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SENATORS' IRE AROUSED. ? ..etiiioeil from List t.!!?!.. ? ,, . th' pxi ? i? : my !? m ele ti'"i .- a ralsi . : TEL EP110NE l'? I i DOOMED. FAILURE OF AN ATTKMTT TO CALL IT IT t t. n: ' I ? IT WILL rOXTIXt'E r" REPOSE WITH AN t'X ? ? , \'-t Mi'l.V OOMXITTBa LACK OK -?AHIJA MEXTAR1 BKII.L DlftPtVAYEI) l.'.' ITS FR1EXD8. v . \- ? '? The fat- of the tiers' T li whl ' as I ?'??-. slumbering In the As ? ti ? ? . ' '. i s and Water ? i n nth i r \\\>>. was virtually dei Id? ? . ifter i long and > a m tlon to discharge the rom ? urthi i' consideration was di - V.'. Th-' committee, II la we ? ui , ;.i t i making a report < f ??;:?", and It will doilb! '?? as an authoritative sl.idica \rsi ml ? ?' It? poll -y of killing the , '. and .: dir cl n The light at-i..;i.-? reeled by Mi ? S< rs! himsi If, ajr ;:.??? '?!? ? ' i k li :; and Mi Lav , ,, ;; le Wl Te .'t ?'T?. V cd t 11 ? I ? ' ft !:,??:,: Mr I.oii-i '. i ? '. . ^... cutli i and V Brow it ? Ihe lwo ? '? ?;: ?? gratlc manager.*, Messrs. Poley and St m hfleld. ]- cannot be sa..i that the effort to take the n. ,. ?? tit of the committee'* hands and force ,;,.-. t . ' -i . n it in the N ss? mbl) ?vas ?. t w 'ii much parliamentary skill, *.nd over l? , hours were \>.:s:...i befon a d*> Islve i de had. At the outset Mr. Lawson mon I a call . ? ? ? ' whl pffectuaily tied 'ip 1 n it - ind resulted in rei '. !:, : ? In ? ? ? ,'??'.:-? -..?s., which wer-' to lupport Mr. Oerst'i i After the n was offet l _\?r, Abell , I to amend :t by request! g .(,.. . ?;:: It! I IO H ..!.-? .' T ) Tl ? \ ? V ta f -' A; ? Insti id of seeking I ? have this stibsti ,).. i ; i on Ihi he friends ,,f the bill, .'??--.. yielded i point, . ? I 0f.\ :. . ? ? : April i'l ;;s the day f r I the c immlttee. After a I"".-: ? I Mr Henness/'s pro | . ras i "?? i tea t . 63, soni I I ; ;s of the mea- ire favoring and others op? posing this c impi >i se. The enemies of the bt '. |rh ? had bee,, sa-, king saete delay, seemed to discover al thij itagi t ? it th ? ? re at i g ugh to meet the itta k In ti i i i | y, and they ?I iwi I ' ? Ab to go I t Mr. < lerst's motl fhelr ?"ere sou for ! \ss. ml y present e immlttee ly | I VOtl ' ' ' >''? S or not g the i iual ? ' - itis?' i ? >?:-. : hi? - - ites mad effort to | \- il) that the bill ?vas t elng ? ned In con mitt I i ? ? ? ? Its pas- . I : \ ? ubll ? ;? ? . - I. M Ainsi* rth, who [tee. s Its hai ' ring that Its promotei ? ?? r teleplioi . maintain i i ? ? ?es of ret ? voul 1 vote .... . ? tied to en . m ws paterf Mr. Pole) at '. Mr Stanchfleld als tacked tin : tig rously, and cmrg?d Its inagers v. th a si liar ? k of ? ? ; ... to reduce t*l< phone ? ? The ? showed some curliua I ore?, | lii and pera nal, In the forces on - ? llvlslon was as follows: To chati: the ? Ittee Messrs Ah tt, Alnsv ? mg, Audi tt. Babeo k. Parry, ;. Bio mlngdale. Brush. Bullard Bums, i ip mari. I. H Clark Clarkson. A. R Coi I Iridf Palrbr >ther, P ? -, Pitzs Id, Fi : !.. y. Gallaprhei Gersl llalpln Hei s- \ ".att-s h. M Keown, Miller, Nixon, O'O I ? i: Ranger, s -h ??; ' ? . :. !. Pmlth, M. ?". P W ? I. Wilds, Wllks. \V;a> , ' Speak r Fish. Againi t dise?a mitt* Messrs. I i- '? i ?? . i: Id, Braun, ? ? - VV, A. Hark. C C. Coli . .1 1' I ' ? . ? ? ? ?? . I . ??:'.':??' Gat ? i '? Glen, Q ' Greei e, Ho 'fi >r, Hof, Holn Keenholts. Kern, Krenrich, K inz nman, La Mi!;:. Ml' , ti: itt, M - Xaurhton, Norton, Rider, Rockwell, Rrgers, h?ls. Harry Schult, Shers s St a i ' SI -? .