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THE COLLECTORS ANSWERED. ELIIir HOOT AND OTHER I.AWYKI'S AGREE WITH THOMAS HARLAND. ? AX ATTORNEY COMPETENT TO SPEAK ON THE IN<.?Mi: TAX SHOWS TtlH AUS. "P.I'IT? OS? SI LUYAN AN ? GROSSE s CONTESTIONS, El'.hu Root. ex-Furrosate Daniel G. RaUlU an 1 oth-r lawyers of s_rjBW_tncB and prinninenct' in t?iis c.ty iiav lately trlven oplnloni In support of the opinion of Thomas H?rtend, recently i?:ii?ii-ri- i folly in Th?- Tribune, that under : | Constitution <>f th< United Stales ;? ??Hector ?if Internal revenus cannoi delegate to .? deputy the duty of making the re? torna for iiii-om.? tax for persons when the persona ttocl ire the.r <B-lUns*ness to il Lac'.osc lbs parilcit-sri of business or octnipatton. In Hie Instructions to . ander ths Income Tas Ian sppears the lo'.i' ll II14. l: any person liable to pay bh toc?me tas f ; himself or ?jthfr.? shall lui t ? make und deliver ihe return required by law, but shall 1 ?nsent to d thrt parti? liars < 1 any buslm ss or occui itlon llab"e to pay such tax. it shall !??? th ? duty ?>i me 1 or deputy~col?< ttor t.. make such llsi or return, which, belli** distinctly read and 1 ?nsenl I Blamed, and verified by oath or affirmation by the person liable to make said return, thi aame may i.- received as I . ? r return ol auch p iraon. Th-- lawyers declare that this provision of ths law cannot be observi I, because the making of a retnra under such clr? imstai tes la a idlclal act ?whi^.i ?i collectoi cannoi permit a deputy or ss sistanl t? perform f"r him, and, as nur.- an? few collectors, they would be unable to make? return? for all of ?11 persona la their districts If they were obliged to make a visit to each person A promis nt and Influential lawyer of this city ?who has gives much of his time lo .1 study of th.? Income Tux law, and has made .1 careful research upon ths whole subject, said yesterday, referring to the Interviews with Collectors Sullivan anl Groe. . published In Th.? Tribune: Collector Sullivan says thai a csreful reading ".' in.- lav. win that deputies have to all prac? tical Intenta ; le same authority and power aa the Collector hlmsell .nil Collector Urosse aays that ii" .- .. ? . n 1 nilly ah l < .1:1 speak with ; ni' authority on tbe matter, anyd that Ihe ?1? clearly give? tin? deputlea the same power and authorlt) aa th? Collector himself. No? ti,' post? tion taken by those lawyers who were referred 10 in Ths Tribune's . Iltorial on Monday clearly recog? nises thai .in statut? attempts to clothe the deputy collectors with tin- sam. powers as the Coll? tors, bui ;.-. y that lnasmu? : as many ..f thoai function? are .-?-.;? .1 as can only be performed by public officers, Congress cannot veal them ;u deputy collectors who are not ottlcerB of the ITnlted ?states, and thai the Btatute Is m s? far plainly void as in conflict with tin- Constitution. Collector Grosse say--, that h? remembers mat similar tactics wer? employe i by some people undo- the oil act, but tin? law was eventually enforced and deputy colle? tors wen held to be public officers. The Colle? tor's m? raory seems to be a little confused, lor under the old law deputy collect.?;-.-- wore not called up n 1 1 perform any of ihe functions in question. These duties under th.? old act were performed by assistant assessors, and the only reason um the law was "eventually enforced" wai that Congress passed an aci author izinj,- the appointment of those assistant assessors by ;h.? Secretary of the Treasury. Collector Sullivan says common-sense Is a?aint-t Ihe c instruction of th.- act which tlnds tha; taxpayers may refuse to tn.ik?- returns unless called upon by the I'oiie'-tor, because such a construction would hay the effecl of rendering tbe act utterly Inoperative; he does not seem to sppreclate the fact that th a of the act in reference to returna Is precisely ilk the ? Id a -t-\ and mus-, of course, be const: m . ,11 th? same way now as then. Cnder thos-. acts this coi il aid not hav? the effcci of r-.n;ii?rin>i ihe act Inoperative. This rlty ai thai lim?- ha 1 11 ?c,?illation not mor.? than half the pre? ent number and Instead of two collectors there were then soni ? 200 assistant assess - Mr. Gross?? says ;hat there Is absolutely nothing In th<? a.-i to Justify the belief thai persons ? 1 refus.? ;.. mak?- returna unless call? I on by th? collector. He has "studied the a 1 carefully," but he soparen '.? has missed that pan ol Section "t which takei up and amen? S. lion 3,173 ol th? R vised Btatutei Thai section makes it :!-.?? duty ol the officer to call at the taxpayer's residence or place of business lor th.- annual return, and dir? him if the taxpayer .- absent to leave a note re? quiring the r? :mn to t.- made within ten day?, and the statut? then !>r..c.? la as follows; "And If any person on being notifl? 1 lulred as aforesaid ?shall refusi or neglect to render such list or return ?within th*- timo required as afor? ?aid, or whenever ?my **erson who Is required to deliver a monthly <r other return of objects - tax fa Is to do so at the tun.- required; H shall be 1 wfttl for the col? lector to F'ltiimon such person, etc." If V.r. Qrosae had read tins section he would hardly have sal?! that there is absolutely nothing in the a. I to lustlfy ihe belief i'r..\. persons ci.n r.fus,- to make ??turns unless called on by the collector. Internal Revenue Collector McKlntey, of Brook? lyn, has received advices from Washington relative to the construction which he and Ms pn li Mr. Healy, had put upon the Income tax on <or poratlons. Th?? Washington authorities have writ? ten htm as follows. You are advised that corrorations are required to pay a tax of I per cent upon all their net prof::? ivhere dividends are declared and paid m es the net earnings of a corporation. All of .said divi? dends, in excesa of the net earnings, which are not a distribution of capita! or profits a ?Cumulati I pi i to the year in whi? h return is m i . | not e Include I for taxation. EIGHT TOUNG SCAMPS. THKT rRKFKRr.HP VA r; RAVY To TI1F1 DISCTP? UNE <*>;?* TflK PARIS SCHOOL. Charles l,. -trace, secretary of th<? Children's Aid Society, and William <'hiir.-h Osborn, a trustee, have Visited the Farm Ict-OOl at Kensl^o to in VSStlgnte the trouble made by eicht yonfr scamps last Saturday. They found that the boys who occasioned the disturbance had been sent to the Farm School from the Newsboys' LeOdgtng-house on Friday These boys were th?? usual type of New-York street toys, newsboys, bootblacks, etc. Several had iifcn out of regular work and were "trusted" at ths ?odiUnc-houso. All had ex] earnest desire. u> or.tain steady work In th coun? try after a tlBOS Of tralnin?r at th<? I'.irm BcnooL Though their i?-'-or?l? were not of the b?st. reform? ation Was promised and hoped for. and as a last chance to saie them from criminal lives the Chil? dren's Aid Bodety ?r-rutured to send thorn to the Farm ichool on trial. On their arrival the boys ?were given a new suit of clotlim-- and set at work in the barn cutting hay. They behaved well Fri? day afternoon and Saturday morniiiK. but Satur? day afternoon Um work 1,??? ame irksom- an?! th??/ ??ranted to ?re- away. Ths boys s?nt for Buperln? tendent ??o!T an.i Informed him that they were go. tng to leave. Despite his entreaties, six of them went, after their new cioihimr had been taken away and theli battered garments returned. The boys protested acalnst this exchang? and one even Ur.-w a knife. Hat Mr. ??off was no I to be ln tlmldated. At Moti Haven the ?|_ were arrested for trespassing on railroad property, and ar raign??! in the Morr.sania Police ?'? Messrs. Brace anl ??si.orn make an encouraging report of the work at the Farm School. - ?_. ?_ TB1ETTT MIBBIOE 70 he EXLAEOED Trinity Church ??orporation has Just purchssed the premises No. 21:; Fulton-st, Immediately adjoining) a Trinity Mission, Nos. 2nf? and -".1 Knrton-st.. upon whicia it i-, expected to erect an a Idltion tr> th?? ? ? in?? btilldir.cts now us?? 1 for mission purposes. The property bought by the corporation consista of an old-fashioned thre?