OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 22, 1895, Image 4

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?i.MiniN?; THE m.\na<;i:mi:n-t OF THE r.s
\- ir! 2)0 d.-nia?T.s of Monmouth <'--'Uiuy assem?
ble 1 ,t the Courthouse at Prwteld yesteid.ty to
witness the sale ef th?. Moaatouth Turk property.
The r.i clng m n did not attend the sale. Only the
panons directly Intimated In the siie wen present.
A. ?\ Moaaon, i. ?> Appk.?iv. .1 inii-i N. Qalway,
August ?'?a- n, R ?ben Crater and Thomas M. Croft
? nd? 1 the ... while ihe suie ata? in
The property waa ?:.-..!?! into four lots. Henry
P. White, the aiti-tb.neer. called for bids on lot N".
1. which compris?.'! both the old and new racrtneka,
all the buddings ar ! racing appurt? n&nt-es. A ?ingle
bid ot .-.'."??' -? ir.d tot No. i f..r ft. ''. Momo?
and a J ?'- nt, arfeo represented the bondhoMera
Lot Ko : Hi.- Ill",'??? hotel an 1 ground?) was
knock? ; dawn for ai? ?.?????. Lot No -. coaststlag of
the yearling stabln and training grounds, reallaed
$1\1'<". and lot N i. 1, (two small dwel Ing?) brought
It is not leaerally known thai Ihe heir? of I?. D.
Wltben have disagreed among tbe ras? brea in re?
gard t.) th<- ?aaaagi ment of th? eatate, and that
communication with .lodge A. ?'. Monsun Is eon
ducted through the medium of the lawv.-rs retained
by some of the heirs. It '.* likely that an effort
will be mad?. ;., dispose of tin property at priv.it,
M nmouth Park is a landmark in the history of
American racing, an I the ?rounds have been used
for over a c?mtury for racing purpose?.
A half-mile trick, known as Hullck's ?ours., wa?
the ?cene of many contests between the local e<;Uin'
champion? for many years previous to the pur
chis- of the grounds by .I,?hn ChamberMn In IMfc
It was i'hamberlin's ambition lo make Long Branch
? v., ,..,,.?,. -,v:,t,.r .M:,j,i,,.,. ,-.?? America. \ racetrack
to excel all others, especially the Saratoga tra-Ot,
. - prop led and o anpkned at i coal ?>?" nearly
1100,000, No eapenai was spared t.. mnke htonmouth
i'ark ri..- leading racetrack of th? country, ?nd at
that rime the racing ami trotting in, n of the coun
try said the end was rea .-lie?', a? the clubhouse,
stables and grandstand were on ? scale beyond the
expectations of the racing pubic ?>f that period.
'm July ."..?. is???, a larg? crowd assembled lo wit?
ness th?. beginning of racing in Monmouth ?County.
Ami?l the wlldeai enthusiasm Helrabo'.d defeated
Glenelg in a well-contested race it two and one
half aille*. A giooni w.i- east over the -.pirits ?>f
the crowd by an accident to l.ynchtnirg in th?
Continental Stik.s. a ra? e of mile hears. Lynch
burg won the lirst heat, but wa? .-? bed!) CUl
down in the second heat that h. was dMtroy? 1
nfter the ra, . wh:. h was won by Kmiuirer, who
has smee gained nnown in the stu I ?s th-' siri
of many winners. As both horses w?*n ?In 1 by
l.famingtuii, the death of l.vmhburg was a
ser.ous b!,.,w to breeding Interests of this country'?
since Leamington's toas ?re i m irkub y success
ful sires.
First-class racing with multitude? in attendance
made Monmouth Park 'am?.us unt.l .lohn Chamber
lln invaded California with Wlldldle, and wa? de?
spoiled of his wealth by th- Californiens, The
race that attrait-.i t!r. attention of lurfsaer ?U
over th? world, ?nd bal mu.-h lodo in "booming"
laelng as a soon and cansad tl > taait Is i" desert
the ranks or th?. trotting men.* was the gnal c ?n?
t<- between Longfelloe and Harry Baaaett, when
th? ?rands??n of Leamington lowered Ihe color? of
Barry Bassett, who was traln?*d by ?'.dor..-! Mc
Paniel. Harry Baaaett aa? tiie produc? of the
union of Lexlagton a- i Ca?ar) Bird, and was
th?- ideal of American racing men. it was in this
race that .lohn Harper refused to permit Robert
Swim, the leading jockey of the country ?I that
time, to r.de Longfellow, bui penlsted in having
his own way and addressed ti..- Kentuckrani who
came on a special trim to 9* the race, as fol?
lows: sHits mighty kyin! o? you ball to fetch
Bobby Swim to ride my colt. 1 am much ?bteeged,
K-ntlemen. but if my coll -? tl b r ?ith Hobby In
the saddle I never would b<- aatlafl? 1. M Bobbjr has
rid for me before. No. gentlemen, I ?rill rid" my
own nigger and glee oa!y one Instruction, that is
to ride Longfellow from send to eend. and when
the race Is over ther?- will hi- no B.i-sett, no M -
Daniel, as I.onp.fel!ow will finish al- r.e "
The largest crowd tii.it e\'er ?rlslted Monmouth
Park attended (be ran which resulted as Harper
Prellerei, Harry Baaaett, who was ridden byJamn
Rowe, was beaten off.
in is?? th- property wa? seised by ?!.?? Bherlfl and
?old at public sa?.- i: ?as bought by i>. i?. With?
er?, and (Jorge L_ LorlUard was ma le pnsld it '
th-- Moamouth I'ark Ass.?clat:on. I'nder 1?. I).
Wlthera's able management the golden ?-n ??f ra -
ing in New-Jersey betau Every meeting was a
pronounced ?iKcess, and Monmouth Park b rame
th.* i?-ad.ni.- asso at ion of tn.- country. In lsT-? the
Coney Isl.iri I J i k? v Club was formed, and Amu,
can racing '.mi- nrmly established, in :sv~. th-- de
cadem ?? <?f ra. ?rig began by rie i Ivent o? disreputa.
hie p? rs ils a- r i ????-,i k "wr'-r.-. Th?. downfall ?'as
extremely rapid. New-Jersey was Invade i"
h'rie of grasping, unscrupulous gamblers, who
u few short years destroyed sil that the leading
men on the turf nil accomplish^, in 100 the
magnificent n,-w course that was ?old by the Sheriff
yesterday was opened to the public.
Th.- grand-stand was en ??? i by the Wallis Iron
Works in IMi Tii- structure Is ""> f?-<-t in lengih
and I'iO feet in width. Its seating capacity is 12,0110.
A clubhouse m I clubhouse stand with a seating
eapacky of n?rarly -'.??>?>. extensive saddling pad
?dock? and a bettlng-ring, SO by 175 f'-t. together
with Ihe stabil?-. kitchen? and other buildings, made
Monmouth I'ark the best equipped ra Ing pr perty
In the Unlte-?1 State? The racecourse? aer? -: i
They ?.-nsistid of an oval course Of one mile are!
Ave furlongs, a straightaway course of six furlongs
anl a straightaway ?ourse of one mile ?nd three
furlongs. Ail .?.' these coumi wen well graded
?vith wide ?tretchn anl every contint could !"?
fairly run.
Mr. Wltben wi = rin:ib> t ? hold a meeting in
MM, a* all racing r.glits wen reserv? l for Ol
ter and GRrttcnburs, and for th- Democratic scoun?
drels who managed tii-m. I? I' Wither? lad in
1892. and Monmouth Park fell Into th,- hands of
gamb'i rs an l politicians Under tin- management
of Alfred F. Walcott, i,. t?. Appleby and others, a
meeting was held in 1?'.?.' In >?:' 1' .1. Dwyer
M. F. Dwyer, John A. Monis. Hlchard i'r?k-r, A. F.
Walcott and others gave a f< rty?slx days' meeting
Stiff-neeke l. arrogant, hlgh-handi l method? were
adopted, ant bailing tuif wn'.-r> were expelled
from the track. The meeting ?vas disastrous In
many ways. The citiztns of N?*w?Jersey aros? In
their m.e it ar, i in turn expelled ra-ung fr?.m the
State. Tim outlook fo- a r?visai of tiling in N??v
.lersev is so far distant that yesteiday'l sale means
that Monmouth Park Is likely t > remain closed for
many years.
