Newspaper Page Text
LITERARY NOTES. Mr. !?'. 'I'. Branstoa, rector of Wooten Wawn, r.ear Henley-ln-Ard-- m - on? Of the delightful haunts . f Warwickshire -hai n>.k.-?1 the public lor subscrip? tions to enable him to renovate the mou! daring tomb t?f the Bagrhak poet William Hosoervllle Q*a_-1M_). x - v, ? --n IVawea Church, ac-l lo ?re-t i laanioiInl to him. Soiaervllle's poem <-f "Ths Chase" is still read, and its author's dost should not be left e.l. Lord Rosebsry has headed the subscript?' r Aa |n let ss fing bibliographies] fragment reaches js in Ih? sha?,-.-? of one number from a serial DUbll ?atlon lately start? ", by Bernard Quarttch, the not ?<] '?-"-niiiisii beohsellsr, He has undertaken to pro lues s "l'i " ??'?? iry of English Book?-Collectors," and ,"r? in the issue before na ?es can sec what, the work Will be like When completed H it ever doea read: a conrlus'on. It gives ??rief monographs cf amateurs famous In their day ar.?l at the end of each biog? raphy a ?Is: is printed Of some of the most valuable bock;' own? d by th? subject of the text. Wh ?n pOQBlhki the prices Obtained at 'he dispersal of a col lection are noted also, and from the ? ut given In one chapter of ti;e present Instalment t appears likely that bookplates will often be given in facsimile. It would be bald tO dowse a scheme of more lively interest to every si archer after old books. Time ar?! again the purchaser finds al an auction that the treasure for which he has bid his last sou Is from the collection of this or that far-away personage. thai 1t has perhaps rested in more than one ECngllsh library before, turning up in nn American sale He would be k cold-blooded Baas who would not be earner to know all be coi.ld about those former trus? te' s of tho volume In his hai. 1. those ancestral bibliomaniacs. Mr. Qtoarttch'S dictionary promises to provide Jnst the personal information required, |ur.? tho- an i that tne collector most desires. He is bringing it out in admirable form: and though it mus? be bas? I ; urgely on the voluntary contributions of tbose who have the material for articles In their hands, the uRlmate value of the work will be so great that no true bibliophil? will delay In sending Mr. Qtmrltch all the data at his disivosal. It Is nol u remunerative book, and Mr. ?^uarltch proposes to rive as his share in the undertaking all the paper, printing and other mechanical Items, leaving the test to be provided 1 v t.k 10vers. It Is an ar? rangement which ought to appeal to a wide audi? ence. Most of the papers in 'The North American Re? view" deal with <iiiest??ins with which literature Is not Immediately concerned, perhaps the amiable ites might bold a different opinion in regard to the articles "n "Nagging Women.'' but Socrat? s can't bo consulted. Bven this subject, as discussed In "The Review." appeals more to the physician thnn to the critic. "Tour.? another" would '.-?-cm to be one of Its chief coiicluslons. aa It is of Max O'Reli's article on Mark Twain and Paul Hour-get. Prom a catalogue published by "The Chicago Evening Post," It appears that an exhibition of "Artistic Posters" has been opened ?n the building of that journal. The catalogue itself Is rendered thoroughly inartisiic by tho Inclusion of a luiutb-r of black and white vignettes which are intended to be humorous. The list of posters, on the other hand. .??hows that ?ThlcesjO bas apprehended all the men of Importance in this field. Cheret, Grasset. Ibels. Lautrec, Beartlsley and Willette, ?very designer, in ?... irt, whose nain?: means anything to the collector, ?Is represented In the? show, ?'here: Is evidently the favorite of the persons having the exhibition In charge. Some seventy of hs productions are shown. Much lo-al interest is expressed, and doubtless there will bo a renaissance of posters In <"*htcago within a few woeks. It looks that way In New-York now. In both places It is to b?> hoped that tho movement will progress with moderation and spare us the crude and vulgar horrors which are bound to come if we take to an hysterical emulation of the French or of the I'.eardsley craze. A romance of autocratic imperialism, of the mod? ern relations of that Imperialism and democracy, is rn tho Appleton press. This Is "Majesty.'" a book by I.oiis Cotiperus, the Dutch novelist. A new edition of ?George Khot's works is an? nounced by Merrill & Baker It is to be issued in twer.ty-flve Ltoo. volumes, an 1 will be Illustrate?! by Aa*erieaa artists. A large paper edition with sixty extra illustrations will also be published. This will be limited to "?UO numbered sets. There is an aniel?? in the March "Century" which Is. perhaps, hyperbolical, and yet should readily persuade Its readers of the genius of the man it ?ulogtaes. That man, Jean Carries, was a sculptor in; i p-.tter who ?lied last July. Some years before that ?late the worth of his work ha?l been r? cognised la Krane?1, hat It needed an wsa y such as this of M. Hovtlaoae's to introduce Carries to a wider ??? lebrlty. Hs has been noted at horn.- a? a brilliant ? raftsman, who ros.- from obscure beginnings to the production of an extremely refine 1 kind ?.f art, an art In which ths sharp, nervous outlines of the ?iithi'? tradition seem to have mlngi-l with the mora suave chaT-act'-ris-.irs of the Renaissance. Many American travellers must remember the "Head of Charlea I <f Krg'and" which flci?-,? among the bronzes of the Luxembourg, a portrait ol extraordinary ptcturoaojBcaesa and alssost btssrre messen yet m>i Estted with the most subtle and deli? cate -workman-ship. ?Tarries was always picturesque, fetwaya bent on achieving an effect of charm, f artistic distinction, but he was a d-voted studi-nt of character, and all his work Is marke,1 by the feeling, th?- su-OthBB, the racln?ss which one ? ?!? i.??-ves in the Luxembourg piece, flome of his works. It appear?., ar<- OSraed In New-York. A delightful bust of FTans Hala Illustrated in "The Century," was prerented to the Century Association along with a bust of Jules Breton, by Mr. K. W. Perry. it Is to be hoped that more and rrore of this ac? complished Krewhman's work will ha known here. He was one of tb>? greatest potters ever known in r-rance. The <*T?