Newspaper Page Text
*./' t??M3 y?"- ?.V... N0, I7,(?S7. ??C?e? NKW-YORK, l'KIDW, APRIL M?, I*?.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS SENATORS' IKE AKOUSED ,\N IXVESTIOATION OF NEWSPAPER CHARGES i ?RI ERED. j, ?E "PRESS'S" A?vrSATl< N THAT ? ? V \>. i: \ I'ASS THE ; .!, INCREASING THE PAY OK FIREMEN : ;..\.\ OH RAINES H EMPH IT10 REPIA i H<>M Ml: ? ' 11 . ixton t ted ; It tie which is i I v . ? ? In vest iga 11ng t h ?:> be ame .1 la-\ pay of thi :. . X .' V'oi In It is reported g I au lal. \Vh< n Its m< nibers . I V ..!??.-.' v . : 1 ? ' 1 brl f Senators 1 ; ?? ? . Sew-York Police Ueorganlzatl 11 \. ? v rk r : ? Mai 111, or the '..? gal . ? ' " !,. har I ;. r Saxi appointed Senaton D'C T 1 ) ' ' The invest j ? u'.;:i i:i V \\ - Y : irilaj ]? . S? n it ;? John !: 1 I : ? . ; and S tors, v I have I ... ?. ? lion. 1 ' ...-?? because it met ithoritli ? jir. v . ? S 1. ? I ! ? ? 1 ') ?? I election. He alnu h i 1 .... . L per soi With : ' : .?. ' I to be a irle! : : \ Y. ?? ... ? ote . '?? I ? : ' ' It I ? ? ? ? 1 );.-' hei e li 1 lit! I read It: "A ? ? :. i.: . ? I ? ? . 1 >HN RAINES." I i-:. i] a fulfil my duty to mysell tbo 1 If there are fc ? I ? Dlln I f N e W - Y OI '?' ? ' ? . ? l! . ? hop.. ? : ? .... : t <orrii| liens were r of I ? ; ? . ?.-.?? .?? ? tors, 1 ? ; It Of the H ? . ,,.. t?Ve?i*jal th- afore? or - . }?? ?'? ? Il ill an I ' x -? ? nd for ?? ! I,- reby B ? mplov 1 01111 ? r . . (,: : '? I ? ' -. ? : May, i- o ' I ask una ni 1 ... ? n v.-.l v? ix p a ro] ??? Th" Senat ? -: began voting on the r. ? v>i- ? ? ? - - ? ?? ??i.ii- wan 1 i*. He said I ... ?Bwa I : all : . i . .... : : III ' ? 1 r a pol?-, at. I the] . to "h 11| ...... '? lal .:;? r, ? . ? ail He hop . ? . . . * I Ml ? ? r : '.-..: 1 who U: test II . tj Senator ! Hi said ; ?"??' m at the I pti< n of tl .. II. made this ?? ?nalor . . 1 lie npl ?? ? ? taught Ira , ubll? : : . "The Prei ?; ? i i -"i " '? i . ? th bill. II- ' nderM the S< ;? ? a 1 ?Dt< 1 unanlm , . n ai ? ;, m than th? Th * t had ai ai I le head. I: r retell R ynoldfl * ? .? In. iup|*r m ? 1.f the j . , the .?-i. HI ? 1 1 bill "The World" ha ! ? anl arryins He sal ! le- ha i o th< atn <UCh d ! W.i . quest! n with some I. * I 11:30. Tii. same news had written untruthful . last year. (!?? thought bu h ni and hoped the papers ? - all n axked for ? ?? rrectl n lent, t.. the '.' ' th H he had 1 Ine : Benatoi Cantor, th < ,'. Hall leader, an I kept the Ju II ai i 1 mlttee from reporting on the Police Magi* ' ?ill. Th.- fa t was thai Senator Lex w amendments which required It t<> be M leu tore] rt il and had never d. ne I action on it. He was always it. : r it, II. regrette 1 such unfair on the part <.f the newspapers. He hoped ihit in the future the reporters would gel the ? t?s !.. fore assailing Senator-. -Mr. Quigt;, t(:i. editor oi "The Pr?s*," makes ^??lng statement concerning the remarki ' r* ?al ; Rali 1 j at AI ?any yesterday: Mr Raines'i ? ? that I asked him t., , " r,r the J ; li. .,1 gales Mil on the ground that persons Interested |n that measure lin 1 contrib Coiitiuiied 0|, Third! imi;c, j Il E BARKED LIKE A DOG .... TERRIBLE STRl'OOLE WITH A SUFFERER ! ?:? im HYDROPHi ?MA. ATTAFKETe WITH THE ' 'MPI.AINT IN AN AM 111*. LAXFE WAOON-IIK WAK I "A ? rT i??'":' i:.1.; ? ' ? ''?'? T<) l.l.'.W K THE II'?SI ITAI., Peten- Moran, thlrtj II ' M. a tru k drlvi r. Il\ h e Hi N l.M Tw? nl nl-sl Hi ? klyn, was f >un : late y< ? ? ? > afti Franklin-st., near < ;i ived t ? t?i? Kastei n ' ' Hospital liar " ? litution J in l ? ?? eve: y si ?:, f h> l: >? ; I at 'hi II aloj [I ? ' ? who w.-.H In hargi : ? pui lf> '. ;, ma : . . it U.oel? as, 11 tli sjH'i r struggli : lowe.l. While the ti uggli eras i ? un (he ? ? ? il ? 1 ? !'