Newspaper Page Text
NEWS FROM THF, SUBURBS. WESTCHESTER CO UNTY. YONKERS. Thl-v. ? house of Car. nt H. I.ane, nt No. 19 Livingston ave., on Tuesday night, and ?stole Jewelry and tllamonds t.. the value of HO?, Th? po? lk? have a description of a man a? en ?..?t.-ritut about lb?) neighborhood, and hope soon lo ?:iv.- th>- thief in custody. Th<- semi-annual convention of th.- Westchester County Woman's Christian Temperance Union vv I l?. held in this city to-day and to-morrow. Thli foi noon at II 12 lira. C. i. Jump, of Albany, Btate BV ? tar) 'i I mg Woman'? Work, vvi.i ?nal.- an addr. . 39 In th? aft? rat on Mr? Emilie 1). Martin ??ill speak, Al 7:30 In th? evening mem? bers ? ' ; ? Loyal '!'? ::-.;-> t.up .? Legion in ana about th. . ??.??:.. 1 .i mor? si m. 'I ii. ? >n Friday at 11:15 a. m. and al 2 p. m. Mrs. Mary T ? ? ite president, will make addresses. She will in followed In th? afternoon by Mrs. Homer A. Nelson, ..: ?' pi lent of the Dut. hess ? 'unlit ? i 'nlon. Thel ? ? < ? ? 5 session on Fridaj Frederick Hempel. sr., met with a serious accl.lent M lay evening al his ?tor?*, at Dock-st. and N..r:h Broadway. Mr, Hempel, vvh-, i.? seventy yean ? Btai led liar, vvh. n !;?? slipped on It).' st:i:t?. He fell to th? bottom, striking m? head on ut anvil. Dr. Benedict was summoned and took .? nut -ni :.i? I, ad. !!?? was then t..k. n bom? A mock trial will be held this evening In th.- lect >m ?.i m ? l-'it?; Methodist Episcopal Church. Elijah Y.-rks la the plaintiff, and sues the trustees for breach of contract. Fn lerlc A. Cook and Na tbanlel C. Fowler will represeni Mr. Yerks and W. W. Alexander and Herbert 11. Gadaby the trustees. on Tuesday evening: th?re w i? a tea at the rooms ?.f tin- Young Women's Christian Association. Those who received and poun : the tea and choco? late were Mrs. E Alexander Houston, Mrs. P. t\ Brown, Miss Edward?, Miss Palmer, .Miss Gullford, Misa Bate, Miss Meilefont, Misa Starr, Miss Bart letl an i Miss Webb. At the mea ting of the Board of Health on Tues? day Henry N Goldfinger was appointed an in? spector at a salary i I i'"1 s year. -?? NEW-JERSEY. JEKSET CITY. In a Larceny cat? i fors Police Justice Potts, of Jersey City, yesterday, Joba W. BisseU acciiso.1 Police Captain John F. K< lly, of the Second Pre? ? ad beats " He subsequently apologised by letter and sail bo would apologia? publk-ly In court to- lay. l>r. \v. w, Vai attending City Clerk John K. Scott, of Jersey City, reported yesterday tliat Mr. Scott -.?.is slowly Improving. '?? ' t Vc recital on Tuesday ev< ning, at the I ome of his father, ? x-Congressman Charles II \ , N >, Hi Clifton Place, J. rsey City Heights. The rooms iver? filled with well known people. Mi Voorhl? played, entirely from memory, Chopin's "Phantasie op. 19, nocturne op S7. No, :'. .!? i tarantella-; Schumann's "Arabeske" and "Vnt, : - -a ?nom? n ;,mz." th-- scherz i from Mendelssohn"! - Syn Nevln's "Shepherd's Tale," "Narcissus" and "l.ove Song"; lielahaye's minuet, "Columbine"; H stein's "K i:,:\"".-iisti,.>v." N.> _?:'; Moskowskl's waltz, on ?'? S luett'.- Etudi Mignonne,' Chami : '?'??? . . i-|i ? ? - ert's "Pu Bist die Kuh." and !.-/?- second Hungarian rhapsody, i r aldes a .... ???? ai i :w ? "M un? ma Musi ils" performer's own com] BAY? 'N\I-:. Mi-s Alke ES. Wilson, for more than t>-n yean principal of Pu E No. 4. at Bergen Point, T>-:i!>t- I hi nation to Mir- Rayonne Board if Educatlor al .-- meeting on Tuesdaj night. The Soho.'l Trustees reluctantly a tented the resigna? tion. It is understood thai Miss Wilson Is soon to I.- me the I if a prominent Jersej City lawyer. i' mpany 1. the new command of tb? 4th ment. National Guard of New-Jersey, organl* I on Tu?? lay i Ight by the election of the 1 ?? ng offi? cers: i iptaln, Loul? <;. Wllcox; tirst lieutenant, Arthur I.. M I lieutenant. < ?> irge 'i. Rhoderick; oral sergeant, William W. Sparks; see on i sei geai r 1 E. Wheeler; thlr-J sei g?ant, irth seraje int, w alt? r Wor? den; fifth sergeant,! Sunderman; first cor? poral, Frederi k J. Schmidt; second corporal, Frank A Eng? l. thli l ? ? .i ter H Brown; .'., >rg< F. Le Maire; fifth corporal, George 8. impai ? ?. .1 ihn F Lei . paymaster, Daniel .1. Murray: Kecrulting Committee, Gi >rge s. Bogert, Edward !.. Van Buakirk and Th< Koerner. NEWARK. The Board of Health will sr?>t the opinion of the l.iw Depaurtment of the city as to th?