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THE MARKETS. CASH grOTATION-i. Jr,-.n, N.? 1 foundry.912 33 t-o No 2, soft. lu '?i (?:?<?! rail? . . '."-"" Lead . 3 IB Copper, lake ?ne it.. 0 2"' Wheat. No. 5 1 ? lata, No. " i- 1 Corn. So 3 mixed. ??? ffe? No T . dttng... Minn patent flnur.... $3 TO Sugsr, granulated... "1 m la????? o ?v. prima ?3 Hog?, dressed, ItD-tb. it pork, raes?. i" T.". n?',. 1.ard. prime. 7 us 33*4 Tsl'ow, prim?. 4'; ef, family. 11 no I! ?'? Beef hams. l:n?j ?; . W f, bush . ' ? is h . < >ata, I ush . . . 1 . . F'.OJI bb'.l . !'!? or. lack? . ?' rnm< ?I. bbl? .... Iti in, "? . 11 . ? -, H ?v. hah ? . Hoi halei . W isk?) ga'.s . ' ? i'd meal, lb.. OH meal, th.... Oll cake, lb_ spir?s turn., - il H ?In, EXTORTS TO-DAY ?0.431 Fli ii. bb!s . . ...?'?lo T :. II 1? . . . 11" Re! '.' 7'?. Kapbths, gsl? i.e. p.- nslne, pal? !'. I'd ' ? ?? n?'d id'., 4...-..; t. ibi . afg oil. ?it? |*ork, bbl? . 23,100 Beef, ti.l? ... 0.1? B f, te? _ P'.-l Rai : . tl. _ 2.3K2 11 imi :!? _ 2IS1 1 .???: B, . l.'.IHKI Ts'.'.ow, tb _ :?l.i'.u Ore???, lb ... 1,030 300 Butler, lb .... 0.700 I'll- . tb . . SIC K30 t.:.i 101.426 I! 4 O"" 1 .??.. 10 THE GENERAL MARKET RKPORT. New-Yi rk, Man h 20, ISM COTTON The excitement on the Cotton Exchange ha? nn been equalled for m milis. Bale? 1 n the Bret ill ?'ere the hcavleit f?.i tii' laal year, snd pri' 1 wer? T to 12 '? - up ..i -he viart. losing al ml liall th?- rtsj shortly after the flr?! call Ther? wi - ? period of quletses? s] mid In., bul 1st? 1 Inet ?? devi I - actl It) ..: streng! 1 .. I - earl) ?eilen n 1 being ?ble I their 'm- is, j:i >s reaching ab vi -.!.?? highes! figure? ??f the morning closing firm a! 1" 10 13 points net ad? vance, with 1 lh* I ? period, amounting to ::.'.?.??>> bales The news from Liverpool wa? th. 1. M market to- i.iv Home response had been ex? pect? ? ? rise hers snd lh? ?ir n? close of ye?terd?y, Lui no 1-i<-h cmn as was rep rted, Spot? vv- ? 3-82d up und ruiure? ?-64J whit? the ?ule? of ?pn cotton wer? the larges? f ? ,-, very '??"k period, proving conclusively t. ??. min?? f ?ii?- ?cared ?hort? thai the ?tatement? of shortage of ?pinners' ?uppllei were ' unded on fact. Th? rta? waa worked on I -? I ? however, and met liberal ?ellln? order? - me of the German nousei being comp 1 u? m ottering ,.on. The claim 1? made thai th- ?upply :' Ann ?01 ?d I? small In Eng? land ..;:.. lugh 'ii- ?' ntlneni hold? ?upplle? msterislly in . > ? i.i ia?t v .1 The movement ol 1 itton at lh? port?, bowevei keep? .,, remarksM) weB, snd f : IS? day vv,i? estimated st IS.uuO bates The Improvemeni in trsde con? dition? '? I 't? "re however, feature? which out?'? . ? ? supply coming Into ?Ighl in view of the f.. ? that notwithstanding th* Immense crop? th? vtslhl? supplv .n ihl? country 1? not such 1 ?m .unt over ..r-1 above lust Th<> ?eml-weekly In t?.ii r ? .wed receipts of 32.000 bal? i_'.""?i bnl.? :,-: year and ir..>?h> bules In ISU2 - 1 ? ;:.'.'j?i '.'..:?-. ,is.?in-' IMMO bales ',.!?? >? ir and 24,0011 !.. - . IMC Although the private cable? t:..,! ?: . : . ... : ?pi is ,n Llverp . ? 1? by the Spinners, ihi maikei lh< wi icn? : 1! th close, losing half 1 - nnd Ihl? was th. signal for liberal telling in ih? markets, prices si New-York nnd New-Orb .!,.- .!? >pplng to the Bnal of laal nlghl j re 'i. aggre gating 18S.000 bales There wem ijuii- 1 number of ltii-H B cotton 1.1. n th? market, but commission 1 till aeserl thai ihe so-called Inman in Inn-.i': :?? ?..?? 1.? not ringing, while several of th nil shorts ne ringing, ,i. leafing thai the latter have ,.v.-. . und tnelr place? taken by a fr?~li ?hort Intere?! 1.. .,- s. v Orleans for i??-morT ? were estimated ,,t ii.ino t . B.issj balea, against 2.013 bales um week snd 1.4V.? bale? last year, Receipts ..' Houston for thi v ... 1.03 ' bale? ', i?l week snd 77! bul-? last year Memphis. ST- 1 ites, ?gainai 1.13d laM ?reek sn 1 131 bale? laal Open as, and clone to-day. and closing bid? the prevloua nlghl and jear follow; Op? March .... -Apr.l . May . June . July . Au?:um ... ? ? ? . N 1 ? ? - .?.83 ,fl 30 High e?t. ?; 39 ? ... 1: :?: t; 31 8.33 li 44 6 14 Low? est 1. IT U -jii 1, -?' c. IS <; .'1 1, 23 1, 28 a so .?; 4?? 0 :,.-. 6.30 ?14.1 a S3 1 " ? 1 : Mna -. d ?v 1, 21 '"'? 2S ?; -j7 ui L's 8.31? . I, Js'int ?"? f.:;-.i ... ? 1, :.s.,.i .::i r, I2??H 4.'! 8 ???.?: ?? IT 6 .'."o'..M ..M U .?. Laal nigbt. (I J'i ?-. :to 1, :n Last yeai 41 Marital el u I :;rrr. al 10013 loin's advance, mum yesterday'? rloelng prices Traniferrlble notice?, S30 Total ?a! .-. 3.14.000 bales New-York nel receipts n?? bales; gi is, 0.317 Exv rt? forwarded. 1.108 bales; sale? 300; ?tock, lOO.Bttv. Total nel recelpti 17.4"-' balei Ihui fai this week, 34.047 Exports 1 -l.v Oreat Britain, -ill bal ?; Continent, 3.3U0 Thus tai this ?reek: Qreal Britain. IB.61U bale?; France, 7.1.'^:. Conti? nent. sa.aut: ?t?k. 047.001. Sew-York -1 : ?ales to-.lav .-.:. 1 laal night, is ? ::. lally '-1 rted v ?. contract. :??> bales; tots 100; spot Mob ilei ml I ' - middling gulf, Ss-lttc, which - ?i up, compared with ? i.iv, n .... ,, ; irg? bui - loini . ? ? lo-day, 3.000; al! Amerl - itlon and export, 2.000 hales: American lti.uou ree? pts, 20.000; American, 21.000; mlddlln? lands. :t Il-.-'l Futures opened steady, partially l-'V4d ?dvan-? . - -? ' 62 point? idvan e; Mai :ils. Mai April 31703IN April-May, ".::.? May-June. 31BH? June-Julv, t!20s; July-August. 3211 t.-m?. r. 'JZi' -. Septei r-Ocl :;j;;-.i . . ' 1 I. i-N ? vember. ??.'? N o .mi-: ? 1 >.-. ? i: b-i. :<2BWs: I ?? " January. :;-'" ; Manchesi - Cloth? port, bul - to (i .n. COF1 .no-e?? In the volume of ii- - ? moi i'..:.t!. ind - . -!?!? i" . n tlnued n though the total wa? :*r from h. aw. Lower cubic? caui? i:.n.'rai through the list, which ? mi ::' 13 points in th? ? .?-aliiiK!-. 'I'll- r- vviu. conslderabl? exchangina : f. -,i..r for March .?".1 March lo May. which hy-I! tin- total Fluctuations throughout wer? Havr? W..S quiet; March, i'ii.J". franc?; April, U8.30; M.i>. 03.73; June, l'i Hamburg quiet; Mai h, 78.23 April, "?TT.".. May ?8.30; June, 7?; ^". Rio nun al I8.aoo for >." ,. 7. KvhaiiKe quoted at '.'".. Ritcetpt?, 13,000 Iuks. stock. 90.000 1 .iks Clearsi e? ? : United Btnl - i:ur"i-, nil Bam? ? mark-t Inactive, and quotation? ? lnal. H.Ipta B.OO0 baga; .-? i>. 234.000 bags. Cleared frasn Rio, steaflsshlp Rosee, with l ??..???> > bass. Costracts rinsed si bags, Mai April May . July .. - ;.-,i ?," |. iint? Hi: h . .13 3" . 18.1? ..14-. ?lin? s.: VV"!-- P.?.???! II SO ill 33 . : 4 7.1 .14 To . : 1 :?". 14.00 11 .-.II H.. 16 IS 13 S3 7n i-emb-i . ... J.- ? n er .14.33 It :; TB? ?tatuti a p -.'.? :. : Ha New-Y irk si . : . 'la .-' k. tt r. ,' . . i- nTtt. New-Yc 1 ? ? - ? New-Oi I? .U0.3i:i . 4 1 I'M . .103.37 > . : "? .v ?. - ',.11 ?' : 1 73SH -"? u 75*14 ?3 11 0331 l 7" It :.?.-., It 0X1 li :,r. in m ?1 ...'.y 14.43 ;, . .ii 40 \ ? vv - ? -?? ;.. I23.B3, 171.810 4J 4?4 4 I'M 3.128 32.133 14 lo l',:i.-|7 '.'. M3? :;;s l.'.'-.4'.? 4 ;: .; 137 Isllverles . '.it: 3 -??? 4.-:.-. At'i-.a' .LNi;'?r? 2J. 244.14kl VI I? ?upply .44S.870 430.34" 4."..'4:.?; The dewssd .? ?mall and R ? pricei ar? quoted firm, import-!? r-fusirK to make No 7 flat b-iin wai ?? . and No 8 al 1&V Mild col ?Jev-lopmi; la a'y va-:? ? ;.. Salei Were re| of 2.4<?i !..i^- i'm-ral America; an privat? FLOl'B AND MKAL II wa? an ex? Mlvelj dull day In the Bout market. The mil - 1 been ?i.!:?._; to gram anv reduction from th- asking Bgurei made ? the l*?i advaace, winie the 3, M-is hav? wai hed 1 it and r.f'.i*-i to buy Bale? were rep rted to-da) ' IT.tsw ; , . Ich 11.400 i'Ki'.- wei rltj 1 bl? wh ?? 1 patent?. R! 10; J.v?i bbl? ?tralght?, ?'.' ^"u^ and privet- term?, and :;'?' bbl? rlesra, 13 611 loti s ? xtra I?