? !? ii t ixl en >i tir? lance with Ig the pi! ? . \ v. is thrown iivci hin I ? . W ? ? .. Carver, ? In the insl ran ; . t ?:? , ? r. M nuleted alown. nfl Into Ihn aal? i n i he wan placed on h \ fi w .. Ii it? ati : ? ??? ? ? ?' ?i cone - i ? th;ii Ishl he M i; ; ? I :? :i. \il l.n ateompllsheai !.. w is rarrh 1 t ? the : i pltal, anal the .?.:??!. ii i ; ? An exan his bauly ?h<>w< Jaw ' ' ?i arm and woumls, Mi iran .-; liai, h id l?i en hite?? from .i vii k l*n ?whi aie II" begged ' i ?i&\ e the straps I him to the ' '. and when '?}.<? -.? spltal despite the ? ff i I to detain him. M ran I nti'A at large, .; I grave fears are fell that he will harm ?-??riai MASSIV OUT OF THE i: a- /. v ' Si'v: \ -? It : , IKKI^l ?? ? HE ? : l'.w. VUE ' ' ??: Dove r, Iiel., April IS eSpeelnla.-Tl Senator to-day resulted as foil ? M \ a-111, I Nlm : ?? ? ?-rati ???!?:? Kalwar I RldKe ly, and one 1 Mr. Masatey has apparently d ? - ? : MeMulla>n wl -i' ? : ? irneil ? '? ? ... . . . . ? | , .... Senators .Moore and l'ii cd with Ii i are vu tine; for Jaim ? 1'i-tn a :.' ? ? ?? ? ai ? ? . " roi ? !.. ? ? ? ? i ? SECRETAR? CARLISLE OEXOIWCEP. MAT' ... . ? . \ ' ? ? lin* St a?i ' . .-? - - meeting V ? ; ?:? ? it I ? question Mi ' ' . ? an 1 It? pial ?' .- ? / ? .il..I ?. .i:,|. ,'-.? I With 1 : n .-?;?,,.?? lai H ? ? ? . ... lit ...?;?: ::.:?? i; ; i t . WOilES OUT l XEWSPdPER. TIIKT HID RVKltYTHi: I ON A TI NEW ealtu IN I M New-Orleans. April 1* \ ? I by th" n . ? ? ? ? . . "1 ??? I. i. 1 ..-??? \ . ment to | ''????? I of th*- Ho ???..; ... ... ? ? . ? ? ,.-??-. parti ..'j.., ! Iio'i HELPS COM !CT A RVRHL M:. IK OF A I ' '? MAN* Tn a, ? i 11 >. ? I . n ? int | . of Pet i H : i : ..? i the (Ii ??.'.-' ? ' mrl -, . , ?, . . ... .... ??'?Ii bui arj Mi Vnn.i M I'rlnci iarprl?e-.l him .n 1 ? r -i; i itmenl ' Ni i. 313 II ? t ev i .u... I >? in.. II- had a iloi I !i. . . -? ,| . ! ? . the i of. !? .ivliu- ? Mi l'i In ??? . hIIi I .i polin ma ?-I ? ? " ? ' an 1 waited ? to -<??? the I ' if the adjoii I I I npiK.Int' li< i : ' ? il lo? r m to him, The oftli . i ai k- 0 him II v ov i ami he said ye H< \a i in ' lurl ;. ? ' l ? 'i. m-il' . who ptl ...... ?? ?:. ale iva i? I ? T!? ? .1 WEALTHY TOY PEALER KILLS HIMSELF raKKfONHKNI 111 A KAI : ? " " riF IM .v ill \ A ; \i\-r HIM i:'. HIS MnTII II ! LAW, '.. ID ' T< * 'K IWA1 HIS a'HII.I 'I EN Ii re lla-rtmin Met? . I In a fun .,' \o ;? : Hi '? 1.' ay, Ha iokl) n, lai ' ev< n Ing, i v Mrs, A B. Kill , ' N W8 S ? ith I ?- : 11. ? i, ,. l , m 111 ed su I : t ) I a I \!> '/, '*:i- io havi r-j ?? 11 : ihe evening nl thi ; \i; - E! . . an I when h i. lie I I ? Mn rail) m enl lo his house? to I irn Ihe rausi , mi I f iun I him dead On th? I able ea is i lettei wi ?i t? n bv the ?! i ?? man to Charle: V'lemelster, sai i ! he !i?' iki n ;.. Ill b ca .-?? hi - i lalMren ha I Im ? n ? :. torn from ilm In hla mother ln-law. Mr P ?; ' rke, afta i m il In eharK?1 ??'' 'mn agalnnl him, whleh *a.< t.ot mixtalned II- went ..?i u? a ,' !', ,t >.. h i ! recently sold propertj : n ?"?".'?>'. and thai ?.'.! '). ? amount -h mil i,- : - i fur funeral expi ns< Ihe ra??i tn l ?? (flven brother Thei Ion -\ Met?, who la travellln? -.!. Thatcher A Johnson'? mii-'i-:- Hi- hod; he mk i t- have ?enl to the |- ueee of Mi E!lls I burial. The dea l man was < nga? I In esa le l ?y business, n I w n sa! I ' i be w< althy ? TMIAL ni- :i'r Wl?OAKA. Providence, April 18. Th.- twenty-rater Niagara, bull : I ?-? How ird Qould, of Ne* *i ork, bad i ? ? flrsl trial trip ihl afterti ion n Ihe harb ? Narr-iganrrtt Bay, Nal Herrenhoff wai n board and took the Mller, while? Captain Barr lookeil th?- sail.-. ;-';. . .,.? | aa faal aei lha laold sister eraft, tax rlni vi ry easily. An an ; hertahroudi happened n'.ir to< < '"l "f "?" '?'