Newspaper Page Text
^mnscmrnts. ABBEY'S TtlKATKE - ;:. n ?? Que ? ? AC \: ?EMY e ?F MI'SH' ? l.*l il i t. on. AMERICAN TIIEATKE - Bl Je all THEATRE s f. '. BR ?AlaW VY THE VTRK S Alad lin, Jr. CARNEU1E HAU s ;.-, i; ? ...;?. CARINO s ? -. \ l'i'I.I Ulli - 1 HE VTRE ? Vale of A I'.\l. , - THEATRE--3-1 lui ?a-M 1 v ? KI'KN Mt'SEE s y i '. EMPIRE THE VI Kl ? 15 ' bl FINE ARTae r 'II.I'INe?, 215 Wem 57i ? | l ?VENTE THE a i:!: s ;,. ?; : ,?! . OR \\ VI-.M : 10:30 p. m.?Nal Ki 1 11 . ' HAR1 Il ::?: \i.i. . yfAltl ?:.??.. : :. Hea 1 v-'.l ?: ri IRVIN'ei l'I.Ae K TIIKATItK S:15 Emilia Qal ". K l V : VUE ?AKPKN 2 S Circus. iiMT.VN eil'EKA U'SE - V .. \. ON'AL A VDEM1 "K DESIGN Pay ? . M B| T ' ?m i "in. PARMI It'S-S:15-l ? i: - 2 ? v L?:de a lile. l'.'l.,! ' H ?IC> !.. .. ' ;. rr V laideviU?. UT VNPAHH THE VTRE s :;,. r , j|n ' .' tai B h"r ?H TIIKA S UM llumneli ! ?e??tc? Ici ^VOl'crPGfliUlUS. ? ... ?? ? ' ?! a .s ? .m A ? ? le? I Murrias. ; ? ? ! I ? 5 . '.' ? .. im . ?i" : lices..... U .... s i .4 ? ? - inn rn .il N . . ??. I l'iai l .Il : . ? N .I i ? '? ' 1. . Ksaate.12 i - ' - ' ' . !? .Kl i : ? ? - .s ... \ ? ... : Financial Meetings...U &*clao?l Agencl-s. 8 1 . - ... '? ?Steal '.- .U Jl. :;, ?Vtintetl.le i - ?" . s ? n ?.- .-. '.? : - .S ! ? N !\ Work War.l . l' .... H ' '? DnoincGO notices. I~?r. H i -i r. i y ?nake s ;i spe i.ilty of extracting teeaii \.. f..?. HARVARD BUILDING, 128 ?Tl! WE . C. ?? e: 1 st. TRIRCNE j'i.KMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. Singla 1 va: c. mes Imi I m'-, c pv. rally, T <?-,%? n n-~?lc.110 00 *?>'"? ?2 30 1100 . t>slly, with m PurelaT_ SCO ami 2 0O po 3 01?. Sa?nela} T:'t.i:n<-. L''?? l'A) f'O ... Pet? *A>eklj . ? "?? .3 cts. Bean VVecklj Tribuns. 100 .3 ce. Tribuns M nthl) . - ?X? .B cts Postai prepaid 1 uns except as hereinafter SUtsd. C1TV 1' ?STAGE Th? law r"i'iire? thtit n l-o<n: r-^tsr? ?ta:: i- ? ?? ?very e pv of th? Palla Sunday or S nal VI mailed foi ' ' ? ?ry !n Kerw-T rk City T1's i ce ta g? mus? i ?? i .' by sub ?eiibei Ri are ????r served bv buying Ihele Trll .- ? ' ? POR1 ? -s ! ;" T ail ' i ??? e ??->? rnn? -\ un I M xl? 4 ci n-< n - Sunday Tri! une; t cent? a ; ni ly and -\. ? . ? ..... RFV'T" AN'Ts -R,. o-l?r. Cl:?-i-k Prafl - T- ????? ? Cash or Postal Note, 'T ???o in ???-.. i ;.??.-, win I waia f OFFICE? np TH: TRint'XF. " ?? ? f The Ttlb. ame, UM Ni -vin. N?w-Tork. Main ui>t wn im ??? 1 S4? t- ... . r . v;mp'.y ??Phs Tribune ?'? N <? r ri Ai t?? fTATlLEM f>l FtrFS 1er? Enst On?-htini1re,1-ssd t. rifeb il 243 v7ee?1 fin? I ' i ' I ? Oftl ? ?t . sud t?t VC? ?? Pi ? ? - ? . il ' ' ? ?? flftl ? . up t) ? p ri . si rsgnbai fil ??? rsl? ? Paw T,?-i ??? ? ?>? f?r seivsrtlseanents only. Tu, Fl"?t p.-r. . r- r y. i ' - r.? ' ??sfTX >sssl FOUNDED "BY HOT ACE GREELEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 1'.'. IK?. FOURTEEN PAGES. Jill: HEWS Tins MORSlSti Poreig? i ; . ? ' al Camp a has Issu? I pi tlons to the i"- ?pie of C I e of ?Santiago de ( ffers pardon I excre pi the leaders i. glan I has refuse . t.? acce ?'t Nlrarai la's proposal to s dispute to It Is repoi I thai Anarchists h ive plotte i ? i assassinate !': I? i l Paure ;ii Havi a, where he n< w Is. 1 ' The Sei v -;it: u by a spe 1 ntnlttee Into a ? that 'i coi I to pass the i ill giving : n paj Vornan Sufffragt* 1 h '.'? " . . ' : . ? G i. Dam bill - T nf oil ?av.i* raise i by the .^m'i lar I Oil C gylvanla i ? ? There- wa i tii ?..'..' T I further trouble tarj < ' trllsle -- i .? rder e Ian l i : ? tr ot passe ngers fr m eau st?-an suns City and S ' i;. publl an County Cu ter being ? ? all: blllty I ? More tilscl ? irr-i we un? the r T im many ?l..!'