- ' ? ? - ?at. J X :- " Terry. T n. Tui ?> VYI Wim T ? ' fn the -two ;: ??!?,; i ?even Dei forty-sis I'.- - publicar APPROVED BY THE a ?VERNOR. Albasy, April 18 Governor ' - approved taeM WDa Cbapti emblyman Armstrong'i prot for iDttr *I1 irda of reglatry In election dlstrleti if :???- .\ -|- Neu V'.rk and Brooklyn. Ouater VS Assemblyman Abell's, r?>;ktiv?? :?. con? tradi for Improvements in Cror.klyr Assemblyman Alns?-or*h's. providing t*"*'. hereafter no sehoolhouae ehaJ be constructed la Xew-Tork City without mi open-air yanygrovinl attached to or to be used In comer-Ion wltn It pter S34?Assemblyman AbelTa, nnthoriiting the ?! M ' ? - ??:.'.; ttea and .oner obliRatiot/i of Breokl be made payable !n gold e.i.n. Chai - . Extending to December 31, 1906, tb<? Wine far ? n of i lie Xew-Y irk Cai Pi '. Ri la .-. N'EWTOWN CREEK XPISANCEfl ". Apr ? The' I.oni: Island City re G ivernor Morton this afternoon t.. urg? that trie tm day? the 1 ?al authorities at ?' ? Newtown Creek nulsai xti n le l. .i- II ara i a phj Ith ? ?? ti ran - ' ! ?>e- i lovernor'i proclamai time -;??? fli I In ordei ?'. ?-?it^ the ? . , an interci ptlng sewer " ? :? ? . bUllt. ?? TENEMENT-HOrSK LEGISLATION. Albany, April IS Richard W? son Gilder lo-day a**i out I tatement as to the position of the New-York ? ?. Tenement-H ise Commtaal n bills: A I the 1 ement-House bills have pas ?? i -? - ? ? ? Legislature, and three of them ' " ? ? ? ? - M ilberrv Bend bill a-ai signe I *Urch 1 and ' pter 69 of the laws of 1896 tv a ..? .. ! Apr ; II, is Chapter ?S3; .-. ? ";"' A S .. ;-. . Kr. :? ! bill, slgni ! April V' -s ' ?pi ? he : :.;?? ? '"'-?-.' . ?. : t, and U Jayoi FAVOKi;:, i;v .,; :,:;:.: DALY AND DR. DOTT. ?Ihai - ration healed by ex ?' ' -.?!-.; >:?:?.- and Ui Doty. Health. '' " ol New-York, appeared before the Gov * ? . ! ivorable actl in on .'?? ributlot i ? in-1 frjin ? L mong the medical co?let;e.i In Ni torn ? . ? ? . .,,. | . i asked for part ' ?'?...!;,,. The Govi '" ?? ? o the biil CONTENTION OVER A BIG TAX !':-. ? Rtate Controller M irttan *' rternoon on an appll at on of '?? Oregon ] . ? , .:?. my 1 ? ? ? tax a pora! . the c intro .? Wall Stree! ... Paeii Coast H ill Pa :'. ? i ?si 81 m h P ?? Sf* \ ??. is i t holl?n in the .?i pan! -a bon rporat mu It pa) -? * ilai !?? i i ??? p ?? . ?QAItR9iqev?<jw|j0D?E!eBIO9?l i t>?feag?e? Shirts i ? N?w:f:, ? .I-TIIIK if th. m i .. y m, ta) ?,.?.,. *S ?* i . ?'? ri carmcai M ' h? tood ? ' '? a i n ?- it v.u. oal S '" ' Vfurjtuu | j H.-..I ? .. ?,?Ki:? 5 S0tT7EVIR Z W FA.ShI01t5 S retKt Bj V-ry T,iire-iir,(t sn^ Tn!.u!,lr. Wr ?tLt ITI COI)', | CO., Makri?. ir t2?caca*sa.?-3|j?;c?X3 ' . ? ? thla Sta anj . Is UlHl ?.<?: ? ? ? , I : i ai . ..... iCMid VICTORY FOR THE WOMEX.l Tin: SUFFRAGE RESOLUTION PASSED, i I OKI.T FIVE VOTE* AGAIN? ?'