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any other trlhuna', fitter by writ o? rertlorarl or nther?.\i>?'. Senator Reynolds moved that this section should be amended bo thai it would read aa fol? lows: '..I dismissal ?on hall be iinai and conc'u ilvi ?\-?i?t that appeal therefrom may be taken by . ?: tlorarJ to a ? ii-.r Lexow ?1 nouaced this amendment sav 11 '-may rulate I the Poli 11 - -a--./, ci >n ?.??i. !- wottld l.a\- .in- Police Department just ! '.?, Ih i ?: : Upl in. :.. Tho Police Department ol S w-T? rk would i ntlnue to be a sham ? ? ihe S1 ite. "II thii ui- ? -. Im? ni i ad ?pt< I," Bald s- nal r Lea ? ? . ; i - - onai "a ghi ?:?? w? 11 give up th.- hill, for i- d. N w-York will t ni :-?:'"i mation - : its Police 1 ><-i MR. BTAPLETON REKKLS, A ?en-atl nal ?p. h followed from Sei I Btapleton. !??? s'.I he did n?-?t fav??r Senator R j olds's amendment, arid, in fact, wa strongly oppos d to It. and yet he I I voti for it in ci?!- r : i gaii tin ; , for a m ? ?i ugh consideration of th? Poll !'? ?rganlsa tton bill. "Why ?ii re time to con Bidi r these ] New-Y ?rk City . .-1. : ravi Ij '" ? th? led: "Th'-s.? bill? were nol submitted t" the Legis? lature until Frldaj las'. 1. for one, ?*1U have l ? aekn ?'ledge that I never examined them crlti all) until last night. Y. i wi Republicana were , Into a a" 'us an i unp? lied i a t upon ] thes measures. What was the need of all this i haste .-i ? .ill-- of su h en ran? us im- ; poi tarn ??'.' This bj a . . ?llcan way of , doing logistative w rk. i: is snap legislation of . ihe mi si abominable d? ?criptlon. In the R llcan caucus last night every request ol m tin?.- ;.. ? malder these bills waa ruthlessly re- . Jected. The rlghtc : one-third of the Repub- - llcan Senators war? ? ..?...i >??.:?.? Mumped -.wp..u. ? Under these rtrtromstances t will n - vote for se bills m th.ii- pn-ent ton. Fur Ibe sUa-pla purpose .'f gaining time, i s*u Mr. Reynolds'b amendment, although l am not In fav ?r of .t and would n it have ?t put in this bill." All of the followers of Thomas C. Pratt in the Bej -.. w-r? apparently greatly enraged by this ape? of Benator Btapleton. Both Senators Lexow and Raines assailed Senator Btapleton on the ground that be was refusing to obey a caucus de iston in favor "f the bin. B< . tor Btapleton turned to Benator Lexow and said: "Boms -?! us hay- p-^aped being made famous by a Ooff or the persistence ?if s clergy? man, or the golden Shekels of a Chamber of C mmerce. I asked the caucus last night to make reasonable amendments to these bills; bin all were rejected." "V"i have revealed the secrets of a caucus," y. lied Mr. Raines "A iu .!?!" contemptuoualy answered Mr. Staple ton. DlftM PENALTIES POINTBD ? ?l*T. Benator O'Connor, the Republican leader, at? tempted to britii: about pegce, II?- said: "1 am much surprised al Benator Btaptefon'i attitude. The i urn? ?-?? of this amendment Is i > leave the 1* lice Department Just where Ii i* to-day. and i d.? not think Benator Btapleton would ?aupporl su.-ii an amendment. He went Loto a caucua ami he must abide by its I? is] >n. l never knew a rastra tog ? back ? n his pledge and pi ?sper. All mes who enter a caucua are honorably bound !>y its il.-'. - Benal ?r Btai let >n c uld have withdrawn from the caucua U- c ?ul i have left tb>? caucus and said It waa a matter of i ?n .-? . : :. - did t. t, ai -i no? must ab it< '.. ir.] ; This amendment mus? be rej cted. It kllb? Mils bill, and unies?, we p,<?--s this n ? asure we sh-till 4?? forever damned u? a ptitlHl al fjarty; in this State of New-York." Benator Reynolds, looking a1 Senator O'Con? nor, said: "V.o...- bill is Intended to make Thomas ?'. Plait th? political cxar of this State. it is Intended i?. give him control of th.- Police Department ofNew-Y? rkCity. Y u want to put it in his power to say win. shall be dismissed from the poHce fon.f New-York, and who shall not I?- dismissed. That power would make Mr, Platt the most powerful politician In New-York City, As for mysolf, I favor a single-headed Police Departir ni for New-York, such as we bave in Brooklyn." "\\.? are acting here for the people and not for Mr. 1'latt." said Senator O'Connor blandly. Senator Raines charged that Senator Rey? nolds also was untrue t., the cau? us. but Sena? tor Reynolds asserted warmly iiiai he had never promised i?, alado by the action of ih* caucua. Th.- S.-nato then, by a vote "1" 15 to 15, voted down Senator Reynolds'a amendment Messrs ReynoMa and Btapleton voted with the thirteen Democrats for the amendment. Ther.? were .-lx t?-en Republicana who \..t?-d against It. Mr. Reynolds ih>-ii offered the following amendment. An i :; shins n thlr a?-t shall hA construed - ? as lo give to the said I'omn wioners the power t?. recommend for dismissal any member .>f ih?- force uj?"-i charges for which he has already been trie?! and ?aid chart:?"-.'-, heretofore disposed of by th<? H<>ar?l of Police ?'umniUsion.ira of the City of New-York. Senator O'Connor said this amendment Was als., a vicious on . Jt was reje? ted by a vote of il t<> II Th<- Senate then ordered th" hills to a third reading. It als?., upon motion of Senator ?>'Ponn..r. referred th<? police bills of the Com? mittee of Ten to th?- Lexow Investigating c.m initt? ? . THK PROCEEDINGS IN DETAIL. ?=OMF* SPM**_ t_\Ni.'".\?.K USED IX Till* DCBATE Ou tiii; USXOW hlLO-l Aliany, March -i Expectation of a heated dla cu-isi"!! over the New-York poll e bills eaused nn air of ? ?'? th" Senate Chamber this ni'.rnliiir. Senat'.r Lexow BBoved the police bill first reache?-, which wa? that creating a k--'!- ral commisBion, stating l islon was. however, by under? standing, '.. be general and sot confined to one Ml!. Th.? Oral i ill tak? n up foi discussion ???? Lexow "i: ?