Newspaper Page Text
AID TO STATE CHARITIES. ADDRESSES BY WELL-KNOWN MEN ANE W< ?MEN. BI5HOP POTTER, fWEPH II PIIOATE tXD < BPEAK AT AX EM i " ? ? ' ?'' -] ,.i; v-; vTE ? H ?Rl i 11 :--- AID ASS " I \ : ? IN THE i HAM! KR ' iK i ' 'MMt'Ri E. I | rd room of th. i ? . - of ? ,. . .. n X ? i-sl . ' ? led at 3 p. m. >? st? r fluential i mee 111 ? ?? ' ' : ' ? ' a ; . ? . m. i of ihe '"??. H ^.'s -l rid at the i ! irten Associat i..11, ? the tt majorll ; : t wei i Potter. e> ]?..... '. ? .?; huyli r. Joseph H ? ? . rl Schui -, ,i . | lorrls K. ?'? ?up, v v; Camp, .l.i.I. S hlff, H. Mai H. 1. ' ' ?' : ' ; . u. R Mr. an I Mrs. E. L. , tt. Oscar A. 8 hmidt, ( "h ?p. Lewis, Horace V te, J ? - I t: !?? ? r. A. C. Hi rnheim, Mi R. :- ,; lnt, Mrs. O ' .V. H. 8 hieff. Iln, ? Kim utt, Mi ? heel. k. Mrs. I.owi ry, \ Townsenl, Mrs. Char! S F i , ... ? James Hi? ,: : Mi . .1 .hn I" F in . K, J. l > ? l'< t< r J , :. .I Wright, M . S e. Rotiert W. De ; ? i " ? \ Andrews, Ht orge 1- lin g rn . l. uis M i i % . i- . ; t the bi rdn? t. ? ; ? , the proceed h ??? I which wa ? ? Hi I ty of the Chai r of Commei and t ?. part: ? ? . i: ' ? ' j t ion und plac? salaried i ii.i loyi a, ) nu ci ite o . the ei yc. and ? I'ViiS thai the X . -'? : . ? ? |? ' I ? ; .' i ..,-.. this. I ? mi... .: V - - . when i ..??,.? to tl ? ?? , . yed for l Wag. to I ki of it. Il im in. I: !.? that, a jets o il are i ! : .... \ to dl ' ? It has be. ' ? ' lliel, t ! . ? n r ........ it ail I i- this ? ? thi . i- . ; .-?? . .? a ... reform an ! t ? ?...'? ... !, '?.v;!"\s work. ? I ? ? the visit ?" e vt'l visitlni nitt. ; I i ? ?- ? - t . fairly re| . ... ? . ? ? . ? ? ? ? g Se pi ' ' made ??'? visits to tl )-?-?? I ? ? I York i ii . ?r ? ip ?: : :?? :'.<?'? I a Visit I : the ? ' ? | ' I ine institution.? a:u ti ? ? a - those In churre as to what tent ; ? ury and report mil l ... ?s I rt of worl : regular! tv. i Hum | ? ? - f the i BM>a \ ??,?.' .. Sum Chu.' t not '? ? table ii i tan d a I ? : ? ? . ? irtui u t of ail ' MR CHOATE'S ADDRKSS Joseph H. C ' ? I, : ma '?? 8' itd pari I app ar ?. r< i !.? u! t>. t: ? J . ni er h?! it ? ? ? ' ? . ..... ?mu - ? ?' - . . ill? i ? ? ? f '.????. 01 r . ? ; ? Il 1 ? . tempted tO l he at ten i ? ? : - ? ? ? ' ? .... ,, lions. Wi now, I ..tu . trat Ion ol lldile-.i ' . 1 US ; .; ????:.:. . ? ..... ' ? V'hen v. ?? . . . ? ouid v . ill to the ? ? ? ? . ? re. and . . commit! I . - ?? ? ? ? . ? ! ... ? ' ' '?...-? '?' ? . ? ' . fror.i ? .-. ; I n at ? ' ? ?? ? i.' n i ? ? ? ,i ... : . i . . ? f? in .? ? , . . . ?..-:'.??'.. ? ?? M ??.-... ?.-?,? ? I . .- - ?'?'.' ; ' ? . ? i i*oi on of ?v>. . . ? . ? .-, ;..-. : ? ms' '? ' '!?"?' n .?.,?-?? .v' ? , ... ? .... .? ,. ? . ? -,. ? ?I ' ?? , ,? I ? : il I !l ' . ? ? ? ? . . ?...