Newspaper Page Text
GPESHAM AND THURSTON THE BECRETARTfl FLIMSY PRETEXT veil | THF. MINISTER'S RECALL. ag) ODLIQATION ON THE L?TTEIt TO COMMUN.. CATE HIS PRIVATE ?\DVICEa TO THIS CuV liKXMi-iNT -Tin: WHOLE irFAIH TO REDO) M' TO ' TH1 B ' \ I ADVAXT ''?' lay TKLcaaarn '?<? ?"?"? ???"???-?.i: | Washington, M it h tl. U\ I an ther Ha? waiian mall shall havs bet-n lai . ?d in s.?u Fran s ime time in tha ??? ?-*?? - I ''"" next week, it v\; ; be Idle to ??peculate upon the queal Minist? r Th iraton'a i- call. The stan? Department la determined, apparently, apon preserving absolute sltem -. ami as l :.?: a it does s -, ? i"- pues? os t . it i-. is ,i me ?. u. i. purpose doing ?a ta :?.-... 1 as another. There ?H- pe -pi?- to-day who maintain with some ap? pearance of authoritj .h:?- Mr. Gresham haa s nt no laatructl ?na te Minister Willis m regard t. Mr. Thurston, Others, with e-nm: assurance, declare that oidera f??r th?? Hawaiian Minister's : call are on th? ir way to this c ?untry n ?w, Tl - ?v? i on I?.:..; ol opinlo . . ? ?T in favor of ? .????? proposition. Tin? much la abso? ? muh that the rclutions between Secre? tary Gresham and Minister Thurston have reached a point where diplomatic Intel ourae'is Imp..-sit?;.', excepl In writing. Such a < ?nditlon ffalrs cann t. of course, Last long. It inns'. ? ?oner ur later end In the recall i f the Minister who, howe* er Innocently, has become In the eyes of the Bccratar) ol State pers ?"a n..ti grata. The g-eneral opinion sun Is thai Secratary Gresham, it he demanded the recall of Minister Thtaraton, yielded to personal feeling;, and In so dolna Bnasnifled matters which h<- could wall have arford.-d to pass by. He has directed at ntlon afresh to th.? whole disgraceful Hawaiian < ins de, which, so fai ????> hi and his chief w-ere concerned, would i?>t;er be forgotten. The) gave an o-npurtuni.y ?or President Dole I i pul Minister Willis at a great disadvantage In an <?fTi'ial -Otreaptrndence, and now Minister Thurs tun ??a-rns up aa a man b powerful thai he can Mocii the cat'.? ? I a Democratic Executive with a Demi era tic Congress. i:-\ ind aoim personal mortification at the treatment accorded t" him by Judge Greaham; i; is not though! likely that the matter will much disturb Mr. Thurston. it may. In th- end, oven redound to his advantage. The rnosl difficult work possible for a Hawaiian Minister at this capital he has already accomplished. The now Government la now well ael up. it has found ? s;-- dal in thi? country. The rest, so fat as mere diplomacy i. concerned, is routine. Bui the time la coming m Hawaii when the im.Ne? in? nt for annexation will requlr skilful handling. Men will be needed at the helm then wh-? are : ? nly In favor of annexation, but who are thoi ?ughl) familiar with the forana of this ?; ??. ernment, and personally acquainted with the polltl - ?adera in th?? United States, In that day, therefore, Hawaii will greatly n??ed Mr. Thural n. He of all hla countrymen, will proba? l ?y I ? ?:? si qu tllfVed to head a cotnn ? negi *iatinic for terms of admission for Hawaii . - ti.e American 1'nlon. and not unlikely, it Is \r. ught, he may. when ihe time comes, HI J ML lr. discussing th? -? ai nation from the Hawaiian Governmeni ?nvey? i through Minlater Thursi n lus found its way Into ih* j.iiblii prlnta before foi ? si mmui I atton t i the State Department, a writer ir. "Th? Star" to i .Kht aptly says This is ?'.-. eded to be a mattei of aome del cacy, but th? question Jual at this lime hapi?ens ?? (iresham as foi Min i-t?=T Tip - ? ? Tl ? ?ati li i ? the Spanish ?; vernmeni conveyed I : igh M Taylor app? ? : ; Us ont?-nts wer? made known ! -. Minister Tayl : to the Spanish Miii> ? ol K eign Iffalrs Supi - th? latt? r, when receiving Minister Taylor, had advanced with a slip from s .Madrid ?n?.raina newspaper In Ms hand containing s copy ? -?? tli?- dispatch and i ?rith i me sh ??? ??'???:..- _ "Tnis. sir. is what l presume j ? : have - ?me ? rommunl ate to me B H ho? Is It. sir, thai this important matter appears llrsi h the news ? papera? i must hav? an explanation of that for? i -an i fei with ?*ou off! -lally abo i1 the complaint of vour Government. We -J i business at this ?apltal regularl* and In order." Mlnlstei Ta> ? s uld have explained thai the dispatch li?? i i: : l.'i given ?? ih? presa by him or by dn> attach? of the Amerl an Legst Ion at Madrid "Then, air," the Spaniard might have said, "the offen ??? waa c ?mmitted ai Washington. ?ni i should like to heal from Mr .-'? retar) . -..?in on th? subj? t." Wha' would have been ? e ommfnt of Judge Graabam on such an ex? j - m? \n -.??? there ?- no comparison be? tween in?? Importan of th? news given oui in a Ivanci about the Spai la : affali an i tna* ab?-ut Hawaii The one was -i demand which mli*ht l'-ad t ? war; the other was metvly ih?? announce? ? ? t of a fact accomplished, commun!, ated only _i courtesy to th la ?Government. T ' ? | ?lng Illustrates 1 rclbly the lllogi >al attitude of B? retsrj Gresham, and ?.'?.??= far t i ..-\ ?:??. snlmua ..i his actl m against :he Ha? Minister, Admitting (which the friends t.f Mr, Thurston do not) for tha sake of argument, that he did as? i* alleged thai Is, y :? ??: | ?-? Information touching the trial et xhn conspirai ?rs al Honolulu befoi ? ha com? municated t1"- sum?- ; . th-- Stale Department that fact did not nstltute a violation "f li-?*-? ?.'