Newspaper Page Text
WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS. THE LESSON OF EZEKIEL'8 VISION AP? PLIED TO LATTER-DAY TRAN8 p? IRTATION. OBOROI H. DANIELS"? ADDRESS BEFORE Tin: AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OT GENERAL PAS SENOEB AM' TICKET AGENTS ?CLOSE OF THE CONVENTION. The fortieth semi-annual meeting "f the American Associ?t) >n ol Genera! Passenger and Ticket Agents ?as broughi to ?l ' l"s" ,,T ta* Murray Hill Hotel ,,.;.,.,?,v. The committee appointed to draw up r.-sniutions open th,- death "f A. V. P. Carpenter, who for many .i.-ats was s nieini. r of the associa? tion, reported. The mam feetureol the day was the annual address, which wss delivered by George II. I?ani?-is. general passenger sg ni of th-- New-York Central and Hud? son River Railroad. It was in i>art aa follows: Th?? subject for our present consideration is a nlnete nth century application of the vision ?f Rsekiel to the transportation business of io-day; an l the part?cula) word? t-' which l would Invite ) ir attention a il be found In the nrst chapter of the book of the Prophet ?zeklel and a part of the .-.\:. nth vers. : \- It were, a wheel In the middle ?if n wheel." To my mind this vision >.f 3.00(1 years ago may r.-t.-r, at leaat partly, t.i the Innumerable adjunct? i.' commerce of the presen! the most ? ?nderful a?.? of the world. The outBtretched wings an? ih>> wnlte wings that gleam <.n every sea and lake whero a ship may sill. The hands under th'- wings ar.? the counties? hands of ih?- toiling millions wno make up the vast army engaged In one capacity or another by th.? great transportation Interests ..f the busy world ?if commerce "f to-day, The lamps ar.? the millions of lamps that, on .-?? i and land, m ??wry country' on the globe, burn clear and bright In the .lark.-si nig it or purest starlight, to guide those ?ti.? " go down t.? the sea m shlpa," and tor th- safety of the world on shore. The tin? Is tin? iir?? in th.unties? furnaces, forever burning, to greal steamships trackless foreats, across sandy deserta, where ... human belnc .?n long > \st. The .a,..un? ran and re: urne 1 alinearan,-.- of a flash ..f lightning. I hi? means the r it flvlnc train-, bearing the commerce oi a na ? an ?olng over a mouni iln here, through the moun? tain there, In .ml .".it. with almost the rapidity of the lightning. ., ? ? \ .... | . i tl ? mid l ?? "* i wh? el The splrli of commerce Is in the whe, is ol trans r? rtatlon, that on land and -? i are forever turning, of th. ? irth the ,, , mill and th? :. ulls ..f ..?ir Industry . ? ?n. and bring to us. from every corner ol th?? globe, the fabrics? of tl.Ider civilisations. .- . inivers so v.isi thai the ? trth Its? M is hut ?a wheel n th- middle "i a wheel." and the old captive prophet of 3.000 years . -i". ike tin- modern prophet Shakt-sj ? rote for all time when he described hin vlaioi of what was to be In this far off ? .,,,. of the nineteenth century, a century ?>f ivhi h !'??? ? ? ays: "It ha? ? to th.- sum of human '? g than all the centuries that ar? p ii -? ??!?" , , _.. The transporta. the wgrld Is a wheel In the middle ?-. a wheel." The rail roa i i:it? r- ? th n we r.-pr? -? t, va as it seems to us, Is only a wheel In the imd ,-.!,. of a wh? el." But wbi n you ?top to consider thai the world's entire stock of , of . v. ry kit l gol I, sllvei i I r -i- '' would ? ? purchase one-third of it? railros .-. you will eel some Idea ol the s.::-- of this parti eel. The passc-i rtment k? a more Important "wheel within a wh?. i" than some have bi ? admit, hut no well Informed raliwi y man will deny that an efficient passenger department .-- at lute neceesit) to the proper i on ?u<-t of the b i , : a success ,1 railroad. At the beginning <>f this paper your attention was o.:!'..? 1 !?? a contribu? ? lo the literature <.t the world which was nearly S.OO0 years old. Tou are now Invited to contemplate for s moment sn achievement that has ama?. '. the ?eisest men wh > have lived during Ihe las; ;."?> years; it is the two Urs; centuries of Florentine history. In speaking of a very recen! work on thli subject on? ol the great book "r.\ |i w? rs says: "Professor Vllarl's work cover? the period In which l-'i ?rence developed fr-..m an unlmi town Into a city of w.irld-wide renown, a great centre of manufacturing, commerce, banking, arl find lean!in?,-. The period w is nol a long one i space little more than tw ? centuries but us i revit y i?; an adde : it- in "f ..:?? rest wh. n we ? : ilder th< grandeur of the changes that were wrought It seema almost Incredible that so much should have accomplished In 200 years. At the ?ipenin?, of the perio.i Florence wa? nothing; nt Its clos? Florence was the most prosperous cltjf in the world." <?f her position alt,!.?? later ?late the author Bays: ?'The historian a'mosl doubts his own veraclttV, when hour. I to recount haw a handful of men, set? tled ?->n a small spot of earth, extended their trade to the Bast and West, established (?inks throughout Europe and accumulated Stich vast wealth that pri? vate forturi.-s sometime? BUfflce,?! to support totter inir thrones He has also to relate how the?- ri.-h merchants founded modern poetry with their Dante, painting with theli Gl : o; how, with the aid of their Arnolfo and Brunellesco, and of their Michael Angelo, wiv? was poet, painter, sculptor and ai ?hi t -et in one, they raised th.- stupendous building? which the world will lastingly admire. Th<- flrsi en i subtlest of Bui ? ?.?? natista were Floren tines; political science and vil history ?>:? born in Florence Machlavelll. Toward the end <.f the Mid..I?? Ages this narrow township ?>?? t..s a small point of Are, shedding light over all th. vori 1." The booh reviewer continu? "The story of the two centuries In which all this wi?- achieved la the story ??' a wonderful people, who accomplished great things because they were both brave and clever, and because, In th? ;r Inter? course with ?>?!). ;- peoples, their rul? ..' s ::.?n was to do always whal would tend t?. the upbuil Florence. They fought an i negotiat? I, tnti an?l harten i. with one purpose foi they were hound P. t.iik- Florence ti-.- foremost city of the Italian peninsula." One ?,f i?,. m -? -.?...? . rful things .-,t>? >ut this won? derful city 1? that It? population ?eldom excei lOii.rtno. and otf-n shrink fai lielow that number. Chicago Is the American Florence, In less than sixty years fr..m her Incorporation she ha? f r ? i w : i from nothing t?