>rieware In which he labored y|?Med blaa ?me of the MbtSSI plastic achievements tiiat th" school can claim. And, so far as .'an be learne.i from M. Hovelaque. the man had a personality whU'h strengthens Interest in bis work. II" seems to have been a wot kin tn of the purest enthusiasm. Be-age-VtIas* his studies, repeating bin experiments -until the very end. The author of this paj-er is, as bas h- fl iiint-sl. a trifle too ardent in his praise. >..?? hs ?r.-.e- well of i'arries. wrlt?-s, indeid, with un? common delicacy and Insight, and his pages aro , more than ?ekoBM amid t?-.> mass of current perl- ' Odleal literature. Mi. A'is?n Pobson's much talked of ??'?oidsmith 1 d.scovery" is not s > wonderful after al! It Is mere? ly thnf he has found coneiusive proof that the trans latiori knows -is "The Mernoirsof a Protestant ?'on- : desaned to the Galleys r r Eteltgten," was ?ion.- by ! ?'-.Idsm?h himself, and not by the college friend VhOM Bi : ii- - appears on the t\\\r. page. Mr. Dobson has Leen pr< paring a putty little edition of this ? ?sork. It is sa'r? that white Itohert Lonlfl Stevenson re- j Cidv.s) large suri'i for the Serial rights of his stories, he did not get much money from these works when reprinted in hook form. Helen Crince. the granddaughter of RufUB Chonte, has written a novel. It is cal'e.l "Tho Story of Christine Rochefort." the queer methods of Tammany ars nothing new ?n the political hlstor) <.f New-York is shown In Ifr. C. C, Buel'a striking paper in "Tha Century" on the queer legacj of swladhng inherit?-) by the city from Colonial days. The slightly ironical ton.? of the paper suits wed this preeentmenl of a rec? ord of grec,;. ?slash nasa and dishonesty a i which will surpris.? those who hav?- hern accun tnmed to regard Tweed as the first organiser of semi-politkal abuses g- Near-York. Tue article Is one of exceeding Interest. irordSWOrth shared with many other authors a ?lslnclinatloa t.? occupy hims.lf with the books of his rrEenda "Kv.:i at best," Wrttes Charles l.lovd, In a le-t.r lately ?Ha over,.,], ??i,., ,M prov? rbially in? different to th- Bfrmry ..ft-.M-ts of others. " "The ?Jod?. | ai ? Mortals, and I.oi 1 ?VI k. nham." a ?powerful snd gloomy novel by Joan Oliver Hobbes (Mrs. ?'ralgle,. |_ ai?:i?ui..-, d by the AppletOOa Tag same firm is out ft. R Crockett"- new book "Rog-Myrtle and IV,:." j, , _u -? ncdr ,0 thought shortly that Mr. Crooketl is writing too min h Mr. Henry Harris?*-? little book, nuiv on the press. Is entltlod "Am.rl.iits Vesp-neeliia; a Critical and Do'?u men tary Review of two lleccnt Knglish Bcssks concerning that Navigator." This publication Is lo demonstrate, we arc to'.d. wh-n. where and by whom, ?n what language and ?n what form the al? leged V?-s;ii,c,a?i MJteyae van Lisseb?ne" of UN was srlglaslly written. Mr. Lang deelares, spropos of "Aa*terlcaalsaaia," - Which to avo.d hurting Yankee "feelings he ctils "-isms"? that "the ia!m .study of language ought to bu kept free from the non^tm? which Mjl. ?Huskin "seora* t>> have writton ?Nuit An eri?2an?. I'.-r?. ,">? non.aoni;<. has b??en written and polcen at?,r,it Eng? land by Am il .?n that has no real bearing .m tht- -tudy ?f language." Jnttrnttton. Fnr Boys and Toung Mon.?City. ^EW \<?l hi HI KlNBSfl "?M.I.K'.i. 123th-???., X. T - A ilve, praclical ?cnool; day or e\rr,inp. A?lJr-s- for cal? alogue. ?ELEMENT C. GAJ.VUs. Mouni Mom? Bank H -? (?-..-. 1 i:-il y ORAMMA1. .. 'll?..?i. __ w. .-..???? ? t CIMh }<-?r. OITer? the best facllltl?-, for thorou?-h tla?..v?a. Scientific and Bu Ineai I lueatlnn \ . ^uniber <?f I"')'' r.-ch-il Ir the'? famllv Apply \t catalogue and Information J. DHTRTNaON 'R . Pria Toiinp Ladles, -City. "41 ?DEMOISELLE VK1.TIX. -'* school ?or anuA rnEPROOF ?SCHOOL I..H.I !XO. HiO AXI> 162 WEST 74TH-ST. COLLEGE PREPARATION. VIISS GIBBONS' SCHOOL roll GIRLS. New-Tork City. -'I No. H W?ii 47th-?t.. URS. s vrah n EMERSON, Principal A few boarding pupila taken. S 11 .. OP THE S|.?TKU> "i IHK ' ill K II Fiunded b> Mr? Hoed. 1884. 2.i half real i.gius Feb. 1. Address _?iater-ln-CharKe. fl and S E EJd-st. ?TVi?: Mis.-KS ELY'S si iioui. l'un GIRLS. RIVERSIDE I'RIVE. RBth and ?>n?'i Sttseta New-York. Tor Roth Soxoc.-CUy. ^_W-TORK BUSINESS CTOLLKGE, ISSlh-st.. X T.-a lue. practical school, day or evt-ning. Ad<lr?-?s for c?t alo-rue. CLEMENT C. OAINES, Mount Morrii Hank Bid?, r|*HE HERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. A M?dl?on Souare icor. 2Sth?sl and R*wa**l. Branches In 'he principal America? and fur .-can cltt*\ New term heclns now. For Young Ladle?.?Country. ST. MARY'S SCHOOL. HARDEN HTT, N. T. College Preparatory and EkMttVS (-nur?".? of Itud?, New Ma. uai wa? Iss.ied January fp?t. Appl'catlon.i for tht Principal's Eui paan party rImmiI , I- mad? a! ?,n-e. MISS .HT.IA H. KARWFI.I.. Principal. \\" Al. N't "I RiTHOOL Ws B ."litiit. Day and r.dW? Pt?**>arai try f r rlrls: 3s-i year open? Bepfmbci For ewnlar ?>* ?-"?>? Mm. THODORA H RI? HAROS. Principal. Mi? IrAKA LUU1SE TRACY. A M.. Am ,i-:- I'rm pal. o?rti.?r.' .... Philadelphia. J! F?-i Boys and Men.?Country. OHDENTOWN IN. J.i MILITARY INSTITUTE. HKV T. H. hAM-O.N. PRINCIPAL CA.PT. T. D. LA.XIXl.N. COMMANDANT. ^*l.MWOO_] ?SCHOOL FOR BOTH al Mllford, Conn. - Par-nti who are uniottunnte in the man ...?ment ?f 1 their ?on? Will d- ?veil to pr flt by th- advantage? off?r?d by mv ?chool. the ?.chi-ol 1? !n s?-*? m during rhe -ntlra year. FRANK M. HOWE Bupl IJ?A1RFIELD v .-?.I- m-. for Tiny, Pa?rfleid, ? n C in bino? thorough m-ntal and phyakral n tin m n ih c ei fort? of HOME. ?boys. Francis H Brewer. A. M Prln FitKKHOl.O INdTlTL'TE. Freehold, N J '":'. year. :: ? n rdlna S- h.>ol Primary, College. Ir i usin?e? Cour?-. Shorthand. Typ"?*rlttnR. TcHmaphy. M\P!. EWOOP INt-TITTTE. 0>n<r.?rdvl!|e Penn lift. per year A I.e.stul ?chool; .?::?? , f tl? t ? st to in? tu?* with cnerirv an ? t , wak? up t < v? in the ?lui!-? of life. Boys enter bent college. I'nd-r 1" years tl"4 J. ?HORTLIDOE (Yat->. A M.. PHn. Ocl)ool IX?icncirQ. AOENCT.-Miriam ("?vn-re luppllea, tutors, proflSSBr? tea^-liT?. ?ovt-rnesse?. fc. In ail d-pt? , rerommend-, ?chool? to pp?