- legaUty of the new law prohibiting th- board fr>m erecting a dlsinfeet:iiK station In Clinton Township. RAHWAT. A eommlttee of the Board of Freeholders met in Rabway yesterday afternoon for the purros? ,.f viewing the vv lenlng of the Grand Street Bridge. The bridge when i nstruct? I, a few years ago, was i. ? illi -,. (s propel sixe, the ? lewalk taking part of th. roadway and making it dangerous for teums m- ? ting on the bridge. Tl ??? <? decid?' 1 t ? .. li h the i i lg< : . iis pr .,. ? .... .::.. at an esti? mated ? ' ? ? l t-> the county. BEIEES3 TO A ruRTCXE. BUNTING POR A TOCS? IRISH GIRL TO WHOM A LARGE ESTATE HAS BEKN LEFT, A search la lair? mad? througn ut Weatchestei County, and especially In Yonkers, for Jennie <",irr v. left Ir? land and i ame to ti It country. '!'.':'? r? ison of the Inquiries Is thai a larg? fortune las been 'efl to her by the death of bei i.ith? r in Ir? I;.: ?!. On January 12 Isat Jei e and her father had a quarr? i i :i a? i iuni of 1 to marry agati Fh'.r'.-. ifter th? ith of lus wit?? Th?- result of the Quarrel was that Jennli cm bark? 1 for Al Two weeks afi'-r ?.',<? lefl Ireland, and befor? the ,; te i the n. irrlage of h.-r father to 1 wife, he fell ill and died, leaving a large estate and j? nnle as the only hi Ir, As book .* Mr. ('air '???'I solicitors began a search for th? missing heir. Letters were sent t.? tn s city to various priest? ea were pub Ushed in th.- newspapers, but bo f.?r ~b,- has not been h? ird from. The letter? i i i rlsh pi ? licit?-1 ihelr co-operation In finding thi girl, L ? Sunday the letters were read fi >m pulpits In Cath? olic churches, and the priest asked their congr?? gations in i- t - Hi ; ? the young won,an. In vi Igation shi wed that Jennli Parr, after arriving In this country, remained In New-Yirk City ten days and then i un l a situation through an em? ployment a.;. :? v with i family ai Rlverhi id, I.. 1 . as a servant. She remained there about two weeks, when Bhe secured a similar plac? with .? family In l?ort Chester, Westchester County. Bhe did nol stay there long, and .t is Bald that aha ..- now em? pli yed in v : It? ; -. A FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE CAUGHT. FRANCIS A. D1FFESDORPER CHARGED WITH TAKIN'l 910.009 PROM A LANCASTER (PENS.) BASK POCR TEARS AGO Francis a. Dlffendurfer four years ago was a well-known ??;. l popular resldem of Lai Penn., where he was Interested with hi? brc in conducting s banking bouse. Dissipation made his living expensive, and In order to ni.ike ends meet be look 110,900 In truat funds which aren tt... , istod) . ???'? banking-house In which he ?w.ts employ? I, and left Lancaster. For nearly four years Dlffendorfer has been s fugitive, but c. w. Levy, a Phil ' ???? a f? w months ago K"t a cien to where he was, and Anally located him at No. 1.213 DeKalb-ave., Hi""k lyr.. vvh.i. i., ara llvli ?? with hi? wife an : hi Levy t!,..- week a? ur< I i qulsltlon papera from Oovernor M"rt. ;.. ti i laai night al '? W ? ? wi. . rfer was at boma Burrounded by hia wife and family, James Kelly, a Brooklyn Centra] . ...-, vlalti l his boma an i arr? it? '. hlra on an old warrant sworn out In Lancaster by DHfendorfer*! own brother. 'i i., i ene at the time ol the arrest was dramatic in th?' extreme Dlffendorfei has, Il li said, been working steadily for the 1 t two years, and was ? i to in-' w.rc and children. When the de tectlv? walked into th. room and told the fugitive be '.v.- ih- wife threa her arms bei bust . I's neck, and, bursting into tears, said "(?h, Prank] Prank! What ?rill we do without you!" Dlffendorfer wa* lodged In the Plrat Precinct poll ??? station. Qovern >i Mori >i - requisition papers will be signed b) a Supreme Court Judxe to-day aiifl Dlffendorfer will tx turn? i over to Levy, the Philadelphia detective, win. will him t?.i Lan ca A BVMPMCTMD llliKlii 0 BUMMXMDsW. Samu-l Mllach, the former Insurance adjuster, who has been wanted by th? Dlstrlet-Attorney*a oiiicv tor tie last month for Bllcged complicity with the Bool B ? mg of Bre-buga, many of the mem I?, ra of w'hieb bava ?recently been convicted and sentenced to long terms In the penitentiary, 9ur l soil anil hin- if at ih?- District-Attorney's office iresterday. An Indictment was found at.mist MUscb by Um March Qrond Jury of th Court ?.f Qenerol Sessions Mii.ii 1. II. was t..kMi ;,-fii.- Judge Pits. gerald, wbere Assistant District-Attorney Davis naked that ins ball be Hn.<1 at ?12.090. This op* posed i?y Char:'-. Bhampaln. his lawyer. The Judge Sec! i' l tu t.ik.- the papera atei after an examina tl.iii :n th.