-? . i ? . mi i . ? teem, ? ? ? - ? .,.; >,,, . ,..? nary h st!".il f tin Etat' . lias il BeechanTs pills for consti? pation loo. and 25c. Get the book at your druggist's and Annual mite ajON thus O.OOO.OUO Pote?. Plated Warf. Fqr Country Houses, Yachts, Etc. Messrs. Tiffany & Co/s hard metal silver - plated ware is silver-soldered in every joint and is practically indestructible. A large assortment of spoons, forks and fancy pieces in copyrighted pat? terns always in stock. Carving Knives and Table Cutlery, Dir.;.' r and Tea Services. Catalogue up-- i Tiffany & Co. Union Square, New York. afte ? ? ... ? "-'? ?t o e action 1 ? a;: 1 par l .? -i, ,.. h . I what ? ?-.-?. Vurk for the i . ( Plate-, ( ' I ha? thi n i pern nt Constitutional m nl 1 : ? ? - I of e -, tier work, an is. - . ' a r im . - -t.. :a, trlct ? .\ ? m ie- St.ate ii tin and the Com : e>f Luna . on : \ . n?-,? of a ? ? t!i ? ?. .i : ' ' ' ward in.1 other oil i atltui ' ; for all time, not n pur? pose, not tn be Ii ? ? . ? . . i ? ? 11 ? ? ? ? . of ? rd of ? ? . ? of ''.??-?.'? , ? . o in.ii Kisi.ii ? ? ?id l futvlai that I nl the . ? ? ? . ? ? Ii)' law In this : ? ? ? i'iirll of | ? ? ? ' i -,. ? ? Mr. i ? : e 11 n g :. , ?? t. ;.;?:. mirj.- . . ; It asee rou.- that 1 - ; the aa ? ? ? ? ? . ? I ' ? i ? ' a ? ? ; ' ? ? ? ? ol . . ...... i. . ? ... . ' ? ' ? ? 1 . ? ? . f Charitle-a . , -. -!'?:. I-:I'|I.K1T1C.H ? ' i iNE. ? " ' ' ? ?" ? Il< ... ; : t' . ' ' , . . ? Vi t bat 11 M : i I ? . ..... . :. : .:. . , ,? ?aln. At Ilia l . . ' - d a 1 he bi.i lln all} ;>? ame .?????. ? Il e : i '. ? fork I ad in t! ? ?"'?'' . : ? State . C, ?vnitN'Al KXT AN!? ?- I'ATK C1IAUI ["IKS Carl Schurz.xt < the r< of the Govern f aie] I ... ? n re , .? ? '- I t ? call ? ' .... .-,,.,. , : Vid A f fflol : . ? I ? . ? .? : , ii act |.i I?i .ti :.. nan I rounder" i . . . in ' lien r '. ? tted to t ?:- v ? ii hoijt ?, anil lli-i- Hi .. ? '? ' ? ,r ; ,.<|, and a . ..n In -in ? ? .?? i ? i, ii ma; vi-i asonvenle nt Imj . , i ? - i : en : ' ? uri-el, tha I ' . w \n?i un ? ?- ate Chai .ti. ? VI i la-inlfj ittere rovl lint for th<- division f the e-itj >e : ai tm<-iit of e;1 an ! . urr< ? lion Into '????? de |?ai ime nl . ??? ??? ,-hail Mon 11 s e e ? , ... I , ; , . ,t- . ... ..'.;,, I tl M, l-r*il ?1 tlrl t, . *!...? ' 'O 'I O?!el || ... ? . ? : m: ? ? understanding, that i, tl,- .. te anl the i ori ? ? . til ..? : ?,,? ?. nions mi : be ;.? pt till '..,: ;,.,,] ...??. ? mi of |u?-t--. :? i , lay m nils ir<- avro ... ?,.?,.. he Iniiia-.i-a i of pail aril e. viel!i l .i ? ' i . ?eaat yoe mi h??m have a ',. r :hl :.i itecti I nxainst. ? '??" y ? eoiataci wi?'i the Inmate? of another Institution 'hieh i the vilest scum and refuse of human iK-lety, i Vpplo .. e jan-.s c. Carter and John p, Fauru alao ipoka, ! THK FASHIONS. A SPRING GOWN FRENCH TAILOR-MADE C( iSTUMES. An eft live robe champ?tre, made by Douce?, has .1 H irii . ol cloth; a flowered all). ? i u hite sroun l plentlfnlly !.. sprlnk'.eil with it en coi ur at 'he neck, and ?.'??::. .v Mi .1 ?toek and ?