-. ?J."..'.. 1??? bid? ? uv noil patents, etfe*4 l1' a.010 bbis, privat? Una?; S.00U it.- rltj eui s.'t 33fj t.'U"; 47". bt>li Bnes, city mill?, 13 l.Vi*2 23 1.200 bbl? sprm? paten -. M 700*3 75 and private terms; ;'?" bbls btraight.-. 33 40 and '???< bbl? rieur?, prli U t< m?. ?UCKWHKA'I Kl..?i.']( Market nominal at fl 00. ...BYE FLOL'B Markel Arm; sales, 300 bbli ..? *:;.?*:'.'.?'?. COBN'MEAL Ma tel quiet; ?ales :;.?' bbli Quoted: Brandvwine <^7.".. Sagamore, ):;",. Western and South? ern. $2 40912 70.BAG MEAL Msrket stead . sales, 1,460 pkg? Bim white, *l 124*3! 13; Un" yellow. ?1 1" coarse, :.'.?.?*; 02.FEED Markel Brm; B>Ib '"'.' !?. . 60-tt :"' '.c-;'. M'-:t>. :?' i'c'.jf; ion-rh. '.?."- Man hominy . h.... S3 . ? ittotseed meal -;. r.?.-, ,11 meal, $1 lo 4iM !L- , ,'v feed, t'.'-''i*l. QRA1N- WHEAT?Ther? wet? narrow fluctuations In the ?heat market during lh* morning, with price? ?how Ing an under! ne ?: ?teadlnea?. The opening was <jui?-t. price? ^.-.\i\ improving, with n.i.:,.!. light. The f..r eutn !:'??.!< W..S of fairly steady market? and foreign offer? ings for the tini- P. ms ?????m??: to b? over. There was h dm lalh about crop damage abroad, although this had little inilueiiee. Weather condition? through thi West tvei? - . ?? favorabi? The growing ctup within a v.<??v; ? ti i. led 1 be pi greealng fslrlj good In th? principal winter v?'1. .a raising Btalaa, although In ?"ine , ?,f th.. small i State? ihe outlook is lesa satisfactory. The I big recelpti m ihe Northwest and comparative!) small decrease ::i Northwestern country elevator? are somawhat of a .; be iiiaik-'. Ths ?ItuaOon seems !. be 1 ??n? in which .-' ?. l;s in ?iKht .ue large ?.-? I decreasin? ' ?lowly. The prospectB f?n' the American wheat 1 tlsfactoo', the European demand ha- been iiichi nnd th report? : damage abi .ad hove n .t been BUfBclenl to prevent leaii'.in^ on ?juiie besv) quantitle? of long wheat ..n the - en< adrase?, and In addition t,. that th .s within 0 few month? of the crop of th? n-nii 'ern hembtph? ? ? matltutlng over 2.000.600,000 bush of ihe w rid'? produ Hon. Serlou? ?laniai!.- ai home ?.us damage may, however, occur befon iba wheat Is cu: ;.nd ttirjilied. Interio. receipts of wheat si spring vvh-a: markets to-day w??re -.J."'.'.*. bush (Including, '-hi vagi,. 2S.SU0 bush, n-aMy all winter), sgalnii J.'l.^.'i.. ! bush last i.-ai, winter, .".y.rp.'i bush, against 48.010 bush; ' :? ? ;' 4'.'.mu bush, again?) L'T -vi bush tots 301, ".".'. bush, against 2SS.73V bush Kxp rts, 08.373 buah, ; affair." L'!:M47 . ?*h. 1 ?urini; the ifternoon businra? wa? j tl itely a.:.... vvltn th. undertone h> a.v .,:, tb? , 0 estimate of lh? world'? wheat crop for I8B4 ?f 2,3V0.0U0.0OO bush. .111 increase ,,f na.UOO.OOU bush ' over ISM, and an Inervas? ol 176,000.000 bush evei l-1'.' Th.-n waa a 1; od local and foreign cash business, bul ! the market c!> ?<->l slow st uaehaaged lo ',<? decline, Ship- ; pei? bought 04.i?J0 bu?h No 2 i-d at s.?' over May fob ,.: ,r.>; SO.OOO bush Si l%c over May, t 0 I. a?....! ?nd ?4 load? of chol - red, privat- t-tiu*. f ,. b afloal and ?itv mills, n.'t.iKs? bush No -' r?d at He undei May In store, May closed at BS%c, Bxp rter? took 33 kadi _ ixiKN- Ttie trading in corn during the ?art) ?i ?Ion of 1 the day Bras faiily a?'tive, with price? st. .ihik a ,iv ' lirm ton-, due t, th- ?mall interior rseatpU f.,i ih- week Bad th" pi-.lieticin? of a ll^ht BSOVemettl for BOBS* : - 1o come. There ?sag a ?lit:? further eovsrbag i.v attort? and a few outside ord,er?. but nu esthuslasm v?.,? ?'?played either 10 bay or ?ell. Toward midday' price? ', show??! a quieter feeling, but declined onlv a trlfl- I hardenlni; again with th? but er market In wheat. Dur- i Ing the latter port of the day there ?eemed t,, l.e ,-. n ?Merable pressure to seil and prt.e? readily w.irke.i tf ; wundin?; ii|. ?.; about th< 1 ?<?>? Baures ..f th.- ?la? Bom? of the Cht'-ag? dispatches slated that ..n? of'the b|? operators was a heavy buyer of cm. The market cl"?ed dull and rather h.-avy. un-hanged from la?t nluht ?-aati corn wa? ML No 1 Ml lii?pe?tlon. 16.000 bush sold at 'V "ver the price ?f May COTS, f 0 b afloat Mav , ,,?.' at 31V: 3.000 bush ??earner v-Ilow ? Id a, ?'v .w, v ', one &vr unpnded whit?- at 4?V d-liver.-d No I corn yioted nominally at %,c ov-r ?May ::, More.hats Trade In oat? was again of ?mall proportions, d"ve|,,>,in?: very little feature either In cash 01 future?. Pri?es we e oemfjarathrely ?leady. however, and OB ?r.iiie mlk sboui ?mall receipt? the market etossd Steady at unchanged t., Se net gain. ( a?h oats were ga|L Sale? w.-re M i??i bu?h a? follows: 13.000 hush No 2 ??,? 3.,4,t34?- elevat ? and 34Vfe33c delivered; 4.000 buih Mr, 2 whit..37 1* M. bu.h tra-k white. IBOtlc.BABLET ,. ste.dv ?U'"*V, N" ? M.lvvauke. ?Be; ?Wa.\ VS?ttT 6*6^ .?^rt^'VL ???**>: W?"t"'l: Western" 7??n74. ?.SEEDS Markt ?tesdy. Ousted: Clover Iv ??? |H? 30; timothy, ?fi 1<K/V> 7-V u We ijiv?. f.,r ?-..??larlson the ri??nK price, 0f th? at> v??.ua day and for the eorres^.ndlng ?late last year: ?Vh Open- High- I>iw Ing. est. eat. r.t liest March . as .... une ..? r .r,v.\ ?l's-S SOvi-dl .CIS <ii\% ?l!4 ?1S-H 00*4-'i CI >s iug. ?114 on', ?o', ?1 0l>4 Last nlsht. (Vl'4 ?I 61 i.i', 6114 I^l?f year. gSJ 61V Kit, 64* I F-T' ...CIS ?I?, r.1%.?, WH ?'j Dec? mber . .?as* '?' ? ";''< *?'? ? '-1' ,', :n. ; March . I April . Ma? .51t? ?'?-"? .'I'? '. ?'"? -"i i j .1 ily .,".l 51% MR? ?l ?'?" - : Srptembei ...Jl'4 ,".c. 31% M% ?>':', .'it?. ' March . sM% S3 , April .'::t'* :-'-\ M* ?M, S .M , :.::'. :-.\ El 8SS ; luly . ?'?"? - ?'?' : White: ?March . 3. M April . SI Si Ma) . -??'?. 30% Iteeeipts oj breadatuO? at interior point? In t?ousai three rtphcra lUOOi omitted. Flaur bbla, k:?"o bi f i: .?s: riour. Wheat. Corn, Oat? Rye. Bar ; Chicago . 10 10 ir> ?:; i ?'? ! Milwaukee . IS -Il ... 11 ? Louli. -i t' 28 10 . 15 30 . . l? 8 8 Mlnn?apolls . 180 i i.uth ,. n napoll? . S :i" I ' Tota!? . -T 820 :n? lia :? ? n ?su f- m these i> ir.t?: . . . 17 M .17 _? I : Milwaukee . '.? . 31 1 I s:. Loma. 7 L' ?"> il ? ... . 01 loti . . 1 .? . i? ?'?? Minn? ap . .- . 21 '<> . Kai m City. >? . ' Totals . .V, 120 I?'-' 100 ? Receipt? nt Atlantic portai i New-York . 10 -il -i" ?"-' ! Philadelphia _ P. 1 80 s Baltimore . L'a .'? Ti s ' -n . \ - ?' -, I Kew-Orleans . i ??? ??? ? --- T iUI* . 00 M) IW ?? Export? from AKr.r.tlc port?: New-York . 12 00 4 ? ? ? Philadelphia . M '?' ?S Balttm ?r? . 17 H Boston . 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?jj_ 1. ;a> .;: i ?is .'?.i 1?. METALO IRON The i.,cal market shows no chan with Quotation?'-.l from last week "M mntei Is Arm and fall) active, TIN The nmrk-t ?ra? ?M ?1 the opening on th< foreign new? but biter d?-*'? snm? strength, !? mis firm, with ?pol an,! M?rcn, 13.? 13 '.?' l.'-ti'l- n ? nrong at '?",.', : ,,,1?v pr|p<.?. Sale? n Change were ... ions May. 13 i m ton? lut) I.TOi).. .COPPER Mnrket dull snd noi nail) unchanged si 0.2Mfu-80 London ws? firm... ? LEAP M.-.ilu-t quiet, i it ?t?ad) at 3.10. SI. Lou a s ,;,, ted flrr ?? 2.!?J<*2.!?2 . SPELTER Ms el with offerings light, closing at 3-12' 83.1,1. MOLASSES AND BYHt'PS Dealine? were moderet' ,, Hvi and prl ? - '? Offerins? r ntlnui ? ?lp iratlv. light and appear m be held with ronlMenc*. S) i| -M kel qulei ?.-it Heady, u-.ii ?<? Neu Orleans, lontrUiiK ,. I0 mm in, 12 18 . fair I ? \ <-"'??;? ?? ' . 22.i2.V- r.pen kettle, fslr i- good. 2S?J3Cc: prli lo choice :;:: (:>, . Harbadoe?, j-.a.'-', . Porto Rlc?, ? 33 ?yrup? rugar. ,,r.lin,-irv m romnv-n, Off 10c; lair ? , ai 11 ; 1V--. prime ' ? choice, |s , j.'