- ?EXATE TUB NOMIXATIDNM OK PATTERSON, 'AI. LAOII aN ANla PI HI, l*< ?XF1 KEN \ I K P?tele'EE1 INa?P Alhanj, Api rrent re *o- i ilion, ?ubmlti i a ? ; ? poned conal ' ' ' woman > ifir ?!?? pa*?ed - vote wan 30 to 5 In fa ? 11 milHl : ? wouId ha \ : ? ? ? ? n itnee ni ?.i- a Inij ! eve ral e ? The ? . ? '!":. "n., i m i.\ i!, h, -, v -ri. \> also i - ?--York. ^ I .... : ? be Ppi I Port Ward ? : hen M i ? , mrnlttee ?i nabl) man She :??'?:' - I ?? ?? v. ? rana' ? ? i mi . Ite latlve ? ,.....; II, Senator O'e i 'ommltti e ol ' it o? v. ' . n the Greater New V ee ? arte 1 ? .- ? . ? ? r three i ? pel In ll : 11 about It. and. with Senator I?in 1 ;i s.:!-'- . ? i ? . ? ? ? noi pi s nator ;. ? the Mil 1 to meet ? ' . ? ?? pi ? : w hich inae rte d a another] ???-? ' of < lala-ei Among the Si nal ?- ( ;-:v's. I ? ?Ii il ;? ?: the .- lia ? ? ? k In he Ne aa i .. - Senator Guj ? dn*- hiandra ,l-ii, i ft; ? ?.-'. Neva Vork Mr. \\ i.?inn;'. - relative te> the powers ol Aud ? ::; RrooKlj i...-;.,-' eh . -? ? , ; rule Mr \\ ; .- ?? ? I" ? ? ? A ? ' a I M :?. \ a ' ::. ...... ? I ? life of 1 r i' .- ; ? Warn ? :?; Mr W'rav's xti r tl ' ? Mr. Kuller'i?. exi tl:? ' ? ;. \ ? ? Mr. \\ ? . s\ Mr. (I ri : ? M r. M ? - ? Mr. Il : .... . .. r.a? . ' y ora Th? : ry Coi ... . ... of the ?v re? . . -. ? ? rtM favo! ? . Tl ? ?'? ..- ?; . ? ? \ . ? ? . M - I. i .-. ? ? ' M - : ? II ,? . ave . ? ? . ' Mr. Koch ? '? ' s--..- ?? ? - n WITH THE '? ' ' ? : >KER ? ? of Mr. Platl ? ? ? ? ? ana] Correctaon of Uro ????..?: S.lis l: .' itii hei ? hat i a rool-heaeled f?olltl Ian, 1 I ant-U Saxtexn re wntly that If I Republl ?m pea tj a ou i ; ?? ? ? ? '? roole lyr.. Fat, In ihea fa.f thla i voted for II Tha a ote on the mi anee bel '? Platt I . ? ;.'an toi : ..... . . ... . The vote ? \ ?. ? : ,? ? ... ,U n. Woll ;t Kllburn, Lai nol : ?-?'??' ' IN THE INI ??.<:..<? OF VETERANS Albany, A; rll 1 The <? ?? . ; the i : . ? ? ? . i ma The mea of the $> :i lay bill of ? . , tndei In? ? r t::. s , ... , ||, ? .-:, , . . I Ii live, ? ? FIVE-CENT FARR TO ? r \' .''.;? any, April Kraul e Shot's appeal a, me :???<?.' fai/or of Ai. ? ? I he S t a t e n 1 J : ir I ' .- ; ? . i .. I'' 'Ii A STATi: HI ? : , iHIAN Albai '.????? ; ??..,..??? , ? . ? ? ' ! ,? . . the I:- .' ? . ' ? War of the Ki be : ? ? data ,i .? ihe- rHa iy I . , .ii e 'olonle i and to 1 : I Sta i la to hol : oll ? I an an i a-rai I to e m|y, , . ? n. The bid 1 :?- I li ? ? ? . POLICE i:'!,'.' IBM' I r. a i \ ? ? '.??? ? ? ' .il, ! :. , . ? !.? I : . .;???. |H)We-r.s o h ? TOBIN DItl ' ?D Al' .? I I ?:??,. . rruahe ?: hind o thua malm M .'. I ?. II i? rm ? ilia e, m Si ati -, thni t?, ...x | ? ? Ihe-. : Ii ? i,. ? ; S;al i 'on tltei i ? NOMINATED HV Til I! %"ERNeJK. Albany, April U Governor M ti... Be nate I atloita of I) aVI im C. We to su '- ? | 1 Willie, of i rune, to ?iw<cecd Benjamin i.. ? ? -? ai m ... i ? ? ird of ti (he Elmira Stal Thi referred ???.?: i. ??! na ? 1 ? : ? I '.(?<? ii i b :??-??? II. I i .:...!. term e \,?.????? : TOO Midi BY A MILLION. A BAD FEATURE "1" THE GENESEE BIVEK DAM BILL Tl '. (,i\, ? PAUHEIi BY Til I Ne'l AT THE i;,,\ Kiixe ,1: - Hot sr Ml \ ? ? ? - , - ? : i e ; ivernor M >i ton ? ? attended by of thi- Rep : . I after ? th< i ; ivernm h Ihe N 'W V '. ? ?'