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CHARGE OF BRIBERY MAI). pASSBNOERa ALLEGE THAT CERTA1 a'STOM? MES EXTORT MOXEY. A -,,..- ??. Kl ?N ' ??? B.VCa.\OK WAS Dl TAIN.-::? BECAUSE S.1K KC1JNED TO PAY |5 - A RIGID INA *?- 'WATIo?i : ' ,,K ?'' VPE l:V THE ?'' I '???' Many com taint? I '?- r -**?-*i ;'' ' "?? ' ''''"' . ,, , - ?'- <"? ?coming ,,?,, . ectors, an 1 i-rin -;?.a!! .... - inn yor's staff. It Is , !.,,;;.; . ?l-llCl^ IB I IV? I Kl f\< 1 ?.oil ,,'. .. ... ; In profanity, and coi . ,,, _. . - men stances In i ? i brutal mann r; .Ha? '": ?'??? -tarwyor* ?ti have order, 1 trK del :::'"" "! -?????e when t: Owpectora on H* ? ???* '?'?'?' pa-*sed It. ? .m? u> the <-.?iiitd.iit.ts, there Beema to be C|n-i. .. the quel Ion - I authority between the ?'?? looter's staff sad : ??? 8'irveyor'? staff, anil, lo i as er.d to mi-'. Coilccl ?r Kllbreth held a conferen? ??t the Cusioni House with hi- deputy collect?M ai.: otfier eustoaia officers yesterday. A complali ?if tn.? pass? -? ? i "n the Majestic agalrts ih e > tnnis officers was discussed, and II appear? i t.i. .' Il? tor*i mon, Inspectora Miller an l C ole; lia l ? I the 1 iggase, ;:i ? lhal Deputy Survey? Dowllng had o? 1er?-i ;; held. The complaining p.*ti I : - - v. : u MISS O'Neill uni a .Miss OUdstOa ol Mhlone, Ireland, end also a Mrs. Jackson, all arrived oa the Manitoba. Mrs. Jackson charit? that a ?-.tstoins Inspector had demanded 13 i?efi?i :? would pan lui baggage, and that, on her n fusel to pay the sum, h? detained the baggage. Collector Kllbreth released Misa O'Neill's i>.i, gage, and fiai ... the other two women will prol ?ilily he i to-day. The Collector admonrshe the members ??: I - ?talt an 1 the Surveyor" stal not ;.. be over-xe.iloua !:? tlieir duty; ordered thei to observt the privileges snd right? of passengen to be ?courteous and polite snd reform their wsyi In regsi ! -, ? t1.mpitli Is of exl ?rtlon and pro fanitv, th.? follector will make a rigid Investigation and. If th.- charge! in nustalned. there will bs a Ml shaking up among the mea wi?o Inspect sao seas Deputy Surveyor Dowllag, who tacharf?d wHI overriding ihe authority vested In the Collertor i in.-n by ktalnlng ra-utsengers' baggage which ha. b?< ??' saisi I by customs inspeel ?re, waa subjs ?t? tj ti :. .?Honing by the Collator end ihe Sur veyor snd in the future it Is believed he will keer. strtct?y within ths llmltB prescrlb? i for s deputy surveyor. _^_ ALbCOBD BMUOGLlXa ON" TIIK MAJESTIC. IKSPSCTOK9 SEIZE YAK!-? OF CXfJTH TiHornilT OVER BT A FIRST CABIN I'AS.-KXOi.i; Miss D. Gladstone, s cabin passensjer on the ih. Jestic, which arrived yesterday from Liverpool, \..i-. niur-h surpris? I when Daniel E. Dowllas;, s depaty-surveyor, Baa through a neat trick u fool the customs. Miss Gladstone, ".v!io said she wa? not a relative of the Grand < ?Id Man. brought over il ree trunks full of expensive clothing. When she legan to realize that it was In danger of being c mfleeated she argue I, explain- ?. threatened, and pleaded, l>ut all to no I The ooatents of two trunks looked like a small < k factory in the first stages of development. J-inc c'oth, yards an 1 yards of it. was rolled and twisted into ths shape of cloaks, and stitched lust enough to hold together. Miss Gladstone trembled an I changed color when t- Hrsl "I'ak." doak was shaken out until it turned into a roll of expensive .-loth. The inspectors said that the material would have to r.e seized, and .Miss Gladstone, they say, ner isly extracted a large roll of billa and 'offered t . pay ?he duty. The gooda had not been declared, It was said, ami were evidently the property of a - maker who .??-sir?.-.! to make them up or sell thi m. - ? TiOlXOS OF 1WM AX' CATHOLIC PRIESTS. The Pinllst clergyman, the Rev. Dr. Brady, who was appointed superior of the? ii"W Paulis) Mis? ti?n in San Francisco, is recovering from a long and severe illness wlii.-h attacked him shortly after his arrival la California. The Kev. Arthur M. Clark was Beat to manage the mission until his recovery. Hector tavelle, of the Cathedra!, who ivas WKcked on his way to Cuba, Is still in Hav? ana, although daily expected home. His absence Is causing his friends some anxiety, owing to the, Unsettled state of Cuba and the jar in diplomatic relations. The Jesuit Father.?.. Halplne and Free? man, have withdrawn from the lecturing course of the Champlain Summer School this year, owing to the ill h'-ajth of so many members of their society and the consequent extra demand upon their ser? vices Th.? course of Lenten sermons which w-ns car-led oa at the Cathedral by the Kev. Thomas McCloekey, and Interrupted i?y his Buddea illness, i i <h .-- besa taken up by the Rev, Dr. Van Reasseiaer, ?.vho will finish the .-ours.-. The (3ood Shepherd s.stf-rs on the Easl 1 Is have secured s chaplain la the Rev. M. J. Welsh, recently assistant la ?lood, ?""ounsel Church. He will devote his whole time te tiie work of reformation among the inmates committed to the institution, who number nearly j.'xjj. Ttie rector of Holy Innocents, near Herald ?-><iuare. ?ht? Kev. M. C. O'Fanell. has fully recov? er? i from a slight ?tta.k of congestion of the brain, snd ?in resume his .iuti,?s shortly. He ?.?.ill not go abroad. The sits of the new church of St. Francis ?l?- Bales has been definitely located In Lealagton-ave. and Nlnety-elghth-st., and >h. work of building will be bi-gun as soon as possible. REYNARD IX THE BOWERY. A M-'.W PHENOMENON IN THAT THOR? < ?UGHPARK ,!- i- fixgkriii.s put i-.?x i:s.\i n- ,xii rrn, LE is A CROWD N"!*.\K THE ? 111 '??? . W'IM.s BAN? ! The bowery Is celebrated as n pla ? ? . do such things und they say su?-h things" si! I the common, and nfl - - . ? j may be add.-1 thej si ? sui h thin It was shortly iftcr daybi ik ? : ??' ! wanderer? down that Inter? ting thoi fan ?: - range animal Ini. le ihe Iron ??;' thi I ?rj Dock Savings Bank, Xo. 3? Bowery. Th Rr> | batch of 'ii"ii ? . cer him were i , - nse natura 1st?, and Ihosc thai soon gathered : roun I were tisi ai Ign irant. !t was .-? nfl lent.; i ad:. ? i i ? some thai th< u m .1 was . la ; squirrel, by others a .Spit-? dog and aome vowed I) was some kind of lion. On on?? point the Bower) , frequenter wa^ certain. "II wasn't no dog." and ? on?? man, evidently a Republican, who remai ? I : thai II was "one of Ih? Tammany cubs ?- >?" 1 , from K.ntrre. nth -".." bsd to beal .? hss.j reii ?? ? Po'.lceman Faney, <>f the Fourteenth Pi >clnc! wa? j attracted by the fast-growing mob. and pushing hi? ? way through the throng, dec?an Ihe new Boaery pi ? a foa, an ! climbed over ths ra '- I 1 c itch H It takes a good many couple of keen-?c*nt?*?d hounli to catch 1 fox, and Faney alone had ng easj I ash He would gel th? fos ?" s e"in ?r ai 1 .'??:? - capturing it when a swish of the 1- Iraggl I brush won 1 cause the pollcemsn t" stop and rub oui pieces of Bowery mud from hi? eyei no ?. moutli and muslachloa The crowd were h n 11 of la ter, and lime and lima again the lox would dodge 1 Faney, until at last a brothei policeman 1 1 ! some sacking, an i the little ra? il was caught, He ! was taken to the police station charged with ill?. I or lei :.-? conduct. h waa learned ?iter 'tin ihe animal bel na I to Henry L. Fingerhut, of No, 60 Ra?t Fourth-at., who claimed the wanderer. Flngerhul has a pair of foxes In hi- cellar, and the ma'.e had r'imbi l up a I pile of <-.,a!. ?lug a small bo'.? under the ? ??den j steps snd es? aped. BINGBAMTOy BANK INFESTIGATIOS EXAMINER BACKUS TESTIFIES THAT UORCJAX roXFBSSED T<( BElXa ?23.000 SHORT. Btnghsmton, N. Y, March SI The expects 1 that some sensational testimony would follow at ths continuance of ths preliminary exsmlnsi m In the cas?? of th.