-ent?. MO 5th-ave , Booh U'ld'.ns. cur S'th-jt. . A dERICAN ANT' FOR?ION TEACHERS' AOENCT _a auppllet Profirsaora, Teacbars, Tutor?, ?; ??rr.???-.?. ' *c. to ?^i.lleae?. P h?.r,l? *rd Kan..I.s Apply to Mm M .1 YOl'NC F1'I.T"S' 2.1 I'm -, Syuar? FM>K TEACHERS AOKSCIER, ^?w^ ?,. p.. -? n. Cfaloa?o. Loa Ancles, etc. H. F Oockei W :? Ken P. V. Hm soon A W O Pratt N Y Mansgera, TO tMh-a-e. \Y" [?TEl? IMME1 'i.\ n ' i Et:?rli?h French, piano; (?achem f - - ? ' Mies HONOA .N s ' I'M lll-'llr. Ill REAP, 30Ki ? 11? ? nu hero. ?*??BACHERS WANTET1 I..,." - ?I I-.-.tin and ?'??? >. f r Brat- laus i I; math? mat:-.-a for "?rat rlaaa ?lay and -....?- and Em ' lire? -,,..? ic? ? ;? nil? n,-n ' ; : : ? , \t .? ? ? ? Elocution; Physiology, 7. -1 -irv ?'?? ?raphyt su Mar!., nuUl? :?. '? ' I I'r.-iivliiK; Gynnaattci lOem i-, ?? ? . " l fi- mnistn ? K\ ? it -, Militai t'ir (1rs? las? dhi s. Applj to Mm M i V? il SO r: l.T ?N. A Ig? 'tv.i. h?.i-s' Agency -'': ' - v- a ', test an? -foiinO. I OST I ? v _t: IS. i Dry Dock I - Hank. Any pent <~aii,?i up ?mpn ?? .? ?> ? lam? ? ? ? ... daya, or the eal i ? .. -. i: . ? tiniruishe?]. a? I ? new one Isi ADVERTISEMENT? AM. BCBKCRIPTlONi FOR ^a- Tin-: new-york tribpne will be re CEIVED AT THE I'PTOWN "II I? r N ; ;i. I ?ay. 2d d..or n-.riti of ..-..-? x; \ \ \{ TI8EMENTH at the foil ..Mr;.: Branch nuire? 2M Elghth-ave.. ? e. comer Twenty-thlrd-it ; 1.12 S ?ifc-ava IJublic notice. pUBI.IC NOTICK OFI I''K OFTHK ' I.i.KK OF THE n MMON ' ?' S? IL RO M no, s , n v ,, . , , N, n ,, \-a York. M Pui -.,??? alven to m? r?solution, arhl rh was . i !??? i l.v i Ma- h -','t... and apt ?:/ Reao ? - \ ?tjaa, at it o'clock p m.. and the ?I ?f Al lei ne -. ... : ;. I.- !.. i. l . . , - ? and : -, New.I, rh Jui ctIon Railway Cntupan Co?t II f ih? ?':??? ??( .\. v i ? thorlt) and pei r- -- - and ,,|h r.'.a.i. <.f ?'..- street ? i- : ? ? be ? ,t ?truer- | by lh< .. I ? on pani I In i i.Ion for au ? ? ? will thai public notice be given by the ?")< I I pubilahtng rn- um? two ?]?i:y news] ap? ra i .,,.-? . riH"-1 -h-'^.r- by HI? il ,:..,- ?? M.--I. ih- provlalona >.f th.- Rallrrad ' iv ba ?? th- - xp. i.?.- i the . ? 1' : II I. tl ?)?-,. placa mentioned In the n t, .n of "Tl* N -" \-- York Jun>-tloi l pany" will I ? ?-:?:....,. ? f ;t ?? Railroad l.nv. To ihe Honora! I? ? ? i Courcll of i New Y,,rk The p.-.;..i.,n <! "The X. r?!i New-Torh Jui '-r. R ' wav ?' mp .i -. ????.-?., Thai Kour peilt |K.r.?t|,.n. duty ni^anlted and Incorpora:? l m lei j. irauai ?a of nri ;, r ?? '.??? New York, entitled il i. . . . i Thai th? ?aid ? n >i ,- :. ?,- ; ... malnti -, ..? ip. . - ; lie u?<- In Hi? < .-.- ...,-. ??ar?. for . '-n.| ? naat i. -. ? ? ? v - ?' unty ? f N< w-Tork. upoi ' I m ni X*?1 York, to wli i ?>r pli Vim? Avenu? mti ?v:r doubl? ira .- " . , m \vi ? avenu? to "r- Hui !?? I and I rr ? i*' M'., n? an : ap n tine II 11 ? i**et ? . < lerai ?? avenue; ? ? ? t ? e-jt upon <;?? ird av? n ??? I . On? H I S1?ty-flr?1 street; ihei On^ Hundred and Klxty flra? .--.?? , . ? ? ? t ? ? i ?T-e' il or J th* n?? -s?..-? , . nne? li?,i witch turn-tal ? - .... ma of su? i, rallr .. Thnt ih? ralli il pr.?i ? I ? '? ? ? ? mamtain-1 i-.r_1 operat?a1 I?) your i. :? -h i- :-.-, nd?*d to i ;--,--.1 n,. tic? pow? r. ot - wliict : os a-, any tima l^r. ."? i empl -i-? ! . its ,? Ven- petitioner fur"i-r ?.I. ?.?? that, pursuant I lawa of this . ' f tl - ? ?? mon Council ? i ?-.-.? i ? r; . bl? it to construct ? ? : ,.--..-'.. ? laid, ?nd ? applies Hoi i Wh-r-f ?!-. v petitioner pra; i. i : ' ? ? ' [ (if .SVnd ?? ai tnd r.nisi ion i I i ; is - ? ? ??? ? ict, n, Intaln ? . , ? : ?or public ,,s.- thmugl upon an I ... ,,n.| I.I.I way? iv -her with a?l i.. ? tur? .,.!??, turn lablra, ? ? - ?.?-.? . ? : . the conrenlei i w?rl In? t u ace .inii, ,?.?' Ion of il ; ... .,,. ,, ,, ., ? I ?hi- ; N?m \ ,rk February ??:, l?:,.-, NORTH NEWYORK .It X.-'ri? ?x RAILWAY ?'"M > AST. Hy .' IHN COTTEII Pr? ? I? ? S'a'e of \m ^ ?ft,, i ? .lohn Cotter I ?In? dull ?a ?n ?;r-s!-:-.' ai i ai office, of Tlie N rth W* ', I--, iway i impany, the ab ? ? named petition ihat foregoing petition la true ? ? n P1.nt except a* r-. the mailers II ?-In ?tut? le-*ed upon Information ?ml belief ?nd lhai ? kttari he ? leve? it to i? iru? U ? l hi? verification I? noi made by the ... -i-- -,. ,. ,? ''??? i" Utl.r is a - ??!- ration; . . . .'",',,." I -? t ? ?belief aa I rtat-d ui,'-u hi? knowl.-.lae ?,r- lnv.-?t|? ? ,]. . por-nl has rn is- ' ? , i mutter h.-i-m and information acqiilred >, n,. ,;. ,, ,. -? cuursc of hi? dui - [ n,,".,,. tl?,n-r In th? al, -. ? i -K'IIX COTTFI! ' ?worn to 1,-r-.- i,- this 26th da) r?f Febiiiai U'M It n ?ItxKK. Comr of Deeds. N v i ?.? ," ? ? ? , Which ??.is referred to the Commute? n Railroads All person? Interested In the .'. ?? - ,n' ,,,.., hereby noitfle.i lo be present al the Mm? and n ? t: r.?..l in t'.- reaolul ? W.M ]| TEN BY? K ? "., rk of ihe ? ' mm >n Council. I> I'Ksi'ant i?? staratory rtHntlreinpnt, notice A I? h-r.rhy ai\-n that an .\. ? I,,, u, ? pn__?_ )., t,,,h bran, he? ?,f the Legislature, cntltM and a l?.n?: AN ACT lo authorise further appropriation? f,,i- ihe r.-ii-.t.-T.nnce of the American Museum of Natural llletorv in tli?. ?Il) .t Ne? Y? ik Fi.tlher n>H - ts herein- ?h-n thai a public . upon mich bin win t... held al Ihe Off!.f the Maym m the i'iiv Hi.ll in ih? ? vv of New-York, un Monday, March r_r,i|,. ivw,, K| ;t ,, ,? <Signed i W n.1.1 v\t I. --: Ri ,- .; \| r.?al*d City Hull New-Y rtt, Mnr. h ?r.rh. |sj?a. |> rusi'ANT i<? statutory rc-qalrempnt, notice a |? hereby Kiven that ?n Ad has |?-..? puaed bl bol , Pav" "{ "'" ''"*"li""1" *ntRMd and worded i fo| AN A'-r to pr.iv.d- f,,r Mlarglag Ihe building ?Hasted In Caauai Park, m ih.- ?-|t> 0f |&w-York, and ?? -.p,. d bv the Am.n,an Muaeum of Natural Hlati.r* ? purpoi? of furniahlag proper raclllil . - . . s I.It. Mar further n?.i!,.. |? bereb) ? n. r, thai ? oublie n. ,rin th? < lt> Hall. I? the i-t>- of New-Torh ,,n Mo?.??, March ?th. IMS, at _ p. m ' *>?***. (?MPMOO . WILLIAM I. SntONa iiirur D%?e<l City- il.ll. N.w-yo.k. March lStli. lsoa.' J1"iur' ? public Retires. pl'BLIC NOTICE. ,.' VICE OF Till. CLBBK OF THE I OMMOM COUNCIU ' ;..?,\, NO. s. i a, V U.M.... M.V. IOKK 'I. .