.ploma'.i duties in th? sllghtes: respe? ?. The irtattei in <r-i Btlon related to Hi- s.?nt??n.-e? Im ] sed on savers] of the Hawaiian conspirators by ;ne military ?-ourt. The proceeding's of the cunt wer?? ucted openly and the sentences "f th* prisoners had been publicly announced in Hono? lulu. All the fs :? reached San francisco by the lirst mall steamer from th- islands, and were telegraphed fl m there by the United Press all over ?he country the very day the steamer arrived In port. Mr. Fhurstoi _ advloes, including copies of Honolulu newspap ra giving details "f ?x-cur rencea to date, wei br? ughi I > Btn Francisco by the same at amer and were transported to this eity by mall; consequently he did not receive ih^m for nearly a w????k after tin- Btory ,f the trials had been fully told by telegraph from San Francisco. Several newspaper men .ailed ..n Mr, Thorsten for Information as to th?- progress <.f a'f.'iirs in Hawaii, and he told them the r<-<iuil ol the trials of the conspirators as disclosed in his mall from Honolulu, at the same lime making peitinetu commenta on each case and giving hw per; .nal views as to the general effect of the pro .? lings on th*? people of Hawaii He simply ?rave a brief narrativa of rece?? occurrencea iii Hawaii i? obtained from Hawaiian bout es, and t ?k special care I ? av Id any reference to th?? United States or the course of Its representatives elihei In Washington ? r Honolulu, Tir? advices he received were solely for his own lrf ?rmatlon, and he waa under no obligation s ntever t> impart them to the state Depart? ment. That he did s.? was purely an acl <>f courtesy. H,s friends aaseii that .Mr. Thurston had just as mu h rlghl !" publish the t'.-sult Ol the Maurntrators' tr?ala as h<- had t.? t??n ol an earthquuk.? ?,r any othei 0 urr.-ii ?? in Hawaii which might to hi? knowledge through Haaaallaa advices. He waa not Indebted to the Stai-? Uepartmem tor the Information and bad had no ???'mmuntraiion with that Department on the subject further than to inform Secretary Greaham of tha amina] ten?,- of hi* dispatches H?. did ?his as an get of friendly Interest and in the absence ol firmal Instructions The Be re tary had already beca fully informe?] ,,? the sub . ? by Minister Willis. It wa? thr.,u?h the lat ;<?-. and not through Mr. -l-hotraton that seen tary Gresham .--i.dii t-i his ?UpteeaaUc corre apondenc ? with ih<- Hawaiian Government As for Minister Wlllla, the hopa is expressed 1 v - ,?n?? Of the friends of Hawaii in this ?ity that whatever th?? fat?- of Minist? r Thtaratoa m-i>- '?>. tha Hawaiian Governmanl will not i>.? BWayed by wry ??.tuianee or Bpliil .f retaliation in deallas with him. Good temper on ihe pan ..c th^ _man (?ovrnnipni would b??. they think, th?? best p,,<j. sibie rebuka of tha bad temper of tha Iiik Gov? ernment. t!j4onari&t?y Uli \ND Shirts RIAOV TO WEAR. l.l.T) ._XDI.!ll OUARANTCCD. ?It. FloiKb. i .T.I1I..11. The ll??t. ?Sk VCWR OUTFITTCR FOR THglH. > Writ? for our compl??? "Souvenir of Fashion." freehy Mail CUIEH, COON & CO., M?KEits. T?B?_^ NEWS NOTES AT THE CAPITAL. RATIFICATIONS OF Till', SEW JAPANESE TREATY EX-CHANGED. ATTEMPT? TO I'd KN TWO CATHOLIC CHURCHE* itt'l.KS m- nil-: ROAD AT BEA t:\ii.> OP thi: rnt.i: si:i:i> DiaTniBVTiON ki-. CARRlERg KOT I.? ?r.r.Vls'!'-. EION ?.'N'si'l.s RECOGNISED. Washington Mar h ?1. -The treat? ratai itlons between Japan ?nd tre- l'n ?? I States were formally exchangi i to-day, The new Instrument Is a com* men-la I treaty, ?>?? substance ol wh ?'.-. has already i ?. n given ;?, these tllspat he Th ? cop* tteai tig th? signature ol th? Kmpei ir ol Japan was I ik.-n to the Department of State this morning by M t-:? Kuriiio im ; Chancellor Xaklyamo i was In i-ee i in a ,:i quered b \ ? exqu le workman The cop? signed by Preskleni Cleveland was trien handed to th.- Japanese Minister, who wil n turn forward li t,, Japan to tie placed In the ?Vor ? ign ?'tli, - at Tokio ? if most Immediate Importan ? In the treat? is the proi < ?I providing that one month from to-day ihe Import yahfT now In opera l ti m In -I ip in ifT? ting Amerli otn goods shall cease .n ling, an I Japan? -? mitonomy m eustums ., ? . ? . M oniplete. The treaty tse.l with the long-songhl Japanese ludiclal control o?-er ror ,-..,?.,- ?n .,,, ,|-;,. ;.\e until July 1?, l?K?. but the great prin Iple of recognising Japan s supreme right .,- a moilern ? villaed n itlon to contra its domestic affairs relating to Import?, tor which ihe I,nlted States in- ,-. n.eii'? ' for over ten ..?mis. Is made i -, ; .... v operative. The 1 nlte : But? I? the it 0n to make this recognition ol Japan ? r. markabl. progr? ' ?ar?! ? .?vUlnsatl ?n. It Is ex ,?. ?,.,| mai the "tli lal in,' lam itlon bv iv. i'leveland announcing Ihe new Irraty will lie Issue?! to-morrow t-earlng to-daj ? date Tw.? attempts we:,- mude this afternoon to s,-t Ore ta Catholic chur he? In Washington. Th? first I allt-m|?t was mad.- upen S:. Dominic*?, in South! Washington, and later another similar attempt was made ar Bt. Patrick's It was bell?*ved that Ihe same person, .? mystei ous woman m black, was the ' o ndlarj In both case? The police, who think thai I rh?. woman - probabl) m m? r? .-,.? is fanatic, are mak ng effoi ts to capture her grams from Little Rock received In tins eltj this morning by m??mben of the family of Senator ?lames K Jones, of Arkansas, says tbar ne is . n free of fe\-er and ?xi>. :s to tie out of Ihe ...'