- sum. Mllaeb iuc?i?vvh!l? ha? been com mllte.? to the Tombs. KMrdl powder m. Visais streng^ nis^Latc*tlJ Absolutely Pure AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. FLIMSY BUILDINGS GOING UP. THE ERECTION OF ri.ATlltirSKS IN' JBPPKRSOK AVE. BTOPPSD POOR MATERIAL TOED. Wesley ?'. Buah, Commlsaloner of Bul'.dlngs, yes lerday suspended Inspector Peter '? Kennedy and revoked ? permit granted recently to Mr?. Sarah C. Minto f..r the erection of t.-n four-story Lru-k flathouses in Jefferaon-ave., between Howard and Ralph aves, The bouae? were being built by Mrs. Minto s husband, and when Commissioner Bush one day thli ?reek made a personal Inspection of t:... work he ?vas appalled at the way In which it was being done He gave orders r>.r the stoppage of th.- operations, and suspended Kennedy. The foundation walls of the Bathouseg gre pul up in an exceedingly alouchy and careles? manner. Round cobblestones are largely used. The lintel? In the cellar gre made of hemlock boards. The brick piers In the cellars gre falling .lawn, owing to crumbling ?..' soft brick? used In construc? tion, and temporary braces have been built to bold the floor beams in place. The bricks used ar.. of tin- poorest quality, second-hand, badly cleaned, broken, .?"f:, frotan and wet. The two stories now will have to be pulled down, Commissioner Bush, In commenting "ti the mat? ter yesterday, said: "if these building? had been completed with,.m Interruption, we would have had a repetition of II.hard-st, catastrophe In New-York. 1 cautioned all th? ?napectors to b? ; ?? ularly careful In keeping a i ? - watch over I en during frost, 1 might use a stroni - term than 'cross earelessness' In ?peaking, ol Ken? nedy's careles ness. He failed to pay any atten? tion to his Insti m tlons " TO ENLARGE 'llll". COURTHOUSE. The Board of Supervl or? have voted to h ii Is m the sum of 1350,000, par value, at an est not to exi.1 4 pel cent, for the enlargement of Courthouse, which, If the plana are carried out, will bo extend? ! eighty-five feet to Llvlngstor.-st. in this extension will be rooms for the three s Idl tlonal Supreme Court Judges, the n? >? county Judge and the clerk of the Appellate Court. Doubtlei Hall of Records will also b? eil irg. I Uid ret .vat? I. The s .:?:::.:..-i 1. i.i of Buildings, Mr Ryan, : prepare plans Th? approval of the Legislature must be s...- ire l before ihe changes can !"? made. A VERDICT OP 160.000 rOR THE PLAINTIFFS Mary Adelaide Ellis, Ida Kate Ell R hard H ?we ?. i, Susan Catharine K.iis and George Taylor Ellis were plaintiff? In an action i:i the Supreme Court Judge Stover yesterday against <;> >rge W lAwrence, as surety for John Barberle, who as g trustee is alleged ; i nave stolen 160,000 left In tru^t by Richard K, Ell!? to the plaintiffs, According to implalnt, Richard K. Ellis, who died in IMS, created a trust fund for t!..- benefit of hli son, Richard, who died Intestat? M ?e? Taylor was the first ?rus;.-,- of tho fund, and . fter him, John Bar Mr. Lawrence, i iretj for Barberle, ??is alleged i< be responsible for tin- missing money, Mr. Lawrence, In his answer, adn itt : ill th? ab ?va illegatlons, bul said hi? b? wa merel) i matter of form L'pon ?ai . Ihe evi? dence, Judge Stover llrecti 1 a vei II ? ot $12.000 for the plaintiff Mat-, Adelaide Ellli and each : broth? t? and ?1st? i CONTESTING THE WILL OF 1>K. ORUNWUT. The contested will case of i ir. Bernhard Orun hut wax before Surrogate Abbott yesterday, He lived ai No. KM Adelphl-st. with h,s wir?, and I - ? is estimated at ??.?.Irunbut t* sup ;, s? i to have been lost at sea from the steamer Bothnia on August 22, 1894. The will un. I was executed on June 12, WM, ta i .lavs i,--f,>r.- h? sailed for Europe. On February 28, UM, he mar? ried Miss Ketcham, of No. M Adelphl-st. Three months after b-s marriage the doctor made o ??.;',. leaving about l?u.OOO lo the Mount Slnal l! and tbe Hebrea Benevolent Society, ..r Brooklyn, the r- of hi? property t.. im t,. his a-lfe, The c .:?.?: mts. a brothei s ik proof of h-.s marnai:.- to Miss K?i ? Test ? i Intro? duced yesterday by t?,, ?? ?? ? ? ? . mu- t.. show ni- : nil y on I h? pari . t..i. Thi ?-.. -. i? ?till GATHERED ABOI'T THE TOWN. Th?- jury in the Bull of B inn ' R) n i n aga i st th" Brookl) n H< Ights Railroad Pompan) ; ?i ?? imagi - ,,,, :i, ounl of the lo ? ol ten ' | old son, Abraham, whi ? ? ? off hj an ii gav< liv mon a vei I ' ? ? ; ill f0r |50,000 for personal Injuries Is pending, i : i w.t r-1 Chapman yesterday gol o verdict for 115.000 against the Atlantic Avei le Ra Iroad Pom pany In the City Court. An electrl car knocked him off a tru k wl ? '? he was driving. An Incurable ,n-. ,i.f the leg was the result. . police Superintendent McKelvey, in a general order yesterday eapeclallj commended the work <?' Inspector Mackellar, Detective Bergeanta Dante] Daly, James O Reynolds, Edward Korke, William i-, Weiser, John Rail and John Connors In connec with tti" capture ol Button and Johnson, the bur?lai s Mrs. Elisabeth Bmith, a widow, whiin curling her hair before a mirror In her home .it No. H Pourth ave., ?