Newspaper Page Text
PART II. PACES 11 TO 14. ??ezssas FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1895. TWO MORE JURORS CHOSEN. EXAMINATION OF TALESMEN IN Til?: M'LAUGHLIN TRIAL. Tlir COCKT OF OTXR AN'!' TERMINER SPENDS Tl!i: ENTIRE DAT INQl'IRINO INT" THEIR ..- HUriCATlOX0 -I-.. KEnVK IN THE 1\s;.|;.-t. >li'S CASE. Coufl of ' '?? ? r and Terminer was croar I d ye* wh> :i .1.1 !?.:- Barren took hla sent ? ) -, ontlnue the examination into the qua I I ' ron? to serve on the trial of Inspect r M i. ehlln. The firat talesman called ? i? Prank J. O'Brien a llouor denier, who waa excused b? "auae y,,, tah ng the chnnc* of keeping h s saloon - inda y. John B. Smith, an employ* of the So 111 Saaaau-st., who teatlfl? l thai i no Impreaalon of the nullt or Innoci n lani waa then nccepted, making the ? ?. * ror. -?saVa S Browne, librarian of the Academy of ne, ?ma called and pul through a aearchlng il m by Auaten O, fox, who aak? I him if ;, waa a member of the Madison Avenue Presby m Church, the Bo lety for the Prevention of ? ??>? for the Suppression of Vice, the a etv "f EthlcaJ Culture, the American Sabbath ;?? in, the Christian League for the Promotl >n of ? Purity, the Bo let? f r the improvement of the Condition of the Poor, or the American Protec? tive Ar-so Ution. to all of which the wltneaa an? ? Th? wltneaa paid he hu l trtrong aympathy with the proceedings of the Lexow Committee, and after ; further examination Mr. Fox Interp ; emptory challenge, and Mr. Browne was ruled i After recesa Rudi Iph Zimmerman was called. Bn i eN i???* ..-. the around of an ing prejudice agaii -' the Police Department. John Hemaeth, a gri 'er, an.l Ai evoe, who is engaged In the train su l feed buainea? at So 1,830 Weal Farms R ,, |, ? ..'?. Benj imln Bl<?ser aal 1 he ha 1 read the testlmon) laker by the l,exow Commute. In the newspapers from day to day, and t- ??? no Impreaalon on hla mind, bul he waa i Mr. Houai objecting to the challenge of I.pold Smith, wholesale clothing t ' - So 111 Weal One-hundr? l-and-twenty ?e-,.:.. ! that h-. had formed strong lm> pi? m g is lo the guilt of the officials conn? ted r- the Police Department, but that hla con not bi carrl? i a?ay by thla g< ? ? ?.,! , Hi ? i ? ?? laed. 1 ? ? ever, upon ai a?* i rlnt* t; ii he ??i i'l carry positive ?>?>in?..-us with him in:., the Jurj -b \ _? \? is call? ! and excused by the cou ?el oi - lei aft< r consultation, without r I . : n!j Ernest M Bde!, \... 430 Co.umbua ivi . waa xcusi ! >n ihi ground thai I.- waa too fan lai with members of thi police 1 r rge L !.. ?r .t ?. -? xetary of the Young Men's ????.- A X 10 East 8? venty-ftfth-si . V,- -?> ?'.- ' ?? -? Ul ; ' hi Would hive ;, pi gainst a man wh ??? ?? ; ? . no on the Mat. i and t? -".". In hli wn b }'? lerick J H-.'.:_-? ticket agent 'or the Sew? Tork, Sew-Haren and Hartford Railroad, wai ex cus? 1 on the ground that 1 lice i ga i il Um ?- Hce off After several others had Keen illed. Herman turer, So. l&t I". i<: 8eventy-flfth-st., was examined on tin atand, ? I pt? I a? ??? tal - ? ? ? After that J illus M is*, f n i. estati '???-. (Vil'tam XV Kern, a Lank c.-rV Gustav Jaeoh* >-? ? keepei lohn B. ker, So. S2 w- -? 8ev nty-flrst-?t.. who wa* huslni - intll r< ni a ? ? ? ? xa ml) ed and excusi I or rul? ! out, on< after mother. The araa then adj irned intll thla morning THF MAYOR'S GOVT IS PERVERSE. SURE TO ATTACK HIM IF I!!: MAKES AN EN Q il lEMEN ' HE BAYS Mrs fnr:a Monte Loeblnger, prei Monte Relief Asm lai m, ind Mrs ? ; w. Tea I i ??? :-.. called ..;-. Mayor Strong yesterday, iki l him to be 11 May feel "2. The r declim tra'"e f,r. .-? . t an attack i a ilm .-? .te tj in! r?en >\ i'h it. m to bo present at the penlni at the Oran 'entrai Pala ? m v-.\ h*ARMOST IS GESERAl S ESS IOS S. th;: recorder PRESENT AT \ MEETING of th;: ji does win? h, n is thoi*qht, will HAVE GOOD RESfLTS. A r, eel ing attei th? lu Ige? of ?? i ;... eral Seat ham ' tigi raid y eat < ften | JU !L'. ifterwai laid tl I had ? ? i si TI he -..i I. wa* . t evei ment to I court except that of patroi ..... ... "?'hi ? ; ? genei ighl thai tl la m? ??' . g, * wai first | ??]?....'.? ? the 'lullen ol ... i. PROGRAMME "/ READISGS A\:t MUSIC. MISS SA IDEE VERB MILNE TO ?.ft'EAR ?.FAVOR. ITE HERE AND IN UlNI i >> Miss I .. ? . ? .; . ? '.:. . ? ? i m here and glai i to give * ?mi ? ? ? ning it a:30 o'clock ? atri :. \'. arm -, So 2,01* i She v I i. ol !?' i'. Vlackaj, the tal ? ? the 8. V*. M Lad -?' Q 11 i ? i h M - Hiiia <";.irk is 'ir-' - : ? " m M ?.? -. v. Inifred William- first all ?, Misi A: ? . T ?? '? 't second alto, A. Hobart Bmock i.',..r ar. 1 ".' Ha rrla a ? mpanl* Hall th. ; - trill go to the Y ?. i .-, M Ine cam? I this city in 1888 Hei ? pularity as a rea 1er it. ? .-..