-: i'.- care within a few Jays. He ha.?, however, been seriously III, and yesterday his wife was tele graphed for under ihe Impression his condition was dangerous. Before ehe could start another tel? ?gram announc? ' his Improvement, followed by ib*' j satisfactory, news ?>f this morning The Treasur* Board on Rules of the Road at s-a met at the Treasury Department to-dsy, H i.? com? posed of Ihe following members, ?11 of whom were present: General Duflleld, Superlntenden of the Coast ant Qeodetlc Surve) . ?baierai Duntont, s,ij,?r v.siriR Inspector-General ?>:' Si?:ini V?asela; ?Captain Wilde, Naval Secretar) of the Lighthouse Board; Capta n 81 lemaker, Chief of ?le- Revenus Ciittei Servi.-e. ard K T. ?Chamberlain, Comml ?lonei of Navigation. _ Secretary Morton's next annual report, ll Is said. will contain in detail, w.\'\ u-im--- and ac?.?pan) hiK particulars, the fa, ts In ? transa..; on which wUI make Interesting reading. Some weeks ago Mr Morton wrote lo the purchaaing agen of lbs ?esd !,vi:-i,?:i of th?' Department, Informing him ih_t memben of Congress had i,,,ii charged with dis posing of their seeds In .? waj other nun that con? templ?t? l by law, and Instructing him either t? ver Ifj .o disprove these charges In the most aub?tai I .?' way. in Ins than s week the agent brought to thi Secretan : ? .-- ritten ? i ? ? ? a men bei ,?? the House of Representativa ? o iota ie< ;-. n iii.-h he ?.i o pose I to ?ell i th? 1 ?epai I ageni for J.'i. '. I ? , e was ?Iir? 1? mad? snd ins'ea?! ?f ? ? h the agenl gav? h s which was prop?-rl? .. Ira s ' n -ai : he bank s - pens tl " -- ret n> Morion no? has the seed? ir? ru? d to thl? member turn? I over ? ten oi del and also ihe i h? K ? S hl> h Ui>- n w .i- pal?) -?r. i i?. ar ng th? ligua in hi n who sol I th? -? eds fom mission ei Miller, of the Internal Rev? Bureau, after tieing confined lo hi? home for Bv? weeks with tbe grip, has agali ned hi? official diit!?.-. M.- i- still weak, however John l' V'li tor; , ?s Tetai ? i f Ih? Sal lonal 1 m ?.r i.? it? r Carriers, denies lha s combli a ? ...i of ;...<t.r employe has been formed for ths ; pon ' !ongr< - to irn .tr.> rule? .,r- regulations of th? Po Department or f??i the purpose of lobbying through Congress legislation In tlnir Interests. Th? ??nly poseibi. foundation the r.; ?? hare Mr Victor?, says, is in th? fact that Congrus, In Its closing n ?:;':-i .? rece?? departmental r - ; t ? requli g that ra Iwaj postal clerks should Hv.i their run? Tl .- was ?I. b) an amemimen i"' th? Postoffl ? Vpproprlation b !:--.!? ing to in.- lepaitmeni re??enllng thl? ?ctlon b> recalling all paases Iss i i to lerks on In? \ond their own runs. Mr, \i h ry lys the departments action wai rrtl u i ipei '' nfltience claiming t,? represent th? ra il ci? rk--. M?- reaenis the Id? ? that |?,?'.?1 employes would combine to demoralise ihe service In which they ar? employed bin ?ay? thai ? ? on the justice ?<' their claims, they will r**sp< fuily and persistent I) petition Congress Atten? tion is called to what ihej have already ? ont pllahed b) th - mei ? -, particularly In th? matter of ihe eight-hour lass f?.r letter-carrier? it |? urged thai in?- Post office employes i ? t <-r r.-1 to are th? hardest worked and pooreat paid oi all Ihe Governmeni'a ser? an?s A NEW SUPERVISING ARCHITECT. WII.l.tAVi M AIKR.N, OP ?IN? -IV VATI APFOIV l:v SIV'trlH' I i- ?? CARI.I8I.K \v,i->hiti?,, March 21 ??-'?? retary Cai appoint? 1 Wlill nu Martin All ptrvlsing Archil? I ot the Tnasury. to nil the canc.v caused bj the migration of Jererr O'Rourke. ol Newark, X. .1. The salar) <?.' the I: .- i? tt..v>. :i ye*r Mr. Alken Is about forty-two year of ..i-? v. i-- bot 11 in Boui u ' 'a rol In 1 11.? .- .1 ? family after whom the town ? ' .Ik? -, named Alken moved to Cincinnati - me ten or lift y?*ar 1 age?. He was pari 1 I .???idle?! ir: this country under the late Mr. Rich? s n, the celebrated archlt? of i;, ton, In < clnnatl Mr Alken ha? attain? 1 a leading rank In profe??ston, and many of the most prominent 1 vate building? in Avondale, a is I ? ; - -...... - suburb the city, were designed bj hin il? ti--. ,i?--?ki an i built the Br ???? Ri lentille Hall ??? M la m I v.-i.-itv the Uli: of Senatoi Brice, Mr Alken h member or the I'nlverslty Club ml belongs to local chapter of the Institute of American \r t?.-t?. lie ha.- l.een a-i active I ?em.?rat for ma \ in Among thos* who r?*coirmended to? appol ment wen Senator Brice M K Ingalls, president the Chesapeake ar, 1 Ohio ilaliroad; Judge S. Hunt, Jacob I? Cox, ot Cincinnati, and Control Bowler, ___?.^-?? NORTH RIVER BRIDGE DECISION, THE BECRETARV. OP WAR BATg THAT PLA1 MCST BE BUBMITTED OR OR BE? FORE -UNK 7. Washington, March 21. Bitwretary ?Lamoal lo-di ?deckled ihat th?- New v,?rk and New-Jei?sey Brtdi Company must submit Its plans for th? itructu "u or prior to June 7. IMS, Ihe date s?-r i,y the 1? of Congres? ?uthoriBing ih? bridge. Th? Beer t. " I? Islon is in pai '? ss foll?n Th'- brtdg? company um.!..-a 10 the sSntary War for Information as t<? the length <>r time ti company ha? to hie piar.- an?l speclllcatlons ai mar. "f bent,?m of the bridge and it- approach? stating thai the 1 ompan fll? I pl%ni of 1? cantllev? bridge with the board of expert . that these plai were rejt-cted, and thai the company assumes ihi ll h.-is on? vea:- from December 12, MM, Ih? dat of the ?I'-iiHion of the Beentary of War approvIn the i.