-. ?\ ? ? :. Mumm s, I-i.,. P t . ?l'a? ? Hon? _lv?n ?? ? ' ;???? ' ' :'-: . n *.?ii h ws? ?? ! ?l?'-'l !?>' ???" ' lani'.n ? i Slay or, liai .. . :.. iu'-sm'?.\-, n Tl ni 1 '"'? ?lay, II - ? i- .*< nth ?ty ? i-. . .? .|. . . ? ; Ihe ' f the U r Aldermen. 1-e al n -t.- 1 an ????' lime ?? l_p ? ?? ?? '- ?' ; ?rhere ihe ?ppll? ??? . the P. pi? ' . lo th. ruin a Council ... t?,? CIIJ N'? ? rk 1 r o- ? ,n?j-ni i.rvl I ... : ?? . n. maintenance and ? p? ra? tion h ?h?- ?aid pet '? ..-??? i? ? ?H? ? ' through and al na certain itreet?. ? ? '"-!? , ? .. | ? , ...... rth la ?' i i" 'i ,?"?*-*/"__ *2f I il II. n. tic? i oy the Clerk ol Ulla B .ard, !> i ubi ?hin? ' .i- <1a?l ' ' : '1'.'*'n ?}?>: '." |v n? ? ? ? publ ? , i the < it? of New York, h tx '.-'.? .u?-! ih-:-;'--. by hl? honor the ?Us r. th.. pi ?Vlsl IM -I - Hen W Ol the F...I ? ...i i..,,,.. ? ?oh advertialag t.. i- ?t me es pens? ol th* ?-?.ii? ? petitioner. , , _.__ tat I md pise? .,?.,.. ?.., |? ,|, .... u on th? t ?ll?i ma ?irallcailon ol ??,:,, ti ;? . . mpany ?dll ?? ?? n?ldered as i? ..,.,.?, I provl .. Of l!:? K u!' -.'I I--''. ..,> ,..,. comm ?n ' urn II of tt.o rity or The^peiltlon of The Peopl?*? l\rac km C ?apasy <>t th? ? ?. . .* N ?w-Vork ri ? r- tfully ?b * ....... .,,.- i , , irp? rail ?? Sol? '?--?.in....' l . :.! In. '? mi. Ih? I-"*- ? ol It? Slate of Sew p,, niirpct? : constructing, malntalnln? ?nl , n?i it In? n ?. ??? ? ? ?' ' "- UH" ,n t!"> , nvej in.f i ?- "- '?"i prof-rtJ n cart, fol i ? it? n. ...i u ?? ? : >???????? "-?""f-"- '?"'' ?"?, ': ... , lalnlalned an?l opersted th. ut-h. ... ii? ?nd up i < ? -'..,"?" ">;' M'..?!:.-: ,? .,. avenu-? and hfshway? In lb? < I' >' ;?"' ' Ctmstj ?? ' M-iilnnlna ?t Ih. Intersection ?f WIUI? ?venu? and 1 I ,,. ,. ,, . 1 ... Thlrty-founh street, snS running . *? , . . ?,,-. . ,,? .?, ,n 1 up n mi . 1. ?. ' ?n? Hundred ?nd Thirty-fourth itreet to It mt.-i .-? ? with p, t ,,. ., ? inn 11 | n ?ith? 1 ?? Ihrouah, ?Ions . . i- nu? la lu a with thefl * runt.. | ?? riherly ?I ng ?nd ?? ml 1 IVashlngl ?? ?venue lo it- Inters? ll l-iiHi On? 1' t -it. ! '"I Ell : I* seventh ?"?'?. H-' lunnlns ensierly tliruiiBh, nl ng and jpon ?sld Kns! on? ?? .pventh sir? with Krankll ., : In ?'??>? ,.:"' ?',',, , i : . an I up? to , . . .... . ?. .n ?nth ?'i d ha Hark, then?? running ?ouih?.i?t?rlj Ihr-neh, alona and 1 ,,... ? ?ith ? ? . ? ? 1. with ... nl nt ; 11 i '.; ? . ' 1 lion wit Kan. Hi ? lr< 1 an I '? nlnih -"? I ? 1.a... i . ? ' II ? 1 ? ninth ?treet lo It* int? ?? a a ?.? 1 n ,1.. 1 . : ? .. t th" '?!???? I ?? 1? I-I 1 rd and F ? ? ? ? ' -? ih" '" - Il u, Ire I ?n 1 fortr-eintli -???;? 1 - Inter? ?rli H ? ? Ul? n nid I' i" . ? ? ':? ? '- ' ? - I' 1 ?'. Itlvi - . . I hi a 11.1 I .v i ?1 . ? . ? ? 1 Inn of W avenu? and Kani .... ? ?Uli I Hu ' ? ? ? I ? ? -'. (h>-n >? running IH .J? . I t ? in? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 -: ea*l< rlj . ?????. a?., .-..-? ..... -.????-'?. , ?r avenu? tu It lern ? . And. al ' Mon of 1 aim ? ? ' stul rimninK 1 , , .... and . ti.- - ? 1 .. ? ? Ih ?treet ????. Hm?, wt' er I v thr? ?n, ? ... - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ....... ? . . ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? l!:r h ?tree? 1 . ? avenu. 1 ....... * ? ..??,, . . ,,,.,. .1 .... . . . . . I ' ? ? 1 .... ... ? P. id ? ? ? ? n Mid v ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - m ? ' - - ? ? f ? ? . ?? - - . . ? ? ? ? : ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ' ' . It a s ? I '..- 1 ? ? THK I'l. il'l ?Ml \SV hi ? v yniiK ... .- ... ? : ? ?? ? . ? .... I , ?? .? -,?,-? In the al rilAXKMN \ V. . P ?..-? l.-.v Vi 1- -m'y. ?n Rail" .a* Itl I In n -o?. h. r. !?? ? ? ? . ? ,._.J ... .. ?. .. ?.-M II Tl.'?' 1 ,... tfoneg In tl ?TV 11 - ' ??? . ? .-I* r-lr-' ....... ..,..,. ..? ., (fftursions. VAOATBOW EXCURSIONS. All. th \ \ i:\i'i:\sii?. i\? 1.1 i)t:i>. BE?01 THE BOCHES. leave Mrif-?'orfc In "?|,<-.-l.,i I'ull 1111111 \ e?.iii>iii,-.i Trufas, ?ill? i-i...,,;. l'ara, ? Ko. I, 1 7M Days' Trip Ihn.ush N Mexlm fa I 1 . M mans, ., d 1 '? \i>. _. \ HA H?, a' Trip. Ih? 1 N<>. ::. \ .... Days* lili? 1 Men, ., Ail -.. \ , ,. ma> 1. w died In 1 ? nn? 1 ? In. I. \ I?; ?>:? ? ?,' I rip ..n,?? ?he fnntlnenl an.1 miiwiir?! I Ihe fin ullan Pa, Iflo ll 1 :? .1. in 1 1,.a,,, waul ?hi - 1 N ll I I I'ar* i:,ir?ii.-. Elasala, >.,nii r-apei .1.1 im u i, 11,1 1 1.1 on Iii,i,?ikiiiI,iii Hulli-onii nuil Steamship lick? ,|H |<> ?II |...|l??-. C rs? n i 1 ? mentl'islng lh< 1. ? :? It \?i MOM? A \\ III I? ?IMII. ::i 1., ? 1 1, . ? ? 1 1 . 1 m n ???! . *N. V. Bicnclct. STERLING. III.- llne-,1 Wheel in Ihe World. PfO-MM?, GALES, K.|iinl 10 hii> ElOOJEE \\ lic-l, SSll.tNI. GOTHAM. Till? II.M .III.. Illl,-. SI I??.IM?. M.I. m iMin tin: M?. iSclllEVtMiillo;, Duly & (?Jllt'S, BHSg ?iikiahwav. REAL ESTATE, __ BUSIXE88 AT THE EXCHANGE* up., of 1 ? ' i'. irab.? ilgna ot ?n - v ,. ... -i - ? ? - : lay ?l th? Broad? way nal? ro ,in. ?t th il? f a 1 irge number of parcel? under for? cl *ure pro ! ,.ling- | . ou . i Bid ling In every Instanc? ' -.'.,.s briflt, an I th? u "? - ?M ?" t"111 ?? ? ' \, th, i borij ?tree! Exchange th? offering? ?er? -. and attracted ? crowd of ?wealthy Investor* At the Broadway ??tearoom Bmytn ? Ira? ?w under foreclosure rs-wr-aadlna? Som. tl. SS an?! ? ?> ? ,..p.,.; Place, m- four-story ?tone-front.hous p. ??it;, lots each ialsM : el. to Herman Wronkow for BA3??H Mailer A Bon sold ?t public ?uctton f?a ?,.', m, ,?. ......... ? three-?tory ?toB?-t?^t ho-agj -?[;', ;.,; i.;-,-.; :. - r. to Jacob Kottek. for S1S.58; *i*o So. Tl East On ?hundred-and-e'.eventh-st.. a three atory ?!.-fron hou?e, wuii lot raoc, to John N <;:.:? "dd under foreclo?ur_ proceed? ing? .v.. :i: t.. 223 vv-.t 8lxty-second-?t, aplot of land 1"?i\i??'.r. !????. to Bertha Smith for William Kenn Hy lold under fon?c!oaure pro?.I i lnxs a thr*e-story stone-front hous? .it Lenox ave. mil i? ?-thlrty-Ilr?t-st.. tot?? f.-r, to <;.- rge u . I.- ' rer, f ir ? cil? nt. f r tl,.