. NAVAL STORES Stock R ?In, 3I.7S7 bbl?; spirits It pentln?, 4J is:! bl Is; tsr, 2.027 ! hi? Th? mark-, for ?pli turpentine li ?icady, with qnoisilon? ?I ?MPsfwc. Roi la firm ..? $1 i?H st OS ; : c mm ?? t.. g d strained. OILS The mark? i wai ven s'- ' '? ' ?n- """ ' men i ?n ton? noted ?pporentl? du* I gi .inlldcnce in isk ni i rices rat I '? an) Impi ?< m? trade requl'emenl?. I. r. quiet lut ?lead lard oil was ?leady. W* quoti i " nseed oil. prit ? i.e. II,is. '.'L'.- iJ.l, . prime crude, loose, f o t. Bill her. I7A1VH-; nil -rude, bbl?, -'"-I-. simmer yelln j.; L'..'-.. . summer vellow, ft grade, ?_'.'-??. whit?, prim?, nominal. 34?30c; ?ummei whli 2.? a.;>?. butler grade?. 27>?t?2Hc; lard oil, ???<>?;} Vim.>rl ? n law, B0 . An., r* in t ' 80? .. , OCEAN FREIOHTS Th? market r r l-erth freights ?teady an', quiet Eng gen -a- I I a-: To Liverpool, gialn ?-'?? i-losins 2d I ? i ' ??k.*d; *??' c?? ,,. i xe? bacon, l"s. ."?'" i' ixe? ch. ?Ul ? Ulasgos 200 hale? nltoi '.. M let I ?????. 3? ? and 201? bid? main l 3d; ? Hull 100 cas?? csnned meat l.'-s and 30 bbl? beef, 2* 3d; t.. 1. ?nd n 12? I ??? !?< 12? Bd and IWl ton? nuasuremcni good? |0s1 12 ? Hamburg 30 hbls reef 3 nark? We quot?; ..rHin I. ?.,.?, : 2C_ , ; 1. nd m, l , i2 .. Ola?g .w, j-i. Brlst. ?VmJ 'lia;: 3d a- led 1 ?III - N? ? sstb. ??', v. p. 3d; Ron . Hal irg. 43 pfgs; grain Cork for rd?r? 3a i tton to Liverpool, '? '. ??ked; petr ;. ;... ? , L'nlt? i King I m noml .CHARTERS ??n-ral niatk.t Iher? i? noi much vtlallt) in ai nneni lh. lari ? ? of sail ti nnag? bell . ?? .'?? .m quit* limit? gai freight? it Wl Cuba at- :;nn, tut as outward ' ? I ?i cer> ?care ?mall vsm!, are at II i- it.- oui in baila? and all iher bi .:. I.. -,.-.? ???-... ? . ? srters folli* Hrlt.i ?t< ? . t. | N, s v rk t I.:-1, n 2? ?" | ; i ?h P I Ota i m Hlogo ? Xew-1 k, I12.t*?0; Brltlih usrk 2.2SS tons lit itiah si ip :',m> '?? i - -. ' - t? Cork f - ? 33s; British berk 2.10S ton?, San Fran - Cork for orders J?'.a .'?!. British ?hip 1.007 on?. Sa Itco t, Cork for orders, J7- >'.! British Kirk 1.0." I tons, deals st John, X B, to ????? i l lr?lsnd, c. n*r, .'',',.. tons, sura-, San :? ? - ? S?w-t ik. ?: I ?'uracos s;? and pon rharg? . "? : '?'"'? '? u" ' ' i idelphia to Caithagtaa, i s C |2 bark, ito ? ? i to noi th of Hattvras. 1 ne.', i23 t.ns. an,! British brli ?0 t ns, tugai ? ; mtanamo t ? n-.rili ? I H .??-? i? 12 13 and 14c. tl nooner, .'131 tais, t: neial argo, N-? ? K-v vv>?t an l Tampa, private t?rm? IK' ' ,'l.-l' >NS ; : . ?-..- ? ? ; eg but litt!, .ariatlon P< >HK ?'. k?l ? -, v luo i ' .- Quoted M. -- 112 75 l|13 ??. ?12 -."??.?-.' ".*? ?h ' ear, $136ll? .Vu.BEEI Mm.- ?ulei Qu t*d: Extra I. |7iits family. Ilu S IS12; pack?t, I- i>!. .REEF II ?vis Market Stead ? |10 ? m ?In.HRESHEt? HOC.S? Msrk. 00-fb '? .-.-?.?.,.?. i-t'T MEATS !'. :...!,'.? - Mark? l , ? ? I al o,;i'-;/ ? H lo lo It, Pickled ?houlderi Mark?! quiet si ft Plcklfd ham? Market quiet at v,4'is''?'.BTEAH INE Mark? l ?teady; lard ?\ ?0. sa*.. TALLOW Market firm; ?alee 100 hi :- st IO-IOC .... LARD Market qUlU; ?ale? '."-. ICI It '?'??? : it] -..; ? . ;.?. les, si ''?'???? ret?n? . quiet; Soutl i, a. 7 7.'. . . ' ?.: n nt, 7 ??'? , c mi- . ' ? v. ? . ?' In il. Mm. 7 o... i. initial. RI? !?: I; ? I? i .bl u .- nal ill wa) it sti ? I) , The of l and ? gn ? ; ? slid Jobber? U . -. nresi We quoi i nd I ? n ? .? . low fslr to I . ? ? , pi ime, -i . . i , ??.:??. ? ' ; . . . i .- . ' . H . nd, lJ,'.i'.'. SI'?JAR -Foreign sdvlrrs l<t-da) were t-, ??? sa'>' i I London wai lib an upward t a can? heel vv.,- ! . V! 'all .,-, : April i's Od I-? all?, lb? ? ra? ?usai i i I lit quiet. The offering? ntinue I ?liil ti om< nt th? d?n and I? noi urg? nt ? ; rted : SSO ? ? - n.a.- ? ?do SO ?? t. .<? j 11 ID. renti Ifugal '?"? leal - i il 3 mu -?,,.? 211-1? ? s;, ,..,-, -j ; m i;. ? ?.. i i'onlln i. - ,' fli m. on t h? I i? - ft ?? U i i.:. ilng trad? is on nal ? ? r l'ttle ?eei ? ? i?< ? . ? ? ? ; I In? - srstlvefy ?te id I . M ni gom? ? v ? ind ? 'om i ,.;.-. - ?.; ne?.V 11\^ i. 7 1 . ;';.a young 11-- r. v .....;. ill |ni . perlai, s'..'(t'-'.">' . 232 gunp wdgi 17 . Sue) V'2 lm|. .;>'<] i- ;??... - 12* J ?pan 104 i an tip!. ll\ii IT' . 7:.: I n? - .'. I I ai : O. Pek?, I3?j2l. odong 12? Foochow, lo/ni:. ~.? Vu. -, s ,,. ,| ,05 |- ; .., ?, ,.? Then -.vas al?. .. ?perlai ?al? of 3,088 pkg?, wtttt detail? ?? follows Moyune ^'77 lly?,,n. 1.434 round H^ n 17>. Imperlsl sn i-_-7 gunpu? lei ill on pi rat? term? nd Oolong 1.13! I ? ? . -a. I 7ir L'". . ? ?? ? COUNTRSf PRODUCE MARKET. -.. ? .York, Ms 'i 30, IM BEANS AND PEAS s, many "f the domestic marro?? 1 ar.. taken off tia mark?? by i.ikIi limit? ttui th? avallabl. ?uppl) i- v-ry ^nlall and lh? mark el In i ms? |uence ?how? Increasing tlmin---. ule? at Kl SO snd II i? now difficult to buy at that. Medium snd p?s ar? ? i imngi-r, ! l-ui the tni.le is taking I hem rsth?i ?lowly. It-. m higher and firm; ?om? business ..? 12 2U. ConaMerahl? ;n foreign beam and ?-' li now generell) i.?ked t,.. rjesl |.-., snd medium; s car ol go a i-.. ?old lu v ? West al 1103. Oreen i- u qulei sad unchanged. We I . ?? 1 : n? !???":,???.? pel llh ?-' SU. do [??? Ei 10*jf2 13; do medium, %: 1" ifi whlti a? >J .'..'? ?? y? m. lu red kidney, |2 104>$2 2<?; do lurtl? ?oup II W? *1 sr.. do y.;|.,a eye, |2 2UO02 23; do lime ? ... ' I i;: uv.itu ]?i do foreign man w, ?2 404/02 .V?; do pea. t-l WxB$2; do ' reign, medium, tl s7,,i|j. green pea?, bbl?, II ?.-.nil 07V?; do bags, n7'? all, do * ich, Il l*Ja ?l 07V? BCTTER?There ??.?? s s.i markel foi One and fane) fresh rrearneiy an.i th- f??llng on si, ii was s shad? tiianer. though value? ??;,? not i-hanged materially, i-i*i\?? buyers bid !,iv;ti-r un '?'hange ibis morning for technical .-xira-. but -lie., are u ? ?uch, and r< w. re not disposed to crowd price? up on average fancy good? to regulsi trade, More Interest ws? shown in the i/e?t lots -t new Stata dairy, both half tub? snd fr, ?h, an i there was rather m ir? Inquiry I t- fresh W*?iem i? king? "M butter of all kind? remain? quiet. We quote: New butter, creamery, extras, per n. 20c; do t'm-?. 17'..-.i lin-, do thirds to seconds, HOlOc; Stat? dairy half tuba, fancy, lue; do Welsh tubi cholci lines, I*. do titsin. IC'/lo1.. do third? in "..rrvl?, in-.ii:;, Imita? tion creamery, ihm,. i.-'.,.iit . d. ?? ueio fact ??-? I l-'i I-.'.-, ik? Oral? loiin , do thirds to nd U 8?.ic; roll?, 7fjtl2c Old butt?r, cri imery Stat? fall mad?, 100)13 . do W??tern >umm?r mad. -' 'all, State .?any. fall tuba, fancy, ll'ii:,,. ,| . firkins, fancy 14c ?) , common i g i ,i. :??/13. . I i. toi ., .:. . CHREME No expon Intereat, but ? pretty ?.-.?i ,,,..,,. ? hutlng trad?, and lh? market remain? in m?im.-i tiaiiy the ?am- position .- noted of late pin? ana fancy fall made gocd? are steedy to ?rm; sil ..ih-r ?orli r, ., the l.uv-r. Liverpool cable, colored, :,l-. whit? lb? .. i \v- quot?: stat- factory, full cn-am, fall n-ad? large , ;. ored, lan-?. li1,.. da ?volt-, fancy, I0%t/||c do i.i lo . hole?, mil lo .. . a . com m n to i r,.|.,i--i. fan. la d whit?, fan. . Ill,, " ,?., ^,??| i,', ch ilc?. Hi'..-.i 11',. . .1. . .rnmon t.. t ... v,,n, pnrl .,.,,? ?mall, -i-ii^'r . do lurge, ;:'u7. , Bute, ? m ,..-. Pennsylvania ?kirn?, l'a!',, ' BOOS Receipt. ? na? I3.32S case? Some lots with -. rrofi. ?ale b) W. ?ti rn owners; d. man. free to b? sold is cleaning up .1 ?riy, a large'bud n-?-? wa^ don? on i hang?, with ?ale? of i um cases We?i .?m. ?.vi cases Kansaa, :,' cases Mis? .url .'.,,. .. vorth -rn Missouri, 040 cases Indiana, and HO rase? Northern ?hm .t l"',.; it?. .s Kanai..| ^ ,.,.,.." s . . .. Missouri, seller one week, al U'., . ,,.,,,.., W,'J r ' buyer neat week, al ISHc, vt ti?. close lh? marke la .. strong tone, wi.h tendency ?lightly In ??Hers' favor VV? ?luote: Western, flrsta, per donen, I2< South?ri in ? 12V,, Stale .mi P?nnsylvanta, 12' ;\-\ .?'