Newspaper Page Text
x?L?i??#* 2??aK?? v?-1:.<;>. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 'I, 18?5.-TWELVE PAGE& PRICE THREE CENT? r.ntrp\T/-i TP V?"-TJY. BIPARTISANSHIP TRIUMPHS. ?IBPTJBUCAN SENATORS MAKE PART? MEASURES OP THE LEXOW MILLS. BUE COMMtTTEB OF TEN'S PLAN FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT BEFORM lONORED-VOTES OB? TAINED BY BETRESENTINa MAYOR STRONG AS FAVORABLE TO THE LEXOW BILLS fur TBO-BOS VP'I TO THS TSIBCMS.] Albany. March 20.?The Republican Benatora to-night held s caucus snd made party meas* urr-s "i* '!>?? billa ">. the Lexow Investigating Committee regarding the Police Departmenl ol New-York City. These bills ?continue the pr?s? ent fbur-headed commission, provide for the ?l. i tii.n ..f f.?'.n- Polier? Commission? ra In 1897, lo hold ofHet from January 1. 1898, for six years, and authorise the present B ?ard of Police Com? missioners, or .n.y persona who may be ap polnted as }'..!?-.? Commissioners by Mayor Sti-i.rm- previous to .inn.? 28, 1895, t.? reorganise the I'.'llr.? Department. II ?rill thus t..? seen thai th- Republican Senators reject the Mils <>f the Committee of Ten of New-York, making ths Polk.? Departmenl a Blngle-headed departmenL separating the Bureau of Elections from th.? Board of Pouce snd creating a commtasion of tl;?.?.? p. rsons, to be appointed by Mayor Strong, to reorganize the Police Department. Whether Mayor Strong favors the hula of thu Lexow Committee t a disputed point Borne of the Republican Senators at the ?mu? cus to-night asserted thai he did, while oth? ers aaM th. v had Information that he did nol but preferred Ihe I Us i : the C mmlttee of TVn. It is there! re possible thai Mayor Strong may excreta hla veto power. \V1 u is clear, h?.%v rv r. from the action ol the Republican Senators is that th?? poll '? ' th? !- a? w C mmlttee win be passed by tne Senate. There Is strong evidence also that they will b? passed by the Assembly. The Senate will probably pasa the bills to-mom w. Thi bll a have nol yet been In? troduced In Ihe Assembly and therefore cannot be act?-i ui n by i t bo Ij until the appro idl? ing week. In tl - mean time public sentiment In New-York will have a chance to voice Its opln 1 :-.- once more. Th?? ? :' the Republican Senat ira to makr? the ? measures was not reached until after a at vere struggle In the c iu us. They, in fact, held two caucuses to-day upon the sub? ject?one this aftern ?on. which was Indecisive, and ? ::?? this evening, whl? h was d< Islve. A ma? jority of th? Senators favored the lulls, bul there was a caucus rule which required a two-thirds vite in the m.ij ?rlty upon any measure to secure its being made a party measure, and this for a time prevented action, li Is doubtful also, if the lills would have been made party measur? for the? action of B? nal r Pen : -, of Erie County. l?o was extremely inxl ua ; secure the repeal of the charter pf the Queen City Gas Company, of Buffalo Thi- l- a eorp ratl ?n which ;? ??.-.-?; a charter from the Dem xatic Legisla! 1S92. It has never ?-' ?ne Into business, but ihe present gas companl > ? I Buffal ? wish is harter repealed, since It may Ih- used by capit ilists al any time to establish b rival business. Senator Psraona therefore, pressed the members of thf? majority t?> make ths repeal i f the Queen City Oas Company's chart? t party measure, and, bavin? obtained support . this direction, he s;d.?d with them in the matter "f the LsxpW Polio?? bill?*, iris vote was the twi-lfih which was given for the scheme. Senator Lamy, his c lleague fr m Buffa? lo, steadily voted against it. Senat r Robertson casi the thin-? nth and de Isive vot? When the caucus mel in the afternoon Sen? ator Persons at once moved that the Queens City Gas Company Repeal km be made s party measure. This was opposed fiercely by Senator Ilmaids.?u. A conflict ol ;.ti hour followed. Th?-n the Senators adjourned until evening By that tlm?? Persona had a majority for his Queen City Oat Comnany measure, and he steadily supported the poll ??? Mils of th.- Lea ?w Committee. At th>- evenins session the police bills ?srere Ihe first taken up. Senator Stapleton opposed Immediate action, and moved that noth? ing be done until Tuesday next. He waa de? feated. Senator Lexow then moved thai the police bills !'?? made party m asm. s. Tl sertlon ?ras made that Mayor Btrons of New Tork favored the billa Thla was disputed bj Senator Btapleton. Ii>- said he had positive in? forma. Ion that Mayor Sti ?ng was oppoa these billa of the Lexow Committee. A confllci of two hours followed. Hcnator Coggeshall moved thai the police reorganisation b amended so as t.. kiv>- accused policemen th? right to hav? a writ ..f certlorarl In case of re saoval. After a long debate this amendment ?was rejected l.y a vote ..f 7 to 11. The B* who voted In the affirmative wiare Mesara. Donaldson, Reynolds, Persons, Owens, Btapleton and Robert! ? A m.n vas made by Senator Reyn ?Ida that n?i policeman tri-l on a ? harge and a ?quitted should bo tried again. This was i- |e ;.-.| by a vote ol 10 to R The s? nat< ra then cam? lo a vote on S? nator Lexow's m tlon to make ti.?- police billa party measures. Three tlm. s a vote was taken on this motion, and three times It was defeated by a vote ol !-' a; . ? to I na; -, li .... .?..,| one more ?/ote, an?! that vote waa al last given by Senator Robertson The six Senators who thui r"t- a time held out against the bill ?vere ?Messrs Robertson, Btapleton, Coggeshall, Reynold?! Owens an?l Li my it should ???? stated thai a g.l many of th< Senators who voted t" make the billa party measures did bo, as they said afterward be? cause It was represented to them thai Mayor {?.tr.mK favors the billa. Doubtless Mayor Strong will s.?i.n give his oplnl ?n In an authoritative fashion. Lieutenant-Governor Saxton and Speaker Fish were the gentlemen, Il was repre? sented, who reported thai Mayor favors tl.?