>n Tueaday night, go) too tear the atove, which set fire t.? her clothea, burning her In a sho king manner. Bhi wai taken t" the Methodist Ho pi tal, where her condition li report? l critical. Mrs Hammond, wttb whom Bhe lived, w,i* burned while trying ;?> aave hi r Coroner Kene ye lerday dlscoverd that Tlllle Btubba, eight years old, of Ko. M St. Mark's Placo, died from spotted fever "ti Tuesday. He ordered an Immediate burial '.r the body. The child's brother, two years old, died only a few .lays before, and it is probable thai that, too, was 9 cos? of spotti l fev? i. Qeorge Schuman, the piano polisher who broke his n?-,k on Monday night In the stor?- of his em? ployer, Prank H. Chandler, So. W0 Pulton-st., died In the Brooklyn Hospital yesterday. His rallying at ;iii the Injury was a great surprise to the hospital doctors. The Brooklyn Trust Company has decided to bull.) up its surplus to 12,000,000, and In order t'i do this the regular quarterly dividend, due April i, was yesterday reduced from ' t.. 4 per cent. The com pany's business Is as c.,,,,d as ever. At yeaterday'a meeting William N. Dykman was elected a trustee in place of J. M. Rolf?, deceased and Thomas T. B ni- i- ice? ? led Fri di rick ' 'romwi ?l. 'lie drygood? store and dwelling -.r W, McQueen, at So. .'..'7 Plfteenth-at., was destroyed by are yi ? lerday forenoon, causing a losa of about (5,900, The flames extend? l to the Meyer ? Shannon bicycle academy, which waa ah", destroyed, at a losa ?.f $2,500 Other property adjoining was damaged by lire aril water. While .r.issint: the Btreet at Kent-ave. an.I North Beventh-at, yesterday, Prank Leewkaakl, six yeai ; old, "i No, li'i Kent-ave., was struck by a trolley ? if of i i"- Qreenpolnl and Myrtle-ave. Una and his skull fru? tured. The motorman, Patrick Burke, mil the conductor, William II. Austin, were locked up in the Bedford-nve. police station, and w hi be mralgni i to-day, Prank T Button and charles Johnson, the burg lars. were indicted in the court of Sessions by th?> Grand Jurj yeaterday. They were charged with having In their poasesaton "tooio, Instruments ami Implement? commonly known as burglars' tools, an i ci .-..- sting of one force brace or drag, osa hack-saw. t-n aldermen or points, an?l <m>- steel drill." The "crooks" were dressed fashionably, and pleaded "not guilty" In a Clear and distinct voice. They tvere remanded for trial and taken bach to jail. a DIBAMLMD BTM?MMM TOWSD To POST Th.- Norwegian steamship aVle, from (??ban M irci :(, arrived here last aven?as, oftei bavtng been towed into Hampton Roads on March is by lbs Btaasashtp Allan, which picked her up about urn miles ?ast of Cap. Henry OS March 17. The Vale had lost all Of her propeller blades by striking a Submerged wreck, and unmanageable rttv- ITU towed fr..m Hampton ltrv.?ds to thl? ix.rt by th? tugboat Orion o? th?_- iiuston Towboui Company JIOMJ; NEWS. Thf rnttrrt lira ! i ral .V'i'l. vlitrh r,prr$?nli nU ?*i? ??irirarri'ri In ,V>i I*?*"* i.'v "1.1? <ir' rrrnrtnj 'ht'tfl: frmhif nets??/ ".< r'iuf?ii Pm$,k4U i" hMtteuartrra nt It?, tl ?tsia-er., gin? )-.rt->vw. ?III la/sraigUsa sad dstaswaf? ?, r ;,i/?if >.?. ?ne? f,<- seal fs ?/,.??? tssil|?igrf?n <i n.r f.^v isfll t'>rn hr dtitriliutfd t"all th* J'/.tV.I /'r--?f nnetiii/yri in Ml? tity.and to the. luitta Jrrn ur ?H??rBi<iiafi?n fnriafftiaf !ft? ?eetatrrg PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. FIFTH AVENUE Senator Richard F. Pettlgrew, of South Dakota. PLAZA i-'tank J Cannon, dele? gate to Congress, m..| George Q. Cannon, of Ptah, VICTORIA?John O. Mllburn, ..f Buffalo. WAL? DORF?Congressman .lohn \v. Caadler, of Boston. ? ? WHAT l* OOING ON TO-DAY. Republican County Committee meeting, Thirty/? eighth-sb, n ar Slxth-ave., ?. p. m. Auction sal.- of Monmouth Park, Freehold, N. J. Meeting of anthracite coal toil president?. Meeting of Dock Commis i.:,' ? Phi Gamma Delta Club smoker, No, &"3 Flfth avf, b i'. m Academy of Medicine, No. 17 Wesi Forty-thlrd-sL, 8 !.. in W. li. McElroy before West Bide Republican flub. No. '."