- :?? aatl in" bill, the other >-.-::ijr super sed? i as of less Importance in tl.? Senator mmlttee of T?.. - i .- ib ??titute. s??:. itor Lexow ? ?id the two did not differ in sny vital prin.-.pie, The raajorii i bill was as funda? ti ? Mai a raorganlaatioa of t : I re? as ->?.-,i the Commltti ? of T? a' . Mon ? -. :. the original ma? jority Mil wai almost Ide?tica] with that of the ?'??niniitt.e of Ten. But the Mayor bad i.e'-n sub ted for th? Governor in th?? bill by the ma j.irity. The forth r difference was not Important. That b.u met '?? low -.:-. Harlem with i thing but abuse. Bui now, through the Commutes of T ?i they set tl ?? of approval on that m . Basai r Cantor?Your bill was -.. with the o? exceptloi i- inste id ? t the Mas r. tor Lexow ? nt ? led thai nothing done by the i: gating Committee had been satlsfa? :?.ry. It was assert? I, he said, that the entire police force must be leg! :.-.;? I out of office, An eminent l this very thing In the Benate Chamber. Every greAt political and social evil brings II ?? \ ;? a - of extremists to the surface, bul fada sad th?ories nest give way to calm, de? liber?is judgment on this question here. No one cas deny that under Demo rattc ruts south of the Harlem th? condition of that city government de fled description by the human tongue, ?'rim.? w.-n ?. The,minority report Is pr?".. sufficient >.f rill.-. The minority leader says the Pellos Board haoamn partisan only after 1832, because ihe crimes and corruption sre known to hanre occurred mainly la UM and I8S1. He chai I the sam'ng of a single crime sgalnsl the ballot not tuoyen to exist is bS had stand. A QUESTION <d" PIQURES. if ? then read fteetion i of the report, and said m? AeSed and challeaged S? to point out a sir.?:!?- crim.- against the franchise net t ?stifled lo t.\ >.nies of srttnesaes .-' na oi Cant n said it was .-.n the record, hot from a cloud ?.r witness? ? schooled ?n a Republican itor Lexow cantina? I "Btng Sing to-day contain? seventy <>r eighty Tammany Hall i?aiiot-box stutters" r>nator MoMahau interrupt... asking wh*?re h? ??t these rtifir?-?. Banster MeMahoa said th? truth was ?htr? were only four BUCk jalsonc.???*. SUd Hid wer- Repub licsn?. Sena'or L?S9W Insktcd that there were sixty eight at lea*:, and that th.-,- wer- suffering for l< 1 lion ?nes?, ? n tl ?i. ration, JauiKlii?, Misaine?*?. It, ui-iUiirn, I <>M?n<|in4ton, Ii? :i?l:i< hr. lao not ?.ripe or asaatag pain, r.flt? ii-ni. If-irml?-?.?., Itelinlil??. BJSCh |i?r l?o\. til _iaaaanlals It?? Bin re to 4mv i llood'M. COLGATE & CO.'S 1806 LAUNDRY SOAP. T'F'd by Ihe ''-' ISBSWSS ? - ?he Brd?m ol a man who sflerwsrd fled to ihi sunny ?Taime of Calll irn i He did not think .. -.. ? on should be made on a I mcerned In tvo--<- convictions wh I? I Tammany leader e - eajoylns himself In Cal fi rnla. leaving th? political question, he said that ?Vag n, id? ' - ' "i'ii.ttee n ? too i idles] The I lal ?rlthout sppesl ? i , y t-- .'aune . th? eondl Ion? h? had ? ? ? .. The g?nai ? i? nol d? ?ling a Ih or Unary lion?, but ?.'i organize I syst? m o? vie? ai 1 . i .' built up In N< w-York Cit? largely sin - the Poll i '?? >ar i as? i hang? d from i i m to partir?n. Since that chanse, demor? alisation an i crime ha? I. vice ha? i ? n protected, ana a condition snd system the like of whi.h hss not h -ti known In th? hi lory nor i i. He chart? ? -.ll this to the parti? in sj -;- m, -i such conditions ; re\*a led In all the great cities under Demo? rati control, s, r a tor ' n .'..?r n once d< Republi? an to point out ballot'bo* frauds an; ? 1er? thsl were hi to th,- attention of the i ?,?1 ' ;...;?. it?! undei D mo 111? ??'?''- ab Bul ubllcan Syracuse nd menti hs? ? b? en foui i hidden away, In treat cosmopolitan N"< York th? ??? have : ? ? n ? rimes, but Republican ? I? r tlpn ??fiber? had power to] timony Bnd i ,- Indlctmenti He ass? i ted th U th? calMO Investigating committee bad been nol but a big t olitleal machine, ? u king In the In of : 'r?- !;? publl? an i irty, POUC? CORRUPTION ADMITTED, He admitted that tbe Xew-Tork pollc? had b*m corrupt. Hm uns the result of long growth and did nol crome Immediately after t!'-.- Police Board change, sa Mr. Lexow h.? I ssserted so hys? terically. H<- referred t.? Syracuse as being tilled with crime and vice openly, and he regretted it, sin,-.? it was a Republican city. He ai>.? regretted that ll should be found ne essary for party pur for the Republicans to so bold up the great city of New-York for vlllflcatlon, Hi ?seerted that th*- New-York poUce fore? was not partisan. To put S stop to all evils, th,- Com? mute? of Ten propos.! their bilis. Bul the Re? publican Senators proposed lo have a bl-partlsan commission, it could be no better than such com? mis Ion? In ih?- past, carrying out the belieats of tbe Kepubhe.ri machine, dominai? i by thai on? man who rulea their party in the State, Even i w, lie sal i. because the Civil Servie <io not contain raough Republ cans, they have i.?-?.-i beld up. He ?held trrat unie: i single head onlj e freed ft om .? . evils an i made | what the p."?,:?? wan;. But the L*pxow bll contin ? it evils that have Ix en c ni !nue l ? ir twenty-five y? ar? Senator C 8? nator I.e\ - i r ? ab? nt : He said public sentiment onl) demanded I Mayor Instes I ? :' the Goven ; I to a t. Thl? was i hang ? I h? R< pub ; . feai ihat <lo?en* r M -,\ act wll partlsdi hip th? y wlshe I, \ ., ? r repose I i le ive matters -.?.;. n ana tbtnk to make this great Pollt-e i >? ?? ? ???.. nt ol the greal ? Ity ?? pal I ot I r political m ii hli Si nator O'? 'onn ? r ? i ; ? si t forth In th? majorll ot New-York City. He .?