-0". I?. P. Ingraham ft Co ?old under forjertosure pro? ceeding* .So 692 Bast One-hundred-and-forty-thlrd SL, .i two-si .". frame house, Ij! W.SglOO.11 (???. to \??r,i Flarr for W.200. Bryan I.. Kennedy sold under foreclosur? pr-> ,-.-. ling? a va ml it, 13.(3x10?), -n th? south side of Kh?: ?iiif-hiin Ir. d-.inl-f-ir-v-nrt'i-Ht.. IU.62 feet eaal of WlWa-ave., to the plaintiff, Pranct? ?Sac?n, ? \. cutor, for 15,501. ?VI the l.ih.i.-?--?(. ?xchange Richard V. Har i. i Co -I No. 21 Bast P-?urt?eenth-?t., a four ?tor) ? ling, lo? ?xSOxHTO.S feM, lea?thold, lo Frederick ?SchulTer .'.ir .'!.",...'". also No. li;*> to 189 Weal Fourth- t., three thr.story i?rl?'k houses, with lots each 21x71 feet, to William A. Mirtin for K-.t.:?t. 'i--,t-,' K. Read dl \ . K I'urk-u.-.. a four i story s tons-front tiens , with lot M.?1V?xM feet, to IV, M. Martin, for K?.?V? The statement shed yesterday that No. MO l-'iiii iii-av liad !'".ii -old by the Spader estate for tlisymo la untrue N... l>; Baxter -I an old building on a plot 2Sxll?.l xn?'..;:. 1..-.-TI s??|?| t?> s. Kpstein for ? \ ''t'.in.. Ve.ri in has ?olil for Ailolph Schwab No. Hi Kam r-'.-vnti. ih--i., ?i four i rj dwelling 15.3x ? lo K. 11 Van Winkle m privat? lerma. Livingston a Dunn ha\e sold No. 33A U'.-st Klghi? , a four-storj dwelling .ixMxino, ai ?'.?.. - ? - Stablf-r .?. Smith have sold for Livingston A Dunn Urn Fell? ? I itory dw? lllng. ?flxMxl'?'?, ui No, :i W? ? Wight} eighlh-xi . .tl about - t. , . : ..i ,-i., '? I by the ? i ,-n Ihe south aide ,.l I. , . hth-sl ijeorge l: Rea i hui sol I ror ihe ?\rnol i ?nd ? ? , \: .- 123 ;ind 127 I i onl ??! . N.and M Houth si . an i Nos. :?T ai I M Plne-sl ;.. John \ Ur - l?l n >i.-??-.. \'i ?? . tale ... Harlem, has <.,: i to J i: Hi ? - - ai, I tl ithou :-' prop? ; ' . : ? ? ? I ? ine-hun ?? ? lb-at. for ?Unit }''?.?"?'. It la r? ' ? n ? Brow n Loi 1 ha? sol I the foui . ?? ilw? lllng property ?o. .1 l'ai k- r.,- ; , .1 He iver Webh .il-., tha? 1 Broth? ; I to an investor the foui uro? ?.Molli .9* '?. al No M u ? -r It I? -i, , -'.,, purchaser will ? ,.ri\. r ? ' i: ?;?.-? .\ - i|,t at private conti.? :l in! lind, 5*2x .?,.: in?lr? ?: -?n i - ? m i i? i ?. lo Jung A Mohr. mm? llai.'lj impi ot ?? I l?> the ell ..' ?Vi - 11 ? it ry II Bros : ? the building of two [Hall. 2 ixf i. ..-i the te.i ihwct ('??rn-r <>f T nl-av? ? i i ? in'lre : .i; al ? for .? four | ?; i No. : I ? ? ? ng of . ? f Ma ? h of ? 'n, hui ? east - I ? ? h illd th-st, UK.\l ? ? 131 ?73 " ? - -, 1 .v:,? " I? : ? ? - " ' ' . ? ' ? . l ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |i . - p m: i i ml X?> li:. t? i ??? I . ? - ' . ! I III... - , ???? ?' I ! ' . ? ...J. HI m, T..-, : M '-.'.- ;. ; ; ? ?.?? ,,, ?? f II ? ? - ? : .-, i?.i ? ? : M I St Ni?li ;., -..:.s 7?. I.? Sail ?r, : \ i 1 I IV II urk?. ?? i M ? - and Arthur u M.|| "" ....... 1 '? < : i, lo ft ? of mi ? . m v , I? ?'?'.I.? -II , , A Ton ,i 771 ? . 31'J IV-hl l' ?1,-rl? k .' !.->.. .,.,: Il li 1 M ' \'-. IP? VV.?t; John L m i wife ??-, ??hi Hi -. '! M',1 loo , 1 ' l I. e I II IT I^NI ? ? l ' l ' -i V II- l.. r ni??l all 1 II ; enl? Herman i?? i. ?""??? . I i K?3, map N itoyar?!'? " '- '* II '?? i ?lin ' ' II ?v? ?lift ??' ' ',-? ' ?lxl?H.?; la? ipie Mntv I. lU-Ittii 1 ?"????", ' N i?h? ? .i i??j l\e?i, n m in in.l il m ? ? ? ?I 11 ? i ? ?. . . m -'" ?' n -, tsl s :? ?, ..- I ? ., e, i . Ix?.?-. |^m ? Kpaleln s |)M .". Il il ? - i"' 'i ?s :? ,-,i,, ? -'?-? f ... "?: 30 '.,.? Dill ?Kll M??l: l<? 1(1 Kg, \ , I ??- Ife In S II Law II.- .| ,,? nth? r, n ? I Nd ft e ?if I'lti ., lient? .... <, ,..i I i. Mnry K, .,i,l n? th? i t.. M..,i i \ an II ti li I ? s . ?f (Vntral i- II -i i - II -I INN? II ' -IM \\. rnr. n ? ? i| 'i ' '. 1 ?? ar ll BOO liai i - i .-. i . i: I. Key? -, n ? 157th -'. l?>? llth-.iv? dem ind. ?? r,s I i ?. I . lie It It al I -n. s . I.'.'.' I ? ? . ? ? ?? of t'oiirtl.irtl-ave, S yrmtt. tono ?',,, r,, II, Jam? - I- i-I II l? 'W n, ? ? I III, ave, 5o.? fi 'in ? .;?-,,-? . 7 no? ? ? i ? Mai | B Al \l nil ion ave, t:. 11 ft -. ' i .? |S ???<? ? n an?) ?it.- t-, n a iT....I .-v. N'.. 51 11 2.000 Sin.- in .1., - ; i? Hlii-km-y, name property, .'? year? 15,0011 f'onll Th? A, an I iur. t.. rie- N ? let -, Agen . .' o-1 Mai: i, ,i, a and i i.v i, a , ? . i;,."??? and alfa ' . r .i Mil IM iwoli ??-.,,- \n in?! I2III ? i :t i -o -. su.onu t'ordl? r, Tin ?l<?r? A, un I wll lo II-,- ) H I.- -, III -, , -?;, ur ??f listh '. -j moi i-iii ,ii.i . -'i laai ? ! I,il ri M '? I N H.l.l.ei.l. - ? . M., m-.v and Talmail??-?!. t year. l|s,,i me. w a M ulka n i? ??. IOJ 8 fl ?of Talo,.... - .,i?, _ .igag? s 1.900 l'uieari. William 1'. tn Nathan .1 Newltter, ? ? ,- ?va ami ii.'t-ii ?t. I year.... ? 7,v? ? . Harah M Knlghi ind ?noil ? ; ex?*? ? ? - Ht Ni -i,.-:.- ?ve, I? fi - of ll'l?', m. I year. t.SKB? Kl ln?r, W Hilara II. r , ? h?r|, t ?. Il Logan, ? ? i ? , -? i??? n ?? ? ..r I03d ?'. I year.... l (00 Imer II? ni ? ind wife to M i: rnn '. ir. I \V? tehi ?: ?. . ft.oao t??hn ?'. r, He ii .:? ?r... l.if. <\--?i? i,i,e Society, U s. u s Bowery, '.'? fr ? ??f l'rlnre tt, 2 \? Ma?M0 llulrti. Ilnnlev. and Ulfe In SldiU'V I? Klpley, n H l.'.ilil.-st. SU ft w .,? .Vnu)i.'r.lam-av.>. .1 mata.. 34.000 Ue.kert, ?.liailes B, lo Marita Cz_Jk?->w?kl uni another, r w s T..\ 1 ??-,?;?... 1.'? ft n a O? ''!?> 1 ave, ?', ?retu-a. "? i, leabella Y, to the Mutual I.if?? Intuir?n.-e i-omgany, X T, n e cerner Le?lngton-av? an?! .l,i-Hi. I year. ?'?*"' K lemmerer, Henry, ami wife to the Oermaa Sav? ing? Bank, ? Ity N V. s * TOth-?t, -i?> ft e :;.. H-.. 1 real. 1.008 K-ts, Lou la, and ?it- ti Julia fusbaum, Mo l.TO Bast |_3d-?t, ?I year?. MSB Edward Y. :.. Adam Oandcr, s s Stb-at, i.-.s n ? of i:.Iway, lease. ISM Lynn, Oeoree, and ??f.. io t i> Butler. ? ? Si Nirholas-ave. 121 11 ft n of 140-h-M, demand., 10,000 Mahler, Helena, ?ml ihoUier to Julia A Win?.ir. - , ITUth-at, 102 ft ?? of BuriMlde-ave, 1 year.. l..V?o M Quad?, Matthew, t.. !..iin K Bteeve?, s ? cor? ner Kmereon >nd Cooper ?t?, l y?ar. 4?K) McN. Ai..x.i!,i.T. un.i ?if., to John Morrison me! un'.Her. ? w corner Uenox-av? .-.mi itstb? ?t. demand . i.OM I.i? ii.-r, Ellen, to Minna Levlno, ?> s i04th-?t. 1...1 s ft w of Sd-are, '.' inortgagea, ri ?ears.... K.fwio La Mm la. ' .