_? \\ ? ? ? Eighty-.n I it., I i>. m. Ma\ ' ''lb lis lectura, Lyceum Theatre, il a. m. Annual election of Kings County Wheelmen, Brooklj n S p, m Lenten mu Icale In aid "f Eclectic College free dispensary. Hotel En licott, 3 p, m. lilverslde Kepubll an Club r< ptlon. Lion Park, h :? m. Eighth Congress Dlsti I conti *, No. 4t Plne-sL, :? p, m. Russell il. <'..n\v..!!'s lecture, Calvary Methodist Eplt ' opal Chun h. 8:13 p. m. Temple Israel Blsterhood entertainment, Harlem ? 11) ra H m ?? V talc 11 .11. ? i. t:' H. M. Ragan's I. etui ?, Cl kering Hall, ? p. m. "Miss Jerry," under the patr ige ? f Mi .:? Ilyby, for charity; arl rooms, .'?'?? :;t Montague-st., Brook? lyn, .s ]. m Th" Rev. I'-, i: \\ ilpol? Warren before the noon },:.i v. r-m? etlng No 11 : Full ? NEW-YORK PITT. A double-team truckload "f green turtles i i ? i up Broadway yesterday morning, and the iinu lal quantltj ittrai-ted . . observi i ?. i ? ? ol th? m. \? ho bore u it rmand, petulantly ex. lalm? I: "1 ; ? ? !.. ,|?. too, lik.. ? ? n we'll not have an? thing lo eat!" The Merchant Ta I lora' Society will hive an eg n of garments at Its rooms, No 241 Flfth .iv.v. to-day, to-morn ?v and Sit:i laj fi >m i , :i !?. m. a Woman'? T? m| : in ? i -.?::<-??? held every Thui la; iften it I o'cla k at Met? lt.ui Hail, No : W< ? l irte? nth-si J. v. Bonnell will giv? the I ? ? Mr. Ostr ':n the evs Ihe tS ; ? ik. Thi- Rev. D, A Bla khun i ' ? n er Church of Chirlestoi B. < l astorat? of the Church f the Stt st.. near lighth-av?., o? ? The Fencers' Club, No ' West Twentj ? m . will give an Informal fei rig i g i day nt I ..'. ?" k. in v< ' - - ? ? | ? Tort Athl? tl Club, th? Ra i .-?..- i anl ike N'.-w V.rk Fencing A part Aft' r the bOUtS I ? ?'? r ! giv<- nn exhibition i f mm i r* '.linn and I The General S ? ' of the 1 lutlon -.?ill ? try of th? of Lexington with a ? .-f ..n Apr;l II An entert.llene I of ti | ? ?;'.'. ' 11 th? ' ; ? i 11 Hall < Th? Metropolitan M ' ' fr?? to the pul II fr< m 10 a. m. t?> su sft? t:. ions frac : ? ' k i ' ? ' ? i. ' un 1 ! : ?? - Bdrnlttr I free; other? ? ,?,??? Tt s M iseum "f ' ? ' ?? fr im :'??.'.'' ?h ?, from S to 10 ? . il ! On Hu? rom i t.. 5 t \ .:'?'? Tin lays. of n I ' in reell f ?-tven al the Marl ? i be tl X? ?-York I.. . i' Q larti t, Di c irl B, Dufft ui . VI II ini II. I: ?? i The It? v. Rust ?i II I'onwell, of Phil id? Iphla, ? II delivr the flfth lecture in the I'hauLiuqua 1'nlon c irse at Calvary Methodisl Episcopal Church line? hundre I-and twenty-ninth and 8 . ? . ..n Th irsdaj ev? nlng, Man h 21 Ills subject ?III ba "Th.- jolly Earthquake; or, Hoe la U M . The number of "Vanity " which apis-m In .i ? over of i" i.,:, ntl i! purple The .? ;, , many attractive features, Includlns ?? po^m \ Japanese I?ver," by Sir Edwin Arnold snd i "Mis Wlnthrop'fl i: ceptlon," by the author of Tu. Oreen i 'arnatlon." 'i h< ra .ir.- beat !?? i bi from London and Parla. FOB THE (>R< IIARD-ST. HORROR. INDICTMENTS ORDERED I'.v THE REOI'LAII GRAND JI'KV AOAIXST THE MEN RESPONHIIiLK l "U THE ' "I.I.Msi: OF THE III ILDINfl Th?. regular Grand Jury of the ''...i; ol General Sessions yesterday ordered Indlctmenl agalnal the nun luid responsible by tha Coroner's Jury i..i the collapsing "f the building al Ko. lui On iard ? March I. The Orand .1 u i -. baa been considering, th.- niatter for the last thr.laya, and has es ?mined a large number of persons, Includlns the accused men. The men against whom the Indict. ni'iiis an- order, d are the owner "i the building, William P. Lennon; the contractors. (Have <v Cornea, and Timothy Ormaby, the building In pt-i tor of the dl ' " l Tha falling >.f the malthoiise si Forty third bL and Tenth uve.. In which four p?opie losi their lives, will also 1- Investigated by the Grand Jury. ,11'liV DISAGREE IN THE MALTHOUSE IN? QUEST The Jury In th? Inquest on Ihe malthouse si Tenth-ave, an I Forty-thlrd-sL i.ighl In tw > ver? dicts. Sis of the lurj found that the aeddent aras du.? first t" the original faulty construction of the ... and, second, to vlbrutlon. They recom? mend? i that the building laws i.banged so ? i , bring sucb matter? under the direction ol the Build? ing Department. Pour of tha Ju"ir- found thai tha accident was due to faulty construction, overload? ing tin- floors with material, and vibration, They eonaured t???- constructors for being Incompetent and careless, and ai-o recommended tha change In the buildings laws John McKelvey, tha owner of the malthouse, was th.- tirst witness yesterday ii" said he bought the property for the Bake of the lot, and ?lid not regard the house as bein? worth anything, He ail that be hii been in the building only a few times. He had. on on.