OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, March 22, 1895, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1895-03-22/ed-1/seq-7/

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.!,,. m u h -l.-'i-i Hung Chang, with
his aulte left th? warship o : h ard of which he
had remained since his arrival, and is ?upying
qUai t. ra In lb? town
I.,.,!.!,..!. Mai b -'? ? Central New? dlepatch
fr.'Pi Bhlmonoseai says thai the credential? of
the parties to the t- ac e inference al thai ptoce
were submitted yesterday (March 20), and found
lo have been prep red in due form and to c n
f? r lull power? n both side-?. To-day's
I ,r. it L'.e" p. m.. and ? nded at 4 o'
id Hung CI ?-? ni his suit.- art quartered in
,i 1:
??Th ? Morn'ng Post" has tins dispal h from
y ok i:
Tb.nsensus of opinion is that the su ?>??.-- o?
the peace negotiations is doubtful. Th.- military
. win il is dominant, wants t::-- war prose?
i until the vi tory shall be complete. In
r a nenl the fet ling is the san.", in th." l iwer
house notl?ee has been given of a motion to the
? that the lin:" t" n - ? B? ?? h is not
yel arrived.
A r.iitrai Sews dispatch from Shanghai says
? Japaneae war vwsel? have been searching
British and German merchantmen in th?- Gulf of
jv-Chi-l.i fui- i mtraband of s ir. The cruiser
Aeolus has been ordered to lie at Tahu to pro
t., r British lnter??st? Tli" Japan?rse Heel has
Mu ???? retired from Taku, and the Chinese hay.- a
nunii.^r of Junks ready to i?- sunk at t hat pi a ce
im order i ?? Wo I. the .-man,?- t?> ttl? lel-ll"
A*Hong Kong dispatch to "The Oh*ber says
thai lb? Japanese bave blockaded the port ...
Tamsul, ? n thi n ?Hhwe?! cast : , ?rmoaa.
Washington, March ?tL Vague hints tiare t" n
thrown oui In diplomatic circlei to-day thai Grea!
Britain will pre\ I : ?Hue, any agreement be~
iween China and Japan Which may l'vilt in a
n t,> the latter c? untry of any part of Chin? se
..-? ? ,.\ propei The Japanese Government, aa far
?is can l? learn? i. will nol demand ? part <?f Han?
oi peace, but will
i,, mi ifled en etat? l " the?? dlapatchea
rrlth the occupation of Port Aturar and Wei-Hat
w ,.? and tn I Formosa. Intimation? are
thrown oui her? thai ?treat Britain is trying to
... ? ? . Germany, Austria. Italy and
France to embarrass the peac? negotlal tms should
th-v prove t ? t.i\ .i * Li.- t.. Japan. It la believed
t;n,.; phi not lake Bny over! action alone u i
It la regar I? 1 >' certain that R
w II ?- ; |oln In any concert? l movcra nl to this
,,. ?. >.,, a v matter of fact, it li ?aid that the
Japanese ?Government lias no fear of any I
Int? :
Diplomats of standing say that Japanese dis?
patch's by way of London, from now until some
has iie-n reached, must b taken with
? lit."
? ?.
Kanalbar, March _;. Drouth and locusts lia.-?
: with ipr? ?d far In e istern i:?r
Afrtea. Villages have been depopulat? l and mis?
sion s-h?->,?ls and churches have t? Many
nattv<rs ?re - then elves and th?
: lavery to
I'gogo, Mpwapws and Mambola I
In an appeal foi
??. ?
- MORE 'I HAN : 000 DEAIl _xn W? H SI
Washington, Mar,:, SI Mr. McKensle,
United States Minister to Peru, telegraphed lo
the State Department th)? afternoon that after
three 'lays' fighting an armistice had bsea ai
tanR.' 1 between the Insurgents and the 0
ment troops, and that over 1,000 dead and
w >unded were lefi lying in the s t r?-*-t s of Lima
Later some s?,:- f an agreement was r? a bed
by the belligerents and peace was restored. A
Provisional Government n at seem? to kx in
San Francisco, March 21 The steamer Ban Blaa,
arriv?-! le-r.- late last night from Pa
airi way porta bring? contlrmatory i'?.? of lb? up?
rising ajrain-t president Gulteirea, th* ?hooting of
? if c- || ? Vaaqu? z. or Baa Salvad
th?-- imprisonment of th? enemies <-,f Gu terres The
"Diario OAcial," th? Qov?srnmenl organ, gtyes ?n
??xrount ?,f th? conspiracy and say? Iba! Viasqu???
? ?;'?t arhtle trying to escape
Preal lent I iulterr? z has caused GO or 100 per* ? I i
1?" arrsatad. a number of prominent people have
b**en sent to Jail, and etrtet ordei , n given
that no new? shall r.-- given out which Is not ?uner
vlse i by the '. ?vernment. Ac ?i ling I ? the ' U u i
? ???. -:.. ."' "certain dastardly conspirator* In Con?
gress ha t, overthrow the PresMent," and
i./. ' ? ? t.. !??? am ?:.
a! ?-r.-.- i ra' .il?. The Spanish ? 111 -r of "The p
Bur and Herald attribute?! the dislike foi Uutter
rez t,. the feeling thai th? Kzetas did nol hav? -?
lair chance to I ? their rlghti 1 -? irly fall
??r ?luiterri-z Is pred -, ? ?.-.- all Central Amei in
paaer? ?sahllahc : o tul i-- of Balva lor,
JI??\" A NEW-TURK sai.k.?Ma\ WAS TREATED v.
William Taylor, a travelling aateaman foi B Dlaa
? ''??.. of N<?. 151 IVater-Bt . retnrni I from Cuba on
w '.- bsea day H? brought back ?n account of Span?
ish iin-thods ol ignoring the rlghti ,?: American
citizens that a good di
? have t.- ni i. - i tory, \\ -, . i .
was r.-it subjected t?? sny absolute outrage, >??-. the
aanoyaae? and Inconvenlei ? - i rr? i * ? i fr. m th?
domlmterlng method? ,,f the Spaniards v.?-;?- . x
ssperatlng. Mr. Tayloi for Havana <?n the
steamship Orlaaba, arrlvin? March 10.
Mr. Taylor'.- story Is as :<>..
Among the first to board ,' vessel wat, .? troop
of mar,ne police Th? y I ??!< ? hai
warn?ed no one to com? aboai ? There were about
ti Irtj flv* ] veas? but I
sing!? I oui from the whole group The Interpretei
?i'.f'.im? . t I was ui .:i. i not I ,
?tt. mi ' ' ? ? ? they i, san
me. At Aral I n*a i at a the ?Jrift
<,f the querie? No charge s/ai n ide ..t--? n
and the qu< a in.nl>' put. Finally 1 un
?.| thai they took m? f..i ? man nam? I Tay?
lor, who was the defaulting Tr..?- irei ol a Western
' tin-, and lh< n, from the r ?in? - -
i - .?i,,.i t-i.ii ihey suspected me ol ?eins
mixed ?i|? ii the Insurrection It seems some man
nam...i Tayloi ha?l been shipping .urns to the revo
luiu.riistH. and i a-as taken for him.
, i had my pasaporta v. th me. I volunteer ) to al
L"w my i>'-rs r. ,i,? baggage to )?? earched Mr.
i T"i wn waK '" H?v?ns, su?-led In getting on
-?-.? h('lir'1 "'v ,,on and u' nt to the tn
; '?' n;,'^', A wnfere,.Uli I, and ?ftei pI?
