Newspaper Page Text
A Af* MBlM^At^M j ' x^md r^y N?. 17,6.5!). skw-york, Friday, march sa, imos.-twelve pages. PRICE THREE TEXTS. Vo1" UV... NOWHERE TO ENPOLL, EXPERIENCES OP REPUBLICANS IN MANY ELECTION DISTRICTS. yA '" - i .!''?'.'..H'.? ???'T I.?. i::m; THE DKBATE IN THK I.EPCBUCAN OOL'NTT ' "MMlVTi.K OS THK AIT!..- .'. :" S OF THE AN n V. ICHINE MEN r . UB LET IXTO ORGANIZATION The narrow, stuffy little h.ili which has ? ? le led in ;b?- new Metropolitan Telephone Bull l tt ::. N ?. 113 Weal Thlrty-elghth-st., for the m< ;iu< ' the Republican County Committee, was crowded most uncomfortably last evening by the attempt to accommodate about I,.? delegates ?ind spectators In quarters not lnt? more .lian a quarter thai number. When President Lauterbach rapped foi order al 8:19 p. m., many . f the mambera of th.? commltl ?? a*ere standing In the alrae between the ?ettee? whi. : h.i?l monopolised by outsldera Tne appeals made by the i>r. si 1- m i" ape? t Hors tu in lu. ?? th ru linqulsh their seats i ? the delegatea who had paid $.'.'. apiece to occupy them for the year, were -...-? M ?I of the well-known leaders and membera were present, including General Anaoa <J. Mc Cook, ex-Justice Jacob M. Pattereon, ex-Poat maater Cornelius Van Cott, Abraham Oruber, Colonel s. v. it. Cruster, Columbus O. Johnson, .*.fr? l ic Page, >l. C. Botty, John R. van Wormer, Thomas I* Hamilton. C. N Bovee, Jr., C. H. Paire, Lloyd Ccdlls, who ? uc ? ds his father, i.. neral C. M. T. : ?"Is. as an? XXTVth Dlsti - . .i hi Relsenweb t. George W. Wanmaker, ex-Judge Hammer, Dr, K. J. Palm? er, William ii. Ten Eyck, George W. Stephens, Frank ?'. Langley, Thomas F. Wentworth, John .-?-.- Van AI lohn t\ O'Cohor, J?.hn H. Gunner. Alexander T. Mason, .i. P. Win dolph, John J. Collins and Martin H. Healey. The all having L?--??ti dispensed with, as usual, Secretary Bldwell read the minutes of the .ist meeting, and then presented the report of the Commltl.>n Organisation. This "ii being ill wan approved, except th.? part which re? lated t-> the relnalatemenl of the Thirty-second Election District "i Die XXUId Assembly l>is trlct, which, -n motion ? ?" General McCook, was referred back :?> the Committee t" correct n inifesl errors. The report ol the Committee ? n Appeals i llowed. it reversed th? decbtlons of severa] llstri : a - dations, *.vhi.-h had expelled anemb ra nithoni due observance -t' the methods |,rescrlbed by the constitution. Secretary Bld ? ?ported that th?- ..?li.-?-:s ..f tn- committee bad leased the ball wh.-ie tie- meeting was ?i id. ; ? l rooms for headquarters a* 12,000 a year, which Included elevator and Janitor service, bui i .i electric light, which must be paid for extra, ? - i ?.., . ,A?? nded between ?4"" and ?:.'"?-' for fur i iture and futur? a . : , . ?red that a resolution wou! i i.- offered Indorsing Ma\?.r Str ng an i ids ad? ministration, and when Secretary Bldwell pr.. iHi?-?-.! a formidable document and cleared his throat ' I re reading 11 many present wer? prepared u> hear something ; u hing the Strong Flat! ontroversy. But nothing even i? rdering upon the queatlon was bi ?ught forward. The paper which th? secretan ";1 was il letter from t no Anti-Machine Republl m organisation, ??f which J?.?in K. Mllholland Ib th? head, and ivlated to the project for iheir union with the r*r-?ru.'ar '>riran?-!;ttti?.n. 'IHK ANT1-.M A'-IUNK LETTER. Th- letter wa s follows: March 51, lion. Edward Lauterbach, ihalrm.n Republli*an County Committee of the i'?y and County of N? a York. 1 .?hi Sir: At a roe ? utlv? e of this organ zatlon held on w >di ? ? ? it:c a apecial com m ?:?? to ronsldei the quest amalgamation with th? organisa*ion upon which the st,,;.- . ...inn ? ? i . ... regu ? of the preaideni of -he organisation, Mi VI Iholland; ihe Urs; vlee il La Grange; th? ? halrman of th. Executive Committee, Mr. 11 C Hercy; the vice ?.airman of the Kxeciitlve Comn tee, Mi. I?aly -ntatlve? "f ; m .. - provl le i bj your i ?nsi ? in 1er Article 13: 'That each bbbo <-ni.a; shall have a permanent pi.? - of meeting." \ ? _ , -...i- i ..i: ?ha 11 me? I .. as one? ? . ii mont h, ? \- ? ?;. in t h? n I .. u ? . .-n the pur: of thli ? ommitt? ?? .... the time? ?:.,-? . these m< ? tings, ? \- ? pt In a -...?;..^ i>i-.,-,. a->\ im cun?iiiui?..ii c>,,,?-, tot I..?-: i ? ,. inkno? .-? ? he i in? who ?leslre to identify them h? 1\ - with Ihe pan , ? ? Von ?aid I rouimitie? that you favor???! th mo ampl? oppoi tunltj for all members of th? party to enrol, and Dial ? bring the mattei i,.-f<?r-- your cod?? meeting foi ipproprlate :.. tl' advise us i ii '" the result ?*?n the -i i of February we met ?. ..-i st vour re? ?' th? room? ol your County Committee and ? ?u ? 1er Informed u? thai you had deemed it besi er the matter -.. the Committee on Organisa tain, and that as ?oon as Mr I ?oremus, tin. <h ilrmaii U bodj, could get It- ? osrethei .??? - . ?i ' i hoar ft- .in him Vou fiirth"! suj??-??