- OCCOSlon, noli, ad tie- nioir.ii. and did not think It gOOd The bOUSC was ni I. .ind lii.v didn't use ceni'mt In mortar in the davs when it built. George OTKeefe. or,. t,( Hie contractors, said he attributed the collapse to the relieving ?if the wall on une .-lie. Me thought that a beam had broken. 9MOBOB iiovaHKltTT ok trial i m: MUBDBB, The cas? of QsorBJB I louKherty, on trial for murder in Part i of the court or General nisBtoni before Judge ritagerald, was resumed ysstardsy. LVtugb erty is charged with the ?rilling ?if Kiwani Meyer on July fi. UK after a illspui- over the races Several witnesses identified him as the nmn who was notici.i linicerlnii around Meyer's house on the nlxht of the murder, but none had BBSS the actual ?hooting. The case was adjourned until Ib.JV a. m. to-day. Tho man who ?rears a mackintosh can leave bis umbrella at home in the Boakinf/esl rain and not hurt his hat a hit, if thf hat is good. Get both here; mackintosh $10 to ?122.50, derby |3; ami, if yon want an mubrella, <>nr costliest ones are not a 1 bit better than tin; "Tip-top," $5. An ?asr osVe-eoat at aallaed Mach flagg?!. 13. ROGERS* PEET & CO. TTir.ER } Prlre? BROADWAY ! ?Vnna-n. KTCittKS. ) IN ?II Spring Styles in Carpetings Now ready. Somr good patterns with borders to match, in Wilton, $ /.jo. Body Brussels* Sjc* ?Ixuiuistcrs, (joe Moquette, Sjc. New Importations in fine Oriental Rugs at attractive prices. Lord & Taylor, Broad*?? ..v. toth bt WITBDBAWAL <>E GOLD. II.' TIKI.V OIT BT * BANK MIKI'IN'l IT FOB I imount of II ? ???' v?.i? with lr.i-.vti v, -? r t iv. and a? it eras ? . ? , ? bond , ? : able - u ? rise a b ink II ha I ini,I- gol I. It ' :? I anoth? r Instil it:.':i ?rtth Ihe n ? I il I tl f the i a. I operations on thf jiromt?? : ? ? :n Th? agreement ? ? i not kept and th? ... it new led it. th. ? !? . ? I..-- . The '.'?-.i ?.--. gain?*! 110,000 gold, how#?rsT, a? t ??. ?.ii turt.i i it. on t;.'- ti.'ti I syndicate's t mu: r.* SPHILDW?CHTER, JR. arrf.xtf.d. irles B htl.lwai-hter, ir . son ..f Iba i irriags : ? ? ? ,-r m th<- Ti'iit!?" Police ? ? lay The complainant v? i- Charlea It. ? ... v? ho ?..ii;, : for H tl 'm by II. I ght?r of a foi mi r memb? r ?quad, for breach of ? Fan ' .-??!?, i ?? in the Dlstrl I attorney's j ? .1 iw j ?:!, ? was there, and ? . h-. r itiuii. Ilately a< us? i Fat ? ?? hi. h M m.I.' ii iii la) 1.1 t. ??:?.? ma I? ..f ;???'. -. and ? on? \v hen they 1.? ' ? minal Courts Bull I . t ? I an- II rail? 1 l.?m . k tutu m the fai ?? II? also says h? dr?w a . ? ? him. ?' ? ? FRKDKRICR OFBIIARD FIS DM ///? P/.t it. :? ? i k .;?;?. .r i m ule t a ?? irli its In i ! ? . ? ? Pol lies rtei ? ? terday In .i.i::i i ? 't ' i ti .?. it Mon lay evening leaving Abbey's Theatre. The pin ??a.-, s by twentj i. iiiintiil-i and v.,, ?? i i ? Frank Fl) mi. ,i poll, em in, I nd II M A H l S i: 1N TE ILIQ /; .V C B mi n i v i i I i: AI.M INAG . . "I in?. I >? I ' M . . - , m i ...: M : >a xr- 2| limn vv v: i R 1'.. DAT. v m ..ii .". i- ?;? -. i : in I ? IS il ?I Oats S 13 I?.M . :. li?- . t 12 '. ?? (?land :, 11 ll, u l)?i? 7 >i INCOMING STEAMEBS TO DAT. Vessel 1 1 in I.'n* ll -i .S? lairls, Mir.'i s_I.-mr rl .<r II II lltii,,|.ii.'',!'?, a, Mai :. 7.Anchor . ; ??? ? . i.-tii m M.'.ii S .Natlunal . ? .1. ? ?; IM irch s.\\ hit? HI .1 Trinidad. I'- u- id 1. Mar. h I- .Qtn b.. . n .li. ?? . ?-? .-i .Is, M in h t:. . . ... i. 1 . I.,- ? i. M I.i 1, Man-h 13.. .Utm-i .1 I 11 ll .- .. n, 1, . Tan pi. n M ire* 11.1 ihnat. n ? ?I-, i:.. .t', Mai,I, 12 . ?',,Inn,',1 m 1.,i.., . II.n. March 11. N .; Lloyd IlllAV. MAIU'll ? Pair?? .Il.iiitiirr March 11.H.-imi, vna-r l'uni vv m. m 1 v l" 1 m I'titi ? ?? March IS. Roy si Dutch , . ? ?? .-,!?.tiwsnaea, Man-h in.lliutl .''?> Mareagii .tr.iwerp, March 11.Wilson SA It RDAt MARCH 'J.I Part? . Houthamnton, March t?l.American Ktrurln .I ?I veri.' M.t.a Hi.l*unari| LaChami ign?.Havre, Man-h M.French OUTGOING steamers:. ?in LAV. Vessel F" -. I.m? Ifalteclne? Vessel salta, 1 iiu?, Csps fir? ?'?? Cent Via,13 .?? m 2:00 pm I 1.?m,1.. Montevideo i..ih?m- 4 . S:00pm A1.1..11, on 1, i.. 1 ????,<. . K- - . 1:00 pm I 1 -haim. it,-. N<?? . 111- m.-. Morgan. :i (?11. m 1 RIDAY, MAR? ll 33 ! Bermuda, Ft Tl, an.-, tun, Quebec.... 13 M p ?j :t M ,, ,,, 1-, :.ill ole, .1 ., k- au ill.-. .'Iv t.- . II l?l 1> III 1.1. . rand?, rVrnsndlns, Mallory. law p m ?ATI RDAT, MARCH XL I Fuld 1, "'.. ii- 1. N ?; M vi . :..?i a tti 7 >?? .? m I |,|'i,,'il, ...11.,I. V .?. ii 111 111 HI a m .v., 11 .m?. Klngiton, At 1.1-.10:00 s m 12:00 m Alps. Ilayll. Atlas.10:00 a m 13 00 in Hegurun. .. Campeche, etc, NY .? t'uba 10:30am I 00 i> m i., il,-, ,,i-ti. ?. Havre, inn, :tn ?i ni 2:00 p m IVerkpndam Bott?rdam Noth-Amer...ll.