> a magnlfl ni citj of nearly a mill Ion and a half <.f Inhah tant?; her bu ?? ar?? am?.tur the grandi it -. the world; her pu stltutlons will compare favorablv with hosi country on the globe. She In a utriklne example of what a free. Intelligent, Industriou? and coui i- ? e, working together t'...r one avow? 1 j- - ; can accomplish. x > human mind can ? ,.mite what Chi u ? will be wh? ? ? as Flor? n. ? : bul -.-. ? know '?'?? ? ' imblan Exposition she gu - world ? trander than any the centurie? thai nave pass? : . -,?? ? looked upon, an : that n juries t.. come will fall to I Its equal. H ivli ? la so short a Urn? he?! so mueh, ?he stand? ?'?--??y upoi ,, .?? Kr? it? ?"' ? , an ? ? woi 1 ! In the hl?tory of Florence much ipa e i- '-. ?? I to 8 rJesci f the ? ??OnS ? |, . .,:; ! ,,, ... It was g v? : :.. ..-??.. .- ?.?,. ,,.,? | apecial dutl< to perform, b n all a -rked to a - uir. mon '?:, i ?-? ,-. >-,? : . . ,,L. ,.- | the eity \? - ha Th.? transportai ?n Inter? til so many ?i- ? ? ire ol mo p ?rtance t<, t:.? world al larg? thsn a thousai like Florence >'. w '- .?. ,. Philadelphia. H >st< ??. I. iff ilo, -- i. cinclnn itl \. A i . J\.in.-as citi. Omaha, St Paul, Mlnneapol : ?? and San Fran -.- o an b it a few of th? of eitles served by the ? tran-portatlon wi'h whi.-h we are Identifie I. "The American As lation of General Pass? Agents Is the old? -: oi tanization ol It? kind on thin continent The Interest? of the gr -,- transportation ?ru so Interwoven with ? very oth? r eomn Interest that the? cannol be separated, Ther? the cr,i),| ? ,rh Of thl | ? . "il entire country; and it 11 h is d ?n? \\?-il in t>??- p Is capable of much more valuable ?... futur-, notwlthsi thai here ar? in th.- United State? a score of aim uloni tur all tl.ther? .,-?? ti re or les? local in i-harac? ier, none of them National >ir Intel latlonal If ?he memb? r? of I ,-. ? ? ,? . .-, -.. lation? of genera] ? ? ? ? ? iv< ild give t?. tl . eral n of 'he subject ? I i ?ughl before I h? m th? same earnest thought and the ?ame determination '-> the b ; ? ? ? . for the 11 :h??v represent that cl r.i ?? i. : the "Florentin? Guilds" 700 years aso ?orne ?.f tr.<- resulta of ?our work would I.?-: Improved method? for the conduci of pa.ger traffic, Increased facilities foe travel, Store ui luently more ?al fad rat.- .,' fare, fewer Induatrlal and commercial ?II tsrbances, more net revenue for the shareholder* o' ihe alir a la, an 1 m ire p< ice an I prosperity lur j Ihe ? ntlre countrj. i: ? ? -.. - :'k?- r lilr? a . I of I ? ? ? ? ? ire of no b. except to b t. w labor agltatois ti case in?l a few other; the; both re? ull in ?-. the strikers, the railroad? and the public al 1 ?? re After adjournment, al the conclusion of Mr Dan? i'-K's address, the party ;. ? ? ? ;),, .;,.,' i Minion elevated road station and board, i la I ti-?.?. .-.? ! made a ti:;> rtroun?! the i I viewing thi -,-':.- from the car wli low? Luncheon iv? i al the i M ?ftj -flfih ? i and the 'rip wai contli .. ?' Th? ?xodus ..f r.-?r.,.,.! men began l ?si iiii;iit. and by to-day all th visiting delegates will !?? g. Tin; COAL PRESIDENTS TO MEET TO-DAT. The presidenta ?.f the anthracite coal companies aaeet la this city t?.--ia> in the Trunk Une to discuss th?- anthracite situation, and If possible to H4.'r?^? apon some plan for the settle ment ?.f th- present rilfucultiefl among ti.ompa t. ? ? Th? report of ::,. sub-c nnmlttee whi? h ? Ugated lae operations oi the i mpanlea ui:: i.- .-.u, ?idered, and th? statistics ol operation will, it is thought, !?? used a? o hasla for a satlsfactor; tlerin-nt. Th<- prealdenta ol Ihe Reading, the Dela? ware, Lackawanna and Western, the Delaware and Hudson, and the Lehlgh Valley have pro-ni?*.-! to! ; - preeenLand Mr._ Roberts, of the P? nns? Ivania, ?rill probably att. ad. THK Siil'TllWKSTHUN RAILWAY'S ANSWER, ttaeoa, <:.? . March I Th? Boat-rwesteni RaU?sray I .lull.:ttl v vav??r.h. v ?11. ..I ?... ._. -.- -? - . ... .?..U...IV.-.-I 'ompany yesterday lil-l its answer t?, th- lull? hrouKht by the New-Tork Mutual Life Insurance ?'ompany and A. Indin i (??.. owssVTS ??f HI ?08 of the si.3oo.iioi? bonds issued by th- Montgomery and t?fala Kni'road ?'ompany. of Alanama. will. 1, ? ,,. ?uarantee- by the Southwt-stvru. The defeadaot ! Hodgman's MACKINTOSHES. Finish and Durability Un-equalled. < OK. ?KANDST ?l ?nur asas ?r.. Adj. Fifth ???nur llolrl. compan) saya that it exist? a? a ? irporatlon only und? r a lease c mtract, und at the time ol the n ir intee it hi- under control and i'i posBession of the ?Central Railroad ol G? irgla. The gu?rante? na? '"i nu le by tie. ?I . khold ra of tief n lanl 1 pany and no benefit whatever was derived from It, : l' ?ays that pvery purchaser ??:' the bond ?u I up m had knowledge of nil the fact?. WITHDRAWAL OF Till: N I'. r.<?Nl>s. BTATEMENT "!' A DAKKINQ HOt'SB ON Tin: ADAMS FOMMITTEE**. AGREEMENT. ?Considerable friction has developed in connection with tin- withdrawal of Northern Paclflc bonds from the Mercantile Trust Company under th? .'.ci. .mint <-f th.- Adams Committee, snd in refer? ence to t.v trouble the followlns atatement waa made ;. . s-, rday !?> a banking hOUSCi A tirm of (?anker? waa Instructed by some <> It? ? ,. ,-. ,,,i,,, ni ?? | rertlftcat? - of the consol ??s Issued by the Mercantil? Trust Company t.. pre Kent these certificates and withdraw the bono On application at the Mercantile Trust Company f.,r the .T ? li il ho '? I? mar i was made for a sum Of ?1 per !...:.! The hankers oble -r.-i. and pointed ? out that, under the agreement, depositor? wishing i ,, Kithdravi bond? were onlj i .i.!.- f...-- the pr.? | rata ?hare of the expense Incurred by the commit? tee iii furtherance <>f its aims. t.-. -y therefore de ' manded an accounting., The "natter then was i transferred t<> the Adam? Committee, W, \. Iso - ' Cromwell, counsel for the committee, wrote to the ; hankers, statin? that an a.-t-ountlnr. in present j was Impossible, and ff?rlng, on behalf of the com mlttee, to give back the bond? provided that the 1 holders would agree to pay their hare when i iinal accounting was made at jome time In ihe future. The banker? objected to thl? -ulte a? ?trong'.y as before, and wrote a vigorous letter t.. ihe com? mittee, In which they said that ti*dr client? had deposited bond? with the committee as ? i organization committee, and thai th.- committee was a failure, having done absolutely nothing hut spend money In tryln? n re; control of other After ???hteen month? of thl? It had su? ? e.-.i.-d in obtaining control of only the smallest mortgage on the property, which '-?.i^ absolutely a? lesa for reorganization purposes, it had rl<?nc nothing, a? rar a* any ,,,.->ull yc-, w-.'-.l.