-o i... to Henry de r W??k?a .? ? l?t-ave, 10.11 ft ? of llltli-.t. 1 year. 4.<X"k) Manir?, Terence p, t-. w it Pittaar, ? ? 1st? ave, 100.11 fi - of i??.,i ?t. i ?.ear. - rsorlg-gea i,.*Km MaeOonald, Ale-andar, to i??,,i<-ic T Hradv, p a L'nlon-ave, 200 ft n of Kelly--.?. 1 y??r. l.?v?n I-.;-. '', t?1 n, to Wlllinni .! i'rii??-r. m ?. Mtn-et, 22'. f' >? "f Dth-ave, 3 years . Liinno Sam- to Manhaiian lnv.?im?-nt und ?'onstructlon ?-,, | s Mth-st, __b ft ,. of sth-ere, demand.. Pieper. Augusta, to Joba y .?-?.?.?v..?. a m ?-..ruer t-roipert-ave und SpriOf-at, nota. Il? Reitmeyer, Mary 1,. t?. .1 W Peck, s h :i4tti-at. 1??? ft v. ot Ist-are, " year". ?..., Hel?lv Ann. mil nn ther t i X ???-.-m un Cowen. n e corner ISHth-ai and ."id-aye. 2 year?. .. IJgg Hunk. Ai.!>?-. to l'nlfed Statea Bavlnes Hank, i'lty of New-York, ? a ? \.'eb?t>r-av<?. 7.'. ft i. ? of Mosholu Parkway, i raer. ?s.v? Bchr.1er. l> ulsa R, to Cntule? l> Dlekey, Mo ISO iIh-i i7Ui-?t. demand . r. ooo Brhwenk Joaeph to Carol'ne Btahtln ?t al, a ? I2.J -t .Ml.? ft a of ?d-ave, ? years. S.3S0 Bmol!n?k) Bertha, and Brother t.. Samuel I? Roeenfeld, truste?. ? ?. Sherlff-st, BO ft n "f Oran<l-?t, demand . Mi Schwenk, Joaeph. w i*hHrl?-? V St-liiin, a ? 4-d -??. 841.? ft ?? of Id-ave, .". yeara . I -"?" Van Winkle, Bllaabeth 8, and anoitv-r to the ta.wy?r*' Mortgairc Insunme? Company, 1,104 Broadway, 3 y< an. I'm.?"?? Van Oautber, Ttrswdore, aad ?if- <,, ailbert a Kolxne-.n Horn- .t a!, n ? i?7tli-??t. :??W ft ? of lOth-ave, and other property, .'I r?ais. .ll.nOO Valentin?, Elizat-rtti H. t?> Munis Mandelhaum nni another, IS and 18 Coentles Slip. 1 year.. MM M'ilf. lasse, uni un ther to Mirla Kantornwlz. n ? Ruiner? Place, .'?-' il f w of fllnfm-nt, 1 . 2.<?K> Ucnl (fstittc. Money to loan at 4, %H and h% Lares or Small Amounts. Apply directly and save expense. XiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C9 ( .'-, Liberty St.. X. I, ^.? ; -''? Court St., Brooklyn, Offices < N ,.. ,?.,... M(h Bt ? rxt AVi H Y ( I'll ?Test 12Stti St.. v. Y. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S3.000.000. GERMAN AMERICAN REAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEE CO. .HI \M> Its >\-??\l ST., V V. Tltli?-, p?a? 11 in?. I nuil o. il urn lile.-il ni I.uve?! ritt,-?. \o il,at>i? ?-?emeu I?. In rue an.I munit M III.Mill IN >.? III..III1 i? I,,1111 un lionil .11. .1 in orlliiluo nt I. 1 on.I B |?rr ????iit. (To id Cot UitGiiicso |]nrposc3. POTTER BUILDING. , ?.. 1^' n? '.if |?: ?. !.. .? ID ? '- ? IS80 ? ? . - \. i< i >\'.. ii'.i-s I. im *.i. ? III It? II MI-.-?l<^^?- HOI SE. .- ., ? \ ?'lit 8tre?>t TH ?? STORES TO I.IIT. r-eair-M? - ? - - ? - Archil ? ' '. ? ' ? ; i rl-rht ? , trie llgbl a-.i | mil tt i ?.-, ..n oil I? 11? \mi \ BTORH ||> let ill ?lie in?. I k\<?\\\ HI ii.iMM. II IHRMCa. I?., fliinri. iMMi ,l,??,.l,??i ?,, <?m in,-in-,. In ?he -?Hi ?nil tllh ?iliirl.i of I lie I i 11.on.- lliillillnu. ?till I,,- ill?, re.I Inl.i ?.IHe, ? in linn? for ...eil pu ne, Ma, l?t lllreet ?iMiliitlil huir til,* ,ln> ; nlllce? of III...I? i n ??? ?l/e. In ?till-* If ?l,-?lr,.,l; l.-rni? n? luv, ??? III un? ???h. r (.??ill l.iill.llnu in ?hi? rlrlaltjri ? n.-nr ?lie ll..,..UI.ii llrl.lii. . \i,iii, in ii?<? Bsjalaess ??til.-.- __ I III'. I It I It I Ml. loi Raaaaa >in?et. ? ;. ? ? K EXT? f. u I Id In?? I ' - 1 .1 ? imbera, ri? rure II ?, lu? B, 1 ? ... Park i' . .. Park 11. ??. ? . an i many ?: I.\M? .?. U KITING, ?"? li??? I i | i..w:..l. BTORE \N!' I \.-KMl'M' TO.W.ASK ON ?'_ ? | nti.-i? n- i rr -.. : - ? n- '???-. Itlth-St. ' ROMAIN!" Hl?".". X 4 ? .'.;, ?'?.I (?. i: iH-TICfa ai.l ti'..?-?. for n ~ par rl'll II II! BO.U ir-. M ??! ? \; i -. ?' f ?;?-.:? Munr .43 ? Iwa] (Tiln JJrcpcrtn Sox Giilr. \. v K. sti:vi:\son ? Cd., i Catat? a i ;:.-???. Auction???? and Br :<??-$. ? .?ri. M its .. t m Mth Bt. ? I! ' ? ^ . ? . ' : ?it? foe sale, with pos? ,-.-..?.? \ n z ?'? ?nl ' ' : I ?' f? at 74.? | ? lepth, in '? A I) |i ??? II ? .1 K< |1 : ... V. k. sti:vi:\so\ ft Co., 177 llriiii.l.vny. ?Titn IJropcrtn ?o Cft. tar ||.i. i;i \ 13?-, U IST sTTIl ST. ? ni i -? ? rest be uitlfully d? ?rat?*; built .v l-y? ?r.irl i i? --i n l-' M o ?': ? ? ?r* ? -' " hut -, ? ft ;i?' i ?'.? ? l-i .urn . ?-.? i sStk -i an I ''? II IV? _ ?iouittni Real Cfotatc Sex Bait. ^. i nt-vrn-.H ixvi - ? ?.?,'?. farm for If?) I '? i- ' N J. ; 1 .; - . ?? an.l iiiHituv; mil niail.-i l 'I "" ln?taltnenu? ll ,?. ? ,;.-?;- ,- ular? f? -m I' I? lUHI.ET, 22? .?? t-i - - ; - ' __________________________ tirtilrctaog. -*AMERIC-"S CR-ATEST RAILROAD' NRWYORK (entral ^--^_ HUDSON RIVER R. R. Oread i'.ihi-i S is Ho a, -tiu sorest hilt?? a si i.\ in SuDdey. Liupii? but? lixprfs?. I- i:.. si ti.iai '" ">? ?.?.?Id. i?:;:?? a n imui i '?-it Man. Vera-nrseeBa Hseaeatsr, Hun.,! Mas?!- lull?. cIikjij,.. lOl?O a. II I.?. ? i'? ?'Mmu?>. ?j, ; Pipreaa Kur ...I im Leo lain BUM l'oint?. 1 ;???? P. M Dally. .?-..uiii?.??-?rn laniit-d. f..r ?.'inc-.n. null.>' la?, i?'- I.UU1? uii.l i"nlc?gi>. Bl30 1' M !???--i?'? i* ?'"!?<.?? Wtm l'oint, l'uu-?likeep?ie. Albaay. Tr y, mu-.una. ?li.ior M Pally. North Mime l.r.a:?l. I'ue Detroit b Ji? A. M . fit ?so, 4.:u? P. 41. ?JilH? P. M Dally, rr All.ttiii. 1 i ?. llnffal... fleyo Und. 1>.-U lit, ? i e ??? ' in? ilitl.i-,1. ht. L..UI?. ' ItStS V M Dally. Pw Twe*. .^?ia? Huilin.ton, 1'lain.l.ui. and Montn-al. 7?AU P. M. Dally. 1er A.ii.utn Road point-?, liuftal.? M.liiii i Palla ?leu!.i ail. 'n.ilaliapull?, St. Loul?! l?i?M? I? ' ?if l'iilli. "nly BI??t?ISS 'ar<5??n?ei_ fur R .i.r.a.i ,iuri.?<l on ti.l? tiuln. Uil3 P. M I ? - il > Per ?la>t>n. Cap? Viiu.nt. Osdeni i.uii,. ? l< ?el ind Deli at. i ?i. a..,. ** r_:??.*, N Bhl 1*'.?. -;?' -? nig! t. Kar Altany, Troy Buffalo. Niaaare Palla. rjbT?_ga '? l?:l?4 A. M un.' 9l9Sl P. M I ' ti 11 y. moiit i-undav to PltUfrtld, via llarkin Dtvlsloa. ui?u?y. io \\ ??n.?r Palaee ?Car? ? n all tiir..?iKi. trains. Train? Illuminated by Pintach Uabl t., ko, VVMCrrr ..m..-? ,,t Otrand ?..niai BtaUaa. III. M' 41S TV. |?; Mlasy; ?il ?,.t u?, ,., ,,,?..", lluil.lltn:. 'M2 111 i.h.av; ;':tf, L"olunibu?-?l? Y! W.',t l-.Te.ii .i , .iii.i l.-i-ti, m statian. New-York; 3::s ?nid S i,lions! and 7? la.iwu) R D.. Brooklyn H ?._?-?