-OOa ?s 1:00pm I.ui-uiila, l.iv. t|... ,1. l'un ai,l .11.'ai.1 m :i i?, p m Kthlopla. illasa?? v,, ?,,,,. I :(?i |. 111 1:00 pm 1> Hull. Wilson . 2 i?i p ni I,,,.at., Amw-rp, Uli,.,,, . :i iNi 1, ,? Mls?l?slp|il, 1?:,it Atlsnttc Trans. 3:00pm Kansas 1 It?, Urlatol, Hiistid City. 2:00 pm Hpaln, ai. National . 1:00pm rt,,..iii. 1,. Hamburg, Hamb-Amer. :i SO ?. m H?rrenlo, l'rrnambueo, r h ... 1in17.11. 1:00 pm , iv,n,-ii... DalvFSton, Mallon . :ia?i |. m Hudson, Ne? Dii?an . fnunwell. tttssps? .-? NEWS ' PORT OF NRW-TORK WKHNIISIiay, MAIU'll lit. Ugf. ARRIVED. Stp.ini. r Majestic .Un. Paraell, fr,,m l.iv. t|>,...l Miin-li IS, Queenstowa March 11. ?rltk ?ads? an.i |isss?m?i? to II Kerasy, South ..f Fir? bland at " '?? i. sa 1 si'.uiirr Fulda ni.-ri, Meier, Mia-iiK-ii March i?. an.i ! Southampton l". with nadss, in cabla anil tin ?terra*;? ? passengers to Oeirleha A. Cb. Arrlv.,1 at tti?- liar at .'1:10 ii m Steamer Wsalarnland tiv-lg), weyer, Astsrerp Marefe t. ?uii nuil.- sad ? . and Mi ?i<-?niK>- passsng?? t.? iiit.iiiati.inai Navigation OkArrtved at th- Hur al -'<?'< p m. St.-um.-r I.?-|,iint > illr). Page, Anlwrip Mur.-li I, ?Uli Bade? t.. sauidaraoa .v Sim. Arrived m las Hur nt s p m. Hi.-iini<r Wrrka-nilain (Dutch), ltukki-r, i.lnin Marie?) 0. wiiii uni?,, un.1 psaaeagars le Kim. h, Btfye * 00, stag , r^|,,.rt-.l ~.,,H, ,,r llr. l.l?n,l at lo p in. Utcamer Mvirmuuiija tuet), Darcnd?. Qcnoa alarch T, 6th Ave.? 20th to 21st St ?-<sa>0-<*> ?\~-?'<M-i tfSi A .vl ' <u'B9VV^Wwn?Mr?>,Smj^m] -4 Special Sale 5 o'Ciock Tea Kettles and Chafing Dishes. 120 BRASS TEA KETTLES AND STANDS, 1.29 each; Special Sale DINNER SETS. HADDOCKS, SEMI - PORCE? LAIN DINNER SETS, with soup tureen, colored enamel decoration, service for 12 per? sons, 9.98 sett Made to sell for 20.00. Regular Price I.7S. GERMAN CHINA DINNER |S5 BRASS TEA KETTLES SETS, with soup tureen, col- j AND STANDS, flat shape, ored spray decoration, service; J ^g and f Qg each. for 12 persons, * ' -, . ._. K Regular Price 2.25 and 2.75. 15.98 set? ! 25 HEAVY BRASS TEA KET? TLES AND STANDS (Swing, ing Kettles f, 4.48 eacn; Regular Price 5.75. NICKEL PLATED CHAFING DISHES, with,hot water pan, 2.48 each; Regular Price 3.50. Hade to sell for 27.50. ENGLISH SEMI-PORCELAIN DINNER SETS, delft blue dec? oration, 130 pieces, 18.98 **. Lnrije Assortment French China Dinner Sets at REDUCED PHICES. nom: or iiir. unit;; uoods t \n hi: im i-i,f. fATKI) IT THI>K i'ltli KM N\ HK> THIS LOT I* SOLD, TO-DAY'S OFFER. Our attraction to? day at both stores is the low price we've made fur all our imported light and dark tan gloves (except Dent's)?seventy' five cents. Thia jiri.?' Is a ttilr-1 !<>*?< than th.>Mt i?f Im? port. Your sise in stock t" .1 iv, |0 tll"!T"\V \V.' can't promise. HACKETT, CARHART ami COMPANY. Two 6trrcs: BrtBstlwsj and Street. Broadway bel at Chsmbsrs Street. ? '. . ; : : lh?'"ll ? ,.,..; \ v 1 I \i M r? I ? : i k ' ? ? ? : n . ? v. .?', r- v ? ? ? !l 1 , . ? III I'ttiw i ? ?'? . li???? m ' , ? v. .\ V - ' ? ... . ..I II HI? m., i II : . : ? . I. ' i . ? i In .:? St,.,!, . i ; . i-.i.. ll ,? i M ii roh 1" ..-...' i I . J I' U ... : ? . ?? : v- liar -I" I, ? ? 11? il, I'.irt II ?nil ? !.. ; ,,?> ? - I 1' I-, !?.?'... I. '-. V 11? I II i au ira M in ii 14, vv nh fnni to II 1 ?um 'i- 1rrl\. i >l lie llui 'l ? iN'.n. I' n. Oltiar.i Mi llamp . \t ...... . trrtved al ' ??? r...: ai -' i m ; Norl liawl S i ?ith m?lse t.. .1.!.:. T v n > S'. .?; Ill ?- S. ? ' .. ? ' ' .. .. ? ??|. ,??:. -: :i. >? ith m ! Bt? mi. >; ? ,:?????. \ a; ? ? v ??? ! \w*i f Int. vv ,'ti n, : i ? ' mi .... i, ?rit h r . 'v '?? a . iii.l- ? . w II ? V . \ s f,.i Ne? ? I Ar? rill . Bli ii . ? -, l: . m II imi'l n R ? ' ' ...... i . li ii nrj K.i 11 Ins, Mnrrtman, fi ?'" Japan I'.vrllan.l, M.. f ir S? ? V.,i .?..-? i hn'.. N i-. ?nJ to lu rlns 9 for II ?ton, t ?. 1 : i ? i i ? H? Ship R it 'I'll.,in.i?. Rlanchanl, Il it n f??r N ?v Tort, In iv? . r tu? t.iiiih? s ii .tv ii ? March 90 :? :i? p m ?VU l i rtheast; m I oral- ho? iii'ai!i:p r ta wll, Klnaston, Balls?, Cap, S'..,ii.T ai .ii..m Lewis Italtlmor? n C r Im Steamer ciudad Condal irtpani ('a?t?*lla Havana and M. v m t? rt? i M < .'I...11- ?4 l'o. ? n ? -r Alamo, Lewl? il*lve?t n ?' il Mallory S Ca Kteainei Henr) i. ?.???. t>....... l'hlladelphta II > Koa? la? -'.? im? r Torrtdon ?u.