-story brick house and the land upon which it stands. This will bo torn down and a handsome six-story bri'k and stone building will bo erected, which. wh>-n completed, will double ihe capacity of the mission. The new h?'i:s.? will be built bv contributions ??r wealthy Episcopalians in ? .,.- city. Thus far s considerable sum toward the. erection of the building has 1.n promised, and it is hope! thai the remainder will hive been 1 iie-i by ?taster Th.> new structure sclll r*ost about MS.INS._ FBOCTOB .1. GAMBLE COUPAS Y's DTTIDEXD. The directors of the Proctor & Oamble ?"ompany, Cincinnati, hive d? dared a quarfrly dividend of I per cent on the preferred stock of the C4 mpany, pay? able April 11 A quarterly dividend of 1 per cent upon :he stock Of the N'orfolk and Southern Railroad Company has been declare?!, payable April Ml BOMTOSt WOOL M AUK IT. Bo??on. March L'l.- -The wool market ha? been quiet. The total rales ?re only 1.SSS.SSI lb. of which Wl?? I* wer? of for?ia-n ?trad?-.?. Au?trallan is aho-it the only kind that ha* any life and 00O?t<lernbt4 "I It ?old at l?i?i'.'" per I.. Small Uta .f Chaa sad Baa South .vmeri-an ?'?id and ?om? <"ana?la ?-i.iul.ini: at 1?!. . Carpel -v ? Is hai?? been dull. Territory wool has bern qul't and vellitii ruostly In ?mall loi? ?t "??R-- f?.r line; ??"illc f line m*dum. ami Utrl2'- for medium, or ?m a ?coured ba?'s of 30Q3.C for line ?n! tine rin-dium an.I 2"E2^ I t ; medium. Texus, t-allfornlu an.l <JrreK..:i w 1 >l? linv,- been .lull and n -minaJ but me ?mrth nrsund lcill. tor ton'. wed or about .10c clean. A ?ale o? Mimouii 11? thinn v.\>al was iiuulu at l??~c. and of c imblng" ?I 175u lT'^c for ?.n?-iiuariei- .nd three-vlfhUui. Pall?, wools aie in ?tea,iy demand with ?alen of ?ut*r at |Sit_.c: eomhln? at .':'.?.' and extra at Ijc r?'r I!. Pleac? iv,?.I? In?.. |?-, n ?tiii?i! Ohio an?, 1*. tir.ri>ylvanU fleee?a are <iuote<l at I-4B1B X; lfi-_il7e f.,1 XX and XX and above, and l:?'./_??.- for No 1. Michigan and New-York State t_l?e?S are Quoted ?t HtflSe f'?*- X. and ISSllSc lor No 1. No 1 coml.lnx wixil? are dull and at l!?i?21<?. and tine o*laln? seleetion? Sold In ?mall 1 >?? at lS>.?irIT?- for Onto .inl 17. f.,i- Ml. !i!?an Stuck? of domestic wool are vi . mu, ?, -?jileted and chelee sclcctloaa ara ?caree. ?U?SIXO PRICF-S Ol' SAN I-'HAXCISV? BTTOCKS. San Francisco. Mar.h 21, I?!?.'.. Yesterday. To-day. Yegierdav.To-day. Alia .2.? '?> Mexican . Si sv Uelch'T.A2 .41'Mono .2S 2h Bent & lleleher.. .88 ?-'! r?i>hlr .1.70 170 T-o?le (7cb>-"I_Ml l.SSlPotoal .."SI ..',1 Bulwer .-?O .21 Sainse .:iH JBj Chciliir .30 .il Sierra Nevada... .7'.) .77 ?'on ?"al A Va...2 SO 2 ?-i? fnion <*on?ol. .oS .51 f*?wn Point.42 .40 ft all .07 .07 'Jould ft Curry... .41? .41?: Yellow Jacket.57 .60 K?le ft Norcros* 1 10 1 .... THE MARKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTS TO-DAY. New-York, March 21. 18KI j: ,. . bbll . 323; Spirit! tnrp . bbl...... -'i;,2 ' -??' Pitch, bbl? . U? '> T. r, bb!? . ."?? 164'Oil cake, pkgi.t"" ? 2 18.1 n . lubrli itln?, bbll, . l-'" :',-_ 11, - . 10 Ol? ii ... pkgi. ?"?? y.M . - ,-??? .M.Ti'.i 1 . '?Tl ??a -????' i'- r. pkgi . \2., , ? . ,;. bbia . -?"?" '" :??????? '??? pkg? . 4...?.? ... ... :: :i?.s i .-? - . i no,;?, No..... s s . ;..,'. Lard, pkg? . 1.390 ? i?u?h .47.4SU ?-a i. keg? .32.300 lui ter, pkgi . ? o,., lu-'. .?.??..'i.-.o ? ?: . -. pkg? . 8.000 liai '.. bu?h .fjn.UOU Rl .pkg? . ?'?"? .s nil Rice .23 . 1.540 - ?p ?lock, pkg?. f'"" . 20 T? low, pkg* . l32 bag?. i" - . ??-' bal - . 137 Whlfkey, bbl? . --" . u?i ipti N. ? Y ?',.. M '? h 30. Bean?, il bl Is; ?? ? lima, 1.713 >?...-. oti n, H 117 .l n ?-.,!. 2.H9I bag?; i ipper, I l>72 kgi . e*a?, aut bbl?; d? 11.903 ? J ?? . 22,815 pkg?; - irnmeal, 208 1*1?; do. 2.985 I Oatmeal 123 i ' :-. wheat Mi '?'?? ?" ;'1" !',,t:'. . ?? . -;.,;.. 1.21*0 l?ush: I"!' >'? 11.1*04? 1 ?:;-. ? : . ; . le?, 'J'.-'? bale?; do, I'll 1 11?; hop?, I.Ufti I, ither, . (Ml idei molas?? -. 4M bbl?; m balm; roain, ?80 bbl?; ?pirita turpentine 1" bbla; tar. :;?> II cake, Lid?? pkg?; oil lard, 'jo bbl?; oleomni garlne ?lock, 183 pkg?; peanuta, 7'.? bag*; p?reana, 11 pkg?; i rk 701 pkg?; i.t. wl pkg?; rutm? it?, 12,?IM pk? hog?, 72 head; lard, 1.045 pkg?; do, 4,?T0 k.vs; 3.1?*) pkga; ch-. 3.M0 pkga; ?kin?, ISO bato?; s|..|?-r. 1 228 i i-,., '. -iiL-ar. 7?1 i!.is: do, 740 hags; tallow, -i,, pk 103 hhds; ? hl?k< y, 4?S0 bbli i bole?; Call! ?rnla ? In?, 400 i ' CASH QUOTATION* lit?. No 1 foundry.$i2 29 IMinn paten! flour. .. . $3 70 r-o No 2. ?oft. in le. I Huaar, granulated... 4M? nieei rali?. ?SOI? Molaire?, OK, prim? M l..,d . 810 I Hog?, dressed, ISO-lb. I , er, lake Ingot.. !? 2"> I Pork, ine??. 12 7:. Wheat. N- j i-.1.... 894! Lard, prime. 7 ?8 ??at? No. 2 mixed.. -.'P. Tal'.ow, prim?. *M ?'..rn. Nn 2 mixed .. .'??? Beef, famll]. 11"" No '.. I?.'. Reef bam?. 19 00 ? ? n, in, Idlln ;.... B*i EXPORTS TO-DAT. v ? . ? bush. i?'.:,??? i-,-, h, i bl? ?' l?-.?sii. ;'..?:os Tar. bbll buab. 1.137 Betlned pet., ?al?. ..1.3S3,54?i p --. bu?h. 1.037 Naphtha, gal?. 1.200 I lean?, bush. 87i>|Ua?ollne, ?air. 1.200 111?. 4.041 ?'. i!. ris.-d Oll, Kais. I1.I?42 Flour, rack?. l?v:i?t lubricating oil, gal? 23.13*1 t'ornmeal, bbli. 310,Pork, bbli. I.?73 Bren, ih. 25.1??. Beef, bbl?. 212 ?'.: ? iee?l, bag! - ? OH H? ? f. lc?. '?'?**'< li,,- bule?. .';,'" P.a. m, It..1.734.2.?? Hop? Pal?-?. ?75 Ham?, it,. 88,2?o ?, meal. lb. 1.23? Lard, rb.1,370.700 Oil ?-.ik-. lb. ?I3U.???I I .: . nil gal?. "?" S| -.- ?:??-. gala., ??Tallow, it.. i... ???? P . 20 Butter, 1?.. ls '"" Whiskey, gall. 'J.irese, lb. i.?" THE GENERAL MARKET REPORT. \?.... -, H ? g 21, i"-'-'.* COTTON :? ?m ? day ? In in? cot? ?n mar? ket. Tl.pentng wai Irregular, prlcei ?elllng d wn ?n , ?s'.ir.' deliver!?*? while tl?e early dellveriea opened Heady let declined ah ut H p ?In? " falrl> iteady at Ih? decline. Late there ?u a ?harp recovery In pri??e? t i ihe hlghrel 8?ure? of i!,,- n r bul tus-, before ihe close a wava of eelllns order? can n irl ? ft nn.i it ??!??>???.! weak al 0C8 polnii decline i lei : 282.44X1 Lairs. The change? at the i penlng M>rc due lo the foreign new?. Order? were brought In ? _???, ' Liven ol al the siart, which opened a! 2 p mt? , ; kly gave way. Thli brouahi in the buying order?, which w?.?ecuted ol Ih? tun ??? ? prior .?n the carlv dellveriei but before the later dellveriei were re? bed '?n ih? <-.?n Ih? demand had ? more than i Hilled and prlcei were .1 point? tower. ?jnite large block? nt cotton were preaaed for Ml? ?I : i bi 18 point? ir m the nal I ran Part of the e ?th of l.iv.-rp i l wa? credll ?miction ?d 20,000 bale? by ftre al New-Orl? ? . : ? ? , r effect here, and I ?tei I ?? i ? ;'. ; ni? n? ? .? ?om? f the Hod li .... ..... .. he III ? rai s- lien Early in the n irkei v. ,?s -v.., ? i .???? ? lion ?-. ' prl re gure? of the idvanc? ? nty a? I .ictor In tl k?ti at the m ? The Irman broken ar? hell? . n r ? ? if cotl n, i- u?I t helos r? n of th- big long iii:-s ar. ei rln?in? ui Th? ? ( f Ihe bulb n face ol ihe ?are. , : Ihoushl be baled oi nl ?i-P thi? year, although -i boom at tlil? time of ihe year ? ul 1 en? ui age ? . : ? r ncreaa? ?1 rt lin-s are partially ? - ?. e estl mated ? New-Orleam a-ere 7"-? i ?..<??? balre ? S s;.7 bale? last seek ar : i "?>; ? ?;,?- in Wl ? g ,|S'., | ,...- ,n:.,l _ V'll ill ?.-. k 4?',7 balre lait year md M< mi ? M2 igalniu Pi 1 balre I -? ? -'-. ????? i Ki i ,;? - laat y? ? . itimat? : ?. ; ? ' ?? i ? ? '.- .... il i 13.000 i ?lea. Opening, mag? and i lore to-d?y, and cie.?!n?_ b !? lb? IS Blghl and la? t ?-ar follow. Open- High? Low? ?'1 .?:-isr; Last |_M loe. e?' e?t. i? ?lay. titn-nt. ym Mar. h .C,7.-.'. ?',_.. ? "j 6 20??. 21 ?1.27 7.3?'. April .t; ,28 ?;?_,', CIS ?'?7 7 4?' May .8.2? 8.31 t.22 024?823 HI 7 1? no .'. 21 ii-". i 0.20 822 o?'. 23 ?'.'-'? 7.68 Julv .8.82 ?32 ?.-'I Ii24i?. .'?'. 8.31 7 ?'d .8.38 i;.::. ?1 23 H .7 .?'-'? ' '? 10l\ -.,.-.