- il Sol ? aha the a ithor of m ?ny of h> ? and a i Reap na ' a h h h ia ? -? .?tal . burche* here In IM ? ? gagi nent? n \j hi ; ?? ? ?ge uno she return?*d with a ; imher '.??'. testii '[... read nga ? i ? .-? i lea Th- pstn n.n- Ml '? R Puller, Mr* Prank A Pen -. Mr-. A. s Mr-. S H Van Ho iten Mi - Henrj ("l< i ?? E. O W- Us, Mr? I iclen Warner Mi im J H m- . i. Mrs r Milton Math, r, Mi - ttrthui A Btlllweil, Mra : f! Bel ??*. Misa A. !.. n.-nn-tt Mrs W i ! Mr- i- !?: Vi Mr? Berkle; Mi I ?In, Mr--. J. H K.n:,. Ij and Mra John H. wray. FLVCTVATIOSS IS COTTOS. T!:r: " DROPS BACK ON l'U? ?KIT Tak i.\. ; DROCTH IN TEXAS ("ONTINt'ES it. flt-taklng on a lai ge -? ils y? tei '' ? the Neu Vortr. Cotton Exchange, and a con a"i'.:>-.t reaction that carried prices down - to ; ? ? h- Ion Wedi aada lose, The fluctua? ? ? were wide and rapid. Ai one tit."' near!) all had been lost w..s recover ?! Sotwlthata Ing the ?iron in future* ?pol cotton In ?his market ii : v.... csd 1-1? . ? ? ? ? ? mged betw? ? n ?:.. IK. and ' ? .7. Ti,, re waa hi i^y aell ? re r 1 ; hut H waa 1 \ ; ? . , becauas news had be? 11 1 ind 1.y wa) of New-Orleans thai ? ? m In Ti xas. < ?n thl newa ' pool q 101 . - . . . ; oil What thejr a 111 ?? - to-morrow wheu they lind thia newa la ?? remains to be seen. The situation In Texas la daily growing worse. The greatly needed 1 has not 1 en and there is no sign ol molsi Manchester 1 pinners boughl - ' "? terday. Tut.- was a failure in -*' ? Orleani : ? .t did not 1 it? ci this market. '??.m Sew-Orleana in regard t" the weather randiUona In Tsxaa wera received bsrs aa fol!? . ? Times Democrat'1 has the following special *r"i:i Dallas, Texas "Not over M |.?-r cenl cotton planted last yeai will be plantel till? year in l?.?Has ' It la conservative figuring, and Dallaa la ' the iargeat cotton counties, around al? ready planted in corn, oats, wheat; too lata i" change it." in< - Auatln special: "G'oomy proap?*cts ail o.,. Middle Texas. The ex eedingly dry win? ter I .- been followed b) drieai spring since aettle inty. Not a planter In the co nl ... ?' cotton; few nava planted ai all '.. trade know hon seriously summer droutha Texai yield, A spring drouth may pro cue.. ,.V,.?| ,llort. 8,.r??un r.-snliH. as Int.- planted cotton la .. *. able to realal unfavorable condl tlona " "Houston i'oat" yssterday asura: "Besson <? m ? backward, particularly on plantations, soil being baked from ssng-oontlnutHl .imuih and too ' 1 ?'??: germination i>; se?1'!. Crops at a atand ?".1. At San Antonio, .lry areather la proving dis as trous; Corslcana, ver) little rotton yst plant. !. MoQregor, not miMfei planted; Wharton. very nui" ootton uf,, acount inRufficient moisture; fertilizer people her?- say there ifi no Increagsd demand ior firUlizer?, and now too lut?-.'' MS. DEPEW MORE HOPEFUL. HE ?SEES BETTER PROSPECTS OF RE P\)RM LEGISLATION AT ALBANY. THE POLICE .mv;\ '??? HE thi\K.~. \. ILL G .' THRi 'Gil VUM IT '.'. ITHOCT CHAXOE a : VIH a'HAXOK !'? .;: THE Pe ' ICE REe ' '?' MK '??? I'RE lATla i.S'AGK ' \ l'PE8 THE WHOLE THOl'HLE ? 'h iunca*y M. I?. pea '.''? ch i rage l h . view? i.'. la n ?a I" r ?re the Legislature .: All ,. Re ?< ntly Mr, l'"?"\v ? ild i vlall t? the : ?' ' After returning t , \. a- York Mr l >? p a, lean I thai as a result of his observai and ? ? whi in Altean) h< aas flrml ? ? tl l on? of the rrfoi m bills a ml I \ In accountli ? I ? this h.' aald thai enough !:?:??? in vote ; c a 1 be tn irshallefd an ilnsl eai h I II : ? Insure I - Mr. Depew aas in A Iban) a na In can VVedne.sil.-iy. Speaking "i the con 11 tl >nt I - he s il l y. ~'. i i ij "I found tilings much changed :i ?m aha were upon my previous v il i 'lav. thai i i - curately gauge I the tru.I when I was In Alban? befoi I waa my sel I surprise i an ? pie ase I n Ith the fl hav taken, I foun I that elghi ti yes. nli of ten .a' ai! the Repu ' tnlfestlng a (1 : ? ? ? iv rabl ? these reform bills, I am not prepare l to - iy thai nil th.' r. f rm bills n 111 pa . bul I kely to me '- m " ? : :? ' ? ? it ne, and perhapa two, of the bills will am through the I.egls. lature. a though It will probably I n an ana n I? i form, thai will not be entire!) factoi to tl] Inte re ? "The que il ion al \ Iban) . i u patr i"!- ?s? ? h hav these bll ?a in chari ?head I how they ar ? grain?? to v?. .rU ahen they become laws. This question of pati la always ,i tr iblesome one, ai i Is !? ?un I I i flgur > In legislation, When this matter Is seti ? ' '? ? ? of th "-?? inte rested then 1 rill go along all right If no nea coi pll at I ?prlng Up :?: tl "The hill 1 referr? I t" as one that I th nk will : . Ii the P Magistt u - bill. T , 1 believe, will go through almost without Xoi . ? bills an going to pai n tl ? atact shape tii r the Committee "f Ten and the Committee* rai s- v. nt) ? sir.-, but II looks i i me as If 1 '? : ? the .? .