- bills, and the statement was ma .?? thai the Lieutenant-Governor and i!? Speaker of the Assembly had brought back this word from New-Tork a fortnight ago. 'rids statement la .-. rather singular one, sir?-.- the Lexow Investi? gating Committee's police lulls were nol ?i. Bented to the s.-nat? In their amended form until the latter part of las! week. It la possible, therefore, that Lieutenant-Govern, i Saxton and Bpeaker Pish have been misquoted In this highly Importan) matter. Ifs., the Republican Benatora should hold some one to a atricl ac? countability. Th?-. report i? current here thi l M lyor Strong Int.-nds t.. appoint James O'Brien as Police Commissioner. If no ?(..? Board of Police chargedi with the grave -Jut?, of reorganizing the Poll a Department of New-Yorh will con slat of James O'Brien. Michael Kerwin Delano C, Andrews and Charlea n. Murray There are persons h> re wh ss lo utiHp? Hkabl' astonishment al the thought of Murray k'. win -ind O'Brien belns Iri.a"? I with the re frpnnlr.ntion <>f th<- police fu i New York. Possibly Mayor Stron? may have another pro? gramme and make nom? drastic chance? ?,, ,? Board of Police before it beglna th? work of reorganising the police force iiiid,.r these i.v ow billa if h<? approves of them. ' CIVIL BERVICE REORGANIZATION. Mbany. March to. A hearii -: on the Civil k. r vl ?? R4>organiaatlon bill wai ejven by tl?. Senate C'imniitt.-. on General Laws thi* afternoon. Ever? ett P. Wbealer, Mr. Loomls, of the Buffalo Civil Service Reform Association, and Horace ?;. i>. m lru-. wh.? drafted lbs Mil, were present Senator O'Connor said Iks proposed law iras n.led to mnk.. civil S.rvl..r raliM ... n,.- s- .,... \~ ,?,.. ?ystem now Is. It Is ridiculed Bl J).. aaslevsd in a commission arith power t.. rio some tktag. Mr. Loomls objected t., the 18.000 salary sxed by th.- bill for Commiaaionera, and said 13'wi was enough. H<? als?, objected to certain feet, gts of th.? hill, whl-h he sal.1 would bring politics "><" the service, Mr. Dscslng objected strenuously t?. the reduc iion of .-alary, claiming that able men were worth Mr ,Vl Ur^r sum than Mr Loomls proposed ???- Wheeler urged the committee to report tli?. of ?!__! "Y" :i R?P-b?c*" Leglelature Ihe honor th 1'. ?'"'""J1"'" -ecJLd< ' '' ">"" U?e bill, with t h ?.alary for ,,,,.?., Commissioner placed al ts.000 ?na after printing to have it recommitted, They Continued on 1'lfiu l>a_e. RUIN MARKED ITS PATH. A FURIOUS TORNADO SWEEPS OVER GEORGIA. HOUSES SEKT FLYINO IN' Aid. DIRECTIONS- MI1.1.S AM. RAILROAD BHOP8 BADLY DAMAGED? Mi LOSS OP UFE, BUT MANY NARR'UV ESCAPES. Augusta, Ga., Mar. fa 20, Augusta was visit.d at9o'clockthlgmorning by tin- moa( destructive winiist.ii-m still-" l^Tv. Th.. tornado cum.- from th. southwest with but Util.- warning, and In lesa than ,i minute bad paaaed over the city inn? ?South Car..lina. In its track lay destruction, Houaea were wip.-l from tnelr foundation? and sent in all direction?, over houae-top? thai were touched by th.- bounding circular wind. Strange :?> say. there were no fatalities, though in many Ingtanoe? roof? were carried away while i>i,. occupant? were left unhiir!. Th.- majority of th,. h.nis..s ruined were amall one-story on???, a? ih.- part of Hi'' city over which tin- tornado passed was for the must part Inhabited l'y the poorer claaaea of whites and negroes. The jutth of th<? storm was about a mile In length from tin- first place it ?truck to wh re it finally roae and paaaed over, The path wa? '.n th?- ??hupe of an s, and the tornado atruck about ev^ry quarter of a mili-, making four descents and rebounding, bul th" second one waa per hapa tin- wurst. Tils waa in Gwynett-at., be? tween Eighth and Ninth. Th.. first two houaea blown down were two amall ones "n the outskirts "V th" city. The tornado than roae and came down again in Gwynett-st, Th- house of Willie Sims, th.- well-known colored Jockey, which is a rather pretentious un.-, waa th?. Ural to Buffer. It was twisted about and th" chimneys away, iinurs blown from their hlngea and win low saehea forced In. Acroaa th? street ii'." small houaea were ao completely demolished thai there was n.. trace "f them except a few brl ka from th." chlmneya and foundation posts, A square further, a: Summer and Eighth sir--., a small !i 'i---- had the ? i tire . i n out, leav? ing tin- int. r|..f expoaed like a scene In a th? itr? ?Persons were In the house ai the tl breakfaat, bul they escaped unhurt, Outhouses were lifted and carrl? I off se\'eral squar??s. Three hundred yards further on is the larg? H ur mill "f Millei A ?' i. I; is an Immense four .-i ry bu'ldlng, covered entlreb with sheetlmn, While th?- mill was nol hurl by the wind Itsell I pr.'V.'d a tarpel fi r the flj Ing bricks, shingles an 1 i uftera from the ruin? ci h lusea, ? i I from a quarter of a mile away cam? Ing through th.- air and struck the aide of the mill. The force ol the mlaal,? shattered the Iron and Ihe llttl? h ?use wa* driven Into the sid.- of the larger one, Scantlings and board? also pit re? d the Iron ?I les ol th< ml appearance of a frontier fort aftei an attnek by Indians. In front of Miller a- ?' >.'? n 111 in ? ? trie light pole wa bltwn down and th? wire? - I with the telephone wires, which groui . ed and ?truck a mule. Instantly killing him. Several hundred yard- further r i the northeaal th.- wmd came down and again demolished one half of the r. .undIn .us.- of th? Central Hal i ad ol Georgia. One ol the locom llvealn th? ghopsal th time waa badly damaged, .nd the tin r uf ol ih? remaining portion i the building wa? ?trippi I Ilk" an orange peel. The roof of !"?? Perkins Manufacturing Company'a building wa away. The palm ?hop ol tba Central Railroad car shops was sprung and thrown badly oui of shape, .no aide of the foundatl >n ii.