- p. ?pla sgalBst Ti icy R. Morgan .in! David I.. Brownson thi?-- morning, dran n large crowd of Interested spectator, to ti .: Bupervii ?' room in the Courthouse, where County .lu in?? Arms is holding court. Phllo H. Backus, ths bank examiner, testified In regard to hla taking charge of the Chensngo v.? ley Savings Hink und putting his men si n*orh on the hooka on the afternoon of January K, and con? tinu? 1 as follows: During the forenoon of the .".I I accldentall) III cover?-' an Item on the I? .-???? which l did not Und In th.? tournai. I Ihen became suspicious AI had K.'i'.i' out of Hi" bank f ?r dinner Mr. 1. ?wer? house showe 1 mi a memorandum stating th? fa 1 that Mr. M irgan went t.. a ledger next ' 1 him end male an >-ntrv during the forenoon. Mr. Jacks n also saw th- ? n:i y ma le After I returned from dinner Mr Morg? at one of the de.-ks and ?aid he waa working on ihe general ledger, I went to the ledger and found the item In fJaskel - a count erased. I said: "Mr M ir? gan, I don't like t . see erasure? In hook? ' I showed him the account of Gaskell and told him the erasure looked bad Mr Mom.m ?aid hi .: i"> knowledg? of when the entry was made ?r when II was eras? 1. 1 said: "'Mr. Morgan, you are lying tO in?? "foa nre short here How much 1- 11 lie hesitated and finally sail: "Five or ? ? ?l.?liars " I told Mr. Mooney to ??'> over to the Chief of To?'-e and have an officer detailed to watch Mr. Morgan. I wont Into the lack room and again asked Mor? gan how much he was sh?.rr He sail |l.,?>" ..r fM.Q&i I told Morgan h.? had beitei be tru ful and tell me all he knew. He again promised to' do 80. At 8 o'clock In the evening 1 cams to t*-.?? bank according to agreement. Mr Brownson snd A I Minor came In 1 said to Mr. Morgan that I wa* ready I. hear what h?? had to si-. Mr ltro-.vni.oti sa'.l:' '??Veil. Mr Markus, now. what will !>? the re sult to :h?? person of Mr. Morgan If h?? make? a full breast of las matter'.'" l roil him I lid nol know 1 agree.) to see Mr. M'ri-'in ?t mv room Bt 1" .,\-l..-k. I walte 1 until 10:30 an I Ml MorgSI I not About II:-* o'clock I opened my door in rssponse to a rapping an i lei Mr. Morgan In the room. I lighted the gai snd went to bed agi He dr.-w a chair up beside the bed and ssld: "This Is a hard row me 1 haw teen in business sixty year" here" He did not ?ant the good Opinion that existed here of him broken down. I told hlni I wa? sorrv fur him. 1 said: "Hois? much at.? you ahort?" lie answered; that he had no f ? gel at the books and find ?nit. but It waa consl lei i He estimate i the smounl to be nol over I ? ??? H? sal?!: "My brother has met me g Kr?-.-,? leal of money, and Mi. Brownson baa > al me a fori me, and there are oilier? ?'i. have been coal ng ms dear." I asked him fur the names of the . ? and be refused to give them Mr. Brownson, referred to In Mr. Morgan'? eon fission, is the president ?>' the fhenango S's ey Savings Hank, hnd la Morgan's son-rn-ls? Aft.-r Mr. H.?.-kus Iih 1 submitted a note ? was wntt.-n by Mr Morgan -?n Ihe f .-??.. .r January -?. .T,kin?- him to lei t).v imln ill ?n go on in s natural way without letting an) i ne ?. .-. . thini? wa? wrong, for the present, Ihe hesiing wn? a ljourne l Albany. March O.?Superintendent Preston of the Btsto Bsnklng Department, has completed i j.ot to the depoBltors of the Cbenango V'sll?) -. THEIR MEMORY STIRRED. ! A BENEFACTOR OK ?OTHER VKM:- lilll.M! NKIl!? 1 I > \'l IIX. IS ON II AM? I '? ?n M TV. \ nail .1 threatened with ?'ai looks aboul ' ir leaders, and naturall] turns its eyes to v tyrans v.!;.. hove foiighl w 1! in previous i ;" - ? So !??? iple all ? . ? : by tlii -a.- and seeking a i ? ??? ; ? dj Inquire ?*hal ha? h lp? i them In other years. The grip la here again, and In some places has ?'- .i form more malign ml than evei ? ,r will doubtless prowl ab ui I km-; for vl Uni* until iiv sott!? i wr-athpi i iprlng Now, i: I- a matt? : of m< In il hlsl >ry ihat, when grip a*as h< re bel ?re li was quickly thrown 1 off b) I ?die? ill i. had !.- en ? M -ngthened by ? s'lnmlanl i f the high, t ord ? : -II- m ?. Tu 1 letii m? 'i- .? rv aftoi the 't. lp I "nfly's ; Pur,- Mall Whisk ? was ? mpl d. '?' lot the ,.ia : -i. dy Is .1 i.i ! the sj ..? g ?i a*oi k to? day, . npoars from a letter written by Mi. T lom - Han t-tt, : .-'? imn . . K isar, who sa s: i . ? ? ' , |ly ? lughlng, with ;<??>??? ' . running ihi ough , and being unable l i . work, i look two buttles i Duffy's Pure Mall \ -v. I .mi n '\v able i > work. The ugh and soreness on mj rhest are almost" 'iii. rough, headache and soreness of mu ' folloa'tng the grip are never h?lped bj local ap ! pi!, itlon. Being signs of g general weakness, ili?.> ..i. thi ?wn ?ff ? nly when the whole ? \ teal Is t n -d ,r- i stimul?t? ?. s.i ; liai n i go to ? mu h ii r to . lit11 ?. T ? : i this I? the m - of Duffy's I'-iv. Malt Whiskey. All u Im : in "ni. i how i: ga? ?? ili'-in i le ir he-ids, sound stomachs and a he.ilthy ilrciils ': .;i when they were getting, over the grip In seasons, have supplied themselves with ; Duffy's Pure Malt, and hnve point?] nut to their neighbors a way to avid misery end l -- "'' lim >, is nol the stigg? i I? n .? ri h llsti nlng ' Ings Rank of Rlngh imton The A ipei I il n I? nl says i ?n part: The li '?,.?: of the bank troi let ?e i that he had fa'sllle.l .. ? mnts by forcing debl entries Into '.t" I. .u.-rs and tli?- aggregate Bmouni -? f.ilsltied by ii.m as a Imltt I wa - :.i ?':'?." I 1 he am runt ! due the deposllors, a discovers?! up to Mar, a I?, from the r'henango Valley Savings Hank, , amount? i I ? I9M.27S a The ..It' era ?if i ir saving? hank in :.i??ir laal ?worn report i.? the Ranking Department Ka ted thai Ihere were '?'??'?'. open sc? . but ihe ledgers ?.f the b ink si isr ami ? 4.SJU ip a accounts; many of the passtsooks which have been presented dl I >-?? accounts which have been closed ? >rclbl; or by forced ?lebli entries when, In fi?.-t, thej are open a?-counts. So doubt there are man.?, more ??t these rlosed acccunts on Ihe kilgers which m i?-1 'if. u .11 i... disc i i? 1 ' . i., the remaining passbooks ... pr? nt< l. We find among ih? i -? I ol Ihe bank lhai several i gjges liai- been arrled as live a-??>?:- when, a" ?' mat i r ,.f fact, they have been pawl Bnd sat Is tied, bul f ?r s irri r< ison or other ha*..>n s'.low? i ; ? remain among lh< asset? of Ihe bank a though th i were existing lient it:- total ol these ^ ii : ::: : ; ? , ??? ,i In. ii have li -.-:i c in li l In : le m I ., mi a nmounl t.. tlii.Wl In the la.; sworn latement to t!..- Ranking !> - partment I (Beer? ?f 1 ? b ink swore thai the Lank'-- ?-arp?is aas |S7,_ST 11. By 1>- lu I na from Ihe defloiencv of l-'"i.. ???'??'" the surplu Ol ?,'. -7 ?1. w have an actual In.-. tlrmenl ' $139,279 38 in other w rds, the asset? of Ih? bank will ?' pay ihe La? bilities within tl39.2?B Si i! ?si much ihls amount wl : be Increased by U.ontlnuan ?? ol the ? Tnai .- .m).?.--1 hie ??. -a-, a-, t hei >? .\r. passh ok- \?-t ??. ?ome In, and Ihere will undoubi . i.. be further disclosures ?rhleh will Increass tins Impalrm? :?t h wn: be .- en bj the In pall menl ?? -?' ? 179 '?? thai the 1 ?Ai t. d.-1'..-l: ?r-i a! tin? preseni Urn? i little than !'? i- r rent ol thrti ?1??| ?sit? If this ni of Impsli ment is not mat? rial ? .- ? when the examination Is finished, it I? n thai i' woul i !>?? f< .- Ible f ?? the I ink to re.? ime business a- a s.uin;;?. hank undei a ?n-.i iio.ui ...' Trustees and undei the ..rd.-t .,! the couri If it ' should i', thought wisest that the bank sh I placed In the hands of a recelvei then a re elver rann >l be app ilnt? I too quit 1.1-. to plei M pal ; ment. The Hupei ntenden! aubmlta a ??