> plastron of green satin, with tin: pink polka lots; ? wrlnkli i tt itsthand of tie t ime pattei n, an l ?> b * ".' :'" ir loops en ? ' l.ler, also of I Thi ileeves, which an enormously full, are gathered Into two i.,:. ? pul in?l worn with ? | : with thi? ? turn?-; It i irii inn : with blossoms, ;.;?? ? 'i ril ?? i I a cloud ??:' lit11? yel'.ott butt, rflles, ? . ??? :? : as :?? ippi ir : . b< flutl ..??.;? : . A i'i. ti h ? ? Is a h> br! l-lo. production ' he ?at Anglo .?.i:,. ? ? !:? t thai ?> oft? i notl . hman ? full-di ittli ?. recent!j Im I orted "tallo, made" look Ik tin i i ed ml? aal, and la od 11} rffi Hi The materia! of old gold cloth, ..;i which is laid dark t I and Idue vel \' '. !.. All I'l !h" : ' | Ltfei 11. \\ hli h runs up ea. li hi i nm-ctSd with running scrollwork al thi ? Ige The i.,,. work ? vi'i thi light-llltini lowi pan of Ih. ?leeve, OVl r Wh ' !i , ? i I ' pi! ???....' ret er i of the very i hoi l tin I ick t are a! o ol the app , n Btai tllng i em to be now the n m of b ith millini r ai ; iln n ikers, u i lh< queerest con . ;? - In the waj ol hat an popular. A .? ro .? ha t, with wld ? ? wings, m nie of dark c. n an ! Line pail cites, Ing a glitter to the unea mimai, forme.] niest the entire boi net on I dark beauty at a ma tin? i thi r day. A prettj flowi r bonnet was ma with the stems drawi form a aori of fi i in., ami Joined le , I . ? rlbtion-gra? -. Ai othi r wa tic sprea ling effect Is-li made by .i dra i-fly, ' ; ? : . e flow.! ? ? ? ti will led for . ? tin or gi backgrounds, in all the ht i I. of i nk, blue, ,,. tuve and ?? ? ti s i ovi r with bunchi .,.. , tb fi m i T li ici ve thi .1 n,,,,,.. for thi lints reml I 1 ? lei ?'? ti,.. Mi 1st en china l*erhu| : prettiest are I ?,\ |th a whll ? ; ?prlnkl I with tiny b luqui : . a , Li. y. 1 ind with knot? of \, delicate pink, ? ?ven ?) with ? lid r? ? ? ..t .i ?!? ep< ? ? ,1 ? rlbbot ilso a novelty. Thej ,,,,. i,i;i.,.. . ? - ? I? v. .:ii :i nai : ? s uni edge, .m i are ? ?! ??? .m ::'? i ? Ith 1 nj branche of fdk embi ilden-d il m ? : '. h . .,;, t/erj ; n 11 und fresh looking, bul their ? matules ma) ii,;, 1 The) Mil for 1. its, ..,, ; ;il,:, be is. 1 i r trimming . wal : b) Ini rt Ing them entre deux instead of laPe Oth 1 ? 1 mi .11 their WI : ' plotches and < ? ' unnln Into lha , ', Pi .,..., a chll l'a d . work with .1 palnl brush. Some ol the ni 1 ribi na spi 1 ir to 1 ? !'??' pourri of all th pit gcdlng btjlc?. combing b.uin ana grui-tiain JUST AT THIS SEASON. WHAT !.- IT THAT KO OTKANGBT.T AFFECTS PEO pi ?,; ffoVV HAYH? 'Tin ? ? ,:i epidemic "f tired f-'fllncs at this tim of ti.. j ?? i-." 'I he speaker was a prominent man "This went her Is very exhauatinir." he all- 1. "and ? ',?? n the ]? ? pie feel its debili? ta, "TI re .'i- few men or w ?men who do not get ?ip In the n nina; with a i f exh lustl ti and ? resi T Is." he said, "sh wa that l ? .1 l '\v con lltli n and ? ? da stlmul Ina T voi no this ?real y ron lit Ion 1 . !??;?. r ihi'i the use of a pure whiski y, i ? .? . ? ? '..',. '?