-eomm iidatton of the board and rejecting lit plans submitted to tbe boai I, In which lo in- r? vised plans. The question having been submltte to the Judge-Advocate-Oeneral, he is of oplnlo thai th- ?ubmlsslon of the plans t?> the board ws nol a compliance with tbe law r?*qulrtng them t t... submitted to the ?Secretary of War; that the a? of Congress directs that drawings showing Ih general plan ami location <?f th?- brill??- ?and H? ai proache? shall b- submitted within on? year aft Its publication, und that th.-r?- I? y-t sufficient tlm im th" company to comply with Ihe law. ne 1 ais., of ??pinion that after tii- general plan of 1 a tion of tiie bridge and us approach?*? has been ap prove.) t?.mpany will hav? on? year m whlcl t?> begin the actual construction ?>f the brltlge, bu thai b-foi- in !-;?iiiiinL' such construction it mus obtain the approval or the S?.?'t?taty ol War to ?le taib<( rd??ii- and si.iflcatlon , The Secretary In informing Mi Bwan of in? ? ?>f the Jud?_*-A?lvorate-Oeneral says thai M would In* kI.i I to me?-, the wlshe? .,r the brl.lg? 'ompanv In the matter, but tbat It ?ppeared Iron the decision that the Becroury "f War had no dl? ?tretlon to th?. time i??r nilng general puna and he ?ar. leerefore constrained to hol?l thai th? plan? mu?', b? ?ubmltted on m prior 10 June :. iv?.,. VOTMA lit osi rill: At IT TARD, The dynamite-thro.-.., Vesuvius t.ed UD ?I the Cob Doch wall shortly ?ftei mem yesteroay, hav? ing been driven in f,on, .,, n, rough weather. Which kick?-! up s,, j, ., ?,., ,.,.,, ,|,,. boat? could ",,r he used. Ueutenant-Commander Knoi ?uc ???bd in fln.llnKt ?m?. dereUci off the Lang Island COaat The bulk was nol Identified, as all th?' marks bid ,. en carried ?way, bui she was reduced to klndHng-wood in the most approved fashion. Th?- ??mimissons ?,r Lieutenant-Commandes Charle? A. Adam? and .sslstani Naval Construct on Hlbbs. Rock and Qlllmor were received from Washington yesterday. Meutenant-Commander A?iam?. who is on Commodore ttlcard's stair went to Norfolk on Tuesday win? a ?irafi ol m? n from tiie Vermont for the Alliance, and la expected al his post to-day. tm ??t? m tis?ti cc,?u?r skcuus \/ ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE His Stood the Test ot Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED OUT OF A JOB NO LONGER. MR. CLEVELAND l-'INHS PLACEA POR SPRINGER AND KIL430RK. Till: BANOAMON KTATKSMAN *? M ' Till' TEXAS Ttl ADORN 'Hit: KKN'i'H IN 'I'III-: INDIAN '. ERRITAK* luv TKi.KiiHAi'ii TO run TRIBI si: | Washington, Mar. h .'i The l'r.?*:?!.--it to la) ap? pointed William M, Springer, ol Illinois, Judg? of the I'nlted State- '. in ol the Northern Dl ..f ih.- Indian Territory, and Consisntlno Buckley K. ?tore, of Tesas .1 ulge <?' ih? I'nlled States IV. M SPIll N'l 1:1: '? R. Kll/P >i:f ''..'? of ; .?? .".. iLhi i n District of the II "? ? ? ? i ii 'l'h?--?.- api il '-n- ? ' - -?> ?l naiurall? ?.? i ??ilj i ? .-.. ? is well as Jusi criticism W un \1 .-, tore are i n. ??' ? ? ? ?' ? lenui ? e life or i : I ?? mo ral Vfi? ' .?? ? ? ?*e?i i Ici II H| ?le.tlon in ? ? I after < the - , ? -1. ? ??'? '? . ? ? ... ... for t wei pled ..... spare Sprint II e wan a I w a ) ill ? ? ,i i-- an i Joint Ii ih? ? was it.? chalrma rn.lttees, Ii ? ludloi rYays snd '?.->? Cur:, i. ? ' h??> never I tant and i ? ? ? lie ha? ' ? pe i ??? in been found o ? ? ? . .lulu? ni ?. ? v.!.-. serve?! In ('ont k ? , ? ?y h n I hesnl ? ? ? \\. : ? am gla I fo President has ha : ??? i o ? hl? that hi ti .... : . If I IMlt.K (O 1 ? 'i always want to b? ? ,\ old Hprlnger'a wan that I knowl.'ilg. iw a .?.-. \ - } \ pound? pie? a his appoint m?*i I ? ? id ' ? I ? .-. ; ? the Pr? ? Kven som? ' ? ? i 1 many per ?on? ?. i ? . r , ... ? i .? .... ? ? .v.. < he appoint? ?or? hi asa a I '? mo ra! . ? a; . ..-...' .? |ob " who -.?. a idly In n< of one; ? ? ond I . ? ? . I: - ? . ., 1 .1 al?.':?< "< "IH K"ii' ? . I (rall?n came Into pon-? If hi? services w?-i ?-> . tl,. lent ind val?a ?s? of m? othet koo" s ippoi ' the A Imli ?Aa hla m his faul I. he ? . ild, i ? i - iwa ? ? ?1th no i i ? .-. ? oi . \ ? -. dose pi ? h< \ Imlnlai ? a -i.. . vVhy "Bu i ? . Ihe i . Ilrlar) of Ihe Trilled Slat? I ..?:??:? n even I ? the so-? ill? I for? i , ? A im n I ration. It .?. n... thai he is a need) 1 ?? mo ' t atlc "i latei man ? u ol .i |ob," but I . ? ti ue that ha has noi been ai .. : time? a falthl il, docl!? and Bealou "t*u kso." '?i: the contrary, I??? I ? been ? ? insisten) and stroi ? advocate and Blip porter ?..' Ihe free and unlimited coinage ..r and be voted Bgalast everj nnsnclal propo .- ?n snd recommendation of the Admlnlatratioti In the last Congres Borne persons underlain to cleai sp tii?? raysierj of bis appotntnnenl .. .. ??: ing thai "President Cleveland likes KI Igor? personally and was anxious to get rid ?.f him' sn explanation not wholly clear <>r sstlsfactor) while some other per? sons say that th? lud,an Terrltorj ii niled with<-, violen) .nui lawless men, and thai "the Preal di-nt thought Kllgore ?..ail make the right kind of s Judge for that count r) Whether li Is exp? teil thai la?-?-. r-llgoi srlll open court with a bowl? knife .ma ?djinn ti Ii with a revolver not ?\ plain? I, bul H i- n.i- forgotten thai he lit? I one ,.r hi?, heai ) boot? lo ope.i a ?looi In ih? llou ? ? ItepreBenlatlves, which inciden perl ids may be re? garde?] bj his friend? a- ?trong (?roof thai he po? sesses that sori ??: "Judicial temiframent" n snr\ ! . th?