. 'i,1 CP.riTS r/tKS-H Apple? ,? |,i.M ,,,,. .' ,';?,.,,._.., s-iit... and nrm; fancy red fruit about ', t-, ?u "'"?" medium and krw?i grades of Baldwin snd Sdv r- ,, and rather urgently offered. Cranberries oul?t and un,.. barely ?teady; ?ome freeh lots arriving , ," ? ,J,\l'" quality, ana hard t.. place ah?v,. V,,,,. ,,?oh "n orangs? Arm. ?scept fot tVeet Indian fruR, ?? ,, ?asler, .No fresh r.-.-ipi? of Florida strawberries- ctolca lots wanted. \\ r .|ij.,le: Apples. Qreenlns l?e lia MW. ,|,, Baldwin. W?TI4; do? Bny, |S?$i ft ? J?', : ?an. |400g>t?; 1". Hen Davis, ??; doT Irusiet ?fteai cranberrle?. Cep? Ood, per bbl, tufMlS; do, Jersey ?? irate. 12 300)00 90. i Iran ?.?;., Callfornl? ,., r box ?2 75? Vi"'- ''"?..."'?V""4' ""r ,'1,1 '"rn-iniii.. nsooMSOO. tTraw t.erneM. Florida, pet quart, BOcsMl PKCITK- UP.IKIl KvHporHte.l apple? aie ruling ra.lel and there I? a flurht undertone ,,r weakness on aradaa from .. upward. ,:,? ,p..r ?m ,; , ?,? u,k , ???.?,'? ?? .tried In ver? ?mall ?upply and ?ell well. Small fruit? moving slowly and ?how no further .hange There i? a pretty ;?ir Jobbing trade m Californie fruit?, ?specially the higher and lowest grade?. VV- quote: Apple? ?veno rated. fanr-_v? j,, extra faniy. per tti. K'flS',, , do. prime V, . '-??,',''." ?' ',''"? <"n,"""" '" food, ?OWc; do, sun. dried. .,'/,i?(i,.-. chops, *?*ke; core- ?nd skin?, !--., i r-iapberrics evaporated. Be; . h-rrie?/ 1201ac; pian,-' State, fc; l.hv-klierrle?. WC^c; aprl-.t?. ?vi, in. peach??. peeled. 124910c; do. unpeeled. OffOc; prune?, a? lo ?Is? and quality. Sg)10c. HuPS Movement ilgh:. bul th. r- I? ?gefsdag ?n Hi? ,,f the 'railing or the tenor of Interior advice? f. sUKg-?t any chang?. We <ju.,t.-: ?Jut? and Pa. I ft, ' ? is'.', choice, lin?ioi,, ; do good to prime v,,<., .j.. .'.mm..n to fair. 4't?7r; yearling?. .I^JVe?-', old a* ' iVit'I.TRV-ALIVE-Twelv.. staT?BS?fS on ?at? to-ejay. More demand and a better market for all kind? We quote: fowl? per th, llMlzirjc; -hlcken?. IHilli.r old rooster?, Re. turkeyr, 11?12<.; durks, per pair. ??oe fl|l; gee?e, llfjll M; pigeon?, S5?4?c... . DRCSSED Rtcelpt? of frt?fc killed uouUry ar? ?till v?rv light and I rule An ?lightly In ?eUer?' favos, but d , . ? . , rr ,ff ? d bv the full prices ruling, and Hi n- , kei . mid r. ? i ? istali : ? dei mu h n ? ? . Ruppl) Pi sen p.?ultry ?trong W? quote : i fresh killed i, ,...-.-. ' .i lb. i-'1! 13'- . ? :?? young i ms, i? B ; i ? , . fowl? 12? i-' ? ? hit, ; !. : 2> ?..-, .... r?, I.M?23< ...? : . Hhi* ..-. ;.. :j ?qu ibl pel " z. *1 i???"?-?>*> We quote f. No 1 Western froxen: Tu.kev?, l-'ull chickens, 11013 . f wls, ." ? . .. . i ? ?isc '??'?' . i CAME We qu ?? : Wild lui k?. i inva? and redh? ), i pair, M'/M ;:, . and lOftOO . * comm? n kin ... h -t'd- '"' ? ?"' '? '' -,:?? 9?! 23. H\V \\l> STRAW Markel steady. W? fl? tel II prime. ;? 100 r 730SH? ; do No ? to No I. .'.."''. ; ?!?' X, -,.., . i lovei mixed, SStJOOc: riov? !?.-??' . r>? r-- i\v, Ml .'.'.. at ?Il nv. ;: i K I1ITATOES AND VBOETAHLES I'otot es s.eady ?nd i _ .--. arm. onl in quiet, but witti little N rf Ik kal? and spinach mostly I"? f- ?'1'1 price? lower. All South.!:, ? sen regetable? ale * irte, ,.n i aiiv choice lots ?rrlvhiii would command high pri? ?. vv ? ,. . ,, .... ... ?;.:. , ,da. pei bbl, s.-.?. ???;. d , Lastern Koae FJ 02032 73: d. Hebron an?! wnlte kinds, ?. 1...' ?2 23 . , Mtat< SI ?70*2 12; ?wee! ,..?; ?!??.?-. ?| io0S.l; .. ?., v; :,, ,jn red snd yell ? $2iiS2 80; kale. . ich, M :.-. ,M :. '. ?qussh. $1 2391 3J; turn ps. parsnip? and carroti 73 HH ' " ' ""'!'? ''"'., '"' *|o?r$l.'. do dome?! HI ?0; ? Icry. p ; 1"" " ' ', *- ' ? , linage? Florida, p . hi!. ""?."?i-I. lettu per basset. v- ;,o ?,,.<;; ,. . m SO 1*4; Hsvsna onl ms, pei irate ? 1&$2 23 kra. -I'i"'. peppers, $30*1 Ml; l?ei >... ;. ? , . T."., ,M 30; < liarleston asparagus, per bunch, ?! 30; tomaf ??-. .'il S nthern. ...- i ? quality, per crate, $19$4. _ EUROPEAN PRODUCE MARKETS Liverpool. March 20, 3:43 p m Bee! '>"?' l: m. ?? ii. in al 70?; prim? i ?' 00? lorl meat v\. m rn lln? Brm at 56 3d; do medium I i B|? ,i i Ham ? it 14 to 16 lb, ?li Hl Itacnn rumberland cul, .nom 2S ?? ::" tl . dull .if 32? Bd; ?horl ui.. aboul 'Jo lb, dull al 82?; long ?' ? . ? .,? 31? Kd; long and ?non c'.eai tnidillri ui ui 33 :'? d : . c 3D Sh uldi rs, sb u In is 11. stead) ai --- ikl, i heese Americsn Bne?l whit? ? m , \?,, ?, ,.. i ni it col 'red ?tend) ? ? Tall w I'. io- . It) i. i ui..i. Col ? ?? I! Llv? ;i.1 n On? i dull ai IB? ud Spii ?- ol turpentine iiron?, i ?1? Bd. Rosin?Com? l-"'i I'rime W< ? ?pot, dul si ."?!- 3d W i ?es! So - red wli 4s Od; No 2 red spring ?tead) it 5? 2vyl, Floui Si fancy winter dn I ''?- ' ta Mixed Wet ?trady al 4? 3??d; Mar h ?lead) al I- 3d; April ?tead) at I? ."?'... Ma> ?t??dy at i- ?"?'.'? H !?? ?'' Load n i i i?t firm al i.'.i i.'l UVE BTOCK MARKETS. New-Tork, Man h SO, I8**. BEEVES Receipts, 64 cars, or 1,236 head 20 ir? consigned dir? I lo i| ti rs snd exporters, and 33 f,,r lh?- i: ,rk. ? ? which 30 i .?- wer? OB sal? Si J?r?e) i'i'v. m,.I 2 car? In yeslerda) were al-? i"" on ??U-. Demand ictlv, : : ?11 grade? of si fat cowa and ?sen at an sdvaic? of Its pel !??? lb; medium cow? w l.v lower, and bologna stock -?"?? off. i ?tt'h ?me , ?r un?, | An rxportei b. ighl Ifi heafl infenoi native I at ?I 300*3 7.. pet 100 II lag? al I2 3AS/S4 V.; bull? al $2 ?'?"'*? ?'?"? ' "*' :,' ?'??"" ?i :.... j helfen u $A City ?teady ' : ?V l" " '??'" '"', I. ? . :, and I.iv. || I quoi r?frig?rai >i he. I IM.ttlOC pel tl . A';. n l?| " " '< "' - . v.. Igbl . llv? I. eight. Shl| uui rters f lieef on t! i I ' ' Sale? D M l'heri n ? ? "? Wesl \ IfSlna 1??i ,;, meras . ?'? i " ''?" ".v: ? ,3?2 "'? "' ?, ? , ,. m? ??, -i .v, i . 1373 tl '? II ?" ? ? i;;.',U-J ::, .,? 1271 .11 0; 1 ' il 14-'-" It?. SI |l Sj) ?; d , 1 is?) 'I ,1 |3 73 12 ! IOI201 Ilia !'? ??: >- v". 1 ?? I"-"' ? ,. ?2311 3? w? P :?'?! 1-"" !'? ' .M'>l-". '?' : 142 ,. .. V;-, a 1...1 II It $3i?); II ,I 1072 tb, ?I -, . : |. i. " - - ' . i '. ?'??? h.. si ???:,-.' n . :'?;:> lb. at $230; U d< al? ?' >- '"? ''?' '?"? .;,:..?:'.-, V . . ? $2?$2 13, M d ? :'? '?'? II al $1 >J Kheri uin * ?Mlv? ??Hill " * * ' ;; d" 1230 B?, it $3 >"? II ?'? ?? ,:'"' ' ' ?' *?' '"? |N '' ' HOT lb, ..: U l". '' ?' HW ?' ' i:' ' ''' ' n,!' n', ,? i3?ao 20 ?: HOB tl a) ! i; 1 h mis I"-" M .,? HI 50 20 I 1003 lb si $3 10; ?u d H M " IS ; ,| . in:;: n ?I $3; 3 d ?On :. lh il $1 ??" 1 . iw? 1237 IP a- $3 i?0; i ? ?" ' M '?" ?"? '? '?'" :; a: <J :.'. 1 do 7S0 :? .' 12 -' ? : - i "?' " ?' $3?' g. Handn .' ? 15 2??. 2 ?i do 1130 tt.. at M 1*3; Is d 111? " ll $1 '?" ' I'? . , , a s3o : u ?i :?" 10 sen and ?? - IM? I at si c. | ?tag it". " al $2 SB I heifer i ISO V, s sen, 141? H ' ?*? ?''?' 2 '313 lh H $4 3" -. 7 ,i . 1402 " ? v .., | hull, H%,1 p ?| H 20; 4 d ? vu ;....-, tii i ??.?'.''???'?. -' cow?, i" '? tl tl e? 1". 16 d !'.:,., It. at $3 30 17 . 012 lb. al 1203; 3 ! W12 lb ?' > ? ?... i ' ;? .??.,....,-, " ? fc; 'J I :'l"ill-i' $1 ;:.. 7 .1 . 7M ?' si II ???" V, wi ...... ti Indi in . ?'? -'? 12* ? " ' - Virgin!? 1 1173 Iti al ?? MO 1 helfet 1120 " si $3 I hull 1030 n t $4 23 IMS) lb s? ?I - ? '-'?? " ,? > : .;:. :t 1 -,17 " I $: IK* B I $1 13, D7* r A ??; -?? 5 ws. 1122 r 1 $3 0 l . 113 ? n il $3 7ft I . I0W) " it $3 13; - d< ??'??? " $2 73 14 ; ?-? I! ' 1233 B. w. Hhermsn: 21 II s. 1 163 fl |3 ?'? ? ,1 . 1134 n ? -?? 33 10 d 1171 tt ll $3 33 20 ; 1123 ?? n $3311 m ?. 17 Kuh -? era. :^4l Iti al $: : dn 1220 lb, ?I <??"? 7" I I---' " H SB.T.1 Hun e A Mu?en ' v I?).?i ? I <M II Il t $4 30 .....?? it S3 H Judd A Co. : I ? 12 SO; 3 i at $2; 1 co? ' ' t'" MILCH .-"W.- l: ', ?-. 17'. head, of ? - ... I we? ? ? ra? extret ... . . ..... $3? and $32 wa? paid I H?llente.) H i foi $32 II'?i .'