-- im? I thai th? Maj ?: w .: i :, i pr? p : ly. He si ke ol String the ; light ol , etc. lb opp I th right of a p] il 1 it woul 1 previ nt i itlon of the force, the a ?;.-? ; ? ml ; appeal on t< i > Cantor sai I that 1 C ri n Captain Ci hs : r ? ?. .??.'. ?-:.,:; : ? S toi nnoi re , bui the New-York p the right ?i? : ? _:v, a i'ul ' ? ? rap-, onl must be got rid ' ??t ? permit?? i. M per cent of those would ? ,.-i technical bills Por these reasons he ?u?. ? posa the smendm? i I , He al ? ? ? ?ed the an m?nt that men should not on old of '? , which had I BENATOR O'CONNOR j I -\ S CONFIDKXCK. fins?! a- ? i'< 'onnor said that ? w?sr i .. d for tie- ? ? gaj . .i..on and th?wi I ??? l*o lie? i: .... ? v.- ..i have only its ordinary powers Senat >r Reyi here m.n'nt b? m- u app who would b', tinder tho controUIng influ? n? ?? ,.f ? man who would then bav? gn it? i a? than Croker bad In New-York CH s. ? M Off <-?'< '?Minor r'p'.?"l he had more wfl ?? in m.-n, uni thai i--Ki- ? - 1 not I"' arrk i <? n ..ri the suspkrtoa that v-m. th ng s was bound to be done He ss?erted that tbe pub ll-- was well Inform? I, and well mUsfled with th?' prop ?sel bills. S ?.r Bra Hi y sal i h? regretted I ?' ? majority Senators i, 11 been whlpp?td Into line, no matter what their opinion of the bill H- s i I go as far as any one to protect the ba enact a law to make th? New-York Poll ? Depart m? ? ? wh.u it should b But th? th? ma Jority did not do this. TI tal back tu evil. Tl ? bi-paritsan comml? in pi p i by thl bill does tin.-. Uo tie- non who prepared th'-" measure? think that the i- . I Ne* Kork ? 'ity belle? ? ti,- y ir- boni it an I "They .ir- n.i--,?k. n If the) s ' ?i tiradle). "Ti,- pi opl? kn ? s I il want a Hnger in th, pli no mailer what ? pre? ill. Take the Mils ol the Com mil Ten. and you will gel reform. Trust Mayoi ? you will iiiak. no mistake Bui s carp? I u New-York Is keeping back New York bll! 11- ? - ?? - ? ate, the mln irlty sho should not be a dl< ; itoi ?uch i for the majorll ? me i id, but that can be cured, whi h Ii not th case wi-h hit swelled head. Th? billa ol th? T?-*i t-pr'-.-'-nt the !? Irei of th? !?? men New-York ire ih? i >ne and sinew of I he clt) i I rep? resent th.- wlshe? ol the people But I ? ?.- llvat this debate i valuele? Th-i liehests ,,f one man, ? Is a non i -nt of N? w York, mu ; be obe? ? -i Sei itors are told they r . lys or In Ir i ?111 al life is ended. Oh, Senators, don't you ? a man w:,,> wean no man' collar? (I?aughtei i W h? do yo i not rl - to the m ? I of ti..- .... ,. ,.,lv of New-York? It wa. not th? re thai c in I ? 1.1, nor in Brooklyn, but In sm illei p men waited hours f ?r >?? before the) would vote." II- said -ill that iav? I Lexow from hi? Indignai on wa i th- youth and Inexp? rl? n S< natoi He that the first pla be i v? r i? -i .-??? i In Albany. senator Reynold? then sent up hi? amendments. ? ne providing : >i appeal >n ti o p itrolmen i' ?r M Manon asked if this applied to the oi ? !. and was told II dl : Senator La xow ted that It would pre >'Bm re irg in /.-. Ion Hi ild ihe p? ,;.i m iiuled : ? ? itment and favor? i [he sec-tl m pi i In? app? al*. M? n m i?l b? dismiise I on theli v to trying i ri tv he laid, m !.. nary ? . .? iid be u \. Hut indreds - men ? n the foi .- who I. iv? ? ? a s ?ber * o y n - ? ither? h iv? fi un I ? t ? flfl .-.,??- .id ,_, ns of pui of ? ? ?? ? ? ten lays' pa). Such m? n houl?! have their recoi I ? Ther? ought to be .? house-cleaning. Bei ator Reynolds said: "fl il ro i provl le f ? la If a man has bul oi ?? ? irg? ,_.-..??. il h m ' s. nator Lexow that mlghi n. , bul the ,..;?.? od g ivernment n qu .??? | ... ifganlsatlon, and the am? n Imenta would prev? nt It, MR BTAPLETON'fl BTRONO WORD? Senator Stapleton said h? was In an unpl? i ml predicament. 'The New-York Pol e bill I. ?-.? been ed In ma , i ulars," he sal I, "They have ? ' ? pis > i on ".- fil? < ?nd are r? II? ill) ? I fundamentall) different rrom the original m? i in But In spite of theli Importanc? the) were dn Into .? caucus and bound by .1 gag before th? p.,,;,i had a chance to expi i on or we I form ourselvi ? ? matter, w -,, . .,, for this haste? Wbi sr? w? called t., a hurried cam is and gagged and bound to support tl. re?, right oi ?? ??? ?nd toi I; '\'.it.- for this bill or you are iti i? sed?" My plea is for hi treatment, I will never wpp now i*. I d>nnand d?sceni delay, that the ; may know what II mean?, who I behii I It, and all id. not desire to oppoi ?? my psi :. caucus, bul i will not vote for this bill to-day. If ?Ion i? treason, so be it l ?n, willing r,, g . before the people on my record. Only recent I>. mocratl ' S*rn?te ?.rltl Is? I : . rj in, .ml now Wa ar?- ;iske1 ;., lupport |USI legialailon. Why are we a.'ked ? , Jo this thl ? \\.,. was tins hui r.e I . sueui ' Ut u ba ? ID I nsldl thl : o: . r iv .in I dSi I nil] Senator l./exu'.v said be bad ll \ r n< ird ? n... ? remarkab e ?peech than this. The ,,hj<-. tloi raised wie childish. He then cs?tlga:ed Stapleton foi his remarks. H-'. asserted that this -va? neither fair, manly nor Kepublnaii. Th?- amendment would n fatal ta the purposes of th? Mil Sen.;'-.: Stapleton replied il n rom? Senators dared maintain their own oplnloi in iptu oi the of the man fi im Nyack H?'-il shy ihe i ? of ill iui , iieen Bmato .-aii?'us i".?t night vs? n - Repubil? ?n ism means fnirne!-?. He tl'', polni i OUI ?rrprs In lb? bill The) wer? poln'ed oui In t-au eu - an ! voti i dos n with ba ? rdsr t bill up to-day. Hs w.siste i that ha could nol be blamed for waatlag to know wbsl h? was roi on. He lmai::rud lie would be 'in nr.e.| upoi ->?-ne uf ios oi.easu?fs, But n< rerl | , ? bj bb own itoi Kali ? - . erted that Si ipl? ? m dlspla) ? i neither mental nor moral i lurag? \n man with ??I'll??