-'?? I thai ' ? n i'- t?. n.. nt of i!- pub .-? -ak. pla< ?? aft? ?? districting - ty In June, it might > ?? advisable to s ? ? nrolraent if this view of th? maUer whl??h you tn??nt!on<"l ??????i ?'?? It th? prevailing one ,?. your ?.i ganlzatlon, will you kindly Inform m of th? fac? ?.-. n earliest convenlenci in ? .rd? ? -i.;.t .?.?, rnay r.-i.,,r? to our organisation II ? hand It - -.' ir purpom to omply with ti.<- i of your constitution, and nffor?! -?11 Republican? who desire it an opportunity -.i ? - -1 r ? j l then w? respectfully request that you furnish u? \\ th ?? list "f the places where th? monthl) meeting? .?f the various . Uriel associations ar? hi I t i ?h- dates of u--h iratherlns?. Respectfully JOHN 11 MIT,Hi it I. \\[, " H. La fJR v.\i:ii H ?? I'lKH'V t WILLIAM F I ?A I.V. President Lauterba h then .??.-?? and aa d ally that the statement? made, ?o far as ame within hut knowledge, were entirely <? rrect. Wh-n the committee visited him h< had ataggaated the three methoda open for the pro? posed earohnent T?here should be n difficulty, 'V in openli g th? <i ?rs of the organisation t? ai rood Repubu am li was their right and privilege t.. eome la, and it was the duty of the organis?t! ei to raeelve them. Special Batea had ? " BBS "> f r th enrolment He had con Bldercd thai matter with the cotitraittee, and ha.l ? ,hi<- :,s there mn ? ... ? In June, and perhaps g ?.-.?iu?iim.l,t allli> th(.n. be n.? need .1 g general snrolment at pres? sen I THIKO THAT COL'LD BK KKMKl iki . Mr. Lauterbeeh refarred to the EUE nlty al? legad ir. th?? letter which existed as t., finding ln,. I m the variai election district?, f.,r enroll lag That could h- remedied, The president thought that the communication should be re? ferred to the Committee on Organisation, and the ? aaary arrangements could b.? made after ,-?,?,. I nith ti.? Republicana wh.. desired t.. en A in jif-.m t ? that ?ffeit was made, and It ! for a 'n "tient as If It would be adapted witnout dis usai n and tic? long ru??! desultory ii?bati. .chien ensued avoided. Thom ic; V W tworth moved .?? an amendment :ba? ?t ,>vas jn? s,.,)s?. .,f 11,.mmlttee that all Aepnblicaag arho desired fo enn ii sh? aid be ai kWa-K? ? i do | 'i?r\i.\ii McConk spoki eloquently of the desire ?f ?he Republican party to h_cotrporsite Into its "rKa;.i/.;,? |, ( .,.; wj... belong to It. if ii be true, '""'?'"i. bat ir I- a physical Impovslblllty to gel h-i n?i si?'- -iii? place i? provided for m et '"?'? '? m? |i tlon d.sirl"*.s. was it nol the duty ''?? Republiiatn County Committee to take poal v* and Immediate _Ui?8 so that all have the op P irtuiiitj i ? enroll? He EUgg? ; ? ? plai es ?'? "iRn ';- i ," every dlstrl t, and two. three four nights, if n.l b?. fix? : : . 1 '?? ol said that In ? p k< R?publicain m h > ner? Int ni on making it.? pu an parly d liianl Mail? n as well In the Stat? . (Ap| lau?? i PierSdent :..t . ? - ?,.. i issui I 11 : al Mi-C thai every m? mh i .?? the ? ominiti? au - in cord with in- \ lews. Julius M May? hi?| ? I tha ippll at would i i referred tu the Com gums iti ?n. ll ? luld es abllsfa a bad , The proper way, he said, .i h man - ill nol : Into .in organ v. ition, ?us i i lei him r vidual make his api? al I.? pn pet ? n III The men d< siring h Imisslon ?h uld auh as individual? and ?ot asan irganizatioi Mr. Went wort h ??aid that iherc iva? m ?.-.-: ti"ii that th? antl-ma nln? m 'n w? e i<? tx tu in as a Imdy, If th? paitj machiner) was nul , oiiditlun t??r recel? n? i !?? ? who applli ?1, should b ? put in ord? i foi hwi h John it. Van w ?>i in? ? il. ,i in ,? condition of ; ling?? ?? 111 h ? ? talnly did exist in many ? ,? ? is of i i uy. ' In .-'me oisirici?, h here ih? Maintaining ihe organization wie ?mall."Il w difficult i" And i i ult i ? ... i ?. iln institution erred li pi . Uli i<- , rial ? must ,,ii.-'?s, ,.i ..ii.-:-ir ?, ? :. em ,|i,.,| . tiers t ' du busin? ?s, 'i he ?? mal 1er? oui rem.'died. M .. Van Woi .. ? - t)< upon the sin . i .?> ,| ?:,.- Kentl< mu ?;? paper before them bul he reinem la?l >"<? ?" th? y nol ? ni) found Ih? place? enrolment, but post? d pi kets ? utsl I? io pr-v? thus.- who wanted tu enroll iLaughti -i TO GUST I'l.v. is ?? ?15 i:m; U.MKN r Jahn ?Sabine Smith wan next r? died, n sai?l tl,?u last summer the regular? had sp.i a good <l?.nl ..r time and labor In beating tl men who were asking admission. Now ?me m a |?erfei tl? h norabl ? waj tloned for admission ll wa? ititfl? the p?a? ? s In ele?-tion dlstri? is whei enrol. He woul l pi???;?? -? the motion before ihe commltt? ? . lhal ihe Con mlttee ?>ii Organisation hnd out the plate? mi tines for holding meetings In each election ?l i trlct, and poal notices m tie committee's hea? quarter?, so that there might be no ir?.ul?l?- i rinding ihem and enrolling, it wi thai the name of the district ??>cretur hIi i ??