<:.??>: plan of re ; sumption, ah ?ul I mi h ?? ? ?ui se be deel le l | Mr. presi .n all ? pointa out that failure ? i .. . " Is rested wltlf tha sut h n,'.?-.? I al i Clnghami ?a. FUXBBAl til CBAELBB M EABBS The funeral of Charles M I ' ?k?*r. iirst erg Company i ?. rth li? glm? nt, s ? Tin ids; il l, - home In the Floren? e, .,? i ,..,? ? Fourth-ave., sraa held ??-??? .- afternoon In iiv ?Chapel, in Twenty-flflh-si lenices were ducted by the Rev, William il V'lbbert, Bnd nearly I ?n th.? members ..f Iks rompen) wore present ? .1 7.- t-,s' el.,tie ?. Wltll tile exception of a ?.| I i '. which was detailed lo lire ?? voile) ever the .-? Th?? burial ?*n*is in Trinity Cemetery? Comj inj li sent ,i tall plltar <>r ho nowei . ?? w.t, twelve honoran psllb??arers ?? :?? ted from t!. m . ??? frlei Is of las d? ?? i ?era? anl (fnropran '?ot't-rtiormrnt?. pi ROPEANH AND TRAVELLER?! ?rill Hud Eli the |_m g - TH? Triton?, ?'? l ?-? ii r .... , HOTEL DE LILLE ET D'ALBION, US, Rug ?l Honor?-, parla Between Um Tuileries (Jan.?.?.?. pis ?? Vat. i ma an i Near Opera. Advantageous arrangements f - famille? Beautiful Hui. Large Drawlas H ma Eleetrlo Light, &c. Telegrams. "Lll'al Har-a. HENRY ABADIB. HORSES AND CARRIAGE*. / NEARLY B*?? mi? s ri-.,i,ei' ? i* .n 1100; lady'i ?addle ?nd driving eoh. II?; | ir;.-??, ?-.'le. Mddl?. Iridie, etc., _:: ol Ih? i.rv highest cla?a BID WELL B x 9 Tribune QUI? -. CHILD'? PONT, with e?rl ?nd harne?? ? - ? ? or to hire f . rhe ?e??oa. Ad ?re.? It ?.?. ?'. JACK ?SON. P. U. li.? 1. I .._N. Y. _ . ?.?PARTI gbl CUT p family surrey; i ?I :?? plated h?rr.e??: i m *:..., prie? ?."..',. BTORAUE, P> Wen. 44r?. ?-.. RKAL EgTATF. POR SALB. Cwuatry. A VERT NICK i,,,..- A-m? f ,'t?_e at Brtell? N I., eeatalnlng ta i torn*, all fun ?! i_n f.--. -, anda ?uiroanted ti.'h lor'-vf?i,'Kl??. pretty lawn; ?hade ?r??: lot I'm f??t by lb i, :?.V) ?I*-;-. Including hnal hooa?; t.-?. t . ?>.- ?...-,?,,n. all In t,*-f.-c- ? rd?r. Apply T.. P"x 12. Jttmy j ity N I '?',' NTRY H?5i -:. :?' -, :,.-y~~??v~*7. ?t?:?;e. ?hade, ?ere of ground; *14.'M*> i*im? easy, :? mlaatM from New-York City. WII K MIRRA Y ! ?ahlng. N __ l'',r: e.M.K \'-, io.|_ ... ,.;,,/ a|| im. provement?; lo?. ;,.-.?.-, mod?r?t? ! r?ry *_?>? lerma; "r* 1 I . BtM t ', ...- ? .. ?te. ; thli rapidly. _____NER, Y. - ?. !: . , .nire. 1. ] IA I. A ?aVACRI Tl:*' ; i OP. ?ton. yw. i-?-!, p... i,.. | ?,.., ,.., a amp; M? OOMty, Ki?.; ?ear Edison's ,vint*r nom?. Standard r. . Company'? farm. l-eed ? r?llgl i? c.i-.ny and ll?-n-v Wat ter?on i ?well wlntu tt.ere ai '.i | tb*M tract? ; la?? . it? ?ad tmk pur friend to. ?HERWOOD, M Park OTT REAL ESTATE TO LET. I/iV. LEASE ran l* I ? ! ' n IMt Writ 1".': N. Apply m premlie? In t.? 1. HrtioLI) n. FLITS t- ?' '.'.-T. s,,|,.,-.?idlv fir-??] up s-arii beat, ?? ;? ? ?l< ."i'l.'a'i '? SBd isssb-wattars; bnauilfully loc?t?rd, fwsiag ? ?ijuare. ?orr*r ,,f St. ?lark's and Fla! ??nil a?-? BMoklyn Apply upon pre?? >_*?? MI-MS Flati??i?ii-a- - Brooklyn, or ? ??vn*r. J. \v. YATi.s. It? Wllliam-at., N. RTOR?8 to let; lar-*a carael ?lor? ?will ?livide If dealredi; ?team heal, -r ; Bl IPurk'? ?nd iTatbuah ?v??.. Brooklyn; ul? ? ?_-.T. r:?.i?.ue??-r.v.- . 2-.S7-.' upo? ?'??? t:.-il..-?. 33T-M? Klall.ush.?-..-. )?,,.?,,!? n m i-,-.- ,-?r,.-i. J. \v YAi'Ks. i:? William- - ?i, N. Y. 'l'y- j CITY HEAL ESTATE FOIl SALE. ] BOVMM '?" I I-'-,r v:|,!' ?Ml modem nn pe?v?m<i-al?. II? -Hl: Waid, city; ?lu of lot ?J0ti\l?'?U; lerm? to ?in. For i?an|r?i. Ur?. inquire ?M. BRJCKNCR, lit few KP.AL est.te. COVNTItY KESIDBXt'E. with fntm fl-e to fortj n.i*?, at!, rough, We?l rh???ter Cbuaty, N Y : ,'t ?lorv riin?|,n; tlala ? ? ? | ? ?- lii.raiA. ?lining ?m, kitchen. Imtiei'- naatry, ?e?\iiiit-ri*?m an?i 8 fin? i?ige badreMMu; beautiful river ?tew, For full parttVrular?. ?|,|>?. lo ABRAM HYATT .-. son, Real Kataf? Brokers, S:n? s n? s v. _ CI STOMKJM ?? mi? I for 83 i ?'>, rr.II!?. al! kind? laj.lrie? ? l?.ni? >-m. ?;; n.n.. honte? R'hi Muri'iM. n-?,-, n. lar-n? for pl.-asn.-?- ?a InvastasMt. Buy, ?.'II, ?RHhange advert??? fr?re. Head for liai. Atan Wanted. ex'liiH??. ??]? ... |..,--. o| - ?etl de. priXluct or i' ein ,-. ,i neu? -,n eomml??lr.ii <?r Im; fo easri ?A? ?dvertla? ?nd MU ir ..?ir wav. Write ??-anie. S OMi'All PAHKKK A .-'"N. LUtUlon, X. II, MB, .. ?_ ?PLAT* TO LET?I nfurniaupd. A CHOICE CORNKI! -::?"NI' l-'t.AT. , n, of thr?K ??;? '.'.-' _9d -i : rsferene?*? At?i.1v s? IIP A'? ?- BICHTBt'RO. 1^'t Kd-M. I IIAII? E?8T :?;ihst Uuperb ar<*on ?nodatioi.? for ?ele. t jiartle?; refi-ren-'-' fr<?'nn? and bath; ?It Inii'roveineiii?. (.11 MOB po??ea?i,.n ?prll L HEAL ESTATE. For talc ami To-Let. I AGENC V POR Mi'.Vi? I.Alll -House?, all kinds; ?ale or rent; ?!????. TCBBJ * TAYLOR, .'? ile.)<nian-?t. I AT PLVBHINO, 1. 1 Houses, farm? ?nd vitia property lo lei and : ? s ? ?? i>. IfABTER, Real EaUt? Agcat, Flushing, ] "for RENT r SAI.K Bariain? in hotel?" f boaiding-houa?*? ?ret cot tag?*: build ng ! ?ire? r?a-:in!!<- ISRAEL O. ADAMS g CO.. Atlanl c City, N. J. Fl HMS1IKL? HOI SI'S TO LET. A9BITRY PARK, N. .1 I'?"- ll I? ? : : ;?;.? .i . ? nage? for i ?nt, I.'-- MILAN ROSS. Ashi.v Park. N. ' PrnNlHIED - "?-?'? ?>n ''? teh Ula?d G??ro Mac. Apply t, JA I! El M'KEEN, FLATS TO LET?Fnnilaliril. FURNISHED PLAT Tune to Ocl ?? ?ar??-. eool room?: elevator ne?, .' cable. i2'.i \\'e*t r.T'l. m. ; referei VaMII.v gou n , i. n i-- will I? ' hai : ???Ml) fu?-nl?h*d apartment? MARTIN, 2?x> V.'?-?i r.Tth-??. ? REAL ESTATE WAXTPiD. WANTED. Downtown ?affle? * ?leak ?aiall Menage ?par* rhe?p. Addra X-, BO? ?I Trlhi.n?- dlfi'? POR SALE. AT REDUCED PRICES.- ?O0 ?erond-hand wood and Iron w??rklng ma? lune?, fuily guaranteed. inaihli,?-fi bought ?ad ex chanred. ?WiOltUE I;. EDDY, ".is M?dl? ?on ?t. AT .LITTLE'S TOOL ?TORE, W Kupon" ?t.. New-York, workshop ma?-htnery ifoo? fi'wer?. lift free; WOOd-earvlng tool?, ?(-roll ?aw?. de?l(fn? and far.,-/ woo?!?: ment?ale? and m ?pMaitba. "? MOSi/Elf RAPE, r, i,,.-. ?md rod top de.k, , hnlr? ?nd 'll"!?1'' i a, : il] MS p. , I'.:,,, p om in POR SALE Tl... k ?,.; will and furniture of a W?ll fnrnleh'd lionne; f-jll of I en?; local Ion entrai; near BroadW?) term? in?.derate Addre>? ?? \. . Bo? MIO l.'_4_ Hi, td*t?y. POR SAI.K The ?! k. In-oie* and e ...-1" win <f an e?labllah?d i??ir.K mil ?ad dwaaiaklng husln??a? ? mi? opp i tunll) fur a |,..e -i?-.?! mllllnei ?Ir?-.? mak?r .? ANNERS, ?12 Waahtngion-at., Il b .?r. N. .1 QRO?*ERY ?FOB BALE, with ??-limbl? Mock, tot ? JOSEPH WALTER. Pen? it ...d. roar ?Id-it., ?l'ittenh'lr;?. N .1 N ? kg? II? li.? RDWARE .ifoRE for hi? or ei f.,?- pr?.|...i i -, profitable opportunity la gai | ? Mai ' - - ?? pri?e; loa rem ,-'?-,,, i.e.v. r- IV, l-. HI BENOER, ?etlrinK JOB I KI?TI-..; ,,| ptfT? for w-v^V-n f< '' l:;:v- :t,'J N"w'"'?''?' -|,r W'!,:}' '" *,' DESKS rr,,?, |M r? ?K??,"ln .in.r.' *"',n'" ? b?n i and mahogany. A ?ttATES^a-?i ?"****? I?'"' E P. ?au s *??_____-*"*? ???"' -1"!'" "<?? i".'i Nsi ?APES. |_,U. JeWelliT??!*, "'" :""> '""?t". PI '?! f ,, . o f ? lr"?* ???<? i? ife I,. ?,,?*. -af? ro ii madluia ?af.-* , ?, , ar.d^iepalr??l. IHBNUkm?V '.'. ' '.'";"'" - - . "?ni-BHO, ... .- prtng :-1":',i:;.':I,mwi"r ?* p.-?.< fuit? :.:: :,, '?.;?? ???? >*?. is?., mai,,,. ,?; ,:. VI,';,,, v."' ' ?? vi", in ?>,. ,,.?.??, ;,MlM (1.. s? _3??^"W^?J XV.":ir''^";ivl:' -r"v?" -A" "KM ??;,.. Il? ? Ml I? AM? ft Oil M I. AMERICAN far, | , , ?. ; lara mom '?>' -. ren? n_l .. ? ",.-1 . i ||;s i ChAfd*. T,:,...? BEFORE I>i. ATIV.; i;i.--. IVHFRI .. ? ?' - . " *?????? _" ' '?'?- '' ? i7m ?i PHI, A'l i; I \MII.V ?' ? i oi, a ? -, f- .-.i ? ? il ? i KB?! Rlveisl?].. tin?. Ir. K.ii ,.. il, -tar, ...'