?CORNKI.I, AFTi:n l-ORKKiN' thofhiks.
may _o-\\'li.i, MEET tiiv: I'.k.st CREWg
OV i:\iibAM? AMO KRAN? K.
Pas'ace ??.-as engag.sj yesterday to .Southamr>ton
and return by th? Amcri-an Line of ste-im'-rs for
thft Cornel! "Vanity crew. The party will <v>nslst
of s.x'ecn roi"soTis. It I? peculiar's- fitting that th?
Corr;?-!l oarsmen, who have won thirty-three su,
cesslve v: tore?, and not suffered a single defeat
in thirteen year?, should <r ss the Atlantic by t'i?.
only prominent ?;ei?n?h!p ?In" flying th" Amerl?nn
flag. Th.- ith? a oanasea, with paper shells, win
sail from Nt-w-York on May !"? on the Pa?!s, and
at on -c proceed to Henley, when they will trahi
for the Gran 1 Challenge i'uj, :.. ? t"> be rowe.] on
the Thames M th.- seeoad week of July. In this
raee the Amer:? ?n collepinns will meet the be8t
crews of Ellgbllld, Tran?-" anl any ?.tie ? country
th.?: mav aspire to the ?equate- champbrnMllp of
lh% world. Including the famous Lean 1er Mght,
compisel excl'isH'-ly of 'In best oars of ??xford
and t'ambr'.ige uni .ersiti. s.
This will be the Urs; Am?-r;. an right ?Mied crew
to visit England and row in Kngiami's greatest re?
gatta, at Henley, although stv-nl four-iar.-1 'var?
iety and amateur er.u.- ?d this country have in
?eat yean oomp tel m England with ?-?vying sie
c.-,.- Everything connected w.rh tbui trip win be
Amerb-an throughout an American university crea
wmpesed entirety of Americans, coached bv Charles
B. Couitmy, to row a dtstln?-tlvely Am?*?rlcan strobe
rowing In paper '?.ats mad? in America and rigged
acceding to American ,i..,s. and carried to and
iro.-r: Eng_tad on an Am? ri. i.i line ,,' ??? .unships.
The American S(K)rtii;< Lsag?? is likely t > I,. .
oome an important factor in the affairs of lb
country. This extract from a letter sp.r.ks for
As the Impression has goa? ahroad that the
American Sporting I.eagu? is being organised ?m'v
in th" interests ?f th, tlirf, , w>h ^ ?
ea: attention to the fact that the admirers <?f all
legitimate sports are not only Invited t,? muni t.,
are wanted, and every club in the country whether
it hi -i bicycle club, athletic club, yachting club
etc.. that Is engag-d in advancing the Interest- of
legitimate .shirts sli ,u!d send fekgatea -?i ' the
O U?. _-% -w?-^ *?*__>?" ,h?e
^nCl l^r^ P?*?Inl??? ???Hing
?VlltAl yj powdetsof which
X they say?"same
as Pearline "?"gtxxl as Pcarline."
Keep *k/enedgeon your wits against
su-h PEAR I.I NE has no cquitl.
Cleveland convention, April S. The delegates wboss
n.im?-? app. ar on the Inclosed slip show what repr?.
Bentatrve turfmen neve r?-<-u selected by ihoec Int? ?
? u i m rni-in-;. It is to be h.i ii*a; those Inter
. it? i in ota? r sports ? I select m< n that ar? ss
r.-pi.-s. ntatlve la their respectlv-j fields. The dallj
press ha? ;ak n an active Interest .n this |.
and its uitiui,.t.? Buccess depends upon that Buppori
botaag coiitiiiu.? i.
i.ir---- seat '-.-;?' us t. the Bat of m embers -??? ex?
pected, ?i?: a determlaed efforl '??? to bo msde to
f.irm an organtsatlea'that ?rill elevate all outdoor
: i '-.
THE Ki:u.'"'.'' SALE
Peter C. Kellogg'a eighteenth annual combination
sale of trotting sto.-k came to an end yesterdsy In
the Madison Square Garden. To say thai loa
prevailed for the horses soil on ihe closing day Is
telling bul halt ih.? truth. Good young trotters
were fairly given sway, In some Instances, and on
th. whole the buyers bad altogether tha besl of
th?- day's i." laesa One transaction will servi I -
Illustrate the present condition of the murk?; for
trotting horses, A four-year-old filly wag I? l Into
the ring at B time whin th.- LU* auditorium WBS
half-Ailed with prominent bre? lera and turfmen
from all jmris of th.- united States. This lilly. Ai?
dais, is a daughter ol Alcantara, one of the best
lire 1, most successful and popular sires of the
great Wllkea tribe of trotters, and bar dam waa
the not.-l broodmare Sue. by Thorndale, !*2fl4, ?>
famousaon of Alexaader'a Abdallah snd old Dolly,
the dam of Director, - 17. and Onward, S*-6*4 Bus
h-.s produced Egthorne, 2:U1-; Suitor, --21; Edge
Hill. 2:25%; Bgdale, 2:*:t-_; Egdalla, ZtSH. and the
good, game pacer, l?u.to-.- W.-st. -J::T:j. Aidais is us
bloodUke as Alix in form -a young mare that s
novice inu.-ii: easily mistake tor B thoroughbred,
She is jus?, a triii.- loo racy and line, perhaps, to
suit all horsemen, but there was only or,?? fault
that could be found with her, She stood badly on
her from foot, toeing OUI like ? trotter that ml-rht
hit her knees when railed UPOH to go si speed
This one defect kepi her selling price down to $?"'.
s most dlscouraglngly low figure for a truly grsnd
young man- that wan about the best-bred trotter
offered for sale during Ihe week. She was pur
ilia .-I by .1 w. Roderick, o? Bcranton, Penn. Two
y.-.ir.s ago Alda1- would have sold for mor.? thai
ii\ - times lbs amount she fetched yesterday, sc
cording to th?- opinion ol several competent Judges
who were present at the sale.
Amoiiir the an?mala offered yesterday were sev?
eral belonging to Peter C. Kellogg and his father,
C. W. Kellogg, who ars the lirm ,.f PeterC. Kellogg
? Co., auctioneers. When these horses were l<-1
lato Hi?- ring Mr, Kellogg, Instead <>' extolling
tl-.-m to the skies, as ihe own? rs ot horses for ssle
ar? commonly supposed to do, began lo enumerate
all their faults and shortcomings, telling? how this
<.|i<- had been lam.- In the shoulder from BOOM 110
known cause, and that on?- might liav, been 1
little better bred if h?? had bad another cross of the
blood of old Abdallah. Bidders, however, seemed
to think better of the stock than th owner did,
f,.r they paid aboui ISO more a head than the auc?
tioneer expected to receive for bis own trottet
There were no notable transaction- among yester?
day's aales, not an animal in th? lot reaching th?
U.OOO m irk. Charity, t:29*4, ?? fast mar??, consigned
by W M. Hoisted, of this city, and sold t.. K, s
Wells, who has a breeding farm at Glenmore, N. .1 .
f..r .<:.'?". fetched th.? m?> price among eighty-odd
head that were offered. Mr Halsted'a young
mare, Jona KutWOOd, f?v Nutwood. 2:1?'4. OUI Of
lona, L'lTu. th.- daughter .>:' Alcyone an.! J?
pepper, was a ran- bargain at $i-'?. Ihe price paid
for her t>y David Homier. SI. former
Owner $*?'?"'at auction less than foin months ago.