| peai m the list to be poatetl, so that In ca? the Commltt?.n Organization was unabl? : lili the blank und. r ihe I ? adli r ol ' pi ? meeting." application? t-ould be made ;?? Hi election dist riel si retal y for 1 mal n M i Smith a? ???!?;? I the ?uggesi T was asked it Mr. Mllholland and hi had slgn^ tli" imper as officer? ... anj .> lion, He replied in tl-." ne_ ulv? . aft - ?amin Ing Ihe paper. ami odd-.I thai a? un signers had been appointed .'. Fir? ?'? sioiier by t he May? , ?>n a? ?I hi Uepub Ucantsm, Mr. Lauterbach surmised, it wiuilil I?? well t?? t-.-sp."-t ' he application Several sp< ? ? hei ;?? wed, ? M \?h f:?-. ,y admitt. i ? i. r ' ? mplalnt ? ???. ? . luartei s in .? ,.i : g< numb? : n ?11? trlct? was true, making enrolmen! un I? | eon litlon? mn?. i i til , : boa r; nol t . ent? request I i ' \ ? daj ? for enrolment. Vftei ? <m ? bin? i i ? last year's Internal tronbl? ?. I he i ip. i w upon tli?- table b? i led v??t? .1, im 8. Sum n thereui ??- ' I tli i- th? Committee ?m ' ?rganlzaii? n prep? posl the ltftr of election dlsl des rribe i. and the times I urganlratl? i s. m it . committee inqtilr? Int th? plaint? to the want of ra llltl ? : ? port at th? tins v. -i- final!) sdi pt- d ' ;? rge W. St-pin is'? ? i . ' ' ' the thirty-third artt?-l< f th? duclng the number ol deleg it in the Ai -, inventions snd making thi ?'??i? f,?r the Republican candidat? i be? the ha.sii- of representation, instead l?er of KepublieanH enroiivd. ?? ?< I 1 s-- phens. John S, Smith, F. C. l : 1. Ke .--.r snd others d? bat? length, It was de. ?a, . ti--ti iistn -s th? vote foi ih? II fell short of tin- enrolled list, -? dlstri? tf no meeting* were 1 that under the ? I llstri I op?rai? d it was to th? In .?ne ? ih? number of ? nrollcd V. , ? whi ?? the vote for Govern M?>rt Istrlet that half i name? on the roll wen placed ther? and by >th< ; person? The pi'?pose?I am? i dment i? a? t \- members voting for ll vote tl." presiden! expr? -? d th? opln. th? language of th? eoi ?tltu tiiat "it could only be am? n I? ?' l>? live vote of Iwo-thii <\- i?f ?i I 11 elected t?. Ihe Count> Commltt?-? pr? regular meeting of said ?-?/mmlttee" m?-an it required a vote ,.f 102 of th? n amend the same. To thl? rulli : i ? Cook took emphatic ? x< ? ption I! ? h? Id I two third? vote of all m< mb? r? pr? ? : I ? ? flclenl DEA 1II 01 MRS. ARRIE M. o l V.Vi / ?HE v. i . .' UK r?.,.m the wom.ii n?i n ?Boston Mai h SI Mr? Abbl? M ? :.?? ? ? 1st, pnet. authoi and ph lanthi best know i: w om< n n Ses I : ? -. rda) She wai boi n in '? irtl Bro? Mst i . July ?, IM6, sn I when quit l-teachi t. ll. Mil h . after whi? h he went to Si I. - ? . i she married Captain Wylly? f?nni t* ol Hi I nephew of the dlsilni I clergymsn, snd h mi ell h v. rltei I., n '? In 1*71 the < i-ir.r .-' i... ' ,.]? of Mr?. Osnnet'i falllns health i . -.-.,, ? .. i .1 : ?;...?..?? n -i il?. ? ?Id and Ne?. ?? lltersr) ? ib and pr? of Ho- i ?ante Literal ?? i "lai i In POO waa ? member of tie- Maiden school t-ommitte?-, snd ?he had si ? fill? d Ihe I nltai... |? ilplt un h fes .as:?,i i Her essa) , poems, ?ketchei h? v? had u ? ld?> publl Ihem; In tie lea?! ..i: al?. She wa ? the a H hor ? : th? |>??< m Love That Make? the World ?i i lloun i ' 7" ESTABLISH iPPELLATI DIVISIONS. ARM rritOM I HI ' USES THE '? l?K*IIEH1 KH I'lXi " ? id: III I t'\i.?> THE March .1 Th? > ?????'? ,0-day the ? m?-rons ??? ?-,""-"',,: ?"???;l',',1 v.;,''!,,'-- into ?',,,?? In '!: r< Ul ? ei- '?' ' ' '''" '" ' ??-.,. ; -.I I?) ' ' depsrtmeni I. lu lnrbi?l? *-? '' "'? ' .econd. tbs present lid lu?llclal ' 1 the present Hid. IVth and VM Ju.ll? al ?" and the fourth, the pr? ? ' ":!.' Vl" ' Seven |u??c? .. ? to >rn i the flral lepartment. si d ftv? ? ?? ': m 1 others. 7h? four new ronrti ?r? o y.,rk. Drookl) n Alban) and Ito h? Th? only ?trugsle over th? ' al ____________! between Buffalo and Roehester ^^^^^^^^ the ?our- m ihe ivth n ?;??? ??:; ; ;?.,, :??. avor-Ml by the Judbdan ? ? advantage to the end ai arn? , Ruffalu t.? Ins defeat? : I?) " '?" * . pass??! by M lo It rill M ) STIR Y OF ' ' ,/; , A PASSENGER OIVE* AN M>V1U?M* ANH - 'l-' 1-NOUNSCIOtIS ON ARRIVIN?! THERE ; Thorns. Manning, i " , SevaauVav? . \?.?. wsltlns r"' :' ? ?' "'"" '.. i Ortoatal Hotel, Thlrty-alnth ? ?""' Broauaay. ? midnight Wednesday, when a ?-11 '" cane oat of the . afe snd ?I.'"' """?'?? "" '' No. ? West Thirty sixth n quickly!" When H got ther? tbs estiman round lb? n. ".nsciou I In ;he vehicle. H? waked up the peopl? In t" house, hut m? ?m? there wognlsed th? ?' would have anything ?<? dn with him, ?? H ; ?in.-., lo th.- Weal Thirtieth al nation ai i the ease t?? Sergeant Halpln An stnbulanei ?uig? ... .\ .mmo i 1 th.- New-York Hosplu ? . il 1rs? no ? vlA Itqaor sboat lb? ?tru-gei.i concluding lhe< '" waa MsTertai from .-??m?. ?trun taken to relieve mei .. trouble, removed hba to lb? hospltsJ l'sp i ?i.?- man'? |ki-s-s>i,,ii ,.,| the polio lo bellev? I } h.- was Dr. -i. B. Blllott, ,t W? hingion. In '?? ' pocket? were ? gold wsid and chain, M n mu?e?, ? ;. check ( ? MM?, Irswn on the W'a?hlngt??n Tru?i ' ''mi, .my snd msd? -wyabl? ;,? th? Msnhai m n ?uran^ Company, ?