. M I'M' ...'I!. it $20111 ,'M.v ?? i .-., ? .. Sixtieth-?'. 1 1 !?? lo very I - 'ew e\'- , - I ? I , - ? !? ? ? lltl 21 veal?. 144 II t-l pet I0U : ? " '? ?'. in 7i . u n ? .-. ... - ?? ? ?I i, 103 n, al l? -??? s? Tb. at $?. 2 lb, al ?-' 23 < Judd a- ' 4.'. in 121 lb it $3 73. as at $3 73 IIP ti i $3 2*.. at II? n ? 112 n :? 14 73 30 d?. Ill il U 13 J? Hume A M " ui a hi ?o .- ... ?? . ? ... .. . - ~ r at | - ?? ... v , m n D. M It? ai $? 73 H 121 " ? M. < - 144 t! Kl' AM ? LA M ' ? " ? ? ? ? ? I . . ? >i \ ? ; i I ?111 11 i. ., ' i ?' f! U im? ?v M . ??? 172 < .... ,,. -".? " |0, ?4 .?...?? v, I' 11 r ?S th. at I I'll ?1 S7 " ? ?.. |?2 -! " ? ? 1 *.. '? ? 22 n ?? ii fi i -.i . A || , . 00 H ? 17 SI il -. - t $4 73. M B! il? 71 IT. al ?; . .'. " ? . .. , - " i ' ..... t:) s.-. D. M'-l'hi 7'h. ?' ... *? 7.'.. .1 il H?. It, ? ?| ?5; p., .) . .., ?? ? ?, f| u m n ii ??. N'ewli n A . 1*1 ? ? v Ml !1, Bl ?''. 13 ll ?!? 67 II n Bi fi M Colllni 102 State 72 II il $6 S Juild A ? i ... ?? || ?i . ; ,i lit rt. ?i ti :-. II... .s Receipt?, p. ran ol S.SO? head ' wh li 1-7 head ' Markel ry On.i i 13 . ' ' ' I IIghl . ?old up t ? ? Hum? A Mull? ? ? 143 H ? ???'. Ifl !? 100 n, I i ? .?? 17.. fe n ?| |3 Hallenhei . ,v il S. Judd * ? 7 Stale pu 111 f. S, S.u. 1er?: H Stab 134 II < , OTIIEfl MARKETS IV TELEORAPH ':''f,'" m u h :. ,24 ? t vi. head t. ?.,. for ? il i '- ? une i i UKft , :, || ?h, I M2 ' ."? -v V .W 1 S02 , : ? aie, 16 ? , ,,,,. Brni llr H ? ,| ? lait .'i houi 7 ? i , total foi ? k tbui : h . 11.7". ? ?'Il 200 ? n?lgn< I llirotigl 6 .'."?> N'ew-Yoi 2 i'7'i, :, ?le, l -.?i early, Ihi " irk? I ? firm; c d light? ? ? . ?r?. good to cl M 7",i?l 7%. n Ixed paekei >4 NO .?.I hi . $4 n.'.'?I if?; pic?, $1 7" .v; - $3730$43O; ?tngi $3 r.?$.173 Sheep and lam relpi 24 I,., ir? I I.SAO I In! for wck il f ir, 41 -1-" foi - Itni ! oi- '? ? ??? k, J- Sl?. i through .'?"?'. m Ne? v. .... 2.S0O; i?n Mile l??,i?si i ? ? ..|..-n..| limn? ? ; ,ml ? l??l ' I Wi ? I . ! ? ? |. ,| :.n,,4;, ( ll M,.?l |(l ,| 1 .?, .,,..,, x : .. ; . prim? laml -. >:. tait.? . ?:, 1 ,1 ? . .-. ? . . ? 13 It?) sold 11 $10 1- . ?v ; - .'. v 1 .1 Chli 1R0, M m h :?" ratil .-Ri 1 . "?'?<?' he? Markel ?Irons Common In %\ I"?..<? ; :.o. stocken .... : feeder? .??_? 1; i-,iM r,. .. - ,,?.| II ?-.'?--rSt 7'.. 1 ?- |2 ftllta$3 30 II 1 -II 31,000 t,.., : Ma k? 1 ? ?? . '? II? 1? : 1 Mi Mi ' mon t , . i, >|i - mix d i?i 330SI un ?sored $1 ;.?? b$455; lieht, $443?I$4.V?; pigs $3 73?$I3(I Hheep It. - 000 head M irk? 1 firm Inf? ?.? 1 - . . 110I1 ? | b$.i !..' ?. .<" -."-.ii:, 7.', St. Louis, March 20 Cstll? Receipt , 1.330 head Ms live steer? ?nd rot ? : I 13 1 ind easier; Texas an I nth? 1 ?horl horn cattl? Su. hl? i? ? H l>. ? lpt1 . ? liai h? . I W hile prl ? s ? ?? . m|wr?i llvel' - ? ly od 1 i llshl an I ? f Ihe hi 1 ) welghli ? Id 5? lo? .1 than on T i< 1 Th? bull nl ?al< 1. .,. .?-1 l*fi$i :,'. iighi pi? |.l ?> ? Sheep 1:.11? !.(?i h? ,,1 m ir?.ron? ?nd 1 1 ? ? Nam- mixed, 1430; merlni Iambi $4 fl(?; f. : Mei ?4 4', 1 ' i- ?ri M ". ''???: P.ecelpl Ughl Prim? $3 2T.ti$3 3o; y ? ? 1. |4 ?4)|4 Ml 1 ! I.uleher?', $40$4 30 rough fat, S-'i :'.'??. |4 ! 1 llahl -'??;- $3 3u4t$3 mi Hi? It- elpt? ||K|H l'|,il idelphU $1 NT) r$l -:. !.. ?' ml?..I ?4 7"-i?l 73. !?-: Vorken $4 330$4 ?S.nm,?n lo fall ; Yorker? and plga, ti IO0S4 3O; i ugh? $30$4 Kheen it, , celpU light; exporl Wethet %" 1X3 20 e?l , $4 ?>n/S| HO good. $420?B$440; fair, $2 Wsjf$,133 >mm?.n $1 3oy$5' be?l l?mb?, I3HO0M; , ,| lambs, $3ti$r,30 ', . ,, ? . t? : lambs, $230?$4 SOI THE?lN rOTTON M \l:?. :. . . ,';,! cat?n, M.,',i, :.-. Cotton Brm; middling 313-lBc low ini.i.iiing. .-.7-iii. good urdlnan :. i n?-" :?.t ,,n.i L'.-.. ' ? !i'a*,pU' ' ?"'" ;" " '?d'"- ' ""?'?'' l""' '' "'?? ""' , ?>',".',?""; .NJn,?''' '-'" cotton firm middling :...,? low mnhm-^,,-,/>!,"1' '-"', ' 7'" ''rm- middling. 114c; low nil?V."" '.,--,,"i f '"?' ?O'"?'?-. ??? ?'M?'.. . net and ?om 8v7??; o?:"',.^: ?? ::ir "-; ?^J*?o??22 ' ' :.:'i.;;?- "?':;? J'ort? coaatwls? 4.i:'7 bale? ?ale? -, i?, i, ? 3H" 3H1 hil>, v . .. i ??le?, o ".?i bale? ? ?^ ?I....L '?t?. ??..? ?, """ "?t.ILl I i], ?t m Iva?' ftT?MK _*^w ,'? , I .? I?-?. .i i l ti at ??'!? iw*. * a_? . ' " ' ~*?? . 8BMM usie. m i-ua. * mtMt l*i'? ta?1 r?asr. ?,nd were ,t,,,dv 1,11,1 ?old w. II \n,e, ,,, , ,,?.,'.' ""' N " sctlre. I'!,.,, piiriha?.-? thnV fa. in h? i re.en'- "'.e'r',' " ??rtiN .na ?1"" iMMr,ch *'? *?*<w ?.K halm TH; April 2 and 3 a ?al? of low w5ol? will Iv?, h?M Knllnwln? ar. detail? of th. day', tranaacilona. with th. ?rice, ?b? 1 labxd: New Bouth Wales- ??"<? bel??; ?round locks ? ? , ?_?',?.;. I. Went Avutralla hod betes: scoured. 0V*d: do locks and pieces, o , io7Vl; do lock? and pic-.-s. I'.'.i I ?d. New-Eea .;:??. ? ; . .r-.:. :\.\'i\, 1,1. d . ?..-kr ad I . |, ,.-. , . .',-,?.i,,i. di locfis snd pl< . ''??? ,; ,| L'spc of Oo ?'. H i" i"'' Natal 1.900 lals, .- i I 1. .-. .1? id. gree?y, i'/on'.-1. "/. *TATB OF trad:: i- ..,.-.?. vi n, ?i -m PkHir ?ti sd . une? inged; ?M VVheSi firm. No 2 red. lW<fc?l?01e; M. ch OU ras. 88?, a 7.-. ....... ? : M3?|1.1. fretOht? '?-". "> . nhanged. lotion firm; middlings, >'.'.,, l'ai: ??: _t. ' ? "-' IH1" '!' '-/^v. 1, "' '"."f'..: parked, Bf/IO EOS' ??' ??tied. II' II'.-,; "?'" , firm; No 7. i>','. Sugai ?teady; granulated, 04 20. Pro ? , Boston March 20 Flour firm. Corn higher. Oats , hicher Short? qulei Provisions firm. Butter quiet; N?rth?rn creamery 20?21c; Western., IStJOTe. ??heese ? Northern. 11 '/-ill '4' Western. I'.'iill, . ,.,i e?| n l.;..i::'..,-. Western and Michigan, 1:1 Chicago March 10 The leading future? ranged as fol? lows: Wheat No 2; Opening. Highest, U>?r?at. Closing. Mar. h . .ve, -:\\ ?:;:? ?*?J? Vin .... .'a'.-.'?'.?. ,".'l'i 'l.'i.'i .... . .,.'\.l.'..?? July. 57 57H4*J7S ..? , :.', o.*.-, Corn Ko. 2. , March . 'j'- ?? ?f* g* M ? . 17 ? ?. , ?. ??'? Jui, :. '":? 47',ir,'.wii'.', m Hat? N il: May . -?;< S?>i?l>?r June . -''?.. 7,'' ' ' *"z ; July . M :>'/..:'s-, 2 i M'-, 'i ?? I ? ?' Bbl : ' M,% . Ill 00 III IT* ill ????? ?H g ,;!/,;. 1177. in... un u? Ut 1. per 100 th.: May . 0 73 I g ? T juiy . ttmt '??-.?.? I? ?thon t u s. per i"1 fb. : Ma). ?>'<'< '??"': ? "? "> \ ""' :, ... .-.??_". OSTij BUJ ? , . -, mtatlon? wer? ..s foil ? ?.-. 1: Y 1 ? ??? ? n 1 un. Th? 1 ? eu .- ?ustaln. 1 N - -, . |H1 . . N ? Il -pi'itic vvr.1 .'' - ? !? ' -. . ?' -' N . -.' ? . . ? .-?-, v J 1 ... ?.'?' . No 2 b rb N . 1 i'.,?--. 1, ?1 u . prime1 hmoth) ?-?d psj . , . , ri ?I i ?"?' .Ml ?'? ! , ?: ..,-.,?., ? ? 1, -? ? ? ' ? >:, 7.. ?!:-. ?., 1 ? ., Il, ? ? i> ? I- ?. ?I ri ta... ? ? I) - . it loaf. Il 11 ; granu .1 , ..? . ,. 1 v ?1 un p-i barrel; m.?, d oil , naeed <>il Company, raw. .'.7, ; 1, il. l ( th? IU ? 17 ? : ? ' ? ' .' " re acilvi and firm, w In. t- ; . ni |'j. lu ?-' .'? ' 'V-' ???"? d ? family, ?J l.-.vj.--_- J... .!? ni ?1 ??-"??is-.' pi: |.iw grade?, :-17:,a (I iCi , - ;.-...$..?.-, iln fancy, I- 7?'?.I2 ???; .... North? ?2 ??'??' ? ? ........ ? ... P/ered : market quiet ; fi 11 N 2 yell * p. , ? i- . N ? .? mix? 1. SI , ? i'. N - ? ,: H? ' ? ?,- ? ? ? Sa 2 mixed, t -, .- ? I ?'. ' '"? , |li Xfti rVai ?team ,..-., 1 ?? ?-i meat? p ?non rit ? ? ? , : ? . . 1 -? - ? . . Bi ? i,. du, k 's- -? -? ?? KV ? hu??? Mltwaul Min-h 20 V'heat In I . r I...-- ? 1 ; ? ,-: , ? ' M ? ' - . ??-.'.? ... . ? '?.',. from ? ' ' '? S .- ird nu . ? . . . ,-_ uva were ?????? ? ? ? ?? ' ... '? 1 high? .1 *.-. r. ? and In I gradual!) t whest pst-nts in 1 ?? sg ng SI ?II .'." it! I 7.'. .... ? -1 l-l! ?... Hess 13 I III Ou M I'rlmi -?? in 1 : |o in vt ? ? ? . ? .???','?..? ? ? ? V! , . I ? ' . ' . it a , 22" ? -"? ? lai ? ?? So 2 Nor? I ? ' ? '. ? ..... .... ? Huyen , ? , ? . ??????. Is light, ?nd. si I hough In ?1 ? flight in ? ':ne,| ? > mills f. Westen . : t - ? I . M , , .... ' ' .'