Following Is a list of the best prices n illsed si
tel lay'a sale:
Prop-rtj ?.f Auatlfl A. Wt . Utowa, K. J. :
i-r, m . I8e7, by Dra ? M- Dinah, by
lupiter; H. P. Truly. Allentowr 1' ni .$:'<?
M l:SB? b. g.. I Oi ?M? am : - * .
!.\ Jupiter; BcbnUstei Bi Sew-1 I . 23S
1'! w.r- (llrt. hr. m. IB*7. by Or? ? Medium, ?'.-nil
unknown; P. L-nrlllard! Ir., ,li?r?ey my. 900
? ) , f \v. .- lirti Iri? !.-? ? I ?II? M -. K. .'
?n . IBBS. b) Will ?
Clair; P. L-orlllard li Jersey Clly.. Ml
i ?? .1 s A Byers, Bi
Cheatnui gelding is;?' by Dos Wllkea Marl
s ns .'im ? H. Knall?!-. N?w V, tl. .".".?i
i . ? ' i? -.. i. n?'. m l ? i. ' '???? ? ? N. "i
r.u.??? Wilke? 2 SB, b. IB., I
Ht. ; i., n A I? ?UBl m; Peter 1
Y ?ik ?'?".
i-, i rty of T. A M Manu? I nilnalxirs S. v
Dal?. m IW>; l?j Henry ?'. -.' -J.', ?Jr? ??-.
.-?.-. ? Rthan t. It. f'al ly?. Ma??.. . SM
Partir a ?? , b g? I*-V1; l y Kl??-?? : ? iil'.n M . ?. J *?' ..
..i . I? I'll a; ?. ' hitatli S. ?\ Vork. ...
Pi uertj I I: Hak? .". itkin?. N T.:
MapU I .??.-. f rh. m IBBS; bj 14? ? - -? Mlsrhlrf.
by Pocahanra? Abdallah; w. J. Maxwell, N?-w V :,. _26
Artal? I. ' IISJ1. i ? \; int? . ! -". Su? by T rn
d.-ili?. 2:224; .1. v. H ? !?-? i- k. Scran? n, Pens ..* EM
i-:..|.? i t 1'. ?? ? . ' K?Ilogs, N- ??? V Ik *
i?u??ti<>n i- - . l?'.''. b) I'.-..- : Statlna, by -
M -1.11111. ?.':?.?''.'-.: H A Benltj I - ?. N. V pxi
Full rr>? i?. k I**!? by Nobli ??. 2:24 Slai n
n Medium, _:2SV " ll .Stanford, New-York US
Pniperty of w. M Il?l?t.?l n?>w v. rk;
? ?lu.ritv. _ ?a??-,. I. m. IWW, by Bob Link Zea, by
Daunt! n; 11. S Welt? ?SI' ntn ?:?? N J :'"
l na Not??% -.1, it?, f., In?-'. S ???? ?I, .' " ,
l n ? 2:17' . by Al? yone, 2 27 David I
pi i ? rty of s.ii.i Wllki i?, Ch? -?? ? \. v. :
Uaj : '.. b | . !-??". i. 1 ? ; i- : V.. I '
.-. w. Kuhn?. Ne?. V rk.
Property "f Chwlea H. II ?,? :.? n : . ? ??!.??,.?. N i
It .-:.;.-! Ire b. s . I??--,. | |{, ., . , mklln 2:2V I- 11
rd?, l y Black*? >n? s M KL t '., Bi
Hrotwri '. \:-\ m ,, i-i ?.-.-!? r.r.i s?. ?.. Ford, \. "i
?Ik. til. IBM?; I,) Si
David Bonner; J. S Fergus n, N?s Vork. (30
Lexington, Ky., .Mar-ii .1 ?.-; 1 The suction
si!.- ..f trotters closed to-day. During the four da)
t&O.onO was realised for th? 270 trotters
There w? re no large pi
A dispatch from Norfolk, ,-'? . last night stated
that a member of th? New-York Athletic * "? ? t? had
stopped there and had attempted suicide. AI the
clubhoua? Isst night it was Bald thai there muai '
some error in the dispatch, bi no ong could In
-,vh 1 : lleged N? w-Yorh Athl? tic Club m in
could b?.
A special billiard tournament for vii-iib!?-? prizes,
between twelve pi imtnenl members of Ihe "German
Llederkrans," I^a.-i been concluded si the Lieder
kraas Hall. No. Ill Baal Ptfty-elghth-st., with the
following result: Flrsl prise, Charle? 11 Btelrrway;
: Oscsr von Bernuth; third, William 11.
K lenke, .
Andrea? Fref-drnan. the pn lent of th? New-Yorii
naseball Club, yesterday purchased fnrtv-ilx shares
k which were :? ft in th.- haul? of I-'., it. Tal
. it) when Freedman purchased recently 1 conti ?1
llnq Interest In the - uu
Timothy Hurst win referee th?? sparring tourns
m.-nt of the Blue Frank Athletic Club, to be held
?at J. r^?y ?'l'y to-night.
Boston, Msrch -i Vesterflay afternoon Captain
Brewer notlfled the candidates for nexl fall's Har?
vard eleven thai all further training would b.?
given up for the present. This Indicates thai foot?
fall at Harvard is practically deal, and Its re?
vival li very uncertain.
There will be no more in'? r? ? 11 .;..-? conl its, 00
m. chances to whip Vsle "i Wl|.ill the def? it
Inflicted by Pennsytvsnla Isal fall. On Ihe con?
trary, Harvard men mus: be conten) with si rl?
of class Kames hereafter on Soldiers' l-'i? l?i f .r the
championship of Harvard University.
The students ss s bod) an stupefied at the turn
of affairs. It 11 hard for Ihem to give up th? II 11
vard-Yale Kani<?. an?l th? trip : 1 Springfield, There
is only one hijpe left, snd, slight as It I . the whole
weight of student opinion is clinging on thl
straw. The students feel that the corporation alone
can save the game, and ihey await the pos Ible
action of tliat ii>-l> with anxiety They confidently
ex-,.i that Henry I. Hlgglmt will champion th.-lr
cause in that body.
Sprini?lleld. 111. Msrch B. Th? Humphry bill.
which allows ninety ?in-' racing i.\- associations'
anl legalises foreign bookms?ting, passed th. .
at,? to-dsy, the vota being H to 18. The measure Is
beinii pushed, it is generally stated, in th.- in-.-r. ti
of the Chlcas-o racetracks, n ibly ?Vaahlngton
Park, which closed Its gatea for this season until
poolselllng was ?made legal. The ninety-day clam '?
in the proposed Isa Is more In the Interests of Har?
lem and Hawthorne, D ,- alleg? 1 thai th? oassaae
of the bill was forced by Renatoi Humphrej in i
turn far Buppori ol the Chteagn rivll H ? Tice Re?
form measure, winch is now a law.
<; \.\ircs ARRANGED l?v?K Tin: HARV Mti? NINI
Cambridge, Mass.. March .! (Special) The follow?
Inn Is a nearly complete list of th.- Harvard rni
v.-tsity baseball games which win be pia*. 1 during
the ssason of UK, slthoogh a few other gsmea may
be Brraaged later in the reason: .March M, Ando ver,
at Cambridgi : April 17. Dartmouth, si Haaovsr;
It, DartBBoulh, al Hanover: 2?'. Tufta .?t Csmbridge;
B gad 3, Dartmouth, .?t Csmbridg ; T.. Amherst, at
Amherst; a\ Holy Croas, si Worcester; May |,
vTUliams, at Cambridge; 1. WlUlams, at Williams?
toara; T. Brown, si Cambridge; 11, Prinostoa, at
I'rin.-..ion; ix University of Pennsylvania, si Phlla
lelphia; IS, Holy ?'r...??. at Cambridge: Is. Brown al
Provldenoe; S, Amherst, al Cambridge; ?, Brown
t Providence; 27, Colgate, at Cambridge; JO, Prince'
toa, ,?t Cambridge; June 1, Georgetown Fnlverslt)
t Cambrldae; ::. Drlneeton, at New-Hsven, "?ii
it--? of a u<?"? ;.. Brown, at Cambridge; I 1 nlver
ity of Pennsylvsjiia, at Cambridge; lo, I'nlvcrslty
if Vermont, nt Cambridge; "" Yale, si Csmbridg?
