Newspaper Page Text
POPULAR OBSERVATIONS, MR. PLATT As A MARTYR A I'?>- ON IAT 18 l:!'?H fix?rs COKSlDCREt? IN "UK UOUT id-' i:\iSTiV. PACTS. To I lltot Trlbani " : M - effort? to pose s? a martyr areuM i M mow su ?'? - : ' existing conditions were lesa | ther.ivi,: uaderatood. He -?nd h'.s followers pro ln endless retteratloa ; ?- Sd?yor strong bsa discriminate ?galasl them: that they, a* tha i p reaentatlvea of the re?gular organisation, aro bein? j poraccafd in the Interest? or a faction repreacnted h?- William Brookfleld, Cornelius N. Bliss, (?ilnu ? BdtBrd Mitchell and other Republlaaaa of ? that sun,p. There la probably ?? per ?ent of t!?e i , pi ol this city an i Btat? who would rcjolc? .f all?sgatl a wer? ira?; for liier? i? r.o denying j that an overwhelming majority of Repub and good clttaena generally are heartily in favor of Mr. putt's absolut? retirement from politi? cal g tlvtty. it la not true, however; it is Bagrsntly | untrue. Mr, Platfa friends have been r?co-pitzed b\ Mayor Strang, sad lerognlaed fairly lavtshiy, la fact. In -ompsrisoa with the way in which th? an*.:. I*laH fonras have beca treated nt Albany, or wher evei Mr Plati baa had anything to do with tha dis pen?? tloa of patronage. When Mr. Lautrrbach withdrew Die ?ppolntnwnta the oth'-r day, it was intended to crea;? the impres? sion thai Mr. Plat I h .i.i received nothing from Mayor Strong, und proposed to ask nothing la fu lure at his hands H? evidently proceeded on th? thai the peopl? had fergott?m ?II about t:. appointment of Major Pltmtey ?a Commis! ? of .1 iron, one of I < most Importaal places in the ci ? government I ? lei Tanuaan] this "'heo was consi?] ? north AMI to SXPMt votes *-f> greai - Infiueac? thai thia fnnetionary can wield if <? - dis] ised to use hit power as it has been wieid t-1 in th? p:ist. Mr. Pllmley, who has been v.von the ? a devoti : I lower of Mr. I'.ati. and he ao effort to disguise th? fact as soon as h? found himself safely ensconced In the place. He hi- ,-?t It be known far end wloe that none bttf Platt n ??? need apply for the fifteen or twenty place? in his \ similar declaration has Veen made by Mr. ?I.-aiey. the Mayor's Mars'i.i. another devot? e of the Tlogaa's fortunes H? prop?.--es to as? the .?:})??>? Importaal one, too In Mr. Plstt'a Interest, notwithstanding Um fac? thai he owes th? appoint? ment entirely to i i Mayor, i* would be Interesting for Mr Pat: ?r> point out two pli responding to these thai have been given io the ? eancnrl ol the party opposed to hiin in the ? - i tien of the State patronage Aa ? mat It " ?. h? ?aim ?t, and well he knowa It The has been dealt out in the niosi narrow, factional manner, until it ha? heeeme a ; at Albany the! even a ?crubwomsn cannot he api'.-? t '.-d at the Capitol unless she Is branded with the Unit? i States Expresa Company'a trade? mark. Mr Bast?n, I i? Superintendent of the new Capitol, would rather appoint a H ' Democrat to office a hundn I tlmi n antl-Platl Repub an, and George Aldridge. th? Superintendent of Public Works th? oulntessenre of bad last? for any msn io no? k employmenl at his hands who doea noi 'car i letter from Mr. Platt Campar? Mr. AJdridge'a courae with that of Mr. Bt m . . - - - matter Mr. BrookAeM la a vigor? en? opponent of Mr. Platt hut that has not pre- i vented him from . ng to office men who hav? | been. iri. aecretly, M 11 are, adherents of ?tie !a:e party ? example, he mode two appoint monta for George Hilllard In the vith District -his j ireek, ?mm h S1.3M place, aaoth r a; SMOQ. Hilllard , is the leader of th? old machine in the VIth D!= Irlct, and on? of Patterson's ie\ ??? ? : He is ? j ho has proven a ' ?tor to every one with whom h? has ? Id political relation! He . not maintain his hold In the Vith District for t wen ' ? Istance of "Pat" Keenan. ihe Tammani leader, ? ? for \ ... r s - , '.::.-.! w h men to run his ? arles. Altog? i - e of the moa obje - of - I ' il th i* baa noi prevented Mr Brookf.eld from ? cognizing him. Il la unques? tionably unwise, n a It shows th? aptrlt thai : parad with that on the , , , Riesenweber 1-? another of the old [Mdera ?v1', li is sail, nas been glv? n og liot by Mr. Brookflell. notwlthatandlng that Riesenweber be- ? ? .. Patterson cot?-rie, ?and there are others ] Milliard who isve obtained favors i ii Commissioner ??: Public Works th? light ol the?? facts, Mr. Platt'a vociferous protestations of martyrdom become a trifle ridicu? lous The fad la. h? had no . Mu?s tor recognition in this ctiy whatever upon thf Reform Administra? tion He foughl Ma*, o. Strong's nomination. no did nothing to ?.Id in i?ecur1ns hi? ?lection. H? be ?.sveil that Hugh Grant would beat Strong, and : - lieutenants Police Commlaslon?r Kerwln, tor ex? ample - ? ng befoi dection thai Grant . . , . 130,000 votes. Hie Mayor ivou iiav- . y lusUfled. u- *K>on as Platt placed reform legislation, In refus m? of his followers I ir an ,, ... ? . - rted generously. Let ... - ?? '*? : for It n", .?'?'?' the ?ani? P? ?>' ?bat ' "" Lm*elf ? a! th? close . '-. r pra ?-.. ... ill the patronage o? I , :- '?' ?vered . . , _ : | hla r? nomma? it? a. gimpl) bee an ? . ? conld not : avi I pi >? ? In Vr Vis? 1? an ab te believer In D? Musset*? . ?All. or notblng." and ; \tav?*ir icts upon It pi ictlcal! ? in- n I ministration, ai .- ? :,.- the R< rty otthit TWKNTT-THIRD DISTRICT. New-York, March 1?, IML ?COLORED CHILDREN WITHOUT BCHOaMJE. DBPLORABldi NBGUBCT Bl TUB CHARUEflON aUTHORITIBE ETfORTB TO St I'M,V TBCHNll M- Kl'fCATION. To the E lltor of The Tribuna s.i : Th? following atateasenl taken from a recent .... of Th? Tribun? bsa attracted the special at? tention of a constant redder of your valuable paper. Mayor Strang w.ll i-e amply sustained by public arnUment in his approval of 'he WU providing for - 'ohm- :? the extent of $.i.'M*.i>iO for .-. -io- new schoolbouses i I repairing ?'hol bu.Wines now owned by th.- :iy ft la 61 I most Importano? thai th? capacity of the public - hools should be kept abreast of the growth of population. A disgraceful fact It Is that over 12.0m) . ., ,m1 ? not *ret Into our schools last yeai pol . embodied in tins Mil. which now \ ?wait? tiie Governor"? approval to become a la wise and farslghted. My obJSCl la CSlling atten'ion to this Important matter is to Inform your lar?,-" circle of readers thai ?because -d the lack of atmalar action on the i rl Of th? City of I'harlestoti. B. C, BOON than 7.<?.?i children of its colored population are growing \> in lgs?a?nn? Idlanesa and ertaae. After the war two fre? public achtfffto were gtvca for trie c nt colored children In ths city, and. notwlthatand? lng the large Increase of th? colored populstl whi.-h Is now mure than 8,004 by ?AMtlona from the sarrouwRng nnanda and oouatry districts, n . add.tloi.a.' schoolhouse has been ere' ted or previ I. 1 by this city for colored children during th? isl quarter of a century; while, on the other hand, the whit? s hav a smaller population, but ta ? U many public ?chool? ?w th? colored people bav? The colored peopM of this city, who pa* ? hurgi portion of the lazes, have directed the attention of the run. s?h ?ol PMiiinlsalonrra here, ail of whom ?an white, to thi radly Inad?quat? ?chool aecominodatlon? for ?