-'?? I'm L BT Unit:" I'li/zli-. ll ? :,ll _? il.'.n ??un f?ii ?.j wIms i.m'\?> on?.? bsseal the conviction of an honorable man woold reveal the ? ? ? ' of s ?-. if a mob." '? pli? i Btapleton. "You think this ou rage, but you ?111 find II is ! di strui Hon." sh ?ut< i Raim ?. tl- asserted that the bll ans of the Stat? and the reform? n of New. ? York CU) r/ould repu Hat? Btapt? I ?n's a? tlon. lie i assert? il is t-onduci was onl> an excuse to i .,,,,. n.l It was f01 ?'"- ? '-"?' the ex ,.,:i- .j. ||. ? it? st? -I agalnsl the a. I .? 1 , action, h? i aid, ?as thai I of an ? '.ih? worst. ; Senator ? >'< ni or p'.<.? le I with rttapl? ton nol to .? ? I, The amen Imeni wou'.d ruin the I ?rl .! .- a Republic in. |||,., - . ? ? ? ? nid to liso I ? I 8l ipleton ? ray? I tneli ilways lived He said if a ca 1 ..n a m m hi aa i . ..n,.i :>? i\ ?- Bu stapli . i answer? ' every r il i ill, n , ? r tiding ? ? him Hal have n.i l an ex. une, ha I i. ? ? . ' . .-. \i: w Willi?. Sena I .!?!:? i : I -, i ? ? , ? ? . : they ? : . \. l\ - \ ?rk City, th? man a No. i.? Rroadway, who then ?? ai on ??? . ; n i! want. put l . ? ?rm. .- . ? . ? i -, ,- remarks v. ere pu ? lor 11 ? i ?k< I for a plain .i the Kepubli ; . ... :;i ill. Se?al U'< i l "1 suppo e the | . trille.??? O! Ihr ml!.'? .ii.- ti a o i ?: . :ij ?i . -?. no n v.u.. t ok a ' ? ?aou d In? a dummy and ... , with Mr. I' : ..Mi-r: . lllng? with III - ? ? .... ,,.,-, well to i- fer ;.? tie-in a Senal : ? ? - ' ' haracter Will . '..I|.;.,?I . 1 , . .. i . ? . ? l. ..... 1 \1 l\ "1 mall an 1 t? ail I act h .nest.) i) the matter of I ?? Sena ? i - ? i He .-.....-, ??? . ih ii. Ini tl-.?- bill fa I s- thai rull? I ill h col ? - t. n i,: i- era) ii- d< nieil revealing caucus ?ecnt?, and that all h ' ' the in. :.t v. a ..... a ?hoi t ?I 'a.? . Til? . . I . f the i-uui U? r..el twice II n ,;i a ? "flat: ???? ? ith I i? 1..-1,, t.. ... . i, , . ;!,. n i.?. i. i ? ?ti.i- ssl) over? turn? 1 i. i.-k.d H? nal - H '?? ha I hot agri tan I by Ih. bill a repoi ?\. ,er, ' wa th i > n ? ' ! Klibui n ? I ha - .-. natoi I! . te.I thai be i. > ? . w .' l i ul< ..? pi ???? ailed in rh? raui u , and dar? ... tl??n <?r ihe mil i.ii ;;. . ? , , railed for a m ins ?> ote on hi - amendmei ? ? ? ' '?'? to IB. A voti .... then ??ailed fo on Ihe prohibit!! lia foi : . evloui of. Sena r . ) . - .-1 - . i.eri- ? the bills gi-nerall) II ?on a: Issue was far lou ? : ? New-Y n -. ? lit} I i b di id? 1 on polltli .. loi '. ? . ? . I- ? '. ? II ; expert on |? matti ? bl-pai lisanlsm ? mtlai vl-wa ar? In i bj Mil. ' .iai :? - Su wai : Smith. ' ? ? ? >r Sullivan. ? 'i h< ? ? ? *>n," "Then la If llvan Seiu ? ? ? lo >lr. (luy's ?I . . 'Pro I". r? toned: "I v. j i man s ho 1? 1 ,-\ ? i thai al>..] would ?In for New "i ??: k b>? k.-pt out o 'I he am? : dm? nt was ; ' ? ? vote ol yeas I-, na).- I?. ? . in: RKl'R'M i - - Sei itor Bla elon ha i ? he bill a mend? i b I ,. ... ... ara hi -.. irr?el i print? '-??:: cause the ill -Us tin ? ? I ..?? A .i nol '.- :? - ? ,n I : ? poi ? bill favol ai... ili'l i- omm? n :? i i i The bi-|iai I up and Senator 1 I amen led lo torr. \ ia<i "Wbal IS? ? n til m I tig. S? ? ? ? - ? ? - equal ' ' ' and polltl? a ? ? ? - ? i ? i. 1 ? III the gl ... ? Sella' itinii for tt. Ill? Hall, w th. i ? ? ?. Th? .in.? ? ? i? construe 1 to thai ? I- -? ?I I..- ' ? 1 ? i .? . te ol . Senator (i thai ? i ' ?Commltl Spei i ?I I'? II. Senator It' ? stth the I ? I m tl a. n 'r, moi i. ? ASSKMKLYM VN IIXi V. i lit riI Aril ?t.N , l ? '.'.,' :?-.:? . I ? Instruct m April ? i \ mhi) man I ... ? ? . h K V ?won f Ha .-. ' 'i eek, ' ? - ? -, .. bis deputy, i . excellent i 1 Uns Worth I man agement of the Committ.u Ways and Meal . le- ha | th? ap|M? m m :,- .. ? ? rth will lead to his rcili from the A - ?? mbl) . In thai case, James M I ? >"< ?ra?lj ol Roch? b? n-m. i: , ll ... leadel tiii: ORAY Pi Ft< ? ?: \c\ n m M? I \\ ..ii'ii-is ? l!Y T14K ..-'?! '.i i ' . i a; UN . . ,i . : . -i ,.; l.i ? 'i .'! (Spi . ill The ' liai !-. i n, 1 ? n ie \ n m 11 ha < la In in a ? -? i he earl) of the si he bill In ? -. ? - | i ' ? ? 1 i"l m ii ' . . .| y. |?ra lb II) una ntmn ' 11 nittee voted I e. Ml ' '' pm in,., was aba? nl.l anoth? r, -.: ?il? -. i i . > .,?' ?i.iui.,... ., 11 it,,. i.. ,, ... M? Va i . Saratoga although pi The bill will be i..- mal ? . the ? -T.ii.iv ?llhheli] n . n;.- ? t . ..?."I row m ii nlng The ? alteration mad? in ih? vat 1.1 . i . - - bin ne through vision thai i ? n* trs i. I.after h .'i b<< : Hoard of ? 'omn isslo lei . i . be eon Un ? : . n? nominal? il bj |he ? i ? - ervlng without i i terms . II v? sai This hoar?! I lo ha\ ? ab .lit. and . : all ihe m n ks -n the Slai for i...;.. r ol ih. ... :, Club ? i : i-- ml H ? :. .,11 -i|,-h have t,, .,.? i . leweil and approve?! Ii Ihi Stat? Cmnmlai oner? A la? ol (,?? p?-i eeni un th? gro ? i-. eipi ?f all ira . ti,. -, l"i la.-ini- i |? I . ? \ |n ,| I to O ? -in,, track ; to giv? i... ? fot in?? a: ?" I .... , til- word i ???< 11. lh<? bill, . " a '.. BVOl I .,. i ".? ' th th? :???,-,?:...n ..: v i? i i . .:.m I'ublii i ? t- ng, of tlone.l In in the bill, all i- ' mal ?n | il betting Is appan nth ? l? rf< i. i will Trotting trad ? ? I !.. op?rate ?? ithoul I ,m the propo?. d State Hoard The t- vise?l MM is i . ., ?unter ?' ' ? ' ' "ci. ? non n m a-., ml? ... i early 1 M \|.. ti . ' fcX \.mi\i: int,, -nii, OOI r BILL, 1 ' ' '''?'? 1 'O 1 ha . i ri. -I..\ Mi. i. l?