?, Yale, at New-Haven; _S, Vale, at New-York!
in caae of a tie."
Isold by nil ?.roeer? Drugglat?,
anil Wine Deniers.
'Th.. puMlcatlon in Tbe Trlbnne y?Mt??t*aay that a
cycling school would bt opened in lb? roof k. naen
nt Madison ???jiar.. '!? rdra ?va-? ?m?' of ih.- rtalef
t. ;.: rs of conven itlon a none local wh. rimen, Wheel?
men generally Indor.ad tbe Mea, anl the ?ehem?
may spread further.
The local head "f ? large manufacturing firm
said yesterday thai be thought tbat rmf-i-rirden
cycling . Cho ds were an Innovatl 'ti In th?- rUnt direc?
tion and h? k.-:?: tbe telegraph airea busy last
nlghl trying t?? And a site fur another cycling seh.v.i
in midair.
?Charle? Schwalbach will boM th- ftwrteenta an?
nual opening ". the bicycle academy at ti.vi.i Plat?
bu?h*ave. noon. Mr, Schwalbst* extend? a eordfail
invita: :: i ? ?11, ?nd f??r th.s- wh.? enjoy fancy
and trieb riding a good programme :< promised.
The formation ??f high 'lass bicycle clubs both in
Brooklyn an i New-York has ??auaed the season t,?
open earlier than usual, and the manager of the
Qormully ?<? Jeffery Company sajra tha< they have
,:,,..,. more business ?lurirm- tie- month? ?>f PVbTusry
anl March than has i.n done during tti>- whole
winter heretofor?.
Chlef Conaul Potter says that letters have i,.. n
received from the newly ?appointed consuls in many
counties and the greatest Interest la shown in all
directions. Ninety thousand new application blanks
have b. ? a print? i tills w? ? k, ?ml are ?being sent In
all directions throughout the State. He desires the
n.iiiies of League members who ?re willing t" i I
in th.- work of building up tie- New-York member?
ship, .mi mil supply ?ll ?uch member? atth th?
necessary appllcjtion blanks and circulara Certlfl
? i tea of appointment ?re being ?enl t,? ail the
newly appointed consul?, and the mailing of I
certificate? alii b concluded during th? i
Tli : ? :? of the "l.. A. vT. Bulletin" will
!,.- ..nt April ?. and will go to all th?.- member? of
the New-York State Dlvteloo. it will c?mala off! ial
commun 'atkms from th? CbW Consul lo the raem
b. ra of the dl? Islon.
The Pott? Guide Board bill b?a DM?ed the I
sembl) u. I is now In the f ite, with e?
pi ospe t? of pa Ik -.:??it bo ?i,
The State Me I : ? IMS will probably be held u
Coney Island, and will Include ? rac? m?set, ?
th< itra pait>. a daac? ?nd one >- .re i ,
rum The profil ? of th ? ? I s roted en
ru |y t.. th- Improvement of !?? paths or Ih? er?
tton ??t ?m b?!??? it i- ??n l.. ng i ?n i. or th? p dm a
.... ; ?.! guldeb ."k for ?b? ? Imen ,,f th?
Metropolitan dlati '. ., ij ?be determined by tr.,.
wheelmen members of Ihe !.. v W. residing I
K Count). <"?'.i- ' ? I Potter has riled
committee? ol the various Brooklyn clubs ??
him .a the Brooklyn Blcycl? Club boos? to
preliminary arrangement? for lb? i??
The chief i , tbat Ihe net profit? f
i ague meet? m thl? .-tit. , . :-? r irned "?.? i
Glood Road? l'un l for Ihe treneftt ?,f the
wheelmen In the . ? -. .. ? ? ?. ?ts are heM,
; being t'irn?* 1 it.t ? ? lub it.-? - sa
Tb? mai.- mem ? f tl M nix Club will
a : oad run ??ti Han lay if il d rs Tl ?
m?-m!.et- is .il Mar: from tbe rlubh use, al 111 .
way and Klft) ?? .i.l st.. at 11 a m , and 1 .
?aHi be t - Coney Island and '? turn
Report? from ? iburban Brooklyn sa) ?. i
nee cycie patb wir h runs from Pr speei r,?rk t
... rut up, an
b. en torn up and |
lurnb? : . k? at
The ''ii. onl Cycling <'lui? has elected the M
? ? Itleei i M Clark pr? lent M ?' "
? ? ? ? ; i ' .
? i . -? ' i . :- :
I' J. Mill? : ; ? . '!' ? ? ?;-a n . : ? n ll? uti
ti. Hw? en) t run of th?
I. '
\ irj I'ark em isi -, - i m?
led I there ?
I.. A. VY. Al
raise a fun?l of I no (<>r th? ?-??? 11 ilnrn? m ?,f
- r
\ r etinc of th? Sew-Yorl Wh? men ?
11 '?'
? !
??mid? n. ...
J. I: T, and othet 1 n I ? ' ? ? I? ? I
.. i f..r a mi.?' ir two li? '?'
The ? ng. and It
ibtl 11 If It for a run ,,ri H
The annual ele il??n of 11 l - i iv ?A
?? ?.- held al th? ..,.,. i
Itrookl) n, last night. The r? i ilar ticket, h?
I S it,,-...?' ? am easll) Tl ??". ?
I were i h Itowillsh pr? ? lei ?. s .1 ? ;? , -
ham, \ . ? ta - - Id? in ? ;? ,,r .-? a Ne?
w ii tlraham, m i i V? McKlnl?
ond !.? iten int; I' Morehoiisi ti ? irer; ? ' V
I/aren, sssletanl treasurer; 'A It. Ka ? n ir?
W. li. le nu a -.--:.mi s?-? r-iarv governors, f,,r
r|,r. ?? \. ai I, 1 '. \|. I., an ; for t??? ', ? ITS, ?' I Long;
? ?: oni ?? ? ir W K Twsy; for unegplred term r?f
?' A Msrtln, Charle- s hwalbach; chairman of
Ita ' mmlttee, ll I. powel
Th.. recent pcrfni mai ? it tbe Crlt? rl??n 1 ?
... II 1 Dr- K P W ?'t?i'.*'
In the l ??m.? pool tournament -I T Beckwlth d?
f. it. ?i H S Blackman, Beckwlth winning all eleven
1- line
The new clubhouse will be r?-.idv Cor wheels on
May l and ready f,,r occupancy on June I.
VA III? ?1 S I I \.-i
Philadelphia March 3 fie.-r?.-.. D. OMeaa, eh? r
mrin n? ihe Racing Board ol tb?s*league ??f Ameii?
can Wheelmen, i i n,?_iit. gave ont lb? following In?
formation concerning I* .\ IV ?ft?
During th? w< ? k i'i cnt Wl'.llson hss appointed
H IV. Robinson, No. M State : lioston (In charge
??f New-England), aid B. H L'ronlnger, of .No '.'.:
W'.st Kifih-si.. Cincinnati ?in charge .,' the South?
ern district), iii"?n m?. National Racing Itoar?) ?>f
the I.eague, Th? Urs) half of lbs National Cli u ?
is about tilbd up. ?'liibs desiring a place must
apply al once to Oeorge I? Qldeon, No. 17 North
8? ?? nth --t.. Philadelphia.
Sanction? have \?>i\ granted t > the following fur
ra ? upon the dates stated: June i, Wilmington
Bicycle club, Wilmington, Del.; Ma) 30, Jul) i
September .'', and ,?',. Mercurj Wheelmen, A'.len
town, Penn.; May Mi, Ast.ui> Park Wheelmen, ?-?
bury Park, N. J.; July I, Charles E. Ilodson, i>??\.