-h would not havi bei ? do isl as well as if the ommlttee had not existed The hanker? then made formal demand for their bond? and an accounting, and stated that they were quite ailllna t.. bear their share of proper expens? Incurr? i by tlie -Ommli tee, bul ultl not pi p - to be without recourse In the matter L'p t.? ihe present nothing further has been dot... b] either th? Adams Committee or the hold.!., of the certificate?. SIR CHARLES R WI?.SON TALKS AN EN01J8II VIEW OK rENTHAL AND HOI I' M1F1 ' IFF Mi'.-' I.ori Ion, V m ??'?. 20 "Th? Pall Mall tte" in .lay publishes th? report ?' u tcrvlew with Sir Charles Rivers Wilson, who re ently vl ? nlte l States in the Int? ? I ol Ihe ft sharehold? rs of the ?'? ntral I : I. Mr Wilson expresse? if as pleised with hi? re ,-. ptlon In Ihe Cnlted Stat? H report! that the chief obi ? icle In the f itur? r :!<? ?' i ti il P i Is the debt to the Government If the n tier wei In the hands ot the K\. utl.-e, Sir Charl? i ?a I. the ' mpany would have nothing t.. r.-.r Sir Charles found Secretarj Carll I? to be pr.:. tlcal and r? isonable, but h? i rs thai II really d? upon the temper ? ;' i te nexl Congi wh- ther or nol the Cnll I States il? i m? nt a 111 exact Ita pound of flesh. H< expect? i that C would deal favorably with the company, "Some people over there have a v. 11,] Socialistic policy, which they mil hi attempt to applj to Ihe railway." Tr-.e Executive, Sir Charlea said, would be pre pared to accept Ihe principal of the debt an I to forego the interest The - impany could n u to pay this by me ins of a A~ regarda th.- Southern P.-u-li Sii friaries said that if the ?English ?harett len would register their shares an i organize they COUld ????': ?! the property. Hitherto ihey had not registered then shares, fearin? that by doll g s., ihey would ren l?-r themselvea liable for ihe debt t.. the ? I bui he believed th? y would organise now, Referring to the recent bond lesee b> the I'nlted, 8h Charles said he consider l President rieveijfjrt'? second message to Congres? n ; gem He could n..t roncetve of any I'nlt? l Btsti Administration redeeming the bond? In sllvei TROLLEY-CARP TO PHILADELPHIA. PHACTICAU.T APs'Ililtr? HY Tin: QUANT!NO OF ? FRANCHIS?" I'-V THE BOITR ORA NO E T? IWNSHIP i'iMMIT'1 I The South Orange (N. .1 I Township C mmlttee cran-. 1 >.n Tuesday night, sfter lev? rai m nth ? s frai ? e for a trolley roa l n Sprln rflel : ave. to the New-York an-1 Philadelphia Tract Company, thus virtually completing the last ??. ne.-tin? link of the inrv?ry?*d route for a m road between New-Tork and Ph i?l ? i ? lae ???? is made p? rpetual, the tax by arbitration at l I I I ? .... twenty-five yean ift? annual : tax v ..- r,-. i :.- | . Axed : .???.-?. THK CANADIAN PACIFIC CCTS SALARIES Montr? al, M u i 20 Th? V ina lian Pa I ?: ? way ? ' da y d? i :? i :. : . ?? ? ? ..f r ?? iment t<> m ik.- a g? neral r?**ln?-i :. n ?m l ?alarte* A ?"? per nt it .\ lie mad up to 12.000 a year. ? 10 : i All iifll ? . ? ? h? ?it. GRAIN RATES TO Till; EAST (TT C ... March 20 f?raii : Ihe Ka were EUt from 2 to 4 cents below I provli Ion rates a ' i or y. I?? pli the h pr, ijei . lime ago bj ' Traffic A si ? . ? " ... ihe r v< Ian l -i "i- ? " 'i' '.?? i ?beb ? . ? intlnue i . take I , ? ? l?i ?? Meeting? ha?-. ? .?:.. i Inn .- : ; ..? ? ? . ?? rate?, i? . ness haw proved too h ? i ? . - ha? !.- n failure An ri . t., . m - 1er the !? moi i v pr? ..i- ? an :. '.\ hile i he result ol It has nol ? ? i I. : not believe*] an) differ? ni a ? n wi i taken fi ?.-.... ,,. , , ..,-_ <? hich wai ?Impl? tu pas r? ?lutin in .,? .i ol th ago-? m. it and rem m pi i ? . ? ? ip ih? ;?? ? RECEIVER NAMED FOR A TEXAS ROAD Ban Antonio, TexaB, March :? I Henrj Terri was appoint d receiver of Ihe Ban Antonio and ?lull Shore Railroad to-day by in- <'o.;r; ol civil Appeal? of tl "M< ?N'oN'S" FINE BH ?WING. Chteago, March 20. "Mon n" pai enger earn f.,r th.- flrsl two weeka In March thla year broke all prevloui r? 'ords foi the corresponding period They were t2s,2O0, as compare! with 1.8,430 f-.i ihe I ?ame period bisl year, an Inrreaae "f 17.770 Last week tl..- earnlngi were 11.1.239, a^ rom pa red v.:\?? ?'? 132 for H;.rre ?poi ding pe? lo i last real KO CHANGE IN OREGON SHORT LINE. P ?rtlan !. ? ire . March 10 ludg? Gilbert snd it. I llnger have denied the a ?plication of the Amei . . . Loan and Tru t Compa f"?e? t/ork, for .; change of the Oregon Short Line and I'tah North? ern Railroad receiver? Th? Courl -?-?11 thai ihe Wyoming courl ihould have primarj Jurlsdlctlo -? ??> ? A MB Y a xi> \ .; IV VOTRft, v.\ I h gton, March ?IS ill Chi? J. K Rarton has been ordeied to Ihe Mohican, re. Ilevlng Chief Englneei A. C. Edgars, detached ai I - I tin ?? month-' lesve ? : sbsei ce. i',: ? /.-? ?.. asm < ?rmond Mssak, < ?rdnsnee 11 partment, will pru.i from l?enlcla Arsensl ?? Pori W h te-1 I Scott Han Fran, co, on off.? I il bu lm perl lining - th? leal of p iwdei ; i be furnlshe I to i the ' ?rdnance I.. pai 'n..< nt. .i.. V Hhoemak? r, del ill? I i Captain >' .... V Hhoemak? r, del ill? I i? chl? f ol the i'.-\.-ii...- . -, 1.1 .-'. i \..., to ? ? ? i Ih In. Captain Hhepar?! to la; ? ???? r? . actlvelj u? on the discharge or Ihe dull? ? of ih< " i Movementl ol ve cl ?ere i.|-o:.l to the Navy Departm? ni to-di) aa follow . 'I ).?? ? 'hai l?-?ton i ni- i ir .o, o . i'.,? for P ?ri Arthur; :?-?? C m rord arn.. i .,; .-'1.,,/v i.a.. the Oetroll lefl Nag-Hukl for t'h? m ulpo; the ram K itah : n ?lie I from llosion f ? it.'Hi, Me ; the Han Krai ? : ?.. ?ail? i from Mhe . for Corfu; the Essex arrive?! al Santa Crus, and the Chicago i fi Hurni i la foi .'-? I : I Ai\.. i received at the Nav) Uepartmenl con I the gra -m test ol th? am K it ?hilln indi cate u .r. the .. ?e| nearly m? el the c ilcul it I? of Ihe Uepartmenl .- t.. hei centre ol gravity, .-: iblllty, etc. The vessel Is of an od : d? Ig i, noth? ing like her being afloat. Por ihii reason n?i coin ?n could be mad?-, snd her designen and build ??is were ?omewhal anxloui aboul ihe out. one. n will be some lime before the official calcul.itloi ai- received, bui enough la known lo indicate clearly thai the vessel will i.i requirement A won AX It A Si, ID VY A BOB Nashville, T. nn., Man!, Jfc ,\ MgTO Woman, Henriette Taylor, was han?..! h) a mob near ! Petersburg, Lincoln County, last night. Bbe was | sccused of burning s house belonging lo a Mr. I Bayieea a ler\ mont ha auto. PArtTcular? aro i in- a_I.-. BIPARTISANSHIP TRIUMPHS C i.ii-lniir-il from nrM pnce. will nl?o report for consideration the Mil elo?lncr all barber shops on Sunday, er.