- ? '?i- hl.1 and puri? fies the . n ?thins; e Ise can do." It ahoul l ! ?? remet .?? ?? I, h wovor, that there ? imme nde l by phy ?, nn.l that Dufl Pure M lit. It Is unlike all other ?.'. in-'.i' . ntlroly free fr :?. Im put iti' ' and i lultor ml T ? hi it is uni i ? Is health? ful i ? thoul lep esslns;, aids :: ..?,.! . : ? ?? h vitality. < renefall) ind i othes and rests ati'l tarings ? uns : the r ? itine i f life. I'neler i ? In-uniatanco permit any drugglal "t to d five -'i m ' ?? o pointa, for they are trul ??. I proven in the history "f hunilro-ils "f mon nn 1 women. "?? ., ! ; ' wove ti Into ? I , .i! in tie "?' white embrol le ry ? i, ? ? ?. ? K ? - ilinar ! n .'h little b >a < lib A verj pretty way if -ilk or ere i ?n ? ? - wide -ir ' : ? i y, I i :i . ne i. :: im mhlch ? h i - .-Ilk. effect ' ? ??? J"-' i , ? plastron of ! li I 01 idea ta, * ch reach i to the waist, < m .ule i id. of ti,. i".\ pli ni? : ? i broad revi r of hntisi . ?. un over ib- iucks. and ala ? i , . from wh h il falls In two Ion? i 'I i Roth the i \. i an I tab are bordered , m , narrow knlf. i : it? d rufft? ed ?? J with nar . ' ' ,1 | : iwiti t.- .1 Hi - i rasa i loth La : foi . .,n n . anil llchua this spring . . .,, | ... ?? ; , ??,. v,.,ni i, ., well known fashion? able woman ha? ?klri and sleeves of dark blue , ,,'.|?,n ',... bod Ici ni e< rue colored env l.i batl ? : iut I ill! nite?l arlth ? gath ?aI?I and fini heil with a blue grosgraln ] r- walsl ' ,,;l" :l" ?rnbroldered Lat?ate efi op. i lo ?ho? u Its blou i like drap langeai Ilia ?Ilk i*he roun i toqui ol , traw worn with this i ostume ?as un,un. i with rll.n? of thn.lora mauve, blue .... .i appli ?? ? inuther i ffi rtlve use ol the ecru la on .m Impoi li ! sown ol a llghl broa i mohair. Over its open jacket was a broad uu?or HALF DOLLARS MEAN DOLLARS or more, maybe, on almost any hind of woven stuff if you watch for the Friday clean-up lots. We make Friday the stock-sorting day. Remnants and odd lots of every hind get a good-bye push. SILK REMNANTS Whether the yards were cut from the piece or the piece cut from the yards, where's the odds it the lengths are risrht ? ii the remnant serves your need the only rt'.i! remnant part is the price. If you find I what you want and buy il you're happy and we're happy. At io the ?? : Remuants up to It yds of Wash Silks. Check Taffeta Silk, i ireipe silk. Silk Crepon, plaid .m.l check Crepe de Clime, white China Stik. Many .it about Iwo-thinis ofl r?gulai price. At 44, th, yd. Re ? nl in to 14 yds. of black .irul white l.ip Silks. black an ! white B ocade . raffirta ^i'^. figured India Silks, printed Silks, light and dark grounds. Have been up lo 75c yd. At 7k tl ? ! Black S.'tKi Duchess, the greatest oiTering we ?? m.i le. A i/cry small l"t. MISSUS' SLITS REEFERS Unless the styles are reasonably right, of course you don't want them we wouldn't want you to have them. We don't make these little prices because the things are mean there s ;i store here that we want you ti? know better. These to-day: !