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WHEELING HIGH IN THE AIR A CYCLINC; BCHOOL TO BE OPENED IX MADISON SQUARE HOOP GARDEN. THf; ,'ONTK.VT SIGNED YI>'TKKI?AY-THE ACAP MMV VILL BE OPENED AVRIL 1 AM? WILL CONTINUE TILL JINK 1 C_ cttntaea demi? san .springing iil>:?k? mushroom?!. another new academy waaopen? lal Lenox Lyceum ?st night, and yesterday afternoon the flrat atep was ,au.,..,.th.- .-?.-,,.fan in conjunction ?atth cycling and hoola About a week a?? The Tribune call? i attention to th.- fac? that only for the lateness of the season some enterprising mnn wouMco, ,- the Idea ff opening a cycling .,' ...... mi U? ? MoxuLt* Garden. The sugges 1 ' t. . .... iva arou?ed some lntereat In three different quartern, namely. A G. BpaMlng ft Brothers, Gormally ? Jeffery and Frank w. Banger, of the Ma Uson ?Jqoar? Garden. J. Walter Bpaldlng, of the Bpaldlng firm. had a conference w'lt!l Manager ?Jauger for securing the . garden at A! ion Square to be Btted np u an Indoor mldslr cycling school. Uormully & Jeff? r. y ?sa.- aleo ?ft? r the ?Ite. ,i Walter Spaldlng and Prank W. Banger held am?th<T conference at the Garden yesterday after? noon, and the contract was ejgned and the d? il formally consummate?!, Mr. Bpaldlng aetrure? the roof (arden for the months of April and May. and work will be begun at once Itxlng up in? place as aa out i o >r training or riding-school. Th<- roof ?en - I'd feel lonjj and 88 feet wide, which is aa i.;... i; not larger, than the Bo r of any cycling a a lemy in the city. Mr. Spaldlng proposes t.. make snother innova? tion. Til.- roof of :h- garden La smooth, ami it Is In excellent condition for cycling. A portion ot ttu Bpa ? ?tob? nx.-i ..-,- la wavy, billowy fashion, with the object of teacntng cycling novice? now to get up and dovt n hill. "We shall not onlv do away with the prejudice agalnat indoor work.' said ?me of th? promoters of tue scheme, -'out we will be enabled to teach the L glnnera now to | - down hill. In this w*y OUr pupils, when tl C) ? ill to ?,?> on ihe Mou evar.l and on other roads, ? II not experience the dim?ui ti.-s which :??-? th? ?jeglnner who. for tue nrsi time, leaves the fl?x?r of the cycling school tor m* Brat rid. apon the rough, hilly roans. ._,,?,,,? The new roof gai ten cyclins school will be opened to th.- general public on April l. und It wlH nma.n open untl June", and possibly later. If1 prove?,to '??' ?h ts promoters expect, ?"he Innova? tion will probably b ? popular, fora time at least, for wheellns almoet up in the clouds amid fern? and at nicht .mod brilliant lights with gay music as an ,, 'i'panlment .nicht to catch the popular fancy. which .s aire? ly directed ; ?wanl cycling. Manager 8anger. of the Madison Square ?.arden, thinks ihe new Idea is an -n ellent one. ??I closed th? contract with Mr Spaldlng this af? ternoon." .-a i );? . 'In fa 't, the document waa signed not over fifteen minutes ago. Thla leas?, v.hi h . xter.'ls for two months, from April 1 to .Line 1, will not Interfere with thi roof garden perform? anees, which will not begin until June. CYCLING NEWS AND NOTE*. The Cvcle Club of Brooklyn will glv? its first road ran on Saturday afternoon. The members will go to Coney Island and return. The Tth Regimenl Cycle Corpa gave its second bicycle drill at the armory last night. Adjutant Landon was i imand. Th. latest ' ruits ol .he local cycle academies ar ex-Mayoi Hewitt and Frank \v. Banger, .dr. .Sanger took i lesson at th.. Michaux Cluu ;. day, an l the ? x-M tyi : will try to ride at the Lenox Ly :eum t '-day. i?;.. . _..r.:7"i Press Cycle Club met yes? terday tft .- ice the last meeting there has :? Jiddltlon to the club, an upward of nlnet) m Ft arc now enrolled. Th- follow? ing officers wert elected: A J. B.s nett, president; t; i". Bl - ?.. vlce-prealdent, ui.u P. h. Morris, secretan' and treasurer. WHAT THE YACHTSMEN ARE DOING. BOATS HEIIia BUILT FOB THK LABCHMOKT CLUB'S THIKTT-POUB-rOOT HACINO CLASS -?I.AVESKNI? LAV CLUB OF* VI T.i'.s ELECTED. The Rev. William I?. M..ore has chartered bis ?team yacht Lagon-Ja to S. 11. Austin, jr., of Phila? delphia. !I itsard C. Smith has bought, through Manning's Agency, th? ?team yacht Halcyon from A. K. Cul? v?.'. .'v. ?'ass Car.:.. Id has gon? South for two wc k.-. and nothing Will be done regarding the objections of Lord Dunraven to th? number il m n which the boats competing for th? America'? Cup ar.- allow? i to carry in. lei th? -? renl an nts to :h- racing rules passed by the New-York facht Club, H. Mali land Kersey, who la Lord Dunraven'a personal rep? res?ntattve in the ... ill? r, has so been .:. the .Sou. i la-.-is. and so no action n.i> b :. taken by lb? Cup Commit-.-.-. A. i'ass CanOsId la secretary u: th? commit t?& it i? said that the cost of building- the new class ot* M?rlng M-footers, which th< I.archmoiit Yacht < . :r: ik- ... ." ; ring ciasi neat year, lisa acai ?- : off several inl - builder? I : ? new yachti a ?bout ??'?-'. which : a big price lor a ?' ? There wid b. a considerable Beet of thfse bra-.-,, however, lo race the coming season. K. M. F:--:i..:.. of Fatrtiaven, Conn., has pla . .. ,.rdel with Th mi - V. ? bber, of New-H c:: >, and ai - at ? i j ar-i>. in Boston, : r J. L Rothwel] j. B. Sra Ing another at M -Glehan'i .- ird, al l'ami i?>., N. J, G. Vi. Tyson, of the Indian Harbor Vacht ?'iub. Is having a bowl ol this i asa bull? .t Hay Ridge, and J. Hogers Maxwell la having built at \\ lntringbam'a yard? a H-footer for hla son?, Howard and J. R r?, Jr. u i'k on the mast of th" new cup defender la going on at Plepgrasi - yardi at Clti I-.and. Tn. log from which th? mast la being made li nearly !<M feet long. Th.- boom, _a?ff and lopmaati noa ;-? : the finishing foucbes. The Seawanbaka Yacht Club will make every ef? fort to have an International race of it. own 15-foot boars thla y? ir. L. under the mellowing .n tluenoi-s of the dinner which Is to :?? given at the ciubhouse in Thlrty-second-st. on March M, t.n. members arlll -^-re.