|. lAi'.y ' "MMlTTKi: Ci: :??., l \n?i,\? BRED Albany, March n in the Senat? t.. la) Senator OOonnor offert i the followl i ^^??;;; v Mil U no? pending ... i ,? R?, ,-,. dar) ?f ??. Re? ?i 1er ???. Nos ', .... and make him presiding "?' ' ouri ol t'mei ,: g. Ions ol thai city, an i give him powei - . r? in. the i.?nt officers " |nnuri an : ,.il?., officers In their Wll":' " '' ? " I ?' di p ii? as to the alleged facts V': '''?," ' ' - m Commltl.r i ?. ,'"'. sn.l II :- hereb) ., it ho riz. . ... \ .,,.,| .','.".':' i ' ? ol ? ? proprlel '. I" mmlttee b ..'x and . ,ui i) >; ??ew-Yorli ..i . ":- ? ?"?osrap ?e? ... ; , i..r? _| | ,,,., * ?'; " .'??'? ? >nd Ih ? ..: ommltte? w II ? -i - ? report to the Seaata with all convenfeai s,,r?-i together with ?neb recommendations as in Iti ludgmeni the public Interests require. Thl? waa m.?.|. ?, ?pedal order for nest Tuesd?) morning. Senator O'Cannor hM It a? pi'?? >"?- ?' to put Bll the judge- and attendant-- on the Stand .,,,,, nu i out wh it is the trouble. THE ?WXJLOGICAL BILL AMENDED. ACTION TAKEN WHll H, IT is PKARED. HAS PRAO TP'M.I.V K 11,1-1 :i > IT. Mbsny, Mandi :i (Special). Mr. Nib ?'? bill for the in..ut...ration of th- New-York Koologlcsl S?v , . :v and the - ?tabllshmenl of ? new Zuolo : Garden In the northern part of New-York Cltj illy killed thl? sft? ri. ah? n two dis ? hostile amenda? nt-. off? red by Mr. H ned upon It. sn I Its frl? nds I? ; ll ?? '.,.:. t., ihe calen lar by d? fault The bill, i trodii? -d and adv? rated by Mr. Nile?, auth Hi inr-on..?n.>n .1 a aoolowleal ?oelety, wltl lino? -i ? ' ?>?? i- of N? s -York ? - , ... ,i;.r mi mi. i- : Chsrl i A. Dana, ? ?swal I t " rfer, Andr? a H. (Ir-H n, William li. Web ?. Henr) H. Cook, Samu? : I), Babeo? k, Charles R. Miller, George G Haven, .1 Hampden Robb, I't? ? ,m k W. i?e \,,.-, .1 s. tvei Page, Rush C. Haw? i ..i Id Jsmei Kb . w ag? : Bi ) ne, Charles A. Peabody, Jr., Charlea E. Whltehead, C j R. Flint, Samuel Parsons, ??.. Morns) William . ; ii. no E. Orei ory. i^sac W. Ms ?lay. Isaac R I wald, Hugh X. ?'.?tup. Andrea I ?. I'-i ker, Come? | i . Van Colt, William i?'. n ??? m Fred? rick ,.,i I, \\ illlam W . Thomp >n, '? i ? Ha ! I den Edward U Owen, John H. Btarln, Ru h s Hui?leko|M r, V? illlam W ??.11? b, Albei i ll Oal : ,? . ?v. i,r i, k 8, I'hur? h, i: iw.nd C. Bpltska, , itoi,. rl i.. Nile?, Ma Hi on Orant, ?'. Oranl i.a : . v. i m \ .. n \ alkenburg. In 1er- their ? eetloi -il irgel) .?? the t i % ,id. n. fully worthy ol I - . ?? v..i tu i. . itabll he I and maint for ihe i I Insti uction, the ? t) aulboritl? - . thoi /? d by the bill to .? ..iiumend.ii.!.. u.rtaklng by contributing the i i,.- ? ,? - ?.,, the garden out ?,f any of ita pai k lam? i lying n o ' i ? ; ? ?ne nun Ired-and-l nfth-st. As s iiueleu- for the propos>ed collei of animal?., H was siso contemplated that the Park ? '..-mi. ??lorn loan or I r insfei T" I h- new ? ? - g? rie now maintnli ed In < 'entrai I'.'irk. A?Iinlssion t" Ihe uptown ?aMen wai to b? i fr?.- :,i ihe public on at least four days of each Tl.n - Itlon to the bill, led by Mr. Halpin, Mr. r?.|.->- ,u I Mi Howe, .a' Tloga, was lire ?? ! '. ?t th.. provision win, h allow? ? the I an fer ?1 i he ? '. ntral Pai k m? nag? - ie lo the new ty. and It? ???,:: equenl removal lo i new gar? den north of One-hundre?|.and-fifty-r1fth-st. The ? rv was it ? . that the pa bill, In rs iinamend?-?! form, would deprive the great play . . if < ..I Park of one of It? I ?? ,. ? ion? for r!ie young, and for the pu ? more . : o? Ii i pa rts ol th? i ty, u : although the pr? eminent a?lvantages ? ?: ? tabllshlng a new und t ? : more con pleti an?l ?all ?fa toi ?? z?i ? den uptown were urged with force by Mr ' Mr, Hums, Mi Stan? hfleld and by Speakei i -.. i f, th eel m a ithoi li ?.i; r he linpo .' d -i. Central Part ? ? to the pro ty wai ?trtrken util ol tl bill by n \ ote ..:' ?. ? . - ? ?i. - r - i '. h ib.- llnal i iragi n ph , m? i d> i b) m iking Sonda) one ? , h t he ne? part shoul II open i rio- bill w ? orb-red to a ? friend? of the men - pose.!, ? ' ???..?. -.?rnldv to allow ' t?. be merged In the lai tu the ? -' . is amend?-1 forn \ HEARINil ON RALLOT REFORM. ..." ? V ' I ? .-'. : ? -? .1 ternoon gave a it Reform the .-. ? ... ith -?? ml ? N s 'i ?. ; k i 'Ity, ? luml-'l tn I He want? , ? would i ? -., be ith ? ? ? i ? ?; . i ? i . . :. M ? , .? ? < lie , ;..: lor Hi? i i,- ? ' . ? : md ildei : Ben a toi I. . ? - : ? . that tl I ' ?' . : ?? i - . M ' ? ? t,.-t m ill : ? . ' ; l prei on ? ling a straight ; , - w mil In r Mi 1.. - and Mi Keith > pra ??... . Id be ket took fl? Mi It? ? ne? bill was nuil i.I ?ri fni ?. ? ? . i (| ? ? Wef I : t : ? ? ? !'?:??' i of I II. ?'. Nev.U ?il i lary, of the i \ It. I i| .... ?. nor I ?oi ? . i ' ' ? v ? II Kly. It. II. Kunha Knauth, l-'r? l?rl<-k ' ?' Swan, Roudlnoi Keith, I. J ? 'allanan Jol I' Kauri John w It' I' |? llrblle) u i ? ? ? i. the Hi v. V V. Ii and John Hi ki i.- >v It LOCAL I'lVIL SERVICE RIXES VMF.NDED. I'l.AN AI'PROVRD m ? I. , . ?Mill ?-'? ?N l "l: ?I? ?' I H ?N : ins r|T? \;i lar? h : ' The Btat? Civil .-' ? ? ? i pp r o v ei I i I ., i. i ? ? ? ? ? Herv??*? pro ?? , ? irul on ol ?il Ub -i >i In Ihe It) . vice ai - , ' h - , of depart m - i bor? r? ,,i nt,- ma lo ap| ? i . l| ? .i - i s. i ? ,. Itoanl. I s ho will I - - -, I tii" llsi r i . ?? i md two additional Is He Ma I l plan. ? : operation In I other a ? ? last ten yeai vi . ,.i Strong want? tu pu n m operation lu Nr? i <'?iv l're?|?|i m ? -,..?i, , i the Slat? l'ivll s It.mrd ... - thai il?-- plan I ? iperat on In AU.y, bill r ..... ii r ? i I o i'.;--'- ? Th?- ? ' u.n .?i o .?i d? ? .i an exi m nu i ,.?n .,f i apple int '..' . -' ?i. l:.,nk lA.nn | s Ith th? i of i hing un eligible ll?l The offl ? ??? ? ' pie i in Un , onip? Ulive h? lui w ii. ,ii r he i, : \ ? .. i TO PUT ON elb.l 11 ?u'v?. la matte? how t.ik?- Doctor . ?I'l? ire -, <,?.