!'J J'.V,.Vi .'""V""" ' *?" *. The authorl
v ?? ci? K on in? steamship Mascot, i t-, rUse<l i?. ?o
th.ro Baturaaj ?aa i ?a? KiH,| ,,, K,, awaj
Mr Taylor ?ay? that ti?. fwrtg> ,,?,,,.
?Cub? live ?n perpetual f.-ar, and thai the? dare n-i
dlscuH th? re? ?lutlon. Mr. nu- ?L",J" ,'"
ti? matter to Secretary Gt*e?hiMB. re?wrt,n?
THINKS CHILI AND akikntina m.w nOHT
San Franciseo. Martfe 21 A privat,- Mt-r from
Poto.i. Peru, just received la this city, contaau th.
IV?? is threater.'-l i? tw<fen Chill an i Um Amentias
Republic, wWcb will draw ,n Bolivia iv.u ?n_
>.cua<k>r as aille? of th? Argentine against ?"hiii
one thins r?*ared ; ? the people her* ii that Chlll'ti
first steji will tie to put a hssvj twdy of trooDS
into the centre of Bolivia, which can sasll) b
by the raiiro.id. and thus step lu tietween all th??
and chastise each one separately at I?
Nobody here knows luxt wh.it ???111 happ-r but the
? k .lust now i? i?;. iidv.
Lou i,,n, March ?tt.?In th?- Houas of Cammoni to
day James I-'. Hogan, Antl-Parnelllte, Member for
th?- Middu- ImmsIoii of Tipp rary, uked the Oov
-? ??- would IM sut,- tnrr? un?
* this h-snr.iiie. ;., cording
? H-winir, acroruing t?. jur, Btevei
??taaf? vas sent to th? Marshall latead?,
Briti ?:,J*anl Qr9* ?W that the captain of the
"" ?hip ha.i promise Mataa/a ?n.iy that hi?
of.? would i??? spared, snd had not taken any pan
m ins deportation. Th.? latest advice? from
Samoa. Sir Edward added, conveyed the Inl n i
lion that ail of the deported chiefs were well
tr.-at.,!. and that arrangement? had been mads for
their families to loin them.
? ? ?
London, M irch 21, -"The Btandai Vladrld cor?
respondent aays:
The Liberal leader? ha\ ? Informed Sefior Saga i
that they ?re willing to support him In forming a
? 'ablnet to pasa the budget and measure? whi'li
muai i.- passed before the end of Jun? . bul onlj
"'i ih?- condition thai they will not lie expeci I
to exercise pressure on Parliament !" alter the
Presa law-, it Sagasta falls, the '.' i< n will ask
l'an iva? del Canillo (?> form a Cabinet; but neither
? will I... able lo conduct affaira unless Ueneral
' ampo? and the commandera of the army corp?
m the province? undertake to enforce dlaclpllne
? 'ii?l compel tie- respecl of Parliament, the
and th? (jovernment. The editor? and ?tart -..' Ihe
"Resumen" and "(llobo," who were attacked by
the officer?, consented to testlf) before i military
to the facts of tie- raids. They adml t? l
they knew th.- aggressors, bul thej declined lo
surrender the names, saving thai they did not In?
tend to bei m .:.: irmers. The ?'? lltor of the 'Tub
II. lad" ha i be n i- le ised on ball.
The Republican Deputies have assume?! ih-? edi?
torship of their newspapers In Barcelona and el ?
wh< re. Their Intention is to id I th ; i to the flit
tlcultlea ..f Ihe m lltary i oui I h as I) pu
ties cannot oe arrested wlthoul the a- enl ol the
House _m
Berlin, starch S3 The "Reichsanselger" ? 11
publish to-morrow the Emperor'? decree
Chancellor, ordering. In honor of the memorj ol
his grandfather, Emperor William I. thai hence?
forth ["'usions shall be paid to .11 ..11 warrior?
and officers, surgeons and other officials taking pari
In th?? war ..1 1870, who were wound? l "I ar.- i. .,\
in reduced circumstances, Th? Tee Instructs
the Chancellor to : afl a bill pui Ing its 1
Into ? ?"f- ct, and to Inl
ii. : ti- . haiag.
SENO? mii:i\.;.\ sistaim:i.
Madrid, March 21. Beftor E de Muruaga, B
1er in Washington, cabled his resignation on
Mar, h 11. The Minister ol For? gn Afl 1
; ; ? : t . accepl it.
Washington, March 21. When 1 copy of th? ll i?
?irid ?ii.s|iai.-ii saying ttiat he had tendered his 1
nation and that it had nol been accepted waa shown
t?. s. Bor Muruaga to-nlghl he shook hia h<
spprovlngly. "1 shall 1 Ither affirm noi
corr? ttness," be said, "i have nothing :
1 itlon '
Notwithstanding the Minis ter" a retlcenc?
offi? ally known t'.ii tl tcmenl contained In the
dispatch la true. About a week a-; . *'l*i I) -
a dally newspaper publish? i In Hnvan
a ?tat? m< nt th ihi Spa 1 1 '? was not
? 1 -.?. Ith Minist? r Mtiruai
W< nt on t?. ?ay thai the *
?i 1 1 the Hpai ?' 1er at 111
to su? ce? 1 him, and th.il not 1*
pi ictlc ii..?? he s ould 1 ? '. ? ??-.:> an a ?1:
the Spanish Navy.
1 M iruag 1, It Is
? : rtlcli to Ma
tel ' ? follow?
rom the Madrid I r? - " ? "
r? . ? .\ ? ?!. M hi. h dl n ?? I tie the r?
I . ? . 1 ... ; ; . therefore, a?
dorsi m? nt ol b pu nui
;-.. 1.
Lot i-.- . M i- : I 'i :? Centrai Ne?
?nt lu Ma In I ?a) *:
Th? leading poll) 10
the Idea titne '? n 1
?? ?. ? ? Spain and the 1 ? ?? 1
? ? to : ? I
?Spa - -
- - ntain I
prefer to walv 11
nd accept 'the VA hint-ton
tit, with a view to pre?
fnit? i Si ik
1. ? ? 21.?A p?
.-. I H.
\ . ml h? ? eath of Sir Josepl W< 1
\V. II Wills, th? Liberal candidate, wa? return I,
? ? -.- ng i'..Ti" \ ? .. 60* .? ?-?
Mr. U ?r<. At tl ist 1 11 r-.li
j. lepfa W< ?ton was uno| ;
. ?? rr.4 11 wMi; w is ; ? in?j ? ? m??n m
THE J.'U.'i.
There was 1 may In I
dltlon ol ) oung Loretta Hannlgan, who
N Wa West Flft?. rrom IV
? ?: a".. ^- I : ?
perform? 1 by l ?r. Ei? 1 11 H Pettli . II ? ll
know!? dge ? ' S ?romon K. Mam
n-lrl'B lover. Tne police of the Wesl Sixty-eight
Mill seal a ng f??r Mann, He ??... srr?
.1 ?.n Tuesday and relea ball by ' ?
A . i- ?
day to haw. the do :tor who
: me l th.- op< ratloi
ne ! i..f":e h--r for i?i- nttl
case would be more compl? t? 1 ?r Pen .
found, but not ?0 Mann ll .
two del.Ivea kn??-.v ????. n he la and ti
at 1 Ml hint
In her snte-mortem ?tatemenl Wednesda v.
... 1. Mrs. Hub f No
116 ll.: it Tw ?.?. ho, ?h< ?aid. WH .1
of Mann .\. I Ol ling to th? gll
?|. < laratlon, the II .
.ii ?:.-.??.. orerat
Assistant Dlsti I ' ttoi -.? 1 I >...- ha? tak?
tli.- case. The fall ir? ? 1 ' n mi : ll??? ? ? la ? .
the girl Identify Maim, an 11. ; ?