. V i s ir. Chai Itles \: l a - ? ! at the i ' ?her , at which Bis : r ? ?. j. ???ph H. Chonte and ip ?kc. \- ihe .. ? n< r of the 1' rsity L?aw School ii \ - am thai I Is Law S with th Hon. : Tl ?? " ! l Fe lion was ope : ??'!. The i i base? ball se is -i at the Polo Grounds between New York and Urookl the latte r by a ?coi of 7 t'i t. Si ks we re active and higher. The We il F . ? - for tea-day: l'.i\r\ warmer; northe rly n fair io-mor i'?'. Tempe rature > st< rday: ] M de - gn sa; I .west, !.. -w , A< the reteiili ..f a we.l visit i . Albany Mr. Depon Is lo a nitk-li more hope ful fmue? ?.f mini] than 1." was two or lhrei> wiH?ks agea. He finds that obstruct Ire? members of the lieglsltitun? ?re ?it las; remllzloK the force ?.l* public opluieiu, tint] thai there ?s a c.? chance the reform bills nf feeling ibis city will be iiuhsciI. Ai the same time, it i- evlde ut thai the? Legislature? Is not i apondlng to public se-ntlinenl In neun?1 matte rs ?is ?i "imlir. Ye*!? ?lay, for example, ill, Se*nnte passed i!ie- bill ceainmitting r 11? - to nn ?\ peodlture ..f *t,1.(NN>,eMMj f,i- a dam al ltocbe-?t<-r tin- utility e.f whie-b Is extreme-ly ppibleiuatlca] (lorcrnor Morteau, II is hoped, will exercise bis prerogative and sare the taxpayers ibis useless exjj ?tue Tin? h.i^.s.ill season oneiia'd ye-stcrelay with a ittsb. (?ames were phiyeel in Ovc ?Mtlt*n N? w York, Rahini re. Clncluuatl, Si l?uuls and Louis Tille- wliile- la BoHtou the? . ii'iiiir. game will take place to-day. Nearly 7i?.<mmi p.-rs, ns w?i iM'ssi'il the five itnmes. f)f these, abotil i'???"??? ?wenl ? ? ihe i' lo (trounals lo see New ?ork ami Brooklyn en v> bain. Most of ihK crowd natural rr wanted Ihe Xew-Yorks i" win, bul they didn't. Brooklyn carried <?IT ilie honors by a s,-,,r,. ,,f 7 t?? I, aii'l denervepd i'^ vlcteary. Tin- team fnam OTesr the rltri'r played a sharp, lively, spirited game, and won by she r merit. The (liants hare tm reason t<? be disheartened by iln?lr elefa-at. Oui- game doesu't setriin* the pennant, Anyway, if New-York deoe -n't gel i;. we shoulel rather have it ^? i ? Brooklyn than to any <?tin-r town. -?- ? ? s-ciciai'v Carlisle has slgurd i.rder per ?itting ocMB steamers arriving after snnsei to prui'i-el !?> tlii'ir piers and discharge passengers and taggage wlthotil delay. This Is ? step of tai)f* iniiii'i'tan." to the yearly Increasing num? ber of people cr.issiti/,' th.?eran ferry. Up ti? riie> preaeal (liare has betta a bard-and-ffett role eic talniii!?' at (iiinrnntino t^rueaghoal the Bight any ate.'iiiish;?)!i arriving even n few Blantei nftor the ^oing down of the s,un. it icrtulnly Is time this ! en-!..m (*n||i> away, a it mtdlly In1 .it small i>x|N'usi', now ilia -' i' n '.? lias 111,1.I<- the work ..f liispcrtton a* i'.isj by ixtsrln an by ilav. Tlii? l?a In In nassem' 1 ifli linio .-?ml comforl will In', immense, an fnptutiiM will it" Imipcr fi-el under tin* necssitj of stniininp every nerve in save ,i night's ill '? n Hull ?II the I'lHl, perhaps, "f HU except] .;.nil* Kjiti tly vnyas Th.- |?|:lt1 \V?irtll '.Ullhliic in |ho Sell 111- W.I able ? ? command ihf s ni..- of seven Hein yes! nlay, ami by tln-ir abl lh?' ilrouklyn l'liarl ? - l ?nib bill was ? assiil. .Iitsi seven ? ?''?- won II. rilei!. ,111 1 t!|e KttppI* W I- |in I'ls |y I i|ll.l! Il tin- ib mand. This bill is m iw in llu l.overnor's ha mis. Su i - li iv?> alrculy bivri ; ik< n '?? In? form him uf Hi?' iiii?'iisi' linstilit* i,. Hi?- W<-1-? it scheme which exists in Brooklyn, ami further action in thai ilii'i.?;':"!! will i ?'.' nt at mi . The moral sense of the coiiiiimnl y is ? ? ? . I'. I by I ho shameless prah whlcli niiiiirc?! Taiiimany \ des !.. carry i' ihrough. - ??. - li '.s characteristic of t'oiuniissiomT I'holan th.ii ho should ri-slsl !l:e illsmissal of n Inriga iiiiiul..'!' of Hock hepartmeni empli?/?