- ...8.33 <;::?; 030 8.S0?8.S1 8.38 7-.".-.? ? - ? ? ..... 39 8.41 8.12 ?? ::; \? -? fl 4^ 7 ?.; 1-r ...?'..ll 8.45 03? ?; :s^..:;?.? 8 48 7 ?;," ? ? ... ?'. 1-? '. .-.?? 8 H C..43 |8 4? ?. :.?' 7 7? . . ?i 47 .?'. f.? 8.84 .... Market S to S point! i mpan with >????!? : ? mil I? r ? ? B23 ' IS : i. ? N'ev fork i 1 -?I I , - ?. 2 021 i - - '??..??!. '.'? bal? ?.' e?; ?I ;. ?r?? iu_ bale? Total ne' receipt? I -, ]?; pal l ile. ihu? : , ? - ? ? W?.23ll t ale? fcxpt rt? 1 , .,- Orea? Britain U.?SI?4 bal? . I ??? ? 0.233 i i 10,707 I '1 hui ' ?? ihli wrek i ?? ;??? 22: " Prance, 1? . - llnent. 4? '?" - ?Sale? ll '?_- 340 bale?. Ne? pot aal? - ' i ? total, l" t aie?: ?pot .... q i let ?'?\e middlli -? gull -- - . ? ? Liverpool cable? Sp ? ?? iclve; ??>> 15,000 ?] dation and export. S.O1 o l le?; Am?rl?-ai p: ? ??? bal? 1 ? ??Hi balei ? ? ; ll .??? hale?; i i, .'; i ? .';_.- Putur? pel ? 12-1? point ?lo? Mai n 317b; March "Yprll, 3171?; April-May, 31Tb; Ma: SIS*; June Julj -".i.'-, t . ? \ .- .-? Au?u?t-September, 321 ? ?? ? '-.-. ?> ? t>er-November, 324b; N ?-? Derembre-Januar)'? 32T?. Mar, he?i?i ^., n? cloth? ven- firm Bomba? n..-.-??? ? | - n. B?*c*r|pt?, 37.000 >;-?. laal -?ar. ?il??-?? ' ?-? Bine? .lannarv I, U4.i??> bale?; la?- year 7". i a . - AH ?at, 2.000 i al? i; lael yeai '-" 000 .i i 'ontlnent, N.iijO .,.- nd T.? ? ;?.-. tin P . Sine? January I, Or? H B ??< ?i. . 2.000 I ?? si ?i,i i ?. i- ? 21.000 balei and 237.000 I ? ?', dt-'i-.i: The local i played contln led i '. II.el -.,.-? nfluenc? trength wa? helped bj Ihe rece 1 7 ."i"?? lags f t ihe nexl ?: ?, The advance, ll ara? Mtlafa lory to the bu ? mem Havre at i r? wll ? ? ?mil '.'.'" I b il mai... ; i March, t?.". 7."? franc?; April 04; Mi 04.23 June, t?i .'??? Hamburg itead? March, 78.30 pf< \; ? I, 777:. Ha 77l'"i. June, 78.78. Bio market rjulet; No 7 quoted ai li;?a/m ,--:s. exchange, 0 IS-lfl, 7'??? , ? , - : ?' the 1'nlted Slate?, none; ?toeh p :i ??-> quiet receipt?, S.0O0; ?tock. 237.01a? ba?a; market firm al 141,000 ' - Tb? itatlitlcal pi?ir:un < t Bra ill coff? 1 foil wi: ,v. La?! vr-.-ir New-York ?tock .I13.02?) 110.813 171.310 Pa.' . 4'M2! 4" '?si I ?? 1 New-Orl?*ani ?tock . 2.M7 2 s7?; 32.133 Stork at all port? .l.'.s.'l-'S 103.37?I 2?iS.4."?i New-York delh-erie? . 8,3*1 1.421 4..-'.".'i Baltimore dellverlre . M0 i.r.??; 11:, N a iir,..,u? -:? ? ? r - , .... 309 _'-.o 4.".7 T.'ai dellveriei . 4.7?'..' <;,177 4 ??-... A? ?' .2S6.000 _8A,000 244.fill Visible lUpply .?ii.?;?i'i 449.810 ?32.48U ?' r.-ri -s ? ?OH 1 111 idy ?I ???/!?> poife* a-nance. . ;?'. 7:-? bag . as 1 How?: **? Pa High- I^w- ?'?v..?.d real <???. eo. to-dav I M rch .IS.SS . . 18.309)6.83 18.83 . la <?.",',? 15 18 13 88 May .14.95 I4.??a 11'? ? , 11 !?". !.?? ^> Jui ? . it t?'-iii ;>", 1 So . 14 s.v., n :?". IS 'fi . 11 so-,, 14 ?si 14 ?vi .? I 7". 11.85 1 ! "."'?( i I 7". tl In October . 11.70411 1 vo November . 11 ????? 11 ?'?*? 14.10 1- r.r .14.53 1 I V? I (.'."'.? 11 ?1 14.00 Tber? n ?^ n better 1 a In ? ".lay, both It... an I nn'.I Prie? -- ? ? ai 18 i?b 1?. ,- f? ? N ? 7 Bat !.. an Bl?? ?nd 18 ? - No ? hale ?? ' 30 low gn ? pea berry :? - lern md ? run... ?as current r t.i??? baj ?Sal '- ? ?? "?'. 1 ' ' ? Igbt. The sal? 2.<9uo I '?:.?.? ui.Hashed I'm, 80 . I .01., S?i .- te ten 1 i.'?i'i: AND MP.\t. Th? 1 ?rkel ?- , -... ? ,;;.| 1 ?wer '. ? ' put thropgh 1 niy by lb? making of con?? receiver? w In ihe mill? Ti ? '"?n ' f Ihe da; 1a the t ilk 1 f 30,000 rack 1 ik<. ' I 1 exporl ?n Ihrough bill fi ,n, th? Wi 1 report? ! w-re '.'7 ???1 pks?. Including 730 hbli winier Ml it .*" a:-:: 10; 300 bbl? atralghti 12 HO ISO M.I ??-, |2 10, and 800 aackval 1.2.'? 800 bbli extra "? '.i 2,420 IM? clij ?aten?a, ?-?rivale tema; t?'-?:.? 1 hb'la ?Hy .. .. . rs.!.;:. I.S.; i?. |*-a bbl city extra 2. ?2 80*1*2 .Y*. 1.800 bbl? Hti Ane?, |2T3?I2Z>: h.SOii bbli "..', mt?. $3?SO8$3 70, pi.h to arrive ?r opening of naviaatlor and 2.300 .', ?23T?g.7S.11v 1 : pi.'.pk m.,": Ara; ?I? 823 bbl? al ?".wx.. 18 ... .???it\MPM Marke! ?? d .- 400 bbki Quoted; Br?ndvwine ?2 7-"?. Sagamore, *_7.'.. WeMern an.| j.- nth. rn vi ?iui t-' 7i?.BAU MEAL, Market ?teady s:,p. , -,,.., T ' Une ahile fl 121?I 15; tin?- ?eliow, si in ,-, ,', ... ?,., '. i $1 ?'2.PEEL Market quiet; l?> rt, v;...-,,?,-.: ,,.' ,:_,', ? s; ,'.??_?> , : UO-tb, v7 --?J 100-tb H.V homin? chop s7 . ill; . n 'I meal. ?COOc; .1 ?-. || || ,.,<, ,?'?? ' m? lead, :?-'.. (Ml arlAIN \?lii:.\T-nh?ut ?.,!<i?.|,,ivn to-day with i crat?. loinin- of ti-ad?-. Th- ?,|,?-niiii{ wa? ar a fin. . |..n ]| ? advanre This wa? !,??:: 1 1 , moment, aftei ?i?,.. , prl ? ?old oft ni?ait V-. i.-iei'd a little, but ibowad n?. " activity .,1 ?-X- III n ??-?:' o lb? decline. Th? llrini.,.- a; tii- opening a?? due 10 ih? ?tre llnre? of ih? rebiei fid ?. ?),. buying broughl in 1 ihi irg? ,sh buaineaa .?r -.1%. Then *?? no outalde demand ?wakened, how ev?-r. .?ni i.itei. on wn? ? ff.its to realise, prlcei began lo sar- off. Th?- declln? was |<?d by Chicago and readily fo|. I -., ,1 her? - ... of Ih? crop report? early were not rery favorable, Th- Cincinnati "Prica ? ?rr.-nt" itat?*d that th.. r.-p'.aiH (rom d??- "> of th? Ml??l??lpp| itu..;. w^e more dlaeouraglng and thai the condition ?'? hardlj maintain.-,I. Ii ?nr", areeried thai low luppllei aere al -. aim..?i uniform!) reported The primar? receipt?, how ?vor, ur? ratriy ??-li malntaln?*d aad Ihe vUlble luppty is 1..???ii-, in a \-r- unaatlifactory manner. The lat? cabla i.-w? was ?ill!?'. Privar- .,...; - made ih- ?'xp..rt? ?.i wbeai Iba Arg?*allne lb? Ural half ?,f March, ;,tai?MKri bash, Inierioi i?.- pti ol wh?rel nt spurii; wbrei market? to-day ??r.. 290,198 l>n?h 1 Including ? hlcago, 20.228 bush, nearly all ?vlnter?, agalnal 228,280 bu y?-.?r. win'-r, :?l?.ii22 bu?h, airalnst 42.730 bush. Seaboard , recelpta, ?d..'._;; buah, agalnal 13,0(48 bush; iota!, 410,744 iaah, agalnal S82.0lifi liuah. Exporta 19.276 buah agalnal 190,783 i.uhI?. in the ia?t imnr? of the ??aalon price? wen weak. Un- marl,. 1 ?aatl] ?!??? lining "ii ihe ofto?ng?, ? lesiiiK weak at the i,,v..?i prlcaa of the day and al ?LM1" n*i ?le, im?-. There ?cerned t.i b?- a goo?! ?deal .,f ll<|,,n ?hirinx ?he aflemoon, late eablre were .?sy and there ????? practically nothing In the < a?h demand to ?care ?h? ?ho-l?. Khlppei? !?oiigl,t IM load? No 2 red ni Si'11 18 over Ma>-. fob ?tore: May rlo-ed nt O"'?.'. ?I,???? I . No 2 Tole?lo. to arrlv?. .rival? terms, and 16.000 bull? No 1 hard Manitoba, private terms, ?nd 14 load? un? graded r?-.l. private terras, making 8B4 losds for expon .CORN The marke? for corn ?on f..niv active all .in?, rloalng weak. Th? opening was ?tendj? ?tvl for a during in? morning then ?rere ?.-ni" Indication? ot buying. ?-' E-oulS : -j.. rre-i i ? b)it Mock nf ? rn worked ird, but i lid not mend matters, .in.I late m 'he day, m sympathy with th? declina in wheel and ?i realising bj local bulls, ?n? ni.o-.?: developed ?lult? j. ?Hive weakness, ? Hing off easily, winding up al ' I - lin?, Th? inn rli r r- 11pr? of i im wer? ?gala ?mall ... foi the week ?ti ?wed quit? large falling ,,rr ...i.; red wl? l??l week. C??h So - corn I? very . lot-alb" ?nd ? ? ' . delivered for ?-.i??*! bush; ? | a- .".1" delivered and 1 i ?r ungraded ? ? il.,?- at '.'J. ?? \ I deal of Ihe ??Hing of corn ,'? rno n -? eme 11 i ? .-??:.? i M>.MM bush No - ? ir. oui Inspection were reporte,! foi export, privai? lermi OATS Th? markel fi iva? ?omewhai n re ?cllve lo-da) and s III ?? r? The activity, however, was i r!y ?witching, neai ,-- t. th? more .iinar.t deliveries. The .!?-?lir<- In - . : i : i ?- in th? iflen ? nd the .. ;fl net dec! ? .<- were ? weaker. Ksle? were 86.000 I... | 11.000 l.ii. n No ! m nd ;;-".'. Mai ? levaloi ; do qu ? i.OOO i .i-l. *>'? - while. ::?; ,. j : : 7 ? -. sn.l I is '?" : ? ;i- .BARLEY Market ... i ited: N i ?-' Mllwau ? ? . ''.'" . m ?i i ! We?? . n, 03.90 .MALT Maiket ?leady. Quoted: \V< ?**;. 7.. ,74..SKRDS M -..-?