*?v?t?ral Irtter? addresae?! to Di I Klllotl st varioii? Washington realdenc ?, and ?? I number of unotianed lettei-s sildressed "l>r. J. B. ' Blllott No. N Milt' n-st.. Hrooklvu." THE STRIKE DECLARED OFF. AN KIOHT-Hi I'R HAY WILL NOT1 BE - ?; v S'TKl ' TILL MAY I. THK KKT1 LKMI I ' : I ?' ?I* ?' ' ' H1I.H . El (. >: -' ..?!' Tim SEM I ? IRK i l H S<"II. . "? . . i.\. 11 i \i |. ?N AXI? MK1 ?I \'i I? ?>: The hul ding .. : ire?! "If -.i greempnl bet we? |. . -? ?? ai I th? mi n ara? signed by ih ?? una 11 II ellhel ik] ha? a any vl s hl h had la ?t? I ? ? ? t Is the ho as, by i ? ? ? i i n 1 I t a I h? ?? I? : 11 11 work Hi! Ma I Ab ml s,. . employe?! 1 sent ?? M ?.-? ric iii' inti ctors' .' rere f. How? 1 by the ? !-.?? ? r ; ??? . . A ? . ailn ?. ,-. time . : 1, I'olin. i! ? ? Cotter I? ? ? h .?... i in?l H ail bj i. ?? i, : I. n?l tne , : . mi ? ?? ? shall . lie ?n ion i ifter Msi 'i-'"' i. :? ? to) M i\ ' Vu ? ? ?rbli-h work will 1?? " ?111 ! ? ? , ? i . ? ? ? ?'? i "I TOS I IKE I V SI: H'-"/.'/ /.'.I > ?. LION I'HI.I ? it 1 ,,-. lo. t. -hi? . ? . I ? i and ... ? ? nura ? lani Th? ' ? inable i ... " V Ailler Ai i ' - . Ii ? I ? Il iKGI S IL \ISS1 A EU H TKEASl REK. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : ? ? ? ? I ? ? ? /. i at/ /. rum i, it i i in ) ii / nt i c.ii sus ? i< 11 i kick ? ii - - : i: I HORISSONS rOSVD'TED '.,-?. VTY YKAI M??III Ml.i'? ii i I. THAN I ' ' I . . - ...- .... I ? .. . , ??' ? ' o. ? . . ?, I- ,?i i ,\, n !,-t,inc. il ii, n il ? , I,. ! i tying ihui th? ?' I V . i ?? pi , ?? |||l . . .; i i,.- ... m ? I ? ? I? r.-view, tellll ? .. , , ? , nd I ! m iltn-n by Al i: bu ll had n? ?. idlli im? , ? , i ., he claim wife llre.l i ... ? round, nor ha I H i? -? -,111? n :.. i,,, i . ? i her n??- ?? -.n v (ll hi 'I. id I. ? ''.ll, u. !? i : : nd i" hellev? I hei m ?Vn h< ?si If r ?lory h-d ?n?| ? ;,,..... ? ? , an ? ?it ? , ; , ??,,,. Itolni >n i o . R'Rh yoii in Hi? igl il r? . of ill '? m??i which ?-on? I? t? a j.t mui mahle doub m the muid of n Tb? im j. howe? i : h Ihe Ihey | intde rl, ha? ?? gl? en ) ou Ih? henell ol ih? doubl h? tu ih-. degree ol youi crime, an? ., - , tow rendered Is s lu I > -i dl lo tl? ?sienl i , t? hi? ii it "? a h? p? Old? ol th - r. munit) ?Mil alway? hold ihe belle! that youi con . i? i ?on wa? . , t.ti- ?: i.- ' I ? lest Imonj. and tlu Ok in? hav? taken in ? ?-. ? r ? m? I % merciful view ?> i... .. im? ? ?? j ..n m.mmltted, Ther? 'i l,ut ??n. .?:.!'.ti ,-!i Ih i '.m i can Impn ?? h lie , nee ol the ? 'oui : Ii t hat y?'! be confine?! In the State Prl*?n .it Auburn si han i ibor rim ns i he i, mi ol i our nstursJ life Jud ? n ? ??mi. il Iii" other ?I- t. nd.ii,i ? md up. n nd Sadie a ro , reel Asked il had an) I? gal raus? lo hou s h) entend hould not b? p ? ? ? ? ; ii her, . ? answered "T< ou bel I havi I i ha Bio t of th? ? ? Itm va,,,, ?., i h? i. t'.ld Iles, and l know thsl ihey di?l in fai'i all tli Ii itlmony ws nothing luit p. . an?l tha? ? r in ia) " a idg? Hatch then ??Idrei ?d Sadl?. who ?(.I t? f,.i, linn with ti-. her .une: akimbo and .kl ? ?le pi? tin ol deft a ne? "i |a\,- ? ou n, lo ss) '" "So, ! '? iv.-n'i. de i ,|.I, tarit) ivi asid all that I have t?? ? s ltnes??s ?rere ? pscl ol na, Th? Judge i ii<l ' il,- entern e ol IhU Ht > '??i 1.un.I n Un- W. Il I? p.ii ne m al the tul ???-., ' - '.i of tv. i nt) -? it ?' I ha? i i.iin'i Vf ter the word? ?i Ih? im ? had heen i.-. >rd< ?I b) i ? i . -? . i !.>1 over her chal? end I i d her. a e. In turn fondl) kli --i b*t im band, Th? ? idea and ?entent*? wsts evld ntl) ! a pleasant surpris to th? Robinsons. SIXTY MINERS KILLED. THIRD AND GREATEST DISASTER IN A OR? >l"l' i ?F \VY< ?MLNfl MINES. I i. IKrt !-l:|N''.l\r, DIT THE I* ?DIE? w ITU i hi i. ; |.-| v .\\|. DANOKII 1*11 "t V v I HOWS wi> sari ORPH IXfl l.m -l TO U? ?I "?. ! ? HI THE DEAD DBT Ml ' if THE ? \ r \si ROPHE. Evanston, w?,... March .'I sixty men per '-,""1 ?o th.- Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company's l!?-?i Canon Mine from an explosion which occurred ;?t ?? o'clock hist night. Fifty one of them were me tried m? n with large faml "< a. The names ..f ihe victima, aa far aa known, are aa follows ?AIT|> ju| I '.'I'.TI i ,i ?Utl ?'K. Jam?? U III ItTi is l ?'I.AHK l 1 I.AHK ,i. \. ? 'I.AKKK i ' I.XItl I'l.Al . n| KH < V - . : I.Kl'K ?. '. ? . HI ? " I K, IV II ' H ' r. .i i N-. ,\ Then i? HVISi.N n a . .,..? UN i i:s, ?;? ? _?. N ? .... ?aillXSl'N, U?tl '. \> .1 \. ?'h irl. KASOl.A, I lu I.C.I A l: I \Mil I:ii !,?, \.;i ? ?\ M I.AMHk ?S, M Uli im. er. i.i> rKit, .i.i.ii. I.MiTl? hiivW , I.IMKK .1 I....1I-.V Du M A I.Till i? Mil I .Ell I? v.. ut?; \.\. : ,?? i?. M? ?nitit*. ,i VK'IUtl HATIIII ?-iii.t.'.its. <,? uimin, jr. .-n T \ u ? I ? THKMI ? I v ???;- . \i r M i ' ?11 \\ I..: I ? i I ? \> ?-. II.Is I - I M' I I.I.? It 11 Wh.ii the tirst two bodies y. ??!??? brought to th? surface from nol far down th. |..