** ..????lnreil by th?' chli f . nui'.? t?i be im tli- ? ill ?Hid II* l< - - is the only remalnlm* Tammany liinn mi Hie i;...m!, ami he n-pivsenis ilie ciiiitr?>lllnp Tammaiiy prlmaplc to irci-fcctum. Into lite ram many mind the iinestinii of an employe's elfl eieii-y il.ies mil enter: <li" wily lliinp ?iuisiil?'re?l i> iho man's usefulness lo ilm "orpanlsKiiion." i'lulif ihe Taniimmy repline no chief tMiirliUfr c mid pel rl?l ??!' sub " lin m s for any n ismi affiH'tln? lite - h iracti r nf lb? lr work. The re p ?rt mull r c iiislili rail n j ??-'? rdaj was made Dearly Iwo months aim, ?ml y?'l I'holan pnioiids thai lie h is hail no lime to i xamiiie It, lie mi. eeeded In pnioiirlnp a bri?'f respite for the In competent*, Inn ihe new ('oui miss! micr* aro Itted i.', i. f i-iii and will nmlonbleilly el?an nut iho Taiiimany lump rs n. THE TAP ROOT OF COJtXUPTIOX. Whal pavo Mr. t'rokor iho power by which as th,. Tammany l< il r ho fasti in ! ihe clutch of thai oi'?iau iza lion up m ihe ihroai of ihls low n with so lenaclotis a prip thai il took a popul?r llprislnp !? releas?1 uo. Ilol release, bul r.Ti\ it ? Money. Whai dm s any Itoss d< |n i 1 up m ;.. maiutalii his supremacy ami perpeluaie the system of l?ossisin': M lie.v. Il?iw does lie pel ?- '< lie iI.h-s imi ii*. ? Ills um ti, ami ihe cai ? :n m ni . imliati s for otilci ami ; splriti I ' ': ns are n '. as Imlei 1 lliey ? n it t.. I.e. l;,..l'e til 111 Slltlli loill to llieel ?'??, nary m ss r.i imi h'pltiniate es i ns. - . f a po lit 1? il canvass. Where. ?In n, ib i*s the I mil y ?,ii,': Wo are ask np a ipi ? i ?' the si t* m in politics can ans? ? ?- mil of li It comes froi preat i ? ? ' town n i in ?? I '?? name tin m whoso relai th publi ? are ..(' su li a naiiire as i i m ike .;. ;,. mil ni for tin? sue? ? ss of the In cut?'rprlses in which lh?-) are enpapeil up enact meut, mi lh ? one haml, of favorable li ; si i lion - !' Ihe ?Mi ?'. ? II lh?' ? ih'i'. of hostile un is lires ai Albany. The Tribun?' lias In ret. . . ' attention : ? the fad tin- process. The ?fflci rs i f Un si c irpor ni-:. il ;ts a pur?'ly business transaction. The prlncipli s or p li'-y ?if tin? part; r ? nies to whii'li the\ in ike i heir . iiiitribtiil ms : ? lu eas?'s ih?-y contribute with a certain - ? i ? ' partiality lo Iwth 'I" urn < uti r Into U at all. They hand over the money t . the 1'. is ; with th.- until rstamllnp, . xpn ss or linplle I, ihal iho l?oss w II see lo ::. so far as tin atlvi - i if his own pai "? i l I laliire an com? I'D- I. that 11 mratl hi has nul p ?ice, In . ises \. In ;'?? I ? live :? pislal Ion is sotipht llu ? I It ' Th1 s priHvss goes on > ir after y?*ar. lio w. mi .1 ch inn '? ;Ixe It'i l- ih?Te tin h< mm ? o| onllu iry luti II ..? ? In u se miml Un any .1 nib! as ' ? Its effe I up u !? pislatimi, up< n ? private morals'; V. ?, Is It. The v. m. it who .is ? til ers of ? irp ira the ext. rtioii for It is m? less n ; 1 ?? if not l miler, In d?*uuti *i it h m of It. M ? ! ih< :.i po so far is In saj Ihal it I ..: 1 ? - si m a of blai'kiiialliiip oiil.. pall ?'? ?! b.t '? :,! . ml K.'llK'ti'i 11 II I . h in li ihe pressiin. In j ; ? pa* ami In i ?i; that as trust?? s ??! pn il properi ? - . liiiauciul iustitutiuiis; ?is cits?oil ins ? :' ihe : t crest s of ol f lb?' rt Ido ,vs ?nul i furnish Un- <to ;, . tuimiil f?>r this el -. ihey have diitii - ami oliliir.H >i ? I hi J fl el lioumi !?' lllscll irpe, .:?:?- ? ive ?if I I cil /? ns or their ;?' i itii i.- as i...I . idiials ?????- ,,- . ; ?- i il ethics or politic il morality. All of whli li, till to the tes!. Uni f it We] I. ;?.-! l-olis ,?:??''.' . ? llnl.ll I fo| onliuar.i j>- l:? s but of n lap coiiimuu busiiii ?s s.-iise, i- inii-r rul '?'h.-l'e ]- !... excuse i In i ?'.?'