|.b-|i Mi ,||. il li-, i-over? It w ??r k- w onders itv restoring the normal a>lion id the d? ranged organ? and i functions it build? the flesh up t?. a safe ami healthy standard promptly, plea antly and nal urally. Tin wca! em u iated, thin, pal?, .md puny ar- in de strong, plump, round and rosy Nothing ? n effective a - r? strengtn restore! and t! ? ?h maki i I? known to medii ,? science; this puts ,,n heulihv I t! 's not the fat of , ,?l liver oil md Its filthy ???m pounds, It muses every organ ?>i lb? body to .<? r.ttv. puriflea, cariche? and vitallae? the blood so jlhattk? body ftrel? refreshed and strengthened. It' ; \,,ii n?- too thin, too ?reak, too nervona, it m.iv l?? I thai tli?- food assimilation i al bull \ certain inioiint of bib- t neces try fot the reception <>f ihr I bit i..??,!- in the Wood Too often the liv? i hold? back this ?lenient which 'voubl help digestion. Doctor Pi,-i.-???, Medical Discovery stimulates, tones m? and invigorates th ? liver, nourish? s the blood an i j the muscle?, atcaaach and Mrvn |el Ut? ri h blood they n qnirc sPiiNT NUNMKHM OF dollars with no MNOTT. M F '''I' M\s o! .. Xngeiil St . A'di A ?????, ,l/ii ... write? : ' Afler SUflbliug II.?ill d\-prp--i.i .md I maipatioa ?rah natotd agony Cm at ?r is nSOBthS. I BM umri- 111.m plmned t-? -i? ,iil?r u?ing in t". i. ? * i'.,!d, n Mm'.i, .il iMn-rorery I md rir.-i?.un p'-!i?-t- t..i ,in.- iiioiitii. I \-.i- entirely cared and from that 1 ??. i ? tin- i ?l ? n,,t kaow, '.. 1 wh a 11 n a -b?lii headache i- I i > ? i. t i do ',.i ?,n Tri-mont st n ??too, m oac day i fa? Iii? advii ?? ? r- i t!i- .um ot with }; , l.-r i medii m?- m I ,i -n..? I n ? bcarat i . gal nwre i -In I ?,/ .../.? knu from v.. ? i m- .ii? ?:.?. than imm all Ihe ? . -n? du m?- i n-.- ?I. It imy |.-. oil Mrilo i,.id- tlii- i- ""*???..ifgtb. - ill? riu?. n .in d\-i,?i?M? ..i kiii-Ii _. , . **? ?****"' I pin ?n and will um n-iiii m.,!.....? M ' ? "" man, i-.s?. 1 an I have done, he will never rvgrel IL" ?Silver Plate that Wears.' 1 _ _ _ _x ,-> A Ci Chafing Dish Recipe Book Free gen : ? <\ c?py. Mate! i.-in-i? BMty. and con. lamina W r.?l?ati(? rceipsw I'oUt?!'..??! In .-onn?^ Men with our r r?ersl sUverwsrs bnstnasB - th? I -u-geM In ?lie world. A Heridas Mrltannia Co, ? haaag Dlsa Is "a taraco, aesaty.' MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., I ?08 Fifth Avenue and 46 East 14th St.. New York, at IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. OPINIONS OP LEADING LAWYERS ON THE LEXOW POLICE BILL. 1.1. m,- i:,,.,!. JAME? ?' CARTER. WILLIAM B. ; ,. tjci | ,,.?, 1:1: \\i? (.. HERA A'.i.l.i: THAT TUB I'ROI ?ION i"i: THE ?Pf-OIXTalE?fT ..r i-i.l l-'l-l l*OHMIS8IONEK8 LEA VIM M?; HATOR NU 1>HK KETI? ?N tN THE MATTTER. Ti,., opinl ?ns "i' W. B. Hon blowsr, James C Cart? :-. Kllhu Root, Jos? | h lair?cqu? and other en ii ?-. I la? -? : - ml tltuilonsllty of the I.. \?.i. bllb will i??- rea i ?. i lnt< rest. Mr. Horn blown i Utter to < harte??. Stewart Smith is as fol ' "i,-i? i. s Stewart Smith, esq., i : aim. rt , et? i ? .h Sir: I have exami.i the provision ol Sen atoi la?xow'? bill In relation to the Police Depart ti .t.' .,i i: ..iv which has reference t?. th? mod?* ..- ? lei ? Ion . i Un? Poll? ?- ' '--ii.n after the lirai da) of November, UW I >m of opinion that, . far ii it purports t.. ? infer upon the Mayor ol New-York the power of appointing two ?>f th? i ',,?:,,i,i ,: mers, sm h pro'? Islon Is unconstl lutional. since It ?eaves no dlscrettdhary (???wer In the Mayor, and no i Ig; ol choice, he being re ???tit-..t t.. appoint "those two persons who shall have received the hlg esi umbel ol votes next to tin- iv ?? persons s ho hav? b< ? n ? ?ected Poll? ?? ? 'om ners ol d?l city." This seems to me to be -i rectly In violation of the principies laid down by the ''?.ni i ?a Appeals in the caae? of Menees vs. \ ? ? . ; V V . :;Tii. and Pe ?pie ?-\ ret. Kllleen vs. Angle HOB N. V. ???>> These .<??* held where the Constitution confers the power "f iii'-nt upon any off tal, lhal official lias the exclusive power t.. determina as to th.? propriety o uch appointment and the sufficiency of th?? nuaim. i ropo ? i apfi nt? ? ?, and any legls i -Aii.h relieves such official from the obliga t..ii lo exercise his ludgmenl and skill In making the appointm? t o? r? ? - restrictions up ?? . red i* un? onstltutlonal. s. .-t. a, i .,: ii le X of the present Constitution takes away from the l/egtslaiure any power to aii?.ant mum. pal offic? provide for their ? ?_...?: ? than b) appointment i ? the mut Ii lp .1 authoi li ? or election by th? ;..tI electors, if th ? i- ovlslon ol Senator with th.s s? m th? ? Ing ;he power of sp ; ilntmeni t.. the M.? of New-York, It clearly i unconstitutional for the reaaons above stated Bo far BS the provision purports t<> or I? la eleel ?n i| ? minority ??f the - ty. I am of opinion that I il . .--i itlon of th' p 111 If nol th? le ? ?? - ??i the .onsi tutlon, ??'? h.nfei - upon even ?? .. t ,r th?? rlghi ? ? all oflld rs : > be ? ??,il. ? pr?. Ise qu issed :|-" bj t:.-? i ourl ol Appeals it I am ?iron [I) ' opinion thai .- i,- h ? ? i .ne to be | .ised ui.uii b> : , i. that any .. n of law ? ' ? to confer upon ? right t?, selecl a?i\ ??? th? - ? .:? to any sub- Il i (Yhethei therefore, ?? 1 a? :.i ? .. . I I hin I . i, . ? be in onst ?? - vei ? March 21, 18M WILLIAM B H"i:M:i.< ?w in: Ja -.??- . . u ter, E1II i R ?>. Jos? ?-ii Lai John ii Parson? i' larle? C i:- unan, ?'.. I.. Rive? and f-oula !.. Delan>.d join In the toll ?wing , S -, , ... ? ? l'ois ?? i lepai tmeni .?. If ter the i . ?hall ??.-?? ? wo P r !?? ? ? - \ ?? ?' -, f six years f i >m 11 ?? ?n and l ?. I s s I 11 have -, . ? ? ; Mayor ol N'es fork shall Imme -. .t, ? are i appoint i.y writing two additional Police Commissioners of ?all ?v ? octal? i ?"h the tsro Commissioners , I. and srhrch I'-.tnmH .... t.?, ,m trt.. per- ' i ? it to t ? whi? shal ? : ! ?.'