? ? ? . T U i-rnor and Llentenan ? ; -?..-. ? . ? ? M t of I he ? natora red tiies, meaatire?, t Se i 1 : ? I ai t h e l' ii ? ? ? . ? ? ' -?-. hall t ? the Poll ?? . m Siitwitlial - ? ob ? ? 'l-,I th? duct I ve of . ? ??- Saxi . Fal 1 lo-alay: I alo ovi and yet 1 Hint wi ' ie P II ?? ? ! ? ? ? pa an ihe i !:? . hill Piible opinion will ? ! ,e v ?r II It doe I piabll<-ati Se nal r will ? Mi inwhil" Hove n r M rtoi hai ranae for ? i . . ?latin ; Fop Ii ' . : ? ? . P( ; ' .in \|,. ? -, ( ? ? ? ? , lam In th? ? ;? ? eif i: " ? rop ' Th<- St.a te ? v. i ? '?? - to the a Tn; II if th? I'mk and Hi . i i . ? ? : , mit the to n Fh- elim t > be ."S feel In li.-.c it, ? ? . permit of its exl i feel Th.H la, It will t, i\ ? an unner-eiwai ? I Ingina er naya that a da i Canal nil th? VU ' f../-.;, T un with i ? ? . . ?? , : ? ? ? ? ... . .... ? ? . ? ? that, i G.iv.-rn >r M PA ED RY Till ?.SSI MBLY ?? ?. ? IT II ' 'it THE ? ? r and ? ? ? . ? S ? '??,??:? ? A ' ?? a \ ,,: k ? ? . ? i ? ' . iiaee nr?a In ? Pun ..... ? ; aa? 1 i - ,, i ? ?' , ? ? \; ? ' ? . lioiint Vi-rnoi and have ;,..w.r t,. aei and l'i-r-a and employ :e aten grapber ii ?? allowing rallroada to eroaa roada, was ame?r,d*i1 so that '?'? Brooklyn ?net r< 'omenltted >n mltte. dating 'iii hoaira ' ,? " . -? i'i . ? . | ? , and It wan ? ? ; .. . , ?j . . | ,,, |. . II ..,? at ? ? . . | ? ?Ina? ith. TRUE I" till II: 01 Ii W \STER. rap THE RYVIGHT ? ? ? ? tlon held lia f mrth ? . ? I Hot? i Nethe ? . ' i Law ? :.?;...-, \V. ? ? ? : laal . Hai anl ... nl. pre ft ... ?.? IL nry I ; 11.? land, ,. . ?,'..,.? ? ? ... \ | tin, Frank II ? i ! .1 - \\ '. ' l ? i . T. H i ..... . i , : e mai i, ? ? jo ? |.h K mi II. I ? n L Kirk, Nathan i.?????! ?, P. I ,-.'.., \l ; ,1, ill! II Rowland i ? le in,, el from tl?. of Hu ami CAUTION Ink an , || >ff ii i- a " ?i p.-iiiiini- eeerala*! I ., . ?,! I ' ,, . I.r.'.. th. i i I,...,,'' >? l. ? llstr. lall .:? i I" i. n Um ?r label?. Beware of imitation?. A k ? or the (j?iiiiinn JOHANN HOFF'S iVIALT EXTRACT. ^bs Mayor Hopkins . s ' -, fr V '....' i '? ' J>0 I l ?? .; ihr ix-si ton'n I have -v< inline Johann Hoff s Malt ? am! ,%kV* m ii 1 i '. i . (.?erf?ll) ? ni nend it. %k >/?aV U / ?xi ? a: a m ,; t. ^'/?*trn$?ffj Practical Results?14 Years' Work. ! TWENTY MI!.MON i: crt Hundred Thntmsad D i ? ? i '? ? . i i , v, i lo? ? and < I ? ? . - i,,.v ..iv.l lit a - ? -?? ' ? -? ? v ,????,,-i-n .' premiums BftOO? Polin?? In fore?. ; <? i rsw.nm ;r uranc? in fore rs.sgT.nna Cart Burptut - <:.??? ? Emersvnet Fumt Mor? than I8l.000.oon a? butin -. for lb? rear 11:11 T' ????? ara ? few pra i il t,.-nit? already r? I. the or?Hiii ??( th? MUTUAL KESHRVE PUHD L1P1 ASSOCIATION. E. i< HARPER i'r??l<i?nf. Broadway ?n.l !>uar.? Ptr^'t. Rut?? q :ot?.l f..r ?mount on r?-r?lut of ?tatrment ef ?-?. H?-nd for ea : Its FOR AN <>l)l> FELLOWS' HOME. OPENING OF A PAIR AT THE LENOX LYCEUM THE rt'XPS WII.I, RE OEVOTEH Ti i THE ERECTION ..I' \ HOME KOR IM IOBNT onti FEIJi '?'.- HE NEWYOKK ANO ITS VH'INIT) Av- i ? THEin '?' tXIi "IM'!! \Ns IT Ti: M 1 !? pNS \T THE PAIR The I! Fair, p'anned by the Ri gl! h ?peak Ing i ? . of New-York and Its i he i.? ri ?. of raisins; funds ? lih whleh to bull I i hum.