N I..,- Jul) -I Press Cycling Club, Buffalo, N v i
September .', Syracuse Athletic Association, Syr?
?us?. N. V.; Beptember '-'. It??*?- ?if Ne? England
Wheel ?'bib. Norwich, ?'?.I'll.; JulV <t and .'., i Vu
lury Cycling Club, Syracuse, N v.; .lime ;t .ml
..'. Plttshurg Athletic Club, PittHburg: July I
Prince Wells, l<oulsvi:ie; June '."J. Cincinnati Bicycle
Club, Cincinnati; March B, S and ':'. ?-'??nth Elorlda
Fair Association, Orlando, Kin.
Aabury l'a?k. N I. March .1 (Special). \ meet
in? of the local Executive Commit!?.n Ibe L -\.
W Nati ,nil racing msel was h?-:?t last night, and it
v. i i|.ii,i,i to rslsc a rund of MO.0QQ, lo i?- u ., ,|
in providing vari,,u entertainments f,?r tbe rl ting
wheelmen, The Finance Committee is r,?,w n
Ing subscriptions from cttlsen
Plena LorlUard, who .?"ti Ihe English Derby
with Iroquois and captured many "f tbe pria ipal
?lakes in England, ha? enterad Dakotah n In tb?.
Engliah ?Derby foi IM Dakoub II i- g gelding,
and ??.is ? t?tere?i as m gelding. H?- w.i?? foaled at
!' . and is by OnOntlaga out of s.'u;ihri?nbi,
so tbat be Is ? full brother to Lo?cohatchee
De Oourcey Poibes m.? i?. ? remark thai the geld
lltg was so promising tbr be bad ? "limk In" fur
th?. i^r? it race. Nearly every ?Ueged Imponed ra,
Ing rapen profei ? ? to have 11?-- English rubs gad
condttloai of great races on the ni> ?>f hi? tongne,
?md ii constantly prepared to annihilate sny Ameri?
can who ins the temerity t?> ?peak ?bout raeliic.
a controversy wai ?tarted by men who never owned
or entered ? racehorse ?a to the eligibility ol Ds
kouh n tu gun in the Derby. Everybody who
knows l'une Loi lllard's method? Is ?,w,ne iii.it I,.
is i stickler m regard to th?. oondltlo?i ?f suke?
in which he makhs entries, snd that be i.? as familiar
with Bagliah lacing method? aa gay man |?
America goes without savtag, Th? controversy m
i- I to geldings and their i-lnrihility t?> comoete
"!. "'" '"!l,", h*? I.I effectually r*tiled by th?
following ?able dispatch from Messrs. Wetherby,
the publishers of "The English Bsclng Calendar"
" 'Spirit of the Tim? s,' N? ? -York
"(Jeldtngs m eltgibl? i??r entry m Derby "
Old ra.itiK men and others who bav? taken ?Me?
can now devote their time to oilier matter? The
racing public is Indebted to the enterprise of The
Spirit of the Tim^s," who cabled to Messrs \\?-h
t,\ for a decision; consequently all bets 01
u , ? on should i?? promptly paid.
n. m Haven, Conn., March 21.-Th?? ?-facial Yale
boseball schedule was mad.? publie by Manager
Lanier McKso this sfternooo. Thors ar? thirty
two games In all, iacludlag two conditional matches
w.th Harvard and I'rin-.-ton. to be played in eaS4
of a Ile m th.? seriea There nn? more ?ames with
league clubs than ever before, this belag ihe first
Um? m liv.? yeara for Yale m m?'''t Baltimore.
Viii,. will iry to win from th?? New-York League
, lui. the cup offered for the coll?es lean making
the best shoo ng sgalnsl thai nine. The Raster
trip 1 his year will !?>? two weeks lat?-r than usual.
The schedule is;
March ?, Trinity, ?it Hartford: April t, Murray
Hill, at New-Haven; April ??. New-York League,
at New-York.
taster inp April i". New-York Pnlverslty, bI
New-York; 11. ileorgetown, at Washington: It
Norfolk League, al Norfolk; 13, Fnlversltj of Vir?
ginia, at Richmond; IS, I'nlveralty of Virginia,
at t'harlottesvllj?; 16, Baltimore League, at Balti?
more; 17. New-York l-oegue, bi New-York.
April ?0, William--, at N'.-w - Ha v.-n ; M, Toronto
league, at New-H:i\ <?n; .'7. Brown, ai New il.iv ti.
Ma) i. Wealeyan, at Mlddletown; I, Andover, ?it
Andover; i. Brown, at Providence; 7. Lafayette,
at New-Haven; 11. Orange, at Hast Orange; l-'i.
Amherst, si New-Haven; l".. Amherst, si Amherst;
IS. I'rlii.-'-ton, at New-Haven; 22, Oritanl Field
Ciato, ai New-Havea; -?">, Orange, at Hast Orange;
28, (leorgetowo, at New-Haven; ?O, Brown, at
Providence; June I, Holy cross, at New-Haven;
:>., Harvard-Princeton tie, at New-Haven: I, Prince?
ton, at l'un? ??ton, i... Princeton tie or Wllilama. at
\\ illiauistow ti; 20, Harvard, at Cambridge; IT., Har?
vard, at New-Haven; :"'. Harvard He.
An innovation Is the plan arranged to have the
Harvard-Princeton to- played off al New-Haven
Instead of New-York. As few games as possibl?
will be played In New-York or say other lara?
cltv. and the third Yale ?ame with Harvard. If
?ssary. will probably !<?? played in Springfield.
Th.? Princeton tie will be played off in Williams?
town. M i
Charleston, B. C, March -i The Boston sad
Washington teams played a lively game of baseball
before a good-slsed crowd her to-day. The gams
wa- splendidly contested f-.r Ihre Innings. In the
sixth lnninir the Boston ex-champkms began to bal
with effect, and. scoring four runs, settled the ?ani"
then and there. The score:
Boston .1 ?"> o i o i i i ?.-s
Washington .a i n g .i | 1?4
Basehlts Boston 12, Washington 7. Rrrors r.-n
ton 1. Washington t. Batteries -Dolan, w II 1.
Tenny and Warner; Mercer, Mularkey and M ?; .
I m| li ??- rJulllvan and And r- ?n.
Savannah, March "i The Iwo leama of th.? Pitta
burg club play d a game ??( ball hers to-day, In
which tha ("oils were victorious. The game was ?
1.ir ?? 1 > on baseball, and ii?t?--i only sis Innings
H was witnessed by ten men sad s boy. Scot?:
rolta .1 ? ? 1 ?i I 10
Regulars .0 ? " - 1 ? I
11 ? ..!?- I, Regulars ll. Errors Colts t, Rega?
lar? 4. Batteries Hawley, ll irt and Mack; Colcol
otigh, .lor.i.:. tnd Bu "den
.1, ksonvllle, Fl ? , Mar? h :i The Neu I rk
Qlantfl play? 1 their la-t game "t hall her? - lay,
?art f .r the N'.-rth lo-morrow, and 01
ws) ?1 1 play the local clubs ??f ihe fold wing
i* : mu.ia. ft ?'.: Charlotte, N. C; Danville, m?-h
mon.l, r rtsmouth and Norfolk, Va The regulars
? ? 11- ir.iv.? a pretty exhibition ?>f ball playing, shut
. ?? im. Th* ??.
Ian . 9 ?'? l l " I. v ??
.1 . . .? ?i
II ? Regulars 7. Second teem I Error? -Regu?
lars ? ?m 3 Batteries 'iirk, Krause
. 1 a-?- 1 <; man. Meektn and Wilson.
? ?