-? m .1 late : ? bill I r. ? IT? i ? . i Re r? .: ,-.i-: m 1.111, 1 ? ild say thai t'i..- bill I chano la Il 1: i- .'. t.i ? V'hal i noi kn ia. althe igh I feel 1 is tSound t" be re a -?? I .,-. ? lai ?je?! to a - extent "Tl ?? fate . f the ?the r bille? la pi n itleal I irdly say ths i . i ch inge in the result of I? glslatlon so far as thi erne?l fr >m what I sa before l*he : ? 1 may not. I i -???.?.? ? ... of oplnie in, to I ca ... i . ? ' K.k. .,- ? ?.? . ? t ' get t me ? .. .. r Tw 1st, * tinue to rj foi i Mr. I "-i" w. In reply to a >?? 1 eve I had In ? . ? ? bany, ?aid: "The 1^.-,- ..: in at A ? ; ? I aps v ?; might - . ? ? ? to rc.i;:,-. that pail There 1 ? I great ?Ihn ? ? ? ? ..... . . lature who were not doing 1 ? ? ? | ... the? L ItUI ? I .'? I 1 ';? ' othe ai ? ? tuati"! and are i . . ? ii: will be bei ' ? U their a I ? Is a del trat loi fact." I RROKES -//I// REPAIRED AT SEA. l.V ri..VN!'l::' AN Oil, 1 in: ? ?/,-.?; v IT 1 ?? . ? ? I- ? The i?,: lank si . ?? 1. . , . . .. I , . I...... . ta ?ya. g pled In making i The steamei el Antw?-rp M i f r ? . ? rly gal? -. a Ith his i ? : i 1 ?'?'?:??? ' ' ' ..... ..-.. ? . ... ? si ?:?!>? I. An ... shafi was I twen 1 irs. II <; Voll? ?. th? ch a or k t o re i I The ? ? Id Rial ? ? . ? . toge-th? r with ! irge bolts, t ... ., : -???. i-n dav s ? : i; ? I |. ' tie i I? : ?.ii.-; 11, ir I ' a : 11. ? ? I in ? " ? 11 n i .apt tin sa I he- si I as ai? a. ami ' . ? ?. r re-i SO LIQUORS WEIH SOLD OS SVSDAY. OOMM1 Mr*A1 ' I'ARK lUi.vim ?? i !?:- ' v The regular w?-el :?..???? the ? '? ntral I'ark Arsenal Pre l?nt 1 the . hair und Com? 11 ? ? I an : Juilliard were also pi ni A ?i ? tafia wa< r?"?*lv?"l from <!al I . . pul : liquor - ' '' ? Tav? rn an i at the i 'aslno Isidot ? . ? . . ?? lo tl ana ? 'aptaln Col Ins, ?.t th. i-.nk police, m le i i. port in v. hi h he said that 1 ? , irta last Hunelay ami of a ion ol the laa, A pomm in atlon ?*? ...... m ??? .. Marta .? Hill Prop? rty l ?a-n? rs As?o?-lal plaining of the con?II1 f tl ? ov? r ihe Spuyta n I ?u) ? l Cree k. ?< I Kin bi .... H. ?; Woo Iman lende red I in lelgnatl ?n aa su I . ndenl of th? Aquarium, and a| ; ? I 'or a Don of la'o a'< -k -, from Api ?I '?? la, lent Kinn a? authoi xed sn ? ?nti i ' f,,r band lo p!a) park -?until, r. |.!". i I' I the ? '"]? a?' on Coiinse I d< :? 1 ?.| do ? ' ? ? ' ' : The li.'.'ti of i: tin at? ai tl Apportlonme i I aaked :.. give ?_'."??? fe?r Ih Imp.ment Mot ris K .1 ? ? ;? npl" "" ' !- '?"" ., , |. . ? Atnci laisiiim ol S until Hi-'..! a-, .m a ;?? k? ! thai " '?? be sj,.nt m Improeain? th? ?? ??? ? tbe m a I) , ?mideti I easl ?'? in? ol the b ill ling. \ ,, p ,n from <?? irge II !:? ? I avs r? ? lv? I .. i t ,' the condition of lh< bail lings n l'entrai Park j|, foun'l lhal m.:',1- ol th? m a? re n a are?I e-?l ,,?,,lit on, and advocated ihn* vear lease of th? , : ten ml I i make th? r oan i p i 8T0SES ISSTEAD OF LEMOSS, NEW-YORK FRP1T l M l ?? ?I : : l : 1 : ~ HEFRAfUEI) !:V Sie'lLl S S lewi S'l ?LKRie M an auction sal? ol \6 000 ?xe of ;? mom from M nina and Palermo, on Wejdnerday. 840 beaxe - ;-:,., |,!,,,,., inste i : of ' mtalnlng Ian i t., be lili? i with old paper, etc., i ?pp< i oft m -., ;.,. r ... .;., ... i i -t n ? of tl . : n" and ... i, m ins, nea I) .'. rappe I In reg ilatl m frult wrapplng papar rhe itrai ??? I) i-" '??? ::. r. Im| orte I on the imshlp I??rgo Bay. und An Italian fi til |ob i?. r ,n ihls city, for ?ii'ini t !?? lemon ?ei obi line l ,i ' ?" III ?vRI ' able I inke Palermo through ? large frult-auctlon Arm In thla , itj He th ?" wrote lo a I ai" r In Pal? rmu t . ?end him a ce rl iln numl ei of b ?es ol i , ? rtaln ! ,: i of lemons, and to gel "!"' '-?'? ? ?- :l ? ' - might be neceas iry ? pmenl fi ?m the bai k , . , .....,,,.,, . . ad estai bed I cr? lit, The ?hlpper. I.; smuggling his bog?is lemon aboard the ?Largo Ha; among a Idl ot gen lina lemoi be . i the stoam ahip i ompan: im ? I ? Ing him a bill a ... . ? in,;; thai the ; ?? ' ?? ?? "??'?': : r< .: I?a:?.i.s had been "?'<? '?1 wl bill of l.i ling he exhlblteJ I ' ' ? ? ? ? I ?tates Consul, aha thereu| on s? ie a to han an ? nil ,.,i ,,,,,. nalur Invoice c rim ate. These do urne n - ??.. re j. ente l : . t tie i nsuspai ' ? ban a era, .? .. , ad? vance ta?- swindling ahipper II an each boat of ,,]. ?en'-l letmona ?> he I.?-* alii primarll; i.\ II ?i ? - m wna-ii gu?rante ed the credli to the i will I ib" ultimate loser. Tno maele the advance being Indemnin? I. I Is bel ?? | are not llkel? : i >' ?th?M thems? , '"? ap ? ringing to J'i.i1.?'i. !"?? rascall) o..?l, -.'. ?v-'o ?vHI HVw-ib!) La cajie CELEBRATISG FOCSDERS DAT. FIRST ASNIVERSART IN THE SEW-YORK I'M VERSIT1 s SEW !!?'?! V-,e cnlvi ralty of t ?' D ?' Sew-York ? ? lebt il : ,-,, . |eri. ],,y v ? :, ,-tth i ?ren more Impre* aiveness than usual, In ismu h as it wa? lin ..,.,.. . . Hiding ...i 1'nlverslty Height* Tie- ? ??? ' ""'!' r "''' 'h'''"'""" ,,f the ... ? in at 11 ?? o" lo k Th ? ? ? . numb ?!. appe ire?! in , | i0? m ? i t?) the -?' ??????? ' ?i ? 