. \V? ? El IIT?1 si . M east, n? ii Bth ... :..?.' ? ? ?.' ; ? -.' nn nina it< ? '?.? I< rel n? 1 An ? rli n f?mllj i r< I 21 ST ST . M EAST 0*?lr?r.l< ? | i?1?- ? i mlil. Ice lo , eatl?>n; r? ? ? -1ST ST ,41 I j S-i.-iti-.- r lira nlth ?board; i??infn^, '? S7-ni sT in. :\ BBT I). -,-. .,". , flirt ? : im t:.i In ?pi ,?:??. | g hi? ! bftaMer? T4TI? RT . WEST Mr.-i I, ,?,.i ;? , B? ?'n??? i fat :. :? -, i*ASfllF.rl P. 'i lion "I IAD 1*1 ItMMII.O ROOMS Tll-I.I'.T. IN PRIVATE FAMILY li .-? room to o. -l- tir n f .;,:?? ha I it ? I.'.o East 15th ?I LABOR unns ?Ine-le fronl ? an; i?-i?- t n?l(hrK>rhu<-Kl T .V?m| 101 h it, , 12T?I ST M ? ?'..?-'I ?'erj lei .i.;.- i., ? in; i filrt iio-.i. ? ? "i ? !?'?'?' i un i in nlns ? ?'--i ? rel a ?n? ???-s? .hi:?.-, il i KITH BT . IVI H ' IM ' irrilrhH pari .-. i....i--.,.iiii. bath kltehen, s?< h -, ? Id I ?.?. ?i., i . -?? ?m n? a? !? I'l: !?:.N< II. 1 'MSTfT. .'.I WEST i:-i'l. p?rjor ?? re?? , fui niched. sultabi? r ? .;? i loi or demi?!. iher i ?m?. , it*. WEST l'.Tll ST. .!...- from BroS?1w?y. | I'l I ;.l . ? ? I n l. ' !1 ???: pi | ?at? house; reaaonaM* i i omutnun i ir? DBKMMAKIM?. ARTISTIC DRESSMAKING; | an?, ?n , ?- ind .i- - .'? ?II ' '.?? leadln? i .' ... n a .. i >.-1 ? ? 1 ,.,.,?? .m- M tf'ELROr, IT Basj ll'i -'. ; ! (?orTrillERE IK '? N'' USE. i ,. ... . -?,... -tinn ; ..i i .ll.ii mad?. i dr. ? its; ,,...-. ! . . ,.. .leraI ? pi - I nl ? l , I MME ANUEIt.-VlX. IOS W'i ? I7lh -' ? ?vitli .???? ii. Bin? MM. --M ?I, lilt B> Ih? il?) .- ? . I i . ai il? ... i? |. .. i. ? ? M A II . i ,, . ,.. 1,010 ?;u. av? ,., ,-??;..; I ?:??.?? 'I'll Ih? i,.,. ?. '.??, '. i?hi ? na is' m< - i ,-.- ram ? . 12 a -? I - ?I I I .SOS ?'? ? SO ???!??" I" t-i-'ii..? Ea? mu v 'ii, a? ??-. ?>?-. I- nklrt. *?. lo ?I. a,, ?i Mr? : "l . 1 II WS 8th ave., n-at :,.: . - MM ?SMA Killt Fliml ? I o? ilre-airnaker ,,.|.| pi .? t. ?.-. m i?- - ui ? .... a - <-i?i ?a ?'. , ui?. , .1" S T Tail"- an.I M< I'?.'?? H a, ?, ,,.' :? ? |l :? I? - ?2 l"'i 'l"i' DRESHMAKEB, ???. rnell I M ? ??, nl MILLINER I'l"" ' I? ? a.'?'1."" lati??. , ? ?Km *?" i-- ? ' " ? ,i,.:i... Mme ELLA I.'.-'. W'?sl ?KM " millet: -? ?-??- " " *-?. .-. ni "t?o siimm?r .?..????? ai rea*i. prl???; ,..?.-; ?a cas . ,. ri-,.;. sIt?RIOI! DREHSMaKEI! ? -' rl? ' t., .... i?l. me,] l?. I ?Ir*? more ??ngas-m'-ni? In fir?? ? 11? mm Met i?-m- B "!-?'. i- r? ?? ,,:' ?"'"? I?.. "M B4h a, . si: \i, <; .i.MKV s altered ?' " ?'?'::'"1,',','. vi,!,.?/ ,,.?,..?? Mr. BARKI R'S. IS W. ! NUli-ii . lata with '' a riunitMi - S'; a? rat. IVI___ ?IIISIl?.LLiM*'0|S. WANT,II? Tlir?-?- SSeead Bal ' ' ? ;~ ,r",:l Ion .1-mI.-, m.-Jlum M tors? *"'" ? *"?' " i"iv?.i price AU.h-?? i^'* -'? Tn-oas. i Ill s|M.s? I IMM |;<i. ?. ?,..'? ? - I I'll || I? TIVI I ? i ? . ? ? 11.MSI , i i I. '. ? - . \ i il'P? iRTI'NJ ? . ' I | . ! i IIAN? E ... \I.M?i-', new II plat J .-??. It?, ,,. ? . - . |g l _.?> It, ?? i II l|.?)i,.'i -?,v .., ?i ME iipi.s ir i...n.., ? - - - . . . . , i , ,, ,? i -i r, i r,- " r?i . PAI LME ? CO., I., II? - P?l? ,.' . ? ' '" th -: ' ' III 'N' nu m \|;|, TABLE N'e? ? ? ? -..,-?., i . I M WM,1.1s-, ni ? n ai. \ . DRIVER a Married man in I . ? f mill? ? - -.i i ad i orae-i (li it er; Ihoi atghp leretai ?'? i ? ' r? '? ? ? 1 II M T1 . ml id: ?'.... il?!? '?? iMMIMfli i.\ |tin 'I I<t: '.'. ..!,?? hy on? ah? , had -, i?ir< ex| ? : 1er .- m i ... man ifa? l'ire ?n i ??I- of id ? ,r?t? I L ..?i?, i ? i ; . '?? ? I '.,? ?tie no ill? n .l-i-a-Hn-ni i <?.iiiini??i,i. In a li-.' ? lai - ih v? .-? ? rn i"''--|..i.-?, une ih ,r i ., n ? ? department i ;? '? ? ? ? p \ :?_?, i i ll.une LUT), . IV PANDER r , ,. ,Tl? ? i ill,. ? imp! ,? . : . . .. I ,..,Til -I In . Man i, SO, pa?? ?I C?r?| lai I.-. '.- 1 lo Inn-Hi!,. Mir. WM M III I.I.'"!.' I,v ?? II!.. In,I. I Foil . vi.i: OR :?i LET a large plan ' i1?--. m ?ul.llnu ?nd ?- rklng mill. In . ..n piel? ord? ? . well I.??,??? ?1 ,,-?, J? ki In III 'i, .., .-- -? ? Ig? ?, ,. . ? Ir full parti .liar, eppl) i?. JOHN l li vittn T?'.'? ':?: ., - Bro klyn l OB S M.?' \ well ??? ,i M?li d i.n i ,,?? ' -I o-?- ? hi? I? lia? i? ild H |i.-r ? ? I i ii ?nnutn on i.',.?i.i?Hi fui puai ni - yeai Im luding p??l two ?..?..?? hanker?' refi .. ... e? requin I A : In ? BESOLI'TE, 'I rlbiine ? ?"i ? I'. ?It SALE I'?- leim?; prie? I?.?. ??? labllehed Sotin?! ?umm*i hotel; fnrnlahed; good bust?e?i a.?loon, ?rwery: I?* ?? lion um 'i, pa? ? i. ran han i,v? ?N, 2\ i ..i Bow *r,'i: : it n \.\?;i: p,.r i,,. j ?. - ?ltd ?p?irtln?_ go .is. ?? r a rlothing ?nd ir--'iij)' furnishing good? ?to'??? ,..|,,i' in , Kan ? a? ?-II?. M ... bU? II".s I,lo, k. p. ?> I.,? 151t, 11 ,?? Ion Te? OIT 'H' TOM N n,. lia ni? i ?? m ?? '.r ' u?l ? ? ? n- yum .vi.. ri ' " 'I w H r I < Olli N 11?; w ??? i.i ' ' M? -.? York PATENT l'oll SALE \-n man. i."iin l] l.linn i .ne?. WILL RONE1 |n?l< pend? n? e, low? pus; id(i\ in?; n... , ?. i,aiii".i. in-a-i.|.? olslan... -land? .?il un?.?'.'!? annuel paient ioi '?I* LINCOLN H KKT'IIAM ? rr.inr Ohio TP.i'.l s TUEES! \ r mi I? llr?i . f W? Il ' , ? .. -, nursei | ?loek, fnill ?had? .?i?.i , ornamental tree? M Y TIOER, l'ai i l'hngU?, N Y, V MUE. \ STORE U ?? I i ?i ..?.?. .;;-? l?gate, oil Ctasaoa-sv?., , ,i ,i.-i si Mai k'? Plan III klyn, m ?*. - i fi i ifii et h : i - iMI ? i : ?rallve i i king bual?e?a; rare opportun ired pal In? lnv.-?imenl. Mil $'?,<? ,-i required e?|Ul?h|.-t.i In plant; i?, liad V y irl , I ? ?.Ir-i? CLINTON E, tJRA! i - -'" ,:' ?????" U'il.l, RE?? ?:..!>' .... furnlah? d If! | ,.,!i, ! " ' ' ' ?''-I''?. ? , ? .... m m? ni i? ??? ? ? loeailon d?r?li - ..i,.. _nd ,, ntral n??? ??? ?' ? P ? FI-IREN?'E. P " I-? L*??1 VI.I NK\ KB HAW XNV'IIII.V?: LIKE IT. Ihm i..? i led, barrel? ?I .nej m n .?';,,,,..' ,.. M| DICKWORTH I ?'" p? i i , ?I -vi ??? gam P?'R?'?IASES w?? Br?l mor????? i per .???? .i- ?'- Ihli s,, ..ins, , rlginal ? ??',,., ,., , ami direii l?h?d b] pa rila I Addrei M H v B, Tribune rwti?-? g_nn WANTED Intelligeni w?m?n to l?k? .f inter-?! snd '"" L "'",'" :!.'TMi.."n ,,?.i?? ?tor- Addree? STORE, T'? larksoa air . j.-.i-, i ? Its IWgms? HOAItn t-VAS TED. WANTED. PI. i?.ml tO'.iii?, parlnr. three ?leeplng r??>ni!< i.n.l hn'h. nil .- mmainl - ' n?, fer Benileman, ?if.? ana u?v. w-iin ' ?? I. i?, privai? t .mil- . earl ?' .vii-B'-e. ' ?'"I !??'..v.- .V?i|i-h. ,,,-.. f.-???.?. | location; , ;-- ".- ?nd ? - art must I ? ti?, i ? In ??; i-r ? ?a il'-- and >;i en Parti, niara, i ? .' Inn ... .| prii.- m mi i ?? ;;i?. n in In I .,'"?? "? A?l?'r? <? IIOMKSEEKEK, ' ? -?? ???i.e. IlllLI' W WTMI). Male ?? INTS WANTED f - 11 - m ?il p ?pular ' rlptlon i.k m a i>ul li?h?1 Add ? - ? ',' ?Il s s. iv oui i ithi.isiiin?; ??o., I ll'? ?? ? ''?".. World IMIldln.. Ne? Yorli. AGENT* .-,,; ... ...-. .... ?,?..) ?a "... .-.?no? h a . unti n add ;, ? ????? i :?'? rated manufsctui - ha? ? irn ? i |22.<?X< in r nr rom reutlv? I ". i.::TI. N". i? 1 ?: ... ? .lei I vet iiur , aril - ,' ii??>? ? ?..? ? . I.;,,;?,- Ill 111 111 .?n? p ? ? m? iniii??-if lru?t?i nhv; i ring rm .11 ?- urltj. II II KMITII ..i, so, l'anal it. ! HARDENER WANTED SiiTbV. mil?? un ?I? i - ?? l. i',.|. and i'.-- ??? - I hoi ugh e of co? ?? i| . hick. n?. ??lilri ?,. iviiii full partlrul ir?. ?latin? r> f ? i ? ? i. a, . i: i: . il V .- - \ ' >'? ?RDEN?R WANTED t r T m i '; t be . .! ?ml Ii nrd . ' ' '??? ill. ral ? ?? i. ?i ni -? ijiilre.l i?.. Ill \ 15, ?lull : i." i i" Tl.'NU general ... ?nta llu ughoul N ' Btat? and I- ?here for dell? a i of ' ??eil- use; reliable men. WHITMAN ORO ?'BUY m i ?range, Maw M i . .? ar >n m . -. ?? | ?. ? a i.n.l I ' ': n?i ?Ii llverin? : goud ?arase?; I-' ? tri h . ?pilai ? ?? ? lj? ? .?i. ill.EN ? Hit? IS I- ? Y y. j N .? NTED \ I. nj I ??? >. ? I n p. lenl '"? -, n??. nf th< . tii? ?? n i .?? .???air -. ??' ration ? Ith ? number of . letk?. ... ? o... ???;.? m? n? ?? and ?alar; .