-m? blown away. Acroaa Calhoua-et, from this two small houaea were Jcmiillsh.d In Kenwh-k-st , neiir th P.iiithern Hallway yard, a house In which fiv? pen ns were was blown away, leaving n 'think' inn the flooring, and >?-t no one was hurt. In all about forty houses were badlj damaged and twenty destroyed. The loa? is variousl) estl mated, but II I? conaervatlvely placed al |30.<s?) T ? great tornado of 1878 passed ver part of the territory covere '. bj this i ne, bul d d far gn it? damage Perhaps ?eventy-flve i ?? pi? were ren? dered homeless by this morning*? wli Columbua, Ga., March 20 A terrible t and i tremendous rainstorm visit? ! this pan ol the State a: G . loch tl is morning. The turban -? a i? greatest in Girard, Ala . a? n river, oppoall C us. The r? of of a fei I manufactory was carried of! md oui - .m ; ? ?? ?. demollshe ? F ur b< use? w? re i i down. Portunatel) tin- .. cupants, wh are ictory operatives, were U| I ne and ? ^ aped In lurj So loss of lift I hut the damage to pronerl leratde \ bridges m Girard were swept awaj ai ! ti ; mp? !.-1, In ("olumbu I for - ? : ral houij. the heaviest tl i ? ? - ! hy \ lolenl wind, and th? n l|] wai ??: ? i on account "f th.- greal rise In the river. - ? - - BUZZARD WEATHER ! N' THE WEST. \ BNUWHTORH RAGINtl IS THK ''11!" \ '-.l.l.i.V AM. WEHT OF " hi; Ml 'Sol i:l in . id: .-'? Louis, March 20. The ... I rm In thl? rl ? '? . ha i beei i neral hours. Reporta from Southern M : Uli noli show that the storm 1.1 been ?ever? In sections. Al Columbus, Ind., since this morning a heavy snowstorm has prevalle?!. Btreet-cai travel has I? ? ? topped and rails trail great!) j.- tii I. Th? ?torm till raging, : ; the m severe in years, The snow : ep and is drifting. Al P? rcy, 111., i l< ady n u th .?-? v. uh b ndli -? ?now and minute partiell i of I blowing it th.- rat? of foi tj two n lei an I u i..i? drift? l Ihree anta foui f. ? ? l< ? p in placea and business is pradtli illy ?UBpended to? day. Atchlaon, Kan. March 20 a blinding snoa vi.- ..\-.-r Kansas last night. 'It." storm ?? .,, the Colorado line an i south Int . Ok! ihonia. Railroad traffic Is consld? rably Intel :. r? I s Cincinnati, March 20, A billiard struck thl ghoul I o'clock thl? morning. The ^ rin wa? un? expected aj th? Indication? were for warmei weather.'with rain. A heavy ?nowstorm was on >,, ,, i,.-.iv\ hailstorm about S o'clock, which near!. an hour N? irly three Inches of sn?w had fallen between 7 and 10 o'clock Traffic for tl.e Hm? being ?v entlrelj suspended, and ?? street were well nigh Impassable. ? ? ? A ?AND8TORM IN TEXAS Denlaon, Tex., March 20 A terrine ?torm, fill? ing t).'- air with ?and, ?wept over this section las) night. Houfci were unroofed, tree blown down an i a greal deal of damage was d n ? . So far H i t...t known thai any live? wei ?? loi t. A BLIZZARD IN NOHTH CAROLINA. Roanoke, Va., March 20. Roanoke had another touch of winter to-day. A regular bliaaard raged f th? : a noon, and ?n m contln led to fall all ih.- afternoon and evening, Train? wen slightl] d< lay? -, c .;.-? i 'hartes Va., March 20 About fiv? In hi of ?now ;? ii on the p. ...?nsula to-day. 77//. i BICAOO*A H") S TOMER ?in ' SHI Ml '? ? ! I. It la eipe? led thai wh? a th? ci r < 'hlcago ai rive? here from her European crulae a committee of her crest will begin an Investi itlon ?f the burial of Charl? I Hill, a member of the crew, who wai kill< i by falling fi ira b lofl In August . while the ?I |. wai ..i i '...?. ? Ei gland Tl e ofll i and craw of th? Chlcag i rais? d a fund ol 11,400, had the bodj embalmed and ?eni home, Additional con tribu Uona ?welled the rund to 8.000. An English under? taker prepatsd the body f.-r shipment, and when it arrlysd h.-r ? Qrltman \: Tooker, undertakers, of No. tat Nostraad-ave., Brooklyn, denied to n moth r. mi-. Kui-ii.t-, of No. ~2 Boutl Tenth-al , Hi Privileg ..r ?. .i,,K i,,.r ?,,,, , face, am rtln_ that Ih? body was in Buch b coadltion thai II could nol be ?posed ti vi.?. The body was burled in Oreen v'"l!. ?-~d aboul ;. month later w.." taken up, owing to a difficulty aboul erecting g monument ovei a single grave Then the caskei wa? opene?! and th '""'>' W-'S fOUn I I. |? ..,, , v , || ?; ., ,:, ,,, ,,.,, , vatlon, i.m Mr- Foeller did nol look upon i Cor ?'? '? ?" ??--?: ' ?ad passed between the m? tl ... the (owe? undertaker, and th. embalmer, an . when , he crew of the? hlcago I? irned of the action ol . Hi klvn underUkers there wai i ?? . i??? ..' ?nsrer I " "'- ; wn?-h ?I? ' heard from whe? the ?hip ' Mr. Tooker ?ayi thai h- knew nothing aboul the inbalmlng, and hat he did nol open the caskei !.. ?um be knew the Health Department would not ?ermlt ?- and ha did not pr.p_sc tu b? lined fcO for ?itlog a !.. w. IHE ROBINSONS IS HIE .1 TRY'S BANDS I JfO VERMCT REACHED AT A LATE HOl'B THE PI ' 'I'M i; :i |:MI) "l til? WITHOUT AROVMEKT. l: . ,,,,, March 20. C? un?el for the Robinson?, ac? cuser ,.f th.. murdei "f Montgomery Oibba, decided to-day t" make no argument for the defence. They n \. i this morning for th" dismissal of the charges ..n technical ltmhm,. This waa refuse?!, and Dis ??:" Attorney Kenefick began ?umming up for tin' People, Whlli Mr. Kenefick waa delivering hla ad dress Sadie ?al Iminlng back In h?1 ehalr arlth her eye? fix? i on his fac? Her husband aa1 b? tide her with hi? head sunk upon hi? handa, .Mr. Kenefick outlined th>. case i-'inip!eteiy. Ha asked If the false word? of Badle Robinson were to outweigh th? evidence for the prosecution, Here Ba II? broke down completely f..r the tlr.