-ept In New-i.irk ?'itv, (they may remain "pen until l p- ni BUSINESS IN THE SENATE. THB NOMINATION OF DR MACDONALD CON? FIRMED SEVERAL BILLS ADVANCED. Albany, .March M (Special) Senator Robertson's i bill In relation to Recorder Oofl, of N? w-Tork. hi? eres Ing hi- authority in the Court of General Ses . ?Ions, came up -n the Senate on the order of third i reading to-day, bul it was not press? i bj Senator R bertson, line? he was apprehensive thai he did not have sufficient votes to pass It He asked, In? deed, that th.- bill be laid asid.-. The Democrat* of c.iurs.-, ma le n i opposttl ?n to such .-? moth?, and th< bill wai laid on the table. To-morrow, it is rumor? I, Henal n O'Connor will Introduce ? n ?lu ti ,n for an investigation of the court of Oeneral B? Ion? aui Its methods of w..rk. It is believed thsl .nil...-ut evidence aill be developed by this Inquiry to persil de the Senate to pass the Qoff bill. The Sen it.nflrmed t.'-day the nomination of Dr. Carlo? F, MacDonald. of New-Torn, the abl? head of the State Commission ..f Lunacy, far another 1- l-n of six y. ' The Senate Committee on Hanks has reported a bill declaring that hereafter a savins- hank and .i bank <?f dlacount must not be conducted In the same room or with the sanie hoard of directors. Th. ...m of tin-- is to protect saving? banks from losing their tlMtny through the hanks nf dise.>unt. Th.? Senate passed Senator O'Connor's bill per? mitting judges of the Court of Appesls t.. sel upon Insurance casca although holding Insurance poli? cies. Ther.? were not sufficient Repobllcaa Se?alara present, it was said, to pass the bill of Senator i M nil in abolishing the office ?>f Shore Inspector, snd therefore it wa? laid aside. One's eye? told him that then? were eighteen Republlcsn Benators pres? ent; oi one more thin sufficient t.. pasa the Mil. Probabl) the truth ws ; that some of the Republic in Senat >rs cannot yel mske up ?h.-ir minds t.. abolish this sin? 'ure, bul would like to preserve it for some friend of theirs. I'p t.. date the Legislatur? ha? abolished onlj one sin.-, ure, thai ..f An? m for I ??charged Convicts. The sum .?i *:?'?"' ha thus been savi ' Thli Is .. prett) small beginning : ?r s of r? trenchmi ni The hill ol Senator Cantor transferring St. Mary's School t.. the State for s nautical school ?-as op? posed l'\ Senator lia Ines, who desired t.. know a ha I woul 1 be !h.-; .-f a State nan-; .1 m hool In \ 1. ?? if th? opp i It Ion Sen itor I 'antoi bad il :.. i .. Senator Mullin Introduced lo-day the bill ??? approp ? ? ?????> ol th? mon? .\-.\ Vork i... the us? ol the I'ominisMionen "t Ai :?: m ik :.? luv? -'Ik itlont i ?' tool? up Mi rave) '* bill Increanli llritm-ii of New-York, a I wa pre -? 1 :?-. Senator AI ; >f It? mandatory el at .1 I.. v..-i ... i I:?? hfl I or.?II til) ?>| i ? ground, I? Il :..v be fnvoi ?' ' ??: 8tl ?:??-. i' .. ' ? i: : I It i. .h. . Ii better I le" foi \l ivol Sti la.? up ??? fill the I>||| : ? ? ?tin I.. ? .i i????.'..??: Stroi had ha?l ? ' I . , ? ? ? ? ? letter tu A ??'lii- , ; ' : ? : r iltho - ? . ? ? the M l? ?>:':- kr hen ? il?-?,? I I tu a third n a-i MRRART <'"N'-'''I,M \T|. ?N RILL PASSED. IT .? ? rilK ..l : Mi: \--t mm.'.v Wl . ?I'll -;:?-. l l. ?? ? Mai ilt Tl ?- i :. Con si : latIon bill Intro . last week by .-' ? p Fish. :?> pron le tl the A ?tor ai nos llbrarl? and the 1 ? ... .? ?? ? noon i -, Mr '??;:..> from th? ? i ? : .? ??.-.-. it op| '. provisions <.f this Important ?? niitiice.! in th?*< In form it I? ar. amendment ol the i-. ? : ? ' ? it ton act. and tei I ? ? ? ? ? ? to allow tl | ? -, -i ?n?olld . ?? i III i ? have t?? m pr? ?enl I? a .1 limit II . it II ' of th- I'orporatlon? i rnemb? i ? ?? I lers, .,tr. i ? , or trust?e r ..!.-??!,? to th? .1? i m?? i t.? t ?? ? h.nseni of. ra? ' t. der the i ? ? I Ian libraries .-an unit? on I) ., . ? irlng ?? onaeni Ins; voti . third? i.f ?h? ?to khol . ? m? .-.? ? are mad ? to it t??l u*e rii- new ?or;, .rat: n ...' ill ih? ? ? ? ; ? and propert) .?f Ih? Ihr.? -, i to be parties to tin ; i ? - . ? ?I . i- ? A CHANGE IN CI> IL BERVIi'E Rl'l I S \ ? ? .Mar h .'" The Slat? ? ?? transferred fi ? . ? ? ? ?mpetttlve to th? ? ? ? . ? i . i ? ? - 1 ' ; ' S Hull |. ...... ?-..??? the i - ? lent of Hull.Un?*. ? ?;,-?.? ma ke J I . H ho :--.--. f II III ' |l ? ? of It? ?* ? r, that i , ? raled ,-i the i ! ill Ben.mi and that Mi Hitchcock. II - mix i -. ? : a i.l ..;. The I to to | the pi i : ? . ? i l h ti 111 a t ; ? ' ?! , t ' ? - I ? ? ? ??.?...:. ? n..- fact that the Btat :? ? Ih. place ti, I?- i lhat of ?iepul ? ol the ixiKltlon ? hat ol ? '. ' ? ? ' mu? ? , led tl ? I ?> ? MORE DKLAY IM'E TO 1M.I M ?I IHS ?Mi? "--.. M .r.-!, an .si-1 ill Tl ?n ? ' il m ? h .p ? i hampered the pro ? f Mi Lav ... poll??. lai trate?' Hi moval bill, ..... ral? I to-daj to va ???? ih? ; '" i? i In II t .-...i ?..,:. I Im II v r,n M?.li da ? m. ! ? .,-. t a.. ?va? expia ..,.,,.. frli :. ? . ?;. ? i.ill found lh< mi elv? [mis ? . !? nn?l< ? the rul when the i.i m 1er wa ? ?- ' h? I, '?' do an) thing bul a? k a po tp ?n? m ni without pn ludl? until n? .1 week A the clerl .1 blun lei dl ..-.. red urn orr? ?? : .?, Mon la) night had not yet I? en pa i-d U|ion i-- tl. ? i ? mm II ? of It vision and stricken from the Mil, Mr Pave) moved that th- m. a- ire go through tm- ne ? .. ol amemlmeni A . ? pi Im i\ ill no? be re ? I? I. I? pi inl-l bill m?l?l lie ??:. if- -l k of the member* foi three legislative da) . there I? no pi. p? ? : .a ??? .n ing n \. .... Ih? Tammanj Police Justice* before next TihmkIhj It .- clear, howev? r, thai is soon a? the bill . an lie reached it will pas? the Assembh i.. a large majority. FOR Tin; RENKFI I' OF \ i;i ERANS Albany. March 20 ?Special) Mi Bru h had pa ? i :? r lUgtl rl .- A. - ml.! 11, I ,.. hll I.Ill *i?l t.',.- . n largement of the privilege? and exemptloi .??'.>. I b) I'nlon veteran under Ihe State ''i\ii Bervlc. lau Th-- new mea ure amenda the pr..-.-ni statute s., as t.. allow honorabi) discharged aoldlera and ? i.r. I..- appointed t" office? the compensation 0( Which due? leo im?.-.| SI a day with.oil . i ?? examination, lut onl) after su. h examina lion a? I? i. i certain fitness Por pla ? with a compensation <>r more ihsn $i a day com petltlve examination! are t" be retalne<l, bul vet are to i..- .ij.; : without regar?! to tbeir standing "ii th.- eligible ii"! The operation "t the pr? ? i.' law .- -i .. extended t" tie- Civil Wer?-lce i,.a onl) 'of thi State ai i ihe cities, lui ni il... counties, i.?-. ie and vlllag? ? as well. A violation "i to- provision ..i ihe amended ... i |? made a ml .!? .?!?:. . i. pun iiible bj a fine .d nul Jess than g?C leo m re i ri in ?' Till; NORTH BIDE HOC LEV ARD BILL A Albon . Mai * 20 ? lot ? rnor Morton t" day ?Igne I the Pili providing ibal the Comml ?lonei ..i Sir.-.i Improvementi of Ihe Twentj third snd Twenl fourth Wsrdsof Ihe city ?<{ Neu \.>r!