- ?"'I? ? ll ","'? ol '?>'! duties of Ih.? office i" which i.. ha been appoint? . n |udl. . il experience I? such si h.nil Kam during a single term .- ? i irai lust le? of the In T.-xa.?-- ilu ii,i- thai iiiii.1i the advantage ot Springer, and la probably his p? ??< a? a laay? r. WARING COMPLAINS OF <;R\l>\. TIIIC POUCE ll'.-TI'd: .-' ACTION IN \ CAOS BROUGHT r.V \ t ?is'i RI? t .- i I'l'in vi gNPRN r ? ?p HI BEI T <i. KANIN? ? Colonel Wartag lo-daj sent lb? following letter to Mayor Strong s.i. i beg to ne i.. ?? herein ? eopj ??i a report mad?, by 11 ?' ?'?usa. -up? r Hit? iibiit of the fourth district, Department .?t Street Cleaning, and i lieg 1.1 ?all your utter.i t., th.nduci of Police Jus? ti?.,? Thomas i Orad? .i ..t Police "ib, .-i N.i. :i7, Fourteenth Prerlnri it Is useleas to attempt to execute the law it policemen .i police lu-ti.-.-s fail t.. do then |... 11 ?d the dut) Itespei-t fully your?. aBOROE K WARINO. Commissioner, Th?. report Incloeed I ss rollowi ?I. ?'. Conn, a district superintendent .?r the De? partment ?if Btreel Cleaning, seised a truck lie longing to ?;?.??iie H Marx Mars, with live or si\ -tout blacksmiths, sttempted t?? remove s truck which Cons atempte?! to carrj i?,i;, to Ibe In cumbrance yard, A tracas ensued, Marx resisting ihe lawful sutborlt) ol the superintendent The fuperlntendeni called upon Oflfeei So .:7. Pour? teenlh Precinct, t,? srrest Marx, which he refused t,. ,i<> Attet in. ii in Mar\ eon. bei.-d t,, go peace? ably witii Ihe ?dli'?i lo the police station, when complaint was mule sgslnst him, and n< ii wa? y?a time for court, we pr?.ded t?? Base? Market Court, whii' we sppeared befon Judge Thomas iv Qrady, who, after reading the complaint, de iii,m,led of o"- '" know where I i;?>t my authorlt) Whereupon I liil??i med mm that It was Mom lb? laa governing the Streei Cleaning Department, ;,11.i ihowed him a small pamphlet of th?. la??. aftei nadlng which he remarked: "?ih. thai Is preposterous. I?" rou pntend to *;i\ thai if then i* i wagon ?tending slong the sir?.o anywhere \o,i hate a riitht to ?some ?long an?l gobble n un Absurd; no csus? ,r ?ctlon I discharge the prisoner. TOO Streei cleaning folks better keep the mud out of the atr-rt?. firm before you begin to gobble up th? wagon*:'' Tu which i replied: "VN oll. ,l-i,|K.\ how ?lo von decid-*?. Have I not the rieht to take the tru.-k?" "No. no " he ??aid, "von have no rieht to touch It." The report of the ?superintend*nt, with an ab? strait of the law, ?-?includes: As this same law ?Iv?s lo the superintendent, dlstrici superintendents, foren"..?n and dump In? spectors the power of arrest, not to be supported by either the police onVtsn or Judges of the courts places us in an awkwar?! position, hUBBiliatlQg and shorn of all power. _-0 - INCENDIARIES AND POLICE. RUMORED PLANS <?P Till?: PARKHUR8T BOCIETY THE ?.RANI. II'P.Y. IT IS SAH?. Uli.I. UK ASKED T'> COKS1DRR EVIDENCE OF i < ?l.l.l St? ?N" UK TWBEN OFFICFRS AND E VST BIDE I'll'.K Bl'QS MRS A? ' i SKI' "i' TRYIXO TO RRItn. WITNKSSF.S. When the Qrand Jury of Ihe Pouri of Oyer and Termlnei resumed it? labora si 114 yeslerday ?? Isrge n imber of witnesses wer- In sttendsnee. Bev? eral wer? from the Esst Bide. The Rasl Mders seemed t i be more or less under the command o' Hi?? Parkhursl bo lety agents, Dennett, Whitney and i.. min.m. The msjorlty of them were tailors nti-l i ?id? i in tenements In which auspicious Utes have .. ? 11 rred in the last year. II wes reported thai th? Parkhursl people are now making a vigor? ous ..? ?? tup- t.. prove thai the police of the Bast s Is prei : .s were In league with the principal mem? bers of tt.e Rgflt aj |e gang of Incendiaries, Ma?: II. (Iraner, Louis Kothmaa, Ids IJeberman, Barati fUlvermeialer, the alleged lesders of th.- gang, who, ? 11 Bill be r.'tii.-t'ili'-f. -I. lime lieetl COBVtCtSd ail-l i to ?..n? ierras of Imprisonment. \ ststsni District-Attoraey i >.t \ s. when seen in ,- m to the maiter, - ?uted iii>- Idea, He con? tended iii-it an attempt of thi- kind on the pan of the Parkhursl .t> without his knowledge would have been utterlj Impossible. II.? said: 'I have handled all ?>i these Incendier) cases, and l am sure .iri- if any such ni"\>- had i.n contempl?t? i .??? id ha?.- ?,...n ...ii-ii .i I ?I.? not Bee that the poll ?? would have been of an) psrtlculsi value to bugi it east not enough to warrant them In taking them ni > their confidence ?>i ?baring any Of 1 ll? Ill-gOl t?-n ga : - At ih? same time, however, others who are In s position t , be fa -,i well (>..?>'.?.i In Ihe matter In? sist thai su h i- the Intention >>f the Parkhursl p >pl? Th? i:?\ Dr Parkhursl had a consultation with Koreman Leggett, of ihe Orand Jury, yesterilaj . lern on, and T I?. Kenneaon, ..f Dr, Parkhurst'a , m ? ? . was ,n Mr Lindsay's office In :'a>- sftei I I Bhortl) aftei i. s? the ex-burglar, had confidently i:i.ii - i :, ?? i i,, some acquaintances that he was w...k ng with the Parkhursl men trying to ?.?n i.? ? i the police with the firebugs Kir. Marshal Mitchell entered the Criminal Courts Building, s ..n,pah. i i>> Simon Kosenba im, the police -. formel -.pon whose testimony (Irauer was .on vlcted of arson and sentenced to thlrti years' Im prisonment, snd a man named l?".?* The trio wem mi once t.. the .irtl.-e ,.f Aasistanl District-Attorney LihvI? who 'i ?- i-hai ?