-'! <i.. will bava another trial In a few daya. Bl save f"i Ruroi.n an ocean ateranaanlp if tli.? \\ lUon Line ou April '?j. STAKVARV MARKS UP OIU < SI KCULATORS PEAR TO FOLLOW THE BIG CORPORATION. THE I'Rin V I ttASIXO AGEXriEl? APVANCBtJ xn $2?n \ i otREb ru n i \Ti"\~ UK exi'H w;i>. Pittuhurg, Vprll IS Th?> Kt irtllng feature In oil .'??... th? .f 10 cents a barrel, the Standard at th< lr llffen nl . igene'ex. not Wit ? '? , i .. ; The s?i. dilative ? :,,] m <j ??, M.I 1 r the Ma) option, or . . . the price fixed by the Btand ir I. I,, ?wn. how? ver. that the monop I ol " ? ' ? ? ? ? ? rrar i ; i .... ?,. -? ; While this a It mee ??? i I v< ry rew irai v . :. nia.l ' price ! ?tng ?Imply h .. , ; ? i to S,oon h ? . itn 1? me .... ? !.. r. :?? proba The fact that Stan lai i ?? i itrol? the ; ilk of rertlfl -ati i llallve ii.ii - .... i ,,v...\. i. i em ? ' make very that the hold ndlna ' ? ' to !,v ... , . . . Itandnnl ' ? . ? ? ? pui ? ? , '? . Vftel ?.'.?: ;.? v. a i- ,| 111 i l ? ? . ? , in I \V. V.i cm ? s ? ? fan ' . ? 'i the Ex v.i; w.i i'ith If S! ? ? i < a 11 ? ? . ? m se a b r ?? a k ? r in, was ask. I. . . ! ?' ? . ! ; i. _ ' ' . ,;. ; ? ? ? ? In the excitement en !? art oil well, .. ? <\ tp| V . ? : ? . ? ? T! .? I' .?? !.'?? i . ! i- ? ? rket advsn ng, making 1 ?p- and Han ? ? ri,l i ?... . Harri* r< " . report Han trois a ? ? . . . r ? ? : m 1m ? ... . . . . ? ? ? ? ISSASI l/.t.V IS nt.\TJ:t>f.OFA STItFFTi fit ? : ?? . ? I? fol ? ' ? ? ? ? // Mil.i s KMK\ -/ turn -! y a i. ? !. ? ? He V ? ? lft.1l . ?: ? ? ; ? ? not . ? t. |f.. | ? ? ;lh Ml. Kl I,nt (I Mi Kl t Is hIm.ui ? ?.???? un: a n n i sai is /?(//;/. in vi ? t-nort "' ' last Mi I into ; ? ' ? ? b :.??? ? " I i || | , ? ... !, , ... .,- . ?earl; .i t befni i .,|,i li-, .. Hi ? ? ? . ? ? i r\ im i lacean ami t ? ? i ! i ;?? il .? . ? ere. any w a y, had n coal barg, n lu ? ? Vin. ml Haven there wa ! - v.. ath. i I ? ? :? r I'olnl h alwii r. ? : ? 11 w ? ; . : , ? ? i lllllt, ? I i ? n< li e |l ? III Id? Th. re la no ? . I lav wa it point I',. I?) |i s III be ? ? . lie pi??? I an K.imI lllvi i pi. It '.??? i I ? foi m hieb t r. al Meets are litte.) ??: ihe m ha?? law .? i I nil an.I nmbor ??? '!. !!? . i i li !.. bul i ?lia ml n I lui T l! ! ..?:/? II who. e tut! brou hale In, ha b ?en lino.le.I a it h let tu rroni |. .|. .. wh?i wnnte.l lo .-x ? ? ihal . ... ' ? ? nue will ii ? le ? ?>., i-1 ? i ,. i doubl rhi !.. il linn i ? hali wa bi igh In hi re for exhlbl i ?on ? i ... SEir-YORKERS ?hill IS A l:iS\\\\Y. !' I. V !' K il:', ANH I R, W.l.l.N l: M til II '! UK' iW .'. !l:..M ', I'ARKIAOK THE I \'l I Kit l. ?. i El i EH '.'i LIVE, Pr< !? rli k .1. VI '. ? i ? .. lit ? ryman, an I All. n H. Marsh, . vi-terlnarj aurgeon of t!,i- elty, were . si lou I; ii |ure i In Mount Vent in VVedit laj ntghl by h ! i >m their can lags In p run n wa v accident, l'i Mu in fell ,.n hli |aw, breaking II and u.i mu.-I it "it the hi ad. Bt * eral ..r hlx Ungen were also broken. Dr. Ms rah Is not . xpei te.i t.. re? o? i I ?r. vlckerj wa? Injured about the bach mu? aus i ?? a. I icrloUK Internal Injuries, but ?ill be all iiulit In ,i few da vs. KRCRETAVT f Mil isi.K's it MOTH K H DI in Cincinnati, April 11 Oeorge W. sCrltsle, as I : ? veai i brother of Secretary I '.ir'.'.--'..', dli l thli evening si ins home, In Independence, K teen i ? oulh ol Ihl city Mr. Carlisle had b ' everai months n itti ranrer ..f ? nach !: ?? nt!> he ws i > Islte i bj hit I r< ther th. Secretary, to whom he wa p .?? ? !? voted \ rrsn ? n ent? for the fui ral wl! n ?I bo maiie unt.l the Seer? 'ary I- hi anl from /;\ URSA TOM >'? tISON M 7.v,,. Falrfleld, Iowa, April l?V Rx-Senator vVllsoa Is growing, w.-.ik.-r hourly snd hi under i>.? influence of ?ptate? n.