- I ? ' ? I ? ?? ' ? . Mi, ind timothy, 10 104.90 ;.".. u ? give : : . mpali? n ih? closing prie.? ot t'i? pre .? . and '? ?? the ?Tesponillng ?in" las? year: Open-High- Low? ?I s- La?. Last Wheat ? i?11-. Bight year. - Mar. ii. &*?'.? ,;"'? ???? Ma? .81-4 ??!-?, i?-.'. ?'?'', SOt, ,,;._. _ BO" 11?)'. ?'.IM, ??o'. ?Ho, .... .i',)', Bl*_ SO? -'. BO'. Bl i~: . ; Augu?i .'?i?'?? c,i?, 8S4i son ??r. ? mber ...BIS ,-'"? ?'?""* Su% lilt* ''.".? - er . ta?, u- . S3 ?;:i '..".', SB . Cera. March. ??>'. April. *?-'?. M.. .61% M", ", .*.!'.?', M', r-i-4 ?S July .tio% r???". -'"?'j '?"'-j M .?'?'. Beptembw ...Cm 611. '.?"? .".""4 M% ?? ? Oats; March. IM ?*% ?BH April . . Wi ?!-'i*i ????'. May .r?3;, :!.'(*> SB?* Mi ?"??'? S4 . July . SSH Mil M?, do White: March .nr .17 rt??* St-at ::' i. \ April .3'r?4--, :??-.-??-?, SS% -VIS ? ST-Bj Xl'iv. ?".?? ? SSH ?IT ltecelpt? of breaditufl? at Interior point? In llMeUSanu?, last three cipher? limo? omitted. Flour bU?. grain bush, ?s follows: Flour. Wheat. Cora. Oat?, live Barte-, 'licito . h 10 70 !?..*. :: H Mltwsuke? . 4 23 3 8 2 IS St. I-.uls . I I M SI . Toled. ."??"' 64 . Detroit . 1 Hl ?"? 11 . lVonii . ... ??'? ??-' ??? ??? M!nn.?s|M,',ls. ISS ... ??? ??? Itnhith . 'U Kanaa* l llty . I * ;l Indianapolis . ?i '-"' 1 . Totals . IT ?78 ? M? 8 67 Shipment? from these point?: Chi, ,?a . S -!l 2?. IM 3 1? Mllwi like? . 13 1 . 1 ':?? st Loull . 5 - 2 I Ti led. 4?; r,? 1 . ? . i ; . . i . . :? M . Minneapolis . ?"?? Kansas llty. " ZB T tab* . 60 i;,| SB 22X 4 41 I'.eeeipt? at Atlantic portal New-York . 33 is H TO ... I?? Philadelphia - II -' 31 13 . Baltimore . 19 7 I? | . I ?'? M ?'?-' . New-OrleaaS . ?"> ... IS :;l. T ?ala . ?"?? S3 1-.7 I4S ... :?? Esperta fn.m Allante? p'.rt?: N'a- Tork . IS II 4 1 . I ; I . > IS IS . Baltlmor? . 7 Boston . 2 . New-? ir,.-,u*i?i .... 1 Ml '-'*l T ?n'? 30 7''? ?" 30 METALS- TIN' Trad? ? ad the ma . si . . uteri ! dem?n I. and Ihe buylni ..-..'. .? Ill ;? ' 13 "?I r ... ?pot. IS.Til; 33 M 13 7.1 .'." n? \i ? ... 70 - - - ? ' ? . |3 50. 1? ., ; te i ?n . : ' . >t-? i i: : I.HAI? Markel ?lead? ..t 3.12 BPELTKIt Markel lam at .: I.. Mi >i ? r? si m PS " . ? ? ? - per. ket tl. .-.,-? .1?? ; 11 . I'otlo n ? . NAVAL HT? 'l.i'.- I ? ? ? ? ? ? -? ? ? ? ,?,??? . , 1. ??-.':?. ? ' ?ILS 11? ITerlng? of ely mi..... and prl : ? , ... ' IV, qll'l'l - . . ' 11? 17 i 1 ? . ? ?T . - . : ? ? ? ? -.???-.-"- tlUltl ."?-?. . lit.?. . I \.|. ?; a .. | m 60? . Calcutta taw OCEAN PREiailTt Berth freight? are n-m ?? ? ?;???? ... t I B I, 800 hoi r? ? B load? grain ? ? ;-.'?'> la ? , ?? .... ? - - .5?; .? ... : - .', . . - ? - ? ' ? , ? . ? : ; ' ? . and u ul ?I . ? ? * ? ? - .' ? ? ? : i ., ? i i ? . . ? . ! ; j ? .- -? > 1,67.1 tons. ?re. B? f II ? .m?- 1.714 ? . Matan?? II ?'*? Spanl?n ? .. ? ? ? ,-. um* chart*i ' ? ?7 i . M? ? i .- ?Irk l?i Se? \ r?i k, 4? 65 1 ..... i - ? lohn, N It. t? New ?j ? _ ; i ? . . l6,?mo qr? graii , ?',!..-.irl.' .'I .-?? , ? ? |.?.'r .? m Phi lade I Mi l a i_ Pit? IVISIONI ' hilt 1 III " I . :.iv . I *? ? i ; *- M .-i?. ' -'?? " I? ; ?" ? . ?i:: :?". fan ? 112 2841112 78 -,., ? . l.i:i:|- Marl . ? ?i'... t '.. . .?. ! i .. ?? im ... r$i2 >-. *i? ID l'l' M \.\l- Mi rk-l ?lead' it ?-l'a ... ,_? i, 41? . i . . ?].'.. i|i n;.- M irkel i : 160 lh ipn ie.| ,? , heavj ?, light ."."...'?',? ' I'T MKATt? PI HI?.1 bel 1 ? Ma t l , ?? 14 to |A Th. l'l ! ? n? - ? ? Plrkl? .i I inn M n ? St? ,.1.,- i - | .1 I AlllM \lair.? (mi. ?I :>? i r i \i.i.. >\v Markei firrn ?-.l?-?? 14-11 ' ' . I.'. l:t> Market stead) . i l..?ln? ni 7 ?fu- nominal; refined <i?il? ' . South An,era ,. 7 7". . .-. n tin. nt. 7 I".. -, i lly. Ii ; ni a '. , ? Ipl i .1 .... | at 7 <?.'.'' nominal I Mai h ind 7 18c nominal for M..? BICE T." ion. : for ?-?" -I domeatSr vailetle? is well ? i . e loi ?re firmly held I . ? 1? ?Isa passing nil Vi intltle? .,: Ilrin quotation? w. OH ? I o - II i imtn a i . low. fall - " ? ? i i . ,? i-l . . . . ? , i-xira ii? id i:\.ii.\ ,1a? .'t'/.i.';",. . lapan, t-ii','. Paina, 3 , . ?'.. l:.o , ??? i? ;?] i.. :,?: I ",'?( 2. >i OAK Th? foreign new? ??;.? ?{ ? llltl? better mai ' ; ? . o. ? r a Java ' i Mai i i : l:.?t ua^ firm and ?? llv? it i i ??Ivanea "ii M i ?u?a? ii,i v...- ti.'ii, with a i.. a- rate ? Pale? v ?? |. ? ie.1 . i 7 om.iti ifo il, -.?; I? ? ? '.in i.| ?. at '-'?,'- in I-.ii'l, ?ni 000 . i: ?do, Hi ? ? .' _* 11 |6r. At m? .!.??. , m ?ugar w?i ? ? . Wl Ii ?I quoted ai ::? . n . .. i ? BO, 2 It 16 ?.Ii, ? . ??''. 2 : I?:- 1 i? i.Ipl? of mi? o ,,i th? ? pon rif ?I..- I un?- i he last ? ?ek ? ere r< ported ,,i 37.0S i toi -,..,. Vl ,"..'.i i?,i ? al the ?la principal i*uhaa Port? lh? la?? week, 87,0110 ton?; ? xi. 20.000 ton ?lock, ir.?? ?m?i i pen ?on ' ? talk i? ? enllj aboul ? in ?nor! Cuban ?'i*op this ?. ? ,. m? ?I the estimate? being eral I ndred thou? ind tons b? ? t y? 11 .o-" COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. N'.-h . ,rk. March 31, ISSS m.ans AM? PEAS So mu. ii "f 't.- ?look lied up by high limita from Interim shipper? that tl.fferloB? are ?tul '..o in-iii and Ihe market, m i -naequrnca, ?how? m. i. ,-m? ?trength, Ch. marrow? ?old I day al 13 ?0 47)12 Uu laltei r i , ver> fancy mark \ dealer pakl ?2 in i??, a . i of '? . in medium, ?nd 3*_4>8< more i? now aaked In ? lobbing ? ?> Pe? ?re rer> firm a? 12 1,'., and t.. a? la , Brrn nOdi i It Iding ul r?U ki In? i-a- ign bean? moving out prrtty well IVe quote r.. an?, dome? tie, marrow, s- ijush 13 n?OfS SO; '?'? pea, 13 18; do medium, (B 10: do whit? kidney, f'_ ,V?4l|3 40; do red kid ?i-i. J2 K.-.rf?-'I'd. ,|? turn? aoup, II M?41.ll S3; do yellow ? ''-. IS28; ... lima, ?'al 1*4013 10; ., , foreign medium i i".. ?l "-'.?>?? k,,.ii |>ea?, i hin. |l ii.oi?i 07?' do bag?, i?7-?..' .1*1. do -'? ?,?. i,. ;i own i?; '?''I'llill i;?...,, v..i? .,, nchi thai !??! iiwini? ?ellera ":''"r'-'.i lh? Ihoughl ?.f getting a llttl? more money '??>. bu? buyers ?eem? i unwilling t ? las? Ihe "?";'' ?' an? a.han.? ?nd 'h- l-.i-n. ?? ? ?: the da] ?i.? ..i ?i..? rat.? current i I? . I in.t.- ara? ? ?truiiii L'r'i ?: '";"?"'"'? I? .i freah labl? quallttca, and a few 5,..Tt. ?" creamery brought ' .- premium. N?w ?,iT"i ,","' i" n'." '"" .l -ssaied i.'-v.ii.i Hi? ? Oldjwlrj -lias?. Imitation ri-eamen move? batter, and is con?4fcabi. .-.??...laiiv? iradlng m uTw grade? ?f far??.,:,. ?A? _.,??i,. New bu....r . r?.-,i?... y. ,v.,,. ?111!?. CHEESE \ Head] mnCe-nat? r?-?Murnc>tlv* tr?de t? m l?ro(-rei?. inn lh? demand i? still . -nPiii. .1 rloeel? t.. fine and rSney full entra ?took; f.. tmeh lh? niHik.-t in nrm though holders at?- ?li-vi'lnK no dlapoattlon to Ret anv more money. W?alifi"H I? felt In ihe und-r ?ihiI-u of full rrram, nn.| the \er\- llnilte.i outlet for aklai? ?n.l part ?kii'i? nii.k-e a heavy market for au. h Lwemool cable, colured. 81?, wlilte, 40? Cd. W? quot?; Slat? full I cream, fail made, large, colored, fanry, 1 !?;??;; ?*? whit?, I far.-v. 10*401 le; do | I to cl dee. 1?>''<1??V'; do .? ?mnion ! 10 fair. S-ai?1??'; do ?mall ?is?, ralored, fan.v. I. . 00 while, fan.v. 11'-..: do good to choice. 10401] ',??; d? common lo fair, sijin,-; part skim?, ?mall, 4',i*,?c; ?lo ? Innre. 307 r; Stale, full ?kin?, IV?! 2.-. Pean Kirlin?. IWP4C _ , BOOS Becelpt? to-day, IT.?8M care?. The market ? ?tiengtheneii late yesterday .and ?oraa lot? were taken at 1 an a.Ivane.- of ',1,',r ..ver the rerly pn.-e?. Many of 'he trade looked tor ? further uapn-tremeni to-day, bul the 1- eipti were uaexp? t?sdlj ?arg? and with offer? I 1 near future deliver!?? ?1 lower pn??? II pi ved ?Ible lo ralee price? above ISc for be?! W??stern. Al ihsl there ?v.- .. ?re? offer? on 'Chsng?, '.ur boyen did n,,t ?ake hold r-i.lilv. Th- -,-,|,..? w?,.t.> 74<? , ase?, van OU? ai t-. ?p t, and irai ? ?s-. Western eller the l' eel: |l 12', . .Sin.- eh.-,!',,--- th?Te |UM p.-ell .'I | ? niand on the I nil of 13c for bewi Western, bu! liier? li no ?hortage ?.f at,., k to-day, and if all 'he g ,?? here were offered for prompt ?ale ihe supply would peril ?I at esceastve, We qu '? l .v. fresh, per dosen, I3'jc; Slate ?nd Pennsylvania, |.1013*,c; We?tern, 13c; - a 12*1 12 , rttPl'i's KBESII ipple? unchanged, Oreeninga ?re . 