|... by the rescuers who had I>? ? -n organised undei General Buperlntendenl Bradley, the throng, of relatlvei and others crowding about the wreck on the , hope that any unfortunate could poa ilbl La alive m h? n reach? d bj the The n il? r pai ty was i.ill) al wort undei Superintendent Hradley, bul progress was Blow, as the foul air and afterdamp prevented Ingress bj any of the several air or .-si-;?i>" si"|,. ? with which ,i mine of this sort (entering the hillside at an angle inst? ad of bj v? rtl? aj ? la prm Ide?! s. me tlii.-. hours or more after the accident i th- main !??;- and returned wll ihe two bodies, bringing also the bad newB rave-ln* l?a -i furtl progress, This mad? .- ? ,?. laborious \'...:k removing the nbai ictioni n ? i ?? main pu sage is som? - ?th and ha . all? i lea "t n levels, ? a. h of a h. h i ? from to a mile ai ?I a hall Ju ' i?: : ?? to t h? blast .? numb r of I be men ed tl ? ? a ? . and ll I I u led ? ic ii home? ? apod injury from the follow? ?l the n reck ol , A ? ered t hey wer? laid ? In? ksmltl which b< ?an I of tl man . m Maltb) ? I aft? r he f the i ltd ? Jerrj ''(.m: ? i vi? .it i o men s ? ? -i In ? he ? I . .- The ? ? ? ? ' r i : first group ? ? .? ' I ? ? .til ??' could v I Hurl ? i , ip into I \.,. r?. th? aas ?!? - i : ? . I ? :n ihe a- I ? ? I ? ... I I ? s a .?, a v Th Mountain Compai i ill) deuil Ihe Cen? - ? Ifl mill? ? iu min? v and t with oi mil race, ! urate uiih.-s. With K" fool pil? lai- . ;..,i it 11 ri si lh??ni I'll- lea hit i.| bin .1? ?!??. th con pan - ul ?>n? h il? "1 :? i a|m TI i , ih ' '??' ?1 dlBHStrou ex| Ion in Uns \ i. n o in IHK! N" ' mine ex\ l???l ?1, killing thirl) \% Chinese and four whlti men In the ? ! IMXfi .11 lui"! I'.o PI M ? So i thlt ? n were killed Tl , it th? In? and t.. da i !.. n t ?|. kcnlng. < 'n all sides are - a nd ? . ? ?.?..I h - ?! IIIhiIU and MW rtcil f? Bin ? s und mangled n mains ??f rmbei m- im band, son or broth? i or r? allzed ;ii i.t ihm iher? waa no ho|? .. ,rk ? i.? .. i Ins th?' de id '- ?me? more ng |,,i! He? a Ivan ? t'.'i.ii-1 i \ ?i..... ii |? th night ililrt) .-ii-lii m- n ? h . have n ?I been found were Kiiihei il In Ih? last trip ?if .lay, hen i ' i? ? ' Aboin i. - , m? n killed In I mg in the v tinier of I' Iteil ^ ?" hm? "? ' :'' "''"' '"' ? ? m.n ?i ?- ?e> , -, FIRE IS SIOI x ?*'*"? . ? ? '?" H '? I '?' IMI'LKMKMT* -, .. ,,.??. \ roll ? l)N I ?IMNH '""""" ?? ..,,, , i oV i'l A < HESTRO? id' i i-li, i .wa March ?1 The gr? it? ' I ? ? Clti thl* m i ' ""' tn th? , ?? 'I ?i'" ?? ' '"""' '" '? ,,-, |o? h m i pli? ol un i" i' un the pi itform of ihe c :. rn Transfer a" I Implemenl Company! ware? ., . ?ml In an .i the great Iron building, rour tort? ? high an I i overlng s full quartei bio? k I , round, and containing ?? ? i <.'?">.""" worth ol Im ,,,,,,,,.,,, .,,, | . ,,.., ,: , sraa -. h.-ap of ruin? 1 he to. ,,?.,,.i to the plant of ihe Slou? City Lb ? ' ?m Company, and soon Ih? big ele? itor, with 10U oai bush? i ol liai In it, ws it? tro) ed K? i > ,.??? m are sppsrstua In the ? III ? i? ?" *<"*? bt t n wsi impossible lb? n lo control th? Are, ss ii... wind ble? . gsle .?ii '!<<> The ?stem part ,.f ih?. ? Ity's bin m?-. - ? i ssi ihn sien? I with ? ... ,,.,.?, it,.. Msyor sent telegrams to rounding towns foi additional m?- spparstiu Th? lin- wss controlled In tlm. ?ve the mam build? ing? "l the Linseed Oil Company, Including the mill Th? losa to the company Is U??>.""" fullj cov? ??i ? d i.\ n in an? ?? Ths hesviest io--.ii b) the ?re are the agricul? tural Implement houses, win. h had stock In ?tor sge In Ih? ??*:? nous? Tbej in the Rock Island Plow, ?Hock Islsnd. HI.. Nebraska Mollne Plow, Omaha; Sandwich Manufsciuring Company, Sand wl? ii. Hi . Walt? i v Woo t Harvei ter C ?mpany, St. i'.iui. j r Sel<bei ting ?'? ''" ? Akron, ? ?bio; Aultmsn A Tsylui Company, machinery, ?1 i i,. id. Ohio Advance Thr? bei Company, Battle ?'|. ? k. Mil h . Kin?.in-in A Co., "in.ili ?. . ? ri?.? Company, Dubtique, Iowa; Lhambei Peer Ins * Quintan, Deestiir, III.; F. B. l'ait A < ?? . lie, ..tin in . Hem it. Uunn A ?' ? . I .'".la. -. Rockfor?! Manufacturing Company, Rockrord. III.; s.-.i.di.i Plow Company. Roekford, in Oliver i'hilled Plow Works. South Bend, ?nd . Sterling Manufacturing Company, Sterling, 111; Btoddnrd Manufacturing I'ompany. l?ayton, ?into; Jam? s. na a .,. Peor?a, m . Selb) Bt in A Co . iv ?ria, III . ., i v, ., ,- iii ?.. i. ' '?ni i in) ivlun. III. The Walter \. Wood Compsn) hsd i l&i.OOD ?t?>? u ?lestroyeil What Insursm-e these r?mpanle? ? ? rie,I,is n"' lueum, h.,.- The I.., al m. u aie g.-ie-l' I ally ??'? ui-'i bj ih? n Issarsnns THE UCT LOOK CLEARING. s \ risl'Ai'T? ?itV ASSURANCES RECEIVED FROM ENQLA-ND. Dl | ITCHES PROM MR. BAYARD RBUCVg 'IHK ANXIETY IN v\ tSHINOTON -ORKAT BRITAIM SHOWS A DISPOSITION l" SUBMIT IHK \ i:.