.... ? ? \
!!?? Issu? 1 a wai '..<?.? fui M nu
arreal yesterday.
-. ?. ?
r of 1 Trll me
Sir: "?'..'i 1. ??.null- s .nil nol knowing '? lo the
. ; -, 1 a lam Badea j a wroi but 11 1
?h.- infer? nee l? be dra n n 'v ?m the
.,f your n .'.?- ? of him
. at leaatan I reel I: .
t?te, "i. it a.1 |i
?vas I - acki ? -.?. :? 1
?. n p< rfoi m< d. The point al
On I10.0U? ? ii.-ie I 11. .- .
? . ? . . ? ? - ?? I out
- ., i I.- I Th ? >i . ? .
he case full) ! ? tine I tl
I now that 1 ' 1
lion ..f j
m itter which refl? ta Inju tl. u?
?-. N, J., March 2L J. UCT? >K
Ml:'- TEI C W IB EOT 1x.11 1:1 :?
Philadelphia, March 21. The report thai Mrs
!:?. it.-, .m Tree s la Injured si the matine? 1 11
forman?*? of "l'aptaln Swift" yesterday 1
error, it was Mis? Emily Cross, a membei of tin
company, who fell on Ihe ?tage, and not Mrs, Tree.
Mis? it., -? waa nol much hurl and finished ? ?
I lay. The report of the accldeni to Mrs. Tree -.-. is
due to a mistake ma?le bj an attendant al ihe
re, n hu nan M 1 ' 'roi - fall an 1 supposed i?
v..1* M 1 'I 1 ? ?
'? 11/'. OF T in: HOT AX 10 0 I /?'/'/ '
To He- E HtOT Of The 'I'n!..Hi
Sir: I am greatly int? ?? '? the ne? Hotn
l?ai ?. n, and hope that the us? ? -u pen : ig? "a " j
.. dropped it ?'. 1 ? s !" 11 th? 1 ;
an :.1. It la a 1 '" any In?
stitution to have a-, .1 ni i me. and
, br? vity happen? to sgr? ?? with the besl pn ? nl
? ? ? no ? ?tcuse. Ii li Ilk? tslklng
th.? i\i ?! al : -lit and academl ?I II? '.; N
large - ... of woi ling In I il ar? gettl 1 rid ol
. llalil?. The n? a ? ? " '
SI .--? of N< ii V ik li an lllustrstlon. W
the ?..:'-.
?? :: 1 1 l< ml tal in tie- off! ?a! unas.
... ,.? ,..,,. gut?. Th? ' ? ntui Dl Hoi
glvei ?ta . I, n under "b ?tanl an I n I
"botanical." \\ ill n ?1 thi trust ?? '?*??''
tha official 11 ime li nol n? e Ilesa!, i? mdl ?api
these auperfluo ta ?? BOTANIST.
Albany, Mar. h 20, 1895.
'?""/? ii;i, is FOB FIXA POEC'ELAIXS.
'????'- of . ablni t pi?. 1 of - ii.tiau..i?- .... ? col
!" ' ?ori ' ' '?'?-. gallipots, .1.. 1- snd ? uri - had .?
' h ?Ice sssortssent t.. ? ,. .1 from si the second dsy'i
-?'''? "f 'he Von Mollen larfl collection >? '
?" the I'.itii Avenue Art Oalk ri? 1, No ?'?? Fifth
???"? Bidding In soma cases reached high haut?-. '
snd M., sverage ?? good Ths reatun ol the
"n' '"'l'" ??-' * ?' qu trtel ol i.l 11 It ? n m. Il? d ? ? ?
i?-, of wbl? h w? re tall, foui -i?-i Ian each
having a ?-1.lal floral 1? ilgn Th pa'1 brought
?;;" I,; the other two pie ?a, .. beautiful hawi
"??'-'-. -"'.- Inch? high, broi
?allipoi i/ai i< 1., .11 ;?,.? the 1 iraclers. !
K?> The hixhest
r u 1 blu? -black 1.n. '?? wins ?? it;h n . ?? ? 1. 11
h? ' 1 1, bi 1] a m. tiled pi .... bol -
n k! and rich gl
s . ?i 1 1 . lay, begin ilng .1 15 p ih
?1? ce on Hi?. Hal 1. Ing a Hi ? 2u inch Ming
i'Ii a "ii ".?'. 11 i? ?1 , _ iwo
ne-clawed dragons In bii_in relict. I
M? Elfatiick ?^ Bona have near!) Ilnished the [?lana
whlch they ?re making for Onu Hammerateln'a
! new Olympia, at Broadway, Forty-fourth sad
Forty-fifth st- Mr. Hammentetn a few weeks
?a. ? bought ;.' ' more lot?, one In Forty-fourth-?t.
' and one In Korty-flfth-at., In order to make the
! building larger than wai ?I first lnt>>n,l?>d.
ir ha? air? .1 ly Ir? en ini 11 ? that the tnillding
will Include ? large theatre, a birger music hall
and a caf? and eoneeM hall between them. The
theatre la to be rather a remarkable atructur? aa
New-York theatres (-??>. It will have f.?nr ?ir.-ies,
whereas the usual number is two. Two of then?
circle? \?,il consist entlrelj of boxes, th? ??th-r two
will bave boxe? ?1 the ?Mm and tie-r?- ??ill h<*
pro?*cenlum bos - besides. Then will 1?. nol f?r
from ninety of them in ?IL The house ?{together
is expected to s, it no! f?r from 1,600 pmple.
The music hall will still more abound in boxes.
\ There will be over 100 ?if them. Mr, Hammerstein
?Iwaya ? 1 ?? 1 tielleve In boxes, and be says tiiai in .1
h ill th? y an piling part of
i The music hall is in r ?\ ?? pla? es '<>r fr
: ?? lo
Th. i will ?
whole block u m r ? ? - ? -? I t. to For.
will be e* I ? will h ?\ ?? ? ? i ?
Irai -
un I? r the e if?., a-I ? ? "f II '?'
There i
ni no be . fr 'in th" -?"'
" -
?- pi inn
? .
r Word
' :
H / DM \GS PAS1 t V/J TO 1 OME.
? - iv ? i
lacob Hotl
,- :? ... o', | ? * ||
? ; : .,?? bon?
... : ? :.
\l I ? K
Wolfe, M Irene 1
... ? r 11 ? ?
11. ? I.- ? K
; ? ?. .
s. ? u \i - r ?
?. . \?
i , , I'.- r
r il
1 N
Mi Meyer Foui .'? I .
-t . il,., eventh-a
n n d . ? ? I loi t hell
given aas
by I
VI ,my i
Mi I
\ break
? ? . ? of M Marls \ ? ,. .?
i; ? ?
: ?? -,.n ,
: - , ? .
? ?
UNS ! I!.'M.I ill Union HTROMI i'M/>.
Mr '., , label h
i. : ?
J . ' . !'.,?(
? ?
been 111 \li u
Livingston, who i ? |{?,|.? ,
lord of 1 Manoi
Ml Strom ** It II l?bi I-'. r r i ... Ih? 'I I
n i, I ? run- in
I - ? i Jos?, li ?I Strong llei
ihe I'nlon ? ? .
M.,s Several ?-h . . ? union
.n. Chart?
M Tri W iln. of I'l
? hen th?
1 h ? ? , .
Josephine l?ebh
, .-??? ?i Mary I.I v
? -..,., i -i n M.u i >
? i
lii, ir?. Mi Harrj .-p. n? . r,
.1. Mont ? - ?i. '.?n Ih 'mil mi on
?.: in. famll) i al
l'Ilffwn : i h?-.t ? .unti v id.,. , ,,: i;: opua-on the
Hud*? l , - , ?.III t?< held nt I he
? ith? Irai, I li-nv? nn?l Fiftieth
;,, moi , -\ moi nu:.'. Th? burial vil :?? il Kli
III!. I>l M WI>lo?: i//i. rilOBSTON'RBRi ni.