- for in.'.- I and gent men I of lb i lodges, and thei a Iowa and orphans, wn- for FACADE OP PROPOSED ODD FELT.? ?W?T HOME mallr opened 1 I hi I ? I the presi promini.'. Follow?. I ' ? Ri i In 1st? i. and . . , ? ! .' ??. ? ?? P ? " '.' I! .. IT.'. ?.. : that the M ? ? .' . I ...... . . ; ..? ? ' ... | . . , ? . -il ' , ?; ' I : ?' \ ?tel ? y. ??:'?.? 's Ti ! !r, It ? opi lose at 11 p m ? m ? 'h da) ? '? i rtoui urgantsat ?.?.- sill Im the guests of honor; to-n ron ?? the | | , ? the m Ihe r ?lowln ? ' - ' ? sile ? ..' I . : ; ,. i irl ill ?' ,. Mi It. nl.ui ' ! I' Ian . Xi a V..rl; i. Igi. M ? M nnli .1 i' \ .-i , I. m,:,- ^^^^^^^^^H-: I.''. Mm i ' I'. Wal rbui ? . i'h.-irtn i ?ak I m I! Fi ? i ii : i ? ' ????veri'.l nitti whit. il n ' I ,?.,...,;,.. . ' , ,, .,.,..,.. ' ||d 11 I.;, mu tic In ? lim ? natnl by >! - - v- l?anili, ,,: ?., i:..- ?...?! i .. m , te, r< ?' mi ml : ;' ?hi a foi tiine-t. ...... ? Fair Assnelatln re \> M i, i-i .'?" ' | ' l. ' i ihooi ind I'llvln II ?? , i ... I . ? i' II. J M i :n 1. 11 v r. i ? I ? I r. F. A 11 III.HI II.Ill I! '! ' l.ll'Z i I . | . ? ? .? I . General .4 , :? , i |. Mr-. .I-i li . ... i \l -. i !: i. ? Hob tar) ronh i lilt l ?' I'RoMinnnn i \<<r r< ? -| | - , \| . ? l'ut! ' . -i. of X ' J W" ,:.... . ? ? ? | ? a wan ml ,,. ?'...?! ... I ... .,,!!??? ?' ? " ' '"'"" ,. omis in i I lii .Limes A. Den ti, . ^ ,.;. i h.< n it.. ? aKKri it ? ? ? The .1 ite ? . , ire 1 .er, n.?.. 1^ plai e.l ill I'" ' mber ''? isaa am ma.I .-i. i M I >" me. I I.I I*?' make ' ?' b.'l ?!? ?ni. m Un i ? ? *"??" '". I'lilhbert h said i.i .... I.,.; ,n.| ! ti ' ? : mil ?realth) ' ' ' ? ' , itniniie I .. the Vr;i oi >? Vu Ice i.x I'KXXrlYLVAXIA l'AILl'OAD ?"?"? Announce? tha irdiy, A| S..inn,i., linlwa] Kxprpsa, leaving ? * ' "' * ?" ;; jo ?, m . n !. be s n..I. i? . ? '??' r "' . la v.i s itl rn Us Iwaj belli? made thei ?after t.> train Xo ? ?'. leaving N'en i ??' P. m LAUTERBACH CALLED DOWN. e oii'iiiiM-il ir..m tir?i |>nK<-. .- . the pre ?Ident ol th? Republl ?n ?' ?untj t m ;tte ? H. veral ??:' the Platl m :i aeated near th? plat form became reetlve .-.s Mr. Flammer was pr.> i-<-.uni;, and ea-Poatmaater Van Cotl aald that It was time !" adjourn, But Mr. ?amincr re- i marked that in- had aome n solutions on the aub .t t,, offer, ; r the purpciM "f dlaabualng th.- put.Hi' mind; f.>r many people in the state might be mlaled, he thought. Into supposlnK that tin- addreaa nf Mr Lauterbacta lia-t emanated from th.- com? ilttete Itaelf EX-JCDOE FLAMMBR'S ItK-->a >i,f'TH UM Th- reaolutlona ex-Judce Flanaaaer <>nvreii We r. .is f illnwa: Wh reaa, The New-York Tribune has rharared that i i-lreiilat idgne I i.;. Mr. Ilackett, chairman >.f iiu- Kepuhl !?? State Committee, and by Mr. < M- !. th.. i'ha?rman ..f Ha Kxeoutlve Committee. been aenl to certain newapapera throughout th" State ine-loelns .? atatemeni or addreaa of the "Hon. Klwarel [.aeiferbaeh, chairman of the Repub? ltt-o.ii I'oiaril and .i-kniL: thai It shall h piihliehi i hj th. in. ami \\ hi i-;i ??. Th'- the part "f th.- aald offle m ,ii the State i '.nil m itt-*- tenda to create th?> mu.t ? t the adelreaa waa authorised by . mit tee; I here.' ire, Ite iiveii That tills cnmmltl.'xpllcltly declare? til' .ffleer or member of th.