.' irl i lilillp whi?'h In his Imllvhlnal capacit* lie comleiims ?is subversive of umralit) am] most ili' in ii- ? - ?uni coiisi ipniii-es, I view ol )? it i- utterly imlei'i nsibli It is a diver siou of ? in-1 funds i" wholly llleciiimate pur ptisi -. I |i.n \> hal pri'ie.xi cm aii.t i i ,. mit ion ?ttlcer H-- th.- profits of a lb publican -!?? klmlib-i tu promote lh?- -ii .t ihe I leinoi rail?; p irty vt !:? n ill u ?lot i.'i .; |?*r I" 1 ' \ is sinii sui -- io ht! Inimical n his ">\ n business im - . and m ly I"- |ia* iup mil of Ids ovt a p s*ki ; : : u?-* I .' a contrary piirpo*?*? Thv casi- Is the '..une if Hie in.m. y ol n I >? mo Tall?' si wkholder in iln> hands ! of f !'|i. u'at'.'.ii "ilieitii- is con tribu? is] lo a Itepii i | caiupalpu l'uiiil. Tie i-e is neither reason i in.', si n-e iu It, and, as all will apn-?', ihe pnictico , is iho luosi fruliful soiin-o of Ute wund son ol political i*orrnptii,ui. Why do wi walk rmiml this cryhip -'une tiptoe ami puss.i : it?*dV The im n v. no know ihe luosi nlsiui it, wl i KiifTer most fnmi It, ami as prit :r ?.';?: . ? \ Ip.irons ami oiitsp ki u in ih?'lr di uum at ion of It, an- ihe very un a wh > .-. otlieers of i irjMiratlons ami n u-i.. s of pn il mat i rial loleresls du nmsl t.. lualutalu it. Tln-y ii ?? ;:??! '??'iiiiii' I !?- i'lthi r party. They ar?' >.f li ..i. A; ?! lh?> cold iruili i* ihal ihei tin- wa lug the iiion? > uf other p?' ijile ?uni Ihelr own n .1 only fisillshly, hm wleketll.t ; I ir llu-j are <? iti trlbutlnt! i" (he inaiiiieuaiice ami porpeiuatiun of a sj *1i m of i;--- i ni?- in political 1.1 m i pi ,i nl which ", ,11'.--s iho cilizi-n and iax|iayer am] corrupts the - nin-i-s of poveniinoiil. 'j... ? ,-:iu f/i !'l i.iiinme |t, Sooiii r or 1 ib-r ihe pre i! btsly . ?' iho i*i unui u p -, ??. Ihe \ nllnp in i--.-. will rise u,. ?ipi ::i-i i, ,t , :,!?, (he sysl 11 ? -? It', bul ?lpaln ?? Ihe .-.i], ,:? nions it 111? h i r tin Ir own si ; -h pnrp .-??- have .-i.irape i and |.i'"iii"tei| it. Th??n will i ?!,.? iho whirlwlml liar v. -t or this wild wlud-Howlnp, Tl ? Tribune utti is now Its wunl i if warul'.ip. r r|i ?rations may havi- uo souls, hm the ludlvldiials who v mi i."-" '!" n do, and so do ih< offlci rs n :. . mdu . their affairs To Ihem wo make lh npj? il m behalf of houesl politics, ami of pots] govern nient, and of Hie general welfare, thai limy s. ? ''? -'!??? In I In li p r ito nJjilli ?!? ? a? well as In ?hi Ir Individual i-apaellles as ritlgens a gains] this pi-rnlcious pracllii?. And ?re np|ie:il esjii ? ??ally t.. Uepubllcnns. if this abuso is t.. i.. , ?i\ tlnued, lei Tanimauy and I roker du It, and live by it. until juiii?e ludlpuatl m .- -;,, amiiMcd th il an end will be made of it. Tiny bare Un ma eiihieiy for it In perfect' in. Xo ns- for Repub? lican? to ondertake competltioii ?rlth them. The party is not made that way. Hm the Bepnblli an party cuii well afford to take a ?tand agalaat the whule business, and at the sacrifice of something in Ihe? way i f i'ier]ieer;itiol.irilmtlnns to i am laaigii funds np|M>al to lln Ii.*! Instincts of Ihe 1" 'I1'1- _ ?///; COSSOLIDATIOS DILL The Ciaiisealldritleill bill i'p "''?"I by Ihe Senate Comm'eti. .! Citli's Is a eonipreamisc iii?-.isiire'. I' ? nib dies ll? . mail) prllle'lple* nf ill < origin il |i|]] , ;? im II M.? l'\ lile? < ''?milllssieaii, an ! ?1 also pi''l. - !'.?:? ill.' iTeMtioli eif a new Ivoely >>( charter-maker*, a- I'l'i'i" ?-???1 by ihe? alternative ii-, We- re".'i'e : lhal II.lei I'etmm'ssioti has n .- Ihm ,i retilill? il ill eeflie '. It 11 is si-e llie?el tel ils ? thai a !?"'!> of mail wllee htlVe? e! ?lie a llse ful |aiil?lie' vveark slieiulel lie dischargeil fre?m ser vice al a lime when tin y have? -nr.'i'i' li'.l in sir mgly illti re tilll! lh<? !?? ?pie? of Ihe llietria]ioll Ian elistrie-i In tin snhjecl eaf ce>nsolidatl?eu. lint ii i- ii"; unlikely ihm linye-rimr Morion, If ihe? i-eiiiipi'oi'.iise mi-asiirc !"