< hall, within si? months, lay out and ? tabllsh a grand boulevard snd concour e, togethei with not more thsn fifteen i running tranaverselj underneath u h boule? vard and ? on iuri ? TO AN:?KX NliU PAKK& Albany, March 20 (Sp?cial). J. N. Btewarl intr.. din. i in ihe Assembl) lo-day a amsll-alsed A?? ilen bill, which his Lu its object the formel Incorporation in the city and count j of Ne s Vil. ,,r certain park landa nos belonging to th.- city, bul reall) Included within Ihe boundartea >>( Westches i.-i County, 'lio- terrltoo to be snnexed is d. scribed generally In .Mr. Btesrart'a bill as "thai por? tion "i On- towns of Weal Chester, Easl Chester ?m.? pelhsm lying within th.- boundsrlea .?; Pel ham Bay Park, Bronx Park, and Bronx and Pelham Parkway." It embrace? also "u? thai portion "f ih.- towns oi West Chester, Easl Chester and Pel ham outside of iii i- Incorporated village south of ?i straight lino from the point where in., northerly lin.- of iii.- .-its ..f New-York ?Bests lbs centra Mae of thu Itr.nx Klvir, to the m?dale ot Hie channel NEW.YORK CITY EXCHANGE SERVICE. $80.00 Per Year ?n1 apward. <~>n r?Tif"t. bv mall er telephone. A cent sill b? ?eal ?? Blv? further information. Oar general otAce may be r.iii?i from any puMto ???phone ?sve? i.?o?> The Metropolitan Telephone & Telegraph Company 18 CORTLANDT ST. pi Am exatlon bill waa the :.i. tropol?tan ?llstrii I Th ? referred t?? th- Committee on Tin: ORAT RACING BILL PAVORBD. Albany, March '-'" (Special). It la Bald to-night that the CommlttM on Codes <>f th.? Assembljr to morroa will probably deckle to report favorably the Percy-Oray Legitimate Racing bUL A BUb-commlt tee ..r the committee, consisting of Mesara, Percy, Blake, wild? and V'acheron, conaldered the Mil thla afternoon. Mr. r.-r. >? and Mr. Wilds agreed on th- Cray hill, bUl Mr. Mike and Mr. Vacheron withheld their consent The disagreement of Hie four will he reporte.i to the committee to-morrow. Th?? Assembly ?'ommitteo on Privileges and Elec tlons, it ?s reported, have about decided to makes report unseating Assemblyman Stephen B. Blake ?i', m i, of the XXVth Assembly District, who had a majorlt) of only thirty-two votes-, and !?? bell ve?l to have been "counted In." George E. Morey (Rep.| will take the seal if Mink.? i? ejected. TO OPPOSE THE TRUST. Tin-: DEALERS' DISTTLLINQ AND MS TRIBUfTN<3 COMPANY BTARTED. ! THE ORGANIZATION RACKED BT IMPLE ?WITTA mi: BARTSHORNE'g STATEMENT MORE I: I.I. VIP IKS I IIOM TUB IHK IKD Then ha been ? movement under wsy for e? eral week bj p? ?pi? Inter? ted In Ihe ? . ?', . .--. tor th.. foi rr. il on of an In : ? tl 11 II g an ! dit; Ibutl lg .?..nina!:'. ... i \,-.;..;d.iv pap.-r' were filed al Albany for th : oratl in of the Deal? rs' Dl ?tilling and P .... with a ipil ' 11? ?" Thl back d by pi nln? i with an ipltal 'I ! t? I i/., i .m .1 mutii il !??' I? an Is I . umblnation or ? th ol her r impanl >i It expert? I.tain upplie - ! r im ?? it -?? houi ? ? with .. tally . agis I) of ?,? 10 bu ?? Is, ai I if i>" ; ? Illleries. I Ine i ktoi i ? '? rday thai th | lid no : ? ' tlon Ol th? fall "f '? ' s hen ? ' marke I up prl? ea 9 cen? i . ? ? teen days, The rstora are Jullua M ir- u -, I. u.,. . ? 11. B?chai Lui r W, Em< ; I Cnl? Mil Urn in, all of tin? i Ity. Th? n opposli ??? t., the i ?I ? Foiling C the ira le . In :? th? report? that I. ive tie.-r, ClrCU I ite ' :. iil-Bt. a it the Distilling an i CattU . ? mpsny. snd I relstlon? ? IR ii ..-? ih >rns, ? ? th? Reorg u . mn ? '? ?? ?' : h< ? ?:;.;. iti\. his n. i I- -i : I In part a- folios ? ?? , pri. . - ar? fsl ? Neither ? i- '?: ' ? n?i ii?? nor lib r- are cutting p - if the \ ? ? i '??-:?.??. the few n re cutting price? they urv bul i??.. d;s,ifT . ??? ? ir ti ?? ti ' ?ne i on? ? ???. .. il and his .i--.' it? -. .?.'i" -it" hori of the stock, sn l the i ther con? ' ? American Dietrlbutlng Company and a few of the Oncinnatl dlatrtbuier? .? - ?.. the - . ? ? ? Illation ?eem? to l?e ml- n lei ?to ?I Th? re IWI '?.''. in I these llsiril itta king iba Amei an Utsti Ibut r iti ? c prl ? ? again t it li- ? >t?trihiitlng .'?:?:?. lias one ma D ? 1er) at l ei ? Haut-, w.t'i . i day. The i'olui ? a . ti om no '.??>.-? \\ h) tro Am? t : ... that thei I, i It ma I by this i .irn ?m? ? I ? ntlr? i enl . . ? ,,,,, ? . <? ? .-, ..;. i ? ? ? . . rlson at th. ' ' i . ' - ? -\ n Il ' ? ? '. ? ? ? 4 ? ' ' - ? i frl? ? .? . Xlllg th< !? I '.:? ? ..II i ,. ? ? to thi i in Wall tttr?-?-! ... Iv?. I in-ai ? k and a| ? be itlon ' 'hie i ? .. Mi i ? \ mini paper pi Ii -.- '. : mi the exp? i" .? ill ha v. ' ?mpl? t i th? ll ex iimn..te.n ..f the I....U- . t the f?n the tl-.'il ? ? .i en III .; Mu h 11, " end of this week Th. Ir i I, u ill ??""' i'ii dev? ! ipmei ts mor? ensatlonal tl in ai \ ) el broughl t.> light In the In? ? I gal m ? ?:? ? i of the ...up trail n I ?? leveloi : ? Bill I., nia :.- I he f -un l.i! :,,n foi . - igalnsi ??'ii ei and d.Hoi - of the Trusl to re motli vs wl.r Incidii tally, it la ? t II. the? will la) bare he ' "?; pira? v wh ch ? ilm ; ite l m the sale uf in- Bhufeldt Dlatlllery ind which was progr? - ? by attempt ? t.> d< stroy the distiller) with dynamite and by the arrest ..f II I l.lbson. then seiretarv of the Trust on .. ? bar?;? ?>: beln : Implicat???! in the plot ' it.. receivers anil ..Hur?, Interesleil refused yes 1 . the situ .iIon, Th? y admitted thai ? rtain tut? were In contemplation, but declined t" give details, ?sylng lha mitt., s al ?s-u?- mus? be tirai ni d In the ? ?urts. from ??tiier sources It i- lesrned, however, that the experts have found entries on in. books ..f the company showing that upward of ?-00,1100 waa expended soaa art??r the arre i oi tllbson and before Ihs Indictments against hm, M.i. riuashed, and for >il this vast expenditure in? debli entries were made, Further, th.- actual ?llspo :. ..{ most "f tiii?? money has been learned from records found in the Innei ?af?- In the vault? ol the company at Peor?a, Which ?a? opened b) expert i... I. mltha ten days ago it Is on these ,-erte? that th- <iiii ?uit? to recover monej -.. pu.i wtll I..- based Soma "f these suits ma) be started i y th- receivers, though these officials re? fused yesterda) t.. make an) sdmlsslons In this re? gard. "it I? ?alii i searching Investigation v. ill lie made <>f ihe pui(Hinca i... ?vhich about }.:.?"..'?' iras ,?x |.? ? h .', , hare;? : "" ""' h " ?<" to Ihe ?o called "sts i contingent an?l travelling account? t'ertaln publii' m. ... ...m- ..i ??i .m have been prominent In '?'..i ii |. ?lin? . i a? I- Interested In the d< v? lopmi m - along tin? lln?." In the I nit. i si?:?- I'Ircult ?'.?nil. lie fore Judge '? o ip i1 mon nu, Mr Mayer, appearing f??r li" m |orlt\ ?toekHolder?, ?how? I thai ?'