Pi im The i tica Hera I
Th u ton'i presi-i i n ; i if th? Island
Iteptibll , ' r ? mm ?? i i?l l h? hum liatl >n
? .. ,-el n: 1 Alun,',, ration r llffi i? I. Il, ?ce hU
i i . ? . i. ?? r,.,i .. I I? man le i The
I on nu re? -m m i.:.m,.-. ii i?
... i ,i. I; , Hi, Almlnl tratlon' < sole
i :? ' ? i> ? , ? ? n
Tin; ?-n \i:?;i: \ SI RPRISK
' i Boston J? in n i
ii i .n ii off n? ? i- un lerstood la be th
. n of ??? i i.i.He : il .n ,..?'. n- - in ad vane? of
Hi? li publleatlon bj Ihe Stat? 1 > ?, im.:. and i
il : , , fri criticism of the Hawaiian p ?He?,
of Me Cleveland Admlnlstratl n This charge will
,- im,, .i ? i?m? : bina ..i ?? surpi Ise, foi h has I? en
the pi. vailing lea II it th? > iung Mlnli lei nrai
? in -ting llfl i In urn tanc?*? with rare
taci -1 id d i ?
i i im I'!.. Worcestei Tel? gram
i in'l -it all t.. the ?. ? : Mini ?? i Thurston
not agre? ible t . ihe Aim.mitratlon
i m Th? Bj racu ? P
, , |i k?. that bj asking foi Mr.
i,.. ii n't 11 call i.? ? ? ? i ? ? m \. i : i, 111. 11 ii ,..ii
. iak? hi pla? i h< will '?? much mistak? n.
Th? Hialwarl II publican ?t Honolulu with Amerl
,.,i? blood ,r iheli vein?, and lb? coursai ,,f Amerl
can pati I do not raise the kin I
ol m? n v?hi i.> i, \ lm!n i r ?"-in prefri- lo nav<
i u
in. is .k m an AMElll? ? i
Th iMi i,m - ? "ommercl il Gas? 11?
i \ ,i , , itl i, , hot < 'i thi trail ol in?
M.ii.-i. i from Hawaii I.h< i a bettei Am
,., ihnn ih? \ m? 11? .m v Imlnb tratli n.
UK i nui ?;n r it W I ? \ i 'tli: i'??r\n:\
. The N< ??-*<
id and fmnl Ml ter 1 hui non'?
..,.,,:- -,i i ih ' fr, ?? ? ountrj
, i, - | - i the truth, with
,,i iviihoul it,, i-oneeol ol diplomatic flunkeys, it.-n
lamln Kranklln oi indren Jack m would b?v?,
, ,?i n,, same v. ?j
l"v raLaoaara to thb toibuwb.]
I Trenton, March Zl. The lawmahera of !few-Jer?ey
?re working early an i lata this ?reek in th?. hope
nf getting ?ws] to morrow until June I, i> " there
ar?. many who liellev? a aeaaios next a*eek will tie
unavoidable, Many billa were passed to-d?y with
no mon than ? i.ru-r explanation by the Introducer,
.nei Speaker Cross In th? early morning hour ?n
noun ??? d ih.ii the rute? re?npctlng Uve-minute
?ipeechea would tie enfoived. The Btom Naturali?
sation Mil ?ras pa aed over the Governor*? veto,
us waa also the bill allowing the sheriff? of Urst
? -??? ? i ..r th.- iodgi a, to appoint the
. in constsblea
William .1. Th.,mp*,m's prosecutor, IVIIllani it.
Jenkins, of Camden, was r?-n.?miti:?t?1?! t?txla) I
the ' ; toi. ?nd the name of F. H Bui basil ?u
?enl t . th? Senat? as I..?>- .lud?., of C?mden
In executive ??.-^>?.?ti the Senate to-day ?Irnos! n
ie. t?d the nomination of ? Hiver i\- lly, of Mlddli-sex,
f.,r the Stste Board ?>t Assessor?, ?i I declln?
nflrm ?Larry" Fell a? factory Inspector.
? halrman V'oorh? ? s, ? ?f 1 I lu llel irj ' 'em
mitt? nh -,- reported favorably the Hi f?
itlonal Amendm? ni II will now
take th? calendai ind t.ik?. Its ? ban? ? -
News was i II rom *W
re! irv Lamonl had
rule?! mill pla
r..r ? lion of the New-Jersej and New
Hudson n
i le?era I LI?
t til?
Ihe ? ni ?u' the I i? p? r n
... iiel) upon
i . . . tea having
. | g tile .,,,.? Of ?
...,i, which
? - .
? . ru .',,-1 t , final
, . . .
? Im Tr.iek K ??? ill >n b II was
; . 1er a
the Hudson I ? ?
- ?? :
It ws , ? I
II ? ?
: -
I ?
. ?? fm it I - ,'? It- ! a :n
g foi
. I ? .
? . ?i hollda)
rk?. .' McC M<
?A'i Ham I'
? ? . ? r n??t t sn the mea
M h un. an l i
the bill
Th? ? rn as t he ur i
lion ,- - ,- on? ??
:. ii
? ? . aportan)
?Ion. It m ai
.- been le
DREW a i-i it? "ENTAGK ?>.\ stati. MONEYS
i ??!?. ? i: ? oitBIM n? i.w ' - . \
Msrcl , , I) rn in Mut
ilt->p.i, of I ? ? the ai
II. I .! -? 1 .?.' the
..?'.-??.: - iti ? ?' i, thai
Ih? Slat? : i ? . irer's office h id for
? ? .
. ?- irks I ighoul
an?! that tl ? ?: ? - . pal :
hi ii? d over :?? the State Th? *
.man had prepared ? r? ?In ? ? ,
? ? hleh he I; ? i I
! ' - ise, bul al Mr Cornil i re
i tie matt? r ov? r to the lait? i t..i n
The commit ? ??? l < 'hairman
? . ... rk i erll
u he ? ? l.?rg?,
.. ?? , ? .
: :
I "or ' i,, u? e ol i n ? .n ? .i p. ? ' i. ?
?? ? ? ; ? n b) tri.- liai ; i ? i eeri blual
W le r:.. i i, ito If .?Il \. lual p . I.-- -
or tnio a i er? . tb-al i imp ilgn fun I ??: r h.,1
t m.- h Mi Matl ? ? know
mlilt m.??. \t .'i k ? n l?l that ' 'ol.inel CI ff n l
Si mie) H iriin-. ?,f Min liiigton ' ' . of the
? ,l I ..? I .! i I - ., .; I \pp llS, COUl I
mm? ha?! onci gone i ?
?. ?? ? i ....i \i.i.. ti, knov
? ' ., k< i l, m ',? t? move ii clerk, a He?
ll .- St ,.-? ii.- iNtir? r'i olll? ??
ran I '.
\i?l"a- ni i?l< r . me a tid ? ' -
?? r i.,,.,:: " 'because il, ?t .1 rli wai
. i 'ein,., ratlc State Sen
?r. r ti om lliirllnc
Kn-Shi rtfi \... n |e| Hay? . who ? i? Ihe It? pul,
-? nu toi ni , .n. ! .late .?.- ilnsl ? h im th
. I to im ? M?.i ke i. ?t.,'ills ??? nb l ili.it h -
?l.'f?ai waa due to siK'h treacher) in?l ?pok? h
? r n,- .i.-i.i cirrk as a man ami -i ? Itepubllcan.