? emii'te I. will PtipjNiinl Sail.f Ihe? mus? active Ilie'iillaeTs of lile? I'ommls sie Hi, allai i:? ana e?Ve-I11 Alielre-M II. l?re-e-ll will remain 111 ill?' lie-ael ? I' the? e-IlleTprlse'. n? Ii" i!? serve* ?ea .].., Tlie 1*111 as ri>|Mirte?1 lei Iba?,il pi'.iviiliie for ili'' rii?rgaiil/.:itli?ii "t' ib" Commis sleui ami us i-aauverslaiti Into a ibearoughly reprc si'iitatlvei l."ily. Il alsaa carries in;., a-ffet-l lui miillate'iy ilia? will ?f t 11 ? - lll.ljeirltj nf Ibe e?lev tors, ?vina voted ??n Ihe- eiiii-?tl??ii n ve-mli r, H has I?-, n cm re'Bllj r.:?'i".''l at Alb my lhal Mr, l'htlt, laj lile? i::' :'?- ?Ile ' i?ll "I" ?111 un n lim-lll provhliiig i' r (Sie* elWtlein nf :i Mayeer eif l?reaii ' Ni?M Yeark. Illti mis lea tllsp ?se? . f Mat :? SI ami May.!- Se'liie-ren |an inature-ly ami ha |i i them fear resisting his Imperious will, Tin? mxl nf the? measure? sheavvs thai ihls r???uli Is mil in l?. nppre-lie mli d. Tlie - v..n. | si eliuii .!? i-l in - thai fur all |ei iclh-al }?n:-i"?-?-^ ihe? existing 1 ? ? .e 1 ?.-,. ruine ni ami ?i Iminl <t ration sit ill remain as thi-y an- until l!u lav tin? cbanx il bj l< glalath ?? S : Il atl itllie lelllie III a- s lile nf Mr Plait's iiv< fi ?'lids have In i u Ii ?1 lim: up ?is a mi. ins nf iuiimialating ami di- :'' luing lln ? ?? , Mayors we nbl !>?? Im'"iislsii il ? Ith this sa-e l|,,ii ?iiiel we ulel ;?' ri'l' r lln? \a Ii ?!'? me istire In operative I hue ? ? le-irNlal rs I Vlbaii) eeiighl ?ml t,i i?. ili'te-rri ?1 be this ilin-at fr u vutl th,. i I. It is mil in lln- pre ??,-? fupii thai s ?all? fae-i iry lo us: 1 in ? ? iln n ?I nthi r iii' asure um 1?. ? -1 We? un ? -L? - '? iture ? ? ;. is?, lln- bill promptly. T .. n sur . ?vlll have' two ? M' Is; ii will . re :it?> lin-ai r S'e ?-^ rk as i ire ?graphl al e-xpre .? ?v ill bring lilt ?a rXiste ea? ? ll?tltll HIVi'llll II I'll irge'd With 1 of ele : nir a ebaii? r for I unite | eitles |. laiin i ,i- I I general i-tiling a ?> I ib'tatl, I leave- I ?,,:, ?s|e-l| ill il . ? ?V'l'l .lie Whole Si lie lile ! ill nllgll ? '"i i '1 IS hi111 ? I ? diet | . . . . - I-l] - ' ? \ ..: ... . W ill 1" llllde . ?m ?? bj ii reorganize l . \ , . . ? - lim present se? It is l||e liesl I | ||i? thai l?eme i i? I ? |s mule r . its to carry mit lb" will of Hie p< ?;.!?? as ill ti. n III Hi , ' H re |s || stl -1 ?_? pill? , ire, v ? ?.. ? i, - ?liilatieiii it lib. ut ihe? aeljiisi I of v f the llrst lni|s?ri > t a ?, ;'.'??- I '' I , ',\ an eepnl lax rate ..? i mi ,-: .1 p r ,,.m _?.. ,.(' tisse- suie lits fo| ? i.' in are i, would Is* a iieist pepulai t 11 la n. Taxp ij ? '- m otili] \ \a i ?, ' il i'f rates :iii.| ' : ?. Il ?' ; ? ' . leap ill ? ' II l'iiey ought lo i ? ? illt V ? : ? ? l ? Tl e|l ' ' - bill ?Vlll t: ' ' ? - ? ? - I. '.,.... \o iii'inlilpal .1 \ ? < ' , I . P.U Y' I I l:lUH1S A \n n / o.v?; - Tl r eb.tth of M i: ? l ? Ite |l|e 1 - i ' ,. ways il ami ' ii 1 . .... ? . ? ? ? : . Ile nf i ? l'IS, Hie- ib'ttl Is o| I . ...'I ii| . Illbs, tile ilef, li.-e ,,| ? nph 111 n\e|' ? i n-ganl lo Ibe n. ?|. ? ,i \ ? In. |.' .,' pie isll ? \\ ?? sh ill Hut, ' lee ail is. ?! ?ve? saj thai ? !? ? ,- -, ? HP'S an? lee-a-i i?::n lo pri'veiil Ihe ble-yeie? freaiii I... ? ?. ? 11:11 ? - i nuisance wlile-h the pnlallc will no! an I ??;. In i ; ; lie? ? lie- extra r I nary ill . re ??? 111 lise : llltlbe r of city H In ? ?in n during pee-lally during lln lasl fev?. weeks, has pr"ilin'ie| a marvi'lleeus hange' e?f t-otnlil mis in ',,.'. :n|:i| teal lo bie-j ? -1 i - ." ? .i II . i.