n ? t ilSaesa ?job Fit v- i i a. t late 1 , ... .n, fltk >*ar in * r? -?t. ? m -if. 1 I S I'M,!. '? '.?!.?? Jg. ? ? . . as . Monday M.<?. . I? ? 2 0 PTEVBN B?SS> .* ? . - ;i ? I? er I :? !?> . , Ttit:: \! ? . . ? !!' r - ? ? ' r.e i?. f -, \. ?.?. i ; i ?. ?? :. TOOKER Al K? ? I? I ?SO s Irv? ing, -.?-.i- .-? ? ? X. J Slav. ? ? T) TTLE \ i t?? - - ?'? .' llta betlt A . ?Id ? ? ? .-.; '. i ? I'^n-at., Tueada: Intern?? it? VAN' ki.ii;. K-AI I ' ? lllth. KM : ?? ? VAN' SORT <.,i Thurada?. Mai II I?08 ?;? rga M. \ ?? aa???l ,..", ruii.r.i. ??-i ? , .?-. N ?.-?? :- " .v . - .- I !?? p. m , an) Brta Itail : I | ? '?? S Y. .re t ?p ra pl< ? i>>. ',?.-? ? ,i .tit a. M rek t*v William R . '?' Im*, fa ? r i- -, "'i:-*??a, V' IS -? ?: - ;? I i| :. ?'\ N CEMETERT. v., 20 R . B/pedUw? Halloo ?21th Ward), if. '??n nvt!"??ig ?occuil Xottcn. It> ?ll?? B*TFT1 r A vi-.N ii?; a r? rii iv i?ooms 988 I V. M B. NORMA ? ? N< >\v ? i\ i ;\ n i m in >v i> \ Y \ \ !> i :\ KNI\<r. i ? aa,?:? p.? l.\T)N?is? i?: - : i DIE8 UK 1..XTF. JAM KH li. m-.Al.'D. V. V^ ? : i.llna Tin: Ht'!' ITB ORX. w. t. siii:i:\;a.v. ahh -i WHI i ? ' ? " ssSsta THURSDAY KV I-;.\ I V< ?. MAI? 'H al - ?, i'U? K. xlJ*C\ OX 1 I' B K IME K\ KXIX-1 !? ;..ii i HK > :'. i-'" ? M It. V. T< ?.I 1-. 1 I 1. rxrU'DIXil THE ?.::..?. r.viNTING ROMAN (VOMEN \ HI 1 ?;? it,- r ?.. II MI! ?- It UKKKX. 'IK THIS . TV an i on WEIi.M ?I'Al I ?".in ? , lm M ?):? n ?h . - i ? PEOPLE'S TRI'KI i'OMPA.Vl Kt.TM, : ,.,-?! i - ..n ! SEVER M. PRIV kTE in' IV1D 'AU i".?? ?Kl.WA TI-.I? KX.WII'I.KS ? ivl.KITATFi, AMERICAN AXl? El ROPRAN ARlIgfPtt Il y Dir I'll?"I'll AVKNTi; \t ? II??N lidOMS roa i- a -?m .w .:? WM ! KORMAM TVOYV <?N KMiim'I'HiN DAN \\T> l.\ l-'.VIMr, nCR. TOZIO TAK W AXA?,1*9 i ; |<So ???. ? -. ' ORIENTAL I'? ?I?'? l .1. AI VS. BHOVZJC I.A' '.?T'F.r?i-l, la'OROfl CARVIXOS, ' m:.n .- SPtsrTMENS IN s,'>FT PASTE >i N"- : I.' : roUIR AX ? RIA'9, IST) ?THITTg, OLD ?LOTTERIES, RARE l'.MNTi \..- -. -. ,(?-. T? ? BE ? ?:.: ? IT a: - TION WEDNESDAI A.ST? IT 11 i:.-i)AY A l-Tl ;i "\< ?? ?N K, MARCH .? v.:.- IT a i ? ITAIJ "?? : - ...N .\|-;'i.|.'.. i A m m t?' il r IM???;?,!. i-i,|?l,??r? ?aura? 14 1" H?. ad? ??? ?? plai?a. ? All ihe ??.-?din?, l-:u ;i-nn nnrapaper? .?nd p^n dieal? for ?. Ar.8 88 lt.. 01 '..-.:?. ??1.1,1,1.1, n,ul ?.r???? Km" n? I.HiiKU-lln'a :: na, 140 taaasa-sj Paatofalce N??u??e. ?a win <?)???? ? - . I .;?? ? New Tt'ESPAY At 4 ., ,. fur Eur.?p pot * ? .-,.?1*. via ; ?o P. ID. I I . ' ? tOt ?,-..:. ? Pun. ,? : -. N-ar (VKHNKSUAI \ ?- upplcn 10.10 \ .??t(?ra ll 10 a m ..-ui.|i!a 11 a m., ' ? ? l< .-.,, . vie ? ,-iiy Ha limn Ian?) .via . : p. m. i. at I -.. .. al ?:: p. n . ? ?? a ? Till RSI ?A V I.' ? t-' ? i 'n. tor ? ? i ?,i tl>AV -A t. i Kul *a ? ? '?i for ... j ? - . ? i * ?:? , \ - . i -.???? ? . . . i. al l?land ? ... , . . >, | , ? - iii'i?- Im ''?,?., ? I . ? '?,?-. IA\ N ? 11 ..tu. ?1 !l. | ! I ? . 1 '?pel I - '? v I...III Hallfi i j ,-.,-r f: n, ll . ? ? i l'ara. 3 i , i for ??iher it , ?tina Marvh is, *, ., -., |. ? 1 Ma i?h ? ..?' l - N . i lia . fi tn Yaa ,: >; M a to ? . ? >.? i Kl m it.?o) m. Mad? far ?-..,? i I ?..-r a a March ''s ?' '? ** for Waal ?? , . ; | n w lll??.l I . I'! I ? ,-, . . g Mareh ?:i a, ?i ???? p. in. i s . ? f , , v Malla f?>r A ? ? ? \. . . It*?? ,li ?,i.t p. | t?lan?1a '-v ? v ' ? .tail? ,?? \l ,, ? .?i A| ? ,. ?IS?, |, m Ualla : NawfnlUMlUltd, b> ra i tt.rnoa by .u i ;?? |> i.. \. Mimn-l.ii. by rail to I oloaa ui ,?ii- .:!'..? .1^'..? ,u H :t.t p ic | ' .??. at . ?? y Tamp? t' i M i ???lally t'-t ?' h ? ? '" rt?iaa ?t thl? ome? ?Jail? ?? li., ?Ragt?t?r<H n...i .;??-.- ?? ?? t ?. iwvfams da? CHARLES \? I? V\ r??N iv., a 1'ojlofaca, Na?'-Yoik, N. Y.. Maivh li, 16UJ. ?lAJtar.