- ?... build a few boats, so tha; race-, ma) be held an l lb? faatest put ai-ains: th? British champion of the .sana- aise, v.r.. rh is ready to come over hep-, the t.'ilng will be a - . reess. An adjourned meeting of the ?Jravesend Bay Yacht Cla!. was hei-l at Xhren'a Hoi.-:. Ua'h B?*ch. on Mon iay nlghl to (?'??' otflcera and .lisias.- the : . tton of a ?It? for the new clubhouse. The ofH i v. i. : iJommodore, Charles w. M< rgai ? ? -?-.?: lor? Hilton R. freeman; r ir-commo dore, i:. W. Rummell; measurer, s. H McElroy; pr?sident, Cornelius Kergueson, jr.; vice-president, Thomas Harris, secretary, Bdward Lsthrop; treas? urer, Louis La ahead The Hoard of Trustee? was selected a committee w u appointed to consider th?? subjo'-t and r-i?..rt next Monday night. A prop? osition was offered looking I ward the consolidation of the New-i trecht Club s th the Oraveacnd Hay Tscht club, hut it received no special encourage? ment from the meeting. At> it eventy-flv? member? were present and twelve applications were favora? bly act--1 upoi The club now lias fifty boats sail? ing under its flag. TACHTINQ WITH sail AND BTBAM. TI!K AURA'S PINK QUAUTIU--ENTRIES TOR THE ?TEAM VA'llT RACE. London. March Is. -"Th? Tachl w.,r;i" s.-.ys to? day in a Lader on ihe Medlterrsnewo regst lea: The consens?a of opinion is that Alisa .s pbei im? ? goe? to tii" windward lo i.le?? ' : >?'?" ?- not yet In perfect trim, but th?-re ??id be plenty ?.f time to prepare her before ah? Journeya serosa the Atlantic, a^ everybody now 'x p.-"is aba will i?- .aiici upon to do, She shows ex? trsordlnar) quickness of the helm and promise? to develop astonishing speed Shi certainly is sn i x cellent trial horse. Should Valkyrie III Wt h? r the prospects of our winning th. cup Would be rosy! Nice, March M.?There ar- tiv entries for the steam yacrhl rar., on Marca us. The tir-i i>r/-. given l.v Jamei <; rd m B nnett. will be a cu?. valued al 11,800 franc ai.d 12.600 francs In money. Th- second prize 0f 8,000 franca will be given by Baron it ths .? , Blnulsr prises will :- given by Mr. Bennett and Baron Rothschild <>n March 2\> in ib< ?ailing race for twenty-raters. On April I the steam v.ic'ns that took in the tirs; race will contest a I eap Mr. Bennett will give tbe piiz-s in a race on Ajr.: | for Bve-ratera and snother foi yachta ..f one-haif to three-rating, un April i there a II be i handicap race for yachts of one-half to flve-rating ?h? nett of ateam yachta will be reviewed n-xt Frl ?ay. t?billig ai VIUefrancB ?>- ? FOm THK LABOR LAV RBQATTA At a meeting of the NewTork Tscht Racing ^";cM0.p" Kxec'ltlv" Ceeaanlttes i?-t night at O'Neill s. rwen,y.8<.conU.8t iU?? Btath.aV( J lution waa adopted providing th_. ... ?. ? .? twenty-two Jlubs eomPi?osinKn';hPlhi^ *a* ', nof,hth.el i.ur.-hase fifty tickets at >l <-?mtK .. i i - ', Labor Lay regatu before Jun, , t " .,'.,'"r, "" failure of any club to comply ,?'? ,','";,',."' u\" vocated tbe abandonment of \n.. resat,m Vi a furtner resolv.-l that a meeting; of th* I?,, , Wa" be . ailed for April 19, to receive rerWti rM" Ull'_? Club* a? to what H'-tlon has urST tak?n ? ,h" ?iN.-ii!. who baa been Intlaiataly "onne,,?,. Jf,,h_ the organization since its ?tart, reeeh-e.l ? hi some silver cup as a testimonial fr,.m th.- i__?_52" tlon. ?"la COLLARS UFFS vallada. At your Ovtmttrs. SMALL SPACE-BIG TYPE SHORT STORY-SOON TOLD ClAKAMtl'D 4 ?Hats and <uiT?. m a MOI'VEIVIR O*' ?AaillOMt Will tell the rest. FrXI bv Mail. A'eaJ it at your leisure. Ouett, Coon & Co.. Makers, Troy. N. T. Practical Results?14 Years' Work. TWKNTY MILLION K'rht Hundred Thousand Dollars already paM to Widows ?nil Orphan?. Forty mllllrin dollar? already ?aved llvln?: pollcr-boMera by reduction of premium?,. WVonn r?llela? In fore?. t;;v,.o?> isanaraaea in force. la.^ Cash Surplus Iteserve? Kmorpencv Fun!. Mor.? ?han $Sl.?nv?,f??W new aestSSBB for the year 1894. These are a few result? already recorded lo the credit of the MUTUAL RESERVE KIND LIFE ASSOCIATION. E. a HARPER. President. Broadway anl Puane Ftreet. Rates quoted f < r any amount OB receipt of statement of ope. Pend for circulars. ITS ABSURDITY SHOWN. JOCKET CLUB MEMBERS BURPRI8BD AT ALBANY, Tin: STATEMENT that a LARGE SUM HAD BEEN ILAISED IX All? OF THE ORAT hill A ma PIECE of NEWS WO TRUTH IN IT. HOWEVER The members ef th? Jockey ClUh who visited Al? bany on Tuesday did nol hive a pleasant time. They were greatly surprised to hear that s Mg fund had ' been gathered lo secure th- adoption of the Gray ' racing bill No doubl they were offended because ! they had not been lafonned of the fact or asked to ! contribute. cf course the absurdity of such a statement In : regard to such a fund is unworthy of dental Nol one dollar has been contributed nor will one dollar be contributed for such a purpose. Everybody ai lall Interested In racing knows that the Gray bill ? has been hung up In the committee awaiting amend? ments satisfactory to the public. Evil-minded men ? may make misleading statements as to ths pur? poses of th.? members of tha committee and their motives, bul their prominence In pol?tica and their ambition for future preferenOB al the hands of their I constituents should silence the talk and comment throughout the city as to the alleged brazen .1. - m.ui.;- by Assembl) members for money to release . the lull from the committee. It is not at all likely thai these men are so reck ? less as to fry in the face of ; ic press and the - public, and give anybody b chance to Impugn their Integrity. In the uptown resorts it la reported thai ; a pnaians ..f seventeen members ..f the Senate i has been formed who will act together should the Gray bill be passed by the tasembly. As every : country fair and trotting association desires the i measure, nol to mention the racing men, bre? lers j and others, there la little credence to be placed in I such reports. As every Benai ir desires s re-elec i lion, it Is not likely thai any member of either ; branch of the Legislature desires thai hi.? name i and reputation shall i?? smirched by common re . port, Th?? chances are that a favorable rejort ?ill 1? ' ma le, an I th it the bill will be strongiy supported . ai ? passed by s handaom? msjortty. MEETING OF THE JOCKEY CLUB. ! SEVERAL OF THK RULES l""K \K>* AMENDED 1 BBS FOR Ai'l-l.l.M'b i:.