- will hai lly survlv? Ui? night All I hop? has tx i n sbaadom L > LAUTERBACH CALLED DOWN. scored ron nis address.] HE BAYS HE I>I!>N'T ISSUE IT AS PRESI? DENT OF TDK COUNTY COMMITTEE. RE rat.t ; |o\ . ;i:i:ki> at t.- T NIOH1 '8. MEET I NO II.' i..',':iv: THAT HIS STATEMENT* WERE N'i iT a1 i i,' ii.i/; '" i;Y THE n iMMI ; . :::. wiTi't't: awn ' '. ' i I'Re i.mi.-i: 'i.',: i !.. THE IMIilKMUi IN. 1!' a IVm ?Xel ONE HAIa HEEN I l:1: \Ti:i>. There? wan an exciting haif h mr In last nlght'a proi.dings ?!' Ihe Repulillcaii County Cnmmit .. hi n ir- asm - n : ? ? taken tn Inquire Into s -l repudiate .1 -? i ? ? aci of I h.mmll tee the addre-*? which Edward Lautcrhach. president iaf ? the - mn Ittee, I iui I on April I to the Republi ,' ? f tin State, In repla to thi ;ii lr ?-?- >.' ? I .-ir - ? ???ii prominent !:? publican? nf thin city. I ? i April n i ?;?? p i nag ? of the ref rm bill* bj the legislature?. 'I'lthe l. n'????i..i? h m.m. ;: v. l i- r? mem he rod, was subnequently evnl out tavi r the State, I ? I :n .i I'lreul ir 11 um !<? - in" Heaelquai tera?, ovi r the name t -, ? ? \V. i l.-t< kei i .11: ; n. ?'? ' ?dell, || . ' i he Repu i ?? Stati Committee, After i le?era I \: i m O M ??? k. In b ni .it. I K ,.: .? pee-i h, !. I I dire, ti l attentli n I i ; '. . .rpal ? Platt i , i ? ?. 11 n t y a 11 ' 1 S t a I ; ? V. Flan mer, a hi :i rllaclalmer] 1 ? .i Idress on th ? . ? ? Committee The?y would e beei ad pti i had mal Mr, tenl t re i hat t h repre? enl aliona ? I out by I ?ont of tl :? i ' ? ? i ? : imlttee, and is in llvldual ai t ? i further lea , . Republl' .ni State II" a le(Uai :??( ; dated \. ? I to Ihi Rep ibll an editor? : Ihe State, ln< Iulng hi* ?deli I I ime date, and If ? I hi i I ? ? to produce the Impi thai the ad ? : i ?. him was hi - ffl ial act aa of the Republl i n C iuntj i ' mimltti ? n unid i mi .i-iif' il ' the ? ' written disclaimer over his nlgnaturo. This ph dgi \a aie .?- ept. i b) the antl PI all and the r< ? rdlngly with? drawn BI'SINESS (?F THE MEETING. Tl ?? Api II '? th.mi ? held I hi Republican C mi t) Hea<l<iuai tera In Ihe Ti lepho ? Bull III ' West Tl ?? ? Bod well rend 1 - ' ? meet ? ? ? ? ? received iVhen ill" II Elect nil reaehed, ? Repll |i)t I'll I before Ma II i ' ' ' i.".. w 1,1 h ha 1 ?- n the ? It bri ha \t ? ? .-. ?? i ? ' ? : ' ? : . ? i n 111 A :. . ! ? ? te and . i ??????? i i .??.?;? : ? : : ? . , ? . M ... I full rV '<] I vote m ? i ; ... : "t'n l?> e;< if ???'. i i 44. irai, m'iimikm bpi U'h. -i pn ?I'll t Lauterba ?? : ... -, \i. ? Rill \ ti. Mi-C I that he an.?? toa f the highest prlvlli K? Tl en In his leai it. ; ?' a ? ? I? I called it.-i lenl l..r. ? i ? ? , tut f'.r the aeldn i bi re ailu !? I I i \\ hi h h< had ? ? -.? in ??? ihe i: ? ? f the i ! irt i.i', .- r ? i n rl i airman ? tin i: - ?'!!? , ? nitti Whale ma; be th< .Vit- r- i ? ?.??' oplnl m ii ? : ? , i : lieg? and l?ghti ha i ! eea it .. ? I. ui upp Hiai ? t ;? m ral Mi' >l . i he r-f-rre,| i i lar 1 ? ? ? ; labile HI ? Re? late I ' -I"! lite-, to Rl ; ; - Ins an ?i ' he ii ? ;.;.,,: i i., ii i ? ? ? ? nit te Il i ?, i ? ?i - i lene M.-i 'mil right of Mi l. ml i h n .. In .-.ill ? hi it ptlbll? . n ? o| the Hi ale as -i pi ival a-ltI ?en, I? <at i Republican repi at ?? "f t!..- XXIeet del; 11, ' i t hi ib Ire.l in enter his i : ? l< ' I un-. ' ai tnaai Ii u. tan nildr : |>ur .m .m Ih ? pr? sldeni <>t the Ri publican ? 'ounl ? < 'ommltti . unlei i he w :es ? , .i . i the i ',.nut j ? 'ommll tee bj Hi ,11 Mt el m der iMore applause i What Mi Knit. 11 a, i, did n .m Individual was n riui" Hun ::(', ? ? ii-, him -if. bul he musl naa| undertake tn rcpre-senl Ihe County Committee, The i relierai though) Dial t he matti r oughl tn !??? thorough!) Invi ntlgnte-d, and In nao Ing thla II v,,ii in nil kindness pernainnlly, and with the i caal iaf fee ling fear the eluquenl an 1 -lis tlngulnhed chairman of the committee. I" 'i|." IS I ?Il \T Mit |,\l' |'|':,!: Mil .