Augusta, Ha., Mai ? -i The Bi ???? _r?
ta 1 TI ???? bad a ah >rt prs tl
g th? ifi ? ti. and wilt phi u m Ibltlon
11 tig up iwo teami ? their
Princeton, N !.. March -i fjfcpeclal) Manager
n ??? l gave - ut this evening the following complete
. of ?-? m - * to 1- ??lived by ii??? Prlnoetqa
.ill t? ?:i. M ii ?h ' ' in Ma, ?t
1 30 Monigom? rv Athletic <'iut'. al
p,.-. toa; Api i-'r.,t.ki-.ti sad Marshall, si prince.
\ ' if Vermoat, si Prtaeaieai
Aptii ? Prlneetoi April i". Nea -York, .?t
\, . ', ?. v.i .1 11 Huai n. at Prln? ??-."n; April
laltlinoi \ ? . '.''. a-. 1 17.
? m. ?I V ' '?'. I'? riri-vhunti
i ??? n. Apr?.; 1 ' ifayette, al
? . . - - int on: April .".?.
t Ithaca: M? L? high, al Prli
. ... it Orange; May I
. Ma) II. H.iriar 1. il Pun
? N? s Vol k 1 loub ful): M i\
- ', ,. ? ? H 1 . -i May 23, 1 ?- ???? \
? ?bib, it I'm ? Mai ' n*l at Pi In
May ' ton: Ma) -1". Harvai '. at
, 1 . 1 transe Athletic 1*1 ib si 1 M
M.-irvardi lui I. Harvard
Havi : . ti- .. Jan- 4. ' ;? . ;
Prli 1 a-.- ?? 1 ale, al Prli
? N< w York mi ? is.- of a 1
The wrestling bout? t??? the championship of lbs
New-York Athlet ( were bei in si tha rlub
0 :.? tb-Bt ut night. Ths r ?
?rere ?
In th? IIS . I las, I'- H 1: Btafrbr l tiefe tie 1 T
Averj '' llett; J 14 R ynolda defe 11 ?d W. P. .s.
Hai 1. BI 1 fT..t l ?!? :?? it? 1 Reyni Ida In Ib? Anal b ? il
In the :".'. ? Isi -, 1; l C. J,
Andei non In th? : 1 ? ??? ? n Id? ited
.1 T Taylor; C ll Davidson defeated 11 Thorpe.
In the 145. .lass. |?. I-'. Dickey defeated W. W.
Bcott; ?? H Page. 11 -.. defeated C. W. Marsh. In
-.. ..I. Keppler defeated O. '.?.il t? I? with
a halt N? I
- _ .. _.
Portland, Ore., March It .'u.'.-r- ailbarl le La;
appointed John m Bgs wim was chairman of
the <: ti'-rai Managers AsBoclatlon during ihe
greal striks last summer, receiver of th.- Oregon
short Line sad Utah Northern Railway Company,
Ttus appointment was made m lbs suit of ih>
American Loan sad Trust rompan) of New-Yorh,
against ihe 1.1.iw..1 company. Ths court yester
? la?, rendered a decision refusing to remove the
present 1.Ivers In lbs Dillon sun In which ?in?
American Losn snd Trust Companj bad Inter
yen? ?i. ?.n Ihe ground that th.? rule of comlt) be
tw?*en the Pederal court? rsndered it Improper for
him to review th.- order of the Wyoming fouri
appointing receivers In the Dillon case, B) Ihe
m 1- r appo 1 ' - Kuan in the oth.-r .?-?? he reaches
ihe same result and ?voids any disregard of the
ml.- of comity. Th?- onler appointing Egan la t..
tak?- effect upon th.itry In tha Districl Court -
of Wyoming >?r the order directing the receivers I
iiow in charge to tranBfer the propertj 10 Bgan.
.?-?.?i Bernardino, f'al., March SI. Liens amounting
to MBAm were filed hers sgalnsl ih.? Nevado mouth
??m Railway by twenty four claimants. Other liens
sling }i. will be tiled by mechanics and
instruction of the road A
? Cted to fullniV these BUltS.
1 outra.-loi
?al.? of th
?I ll
Atlantic City, N. .1 . March :i \ syndlcsi? of
New-York nnd Mian tic 1 'Ity capllsllsl 1 have formed
a company, which Is "> be capitalised at M.OOu.'sX),
i" hull.1 an ?'. ni.- railroad from N'.-w York 10 ibis
city, The road m?] he in operation nest summer
Th? sann- rompany i? building electric roads in and
aboui II iltiinoie ati-i Washlngto 1,
R \ll.\v _T NEWS PROM Tin: WEBT.
Chicago, March 21. (leorge I.. Rhodes has 1.g
appointed general pit songer sgeni ol the Beahoai l
Air Line. Mr. Rhodes wax for years assistant gen- I
eral passenger sgenl ?>r the Chicago, Rock Inland
and Pacific
Despite th.- meeting of Ihe general n.-ii-ht agenta
of road m th.- rentrai Traffic Association yes?
terday, ?n w-hi'-i? 11 wsa 1.>solve< 1 rorever 1?? stop
cutting taie? ?m main and provision* the cutting
wa ? done sa open!) and sa freely as aver to .1 ??. in
niiuiv ? as s being thr.-..nia t.-low schedule Lake
shipments will soon begin now, and t.. go) what
Utile hu.- of the business falling to the railroads
it la believed they will cut more flairratniv and fre?
quently than ever.
Th.? approxlmatetLgross earnings of all las .tchl
son. Topeka and Hants !?'.? unM for the second
week of March at-,? I7S3,*t_2; for ihe s,,m? perloil
msi year, ITOl.ns; Increase, |B1 ????;
PORE? L08I l:ll .-"il r BBOl'N.
Indlanspolls, March a (Srsrelal), The Central
Trust Company or Now York has tn.-d suit in ths
Federal Coo? sgalnsl ihe south Etend gad Mlsha
waka Railroad Compahj t <? foroclose mortgsgs
bonds BKgrf-KB'InK ?'.' 't??-?, upon which payment of
r?'h,"i ?eh.' n.t*?Sl "? **)**?$ ,0 hllv?f '?'?n <'-*
I rsoBivor -''?'""H ??*? 'Of Uio appointment of a
Hilton, Hughes & Co., Hilton, Hughes & Co.,
must come near to the truth. Ask any one who has been here of laU
if the merchandise isn't marching to a new step?closer to your liking
closer to your pockctbooks.
Stragglers among the stocks, of course ; bound to be for som9
time yet. Fewer and fewer as the weeks go by.
(The l?inls sod flowers will stay today ami to-morrow.)
E.WBROIDERIES I Tttrkkm Tidies, beautiful pattern?. _?.v
si'-uai li t Turklah TUUee, worth 7fc at a/u
Mero of the stitrli-rich embroidered stuffs | w?<_*ll Clotnri and Cu.h Mitts. ' ^*
sol?! here in the hist four davs than in the
usual forty. -Of course then are odds and
ends?some pieces a bit mussed or linger
Friday morniag all of these, and those from
the window display, go to galloping prices.
.I, 10 nnd *?5c the yd.,
im matter what they were before?sometimes
live yards for the price <>f on?, rarely less than
two or three. Sold only as they are?lengths
of 4 to 4 ? . yards.
Be??way ?nil Ten 11? Mrrrl.
With made-to-order elegancies. As easy te
get the ?tupes righl as wrong?if the mi leer
knows his business. \Ve _ee lo it that every
thing is right?especially the price..
Three sorts almo.-t at random:
.Skirts of all-wool, nary blue hop-ack'nn.
light freight, full ?weep, plait? in ba?k ni?S
ly lined. $.'!..%0. ' '
Skirts at all-wool ?erge, full : weep and nicel?
' lined, bin? and bl.uk. 14; the *,.- k?n,|
Skirts of f'iKiire<l China ?ilk, extra Urge. fu_j
i \v..?.|?, very nl?t*ely lined, several patt ma.
|8, instna-l of Hi
Only a touch?iust enough to set you think? lluuik the manufacturer for the follow!
s-4 bleached Damark, 80 tnd 7."? : k j'1 ?/alna
at sue and 11.