-olor*<l children, and have :?' peat<?diy petltkmed for more pub!:-* school buildings. tut ? . -?i refused on th? alleged ?round thit th? presenl school faolMtl?? ?.f th? colored peopl? are in proportion to the amount of taxes paid by thorn it ?s truly a ?ad spectacle to behold dally thei-" ? . ? ?? negro boy? snd girls In our ? i growing up in gross Ignorance, ami becom? ing mor? anil more hardened in crime, for ?natch many of them aie frequently arrested. After the ma of our courta score? ot those are seen marc! h our streets. handcusTad, on their wai " '*?? penitentiary al Columbia, to recruit a fias? of hundreda of Juvenil? offender? there, it ? grei t?ad thai ti*..? ? bit? i ? ipl? ? ? n ? -i. i an i otner southern communities ? an a "e l?e and fsralgbted ;< . ? :? it Ion, llki 'hat ol New-York, la making ampl? provision for th? location of ail btldran. is '..? ? kafegttard against many si d ?? rlbl? dangi r? in the future. i tel? r i:...? o. dora hi,- circumstancea some o' I color? ? mlnlsura and laymen of this - ? bean toi ?) to th? ne?cca?lty ol doing um..!.. nC m u:t way of supplying public school accommod?t tons f?,i .,,. many olored ? hildren aa And with i:,e aaaistaac? ??? a fen ahit?a h?r^ (and th? number oi ihos.- in our Southei , are kindly di?po8?d t., th? colored p. ^otr me friei , Isewhere a t-eautlnil school site has peon :-.- ure?! a in and a huge * bool In operation January. rh< i ?? ,.- ? ar? Inatrurtad noi on!) ?. u.e ordinary branch?? ral principi? .. ? , ,. ,; methods the kind of eJu?a "? ?-?'"'? plei .... ?os ii.. i??-*? '?" ai t certain -" ??.? ? 9 ?source >.r i. .... rrteai - ol su , on oth? i than ih? kind ? harii Though (?..'le m ?t,Jl u ,).-t,' ol . f?w hundr?d dollars on ihis building tor in? train boya, we are i ,*kiug an <sarn??i '.-frort ?? rai.-, a :. a thousand dollars for the cie- loi , r t fi.' "ll'.?ll-!;,! ,..l:?.,.l?. ... _ . . lOle llvelll ..,, i ? "' .- a native of u ? . ?x .?. ? du toi nag*], .,.?, ,t-?.. ,, {??t inl;tln} which lii?>" helped tnj i a? * ?a often In the par-t .??n this worth) .?: I i ? ? ly c lus? bj 11 ????? thl- ?:.;:,?? -, ind appeal, ll will ?!o -? :, to ni? . J. T?. DART No .? Ki .!? k? -.;.'??.i lesion, S C. Mar,h 12, ik'.'j A CLKROY'MAX'ii PROTEST. i., ??-! RIXE* Til *?T i.i. ? ?IT - \- H ? RMKI t. TO Tltl i. RELIO) To t'n?? Editor of Trie Trlb me. fj r; Aa a minister of the Prot? tant ???? ti !,, pledged to fa;.h**:l dlllg ; . ? ?? ii . . ? ? ?!,-? ? onti..i-, to the ? - ? i protest sgainsi i hi folio? ?ng. I declare tkal th?-y hi? faire and th it th? doing barm In making religion s??m to he atraetloo without practical meaning or powei First, l protssi again?) t!?. fuNc tea hing that ?loi has somewhere se) up a book, a bod) o) men or an institution to i,?? an Infallible ora I ol tr :?!i Th? effect of auch teaching . il men roma to thlnl of the triuii!? of rellgloi unr? -. '.?:? re moved from human experlei bj an) means t.? ba tried and pro???? i KI ?? wha) ; ? ? ?. of Infallible authorities? I deny that ?here Is any :<uch authority. And In particular I den) tha riKht i?!" bishops, whether In committee? or In menlc council? to ?peak o luslvel) for God. or to, ? ' t?te l er m? of faith lo ??? her ? s ?: ! I protest again?) ? ?- false teaching tha) there i? a deposit of faith, oi b? !? o! ess? tl ' Christian doctrine? divinely forn '?-.'?A and n iled and given t?. the Chili h to Inl rprei and lo keep forever untouched The effect -.t thai teaching w vainly to exalt th?? clergy and to make religion to be .? difficult h i> : ?. ibat onl) men of sp?cial trslning can under? ind 11 pu - Iheolagy In th? place of faith ;?n?l love, and dispos? men to think thai th? ?-r?-? l I? more than th? lit'-, h Impliea th.,-. a man can know the truth bel ?re he ha? endeavored t., li\?- truly, and ?o ll begets In telle? 'uni pride and hj poci - 1 deny that there I? any such deposit. And In partlcuisr l deny tha' th? ?: I ad SI ene creed? ar.- nth- r than symbols of the Cath. faith. Thai faith cannot be pul Into words; It* fll expression I? In deed? of rourageou? falthfuln i MT-.i lovlna aei ? I, ?-. Third, i protest agalnsl th? fal ? teacl ng thai the Incarnation I? to be r g ? mira le and a prodigy?an Isolated event, inrclated to the coursa of nature and th.?? ' ' ' <;o?l. Buch teach ? ea the In carnation and thwart? It? m? ?? (acama fun ?how? u? .... i ? ubj ? o i i most or human coadltlon? lhal ordinary men may be drawn to godllk? i i '" '? *"">**' teaching tnal weakens Ix lief In the r? f.?,.'a'?1 manhood If ??ontrarj to the Catholic I I den) thai the Incarnaili eirarded a? .; mira? uloua event, becau? I se, ts like ? v. here In na tire, In ti:*'.>! ? and ?n life. Th?- i?'ss.-,:i of nature I? thi facement of Go i omnipot i - )..-, ?i? rv e The |. aeon of hiatot ,...." ;, of th? proud and the pill And the lesson of ?lailv livlnit Is 'he greatn love and the futility o) elilsh ambition. So all things polni to the Ir prepare to Im lleve thai i rod b? -am m in, thai he n nt In a -tail?. ?'????i i ? fe of a labor? r, and ... la slave's death. li, j, irtlcular i ? ? I Ihe do? trli of the vlrglnit ? of ..-ir Lord i moi I ? ; Christian faith. I do no) it r> a true do 'trine, i .:? ? mai y thing! i Ms ?iron? Fourth, i protesl . :aln?l certain fal teaching.* concerning ordination vows. The primar) ol tlon >f .i publl? tea, her li to I II '. ?? truth ?'hnr.-h holy and catholic hfii:?j the creation of the 8] Irlt oi Ti utl cat nt? i i I siio'i; 1 devote hlmsell :?? the letter of formularle* or to a;.\ thing but the spirit of tntl N'oi Intend to give It? commission t.< one who i? ? I r., exi hange foi a priest's office 1 and Hi- dal j rev la tlon of ? Sod. l deny thai I have t:,k?-n any vow except ?o ?lo and trach whal ?;..l command?. \nd I ?le : ir? thai if * had sworn to for. I? ?-t* i carts -i body of doctrine? I sl ou Id i?a,-?' been ? of a vary great wrong, a Y. I ind u.n against the Holy Qhost Buch vov -, I think, are not only unmanly and Immoral, but altogether In? famous. And, fifth, I protest against th" fala, t? fhat a man r.?-?-n give to rellgl? n only a | life, of hi? fa 'ulty, tu-, money. And thl? l take to l?e the deadliest heresy thai lia? .?? any I m< be -t th<? Church. I deny thai faith wlthoui donnent snd risk-taking :.- go I for anything. Complete self-abandonmenl I? what ?'),r:.-; asks, and though men waver and fall the) musl noi ?el th??ir hearta upon ?? lower purpo ? CHARLE8 FERGUSON. Cohsaset, M iss., Man h \ ?'?? OPEN SALOONS <?N" SUNDAY. A RF.PI.7 TO 1?R RAINSTORD'fl ARQUMEXTS IN I AVOR OF *J HEM. To the rSdltor of The Tribune. Sir: Allow mo t.? make some observation?. .:? reply t?. Dr. Ralnaford'a argumenta for op? the saluons ?>n Bun lay I. He holds that this ts the only way to pi law-breaking. 