-d time. Bh? sobb? i .m! wept, and when Mr, Kenefick re n I i ' her a a young adventuress, she said: "I am nol an adventuress," and attempted to ?pring from her chair, Mrs. Hunter, her sister, forced her b? k, and th? n ah? ?at si ?bbe I bitterly. Il sa? il i momentan weak? -. however, for Boon sh? brae? i back In and looked al Ihe ?? I Ing, while Clarence mid.. -I faei band and en leavore I tu keep her quiet. He was nol successful for Boon she started up again and glared al Mr. Kenefick aa th ugh ; i ?pring upon him, Clarenc? seised her arm, but >ii.. jerked away and then her attorney i |K?k - - rial plj !.. her. "Who : ::.:- Clai nee Robinson?' said Mr. Kene? fick In t)..Urs.- of hi? argument. "Better than you!" yelled Sadie, as ah" struggled to free hers? If. Al 11:5? o'clock Mr KenenVk ceased ?peaking, the Judge charged the Jury, and left the case to them. Th? lury retire?! at 1:23 p m. Sad!" evidently i al Ised ii..- gravity "f Ihe situation when Mr. Kene ti k -?ii down, f"r again she broke down and arepl an I sobbed bitterly, while riarence sat calmly "> pulling ins mustache. Klnally he leaned forwmrd ted to <?.iriif.ii i Sa II? SI e gave I l I then : irle I her heafi In hi : h in?! ai ?! crle?! At ?.' .-i o'clock th" lury had not reported and court a IJoui m d until 10 o'clu k to m in w moi FROM I HE HOTEL TO THE INSANE WARD ?THAXOE ?'? IN '?' '? " ' F A WI'M.THT ITU.MV AT j T111I l?H? ?Al ? A V ' FTNTll \1. A h m i ?..-? [i I in, abo it ta ? ntj ? Ight Id, who had i at thi Hi Iway C? ntral H el a '....!' II ?ti II??, of Phil i lel| hla, wa? :? mov? i from tl ?? l????? I la le Ho ;..;.,',. H< l- Ihe - ?n of a v \. i\. ; m. r hant. of ?;? noa, Italy, travellii ntry He .-. m n :. nd with his wlf? ||V( i lu-' : N .'- Ha? ' ind ."? rward In I :. In thi ? ? . n. : i il-, a is continu Ihe Insti un ? , .,? im? ' ' ' 1 ut k Tb - .: ?? . Hroadwaj tral Hotel 1 ? .... Mrs. r. ?;;???? from that time II ? ? it him 1 r. I ? ? n ? , K ' ? I ' ... night Hoti .... I- '? thi hotel -. ? oh I ind ? ' lly bi II.. - ii i he h.i i i.. ? nd cd kniw wh'-i I ? ? ? ? Hi ol II . -ii.i with ?? ? ..,?? i ? ,- I he u .m in :?' k thi to thi ' ' :- tatlot u Hot? . .? ? money remains In Mrs. I present a ? Il fitj w 111 ha ve o I i nsu TWO WOMES FATALLY BURNED. KM M'l.O '-.IU.IN AMI? HEM Nil'.' f. WH QI'AP, AMD THCIM l ill.s SET I'll: : TO TTTEin ''!/.. i'iv. Mrn Ar::? gutton and he*] aunt, Mr? Barak MC I In a dingy ran em nt !i m?.. N-. 4? ' , ? nlghi Mr- n rtton'i lag wa? ' i s Bh? ' ? Im i l?ate l'on.'' 1er I ml i .',.-? Hi \ ' : . ? ? ? ?Wer 1 ..... The i r. ,.m? '?? ? . I ? ' \ . ' 1 ?. Mrs. M ? ? ? i- a :? ? I... ;.-!. in III the I tin- flool .-Ii. I ??-?-' , ' i ng <?n .t mai ind the matin -,..... : . . | | ...... Ihi P ? ri. I- . , ' I- ? a i ? : i :n n,.- . \. II menl ol th? Ir .?a ur. I hail b.l Ju_ t., lij. :: , lolhing iv'H.h riiiir rBOYMA AM ALIBI. V\ igo Mar ' .?" O? orge llavlll, s Chicago pool? ? h ' wai am t? I "ii th? charge ..f uh "K i" 'i Hi l< n Ii ii bta 11 ..n .1 .u, a irj '..?ii ?? Rochester, N Y . and for whom extradition papers were . u I by fJovernor Altgeld, was rel? ised by i i :. i ; : . :,., to la) F i ! Hanf?l I, Assist Hi ite' vtl ? i ? ?- ol i: - hi ?ti r, app? ar?d in ."urt with two witm ??-, .ii.- ..f whom waa tleorg? Hall i.'"- bo >kki ? i ? : for the fioui i ompany, ? hn was present al the tint? ol th" robbery. The other \sa? II i" Heck ii utm.'iii. who was landing In the tr? ' the mill at the Urn? Mi Hall Identified Ha? III i".- .. Ihe m.m wli" ".nil" Into the office with O'Brien and t.iik.-d to him while the ife \\ -i ^ being i id" I He? k swore that he : a? ? ''l'a len ..n i H? thet In the ?tre? t befon and after Ihe robber? llavlll told Ihe Court that he aras s brother ol Msj Howard, the burlesniue actress, who svas playing al Ihe Olympic Theatre here from Januar) il to January 91, and thai he wa ai th- theatre ever) da) s/?th hei This was con.rat. i by etnpToyei ..( the theatre, ml ae? i ral oihi i s/ltne - ? i< ?.i t,, ..... lh.; Havlll In ireets In ? h -u- . nlxiiil tin time the offi i i e In Hoi hesti i w.i i urn mil ti I MRU TRIAL TOM A XOTOBIOUM VBIMIBAL. Mandan, S P., Man h 31 William W Pancoast, i he notorli us swlndlei n ho 11 r ; ? -. -i, \. bi igo robbi l -i M? dina i? ?hloi hank ol | : i.ti . and 1 it? i ? i... igi . In ?- Ii. ? - op ? lion? m t'a nada and Mum. spoil .m '. -.- -. .mi . : !? I. ii,.d and ' "ii i ..i : he mm der ? I bis wife, near this city, i.. hav< i : ? .'. trial III? youi ?.? wife was murtlered In col?l blood while I'ancoasi wa awa) from home Mai. h .'?' IKW1 Hlk??i kl, I'atii on i* hired m in, v..-, at r. -i.. i and - ..i thai hi kllleij her, bin he a i- hired I.: bj l'an ou i foi H.Uoii l'a? "' I wa a ' li d .u i Colorado, taken to Man dan ."id convii i.-1 Ai Ihi trial In-, at tome) pro ti -n il that the .?n Ig?! wa |>r? i ulli ? d No alten lion wa - p. I i" ih" r q n bul lo da) Ihe Su im . in- i '.",i i ?: S'orlh i '.i..' i granted |?an .,, ,, ni a trial, holding lhal w h. n a di fi mlanl make ,i!!i I i\ ii thai h< annol ha i. a fair trial l.\ rea? son "i bias an?l prcju?ll ? of the Judio-, n is the :?? dut) of ? in ii .i ?.n ? n. i all in anothi i i . |g< to !.. Ip i" tr) th? ?ni; silllM. HOIIIA llliAii.r TICBETA. ("or the last thre? months t-omplalnta have i..-.ii i at P i ce H? add" irters from Palm, i - Theatre, lb? Harden, the Croad way, Abbey's, th< Hijou m. i Un- C i -in . theatres thai tlcki ts whli I they 1....1 Issued on i-xcluins- for ?rindo-, advert? Ing, ai.'i which are known technicall] i "bll ... being u ed frau lulently. Th ? dat? s ,.,. re taken oui b) Ihe u ? ol ac ds an i n. m dat? aere In rted Detecl i Held? berg yesterday arrest? I Ibraham I'li.iii who keep? i clgai or? al No. IM Blxth av. n?l. it ? ch irg? d, ?i? ? In thi ??? tickets, \s hen arrested ti" tolii lh< detectiv? that he had a rixht t, nltei Hi- dale, -i- h? had a rinln to the Ink.: In-i. Hlmms, In th. leffen m Markei Court, h-,-l him In ?.On? bul! i.,',i- i.. hinan, of v. '.' WeBi Thirty-first st., ?nil Hermann Harris, of No i? Weal Twentieth si were arr?ete?! last nlghi on complaint? from J link" Murray, treasurer of the Mm, fian? 