_??? ?becked fruiii tiulel ar rvaul, iwu by ?le? We?tcott t*xprea? Company. JolIN M TOI. KY OEOItCK Et PANIKI.fl Osnersl Maa*?t?r. _ i1"1 fassiBin ab?si. ADVKRTISKMRNT?? AM' BI'B8f RIpriONS PO? lili: MM VOItK lltlltlNK Will. U KH ? 'KIVKli AT THE l'PTOW'N OPFIfB. No. 1.249 Ilroad i?i\. 2d .1 ...r north ..f Thlti) (lrat-?t.? and ADVER TISKMKXTS ut tie? following Branch OnVes 254 Rlahth-av? ? . pornir Twenti third-??.; 152 Blxth-?v? r.T h'ourth-av*., ??? ? l' . ri?? Thlrd-?v?.; 7?-> Thlrd-av?., cor. Forty-??v?nth-?4.: l.??2? Thlrd-av?., Boar Hist) nrs- >?? . I,TBS Plrst?av? ; l??l \v.?-t Pruty ?ooond-?t.: IS3 Uolumbua ave , ,',-.? Avcaoa A; 1.H-.1 Thlrd-avr.; 257 W?si Piwty aieaaS at.; i.siu Ssminl bti : 554 Third-av*.; l.n.?? Thlrd-av?. ? a.i?,| Thlnl ?v-., I.?iw?ri <*?n?-hundred and twelfth and One-hundr?d-and-lhlTt?enth stik ttnilroii?o. PENNSYLVANIA I RAILROAD MVIIOYS hat *t l??slir,i,s.s ?ml ??irtUndt Street?, In MtReet .liin?i)ir> 1AA\ UM. !?..'!?? A. >|. I'AST LINK. Pari ,' <a, lo IVishur?. IIMM? \. N. l'KN.N.-'i I.V.INI A LIMITED Pii.lir.?? Compartment, Sleeping, Dining, Bm king and ? ,.,?ef. i'.ii- \rn\e- ?hi,.,?, !> A. M.. Ilevalal . .',.? A. M? Cincinnati <i. ?" A ft.. i...i,..?...i~ :.. ? ..-. \ _?" St. .'! P M . ?i I T .le.1 ? !? A M ^ ?.IMI I?. N. ' Ifl'A??'? AM' KT. I'll IS l.XPP.i.. S... Pullman >:.-.;-.m/ and I >n. :m Car? to gt. Loula Uwih ?III?, and Chicago. Arrive I'lfwlnnatl int.? A. M. ? i..,u,s 7 i?. m r-hi? ?gn :. p, M ?'.??<> P. M. tvi -! :rn ixpkkss. Pullman BlintM ? i Dlnini ,'n Chicago *nA Cleveland .\rnv?5 Cleveland 11._S ,\. M ? rilcag, :? I' M i II day. 7.IB P. **. Siil'THUKSTKHN KX PRESS g Can ' , Innatl ind si. Ixjui? ' ' nnatl ?i P. lt., Indian ?j-,II? 1<?1". P. If., Ii?Mt M 'm ;.A M -,1'1 "" : " s.?h? p, M. pacific i;xi-i;|.>'.< Pullman s;?'epin-r c?i? 1 ira Cuneen for iTtlcago dally, and ?'lev?. - ?? -t,i Katui UAMIIM.lov IMITIIHMIITH. " ' i" lo llMala? Car), 1! A M . .' lo 13.30 "?' v ''"'?'. '" ?Il Parlor and lonin* Cara), :i J? il'ln ? w ? .... ? ?? ?i?,,inK ,-,,,, ., ,i,|nlM(. ,s.r) ?, p. j. - "?" U A. It. ?It.Jo "'' -ofr-Mlona' ME."? .",', .""'if ""' l"r-i"K ?'are?, ?20 ?Klnlng Cari 4 m> ., <i?ininr Car?, ? p m i_ t.% niaht 'MKP..N RAILWAY Kl.nda Kxpr*?.'- 3 2.? P. K ?lall! AuKUata la. ks .nvllle. SI. Au?ii??!ii? ?". la".: ISO p M .liiii. Sle.-per? i,. A?heville. It? M '?-. and New-Ortaaa?.' U.1? nlaht, dally to M - ?? ?-? rin.l la? k?.,nvllle. ATLANTIC ?"??AKT LINK "Klortda Hr,e?-tal" f-,r j^ Aiid'i-'.ln?-, 130 P. M. week-day?- a A. M dally. s:,?i.r? to Tamp?. Si. Au?n?iln?. Miro? f.'barl? ton; Il P M dally, s,<-.-p?.r lo Tampa. CHKKAPKAKK * OHIO RAILWAY, K ?pre?? 5 ?TO p ? ?tally. Th.-, mi; h s:-1 n? and Dining Cms POR OL?? POINT COMPORT and .VORPOLK via c^p, ?T.iiri I Roui s a M. n-eek-daya, and. with Th- .?A si?.? er s P. M. datii. ^" l'HP. ATLANTIC CITY, I.H P. M. w-. X-da. ?, Thriuf? Unir. ? l'art r- Car ??nd Coach. POR CAPE MAY, 1.00 P. M ?reell ?ay? r-r Long Bran !.. Anbury Park, (V-eas Qrove ar. ! p-am 9 10 V M . \2 10 .'!. K? .'? to and 11 S? p V r_i-ept Astairy Park and oir*2 Q g us ?,M . : 1.'. t- M IHK PHILADELPHIA, A20, T.'jo. I s jo r. 11,3.1 ,;,, Penn'a r mt? iDintng Ca?. Il A IT.. 12 I, 2.10. A A2? iDinlnir ?'?ul l 4 .'(" ,l"n!nir Cari 5 iDInin? ?an ?'. :.",??. s ., p M 12.15 alsht Sunlaya ,; 15 ?-t". B t?.;!<? no Urali '? a M f (Dining Carl S.30 ?Mining ?"an, 1 4 rtu ?inning Car,. .". iDInlng C?r?. ?'?. ~ f?. ?, :? P M 12 IS right. . - et .V - 1 ' '-?H. MM, I.SB. m and M Fil ?dir?) 1 A ' r II.,.--, and fool of I--1 ?????? , C rtlandt Street?; 4 ?'un Street, SAH Full -??? | H ?dwai and Brooklyn Annex Sun -n. foot of Fuit? ? '. Brooklyn; HietIon, Jerwj City. The N? ?? | ?< Tpanafer Company ?? ill call f,'r and cheek h?gga?? .?ui? I. tel? r,1 r. -1 ? . . -. ihr ?ugh ' 1 d< ?tinati? n. B M PREVOST, J R WOOD ? ?. ?.. r ? ; Manag? ? P s-'r \??nt, CENTRAL RAILROAD Of NEW-JERSEY. .,, . . ? ?. ... ..... , : . tracks Aul rnatl? Bl? .; Oh Af ,' AFTER DEC U>, 1M?4. Train? laava ?tation fool of l.ii.eny-?t. Tor It.? ? Bel ehem, Allentown, Ma-irh Chunk, Ac, 4 M) 7 IS, ;?;l?i ,11:?.". to Kast.mi A. M., I 10. | M 4.(4 ??'. rn. 4 ?, .">:4... 1:30 1 Allentown, P M sundiya 4 ? (7:15 m Raaton). A. IL, 1 :??>. *M, ?:?X? P. M. Pr Wllkeabn.-re, Plttaton and Reran to?, t* : 1<> A. H. I-I0. li? 1 SO p M Sunday?, *M A. M. !' r It-., Hi - at -I ?, S 00, ?:10. in"" II M A. M. MIL ' a' l '?' .". ??? r. ?a 7 -TO f IC, IS:13 Bight. San1?yK 4 :??? a M. 1 ?>? 1 :k? -, ?, ?i on )'. m 12 1.-, ni?h?. r .- Ilarrlslur, ar 4 rt" S <?? !?.lo A. M.. 1 10. I ?v) 4."<). f:00 B 4. p. m. i$:i_ myht. Sundays, 1.00, 5 10. c-??l P M . IS IS niah?. P - -' inhury t>?*1atairg nnl Wiltl.-im?port at 4 H * ?Ml 0 10 A M . '. 10, 1 "A 7 TO P M S:-!,'-? 8?M P M P.- Re?l Bank. L?.na Rranr-h. and r l?>? ? 'i'h to P^'nt P'^n.T,T I :?,,| s J- n :.n v ,j , .,,-, 14-, ,3. JO ,,, p.^ ' -'? 4 1', tin i- ir, p m Sundar* ei-?pt Oce?? .-'.'? -. r?i i .? i ?n p jf, FOR LAKEWOOD, ? tl ? IS A M , 1 I'., .i 4?, t ?'? P. M. I" - F. ? I. ? gat Park and Ba?. r<ni 4 "n s is a. M 1:45, 4 40 p. M. V r AH ?' City Vlnelknd ?i i ?rrdtn-ton. 4 80 A. St, 1 4". I M For Monmouth Be? 9 'MKht and Ulichlandi ?if Nav??lnk IrS? Sri? 11 no \ M lM. 1:45. 4:15, 4:40 P If. Eund n ? t? M A. 11 i ?" P M ROYAL BLUE LINE. T<"? PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE AND WA?HIN_. TON. For I week .4.10. S.00. 0 on. jo 0*. 11 .10 ?t't-iinc C r? A M . I:?, S:?, 4 no IRuffet Part? Car?, .".'?? rDlnlna i r) 8:00. 7 ???<. 1:43 P. M. 12 ll . . - - ? -,-. i go ?-? DO II ? (Dlnlna 'Mr) A. IL, 1 30, .'. ?? (Dtnlr.? an ?l '?' P M 12:13 ri'irV. ?' Baltimr-? uni Wuhtnston, w..h-k daya !> oo. ll-J? iPlnlne Car A If., 1.1" 1 no 5:00 fDintna Car?. * "<1 P If., 12:13 .-inlav?. ?:<?, 11 .V) iDinlag C?r> A M 1 :. .. ,". 1 e o., y M t. t', r.'?!--?. m 1- pr- . iir-l al 111, \'X ??I n.. ?i? i -, t.i 1.323 Broadway WT ?th ?? - . II Bid? 141 ? im . ,, .-? s-, 204 HTni I23tl -. 'J.'t ?"v lum'.n-?. - , N or Yo-k 4 ?' -ir? ?t . ROC Pull R ?t . Pr???*? ivi ? ? r idw? -? The Kaw-T rk Tranafal Cnmran- r*ll ' ' -.1 ehecfc t?agg?<?-a fr si l.r.el ?>* 1 et. 'ettlnatl - ni'.l... LACKAWA3CXA am? \vksti:r> k. II. MiilloiiK In Nen-lnrl. f?...l of llur? lay nud 1 li 11 ?i?ipli?