1 .?.? noi think we can decide that It la Impossible to enforce existing law?: intll we try Superintendent Byrnes'? plan of obllgii ? ?aloona to haul down thelt blind at hours when , the law forbids II |uor-s< II j. il.? holds that H Is un I tlon to deprive tbe laborer of hU Bunda) saloon when the ' rl i. man has hia Sun y club ; ? ?elf-indulgence doe? noi authorize anothet The j v.rontr Is In Inducli ?? ?-...- laborei I ? I av< hi? wife ind ? hlldren In roomi h.nal lei -,. ? b? dm: elf. while he : : his .-ip ?' [ gratification. Pei ip the city some day may i BM Its way to pro?, pie's club? where men, - women and children may And re?) an?! ? together, but meantlm? th saloon do ? ... lili j th?- want. ". He hold-; thai if men should lay t:i n supply ! of drink on Saturday nlghi It would 1 their families. On th?- contrary, I believe that i more would be ?p? nt f?.:' grocel ? ... I? is In i ?trink M ?n are n.,; devoid of ' right, i but ?r.:r preaen) ?y?tem ??? s?x lat? ? th? idea of g< eroalty with )r?eatlng companion?, Instead of pro vldlng for their famlll? Children ol beer ?iiii.K ers have now and will hav? ? ?teach iht-in the taste. 1,'it inti"h lesa llq i ?r would tx ?old ! with enforced Sunday closur? 4. He holds That If saloons were open after church hour? on Sundays ll vrould tak I question oui ol politic? Th? liquor-dealer? will never be content unt:1 they they are allowed to ?ell at every hour of day and night, on every day in the we?-k. '<? men, women and ? ?ill Iren, Nothing les? '.?.?I take the ?aloon oui ol i .1 HERACLITUS JUNIOR. Iirookhii. Mai c-i 16, 1K?5. TENNESSEE PRACDS. To the Editor of The Tr bui e, Sir: 1 n?.;. ? : ? lltorlal ai nt on South? ern election law?, api .pos to Stephen B. v. pamphlet <?:i negro ?-'iI?;?? i.i the V itl i am glad to be abl? to Inform ...i tha your i.Itlon and that of y? . ? ndent. oi.'??'. i -.? fai a< >? ??? lectl ?n la??.? ..i I ni.-ii'. Is of ' In I ' - | . -.i. , i ..m a native of Tenn? ?< . wa? born In Tennessee, ? an I have ii.?- i In T? rtnessee all m; III four generation? >.f my ancestor , and I tl I know whal l am saying when i : my own 6 it? i hei peopl. Wo ?.:?.| fa-.r and iwi until 1889, ? when the dominant pi .- ?els? i ??. th n tit of ? reform, which wai cs I the Re publl m w- wa? <? ?: tsntly In r< islng, and it took to.? much balk? box stuffing to keep them In ? power, ? includi I the) .-. il I legalise ? ery Then came such law? a? the Poll Tax 1 i ?ortch Refj iti w. will . ? ?? ? , . all name? of c indid it?-? In : , '? Chief Justl ?? Ti .i..--, d? <??- >n tha) .. ?. ,tei )ix his t:?i.. t withe , ever) oni kii.,w.- i- a .i. . - f.,.- ., , i onfllct with ti:-' St i ;?? i ' .? i -, glad to b< able 1 . . i, ,?.-,? law? i and m- thod? have ?lern? ] the Uemocral c pai i an cost t! ?-???. I but t-? ?a', i r. lion? the com ? ?,?? n n ?.,, ? -, .,.., :. .,- i.... i.i. Is putting i i louai) mad rhi lei the win?! i and th? st..: n - -..,-:.,,,.,,,. i -, : people of the South a? a gel ?.f me oil 1 metho !??, an I if I mistas. fair and free I If i ' ?? : don'l give -is fair ? lo ;? dose of Noi ih Cat most fiel It In ) .,.. ! aino'i!; all claat ' pi? ?i A BM1TH. r.? rdstos ' . P? ' i Mar? h : AM BRIC AN CIX)THS IN iv:i.l-'lt MARKET.?! To the I Ito . ':' b Sw- in differ? nl it er? a repoi American clol is are so . mark? , and rlghl In the ianufac)ur Th? ?.- omal ... .- a] pa rent to < ? ,,' ?\o .; manufa? I irii g. bul trmp i elth? r. ? ? , . rathei in able partly, and if th? w 11 hou t ai DUN l'a.--j. , .*- larch H, IS it.i.;-: Ki.M.i.,.. : T- ; - H . ?? >,: HE POOH To :t,e Bdltoi i f ','!-e Ti lb me, S'i : In ?. ? ?terd I of T Tribune It It ?tat? .1 in aa ? dltoi tal on ? : ila" "that free I ? ' ? ' - poor bave ? I? d te to Ou? el A ? Xxt held ? ' - ? let) hll? man,n, ? . ,| ;, . i . ... ,,. ,,, .., . us induatrlal ?? ho ? .i i.:. , ., * ??.ii'J?.ii.'ttitlii |ii .,:.:, ,,1 ii- ,??, ,n:? on? schools for the iiejrlcc'fd children of the poor. The need tor manv mor' h nd rvnrten? i? pen urrtn' and no other mi ?am for helping and rduost'n-r thes.? . ? M . .1. '. pply . ? pla ? "? th ? kindergai ? i ? ???? the he?i opoortiinltle? ft an ?'. ng ? > itldren ol foreign blood and Its influii-m.mnoi ?v measured. Thou of these little ones o| poverty shonl?! i?e in I, ., \V. I. (JR08VEXOR. Tork, March II UM ?-? en ?? RETART f?RERHAM'i BTRANOR ADVICB L'itact) THE at'RRKXOni OF i*i'.lN'*Hi? THAT THE ?;!:': vn->T aMRlUCAfl DIPltOMATS I! \\ i; t VT.ASIN'-I.y ffllK.IJ?. To th? Bdltot of The Tribun.'. 61 r in youi edition of Wednesday, March IS. tl ? Secretar) ot State, Mr. Orasham, is report?rd as ?aylng: 'Thai whatever may turn out to be the regard ro 11m Bring by a Danish war- , n an American merchantman, it would have ' !.u wiser, perhaps bsd captain Crossman ho ind I'liir.'-e! the Spaniard to make such Inqulrtea aa t ' the charactei and mission of ?he Alliance ?i i... might think neceasen Such a coulee would noi have lessened th? rtgbta of tiie Alliance under the law, and would have detained her bul a shot time. The ?Secretar) says thst it I? generally aafer I : >r merchant ships tn act thus under th? conditions as report? I, and subsequently lo (nek? complaint , for damages or such redress a? muy be deemed up- j pi oprlate." ila advice of Mr are?him Is apparently given In i ew i.'-* only of this occurrence, bu? s;?,; of tin I in- occurrences thai may arise in the future, ind ; msj be und rstood sa addressed ?generally i" our It la ?1e?ervlnR of careful con- * . ,. ? ion, In the llghi er principle and authority. I, |( maj : e ? .l-ri ai Ihe Secretary's answer io Captain Crn man'? Inquiry addressed to thai , a? to whether "ihe Spsnlsrd had any ri?;hi j lo . romp? i ni" to he ive t ?'."' The answer of Mr. Qreshsm will he ? surprise to student? ? ' International law, M well sa i" sturdy : ?.. tike Captain Croasmsji. II bsa >c leasl m mend 11 t i th? attention of both .,? . > || is absolutely and undeniably ndvel. The . of this pleasure ;-- dull? 1, however, by the frequency with which th- author "f the doctrine has ?tartlcd hli fellow rttlsen? with novel invention? .,, ihe realms of International law*. '?'?',* may there C re procet ! wlthoui ?ndue excitement to an ex ?:i .- ti " official deliverance. |{ ; ??. ne principle of international law which, mon than another, Ihe United State?, aa the I nal m of tho modern world, has ?trenu ,.,.', and ronslstcntl) contended for, It la thai no ;.? i ?[.. in limes of peace, be \ Islti d or search? n the high "is >?? ?n arm d vessel ther nation. For over fifi year? ha Cnited ? ngaged In a vigorous an ! almost con I ndence with Qreal Britain upon this ?i. TV. m,. ? eminent predece?sora of Mr. il ice were a* least equal I i ifci own. laid II ?'.-?WA In ihe most nd ? . - il term? thai no t m h righl exist?, ind thai the rnlted Stale? would any attempl en th? pari ?