-" LICENSES A special meeting of the Jockey Club was held \ yesterday afternoon In the offices of August Bel? | mont, snd the st.-wards present were Messrs. Bel monti Thompson, Knapp, Bturgis snd Donner. Sev : . r.ii oi the rules for \MH were amended or altered i and some of the changea were freely discussed be I fore they w.?r.- a lopted. in regard to apprentices' ! licenses the following amendment aas adopted and ! will form a part of rule 149 Pecs for apprentices' licenses ?hall be $10, this l f--- to ai>;ily on th.- fee foi .? Jo key'? license It taken out during the year In which the apprentice's i; ense was Issue i The amendment to rule &5, providing that no part owner shall assign h.s share, or any i>art thereof, in s horse without ths cms? nt .,f hi.? partner or partners, Which was proposed, was withdrawn aft.-r some argumi nt Hule "2. in regard to the disabilities of person ot hon In unpaid forfeit list, was amended so aa to form paragraph II. as follows: Th.s iule ?hall not apply to the entry for a produce ace of maures or stallions wuich ar- In the : -i :? .i list. Huh- ?8, In regard to the value of a race, was amended by the addition of paragraph III. which ; I as follows: In all races, should there be any surplus f: rn ? :;:...- .j- siiiis.-rij.tiuiis over th<? advertised value, it ?-ha.I be paid to the winner, uni? s? stated bj th?- conditions to KO to other horses in the race. The adoption of this rule prevents any <>f th?? surplus over the advertised value ..f a race from going t" the association* Rule 38, rege ?ding the registration of foals, w.i? amended thus: If it I??- proved to the satisfaction "f the stew . ? . of ih?? J..ckey Club thai the failure of reg ::atlon bi unititi ntional ??: ?? : I? ntal, su -h ? irai n mas be permitted by the payment i fine of li for each registration, provide?! such ap plication be mads on or before Decembei Ituie 14J wa? amended so ss to read as follows: 11 an objection to s horse which has ? ? or been pi ice I in a race a heal be le liai ? i valid, the horse shall b>- regarded as having be? :. I in a race of h< i a ? ha\ ing b en la I er race? Th? oth? : horse? shall take th? .t i !.. ? - accordingly. CONEY ISLAND JOCKET CLUB DECLARA? TIONS. The following entries were de ?tan i ?-.-?t of th? Great Trial .Stak??- foi UK on Of befor? March li, STARLING ENTRIES AT 111 BACH. W. D. AltBOBS? R. C . by Albert -Mr- ; J. A. Henn-?t?>R . by BU M Ired a i Eyes Bl*ratoo s-uil. : ? eh. c . by Ir oqu .1?- T.rlher?. CSrlt , . I.. ? . i :? Maxim?Carina; r. tu lo-.u. ... . ;? ? T. rll ers Marcus Dal] Bitter Root Child, eh. c by Child of Ih? Ittsl Bonita Poxy, ch. i . by Brown 1-" \ Mar] li. ? - 1 u? atan, ? ti f . by 1 t? 1 b. f., b) Inven Mel illuh. | Philip J Dwyei M l?r?toi I c bi BU M Ired Bweel biiar. Vandalise , bi ? . i . M.,x ? i?. ' |< k Son?B. c, by ? .:? r?. Ig T? ?1 ?te; br, . <-.. by Iroqui li ? '.. Ilia. ! J. R ? I-'. P K?- n- W ? ch, c., by I? : ' Isla; sk.i:e. ?,. ,-.. b) Minting 01 ! Manhattan Stable Hell? Mead?, ch f., by Olenela Trad? Wir, I; Herbert, blk. ?-.. by Iroqu la l 'r. .. ??..,... Sally | llumpiio, b, c, bj Tren nl?Tassel i ! ? , . : i Iroquo-t Tullahom?; Vinrent, b. . by Tremoni Li.iv 1 Langtry. ??. H. M ?rrl? K Co. n. f., by Maxim Ventura; b. I by I Balvatoi Wld m ? n in -, !.. ? . by Sir Modn ! Pla? il Ins lt. Me?'!? ?I.?ml Catherin? of Navarre, ch, f., by Ki.irtii nf KUeralle Mo?? Rose; foor Chance, ch. c, by Jira Qui n-.C. On-tl? n. <? , by Maxim?Katie Peai ?. b, <-.. by J-i ? Royal l'an l-'.ip . . .?. . -, t.. Il? irr., n. ?? ulive, i>. H. Paya? Mineo, l?r. ?.. by Ii ?quoll??Duches?; U'inp. cord, b. ... by Orea) T? m Val? :. m JANUARY ENTRIES. DECLARED AT 12. BACH. OMeoa a.- Daly Ballen! eh, ... by Balvator Min Wood? ford. .i. k & F. P. Keene Harpsichord, ch. f.. by Amphlon? ?tala .1. .i. MeCafferty Bessl? Browning, ? -h. t., by Buchanan - In b?, \v P, Moore & Co senator, b, c, by Fiddler Lacy !:_:. !.. Raraapo Stable?Bonhomme, eh. e., by Pontls? Olrofl?. J. Rupperi Jr. Tantallon, '?. ?... by Hanover Long Cloth. ? harlei Head Smith -Br. <-.. by Blue Bye? a? a. la. NOT T?> BID FOR MONMOUTH PROPERTT. Oeneral Horace Porter said yesterda) thai there was no truth in the report thai the Pullman Com? pany would make a bid I n the Monmoutb Park propert) at the auction sale lo-daj . i * ~ J, <;. K. LAWRENCE IMPROVING FAST, President J. ?;. i< Lawrence .if the Coney island Jockej ?'??b, whi.s.? Illness has caused much dis? tress in Ihe racing, world on sccounl <?f the i.?ss <.f bis valuable services at this critical time, was re? moved yesterday from his h ?me, No. 4.'. Baal Twen ty-flftb-st., i.? a 'luiet cottage on Long island. Mr. Lawrence's many friends will be pleased t.? bear that a mark.l Improvemenl Is rranlfested In hla health site?- hla arrival fr,.m Europe, Il Is the aim of Mr. Lawrence's relatives to relieve him from ail the ?arts and worry Incidental t'> city life, Tha physicians who hav- attended Mr. Lawrence pre? dict his complete recovery unless s..m.- unlooked for complication Intervenes, ai Ihe patient galna strength every day. OOOD PRICES FOR TROTTERS. Lexington, k>-, March 10 ?Special.) -Thorough? brada occupied ih.? Umc <>f tha suction sals her.- to <ia>, thirty-five h?-n?i passing under iba b?tonnet i<>r las unaii Hum ()f p;,4i?