Irish Damask Breakfast Napkin*, $1. $1.23
and fl.80 the dOB.
Dinner Napkin*, regular $,.7-'> trade al 1.1
Pine I?im_sk Table <'l??thr1. hemstitched, ??pen
work, '?tx.'.win. and Mx? In.. ?W.30 snd HM
kinds al %'? and ?92.80.
I-'Ipp 'Inen Tuwcllni?. suitable for rl -^s .?r china,
_0x^_ in.. SO and Be. kind? ,it l?'_ and I."??-.
White Marseille* Bureau ?Coven, a*ei*e H.M t'?
JL'...'?, now Trie.
.-?<?? ,t,-h Damask C?o 'i?. ZxS, ?\^;. 2,..x_1?. and
L'ijx'; yard?, at onn-thlri ??ff regular.
Close by the bird music and the flowers,
serc-nd lloor, are the Turki-h Towel looau?
old sort and new.
Turkish Towel?, new s/eavee, 10 ?nd I2<4c.
Pine thick w-av.-s I.V. Kxt'.i site? and
b?*avy, 20 and 25c.; t.' valu?' at M and
?he made a mistake in the lining. Next to
nothing you'll say, but it mean?, $i_\co
Cheviots Suits at ?f 7.45?weil fitted, doublt
breasted ivaist, velvet trimmed, and lull -kirt,
?????mil Floor. Itr?,ml ?mi ? .
HemsiitcheJ. Ready to use. Stan latfl
goods from a foremost maker?windfall i ? hit
PtllOW Ca.??..
45x36 In.. I?8c.; r??ifiilarlv-2or.
4:.\-:i>???. m., l???..: regularly Mho.
"is.;?1, in . 22c.; regularly Mc.
i: >i?ter Caaat\
4.",.\7J in.. 8Tc; regularly ?lte.
90x934 In., fil?' ; regularly gtJc.
7.X??:!?.. in., 50c
Fourth \\cmi...
INBPECTOB M l.Afi-,iii.i\. Tim CAPTAIKa, HX
RA? OP i" N'ski. OM KV'H BIDE
Comparatively f?-w- persona were in th.- Court of
'.- - ?--i Terminer yesterday morning to hear the
poll.Hlclals snd as ?fflcta ? who were Indicted by
th.? Orand Jury .n M ?day pl-a ! to the Indict
m>?n'*i It was anderstood that a. pi.?? of "not
guilty" would b? enter-l In each cast, sad that the
formaUty would ??? brief. Il wos h? a :n. when the
.- ><?rt was open? i. The Indicted men present with
? i were Inspector William McLaughlin, Cap?
tains John .i. Donohue, Michael .1 Murphy, James
EC Price and Jacob Blebert, es-Captalas William
s Devery, John T. Btepheason and Edward Car
iwnter at, t ex-Detectives I-Mwarl <T Oieaaoa and
Henri \v. BchUL A Joint comblnatiofl hid been
enter???! Into by the lawyer?- EaiOBUBl Krlend, Pr?-?l
?-rick B. H loi el v.. C. Jsmea, Louis ?'rant
and the firm of Tracy, Boardman ft Plstl to repre
Bsal the Indict? l men.
Justice Ingraham to..k bis ->-it on the beach s ?
f. w minutes after 10 o' i -? '?? lames B n - wsa not
? He Ib u-n?. i lo have ti-i from th?* coun?
try. Mm m i-l l-'ri'iil w.iH th- mouthpiece ?>f th??
defendant?' lawyers > il rds Dlatrl l-Attoraay
PVIIowa was on band t? tpr cal th people.
Th-.? . l.-rk of the ? rt ? llled ? il the num.? of
iiiu.ii i Olennon The e? ward n u itepf i for?
ward launtil) to the bar, sad Mr, Friend Bald he
pleaded "not guilty" :> the Indictment Th* names
of all the remaining Indicted police officials were
. til? !. ths of Inspector McLau -hlln laat, snd
the men all pleaded "not guilty" through counsel.
There m re no demurrer? raised bj counael, snd
., tig weni a i m- othlj Ball had to be I it
tiv i in th.? case of ea-Captsln s?- easos He Is
al pr?sent under E&.VB ball, snd I istl ? Ingraham
Its? I Mi?- b ni ? ??? the pre? nt indict m? m bi
John Vincent represented es-Caplaln Stephenson
In peel ?r McLaughlin ? ? '.-?--??: In ? natt) gi ?
waa pale, but v. ore a d? t? rmln? d look s
I lawyer pleaded "not guilty" to the five
menta found b) the Orand lurj sgalnsl him. He
.i. i not look as :( Ihe m ight of the Indlctmenta
i i heavily on i - mind, r-s-Cnpialn Csrpenter
also l""k?-l (aunty. Colonel Pellows looked r.nh.?r
rers oi opposli on of say
km i were raised.
When .?ii had pleaded "not guilty" Colonel Pel
lows snnounced '?.i- i-.- would, ss he stated before,
move for the trial of the ?.-??- on-the first Monday
in April. He also told Mr Frl? id h< ?- iu!d give iu>
notice before each speclfl? case was i .1' l This
iit.i-i:? i the formal i>.-u- - before Juattce Ingra
t ? n. a'li th- court wa? ml] urned until to-day .it
i-' .'. '?.. k. 'I. lor? . ?t? p: ? ?? i ?> br ?iher I n
Captain Ktcphen? -. s til ?all for him He gave
two houses ii v- 183 and 18." West Rlghty-nlnth
-? . with in eqult) of ?"S0.?W, and also some property
.- Mount \ ? i -., n. w III in ? - ? ' '.' "?
Mr. Prli n t -..id Bfter th? proc? I nga w? re over
that they never Intended lo rala any d.-mirr-r.
??We ,|o not Intend." ??M n . "to delaj the trials
m any wag. We ar? wllllns |" meel th? Issu The
pleading 'u it | lilt ' lo da). It >wi ?.'? r. does not
deter i.? from making .? mot lot to quash ihe Ind ct
m? m v hen Ih? trist I ? ?'
'-.., ... i r. :..-.? - w n . indue? ?ll tl trial? In per?
son, He will be assist? I bj -x-i-urrosjate R
and Ahm. n >; Poa. \ . tani Dl?trlci Attorney
Llndsaj may also be i ill? I In Captain rJtephenson
will, It Is said, be represented >>? General Benjamin
P Tracy wh.-ti hi? ?? ^^ ? t- called.
The Indicted police official? all I- ft the ?':
?'..nit Building m a i."d\ when ihe c in adjourned.
Inspector Williams called al the l'ounty court
H??u?e yrsterds) and tent .? in.ige to Justice In?
graham, who was silting on ihr i>?-tieii engaged in
hearing a case, The Judge Interrupted in? pro..,|
Ihgs long enough t?. have s i?onversallon with ths
Inspector, which last? l iboul llfteen minutes At
its close th- Inapector ref ise I to say anything sbo it
the mattr_
Mi:if,'?i-.'i..T\\ ROTEL.
'ih- ? was surprise mingled with raorriment in
the office of Chief Clerk Ktpp, al E-ollce l'e.i.i
quartera yesterday, when Major Kipp received from
n messenger a bundle of old police recorda and the
follosrlng egplsnator) note from ei-Judaa Horace
itussei!. who was counsel for th?? I'oine Depart
nu-ut when the Etoosevelt Committee had it? in
voatlsjatlon .?? ths Metropolitan Hotel in MEt;
M\- Door Major I Bead you a buadls of papers
recently sent me from the Metropolitan Hotel, in
the aare of which Ihey have lain. 1 suppose, ever
slnce th. Investigation ?.: tha Roosevelt Committee.
I remember i ?thing about them, but from the
place where ih?*j were found, namely, the Metro?
politan Hotel safe, I llif.-l I hey ??re the p.lpei%
Which wer.? tti some WSJ use.I m that investigation.