?!?'. ? . . I ? ? ? . . ?hit v , : , . ' ' fed. .-?!,? 1 steady ai . ... 1 TtffTI ; v;, I ' ? ?' l -, M . - tune. Sil 1 ? III ' I . ! .... ? . ? ...... I .. v 1 . Qi ' ...?"!?;??-!?," 1 . ? per It : ?rii it 12 ". 12 '7 1 BE Tli viiF 1?: CHICAGO March to ill Wheat I lay wsi ?t. 1 i v ? ? ?1 ,-. ?'? : i. -t.v. en ?'?'? , ? ? . ? , ,,...... leady, bul 1 he trade ? light ' 'le v ? ' 1 ? >? '???? ... 313.000 Th , : ..I v. , -. ? 1. m? it a-f- led I I ? ? ? ? lh? ?.,rld? , rop I ? is .|. '-'??'?"". "i li).., ,?, ., ,hnn ,,.,,; ;|1. ,1 ,..,.., ill ?In- till ? . ? 1 ...;.. , a h . ? ' ..,,.. dire ' I? '?' erp ! A guud ,? ,, ..,,.,,. . , ; . , 'Id on 1 : ? .', .11 1 i.; ., t ?rent . - ? 1 . ;.! "'??rn s u n buying t>. Psi . ? it cl ,? 1 rulhrl .-.. lei May opened Bl 47^,. . old lielween 17's, ? and ?, sn .. it, .,,.., v...; ., |? -,, 1 Th 11 1 v. , - |r., 1 reported II?.??m .. rked ; ,| .?,..:, Th." ''???>'?': . he ?hip, 1 ? 1 1? a 1 ' " follow. rn wen rnthei fl.rl and 1 it her ""?',< ' ?.-?..-.. , .,,,,1 20 .- . ?". : .,.-?. ,_-. The ln?pe,-tion wn? mi ? row, Ittl . Heal ? 1 1-1 I? Lug .. line ol about ?I.OfKi.tiui ,, 11 r?r Hay The cr. a? lo ? hul ihe pl ? I'rovli were noi - 1 1 rratlc. The 1 ,. a. ,. ,?a ?., : ' '? ' not ?.1 tli nd ? ,. 'hing . 1.-,.| ah .t where 11 lid 1 ,. \ ... The range In ir.lan.lrlh ,- . S I h. ron ??? lh pork. 1 nlj 2m '1 an- Il .:i ,1 sn ? nl |o, There '??. SI.0M lh? ?atlmat? foi : morr.ivi win ;r; .... were tu m ???i lh? 'mi. puts on Mav wheat w?r? ,'..'.i ?? rsll? '..; ? Put? on M.?? r, Hi . ,, . v^ct'in OtciimrvG. A CLTDK lim:. ?avs CHARLESTON, .-. C, the hV.ulh ind South?MM .iv. K...-.MI.1.1. .nd ..u 1 ?orii? ?,misT 1. i" ?""< w 1:. it. li,".. of 1;..>..,, ,', , j ? ?. , i!1',"I!'.': . Krlilay'; %trc^n 1!? ;',,''?; ,',.M ndiy, Mar,!, 2? ' Ml.It"M.I. VV . ,,, . ,. .. m .,, ,, ... W ? I . ' l.\ 1.1. .- .... Ornerai VgenU n.. ?'.,? g Penn, I-a?. P. A P.W.M?i?7?i?Av5m ***** H" ',V ;;',' 1 '?' ",."r Lu..- il. Ch?riV.tnn i ?. i.g.r, Oen 1 Agt . OJI f.', kj. V. V ? ' " l N a I ; 1. USE, -il? TO LIVERPOOL VIA QIEENSTOWN 1 ? ania...Hch 23, :i p m.i Auranls.Vpi 11 3 n ? .Etrurl. vt. 1, -,, s , m. ,?,,?,,, x ', ; .,- ; f "? ."io Plei ?", S tu, River, fool of ftarkaon st Labin pansage. Iflu ,,?i upward. Second cabin. ISO lio - **? ... a t..,,- t.. ?learn?! and accommodations. Steel?,-e ticket |0 and r,,n, ?H pa,,, ,f i:?.?p. ? '* 1 " 'a -- 11 ii.-ii;iii ,,n,i oaaaaa? soot* .- it.? . . m.e. v, , Riwllng Ors?! ,sv,? v.o'k VERNON h mtiiw-N a <??.. dewend vg-nt?. J^ WHITE STAU LINE ?M-L.ti. 0J0 s la.i-M.,,.. .,. .Ap,u ;i. 7 .. av ?v.),.,ii.- Ap.ii .:. noon. rAdrtatlc. m,v ,. m , m ?Teuionli Api in. H:30? m Teutonic.. Hay s 7 ? ,? HrtlBnoli V|,ril 17 ,.,,.,? llril.iiini. . M.n |,", pi ?' ,?' v ...aa"^'"'" "Ur ,,l"k' ,"'1 "f U,M I0th-?t NO . OTTO.N CARRIKL HT PASSENOER STEAMERS. s?i,,,.n rates, *:k) upwerd, stscordlaa to ?teemer and to -iiii.ii ,r berth ?s?nd .-??dn .n .t,,,.. stsanwr? from ?no. according to Msemsr m?ereg? from Ne? rork. lio. Ir-pald i,.l.-ik l|fl N? ?O liio.dw.y. .\e?-Vl)rk. phll,. ils.phU Ofhce, UNI Walt ot ?t. It MAITl^M) KKltSKT. Ag?nt. EUROPE. BOYPT AND PALESTINE. . .,^*r,"?, "' frr'l>'''n' Interval?, independent ticket? SM Atlantl.- pu-.,,?,, ,t |,,w??t rale? for any lour. ku".,.?'?i""J!.??s.> K",v '?c''1,r ?nd Information. 1 "V?? (yx'k? * 80N- M' ?ni1 ???? ?'??y. N. T. Official Tlck?t Agent? tor all trunk Un??. (Derart Stenmtrs WWstH CaWM? LLOYD 8. S. CO. MEOn'EMANiE/UI KRVIGE. TO Gibraltar, oenoa. rntd.i .Maroh 23-Alglers Naples, G?nos Kaiser '.V. II.March 30.Oenoa \V?rra .April 13._.Oenoa Kaiser W. II.May 4.?._..Otno? Werra .May M .9#B0" iCpm .June 1.Ceno? Return ticket? avallab'.? .'rom Medlt?rran?an or from It .?min London or Havre NEW-YORK. SOUTHAMPTON, HREMEN. FAST EXPP.ESS STEAMERS. I CablB, $00 ?ml upward II Cabin. $45 and $30. Pound Trip. $Bf> and ?100. Lahn.Tues.. Men. 3B, I p. m-iLahn..Twes., Apr. 23. 4 p. m. Trave.Tuss., Apr. 1 ti a. in Fulda.Sat.. Anr. ST. It s. m B"?n?. .??t., Apr. (i 7 a. m I Trace.Tue?.. Ap-, .'?), ti n. m. Ravel.Tuet,. Apr. 0. Os. m I t"m?.Snt.. May 4. nonn Saste..Tues., Ar?". IS, ll.n Tt-v?:. .Tu??.. May 7. On. m. SI'MNO HAILING?. IS??. TO SOUTHAMPTON (LONDONi. HREMEN. Saale.Tues.. Ma,' I' Ku! la.Sat.. June 22 May 211 Spree.Tue?.. .Ii:ne 2'. Fulda.Sot.. May ?& Km?._dat.. June '.n Trav?.Tue?.. May I". Havel.Tue?., July 2 Kaiaer W. II. .Tues., June I Trata.Bat., July '1 Havel. Th'it-.. .liin-i: Sa.?!e.Tue?., July ll Saal-.T::e?., Jun? I?ILahn.Tue?.. Jtilv 1? Lahn.Tuet . Jun? 'w Fulda.toc, .hi., M NOTTCE. Beginnlag with ft, S l.shn Mar^h 26th. these ?t??rr.?r? f: m Mew-Tora will land i i-vencer? at Southampton on :he Quay slnngstd* ?pedal railway trains for l/)ndjn. No trs ?fer hv tender. OELHICHS a co. 2 Bottling Oca?. SUM W^MBMU lV LINE. THI-: ON'T.Y LINE malBtalr.tag a regular &Btl5eV71r?h IW?nScKEW STKAMEIW. NEW-YORK-80UTHAKFTON iLondon. l'art?i-HAM BUttO. Heldin? the rerord for fa??-: time on this SPRING SAILINGS EXPRESS STEAM?* V.vmannis Mar. 5ft Il a m.l A. Victoria.Jto-J*-,??* "? Y Bl.m-,r,-k April 11.11 a. m ?'olutnhta ? M?v g. J * ? Columbia..April 23. 11 a. m F WsmarefcMajrlJ !}*???? NVrrrnnnla Ms) '>. Il S m N:n niannla. Jun? B 11a.m. I Cabin, ??*? and nrw-r!. II Cabla. Ml Bad $?>?> tthe iLffiECfl the KouGflODBflnDDi? ?GOCDn Cruise to NORWAY an! NORTH CAPE._, ?l?o r, ?PIT7.REROEN. by th? MfOUSTA VICTORIA in UNE. an! the NORMANNTA In Jt'I.V. HAMRt'RO IMBRICA* LISE, tt Broadway. N. T. ???EMcMKil [LOKOEo " SEW-voitK SOUTHAMPTON (Loadoa?Parts.) Fur-?.Mar 27 11 A M tt-rlln.April 21. Il A M Berlin.Vpril o II A M S'""--York. . . May 1 tl A M Ne? York..April I?, 11 A M Part?. May S, 11 A M Paris.\-r,l 17. 11 v " "-'In Mr I?, 11 A N CBE ! sTTAOB [LDKJH NEW-YORK- AN! S/ERP. Westernland Mar. '.'7 l P M Rhynland. ..Anr'I 24. 4PM \ rnl d..April :< il A M ?Vesi rnland ...Mayl.NooB \? ,. nd tpi 1" .' !' M N r llsn ! Ma . S, V?'>h ; . | v t, ? 17 ,,.M?V IS. MoOfl | INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY I'.rr 11. North River Oflir? ? Hon hng Giee.i. N. Y. oDaftTOi^?(iBOflO(a^a PACtFIC MAIL S. ft co. OCCrpENTAL AND ORIENTAL ft fl. CO. Blearoer? i-ave Baa Franclico: CHINA, vi? Hooolulu.March 2?. 8 p. m. i:i--| .?ir . April 4. 3 p m. PERU .April 1.1. S p. m . ' -i?' . via Honolulu. April 23 3pm CtTT ^F P?o PE JANEIRO .May 4. .1 p. m. Fo? fir.f>! passage ?nd Information ?pr'y IS 3t3 Br adwsy, .r i Bsttsry Plaas. Wsstitagtoa Uu.idtng. ?nd -s7 Broadway. C??MP?uXIK C KNK U A I.i: Tninsat .antique. i FREN? H LINi: TO H A VUE. '.V .;?-.?.",-.:? Ir', n . Sal., M.'h. '.'f,. 2 p. m. LA CHAMPAGNE, Laurent.tot., M.h. 3?>. 0 a. m. ;.\ '." ::.?? ''.N.: I, . *uf.toi Ai '.;?'? noon. ??. l'AMKR l.A TOCRAINE WILL MAK"" AN KXTRA SAH.ISO PROM NEW V'ivK TO HAVRE. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1" AT - P. M N.w v rh v esandria. Egypt, vis l'a :?. trip v.iii-t ?V? d .???. First ; u 11''" ?ec :. I cl .??. I1IB. \ FOROKT '.::.: ?igent. N- .1 H.wlln; Green. MAl.l.oKV ST"K> MSHIP UNEN l-.'lt TEXAS (?EOROIA AND FLORIDA. Fl ?? N ? Y Ineaday. : ?'?turlay. v i i.i.t.-.irTl'fl. SIX i\VS' VOYAOE BY SK? T'. OAI.VE8TON TEXAS. Then ?? b? tail t-. MEXICO IXD POINTS IN MEXICO, nr.-l '. DENVEK : \l"i SPRING?, SALT LAKE CITY Also to BAN ERAN? -? 11 i I all calli rnl? Winter Resorts. FL ?"' ' v VI v IIRI'NSWI? K OA T?? JACKSONVILLE, BT U'OI STINE TAMPA. &<?. BTRAKiHT m! ROI'ND TRIP Ticket? Inued to all -, ? , - Btate* r.- nmodatlons. TOI KISTS' TIi'KETS, k ? ?' for -'? or nln? months, in MEXICO CALIFORNIA. COLORADO, FLORIDA. A<" , VV- ? .11 ; ,-? I' rkel ? . I fieei. .? h MALLORY ?