>??? ? ? ill-wool Maid and stripe .1 l hevkrt, : : ? . trimmed with Ihi ;e rows o? ? ??-. yoke and be It, aues I to 11 5,1 it t- b ? 93 S ? of Covert an ! lixed cloth, blazer effects, 14, 16 and !v '.'.; . have b n ^!s to 133, all go il $10. Abe ii ID? Children's Reefers, scared) two of a kind, mostly ?'.. u . iid 1" year sizes, plain and fancy cloths, ill h.ii |y | timed with brai i. ?-ilk line ? dinal, navy, blue t and .ill o( pe : :? th- loi W. $15, |12; none le ? lhan 88; we say $3.75. $5 S7..?0. Si - . I t in Sert Biaza suits in very fine tn.itcri.ils, .ill new thi ason, $12.50, from > i - ,V ? Si-i-iiilil I loor, lii'o:i,l ?i ni . LINENS ODD LOTS And because they are orphaned or lonclv, Ii.ill or two-thirds prices. i iu Scarfs, ind open work, 2Sc each; '?? White I>. k Tea Doylies, ls\l* in., jt 8c each; I ?. ? ? r ? ! i > . ' '. ?'. .1 each. W ? '?' !'? m's. >l ".'i lo |3 kinds .it 7? ! ??? ' ? ! n ; 82x33 in., at lie; i ? Hem-.HI I Squares, 80x80 in , 40 . Vt-e i : : ? ! ' fringed 1 able < loths, ; SI.2J ? - .? He I'eewels. 27x42 W i : rabl? Da t, 04 in wide, 30 ; ? ? '.' lily. lourtli Vti'ilili-, WINDSOR riES Several hundred of thematic; some were ?'.'<k . Some .1 little soiled. Ilrimil ii ii i . I DRESS GOODS WO "i more remnants fine printed OuIUs, 0 to M yd. lengths, al h f'crh.ip^ 1.000 ihort length fine Ostviots, J.ic\'ti.irds, Storm Serges, Whipcords, Cr?pons and the like. 36 to SO in. wide, i to s yds long, imponed to M.-1I at ?V i to ->l S3, may go al 30 to 50. i Black Goods remnants include 4 to * y.i. Icnrthi of the most popular styles of the tea on --("repon?. Jacquards, Mohairs, Si ?rm Serges, Cheviots, "ic to $l.s5 kind ..t 45 and Hi A windfall of \\.i>!i Goods it*mtui4$?Ljwra?. |aconets, Ducks and Ginghams, choice desigmssM shading, l?t" 20, kinds al 10.. In unit near Itoliiiiiln. LACES RIBBONS TRIMMINGS Remnants <>i I..ices and odd or slightly mussed pieces were up to 50c yester? day are 15c now. Ribbons. Remnants, odd lengths, odd shades and line Ribbons, used on show, -ire j in three I>>ts. 5, 10 and l*c. Quarter prices. Beaded and plain Trimmings, fringes, a I variety of things in the Trimming line that were up to M the yd. may go at 10c. Ilro.'i.l?. ?>'. EMBROIDLRILS WHITE GOODS All the Embroidery remnants of the week's selling, -it 5, 10 and IS: the yd. ("mods that were double and treble in our stock. The White Goods remnants are at luIC 5 and 10,. the yd. BOYS' CLOTHING Boys' tir. ? percale laundered Shirt Waists, v r!ou? colors, '> to II yrs . 65., m 8 ?o SI.75. r>..\,c aH-wool hlue I heviol Ri ailor Millar, 8 to* yrs., UM. Ruy Bos I"; Coats, i ? I overt doth, - ?!? and double breasted, 0 to 13 years, $5.50: yu'd I.,'. I' on ?n most places, Boys 2-piece douNe-breasted Sujti of toft .V.I-wool check el Ih, ?'