-?? of all ihe Incndlar) ..,?-??* N? th. ! . hi I he . ffli ? do ?l and Mr I ?a - - rann out, Mi Mil "hell was .u>k.--i ll he had heard .until i..; ai.ii' the rutnoi thai Ih? police had .. -. rt ? -n the firebugs anil permitted .\ hoiu 1.11 uptlon from Ihem He ?? |i i?...? .ll news ii linn and th.?; h? had t. ?? ? ir.l ? II ? ? '?- i turned to Rosen i.uni . ,.? i if he tiat ii.-ard an ti ?? i.ime m i a ex . ilia!!- s.u.I thai ' -- ? i i .!?? '., ihe p a ?? where he was ? I old run? : hai II ? . ? , i J?. ob? an?l McMsi - ? ? . p :..? In? bugs alone he Would pa) I rveral s ?men had ? onu ? hai l. BB ha i i?? --a to . -v. .-a i |,. I. , . . ? ? p_ 1 ? - m..:;." I ..-? .?.I |e,| ??: i: |i. ? . ? ...i 1 similai ?Xp : i? ir ? It I ? ? ? . . asked Ml M Ich? i . Into his pri?..n?- ,!!-.? i.i.i Wfl ?as told ? I : he -t..ri- ? if ,. -.. - actions, and he _? ?'? ? sent for Isslstanl Dl? - 'I ls,,\ W I .. tins . il ?IK? ?.: an i i Is a reault, I I? imb-rat... i. none of tai i -- has an) iblng to : ? ??? th ? ? ? . hrfor? til?- bo |) ? ?? ? in?.I. into the n M ? ? . ? ? 1er lloeber, ??-.-.,? ? in?, i .taa.- i, ?til | eat? . ?... i??.. -j before i . ','..- l lut l- - ... m m? i '.? ? ?plain th?? ? ?( Ihe Irai ? ' -?a? en himself and the ?* hi? h h.- m -.t- ,-.. i in his letter ? mlng he had advanced ? im ,.r ? i . . ? ?. ? AILMENTS FOLLOWING GRIP. j.,.,-1--... ,?, vT THK ACADEMY OF MKDICINE IIR ?EP ?RAI I? 'N ' >r TMK -,,.,-;,.? ill i ?- - ? i-'d TMOUK IJNgl ,:n ; - IN 1 BK ' H Olli IB?? ,> ,i-|:i;.-| i. iN ' ?? I v r MKN1 Ml,.? ? -, ? -' ? resulting from the ... the papei - nad sn I ... . | | .,1 last nlghl - u.- ting ? i , u w ,? sgree i bj those w ?.., tool, part In Ihe pi. ling? thai ? ii p.. i/ali in : ?? ? ??- of ihe In? to the grip. Then .- tmong those presenl wen Urs i I? Hi ?nt, \ B, Jud? ?n II? m Op ,, , . ..-.. irn? John H ? ? rdnei ll n ,. K n ftayer. I rsi k 1. l-ewls, Thomas . c v M ''.?.in. Jo ii Redman J Went, M i '?? n ii W. II \ sn ten. W H I? -, j | .... w i: ?pen -. V \ ?n ri-? t, W , Herri k W M Polk K l>. Kl her, i , ,, , u gtevens, R. <i Mason J I. Ban ei I! c Newton ??" I -1 H Clalreborne i, .. ,. : ?? i thai thi me? ol the ,. .,.,. ii first Th irsday In Ms? wo il I r voted lo tl.ommemoratlon ol th. late Di i.oomi-, who had done so mu '? for ibe llfeilm? li s. ,;,.,?.i; wa? formally sreor?!? i I? i?*e to la) the rol ?ring report t-efore ihe general body ol lie -, ?O - \- , , . ,' ,,:-? ling ii.-i i si the a ,i lemj of Me?l vote i .?- the sense of ih? meeting ihui ihe ? x tlni I)? i irtmen of ' u Itt? sn i i >rr? th>n of N,,\ Vor* i- a cumbersome organisation, Inyolv tllng ol int? rests ol dependents snd ?I? In,i irnls : ? ! he - ill ? detl merit of in? rity s nos '"li' ?..s t irther \-.i-l u ihe sense ot the m iii.,- ., .le.irabl. ?? p ...wi'd it,- reform ol man) ?? the ... kM.wiei.r.'i evil- of the said cleijartmeni im the complete separation ot Ihe interests of d.-p. ndents from those of delinquents, i m . |g , .n,, i ol Ih? ? h iirman. I ?1 - Ja? obi, Janeway, l.usk ? H Smith ?nd Morr?n wen Bppntnt? l .is a .nan tt? ?? '?' further Inv? tig ite ?nd ,-onsid. ? ii:. Hubstsnce ol this communkatlon, and : . i. pon thereon al s - lbs? ?pi, ni n.ling. Dr. Thomas It Po ii? ) th? n proceeds I to read his pai.n ' i.- o1 the Bye I '? pen lenl on the Orlp " lie i? Un. i the grip ?'? ?" *9*Ammlt. pos -le... h penden) upon Im? Uli oi ml??Tob?-s. snd ws ? a complaint .ullarl) ?ubjecl to climatic Influence? igh certain people lud claimed to bav.- found ih?- Kiip microbe, th.\ bad not yel produced it In America, during Januar) ?. i"?1'1 "' ?*?' month, Influenaa waa irerj [irevak nt. bul during ih? prea ?nt month Its sttscks had decreased In numbei In lier m and London It ha I ?ll i rominltwd great But be waa bound lo say that then seemed t.. i,.- ., general disposition to put down s gr?ai man) complaints ?> grip wmch, upon e? amlnatlon proved to have meagre foundation Dr. Poole) then wenl on to d?ncribe ?nd comment upon numeroua nervous, Inflararaator) snd paralytic ey? hit..tions which h?. attributed to lb? effect? of ln Ruenaa. and Inatanced numerous ?ases of patient? who, In recovering from grip, wen seised with some speclnc optic disease. In eonculston, how.-v-i. i - gave it as his ??pinion that "complication? fol? lowing grip ar.- ? imparatlveiy rare. a fact whfch become? apparenl when w? nmember th? real number ol cases ,?f grip which have occurred dur? ing ihe Issi live rears and th? extrem? ?j small i.m. r ol e_-??_ o. . ...i,|..ti-...i ??: eye Jlaessw i i?.rt..,| as following In it? wake. In Kiw.irl II lioeu.h followed with a paper on din I???eases Dependent on the <?'i p. snd quoted large number .if casn which tended t?> show that Influence subjected Its ?victim? t" ?cut? oral com plications .nuI Inflammator) afnctlona, and con? cluded with the siat..m?iit tbat if "Influenu bacillus Is nol the ?lit-? t cause "f Inflammatory diseases of Ihe ?rir. it at less! bv Its jutloli lender* tbat Organ lllole Sll-.eplillie " in- Hull ?Clalnborne and Oppanhelmer continued ii,,. discussion and ?greed In their opinion- us to lb? ?dangerous ronsequence? of gib> lo the ? ami eye. ??t-cch.un's pill^ for consti? pation IOC. and 25c ?? ?et the book at your druggist's ami go by it Annual ?<!?? mort thin 6.000,000 bosta "fl A GREAT HISTORICAt. ROMANCE The Opening ffhsplsrs of Personal Recollections OP JOAN OF ARC By the Most Popular American Magazine Writer The illustration? are by F. V. DU MOND, v.