When . - n .it th.. SI ite II the clei k
,?1 : i,.,r he kne? of nu lnt?-r?-i?l monei be?
ing paid, and the circulation of th? reporl ".? i
pitrel) iplte work "
i r i he ? toi \ ii? ?i ?? im one ha I? ? ? r? eh mi; 2
pel eenl ? -n in? Slate'* dep??sltn Is true he lim been
'.??h pickings during the last few year??
The mlnuti - of the A ?si mblj for iv>? rev?ral the
f.?. t that ?m March 7 of la si year the amount of
State moneya on deposit i?> have iieen J!T-. :.::i s>:
< >f i hi? mim Rurllngfon county's email bank? had
on depot it ihe sum ??f Jl.'.l.'.l 77
"Nlobe," ;i comedy In three ?ct?, i?v Harry and
i: a Paulion, which w.i- prodwred some time .?c,,
,?t ih, llijou Th?tatre, was given In German -it the
Irving Place Theatre last evening. The adaptation
. ? made b) tisrar Rlumenthal, ahlch I? equlv
?lent to lying thai it wa? cleverly d. The
piece u..- ? n ?taged, end ?us pre?Mnted with the
uaual degree of ex?*ellenee nluiraeteristle ol the
work .?: this th?..iii?- Tie \..us perform ra
were received with generou? ?pplauae bj ?n ?udi
hlch completel) tilled the theatre. Tli?- pan
of Ntotx wai i;i\.-n by l'i i Lucie Frelalnger in ?
mosi .i. ?epiiiid,. manner sh<- was \?,!i supported
b) Max li.i. n-, 1er a- Peter Dunn, Julius Btrobl ?a
Cornelius Grlffln, Mas Blra ?s I.-.i ? I Hamilton rom
kin?, '"ill Blck .?- Philip Innings. Kmm? Habel
mann a? Caroline Dunn, w ill? Imlna S hluetei .ir.
H? i. ne i?r (tin and Berth? Kuhn ?a Magda Mlfton
"Nlobe" will be presented to-nlghl snd to-morr?n
nigh!. Ai to-morrow's matinee "Othello" will i?
gli en ?i popular price?
- ?
ix TBM Jxiini.il or RABBABD COLLROR.
f"he trustee? of Barnsrd College hei i i meeting lasi
H ih?- house ..r Abraham A. Anderson, No I
i-: i i Thirty-eighth-?!., with the objeel ,?f raising
mon? v t . n m ., aite for the college Ueorge A.
Plimpton, th? iressurei saM that .i???.i.h n Choate
pi.-i.|. i .n ih,. n ? I among Ihe spe ikei
aere th? Ri . trthui Bro >k-. the ?Hev. Di Henry
M s indei i, Rllhu H toi an I Ibrem H Hrwltt.
tlrrad) * ."s ,??.? has t.i sobsrrlbed for building
? ? snd i pre i mptli n on ? hs block bounde I n?,
. bund!, i .nid r, leleenth .?nd One-hundred-and
Twenil | . . -. ,i.. i . and the v. il
em II ?uli vard I sen ?eeure.i, Th. u l tal
i.l,?,'k ,.r land al I be Hiw.oon v i ?.. *. i -. -:.,?,.? p,,- ,,.i,
mom ? ha- b? en tub i rilx-d, and last nl_hi
R-ftN ni'iL ui-, r. olv-d.
Jtethlehem, Penn.. March 22 ?Special).?l>r. Henry
Copp?e, wh.? has been acting president of Lehlgh
I Ualverslt] BlnCS the death Of I>r. I.amberton a year
ggO, died suddenly this morning of paralysis of the
\ heart, Sg?d seventy-four years He was 1?orn in
i lavaaaah, <;??.. Oeisbev It, HB, and was of Fi-n h
| West Indian ancestry.
Dr. Copo?a was in the class of fj at Yale, and
thereafter studied ?ivil ? niiineerinif, lietSMJ con
neeted with the construction of the Oeorals Cen?
tral EUUroad from I?nIT f? W-W. On July 1, 1841. he
entered West Point Military Academy, from which
- i- waa graduated four years later, being i>roniot.?.l
to second IP-uteaant of ths 1st United Slates Ar
, tlllery, duly l. IMS. T n following year, after
having served In garrison si Fort Columbus, N. Y.,
he waa s.-nt to Mexico, taking part in tie battles
of Vera Crus, Cerro Gordo, churubusco and Con?
trera? in im;, being promoted to tie? rank .?f first
lieutenant and brevete I captain for gallant and
meritorious conduct In tboae battles. He also took
pari lu th.? storming of Chapultepec, September 11,
an i in the assault on and capture of th.? city ol
Mexico, September 13 snd li im;.
Subsequently he h"id professorships at th?? I nlte?l
States Military Academy. In 1865 and durliK the
?ucceeding eleven rears he oc-cupted the post of
professor of English literatura at the L'nlverslty
of Pennsylvania, and waa then elected president
of th.- Leiuiih L'nlverslty, which office he a.pted,
becoming the first presiden! of the Institution. In
1875, ?.n sccounl of his exhausting literary labora,
i..- resigned his more arduous position, though he
siiii remained conn? it?-l with the university as
professor of literature. At the tim?? of his death
he held tn chair of FSnjrllsh literature, Inter?
national ar.?! constitutional law and th.? philosophy
ol hlstorj A v.-ai .in i las? fall h.? again assumed
the duties of president, after ths death "f Presi?
dent Lamberton, and Berved as acting president "f
the university until the tune of hi? d.?.ith. He was
greatly beloved by the students "f the university.
il ? conducted "Ths L'nlted Service Magasine" for
-,-, i.i vars and wrot? many wellknown books.
Ells latest work wsa a biography ol Qeneral Thomas,
which m is highly praiaed He was ?m.? of the i?.-.?t
i.t ?wn Shakespearian scholars in the country. At
the time of Ins death he was r-jgent of Smithsonian
Institution. A widow snd five children survive him.
.iiillN I. EXXrTT.
.i ihn i: Scott, srho had been City <"..-rk of Jersey
City for thirty yean, lacking two months, died al
i - home, N ,. IBB I ' ...-m. ?av.. at 1 :!" yesterday
Uright'a disease was the cause ?,r death. Mr.
s .tl waa nearly fifty-three years old. He was bom
m Jersey ?'ity on May If, UVE, and received s public
school educai oa. In ISM he l<-ft aehool to eatsr the
emplo) ..f tleorge W. Cassedy, then City ?".??rk. As
a bo) \ir. Scott early developed the bastoess Imlts
that m i.it?-r life made him one of Jersey City's
BJINMM valu-I and trusted Officials. In 1er Mr. OSS
,s. ??. s is soon familiar with th" munlc
.i . business, snd when, la EM, Mr. Casssdy was
County Clerk by the Democrats. Mr. Seotl
u t. erected ? *uv clerk. I.Ike Mr Cassedy, he ?ra? a
Democrat, and also like Mr Cassedy, he was .,
|i.m eral of I ichool. There was nothing of
. irtlsan about either of them. In fa<-t. ti-.e only
mad? to disturb Mr. Scott in hi? prolonged
? ?tn. ?? came from ble own p irty, In lira,
when th? Police Department was in control of the
Hop il.l irges wen i referr? 1 agalnat the
poll. ' ' .mm ?loners, and Uo? ? I'ark-r re
ui.iv l u-.? in and appointe ! I" m ?crata In their
Mr Scott refu ed to ad 1er the o ith
of office '.? Qovernor Parker*a appoint?es on I
i thai their ?tppointment was Illegal. In May
of that -.?ar th? new p.. it-1 of Aldermen was
1 of ?even Demo rats and five Republicana and
Ided ? - remove Mr Scott. Th. y
? , i- nomination lo Daniel McAghon, but
leyei ted an ! |olned ih? I'?
r? ? ?m nai ng Mr. Scott. Thla msde
bu the li rat? voted blanks. The
ted until i thai tin- mu
i .. k< I ind the I?'-rn"
-. .n an ! Mr. Be itl ?