1 ? ; . and ; in? t red tr in it? 1.1 it? idy. bul - ? . '?? r ,. |.p|e? ar?. ?lull and rarh.v freely i ?Tanberi ? dull and weak. Orange? ?leady. 1 r ida ?tras In wlile 1 inge, h n fai ? ?nd extreme in-- IV? ,|ir, ite Apple , Ol pel bbl, 84883; do, Spi ai ? Baldwin, ?:;.?-'. do Win? ? Sap. ?1 50085: do, Ben Davis, M; do, rui ? 12 1.1 - ?'..;??? i' ??'. pe bbl 100818; rt? -.' ? ?*3 23. Oranre?, ? allf? rnla, pei 1, -, 12 .',' .1 -. ? -'"aiil.-rri ?. Florida, per quart, 7.*- -i?! .',". KBI'lTS DltlET) Th-. marki I for ; rim? I ? ipp iv< ? pilel .... : ? not mat? ni Itto ? nab*" feeling pn ? i had . 1 dei 7 ;- pl?k< ,1 1 1 Insel? and ? t?i - - iron? pri,...,. 1 ?fferlngi ??? un 1: ar? ?-? ; tiK't ami value? ar? firm in all grade? -, 1 . .,.. and ?kin? ar ?low. N. change In ? ?-' and towrel grade of Pallfoni ? ..??? mo? ?. nul fairly, bul medium qualities are ? in I dull. U - nonti : \; ; I? ? . .,,- ited. f I ? extra fancy. r,rr rt. Mis1-,- do, prime 1 ? hole??-, 707%? . ? - ' .'1. ?'.,,?', ,, . do. ? .11 Irl? il, ?"?,'.'?',' 3 '.'' - ... ?,',...| 1 a-?. ? ? ip ? raled, 22 I ??? ? ???. 12013c; nliima, :-''.:-. t'-'n*. . black Lerne.;. .?0 v . ?. ipn? ?? s.> ? p. ?ehe? t'allf??rnta, . pwM, 121? IT, ?1... -it.; ? ? 1 1, ?; ? ? ; ? ? and ? 1 ???.. .':?'. HOPS Dutneas 1 III pre? 1 In ?h? loesl msrkal ' there ?.-emi to he 1 I.Ill? freer ? t In ill We quote Stale md Paelfle Poast, I?t't choice, 10c; do ; 1 ?rood '.? brime, MMe; do com won to fair, 4-'i7?; ?ear- 1 ; 1 r? .'i'.|e, . - Id old? 208c POL'LTRT VI.IVK ?.?into ? -mi iler of fr-sh lot? in 1" express, and . . ws? qutol bal wllhmti rhang? n values We nu,.-e r,>wi?. i?er m. t.yi?w. . chtokeaa, ll?. <S12r. otd rooster?, ?c lurkev?. I l'.*rl2U'-: duck?, I-? pair. OOrflli; ga??e, ?1 .iM ??i 1 ?Ige.-n?. S6045e DRESSEE rreah kiiieii poultry In mall ?apply ?ad tirm Eroren ?lock ?corking mil IteadllV and ,-h,'l?-e Western pn-kln?--? held with -tiueh conlldenr-e W. qu le fm I Turkey?, ! - ; - lb, 12 MS' do 1 m? lOfflt' . fowl?, Western IS01.1 ,.;.| eecki R4fra? ; chicken?. Phi*.de|-hi?, broiler?, 2^'X.. . do n lit? r? I3?S23< : 1 ?pon?, Phil ? lelnl ; 1, is ,i-? . ,i? Western, 18022 MUaha p r doi ?I 78012 73. ! We on..", foe fi .?-n pnultrj Turkeva, 11014c: chlck?-na, ? 114113c: row!?. "1-/1 p. ducka, 14018 ?- ? I !"? r.iMi: W? -, : r. ; wild ducka, invai and re.lhend. I i per pair. 1108173: do mallard and black KkffflOe; .1,. commoner Kin.... 10030c; Rngllah unltx fresh per dos, 7.',. '.,:Il 23 1 HAV \:s'l> straw Mark.- tirm al unchanged prlCM. We quota; Hay, prim?, per inn p.. 7.',',is?? do N> :t to N.? I. S307O?'; ?! ?hipping 30 v 1. 33000c; ? closer, 45080? . no ?traw, ?rOfffiftc nal stra? B04Oc POTATOES AND VEGETABLES Domestic potatoes In I nw.derate ?apply; demand quiet, bul prie.? held firinlv I f-r desirable t^?!? Sweel p tat?, m nrh? supply and , rir-rr On Ion i about ?lead? Sorfolh kale and plnach in , i-'ter condlil?m and ? ihad? flrmei Bermuda ?nd Hat -, : vegelablM firm Chiartretnn a-caraau? Mredy. K!ol la , ie?retat.?e? s.-?r,- and rhnlcf lot? of all kind? wanted it ' full nrii e? We quote: Potato??, liermii.ia. p-r cr?l? 17800$? do Kastern R ??? 12 V>0|2 75 do H-i?r,,n an! I white t.ind?, 12 154182 25 Rtat? It 8700213; ?wee potal h *i 7',,'?;; 1 n< ? ' ?? I50I7 50 do ?? I yellow, 12012 62: kale II 1123 iplnach. $t SS0I1 75 ! rabhagei forelcn, p - "?1 1100112; do domestic, |3AtO roua.t, per bbl %\ 23081 :<i parsnip? e.,rr .1? a-.i ? nip?. 7Sc0ft; celery, pr 100 Malka, l20fS; asparagua. ?"?,-:? ?ton r-r bunch -?l ?.?? li-ida lettuce p."?a?ke' . $2 :,.. .?*.': .1.1 ii-.- per bbl 13 50014 grre? |,*.? per crate, 1160084 ? ?lif rnl? >?-?? p.-r rn... %:wt\ Havana I onion?, per eral? 82 1508228: okra, 144985; pePo?r? I ? ? ' ? ' ? ? 1221 '-?? ? 'nur I 12 i-?r?'. t- =i ?- ? all S uthern 11 to 11 i?i El ROPBAN PROin*C_P MAKICCTI T.lverp<v.'. March 21. 3:45 p m -fte?f ?Ssira India _??_? . firm at 7n?. prime mea? linn ?r 1111?- p rk Prim? me?. \v.-?'?-n fro- Brm ?1 50? 3d ,! ? medium n^m .?? :.l? .Ti Ham?- Short 1. ?bout 14 In 10 lb, steady ?1 10? II1 < -nni!?.-'! i- I - Ul al? 11! '-'?? r ? ? ll -". ?' Head' ?' .'?2? ?' I 43 It ' " tl a? .".I? Sh tuldere About 12 t.? ' ? " ' -?-?'?! . \-i.? r-.. in ui ? 10 ? ?? . -, : '.; Prime ? ? : 1 1 - , it ????- :?' ? ? ] ted I .?? I ?, 11 3d '.'t.. i? -No 2 1 >d ; No 2 ? PI nu r - Si ? , \i , ? ? 14 M I - ; 14 ,d. Hop? at I. ' I.IVK STOCK MARKETS N-.? | rk, M ?:? h 2t !??'? IS 2? ??? - ion hred-9 cm '? r ? ?. 17 car? I ? ? f shlpi " ? -, rt-.e ?'i-nx'h ... I nal ?:?..' ? . ? ',.?-??'?.? II '? . ? ' ? ; " Im? ? . ? ' pmenti ? ? : - ,? ird ? ... .- light \; 1 > ? i?>o '.??? 1, .... .... ,. . ?:-.,?.'.' r 11 id?,? I '??v calve? in , \i 1 A bunch of I ittere k- ? ? 1 ?t In ,- : er 'i !-..??? .1. ? - : ?er ?1 1 ?? lb averej ? n? - .,- f, g? d 1 112 n ?1 ?1 -.. ? ?.- .lie? 102 n? al M . " ? |3 BO i> ? . - - ? s . ? ? n ' 88 78; ? rull? 100 - If 1 . . i - . - ' ? - ' -, ?-......,' < . 1 . - -1 ? . ? ? Ichei 1" , ... ? ;-?? -, .-..--.. ?,-, ?pi ... ? 10? n ? ? ? ; 1 n. , ? ? 1 ' p M< Pi ?"? n * '' 2? ?? ?mrn :?; - ? < ; ?i' : ?v. rti ii |fl m ... /|5 Stat? ? ?. 78 f! . tO ? 1 > -. ,- ?i ~ ',s ? 7.. -? . ? ? 1 77 ib ?? *i "?? ?? 7s t- .,? if)an ? tipped d 110 ? >i 7-. 13 1 ; fi Ian 1 ? ?'.i n ? .<-_-. 1 1 ?1 173 "7 lb. at M. 94 Slate ?1 e-j, NO? 11 ?1 ;'? s 117 p ?i $423 .'.1 -??i ?and tombai ' ?? ?.? a- f.". "ai ?? ., n ? . - \ ? - 2211 We... . ,,--,- t.-, 7 mai -???1 ? n. s. 71 tr. at I?'. 23; 2. ??, s-, ?, ? .| ;-. 1 ? Han ngt< ? t ?' ? mb?, 84 fh, al M _B ? s v , . 71 Ib. a? 83 78 il. H . 18? rep, M i*. ?1 *:. 2:. ;i| : b?. 82 ti Id 12?. 10? .1 ?? s . 12' lino '?- -????? 1.881) h? ' ? aere for ?ati markel MO? '?"? 1",. but 1 . light r ? ?b ,'? , bring |5 '.''? ?'.'??? '? - ,1e? S ? i I PIM '"-': Ib $-. 15 : ? 100 n OTHEfl MVIIKETS I1Y .1 \PII Man h 21 ?'attle n.Ipu ror la .1 .... ..... ? ,...-1 . ? in- la?? ?re? :?. 7 I3fl I ?-.?-' ' Mil . ? ? ? n - ?;? .?? head, , ; .-. 1 ,. 1 ?,: 1 . ?? 1 n? m nnlj , lea ? -i : ? 1 11 11 ihe last 21 h? ire, 1 100 head lotai r 1 "i H ? far, is ;??? head; fm tame time |a-r vi.. 1. -is ",i?i head ? I ISO hi ? I . I 1.300 . i|e ;: ?...?? head; mai ..!?-,,..,! ne: .. . an I -, 11, I ,.- M 7??.,s| ; . | . |4 Vi II 70; mediums ?l w?>ff*l ? - <l '?'.ifl '.'.'? i u?h?, $i?j?? 31?; -'aus. - *i Sheep an ! I. ?? ' . ? ? i l :??? head ? ? ? < ? -? . Il n? f..-. HI S?0 head, f i same llm? I? 83.040 head; c? n lgn< I M rou?h, j i..? , ? el, lo N. ? \ i an , ; on wie, i i??> li? ad; market n idy f-r jamb?, ? l.I , ?. ,.i- ?? ih ..' n ?rime lamb?, |3 75083!?>; | i -I f". 2.'. i* 7", ii I.? la,, |4 7-V.i?.".. k-'-.l ?heep, . Ir, i-t .'?"., $i :." .-ip ri v ? |4 7 -,. . ? 1 ? " . go, Mai 'h 21 t'atlli I: s ..?? ...,i ,\i ,, .. ? n ?-, ' 'nu?, o ? ? ?i to,i... .,, - ..- mi ? i ,,,. ?i ; m Tt i-alv? a 82 50?u|5 23 ll . ? II . -i|.i?, .-. . ??? i,- ?I m k? ? ?i ?i. IP .?, y si i-. ,<i ;,, . ?? m??n i- . ,, I, e i_! . '.-'? ' i' ? ? . il 80; ,| .V ; ? _ . |3 7.'.. si ;,, Sheep It , elnta, s i?.i he i.l M rliei Arm Inferior to ? I ?85; i ? Si. leoul?, March 21. l'aille H??e|pt? 2.307 head Ma i ? ? .,,.ii ? ? Arm i . '" hurl.?i Nan? ?? ? i |0; t w?, 41 50 || | i.-,. Tei i? I 13 80011 "' H ' . pu | us; |? , , ? lies'.; v ? . verj Ici ? 'I h? I, ?-.. ? ,,,,, r :,.,,| ?- ., -I,, . -, m,. i ? ? rull - i- ??.. d llull ? r - lie *| l?..,M 85; k ... |, L-::o.i:'?vi It? a rnc?- ?old at 14 ?" ;.?r ? ?l mix? ?l :lV,i*i :.??. . mnx?n lo fall llghl 14 10014 25 Sheep R. elpi? 108 i end in ? hi '.lea. Native I. 83 35084 43: A ' IS 80 p,.i !...--,:? March 21 .'?"l- Receipt? light. Prime. 85230>*A3A; good but'hei , 144414 50; mush f.' 13 25 a II fai? llBhl '-?' 13 iM0I3 80 llog !?? Ipi li?h? Philadelphia?, 14 SO084'.?I l?*?l n.U.e |4 T04l|4 73; '? I v-iii.-i? 1100084 TO i imn n in fall Tofkeri and pig? 84 40084 55. Sheep p.- -i|.i? inri.? Rxporl wether? *;. p. ?.,?:, 2.-.. . xi?a. *l so,,?