*>f any nation to y ere Is? auch ? pre? tend? i righl .?s against ?ny American vee?el. ? n for the abolition of the slave trade, an on ? ' v praiseworthy in Itself, would the rnlted State? admll th? existence of inch a risht ,,- ni., power to be exercised except under ihe sanction of expresa treaty atlpulatlons Such ??? principie rotrtend?Pd for t>y Adam?, Web? ster, Marcy. Cas*. Fish, Rvart? and other Ameri in ? itesmen oh" have held the p.'siilon of B tut. of SI ? ? N"..r did any of thr-v.? emin.nt diplomats ndmit r n- an Instant an II I ??' m betsre? the rlghi ot hi ol * arch. The tWO are In -?parable, the term "visH and search" beina s well understood phrase of International law, equivalent m tii" "droll de visit." of th* Continental Juri?-!-. md itgnlfylng an invasion of the personal security , f g -. . personal security la Inviolable, ?. invasion can tx . tlfii i ? nly in lime? of wai when om heiliger ni Invade? it to pre eni c Innerei il dealing? with the other beHlgerent, or io prev? liver) of contraband of wir. The most thai ?/a? ever conced? i In Ihnea of pnce waa the right of ipproach t? ascertain the national -, ? i and preven! piracy. Hul even aa : i thi i xerctae of this latter right, we have thority of the iuprems Court of the . Btal .?? tiii contradlotlon to th" high authority of Mr. OreShant, that it is not th- duty ,f the '."--?1 "approach?.<i" to He by ant aw^Xit Ihe ; visitor. In the Marianna 11 v.;. iton'a Reports, pp. *tJ-*i*. the Court "?m ?he other hand. 11 la Clear that no al under any clrcum ? I ?und to II* by or wall ? the approach if any other ?hip. She is a. full lib? erty to pursue her voyage In ?her own way. .ind to m ? all necessary precautions to avoid any sus I . ? : : *.,.' attai k." i o? ver, - noi tl ?? Ural time thai there has been a ?erioua difference of opinion between tire-sham and the Sup ? me i ?ui I ol th? l S1 it s. Wo may be pardoned perhaps If, under all the circumstance?, w.- prefer t.. adhere : nlon ot un* latter, a? a ?otnewhsi more pe? mi oi an ....,?-. authority. Mr. Webst?r, also, in 1..-= ?itl- .al correspondence, i- a- laid down by the Su ? ..,; ...h an ability und msalth of l**arn Ing thai have noi been surpassed In anj ?ubs? quenl discussions of the question, llalli*' U In hla "International law" I Vol. II, p. HO, London, 1878) ???s thai ib?' iriewa of Mr Webster on this on are full) sustained by the pest writers on Ian .n America and Europe." Mr. Wheaton, iti his essay on ' Visitation and Search" (ISC), de? m?nstrate? conclusively on principia and authority thai the doctrine Is sound, and d?lies an) one to show a .--it't;:?i passage of any Institutional writer on public law, oi th? Judgment of any , oi:rt by which thai law i- administered, either in Kurope oi Vmerica, which will Justify the exercise of auch .m on the high ?"?as In times ol ?'.. ?. md op m m of Lord Stowell, ih? greateal Km llsh a Imlralty ludae, io the effect tli? "no authority can l>- found which glvea any right of visitation or interruption ovei the v?sasela and nsvi patlon of other States on th? Muh sesa, except ai..' ihe righl of a*ar glvea to belligeren ta .?miinsi iieuirala." There i- no pretence that ? stale of war exlata between Spain and Cuba which vr?.? 11.i luatlfy the ?xerclse of ?, lllgerenl rights There Is no pretence thai the Alliance v..,? n pirata, oi wa< ausp<*c??H] of being one. there la no pretence thai she at tempti i to conceal her nationality. On the on tuny, si" observed the courtesies of the sea, sal - ai ish u.ii /easel and received th? n h salut?-. Ta Bugjresi tha 11 re I sic WSS bound 10 II? : await ihe approach ?.r the Spanish .-essel much 'Min :,i .i?it and search, I? lo ? chlblt a prof? i ... i ' ? ' \iu.-i | a.i pi.dent i ? ? tablished principle? of International law ? r .' lamentable Ignorance of auch pi.lent? ,? , i rim ' ei ;>? then w,. il i It have been ? mi' for thi v liian? a to he ive : ., an I nub mi; lo ' luirles" .?-? the Rpanlat I mirh ,! ??'? nee? - - iry" ' -f ihe Span arti had no ? iaht t.. make such ".nqulri*??" (noi? thi euphenilstli ,i,,i "-?? ror th? Spaniard's "three solid ?hou"i ?herein lies me wisdom or safet) ol submitting :, !" li w.i\ man I? firing solid .?. ??; m Is .?.? d traveller, Is :? ' the latter lo "heave to" until Ihe I ? m ? easy range, ot . an m ce a hi? ). distance and . ? | .'?',?. ??'?'?'" f the i un? Si retar) Is putting the maite ?>s ??.' ? ? .n? dien ' anfl noi o? la? the i ? "i.nni'ii -sense oi i.u!,I refutea hla , -, ? | of ?he whole mattet \ ?,. ' id no rii lo i and to ? 1? ? tpl ?u in int. rrogati . ? '!,., -??. lh< \l ai .... had a r.'.-hi t.. .-,. ,,.. ?"l!'' seareh, mi ri npl. or Interrogatloti I | ? ill ".nil ',i! \i, ilresham n would hi '.? I" en "a I? er ' an?! "??..???. ?,,, (. . , ' -'??-"" :.i all ol ?1 ? low pro?-? . I - lo natie negotiatloi ' :' ! ?? '? ? aptaln Crossman may ?afelv .,,, ?. expressed In hi? lei i to th? la "I did nut and do no ? - ? sing tin,.- on mi loyajre? ?', . unboat? ?n any other?. .' ?Tesni in ? ' B. w. II! FV ' r Ithaca, N. 1 March M. 1 ' '' ' ' R I \'f w !? i ITOMB. ol The '''in. in? ? ' The Tribune's readers I went to let ' ' ? ' ? ? th? bl v ling n. ?*?? -?o i ,,.,. . darlty of the exerr -.- m t !'?" i ?' a? ranti uttei tlon to it K? ep it u?, v , ., , JAMK? IVATSOX. i ork, M, ? - ? - TO MAi: l'\i\ \ ?IMRICAN SELF" !: I. -I-,., ? r. To ? ? i . loi ?' i t- Tri! uni ? I ? mm- has clearly si: iwn In to-day'? ? '?? dlplon alle history, ? ? i ? Alliai, .i Incideni Is : !"- ' am - ure nine li nthi of i.i- ? ountrj would !.. artlly approve ?\rnei an m m-of ^.u ,. off tl ? . n ?ml of < uba f.,? ? men ??ant rten ha*, n? . Itln at? h islnesK Si>.tln nkliia ?h? i- flrat-iat? '?: ?? ? ?uffet a S?cr?tai ? ul ..'?? like v :?? f..-t.-i i ' . ? " , , A NATIVE AMEItlCAN. i.i ,-", "? VIN'HT MII.ITAKT l?i;il.i. .i 'i I.- 1 ? bune, '?'.: Indlj ..'i v. |, i?.. |., ,, . ih;,., ??""? ? i ?. 1 i im ii.'ioih. ion Into n??- pai.i," "? ?' ' ' ' I hen . an ba llttl qui '' ' ' ? ? I la with ( he ?pit it .it m?.t defence Ho? ?i< i ??' -.?.-. it ata. ms spirit thai pcrvad?ad lha ??uth I'?!?"?- 'he Civil War. but thai did BOt ?'??*"' . ..,.., m , . N irth ntll It touched th? ?jura and Stripes, it ?.oes ,,?? belong to on Intelll K..r,i ,,?.i su, rasful Ind i M si ? on munit) Iti ad .,,. ,? ?, ,?? i,, the h en isim inn " ? ? P lal and i ihar, sad I i th'la a ? ?Iveal la the en? foiremenl of Uva and order; bul wh< m k> llu ? ? ,?,.? to i rf? : In ?Hillary skill? Only it.???? to whom ?w? ma) look foi this prot? it Ion - Sol si ,i? ?rrsej ,,.>,?.?.??.? ,,. giv? sll of n.mine lenere lloa Bn equal opportunity '..< skill [n the .????;?' "'.?, ?, that all ?if mem may ?be rsad) sclsn "ncaSy\?? efflclently to kill ?."-'' ? ??,?*? ?ame spirit which ?.- Aaron ^ .^";>'*V'?,( ander Hamilton :..-.?Plan.?' with the usa?? oi ? ?\l .i-:? ,,?<i tf on? man with a pistol came to be monstro?? In the ?e>ttlement of j-n-onal affairs. wh? -ho'.'-i ? thoui ind men with ?rots be a beneft to Urse' .u?tmeni.?- caa hardly assert that , :. for brute fore? has pasted, bul ?y* may "ontend thai we lo no ni il to make ? state ot thins* In our country where "Greek meet? orees ???r ?Kuatlon preclude? th? Ilk llhood of precipila? ,??, into foreign warfar? wlthoui ampl?