-' ?IP, Mr I..IUI.-I im, h'H fu-.- was Flushed anil his Voice trembled .is he replied, saying thai he agree i ? Ith <?? erj thing I :? taeral M ? ' ?k ha I ?mi.i if he, as chalrm in of ihe committee, and In the manie r aa charged, had on .a- Reel tea him? self the tight to represen! the committee, he had overstepped his pr?rogatives. Bul he aaaerted lhal there ?ran nn auch communication nenl b) Edward Lauterbach In hla official capaeltj The ? ? -iui ancj nf ihe i halrman's pun a In the Repub? lican County Committee had nul ileprtved him <>( his rights and functions .n a cltlxen and a Re publican. He was a believer In frea t|.I? ?""l Ita fr.gei iae. (Applauae.) As n ? motion had been made Mr. Lauterbach was about to lei the affair drop "?" ,,f ?Iffbt, bul ex-Judge Flammer aroaa at thi Juncture and began ?< aui rtnci hlatory of the rircumatancea connected with the laaulng of Hw addreaa of eighteen Republl nna of National reputation rmlln.| for the paaaage of Ihe reform b Ils, and Ihe re pi) of Mr. Lauterbacb tbe day f illowlng, which had i.n atnt by tin- Republican Btal Committee as th.. utterance? >f Mr, Lauterbach font luiied ou 'lia I ail |"U<'. J TAMMANY DOCK METHODS. SOME MORE LIGHT THROWN <'N THEM A NORTH RIVER PIKR l,i:.\-!?::. POR 113.000 LESS THAN THE OXE NEXT TO IT. WITH m r ARPARRXT REASOX. Another .?: the strange and weird things con? nected with the administration of the Dock De? partment under Tammaj Hall rule came out yes? terday it the regular meeting of the i>.,, u Board. Mr I'm. :an. the only one of th ? ..i<l commission? ers left, pre. pltated the matter, but as it was known t. several i.pie thai Commlssl ners O'Brien and Einstein were Investigating the th n i n posslblllt) th it Mr. Phelan him? self ha.] determined that it was time to ., :. md thai n..! all tie credit of reform In dock matters should go t the two new i 'ommlssloi ? The facts, brleflj stated, are these: The lessee of Pier N... 85, North River, has been for several years paying 15,000 a year for !t. The next pier t . it. which i - ci rtalnly no !?? tter, If 11 i i as goal ?? pier, hai i.n at the same tlm>- under les ? il'." New-York Central Railroad for 120,000 a year Thi li m ? of Pier No. 85, under s permll fn M ? I'll i.| artm tnt, has en ted coal ; -Hi- re, but he ha? also fen ed II in, pra< - Hi ' ? using ;' si private property in his cosl Lu- li Poi two wi ' Com? islonei o'Brlei Eli tein hat ? tx ? n investigating th< extraor dinar) i-lrcumsta > ? ted w th Pier No. 65. H i- said 'iiit. when they visited the pier, they were ret . ? Imittan ? i- ich ? ' >m mis-1 ?ncT puta .ti thi .-? le ! ?le : r a regular nu ting of the board what hi thinks should be ?? nsidi red at ; -?? ? g Cam l?sl ner Phe 1 m pla. ed on tl lu le for yi uterdaj 's osltl ? 1er thi a Ivlsabllll y of I the rental ? ' Pier No. 85 from I ,.' ay? " othei i wi i ' >mrals -.l'A thli . ed, for they knew they could ask Mr. Phelan several queatl ns. Th.? presi -. pier Is H < ' R gi rs. as ?? I Ml "..??. MIti hi II The lease und -r he occupies the premises were granted t . take effect un .1 me I, 1891 n was s lease "to .. i-.-t wharfage." and was to run for ten years. Pnder the law the rental uld be In reused by lard. When the mattet of 'he Increase of renta! ? ihe pier came up Commissioners O'Brien and Klnsteln displayed . kn wledge ol thi situa? tion which waa discouraging t Mr. Phelan, and wnnti i to knot .- . there was such a great i< ?? i.. twi en th? rental of the pier occupied M i Reg? t - and thai ? ' I he ?? 