-, B,.,d. |4 25ell 05 ???r |34f$3 SO rommon, II 504tl2; l?eai lambs 15 NO0I8 w d iamb?, t:, i 1550; common lo fr ir l-iml??. |28O0|l.1O lONDON, WOOL SALES l/in?i.,n Maiii 21 ih.. . rr. rill?? in the w.?o| astre t day were 11.007 bale?. The biddln? w?a ?plriled and ? pcclallv go d for en? brmta, (.a which there wa? i k?-n ., ...n i on th- port .,f Oeiman imvis. Tni? caused ., dletlnci hard?mlng ?t pricea, ahlch ??-i?- ??fien from a penn) l? ? penny ind ? half ?i? a? compared wllh ih. ,, ? rinsing pi..? Faulu m lured aooti and medium : i. idll). ?'???rn an i.,s m..... also ??. m - in ahaortdng i large pan of Ihi halfbred?. The Prenvn pin. ha.?-i- loo? merino? principally, and ihe cro??br.-?l? , were .in-ill laken b? Oerman buyer? and ihe Yorkahli Had- 'i i..- sal??, and ihe pri?re oht?ln?*d ????? Mea South W..|,- 2 1?.> hale? ?c? . .,1. :.'.d-.i P. 2d; ?lo lo.| i i.iu' ?I; |?|H .p ,|o l... ?. - and i i ?7-, I Queeni land i .t'Ni i., red, 7M0?? 2d: do liicka and piece?, , , I,, I- . ,. I'.'.i7'-il. lea I-, k- ,n | pi?, ? . ? \ i, tori? I 200 bal? ur? - s,;? i- ;i,|. ,|., lock? and p|.?. "i, ?;;?.',.I SoUlh VurP-ill-i 1.500 Id?, icouretl, latfli '-.'l. grea?i I?i7'..i, do I.', and piece?, lVi.v.-.l ,',. ? ?u-Tiiia mi bal?.ured Mflld; do lock? and pi,.,,-- ;.' |; greasy, ?:'. -i.'?', i ?i i I?? k? and pi? i New-Xealand .',.l"?i t-al< .I 8'4d01? '..I. do hick? ami plm-es ?'.'.p.-ls Id; ?rr??i I1 lillM; -I ? I .1?? and pi.. -.??. .'.'.?is-i ? D|?e ??' ?;..., i Hope and Katal 100 Pahs. - oun i. '??' i toil ; gi ? -".'? u''.i At the ?a.I wooh-1 .,.?-|-t(ins held lo-da? 2.840 bale? net, .-|..i.-,i und ni?-i ?! iii-iu wen --m There ara? .? k.i dem.i ??? higher Ogure* all ?round, lung merln? i ?dvarurrlng '.'i1 ,i. ?I ?rt merinos '.-iVi ?nd ..,,-?? mai ! ni,.,m >,,| lie.,i. infer!.red Ihe greateal ad? uane? Th.. Irania Dona In detall ind Ihe iwlirei obtained , foil o? : Nelv'Selllh U.,1?. ;il?-l Pal..- ? .ll.t.i ll :; .1,1 .111. Iuk. I1,??'?'.,!, piece? and damaged, l'.-nl???!. ?j.naland IBO Pales, .bin? ?nd clolhlng, 2?il'-,?l Victoria i?n? balee; combina hh,i riothin? 2%03VI. South Au?iralla i i?.? balre combing and clothing iVu.'.YP |.i-'-* and ? laii.aire.i p,ii\,i \\ ? ,i .uatrall? KM) bales: .btng and ?t.ithlnK. ?i?04?4d. piece? and damaged 2',.I Ta inanli ion balo?; ?.?iiiI.Iuk and clothing, 8440M; ptocw and daniaae.i, :;i4,i \, ? /.alan I u?i ?enitilna and i ? I?,thing 2iil'.'4d, ple.e? uti.l itamagvd, 808?Hd Pun?a? I Arm?? drt? hn le?, coml.ln? ?nd cl?>iliin?. 3ff0d, piece? and ?aiiiagrd, 2!J.'l ?d. THE STATE OF TRADE. BaltlaMrs, Msrch 21.-n.-ur ?t?.,.i>. wheat du lissai eaar; N. 2 red ?0.0 .:. I March, BSHdWac; April. ?{''*" ?'-?"..?'? May, r.i<i??!l'?.'?; ?i-nner No .' i.-.l. 87?-i|8i*?' ; em by ?ample, OOMSc: .!?> on 884361?*': stock, vi.*. o'?7 bu?h rale? SO.O?O bush. Corn?CaN Hrm. futur.?? .,..'. mixed, spa and March, .*?.>'.ii"'"1-. April, ."'?-tr v.i ,' \i . '.'"-.?i."?11 j?-; ?te?mer mixed. in'.'nl'.?1?,.-. South .,-,. 'Wc* 'stock tMlMt hu?n. sales, ftt.000 hush, oats fi'1'1 No 2 ?hit.? vY??tern, -Uli.17'-. : No 2 mixed .jo. :ui,-a.-t.*..- ?r..<k. I00,S80 buah. Rye .lull; No 2, 8SHtS87c; ?took _'l'..'?4.'l buah. Ha. v?ry firm; good t.. .-hol,-? tim-. thv illl-ii-?!-'! ?"'"- 'Itain fr?li?tits very quiet. Cotton nonii n??" middling?, <>'?' Pn>vl?lone un.-iiar.??d. Butter Ormer fancy creamery. 30c: ladle, l.iWNc; roll, 1'WII . store-packed, fltflOe. Bgga Ilim. HV?rl2- Coffee BB changed. Biigar un- banged. Boston Mm!? 31.?Kioiir tinn. ?'in Steady. ?In-? ,.,;.,..' ?rthorts '|iil?'t. Provision? lirm. Butter flrm't; N'orthe-r creamery, 31c; We?teni, r.tii'.Mr. Cheese steady; N rthem. 11'/n 11%< ? ?Ve?t*rn, UM?He. Bns rteady Ba?lern. l.iejlS-ic; Western ?nd Michigan, 1.1? : ? Buffal March 31 -Sprtag srhest- l-islu dem.-ind; limit weal for No ? hard ?nd nominal for North??. Sale?, 11 carl.-ad? No 1 hard, ?JOfSflWi? '"Vein*. No 1 liar.;. ?.-.'.toOfi .. I??',' over Chicago Mai . new No 1 Northern. New-York May. Winter i\li?:n cars No 2 red. S0%c. ? lo. 1 white, no 'ft? 1 ? Baked, ??.rn Opened lu?li?i . Hal ??, " cars No 2 yellow, ?"?'? ars No 2 white, 4'.?'ii-. 3 ears No o 2 yellow, .'????. N" ;; yellow, No :'. corn, 4_?_c track. Oat? -".|... |-- , irs'No'S white, ItS'iC-U???*: I ? .?r? chol e .; .r.-.u? No .1 while, .':?'-..-. i csr No 3 ralse-i, SSe ..,' iiarlej Nothing doing; price? un.-iians.-i Ry* j ? , ,;-,, over New-l ors st? weak demand light. Bsles, I cars No : ? n?. (-.)?_. asked; 'ri?!?.. ?'??'V" ?tor?; No n ,.??-. In ?lore, <'?? ... m ind and ?upply light. ;.o-,. . .". . an? ? i'.'Y ' .; . in. I'.?. ? - i ? in,. N ? 2 ' "in. I!??4 ?m >ii i"- ?r Ni . ' . Lgl ? - W III H Mar. Ii . Mu ... .lulv ... ? .n K March . Ma Mill I i March ?old .1 dim. 21 -The Opening. ? ?'' j in ..I .l.-mnii.!. iinrh:ins?-'l ?edlng 1-i.iree ran<??.i a? i ; i??t. l/.ivw. Cla ,?'. 83% ."?.:'. :,% M'. 84-44*84% ?ii 18 -, ?.- 17 n; ir. m .-.i i?i p. 2'.?"-.'f 21?'4 II ??'." 12l>2 2!?'4 II 82'? IZSU il R? 12?'.', I ??"'_ Huyera urli ??? .lllll . Hats No, Ma? . Juna . M?ea pork, per btil May . .Il.ll . I.m.!, per It? "..: M . sss ?'?-". sao J. SSS 7'"' SB3 Htl rt ni-, | ? r I'?' It- . May . 8 SB I '?'*? ?"? **" July . 8 8S S M .'? N '-..-?i quotalb na wi r? a? foil ara: ara? dull were holding "it owing in rh? decline in wheat -.????? n imlnall) unchanged; N i 2 spring wheat, :,i;\in*i ?? . No .". ?pring ??heal, ."..?-.,."?:> - by ?ampi?; No 2 red. .ViV" .*.::i4. . No J corn, i.".'?i ??"?'.? . No - o???, -"a. Ko 2 i\?. ?'-.'.? nominal; Xo '-' barl y, .*.-.'. ?;r.t:-. . flasaeed, *l 42, prime tlmotl ? "i |8sn nominal. Me?? pork, per ht.i. ill 7.*.'.i ill S7 ?. lard, per 100 lb, |S784B4VJ77??: ?ho? r|l.? .,. ., J,', ?o.|S7, S3 ilrj - .'???) ?! ..U|il?t-< <t.OX?'ll. *.V.l .<.. 12' . ?hon i!??ir ?Ides (boxed), 10 104910 30. Whl?k?> i. ?tiller?' flnlahed good?, per gal, Si 2?'. Sugars Cut I ' 14 -i i?i Iii'l ?ranulat' I, ?? 13 per bfal; ?Ulrtard A *4 OB p? : i.i'i i.,i_i oil r? qi?ot?d m lh? National Lln?eed ml (-.; Raw, 87c; boiled, SBc ' ?n lb? Produce Eschang? i'? i.utt.-i market v..? firm ?x-ra creamery. ISc; ?? ts I7??l??.-. seronda 14-tJlSc. Egg? quiet un.i lirm at to? per ?ioeen t il i'? -I. ?ti ' k Cincinnati, March 21 '': it m :? i live ?nd t'.rm ?v..-, ??? patent, 13 m''i|:i 10; dn fan ' 13 80013 63 dj r?m . ?j 11333 ?. extra, II v. .?.?2 10 loa grade? 1178?. ' i '...".. firm?, patent. >:'. i.'.''ii? ?-.". ..i fancy, 13 704?I3 00 do family 13 0D4JI2 73; ry? Sour, \ rthwestern, 13 734? J2 ??.".. .1. cllj 13 7..1/?2 ?ft. Wheat mark?? .|Ule?: tr.nd ? ..?? demand; offering? ?n,i n ?Ipta i'ery IikIh. No :'? r? I a k. .'.7. 1 irn ?teady; mtMeraie: , quit. ri.- m. r. elpta , n.y moderat?; mtx?d 1 ttA. k. 43c; No 2 mix ??I ?ra-k. ?rt. yellow ?nr. track 4.'? Oan Receipt? largtr than ' ?ev#-ral days, tHii t ir a h?|.| ?teed]. No 2 mixed, ?-.. -I S3 Pork more aftiv? ?nd firm. ima?. Ill SB; clear n-e?, ?13. famlli. 113, l_?rd Hrm. be'tei demand: ?teem leaf. 7','. pr.m? ?-?ain ,.? B.70494.78? I ti ?e!?ed m"in firm, loom sh ulder?, ?',?. I .??? ahorl rib?, S |.?u>' ?-nnri '-?ear ; ?Mee, ?i'?-. h"X meats w?irth '..- mire Bacon >??a?ii. Im* i 1 r ?? -1 den ind: lo? ?? ?houlders, ?',. . Ioom ?h?rt rib ?11 ?. 1,?, . 1 ???? ah ?* '? 11 ?Ide?, i'.?,.- l-.v.'l men?? n-nr": ', ? Butter it., le t.ini% setlv? price? uarhariged. I--?- It.Ipta III T? lint.' d fi??h n?.-irl.v. p?. 1? . ?? 1 ? Wnlske; Mark? - . - 830 bola ?I .:? ? ik??. Mai. h 21 Wheat In ?tor? opened .'-?I'lter, Ian weaken? : I ?1?. line.) '.<- un?l?' iri? f lea? fa? rabia European ?dMrea ?rger '? ? ?Ipta m ??... \ ??? ,?.,.., , , ? ? : . .Ma . I a ? I'll ?H'. ind 1 r_n?ir?i !i m even t? I '? u i?. it , ? 1 lowei :? : , ? '-i.^h. No 1 N rihern i;?'.?,..".1. 1 '..?^-.- >a,.?..\ an 1 demand. .".-.Y ind No .1 at Vi .??<?- f.?r 1 ? \ ? :; ,1 :i2 Rye lirm w ? 1 si .'...',? bel.r? No S t... Sample hail?. N ? '-' I ! ? Oat? m N . . ta" He, l-.'o B I . t anv nff^i intr? ,V, ... ?.??r N 1 ?"oro Inactive, bul ? ?* ? M r r n KIoui in 1 In fair demand ai prevlou? ; s- i-k? being mod?rai? md . : ?? ?? >n hriak i-t,. ??