-ii o K.thrred his material? ?mid the ??.cue? associated with Joan'? career. SOME OTHER FEATURES: Our National Capital, r.?.- f? i ian Km in. \\ i'li id Illustrations. Paris in Alourning. By Kphard II vi-u'v. 1>?,\ i- Will? (, Illustra? tions In CD (.u??n. Club Life among Outcast?. By JosiAH 1 LYXT. With 12 Jilii-dra t by A. II. F KOST. Venice in Kaater. Py Artiivr Sy MOKS With iu IlIii-.'r.UiOiisbyGi Y kosa. READY MARCH 22 HARPER Sc, BROTHERS. Publishers lia'aX "ANDY" WHITK BOUNCED. B, c. O'BRIEN B?CCEBD8 HIM ?*?** DOCK CI ?MMISSli IN ER. i;>:.-.ins 11 is DtTIfW AT OSCT. SKKTCH or TH? m:w officiai. May,.r Strong yesterday removed Andrea J. White, Dock Commissioner, snd sppointed Edward C. O'Brien to mi the vacancy Ex-Polles Justlcs White was appointed Dock Commissioner i?v Mayor Ollroy for the terra of ail yesr*. eadlng May 1. 1MB. Mr O'Brien ha? over four year In the Dock Board .id? ad ol him. ri;?? new Dock fommlssloi ? s/aa born si Fort M i a.1 r.i. N '? .. ?ui an- ' fiv? yesra ago, snd waa educated In the publ - hoola of Plattsburg and Hi?- (iranvllle Militar) "icaderay, from which h? was graduated ll- organised ths I'llntou Count) Agi li ultm ??! So? ? . i .. mosi auc? E&**5?$a\s ..-.W F" r O'ltlt 1K S n? .,' til., kl .'I it. lhal pan of ihe -? , ? i |M presiden) Han Ison appointe?] ii tu ? Na? Igatlon, whl held until Mi ('lev. lai i ag iin - ime Into i os r. ll won an enviable reputation In Ihl? >?t'i ? and his on the itate ol \-r.?-ii in shipping hl|-iii -..i' ?ii--?>???-1 b) ? n. mai Itlmt y! ? ;?:.?? a , ? - i- ?. ? : ?,.,.... ? Mi . Bi en's -.?.<.? k ai with thai ? >' any t ration. p call) Mr O H.- a K? publl an, and for . ?tve years i ?pi ??-? ' '? l < 'Union ut) .:; R? p ibl ? -ti Klate ? '.?i- - - ?ii HW k ,. ; . ? easurei of I he !:??, ubll a?\ l'on ans? ' "ii-iii II? - He lives bi Ihe W : Isoi Hotel In ihl? ? . ii ITice at > way, where hi ? ? foi he West Vlrsrlnla . i| mil i own? -I . ? operat? -enal ? g . ? ?.. n h -.??'? - Wh? '1 ivernoi Morton oi u i-..-i his mllll iry stafl nusry. b< \. ? 11 i;i i-'ti . '"inn. -- . ? ?? -General ol Kubslstence, ?n i'ommlsslonei 11 Bi i'-ti Is .i r of the M? ,' the Porl of Ses York and of Ih? Board ?>r Trad?? and Transi.i.i Hi- appointment .??.? ?.n ml) urge?! h I? 'i ?m?., k chairman ol the ''..ti.iii t-. ol Seventy iiih omi.?? ?? em? ti ? ol lh< ?atel '? un' . John n Uta ? K. I ward H It wood president of th? Maritime Aa ?i i|i '? ? lent I' issld) ol Ihe i atial H . Owner? l, ?social Ion; Presiden Borner, o: tin pi?..i-i ?? i-i ? ... ? ? - \i ? ? i-.i len has always be? n Id? ntlSed ?'Ith IVarner Miller, who Is an ..; I friend ol ih? famll) ii.. ? no) liked b) Mi PI ." M Pial lid ?Ma? li.I to p ??t al lu 'n from gel In? the place, but failed . 'omml ?loner (?'Hi pent several hi da) afternoon at ti.Ml? ?? ol it..- i >. . k i'ommis ilon.-i . IMci v il- ?aid to a l'i i .-.? ? portel I shall il? \ il? I in:- nines? of th? I?..- k i ?. ;. .i iment, an I sh ill In gin m) i ? * I am I,... ii. office '. say what ?ii.itl_;.?-; in th? presen? method? -t the depart m nt, l( any. I shall suggeat I shall lo all that on? i'ommlssl.i ..m .l.i t.. have 'li.- d? ,.aiiin? nt ,mi; in r. i on -.j , t buainess pi Inc pie? .1 ? . i i he boa i i a i -"in a. ml? ?tl ?? from (he Mayoi a i? rece \ ?? i announcing th, ipiiolntmcni of Ornerai O'Bi i. who then r. ? in i , 11 % took his -?ai a? u membei of the board tleneral n'llrlen i-eaterday resigned his piar.- on ihe ? lovegnor'a ?i ?n The remaining Dock I'ommlssioners are J s ? giani Cram ano Jame? .1 I'helan, Tamtnan) in??.i. whose terms rxplre Ma? - ivv and May I. ISS7 reapectivel) \ dmlral Henrj Krben, John Monks, lieorge w Wanmaker, .lames ll Msrsh snd one oi !?.. others have been I ilked "f for th.?-e plac? It haa i.n general!) undersi.! a ihoroui ?In .-estlgatlon "f this ?lepartmenl ? .- to follow tne removal ?>( tl?.- i'ommlssioners eithei bj the i"om i ?i - ..r Account? m a legislative com m ? ? ? Mi: VAS AR8DAI.E MAY UK Hill \sr\l 111 ? The removal of William J. Van Arsdale a Commissioner of the Boai i of Rduratlon l?\ Mayoi Ktrong last sreek was -t greai surprise to mei Informell In Board ol Kducatlon matten M- Van Aradala la s l?f.? \..un i >? m bul his r lui Ihe Board of Kducatlon in- always been n b) Independence He ha always been oppo? the Tammany ring lhal lias so long domin?t? ? ;i. i....n.i n la general!) conced? i thai Ihe May. has made a nlStake in removing Mr Van Arsdale snd it i-* non snnounci i on good authorl?) thai the M,i-...i hsa ?i??.-..?. d ta reinstate him Mr. Van Ai i-i i?- haa long had tha management ..; th? \.-? "? ork Central Itai?roa i i eal ?--tut?: m this . .;?. so thai In" ? M"< ?? ' ?-. In theae matters makes his services all th? more valuable In t ?>? Board ?i Kd? ucatlon, ?there several million dollars' worth ol real estate sre to be purchased lor ne? school altes In the next fea years. The removal ol Mi Van ?r dale has I.n ijeepl) n-srrtted b) the othei com? missioners, >iii.< have known blm In the board, r..i- the) are well iware ol the value of Id?? services. K. H N'illill MAY UK WATER PI'BVBTOB. Maurice F?athereon, Water Purveyor In the I?. partmeni of Public Works, has sent his ... il.iti t.? Commissioner BrookfMd, to take efleei on ti??? sppotnlmenl and qualification of hla suec-essor Commissioner Brookfteld baa practically decided i.? appoint i-i.i,.at.i r North, civil engineer, o.' No SO \v.?Mt One-hundreil-and-thlrd-at. Mr. North i a win.i District Itepubllcan ind la a member uf iti? Republican I'lub, Tin- salar) is M.ast a yea? ? _. -. ?