'l bv the New v :,. ??? ?? Ralli id Mr Phelan i r : rm effort did not M.-em to meet with it enthusiasm aa h- pernaps,thought it : the ? nd ? ? thi tiatti r wai thai an ordei ed for il C Rogers to npp*nr bef ire thi h ard next Thun lay and explain i it tera Aftei this little affair was ver Commlssl n r Ph. l in ma : i I mal pr test agali I I ? state ment !" lent O'Hi I C islonet regard l i th len ? I Tier fold) No. 11 ????:"' ? h was he N? n Jei .-' i ' ? . any at ? ; ? .fit He waa ? ?' ' ! their a tat ? I t . have Vftei the "Wi stand by lease of ? ? '. i and ? .ul i welc ime , libel null by Steamboat C >m| an) In rej .r.i ? ? of 1 ? ?loner Einstein itlgating It I k. but ... -, . Rei ?.ni li ? i ? ting to-day to mpl iyi - ?' the '.? ; u in ent u ! t how man) are Com i mi ? u. ? '? ? ictlon?that Tl ' a: ? of th axe at the - . KIU.F.fl IS A MIXERS' QUARREL AN Or.H EMI'I IVA NEW M tS ?. ? ?..--.. ? , ?? a machi! .al ? ? T ? ? i - ? ? . i Iver and ?1 ??' [organ re? lit n 1er! k- He ? ? two left the itore, an 1 wei . thtrt) Uve mini rs ? ho ? | . tu \t i, o'clock 'hi? . .if them, and t: la au| , ?-:;??: .\:i the n about - r. ?''?!?;-? ! work Further trouble ? ? ? ' intendeni ? '. th* mini - - i - in Knoxvllle this afteri to make arrangi : - ; ? oti lion of tl ; pert) ! ? I ?I der ..ii county la on the ground endeavorli ?? : ,. rdi '? lone yet except by I aut ?,?:??. it thi trouble ma) !'? -? "i. i a ithoul calling out I he mllltl i AFTER IIH' SCPl'itSED FIRERCUS, \. i \ I't.w v : m. -v ??!' '?iii: RW*KXT ii.v/::.- OX <l i 'aptain Thomi f th IVest Oni indi l-and twentv-llfth al Investiga! the mp nose.) which i irred Wed i ? ? . i m. ti ai v , rk ? Ith I m. and there an I ??? I n me tor t'onl ' i wal I the district rebuga Nevi rtheless, there were no develop In the scan There w< i in I ? pn - ? Im : during the da), Thi in-' blase ocrumd In .i coalbln In th.- front h : ? ? f a fit tor) flathoti N ?8 Sev enth-ave !?: i : \ , ? ? nit, wh.i ha r i im i n the ituor, went to i - fi .in a !.,?: next ; ? la pail of ?\ iter .i n I non i i>d .i ii : . .i ban el of wa -:? i .;.? r a hi h ? ,i - I tinu her |iu :l of v. iter i ? tlnaiilxhed the tl . an) damage waa done. Half an hour later .\i ? ;:.:.? Bhacffer, v\h.. llvea with n. : nan tits on the Hi of th ? St. J imi ? a|Kirtmeni h?u . ni N ? M9I Seventh-ave., heard the dumb waiti r colnir. an I ?? nl to the shaft, t in door whli h lead to the shaft ihe wa erected lu i stream of hot air and ?moke, She ran to thi haw tient, whtre the janitor, William Mitt wood, llvi ??! Matt wo . ? an i hla wife. Into hi teat lia ? ? : i. ? tu. found a large pa 'king > ase ul waste i i ??? r and : ubblsh ent el ped In : Tin-, like lie Hrat, wa extinguished with palls of \\ ster, Aa far a? . I ?? learni d, i.. n ?? h ul been seen in ih basement for an houi before th. lire waa t? 11 ?..?!? ? pt th hallbo). a negro . : ? ..'ii | Jo i'ph Peters m The p i ?? b llet I i he lire at ^ ?'" ? ? - the r? ?u'.i ol carel. - ii inixina hoi .i hes with naper in the barrel, They da net attempt to explain the other fire, In the e. llar ul N ?. 2.11M. 1 here were no ul ?:? I - ? ? THE ST. IVKPIP? i'':i.l. i i VER. The accidental falling of a atovepipe In Henry OVonnor'a rooms, at No. K4 Pearl-st., at supper time las: evening, caused ? C.i i) lire So one knows exactly how the accident happened Mrs O'Connor waa cooking the evening meal when the pi|.at.lown ?rlth ? crash, and ?eut the fat Hying In every direction. A blase followed In ?tantly. The frightened woman ran, screaming, Into the str.-et. .ind Policeman Jerry Mahoney, of ihe Oak-al ?tatlon, turned in an alarm The en? gines were alo? t.. respond, owing to the fire si the :.,une Mine in [{utgeri it Then Mahoney turned in two more alarum These brought engln.