>i. Minuet, an eight-year-old Lay mare. by |In|l QlenelS. ?lam Lfl Polka, the TO BECOME A WTOCK CORPORATION. ib.ston. .March ?JO-At . ,.M ?,,..,,?,, of ,he New.__asdaad Trotttag Horss Breeders' Association held this afternoon, the aasociatlon voted unanl ^r\Llnu^n^l.U?rt0Tm Uom lhat OI* a voluntary to,? ? chart?. * "t0Ck corP?r?llon ?na" ?PP,y MIXED STOCK A T FA Hi PRICES BILLY A. BROUGHT TIIK HKlHEST PRICK OF THK DAY AT THK KKLLOGG SALB. HE is A CONVERTED PACER, OF PLBBEIAM STOCK. AND BOLD I "K $1..".- a i.oNi; island BUTER OETS A BARGAIN. Plebeian bloo.l was at a premium yeaterday at Kellogg'a sale of trotting stock in Madison Square Garden. "f th.- eighty-odd horses that psssed under ihe hammer, Billy A., s converted pacer wlios.. pedigree ruis straight bac); to the "plney" woods of Mast Tennessee in every line, brought the highest price, outselling by hundreds ..f dol? lars young iro.ters that combine the bloo.l of Mid? night, Miss Russell and Alma Mater?aristocratic queens of the harem whose Unease ?an be trac I for 3^i years In the thoroughbred studbooks of England anil America, nn.l whose progeny Includes champions of the trotting turf such a? Maud B. and Jay-Eye-8? a. The man who paid ?1.275 for this cold-blooded scion of the Pay Tom and Tom Hal tribes was Frank Fox, city marshal under Hutch J. fjrant'a administration, and a man well kn.iwn In horse circles as well as In politics. It was said nt th.? Oardea that Foa bought the horse for Richard ??'roker. and that Billy A. would be taken to Bng i.iii.I and driven on the rond during the racine Season by the owner of I?obblntv In the main th- prices realized yesterday were low. but they were, after nil. not dlscournaln?;. In view of the mixed character of the consignments Which were iiffer.d for sale. The stock belonging to Charles H Ferner, of this elty. was nvre fancied than any of ihe other lots, Hnd bidding for some of ih? well-bred animals In this collection was spirited. Fredsrick Watson, who ft.-ted on commission for nn unknown buyer, secured a fine young mare tn Ouenn, by Alcantara, IA f"1 ol* Olida, the ,1,-im of Presto. 21V2. by .lay Ooold, l-QH? Nathan Straus closed out his ?tab> of trotters with th? exception of the fast mare Norhnwk. .:1_*4, that h?- Is no? driving on the road, and he di'l not fare -ell at the hands of the big crowd of buyers. The choice on? of the lot was a Bee-year old by Antonio, 2:2V*, son of the great broodmare Oreen Mountain Maid, oui nf Lady Ferner, a daughter "f Midnight, th.? ?lam of Jay-Eye-See, :.:". 'At fin he areni t.. O. Hosrlim?i Lsevttt, of Bayslde, I?. I., one of the cheapest young tr?.t according to competenl .'-.i-iges. that Mr. Kel logS has sold during th- twenty years that he has be. n in husii:. : < in New-York. Next to Billy \ ihe highest-priced horsa of th? day's s.r.e was Roscoe, a seven-year-old pacer, with a record of 2:12*4 consigned by his breeder, H. i' Hold? n, ol Pslmer, Mass. M?- proved to be a money-winner In the Orand Clrcull last s?a?on, when ?ii? record was made, and he ? ...?<? l Ilka a cheap bores -v. U?S, for which he was aold. Following a:-- some of the horses sold, the pr,. es paid, and the buyers: Property of J. w\ Meaefee, Orahara, N. C Pat Cleferne, ? !. u ISBl, by rraaklls ? *f l | . . . ? ? ??. ??' main n r. ?nd Saint .inC , i, f., iv.i, i.v franklin miel imr ''ir?-v. l.\ l:.i..n -folium 1:29; G. A Williams, Asbury Part S ?' .$-",no Pr p. nv of J i' Dlruree, Br - k'.\n Billy a . 2 I.i',. i | . IB0_. bi Daj Tesa, |i ! I...;. i ill) n'S Tom Mil. Ir.. Knink Y ?. Sea V rk. .'?'-'??"' BHO Mil. ' ?II, ! ?* ? br s 1vvl '?' C W Ml? ich. by I'eat I; E. A. ?'? -.lfrry. |lrl 'k-i-ti. , nn.... ........... "li Pr ;.. ??. ol H P. Holden, Palmer, Maas . l: ? !.'. -, ng ' a i^s. bj M 2 20S Boxy, by 1 I - ' rfew-Vnrl BTJ Properl " ... ? -l\n l! >-al !<;?-- J . ? , ? s I ????". bj atambrlnn Kit i i Pal ? -.. 1. ' rnderhlll, New r?M. . *-'? Propertj nf William P M tn, Htm V rk. '. ? I it 2 :''. , b ? IBSS, ! ? Borren? Bell? ' Pa? -? Hulet? M MI' wild Sew-Torh. *?" Property of Llnours. Slrkel A (^ Trentoa H ? c.? : go, i---. - ?? i '-.-, mim i. I? ? n???? Tora . . aoa Propert) f Ih? Rat??. I ???'?? . VI : Darimou' -.-.", ' l ? . I??-? ? i : I - A'.-i .. -.'. . I :.. r N- ? . ??0 Ba_"n. 2:22 h. ?.. 1? ? ' K M ? ilei Mi" . .... I i.i \\ ',.-, .' -.-C',. 1 ? INNS 1 v 11. I V I ? ?? i-.,- h?i vu I'ryor. Lyon?, N. I III ?-- . I v? ? , ?..,,,'..??. t \ Itsln . ." , v M l v S< ? "i it* 1. ,? i?-?. : . \-. , ..i -,'. || ? - ?. -.-?? b>- V. . . ? , u s..??' W*et?Tlj It 1 V . - ? - ?? . 1 '? -? XIV i> Ai.ii,:!..1. \m.. ? . m m i? -, iid. r ? ? 1 ?? . ?-???? Propert) f N?-' - ? ? ? ?i ?k Am? ' - - li : i'?1, n unletta, i> Hambrlno 2 .1-,. Nf Mi? nald N? ? 1 '::?> i ? . ?.. -r- P. i i-. ?eiaal N Y Lord Warr#a b ? Isa? i ?s?4l I*, |, War? M Irld; W -!.;-.-:.. N? ?> i. ri-Vn. ? nq . .Ton Properly of C. II. 1 > ? ... . . IOS ?; _?? i* - >?> '?" ?" ;;?? i ; - - i by M ? 1 .- . -A 11 \ .-, ? ?? \-? . . m !. ? ?- ? . phi? 830 RALPH vVILKEfl DEAD . !.' ; '. t | ? i v IPTES A SHORT II LNI M ntoi n :?" Ralph Wllkee with a r-. or l of : ? '.. th? fast? I I t ? In Sew Rnglan l an i the unc? ? i champion stallion, died al the Maplehursl Farm In South Lan later, tl mom from nflamn . ..f the bos ? , after an ill? ness ?.; les* than twelv? houl Ralph tVllkei waa by the fam n R? I Wllkes, ?t, i bis dam was Mary Maya who wai t-- Mam brlno Patch?) i; . w .n.. . .-?::.-i rlsht] on? trot iwei ; . r arlth records of 2 :-' ot bel tel Ralph W'Ilke? was br-1 by U t Oalbreth, and wa? foaled in '.??? al Lexington, Ky. Hs ??? i ? Ihe ?n ?? -.- nderl M of Red VVIIkes'? gel Ai s Iwo year-old hla reconl was 2 ? mad? it Independence, Iowa, :?'i i he ? i ? f the greatest -?I his ?ai ' ' .. : ? i .1 I. Th..