^tlrae for provision, and I) Is Ihe best patrtortlsm that labors fur th- ? mdlUon? that lift all ai ink nd to the h gh if p,..? of developraen! MARIANA w. CHAPMAX. Brooklyn, March n. I?W . ? JESS! !?F l--??i:i:sT OR PETER MINUITT t.\? T? PROM i.i;wr.N GOI.VQ TO SHOW THAT THE FORMER WAS THK TOITKDHR OF N?-:?\ \M-?TKl:|...M. T,, the Editor of The Tribune. s.; i-i the latter part ?>f lasi January there .-?p- , peared In ihe aewspapora of thia city a letter to li rr Oaultlon, Vienna algned by th.- "ContWen- i t:.,i Beiretsry to the Mayor.' sad containing ?"?? eral extraoi Unary ?l itement? sa to the rounding of New fork City, then New-AmstertJam, bj Peter ?,,., ... ... I'ossesslng ?orna inform?t-;.m on that hu?,i..-, myself, 1 still tboughl II besi to *srrlt? to Mr Chsrtes M. Dosy, Archlvlsl of l*ej.a, Hoi nd Inquire Into the historical facts, l luve just received his answer, which I send herewith. When the delegation of the Holland ?Society of v. wT-rk visited Holland in 1W ? ni"ji elaborate dlspbiy of old maps, books, engravings and original manu cripta was prepared for us at Leyden, and l had In my band the original minutes of the City Council of Leyden, dated August tt, ISO, granting permleslon to Jesse ?le Forest to enrol the W?lto?ai colonista, sad those ?dated January I, UM. giving i to (lei ird de Forest to iak? the position of "dyer." former!) held by his brother Jesse, "gone lately to the West Indies ' tAlso the original muniiwrlpi poll-ux list, giving names, loealltl? ,,,,.! a.. .. .?,,.. ?. 0f William Rrewsier, .John tion ind th- ruher i'i'.r.rnn Fathera while they , were llvln i I.- -. ,l?-n In I?f22 ? As I do noi i.'i'.v the ?ource of the Information of the residential secretary t?. the Mayor, i do not I . hot? far he la excusable for the grave errors contained In hi? lettei li I? to i.? regretted that auch prror? could i.Isaemlnated even ?4ua?l-of Hclally OEOROE IV. VAN" SIC LBN. New-Vork, March 13, lis*. ? ipy.i i.r? rl< i., Jtth ?-T February, l'A?. l>.??r Sir: T..., ask my nrdnlon about ? lei er 'hat Mr Hi i roa i, ? onfl len) il i le to ' N> i) or of your city, wrote some week? ago ;-> ?? gentleman -?; Vienna about the foundation ?.f New-York Fou un rlgh) In thinking thai the question does intercrt me, ??? i made res? irche? ai??,ut Jfsse de Forest nt j t,ve?nes ind Sedan. Mr. Burrow? reject? the claim of foundershlp of your t?>??n for Jesse, and considera Peter Minuli a? the only ?me -a ho come? ,:i foi thai hor...'. li. aasen boldl) lha) all au- ! thoritlc? agree thai this Peter Minuit -??r-??)\??? i In - \. ?? Nrtherland .... May i 1813, purchased Man? hattan Island from Ih? Indians, and founded In I ?h tame > ????, 1932 -New-Amsterdam (baptised, MM, Nea York). I ran sssura you thsl all authorities asree that Peter Minuit ar-i??.! only in l****S This I? Important, aa the prboie question dependa on dates. I must. however, ex?'use Mr. Burrow* fot this mistake. As not a single dati In his whol? letter is correct, al leas) "i the ; Int? i op) you sent rn<?. I suppose that i: ?s no) his, but the ,.. evil's fault. Mlnuil ?-. . th? thli I .;.... rtn.i of the colony; he ? organized ihe administration, h<- made s .r?-aty ,\ith the 1 rendered i he ! hitch pro? prietor? ?>f the whole Island, Instead of possessors only by ritfht of (1rs) discovery of occupation; h* ? 1 the ?ettlenienr that had already existed three yesr? HI? Importance for th? colony ?hould not he disregarded, but before hi? directorship, ?Ince Id. there ??a^ a settlement ?-.n Manhattan [??land thai had airead) rec??lve?l Important ac : !.. Holland, with .? supply of tlvesto k and fanning tools, Jesse de F? real, born at A\-.?s:i,?s between 1570 and IM . n 1(01 and !?>??? gi Sedan, and IS06 it ?..-? ! n, had applied In July, M21, In the name <>f fifty-six V. alloon famille?, who wished to go to nia, :?. i lie A ml sai a Im of Engl,, i -i i the H i ; ie fo i ? ' m nslon and ?> islatance from the king of thai . lunti The royal answer wa? not sal - factory. In August. 1*122, Jesse s.?nr ? petition t.? the Btate?-ileneral of the i nited E?rovlnce? aaklng 10 be alloue.i to enrol l'r??t ?-tall t families for emigration i?> the West Indien, as America was commonly called in that time. The Dutch Weat India ' '".ut. m?. ?? : ,h ??a? yt In procesa of or? ganization, of course highly approved this project; 11 may be ?ha; the attempt of! 1821 had fixed the attention of the directors on Jesse, and thai th?) had encouraged him to hi? addreaa to th.- Dutch ? ; \ ernment '?-..- ? , ? the p rmlssl? n s s granted, a ?hip wa? equipped, and ht March, 1*123, ih ? ?X, -.. W: hei :., : ( ? I Dm irea with thirty famille? aboani. In May the mouth of th? Rh r Hud.ion wa ? r? i 'hi I. oi . i?>: ?n i f I -;?? i?< w.?ni mi an?! ' t Fon ? .:-.,n^.-. th.? origin of th? presenl Albany. But the other part ?ettied on Manhattan Island and the name Walenbogl r \'.'a!loon l'.a?. th? Wallaboul of to-day, hears testl '. thf'ir being Walloons. It cannot be de ??,i?-l that from that fact, from the arrival of the Nea Netherland In May. 1623, date? the permanent 0 'Upatl n of the alte of New-York. I'd" assertion of Mr, Burrow? thai the ?Vallo na ?if .ii.-s? were aeni to America by the Dutch pro - In .'.'. ? ,'? meai - ?". a year after the purchase of the : land ??23, I? in contradi?? ... v. "ii the ?tatemen) of the ?-: historian? of thla part of American history. Brodhead, Balrd, Rlker, Orant Wilson an i others As for Jesse himself, Mr. Burrows Is no: alone I: doubting that he e\'er came to Manhattan (?land Indeed, there is no testlmoi ? ol his presence ih?re; almoal ai: ???? knot* about the earliest history of Vew-Yorit ?va-, discovered "..i i?.hk a^o. As Mr. Gram VYIlson remarks in his work. -The M.? mortal History of the City of New-York." even the fad Peter Mtnui ruled h?re as director "was ?omewhai apocryphal un II recent years." \W kr...... ... ;? two of th? colonist? of 1?S3. Bui 1 think we max be sure of Jeaae having taken the prominent place among them thai hi? organisa? tion of ihe expedition assigned htm to It wss Jesse who had written th? address to England and who v?.,-. the edvocate of the would n ? colonists before the Ambaaaador; It was ,i^., ivn.i had given tl,, Impulse r. the expedition b?, hi- petition to the States, snd had enroll??,! the emigrant? The doubt that he did no) accompany them and the assertion 'hat he ?'.ni to r.-.izii and died there rep,,--.- wholly on the misunder? standing b) Incomplete knowl? I?..- of an sel of the Common Council taken from the Leyden archive?. Oerard de Fores) ask??.I from the burgomasters the authorisation t., replace aa a dyer hi? brother I "who had lately gone to the Weat Indlea." Th?. permission w.,s granted on January 1, 1624, and aa ?, naval militar) expedition lefl Holland on the L'tst and :_'.| of I ?e... mber, l?US, II .nu'd ?o tome authors likely th*?i the word ':.i-,?-i\" had relation to that expedition of a fortnight previous. The? forgot thai nol ?to- burgomaster? but Oerard had uaed that word, they did nol know thai he had need 11 before the date of :n.?i ? ?xpe liiloii. for 11 ?va-; exactll on I'-i-ml,?:- L't thit the maglatrate? aeni the petition foi advice to the \ if ? i,., n n' the Dyer?' Guild. There had been no voyage to the Weal Indies at that moment "lately." other than that of th,? \.