-r ?>ir.-.-ta. VKaTIBCLED TUAT*?. IMI.I.MAV HlKll.T ? Alts, mis? II I H.IIT. ?*?l-ee* r-vute I VBWARK BLOOMFIELP, MONT? 'f.AII, THB ORANOM, Rummlt. I(ernar?i?ville. Buk -g Ridge, Madli V. 'rlsr ?n, P..esat. . B n. ton ' Stanhope BCPIVH LAKE. LAKE HO. 1 ATCO.Vn, Harkettet nn grHOOIJtV'S MOt'N" \'V. Wa?hin?t.n, PHI! LIPSBCRO. PA8TON'. Wa '1 <'.AP >TP(il'l-Ht'P.'? P ,?-, n' M intains Si-R.v.V. TON. PITTSTOX, W1LKRSBARRE. XaS"TICOIC_| j I aWII.I.F VI.RTHCMBERLAXP M ? t - / KAlfTON OXFORD NORWICH. Waterrllle i'TI^A. Rii'HKIEI.t HPR'XOg Portland BTRACfsr n?. in-?-.?? iT!tv'\ <>t\ r:?-,??. n.Mip. \ ?*orntn*?v BATH r?AN*VILLE PCFF.U.? , and al. point? WK?T, NORTHWEST AN!1 Si.iTHWFST. 7 '.'?i A H.-BISailAMTOH MAIL ?r" p* nt r-n-lp?! ?? r... |?i A _f.-BCFFALO grRANTOX. BINOHAMTO"?. i"l? It! It t 111.0 SPRTKO? BVRA<"l*?E 1 1 OSJWEGO EXPREUP P:"r-?- B?ffel Par! .'.?? -1. ??".-?' with tra'n f.,r ?"hi, .,j ,. arriving ? 2* a. m. n- \? ?-, rnlag. 1:00 P M ?CRANTOK PIV. H AMT? ?V ar-.'. ELMHU F.XPBESS. Pullman part r car?. 4 P M :-?n ANTON V.'tt Kfs'PAP.RF ?r.? l'l.Yg. , nt'TH EXPRESS P'iltn, m r rlor ? .?r?. 7."-? P. M iPallvi Biffai Ve?tll .:?-! Limited r---*-i fr SCRAN'TON, RIXOHAStTOH. Fl.XIin \. P'T. PALO Putin n I fit I s'.,-r:r.c Car. r r.-trc, a Puffal . with train for Chicago, .irnvin? at 9.35 p. ra. ?:30 V. M tOally) BCPPALO, iVTIAXTOH, PINCHA'!. TON PTI'-V SVt: \ -r-s-F ?nd OS-tVEflO FXPRFS4. Put'-..?n Puffet s|.. r'n? TI "KET9 W!' p'tiMiN AOfOMMOnATtOX? at 1 Murr?) s? ..n! A'y.t n id? n T1?"keti ?t fSrry itallona 7R* an.' M2 Broadwa) S3 We?t !':"" ?' , ?<5 r-ni-]n.? ,. ... v a \- .? S3? ? : IV P'itr r,-?t. and 74 Broadw?? ? n. Tim? hi!,-?, giving full Information at alt ?? " m? VFSTOOTT EXPREM rOMPtNV will rail f-r an>| th<"-V b?ggage fr ?-? h l?l or r?sldm?*? tj ,1,-?tlnat! n. ERIE LINES. nain? ?? -? ? .?i-i m?.- Hm laara ?????? ? .1 Chamlxra-M., u_iiy, _? tullo??. _ ,? a?a ?n'-? ? arli r fi . . -t ; tl?l J? A. ?I. - v. ?til ... I'ysr?*?? for Wavsttp, P "*? .'?!?, ,1. I.Han.,. Huitul,.. B.adtoid ?nJ I ??-? 1 ... 1 Parlor cae lo Purtatu. .'??'(Kl ' *'? Veailbul? I-i.dtud. t?, ll?l '-?in Mr Clil tj-\,\r ,i, Chautauqua Lake. ?j-rUe? ?levelarg s 1 , a. ni , ?Imano ? p m s.---rer? 11 ?.'.. ?^>. Cleveland and fln.-inr. it1. I mlDg ?'ar. i\''M) '? M'--)!"??l'J v..?tii-uled B*vr*m. ?rttr? Huff?.? \ft\F 1. \ \( _ making Urcct ix>anecti_>na tot I'etrolt. ?H mi 1 "1- W'.st. Pa.. , s r? tag remain In ?lei per m til I A. If. ?U.JI? P. M. Via ?iiMUtauqua I_?k?' a-1 N .. ?? 1 Fall?. ?*^*-" ?' ?' ira?? ' ?'lu .._ si ., ,. ?Thl Lra? . .id cm? Innatl Dlnln? ? OCAL TIMi: TAIU.K. TI.-WI'TS AN' ! tMHI acimmmadatlona at 111. _?'.: 401 and '''?" P- al??/, t.". Pus- r_?i?. it., ? niiml ers and Weal .' -? ferrte?, N'\i York; ."."'-1 Fulr.ri (I , llr klm; .... M ?.Ho? I- ken, and Jer??> city Station Erl? T ia?( r ????"? calls f,.r and elUtCR? la?g.i_,? fr_ni ttotr'jj and re?!d<-C?*l to d-atlnatl n. WEST SHORE R.R "1 alii.-, icaw Weal 4-a nt. auiun. N?w-Vork, *? '?*? 1 pas, 1.1J 13 iiiiiiui. s ...i.i.-i Oroni : 1 i..,:..v,.n ?Li BioHl A. H. Pally. L .-.?i to Bui .. VUS A. M. Dall> for Albany, in.... Byra ? ?i?. He.r-Jt??. Buffalo, Niagara l-'ail?. I'eimit, Chl.-a???. r>:l.% P. M. Ba ly for Albany. Montreal, l tics, Byr?????. Rochastar, Hurr.u,., Nlsaaira Falla. Toronto. DBMOBm Clev? I m i. ? tr. ..^ 1 mill St. I.e.1.?. Tl4S P. >l. I-,:,. ? x. .-j't Sunday, for t.'tlca. SyraOU*?. Newark, R.?ri??*?t?r .?n?1 Huffalo. ??!!,*? P. M, Pall) f 1 Albany, iti.a. lynaaaa Rocheirer, Bulfllo. Nlasara Palta T?.r ur,.. l??;irolt. Cleveland. CM? cago -ml Bl l.'.i.s. Par tl? ket?, tlRM taMra. of l?-al train.?, parlor ?nd *l??p Ina-iar a.ooniinodatlen? api?Iy cliv , ffl?????. Pruoklyn ?n1 Kew-VoiSE, and nt ?tntl <rt* Tim- tatde? at prlncly?U kuteta For oth?*f inf?rmatl n ?Mr*?? C. Mi. LAMBERT. C,.-n..ial P.i??.>nfr?r Agent. LEHI6H VALLEY RAILROAD. Mu??"..?, nuil ?I ? ?iiuaiiai Unit nrabru?. ' vl?*? ?i?m? a. M, daily : i mai 1 u ?.n. \? .,,.. ,?ie.mrfun ^'li'^? A. N. duly for QENEVA, p.i??'iii:sti-:k. PDF? PAU?, NIAUARA l'Al.I.s. si .-li-;.\si, ,.\ RRIUUE ?"1 it.,- w.s:. and iiii...|..i ari.i i c?| pointai ?Unta? ?"? '?? ?u?pen?lon Piiii^?-. Pullman Vntlbul? Hleeper la ? ?'? '?'?? lui?) A. M. tul. for mai ? H CHUNK ?ml lniara?t pointa Connection? for Reading and Han-UOur? !:???? P M. telly, .-x,.|,t Buntey, tor lil.MIKA an4 ?:l Intermed?ala -.tation?, connection? for Puttsvilie and it.-at. In? . , nan , ?r 1? <A'llk??barr? -till? P. M. daily. ,.x?.-pr Sunday, for I- ?nd B. JCN?". TION .m I principal IntirrmHiat? ?tation?; Pullman bu(T?t pail,rear to W ll:? s! .irn-; ?.ennection? for P,,tt?vlll?. Ii30 P. N. te ly, except Buatey, for s?n ill PLAW? KII.l.l" and int?i in.dial.' ?tation? ."?iir? p. M telly 'or KABTON and Intermediate ?tatl'r? ?:IH? P. M, ,',!!?. tot Bl PPALO, NIAOARA PA14A and nil pitnt? \V.-st. Pullma? Su-eper i.t-.H uled tr?l? K<?W-Tor1l t , Chicago. BUwtf to liuftalo ;.nJ Toronta: connection? f,,i !t?-ii?1ini{ ?nd llarriedurg. ?-?B I* M. tally, ?i,?pi Sunday, fr Ka?ton and lnt?f 1. dial? stau,1 ___ !?:??!! I N. ?lally tot ITHACA. ?IPNh'VA. MXRBDMM Ti:tt. Bt"PPALO, NIAOARA KAl.l.s and ?11 points tVeat. I lllma 1 Ste.-per? to ChlcaKt? and ltiiffal.x Chur? ra r to Wilk.-sl arre Tl.-kei? and Pullman ?e?-.^mm<v1atli>n? at ?.1!V MU, WJ ?ni 1..1..1 Itro.i.lwav, 11.1 B-wery, .11 14*1? St.. 1*" Faet i;.?th St . N?u Tork! ????? Full,,|i Si . 4 C'Urt St.. ** }>. id? ly, ?nd 1l-?l.liri Ann?'!. Iti-klvn. N. V. The New-Y?? .. Transfer C?. will ?all for and check bag? rax? from h??t.'l or r?sidence thro?i?h to de?tlnatl??n. IIAl.TIMDIti: A.\l? OHIO KAILB??AU. Huill?n?!-?', Wit ?It I um ton, ihl.-MM?, Clu?'lnnalL lt. 1.....I. i.?.a Ail BBimUt JSIbbU PI'I.I.UIV 1-Vlt -Il\l|-K l?N AI.I. THAI.'?;.. Uir, ukIi ?n si, ?ping ?'ar ."> p m- daily. All train? Illuminated wl'h P?_?t?cli ?if" ._..,. .. r_.c Ticket oltlce?: Hit. ITS. 261. 41S I 14<? ,Br''?_" 'nr.ikly?. Mth t?t.. l'.T n??wery. N. T.i -114 MMB****y Bri?*iX?> ???tlon?. foot of Liberty Si. C. R R- of jJ. ?? .^ New-York Tran.fer Company will ___l fpr_ ??a<l co'^ b?gga_? f ??? liol? or rtsids.bu? to a-atinatioa.