-_, .4 STEAMERS CEBE BEHOVED It Y A HARK. ? 'aplani Coombs, of the steamer Lasseil, which arrived here yesterday from Rio Janeiro, reponed urn mi March t, la latitude 1*3! south, longitud? ;:. j west, he fell In .?.itii ths American bark Mon? rovia, lilil? r.aiii.i for Barbadoes. The bark had ?.t? board tu.- .i.??* i.i las Uritisii steamer Helmet, which was wrecked on Abrolhsa Bhoai, about ?ni lllllt-s .x.inlli uf lliilua She ?as I.,mil.I frOBB th? River Plate t" London Captain Kaae, <>f the Mu??osla, wished i" be reported all vr.?ll 4 MIXD EBADEM? MOTHER IE COVET i.adv Lateas Langdon xtclwlas, better known a? Mr?. Bleaaor i\ Bishop mother of ihe late w.isti iiiKtun Irvhag Bishop, tii.? miad reader, ama -um limned before JuStiCS Welde In Ihe ll.trleni Police Coorl yccerduy by Mi. ?Sormley, of the Society for the 1'ieveiUlon of Cruelty to Children, to aliter a IF YOUR INCOME Will not permit you to rid* th- acknowledged Leader for i?!?:?, call and nawa ?m- E_??y ?Payment Plan explained \\ ?? ?re well I n g the best 17." Oil Bicycle built, at $."? OO dow-a ?md monthl) payment? thereafter, arranged ta suit your Income, Btill batter?If jrou are bv->k ing for a ?; >od second-hand or shopworn Bnyele, stock. All kind? <?f prt?*ea. You want ? Bicycle? w ? . th re'? one pis ?? in the eiu when you - lulled, and d? ?. irtt-n re llabb i.pie. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., ISO-la? Nass.m Si. ii-i<iu\ iibi'in ron mctcmm oM.y, l_:|> ??I. ?Ml I III 11 w R. . DEAFNESS c it K All KOiaKM i using WUmmmfm i ,,n,. ?.ru.?. Kar liruiii??. :i< v. scientifk im-? : -rl .Iii.-. ..-id In? imI ? I a ? n? .... r-',l?M?d - . ||| | M ?. ?. II. Wilson, mer,' ?r, a take | !-'??ur? .1 > l i.i,m::._ , - ? - Mil " IMS \? ' : ! I Mil. loir llr l. ill ? <>., MI?! Hi '??miliar? *?e??-)..rU. .uiu.i^.-ui.iii.. ??? ? ?.?'?u Tastes Good and Does Good, HIRES' MOTBEER A Tv'tnpcra?K? Drink for Temperance People. a-iiMwmiiin?Tiflirmmnii?niiuiiiiMiMOiisiiwsaMP??-SS>ss?wssiSSBi israiiiian Ciitlrnra Anti.l'alu Plsster. KILLING BLACK EYES 9 chsrga of taking ? i MM to i ? ??? - i wlthoui a ?,-rmlu i.adv Mrhola? she ha I received th? cMM, a bo) only tin?,, areek? old, ii??m Ita ?a-.her. wha ha i ilven u to her f? adoption Mr. ?.mmiey said that she uns- have pap. rs r,i thai eff? I drawn according to la? I .ad) Nicholas ?? esenled ine i,;,j., ? to Justlc? tVelde. and sa'.i thai ?h.- had formait) adopte?] the child Bnd ?ra? ?mpl) -it?'? ta , f,. foi u Th? Juatl ?? dismissed the complaint SOTR? "I' TBS si MR, The production of "A Bundle of U?sa" ?I naly'e Th? i r.-. ?hi? h ?as t.? take (dace <m Tueeday even ? \ a., k. b.t^ t?een postponed to Thursday. "Two Ueiitlemen ..' Verona" will be played to? night ?nil to-morrow sfwnoon and "Xaacy ft t'o." to-morro? evenlns Sexi sr?eek "Nancy ft stven again on Monda) and Wednesday an?l ?A'i-Jnesday afternoon ?nd Two Gentlemen ol Verona" on Tuesda) rvenlng. \..: ??,. end o li? engagemen al l'.iim*r'a 'i . ure nexi ??.-, k. Mrs laangtry will play "?'.os alp" for one u.-k at ihe aaiertcaa Theatre \i ,_ , lag) pitsgerald ?as si'li inable to. appear In rii'i Poundllng" ?< Hoyt'a Theatre last even -h. iv expected t? aci again to-night. Mi-s Irene Ver?, ol the "Little fhiiatopher*' company, Is d?ngerou?ly sich ?I tut heme in thl? ? ? a pnfeasional matin. ?? of "Rob Roy" -\a* stven a- the ii.-raid Rquan Theatn yeatei la) The mem ? the Whitney rompan) u.iv?. a spirited par. forma nee, nhi< h ?\.i- mui h .iijo\ed by their friend? in the audience. Uli. WEATHER REPORT. PAIR KAHT ??!?' TUB M IKKIKgl PPt. Si 'I'll.. t..?r .mere?- <-.,iMinii?. kit* ; ... r ih?> lake restaat, I? l I ? ( th? M,*?i-??.ipp| :.:, i '.?::? n . - - -.: ?pa ,f the K,~-kr m ....| .ii?., >,u th? North !'., ,-? i? ,VB. linusuall) l M eil in.i Ir I? ?rtrm-r ?||...?iki in the ?'??.' ? ?nd Ih? IntTier ,?f th? -, ritate?. Kali ? ?th? prevail? la all ?b?trn-ta, ? i.'.i -ii, ...-?- . : It?? goutbwtsi and ih? ? \: Paii ?--.iii:.' ?rill ..n!:,i. senersltj ?eat ?| ??^ Maia , lire. Id; l'Ail.I'd' rORkCAIT POR To |>.\V. i N. .i ?'.m;:.m I r.,. weather; n.r-tierli wmi?. b*. ?...niiiiK- ?.?n.dl.- tltghtli waist? I In ih.* ini-n .i I'..i Ki-i.tii S'.w ?.?rk. i:i?i,i:i I'. nn?i l\.mi?. NVw-.Iar I l?. :.i?..i.- r.H. ?...,iii.!; ninii..|l-, wind?, ?litftiag Ul <-a?,(eill ; ?llithl ?'li.lll|?e. ill IMBBtimure. !'' ibe DtBti.r ?'..liinil.l.i M..r.i;.ind. Virgin* and N ' ' ?''Ir. i. Iii'. sli>|)i(l? ?.?riii-;, ?lad? eluf ( In? U castt-ll 1 ' ?V?si \ Irgia ? . ? . f iir. ?riada rttfl-ag u . sIlKtlll) ?.III!? I l v. .\.?i ; .,?,| \v??(^ln rvnn-yUanla, ill?!ni) ?.armer and ?,i;,u ihirtliu i > . .'.,-. ? '??? Indian? and lllhwtt fair, aw parti. im?-. ?-?"'?'. m nhert) winds, Iscresaing lo i,n,k 'I ttlBt'KR I.?" \l. ORggRV ?.TtONK Par. Inch. :tO.S ?o.O ?m ?20.5 i.tit ii.ii? ?im,- Im- ?_? *? Hi? .11.11. tlH b The Till me - ?elf. ' l-iieni-t-r. The .ken lu,.- ??|.re?enl? |_M !?__. - Pharmacy, ?i.ii-?l al P T"'"'".' "<!>?' M?"ii ?-'-. I a m Th.-' weather ye.ter. ? ?* ? i- lair. Th? temper..!u?. raagad ???asss? -"-? aad ?l 'I'?- :.???:.Igt MMAkS l?-in_ In* ?wrne ae ..n IVegB___ gsy hii,| 1??\ tBWBJ Han en ti,,. ...i,??i?)n,linu ,U\ |_a| The ?e.,;i?r !.. ?luv I- |ik?1> to ?.?nilnut tall. WHU (?w