.ill-? I.. ''im- . a I. ,,ii- of '':?? i.riKlnal applicant? for ? re i flgiireheail fu- (?reenh it, employe?! t.? 'i" hi? bidding II- nffered evidence on Janu ? .i i 7, the .In prloi ; i the appll atlon for a re i ?r. -limit tt iii-l??? red t" ' ?Im :? id 1*1 i: i "i '... h mi thai ilmosi Imme i tel; a i ter the granting ..: i recelvei be t . ik back the ?tock and h't the applicant on the bill wlthoui a ?hare >>f it. Thla lor) has nos found Its waj Into the hands "i the I'ommlttee, ami, In thai a ly. it ?a- in : lean?-; thai Dlmstead was noi n hohler ...' ha.-.-- vVhen this aas ?hown in court, .i?tead' name s? removed from the records, ... ; in hi? plac? s ?? Inserted th? name ,.f Loul? M M. ii lham, the hol 1er of ! PO hare , .,n,i a friend .?f the new management ro? LIBERAL sisoAY / _ u \ The Committee o? Twenty-flve appoints al the Cooper i m..n mssB-meetlng, hating the Institution nt a permanent for.t agitation for Sunday open? ing, met at Terrace Garden Issl nlghi and organ? ised 'The United Societies for Liberal Bunds) Laws." John B Panne wai elected chairman, Fourteen ol the committee were present snd for three hours discussed a pun ot organlsstlon pro? posed by otto Kempner. The constitution as frmod list night doea 11-? t exclude llquor-deslsra or those Interest?*?) Indlrectl) In the aale of Intoxicants from being oflteera of the society, but it is th.- un? written las thin thej shall not be permitted to serve on commute.? or ua officers. ODDS AND ENDS OF POLITICS. CHACE Won.!) NEVER LEAD TAMMANY. DftMOKANTCT DEXTINd TIIK RSPORT THAT III? Ig To SUCCEED MH. CROKER-OTHER DEMO? CRATS All? IN THE DENIAL. The story of ex-Mayor William EL Oraca's pur? pose to italn the leadership of Tammany Hall was revived yesterday In aere-ral Columna Of printed detail, in wblcb It is asserted thai th" anal ar rangementa nre soon to be consummated. The atstement make? it appear that at s mealing of th.- Tammany Hall Executive I'ommitt-e last Fri? day a committee, of which John F, ?'arroll was : chairman, was appoint? l to offer the Tammany | Hail leadership to Mr Orace, and that, after con? sulting i.y telegraph wir h Senator Hill, the com? ? mitt.ailed on Mr. (?rae. on Monday and ma !" i tin- offer ?peelfled. Mr. ?'.rae.-, it v.-;.: further nar? ; : ited, waa much pleased on learning that the prisa j which h- had so long coveted ?vas within his grasp, hut he deeded to postpone 1? i s answer until to? morrow. Mr. Qrace'l decision is not to he made publie to? morrow, it Is said, until h<> Is alile to se-ure a few hundred thousand dollars In salaries and patronage from Mayor Strom? for the benefit of his political Organisation, the State Iienio.'i'.i'V. s.? tar. Mr Oracs has obtained place? which will guarantee a distribution of about BAAJtQA annually, and he hopes, it ;s refSrCBCnted, to double this I.e fore the advent of July l terminates the Mayor's power of r'-moval. When that time arrives Mr. Orace will !'?? ready to tak" off his mask of reform and appear In his true character a? a big Tani | many Indian, th?- BUCCSBSOf of ?'roker, arrayed In th? feathers and warpaint of the ex-ehl?'ftaln. Naturally, both the followers of OTBCS and the !>Ik an<l little Tammany warriors ur.lfe.l yesterday in denying that there was any truth in th" report, "It Is a fak". pun- and simple," a. Tammany dis tr.i-t leader sard. Corporation Counsel Scott said that the story waa ? fahrte.''ion designad to Injure Mr. ?'?race In tl... estimation of Mayor Strong. 'No su. h propo? sition." Mr. BcOtl declared, "was made to Mr. Or? " If any such offer had been made, h? WOUld have ,]> dined it In less than three minutes." .lohn P, Carrol!, the Tamm-my loader of the .with Assembly District, and clerk of th" Court of Qeneral Sessions, who ?as represented In the narrative sa the chairman of th>- romralttee which waited on Mr Orace and offered him the Wigwam leadership, denied ??'!! knowledge ol th? business. "There w.i* no meeting of the Tammany Hall i Executive Committee auch as ii described," he ild; "no committee o:' five wa? appointed, and I there was no coll on Mr. Or?ce. Tb? story la : manufai iur-i from top to Pom im " Hi-nr) i ? I'urroy, the r'ounty ('ierk, who la the h? i?l of ih? IVlgwsm foi !?? Harlem, a'-.? the ma ?f overtures to Mr i Irace, ?o ? ? ? ? . ? ?-;. ? - Ing ??:' ? he Bxeeutl? e i t'ommlti '? had been held, Mr, Purroy sad, and thei .. II.?' live that h<- had 1 he ri of . ; !? r of other ?I ' "i ling ?:. Joseph ? : ? - \\ Plunkltt. o( the XVIIIth Patrick K? ?:' the V'lth: Liawrence him. XXIV'h, "id John H. Shea, of th? XXXth, asserted that the report waa ~. ? .' - ? - -? i ? w Peter?, chairman of the Tami Hall (1 eral Commit*. ??. and John II \! Cloldrl k, ? tl ? in) m? ei Ing ?. i i b< -, ipp dated. r - office In Hano? ver Sanare >? terda) !?? -ause h-- wa? ?uffei i ( ft ?m ?? ?on throal the result of a cold. In hi? home, at No 21 :... I Sevent) nlnth-at., he said to - 1 ' ? ' I ? ; - reit an :??' . thai i am ? be leader of Tammany Hall Thai tor) wa? -? irted by the Platt to ?care hayseed Republicana and make them has ma le a mistake ?n (?emix-rai? to office In thl? ? ?'y. to m; vlthoui being a mem bei -. ii ..; M) frienda know that I am ? ? ? organisation to la) I ?? Heve I am right "? tha irse, but whether I am rtghi oi wrong I will keep up the fight again I Timitian) to the ei ? I r ?peat I h 11 I shall co r . m\ grave without being a member of , ? ? "Hav? not proposal! been made to you by Tarn? te rs, i.* elated In the reports?" th- re ? u ter Inquir? I ?ibout that i ss.ii: h.iv- nothing to Bay at pre?- I err " Mr ' '.r . .- : e| lied - I'ommlvsloner Woodman, who has con? ' rela - ?ith Mr, Or?ee, ?aid: "Prienda of Mr Orsc? i ?? believe that he would even ?? - I? r i ; i osltlon ro n.Hk.. him th- boas of Tsmmsny liad They know that be I? utterl) ?>;. I i?t*d to Tammany m?thode, and that he la thor? oughly m earnest In hi? work for municipal re? form" JUDGE M* ADA M AFTER "TIM" CAMPBELL rjTtlRR H'DQRS IPPROVED HIS P-WtOS IN Til ! SIMPSON ''ASK. AND TIM' THY MAY M '.I ll.TY "!?' A misi?i:mkan?'H. Judge M A lain, of th? Superior ?'.nirt, ha? ob? la ? ??? i :? itlmony fr.?m reportera who heard the statements mads by Tlmothj i Campball In the of John .1. Adams <.n Monday, and be ?ait terday thai h? was preparing t.? begin procee.1 Inga against Campbell undei a haptsr of the Code .?' Civil Procedure, which went Into effect last year, which makes it s misdemeanor to give fai?? rmatlon of an) court proceedings t. anynews paper ? ? ??? h hti testln ?nj In the i.tnv.? of Mr \d.iin? ..ti Monday Tiro" Bought to make it appear thai Judge M '?.dam had aldi l In his defeat ? Improper!) In deciding that Blmpson was the regular Republican nomln'se. Judge Mc \ dam has ?aid thai all of the JuJges of the H r .i f'ouri ipproved of t.i? opinion before It ?'as filed \? the claim ?