.1 M?- .--. itl I? .-.?- i widow .ind f?>?ir chii
? ii will tak- place st th- family
? moi row afteri ?? il * o'eloch.
Detroit. Msrch 21 Heneral E-hlllp it, Qeorge
?ook' , father of I J ?' ti i: ?'?.ke, ..f
? a ?. V? . ,? ! . ' Mrs, ?;? B? ral J, B, B Stuart.
erats cavalry chief,
? ? ?i - i n
Philip St fl rg c? ,k" wsa born m ir E-eesburg,
Ya., ? i ? ?..: go ii- was sdmrtte l to
u ? ? Polni when only fourteen years .-l l. sad
graduated In the Isss of 1827 11? kno*a n
? ? . . ? warfare, h - militai y
life, up ? th? penlng of th.- civil \\;<r. having
? IV? tern States and T< r?
es, with the exception of a short period of
command In the City of Mexico during the M? x
? an War H>- held Important commanda In the
n iwk War and In th? -? ?meat of California
and \.-> \i.\ .. H? was at the head of military
?n ineaa during the trouble? of 1MS-67, ful
'?!.::?- d? i Olvlng .i|""i
him. In the War of the Rebellion he was throuah
r ? ?-, - da impalgn the commander of all
.; liai ?? ilry of the Army ot the I'"*
n. (1 neral John I! tooke, and his son
? rai "d-?!>" Stuart, were
e Confederate ? i-. He aras aft-T
6ward ;n charge of ih.? recruiting i-ervlce, and In
vas made ommandrr of th< Department of the
Platte II? retired ?? 1*74 POr id? services In
Itebelllon be was brevetted major
.-?-.. t .1
hi >"-i llenera! i'.>.>k.? i>r?'t'ai. ! a ?-vt.-ni ??f ? av
ictlcs whl? li wa ad pt? 1 !-% th?' re?rular,Arniv.
II? also putdl? ?? I "Scene? and Adventures in th?
.m i "The Conquest "f New-Mexico and
? ??> -
Stepl n Vas Renaaelaer Cooper, an old and promt?
nent lawyer ??f this i;t?.. died on Wednesday at his
I mi So. II v. ? ? l'.-t\ first st.. from h.-art fail?
li t ?? Mr Cooper srs? i...tti in Cato, Cayngs County,
In IKS?, si I waa graduated from L'nkm ?".?lie?*.? tu
? ? u ?i- i ? ?llegi mate of Ho?.'onkltng,
v v r i ti m- .m I John N Knapp, in EMS be
. .\"\\ >..rk ind began the practl ?? of law,
Por many ) ir? i ? i parti of An Irew .1 n- e,
\i. . |. ? wa- a !c.".ti!..i ..f the old ?' mm ttes of
Sevent) of Ihe Twei I da) md ll 1873 be was
elect? i ia a Republican to the Reform Board of
i the \\ ll'li A"s. inl.lv District,
whi-re he 1...-I for thlrtj Ive >?-.it- Re was in
intll iwo -.i ek? !?? for? lus .|. nh,
Bice WHS It No Broadway. Mr .
marrleil twice. Ils rimi a :? wa? Misa Pitch, of
rstown. whom h? marri? l In 1*3; hi* second
? i whom he marrie I in
!?.*i Pour .lui ir- a by his tir.st wll ?urvlve him
Mi 11 ?b? it it lia >:, of lit oklvn; Mra Prank it
Marshall, Mi- Harry Hambrlght and O-rorgi \.
i'.iopei \ti i'oonei s? ?.- a member of the liar A*
. ? in arden I Republic in ..f th.?
tl ' 'lub Th? i mera! will t ,!<?? place t?.
?l i> al s i- m . at u." h ?use Th? burl il will be
? ? frlntty ? i I >r>.
Mi I.ri.up: PRANK
i o Ludwig Prank, the managing editor ?if th?
Moi ten Journal." ?lied suddenly earls yeaterdaj
ne, N.. ?> i:.i t Sixty-second ?t., from
heart failure !!?? 1.11 |usi returned honi bis office.
Dr Frank wa? born In Berlin In IMI, and was
graduated from lbs College Prancalae, In Berlin,
with th?- degree of Ph. I). ii-- came to America
' . i?> :. ai i with hla two brothera went into the
business m Wall st . under Ihe Brm name
? a Pi and Brotii? rs. TI n 1873 and
I ?r. Prank ? -111 ? -1 ? ? 1 Journalism. li??comlng the
found r and Kdttoi of the "Handel? /?eltung" In
.. > In 1?-;?; h ? be -am-- 11.lit.it- of the "N< w
Yorker /.eltung," an?l later, ..i the Herman "Her?
old." i u Prank liecame managing editor of the
Herman edition of "The Morning Journal" when
lhal ru,., i waa ?tarte.I in is;,, h.. married, In ISO
M ai. M y era. He leave? a daughter, who Is a
teacher In t- Normal College The funeral ?ill
lake place at the home ..*? Hi Prank'? brother-in
i ..v. M I. Hell? r, S? I!.: W? -r H \i\ first ?I . at
'a.'!" a m. Sonia.?. The i.ur.ai will lie ii Cypress
Mills Cemet? I -
Dr Rlchai i Blackwell Mershon died al his home
n. Newark yesterday, In the eighty-third year of
his age. ll?- uas horn sl Lawrencevllle, N. J., an
January IS, 1812, and usa gi ?dusted from Prlaceton
College m the . las- of i- ? . nd In in he ?as grad?
uated from tin- Jeffei on Medical College, of Phils
detphla. He remov? io Newark In ISM, eher? he
engaged In the |i i : ? of his profession. Dr
Merahon was In the ?am? class sl Princeton with
Benjamin Haitis it.. Asi, uf Philadelphia ?un? i
other ueii-knoiMi men, nul was >ni,i (,, have been !
Ihe roommate ol the pn w*n( Chlel Justice Beasley
of thi \.-i\ lersey Supreme Coun Some years*ago
h'e sustained two _u??c? -alve stroke? of paralysis,
and for flve years, until a third stroke yesterday
proved fatal, ha was confined to his bed. Ills wlf.?
died twent) years ago, an! he leave? fom jaugh
tei s. i m o ot l'loin ai. unmai rl< i.
A.? Cttlsens ?nul straagrers
Deslrins stylish hat? of ?x( .. ajsallti sa ala . ; .?
R?peii*. ti.M- lis N ??su ???