-.. t. of I. in? later, M.i> . i?urcha? i turn for t-U.tno. His rec ?r<l a ? ear-old wa? 2 I.',?,. As ? Uve y? u oM he made ,, reconl I .?*.-, al Nssrvll'.e, Tenn which U the champion flve-y? ir old record ind th? rast.-??! r? evei made bj an) ??f th? Wiik. ? family, In appearance Ralph U Ilk?-? waa a superb animal. of .' brlKlH ? h mu? color, .-.i ?Is?, and s ran. I - information The stallion driven a? usual on Tuerday, ai i eemed all right. I'olonH Tbayer ! thai Ralpl IVlike? could be tuned up t , t.- al i ?In t irn-^ record. ? ? FOR AMATKVH ATHLETIC OAMRS The ai trui h? lule meeting of th.? Metropolitan Association >t the Amateur Athletic I'nlon waa held al the \?-tor lb,us- lust night There was no w:,d scramble for dates, In spits ..f ths fac? thai the amateur athletic situation looks brighter than It has for some lime. The delegates presen) ?rere .-?? f.?ii?.-.i<. .Lim.... i:. Sullivan, Bartow s. Weeks, John Stell, .i. .i. Carroll, n. Van Farnbacht, F. i-'f b ai d a. .1 Murberi The games allowed wera us foltoars: April I-, -: 1 It? . hi;, it A. A. M m- :.'i. N'es -.1? r?ej A C. June la, Nee Vori A. ?'. July ?!. New-Jemey A ?V and Individual All Around championship? meeting of the A A II South ' nan-- Field f'lub. .inly lt. Metropolitan annual championship mee?. Ins si Syracuse September 2. New-Jersey A. C. September 21, New-York A. ?'. Unden A ('. September 28, New-York A. C. ? ??? ? CRAOIN DEFEATS TAYLOR AT TCNNI?. The Indoor lennli enthusutsts shifted ths arene -.f aeti'in t. the 7th Regiment armor) v-1. rdn?. after? noon, as both players In the open tournament lin.-ii? lliOfJlAINIDKlOM ,h| SPRUDEL " SPRING by?* CURIS X/f, / C0a.TWM\0K? Lili SA?LS?LT AID- DIGfJTRM CAlW?*Nllnr imnwumt ? PiairiU'? ?? , BLOOD ? \\i\,V \H"tURti0*H V, V) HIHIOF. i?5r ? r TMt CINUIMI IMPO?riO ?ASU.SA_i -PHUUtLWUl [EISNER IHCNDCLSON ca issSSa pOMMERV * "SEC" and Ch?mpaghe Nature (Vin Brat). "High Grade Champagne of uniform quality. happened to he 7th Raiment men. Ca'.houn Cragtn, of the Xew-Vork Tennis Club, won a bard-fought contest with Arthur Taylor, Of th. Weal Mide T. li? nts Hub, after a brilliant match Of Uve sets, the first of its length this season. Cragtn started off with a rush, an I had a ?et and AS In his favor before Taylor*? turn came. In the iifth s-1 Cragtn w m a lead of ' four game? love." when Taylor pulled up even at four-all. ?'nigin, however, managed to win IM ?eat two games, and with th?m the set, match and first prise. The ?core follows: _ , _ Final round-Cslhoun Cragtn, New-York Tennis Club, best Arthur Taylor, Will Bide Tennis ? tab, !__, 5-7, fi-H. ??S, 6-4. ?HANTS IN ?TINH CONDITION. rUKSII'UNT ritlllll'.M.'.N HAS KI'TII'.NKI? FROM Tin: s-orrii AM' has N" hit Ii'.AISK FOR Tin: i'U H Andrew Freedtnan, the new president end manag? ing director of the New-York Baseball Club, arrhred In the city last night fresh from the Bvergb-dea of Florida, where he has been watching the ?Jiaiits In their battle agalnat auperlluoua lleab and aoftened mnaclea Friedman la particularly confident, and he says tha* all the playera are In r-markab'.y g.?"l form. He Is particularly BsnglllM about .larne BUffOfd, who Will take Ward's place at I cmd Las... The Qlanta will play their final gams st Jsckson? trille thla sfternoon. TO-morrow the team will so to Colombia. B. ?'-. and after pUylng on? game there win spend a wee? among the Virginia Bute League trim-. Manager Da-da and his men will embark on one of the Old ?Dominion ?teamen from Norfolk on March :-'. and arnv- here on the following Monday, ?.nine ti,., season at the Polo Ground? on April J. "I ciasidei- Jscksonvllle the I'-n-M I' ,.i''. "i the South for training purposes." ild ""re. Iman. Our bo) - nve h id only ihr-??? days of rain in? th? 1 have i.."ti down there, while the other U igue t< ims ha?.-ountered several. I think thai the team will he in better ?hap? to start the championship season ihm it would have been on May la If the pla? ? rs ha 1 not gone Bouth. . , "Ruale in lighter than he was at any time last season He lei himself oui only once, and then i r . it that the fence would fall down." Frei Iman had only words of pnl-e fir I-arrell Meeltln, Wilson, ?'lark. Murphy. Ilannon. l?oy]e and Da? OROOMfl WON AQAIN. Savannah, 0a., March ? (Special).?Brooklyn won th.- tinri eons? rutlv? game from Plttaburg here to? day. The (ame, while ?low at times, ws? ? good exhibition "Tommy" Burns, of the Bridegroom?, knocked the ball over the fence in the fourth Inning, bringing In s man before him. Ptttsbuns*? fielding ?as rs-nred This Is where Brooklyn's runs vera acorad: four In the fourth Inning on Daly getting hla base on balls. La Chance*? ..-. ; Rurns'a borne run. ?Vnderson's two bagger, Hlnas*? hit and Btensel*? high fly to .??itre field, which was muffed On? In the six:h on An l< rson'a hit. b passed ball an 1 Shin lie'? t to ??? ntre, aili.T-"m se ?ring after th? ball , i-fht 1 ai.- In '-'i" seventh i n DaUy*? two : er Daub'a base on belle '-? Chance'? sacrlfl ? an! Hums'? rife hit over third Flv- In the eighth ,,.; (fines'? grounder to third baseman, who threw wild to nrsl Hli golni to third jrr . in 1er to thlr I. ? ngman fumble I. * .. to centre, H ring. H ; - ' wai pul - i' SI ?ecori.1. Ittub hit i ?vh.i again Ihresr wlhl. Bhlndla and P ng Daly h.t safeh and Daub ... ... i \? i-hance hit i ifel) u?d haly The Hi ? ?!.;? n '? mi I? ?ve h? re to-night for \ ? i i to-morrow. Tn ? . - H Mi I . a ;;;;; ? ? ..,.,,?.. lutterlei Kllleen. J rim .m I Bugden; Qumbert, : ?, . - Irlm a: i Dalle) RAIN STOPS THF, O AME Columbia ? ''? N?reh IB Th? WashlngtMe-Boe? ton baseball gam? iy. waa post? . . . , ??,,'! i.;, i: ith :? un? m re r? 11] . . . ..? o-,, red game, and ?aere much dleap ? -.?I iioth teases l'ft here thla evenlni for ... -, ?:..--.. ., - - of Ihr? ?? gam? ? ?rill '?? n-,?ton left socas of her beet men OsnseL ?I I ...r- ? , g?i u. i . ; ... plsy her n " - ??? ? rt homeward. | . ? rgli ? ' .owns --n r n ' ?.???