>f Campbell, In his controversy with f"ongre??man-eleet Miner, rests on the . ? ..r. thai Simpson was nominated in the ? ! ?ti merely t.? help Miner, the following portion ?I .in i ;- McAdam'a oplnloi rest to poll Noml i ire under part) control, and if th?? dl trl ? nominal ?n ol Simpson ?ras foi .na reason llar the central bod -';..-iid hav? -?. declare?! . ? : ordered . . i .?. ?mil at Ion The .1. i ? aie but branche? ??: the ??entrai organisation, the County i'ommlttee th. controlling body, much aa II i? with srand and suboi . . ?? ?ages. Party difference, ilk? family or religious disputes, should ? ??:? ; within th? home ? nlzatlon, or by it.?? ? natlng authority. The Republican organlsa ? . . . (?arty, ha? taken no ?tepe In thl? internal il i..i nul repu Ilated the nomination ol on, nor ha? Il ordered a lew election, or In . ithorltallve mm. ?? recognised the nomina? tion ..f i'ampliell llavins made one nomination, the part) could not, while that remained In force, rnak?' anothei II II a-ere oth ra'lae, it might keep .m until it had aa many candidates as voters, ?o law should ?i.unt.-nan.- such s course, l'art of a convention cannoi ?--. -?-? I?- from a regular meeting ?f th- nominating I??>? i> and make nomination? on ,'^ ,iwu account. N'omlnatlona must be the a.: <.r the i at ly, not of a clique DEMOCRATTO PRIMARIES IN JERSEY ?TTV. The Democratic primaries wen held in Jersey nty lasi night ?stsaalbljf the?.? prirMtisa ata open and take Ihe place "f conventions, but so far Bs the result could be learned last night, the candidates slated f<u- Water Commissioners by the "bosses" wie nomina ted. The.?.-are a? follow ?: Alderman-at-large, Oarret n. l'an Relpsn; Water ('ommlaaloners, Daniel Y Lewis, Edward B. Hooa. Stephen t.. Harvey, Edwin vaa Houtea .ml Charles Bo It woo I -? -o ? TO RBAPPORTTON A88BMBLT DISTRICT* Th.? adjouraed meeting of the joint i.oar?!? of Bupervisorfl and Aldermen t-> make a new appor? tionment "f the Assembly Districts ?f the County of Kings, according to the regulations net forth In th?- amended constitution, wss called to order in the Supervisor's room In the Courthouse, Brook? lyn, last night, and Jackson O. Wallace, president of th.? Board of Aldermen, ???? elected chairman of th.? joint meeting. Alderman Cohn offered a resolution that an ex? pert I.?? appointed at a salary ?if J-'i?? .? month, who should mal?.? h his business i . ,1.-11-.- a sehen.( reapportlonmenl .nil report at a later meeting. On motion. Colonel Charlea ?. Morton was appointed expert. Th.? meeting adjourned until Wednesday evening of next v.>?? in Th PLEAD TOH BALLOT REFORM, Representatlv -? ?.f reform associations ..f th:? pRy are going i<? AU..un to-day i<? attend th- bearing be? fore tie- s. nate in l i-iary Committee on th- Balk? Reform measures pending In that branch of the I.-.;.-latin.-. lYeble Tucker, Isaac ii. Klein, l?- Poresl Qrant, ll. i'. Pembrook an I I.. .1 Callanan are to appear t..i- the Council of tin? Confederated <!.I Qovern m.-ut ?'lull?, and representatives of th- Clt) Club will Include Boudlnol Keith, William M, Ivin-, per rlval Knautb, Horace E. Demlng, W. ?'.. Domlnlck, \\ A Bhori and J. Brooks Leavltt. J??hn p, Paure, .-i.tiry of the Committas ?.' Seventy, an 1 posai bl) some other members of that body win also be pr-sent. Members <>t th.? Committee of Ten, rep? resenting ih- Cooper I'm..n msss-meetlng, win be :. llbsny also t.? look after ;h?- measures wii h the? hai.- before th.- lawmaklng power, CHIEF ?>.'' POLICE AM) Till?: MILITIA. lu a recent criticism of the billa preparad by the Committee of Ten for th.- ??"?egaatsatlan ..f the Polies Department, s. nitor Lexow said that they sought !?? i>la.-e ;..o much power In th.? hands .,?? ih.- chief ..f i-ol?.-.?, und in- ettad a BsotJoa which wouhi satahla the Chief of Polios, with th.? aaactiou of the Mayor, to oall out the militia of ih?. ,-ity to aid in the .?upi.ressloii .if Insurrection or Invasion. K?ulviu_- to the Senator's criticism, la ? letter to Frank Moss, T. P. Kenneson, of the Committee of Ten, baa written: The power conferred upon the ?-hlcf Is In no vrajr exrraor.llnarv It is hr-rdly greater than the power conferred upon th- Bheriff of <v?'iy count) b) hec tlon i'?i of th- code ?i ?'iv.i i-ro.edure. Tan Pf*? vision In no wise limits the ??WWW*JPJ.?w"?___| by the Oovernor t.. call out the militia.?*<** \n* existing law the Sheriff! <>f Rockland ' ounD. fo. Instan.-.-, has the right, under many elrcumstan? SB, t., .all .?ut th.- militia to enforce pro.-: - ai <i t, ; ke.p th- pen. I? it I? right that su. h a PO?? I ahould baenrctoed by an electiva and iMMj ; officer like the ?Ahcrlff, ?ureiy it .anno. I,- ?.on for a trained officer like the Chief of I'olie.- <,i th,. city of New-York, whose duty it I? to-keep I th- peace to determine when he needs militan assistai,,,. I- is also tu DC noticed that In- cannot exercise this power without the approbation In writing of the Mayor. It is the ? xlstlng law tnai the Sheriff command? 'he militia when It 1? railed Into force, and If the Bheriff of ?*.?*,kl;*",! _:?''"'> Is competent to command the militia In k^Pjnff th.- peace of that county, euraljr th.- trained < h ef of Police of New-York ?'ity ought not to bn in competent to give direction to th?' militia wtieci called out to keep the pasn in this city. THE CO?NTT COMMITTEE MEETING. P0SSIBIUTIE8 op a COAAJBtOB MAMTMTMmVt THE PLATT AM? ANTI-1'I.ATT ?AMftCBS. The regular March ?Sting ?i* the Republican County Commute", which i? to take place this even in?- at the new Metropolitan Hall. In West Thirty ??Ighth-st.. near Slxth-ave.. ha? been looked forwarJ to M promising some Interesting development? In the |'!.,-t an! anti I'latt controversy. Itepuldl-an politicians who gathered at the Fifth Avenus Hotel last night were busy dlo 1 MBSlag th.. possibilit?s of a collision between th" opposing forces at this evening's meeting. Th? fact that the factions are now of almost equal strength aa to number? gave zest tJ speeiilations regarding what might follow should a ?luestion be raised which would draw the line-?. There have been changes since the last meeting which have caused the aalaggtOg who stood by Commissioner Htookileld for pr-sldent o? the <"omml!t?e last January to claim a present ma? jority, though a small one, over the side- which won the day on that occasion. Should a contest-arise to? night the position of Mr. l.auterbach, Mr. Platt'? president, would be a dlrlicult on?. Th" expectation that a firebrand might be thrown Into the proceeding? to-night was strengthen*"'! by th- knovMi-dge that Committeeman Abraham Oruber, of the XXIIId Assembly iil.triet, Mr. Platt'? defen l.r and spok-sman on the upper Wesr Bide, had a Ionic onf-renee with Mr. I'latt last evening. The report thai Mr. ?lr 1er trag preparing r, spring a resolution calculated t., precipitate c conflict was, however, denied by h;m. Mr. ??ruber ? I hi? coadjutor? of the Platt column insisted thai i instead of trying to m ??