- - immlttee has re? ! authority >r haa the right t,. apeak for It : ' ;'. ii: manner and form preeecrtbed by our j ."M"!!!.i and i:.'.' . and thai any attempt to d? pari from the wlae and proper llmltatlona th-r^in ? ? ? ,nt.i;ii-,l i ? : i ? I and eon I. inn-.I l.v i:s Ke olved, Thai inj addr-aa or atatemeni that hns I-- -, , ? m . i i over th- ?Ignature ,>f IM ? u.l Lauterbach is not the adelreaa of tha Repub- . : ' i mm ttee ind that It II entitled it should attach to 1rs Indl il I utterances H'-solvi nelhle for rlrcn h form and manner . ? ? . ? . ...... i .,.,,. ? ? far a? possible, the ? Win ? ? , . ? -; ;i in tlons l'i'-i Lut Laut? rbach ? m- hat, if : ? luttons Indicated reated t1'.. mgh thi u :' the State r ttee and the ad Iress he ha 1 Issued, il?! h" re am Ions than he to have m ted The ? i, he ? ? ? n Mr Fiammer ! Im \ of five mlnut 'S, ho . ? :? ? mlnatlng all obji ' John Sabine Smith ask?d the president If llfl ? his own signature, what hi hud said to the committee about bis .????or ? all misapprehensions on the on. Mr. I.:u:r. , ||ed rhal he desired to gay thai ?am itlon of the circular of the .-? ? .' rtimltto?. showed that even by Implica Il ? :?? ited the Impr sslon that he had ; th. ml It ? in his official i apaclty, he ? tement of a rrectlon sug '. ?. ? ? held in his hand i *opy ir. showing that ?. nul as I Mr. L luti ? ! i ??.. as pn - I ? ?"..? ; r lldl ni II I I believe tl ' :: " ,- I..- certainly ... ? ? :? g no technical ? withdrew the : V ? ??? XX of th- Constt the election dls ? ! "sin, IS, Itl urtli n the members, was ? : ? ?;? : I IK M \V' 'K. S-TIM ? iE! L\)L*XTT '. '!' ?? ?\. ? of i I ! ?pen lent ting last ' . . ? I . op? :.:.?? the eh -'i the p . i- . he warm!) i Mi ir Htronij agains recent u:'.i.ks He In ti ri ? are Democrats, snd a ?r-.u gag it) r ?,. . preaeni here to-night Hr.- tstrtatnly of I ? -iii., -,-j'i convictions, feel that our sappor* .,f the May.? las: November haa beam abundaarly iustl t.< i, mil that h- Is keeping faithfully to his ple.lre ineei administration against ?balades which s. n.- persons mi\ I-- anxlius !.. underrate. We do not meet to ntj ? ganls .il m srlth .v "van to :u Tros. .?: ..? ? . ? is in llvl I ..i.- a ? a? Hi- .isure ill ., , dts.ipi he M ; , ? ' Ige ' Kr m. i ?...-? m . ' ? :. this ,, ; ii.i ..:..? ,,f them, b ive accept, no ??:' \\ ? are opposi d !?. my Had ecu lighting the bat? ? ? i ? '? i lera i f tl ?se .?:ri.-r I li! -.ij'port of M . : .\ hi h, I ho| --. will ? Tarn Is * |).m >uage" committees so .' . ate heconii a ? i ititled In the p isltlon ... ..... i have |,re.-.'.|i ?? I for -, ? r : .1 i : M i. ir Strong m ule \ ?; irted him in v> . ?. with the i? th organiza ? ? erned. he has certain'.] i ? i...! ? . thing to --'<? on.' ? .,:?? ti lii'iii. n- by -il-it IVl lil ? !? ! ! ".? I ip'l I ' I" Head" T imsi n? 11 i ?? .. lutal le irganlsa , . latly, but .. t Is the dut) ? t' all goo I ; h organizations oi ;? ahl'.lt) thi ii m la M i vor t?l ' i if Ne* : i. n." on the ? : it year! What , ! ? . ? ? ? :,.. ,, imlnlst r i lion if mi.I of Tarn i rammany l ii m i ? ? ? ,\ i imount to? m \ ?: ? ' ? .'