-.-.?? . line to , on M ni :. nest la 1 .' \K'!I!'. TRAM OOICS BOITTH p ? '? ? :' ? " ? " ' ... It thli mornh ? ????? .... i on m mag win look with h m twentj t? ? : layers, - 'veral of whom ..r- untrl? ' ; I ?'?'''' *m rem?,n Bt Hi ntll April I \"" that date games . plsyed wll . ? ?? ? tab '' '' ? " ' :" i . ? Koan ke, ?aaeratown ? vprll ,. ,.,. ?.,.. W|;| ipen "-?? Uesgu? chsmplon?hlp .-a ? l'-t llmor?_ BARNARD BCHOOL WILL KEEP THF. CCT?. -, ... latto Athlet; - A , ??: 1 n .... --. Wilson and Kellegg s ? ?t ind Fifth av-, yestei laj aftei -, . n _.M held to decide th rup ?, r, by Da- Barnard School al I I M In? ,,, ,r .-?,,.;,;,- inshlps P iw? II, "f the Cutler fl i that Thomps >n, of the Moot- s hool, I him m th- bli ycle i ice In case tl ' ? I '." Barnsrd would have lost the cup end . h imp onahlp it was ,|. - : !? i after ? long dla uaalon t > thrt m , .,, - .. . ... ,- | ? si ???? the race : ? a) ind Bev ,,., ... , ingea ?>-r. mad? In the ? -'? tltm on an I b] las s The d.i.rates present wer? a? follow Barnard School, Bj me ai d Blair; Berl -1? ?lesen 1er and l.eff. rts; t'olumbla Inatltule. MeCabe end Oale; Co lumbls Orammar s hool, Bull >. Condon. Ayrea si : Phllbrl k; Cutk r, Haj len and Harria; De La Balle, T.if n. Dwlght. Bogart and Ooodbody; l' II.r- ;,i',.ii and liati-hellor; Halsey, ?rown and Far well; Hamilton I nil '? Bti itton and i arej . Har? vard, Fisher and Italtassa; Trinity, Hrown and Hackett wii m and Kellogg, Bylas ??? l Blgelow, and w.Ibi. :- --' . i. I ?unlop an I Bi ?wn, JUNIORS CARRT OFF THF. HONORS. Atnhetst, M i ?a. M Amtierst'? annual heavy gymnastic coateel was held this afternoon. Mi ?.'. through th- excellent work of ?'. B Adams th. lunlora won tbe elss? banner srlth M pointa to ?i mai., by ib.- m phomore? and 7 by freshmen, the seniora not competing a lams u.,s dsclared the college gymnast In r?cognition of tus work One ? ri ord waa broken, that la batoule board Jumping by A lama Besults: Pola vault First, ti-- between M. D. Dunning, '>'>, and i: I. M. rgan, '97; aeeond. W. F. Btssell, 'Ml; height, !i feet i" Inches. Tumbling -First C B. Adsms, '??; second, A. P. Hunr. ?91; third, l. II Bnsw? tin. >'? Shot pul Klrst, M. H Tyler, 'Ml; second, S. Fus. more, 'Ml; .11 ?".-i h Inch. Horlaontal bsi First. Adams, ''?"'; s'.-ond. Ens won h, ':?.. third. Hunt. ':?'. ?'lui. ?winging First. .1 T. i'ratt. 'in',; second. Adams, 'M; third, -l B. Maxwell. "Ml. Parallel imr Hrst, Adams, 'MA; second, il. H. Wright, 'ni; third ?'. S. Hallard, 'li, Batoule Hoard First, Adam-', 'i?;. second, a. \v. (Irosvenor, ?'.', third. Morgsn, '?<:. height, 7 feel u inches, breaking previous reei rd Ten yard dash i'i:-t. Qrosvenor, 'Ml; second, C. M. ?'onv.rse, ?Ml; third, K. S. Iiarkwlll. 'M; time, 1 l-.'i s.nds. Rope climb First, tie between Qrosvenor, ':?7. and It. McFarland, '97; set-ond, D. E Burnham, '??'.. time, n seconds. HwinKin? rings?First, Adams, 'Mt; second. Bns worih, 'M; third. A T. Haw.-. 'Ml. Running hi,m fump Flr?t, M, n. Tyi. r, fl? sec? ond. A. \i- -mail, '_f; ?eight, .'. feel '??. Inches. Judge? Hem-j B. An?l.*rson, of Vale; Oeorge i: Fool.-, of Sprlnzfleld; F. a. Leach, ??!. <>( Baal Hampton; 'lord, a n. lirooks, ':m. of Sew-York; I>r. A .1 Hopkins, 'S5, ol Amherat, and W'ildain I.. Raub, is, of Amherst o> ?-? twelve TBABA OLD ASl> lir.i.o von MUBDBB, ?'miden. H.J., March M, Frank ?Wilson, s twelve? ?eir old i- .\, who several months ago shot a school? mate n.iine.i fieorge Hewitt, ?as committed to jmi thla afternoon i>v Justice Bchmlta on a charge or murder. Th?. Wilson hoy li id taken a p|st.,| fr,,ni his falher'H desk, and Hewltl was shot while Wilson was handing the weapon to him. At least this was the statement made liy the boys at the time \<miiik Hewltl was killed. Sulis. |iienl acate? ments, however, led t" the arrest of tbe tVlhton boy, and there was stifll.-lent testimony nt the hear In? t"-l,iy to cause the .lliatlce of th" I'.a<??? to commit the lad for murder. Wilson's family Is one of the best In Camtlen, and the lad waa alwjj s considere, a <.ood and bright schoolboy. ' FOR PARKS ON THE PA LISA DES SENATOR WIXTON'S PROPOSED LEGISLA? TION. l.OVKRNOR WERTS VKTOflS TUB STORRS NAT? URALIZATION HTLIj?MKAfTBhT BSSOM THE I.AWMAKKIIS AT TKKKTOX. [BT TEl.K?RAril TO TUS TUtnt'NE.] TrentOB, Mar.-h 20.- Senator Henry I?. Wlnton. of Itercen County, attempted to-day to have his Pau? sad-.-. Park Commission bill taken up on third reading and final passas? The bill empowers the Palisades Commission, when created, to negotiate on behalf of tha Sta> for the purchase of a part or all ?.f the Palisades property for n public park, or for a number of public park*, to b.- i.eautlfle?! and thrown open f.?;- the benefit of LBS whole people. The measure confers upon th. commission ample power bi acquire the land for the State upon the approval of the Qovsraor and Controller, and civ.-? th? cimmlsslon the right to go Into chancery and lecure title in ?-a?.? any owner of any portion of the Palisades desired by the commission shall re? fuse to sell for a reasonable price. The Palisades Commission act of New-York vas parsed to en aid.? that State to take part In the preservation of the Pallsad-s by a similar commission. Senator Wlnton said that sin. e the enactment of the law early in the ses-ion preserving the Palisades from the ?Irlll of the ?juarryman It was proper that the State should make some lire of the lands. Ha Se? lb v..1 a series of public parks coud be laid out on the Palisades at a small experne, and he was fully satisfied that BUCK- parks would be appre-lated by the people of this and adja-cnt Stales. Senator Williams, of Passate, opposed the bill. I He thought the people "regarded commission? with unlimited powers with suspicion." Anyhow, he I was opposed to any more commissions. Mr. ?Tintos insisted that It