-;..??. t? i. a. B, ?' . i ?-?bun? ? ? , ; WANTED In th? ..fti. ? of a ? rpot-llon I? b ?l ixii M vean ..;?i. one aim ?? ' - - i _a i hand ?ml ha? ?om know! ] I a typewriter an 1 who live? with I ? lila i areno preferred \ !?'..? ? ?taiing \|.'net ?n i ?alar) want. J, |) Y. . I | i rit m., om, ? WI NTED Farm. ? ami ? inl? wr; ?b ->?1 In all l .-m w h ... ire men? nf il.le ami " rlty; i.??arj ' i nun 1? I nd i ? i ? ?,5 ? . I . ?rd i!. h , B. \ :?" Till .me ? irn. ?-. ?? , in? m.nullt?. ? - talion "r . -?..-. ?? ployed lllll.l' \\ A-.THD. leiiiflle. ' ?s .leslrinti -i- i ? ' M" "?H i' -?"?? i i 421-1 \!.i-:\ i. INITTON M II It lv M Willi). Male. A - WM. 1. Il ?RTl'Nrt, ? ni o. ! \-i : ? .-. i . . : ....: i: m Sh, Il i1 11 w. t YorXO MAN ? ?i sreal ? \| I? I \ . :. A . i. \ 1 ??'-" I 242 H? idway. A REHI'Ell \KI.i: 11? M ni I have a Iperli vil ?????? flou M- I l>. ,. I Spi r.i t . . -.?? Newark N J V i ?,-?..-? .... : | ? ? m- ? i-' ?? In I. 1YM 11''. AN ?.1 A \. -; S'il M \ M. K i penman . ?_ -ai. ?? ?il M?-.;-- . ke< i ? ' ?n e-perl ., n??ni ncl ange f.,r h n . ils) . ? il .un? .. ' AI.VIT: I ; -iv.i POLI? I r? ?R ne? ?rui-r 1- ill ? - i ? - . . ? : obj? ?Il ai ? - SEW YORK, Be* 14. ' ? :' _ A?.. N , M \ S 1 - a In an ". ? ??.t ? -?> a ' ? ? ? i< ni M lu- Il ''ER IR., S3 S Hi i - -. Espen, la..-n? . 'ei- J :, ?? ni?.in evenlnta ' -?? ? ? - term? mod v ? ? ... ?-, I? . - ? : ? ? a-, m ,.-i in ? ? ? i ? Using K T? II11,1? II. ui _ i ? i. . i v : i i. ? ? . n-.? ?; MAU Wish, i . M i?. - Kk i ' .-i It -1 waati - ' ? ? . ? ? I? l? Uli I.IS- .K - I I ?I . I Kl?n DRU KLATI.I ; k .. repairing ireaway?, . -, HoMAM . IAN ISO I ' !.\? h -Ml .- ' I I. ISB I? O 1. ? -.1 ' ' ? ' IIVRNI . \ i i ? ? ?. i INSKI, ? "i i.? ? ? . . - ? ? ' i - , .- . EMEBEBEBMj OB ? ? ? ma? ... ' i . Il? .'? I, ?di ?un ... I ?ir.?.it,.?: ? ; ? I i : -, ? DRU i ? i - ,\ . -. ? \ :k WILLIAM i \?. \ s ? llana? ? ? ' H - n?>t afraid ??f ? - . It -in ?:: ?; ? r??R Rl v'M II II ?,?? P ? i i : ? K ? -' Bl I n E.ViJIN'l ER. SI n , i. M. ?1 N .1 w ENOIN'EER imei i ?n \' .? ? ? rep iir? ?n i ? n il Ine i i let?, ami ?-???? ? ill form? I ? ; i ?H'lVER 1-7 Waverl BV? I : ?E.voiM r i i-- una nan. ria? in - k I refen I. SNYDER, : :? ? |l ? ?: I' ENGINEER m ? ,.-.-, r.'ferenre I ?' 112 Ba?l IP" ?I ITXORW W.KI'.P ar 1 K-n? ... ?aTeeman ? ? ell III ii in i.-rail ill j Li-- heal reference? Add". Ki Mil ILL Ten ill?. N I ??Pvri.r.MAN ,,f r?v?r i-n i, ?,- , ?pwi, , n - in in ititul i ?n - ? 11.?- r iniend nej d? rh,-? rharg? "f IwxjJMtal lanllarli m , ? ?um ?.I referen ??? .??:.!??-? it. x :., ? M i I ?JOR.>? i'i;i;i?i:i! 17 year? old. wlahf? | i . n - \|- ? le?. \? M KROSNAHAN, 71 N?s ?'li-i'ni-i ' IP o i i; .,i , fi . painter, 4."?. ?l?-i m in. ffeeii,!,,^,., ..,., ,|, e ,,..| work, no beggar, MM,.-. Welk e, |, ?ll|, ,11 ,f tlli.l. Vl?ll?-'? K K _.i?;_ glh a?e. JANITOR Man arid ? If? ??ill III ilai ?? no rhlldn n well i r immend ? ... s,., i.,i language?; man li..ndy Mi M sga iv? ?i I7_i -' M w V' , ? , i. rk m hotel; man, 4.V 14 '?ar-' ?.x|.?-i ?.-n. ?? aa manager ran fm ,'isr.?. loi ? refei en ?a, H. II.. 44 ' ;? " ,. . li.klyn. M l< ?MINIST v ?mi lu, i?ili a y? - ? > perlen?-?, wann work In moh?n?- ?hop t.. tiiii-ii n.,,1". ?I SPILL, r.*. Somera it. Pr i kl- n. ll. ?TER in ,,!? e'i and ni ?ist, oaidl? in, ,nd .-. loi luaihin; I?*?' , r ?-f.- . , . ;s . i-, m,,? k -, . Piulad? I phl? |>nn. P UNTER" papyri in?er, kal? ?n ner, pta? ?il. ? . ? '?'.t prlvali N. PIRE, 100 K? ' I4lh -' PRINTERS ?ml P?'II?.?SHBRS .Vell-In ' .. in- 1 print? i dl -!?? ? ?K.IK llo-lll . h '? Mied r?*?n??n?lb|e |?wltion?; i apabl?; i ???? ? i ? n? ?Pi: i,: Broadway, N? ? llave?, ? i,n PORTER a ??renn ? una man (231 a? . i .i ?imitai work <? i . Ti Ibun? (?tu.... . PRESSMAN ? n hidf-1. ne and ?l ? ? i? n .. work ?lead . rallabl?; Universal in?? JOHN l/ii;i II -'ft ? ai'li Mti m , Pie I | I . R D, l'"i: : ER >i MESSEVH ll :n youni ?"l ??red man BOBBINS l?iW I'utton ?L. R,. obi] a lei:.-?! i;? i ABLE YOl-N?! IRISHMAN ?l? -i ??- i la? ?? ,,. i.a, i< n ,, : - i iaatat?nl. i? ? I, .-.i.-aii? iv.iik.-r. trustworthy, i,ui.?i ?le, I"llalli- ?1 l,-a.? , \|?i i.-li, ' llr-' ?ll-? i? '????n. .- QERAilHTi . .'-"a; ?Id-av? SIIIPPIN?; ,. r-? ?i? in?, rl? ? ,?r; |,.,. i,. i, it?, rui maul?-.I iii.i'i, m I afraid of u .?k . ?ood laarker; i ipaMe o( haniliin? help: h???l i ,' referonee? ?dgreM SHIPPER, T?llame ?Jttl. - STRONO, SOBER INTELLIGENT young n,m ilrairw employment .i- porter; wag-? r: . |..i:,,nl,i ,.l,|e.i. wllllni and ..l.tlirli??. Hi-i. las? n|?.. I'll'iMPS? iN. ?Ms M ?al .'.?lih ?t. KTi:\o?;i:uMii:i;. typkatutki; eral ?.rri?.- man deslros permanent pos! il..n. lu M-.ii-' ? xp.-rlenre lust ?-, i.:,r . li? e?. will leaie ,|f . ?IS p.-r V.-k IlK.M INOTON, Tribune Ofnre _TEN? ?llt.\plli:i; and lyp?MVrtler (Smith ?r Voall ami a??l?lant 1-H.kk? ? |?-r ; I aing man. 21, ?lale ?alarv. T. I?., ?am Y. M. C A.. P?tei??>n. N. I. WORK IVAKfTKD. Male. IT, BARTHOt/JMEWg ANNEX fllA Ea?| 43d ?I . CSS i apply I ?okke<-per?. I rlerks, orgenlsts, watchraan. lanltor?, pack? er?, port?ra, bojr? fro? 14 10 17. fee.; hII refrfencea are ?refully Invest?galas; "iit i.r-ii.r.ii , ,.i i.-sj.und? ti ?- r.un.-Htij golicltsd. A LANOTON, --'if'lnKii leat. ?-?;??:>.-? ".i.Ai'HIir.. typewriter, onVs .?!? Hl-',.'it; rapid, it-'' ana .?Kperlenr^.i; references and reeommemlatlons; aged 21 ? Kmltl I" ??' ? -? digraph. A, r-IMONSON. I:?.< I3?, Totten?! II! '. K, I. I-,? Ult'lWIlHS ,,. EXPRESS COMPANY A llrsi -.-' a?-? I|..-y.??li?..i v. isln-? to iHke charge ..r a ?t, -i? '.. i.v.\. m. ??:; Ann-?i., Newark. N, ?. T??LOH ni i .lapane?? young man; B ?rears' ?sp?rteace. Addi-M* POSHIDA. i 120 l'herrj il rpHoLSTERRR wants trorV In privat? rPIloLSTERER, ICH Itwgen-w., I : Ijrn. l'PH?LSTERBR, strlctl) reliable, would work for famille?, rit) or country, "ii fnrnii'ir.. ? a pets, mattresses, --1 i g ? ? , i pol ihjns I'HHOIJ-rTBRBH, SB n.i-t h*l! - _ ri'iiiii.-'Ti:i:iN'; V i >RK ??? mi I ? n far? ? lore, nrtattr? ?aea, i ?i? ??? i, ac, : rtty or rounlr)'- B? ' ?'? TOX, 2 ??ianl Circle, j ? ..n.I Bth-ave. VV vT- mm \:: Day - r nlgni; in ?>r out ??' city; highest reference -?? to character f i last 2U years, it HANTeEl. l". \", VNTI1I' I'.r'-n l, ?-?nt'eman In pi im ; life . ?-a i- ? t.-- and ? M"-i '? ' ?? i offl ? m?i igemeni in raanufaeturing un?! pub:i?hln? III ??. well posted in m .1 era adver.lalng; good tA?rtm and pleaaani manner?; would InveM ?mall ?mount. a . i? STEADFAST, Tribun? Office TOt'NU MAN -'?. wlatiea po?ltl n a? ?inp i-ln?- an.I receiving clerk. C. V. BIKER, JOl \V.?t l.T',1 it. V. ll'N? MAN'. I?. ?p-al-.inir an.I English, desire? ?lluatlua; bent r?f.:?????; ? .. urliy if i? lulrctj. I- RED, .i iX>RDES, -1 rforatl ? Vlll'NO MAN, 28. d??li-es 1.7-ltT. ? wh?r? i . ?, i ? ? ? ?i I... had: ?in.lerstnnd? f home?; -,..-r .. fi tenet Y. MOIUTZ Uli Me?eri le a - Bro klyi _ V??l'N"i; MAN. L2. I Iron*, with ?ome bust? i ? ?a ?XI ??? ? : ? ? All I ? ?'. ?I mj -iiinj. '?llAltl.r.S M MITIN. '.?; Marlon?'., Hi . klj n. ViTVi; MARRIED man* 28. sot afraid ? ?f work, hand! ttttb '? at?, would UK? v?.,rk ivlth ?om? larg.? houae. Address .1. H M MITIN in;: I!??? ?<? . III. .Itlvn TO?'NO MAX. in year? old; good penmai e?p -i.?? . ,- , ?to? k ? :?-rl,. -111 |.l o n,..:.t preferred t.? liberal MU.**! \ Ml l?li'AN ??'?'.; "??'lit >n ?t. Brooklyn. 1. >i '??; MA X, with goo i n ferem -. i| In? ' !? 11. ?n ?a ?sii.--, an) p >?ltl ??. K. SERB ?i?"K, .'.! Ul iv?, VOI'NU V '?' III? n in whulesal? I UM ? ' ??? ' n .i-ti '. an.I Intelti Ben. - ..r. appr?ci?t???! i' Bos I, Ti Ibun? | ? Voi'N? MAN". IT. ?:-! ? - ; lion ? I.