>. Norria, Xuevlta? and Qlbai W H Uuii ?. i'ity cf Para, i. i u? .,:. a \ ,:, i s v Mail ; I? l'o, Alllanra, ?': ? ?man, C loo Stamford Parry H ? n 9 '' Bteamei it anoaa, Boas, Norfolk tad RI hmond Old Do mlnlun Sa ?' > Himraw ?'itv ..f Wtahiniri n Barley, Havaaa nn.i Tant* ph ,. Jumr? i: v\ ,ii,i .v. si..un.-r Regulu? .it'i ..... ri, .tun,., liai., Steamer (?ialmeite, ni? land, New-Orleana .1 'i- Van si. si? Ship Arno lllr), Newnham, Liverpool \.i:i..n II Brown Ship Icetiers, Treat, Vslpurulm und l'ini'in?? Hemenwa) a ni.wii... BAILED. Steamers ?'itv ..f <A'.i?hlnst?.n, f ?:? Havana ?n,l Mexican ports; Alun.. fjalveaion; Roanok? Norfolk and Richmond; Ciudad '.lai |H| .?i". Ha? na and Meslcan porta; Rrttan ni. lllr) Liverpool; Rhyntund > 11. in i. Antwerp; Altlnnc.i, ? '? .i- n. Jraamote ? I -r ? Tampico vi.? Baltimore; Henry l. ?i.ivv. ii.,iiiin..r... South l'nrtland, llluefl ? : t., Mi citj ..r Para, folon; Torrtdon IB?, Nu.-vii.ih and (libara; Bly?l? din, UverpoaL lin: MOVEMENTS 09" stkaMbTM, SORKION l'i'KTS. S".mur Havel ci-n. Janaat, fro? NaW'Tort March 12, arrived .ii Southampton March '-'" Steamer Alaatl? iHrl, Bwaln from N.-? Toril March i arrlv.-.| ?it Newcastle March IB, Steamer American ?l'ui.i.i. Uutx, from New-Tort March h. r,.r Dsvsr if. r order??, passed the Isle of w .?ht March 19 Steamer Ruasta "?.n. Schmidt, from K.? Tort March B foi Hamburs. paaaad Prawl? l'un March 99. Steamer Buram 'lin. il . u. n. from New-Tort Match h f,.r Dover , r-.i- nrderai, pa?aed Crawl? Potai March 19 Sti une? Island (Dani Thom en, from New Tort March '.' for Stettin, arrived ,ii t'openhssen March '-??>. Steamer Obdam (Dutch) iviu a, for N?w*Tork, ?aliad fr ni Rotterdam March 20. Steamer Vavndam (Dutch). V.ur set St., tnm N.w T..rk. ni-rtv.-d ai Rotterdam March it? Steamer Ptetavl. ifn, ?-.,it.-.i from Marselllea r>.r Mmi Tort March is Steamer Puerai Blamar i> lOeri, ?Ibera, from CoostaaU. ii..|>|.-. ?n. arrival ul Naple? March IS. Steamer Lars? liai ?in ? McUi ?a ,r. sailsd frota Patarata r..r New Torh March tu stmni-r San aiofvto (It), Jannello, fr..m Ksdltanajuaa port? for New Tort, pasaed Olbraltar March 90. Steamer Aiiiriixiu vlotorls (Oer), Kiwmpf, arrlv?-?! ut Cbjwss March IS, st.iiiii.r ?'.i'?- ?'.'inlno (Itri, BsQsd from llui-n ? Avre? It no? Tort March IH. BUaaaar Ts??ataa ?un. Besnstt, from MM Y,.rk Maral) 4 for Miiiaiiliain an.I OBMB, u:ilv..?l m Pata Mu.h IH. Ann. irw-ni-nt?. "Ctiacaqua." E & ?V ?\ n?w collar. "Ch?c?qua." Black Dress Goods. This season's Importations of Figured Novelties; Sicilienne, Brilliant?ne, Poil de Ch?vre and Cr?pons, (of silk, wool, or Mlle and wool In the) now vv.'avoal. Lord ^3 Taylor, Brcailway ft 20th tit. ANOTHER IMPORTATION' CREPES AND CREPONS, Fifty ('?Ms added to-day, incliul. in*1; stripe?*, plaids and Hondcd effect?). A lull line of Kipplcd (npiiiis in dainty Spring ?*olur> illjjs. In our English and Scotch sor? tions, we are showing a most extensive collection of benntiAil Tweeds and Cheviots? in all tlie "'siiionablo designs and mixtures? ?Several spe?lali art' listed lor to-day and to-morrow. This is tin? last day of our Inter? national Costume Exhibit, in tho Broadway show Window?*? ! JANES MeCREERT ft CO., Broadway and llth St. & Co. 28 West 23d St., arc now showing their importations of PARIS TRIMMED HATS j Bonnets. Toques and Turbans, as well as their own Productions, with a very choice collection of Prench MILLINERY GOODS. The Correct Styles Moderate Prices. Ai.VKurisKxn.NTs ash sriisi-iui'Tiov* Hi THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNS WILL ", .. 7 ?i:i\i:i. AT Tin: iriTOWN okeh'B. N?- '??-.'V'ifiT ...o M door n. rth of Thirty-arst-at.; asd u'vi:?: ?!i.-i:mi:nts at Hi? fbllowtag Branch otac** ?? Elghih-av?., ?. ?. corn?* Twsati itiiul-'i . 1*3 7 v"' -"??t 1.'., Kourth-av?., oar. Pourtscatsj ?t.; ?SO Tatra-???., ss? Thlrd-av?., ear, l aiy ??^ntii ?1 . I.SIS Thlrd-av?.. Ban? Rlsty-flrai ?t.; LTt* Ptiw ?v? : l?m W?s? r"??rty-s*coB>i m.. Iii-j Culumbus a?.? . M A\enii? A; 1.133 rinui-ay . ** W..?. i-'\ -?...? ? 1.. 1..-.I!? aw . IM l?ilr.1^'. I sag Thlrd-av? . 2.D3I Thlrd-av?., tiotw??n On* nunJr?a and twifiii an 1 ' '?? -huniln .1 ma tl IrMsata. ?'?? . At th? HARLEM OPFirWt. ISO Bast On? hun.liaM ?nJ twi-nty-nfih-st.: 243 W.-t imcinin.lf.l aii.1 t?. nt> nrtn ?1.. un.l 00 Wats un.' ?1., up to? p. in., at r?aular ,,m. ? rala* _ ^ _ . In Ilr....KI>n. 11? .W K ;lt,.n-?l : lit Camft-t*.'. *S n' "a. ?rar, i. I'. US UraaJwav; 1,21? liV.lford ?V?.. up 10? p. m.. at n-siilar BSSBS rali-?. .. r,^ i:,Lr,,i??.> li.,.i?a,. for i,lv,Ttl?tnunt? only. 19. Mt^ Street. U. C. UnJon, Eaglaad.