|\ al Mine's lUe'iellVe'llle'lltl} croM'ili 11 be ' ll billion of a Inas "I hie ya-le - t.. Ihe' i-n-i'.ii, u;. array of whe-eletl ?ehiel.s, ,n. I Hier?- : no reason lo sit|.se lhal Ihe Uniil ? : ,i lie-ell in nl\ re? te'he? I. iMiviollsly, tlieTe'feere, H Is ,.i--'11111.i ni "ii all cone el'lleil to II - the lr rlgllll ? ? ?II lie at lo nblise llie-lll, all.I lile? elllt) of th" ailthnril ie-s to eon pi I sirle ' nil die nee lo 1 i . The majearity e,f bleye-h? rhhrs, ii u,r. I,,- ;i Kill le I. al'- |.in!' Ill for tin lr ??'.' Ii - il.' S all.I ."ii s 'I' rat?- ' f eallii , Hill tlie re an- mini a who in ? I to be - nbji-i-ta' 1 lo -tl le'ti r dise-iplliie than II IS been . nfori'i I agii n? i iheiii, am] the? r munis r i- ill- l> islllg li"! eallly absolut? I' with I be mill iii li' H nu of M lu els lai: re i ltive-1} al ... we 1*.-ir. The ??? persons ehoease lo hi? a |-.\\ u.U., |he-ill ? l.. ? Tl ' j ' fte-n ride four or lit ? nbn-ast, ui ti far higher niti*of >]???<<] than ilia* e-lty ordiriam-e' pi m -: th.;, ei n? through iiarnivv opa-nlugs ? ?viihniii warning ami from "in- siele- ?if iln- sin ? I ? i., ih" eaiher; the"- whirl nreaiiml e-nriiers with 1 ill : ginl fe r their own wi-lfan- ami noue whal e-\ it for ibe; ?af nlln rs, mid In g ne ral limy In lliapolixe? lln stre-e-t- lo a ilatlge-realls ,-ii"| Imb' .. at .??.-.,'. The j are- lln em-mla-s . i the ,, n al la i :'? ami in piirlli'tilar ??f ?ill \> ho rl le> i llia'elj At in.Ill .--].. ' -';, il.. \ eonstltu a '1 iiige-i :i ? ul nur, again I v* lile 1: popula i Ke'iiiiuie'iii will certainly enter a vigearoiis prole l Is'fore long, Tl'e ,' alie [*o?i l?jale' ;| |t|| irllj maw. an l llnitigli il er?? are' elittii tilth In the ?v ij* of e-nfi?r ?n .- It, OM 111? lea the? file'll Ij v Hi ,. |i|e]| an "ii."i-i, r mi., ?llsapp ,n, limy tin ' etb?r I?? ? lle'gllge .: eaf til lr plain duty, 'I lu |,. ,i il:;. I" ? \ I'alai ntis of law '.??'/lit i,, i i? rlgear msly up j plleil in every case I' Is ii"i char-.-I lhal Mr I '?'liter wa a Dole i-; n ly re ekle >s rldir, ami ihe? ? ireumstane ea ?al 111? < Ital lie ? iele nl 'I ' nut preeve lliit he ?v is ai f mil when In? mei bis death, ? xeepiini; a- re ??? "? I ? Ms ilosltloi . i lib wheel. His death Is due m pan to bis liahli of leaning forward, In j raring style, with bl? ey.-s ,,n th. irrrmntl Josi , be fore him, and In pan t" ibe fact thai the driver I of the coal ear? which Mddraly tbeerail Into his pfltli froa behind a itxcctcai' was on ?m wrong mailway ?f Ihe Boulovanl. Ho was doubtless rldlnp rapidly and with ihe careles* rnnfldenco ? of pniti'-ii'iicy. imi perhaps n< I faster tbnn the ; law p i mils. We rite his lamentable wise nith??r because H furnishes an linptii-slve warning lhan Itecnuso Mr. < '? liter's own.lint rlearly Invlti \ | disaster. Nor i- the aellon .?!" Ihe ''.'al ear! driver, ; on whom a ineasur?' of n*Hp mslbillty for Iho fatal i ,-, Hlslon ilollhtless i'.-!-, a .?.?mule:.- illustration : ..;' the offences which aie fnipiently eommlttetl against bicycle riders, li.- was not dellliemte ly carrying un? a i m i-].. -~. in animy. iiinfusp and endanger a |s?rs?in li-ivlnp ?is iiuu'h right in Iho stn-ei as himself, as ?s. the habll uf urtny carters ?m I n nehnu rt. Such surly ami impttdi ai lrniisgn*ssors are quite as deserving ?f punish! as are Iho scllisb and reckless wheelmen ! lo whom we hat o ri fern d. The authorilies ? otlghl : . brill? h 'th el i---- . f offetldi :'- lu n !l*iU as promptly as |kiss!ble, making n > exception in ?tnylssly's favor und colic.'ting every Hue which can bo legally liii|msed. The liu'niised nocujia lion ef smooth!} pa veil strods consequent upou ihe use of th?1 bicycle has rea?*hetl a point at which i he stiTiicsl ? 1 i --;? i * >! i 11 > ? m ?