-'" I abllli) anil gtn?lem ??'.\ rharacfer ?a-n emenl .1... I. ft r>( ? eference fui nuiied if t. ml : JOSEPH SUBA, 11? ?? . ViiiN'i; MAN, 20, win ?'. ?rears ?xperlenoa m ill leule sill; and Ivel houaa, wlshe? \ ? - EDWARD I'.'o ;i.i av? "VOI'NU MAN "'.'! "Am?7-:- o, u- ??. I. . .-' ?i iun<l p .,'? r making m ? ? . ? ? i or ran (Ire --? am b ?li? er, best reference?. IIAVLIN, Ix? E??i - _ WORK Y? A.VI'F.D. Female. A PARISIAN VISITING GOVERNESS I'll ::, !!? ? .; -. tern ri?*Ti ns dll .:;,? ig*d MME FFRENCH, Dili * ?, ??-.* ' J?N?TRESS, 2 or j ??.--.? lo ? ,.,. I.. :, ,i, tabl? widow ! ? ?'ipp-irt little boys. Mr? BRENNAN, 5*3 . ml i II MASSA?! t.i . a- . fh.r ?l-*lr i- ?raduate; ?Il ?liment? treated ? .,;? . Mi- It . Tl.: ?'.- . ? ?1 ENOOR ? i 'HER ?n?i TYPEWRITER. S ?..?.. ' ??.;?. r i? n. a, wlal i ?Ituatlon a .<??;?> knowledge -f I-. .;. l,--..|,i!,.- or ..:;?...- v ? I. i r< reren:?. I' .i n. -'?? ? :, w in STI M H ?RAPER and TYPEWRIT.'-:!:". . Smith Pr-rrier marhine, deelr*? ? .-. - . ,.-' ... |,... ..-a--.-. I ?-?' , f Addrn? Bog M a.ant;.- N J DOMESTItJ SITOAT?o?S WANTED. Mule. a rEND ?N'T, ?. ? i ai - ? mpan a, i > .. m ddlo-aged Kng?ihman,- well ?du? '..l ? - ? tent -ml capable; :',', year? in !.. -? ?|n,?.|. n . rfervm i ? Ad ? - ??EU. Boa p.? rrlbui.;-. ? ? MEBI? 'AN M v \ i? ?:.'? -,?:?" n f. ? r, ur. 1er?! a I . . farm work . ? an milk ? take ran f hoi ??-. ? . ? i. :-r.?-. . a Idr? ? ? \\ i?. Tril una ? . on no k ?-? p.'.'.'ii ?t. \ ROI IS I ?-' - a -???- ?' 1. ? ?til t. , | lag and salan ? IIOMAS WELSH, -"-'? i 111 id-t ii ? to And ?ll for first .??? ?!?. roughly : ?. Hal - ? , . ' ? . UEH V '-it: 112 Waverlej Pia? - HI Til B .'. ' II , . l|? r. J mail a? ? - ? !-? -f-l. || ,.. II r.'lKllti ,..|i: ; i H . ? : . Ill . i i.l. l ? n. ,. I i f ? - i IICNKi II IHRISON. :u 111 ? I.ER .?: '. V ?LET l: ? - - I Mil I ? i.' '! I.::p. ? ?? . III 1 l.l.p" ? ?1 li'.-l- p. 1,1 ... ' . Pill .LEI ' -I .n ?i| dull ?, ..?? ii - ??? it in. ? .???. ll rltv ret A \ __1 \V. Id ft ?? \i:i;t\k Ell Sea Engl in 1 a ? ? ?? nial? ? ? i'A LOW ELL, rti? I'ARETAKEI - It? ; - ? .II? man?. -, ? ??. r senil, mi for i ???VI WILLIAM l!7 \' . ? I ? ' -? II, 1 . - ?I -?-?I COMPANION iiv a in.-Ii. il ml?? n.irj ? . invalid n ..i ? ...iiiK m ii ? ?p< I. n ? i. in -lllll.lM >N. Ill :?: - ?> ?Ai'l IMAS !' lira ? -- . ? ,. : mi' be?! clly referet . ni| , - -. ? i ?.. f. :i.??! .-.,|| ? addrcM ' Il SOI ?II.-I I?. ? ;,in ? ? ??OAi'HMAN. I ? ? us under? . - , .... n ,,.. ? ? ? ? ,- personal <-lt? referei ? ,. id nbllBlna i '?II i r uldr?-* ? i . is? I'ark-i ? fOAi'llMAN Hi young manled man: g i driver; ten yeara" u--it of clt) and |.??? , nal ref? ? m ? Addre?? M \ RI ?LE, 344 Amsterdam i? ?-.. prit .??? ?lal i ?-. > \ iivas Cnderetand? hi? buslne??; ? r- i .-. n.-e. laat ? mployer can be r'ngllah; married Y n. IIS Eaal _ i ..v. HM.'.N Married; no enrumbrun.-e; ' ? r. i- ?..i ? uid talc? cars of a genii .a. a i pi?. ??. if, or ? ..inti-i. M. Y. i-.i ?- ?ir? -t Brooklyn ???? viixi AN ?nd ?BOOM By , ? .ung man; ?l?o understanding car? ?-f genii? m n ? place. I. V . ear? I. Hull IIS W?sl . I ? COA? II MAN an.I (HARDENER B) ? married msa ?2 rhlldr?n); general!) urn tin ?round gentleman ? piar? good milker; ? -ill drivel P o I!.>i ?II. Mamut.. N I COACHMAN Qentleman ??nit. situation for iii? coachman, whom b? ?nn iiis-iiiv r immend an Brat rlaaa in .?wry rwperi, ?In. I..i? lite.l ?I'll him ?he Iron 7 i.?ar?. ?ni or ?ddreaa I4S EaM Hal a? ' ?. ?? MMAN. DRIVER ?:.1 rider; an? demanda gai den work and s'-neial li??u? work; Hrst-ela?? reference?. PETER, cars <?f ?tahii. ?ru? Ea?i UMth ?t. ???Ai'liMAN Single; n- ' appearance; ihornughl) underatand? hi* busln?-??; will? ing an.I nblicinc will be found ? good, re llabl? ?ervanl good reference?; country preferred Addre?? THOMAS, ll.?x S3, 1 243 IT..a.I?, . . rOAITIMAN Hi a ?Imn? nun liti.l.'i ?land? l.i? bu?lne?a In .?very detail; em pi red ... i inllor al preavnt, ? .?u ? i I -V. ?l.i ??-. 1. loo |- .-. 7.1,1. at. i .m 11.\ian i ski ri. M \n around i- nilrman's place; m?, | ears' country ref. ?rem e; middle affed ,*.T Irvlnsj PI. ? ...\i MM IN ?nd ? ; a m KNRR ?am? state; t?i-' ?n???:iu m?.i. highly r.n mended CANTY, IA2 8th ?v? I'oAi'MMAN" .im! Olti'i'M Iiv y,..inii mo i led m.i i; understand? hi? burin???; will Inc. obliging clt) m- country; ?nod i?-f>?i en-e?. Addre l DOLAN, 100 W. .V.,1 ?t. '?o\.||M.\N md ?iH'MiM |iv n si?u?e man; undei-land? care "f line ti.,r?ie?. rarrlagr?, ...n? aarsas? la every parturular; I i? t.i-i disengaged; atn? y.-ir?' , it?.- refer ! ??n- ?? from on? family; ??in <.r country; { II) '. mperat?. .1 H . IS i...?r L'mIi ?I COACHMAN Thorough ttorseSHUi and trainer; ???, epi..,i reference? From he?-I BBd ?broad; t. ?? ? last .-mployer. EX- I PB I I H v :..".. I '.'IL? Broadwa) ?I'viiMA.N By i,i^i, in?.? man married ?I i,-i. a .n..-. sober, oMlgtng. Ad . I". S., n .v 7. I.-4-J Broadway. r-OACHM?N. I?: a r..-;.-t.o.i.- Oerrnan I '? ? .u'.ii! ? ni m. as coaenman in pr?vale f.imiii Addre?! ALOTS BERNZ, .u>.'. : II at a\ ? . Astoria, !.. l ?It-.. COACHMAN ?'. mpoteni, i-llaM.-. moat 'i'.i .null groom; good horsemsa; ??m??ii- | ?need driver: elt] or country; grrutralli ii?? fnl. not ufrnl.1 work; .". ven?' r>-f 'i.-ii.. lad place. E., Bra i?. Tribun? om.? _ COACHMAN ?nd OROOM Can do ptala gardjanlns; i? bo??i elly an?l ?oaatnr ?iriv^r. will be Benerally uaefol; besl ref teenetm. Addre?? JAME.-", llox IX, Tribune Offl. ? COA'llMAN ?R, KngiHhma?, 2S] ?roid po ,,ltl >:i a? ? ??a.-hmiin nn.l n?eful-m?n; es cell-it character. Artdre?? FRED ROGER.??. a v 2, i"y 4th-?va. , DOMESTIC SITl ATION? WAXTE Mnle. : OOATBMAN Married; no famdy; w i cook ?"nd laundr?!-? If ii-.iuired; m ll; irougnl) Understand? . an- O? h' raes a carriage?;'wlllln? and oMIglnz; oeal i erenre. WRIGHT, 333 Esa* W'.'ri M, COACHMAN, ?'"?np.-t.-nl .?nd rellrih thoroughly und?prst*uid? his- busine ! b?n rlty refeftmir?; \2 ye?f? ?itti ta-t * I pi?.1er. can ??-fir to psrsoaalty. H3 W? : r.stii-st. , COACHMAN POOK By a S? f.i-: man a? , ?,-i-timan aril gardener: j milker: wife pood ,?>k. Iiuindi-? a hou?ework?*r; r?.?I refere????; country pr j fmrwd ? ?? 11 m .ii f-:.-i?i rjTtii ?i. COA? IIMAN. I"nditaianda his busine? i iiK-..,? :!.-., i- agi lab; n-, d ?? r- ?run i ; LISTER. ,.,!> .,f M. I Moos?, Jr.. , W.,i ? -:. __ i COACHM ?N ind OARDENKR By ?I gl? man; linder*tand? !?? -r.?--?. ham an?l ? arria*".', ?in milk; generally iii?ef on gentleman ? plat*; ret?ren?*?. Addre I U.. Bo? 20, Tribune Offlce. i ?COACHMAN OenHeman parting wllh h horse? ?rants ?Ruat?o? f..i hl? iroat'hmai I ?tilgte; temp?r?t,- thoroughly expertene* 1 rlty ?,r < ? m r. -1 s : umfanuaada gardenlm I milklntr: generally unefttl Wage? i. BROWN. P x SO, Tribune < ?fti?.. FARMERS Tnt me; willing t? i-.?,! Norwegian, '_'" years old : temperate; l?-i r?f?ren?as tddr? i Til. CONRAD SB I. queer-?!., Broolclyn,_ FARMHAND Is kind of ??work ?,n f.ii.o: narrt' 1. ?-' 1 ?!?? ill? kind of ?Tori ! all l:lnd? .,t repairing. ? . TXI.HUT. Pos j n"1-'?. N. Y. No eard* \ ?FOOTMAN .o WAITER Bi ? man of SB. In prlia?.-1 r >mil;. : ??xa-l id '-.?.-r,,-. ?peak? English ar.,1 piem-li. Ad ?ire?; )?. ?-,, 447 W?SI .'.\Mh--t. OARDENER It> a nan who iinder?lan.l plata tsaid-nln? an?l ??ire of ?.?unir ?took: g??.d milker and driver. AMEit I?'AN. 254 M h ave. O?RD?NRB Pi married man: under .?.r?tanda all ?lad? f srorii on p?a?"'; ai? ? .a-.. ,,r horass, COWS If n ?inlred. ,;in ?'.,, ,Ti|,-rt?r ?,.rU, be?! o elt) referm?e?, [AMES, Tribun? OHI?-e. QAPDENER P ?ingl? man; ml?MI-' ag? i. i:.,iie-i and ? Ber; e?perien?ised ii all Hie V.-II-W .,n ? country puica; rare ol horsei iBd ? ? w.?. Addresi I.\N?;. 2s ?