'r^LA*?\?*?to?*-' UNIVERSITY Mi iNt'MENT. lent ? th their relativ? at I frlei : rhe pro ??:,-? began nil the t'nlvi i ! ? Club. a i ????:.. i -? ; . ? ? ,1 .i ih Sewma of S< wai k. N J.. gave the Pom i Day oi M I'niversity Ma ib was I ?? I by the read ? . ? thi i' mi ? |i ; i, by W lllam J Tl en there ?? ging by ill ?? . luh Vf (er t hi exei remony of Is ? i T' "it- : Memoi It in '. high, with a fool Iw ? ?. ? ? i gymi ?slum. ill the m - the i ? ? '. ... I. II. Kir! ? \t the el of tl ?i :, ? ' it* Il.nry M. IUIr.1 , ? lnR GOOD C1T\ GOVERSMEST. ? ? ' iXAl ? ? ? . i ? ? ?? ? , . - Philadelphia, April Id In pin ? ? ? vita ??'.?;.? ? . . ? ... P.-derai ? ? ? nuil mi Sal nal M : Vi . fe re i ? ? ? ' ? f..un.) i inore . ? ? ? / ... most m il ni.'11 being pre . . j are n I . ?? i he m. ? ? ? LEATHER FOLLOWS ?III ADV ASCI / V /./ ,' F lani I ... . , I . . ? . rates f,,r I.e. I , ? i ? ;? ? lire |l| I!?!. The . ? ! i.'. I ' . I I i . 11 : ?? ,1 ? in.I < : ? ? -, llu . n-ag.i lle.f Tl I hu lid yeslerda It I* ; ? ? ? ? i : : . ? ; ? maklni ind v \ .'.,,?. .. . ' . Tnmt prai-l ? ? ? ? i i P p i I' to tell |-e| , , line ? ? ? . irea i Ira I ? ?? i ? ? ? m.: in COVSTERFEITKRS "/ STAMPS ARRESTED .,>,:';;, M'H I?miN l.i. \ i .ii : i IF Mil': O A: . l*At'?SIIT IN ?"INi'INNATI Wllll I IN ?'IIH'A?,(l i 'Inelnn i ' i. Vpi ' ? ' ;? ?. '?! n th? ? . -, ..-? ? i i.;. Coil ?I i- ., ????.'... . ...| . ?? ,.'..?? post i!! . ; . ? '? I !.. the mall matti r over. Tl ? ? k< pi .| iiei In order In ' ' r?-ni ilnln?, n mhei ? . the iIIki'uvi r) ? . ? "I ii ngo, Hprll m n la?! nlghi irr. ? i ' ' ? ' .i ? ? lamp ? nothei man i laken ntu cu*l lui ras not revealed Moi ? ? ? i '... ml othei i-lt|. an ? \ I- ? . rhe offlrel in i i\. Ihi ? ntln gang In i istoly, in mi :,? ? i.i ? Ih , ii of the machli ei -, ... |ih .? hlch i ? ar.-i.4il in Joni oflii ? In ihe Uli I Ins aren found i . .m. ii, ; i ? r* end otnei paraphernalia used In th. manufactui Ol i he . "Thi torj nterfeit i in? bai k four v? it- " i 'i i 'antaln I'm lei . "th i| la all lhal I i an ?a) at pre ? ?a? SOI ASA I II; At 111 1.1-1 \CEFOR HI DDISGS a i ii w i:i ? ?'i hi '.' ? mut:?-] ; ?, m i-uksknt UAItltlAr.E III REA I Rince the It ?ar i of Al Ii rue n ? m ,,,. y ,. , . Bun m i . the ba ?? mi nl : Ihe Cltj Hall thi two i*u| i that pn ?I le ovi i II h ive n ,t ,,,.,., | ||f> liridal ci havi I ik< n a atrong dislike : the Ii i ol ?tart -? an i I, un i*< i kit. h n wltt Iron bars al Ihe ?In loa 1'nli ? . , ? ,,,,., ol Pu ille \\ orka m ik i 'upid'a bowi i ;,,. .,?; pi ii .. thi r< Is d mi i thai couples .... marriage bent .>. I go el* arhi re H - onl , ,. : .,,,, N urn a i.n !? groom ihn atened lo go i , ti,,?, .;..,, ;in,| motil ci pie ... in. i ur ,th when heard arheri lha bureau was altuated Thi couple wei Manuel I Hula, of So. a Eaai Seventh-st., Il*** H. Kali i ... rU|, , ,| | thai hi "would ti it Iw marri I in thi ? -, ; ,,: " \|: ? ? tried : i ? xpla n thai the bure"a on per ( ici to i ? marrli I In, l,u) ,;,i;z ., , . h w. u.d gel married aliove tal ,,, ,. . ... th.. ''.: II ,11 at all, - Al lermsn .- . ,.'\ the . ? rein in) In the <'? ivernor'a ? , .,,', -J, ', thlnka thai aa the lloard of ,\ | ,?,,.? j,,,... , itlon ' . ?l up the bureau the i ' rmn ?. ? i ' Pub?! u'"'' ?{? ''?? ??o? daiay, and th?i dlvsrt marrUgu from t..<: City lu^ J SHIPS MAY COME AT NIGHT SECRETARY CARLISLE ISSUES AN ORDER permitting: it. THE NEW REGULATIONS APPLT TO ALL PORTS OF ARRIVAL IN THE ?'"tNTKY INSTRUCTIONS TO ??? ?I-LETTl 1RS am? IN8PK Te ?RS vv .. shlnaton, April '.- Th?. Trra?ur] 1 a. i> irtm-'iit ? ?? landing ol steam -ia?> pa - sengera ttftei sunsel aas Issue?! this aftem. The i,. vv ?? ii ,-? n "? conf?n? l to New Vork ale ne, bul .n ? i enera I In their appllr itlon, an I will be ? ii:i"l oui at all ports of .n rival in the I'nlted Slam The i Ircul 11 sa - 'I he ' 'olle tot of ' :? porl ee III detail .1 ?ufl niimln ? of Inope? t..1 - to attend at the 1 1 the Inspection ol baggage, aho shall receive no extra mp? nsatl m therefoi. bul Inspe -tors ??? di? el u ,1, 1. r? liev ? a from .ill 01 a re tsori ible ' ??: t :? Ir lui y on tii" ? nsuing da? liTUtl.i 1 ol '!. acanve? S? rvlc? aft? ' sun : VV h? I I h. es tmln 1 ? ,11 ol ' he baggage an?l ? of t in pat ? n?, rs (1 om .mv ? ? ? 1. ir ol et, such exam nn I ? . I., continued by the Inspe wharl until complete?!, and due allowan >? ol time shall I"- tn.i'l.. 1,1 nuch Inspectors ?n the ... . ? : " tm? a- re n? as Its In ?an, liona u| in all ofll?-ers who may I?.' assigne?! t,. duty al the lan.l ?' !?' eng 1- o themselves alth e-ntln? pallen ??? and courtes?! ahile engageai in the v. examining 1 iggage Passengers < innol lie exp? te In I'Xhibti famlllarit) ?m!, oui customs laa's, and .1 certain amount of Impatience ana resile in iv 1- in-i.ti..