??Pike'? I'enU or lllisll"
i. i ?;.?r t.. w I'.... Haul to do, bul II
-? i i , , i m h.!.'. Prie.
li. ?.lu ? ominin > ?-? I'.\lri,,-t or It. -.1
I , . ? ,"ii - -l| .u.,I ? . ,. vi ill, 1.
in,i I,- p il .. I.-... ? Slav ksll.-hi n
nit it.
li.M'l.M . lilei.KUlgewood, N .1 Mw.-li IB Is?..;,
i lent i ..I Adam l-id
II.m lilgh ir.-- ?i t:- .?wood, ,n Priday, March ?."?-'
.t n .. i
i ni 11 ? ? ?u prh u
hiiwm-i Suddenly, nn Mi,r. ii is, in Chihuahua i
Mesl. ? in liter, - n ol Man sad nie lat* I S li ,wnr
I -.1 -?. v !? . , a. h ai.
i-i>iii'l'.i; mi March lt, im?:., aftsr i ?kan uin-s?,
s.|.i,.;, Van ItviiKMlaer ' ?oper, In hu Teil, ..-?r
?rvlc?? .o hi? uo- i-Mldence, Nn :us Wet?
r.lm -i IM.I.ii evening, nt s .. . |,., k
Ini ... m >... -...i.? . i'i .ne. ? vmetei |
I'IKI.fl ?'? IVedl ?? ?la . h SB, ..t Mi,I II, | .??, S] i
"?I a' v. .. of Ta i-uu s KlelU ? -'
M in
1 > ? her late rssMenc? Baturdai March __
m i .m ,. n.
r'arrUtre? ,.i Red Rank station ..n nntiai ?t i,?la i,._v.
in. lai.-ii) ?t, ?t n,.io ?. m,
HKRRK'K - a? Dsarw .?'??i-. ? KUUS K?S
? n .f .I..hn V. II. and th?- hue Am?IU ??-ania
r?^*a??*!rss ?t ?h. 0_LD*SL??a??.*.? e^SS
Hollow. Tairyi,,wn. ?,n Saturday, Mar?h -.1, si i
iii'vi'.Kit o? ?rsgassea--, vur.ii m mm. ai.is..ii *??
widow of David Hu\i*.. m lior rfM Y*^r- ..
rans-nl aarvtass win tetaM ?t ^?..^^i-?-iSr
copal ?hur? h .-?,rn?r Tth-?v*. ,-i.id la?? ???. "n rr" '
?". -nliiK. Mar.-h 32, al H <?? I- <K
latent**?! ai e nvealeaoa of laanly.
gladly ,?nilt flows?, K
I KKTKI.TAS Tu'?di.v. Mar.'i It?. Mar... Alt****** nt tn?
lai- Btigene arel Malvina Ketdtaa /,,???-al
K.-,,,,...-, and mends ar. In* -I ?_ ?'''"Marken' ?
??rvlcsa al her 1st? r-?:d?'n??-. At **. Mark- i ?-?
IT Id;.'. Man I' IS, al Hi a. m.
LANK <?n Tuillin ?".-nlnn;. Mardi li?. M*BX*Am Lan', i?
th- 74Ui year of in? sge. ,? _,,.ui_ v V
I--.il?. r.-tl wrtViCBE at hi? lat* r-wMs???, I'l'a-antvllle. P. !..
- aurday, March Z\ si 2 o'clock p. n.
Train I aw-? ??rand Central I'?'l>"l at 1??:..!? a. 111.
i.i-iid'iti.i: ?m Thtrrsttay. *?_*_?., '?'. '"" Ft??"*
Orymea mu. M. i.. Jossft. USMrts. M MM '-."n >'M4r
yusera! privai?'.
M.\s?>.\ ThHrsday, Mar. h H. IMAM, ?Usjuassr T. Mrpob,
I'un-r.i aervteM'al in* i?'- i-iid^n.- 27a Malay sea?
Brooklyn, ai H p. m.. Saturday, Marc? S.
I:uri.ii at coavealaac? ot family
MIl.l.AHl? Sadilllllf. Mai h It?, l*!'". F:.:in'- ?''Hing?
wood, wife <?f ?????irirn w. Mlllard. ?
Funeral fi m IM Mark.is?, v ?ghkasfla. K. V. I rit.iy
lift-.. ri.....i sl ?'! o'ctoefc.
MlNKlt Su.ld^nlv. M Mar-h I?, In < : arnpl-itn. W. T.. at
the resMence ?f her ?Ister, Mrs. Haiti?*? >>?'? -M"?
liiiz.i M. Mni.r. ui.l.vv at It. v. OvM Miase, M .?yra?-UBS,
MIT.I.INKACX At N.iv-lt - I ;t.-. . n Tuesday, March IS.
IM?, Hi, hard H. Midi'-aux. in hi* ?1" ?"??-.
??rvtre* al bt. John'- M-n. ?i'>t hpi"<-'?pal
Church, New-Kochelle, on Ratania?, Mur, h IS. ????' 3
o*i I", k p. m.
Train ISSVtl ?iran.l ?'?-.-?liai l'.-p.-i at 1 :"t! p i".
I'xt.MKl! O? Mar. h IS, Ma \ Cor?ii, AbbMbUk <'f th?
late Robert and Nancj IMuldlng I'aim-r.
Funeral ?enkrs? will be h.id m ihs i???id->n." ,.f Mr.
' ruurl?*i Va? IL.Hand. S*. MS Baftl ssa-at., "ii K;l?luy,
Mu, li 22, al II H. m.
Int-rm-tit In ?lirai OlBSStary. Whit* PI ?in?, N. 1 ?*?
arrivai ? f i A* nain.
l'.W'.I.IMAN Ar dl-n Car*. I. I TUS??1?V. Mar, h 1?.
Kllsaheth B., wife ??r John H. i'., liman, *?*A .'?t? yarn,
l'un?ral ?-n !?? f al h?? lar- resMewe?. (HM ? '?>??-. U I.,
on rrlday, Man-li ML ar litio p, m.
narrtsgsi men nain thai k?vaa i S) ? u i" VA >Vetack.
iti'i'i? Suddenly, al hM h-m-, m Sfil?isd?r, MkvoM 20,
.1, ?i h lludd.
Kuarral tenrlcea ?ni b? h-li al ht? !'??? r. ?i-i-n?--. WJ
s- Msrk's-av?., Brooklyn, ?>n Frid.?- nwralag, ai MnA\
BBLVAOB ??n Tlnirs.lav. Ma. !? MX, MB?, II.ward Sel.
?ag?, in il??? 4?tii p'ar . f II- ,?K"
Puneral pervlew a? h II laie reelden?'e, -'i'd K iclutko-Sk?
Brooklyn, N V. <n Buada) March M, si -p. m
r>e?i^%,ii. ,Ky.? r>H|.-r? pln__i.i->.
.-l\ll'S?l\ lin M..ndav. Ma-'h I?, MBS, ?' h'? ?*??
des .. ico vVnrt 13*4 -? . Samuel n. Slanpaon, in th, i.xl.
u.?r of hl? ar
i;. :.,i|v< ? and filemla and nuembeta ? f Oreeawteh i.-.'??
N l?i7 I-V and A. M. <?<? nuit? I to attend the t n ? al
rr..?n New-Tort Preshyterlsn l'hurch, north?*??! **t
I.MIi ?r and Th av- on l'nda. Mai.li _-.'. at lo ?- m.
Ka.?i?rn und l-dta?i lIreland) gspsri pi.??? ",py
SMITH Sudd-nlv. ,-f i.rieiini'.nia. OU Tien-day. Mar h 21,
.r,??-... p. rri.-n. ? i.l ?? -f .l-,hn Mllto? Sauta, a? ??! "S
w ir?
X. ti.-.. ?,f ftin.-r.; Ii#r?-.?'
SMITH "n We-i-i-sd?-', Ma?-, h Sa l?MS, ?'.ni? l'^it?
?on uf Itryan H. --nd BllsabMh Bulkier s ItJ
?nd h unhand i r' Auirt:?tH WMvi Mil?-, k ar-d fM v-ara
F\(a<?raJ from hli la'-- rasMeac*. iT.'t i'?rr,;i-.i , iir?,k!>n,
n? Saturday atteraoon, --'. i Inst., ?t 2 o'oWek.