-?? Netherlai ! and ?;.rails rxpreseion could no) relate to an) ?>ih.?i one, Ha there la no doubt thai the Brsl permanent ?et i lernen) on Manhattan Ulan,l datea from May, ,,'.::. the facl thai Jeaae de '..,?.??! prepared and organised thai r.nlxatlon uni ??.as almo?) certainly th, leadei of it glvea him i right t?> he called the founder oi New-Amsterdam. To Mi fJeorge u Van Bleien, New-York Inttrartiott. . For Boy? and Toung Men.?City. C?,i.!.i:.;r. i-,:i PARATIOX. Regmt'a Baamlnatloa? am aiu?enta admitted ?vltho . | ? -,. private lea ?". : ??"' lat?sima? ? ? i.i - ?- niaiheni ? ? ... backward i'.:- ? ' ??? . ?Jltj t'.t..' KrlHoK, ::;:? w . ?. 4iuli -? ,V?:.. >?,,.,. m st.NK.-'i , ? ISth-at. N T K I V Irr. 1 rai II? Jl ?chool; da? ?,, r\ru\nf. AiiUrrsn for cat. ? , - ' I.KMKNT <?. OAINI'S. Mount Mnirta Hank Bld?, ? TMIVKRSITT ORA MM A h ,-.l!i).,l, r,_' \v.Rt BSth-at - ?.. !fi?, ^'a,r- .,?(m*r", ,,h*' b*,t *-S?sf?t?SS for thorough LlaraleaL Srlentlfl? arul lltislneaa Kducatton ?i ...n--i aumtier el boya r-.?,?i??i ir the iTm.-inai'i family Aspty v ratawtgue asa lafawaaiion. j Dickinson, jr., rrtn. Tiiunr? Ladlea. City. "il M.KMiiISi:i.l.|.; VKI.TTN. ' SCHOOL Knit ntnij? FIREPRUOV SCHOOL U1 l'.!?tN'r?. its am, i?-.' wear 7<ith-?st. COLUMG ?PREPARATION. ?\ll.-s ?lil;|!',N.- KCHOOL l'un OtRLS. New-York City. .?I Ha, .'..'? Weal I7th-st?, MliR HARAH II !-.ME)tsON. I'nneipHl. A f?w ijoarrUag pupil? ial??n. W I. OK THK KISTERi OF rill". CHURCH ?~ KoUDded l.y Mi? SvlVaSM H?e?l. I?,,| ?.',( half y?j. . r.1 - Fob 1, ?.latui-ln-Charwe. S ?r,o ? K 5.1?i-?\ ?"ivu; M ISS I a i.i.Y'ii :-. ii?,?,1. inn >,ntL.s. Rivntairoa muvk. Wth arul SCth Street?. Naw Tor*. K,.r Both ?s.-xes -Ci'.y. N ?'?'?" '.?,.?:;: 1 1 ,' 1 s robluEOl iXiti it \ t \ 11?". Pi ? lU-al .I.....I, da-, or avenlag AddriHa r.,r rai ?.:..?.,??. ? LKMKNT ?' ??AIMS. M, in, Morr!. Hunk BMg '|',.i. ii'1- . ? . Him,1. 1,f. 1 \.\,.i a?.K:i 8 Madli ? ?! ?t. and H ?v^rt ll-arrfir? m lha |.r,ii,-ipal Au.eii ,,n and Euroocaa ritir*. hi a ,.-i:,i cecina n??. For Young luidle?.-Country. W . MARI :?? M? SIli ' IIAHUEN CITT. N. T. ? aliaga Prepat itoij and 1 lectiva Cbursw of StuJr. N??? M? -?.ii aa? ?-?i.., i.,:,?.n? ?r?:. ??ppiieatlona for n?? . ?I 1 .. 1 , , part] -n .,.,,. la :,,,.!-. .,1 once. M H I.IA II I -\ltWFl.f, frn.lpil \. ' ' it ; 1 -i Ml Vf A NI ? Mil. 1.11-I loss |. ? .1: TIM ' ? ? ,'OHK riilHI'NI ?-ut, m: in: I'KIVKll IT I III' I'HOWi ,".;,! ?... 1 ji.? 11 , : ? - . i , north ,,f Thirty Brat-a?.; .u..l xl\ i:tt al ?I?- foil ??tim Ht m I, Office?; fflM Eighth ????. ? ? ruin-r l?A,nt> [|,i.,i tl , 152 ?rii?.:!, ???. Jnstrnction. For ?bunc Ladle?. Country. ? ? I 1'"? t '?'?' UOsfg -? I .?'i??.' vi! if ?,p-nnl Mar '?' tor II,- |. ||| ' |f,i...| famlli?-.. fllOOl ?I? 10 tnlrti-en pean ..' .,i ,: gtougtiton, lias? ??M m?nate? b] ?? i i: (ton m,, fro i.i.iri. i? Hi- pleasant panoaag? ... ? .,,.. a i- p.. r. alb ? P ? ? '? ' ? ? Mia l'ei-j v.,ii i- ?iv? '.'mu. ?la to eight litt ??v.. iii.tti h bvalthi h? p.' horn?: Engt I ?I tult *.. ?" ?*? ? i ? lor? and '.?re, phyalcal raerclse?; eatdo r and i pieasurw, tm* Hen?? Sebo il ma n. ' . it? snd ruant .in. ?boat tn travel Mi*, s. n. Perrj can b< during March in Sow \ rk, ?fan ;? picture of iir? n >n??. ?I .'.i Wesi s?th -? (afternoon? after S p m I, ah*?? ?hs . will funiisi the ????' at cil) rtferre??-? and ?'???'? teraaa In April she will reetlvi spptlcathm? In Boston aj So, h> Batavia ?t. Arl?r April ?? M .?i?l.?? " M i" \V Al.M T LAN!-: IWTtOOl? ?? Bnar4l??r, DSV ?nd rvdlee? Pref\?-?tnrv flee rMi: N"i , retas fp?n? September Nth, fir ?fu??as s?Mr??? Mr? THODORA II RICHARDS. Principal. Una BAJU LOL1.SK TRACY, A M . Aaeorts ? a-imini.'.iii I'l led :-,.?? u Fr; Roys and Young Men.?Country. HORDENTOWN ?N. ?.i MILITARY IMWTlTVtB, RK\ T. II. BA.NliiiN, PRINCIPAL* CAPT. T. I). LANOON. COMMANDANT. ?/ I.'iV.'ooli SCHOOL POR BOTS a' Milford. C s? J l'?r.-rt* ?rbe ?re un*"rmr?t? In the ?,..<? ,,:-m?r- of ihelr ?<;n? will dn well to profit t>v th? sd ?nt^ft alParaA by my ?ch.x.1; th? ?<*h<iol I* In ssesj n d ir!nr th* ?nt?-s ye?r. FRANK M HOWE Supt. I?' MKFIELD A?-nd?m'- for Boy?, Falrfl?ld. < ma Com? Line* thoiMiicli rncntol stid pnrst'Wl ?rulnltn ?rlth o m f-.?-t* of home 20 i>iy?. Praaefs H. Brewer, A. M.. Prta F" KREH0LD INSTITUTE, Fr?eholil ?. J. -?OUi year. - ??oerdln? ?-rik-,.)| r'rlrr.sry. ?"oll'-a?. Pr?p2-*?-iry. HuslIMM Courue. Shorthand Typewrltln? T?le?raphy. MtPLEWOOD INSTITtTE, i"'.ni-?rdv1l|e. I'?nn- -f 193 per M*f A *u?*?~??*is?ul *-h?v?l : ' n? ',f the ?.?*' to in- | f?ae with .n?rtry and ? > wake up b"Y* tn th? d'ltles of llf?. l?oyi enter bei t collece. Ender ?1 years. 8174. J gnORTLtDOR ?Tal?i. A M.. Prtn. NgivTOk iN. J.? INBlll'LlB MomaiVjc* Family School for Ho?.??. B|?wlal care. perennal Inatnirtlon. Room? , ? ni! hell I'nin heated. J. WIIAON. A. SI.. Pria. ; Gchool ^gcnciifj. A OE\*r-7.-Miriam Cartttte ?uppll?*, tutors, pr":??*}--?. teacben, governea???, eta, in an te?sta; recoaunenda ?chool? to potante. IM? 5th-sve., Hot,W B'ldln?, ?or ??th-?'.. AgERICAN AM> POR??ON TEACHERS' AGENCY 1 ? Prof??or?. Teaehora T..t'.rH. Qovera?M??a Ac. to Collec?, Srhools sr.-i FamlII?H Apply to Mr?. M. J. YOCNQ-FITLTON. 2.1 I'r.wn Square. t'lSK TRACHRSS AOSSCIB?. New Vor It. H<?on '? ? hkagn, 1-u? Ancles, ?tr. H. R. Crock? W, t> Kr-, 1'. V. Huv ?oi.n A W O. Prstt. N. T. Mai *c?r*. TO Sth-a??. Orrait Oicant-rr? mm ?mm L i 8.Tg MEOITERRAK ? SERVICE? TO OIBMALTAR, UKNOA, NAPLEts. FttM? .March IS ? Ai?ier? .Napi?**. c.?^* Kair??r ,v. II.Merc1* ?V)......H.H-no? W*?m .Apr? II.O-no? ' Kaiser w. M.may *-.fiesoa W m .May is .'?-m n Ksn .lui ? i. ?;-??. Kei'j-n ii,k?t* available .'rom Medlterraneaa or tron , Iicni-t, 1/ nd ?i ' r Havre KKW-TORK, SOLTHAMPTON, BREMEK. FAST EXPRESS STEAMERS I Tahln. |80 and upward. II CaMn. $1.'? ar. 1 $50. Pourd Trip. $l?r, ?nd ?lOfi. s^.-,:e.Tii?>s . M'li. t!?. 7 ? m -i. T?.??? . Apr It n s. m. : lahft.TV*? . M? h. 2?. ? p n Ijhn. .Til?? . Apr CI Ip m. Trars Tues, Apr. 2. :> h. m Fulda.Sat . Ar- 1" ti ? ? ,'.. Apr. O, T n. m Trave.Tus?.. Apr M D Havel.Tues., Apr. PO.-? n? Em?.??*., May ?) n - SPrilNG BAILING I, IMS, TO FOrTHAMI'TON lLO.\t*ON>. BREMES. Havel.Tues., Ma) .!.'-.T;-* June 1? Baals .Titea, May m Fulda.*-'.it . t-in? 2'.' I^hn.Tu?-? . May 21 .-t ? .! u? June %? F'.l'la...???. M.,> -.-n Ems_.S?t.. Jim? 99 Trar?.Tu?- May 2? Hav-I.Tu??., July 2 Kais.-- \? |t Tu+t ' . 4 Trnve. Ilav?l.Thnr?., I ? ? ? . rue?., July i? Baal?.Tuea, .Tun? I! '..?.t ? ? . July 16 I NOTir-F Be-flnnlng with S. S T.arn M?r-*h 20'h. thee? s'.?am?r? : fr >m \?w-V..-r; will !->r1 p??eeng*f? st B?MHhaitpton oa Iha qua., alonrulle ?p?clsl railway Ixalaa fot I^r.don. Ko IrmJtot by Ien4ei OELRICHS .'.? ro., S Bowling Ore.n. LINK. THE O.VT.Y LINE mahnaln ng a regalar it-- Eiropesa ?nice to .?,?. Co?tin<Hit with TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS. I-IEW'-YORK-SOL'THAK! TON (LoadSs, I aiiM-HAM BUSO. Hr.Mlne th? r?c .rd for fast??! tlRM ? "? thai r-u'e. PPRIS?! 