was good policy to ' use the property for the pb asure and benefit of ! th.? people, sine? the Slate had taken the position \ of a sort of guardian of the Palisades. Mr. Will ' lams maintained his position, and Senator Voor heea thought it Inexpedient to pas? the bit in its present form, yet he was in favor of a modified 1 bill, so that the ?'ommlsslon could be appoint, d [ and make a thorough Investigation of th.? subject. Senator Wlnton agreeing to ar. amen?lment on the ; lines suggested by Senator Voorhess, ths bill was laid over for the _ny. Senator Veorhees will ?lraft ! un amendment and the measurs will then be taken up and passed. Governor Werts to-day vetoed the storrs Natu? ralisation bill, and with hla veto h<- sent to the 11...1 ?? nn opinion by Attomey-Oeneral Stockton declarlag tha maaaure unconstitutional. The bul , conflicts with the laus of th- Call 1 States, the 1 Attorney-?; neral saya This obji ':?.! was urged against the measurs in th?- Senate by Senator Daly when the bill was under discussion. Th.? veto is brief, th.? Qovernor simply saying: My objections to the bill ara embodied in the of? ficial opinion of the Attorney-?;, neral. herewith transmitted, and in which I fully coincur, Th- op-.tiion of the Attorney-General is thi- the bill |a unconstitutional He hoids that this l? s... tirst, b cause th- Constitution ?f ths United Slates ha; rested in Congress ths exclusive rih-ht :i nsake i .... - and regulation concerning naturalisation, and ? - m expn is brms tiiat citizens shall not be naturalised otherwise; second, because ?t at? tempts to prevent Slat? s from acting as agents ..f the General Oovernmenl In th. matter of natu rallaatkm, and, third, because li' mi.- state waa empowered to enact Buch laws, uniformity In natu? ral .-.a-...n would i e '!? feat? 1 Tin? measure known as th? "Body-Snatching" bi:;. authorising two or mor?- physicians to form pal ?.m,.-a ind anatomical a 1 . . ? ?r the advance? ment of medical and surgical id? :. e, ? ame up in th ? Senateon a Baal passage to-day, and received four rotea in Ita favor to three sgalnst it. The bill gives physicians control of the unknown !? id ?ml : th.? dead from pubiic morgues, hospitals, aim [houses, etc. that are not claimed by relatives. Mr. Sklrm bad II ? ? ? -,-. aad ha waa - apporte i by Mr. Rogers, wh ? had fought foi ist ? ?'k. when ;?- ?.;?;-?:.?:.?- -: ??? 1? 1 III Blde-trSCklng the bill. Dr. l'air?, explained that II was the purpose .?r the ? unk- the dea I serv? th? ... ing. ?: wsa ? : he fui thera of ? ir :.? il - ?I? nee hould hat ? hum in bodl? ? to - charged'that the . :-a contained i m outra?-- t . pal,?le ... ntlment He a : i -.?. re i anxious to fur measur. irj for that doctOI Mr. Voorli. ? ? bill w.i H-k-1 If th- locti their ?cie?e? would agree to surrender their after death foi use on the dissecting table. Such an .. t would ? i ilnli -h>w a devotion t?. science. Mr. Voorhees i ?ntlnued hi^ attack on tn? measure il length H- 111 t. ?t see orb) a poor levll who had M.-rT. :? i about Ihe sroi ikl t.,?t when '. ivs it li i-: .'.? C. lit ll'lt '. I H natori Daly. Rogers .;:. l K?hl championed th? Hud i Co inty memb ? matting an it? ?dentine argument In Its fat i The bill extending tne time fo.- the completion <>f the Sea \. rls. and New-Jersey br?date crossing the . :..-. ? : for a i ertod of t? n years lui* i s ene In Ihe H use, The measure wsi upon Una! pasease when Mi. Kutshorn, th.? introducer, ??? i to It* ? onsl leratlon He red to with ..i iv. th? bill, he said Mi p. ?i?. : i-oi. obje-.-ted, and criticised Kutshorn for his ?transe position. He said th- company pro ; ? ... ?? brl Ige ha i a ? apltal ol MO.OOD.msJ and ha I aire i I) .?i ? nl in. Mr. Kutsnorn repll? I thai he had Introduced the biil al ? request of a legal friend, but since Its Intro?! ? ? bhylsts had used improper influences i t.. hasten it* passage; he therefore desired to with .!-,-., a it :? ? i of the Hoi Mr Klsele ?aid there was something "funny" s bou l Mi?- i.ill. and since charges were made h?? movi??l that an Investigating committee I ? ppolnl I .-.. the ill--.- ill ii ? 'It..- whole matter ?as Anally laid ?>n the table and thi bill recommitted I I ? Commit).n Mu . . ? . | ? . ? ,ns The House to la) passed the Senate concurrent resolution amending the State Constitution In the following particulars; To eliminate :ii>- lay element In the Couri of Appeals, making- Vice-Chancellor? tutlonal off) era, and providing for their ap polntm.m bj th* ?1 .\.,i,.-r lns?...i.i ,,f by the ?-?1,111 1 now; proi Una fi : -.ii ? forming .>r the Supn Into II? ? making the Governor. \i rr.ej General, Chief Justice and Chancellor ? Hoard of r. ? pi ?d<ling for biennial sessions of the legislature, ana making the tei ? Assembly in ?i foi two -. ? 1 n n iking the term >.f ?.?!'. ?? of ? ;?.?.. m t sn I ? ? ears. The.?* amendments will hav- to be a 1? pted by the next legislature and ?rote?! ?i?> ?n affirmatively b) the peoj le before th??y ? an b ?on o\ 1 Give, The [louse to-daj passed the Senate bill appro? priai ng 1123.000 for the improvement of the Morris Plains Asylum; also the series of s nate L.Hs ln trodu e I i.- Senato? Voorhees. taking away from th. Governor the unrestrained power t?? suthorise expenditures for the Improvement arid furnishing of the State House. The bills transfer the power to ' i.? glslature The Republican Senators hav- decided to reject the nomination of Lawrence T. Pell for Factory !: - tor. 'I'll- repeal of the act legalising the Glen Ridge borot th? election wa? passed to lay by 1 major?) Late to-nlghl ihe passed the amendment to the Rallol Reform Ian which had been prepare,! under the direction of th- Republican State Com ii'.:: ?? This ,?.-t reduces th- election Hoard '11 Th- Senate passed a bill to-night amending the \?.orh?-.