\i:/.ri:i.w DIBPTTE TO ARBITRA? TION SHE v.i l.i. SEIZE NO AMERICAN i i.lrr.l T? ?BT Washington, Mar? h M. The tatest d< irelopments in tii?. Nicaraguan question are of ?? characm that dt least tempoisrll) sets sl rest any baleful im presslon* that may have been crested by th?. stroiiK ground England ha i taken In the demands made by !..-!? upon tin South American Republic. The Qov? ernmenl I? not on the verge of trouble with Bag? land, Inasmuch as dtapatches from Ambaassdor Bayard al l..?i ion. in response to tetagraflM from (his Uovernmeni requiring him to ss?_ertain the sl? Utude of O ?reu I Britain In Ntearagus should to pay indemnity demanded tor lb? outrage upon Mr. Hatch, indicated clearly that, whatever .] . may happen, England will nol seek 10 sequin Am. lean territory. Th? telegram t.? Mr. Bayard u.i- ihe result of ? ?? Cabinet council of yesteidsy, .,: the reply received to-da) la regarded a? as - ,,,-. .., racl iry- The full report of Ih? dis? patch from Ambasssdoi ttayard i? nol forthcoming. ? purport i- ?ufflclently Indlrated In th? state hen n mentkmed Thl? [(articular subject hu? been pressed by the American Ambaassdor for ?orne time, snd H regarded ?a bavins reached ? ... inn now entirely sattafsctory to him, and s? * mattet of cours? <">? thai meet? ?rlth th? approval ol iii1 (lovi ii meni, So le .ii.i--a ,-? to ih? Qovernmenl here la tbe ? i k l m question, which. In ntlm itions from th? lb ttoh Uovernmeni ?,f ? disposition to submit tnat cas? ? ., .,.??? itlon, i- h-; i to be " diplomatic Munapk irai m. s retary ?;r? sham snd the Itriti-h Miniate had .?a Interview to-day which Is aid to ...ii e be? r... I'ndoubtedl) there is s b?etter showing for' the eontinusi.f ihe long-held friendly i Is-tlons ?> - iH-.-ii r ' ; ... nmenl an i that of Great Bi tain .?? .;,.?:.. irf i ? of tl ings yester .iri i the portentousn?*sa ??r which whs msnl .-. th? , itraordlnar) and lons-contlnui i *'< ?Ion ?? the ?' ,\t that tlm? th-- i??iu-r ?is entertained In some quarters thai the determine fr ?nt of England In the SI sraguan affair meant tall) the control ol th? canal srhlch will be ..,?,? rosi the I sin ma.- through that country. ? .\<>T ALLOWED TO LAND. DIAMOND CUTTERS EXAMINED BT ELLIS ISLAND OFFICIALS. THE IIOVERNMBNT Uli.I. I'P'" "EKtl AOAINST THE I'lttM THAT lMP"l:'la:i> THEM SOME OP THK MAJEMTK'M t*OXSIGSMENT PASSED, BUT 1 ll?; IXQI IRY IS NOT BNDBD Th.- . f th? ds) at Kills Islas l ves ip b) l n Senner snd the Contract the examina ? of the i ::. diamond i rrlved her In the ?e ?n i cabin of the -.- Ma |? - snd th? II who ar IV i itei ?iii.ii tii" d i) 1 ' , ? i'arlisle r, entl) decided tha liamond iittlng w,?^ tr) In thl? country, and thai there ? i tei ikl not be a?d ml tl I If they .-r . ? ? . - rhe dtara md cutter? on the w? ?: ge of Frans Van Ruth, nail to work for J'"? a a? ? k w . .. ih? u.-? rnland arrived ar Quaran? ? W? Ineaday a lettei ?vas handed hun telling retar) i ? on, and dir i ? n iy the) ?rere "tourist?." This ? Ellis I il*n i , ? ?. : ..ii Pi lien thi Mai ? n ? ? I sl ton pe-r yesterday ? wa .......-.;. nr sat ng the I ? m...-id ling thai t'l-y would have t" i I - ..:.-? Se? IS to i i were i .. The dta ? . t...iK up nearly the ; -r. aim r Th.-y are said ? ? ? i ? sorg r- i Brass in iir. i ? Ofl '. VV.-st-rr'.', arid ni o? ?.. .?^ in. ?evidence against them is ? ame -ni the Ma> ?tl . u? rda) and twent) ? I ? deported ' th? part) on th? s\ eitiri Ian I, Krancia 1 r ... |? affidavit : . ihe effect that he and th? ? ? ? ?? m- ii ha ll aged b) the Arm of man. Henri h ?\ Co., ,?? ?ntwerp, to come inti ? an I pr. ? ? .-i ?.. < ? nclnnatl, where o so to s rk for ?'??.. rman, Henri -\ K '...t city. The? v\ ? - r ? to re elvi 1U0 lervtres. :?!.?;? he expens? - of the party I nit,, the iirm hiring them T ils eon? ??m i- liable to a fine of Sl.000 t,>r each man sent i.-i. k. and It Is probable that It? par- In tbe trans ? ' II ??' e (1 ?vernm? m will l?i ? : ,^.i UOSI WITH 11!? EMPLOYEE'S MONEY M il.l.i Wl IM I'MI till .iir TRt'STBD CASHIEB ,-v UATTEBMAN, l"HB wu.i.i amshit.?: MKRiTI i.\T tll'N'S OKP WITH ?-. _SS IVIIIlsm Baumbusch, thirty-one years old, for tea th? trusted cashier for Henry Bsttermsn, th? .Vllllamsburg drygoods dealer, nude a bold f I ? rrds) noon, and. after hurrying home t > in- young wife and Insulting her, Bed ih? ..'. Brooklyn Central Office detectives sre hoi ot lu-- n ? .Mr Hall, r m in' ; ?tore I? at BrOSdWB) .,'. 1 Iraham ive., In I , .? rrn District It said ?been ?. ?? i'a dall) duty to carry money Ihe store in the tank m Willlsmsburg in which Mr Bsttermsn deposited his dall) racelpta i.e. o llaumbuseh hsa onl) hsd to cross the street to the Broadws) Bank, of which Mr, Batterman i president, with the ?tore's money, Yesterday ?? pped light 1) down from the cashier's desk with CAN <*nd crooned the ?tree! with It to the Bro i Iwa) Bank. He -I posited onl) M.".f the in-uie'.. and with Ih? n . H, 00, he (tad. Ii wa? ii.?t long i fore Mi Batterman notlc? 1 th? i ' ? i I) he went over to tbe i.