'I'll" Company, al the Hroadwa) Th?atr? Th.- prisoners were taken lo l'o.i , U?M?dt)uartera and locked uji for tho aight ANXIETY AT VVASHINGT? DIPLOMATIC PLOTS THICK] THE CABINET DI8CU8SES NICARAOl AM? VENEZUELAN AFPAIR8. BUROPBAN l\"T!'.nvi:NTli?N IN THOSB OO?KT1 Tiini:athn's Tin: PRINCIPLE LAID DOWN i Tin: MONROE DOCTRINK MR CLEVE? LAND AND III3 ADVISERS QOINO BLOW I.V 'Ml i:i.\ I NT ANY POfl BIBIUTT ' ''.' BLL'NDERINa - NO DEFINITE ACTION TET AGREED ON. Washington, March W.- The prospect of > onr compllcatlona which threaten the Un Btatea through probable European encroa 'hn on Venezuela and Nica agua has assume? phase ?.f auch danger t? the principle laid di In th.- M..fir..?> doctrine that a Bpectnl Cat. conference was held at the Whit.? House afternoon to .- nslder th<- subject. There is whatever that ?these subjects are i aldered by th.? Presldenl and Becretsry fJresI ns of much greater Import t" tins country i the Milan..-a In -Id-nt or ih- r? -.'?II of Mini Thurston, and that ihey mist I..- handled v unusual delicacy snd with the kn ?wledge thi mlsatep may plunge th.? Government Into ? barraaslng compllcatlona with not one, bul ? aral, ??t the principal European nations. 'ri,.- conference was attended by the Pr dent, Secretary Oresham, Secretary Carll Attorney-Oeneral Olney and Secretary Lam? It lasted s.-\.-ral hours, bul Mr. Lamonl wl drew after a brief attendance. Mr. Oresh took with him t" the White House ihe offl? coplea ..f much of th.- recent cnrrespondence both th.- Venesuelnn and the Nlcaraguan sit lions, and he remsined with Mr. Cleveland s.. time after his ?-. II? u ? h id I- :'t the U'l li . i: ? annol be learn? l s h? th? r any ad?lltlo Information In the matter reached the State 1 partmei ? t ?-day; but II is said thai Mi- Hayi '?it. arrange the M ?"null i troubl? s m th.- l'.ritish Oovernmenl In b manner satlsf tory to M?.- I'nlted Sta ?ir-ar Uritain'fl ultimatum to Nicaragua ... Ion of ! Hal i . i -,?? Ih ;!;-;. ? ? :. ml ir ng? m, from Ml' .n. I the reporl thai a llrlttah ?? ?raj t., enfor ?? th.- ileman I. fon esl i.t; iwn serioua ?.!.-???? pf the dlfll. ultlea ?jro ? ..f th.- Illueflelda affair, an 1 as this Oovernmenl : ? ??? a new construct! of I '?: trine, il can be P? ? ? ? md hi idvl ?era ? : t . feel their Bra to | n v? t.: any poa bllltj ?' ? ? ? . ? ad vantai thai might wea ken the pra tl?-al ?i ahii-h the I'nlt. ? Stat? s iloveinmeni I in and < 'entrai \ I Man aft ilr the Ui II d Btal nment finds II I to such str , ii? Prance and O? arlu i- .m li Identa! facti The settler enl of On .t Rrll iln . r'ain Venei I rrll ry Is the main cau for n arm, and to this la added the prospe I th Oernvaai srlU send warships t.Il? i a lar amount of money guaranteed to ?erm .n contra ? M ? ? ilon ?i i '??-!!? ral Vt n suelan R lili i ? -. ?? and i le glum h ive tlm turning t ? tl I.-..-? He s. -ith Ameri an K- publ lh< '? ,; f the Fren h an 1 Ilelgli i? ti -, Ilot h Out ; i ? -,? t- ? . ? nd Fran ell ? i to take their ei ' i It? ram i il ?? ? ?;!.?..' ? ..'.'.-? LTnll ? the thre i util . ; .t Itrltain I i ; ? ?? m '. ? ? ranee and II . . ? . i ? ? ? ? . . t 'int. ??nil < t a di In? i all i T ?? ? I the White House to-day w ? liara der. I I I lean i ? I authority i i ? I: ? M ,; \ ? ? ?! li t ? ? 1 II? . lid i from i ? ? f Men ? -, : m i ? a |i.i|ni ii|?|?r.?\?> the i? ? i .n ? i'- . '. i n i .-. 11.?- i-ertal ! \l : ? I'lll |l| ? . tl: It l'?-s to de i . .-? ? now O? tin.i ;. ; \ u? la, w hic h I I i v them. ? ? :. |i . ira tuileries. ? ? -n : i ?;? , in ; - i o? l..itii? A-..-:? i Krii ,- i?. : ? . . ?? re terril v In t'entrai Vnn t I n ..; I th en ? i ?? i .: t ? \ - - - at. i th. Impr? sl.?n thai ? ? mhlnatlon mua ? t , re .-?.:,.in- r Ol Bel. i.i ilnrj .' Illtf* hetlll |.h ' "There Ir likely |.? I i m.H framed nmonx all the I. um Am? nan nations t. ;. ? Kur>>|M?an inlen entlon and terril t ab sorpl in, m? matler under what pretext Manj I.,- . ?. ?n? ? ?. m tal mei fnvoi In? Itins th? Unit? | Stat? to enter thi continental 1? ague." OENERAL RARItHsS t)N THE TROUBLE. '. ..- ral llarrloM, i - - il envo) of Vic? i ? ,,t ihe \ lei -i i Hotel Wh? n llenera uni!.,. u , .i ked about the prospecta ..f troubl? betwi ? ii i.i rounti??. .u. i i ?n i m I, and th? r? ported ileman.I of iim-i.tii thai the Klcaraguai Oovernmenl pay ?.'?.""" a? i reparation f?>r the es pulsion ..f Mu,im? i Hatch, ).-? ?aid: "I !.. nol i ? : . \ i liai Ihe i iimor ? oncernlnn i'i. ?; .i. r .>;,,.. i .i..m.m i h . . !.. ? -i iiuthentli ?t. i l um nol in a i--. Itlon t.. i.hi. ..t...m the matter We mu?l .ill awall ileveli>|>mel11 I !.Il ., 1111 Ipat? an) ?el lou ? troubl. . it? tplte Ihe <?? ? U ? m ? ? ' ??: net? pupei talk When Oeneral llarrlo? wa seen aboul '-.?.?. weeks o--. Immeiltatrl] after his return from ICnicImid, n. made the ? in? nl thai t he trouhl. I.etw? n l-lio?land ,i, i Nl? n ?aua over Ihe Itluell? Ids inel lent era? entlrel) ?ttle.l, ami i Inichin i had u Khdi i?s n her proteetorate Re anl?l then thai lilueiield? wa? h : i ihe rule of Nlearagua. W lu n iiske?l uImiui thi- int. rvlew, he ?al I thai It wra - i isrhl Oen? ral Harriot ..?|,. .n- to lie as much ?urprl ?? I over the neu i otnpl!. atlona thai hav. irlaei .. inj one ??- - il Uni I. vi // POISOXISU OF DOGS. TIIIRTI KNOI.IHM \M> HUSH Bl Mills Klt.i,i:i. Ill ?? ?Mi: I NK S? ?W \ Ml-' "RI \.\ ! PHI i.-n.-. m n, h ." Fr? I? rira (?astre, the sn l i ?wn .?.. i m, |*r, h , ? t.. id?, I .i letiei from W .-? neebui , penn., I? Uj Infoi mina him th it thirty doss ?rhieh wen In an- prepare?! f..r the Pitta, h ?' ? rs it h -?h,m. ?veri i .?n i there last a-? ? k 'a i ail of them li hl -In. died II. ) n re all Kn? l'--li and li-i-i, setter? of th besl hr??e Una A d? ? ii \ ha? lie -n en!l t? i i fi rrei oui the I- ?I ?n< i Km \ .. m to hav? been the molli ?? B/hlch :? i t.. the ?rholesale pol - n ?> BU BKX KIT.I.BH M i BOII.EE TXPLOBIOX. ?? hall. ?!