> to 13 yrs . $4. i ?? all?? i .I tingle-breasted Suit-, navy Hue ?erg , G t., 15yrs., $5. Spe ial lot ol Knee Trousen foe boys of 4 to 15 yrs . M Secoii.l I'luiir, Mnlli ?ilrt-t't. UPHOLSTERY Kind the length that will fit and half or third of the recent pnce will buy the tine Tapestry. Brocatelle <>r Silk Damask you'l need to re-upholster a single piece or even a whole suit. May be ?O0 ol these pieces. Take three at random. 8,??i yds., originally $7.50 the yd, now $8 for the ? '.', \. . I lly 89 the yd., now V.7.S lot the 4 yd . ? . 83 50 the yd., n rw $5 f r the entire Fit e English i ton fot irtains, slip covers or will hai ?rings, fas! ft, 4tk Kind al 15 . Th. se Ban h m Porti, res and Lice Cut? il ;r!e dus). ' ' i. ror in?tai ' '?Jl.l? Bambo i irt ??? il 55.. ?flilr.i I'.-iirih licnui-. BROADWAY (ST^-ff. &??> ? *\??2L BROADWAY rouRTHAVE. S-Jccisaoe^r? AT Stuart &C?. KS rOURTH?ft. . ?.'.?? te . ? ' h? sa me; i light green i Ibbon a .. ? . ,i \ ? ry like effect 1.1 I . l'?? ' . ?? in .... i eom .?:.-.? Mm rosi iseej ? ?: the I ? ?? I ? ? . r. a, chip: Is quite sm ill ,i- ! fi m the liu white, mauve, blue I ? ' . :?> 's.- bunch ? ? , I me 11 n l ? : butti :'!'? v. ii ' ! C the hat Is ais i turn. . '. k ??. . ? the ribbon. ? ? ters use now tl patten ihow to tii' ..'???, I.ks of moh air tempting ? ? i ? aunnj tans ai ; ? tonel like . tints I a pigeon's nei k The -, : ?? ti iwors 01 pa|i pit , ' l-e in.I . |?OWIl' ... ? I iM the' I a .. ,? '.v. are liver ? nu ,i sample ??;!i :. .,-. ? r u rtli h ! ire-- bouquets ??ere "?'?!.'.? i gOWn for Mi V.. to I ? ' i after a M 'iit..r.iv mo lei 'i ! ? , : ? n ohalr and n i. ? Is worn an outsl Is i ? ? ilr. w lileh ver) . ! i anil t,.A TU ns! I will ? ? yo i." Vnd she bro t.. comple teil co ?turne. The ? .- .: oke 'A i - ire of a j.aeket. I . it short I klrl The front was el >uble Lr, i : I . ?. . .. ;.. .. | : II roun I I ?: ? e 'hlaia bu. ? ng cut out In a large V, I the sleea i me re ? i 'i it... : ? .. ? of the moh ah slightly draped at tl ai landing straight o'U ? inging in | - . leaving ti n to pa?s through the .. -:? eve s ..f the p nk I ?u ?? These ex slee ?? . we re i ivi re 1 with butte r-e-nlora-il 1:1 The ire Illustrate.! on this page has ,i i. ..? an i ivhl Ilk. The L-oi . blou i ???. a lite ilk batl te. . mbrotd with ???: : i '?? yoki Is blue. The bows ,i:i evening ilrees, worn' |y by id.- ...!'. I. ? ? .1 'x?B. 1' was of white an I roi ?? a-olon I p -kin, ,i skirt of . gause entire!? covering thai of pekln. Three rows of , xqui t< i" ? a, palnte I bj the han ! of an artist, ornamente i the ???!.?.?? of tin? overeklrt. The bis; : lei \.?:, we re of silk mu WOStES WHO l"> SOT WAST T<> TOTB. An s il if v ' ,; oppose I to the extension of the suffrage has i i?n formed In this State, and ii has aln nij grown to large proportions, number? ing in il rank