| in travellers, ahe iftei emliiring the reati a sea vo? age . are 1 ompell? 1 ?., rait to de lent Ion an I to the s >rutln) ol thi Ir ? ffei t- No In pei tor ? .an. -. al ? 1 ?? ?! foi 1 ? ? ; ? ! ? rti .... ???... ii 1 ? 1 1 di- otile -a s m , 1, irge are furthet I thai the Is In ? tltlltl : nol ? much with a va-vv to the 1 ltd te 1 as i'? the previ tentli r th laas. Whi!--, the red ,|.r!v collectible undi ? ,' i?re must be :i to pett) ai : . xtortlonat? e> ictlon iin?l?-r a inn r. a . ? ? n of I he 1 1 w .m I .: ml eappi ? of I pre TO oriDE rrSTe 'M INSPECTi >R8 ?'..?a: ..r INSTRI'iTIONS T" PREVENT THEM PROM MAKIN?! MISTAKES IN i:\AMI.\IN?, ?AG ; VOK ! :i ",V MEN Te) RE ADIlED T1IK ?'? im: The :- '.??.? il or ? th? ??- Is. tors make 1 at Ion of 1.1.. .1 .- 1 ve In en a. ? ? ? , 1 I . . ? tin- '??,.? ? ? ? , ? ?? : ? Ihn law In .?: I to ? ? ? 1 ' ' ? tors ? : ?,.-.?' eat . eons and brutal in ??..??? ? . 1 . . ? ?..? 1 ? mtoms laas . ? ' ? ? . ' ? ! ,. \. ? retai re ise the Kurvi II . ? / ? - ? : ? , g and ? ? ... the avu ? ... ' ?a ' ' ? ? . ' ? ? ? PROM ! 7 Foil Till: ?PPRAISl ':. ' SKII .... ? , . ., , ' ? ? ? ' ? ' ? . I. : ? .... . ... ? . Il.-d I , ? ? t to a ? : : 'ii ? ? ? . Ill 111 ..: SI a.- 01 v it.'d I r et.?ne .1 .... . I , ? 1 a. ? I 1. ? bfi 11 : ? ' ? ' ' ? ?ji-iiie ? : rom ? : ? provision.? of 11.1 . ..: ?- 'l. ..1 I . : .- ? 1 . - ,.,'.. 1 ?. ? :? I Im? 1 r.iti . -? ? : 1 ,v ?: ? .'.. ?.- examlni I -. ? ?? ? '. v In lie hail aal I be ll,l| 'I he I" i','.. a . . till I'lil ,'. . V! ahiia I . a h lela Ii.v. .,: 1 v 1 ...... ? '? ' Un ' , . ? . ni, .? ? ? ? ' ? Mb ? :. In th?- 1 ? , . ? ? i.'.a.- ! ii | 1 , . on the free list, un.i. 1 .1 . ui iaw 1 roa l?l n..- that pall abli'h ar> not pn the us I pial' ,.,,', m.',.,.,; .. .,, .n -, ill 11.?I able In th . : th n m r ...| ? ? v . 1. pi li. ? ; b) n ? el i-. Ill? I thai I ? ' iv lid be lutl . ? per 1 fin .il val ''in mi ?.v re in ? :??????? iti.'.l touch???! ii| p? lit-..I. Th? Imp 111? r mi ?..,. i from Un ... m 01 the Col.? i??r an I w.i .-?I laj n? Hoard nl 1 Ii m rai ? I prals?-i fi ? a I .,..,.. i ,i.. , tu '. 1 ni ?? i Si atea Clrctiii //// ni i?// or mi:, ri \ // /;. NO VRRANOKMHNT? mil lili: Pt'NERAL Tin: lellIVEII ? a ill: VVAejON M III? "11 .vi >ia> TIIK .V' ? 111RS , ,'? TIIK ' ? '.., INBH body of Robert ??:,??. t. ? k rn '? m n. v I ' aras 1. ::? 1 on th H.v | Wi ,. ! it his late I 1 ??.. No I.'.. 1: 1 ei 'I'm1:1 i ?ui th ? No arm hat ? -v el bet n m ade fot the funeral 1 . ? Ih.'Iv w.i p| 1 .?. : m m. I: 1 : ol Valait A Vldl I. im,. 1 il illn clone, of \ . .:?.' i lurih iv Phe aas ? mbalmi 1 and prepare?! I trial but Mi l ? ntei. w h . 1 r ia al Kanl 1 Rai har?, Cal . can be pn nt and irrana : : hei mn'a 1 in? ral, nothing vvi:; be a m II ni > Li?;'.- ; ?n ? '? 1 1 1 1 ? ; '?? .'. I,, ? taken ? barge ? I the l**l) \ m< ? 1 ?? ? 1 from M 1 Center, at S ni 1 Rai bara, thai : he .v "i| -t n : 1;., .a .!? : i! , ,., ? , 1 rd ,v hi ' 1 Pi lerlck w Inked, the di Iv? ? ol the ' . n aag n alth ? hich Mr 1 . 1.1 ? . 1 ? ? a .. causing his le ?th, In CSua) I, ill I ?. ? '?:? . U Ink. . nap . er, v ;.w n 1 ., c >al f it 1 "ii Weal Port) ?eve it 1 ? the !, md. Wink? I to! I the 1 owner Hi el '"?? II ilevard aas ci ?? :? 1 alth cj. lers, and 1 it. avoid th m in turning mil of th? ?? > ol i!,,- car, he hi tun 1 i , the 1 ight, and Mr C nt< r ? ? aagon. The nn, re n Is thai v that aid? 'the elrlve .'i' Cent? ??' oa Ing the ; il aa to 1 igln uf .<..1 \. an I ti ?' expecting he amid meel an) vehicle, pushed ahead al full i|..1 alth lowered head and did nol I reallae thai anytblng w^ la lUa pum unul Um I ool?lalon uCkjrrcvl. ' NEWS NOTES A T THE CAPITAL SALVADOR'S EFFORTS TO GET POSSESSION OF BZETA. KIR Jt'UAN I'M V KI'"T!' 1.1'..'LINKS TO IWTBR? FERE in' Tin: Bt*?*IIANAN CASK ALL miii: BIOIITEEN'-INCH ARMOR COMPLS'IBD? a.?ho i t.Tt HAL DEPARTMENT MAT? TER? i'M' IIOWOATE AK HAIONED AOAIN. Washington, April II It appears from ih- M i iai i . h leni - .Mta Balvador, publlahed m "Foreign Relations." that the smallest ol American republics A..- more thorough!; angered by ths ;:/??.! in.-ldeni than was thought at the time. When the ex President became a refugee on board the llennington hla extradition was demanded for aim.,-: every kind of crime, and every subterfuge was ?? ?-. ; ;,. to iiecure the fugitive's release isylum on the a irshlp. Th'- "Qetieral Sl!?:j i,.",, ?.-., provisional Oovernmeni Informed Mln . ti i- Raki - who was at the time in Managua. he i i.i'. i -: :??; had recognised th.- new (jovei ? . directly 'he r ?verse of the r .,,. . to i ? Mi" MlnlBter u> order rommnnder Thomas. '?: the llennington, to del;ver ::/..??., to the new Government After this rus.