-ii k a so nute* h knea all about i II ?? . in - private detectlv? to i3aumbuach'a S Kl Herbert t.. in the fslnl hope of lean? Ing something ol the embessler. There the de? foun I Haut aife, a prett) young i flu, face, pa? king a ti link. "Where i? your husband?'' he . 1-k--.I her ' IL- rame home iboui an h i n ag ?, ' waa the answer, ".md ? I hi was angr) al me, Mi Batter m.m .o ! ever) one etae He said lo m< 'You pack up and so home lo your mother. You'll nevei see I wa* -.? thunderstruck I didn't know ?ii.r t.- mean I al Brat, t?ur i ?s s hi meant it. He Mii.i'.i up .i fes of his own things and left th? house m a hurr) \nd no? I'm going home to moth? ?? " Mr Batterman informed the police ind .? general alarm was ---111 out, Baumbusch waa under J.'..???? bond?, furnished b) .1 New-York Indemnlt) com? p my BIGGINS MIX CHANGE FEONT. ! SEVEN OP THEM \ '? >'i r POR ."l/.NIll. NHll.l'S POR si-WTtii: \vm.. .i-ir w nnnK \ws his \\vi-: Llover, Del., March 31 (Special) Two ballots wsre i i : for Benatoi to-daj by the Delawars Lsgialai lire, when the loin I session ?a- hastllj adjourned io a combination of tin- Denwerata with the Ad dicks and Massey supportsri Bevsa of th.? sighl friends ..t Mi Higgles prssenl t?. day voted fur Colonel Benjamin Xi.Ms. .? welt-kaown lawyer ..i Wilmington, while ten mu ?.f the elsven l>?*m??crat?: in ih.? L?gislature votad r ?r Usan BJugetf, of this town. The eleventh man voted for Thoaaaa I-'. Bay ' ail 'lii.- AddlekS in? i. |.r.<('.'-- to tali.? tninh cmu I fort from th" change ?>f front among the Hlggtas , followers, and srs to-day ninkin^ aaara ris has than ever, Addicks himself is aa tha ground. The eoarss - .m th.- men who have been changing ih??ir votes i? generally commended and party opinion la shnost ! solldl) behia i them Tii?- rumor has again been -? ;irt,<i that the Demo i rial? latead t" eiset ?;.-uru?.? V, Massey. of this. ! town, upon the around that hi? election would _iy?? I ih. tn pracllcall) a clear field in l-R??; l?ui leading i ?. m... i ai- h. i. denj lbs rumor sad pronouaee ih.? ' it ?Ject prepo lerous. Beere tar) "f star- Hmhher? -??.I to-day that Coy ?...? Marvel lia! almos! recovered from hi? re . ni Indisposition, and that h? eras ?ittendlnii to buslni m ai his houae si Laurel. Tha Uovernor la expected her? earl) n.-xt weh, .liai, ? ,.- James i. VValeott, who ws? the chotos i?f the mlnorit) Democratic caucus for Senator, und ??'-.. h. ?Ines been upportsd bi a majority of the Democratic members ?..' th.? legislature, to-day .??*nt a letter to Bpeaker ??f Ihe Beasts Watson request i lUS llic of his liali.e. OPPOSED BY MA?UK ?iivUiAvj LEXOW PILLS NOT WANTED. HE BATi THET ARK AGAINST THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE? LIVELY TIME IS' THE STATE SENATE, MCNATORI STAPLKTON AM? P.rlV.M'" H'VTIUi to THK MKAsrm:.-- THE OAd RUUI Of Tin?: CACCUa DRROl'HCED THB KiriTl'l.K'AN LEADER I'll? KOT DARB TO PRESS 'I Hi: POUO BILU T" a \'?TI*? MAYOR MRONO'S I'E CfSIVS TIM.K'.l.AM. [Bt ti:i.i:?;i:ai?ii to tiii? TRIBU MR.] Albany. March M. Th.? Empire Btata l'-?**l*?> Uve express, bearing tha billa of the ImaM Committee in r?etatlon t> the Police Departinaot ..f New-Tork, ?rot Into a "bio i<" at Albany to? day and remained there until the clone ol the day. Prom the prissent outlook tha "block*" wtB continue until the coming week. ?Vhethor the train will then un forarard Ritfa the bills cannot yet be predicted. When th" Republican Senators completed theft* caucus last niiiht it appeared an if tha poiioa bills would move onward t" New-Tork and into Mayor Btrong*a posa-aaion without any obstada being Interposed to th?-m. But .?s s ton as the Senators met In the Senate Chamber this aaona? insr. it was evident that th?- ?alls were In a more unfavorable position than they were last niizht. Lieutenant-Governor Baxton Aas moving about the Senate Chamber In a plainly disturh.-d ?t?te of mind because nom.? of the Republican s? .? tors had said that ttuy supported th'- police bills because they had been told that the I/,?u lenant-4_k>vernor had brought back arotd fross New-Tork that Mayor Strong ftivorad them. "I hri.uKht back no auch word from Near? York," ?ail Mr. Baxton, warmly, "and the sole reference t??- the police bills mad.? in th?- course ..f til.nversatlon Speaker Fish and myself had with May..r Stn.iij; was when I t-dd the Mayoi that the stiggeatlon bad been aaade at Governor Morton'a house that possibly it w?.uld A.-ii to authorise th Board <>f Police to do tii.- work of reorganising the l'"li ?? I ??ifSU tmeUt, and um five this tiisk t.> a ap?ela! cpn-mlaatbu ..i persona Mayor 8tr?rmg conaldered this ^ 1 n?r i"i several mlnutea carefully, and then Intimated that he sa?- no obj? ti?>n t.. this methid "f dealing with the matter Of rc.?tganiza ti n. Hm nothing ?as about th.- propo* siti"ti i?. elect the Police Commissioners, or even iixiiit a bi-partlsan commission. Moreover, I would ||ke to state that rince these LoX"W billa in an amen.I.