. ty. No inted s hlch mors I ?ti '**. u ? 1 clt] shall ? . th? term? of thl? ?.;ii the m ?. ? ? ipi Ini -.%.>?.: ths Commis ?i?mers, i.-i i..tit .?!?? or -i ii?-?? -.? at mus? ippolni the tw?> persons the ii-Kh.-st number .?f ? ? . . ? i : ? - - .i ??.. sha 'i h.-?\ s bee i ? i ?f .???-. thai ?a-h two ? ip| ?int. I" ?. ' beeoms entitled to the . . received "the I lghe*t num !.. r ..f votes nest to the two persona wh-> ?nail have ? .- i In virtue of their *?.? I I.y the \| . In s il? nice .m I effivl therefore, all .if the po ! .? . . i will take off) ' ? i.f th h imb? : I by them. In other s .>t Is, We ir? of opinion ? , ? ..ii?? ii ati.t.. If I ? I a-- being ? \.- ..ti- era, a?. In .. ir opinion, the) must, the pro? to the qualifie?? elect . ? ? ? ii -if them ?*hl , I \ ? . il of th? Const ? ? . ? .... i People ei '? ? i . If. i .? SI : ? wl ? ire : tij the M.i. 'I . i ? t > ? rly un? ?far Keeks to restl let ; li ? ' iv* th ? - ? nun - ? ? the two p-r* '-. ,!!: . i ?? lile ? 'I ?-..'?? led I ? ?! the Ini ? ? ?. . . ? dl -a h Hi ITS, an I to a ,.n H ? Iff. :? . ? . ? their : ? t II? TI I . - that Iment" 'hen th" ("o ippo ntlng ?til??, r ? a; ii uni) |.. ?r i ? ? i?ei ?.?o 1.1 i.? ? ?nally . .1 the ? ? 1 ? i ? \ i? ' Klllean ? \ ? ? N i .i ? - \ .?.?... ? Tli'i SEVENTY KNTKIt A PROTEHT. < H uti.i -? STEW II - ' ..-..?. \ M ,. i i.Hi ! -|:\.\\ r ?;? iVERMill ?- .XTON I'l? I'ARKHI RS r T ll.Ks Members of the Com m ? ? ? of Seventy and other m? ti who were prominent in the campaign for good government In this cltj last fall were outspoken y< iterds) m denouncing ;ii" efforts of Republican Sena toi . apparent I) ad ig bj the direction of T, C Platt, t..owd through th? i.?-\?>w bills f??i th.? i organisai.t the Police I) pnrtmenl and have bills of the t'ommlti e of Ten killed. liter ' i i.i i i. everal ? on ultatlons on lh ? ub? lect, the followlnf telegram was s.?:n t.i Mban) Ne? Y.itk. M ,r ?? _M. I???.'.. Hon Charles T Bast?n, S.-un.-. Albanj in the opinion ... the beBt members of the r. publican party, a majorltj "t Senator?, bj their ??.'in action I.?-' night, are deliberately digging the ;i-.i. ..? the ? a Si i Un..u thai Mi-."t Strong i absolutely opposed t. th. provision? providing for the election of Police Commb-siont't contained In Ihe l.?-\?.\v hills, and he i-onslders the bill.?? pi ?posed b) the Com m-:i.-.- of Ten o? be fsr m .<? f-? ihe Interest of th.? ??eople and g.i Can h bo |>o?slbl?. thai tnc deliberate judgment of th?- Mayor and ihe p opl? ol New-York should b.? Ignore?! bj the part; i power regarding laws which sff? ? governmeni ... this Ity? cil IRLES STEH ART SMITH. Mr. surta said later thai II the Lexow bills wera I ti e of the pi ? i of th? people of this -i?-. a fftrong would *.??? ample opportunity to ths psopis t.? maks anothei protoat al a hes In ins office, su-ii ? hcariag, Mr. Bmith declared, Brould result in Mayor Strong - sdlng bach th.? bills Without hlS approval. i?:h?i iii.-ini.? r- ?.: the i\.tiiui:t:.-.. ,if s.ienty said that Mi Smith had sxpi.i th.-u vlewi exactly Several ?.f them a.--> said th.u the) tvotiM spprovs ol holding inothi r tai sting In ? i nl -a or m i .h .- hall to ? - th? feelings of ths psosae of thh clt) on ths - tb> i ?in-' Rsv. Pr, Parkhursi iid laal evenlag thai ha had tiik.-i with a number of mea ?im had been ictlv? a reroraa work m the city and they .?n feit isnl .n a. .unit of ihe plot? ()f ,|lt< |.'.ltt -*_-?. pub : ? - ? i ! - at Albany, "I ? i ilklng with on man " uld Dr. P irk ? '<?' I id si..-,,- ... ?al itayB in Albany aa i 1 I talked ? Ith ... .-,.i,. ri of ths i. gisl iturs sh .u: the reform billa whtoci ths i.pie of this city want lo lia.c passait II? lolJ ate lint In all the talk REED & BARTON, Ml? Tinillli?. Et'crytfelBg Desirable in 6!!verw?re at r>a.?enabl? P-lc?a. ?IT I ilion *><|nnre. .?I. V., 13 MAIDEN \. y' TOURIST $70. THE BIDWCLL TINKHA? CYCLE CO., .:? ?. ?In H ?>''' n s' _'i l. .11 .n > ? , -.., 1.213 lle?lf..r?l Ave., Uklyr., ls| p....,, m s-vnr*. he ii .u i among the Benatoi i and AaasniblyaMa i-onsidcratlon? which ?rrnisl ?? ? ive weight n y. what wa- wanted by tbe reputable and int? I.?Kent people .,t New-York, or what a ?aid no n te ? I? m government, bat bow the Mils might _/ ?? ? he .;, in es ot this oi inai Senator or this or unit Assemblyman for re-el??ctlon, or how the in? terests of th? Republican ;?? - ? ,rr- -?4, i.ibs 1 .1. lar? 1 cannot help h*\ A :? ot eon tempi and loathing u?en I "link of -a )i men. I am remln '.? 1 ol ? ?pea ;. 1 m a heard a bou l certain men thai th*"| hud soul? |usi : ,i; enough lo be ?? imne I. I was talking to-do.- wt5 Mr. Leggett, the totretnan ?>f ih.. (hand Jury, .md he express??*! himself forcibly on the ?ubje . ue his hud his eyes opened by some of the revebitloag ?I?-, ll?,'. ,.,.-?.. - - ..|" ..- -. .... .-.-....- v. .??- .-.-,., e.,u which have been made befor- the Jury concerning ? ioi:.rm?-ss. an?l be un !<-r-tamls the ne. ,| u* r< form legislation, it is amaaing to think that mi-mb-r- ol the |,ex >w Committee who were hen? :n the rlty for months an 1 wer?- mad.- .?war.- ??f th? fearful extent ?if polfoe .-?? can ko on triflln? with th? interests of the city. It t?mmt* my biooj boll." .?/ O RE M ONE Y S CliSCRIBED. Tin: BOTANICAL GARDEN FUND INCRKA8 IN?;. ORGANIZATION OP THK li'ivft:? OP MA.v.v.rRA ? '"itVKl.n S VANDERBILT BMGCTBD I'ltKSM'KNT A ?Mating of th? Botanical Oardefl llsirt of Minan.,- a,, beld yesterday afterno?