-..? trouble they would bs i f..und doing everything in th- r power to promote ? and maintain harm my. It was o"* denied mi the Platt ?Ide that a mote? ? tioti Indorsing Mayor Strong and i.;s appointments I would i.m-?- ! offer??! by the Strorut-Brook* field leader? Rut It waa i-ri 1 on th? part of the ! antl-Piatl Republican? that there was r.-> Intention ! nf introducing ?uch a resolution, and that ??. move men i of that kind wa? r? I ?? Impolitic at this i ..i toi on, i' ? . imated a i ?"solution j commending th? wlsd m f Mayor Strong'? admini I ?tration might In tlm? be offered and passed with , aut opposition, bul it waa too early yet to bring It rward. ???? BREEDERS OF FINE CATTLE MEET. THE H"I>ti:in-i'i:i;\n as.-"- iati"N r.:.K,-rs OPFICERS ITs wild: ISVLA EXCE AM? ? ; i.d' WORK. TheHolsteln-Frieslan A ? n of An-..?rica held Ita annual meeting at the Park Avenue Ho?tsl ye?. terday The association la charter ! .;?. ?- r thi- laws of th.- state of New?Tork, and is composed of men .i- . ire Interested In the bn ding of fine cattls aa4 ta- production "f - i iiry butter and milk. The membership of th- association numbers about eon, snd b? spree the ITnion. At the meet nis \.-:erl.iy th.-re wer? al ,mt ?.-v. tity-tiv. .. ' - gatea in attend .i I i -t every n i ils r wa.; represented. The Influen?a 'f this association ia fell ai; m-.r the United State--, and Ita ?fT.jrts have resulted in materially bettcrtti*" the dairy but of the country. s. Burcbard, of Madison County, N'?w-Vork. the r- tiring president, occupied the chair. The report of the treasurer sh.nv.d tn- association to ba In -pod condltloa nnsnctally. On tka call for reporta on ofli.'ial t.utt.r te-ts. thirty records of testa were r?ed ID ha added to the standing record PraaMent Uurchsrd comi/limemed the association on its growth and efforts to purify the dairy business of many of the tti ks practis-d t.y dealers who g ? r ? n.,t responsible pcf-soaa While it is not a rule ander th.- charter, yet It Is generally understood that a prest lent is never a candidate f.,r re-etectlon, to Mr Mir-hard's name was no: offered. The elec? tion of officers resulted as follows. President I? y Wilbur, of ??rs.?,?. N. Y. tlrst-vlce-presldent. S.' Hurchard, of Madison County, N Y . aecond vtcs preBldent. M. H. Seeley, of Michigan; third ?rtca president. J M. Ridderll, of lows; fourth rico? pr ?lient, j. m. omette, of Wisconsin: treasurer, N< Hrown Smith, of Syracuse; s. -retary. F I. ?loug-hton, of Urattleboro. V't. On the i'.oard of Din -tor? th? following member? were re-elected' "?. ?: Powell, ol Bhadeland, Penn.; I.. J. Yeomans. ..f VVal worth, N Y. ,.-,.! Isaac Damon, ? ?:' Maasa ? ?-. \. -? ni.-ini.. r> of the ii.'ard are D H Iturr.-ll. of lain- Pallia, N. T.: \Y,,. ,,< ,,?,,_' snd Henry Sievens, ..f Lacona, N y , superinten? dent .,f advance rglsiry, S Hox.-v. .?i ?in-dua County, N Y P l. H< tighten, ,,f Brattleboro, \*t who w.i< .l-i-d s- retary. :< Editor of "The Holsteln-Prteston r, the offl lal organ of the association. Th newly .:-.t- l offl ted th.- pie-ent Board "? In?!...r? Thirty-nine new members were elected and their cr< lent .1- issued. Th- next an? ?,..": n?-etlng t-il m liuft.ilo on the third 1 nirsd.iv in M.n h ISM POSTRA MTR R TISSIVT IS LUCE. i Palto. B i?. March M P itmaater Ttaanay "? ' ted a? on of the h? lia to a ?'? rtune of ?- " ' ' I? ': by a cousin who lied In Kentucky some time ago. Tl e dia n ry waa th.. resal? of given the ; istmaa r t ?? th.- hitter __rht *hli :?? h i? i- n wared a rain t hi? con inn itlon by Benatoi ?'. itlgrew. tjororo uno (Tiirriiiqcs. 250 Horses All classes and grad-et, ?ndndlng 100 li''sr-t'!:iss heavy draught Ihhm-s, weighing from 1,400 to 1,800 pounds, AT I. H. Dahlman's Auction, Sale, and Commission Stables? ___, SM, 2"7. I'"??. M, 2KV III, ?JIL*. 214. 221. 22* East 24th St., between 2d & 3d Aves., Ulf y.?i:k. I'll \ a ?Head mv lael M ?Baler'? ?.-lie* If \ "i 'IM yoi? sa? a sraad KH of ta >-???- - -i?i la eutrk um?- ?ad al lew v..a ran -???? ? repetition ?a? th* mul- thlag to-day. 1 have another ?? !? -.???"?i of tii- ?aau Brade? .?n.l quality. hi i..m- ??An nsure wi-i.-t? make lb? reassrkaMy l"w price? All liar? ? ?old without r?e?nre. If pea are in i:...-.i ..f ? borse n ??? la Ike Urne t.. bay. v |g boni S khi''i'??? gaes snth every kens ?? war r..nt..l .- i.h ti. i.<???. trottera, ?addle korara. eoba heavy drauarni e?pres?, ? aeral purpoa lad rail ad heraia i i .1. lit 'KKHARDT .< Ulf? Aal lar,!. Ok .. .v . KOCHKIUKR \kr _, ?mi .. MAO IN i it? ?s Kansas, in. W M wi'idiw B, in., i a, in. tillo. T UHUS. I'? 11? ?11??. Ohio. .1 \s UK IK, vrabaeh, lad. TI ? above Iks contain? a asmber >-f sew eoaaagMHL i 'ail and laaprct Ike ?t ck. Y?m- th>t put. lias? ??ill ?uli ?-.?i and ?v. ill pi-...?.? ?. in- frlenda V ? ? 11 ? Bashaj ;,.i. mlMake al ihn ?ale?. t?aii?factlon guarant? i. or money cheerfully refunded. 4 iniiiiN \TWI IAMI Hi I.I.KTIX. s???? guadal papen : r full Bartlealsrs retarding my grand Mm i m a.nMnatloa ?al* of th? tiiKh,??? rhwB Rich-knee ... iii.k roach horae? ...I..?, an.I aaddl? I initiera, and parera, dlreet from the farm? and f r. ?.i? I r. : 11 Hi.? . ..until. Bntrte? ii.? . i -. i and ratalogae in print. S?nd y<?_r . and ii? >ii i??c< tve ? ae ay mail. I. II. I) MU. M \\, \ii?ll?in??,r. T. I. ph ?::-. .?'.?.'.?. lath. AT AUCTION, nils l-.vv AND H\ UNIX?!. I'll! " "??; ?' KBLLOOO ? <?> s 111 ? ITKKNTII ANNUAL BPKCIAL UUM1II .NATION HALM OP Tit.?tun?i STOCK AM? ll.'.HN'l-'ss Holts;:. ?' rned bj r- rr.lneni lamed?r? mi Owner* Monda) iii^.tu. M'edni>*da) un.I Thareiiay, M.r Ii is. 1!? -.11 an.! J|, .???.y DATS and RVKNINOM, al Med?aos Bqsare Oer4*a, \?w \.t... ..aiim-ri aiirf rack BMnilag ??? IS afcleck an.I ?acfc e?_MBg ul 7:1.".. !?:. .1 .111. IikIiI. <?? th.? ...nth gay, Ttiuradar. Mare* _i. ihe le?ase ?-.?n. ai-,, from K. A. WiikI.i. Htfjtltatowa \. I W I' It .lui.ti.l and Win. M it .: -i Kew-York Samuel \\< ant ??uy Miller. Chaeter, N. V. Other owners ?Hii.l MR) tin.? driving pair? and ?liinl.? h?.r?. s for i ._J sad track uni rieht) hr.-.i breedlag ?t..?-k. Cataliarue? ?eoi . ni> on application. PNTKB C. Kt'I.LUUU A ?'<>. Aii.-i| iu," j-i.u ?i.. Mew-___b_