many pi imineni worn? n, among u i, ??: n ..?? he i ' Mrs, Rich ird IVat eon tlllder, Mi Brands M. Scott, Mi-. Douglass Rob? ertson anal Ml ^ Elisabeth Waiel. "The association was organised las) spring," said Mrs, Gilder, when Be :i i.i-t i ght, "before the meeting of the Con? stitutional <'om ntlon. lu three weeks it collected, wlthoul eollcltatlon. ?.000 names, more than half of whl ii were v. irklng-women. The passai.f the suffrage bj the Assembly, and the fact ti,:,! ti i? no? before t'1- Senate, haa made it in . mu?. .m on the women ??i>i? me I to this measure to , ,llp, forward and mik" themselves heard, and the, MMoclatlon thought it well t> r?organise for future Un Brands M. Bcott and others appeared before the Judiciary I'ommlttee of the Simuu.' on April in anil Mr Bcoll read ,i paper ,it,.i ?us cross-ex? amined by tin chairman. The position of this asHni'iatlon : well dettned In Mr-*. Scott's speech. The) !? er! suffrage forced upon women as ,i muv lake -ii i mtleal expediency, illfllcult, If not im? possible t,. rectify, and certainly .i social revolution in, iske-il and unde-su able Mr?. Heairge Phillips, of Mo MB ICasl Blxtleth-st, Is the secretary of the association, and all women who are in sympathj with this movement ar.> re? quested t.. send their names and addresses to lier, KTVOIO TIA WOB raYI SVX8BAM BED. The Sunbeam Hed, In the children's ward of the X .'a fork liiilrmara for Wotii, n und Children, No . i, i ingsl m Rare, ? 111 ree ? Ive 11.000 as the pr <?????? : .,f ,i M iv flower festlvsl he!d on Wednesday after? noon an i evening in th.- studio i r Louis c. Tiffany, s,.. T Bast Seventy 'econd-st, Young ?iris terred tea, riressed In Puritan costumes, and the many vis Itors to the studio spent ,i delightful afternoon and evening. The members of the Sunbeam Circle and th. fommlti.i Trustees are Mr.?. I?. M. Sthnson I Mrs B, i' Henderson, Mrs William Oilman Thomiv I ? n, Miss Julia U. l??- Const and Mrs Louis C T i (Tu ii j ; the .Misses Elsio, Alice and risi.le Dorai? I SI I : Ti nun.iiiiiiiiiiiii.i.iiiiii'i.i.iiiii OUSES 7i HAVE Wl HALLS. \ Awkward ones, too?sometimes, f Hardest kind of werk to fi:rni>ri right, ij Let's help. New Sprii ; line of : Chairs, H riging Racks, Umbrella si Star.'!-. Settees, Curious Hall Trees, Sj etc. M ist see them to understand them, s MAI riNCsS. A ROLI.UM I AXMINSTER CARPET . . ?et* s VELVET CARPET . - *? ?? W et?? s BABY CARRIAGE .HUI : IM.AID MAHOGANY SETS*?.* : BAUMANN BROS., ! 22. 24 & 2o lia*-! Nth St.. Near I'nion Sq. : ,,,,,,i,?,.inn.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii.i i'W nick B man Carl Mar?, rei [letta Blbyl K. Hub Ij.u- ; \,.;.. V. ? Hul II M i lit- Hurll ' Rutfe ll... Jo? ? ?? l: ?. ?t ~ '??'?? ?'? 8 uiioa, Harriet Shell I Bth : Williams. ? ? ? .i;.-/!' i v-i it ? i i orders. ensi \\i<: ,.- kprtl II (Special) ."