- ai ? qu ihe hast? "I M 30494-1 Ml for hard apring In '?1 " -i: .?? Ml 17? : ?! I 77. ?ii ran 1141 ? r standard midd nga ..-. i - 1384/118 8o '. .r white Pi ivIMon* higher; moa? i rk, 111 73 I - ash and III 00 May: prim* ?(??i . IS 78 ? ^?h an i i'. S3 M ?? - Man h '.'1 mp In - r.? p: kea wer -? - * :,.-? ?? ? ; g? on the ?4overnm?nl ? ; .'?! .? -. ?? 1 ? ? '.?.-? 7 . ... md i -. . .*????. H ?. . ml ? a w*re not i ? ? - ? -;i this week, ihelr purrhaaes ? i arri? ? . .'"> ? ' ighi al M?'.-.i.v..\ Receipts. '? ? . - ? ir ' m track N > l herd '.'?'', s | Northern, ?"'*?', No 2 Nor-bets ST%e i -ra nark i N',. I, I.My? ?>?'? Armer. No II white. 7*.>c. N" .1 '.".?. Hur ? a? ?.t?||!.*l 4." for patent?. BSSJg. SB foi i ....i? r ;. ? .;.?Is shipment?, .hi a-.2 obla id ., i tai na, 113 - ? -. <!': SOftlII 80; . v 113 38SJII3 7.*. ' in ? 412 784)11 : Mu ! L'l - k* ?lifh? i:-. 1 i? buyer? ?<? . vile wer? rel-i tant ? ; .. ?????? ? ? f | .:???? ?nd trad? waa ?, ii?" !-??? I'.-.n.v'.iain., -. - 1er ?l?w >?? ?en? ; ? ? ? ? - s ? ? ?? i ?? , ?? '? , \ . ??. . ??i-. .. Ma] .nark? ... ?. ? ? : . ? ?? i. i No 3 yellow. -, . ? r. , s . i high mixed ?i i? ?r, i'.?',.- d ? Hi No -?? mixed. Marrh. < lev?t? r IS? N . Mu h t-?\ .."-? . Vprll l'.?\?80. May. ."-'?.i"?-'. .-? , .i ,,,?-? .-.?: inga m let il ? ?i l i i ????.. -, ;? with fal ide demand. Future? No 'J mix-I .'i-';1-, ti ? ?.i?l ii-.-.-l ?-:?.?? while \ ? 2 whit?, '??' . ? ? ? i . :i7-. Ni i N . 3 whit? Mai 17 ? 7>,- April, :.7./ti7', \l .:: i 17? i ;? ? .7 , 7-, ?ug? R? ? ? ?? ? I . ? ... meed i, a, M ?-'-ii 21 !?': n ' i< ?r ?nd ?as ? ? 12 in [..m?. |3304-S3.10 v-i fan ? 12 .V)ttl. ?"?? 12 su -i 12 80 Bran -?? il? and un : .-??? '' i..??- Mar, 7..ivr.:tv-. ?Ul] 'l', ? -n ??? Mav, lu ? ::. ' ?el? ! wet M r- :;"-. lun? . ? . ? *i t:??? Igher; ma? ? I ? ??'. I i t\2 t. ni r ime -?? in >?'? ? 0 *.; 7o Shoulder?, 7.\ .. i . .. n rib? '1', ? ? ? r -.. ? - i\ ion? ' ? i: ?h.?>?.- ... Hid - -?? i i. . .... rt and HIM till.*. ? ' ? I8-S14 .-: ii ?? !'??! ? Ii heai i ? ? . ? ..n ! Arkanaa medium lint.! . |.r??-l ?nd I..? ?... . -, -i, . . -, ?: :,.,, 11. , |. ,.,? , :.,, ? a it hern I- ?? l ? -tglns '" I? prlcea l*. 1' l-V 2 Ri .*, ?-,!?'. ? ' '?? h. mp ???.-.m?. 0- |>?r rh l^ii.l . I i- 2 '.?<? , . ? ? 3 01 THE TRAHK IN" .'HI?\?'," March 31 ? ? il? ? ? ? ugh th. - a .? i i-u?m.??? in i? ?a? for exi t l lay. over ?i?-.(k?l em. ?nd ?? a ?? Mn . ; ?n- I a- .*,.'."..-. ? II bf-tw? i ? I M',. an 1 ? ' ?? ?? ! .?? 84% ? I - ?? ? Seaboard ? ira? ? ? ? :??-1 ih in 3. ??? ?i? a my?t??rio_i i?.-?.-.i?.- |g \\. ?. . ? - .rgentlne ?hlpmi nt? f i f of March were reported is jl.iWI.OOO buahela r ? ?;?? wa? ..n rnonn u? ?nor! ??Her. tlllir-- up the market and overpow? - i I.m "rt bu?l i wa? lln "That fri.-e ? .i th? a?rerage ? -i f wheat had ? i i.n maintained during il ? n ? ?? ? ? . - Hir ugh lh? W -? i- nilnu? I dr? n ? pr >p. rt ?f rain Although :-' I_>u4s reported 700.0U0 buiheli of ? n i?ken for . xp rl iti-i?. the corn market . i..?e.| '?? under \' ? -in ? '. ,- M. opened it I71? ? Id between ?7-,. ?nd ?'?'.? . ?ml ? : ?-? .1 it n;?, R? elpi - were mod?rai, 181 iar?; ihe estimate for ln-ntnrroa i.!.' I. waa here thai Ihe Si, [?oui? ?up r? hu?lneu w.,. nothlns more than a iramfer from St. I ?in? ... il.?aboard h) ?. '" i? on ??' ?m rat? The ?ample markel wt? >,?., . ?nd the .? -.;. rt? m md I- ir I II II Idgi . -ill" Is -..; |i -? I I-? i"? lh? l.i ?e?t holder wa? aald I In '? I ?? ?ellln? i h? > again?! hi? rom '?ii??':. weak M .. II Ir in 21?' ??? to -."a., and rlo?ed at '-I"?.' Th? ? ??? 180 . .: . th? estimate : : ' morros 330 Sample? - i'1-..i'i n* were ?Iron g fattl? and ?keep wer? up 10, ?I'.aii'?- m rattle Hu? ??>;, 2.'.. .. hundred II ??' i-' -i-i-. 24.000, were 0,000 les? tl an lh.? ??t?male ?i ' - ? n, 11", i. .? ?till 22.000. Thi ??? wer? t. n, ? ,,?;:-. ,,f manipulation Almost all Hi? packer? ?? buyers The convlctl n H g? ?wing that In? bog run I over .'ii.i thai caul? from ihb on tr? t. i?- ? , ? ?ind higher, l-ork ?I the . I .? showed in advance ?' 30 I ,i.i. nf 7'.. ; r.l- of 17. <in th? . uri. puts on May whesl arere 84*.c; .ail? .*,.".-.,? Put? "ii May u. t? i?;*., . calls, M |i BOVTHBRN CtDTTOM MARKCTS. ?oili? 'n Ii 21 CottOS tlin. ml.i.lllnK. 8 1,110,. low middling, ."?7IIV-. good ordinary, i l-ISe; n*t and - i. flpt?, 3,390 bal??; ?sport? .-.?a?twl?e. 1.838 hale?; ?ale?, 2.B00 bales; ?lock, BS.OSB tmle?. Norfolk, Mar. h 21 Cot t on tlrni; middling, ,%"?r; low middling, .'.7 ISc; ??."I onHnary, 4 lS-lSe; net rnceipir,. I.STI balea; Kr1??. J.478 hale?, ?gaseta roa??wl?e. till balea; Hal?? .'mi-.i bale?: ?lock, 40.930 hale?. Savannah. Massfa 81.?Cotton firm: middling. I U-ISc; i o? middling .'.*?"-. s""?! ortllnary, 3?4<?; net and gro?* re ? ?? Ipta. 3 '."?o bat??; ?sport? coaMnr|?e, ii" hale?; ?ale?. 1,130 I al??; ?lock, '.'.?.('.v. hale?, N? ? I'll?.in?. Mar. h 21 -?".ilion qule?; Rood mlil.lln? ''???? middling, .*>:v; low middling, M?c; ??.-i ordinary, .'?.'i it?-. ti?i n-??ipt?. 7.?is-J balee; t-r?-?. 7.4J2 bales; ex? pat? to Oreal Britala. ?'?.4?>o bales; l-Van-e. B.33A bsles; Continent, lu.Ol?? bale?; ..a?livl?'. 4.2.*1 hales, .?ale? ;?,.*,?ai i .1??. ?to. k, ?''.I *?-?* bal? Sales bn IXncrton. ON MAY I-".tli. 1808, there will be sold at auc? tion In Santiago, ?"hill, fifteen Mtrat? F*l?!d? and ilx Nitral? luda iielonging to the Oowrnm.-nt ml amialea In the Pruln.'.? ?f r.iiipa.-.i Kor further lnforin?tlon ap? ply to the fonaiil ?'..?n.-ral of Chill In N*k-Tork and th? i '..ii-iitei In l'l I.? I. '.;? and lloaton. tjotfl. wvm GMBTEH. AitCT.^v? \ mtttmt family hittl of the hi?;iie?t reputation SSI IBS AMERICAN PLAN. RssSSSSMa rate?. ?'. I? HRIQU3. .'.Til AVIO AM? 44T11 ST. Suite? nf rom?, runny exposure; re??on?ble prkM. GEi'luiK MURRAY, Prop. Ain-rlo d; in. ?priui ficsoits. now opt:?. New Hotel ar.d Cottage? ?nd the mo?t complet? bathing estahl!?hmen' m America. 2..'a?l feet <d???atl??n, In the great Warm Spring? Vallsy Of Virginia, i?ached direct b\ the Chesapeake and Ohio Pallway. Magnificent mountain surroundings and in,.,,n?. parable climate Itathlng nitendvnt? from the ie?i European hath?. Bathi f?,m ilowir.g hot ?pr.ngs, iioi vapor, hot all, h?4 ?pout (th* most ?-uratiio be:h known), needle, ?.nray, ?lictrlc, ma?* MM HC ? in? Nlgbt'3 Rtde from New-Tork via the C. * O. T. T. V. Limped. Sleepers and I'lnlng l'ar. Full Information <?n application at C. * O. Ofllc*. J78 R roadway. New-York; or b? addressing J*red. Storry, Manager, Hot spring?. Path Co.. Va._ HOT" SpId?S(B8p RQ- "?7 KATVRAL THBRMAL WATUM, Similar in analyeii W thos?r of the Arkansas Spring?; ? ?peeing in rewi of UI1KPMATISM OOlfT. S?'UTICA ..- i RBRVOI g ,:.-?_ ?yERFECT ?T?MATE, mild. ?'y and eauabl?. Ein? hath- with trained attendant?, i-i. SCHUMAN LECLERi <i of Parlatoad, resident phy l! Ian. 24 hour? from Kew-Vorb via I-enn. ?nd .-...uiFu-rn ; ? ways. Inform Hun : untahed al ofllc?? of either rail i "l mparv. RflctoKoniifflBoD [Patrth KMcbOo 1'NEXCELLKD IN THF soi "in ?toad for ?Ir.-iiar. Reference?: Or?. Laarta A. Bajrre. Kewtoa II. Shaffer, Andrew H. Smith. Au?ust Call',?, W, V. ?'happ?:i. K. C M- l'an-, ?. 0__IUn?um. Ne?-Y,,.', THE CHALFONTEr V Op /~?!fl V.' m II DIRE? TI.Y ON THP. ?EACH FI'M, OCEAN VIEW 8ZA WATER PATHS IN Tille HOC4P ALSO ILIJ-BTFATKl? ROOKI.F.TFR?E E nri-FRTS' SONS K__ KAMERA HOTEL aTLAKTIC ?ITY K.J., New- Vork-iv... mar I leach ' p-n al! H- ??,_Mr?. J. G. :?AMPL__ BUTER INN. ATLAKTIC C1TT. N. J.-New-Tork ?? neat b ?eh; new house: ?very convenience; steam ra?e? rreionabl?. n Knacer t'Ei. IIERKEI.ET, em? rrean ?.n?i cf Keatueky-are., Atlasstl? nw. ,l Elevalor ?in parlor? and all modern enventenrea ally Improve?! JAMEfl A- ?.KOPIE BEW. HOTE!. TRAVMORF.. ATLANTIC CITT N. .1. rjmpl ?te? Location unexcelled. THF BOTSL TRATMORE CO, D S. WHITE JR Mansgar. (I M OTEI. DENNIS, ATLAKTIC CITY. N .! The largeit hotel in ?he city. On the ocean front. JOSEPH II BORT?N iiTKI, KENKERTuN. ATLANTIC CITY, N J ?., >ai , r.,l Tennreaae-av? Snarlsl rat'?. Mr?. -I r NKAI.I.. ? f T., sa. THE PENNHt'RST. Ocean end of Michigan-ave.. Atlantic City. K. J. ; ?a. tirged. wP.h elevator ?t?em heat, electric light?, and all modern convenience?. Oipen? Fe'.iruary 2d. JAMES HOOD. Til i.r;iiMAN, aTLAKTIC <*ITT, N. J O-ean ?nd of Pennsylvania Alwayi open. F w lbhmak a Co. HP. MANHATTAN. x O ear end * u'h t'.