-x and trucks galore, and the blase was i|iii.-kly sub uued. Th. building Isa four-story brick tenement-house, owned by Rose llealey, of Summit, N. .). Pfgn 44 lir DBAXKTO SIi' Max Lorenso, s machinist, returned on Monda) last from a trlsll to Cortina Ampesso, in the Aus? trian Tyrol, ins native town, and took ? room at the Piedmont Hotel, No. 18 South Flfth-ave., while he ?ought employment He obtained s position y< I day, and sal night assembled s fea of his friend? to drink ?uccess to hit job. They were sitting around Pie tit... in the hotel bar, and Lorenso had just rs ?ed a glass of wins to his itps, saying, ??w.-.i. i..vs. h.-re's luck,' when he gave a groan Miel fell back in a lit. I ?r A., of No \M Macdougs'.-st was called, but before he arrived Ixirenso was deal. Death was du?, the doctor salJ to ai ip>xjr. J ENGLAND IS NOT SATISFIED REJECTS NICARAGUA'S OFFER. (HE REFUSES TO SUBMIT THE DISPUTS T') ARBITRATION. ? ROSERERT AM' KIMI'.KIM.KV REVISE TREIB POR. MER DECWIOX WILL DOMBARDMBXT AM) BEfZt'RE Of aTl'STOM HOCSES BE li.ll M1TTED? M'AI.mha s CHIEF RE? LIANCE THE rRIENDSHIP OF THE UNITED STATES. London, April II The statement la nuuta on official authority that the Foreign Of?l ?'-? lln?e ? ?it the reply of Nicaragua t > th* nrttish ultimatum. The dlacrepancy between this an >n ? rat .'mil the at itement made last Satur? day, that the rep'.y was an aatlafactory that tha i ; ivei nmenl had abandoned its threati ne 1 .1 tie n against Nicaragua, la explained t'y t i 1 * - fa I that the decision of th? Foreign OUI a last wsek bal t-, n revlaed, after consult?t! n between l^rd Rosebery and Lord Klmherley, ? mcernlng later inlcationa from Nl > in her reply t 1 tie- ultimatum, Nicaragua F.v.d that tbe d reeee of eal agatnal BritUh aubjerct?. Great Britain demanded should .as> . unconditionally, had already 1.n an? ? ?: be : re the formal 1 ? ; ? regarding the matter had beei I AI? igh assuring Great Britain of a to give complete aatlsfa lion, she neither prom* ? . pay the vari 11 anded for In? - infll '? 'l ' n British - ? I stipulated by I>>M Klmberley, nor de lined to do so, but agree I t.. a fair and Just 1 of 1 '.aims ?hat ihould be recommended b) an Impartial arbitr?t! : 1 (real Britaln'i : an lude !ng from the arbitration commission "a ? iti/.'-n of any American Btate" was quietly Ignored, It. ri:n. April M. The "Voaala he Zeitung" says? In ,m ?- Engl ind's ti u ite with N ?<' In this matter Eni ? general Euro? pean Interenta aa well as her own, The 1 American Rep?blica have be I .1 ta if la ? leannei 1 aga eignen --la salutary leaaon If the I'nlte ! State? Ulan ta ? x tend the Monroe Doctrine no aa to protect theae un. raiv netghb r-, the) must lea alte the re iblllt) of t ilfilll g l U01 il obliga? tl ana I Tili-; ADMINISTRATION STILL HESITATES Washing! n, April 11 fSpeclal.)?As was et> :. the ?! >ubt In the mln Is of Pre? Cleveland and Secretary Oresham as t tha right of this countr) to pr ??? it ag il pro? hibit the bombardment of Oreytown 01 < ' ? l or the taking charge of the ?si m h u ' Nicaragua has been the source f much ad? enl here :?-!?? Ir is agreed thai tha . ?? ? Administration on ihea two . ntrasts unfavorablj with the resi i determination that Great Britain Is not t quire t- rrlte r) In N either 1 y i* ?; tha: she Is nol ind an am ed ; the R I- i- thought to b ? unfortut ate, : ? put it 1 that a p II v wh ??'. :- ? "'?1 >r i' -, V? should be weakened In two practlcil f? ? ?.? ,'. ubi or hesitation. Tl." \ which ii" decision has been n ache ? tl le. it .. bellee ed, t ? which Great Britain 1 t ? than to tl ir-- :?\ ?. Englani has known ? r years that tMs country will in>t permit h<?r to tt.aiti Id t rritory In Central America Its : ?