. -, ? ...... Riedel i was : ' i In pin: u. ty to his pi .mises t i the ' Sinn In office ..s Mayoi '. ??? k. as vin-l ' erit) ???' .ill those who iptMirt. l him m Xovemb t In the effort to ? he ? .' ? ind ? ml the oppress!. - i Hall. We .eh icati i hi extension .?' the pie I'tnbii lied the l*owei if Itemov il Bill to d di partmeiits, :: I'.-ral stai l'on Itee were announced Mil ?RACK'S KKfUGXATJON. MINAI. St'i l'ESSOR \s ill' ID \ ; . UEMO'RACY EX Eil I i MM M TBK lam H lira retirement fr >m prii IpaJ ;..; . ; .im mg ' .r ' . men Insiste ! that h ri man ?hip of the St He I . T.i ?? Kxe?-iitive Committee was really due to ? . m llrace" was repre> ted to I nan, and It was ild I it si ? is he was able to travel hi n Id aall I a ; ?? ?? lb ? s i i ? rted, so th it electel a h s/ou i g ve his whole i rglea :,, thi ? gat n this [i .. tee was ibsent. Iti ib! .m- who taxed i.?. matter ?i ighl that ? ' ? leclaratlon a ?ainsi the "fa ! of .. m pal Hi m gavei nnietit m cities," Indi? cate! a iri ? ?hi hla pan not to !?? among the tppoi i uni .n reform t! k l this fall, should be pul u?> by the i'ommltte ? ..' s- .'enty it? rd i\ ai p ? ->i ?.m...m Urace, among others ; tig r uml ? oner Maurice .1. 'na er, ?'on .... i M. 8 'Ott. Aque i ? i'onimhMlonei i ;? irge \v.t;t..n Oreen, Colonel tlflei Monr . lohn .1 Quintan, ex-Congress i Jol : ' v, m '.'. am ?. and Charlea S. Fair Il ms ! red in ib ible, how et er, t ,iat nu office-hoi.lei would be chosen nod tins would ., .... ni i m 'i.n; -i ? ... Messrs Power, Sr.itt and i irr-tt rit. Impri is Ion among the ?irn,-.. leaders ? i-, yesterda) Colonel Monroe, who is tho aot BkMl .?SIT. . :ura._... ??''?ii j aa j i anaaa ?u ?Mast m Miv.? ? ?> t??. r.Mc 1 ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE s Hat Stood the Tett ol lime ? MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER I BRANDS COMBINED 1 ?g?? .? ? m tumm m??J TALK or //// yoir.v/ LAST DAIM OF THE LINDENBORN AUCTI0N1 865 Broadway. TO-DAY! TO-MORROWI AND All. \i;\r WEEK, WO F. IPROMFT, , Entire I ROPHINE ROUIS. 01 FIFTH AV., LAMPS, SHADES AND ARTISTIC FURNISHINGS, ,,-i n PRYL & SHAFT'S Jewelled Class, ' ?oK?-ali?>r rrlah thi- l.iilnn-- of Hi- liiuli ,.,?? lm|>orl"<l Murk of la. I I MICMleall V A < ej. ireelrlnR wlioll? from I,um BePM,. I). LINDENBORN, Auctioneer. DE A PN E s s Ar; UK*.? KOIBE* n i u> using WM?iei'a eoii-iiion ?rmi' l.iir Drum?. . -n tl?n i : ? are *af? mforl a*a wir* or atrlna alta 1 Ht-'r To '..-.iiv' ?.,-., | Ml ' ? !*?? II V. t ,r :? ? * ? I r fl ? -.^, ; n ??plaining and ? am? I ' 'he ?', ?:. ? WIImiii Dur Drum I ?>.. l.tSS United ?? a ' . >e?, \i.rU. X>^. Ifllr?-il,aililn*.i>*rvoaa?anoth ^-?"S. ?r, e?a*na the comfort, attaogth, f iVTut"! %',-.,'.it\ m Ceulceara Aml ?\ lEr l*1?1" Plaalera, the ! <roaM nearer ! \f r be without them. In eeraft ??y ftV ? the ?eaaertaat ?ml test anatW. WHO IS IT ?t S|), . ? . ? . tn-l : I'KV'S !?'?: : . . Ing ehalrman of the Kx. itiv? C tnmlttea lri Mr. Grace', i -? : -. ?aill aucoee , tha ,\ M. ^ i-, tha r.a. bead of MM uN gantsatl' .. _ Mr. Ora a was it fined to hi? houaa, N?a 7t Madison .. ? . v.--. ? ii waa reportad to ba r*. , vet ? ? an 1 that I ? ?- iln In * ?