-ir-lina-av? . Atlantic ritr. N. J. M. A MELONET. *IE NEW-ENGLAND. ATLANTIC CITT. N. J.-Ocean en-; of South C?rolln?-?v?. Op? n ?II the vea* S?eana : |u? | - BRYAN A WILLIAMS. IE ARGTLE. ATLAXT?C fTTT, N I 0?-ein end Connerilent-ave. ??pen all the vaar. . i: -.-' m .?.- \ ?; heplob. E Et.KTON K mucky -.i? near hear-h. Atlantte City. N. J. ; newly furntohad, new mana?err.enl : ?team hear. M. H. RAND. THE POSCOBEL Kent ?eky-ave , near beach. Atlan'to Ctljr, K I ? S'eam h*nt; -un parlor; rate?, 12 -o M pe? Civ; ?-penal by r.ek. A E. MARION_ THE SWANNANMA. Ashevllle. N. C. i ?'ENTRAI.. .?rPI?TI.Y ??OOD. MEDIUM-PRICED HOTE I. P R RAW!.??. Owner ?nd Manager. T I T Tk THE IRVTKOTOK. ... I. A NTIC HTY. K. J. On ih? Orean Beach. Elevator, stassg heat, fit ?a1-- - ". i ir! Milliard a-.?t nrasta rosare, CHAMBER? ?t HOOPEA Steamboats ?3.00 TO HO.siON. 8X0? i O WORCESTER. Reduirti >n 10 Ai. Pol? - : last and North. va f??jOTut?H sLOR?do Steam, i? leaie Pi?r told nunio.r) 40. N K.. mri.^M' O-aaaea-M., ??.< ?*?-*? only. 6 'H> P. M. A Kim Orch??t__? ?n eai i. itesaaer. 1," M.I. RIVER LINE. rAREl REDCCEd! Onl> |_.<?> to Roston for limited ticket? Redured rat?? to ?Il pont?. The ?PLYMOUTH ?nd PILORtM la commlrelon A an heitra on each. I*s?v? Plsr US (aid numberi N It. foot of Murray-?'., ?"i day? only at '?? ? " p in. \MS|>i:i.l. LINK " Inrt Vvtt 24, n ii | Prsnklls s1* Ire? nsasl ? ? West Point, n( ?' rna i Ftahklll g and NewburgS, .,. . j p i, _ .. | ,. y - .. ??TONTNOTON LIKE Insul? roure t> Rision ?nl tag "?77 i:??r. a:; fares reduc?-d Steamers lea*? New Pi?? S?! N. H . at 6 P. M. dally, eicepi Sunday. NK\VHAVi:\ FAHK. *I; KxrurgTon. $1.50.? .?te?m?r "Ri, hard Peck" le?ve? I'ler 2S. E. R . dally. 4 p in ?Sunday exeeptedi. arriving in time for train ta' Merldrr. lUrtferd. Sprlncfletd. ere Prelrht ?t?ara?r .enve? '? i r O? -iii ?fie? Aprri l?t will Maw? 3 p. m. ?? -, m H Pumos. siii.iiM. r i?t. \ t*m mure ?IIkIiIIv nseil I mr-rsnn l prlghta ul I????. |?rl?-.-?. Other ?realnenl umU.-? from 9100 upward?? llt'iit?-?! 1 ; \, tin ?in .-.I nuil ?ni?! ..11 e.-i?> li-rm?. \ ?'lite Utile .-Idlii plano for .??.*.<> ???r-e ?mr ?ii'lf-PIn ? i 11? l'niersoii?. EMERSON WAREROOXS, ?a KIFTH AM-:.. \Kin 1ITH ST. Legal Notucs. VOTICK IS HKREBY GIVES THAT, _.? " ?-- . 1- . . ?rrair. .ri- Il ?t?n 1 in Ul? ? 1 ii'- .f ih? im'. : State? f r -h* EMtera Om> ' s. ?. , -, . ' \',-hruarjr, . ? , 1- g. .:. tba , I 11 ,- 1 Trun ?'ri:;,. '?* r'.aia ? ff, and The ? ap k'adkln Valle? ili::way . ?. ? ? 1 ana ? i?p..r, ,- , Haaiei ind rdered ?? lak? praaf of mix ? ' i? -?.i.? 1 utrtandil ired by tt? . ? made 1 t'n- ? ? ?' I '-? ,- :.e- cape K.'ir md Yadkta Val? le? Railwa? ' mpany, 1 ?nu date Jus Brei IBM, ?nd under I rlllll ?nd th ?t h? take mu* proof ?t such tin within or wlthoat th? , tight ??' ? ^nvenent. ?r.d -?.-->: iring as h? might de? m 1 ? -,? ? ? . the .?rii'iiini of u.?? bundM d?b* ? ?. . prli I Int? N ?? i'f.?i ih? und reigned. Spe ,. Mas r ?? ? 1 ? -s public notice ?luii ih?. tir r-r. hear* in? said provkHoni of -1.1 ?r.i<r f N a York, a- die or*!?.-? M . ire A P. -? 1 S3 K\'\ -?? I I n-d ?-??; ..ii Ih? second >'..?> ??< \\ -t laaB . k :n th?- fnrenoen ,?f 'h.?' day, ar.u thai ih? purpure ?if iha ? m. the i'-ii'.. I . ? 1 ii raid m . ?-? th? .?"i 11 ? t t.'-* : ?! ? secured l,i '. la? ., ih? h. Idi r? and owner? of ?aid '? ' ? ... . , ir-- invii? d ' - be prei makg su ii ;?i f ..f rheir naht. .- - . ? ? a Mra a? .,.? l-. .id\ - K S MARTIN -, ?-'.???r. Tl'RNER. M fl.l'l-.v; .v ROLt?TOK, J-' Wll ?:n tU?M*( N, 1?. ^ rh ?nd IlIi'AI'l? ? WKII.!. SVilmingl a. N. C, ? 1 ? ' unant'? v - ?? 1 . ^l PRKME roi'BT. In the natter of tht ap i^ ptlcatlrei of '!??? it.-.11.1 af Pire l'iiiiiail?l?*n?ra ?'f th? i'ltj of N..? ^erk ? n behalf of the Mayor, Aldern.- ?M ?'..iiirii. u.iln ,,f ihe ?'in ,f N-? Y.rk, by the Counrel {? Hi., t-oiporatlon ?' ?aid city, rrdatlv? t.? acaulrtng ti'-ia i.. certain land? 11 ihe northeasterly 1 irner ot R.nlrcaa enu i:..-i and Raei "n-- Hun?ired and nfty-nt?ta ?1. i. m ih? Tweniy-thlrd ward of ?aid ,ri, d lecti-d t'i Mid Heard as .1 si!., fol hiliMina? f.?l Ih* I.*? ? 1'n-e i>. luirimi'iir of laid .111. ander and in pure mame of ihe prowk I haaasi l?SI << liai ;.???* ?? |s?H W... Ihe underalrgned ?'.'minis??u.t.- ot Appialsal in th? ?b-tve-enlltled n.iiiei. appointed pm?uam ?? the pn> ?, isl,,n- >t .-iiapi.1 181 Of Hi?' Laws ?f l-M'l. hereby g*T? r.,.1,1- t?i Hie-mi,; or ..?n.-r?. Ie-.?..e ,?r leeseea. parties and 1 rs,,ii. r.-(H- r? I veta entitled 10 0? lal?WStad In ?he landa tenement] herediismenti and prrenlsea, tute la which la , I ?? a,.|iiir...l m itiis pi.iiua. and to all others wh??m 11 may concern, ?? wli ??_.??__ firi Thai i??' ha?.unter.,t .silnial- ??f the !???? ;,,?! d.imu,-.' te the r.-?|..-.-ui?- owners, feaae-re. partte ani pen - Interretad In th? l?nd? or premises affected l?y thi? |.r,?.\,ng ,,r liai m?: uni inter? si its. i.m. and liai e rtl.'d a mi., report .?r nan?? up- ??f ?uiii eatlmat? la tit??- ?rTi?>? of ih? Board "< Pite Pommlrel? n?"s ot ill. dtj? ??f New V??rk. tii?-r?- t- remain fw ?nd during the apaca "f '?a ilays'for ih? laapactla? ??( ahoirraoevre Ii may roacara. ;-.., ..nd Th?i nil paitlea of paraaa? uh,?se nutiis nia> t<? affected by the ?aid eatlmat? tad atl?o ma? oojeci to th? or an) PST! ih?-:. .;. nun, iil'hir; t. n ,l.i\ < after, (ha iir?. luh.icati? n ?'f thi? nottre (?March Bd, i".?.',, Bk 'heir lihjectloai '? luch eMImat? in writing, with 11?. ? '>' ,.;n. ?? Room Ko IIS, on th? ?hud e*,r ,?f ?h.- Stewart Mulldlr? Na -"??? Broadway, In ad ?tiy. as pr-*vtded 1/ r ell, 11 I ?f . liapt.-i l.?l f til.- Law? ? t It**, ,1- .inien.led l.y rliapiiT 3^ ..1 !?,.. I.m? ,,f Is;., v. hi. h ?aid a?"? ai?, ',,. chapter I.M ??f th.. Law? .?( 1?'.?*. ?nade applleaM? '?> ? e.-.iina. :i"d that m?-. the ?aid ?', iiiini??l.'neta. ,.1 ii..,?r tii,- part?a? to object tag, ar ..ur ?aid oMke*. M lue ilnv ?if April, IM, at ?". :t?i o'eloek I? tka m*w_ to 11. ,m,l U|>.?n sii.ii ?uls..,|u, n? dais as n.iv ?? Ound -su V 'llilrd-That mir re|x>rt iiei.ln will h? pre??at?d to ih? ?Hupreme ?'?uri of th. Ittat? ?'f New Y.rk. ?I ? M**? i?! T.'rni 1 here?)t t . i?- held m trhaatben thei.-f, In IM County Court-houae, in i.e citp "f Mew-Tork o? ta? '?!?"? .in? ,f ?April, UM. at th- opaalag a* ?t??- ? oan oa ''?a1 ?lav, atul that then .in.I thai?, or 11? ?<>>'n i!i?i?ait?'r a? counsel can be heaird thereoa, a arettou win he BmAt tiiM in.- ?aid repon te , ..miim..1. l'iii.-d Kew-Tork, Mareh 'Ji?? IM ?'HVRI.KS A llKsVS, THOMAM Al.l.lSON. JOHN BURKE, C ?minisiloner?, IRAAC B HRKNNAN. ? l?ik ions ih? rpHOMAH OARUCK. -Und? the pr.ivlsi I ?f s.?u.,n 2,?uu ?>f the CM? .,f ?'mi Prassiwi ?r ?tat? of New -Y?irk, .iti,I I? pursuant-.? i,f a.? ,,rder mad? by li,?n l'r..!.rl?k M ?'abler, Surr, ?air ,'f the ?'nuiity 01 Onetda, ffew-Tork, the under Ign? 1 h-reh} glvre n?<tic? 1h.1t he ?III ,,n the ?Ixth ?lav <?f M.iv. IM?.'?. .11 !?? "'doc? a. 111. ?if that ?lai. apply 1 . th?- Surrusate'? ???urt f??r sat? c.iunty at the ?'..urt ll?,u?e In the city ?)f I'tlca, In ?h? county a'oresald. ?-T letter? of a?li.ilnlstrntl?n to be th?a and t'.iere lssin-d l.i Mm .1? a.Iitiinistratur "f the ?ivals, chattel? an?l personal pr?.i?.rtv and csiat?- of Thnmas G?l?? lUU. ?l?*T.'a?..l. late of Hie f.wn ?if Paris. Onelda County/ New York. _ , _ A"?l ??H ?redder? of said ?state are hereby notlBed t? pr>???nt their ?littms to e??l?l Surrosate at his oftV? In th? city <?f I'tlca afnresald. on or before the sixth d?y of MT? IM?*? (he time of s?l<| application. Pated I'tlca. Mar?.h IN. 1?*4?5. ?'It.VRLIW K OARLICK. P'tH'oner. !o?eph S Averv. Attorney f,jr Petitioner, IS'?* <W Oea?sss? ?Arcot. Ctlca. Ne.? York.