-'.ers have beci ?;.... rt I .m nieis ordered :?? the Mohican. Lieutenant Hatpin? detached from the Wabash ai I ordei I t.i the Hanger aa I relief ??? L.U itenant T. 8. Rodgi rs, detached and granted ihre, months' leave ..r ab tii a. P. Nasi i !?:.! hi i from trio go II ??:??: .i- ? SI CUtlVl ?'!' ? : Of 1:10 l.:.:. -; i. - Lieutenant R. H. Sampson and LMv ant Poster have beei retired from i live - rtrlcs on !.:?.'?' IS .1. K. Cogswell letached from the Portsmouth Navy Vari) a n al w ash Ensign w i> UcDougall detached from \. mvl i-, and ordered t i the Enterpri Car* ii.-nti K I' Kirk detach?*.! fi im treatment at tiie Ni .* \ ' I Ho . oru.iei to >m porar) ai i 'ramps'. Til.- following Arm) i lei I <ve been lastted: !. . uti n i m . '.....? ? i Sumuei s .-'ittimer. gtn Cavalry, ig .i: ? i| of ?ii< . prison.quartermaster?* tal pi iperty at tin Militai v Prison Li ivenworth, aa may !?? reported unfit for service. Leave for two montha ;s framed io Captain Rudolph '?. Eben, .i ilstanl sun ? ?> ? XEW-JERMEX ll.\s {XOTHER II.?a I. Iim.WiT. Trenton, \. .i . Apr;'. II (tovernor Werta ' signed the LU passed by the Legislature making Unroln's birthday, P? bruary 12, ? lecal h illday. The Governor haa h la i ??.ion alxteea 1..1N passed b) the Legislature on which he hai taki n no .i _-.??>_-_ //. It. JACOBrt THEATRE /v TROUBLE, a- appllcatloi was made to Judgi IJ k-'aver in th.- Court of Common Pleas yesterday on*bi lit "f Heut) i; Jacobs, t.. enjoin Thomas Cahlll from dispossessing him from the itur-l Avenue Theatre) .' r non-paymeni of $?.'?"?' rent, for which Judgtnanl been obtained In the Sixth District .'?art. The hearing of the action was atljourned, so that the sureties on the appeal ?rein th.- .le-isiuti of the lower court might be examined m lo their H'l.ilitii.i:;.in? justice Heekman, In the Bupi me Court, was aske.i i>> counsel William W. Buxton ;. ap? point :i receiver for Henry R. Jacobs, Il saM tint in ??o Jai ba paid tSOjoOQ for i ten reni lease on the theatre at (he rate of (OMOO .i year, There were two mortgage? of $!"..<?? and ttB.000 on the theatre, and it was charged t> counsel that in an action ;.. foreclose the mortgages, Byron IV. Cohea was retint', i .m Jacobs's behalf an.l told Jacobs tltat he hu.I settled the matter Cohen, the law? yer said, '.vas later arrested for blackmail, and left th.- state Buxton now avers thai the i- ,rt gages wer. never paid. l*eclslon eras t lerved. TER litre srrrosEit to nn r.nsr. P .rt Towiuttmd, Wash.. April Ig.?The arhnnassT Behring Sea. from Tac ?ma, has been found thirty?, five mile? weal of Cap? Plattery bottom up. Tht crew of ten persona is supposed to have r..m drowned. The vessel was m.ikiiiK her maiden vor? a?.' fut th.- halibut banks, and was deemed sn un ??? in ii ;h\ craft. flint's Fine Furniture l-*iii-|ilture is BOM s ?t.. tliut DO ?lise,.un allowed, t ji .1 ; quantity t?> ttny ?u}?r, very .le?.- at Kiinf?. t.*> Bresl m?), tliut n,> .Use..unt fr?ta th.- plainly nittrked vrlce? is