>? ils t.. be unre? mittingly enforce?!. MORE y li. I / /: AOITAT?OS. Out friemls, the friend* uf silver, hm- a little help ill lh?' ?nlvanee caused bj lh?' In ily ln?tween Japan and China. Kill li Is need ful for Ihem in r- in. nl..-r thai ihe pn>*|'eetlve payments an? l?i i?, extended over several yean*, III id if Iliade wli lh in silver, nui-! ntnpmstbiunbly be uinde In i;nio|ie ni exchange, Is'caus?' Japan has large Kuni|icau Indebted.)?-** 1..-t. su thai the ? IT? : on the markets of the world will bo compara livelj small. 11.1'. by ii 1* v. i? hi \ !? accounts uf im ? lings aud - ?i.-.-, h. - in regnnl t" 'l.I tinge of ?liver, priii .-?pally relating In Ihe attitude of 111?' 1?' m n ratio part} mi ihal ipn ?lion. The lb publli \i\ \\ sillon has in \ ? ;? h 1 11 -' 1 1 m .i-.- felb-ltoilsly, p rhaps, than bj lh?' Ihm. Charh-s i-'timr} Smith, in Ids address befor?1 die IVnn?.ylt mla Legislature, for ? . exp isure id iii" foil- of frist sib ? r coinage Wi - con "lusli ?? 11 m I cmsldi :. and his stab un 'it of Ihe Iteptlblicau |sdlc* Was i:i perfei'1 ?li !'1 w ?:h ihe platform ami ihe ivl f that part} lie ;n lilltallli 'I thai Ho si'l III llieill llsi riil t , '. or to silver pnsluci rs was '.?-.'?!?- ? \ uatii mil npi? eini'tii : lit '? such au ??? 1 :,| In .11 pre :'.;? il ll'll !' 'I II} ill' ? I oil ol President t'lite] Hid ?IIhI Ii} ?ill I toward fr?i' . ? 1 .. . , !.. , \p.ii.-.l to 1 ii ??? du the tpi.-stion fall I long a? ere was a 1 I I In I ? ' I SI .' N Would l.'lki lift m II -' If th?1 ' ?-- tii?l 1 . lell ..f m.. 11. : in disiu ban ??? ill-, imlmiii ihe world lit :,..|. ?1. n '? ? ' . 1 nagi .: '. liai ? uni t . I : - . : illv.-r bid 111 liitl than ihai tin Iti publii an policy ol . . ; vail ill tin ? for fni ige in ,; Is um 1 so 1 mein? Ivi ly an? ? ? n I ' I . 1 waste of i*lll. .\ :? ? .' M r Mu ;'?''. -? ? ' ' l' V? pn ling lo 1 h ni!,, rs aiel bu?!m ??? ft ig?>. has :. imi I? ?!? ? ? ?:? I worth} of ' x :???!? 1*11 t ,.-?? - thai Hie} cm li inlly 1 It springs 1 ak 1 en h' ?!'- If th?'} 1 ill pn} ib-bls lars worth "si c?-nfs ,i;-'. id <>f ?lollar* worth 1"" It'lltS It nu ? ? at and ?di ? - 1 -'.i ? l*?7:i ??'? ith full kii' ? 'It ? 1111 ?? Would I ii. : I '. ?? ? , . . 1 I tut . .. ? V ! ? I . - 4 ttollld lo?" ' i / 01 th m 1 r<>r ?. 11 : -/,' " . : I ..III 1 ? ? of it, tills I ? ? I! ' ' \i . ? ? I ? ? ? ! ? ? ' i ? ' ? ? 11 ni?- I .ore 111 .III ? . .. . ? ? 1 i]< rat.- 1 1 ? \ ? ? ? III' 1 ':?' ?1 I of 11 ...i. it,,i,, 1 i|un lrii| Were, tl Mill ' I IIS Well, i.Ill I ' ?? ' .;.i.. Tl ???il!. ' oil) ? rlllellt ; llol - ? : ?? I i. :? H! ni th ni of the I ! ? . ? l?io, lie W.'l ' :? ' .. I. |. il - ill? d, Innig li} the lliunibs. t1oi*g'-d with lin pin Into I -1 ,:itei tiiiths, iiikI ill Hi n-st ol II 'anil :1 ' lime, with ? IIt : I ? ' .... 1 ? 11 . 1 .1. 1 . It Is entlrt ; ?slbli . und ... n prol il . t1 il : uni?' V. Ill t. W . .1 ? llllhertil ? Il 1 I ' .. : tuff, er?1 lui m 1} nul s> inp ni., ti .ill* Th. * .? m il i'. 11 ? .i half hen., half m ri r. Ile i .i i-rliiilnal, iie> uill s:i). hu? rml ni heurt s lia?! mat I ? riu iv?-ri full f ilash and liai ln?t II? was n pli-tun ipi fi-atim* of i h?. I ai*?*, l; i!l , ht< h i - i| ill.' i-hlt ilrle \t, I !. i not ? ? . I ?m*. If, lits i red 11 it In l.rok of the :.-. Ina . mil selfishly, t-i efTect his own ei . i|..-. but, w it i a hr nid und no >li i ?? i?? -i ?It ? i . ? a i ...-i1. ??'??. ? ! ? ; . .and work a ii'.ii i- i rin? Itirel ever* lallhlnl the Ian I will rla un nn?l ? ill him ; I. ? i. ' ?? pantheon of huiunii kindness will In I t forth I-- Inscrib? d, h* Hie side of .1 |.,, || .? ard's n i.n". Ihe n in.: Ollvei < 'urtl i Pel rj. Ilul |l i us i id Olli I: ii??. o i th'.rtf. i In \ .!??? T i 'rn Is a ci |i In il, a i-al r ol Hi" law s of i ?,?i .,., i ,, , , ; j ; I ? i 11 : l t hi ? f, ' II mill .i !l : ? . ? . . I H IS h.i n: "O at \. '< i- III Kltllei I..., |;|Z) |,. w ? 