-. CO., <: it ?gti Pier SO, i: H.. N Y. v;: *.! h ROTTERDAM ?n ! AMSTERDAM ria BouIagfM ? :r M " Fran ?. -? -; " ? ! ?? ' ' DAM - Maren 2.1. at 1 p. m. MAASDAM - irds) M,-, h a?' ?tip ni. j.-,... r?Mn $48 ? ! upara d. second ? ibln, 136; ?t?er?g? ?? ?er* ! v rate? dpply I r t urlat guld? and term?. <t?n?ral Pa?'en?-r Agency, 39 Broadway. OLD [>?? M I N i ?> N I. I N K. Bleamsrsfor NORFOLK, FOBTSMOUTH oi.D point i UMFORT ?nd NEWPORT NEWS. VTROtXIA PEACH FETERBBCRO ?nd RICHMOXD VA. ?nd WASHINO. TON. Ii C.- Moi.. Tu??. Wed. Thur?. and Sat. For Itlrhnvnd Ma JAMES RIVER -Mon . W?d. and Bat. I r r WEST POINT. Va.-Ti,-?. Thur?. ?nd Sat. From 1",- M Be? No St. R. f.. t P??rh-?t.. at 3 p. m.. Sat urd?>? ? p m. Thiough Ikket? ?nd freight ra'e? to ?11 poli.t? S^uth and W??t. W I. OUII.I.ACDEC Traa? Manag?r. RKD "I?- LINK OP Si KAMSHIP8. ' La Ou ? . Cur? v ?nd Mara ? v , i. fi ,m Pierrep :; Si rea, Uro klyn. - .- PHILADELPHIA .Tu iy. March 2* 1p.m. H s .'\i v.'v-; . Tl u i. V; ; II i. 1 p m. ? ;?':.?? . Snturdaj April It, I p. m. Tbeee Am-r'-in ?''i??ra btrtlt ri;r-??!y for the Irai?. modstlon? for t.???er.aet?. E-.r < in,..>, Bl I Ml ? III frei?:!-! nlv. ? ? m vi:.v .:!?.'. Satui ?? it Maret 23 not'T.T'.N m.ISS a D*'.f.ETT. 0?n?!T,l M.'.icers. 133 Frint-?t SJ WANNA!! LINK THRKK TIMI'.S WKKK O ly fi m Fiai 3-, N K.. foot ?if fpnnr-?t . Tu??day?. Thundav? , , Ssttirday? ?t 3 I' M Kr fi?l?!.t or pa? W. ii'lUfTT Oen'l '.Kt I D HASHAOEN E Act. Cent I' n SIT iTwai w F * w ru -;si B*?ray. J I. \!"V? O E A F R I. WALKER, Art O S. C A P R R MSI t:'w?v oj (>o n?w p,rr sj ^ K a U BORPEI? Manager. Railroo?a. ?AMERIC'8 CRKATE3T RAILROAD.' i\ KW YORK (5 ENTRAL 4. HUDSON RIVER R. R. Fi .m lirand v'.ntial Mati^n. 42d Street. ?|30 A M i.v, pi n-naai. bnatrs si?:? Expr?s?. Faatssl liant in the .. i,d. t?i.t(? v M Daily. Fast Ma.l F - BjTBilttBa. Bnchl?T?r. Buttai .\. igara Fall?. < l..,..?.,. |Oi3U a. m Es ?i't Buada; lu: Saarsaa, Fur ?n las. , ? .-- .... puiata. lui?? r M Daily. i-?'Ut!iv?,.>ierii Limitad, for Cutcta? ? .'.. Ill.'.l 111 ?p?!..-. .-I Iaju.? and Chicago. U::?) 1' Il Estrpl Hunda) W?al Point, l'oushkeeu?. A.i-nv ii ,. Saratoga. 4?;HI P M Dally. North ?..hora l.unl-.ed. Du? Detroit S Jo A M . Chicago, i .;u P, il G:(Mi P. M Daily. For Albany, lu-, buffai... Ctota?. Und. l'iioi. Chicago, Cincinnati, 8t. Lout?. lilUS P M Dali), loi Hoy. .-.'at ?a. liuilinaton. Plait?! urg and MoatraaL 7 :;to iv M im . i " v ibura Road polat?, iiuffai?. N...ra:4 Falla, Cleveland, Indianapolis, tit. Loui? Chi? ago. IMF at Dall) oiii> Sl?sa?tta cat p?m?agsiB fr Ri , he?t?i i ?i i led on this t:.iin U;ir? 1' M Dally. I or Clayton, Cape Vm-ent. Ogdea? i , ?. . IrveUnd, Detroit, ? hicagA IlilOi) N Ig ni l?xcept .sun.U) nlgl i lor Altiany, Troy, lluffalo, Niagara Falls, Chi ... t? it? ? A M ..n?1 SlSM P M DatT). ?seep? hunday. tu PttUllcld, v la :i?rlem , >u ?I n .. i?n : 1 ?la? e i .u? ,,n all through tialn?. 1 rain? Illuminated b) Pli ta h Light Ticket? mi,I Wagner .111 ?a at du:;,1 i'eni-?l Station lit, 2?p ui. ;-:. Itroadaay; SI Eu?i I4th-?t..!n Rullding; '.'12 Broadway; 230 Columbui-ave :?;', \\v.t I2ath-?t., and ISHIh'Bt, Biatlon, New-York; UI und 7"0 1 ill? n t , and 71 Hi.lwa> R I> . Hi * 'tlvn. I'.aiB".. ? ?leekid fioin liotet ,r residier? t.i Um We?tcott l .;, .., Cnmpan; JOHN M TOftCEY. OEDROR H I'AXIEI.S ?Jnastral Maaagar. ?;??:'. Passenger \?-r?f. LEHI6H VALLEY RAILROAD. " 6,",l.V : ' '""' ol <-?'?'"???? " '?"?* ..cao.u.a. ? 'ta. ' :"?' A. M. dall) ?- . .v..?. . U ? In .sk ?im inte, medial? ' lh ion?, ???a A. II. .puiy f ,.r UENEVA, l:?i. HEBTER, tlif 1 Ai.", MAUARA FALLU, BL'SPlCNriioN BUI DUE, ?nd ?n? "??.. and principal and local point?, dinina-cai ti bu?pen?ion Urldgc. l'uliiuau V'eiiibule hleepei i . cm.-ago, IlilU A. M. dall) for MAL'Cll CHUNK and Inwrm? ,: ?' i -'i?.n....u us loi Heading and Hairtsburg I :?!(? D H, daily. .\,-pi Hunda), to, lll.MlltA and ail niermeiltat? ?talion?, connection? for l\,ti?vili? and Read* Ing; . i...,r i w ilkeal arre. till) IV M, .i.dy. escepl Sunday, for I., nnd It. Jl'Ni' TION .:il p.i!i,.|..ii inieriuedlute ?latMns; Pullman buffet i ' . .. lo WllUe?barre; conneetloas for l\>tt?vill?. I:L'I? I'. M, .'.ailv. escepl Snn.tny. lor SDL'TIi i'l.AIN FIELD .m l Interm? li it? ?I itl-m. RHO I?. !)| deill 'of EAST'?M ,m.l Interm-dlate ?talions UMSO P. M. dall) f u BUFFALO, SIAOARA I'.M.I.s. ?n.I ell n ilnt? West, Pullman Bieeptr ve?tii.itl?.l tr?lr, New-Yor?i i.. i, igo. u-, j-r to iiuff.iiu and Toronto; connection? fci Heading and Harrtsburg. (!.:t(i p ii. dally, ?aeapt Sunday, im Eastoa ani inter m?,||iiti. ?tatlo llltM I M, dally for ITHACA. QEXEVA. ROCHE?. TElt. ItDFFALO, NIAOARA FALLS, and all potnt? Went. Pulliiui i Sleei.ei? to CtllesgO Jill lluffalo. Cliair ear to Wilk??tarr Tt? ket? und I' Bceoeamodatlons ?t 2:t.% 2?it tut ,?n i I.B23 Rr??tdway, hi Bowery, 31 En?t uth St.. n?i Baal Isnth Bl., N?w-York: e?in Fuii.n st . 4 Court St us Brnadway, und Rrnnfclra Annei Hr.. klvn N T Tn? Vew-Y" ,. T-ainfer Co, "111 .all for nnd ch?-k bat ?.ige from hot d or re?ld-n,'e throu?;li to destination. IIVI.l IMOItK AMI (HID? It VD. Faal Expieb? iiain? t., Hull lui?,r<-, H ii ?li inn t.iii, ( liicaau. ( i nciiiuMIl, Bl. I.?ml? nuil All FuIiiim \%r?l. PULLMAN CAR BRRVICI <>\ Al.l^ THaINS. I^av? Ne^r-Yoik. font of Liberty st., dally for ?lllt'AdO I p. in. sad I ? 1 !S night PlTTBUCRO, 1 .'Ii p. m ?i.d 13: IS nlslit. I'IKCINNATL BT. LOl'IS, Pa m . o OU p m WASH I MOT?N, BALTIMORE ?i a. m Ht .'(O ?. in. DlnliiK Car), 1 S?l (3:3(1 p. in? ex. Sunda>). 1.1(11 p in. Dining Car?, r,:00 p. m.. 12.14 night. All tra?na run dally ?BtsrBt 3:30 p. in. \? iHK?, Il M ? m., daily; I'JO p. m, Ex. Sun. Ni:W I'HI.KANH. Roaaofc?, Hrl?(,.| ?nd <'ha(t?nooga. t?ir. n,-ii Pullman >1?pin* far. u p. m., dally. All truiiiK illumlaaiad with Pmt?cii light. TUket ,,m.????? 113, 172, 281. 413 1 14?) P.madway. 31 E??t 14th BL, 127 Hnvvery. N. Y.; 314 Fulton St., Brooklyn, ?t.ltlon?. foot of Libert? Si C. H R. of N. J. Mtar-Y rk Tr?n?f?r (Vmpsny will esil fat ?nd ?h?c4? aaggag? fi m bot?l or rcitdteoa to d??tlnatlda. flailroabfi. DENNSYLVANU 1 RAILROAD MATIO.XS foot of itetbri)???? and (ortltndt btrerta, In Effect J.iniuiry ?ill, tmi.-,. MM A. M. PAST LINK. Parlor Car to Pltuburg. lO.OO A. M. PKNXSYI.VANIA LIMIT?D.-Pullnaj c^vsapartsaeat, s;-epin?;. Dinir.g, Smoking, ?nd oi>f?r ration car?. Arriv?e 'hi.-ago i? a. H., Cleveland 521 .v. M . Cincinnati .!???<' A. M-, Indianapolis 7.4."> a. u St. Loula .'! P. M., .and Tied.) 1? A. M. 2.00 I?. M. CHtCAOO AN!' ST. LOl'IS EXPRESS^ Pullman Keeping and filnlng Car? t.. St. Loul?, L.uls? ville, and Chicago. Arrive Cincinnati lu.!.", A. M St. Loul? 7 P. M? Chicago ? P. 5? ll.lei) P. M. WESTERN EXPRESA -Pullman Sleeping ?nd Dining firs to Chicago and Cleveland. A- ?yea ? >v,-:.-,nd I1.2S A. M.. Chlcsgn l? P. M. n.xt gay 7.4.-? I?. N, SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS.- I'u'lmsa Sljepm?- and Dining Cara lo Cincinnati and St Louai Arrives Cincinnati ?t P. M . Indianapolis lu?.') p j? st. l.ui? 7 a. M. wrnajd Bsornlng. ' ?LOO I*. H. p.vciKi.- EXPRESO In: man S' rirr c*r 'leve. lo Pttiabiarg. Connect? for ? ni.-rfg,. land and Toledo ex.ept Baturdai WA8HIKOT05I AND Till: Mil TH R, s..*?, ft. 10.10 (Inning ?art. Il v M .' ;,, '? , ? , .? gres'lonal Uta./' ?Il Parlor an I [n: :?_? s) j^J ?Plnln? Car?, ?Pining fan, .'. iPlnlng Carl 0 I' "\f 12.13 night. Sunday, *.:,<). ii A V! .-, ???*onirs???Li2j I.ltn.." nil Pailo, and In,,':. I , . ;; _?? (D|n%, ?* ?JO I (Dtalllg ?'?'1. f? P M !.?,-, , ,i, ,r""< *r>. SOITHP.RN RAILWAY l v.,, ? u dally. Sle-p-r? to AttgU ? . s. AZL?.? and Temne; c?o P, m I ?"??j Springs. Memphi?. snd ! - . "* I Stepper? to Monlgomerv and I " ",)r ATLANTIC .oast LINK. "Florida Snec'-al" far i.-w BOttt-lll? ?nd St AugVlatllt?, 1.311 p ft week ri.v. m ?? S ??