- had railed, at, i .Mi.;: :.,..??.i had been released from H|y I.? ihe I ? It? I States court at San I-'ran ,rme.| the I'nlted Stat? - ol the itioi ta extradltioi treat) with this ... . ? , ; . un re? lied to this notli a b) ob ? t the ratifli nions of the treaty were ? v h..' .-..?? M ? . S74, and not, as Sal t?te I." "n May I2, i-:.. Thi treat) b) It* term* would therefore II .March ? ?"?. and the I'm" d Siat? ? ? .i m ' >r t< rmtnatlng II by special tion a ? iirlier late, Sim e thai time ihe ?ir lor of .- ilvndi i Mas . ooli i ona derably, and, In ? ? ? ? ii American States, Ita altitud ' oui try la now friendly. Sir Julian Paun efote, the Drltlsh Amha e.l a letter i in Ing fi"in ';.?'"?'?? ,W. (;.!. Rob? ri W. Buchanan, of Sea York ?hose application for a writ of error ; by th>- t'nited State* nie ''..n.-' yesterday, and s/ho sa a .i*?* i will dli p electric chair in the week be Mr ' ribbon' - letter stated ? . ?. .1,..' h - trial i ., ordlng to the Constitution* ?l \. ... i'ork and the I'nlted Btates and asked that reason to Interfers, If .... ition. Sir Julian i - >mi ti) i ? pile I the ?heal tribunal in the rule.* thi application he did not if? La I a ' ? mid I ike .n the matter .? i \ ????I1 t master-General N'eilson re I to V ? from N'e-.v- Vork ? 'Itjr, I wit ??-..' : ton in re? ? ? ? ? il. While in Sew Vti ??'? ferre?! with offlcl its of th" ind Hartford lia Iroad Com? ? * Idittonal mail St ites. It Is i radically -.- || !.. added to the . . , ? ? ? the i ? . m ni 'i littles in that ? i'1 e last i ' i irv? viz.-1 nickel ... lovernmeni has two armor planta ? -.--. - itea u ?? pic il tenting \\ i - i i Head Proving ! with a twelve \ , ?? ?? I the V Ordnance ked wit . ' latei ;? repr. ?. nt - WO tons ? ? -'..?. Oregon. Car !". ? i ". o ' :? ? i Franc? I ? hells are their une ti . sil th. [??ature* of a ? itu : ' no compel i . : . c im t he projectl> .<- . ? ? -?? ? - ' : ? i ? regard tai . - - ol , ixtdlci* which \l in ? wit ? ? *, a , on t hi tora, H ? their long prior i i ??? suffi ? ? e ? ? ? en i t and I lap! 1 ' L of I State Peder? i.ov t ,., | ? " a 1 ? Min Vltl Bu? ll Del tmel - ; i 1 haa ? ?. : a . ? ' provla f an ? le irislature of i State ... .. ? ol W.1 irtitl .' - I!.- . ' ?!??.?:? ? of wl , It is said, ha? le? A ;??.?'. .. ? ? tus, wen h< rs. p Of ? I ?.:.-?.. .: t no and lev i-' itloii . . ? ? .. ? ime In cot? I is I ? et of ci tlcUm, how in.l en that the ' . ? the disease i an ..n ason, the bugs di : ? th? attai ks of i- or I. igaer i : ?- ???- to n*estl i - it i. an ? ' trail ??! a ? W 11-Te Ihe | ffel ? 1 I. . s 1 Ihe State, and the ri-nu ? Report ?? ? i . iree have rea ttie .* . known In - ? , ??. of t? 11h i ? ? . ? the crop . , " i \ ? .--.?ut En ? i ? '.. iiiil'.ei ? ? spol to make a ? I will make s cose III il?. > \|..'i ::i!. nl ? ? i . - .-???:. ? . - ifl ?? ;?.!' the gro in I Thi* . i ? , .. to Ii I v ? i ?:.:?? ing | . ?. The rai ajioi I I ? i ive |oln. i the fa i nu r* :?:?? and |?i ? ? utlb ? ici rctary Hanilli lo-day dec! le I thai the rint**d fac-s ? ? .' : ill u^ the ? opinion of A ? v . ;. ner il Oln. Tin i i- ? ? m plalnl ugal \. u ^ m iv ' ? - lie .i han.!-..lie;. iillnini i't lilted lu >'? : man) It I? held thai I i lui ai? v. i road t fad do. - n a , 'A.als fn m the ,,|,ei it Ion ,?: the law. Hie : e Imlli i l?eln earl i . lolatli u of i?.:?i i..? mu? ireatl - with fot elgn . oui I ? \l Hal.? lied a Ros kvllli II i . re ? it Is found di sei ved a pi...?? in the ealet dar ? f dlstingulahed misera S! a ha i ... : ..n the churl i y of her neighbor* foi more lhan lift) vu - ?ft? r i" r death her house was ?ear? he I, anil iiiiioiiK oilier dlsciverle* great iiuuntltles o! ex |i n I? ? loth na ai vei il thousand dollars In bon Is mil |l ?" In ?Id were fo md N'o one suspected thai .Mi???? i > ??an i ithei than a hat ahe repr? elr, and hei ;..-islstent mendlcanc) >-\ clt. d the i ? ible p. uple :<> ?uch an ex ten: thai inuii) promlncni Ills ns were *t?ad) con? inl.m..!-' Ii was Mr practice to ca!l on her regu lar . intr butoi - t r tn? Ir quota II thej falle i to |..\ up prompt!? in ?! i mi r M Mia* Dugan waa tutlful women lu \i n \ ind and h?-i irl tocrailc bearing was main? tain. I to tl lasi She wa* conm 11< .1 with aome of the old i nu : romtni rat families. Captain Henr) w. Howgate, formerly dlsburslng SI ?n tl Sei vli e, .m i recently a< quitted of two charges of forger) and embexxlement, waa . ?... 11 i 'ouri to-day and pie ided I illt i tl ree u h. r In llctmenta Involving al .?.iii the Government. Se ..-ii ? i' lisle ha* directed that the,-a ii..n ;u-1 the Western llanknote Company, >.: ?. Ill ' ? pi Ini ?! . M- ?isslppl State warranta ' l,e discontinued. The banknote company, It hi -, p ulaied, si ill ; . the .-??-! ? ' i ' ,'.'