-d form, and therefore . haiiR-ed : rm, were presented to the senate last week. I hay.? had no communication in any way with Mayor Strong, and therefore .1 > nor know how h?? looks upon the new poll.-?? bills of the Las w Committee " "The Mayr liad the power .-. r-uicw the ao? ti ?n ..f th.- Police U.-oris'aniz ition Board under the l/>jtow Pallet K*"rs*anlzatlon bill, had h.? ti"t'." said The Tribune c.rreep.indent to Mr Sax:.?ti. ?Yes,'' replied the __wutenamt-43oventtor. "and be na? n-. su.?h power under t;-..? t.. w- p :i ?? ie organisation." MATOR BTROKO'S ATTITUDE a litt',?? later In tha aeaston of the Senate tha Lteutenant-Oovernor received the following hs t?'reeling dispal h fr?.m Charles Stewart Smith re spet 'ms: Mayor Strons's attitude t ?ward the Lexow billa and mad.? ,t publi< . In ire? ,,;,., ..,,, ,,? the best membera of tha Ra* ; .t'a. .m party, s majority of Senators by tlu-.r iducu.i action last night an deliberately i .. the ?.-rai.- of the party in this State. I linos that Mayor Stronx i- absoli tely opp -? l to tin- provis? ions providing I r the election ol Polie? Commis? contain? : in th.- Lexow W .;i slders th>- l?ll.? proposed b) the Commltl.f '. u t.. h?- f.?r in the Interest ol the people and ? .i ,;..\ernmenl ? '.m It t.- .t tr.? .?.? Hberate [udgmenl ??f the Mayor and the n.?.,pi. ,,f N?.i V ?rk should h.- Ignored l>y the party in power, regsrding law? which sffe I the government of thai city? One ? *' th? Republican Senators, Charles i.?my, of Buffalo, who admires Mayor Strong's adminis? tration, was great!) ennoyed by the though! that he mi-jilt have been gulled in the Republican in -u? He therefore sent the following dlapatch t.> Mayor Strong: M> i .:.? will be Boverned b) your approval of billa 777 and Tit, Senate ithe l.exo? Police Awall an early reply. CHARLES LAMY. About two hours later, Senator Lamy received a reply from Mayor Strong. Mayer's ?lfn.e. New-York, March Ji. UK. s nal -? l'hartes Lamy, A bany, Nf. V. Telegram received. l have endeavored to say a? Util.? a? possible regarding any bills before th? Ijegtstature, Th.? voice of the peopl? rrprrssi I last November In New-York City ?*as not in accordai ? with either of these bills. WILLIAM I. STRONO Senator i.ainy declares thai be announced upon entering the ?raucus last night, that h? should ?oily support its de<ctelons if they coin cided with Mayor Strong's vlears upon tin' p<> lice lulls if the Mayor should dlaapprove th?. lulls, lu- would t'? ?d ?free t" vote sgabtst tl.-tn. Ki;.\l ARKABLE DEBATE IN THE SENATE. Thi State Senate was the scene In th? rourst of the day of tin most remarkable debate if the session, it ??.is upon the Leaow Poll? ? Mita. Two "i' tin- RepuMtean Senators; it?-? noM? ami BtapletOn, sie,Weil. b\' hostile I'.-Ululks abolit tin- (?ills, that th.? mlghl ii"t vot.' for the mega? m - Benati 0"?Connor, the Repubtkaa '.-a,i?-r, therefore did nol dare to pi?-ss a vota upon ih.m, tun. after having them oi*dered to a third reading; ?aid tii-tii upon iii?-- table unta th.- coming week. ReynoMs and Staplet m thus put th.- hills m a Mock, similar to the railway block, and the en? gineer did not venture t.? k>> ">? with his train. It Is said that .Mr. <?'?' unu' was aware of ill? fact that Timothy l>. Sullivan ami John F. Ahearn, :wo at the Tsmman) Hall Senators, stood t.. ?> to take tin placee of M.ssis \\ y. nolda and Stapleton. Mr. O'Omnor, of ?-"tirse, ?l??es nol wish to pass tlM LeZOW l'.di. ?? lull?. It he ran avoid It, with ?/otea That would be an open pr??? laniation of ths fa t. ,il ready well known, of tin re?esUlMh?hm?tnl "f the tinn of Richard Crokei and Tifmas c. Ptett 'I'll?, debate llp.ili the WIN be-all in S P'T ?Tunctory manner with speeches from ?Senatora Leaow and (T<Ooanor In tavor <?f ?the Mils, m' from Senators McMahon and Cantor In ? pp. st? tiun, it should 1??- stated Senator BratMef ha?l mewed that th?' bills <>f the Commlttae of Ten. ol New-York. 1??- sutistltuted for til'' LSSOW bill?. N,? ?>ne oottld ha\<- Imagined thai a l-nis latlve ?t??mi was approaching, while s.-nat g tt'Connor was Hp*?akltiK of the right ?>f pilllrsimg t?> make an sppaal to the board ??: peM ? egalaal threatansd ?lismissa!. be was taterrvpted by Senator Reynolds, of I'.ro >klyn. wlio MAM that h? doubted III?' wtailmu ?if KiMllK ?o Itllli'll power of remotrgl to a board of police whlcb ??sight be ?on? trolled by Thomas f. Platt, a man wli.? would then IKNMSSSI far in tv power tiun was formerly possessed by ?,'roki-r In New-York City. Senator O^Coasor replied tha. be htd m??re i-on lidi ni-> In mon. and that legislation should not be ?m tin- suspi.-ion that something ?wrong ?vas b Sind to lie done. A little Inter Senator Reynolds pointed ?uit the following section in ibe Police R?organis?t*-! Mil: All dismissals so made shall be final and eooctO? SiV?, and there ?hali be no rij-ht of review on ap? peal from the decision of said Board of V..u.-_? i->