-, , . \t ,reh. :?" 'i. ,. uta ,.,v,.i here yesterda) stats Ihsl -.?. men ?>-r.- kili.-i an.| ii.?- seriou Ij noun le I by i boiler esplosion at li ill'? Mill, thirl ? ihr? ?? mil? ? ? i i- of hi re The ?hock ..i the esplosion was f.-it h< ? M i /'*;/<. \TloXA tX OBDBB AT CAMOBX. I'smden, N J . Marx h E) The all- ibsorblns tople to-day ?)?.. application of members ..i the ?, "i 'i ?? of i n,.- Hundred to Justice tl irrlaon, of the Supreme Court, I n a committee t.? Investigate the financial affairs ??( the cllj ??! Camdea Ph? Kosslp and .-, j r 111 ?. v.. i. increased when It ii.i-i i. ii..'i thai b similar petition had been algned by twenty seven cltrsena tod granted by .Iu.Ik.- Oarrlson for ?a similar romtnlttss io luveatigaie iiic luu??j'j _? lall.. THE TES S ESSEE t'ONSPIRA t ' Y. LATEST DEMOCRATIC SCHEME TO CHEAT WH. IIVANS OIT Of TH'l QOVERXOR8HIP. Nashville, Tenn., March '-'"? Then- is a stronK rumor afloat that Ir ras., the gubernatorial In? vestigation results' in seating Tunny he v.ill re? sign, and Ernal Pillow, Speaker of the Kouee of Representatives, will aaaume the iifli<" of Oover nor, thus placing it beyond Ihe reach of court DELAWARE'S SENATOR8BIP FICHT. EFFORTS TO MRIXO A NIIW MAN' INTO TDK RACE KIOOIKfl .?Tii.i. THE ri'l'i'l.AK FAVORITE. Dover, Del., March 20 (Special). The Senatorial situation In Delaware ha? nol materially changad notwithstan inn; thai ?1? of Senator Ilit-irins's Bup portera to-day east their votes <>n two ballots for Edward <;. Bradford, the Wilmington lawyer, und for two ni"r.. ballots for Dr. Hiram i: Burton, of Lewes, Buasex County. All the member? returned to Mr. Higglna on the la-: ballot, their four pre? ceding efforts tu break the Addlcka contingent having failed. Then- is no doubt "f th<- loyalty of the Higglna m>-n to their chief, hut neither is there any doubt that they believe a Repubttcaa Senator should i.lected. There is a strong dktmand, especially In the lower counties, arhere Addlcks has hitherto had his following, for th>- election of some one, and it Ih aaid thai it wa.? In reepooae to thi? demand thai the Higglna m?-n gava a chance t.. their opponent? to-day to vote for a new man. Th. election of either Addlcka or Maaaey la bo longer regarded aa poealble, bul neither of those faction? has yet given any open Indication of breaking, A Beeret conference wa? held here last evening between th" four Maaaey men and one of the Ad? dlcks men with a view of uniting on Jame-' Penne will. a young lawyer of thl? county, who n a Mas ?ey follower, hut the remaining live Addlcka men ? oui i nol I..- brought In. and bo the project waa ab n, ion- i for the time i- Ing. in th.- mean time public --??:.? menl is solidifying against the attitude "f ih- followers of Addlcka, hla oft-reiterated leclaratlon thai 'It will I"- Addlcka .-r nobody," having i damaging effeel a powerful faction of '?:- Addlcka men in thia .mt) are secretly booming Harry A Richardson, - town, as a compromise candidate, Ki-h anlson a/as th- Republican candidat? for ilnvr nor ?n ?->'. ant la a wealthy an i ?uei .--fui canner Tin- movement has the sympathy of a large section of th. M . ?ey m? n "' Kent Popularly, Mr. li ? ? ,- mm i.: -?? r to-day than he wa-* a month or two ago, and if public opinion had anything to -I., with n..- chol.t a Senator he would be re? ? i to-morrow, There are so many plota ai i --- hemes ..n f.'.'t m il..- Interest of a com pi n . i-, |. . ? . can i-ll w hal a da) may bring forth Hut nobod) a ?ualnt? I with the lituatlon looka for an earl) ? holce. WILLIAM /'? FIVER TO RE A JUDGE. >| : ,?uri'iu.i'-.w LEADER OF THE r-OXXrVnciT HorSE REHIOX8 To ACCEPT IIIOHER II iSORJ. Hartford, Conn.. Mai I W (8pe lal) ?A'lltiam T. Elm? ? ' ? . ? ?? ? ? a th" rt of i pr?sent Aa?era >ly, realgned .. i . - r - ' the Hou e to ! ly He will be : a Judge ol the Superior Court by (lovernor | ..: I 'a :,| i ? ? ? ?? : thi Legla ? n without opp ? ? Mr E'.mer ha? i.a prominent In the Republican party of ,v Btal ?. ? ira, and hi- represented MMdletown In th? .- ? H? was i: : He f< r .<t ? ik- r ? ii -, it praci til) retired fr..rn the r in 11\. r of 8 imuel I". --? nden, who aa ? ? Mr r n m was eai t In th" fiel I ilf of the nation of Governor Coffin, and at the Republt ? invention made the spe? h which placed him invention, which was regarded a ih- ... ? v r- nu le In a nominatlni ?i m the State, Mr Elmer Is fifty-one years . ha? in ? > t. nslvi law praci ? ind hla el? .ation to th< arlll be I ?ok? I :;.? n aIth t ?\ i . Republicans and DemocratB alike. Th- Repub II '? I? ?dershlp of 'he House will now devolve upon Stil? - Judson ir. of Stratford, who la a member >>f the Jiidi. lary t'ommltt-.-. MEXICO SOT DESIRING WAR. BEVOR ROMERO EXPECTS A FRIENDLY SETTLE. KENT OF TMB TMOCBLE with OUATE MAlaA ORIGIN OF TIIH I'ISI-I l-ll. Washington, March 20 Among the International ? ;?: atl? ns I ling attention in dlpton itlc ind ofllcl il ? a i thai i ertalnlng to the ?olu of thA Mexti tluatemala b mn lar) la i gal !? I ? no little pi ?.:?.,? is ? Ii a s, i U ii i with the precise status "f the ? : . have be? n fr? q lentl) W il tul elaborately detailing :h- provls i treaty between \h---- two republics ?: ? limita of which itpp .r non ? . i ? in disputi II m i\ be ?aid that ; reementa atgned In Xew-York "ii t t 1 "...l a r.. ignltl m from 11 i that Chiapas and 8 ?conus? ? tlmately be loni I to to \ thai a boundary line i ? tween i ? intries should be ti v.- i In a tin?, ti ? ? i at the ? 'It) o| Mi \e ?. and that th. .: \ !.. t w. ? n i * *. i-ii as S - i-.-.' -Ii luid of both IVIi i view to preven i one country from ng port loi rltory ; to the I In I , narles that actual | ? Id be i ? intil the line ?... >:??'