-? Pn ton ii.. i o? len I the removal t-> the Sai Pi in? i Mini of *-..:'..f gold bullion an * *: " illlon now a tba Can in Mint. Vboui :???-. inreflned lilver now al the Carson Mint ?ih subs?quent!) be removed tu San fran? cisco :?.;- i m .?ai ..:' the bullion from Carson ill) .- mpletes ti..- dismantling of that mint. which In fac? ha* recently been used only for assay pun.s. Mr, Mason, the Qovernment expert In np..?,..- who dutcovered the shortage, will remain ? i'i: son tor aeveral weeks, and win then pro? ... i .o make ?ai examinai.uii vi? me dol? FrAIKlsC? Mint NOT AFTER THE GAMBLERS. ?COLLECTOR ?SULLIVAN <?N DBtHA BRECTC INRIDOBaS RUI4NO. in; DOBS N'?'T ?3CLIEVB tk.vt vk;:>.?Ml virosa IIKVI.NIK is KI!<?M ILLBOAL i?? ?IKBM ?'AN M F??K?'i:ii Tu MMvi; RSTUK1M i??l.l.i:?T.?i: OROMB*! VIEW?. Ineome-tax rt'turns In small BUBSbers ront!nii(?4 t.? tin.i their way t.. th.' ?oll.-es ?if th- collectors of Internal revenue in this elty :????:>* lay. (low and then 'in?- was r, itii'"l vvi.l. h ha 1 I?? ? n mail? 1 at a distance fr?.m this (-ity on <-.r l.-f- .r.- April It, I' it all auch raturna aere Itep! apart fr n th -?? wh;,-h tul been Ble i at the ..tii,-.-s within the tlnaa al? lowed by ?aw. Tn?- coltewtora jmI ?1- ; i' ea gear* st.'.i engaged Ui the aorfc of ciaaeifytng and examining r? turns yaaterday. They nill aol Salfh th?- w-.rk for several days and meanwhile n<xt to nothing can be ?Ion.- In the way i f discovering I ie delinquenta who failed to s>>n I Income tax n-turni. Coltoctor .i.ihn A Bulllvan waa aakad v-st.ri.iy if h?- would try t.. .?iscover among the delinquents men who had won large sums of money by gambling at carls, by betting ?,t the rae*?ttracka ??r by .-; Mas*? . in al " ks and ha re i le I: l do no expect t,. bun for mem who may havs aon money at carda . it the- races. It a i:?iti cam? to ma I i ask mi .. Ivice In making ?as |n?come ?i\ r.'tnin and t .11 me tha* he ha I aon, - iy I'? ????. .it the races or be playing poker In MM, I aould not f-ei like advising him t.r make a re turn >>f thai as Income subject to the tax. II i ,i .is. was presented t> me I mlar'nt ask fir idvica from Washington, but .. imm n - ?? ? i it s.'.-ms t.. n.-'. aould be that money which ?d nol be deducted from Income. ;' the monej aaa lost, cannot be fairly considered as ii m t to the tax when the mon?*) .s aon. In ,h?- ? ? il instructions to (!:-? coll? itated that ?? per? son who N engag I In mir?- than 01 : tslness may ascertain hla taxabl? inc me by taking the profit i of hla entire deducting the losses, and that In au - the gatna from ?ine business may be reduce ; . leducting the lasses in th- other business, but this, th<- Instruction?] say, a-ould apply only 1 legitimate business, and n. deduction In any cue shou 1 : alloaa I for - - sustained In hors.- racing or Ht ..?ras, or In other illegal ?a m Mine transa ma N ithlng la said taxing in omen from gambling ..t. 1 ? fair Inference, Ii seema to me, la that the lav?, does n >t reeognlre Income* obtained b) any Illegal business. Money stolen, for Instan. . h >uld n >t be considered aa i.-uii income. Money won bi i bel an elee tlon or at carda cannot be ?^ofleetatd with the aid of the courts if the man who : aea the b i re? ta tes tn pay, !,?? . . law do? s n such a transaction as legal. In caa of money won i* .en established lottery, however, the lia - n?a ?> recognlxe it .i- Income subject ta the tax, Julg Ing by th- specia: Instructions Mr. Sullivan referred t,-? th?- Instructions, ar.d ? tinted out thla paragrai h Pi geg declared by and received from lot! -'??i in 'h?? y-ar 1*51 ar" clearl) It: ome for that ' ?T within ihe meaning of the In ,im.' Tax Lav, and sbo'il'l h?- included in the Ine ome of th. persona re celvlng the same, va ?.??t.-, taken alth other souress ..r in."me. guch psraon aould be required by law t.> make Income tax returns. As to incewpeg from speculation In atocks^ Mr. Sullivan aald thai they aere Incomeg from a k Itl? n.ate business, ai I could be eatimat? i the losses from the ga ni Comparativa quiet rrigned In Internal Revenus ?'..i:.,',,- O? ?ane'a ofllca yesterday, Several ; ? r sona who on account of Illness or abtaence from the . ity rece iv? | an ? ttet - time far at; nth. called y?-s*. rdaj ai offl ? md made ?',,;.. ,' ?ir,,<.-??? was not in his i.tli ?? -? iy but Piral Deputy Collector Boot?, In s; .-.akirg of 'I;.- sltuatl in, - I l cannot tell you the name? .,f prominent peopls aho have fa ake returns, ?'j.i' Oi tee t< , :??:? the laa to me an thai n,.-- be maintained b) the i" lie ?? We, how? ever, knoa a great man) ? ml its at ? - templated, and this [an promisee ? i feast for aayers. I cam I -'.ants a: ? The statement was made by the v. ting ?' Iteetw it. Brooklyn that W i< Vanderbilt had ma le no re? turn it, !'.?-'..'klyt. He he Id that, i* Mr. Van :? I ?. kgal realdance la ai oekdale, near latlp, on Lo?ngj [aland, h:.