< In regard t> ibis |n>lnt ins been ?rm nristent, and while the Administration la ps avise and certa . - al In referring again to the su:,,' ? .n thi? time. It Is 1 ' r,i st tance l ? l >uoh up in present, tars L ? than to rep?? it and reaffirm t . in?-. ? ?. - ?? hat she coveta Nicaragua. 1 as said only it, howevi r, eatlaf) Lng w ! ; 1 sincere. In the faca that si rill da* liberate!)- take ate ; s to : q lire .1 foothold in Nl iragua. In \ ;? ? the ->? . n ' the Minn, aa with 1 mi I. It would : . attempt t 1 carr) out an? a the usual mai : er. '!' F >und that Bnglan I means 1 end, n >t agaii at the avlshea 1 ite I States, but ..1 accordance with them. I* will require but little reflection, therefe ???? It lear that sh ? ?> poets ihis Government t. de Ide that it has no right In Internatl nal laa bardment of Greyt ?n and Corinto and the .sub : t . . ?? j ? [ton ere a? ? preliminar) ?tel 1 ward ?-'? uring a permanent ;? : 11 in Ni an -? -1 II Is just hen thai the dlpl ms of the wily Brit n ma) pr \ '.. In the : f S tor M rgan, Great Britain only want.- an In h. Havtw I that, .--he a\ II get an ell If the Pr aident and Secretary ,-.,-?? ide t.i at the U ilted State? fully 1 .j -? Bnglan l'a fli -; n Nl i: iguan ; rta to enf >ree her demands and ?ng !? ve m? ?aIth which to Ind t i- 1 aul ? will have been obi 1 While a| ; an I) t\\.\<- ? f the fa 1 thai Kngllah Government has ambltl n with respect I , ? 1 . v.--. ? er I ? aldenl ? .:?. Greaham se erna to understand, i, c 1 tain in ii atlons are 1 ? be trust? 1. th it there arc moral , ? i) ? than one to aucxreaa. CONDITIONS DIFFERENT SOW, Aa r lated In these dls| 1 lasi night, tha Administration believes that if this country should protest agalnat the bombardment of Grey town or Corinto the cry w uld be raised that It was In ont 1st, ut and denied to othe the very right which it maintained in 1833, when the cyan.' Bred on San Juan. If thai L'rcura? stancea are fully considered it will be .???<!! 'hat thi< la .1 1..Ileaa fear, ?- the c ndltions ara es> tlrely different. In IS53 a band ot inar.tuders controlled the M 1 ?untry. There was no reeponsibl 1 ;? ? ? 11 no law and order in thai quarter When, therefore, the Am ? 10 diplomatic ageni wai n altreated ihe hastia - ment was warranted and necessary. Now, loss? ever, the conditions are chang 1. Nk-ar .*, a responslbl !'?> re r, issue 1 the decre s of banish* ment in the case ot Pr ? The . at was taken for the best ?nteres a of th R again t which Hatch had plotted Besld -. Hatch was not ? regularly accredited representativo oC Rngtand 1 fact which has been losl sight <>f. I: is true that he was ae ting aa Conaul, but lie had never received an exequ?tur from the Government of Nicaragua, atoreovcr- ind the point hi-; ?.* i"' al algnlfloance this country is ? ? .;:U-,l by all European Powers except Englanl, aa occupying a peculiar relation aith respect to Central American rep?blica. Through Nicaragua an Interoceanlc ?ana; will some nay !>?? cut ? th.r by th? United states- or under Its protection. Therefor? it ejrouM serena a olear riarht r.* thia oountry now to ?h> not only that the M >nr ? Doctrine is still in force, but that Great Rritah. la to take no steps involving the slightest daogcf of ita Infringement I?:', ?inzu?an, the Nicaraguas Minister. Is still without advtcee fron Managua bearing on tue ? ?ihj-t -r th.- difficulties with Oreat Brttala His last dispatch from the Nicaraguas MlnUtat ? foreign Affairs waa aent ...1 Monday, and ?n*?lned on.y the mat-mi , >rts of Nicaragua'? inswer to Oreat Britain's ultimatum. The uot hat he not been Informed reapecUng Great ritaln s ailllngiiM to arbitrate the dlfferenoesL such a determination has been reached, seem? j ?orroborata Londoa dispatch?? that Great