8AILIN08, EXPRESS STF.AMEKS. Vorm^nnio.M-ir. 2V 11a. m. A. Victoria..Maj l?i ? a. m. F H'-mar?K. April 11.11a. m ?'olumMa. .. .Miy 2"!. 11 a. in. Columbia..April 25. II a. im I* Blsmarrk.May SX 11 ?- m. NVriniinnit May 9, lia n. Norm?nnla...JuaeS 11a.m. i Cabla. ?*S0 snd upwsrd; II Ctbln. MS sad $80 /he [LsuCGofl the Ifflfldrofifflflott ?odod? friiii.? Ii NORWAY and NORTH ?'AI'E. <vl?o ,o RPlTZBERntSN. by th? ACOC8TA VICTORIA In JUNE, an I the NORMANNIA In Jt'I.V. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINK. S7 Broadway. N. T. "" oD?P?MIXIDRI?? PACIFIC MAIL S. B, rry. 0-~r!PrNTAI. AM' ORIENTAL B. 9. CO. St?nn.?rs i'-.i.? .-aa Francisco: CHINA, via Honolulu.- ?-M-iiM-h 2?. 3 p. m. BELUIC. .?.AprM 4. 1 p. m. I PERC.April IS. .1 p. m. , .- ii'-i-j,? . via Honolulu, April 23. 3 p. m. .?ir-,- OF r.t'> DE JANEIRO.May 4, :i p n. 1* - fr-'eh?, pausase and Inform?t! n apply I? MS Br idi-ay. t 1 Battr-y M?c-. Waihlngt^n liuildint, i si d '^>T Br ?nail si?] . CANA.HAN FAl'IFlf RaFlWAT. Intendi . ?t? m?hlp -., m,^. From Vancouver to cJ/?P?Rfl ?tMTD dBO?OK??, EMPRESA OF INDIA.April 1. June I!. ASgUSt 5 EMPREH8 OF JAPAN.Ap II 22. Ju*ie 24. AlSfUSt 2*1 EXHIBITION, KTOTO, JAPAN. APRIL, IBM. to HONOLULU,j-^ and M'STI^LjA R*ARRIMOO.April ISIMIOWERA.May 16 21 ca*'! i ?MOBuaodatloaa very low ratea F<*r tleketi ?nd fiei-jhi rat?? apply 353 Broadway. For I ? .-? I ::' SS U i.. . N. V. _ OA ?INO ABROAD " pa^STto ES HD S ? ?? E All IVave'.lins F^p?n?e? Included, will lave New-?^rk .lurir.K th? ?-avn l>y leadlBg S'eara- , ?hip Line*. Neat Departurea: April 24. a ?. "Majestic." May ?. * a "Kaiser Wilhelm II." M?'. 2\ ? ?. ' ll'-ir'i." .lun? 12, ?. ?. 'Pari*.'' POT later l'-pur* ire? ?ee Il!ii*tr?t??d Programme, fr?e ?t application. Independent Ocean and Uatlr..a.i . ?. ". wt.?Ii>. THOU. COOg * BOX. CifTli-lal 'I'm kd AffMt? tot u!l Trm-.k Ml .ind i 22."i Broadway. New-Tori?; n-intnn. 3:t2 IV??hlngton-si Philadelphia, t<2S Cheetant. ?? . Chi ago, 2:14 Bouth ?VHrk s: 4 - WHITE STAR 1,1 NU Britannic ..Mar. 2r>. 2 p talBrltaenle_ April IT. soon ?Mi.l-.-il- M.i. 27 S Su a. m.(*Majcat| ...April 24. Tern ?Adr.ati,.\piii j, noon.?"Adriatic....Ha} i. t?. ? ?i. ? ml?- Api 10. I .u?n m Teotvnl? . M.n I 7 a. m Fr m uii!? Bur Do?-k, : ? : ? i Vtttt i"-h ?? NO rOTTON CARRIED Bf PAHMENUER STK.tMl II? Salo n raaagb $6<> ?pwara, ac?eerdlng to ?teamei and M? ... i f berta, ?ge? sad cabla oa tiieee ??-am-r-t. frrri UP, srwrdliig to ?'?aiivr. --i? Mat.- from New-ToA $1" l'iepaid itcketk. 118 No. ?-"? Broadway, N'?? fork. Piula delpbla uftli e, l'N! \\ i?i ul n. ?1 MAITLANT? KERBET, A??nt A? CCNAltD I INK. ? T?*i LIVERPOOL VIA Qt'EENBIOWN. i... M? '-'??. ?? p m ??urania tpr I 2 p. m. t t-urt.i M. i. 80, ?? -.? m ! mbrla Ape. IS. ?a ? Prom r??: 4i?. N rth River, f?wl ? ' Clarkson-sf. Cabin pasease. Mi snd upward, s? end eabta W, Ji'). $45. sccnrdlng to ?teamei .ml ?~ *omino<Aattoaa Steeras? ticket* I i ?nd fi.t.i .ill parta iif Fur-ope at I \er> I v?. rate? F u fi?m-i.' <i ? is-;??. m>ply ?*. th? Company'? tri.-?. N i n sitng rireen. N^? Tont VKUNCiN* It BROWN .t CO., General Af?n??. ! A - CLYDE UNE. ?I! AI'.I.FS IHN. S. C., ?lie .?ioiith and guUtl>???L JACKSONVILLE and all Florida pointa i Kr'.m l"'?i ?w B, H. if j it ?-f lto.,.-?-. ?n ?t ). ;t p. m. ?\l.i;?)N??1 IN . ruemday, Mar.'li I!? HKMINOLE. .Friday, Mm-, n ?2 IRogi'OI? ..... . .Monday, March 28 All ?tciniers lias? Crst '??, passangc? ?crominodstlona. \VM. P. CLYDE A ?''?. Oeneral ksenta. 5 11 ?wltng ?trenn. V. T Fl? r?nt A P.-m Fa't F. * P. I.ltl?. Vl? .ta k? nv!..e, ' <?-?a: so i r?tr" I snd Passenger Line vl? Charleston. t i*. Fget. Oen'l A?t . .im B*?ar. M. Y. C10MP?GN?K <;kni:i:m.i: TTaBsaflBBtTque FRENCH LINK 1*0 HAVRE. I.A ?;\si-,i,,m; itaudelon . Sal . M?*h. 9S, 2 p. m. I.A fHAMPAGNK, l.uiii'1.1 s.,? . ||ch. :?'?. ? ? m :. \ i-.? u i'i'.iiiiNi: i. i.,....- ;.,i "?,''? ? '.I'Miiiin l.i? I?. ii r it I lie ??ill m.hI.?- an EXTRA SAH.IN?? FROM NEW-YORK r?i HAVRE, \\ <-.l n?-?ilu ?. \|.rll to, i?t l* p. ?i. New v..,k !a Aleuadrta, l^gypt, via Parts Ii i> ?alM no ?ii-??. Flrst-eiaas, ?nn?. seeond claw, ?tut A FORO ET, General A?, ut. N.> :t liow'.in? ?.;??. m \| Al.l.nliV STKAMSHII' I.IMIS ?'? Iron TEXAS OKUROIA *M> FLORIDA. Front Ne? JTork Wrdn?KU>> Friday imd Kalurdajr ? Dl I.IHHTI i I. ? l \ H v , VOYAOE HY SEA TO lIALVRMTON, TEXAS I : ?? .- h ,.,n i MRXIiT) c'lTI tND POINTH IN MI'Mi.? mut |? DENVER iltLORAlMl SPRINGS, HALT I IKN 'II V M.?,. to w n; wm'is. ?> ?mi ell ,?,i,.,,,,., lA'lnler Bawort? Fl/HCIliA \ IA BRI NHW It.Tt HA I?? lAt'KMONVILLK i4T Vfilt'BTINK I4\li'\ a. HTRAtQIiT and ROI'ND 'Util' TS-ket? I,-ir.1 i-.iiu.? in ill? above s?i,. i ?, ||?nt ,, eotnmoilailon? .'? ?i IIIHTS' TICKETH ?i r ??, ,? n||., ? ?l'Ali*.? CALIFORNIA ?"Im?::\|ii. KU>KIHA ?: i returning t" rail if deelred \Vi".> fni i.ur ?'.4|.ii?.- f. ,..? .,.,ll%>,1 f. ? H m ?.MA?RI i ?" ?;.>n v - ?m, . ?? ).- R N y NKTIIKItl.WI'S 11 M. i..i ROTTERDAM snd AMSTERDAM \ '.? ?Seule??? ?ur M^r FnutM - i WERKENDAM Sal urda) M.nii 23, .? I s ta K .- M ?i A Kl i A W F-sturd? U? :'" si t p m }???.' ..iiit'i. Hi and upward xrc-and cabin, t-'i?. ?-(??ru? ?' veri lo? mi-? ?? i i?l\ fot lourlai ^ ..u.i terme, ?;?n?rai Paasencei Aaency, :?? Braadwai 01 I ? I ? < ? M I N 1 i > \ I. I \ K, M-..I 'i* foi NORFOLK, PORTSMOl' i H OLD point "M '.'l:' ,?.| M'UI'OHT NEWS VtROINIA REACH PETKF.Sni'RO .?n, RIPHMOND \\ snd WAHIIINO. DN n i- Mo? T. SV..? Thurs sad Sat. Fur Hl. hm n.i. ?la JAMES RIVER Mn. W'.-d and Sat Por s\ rry point, va tu.-? mina, aad *-?t Fre? t"?. vi .n Ko V R. tea? Boat t? ?i . ai 8 t? ta, Mat i .irdaye 4 i> m Tluuiigh il.k.-i. and firlctit ??(?* to all i-, .... goulB ?Hit Weit 1 W. L. OUII.LAUDBU. Trafic Utaafu. xTtean Slfamrr?. KRW-YOKK .-'?I ?HAM ?TON Hx.ndor, Fart?! )'?-? .Mur 27. Il A M ?.eTn.A,,rll 24. DAM it-: n ...April ? tl A M *' ' T? '< .. .May t. -I aS Ne? Y? ?? A: ? ' ".. II A V P?rl?. May ?. tl A 3 >? ? : II * M It? Mar IS, Il A ? .. gTT?? iOIkSQE Ni:'?'. >' :'. ? AM'WKKK Rhyn!? l Mar. '-?*) I V t* .1 \\ ?;. N%) iv-??. in Mai 57 4 I' M i:h?r.l?n?l. . .Arm 2?, 4 P u ) I A M ? ? ? . . \\ ,,., , i.l .,? 1 |0, ?? i- M N -:v,.i '.: . - ? IVTERVATfONAL NAVKl'TfOV ?OMPAVT i-..- m ' RI -? C-sjlee I Bewllag ';r??n. s. j. \l KI) I)'' LINK OF ?rKAilBHIPM, _ for I..1 ?:,.-.:.. I' ? ? I ? ? ? ? ?M linn. . ,,t^.. ? ?la ? from Pierreoont - ? m *\n v s pHILAOKU'HIA.. ' :?. I p. ? .- ' .-Ai!?' * . Thiiraday, AptII 4. I p ?T .-? - ? i;\ \ ?/.< -i.:.?. s-.-?i .!.,-, April 1? 1 ?, ?~ Th?e? Am-'Vin ?t-*t??ra hutlt ?r.i?'?e?ly ??? the trail? ha\? *.?p- . ??? . ?i?'i ...i? for pa???n??r?. m ??-,,r ? . ?1 m ..'.?! M , .it. .. fr*.,.? I I .- MARACAIBO. ? ?? ' Wafch Si BOVi/rtiH, run? * r.'T.r.rrr ?Ton era I Hunifr?. ]3S Pr-mi-if. UAVANNAII LINE. THREE TIMES IVR??f. 1? l> from f :er *?. g. R . tOOt of !<p?1n?-tt . T'i??4a.. I ? ; .... ? ai . .-?unlay? al S P. HI F.,- '?.,,,'? W ti; aag? ?t'l'iy w . ?.. \V It I? IM "IT r;?r 1 *,.. ? r> IIASHAOEN '- A J t? ADAMS. <". F A PR I. tATALKRR. Ar: r> t c * p. n n ft "???? a r?', r? ->,?