- Kle?tlve Judiciary bill by providing (or the electl >n of a judge in each county. The voor hees bill provided for one Judge for two counties in South Jersey. The bills abolishing th?> poll tax in fir-; \ rountles and thai providing for the execution of all murderers al the stat.? Prison w.-r.? killed b?. the Renate. The bill authorising Mayor Lebktlcher of New? ark t.. appoint an overseer of poor, and thai crest his a commission to ereel s State Reformai ?ri si Rahwaj and appropriating $100,000, passed the House to-night. COEEUPT TENNESSEE OFFICIALS, CHARGES Mali: r.v REPl'BLlCAXfl COffpiKMBD r.Y \ LKOtst-ATIVR in\ i:sriii.\TlON. Nashville, Tena., Maren M The >nt?estl<_?Uoaa la? te the new penitentiary deal, which ar.? being mads bi a committee of the General assembly, to-day r.-ach..i a cltmsi by ths i-.?-,?nation ,.f Adjutant General John A. Pits and Presldsnl C. C. BstCI, of th.? n.iard of Railway Commlaslonera The reals;. nati ,n< v.-.-r- accepted by Governor Turaey, wh.?. at th.- sams time, expressed eonfldence in the kategrity of these men. A year ago the Board of Penitentiary Commissioners purchased s pases of real estate near Nashvil..? as the site for a new p-nitentiary and advertised for bids for the structura During the ensuing Gubernatorial rampa las ?: w.i? chargsd by the Repubtlcans that th?rs wa? g Beaadai In Ihe ?!?il. hen-.? the appointment of th.? taveattsatlns eommlttee. The first definite Information cam.? m th.? shape of testimony from v.'. s. Mit,-h.?ii trus? tee ..f th.- real .?tat.? purchased, who sa d he had re? ceived_?O00 t.. perfect the sate. II?- kepi U.aOQ and paid th.? remainder to Fit.? and l>ti:i, be ?ay? The committee to-day heard t-stimony to show ihr the terms ..f oids for ihe erection of the new peniten? tiary w.-re designed to shut out contractor? In this ltrsixEss max WASTED FOE FOEOEET. Itrldir.port. Conn.. March ?? -W. \V. Keys, of the Brm of W. \\. * i:. M K(.vs manufacturers of <l.oxl.ll.,?.l m. t.,1 m this city. Is wanted by the po? tto? for forKlnn the iiaiii?. of hi, father In-law JiidK* Selleck. of Stratford, to ?5.000 of worthies? paper, which i? now in the hand? of Marsh Mer? ely. L?Inmou- <*Bi bankers. Zeys baa fit. Uu 860 Broadway, Union Sq. & 18th St. MAKE A SPECIALS OF TUBS, ^ ADAPTED FOR Marbles, ^ 0pEN f,replacE5' Mosaics, w?FL00RS Kliie-t limiili-Miikeri' l'rl?'cs. The Original ana Genuine ( WORCF.WTF.BHIIIRE) SAUCE Imparts th.- l.nst !eli ?oas taste and r.estt* Hot and cold Heals, GBAVIC'i, SALADS, novps, G A TIE, FISH. sad Welsh ( ' RAREBITS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Take None but Lea & P err ins. y \?F> ? Bbjnatan ? ? in-?.-ri^lnal and genuine JOH\ Dl'NlVN'S SONS. NEW YORK. ?*/V'?iy^?V'V%^'??^^?y^^'tiv^%*-,%<'%''* jStandardas?old SELF-PRESERVATION A W. H. PARKER, H. D., or iui-to\, Most Hminent Specialist in America. ?Thief ?Toi:??tilH.?_- Phj sir?r?n It? file Peaibody M?edi<ts>il lusiliute. This wm?krfiil book contains the P&ZaE ESSAY on FI twiti < Vitality, Atrophy. Nervous and Physical Debility, and?;''I Diseases and Weaknesses of .Man from whatever cause. for which Dr. Parker was awarded the by the National Medical Association. It contains 370 pa?es, 125 valuable prescrip? tions tor acute and chronic diseases. Sent in full gilt, double scaled, for only SI.00. if I ID re tl:e y?un?? the middle ajed, . LUKLdthc M- Thc b?0k f,r J every married or single, rnrp J Prospectus, aith testimonials i _\ L kW J Consultation in person or by letter. a) Inviolable ?ccrccy and p siiive cure. t .v . . ? v.'. II. PARKER, M. I?.. A % l!ulilix-li ?tn-ii, ii.isioa. ?In??, g) L^^4_^^^'??_^'^^_?'??r%'^'^^^'^^>^'?^^ ? it ii -ii i.iiiiiiii h ?I? : nun HALL STANDS, j AVE A LOT OF P; HANDSOME ? '( HALL AFFAIRS -& VERY CHEAP. j 5tructured on the -LIMITED | SPACE " plan. ! : Horn for ml \ ?-ri?l t > anil nt liome Z In nn-k -.,::!-. I virroiiiiillni:,. ?Intli.-- Z li- n 11 .'it t <,?-rl;t!ntl?-i for r\?-r> I",?-- II ????inrl?' ?lull in reisten**??. Ku?-h m*? z' h i vi i:?r \? i ihn in it?.-if. : ii.il_Bad m her ?uml? BTJAO I r? ? with seats?ni! unii?li-n-. ; BAUWANN BROS., MB, MA ? ii ?I ?M V.. Mtli It? \. \., t \.-irr I nloii "??i u n r.-. ; c.' \; ? ? ii .?? - ral i sst? S m ? lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11ii111 H Mil I ??"a ATHLETICS BSCYCLES! ESTIC i< ?h? irsdiT f >r UM aejustalBa Han!> P.?r. IkniMe K rU Ovars. TWK.VTV-TIIREi: 1MB. All Hi- p..'rr? SSSlltjr and fSBISatS? ycu can r ? cfl it lino ?aschlna ?re given yon for $75.00. $100 i| I? l'\ i\'-ta?.mi:xts. HULBERT BROS. & CO IPORTBRKVI s rrni !:.??. ?M WEIT ?J.'U? ST? PHOTOCRAPHY O u T L E R Y 7 Sick Headache CARTER'S ITTLE LVER PILLS. l*??illl?clv 4'iirett ???? these little Fills. Tney also relieve Distress from Drspspsfa, IstflmettoR and Too Hearty RaxVaxr. K perf-tcl .etpedy lor in/zinesa, Kausea, Diuw?jla?aa_, Bai Taste in the Mouth. Coated Tongue Pain In the Sid?, TORPID LIVRR They reg? u!.tte ?he Rnwsls. t UtTKil ?iKOit INK ti)., v t Aniniiil ! ! ?' ! ?>? ; ? :h- r rmvit.? m i?-. r-iiititicii Wm y hubu ,..| |n ,,? i.,??,r_t. rv ?t Evtr/irt?? v " '*? Ta? ???*?? ? aaae? a liait:-? ,,,, ,,,.,?.,?;,,? Mm ,V,.1V .?,,.,. U;,. ,. ..f Jo::n..r. I > ?-.. B drops l'u- .'J .Ii ?. Si o, .\< .j i'riissi'i? r ti .m tu. tHI tun l?l?t I lia-mU-ul t*.. \v.-jihini;t..ii. I? i'. Sei | for buuii KIDNEY AND BLADDER PAINS Kirkarlie, and NtlMMi m< Id to Cutlnira Aiill.fulii l-U.r.r, the tnn?t |u-rfp<-t sntlatrae ss sala _u?l inrtaiuiuatiu:i..\cr canpaaaadaal. HANDSD^F in n. w,iii..|i, , |,|l i.-,,, ? Il Ht) iiMhin* r.|u?l? Wondbury' ? Fs?tal S...11. ii.-d l.\ JOHN II w.m|,|:r:>v i\.-: f.'d it . n. v. ?^ 17. M. AlAsoS MTBICKBB WITH AVitVlEXT. Itrl.|s.?Nirt. fniiii.. Mm,)) _i).-Charier. R Mason, Buii.rliiti-n.lint of the llridr;?'i?ort Kraas l'.?mptny'_ linmeiis^ plant h.-ro. ???i.? l.\ apoplexy th'* afteriioon and may not recover. Ile'le s brother a? 11?* late Colonel Mason. ??uiuer or