Kindly .-mil IhlWSia
\?-i?-ihii ?Inmielnllnn Cnmp??y A. _.'H n?'?:m*nt,
X ?; N V M? n l.-iH ? '. this -i? . ?re n ?i- i ,
p.......i | rh- .'ii ,,r Cyrus P, Basils), and invlt??l t
attend ?'?? funeral isrvlcei from ti- ?a'.- r?-*id. n??*. 171
i'arnil ?i Braoklya, on Satsrdaj afternoon, th* _rtd i-i?_,
lock. ?M Kvi;i:i'.:!.i.. jr, l'r.-id-nt.
?' H KEI.TOEX, <??"?
KTRONO "n W-d ?. .-!..- M -, t?:?.',. ?t h-r -*?|.
.:-ne... Ko, I"?? .'.tha?e it! , ?. wtSow o
, ? M Ml 0? and ilBMghMf n4 th-- la:* \'an i?ru?l
Livings? n ? -'i
Punrrai i?-?-\,,^?? al th* Cathedra!, ?'??: a*r?, and 5eth??> , al
p. a. m . Saturday March Z.1.
Interrseai sl KlngMon, X. V.
TOI.'XOS Sudden!) a' ?...-???, n?) I. I. .-n U?-rn*?.?ay,
\i , h -" I?***), Harsh Rllsal ? .?.???? ?,f Daniel K.
N ?aas ?nd ?tauahri-r ot ih- laie Ii-irn-i Smnii
B, William J.
Y?,?nui*, on BaluH? t 1 kp.1
Train leavM L?ong Misad L'ltj t?sr ?>;>r?r liav at i:
GiiTcial Xoliceg.
H> ?h..
I'll- in a\|.;mk
AI? lit >.N BA )? I.MS,
? - ptfTH Avcscre.
V.M 11 XiRMAX. AI < TP '?XKER.
To Bfl .- I|_D AT Al CTt ?X
I His PRIOAY 1 ;\'I-'.N'IV(r.
MARCH 22. AT s arcuoetL
ly ' r-d"- f Mi? !'? ?? p'? ? TniKt ?,,mpany ?^f n.- ?-:>_?
. ?? .-u- r. a: ! .-.?.- -! ? ? . ,-.. || iirtdaals,
IAO si-:i.i-:< TKi) BXAMFLEfl
t> ?.l'hrar-1 S 11 111 ?Il lltd Kur p*m artim?,
>\'.-itoi- Color?, l?V \'ll?n-t;
Drawing*! i?v Miiift and Osroma,
l'.iint in_H l?v I)?i|?i..v. ?I.- l'.iin.', I).-l?Ht?
l'otiH.-in, Hi-aiiipiesni., B?a_gmlo*ario_t|
t-CHBUr, .x?.., .V.
A.? The Kirth A?cniic Art linllrrles,
KO, ??i?? KIITII AVKXt'?:.
AT .'li? O'CLOCK.
it-iiiiik.i! !?- ??;.! r
Tul Btui a? ! Wl.it.' l'-r,..?a;ns.
i !, Singla ? '??'.. r Vssaa
-; ..-n? ,,t Jad??, Akat-, Aii.-th>>t. and Anit??i.
Sun?.-. Yuan Mia? K inK-h?,
Ktsn-hng, .mi . H..T |..-n g? rt-*r?-*aMsa,
II? ?N. I'. vn\ MOLLK10DARFF,
OP su ax.;n Al. CHIMA.
! ? i - riy PrlSM Miiii>.ter t? in* Km? of ?'..rra,
and ???'m?an < eii.u! at T.?-ii-T-iu. China.
ROBCKT s?.mi:hvii.i.i:, ORTOIBB a- CCX,
?Vu U il-, r. Mariai? -i?
Ih?- h I (?li... I u ??o i ?I for \i-illl. inl I, .11.
is VVi.rTd'? l'a.? wai granted ?? Uli H EX K If V.
I'I:a.m: l?*nil*i t:.-? i. tlngi , - ..-; i',-:,-?t,
Hp. alt) trtltl .i ':.???!: Kxpren
t olorlnK I'lunoaniiilm. to* in..? Irin? an) go ?4
phutograph h*rt ind bav? It colorsd ?t 5? caats, ?n?l tii.-n,
. ?, 1 ?- ? !'.?:?.? ti in II ImmeaM an 1 1 ,w
|. i -?? ? k. K?x-kwood, I.**?? Bnwdwa) ??joili-oi.?
All Hi? Iradin? Eai p?-an niWtgag'n .?nd p*ii. dloal? f.'f
ssla i? Ti?- IntsraatHiaal N*?i ?umpanj. M and M
t ,???.?? -' , ? :,- : BiTuadaiay, &?**? I ?k.
" Il r >-ll o > a 1."
i'n? ..f rh? rii. ..-.?t Im Hpa kiln? ?Vlan <f l-'uncSL
121.00 ?asi: q is
"l.aiiKb mill l.rotv I'm" tit l.nnab-lin'a
Quick l-unrh and ?'.nil lt.>,,m?. 140 Xa???'.i-?(
p-r ?. h Ktliii'pia. via i?ia<ia?.w ?;?*ueri? numr i... iiir?ot??d
i- Ethiopia"), a? v*S h. m in St. Hl*rr?--Miqu?*loii, per
? ft.,m Halifax, -i S._<? u. m. t_r Kewfaund . i.
per I'ditn?-! fr,.m Halifax.
BITNOAT?At "30 ?? ?"? for North Hi-iil. p?r ? a.
iteineni via i ?i.? Maraaham and ?'?-aia iinrei? fur oth^
parti of Braati ??????t l* >lir?..t*.l "p?;i ?"lement"?.
Mad- ??.: ?lina and -tapan, pel ? - | K .
:,.,. p.ie daily up to March 2!? ?I ti .to i |?"
Mails Coi iha Sai.-iy Islsnds, pr ?iiip Tropij
Bird ifr?,?i' s_n Francisco), siam h?r? dally up m Mar, h
'.'S ?t ?I ?10 i m Malls f,,r China and .tapan tap?-oia!ly
H>lil?'CK*rd ?>nl>'. P" ? ?. Biprsss ?.f India ?from Van
,.?!?. clos? hers dally up to March ?as at fl SO p. m
*,!_?'.? r,,r Hawaii. im"| h. h Australia ?from San i,'..,.....?.*>
A.iiaiiia wl'n l'f.ti-li milla f i ?u-iiai.ai Mail? f.,r
Au? a,m l?*?s pi W -?; AU-iraili,. Hawaii und FlJ, l?:.inda
p-r s *, Wairlni... ?t:- lu \ ai,, -...n. i i. eloas lui?- dally
after Marta til and up i, April ??.? .?i ?; ::<i p, m tUha
f,,i X'-ivf Hill,Hand. h\ t.i.l lu Halifax, and th.ri. ?? hy
-t-..!!!-!'. ?'I ??? at ?hi? Offle? diuii ?| M ."^i p ni. Halts t r
Mi.pi-i..n. i.> rali tu llosloa, and then?*? |.\ Heamar, ,I,.m
a- u,,- -.Hi. ?? datl) .?t ?:"U p, rn. Halla t i i*uba cloaa at
"us office .ii.il> m ?i.'U? p. m., for forwardln? by -, imar
? ?ilin< iMundayi Thuradayi and Haturday?! fr,,in l'.it
', ?u i ? I'ia. Mall? 1 i Met ind, unl-m. ?ii-rialiy
li'.I 1er dlapglrh by itramcr, rloaa ai un? uffi? a
?I.Ill, .,' e a. m
?it..)_isf.i,.,i n,.m aiaaaa at ?t p. ??? pt-vi,,u? ?lav
< HAItl.KS \\ DAYTON l'..?(inaalsr.
rnsatas?, K-swTarg, ML x.. Manu i?. isua ?*"*?"

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