. up in ira that i?uatema'.a ? -.?i meana that each il t main In possession of 'h" territor) s h cl hi held I fon bul a hl? h, und? r the tr? at). had ? . ? -> ?. i ' the ol !,? r ..... ! h rx| ? ? : Is a ?ainsi tl ? provision "f \? ? VI of i lundary treaty, ahk h ? \, leo la res thai i ich country should ?nt-r Into pos. >n "f Ihe newly acquired territory within i from the iir-d meeting "f th<- Boundary Commission, an?l that meeting took pla?.n So? ?'-'-? rda a Ith Mi bIco's under - pulatlon, ih t* ? lovernm? nt loin; igo transferred in tluatemala Ayutla and towns, ments a hi 'h were a li hin her t? I ritorlal limita b for? the line was agre? i upon in the :r. iiy ml ahlch passed to tluatemala under tl ime These are now In possession of Guate Mi 11 i'asslng over man) detail-, it ma) be said thai the tH-ndlni ? . tton betw? en them la a plain .:. ll.i-i i-ountr) claims thai under ihe de facto line exla Ing Ind ire thi treat) uf 1883 It was In po ?i -.? the disputed territory, and both aitr-e that it lielonga to Mexico under the line 1 l>? tin- tr.-aty. As th? treaty line i? paramount, Hexli - nsldered the action of tluatemala In send? ing m armed force to destro) 11. ? - I igglng camp? ? ? ii II i.- i thi f by M? ?lean -, an Im : lent which I- -i decided feature of the pending ti ??bte These m.n w.i. cutting wood under grants from the Mexican ikivernment, and the leisure ..f the Ion? an i til-- an.-' of the men were regarded aa an m.warrantai.,. Invasion of MexUan territory, That (lovernmeni has -^K. I Guatemala t" apologia, and m |.i\ an Indemnity to the victims of the outran... it is now officially said thai If Guatemala wishes to a? ttle the question ir Is for her t i m ike amen is for her conduct. SeAor Homero, the Mexican Miu ? r. saya thai Mexico will not ask urn unreason? able Indemnity. As for the action ??< th.. Mexican '??-?'.-?? iii qu ?tlon, Seftor Homero said to-day that u would noi, him to anticipate it, but he though) thai his ?; vernmoni did not desire a war with Guatemala, - i w.i^ fully conscious <<( Its damiers, Irawbacks and disadvantage.?. He hopi i :nit th" negotiations which are no? being .in-- ? i In the City of Mexico would end In ? flleiull) -Ml in al of the difficulty, H? had hoard nothing recently which would I? id htm to believe re a i : a an) gn iter dam:, r of a rupture ih m there hau I. en from th? beginning of the con trovei . The Guatemalan Mm.-'-r. Mr. Arrlaga, referring to-da) i" certain statements regarding the dis putes between Guatemala and M sao. emphatically ! denli i thai Guatemalan authorities lnvad?*d Mex Iran territory, "for the simple reason," he says, "thai we do not iik" to offend any other nation H Is nol true that Ihe responsibility of the delay ' in tin. survey ... the b< under) line rests upon | Guatemala, because ihe Guatemalan Boundary : Commission "i engineer! ha? worked always ahead of the Mexican Commission during the last eight years, It is nol true thai the Guatemalan Gov has received a large revenue foi- conces sions to cut limber; thwe concessions were almost lu? .u i ihh mad" in favor of Mexican citltens, .md the revenue raised from this source is almost In? significant. As fir as I am inform...I. I do not Bee any reason why a peaceful settlement of the I penillng difficulties might nol !"? soon reached." VBIOBTBUL FALL OR A I IT1I.E alh'L. VVtnltr.-d I ion .van. th. i-lx > .-ar-old .luti-ht.r ..f James Donovan, a letter-carrier of Station I', al the Produce fehtchange, fell Uve st?rte? down the well hole of the stairway In the new apartment building, Nos u and 1.1; Madlson-at., last night Donovan ?ras returning from work, and th.- Utile girl nu ..u! into the hallway to great him. she leaned over the baluatrada to !i>"k down, loot her balance and f.i'. in her descent the chUd struck the i tiling of tac third Moor Michael Fall?n, the lanltor of f?l, James'? Church, who iiv.-s in the house, was , it the stair*, mil reaching out triad la catch in r clothing, lut nia efforts were futile. Winifred, who was stllL alive, area taken to the Hudson Btreel Hospital lier .-kul! i? fractured and ?h,- recaltrad internal Injuria* lier ricovary la doubtful. GRESHAM SKfcKS i?LVf,^un. WHY HE DEMANDED TH? RECALL OF MB. THURSTON. RESENTMENT AOAINST THH HAWAIIAN MDiWIfli .-M'.II.KFUIN'J EVE* S!N''K UK BVOSBO "I'aramoi NT" w/uwrs ARsrnniTiK?. AMD INTENSITE!) Bt His ADVOCACT OF THE CAUSE 09 His Cfl*7M. TRT-THB VICTIM OI-' PER .?IKVTI'lN AT Till-: HAM'S ok thi: IgCRETART Of STATK. [ST TKI.P'-.RAP? TO THE TRIBr-NTl Washington, March 20.?in dosassallng of ths Hawaiian Oovernnienl the r'-'-all of Minister Thurston the Administration is acting; within its rights and 1.rdlng to usage. That it has ?lone so is gen.rally admitted. Secretary Gresham, at any rat.?, does nol deny It Th?? only qu?-a tion of Interest la what srera the r*js_s<H_a The state Department, while pi esa 1 ring its usual air of mystery, has oau.s.-d a seml-othViel statement to go ..ut, according t.. which Min? ister Thurston mad- himself B PSTSOBSI SOfJ ?rata, to us- the enstornary diplomatie formula, in giving certain inform ition t.. the newspapers touching th.? sentences Imposed by the n.iwaiian BUtborltles upon the Royal wnaplrators and withholding that Information f..r nearly two days from th.? friends and syntpathlsera of the conspirators In th.- White House. That, it is understood, is the aum and aubetance "f ihe complaint the burden ??f the grievance srMefe the authors ..f th.- ??p..Hey ,,t infamy" harbor againal Minister Thurston. If this i?>? so?and one is bound to credit th? atatement, since it baa the aeml-offlciaJ aanctlon <>( th.? .state r>?? partmenl it becomes neeeesary to ascertain whence comea this unusual touchiness on th>> part of Mesera Cleveland and Oreeham; this suddenly awakened seal i" ael "ti Its feet once more "my policy," and this outbreak of r?-s?-nt ful peeviahneaa sgalnal a man who aeesas to be guilty of no greater crime than that of ??nter a, opinions different from tte.s- of tbeeog*? ,te.i champion of royal i?u*"f onery. it has been an open secret In Washington , the friends "f th?? ex Queen >?