\t?rt?nA V' TK? s' ?******. Maco?; ? harl??ton. 0 P, M dsll) M-eper u Tanna CHESAPEAKE * OHK? RAILWAY, Esi>r?es 6.00 P M. dallv. Thrnns-h Slf-cilnc an.l'li-.nlng Car? POR nt.n POINT COMPORT and NORFOLK via f*pe Chati-? R-.iiie <? A It. w? liy-, and. with Thr .ugh Sleeper s p. M. dallv *? POR ATLANTIC i'ITV IV. I' M week-day?. Th-ough Puffet Pari ,r ?ar and Coach port CAPE MAY. LOO P M seek ?lei? F>r L nsr Pr-inch. Asburv ''ark Ocean Orne? sad Paig* Ple.-irant. 0:l'l A. M . 12:1" .'{.40 .'..lo and 11 Vi p M week-da?? Sun,'av* i-v-ept A.,hi:.-. Park grid " e?a Orove). f?.4? ? M.. S IS P M polt nu1 Miii-.i'iin.. n n,., t y? ? g-jjo ?i .in Penn'a Llmit?4i loie. (Pining Car), il a. M.. 12. 1 2 10 j. s.jn iDin'ns arj 4 1.30 i[iir.!ni? Cari 3 iDiniac Cail S 7.30 s ., ,. j^ 13.15 nicht iunJavs. 0.13 SJW 0. 0 m< HO I i? A M. 2 ?Dlnln-,- ''ar,. :! un . Csr), 1 4.3. . : -iln* Car?. S ?niTMi* Car), 0, ? ??*.. H, u P M 13 13 Tirket Offices: Nne. ??I nu. i 100, 1,323 m si Ml Rroadwsy. t A tor H. ?>?-. ?nd '. t of I tnd coriland? Street?; 4 ?'? un Street -.'<> Pull n Su M nrr.adw.-iv. a-id Bmoklvu Annes Stall in, fooi .f r iit^a Street BroofcRn; Station, Jstss? City. Tb? N'?w-Tesg Tran?fer Comr?ny win call for and ehecl beggag? frosi hotel? snd fui arm? th.:-.,-!?;, to deetlnat?on 5 M. PREVOST. I P. worin General M??alg?r Oeneral P? \ .-?n?. GENTflAL RAILROA? ?r NEW-JERSEY. lAatbrartie ?? a ..?? ? ?sciustvetj . Pour tracfca, Automat.,. b|... k Sifcnala ...S Af D AI-'i'Ill: 01 C. ID. is'.ii. Train? leave ?talion foot of Liberty-?*. Por Karten. Bethlshem, Allentnan Mauch ''hunk. *?, *-jn 1:15, 0-10 11:48 t., Baitoni ? If.. Pin. i :^i i, d? t i F.iiMii i m> '. 13, 7 ,'io t Alleni .?rn. P H. Su >?. ? M (TI." to Esst ni, A M I 00 S u. 040 I' M. For Wllke?r,a r?. Pitt ?t. n and S, rentOR, 0:10 A. M.. 1 10. I 30. 1-30 P M Sur, !;:??. 4 ,'ii. A M. Por Read! at ? SO. ?.'?> 0 \? lu 00 I! .Ti A. M 1 10. I :-.o. i.oo. ,vi*i. :, t.-v 7..V1 p M.. 12:13 r.ig-t. Sundaro, 4 M .? H 1 oi 1 ?M -, rt' r,'?1 p m 13 1-, night. Tor Harrl?tair- a' 4 .til S on 9 in A M., I:W. t 30 4 no "on :,'... p m 15:13 night ?.Unisys. I 00 5 JO, r, oO P M 13:13 Bight. F^r Siinhur?- I^w'?rmre, and TVIIl!am?r?ort ?f 4:30 ? 00. i lo A M . t to 1 70 7 30 r m Sunds y? ? no P. M Fo- Red n?nk L r- nran^h ?nd n- p'? ?nuth ti P^'nt P'-a?ant. I ?/> | ?||| 1. -n K ?,( t -in | C fj 40 t" It?d p.irki 4:11 ?:40 a i!? p v c.ndiv?. ex?pt Oceaa Orove ird A? .? r>?-i- n vi ? \< 4 no P M FOR LAKEWOOD, 4 30 0:13 a M , 14-,. :; ?.. 4 40 p. M. E'?r Fa-mi-irla!? T'mi River. Harn?gat Park and Bar? r*?at. 4 tO.'O'ia A. M I 4? 4 40 I' Nf For Aflan'tc Clt? Vlneland anl Brtdgal n. 4 30 A. M.. I -40 t M For Monm-uth n?a^h Se,h.iKM ??d Ftlgh'and? of ya-e?lfk 4 .',. ? IV 11 30 A M 1 31 1:43. 4:1\ t:*0 P H. Sundav? o /v? , y 4 An r> M ROYAL BLUE LINE. TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE AND WASHINO TOM. for l-laua.lph ?i. week day? ?:^0 ? OO. OiOO. IO OO. II 3d .tanins C?r?, A. M-. lHO, '?:.?. 4:00 .Buffet Pariij Car). If*' il?:ntne rar). 6:00. 7 3o S.4S P. M . 13 II night Sunday 4 3?). 0:00. 11 .10 il-nln; i~ar) A. M. 1 30. 3 no inin'.t.B ir) ??no P. M . 12:10 nigh?. For rial'lm' ? and \Va?hln?lon wee'.; day? f? or ;; ?g 'Plnln- far K M.. 130 3:30 .'.00 iPmin? C?n II "J P. M. 1213 n'cb'. .undav?. 0alo. 11:30 fTMnin? in A M t-3f ...?. mining far) S <?i p M 12 13 at? I T;.-ket? and '? ?ea,a an be procured ?t III 173. 211. 41. 044 1 lio 1 n23 Broadway T37 ?.h a??.. "" .'>?t !??>-?? 134 .1?. 'SMh-St. 2i'4 We,- |23th-st, 301 fje lumhUr-SVf . N w-Yo-k 4 <? ?irt-at . ?Sjn 1'ilt n-?t Pnvik ivn '?<! Proadwav 0rillUun?burg The How-Tortr, Tranefw Pomr.anv r-ilt -al' for and check baggage fr m hitel 0? residencs tu '?ettnatton ? DP.t... LAI KAWIVVI A.\D WK?TtlRK H. R. ?talluna In >?-?.\urL 1.1..1 ..f linn-lay and ? h rlniMiilii-r !?lrei-ts. VBBTIBtXED TRAIjlO. I'lt.l.MW HtPKKT CARS. PINTSl tl I I?.HT. Direct rout? I NEWARK. BLOOMPIELP MOXTCLAIB, THE ORAHOES, Rernerdavlll? Pa?? ng Rldge, Ma.ll?..n. M irlft tern. P???ai. . Pat-rs- -1 V n ton. Dove?, sunh, n-. lU'PPs LAKE. LAKE H >? PATfONO. Ha? kctt?to?rn. ?K'HOOl.KY'H MOI'NTAIV. Wa?hlngt..n. PHff r.fPSnt'RO FASTO.V, W'ATFH OAP. STROfi'-itrrtri Poc no m unta In? s-p. vS. TON'. PITTSTOX, VVILKESfl\KltK. NAXTIfOKB. DANVILLE NfiRTIH'MllERt.ANP Montrr?e. PINO. HAMTOH, OXFORD, KORW1CH, Watervill?. I'TP'A rtP'H'-'IEl 1' Si'H'VOS fonl?nd. STRACPSF og. WEOO 1THA?"A. ntvuin. ELMIRA. fORVVd PATH OAHSVILLE Ht'FFAt.. ' ?ni all po|r.'? WvsT NORTHWEST AND so; THWEBT, Tr30 A. M - BINOHAJ? 1 on MAIL Stop? at r:--?U -?.: ni O.00 A. M -BPl'l-AI..-. S.'P.AS'TiiN. BIN'f.HAVTOt LTICA P.I Illlf'.P PPPIXOP SYP V ['SE an<i OflWEOO EXPRESS Pullman Buffet Par Cars ? -n. Beet at Buff?! ? Ir.i'.n for Chicago, a::: :::g 0 J) a. m r.-xt t-i rnlBg l hi p H SCRsVTOS RINOHAMTON ?r.: ELMtrU EXPRES? P 11 ;arl r car?. ?.-00 P M STRAVTOX WILKEHRARRE ?nd PI.YM nt'TM EXPRESO Pullman rar' r <-ar? 7 3ii P. M iDall) Biffai Vestll .'?? I Limited F?r-??? fr SCRAMTOS RINOHAMTON ELMIRA P"? Pullman B Bel Sleeplna C? - ??? ?t P.iffal 1 ?rlth trala for fr.u-ago. arriving at 0 33 -> m. ne?, day, 0 So P M iDellr)?Bt'FFALO BfRANTON PIN'",H\M TOM ItTTCA STRArtfre ?n! oswp.-.o EXPRESS. Ptillnian Ruff^t SI?per?. Tl'KETS AND 1-lI.LMAV AfVOMMOOATIORs ?? T3 Murrar-ei an1 ?0^ Brosdwsi T k?ts at ferry ?t.i'i^ns. TSS an.'. 043 Pr-n>?->nv 33 w?t lTRh-st 3*8 f"tur*hu? ?? - Niw-Y -k 33M snd WH Pull ?' ?"' "4 P.- i-tvay, ' r, Tim- 'all??, gulrc full ir.formatlon ?t ?tl tt.l'Art? V.'F'TfOTT EXPRESS COMPAKT will call f-r sag r*-?-!; baggage from ' ..--,,-? t? deetlaat!?*?. ERIE LINES. 'jgu inuna i i '.'???-?? ?tu ib? ii?. msb?b .n?w tuot uf vh..:. la 1. ?* leliean? gaO a?? earlier : .::,i ?; . A. M.?Vcsllbul?d 1 xy:.?? ?or Wavarip, o, r..:..::.,. UuBaUi, U:*d'c:J BM Sal* maw -. Pari ait I affalo. 1.?Veailbul? Lli.iiiid. 6,.|.d train for Chl vla Ch.tutau.4ua t-ake. arrive? Cb ! ? 4^ a. m. Cblcaao 7 p -n. Maepera ? ? ? ... ?*v?land anl I'ln.lnn.itl v'ar I*. H.-lMffalo vTatPuled Itmpr0?0, ?rrlve? DufTil? a. v... making tiret c aaactl m> I 1 t. ' : : .n,'" i.:.i :!i- w.-t. it?... ., ., c?B i- 11. ..n in ?J?, 1 er um 1 S A M. P. M. Via fhi.uuuiua t^ike and Klagara Palla ' -a t. ' . hlwiii SI-, ; - ? ,-hl .-? ? and Cincinnati Pintr.s 1 ar. Lvl. TIME TABLE TICKETS AM' Pl'LLMAM Bccnmnv-dstlons ?t 111. 30? ?ui snd 0*7 Broedsraf, . ?', Past I30th-?t . Chamber? und tv??i - it ferr!-?. New-York: 133 Pulton-et B kl?n 300 H .- H >? t. k-n and terse) Cltj Statt ?? 'ir T --??mf .?IK f >r ?n t check? lugjage frj',1 h,.te', ,. ! t.iiden,-?? la d??t!natl, n U-15 3:00 6:30 845 WESTSHORER.R. TraiM lea?, U.-si 4Ju 04. Blalio?, N???-..?. *? t* I. ? ?. .tad l? nuiiute? raiiler li .; : '. t'.ai.?..u BUI .til;?? A. il. Duity. 1. ... ? l?il.*> A. M. tall) for Albuu) I '? a ,->:a.-..-e, R.oh-jt?e. buffalo, Nlsgaiai l'a.I?. . ? .. OilS P. M. I>ail> for Albany, M n real ? i-vt-^u*?. Rochester, if. :r.ii.>. Niagara . - - Bttt, Dctrtssk Cleveland. Chicago snd bl i.oui?. Ti4S I*. M, Dally, eacept Sunday, r r it. a, .-.:?a-i??. Newark, it??? hMter and Ituffalo. BilS r. M. ' all) f Albany, I'u.a B>T?cuse. B ^Mt'f DuffaW?. Miagara l'ail?. Toronto. Detroit. Clevatsat, ?-n?* vago and St. Loul?. , __^ Pir ticket?, time t.a.l-?. of local train*, nartor ?nd ? ???? tng-,-ar B-commodstlon? apply city ..mcc?. Brooklyn int K?w To-1 and Bt ?tattoo? Time taMe? at prln.'.pt? la/tels i'".- other Inf rmatlon ?dd1-.-?? c R LAMBERT Oenerel Pa?e?ager Agent Income Tax Text of The New Law. The Tribune's pamphlet contains the full text, ver? batim. The questions which arise in the minds of the public can be answered by reference to The Tribune's pamphlet. Order through any news' dealer or direct from The Tribune.