Yours very truly. HORACE RUfitBlLL
The papera aen1 i" Major Ktpp srere the recorda
of the trials of Captain Charles licDotwatl, of th
Eighth Precinct, and hi* ward man. Patrolman
John Murphy, and Bergcant, now- Captain, Jealah
A Wester?, ??It. ??iiptali? M"l ?oniiell, wb?i was
known us "Llghtalng Charley," has been dead
s.v.-rat ysara. Baperiatendeai Waiting, who is ?__?__
dead, nuda .hantes sgalnsl him In January, no,
for permlttlna disorderly houses to exist in his
precinct, the Eighth, the station house of which
was at Prinos and Wooster sts. The ?Ustrii't w,.<
at that tlm one of th.? liveliest sections of the
Otty. Murphy, M.-I ?onn.-U's ward man. was s DC USB ll
Of ri'i-eivlni? "protection"" mon ??, from keepers of
disorderly houses.
Tl.hurires H??.iinst Captain McDoaiaell w?-re dis
mlssed after Ids trial, but Murphy was "broken""
Th?? I'oliee Commissioners who tried the ofll? era
i ?i.? Fraaeh, Voorhis. Ntetols and TThailiir.
WestenroM was trl.??l on "?Vbriiary ft, \ME\ on
cha?as made ay Anthony Comstoek. At the time
Westervelt was a sergcunt In connu ml of the old
Twenty-ninth Precinct, now the Nineteenth, In
I West Thirtteth-st. He wus chai-sed' with con
| splracy. It waa alleged that be conspired with
i i.
: il. !
: LADY SAI). :
\ m. -
E HAl'tA LADY. |!
: :
I II ST TO .?IMKHTIHK ?Uli him. ;
H, '?A. 'Jfl K\vr 1 ITH ST.. :
: IMil? r*m IHK., MOW YORK. I
Pstrohnan Henry H. Shiii to prevent .1 rsld ? ? a
gambling bOUS* at No M West Thtr- ?t.
nonstock procured a warrant for the pi? ? ? itch
sras Intrust?*! te Weatenrell to ezecnl II <a*M
charged that WeeterreU felled toes? I tl
,.i i warn??] the (M?bllag bou?? i tor?
at the 'nr-.n?l.d mid, th-r.d.\ d-t ItlRg tl ?:..-? of
Patrolmat mixed up in the isa
li?. ,h tie- same officer who au Indict?! by th?
Extraordinary Qrand Jurj for bribery, perjury and
attempted extortion. He a? ' duty n-in
under Captain Prie? and I? no? Th?'
tige? ?gain?! Weatervell ?nd Shlll ?er? ?i'-s
t.i :
The iwper? returned b) ex-Jadt? BsaaatW wer?
used bj the Roosevelt Committee durina ii_ in
ni-i . ' ibe Police i>. p.m.-u. m m i*?i.
"This ? ?i shoe? Jusi host our ra?cord? *?-i teat,"
said Uajor Kipp, "it was c?baiged by the Lexow
Committee during the reeeat ln?raatlg?tloa of the
Poll ? I >? : .irtaunt that our re?*orda were not ?oui.
?,? -|.. >nd thai Importanl d?tjcument? wer* mineing
from our Bles The p?tp*r? loot ***t me *M **m
Judas Russell s/ere tome record? wiii.-h th?1 Ifcoose?
I veil Committee used when It mireatlgated th? i ??
? in IM. Tbej ii' ?? lain In lb? Metropolitan Hotel
; ?.if?- ever since I suppose if lbs ?It hotel ha I n<*t
ild i ii ?- ; would liav.- lain there :n th? ??'?
veen Irnger, Th? Lexo* Committee und Mr ? ?.-.ft
have n ?' yti i turned tome of the depart ??
-, ? -? which w.-re used in the recan? Investtgs
Several year? hence it may an-?"' he ?; 1
ih i- ut recoras are n??t ?complete. Hut this ?h al
the reason thereof."
Tu- I'ni.une on irVednesdaj recalled tb? f?ei i -?t
Hantel <i. Rollins, one of lb? ipeelal ??'?tin.?-'! foe
the Oyei and Terminer Qrand ?Jury, use tb? a?
slsiani District-Attorney wh<*n Ahrkender s v. ;?
Lin-., the present Inspector of Police, ares tried ?ni
.in indictment ?-harninK him with assault In IMm
It iras stated a!?.. that Mr. Rolitnt hsd ? ted :n
the lapaclty of counsel for Williams ? ?eral I >?*
BK". I'm Air. Rollins ha? .'. Ur.-I th:.t h* BSV?
has be en counsel for William.-. Th? Tribune naJ.
! iv vive?! ta?, apparently inoorrrci etttesseut *h*'
? Mr Unli'nn had presented .? briet -n hehalf of
I Will'ams, after th.- trial of Wiiii^mi*. before the
Police i'??iiiniliisi?ii?-i-s in LOT, Th I? ?3 ?''?c'\
| t.rtef ?n ill.- with the p*p?r? of the William? trial
! ?n ihe Central Office. William? w?i ?? f**0"**
w th Police Commissioners French n?d Md laV".
I v,ii,i voted to make him an Inspector, :
1 h-r of machine Republican? In th? ? , also urged
i th> promotion of Williams.
ill nier.* AOAixsT a ROVRDAMA*
Cbargss bave been lodged at Palle? HeaaO, M
1 u?taiii<<! Bound? men Ortn tl s.nie. of ih* \v. it **?
? i ? Ighth*?? sUtton, who la ?ecu?d by CafMffi
Uallagber of being in .? Bquar atoe? daring hi? ?"-r
; of patrol ?ad ?f falllnx f> mak?' M ?XCl?? UtMB.
! Th?- principal ertuassa tgalael tb? rouadsaMM "
I'.ii-idmin Joseph y. Burke, who ha* been b?for?
the Commbwlonirri l?verai time? recently ?>n ,-ha.rgi?
mad? b) Man A ??cording I > the n nA?aanaa'sstsff,
i h?? founil Burks i" ? Batboaa? eleven Mock? ???'?*
from hn? pi???'., in th?- trial before CotmmBBBom?l
Kerwln, Ituik?. ?aid tint i- - liad asserted ? ??? ?*???
ti., i f.iiien and hurl blosaelf.
Yesterda) Roundsman Mima had Burke upljefore.
i Commissioner Msrtln ? ri a eharae <>f bein? off rn?
; in a watchman's ihanty, Burke, it is ^a: I. ha.? vow??
, to ?et "nsjuare' ?,th hin-.. The charwes ?rill t>?
ti li i befen the Commtsskmen m \t w. .in.??l*y.
ill; ORB BETT MtABDA vr von the MAILCRR
Arthur f. DssasHt. ??f th.- ?odety tot ?bt rrf*
ventton of ?'rime, has sapeassad the <au*e of tit?
Ballon, WbO, In- .?ll?'K,r?. Hie fompelled '? rA> *
t.ix of $10 to sont?- iintinrm-d pSffOOO Of p rs.-n? be?
fur.? they can be p?iniitt?-?i\tn .?hip sa board ?ny
i veaael at thla port. Mr. iv-nnett called :" tb? <1'B<'*
| of the Ualted State? l)Uti'let-Atton.,-> | .-.-?terdsy
I ainl had n long; Interview with ?\ssistanl I'nH"1
I r Hir.li,, : \r!,,iri.-y John l?. Mot!, t" wh?>m Jj?
! present?***] ?la caae Mr. Pennett ?a.? toi,I thai tn?
I? d.t il authorities In this cltv hive in? ijaiP? ".
detective? at ih.-ii dtopo?al to hunt up ?act ***?J
inn that M quickly ?? any ?peclBc ehat^e ?'
! presen i".I Rgalnsl any parti.'iilar per SO?*, lb? '"'**
em tin-in would ????i- that nuch a ease was fully pro*?"
H^v is the only
which pre?
serves the fine flavor and
great strength of the oat.

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