*? ? _ TELEGRAPHIC SOTES. W, ? a iperle r. ?A'la , April H ' bact, i ihn B. Ti ed at \ ... -, : steel lune Company In t - i -T i lay m the ; ? ? '"r' Kai - ? :? :n Saw? " :'* at laat to the effect th i I , who we told to le e V all ? ? tt took 8a uta I .ir 1> Injured two ol I Pltteburg, ?I a-enta. n ol the \ uiang Men' - ? rial a, ? ?: the I'nlted and *** opened here this morning. The ?n a ,. lutll Saturday, Nfx; Blindai about ? - ? dategatea wtli occupy i>ulpit? In tha entr?rent rhurenaa of the ,-it>. Itiiffalf), April 1? Th? sfarn'r Itat? ot Ohio, of th-a CUveland and Kitffalu Line, nrrlvei in port than neorMr-g from Ctevatand, being tha Ural arrival i t ?tie ?eaaon. Bh* reporl? .or. ?idciatd ?? floating i a. Tha propeller Curt?a ejrlll leave her- fUturdaj tn in> UiK for Miat-i.-tt-, towing the aeh am m P. IS Paaaat, Selaon Holland aa ; laa Chicago April IS Jai l| i M ite rdajr ra algneii a? pre.iletent of tin-I>emoerj ,. '"'.ub, pending hi* resignation be mall. Th- document haa not \-1 be ?- recele I ? ? lire r?. awl the Ju Ig? refuae I to (Ie ? ? *on? foi retiring, b it It la believed that hi i '? found him? self .at variai with a i the club a iu? ?liver queatlon St. Loula, April i? I'.ept.un Peter all hael, >???? ? t;ir\ ,.r th<- Michael ?<?.?;: ?. Company and commander of the i wboat Via < M M; ?.-..i I, baa mj ate ? loualy ,!.-..; ; ? ,r ht is ihi ?? actlin , la). He lei home 1 u wit . .i larga aum an l tin ?- the : ? tl . iuKs of him have Ived. Ban Pranelaco April IS. William Deadj a %\.i-l polltl an, waa I ? eat ihortl) ,,? - mid? night In .i aatoon a and Laguna ut b} a notorloua ruffian t'oor.le Klooa. The mut 1er ?n the .-it, .ii'." ol barroom ii.ii.irr-1 Dead a*aa :. 't Implicated In thi nil waa a l< ;> In tlia saloon when the ?tabbing occurred. mr WEATHER REPORT PAIR TIIROfOlllMT THE ?i^fNTUT. -? off th? Kmai I oera? - ?? I ihe N rth 1 tract?, a T i . i\,w w. . la kg? itt.RD i'. ?REC ?a r r- hi TO PAY. i \. u ; nal.- ' ? tall] vlie^i. I) i r ibablj fair ?al inlaj r ? ICatatera Wesj \ ? v ? In th.-n..nh?rn ?rag ..\tr.-in,. k, v . m i probably f^lt ie ,? niai a", r n. u Irrasj wanner; a rtheaatafl* k ?. i:, - i-i r. ? . i , et o* lumMa .ii,! Mar)'lan<l fall r i-uraj ? laid?; probably fair M'estn i.. ?.?raner In th? t. .rttien? |.-rti. n varlab! win I? ! ' We ?? N fall vari ible ??? K-r e .tn,, fair, ni...... m Hi i ,i":n,-- rtl i vut? ,iM- win I? l'. r Indiana, (., ? ?.. nie i tl a ?I r^er? til tl . 1,111 .?.i.- V ? TRIBt'KR !ii,".\!. OCtEItVATTONsV, 0 HOllt.1 ?M,li-, l ) ta t .'? fi ' i ?a? ., i.i. l3 1934S>Tlei|3|t ?hi ie?f. I nob. 30.1 :;o.O in ttii?, ?ia^niiii s oMUimtaaaaa ?:..?? . -..* ?. ?a ifea rhaaage? la pi ???uto ?s Indicate? Ij> .i.e frtbaiaa'a ??lf leMuiaing 'l lu- l.i k, n lin? : ,,i.?'iii> u.? \tm p?r?aur? u? r?> i.l.-J at lVriy'? Posaresi.?. ? TrtbttB? OBW, April 19, I a in The wi-atti r yeal \*y fair ..:. i mild Ttw tampera ? I betwaaa ,J aa 1 BN ?eagreea, the ..... r than oa \> -..lii >?>,:. i\ u.i I '.'', lower than on Hie ?? i<? . tiding daj laae year, Tha weauher I laj i- llkel) t. i ?? fair and aranaar. Nf:W SPRING CARPETS. liriMtiiii?; with goad we?U7 K" i inUite? aad i aa ? liana/ at exaWl KKTllW AlT'g, 104 V^rit Util n,