-vn ti.n-st. O?RDBNER and WORKINO MANAGER Uy Qanii, ag? ?I ;;:". willed, twenty. two ? -.?n' ?xperti n? ?-. nndeir'ard? v?.g '?tal.lea, fnrts Bower?, tree?, land* a;,. -t. ... n p?tent r ? take full ehargM of r*n tlt-Mn'l ?rst-elasi country place, wiVr? i all -, s. eite'., ar.l Ir.d'istry are r> '?llr.... |lf!e. - ,-;i.' r..|..-..,,,,. ; ,e g ,,\ pi?, ? lo work ??n sh,r? ? Addreu TP.I'ST VVORi ii', p. ,, . W? it ICnd. N. .'. GARDENER and MANAOER. By a thor ?. i thl? e.a i,- '? -? ; ian . man :????. esp 11 - ? n .?-.| rnae an i grape grower; aim muidi room?; ?r.i ? ? ibl? iw*r: under gtaa? ?nd ;'..,'.: und? : -: ral ? ? he ? ara ?< lawn? and tl .??? r garden; written an.i p.-i a..nil r-fereri?. ?. fall .r a Mr.-??. II. V., rare ol Butler, flor!??, ft" Ur ?Jway. GARDENER i; ., iTngl ? man; 1 i year? ? ? ? ? ? .-1| ' -, lloWera, Ir il ?. la-vn?. vegetable girden; em lak? f,;;i charga of geni , i - .? -i ref? i ?^ ? - i It?, 1 'j*4 i. GARDENER Bj .? ?;, ;".? ma.i . -i- e?,i| |; rimi ughl) ;?,.., ? \-. ?*_C?d In Ian?!?,-up- floricultur? ir?--? finit. ?-??;., -tai I--, managing ?! help, .-? . ? . um an i I . th? I? ?. private placet - omi.n< to ia'<?. fntl i?a plan open lo ga?err.enl no?* ; i?-' reference?. NORRIS, 4:11 V. ?; ?RDENER R? ? ? . ? man wlih thorough pra< tlrsl ', 1 wie.t^.. ,,f n. nes?. nn.'.ei j'ii-. and ? .' if loon and I ? general rar? ?f .? flr?l lass rauutrj pbue; hsi :?'??,-? ability. Ail Ire? I.. I. Ho? !?... Tribun? offli ? GARDENER ind t'SHFFI.-MAN. B> y.'iirm' nein I?. wh unden ?, rows, ppultry, also lawn ara ?-n: an prt? ite pla- - ?, i 1,,-si r-f-r?-, -- PETER ill.AV-K - ??? of Brhlobnhm, privat? gard?*ner, _kn _S4, P?*ek?jklll, N Y GARDENER Bt ? reap* * ? * I ?. man -r?? rt?ni S years ref? ?-:?..? fr ?n : ? - mpl - er, who can b -? en In tht? ..?v. thorough!? ind?-r*tand* hi? btarin*si I .?.?ea. r *r ?no t!,.- f i>( riei-iir-, im? and all I t fniH- tl? ???? I vegetaM?M, li .t'n under ?lue? an?: ?Mil of d ?or? ?also I ?' of ne? 11...???- and Ihe Impr ?m? ni ftf ? Id one?; , | ?! , ? ? .?. ??'. ? in k" -I'? ll.-- ?. ?' Ing in I -1 oi-J? ? GARI ?EN Eft. il? ;:?- '- - gXrDE?ER and PA RMER Man ?lie. no ?-iiiiii-.-n. * m' a ?ituailon on ?? ir. nlleffl ?? '? i. man ?iril-r? ?lenlng an i farming: wlf? und-. h . Ik ?? r- f-- i. - ?. .!-?.? i'?. H. \ ?; G \p.i>i:m:u md i i -. ? ? : i - . - u "?i tl.eoT. -|e,,l a!,-. ; ? ' m l* ,?? Ig? . amp? leii? md plannlni tir-t ? :.??? ref? ???'. ? ? ??'?? s it KARL STROM 1??T II? t it llr.-.klin. GARDENER ?nd FLOR?ST By in?n. bret <f reference?, J. ? . ?- B?) ?' M ?;? lar. N J_ GARDENER and FLORIST.-A??*d 3V - I .1 veal? ? ?I el '. -? In ??li i ? ,.. i.- - of i, ?rtl? ill i-- an I : ?n. - ,. dvnlng; flret-claaa roaa ?grow?? can ?...... ' Ing ; - eui ?mi?" t.mji ?? -,e?jfe'?i,i? ... wan!? ??? t?k? . ha i ?c f genllemai ?place n j if. ? ?? - t-: M lu.? it?; f.ittl? su? ?r S i HARDENER and FI/?RIST n , - ? ?< gai .,? iing; k ?..I i??'? ill? ?Ingle; a.-. : :IT U I Sit EH I . M \ || \ Y <; IRDENER ?? I it/,pi-it ll? , a? ?n ,,.n.. child) ?land? all branche? f \ . ? ? ,. GARDENER i fan nag ? ? un i ; ? Hlel ? ??? I | l| ? ? ? ??- aril . ? - good from la?! empl ?.- r ? :?? u V i? PARR1 . town, N. V, GARDENER B ? i? f man, tin lone ,-hlldl; -.. <..'.,l |? aar ? ? all 1 nd? , f r.-; aim ;. ? |3u month; ?n>?l a'.r.??? ?'. p. Tribune I ?HI - ?; \lll ?ENEIt R? ? ' a, in (i Ih ? Hand? I lit ***** eriji, : .? i ,-ir? i il Ire .':: I n - i. i-, ? and Ih? man ?seme?'a |>!ac? ha? Hi -? ? , ?- i ? and prei employ? - ? di ?? m <:\ \s ? .... ,,r n Trail it. i l?i \\ all it. . ;.i ?;i ?EN?E 11) n m irried man cap? ? iak an full ? ? ft ?< gentleman'? a gai len n od muehr. >n I ullei makei ? ?i refei ? a. ? ? I ?lAHOBNBR. ?l*--"? '"I i ? A? O Mtl'I.NIT! I-. - . I horough I ] ? ? ? ? -. . i .1 \ branch, n .. pi I? ..'? ; a ? h. bl? ?ervlce? ?HI be required irlitl) iemp?raie, honesi willing and otdlgil ? nil parti .ii..i?. I. UALVIX, SOT loth ?; a tDENRR in- ' I'l.' BIST, ?ennan" mai " ' famll; . understan i? -11 : of ? ark ? n genil?m in'? , ci- ni. .?i-?., f. ipery, Im? and coW frame?, fruit ?nd vegetables; l--?' rwferei ?? Ad ?!?? -? II PACSE. I' o! River, N V. ?ARDE?ER Bj a married man; t..iu under glass and ouiald* ?rortr; 20 i?s' raperlence; referen??? from u?? em? ployer. Addrew w. D. TRIO A LET, 1-' i:. , ei ?1 . Plit?fl?ld, MaM OARDENER Thoroughly ?ind????-? btHtnesa: highly skilled In a rmrhmini? and gr?|t~rl"? and the full man? agenteal "f ? genileman'? place; lilghc-s r-f^r.-me? Addre? ?1. Ho* 139?, 1.242 liroadw?). OARDENER By ? ,- ? la rapabl? of t ?kins charge of a gentleraan'a p ace; understand? ? ?"?* "f a?? k and poultry , i.ix tear? on prea.Mll p! .????. UM T. MNRII.LV P o K v 288, Vil It? I" ' : -. N \ _ HARDENER Practical vegetal)'.? and Bowet g-srdener; can drtv? and milk; i* ?mu,-t and obliging. Addreaa U.. Bos li. Tribun? Littii-e O?RDRN*ER B) "bi rm in man! ! ?mail famUy; ha? charge ?I pr???BI ol hi. h.iiH-K grape rl?s, ??srelahlM, fruit and atoara ? ground?; leave? pceaeni atai.a n. ?ouB? >r ii*n?h ir. Um family; ins plac? nut to i..? kepi any more; IS ytottf refer ? ? from pr?sent ?nployer. Addrssa W. n? MotUave. mil lOSth ?? QARDMMER COOK By mini.-! roupie; nun ihoixNurhl) rornp?teni in ih? rtiltl ration at goaror? and vet-ratable? ?nd even thing ? r. n ml gentlemaa ? place; wlf? ? ' i. an.I Duller maker: km-I rlt- i.f-r en .? A Idle?? I M. TritMMI I'ptoWB Of Sce, 1,242 Broadwa) OARDENER Hi a married Enaliahman understand? frull? t1 ? ? - .---il \ .-.-?-i- . l.i..?: tit -, .????,?. teatln--nl_t> Bnarllah I ano ?imerlcari; si..????'.-?? . .. i? ? '? ? .t Apply rRED. BBTHELL, '*?'-' Franklin ?4 Norwich, i ???tin ti ARDEN ER Single; thoroughly egpert? ??>i? .-?I lu all hrun.ii??? ..f gardealna. lay? i?m . || and lmp?-.iv..iii. at? .??? ?i. ml.?, in .uestionable referen.? Addrssa i-T."i: IS r, .-"i Cita, U ag Island. iiit'inM la priva?.- atable; un<_tr?iand* bualnea?; p?i?mil nnJ written refer??"?. CANTY, IS2 tth-ay? ii'irsuMAN A? thorough houseman' ?n derstun.l? all kind.? ??f !?>.tt?i?*\v.,rK. etc.; 1" '?.ir?- r.?frr.-n.- from l??t ?mployer. Addresa M. F., 1.227 Broadway. MANAOER.- Miirrk.l man educated! ex". peri?m ?d and reliable, wishes position a? malinger of'? farm, .-?.. ci.illv Blted f.?r care of ?tttek tat in. POPE, ISS \\.-l I 'olKlll.l-?!.. Itf'Hll.ll. MARRIEtTmaN. no chlldrm, wiab, ? ?liu atlon on aMUeraaa's !%?< -. la Aral fanner; unsentaada thoroughly iiu- man? agement Of fjnn and men, Wlf? gi?id bm ler maker; Inns referees??, i. St., Bog m Tl I line (Mile-, MANAOER. Mii.ii.? a?.d nan ?. manager ? f genilsasas's fsna 01 plaee; th.-roughiv undei gtaada farmim- and Improvement? of ?ii kin.i?. r. r. J., ii ?x T:'. Port Chsstsr, N V. MARRIED MAN, ?h.?miKhiy understand? the care ,.f horse? an.I . otv?. good milker; ??Uli reference. \VM KITNZI.ER, ?21 W.?t-?t . W??l ll-ihoken. N l PANTRY MAN ??ni. ?ork, tvlllmg to ,!,, anything. P. BWERTH, car.? Miller? Il ?tel, ?.VI UV?, 2uth-?l. I'SEFUL-MAN. -Married; Swede. -".? tiiT ? lei ?lui.I? care of hor?.??. cow?, poultry ?nd a-ardenlng; good r?fer?nc?a. \V., lJ..x ??2. Whit? Plain?. N. T. i OOMKSTIC SITl'ATIONS WASTED ?In I?. ' NCRSE, ATTENDANT and ??'MPANiON to chronic alcoholism. In?;,ne or lnvaiia. im- sceptlnnable ref.-ience?: thorough maa I ?eur; Willing, aober an?! obllsins: ""?"?? | ?ai, |; travel?. THOMPSON, 214 M fr? I - -'_ RESPECTA BLE MAN. I?'? Isnded. et*\ ?*repondlng I? English, ft****, imt.-h ?ml Fl'-mlah. wife good ssamMWI know? ,r..-ricl>i- ,rk and knUM'U; ?Ttsfc po.ltlon; -!-.-,, home, i i IONO, ?OT Wret ?WtB-?t _ SECOND MAN B) young l-:n_li?hman; Ihor-ughly compete-at; I? s.? efty refer? en,.?. A.. Bo? Ml, i -i-' Broadway._ SI Mil,K.MAN In privat- family; B-"?d r?f ? r.