( the Hawaiian islands sgaJnsI Mints ter Thurston haa been 1 - Iderlng lire since that gentleman ventured up 11 exposing the ab surdltles of "Paramount" Blount's report. That it did nol break -"it In lurid flame? long bel .re this is probabl) due t.. the fact that Congress? while |n session, stood ready t?. turn upon It a cold snd disappoint ; s stream if common sanss? As when "my polk y" was Anally determined on, and that other at.sind champion of royalty, Minister Willis, was sent on his chivalrtc >r - the siih mette m inarcby of the Pacific Ocean just at a time wh*n Congress could n : p asibly Interfere, so Se.-rotary Oreeham chooses now a convenient moment when no Impertinent Congress ess rap the : ited knuckles ? r es 1 Isa Ita prarogstissf in a question which tl.-- owner of those game knuckles sol? mnly relegat 1 to the "wider dis? cretion" of th?> legialatlve branch of th?? Oov ernnaent The insincerity of that step is now dearly demonstrated, sine.? the letter instruct? Ihr Minister Willis to demand Mr. Thuratonls recall was s.nt nearly two wsass before Com grasa adjourned, and yet knowledge of that faot sras withheld from both Senats and House. THE CAM OF SE?OR .Mi'RI'AtJA. Th? extraordinary Indifference shown by that st,it?- Departmenl t 1 the remarkable ami varie d antics of Minister Muruaga is in ??ianng contrast t?. the sudden sensitiveness exhibited tn Mr Th ra .- Mu? laga not once, bat several times, .1 is? 1 1 .- Admlnlstratlosi ? f ba 1 faith in not tisinu- due diligence to privent Ipmenl of . mtraband fr .tn this country Into Cuba. He pre tlcally told the Secretary of thai he permitted himself knowingly to ; trpo.' presenting s t'raud l and ts 1 ilnst Spain. In fact. If he had 1.n a little more concise in th.? use of the English language, be might .1? well have ' tiled Mr. Oresha 1 "liar." The latter saw the** ?m'usi- n the public prints, end so? presumably, did the President, as s on as !?..- re? turned from r Inspecting the llghUiouass "f th-- North Car 1 board. IX seither ??f these two eminent sticklera for diplomatic <tl quette saw In them grounds 1 ?r resentment, nor ,li?l "ither. it mui _esl to the other the proprletj ??f closing the m ?uth of this diplomat, much lew demanding his r??cn_I. ? -. bow? rer, betwei n him and Minister Thurston vas that, while indulir Ing In the un 111 m 11 pastime of calling names, h-? ??id not hav ? th.- tern? rltj t 1 ass.-rt that the authors of a "poll > of Infamy" and their feUoss? were < ngaged in a dastardly crime against civilization and morality, tMr the hat ?li? li? ? 1 to pi ?ve il That alone in aid account for th.? difference of th. treatment dealt "tu in the tu ? 1 ase? Mit THURSTON WAS TOO THANK. There an- other'.is, however, which it Is -aid tended to render Mr. Thurston an inmsl come visitor at the State Department. He had the i?.?d taste to argue sith freedom snd sincerity the cans.? ,.!' his country. Thai was a fault which consecrated Infamy e nil not condone, n ? v?otce4] h ? convictions with a directness which the dr* cumlocutlon .-iliials of the department looked upon as iieiii? not far from vulgar, 11- also dr.: te?l l?> degrees into sn intima ?>, s .,-ial as well as oiH, with certain members of Congress who .'.; 1 noi lupp ri the CJeveland-Domlnls alliance. II? even ventured, li is said to-nighl with much p..:! ??-i -?;!> of detail, upon h la? s constant vis? it. >r in ti:?- dtplomatl ? galleries of C ingress when? ever i|uestlona affecting Hawaiian Interesta were under discussion. In hi^ seal he arenl s.? far as !.. listen i" debate on the proposition of ??tvln?; Uovernmem aid to a Hawaiian cable , ?mpany and t.. furnish some Senators though this is mere unsupported aasertl n with Information tending t.? show that the scheme of Mesera Cleve? land and Oresha m t.. hand over more or leas of everything In Hawaii : 1 England waa sot "tie that ought to commend itself t.. American states? men. All :his. c imbined with the exposure he mad?? ..f "Paramount" mount's "cracker" diplo? macy, made him a thorn In the ride of the Admin? istration and a decidedly un? omfortsMe person to have around, it would be :h?? irony of fat.? if In a private capadt} he srere to prove himself more annoying yet t,. the White House it vallsts than he has as Minister. Thai this la Ilk. ly t,, 1?,. the case appears from a ?tatemen! made t.>-ni>r;ht that, In case of his recall, Mr. Thurston will re main In this countrj ae counsel and adviser to the n?-w Minister. As auch h.- arould occupy a position altogether unofficial, where th?? res.-nt ment of the baffled conspirators could not i.-.i.-h him. Al the s.mie time, the Hawaiian Crovera 111. at \\ lUld be ?11 a position to avail Itself of his great ability and exp. rience. Another BUtenaesrt is that in th. ev? nl of hi.? recall he will !?<? plsosg in charge "f the foreign relations of Hawaii and the presen) chief ..r the Foreign Department, Mr. Hatch, will become hla BU?__essor here. It .-an 1- telly be seen thai such an arrangement miKht |.r ?ve more galling y.-t t.. tiu- ?sonsec rated ehaaa? i""i:: "f outraged Royalty. 1NDIONITIB8 HEAPED UPON HIM If there Is any number of the l>iplomtitlo Corps entitled on the ?rounds ?>( "rectpto it y," as one mighl sa.\. to , ousi.leiutloii at the hands of th.? Administration it certainly Ih Mr. Thurston. In the reeollaettofl of the oldest and most experienced diplomats busts th??r?? la n?it another member ..f th? orjrps that ha? t>.-.?u mad.? th.? victim "f SUCh studied and 'varied inanlfestatli.i.s . f neglect. Mr. Thurston was in no position to r-s.?nt th.? Indignities hasjaaj upon him l?y Mr. Grresham personally am? aa the representative of his ??.?untry. The very things that he i_ now aceuaud of Mr. Orcaaata