- ?.?, y ? O U amtP.PT.. Manarer. Public -Notices. |>i BLIC NOTICE. uFFICK OK THE CLERK Of 1 HE COMMON 001 N ?u K.^^M SO. ft. UTY HAJ.U NEW lORK ?111. :.. ?-Vor? M? P ;? -.-.-int in Slreel an? glv? ? f I by ihe ? . . y-.-t ,.,. . :..:,. a. . . ? 1 4??, ? ltE?Ot?VED, T i?l Thura?l?y, the el? IS!,., al ?ne .. ? 1'/? k In the ?ff '?.!;,. ' ' . I ?? ..r,.l th? ? ?': t f. r , ? ? ; ? ? ? * ..,.? . f, , ? ? try (.. the . m ?- ... ? ., < |ty ..t Ne? V. rk ' .--.? tr.4 t.< r.,a. . . - . , . ? ? ., ? - ? ? ?4 .?1 -.-rii ... tig wrtaln ? - '* aven?iea ?nd ? .ft?. fui". 1 , 't.- ' i". of New '1 ?. designated, - -.4 ?l.j? j. . - t' en ttjr th? 1 ird, \i$ dally for ? ? ? a two dally 1 ?"*? al ? 1 then for b> it? hon ? Mai r, ?,i : ?-'-,'... road I ???. ?> i,,.?.-. - * * *? - ? ? n... . Pul ?iven Ihn' a' ? ?,?-,1 in the r"^ lati.iii the .' Ilowlng . . { ?h? P- ?,- . - - ? *a a ??.,i.r?.| by th p ?f me R-ul '?.'l Law. f th? Cltg ?J N'e? Y??rh: Th.- n.??,'i. ?n f The !'??? [.*? Tr;.. ? n ? ripar... ' ??.? ' 'i ' . . f N - ? full) ?) ..i, 1 ??? late of '?- - York : . com ?? ? 1 tig a . '.. . 1 .... prof ira, | .-.:???? - , ? . -.-? 1 .?.--. n -1 thrmigl - -j ? ????- 1 and hit In the 1 '? . f Sr-. York ? ????'. i:??t s ? Hundred and ? R" ?k .. ? ?? 1 i < , ? . ? 1 |i . ID .11 ? i It . I ? I running ea?>? ? . : - ... . ._. . ? running , - Broadway. 1 - ? ! , < . ?? ? -,d : T ' I .r i. ? r ," ? ? ' - ? ? . a-i I r " - and then -a miming ?eat? ., : ; ? ? .a Itandr- t t?, ill lr.'--i?. tlon won ?,,??? ,-,a Hundred -.n.. , . aini -: ? ... H in?lr*4 ?n I Port ? . ? ? ? ? all Runga? s'--<?t. " n - runnli , . ?Jong ?.nd met to (ha ?:?--. Ri ?r m l/^ng ' And, ., ?;-??' - * - - af -.'?. 1 a?n-i? ,? I Ea !-. . :?-. ' ? --i', and r^n . ? ?-.-.--. .? ? . ipon ?aid '?'?'? a (..?.-? ?.-.- 'I :. lr??d and -vjgb. ?long ? . mM i:.,-- ? ? red an) airty-flrth ?? ? ". ? .??? r. 1 -Te?;t; ?h?n - ? . t - ? through, ? ? upc/n va ! Ettartor T.rtot B? I aval .-..-oogh. .? at -? t ?Jgdei a'.?i i? ? la :. ? - action ?-? 1 A ta ? runnln 1 ri uutif - 1 ?. . . m. ,n -.,'?:.-.? .- ? teraection with ?:., ?? ? H ,-.,|i. . ? !'? i'.herbed a. -. i g and upon ?aid Kuit 11 .r?,i ..r .1 .-??'- ? I tan*. tr, >ts ?,.?-,? . i ?.afterty Igh, a, nc ?nd -ip n --?Id ??? n? a??^la? ... .- ..- - . ? . '. .... ?.-n : ?Vend ver a-. ,:.?.e ; raectlon with Waahlng* r?mue; \- 1 a'?.. beginning al the Inten? - f Pi ? I a?-??,,.??? . ?i Eaai ? .ne Hundred an 1 Slsty-olnth ??.? -?. an.I running t?ence we?i,rlv thri.j?h. alor.?- ar, . ..1 aald Baal On? Hundred ?nj Slatr-nlnth afreet t., its infer ae.'?|.,n ? Franklin avenue; then ?? r.r.-.r.g ? k ?n I upon -.? i Fr? .. ? ? ? ;t? in . :. ??::t, i:ast ?me Hundred ????? A S:\-> eighth ?tr?.?'; running ?*?.?t^riy ihr-.ugh, ?long and utxin ?aid Beat '.:.,? a :?. !r.-,i ani Btaty-elgbtb ?trtaK to un inter ? ? with CritalUna avenue; then-? running aouihw-.? erly through, along an?l upon ??aid Crertlln? a.^:.^- , ? ???-- ?. n ???? Ea?l ' '-,' Hundred and ?slxfv ? ?treat: Ihei.o? r..r'?;.n>< ?-.. ?? -:? ihr i?.- atom ?-aid l*aat On? Hundred ??. t Blaty-eerenth ??-? ? ? , Inter? I : ??? Gera : ??? lie I taco r::r?..::.g ? erly t;.: . . ind up a I Oerard av? ? ? ?% Inter? tloa alth McCtelland ?:?-???? ? w??t er'y through along ? :..; upot ?:.-'. ? ? ita *?' ?.-" .*. '??-.. ?? ruai :? rthweaterly thi ?- a a^:,| Mai- i r avenue f 1 it? Int ? lunninn ?reaterly thr ?? ? 1 1 ? ? I Birch Mreel tolla Intersect)?*! ? g and nd W t ? ?:? ? in It? interaertton ?a.-'i - , . rnnmnic n.?r"-,erl> thr igh, al :.K a- ! a-.enur ,,. \:^ th Depot I la ?? Ai running ? terly i!.r ,u?rh. ?I na an : 1 ':,;..?? the ira ka of th? New-Y rk ? a:. I Hu? ' Vnd tlao. begtanlni [ ?!- --?; .-??? nue anl Ctlfton, or Ka?t ?in? Hundred .. -'!??'?" ?nd runnln? : upon ?a)4 ?'lit'ten. or r. ? One Hundred and g)sty-Sr?t >tr??.?f, to it? Inter?? et ton with ProitN t ...-. ?nn.? , ?? unnlog :?? 1". . .... up n ?aid I - ? . all l.'a??? <?n?' Hundr-d arrt S:x'?--nm:li atr?ef; thenoe 1 -a ?oiitheasterly through. ?Inn? and i.r>?.n Mid Ka?f One )fir-.dre.i and Btxty-atmtt ?tree. with 11 me ?treet; ih?.- - nl:?r n..rtt,ea?i?? ? ? ? 1. ?? ..- t u;H?n ?atd I - ?tre-t to n?, Interaction -.?,rh ?Sre?t Kari'?? rial rr?.-. * runntna northeaaterli tbmuak. ??; "< and up.,n *a,.i v.'??; run,:? i.. ? ?? .. ? ?? .- r -- ? m.i. .?A th? . ?? running n >r( ? a'-m? anl up.->n aid R it -i p ' k? brida? . ?rr th? PrntiT r!???r a? 1'?- < la ? * ! ... ej n ? ? ? ? - Kaal <^i? H'indred ? - ? plaee a? 1 r-; t| ? -.-? . i -A ? ? ?' ... .1 X lue?, avenu* ? - ? ? ?.) i.?i ? ? -? ? n??n i? , ( 1 , I, ?a ' ?' . ?ft? ?, ' ?1 n-r ? . , ? , ' 1 ?' ? ? > .? ? lent ? ? . - f . ... 1 b) petit . ? a.- ?* ?igna \ t ? ? ; ? ...... Onted Neu Y?>rfc ' - I] t?!*.*' ' THE l'rori.E'8 TRAiTION ? ?MPAN'l OF THK ?TTY OK NEW lni;K H? ?KWa'.iN ? \\It.??>X P'.?:dertl State of New-*) ,. f New-York, a? prsnklln A Wtl I -?? - ?? ">??' he >a ' the President an l an . ?? ? I ? ' ,?pa,n .,r t.?. ? ' .? . ' \-.< v I iiettttonrr; ,h.,' '??'.? ? ?? - ' Ige ol ? ? - ' ? 1 her. ?a I to he all I aa. to tl'.oae matten ?? ?. a 11 ' ? . ?. !,? Ill??? ? ?? ? ?? j 1? 1 era,,?* ihe petitioner 1? a ' 1 . .' dep . ' .1? ??? all ' set ?tut ?I upon tila knowledge ? - ? 1 ,.. 1... ,".?.t m.,n?-. heret ?? ? ? ?tl ?n aoqut ? t ? th? ? ? i?r? ?' . aa a ? ?u.-h o:t tn the al'o??? ??rtltU 11. FRANK LIS ? -' ?>X ..v.r., ,,,...... foltV P COH \!.\\ V ? ? v ?<. ?A'hleh wa . ?,.>:. It ? . ? t 1 ? ? h?- ???? notta? I to h . ? 1 1 - *t Honed tu th? tvM H rt:s BY?*K - un.?lt tiotrlo. MOTB?I tt?:;.'M.r . iJ?O?L *->l Sie.-t. i:nf??,na ?I \N-at ?-?, ?-> ir.-i,|i>,'fi ?j ?>-ar ? ?? r \ e.V. ' ,?',?? and ???:,<? .f ih?. ?,?ry hlgheal ?'>>??? rarllltUa f.- large dinnera )V?at? dlatng-rooma ? until 12 1? n, t,.r th? ?rn maaedailow if theatre ? ? ? " . EL, ?v:''.1'.'? v -.?,, rai.ulk li ,i?i ol ?ha 1.1 .:..?? t rwutailoa ? AMKRIi'AM I'l.W Uea???nable ra!??. C I. UBI?'"' A i>\ ,:,.,:?'??,.s is \m. at'Bf?.*RIFTIONS ?"? -r\ nu: m:?\ ,,,itiv lUIHCNK ?.?.ni. '-' ?*?? i'KIVKU \ ?' I UK 1 l'l?.V? ,\ OFFICE, N.?. ).'-'? ?? 1 m .1 -i north .,1 1 'hi ,, ? ? ? riSRMRX .'.- ?i ?'??? followlaa Rtanch >?ni" ? Eighth a?? ?. <? . .,11er Tw.?:itv tlni.l ?I . ISfJ Blltl ,..7 l" ? .'i, .. irteenth ^1 '-.' Phlrda? 1 ? ti ? .??ii'ti.i I ,..',i liui.l ave.. .wo? Sut) lirai ?. . I ."?. Iti?? a?r . un; \\ ??( F?r?) aee,u,d *\ ? IITJ Culumbu . ?.' ?? -..r v 1.3SS rti:i.);?v?.. S5T \Ve?<! 1 . 1 . I .Mil S.v.?. ! a\e \M ?Third-????.; , .> . M'M :'l,ii,I ...,, :. ,?..?. ?'?le-hundnfJ ? ?1 nrlltli an?l On ???! nd Ihh ? \. 1 \i;l.r\t OFFICES 1?' '?-' ??.? - liundre?! ?ad ,??.?11? ?I'll,?? . Ji.; ?? -i ??:,? tni.'?l??-?l ??'??' '?aeaty-arth ?nd ?-??? lV?o?i On? hundred aad-rwrt) fittt. ?a . up 1? "? tn Brooklyn .? .l?>,' I? .ii,.?, ?t . e.1 <'...n??'.. IS Sn*J ???? 1 I?. t.Vl Broadway; Lira? H ?d'o d ?v?.. up ?o I l> m . at reaulai i,fTl>e ratea **x?m* :,iii.;.r*n wraaoh, ret adr??niaa?a?sti ?''?iy. TS, st??h Str??.. II. C, l.uJ.n. t.. i a'il. -