>n in th? room? of ri- ,;, graphical ?Society, No. 11 v\?t Twenty-ntnth-st. ?Xndrew ?Carh>tgfe prssMsd snd Professor Nathaalel 1. Brttton, ol rulaiblg Col? l?ge, a retary. other? press?t were exa-hief Justice Charles i'. Daly, Jadga Addbapg P.rown, Beth Low, Charte? F. Coa, Professor Kemp. David 11. King, Jr., president of the Park Isaard, an 1 Pra? feijeor Chandler. It waa announ?ted that Oswald ?>tt. ndot f? r b? I ?iven ?"...?"? toward the tMSAABA fund before a? live work on the garden project can b Thl? bring? a total amount subs ed t.warl this fund tj % uly ttt.OM vet to he rai?ed. Th? opinion w.i- freely Wfwmil ih.n thai r-niaining - mi w -aid soon be rat? ? bt 1 ind th*n th? , tag of the corporators ?iii be rapMI) i out. This w.? r1.?- ttrwt meeting of th?- Roai 1 ??f Maa*> gers -.;.'?? th? Botanical ilarden waa Incorporatinl, ; . ipal work >\ ?- to organise f??r i. is -,? ?a and ? -1-??: permanent officer?, Cornellua Vaaderbtlt w is ,. i.-n'.. Andrew Carnegt? v.. i-presl dent, .1 Plerpont Morgan trensurer. Prefeaaor Kg* . !.. Hrirt ??. T.i?- following w r? ? - .if th- Kmate'e ? ,.mm VanderMlt, J Plerpont Morgan, William B. i',b:e. \- .v 'arnegie, CharUs F. ?Cog and Ja ? ?.m?? r William C. Behennerhorn ?nddainuel , ..?ti-il m?-ml>? rs of th? : - - i of Managers. Profc?ir rV. Oilman Thompson, pu :?--.. of biology In the University ot the city ?if New-York, waa made an .i intimai .??-lentiti .1. rector. A resolution offered by :*elh Low was adopted. It wa?: !:? sob ? b Thai - Dti ton .?re re ? i tested to 1 infer with the Boai 1 ot rommlsslonerg of the Public Park- relativa t<? the Uxsaiton of ti-?? liotanlcal Harden, ar. I to repor: the result t? ? Hoard of Managen, By th.- a? t of m.-orporatlon the city authorities ?re re?4uire,| |o t*A asid" i'.?) acres of land In Hronx Park for the eacltialve u*e of the Botanical <;?r !-n. T:,.. park contain? boom ISO acre? of Und. and ?n? River Brons Bow? through the middle of it Th? ?election of the ." aerea has been left entirely to the choli.'. the Botanical Carden peop'". and they n-'ed only Ihe concurrence of the Park Board to limp?ete ihe formality of ?electing the site, in ?ill probability th?? ~*\ acre? will be sele ?? 1 -? a? ta have ih? garden en l>"th side? of the river, which will ail greatly to the beauty of the but WBJOTIBS 3IR. WBLBOVM LE.rrcRr Th? room? of tbe w,?: Bide Republican club w*re ?1 ii?: night bv the atemben ot th? ? 1 ii?, ? r wives .??,'. daughten, who h:. I aasembl > hear William il McEli "n "PaaKm? 1 it I'imous I miners." Mr. M?Kirov han.ll- ? theme aidv. and provoked much laugfcter and fn? queni applause. Among iinise present untre Mr. ,? 1 Mrs 1 ?a ire? WllllaaM, Mr. and Mr?, j. ? 1.? i- Mi end Mrs. Ocoege it. Hidw-U, Mr. and Mra Pnnk Bram?erd. Henry ?'. <ong.>r, \V A i?, i II i.'.in.iii, Mi-s Dunan, t?rin C. g D. ?tirant, Mr. and Mia. Charlea 1: Hammond. Mr ?nd Mn. Joba 1. N. Hunt. Mr and Mn llal-t-ai C. Hynarl. Mr and Mr? .lunes S l.ehmat.i. Mr and Mis. W. \V. Mer i.'.l Ml and Mn S S Pa kard. Mr. and Mrs. 11 Randall, Loul? and Mrs. ?'-. 1 - 8tanton Mr. a Klllaen Van I: Bunkel, fleorge .1 Beabury, Mr. Igwlck. Mr and Mr? i.u<*tu? M. 1 Mrs. Charlee N. Talntor and nss? la? r. Till ggl WILL ARD PABAOBA OBTTIB? HITTER. The many friend? of the Rev. Wlllard Pnnnag. abo ha? b>r*n dangeroualy ill at Bt. Luke's H?t?e> pltal for some tint?, will be glad to lean that Mr. Parsons I? on Ihe road u> re,??\ery and hla n ? hoi to health Is only a quMttoa ot (??'??? ai 1 r'ot '1 , ior,(; time either, Mr. Paremia ' ?? atibe !?? I with a ??..rrir. rous and painful ?live ise some nme ?go, .?nd ?ought nil? f In travel. H< ? W t<> Algier? and t?> Bgypt, but gaining no relief, re? 1 t,? ibis country and pla?*ed hliaaatt in the band- of the phy?i? inns ..;' Sr. Luke's He ;??' A qaick dlagnosl? ?,f Mr. Wiilard'a iroub.. n? ?led ? t that .m operation must ?v perfonaad. This was done, las) Monda;, afternoon, ?nd ne has t? .-ii ? su...-- At th.- hospital b?-t nlghi it was -aid that Mr Parson? had bort * operation well .md was recovering rapidly. SV( RRTABI CABLIALBABDJ. H. BA VLSI H EHR. ieeretary Carlisle, of the Treasury D?*pai*ti3ienC a? eompinied bv Assistant So? retary Hamlm. I 1 ?i, i :\ last night ..t a late hiiurs and W?J drlV?B Plfth ?Vveaue Hotel Me?s.-, Carliste m<l ii imiin i?--t no time in *va?phlng th<- i.ioms aaaigaad 10 them, wher?' ih.-y them??lves |g ?ltd tP fused to see npoft?m who ?em gp earda t? th?**at> Joseph H Man?.-- . ol Auviisi.i. m . chairman of . Bepublkaa National Ex?ecutiv? Committee. ?M aim a gu?si of the i-'ifth Avenue Hotel last tr4m Ing, Mt Manley la going lo t ik?- ? short \a.?tioa abroad, and ?Mil sail for Kut'Ope OH tin- Kuli? I?" morr?n morning, PAIBTIBBS AT LOW FRICRM Ai (h. Fifth Avenue AuCttOO ItlMlaas l?-t '? ' ''* there w I? [?ut m? for sal tli.* . ?II? ,?iou of paintlns? and studies ot the hue Jantea H Beard tog??tk?sf with some of tin- v. ?>rks ..f Virgilio, t.,i, ttlaad BrtkUs, Th?. >a.. was weil atieud.d, but tit?' MMMg ???s not lively, not wen the prices up to th?? vain? of the placea offsend, k,t?o??in? *t* ?a*11* of ,h* pictures, with prang and aaaaaai of tsatafesaava: ' i.e goaantell d'Ai'iauua ' ri.-m. v Bniaea? *?'?"? Dream ..f Love," Toletll Josepk li..\oii ? "VVint-r In Ruwla. KI?m zytnekt ? V? Smah .. ?_? Me.ri? .11 l_iw leul. VI I Murr.v ?JJ "Awakening .>f Love Toletcl; Mr Hamlltes ? 'ti' i.n Bead." ri-lti III Hanillton lS0 "lion c-uloar end sun? h.? I'?!>_?.? Bull O. ? N.W ell . 'W Heur??, ??. r ?luthrl?.__J . T.i ?? 3? ? \V T. Sliermm Spaiii??i i!\i-\ \ "An Oriental bream,' T.>j???ti A .f. lly riMwd. r-.t-ttt. "A (easy i.uifi," I'.iietn... . Roman Bathing." by To.iettl, wa? put up with a reserve prioe of tl.???, and as no bid at that amount wa? inftd,', the inclure was withdrawn. Children Cry for PITCHER'S CASTORIA