-n ??. ft. m las' employer. A'ldrere I.ASXIN, 1.242 Broadway. _t '.H!.phi:!?I>. Enalten, 30, wi?h?? ?ttua tion; *lfe . xperl?n?-: Ik highly recom? mended A. \'T'K.:?>N. ShelliUi-n?. Vt. __ SI'IVRINTENDENT'"or'lead |{ai?i<ner o? gentleman'? ?-state. Addrr?? II. s. D., rere lt. l ,i Parwahar ? Ca.. Ssatt Mar k ' lt., BoStOa, Ma'? _ "i>;:;-'|'i.-m.'.n. In botrdlng-kpuae ?r rea taurant: on? vein-'? r?fee?nre, Aldr??? t. M . H CnlOB Court, lnlv.r-|iv I'laee^ l'si:.'l'|. MAN. In fa. top . -'-re or ?table; understand? car? of lairs.-?; g?-??d driver; ?Im ?II kind.? ..f h<>u?ew>rk; hone?t, ?ober ?ml r HAW?; k-.??i ref?reat?a E. JONES, 230 Baal UTth-rt. [ t e'Pr'i'i. man. in married man to do ?ny kind Ht ?oik -n a faim; ?an ?lo all kin.!? ! of repair?; wife a col liiitni mak*r and I p. ultiv nier two ?firl?, !.. und IH. to i li?li> in th. h n ??; n.. card?. A?ldr?a? C. j TALOOT, Tuck?hoe. PoMtyflfe?. _> ? I'SEI'I'I. MAN ?Hill;. Il? e r."?l", ?i'I? In the r.aintrv on gentleman'? pi *; , ?if- ?.k; man hoatler, ?ardenre, n??ful. man; K^i'l r..feren<v. HOPKINS, ill Ka?t US By married man; willing to work ?t ?ny ?leady ? mplovment; handy ?vlrli toola; refer-nee?. W. M.. lio? tu, Long Bram-h. \x?t i:m N .t VALET Young Japan?? ? ?ie?dy p. s'ti,,|. ;n greitlenan'? bai :,, l??r apart? nient?: ?*i.? EasRah, Erreich a.i?l !>i?t?-h; .iiv or . M.nrrv .-{ vear?' I? ?? .-i y irfer ? ri(?. B? Ilex IP, Tribune urti. ? DOMBSTtC ?iTL'ATKias u.t>Ti:a Fein nie. A.-A.-A.-? KM L SEELT, ?A WEST _2I> ST . POREION AND DOMESTIC MAT.!: AND FEMALE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. . A!/. REFERENCES STRICT!.V INVESTIGATE!*, ] Servant? breaking en-r eg? men.? will I I- ?:i-inl??e.l frwin ?.ffl - an I f .rfeit all l Hala* i . fre : .'d. I Enxklm ?)t*l?-e. BIO F il'on-lt.. ?^orner Hanover Hace. r.g . MRS B. IIALLBERO. : Rwiatlih Employment Bureau. : 17 W?-.t fjl-?'.. i (n-rir fttli-ave ). ; ; finrvint? of ?|| n?tlofia!ltt?M ?i-i-.iv? ??>?: hand i.efer .-r,?-*? ??rirtly In .?-?tlaatiid: : ?nd kept ?.n tit- In th? office Servant?; : breaking ensaic-m-nt? w'.l I- di?ml????d: : ?nd forfeit all ClalSM t? f?M p?ML : __x.? a I'lti'.isri ?:?: ?ngll?h ?roman -.-. ?res ? Itu n - April 2 ? I > Bret? - in Priirl?! d . ? ?li h!1 '? BUM ? Ian ?.-r ... -. >? aid lik? '- haV? t: ? . ? ??' ll? week?' I.?-:?'',,,n In ?<jmm?r If convenient. Addr? ? \. ?I.. B-,x IP, Tribune Office, _ ?"?iMI'ANlO'.'." MAlIi" ' 1 ? i?g !a?l> .: ? -,. ikei ! ?o ?y? ?tont Pre? h; ?e n yean* : teatimonlal i ? ;? ?- " ?:? ??' tv ?TROPEAN, "t fi'h-av?. ?'?"of Iretand; rempotent la ail bran? ? -f h?r dul -h. beat , "- ? ? 'i. E . B->? i??., i 2u' n in ?OK?B! roi '. ?i"..ler. standing l'on.'. ."..Un'?, trage? ?m? ni> ward; town ? ?.- <?? .?in-1>. B, a. Boa 49. 1.242 Broadway._ ci m o'. S .VA?TEI - ?nd g. :?. a ?n m g? IB l 1 .'indre??; 'aun ? i tel ui ?' - rd< nlng, ? ?e. : city r-f. r. n ... 'S. ? ?t S ? ?? Soar. i ..i.i?. w? ? I lli, -Tr'. Protestant n- 1 io tvaltlnf ehambarwork. Wrh Mrs. 3I4J .;?.. a? ? ?AI'.KT VKilH ?Iiki.Iv i..p...... S Tt| w: low .?n.: Ja ugh t*i w. aid Ilk? ? I ??? ? ir- t i th? Maun ? ? - ' renca AddrsM RESPECTABLE, Bcs 11. I 24t in ?dw?: __ ___ ('HAMI??RMAID it : - AM? rRESS - . m I ? ?---n for t? ? .:.i>? f; .m In to 1 H 4. (.Veil SSI -? I -??- Bl ? mpl -r?. ? llAMllKl'MA!'? By ? i. : gl-1 - peten I chambermaid: beat ?-it\ ref. r.r.?--; mi .;:T Ea?t 24 .?? ill's i a! CHAMBERMAID A. B? '? ?tuTsIrl " y ; o.?!- i ? . .. ' ? ? m ? ??. or niit?e in i-r??.u?-- family 1.308 Sd-avi ??' ; '? " ' _ CHAMBER'S ?ID ?i i WAITRESS a ?? -i ? fig and oblige In*, good refarvnc? MORAN, 4S4 Weit ."?-? I ??_ r?l AM BEBMAID II) .n as i In >.?w? m. \\\t RE1LL' ?"? v...- Mth-M. i HAM] >:i.M HI W m ."RI ?W By a Swedish ?.".:'. or Ilgl.t h'luao. work _ DISHWASHER. I:. . wldn? ? d??h wasl In .??-?..'?. I i. . I ' : ! I ann-a ? I. \ V'i? ?Ai IRK ". ? ung w .ma I > ild do any kind t work; - ' ? -TI.K IT'I .(?: ive. DA. S WORK Plain ?-win?. ?' . Iln? . ?.,.?. >.| I,y I l?A"i a man ' ? -1 ? ?*.Ut : ? any I"'. II .-? -JT- -- DAI s \\. P.!. Reap? ItM? Oen u a ?A. .o, a III ?>> oui .i ?. .? washing, Ii nln?? 1 r -,nuns, tak?- f .nuil \ via?liln?f M - l ?.''")?. XI? West SI Hiil'SRK?PER : table widow! MINNIE SONDERMEIER 1 ????? " ' ?.. near i".? si -?- i .1 rt?-?r. HOl'HEKEEPER, *c. Iiy ?n An.". t\ S3, r. ?in * ? h. '.;. of I good I . f?.en m ?ala ?, M H a PB. i s?. N. ?' ti- ? -4EWORK, *. B) . g won in, for ? s tin .'Hkinc, va-iniiK. a- ?--'-..i r. i? i. i. . - Addrsag H T.. Box '.iiT 1.242 B idw?) Ilot si:\\ IRK Ac. B) il -- ? i be?? city refereni ?? I'M M ? -i '.?.'ii ?i bell p ???OCSEWORK I - ?irf? In privai* family; wlllu,? n -;?, i. . ..un ti? Mt K? n. r? un. -.?o*, i . fto?'SEKLEPER or matron' p.?. m i New-York referen.-?. ? ? m.-< p ta) i-.,. -. -t , Kcwarfe. N. L HOI SEKEEP! I! Bj an A merk*? widow urn ,:t-i.i ? up'.? or ?,?i..uer, ?-? ?a i n -? . v. ? d i ? -?- ? . COMPE? TENT, Stall n ?. ?'?? > ?' ? lio'MEKEEPER. Reipeciabl? Ugr M . ^.. i- ? ; r. r.i- l?re? Ml? MAR MdlAI.' -::? W? ll 31 HOt'SEKEICI ER. By ?1 rosna ? man ; b?n rlty Mr?. KOEIILRR i?, gi ll i I -. LADIES' DIRE'TORY -.-.pins superior . i , ?n ? ,r referen ???? lnve?tlgat?d; lad) 11 .<? reri.: n. e. arid ?ant? ? . ?m ,-liarae. LADIES' DIRECTORY, 149 ?ith ??re., near l?lll? St. LADIES ?JeSIRINU WOMEN ? moti I ,. th? day . m !?? Mil i :?:???'? I: tot* ?Id? l'a? N''-. 'i . 131 W*B\ ??'? I.AMY'S MAID By an En?ll?h ?ro-aaaj i. nis-iiiv ..?mi.'-in In ail duties; ??>?*1 referenere a ....-s AMT, ?".?. \ ruuMta? ai ? . Brooklyn. LAl'N'D?iESS Young woman ?rl b?*a pla.?? a? laundn i; elly ? ?lair) pood r.-f-r. ence, Addrea? l\ , 310 u.-? 83d-at _ mu?? i elder!? lad) or Invalid. ?"?11 b*. - i ?? ?ad I?? a m. or 2 and :t p, m., in:, w ? -i .'.'. RAID \ la.' ? he? to m. i a -i-a m n ?Uli ,i famlli going ?bread for her maid iFrench?; good halrdrias?r. .!r?-?smaker, pn.Uer anl ?mpeteni In ?ven reipaflfc P B., Bo? MS l.HA Pr-? taray. NI ' KSK ?Sou ni mil having ? xi?,, m.?ni.i i - .... ?? ,i pr n ?r- farii!'? A4? ?'?? -'s ?- m,s i,-wii. ?;t_ Kaat Woili -i Ni'ltSK li? rompotonl not.? : ho? had l.a K expel. . ?.?i i.ik- ,-nrlre ,^ra-?? of a I Ig |i up '.n .? l-.ltl, . I? a nod plain .-.i-,. ? II b> found orlllkag .?n,i ubliatna: a- ?? ? l?j t-r-i m ? p>, ??a? add,,-- ?.??.', Smlll P ? NI.'RSE Lad) ?:??!?...? i iliuailon for a ?? ni;.e|e,il ::. mt'l ? Ap |..i al ;?.m employer*a ?12 Ea?l ",?ih-?t. PARLORMAID. A? B) an e\;.. r?en.-d" |.ar|.r inaiil ,,r ?.litre*?; high*?' ?iti re? - e.ea.s |(p,t| |,l pi.-?. II! ? -m?'l? 'I ?-I ? E??t - PaRIjiirMAIM r WAIT BESS.-By an ?***? i.-ri.-ii. -.1 petaoa; liikV-t r'tcien?'-?*? gli.-ll. Pn-e-ni employer, ? K.isi ?V7th-st. 1'AKI.oltMAII?. ?C. ll> a I. .??.???talil* e?,|I ?red ? t.? a?? ta Newport a? patoir m nd or I,-n,| chamhrrmatil In hoarding. li.-..r hotel ?riv r.rst-,-|a?s tef?-r rare Call A. w.. __3 Prlnre-?t., BI?AMSTRRSS bj th? day ta d. plain famll? ???HIS! <*"? ''"? ni.'l tl? M??? I?-. ?. M MS Uili-aw. ? a- -tUt-at. SKAMSTRtXaa, Ac roaag tad? dealrr? s ii i.iii . n a? sea met?.?? and mind ? hl|. ?Ii..|i. ?l?p h? m... N H . JTii Weal .14(h-?C SEAMSTRESS f ,r ladi-s' ?aasraraw and children'? ?Ir.sse?, a!? km,!? .?f men!. Ina.? .." - ; , p -? I7th-?P WAITRESS p ) in. a-oman a? cora pei.r.i .vani.-s- loverai >?.?.-?' ?It?- ref. ? i-;.??*. .1. M. 221 East .Utl.-st.. Wall'? <.e|| WASIIINO. A good Isundn ? ?.. * ? ?at l y the ?in?, ?reek or m mm. __1 Ear* 2lltli-?t. WASIIINO.? Bv a colored ?vornan I? do famllv waahln? a? home; I'tat-ctaae work. Address Mr?. I.IX./.IE BAILBT, ?le We?t XJd ?? _ YOI'N?? WOMAN, marri?-?!, ? take c?r? "f house for ?ummer or a? janltr?*?? of flit In g??o?l n?-li{h1>orho<?d, rcferenc? giv?ta. li.. M Weal Ifjgf'