<? return should be made In Brooklyn. Mr B ?" refused to say ahether or n..t the ret irn had I,.'? mad? In Xsw-Tork, bot Mr. Depew, w^j |g truste a for tV. K V ate. said that ... - -i , le n N't .-. 'i ork along a 'h thu the Vanderbilt returns, Mr, Dspsw said it bs ha rned thai an error was male, in ?passing, In W K Vand r .; ? :! he was inforoaved that the ? - aould be properly made a ? ?kin? ..f the the Deapartmenl at Jus ??. relativa i the rollectl Income tax Kentucky by Deaha Brecklnridgi Mr. .?? ou Thai Is ral i nove of the law. ' As r.,r enfor ng H he i to h?? it led In i ful in . As 1 t. everj . ? il 1er, every ma evho I who luv - mone on an) game ol a tax oi ? ? ame tu I of his waa' tigs a-" over 14,000, Irrespective of his ?'. me ; r? tty hard on tl - ?!, nk i" a greai moral a ? gambling. I ' ? '?' . . h? re l mi :.' JUSTICE JACKSON WII-I. BIT. ir? Tin: INCOME TAX CASeEfl vi;!-: HEARD a ?IAIN THERE WIM? it a ?a U? CTW'RT Nashville, T< in.. A| v isastsar da) fuattkre Hoaelt E - ?n, of the I'n ted Si itM Kupretnt ?' ?un u It i - ;- oitfsrsd In the Inc ?? .i of th? c art ,v ; go to VV isl ?? ??" et? i :' i.! taench. Ju l te Se ksoi - "' : " ? -''?* - itMOafg? ? ? RECEIPTS IN MAS8A-CHU8ETTS. a3oaton, April 18. Inten il Revenus ?'...lector Donovan s.a.- ? llspat R to Washington last , ittmatlng the income fix from the dlstriet of ; Massa tl ' 11,-''??-' CRrSHED RY A nrilPWAlTER. I JOHN POIJIEMI'B KItXEU :s" THE SHAFT WiliiJB M VKINa REI vll.. john ' thirty-two years e f ?Oak ?t. N. J was - ? ? ? ! < t ? ? - - ? ? ? r lay by ?> b w.ilt.r m ,i hoUBJ at N'> ??.' l-'ifth-.iv. . vshi.ii Is ,,vvi...i b) th? Rev. i?r Charlea Hol n in. ?'f No. 31 West Seventy-? ond-el Then? in? la ai pn al and for t:.?- last Bv? w? k I vatton The dumbwaiter w i- I I Ii .it the top ol the <haft. ana tao n ? ia v^..i-,. ?,?? t , sdlust it i n ?? of them wius Polhemus. ' I'olhemus riKK??i up a bnatswain'a .hair ..?? < ? ? v irk in tin- dumb* ui betereen the ^"o ml and 1 rd floors The t ?,?? t?iat held the ?ats? ? - chair was I stei on th-- third ti"..r. ant ?1er, the second man, station? I himself to u..-. h It, r ? mas w.i- ripping oui the boarding on the ?lite ,,:' the shaft so thai he could reach i'.^- chain n ? i ke I the w alt. there aa ? suelden . and the aalter dnapp? I down It t'li on ? m i- can - Ing ilm th? bottom of I de shaft. H kail w.i- crushed In u horrtbl manner, and aln ?-? ever) bone In hla I il- was broken, i'ol ! laemtlS inirrri'.. bail lia I n?> children. COSDITIOS OF I III: IROS 7i:.\l>F. ;iii: OtTIXX>K CONTIN l..~ " IMPROVE AND iltl'i:s T.? AI.V AN' E (?.vlan I i ?!?:.?. V;a.i U "The Ir.m" R<?. vlew" t .?v s iv- Th.' movemen com toward Improvrt condltlona In the :t"ti trade In some p..rts ..f the market th?- reatrictsd buying need by advancing prlcss has gtvm placs t'' ' moderate activity. ti?* has iiarly noticeable In Besaemer pig Iron Th? rittst,urg price, under continuad baying, ims >;.in.- to F.OK . i i contract for the bird i uarter .<( the rear is ??; .I at Hi-, al Plttsburg A careful rounding ui? ..f recent ore buying .-'mv. i i total nol mue h beloa ."..??ee?.?)??? t .ns. counting In i le smnunt th i?a taken bi fnrn.i.-.'s Intereate?! in mines. Mesalaa orara, ..ntsi,!?' of the moat desirable Besaam -. s,-, n., ,i destined t i t.roaded do?am to a verj |. a basis Borne safara bare b en made as loa as Band the scramble has only fulrlv b*aun th.- ? tal of Mfsaiii s.ti.'s thus far being something ovet I.O?tl.OOO (?ais Th?' situation as t.i piir Iron other ihitr. Be a ? mer hns not changed in the aeek. Though tl firmness among producers ..?? foundr) Iron an J , are made srtth ?sa .til!'.. n!t\ at quoted figures than r.'v some time past, there la ver) little business at an alvanr.'.l price In the Eastern market North em fui nacea supplla*d with C>>nnellsvtl> coke Und Southern competition verj keen; but for thla fact Northern brands aould probably !??? higher. The production ..f coke Iron la at near!) the same .i- m March and stocks are stationary." AI h mi-eting of the Sheet ln.n and Steel Main facturera* Aasoctation, he',,i here yeaterdai .a new schedule "f prlrea was made t.. cover the Inrreiaeed ? ?-: .if raw Becretary Jarrett, In 'x;?la n.atioi. ?if th?' action taken, mid: "Prices have beet generally .l?-m.>r.illr.e?l ami It asa the .!? sir?, of th' manufacturers to ??cure g m >re uniform r.a this fti.i g slight advance aaa mi Is to meet the ,d vat.i raw material, which will not exceel ?ms tsnth of a cent on inm an,I steel shesta." I'.v.ontown. IVnti.. April l\ CeStS rnaii ments!; g big drop last week and the outlook in anything I?ui ?.ncouraglng. The shipments f,|| off l.OX) cars It was given out to-.lay that naanv of the open .? | are tlemamllng 11 .V f,.r coku ?uad railuaed 10 ull ?s.J.a.'e at ^ iota intuit.