11 .i I ... : n n .i h in? t living, . r .- . \ i loua ' | f?-r evil to >.ill ?HI .,i.i 'i lo.My i led tu iimke Wii igalni oclety, lh Iran pli il i .n nlliers' , l| hi i, ml.I ihei i ? I their | , l irded. If not iPstroyed, theli !?. ? || then? n i nnj llilns of b Idi ? ? I ! [?-ration ihat merel made hi .. ''?!?? lah '? n villain ? ? n show. .1 ? ol tile i di i,: he dl Kl I d<>** n i ? tho ; ?? ? |'i n in hi ? >\ li '?? as? und ?u ?? : tl in not lie Bttra lit i ? . lure, nothing !?> i -i."\>? fe unlfui mltj of - lllsh, ?or II I, i]i grnd< ! i 11 n if it it..i tet mla lln li i men ?? to send hin r> ad of tn !h" hardest penal s- r\ i ' idi m King Hing, M w uld i pi I ilnlv b ? .nan Hin f ily. at .j llltlo sh .it of . rl nina!, to raganl him n . as anything better than n hardened scoun? drei of th.- vi!..a and mot t dangerous i In a few dajrfl Nf.v-Y' I i\ Ib to try the experiment Of Lrs-.nstln? garbage, a orainntory being now In firocosf of erection la Eut TMrd-au lae ?ueceai ?' ,!lis elsewhere as shown, foi example, I by a letter receive .1 by Mayor Strong on Saturday from ;.,.. Mayor of Wilmington, Del. Indicates ; '?'' h .- ? ... ticable here, and th.-r.- can be no Question it will be greatly t i the a Ivantage [ "'?' ">' ' Ity, aa well as o ir barb ir and beaches. t in present-day criminal practice it reerna more Il t . ?gel the Jury than to try the i ise. ; li is to-day that the gene ral ele ctlon I I pla-??? in Servia. In aplte "t the fac? thai '.??"> per cent of t h i i ulatl n are not ?rlously opposed i. ?t oniy to the existing Cabinet, but also to the dyi tsty, the result Isa foregone conclusion, since the victory always fails to the political party th -t happens to l"- in p ?wer at the time. E . Is regarded ns legal which .-? curea a ma for the Government, even the forcible Itlon of Liberal and Radical m iyora and pal officials, mi my of whom have be n ?? ??nil- :i?"l to .-l: n their resignatlona with load I : ? nlvers al their heads. An ele ?tlon cond m de :? .-u 'i . randltlona la little b ?tter than a mere farce, and unabashed absolutism would be more h i -t However, so long as the G ?vernment, no matter how constituted or maintained In power, managt?* to guarani ?? external peace and order, nei i.-ne n< o? care? much whether or nol the Servians [Mesaivel) nul.mi' t.. the loss uf their tights. P ?,'.? who rend Perry's stat. monts sfi auld not Jump to the conclusion that he has been badl aliusevl at the asylum. Whatever he says mus? be talen with numerous grains of allowance. ? ? ? The M. > le ai .?!? ni - .1 ihe H lulevard on W :?'. 1 furnishes an Impressive ?? in all ri lers n ho r lo fasl thn ugh ? It} atn ?: - In the laa-nt-over position which prevents ?le m frei n si - Ing 1 l< arly wh ?< is In the r<aa?!way In fi ni of ihem. Tl ? . ie< Iman can take his pleasure s?fela nnlj by having all his f.11 aiti.-a keenly on the al?rt. If he pursues the rlghl . urs? he can quickly train his powers of obi r va tlon so as t 1 see ell that is taking . \ way, rapid riding In the -" or un m t> irk drive aid be nrohlbit?3d. and : ?rbld III a It enf in ed. - ? Pi l<*?nt Cleveland has m ide ran? more ??' " 11 ? ? ? ? 1 the Internal Revenu C pel ?rship In II .... Mr John C Ke I .i us t . the refon : D Ity, and ! as hang b en known 1 ni f Mi'Ii II ; ? ? ? to the r? 1 . ' . r -, how as Mr Ii ? . v. a., w .s r ? '? ted by the S< n it?- after hs fllle-1 I .' for sev? eral 1 ?' for Mi ll'-aly was lool ; ? aa M .?;:?? ? ? : th the \'t ?. V rk H si Were I | I to pl'i tit his ? ; Till In N;i ... , ; ? . I is a t| : llilie I ? 1 s principles. Ills ? ? irty, with \', he ". . . 1 ? ? ;, - ? ' ; : ' trae] ? ? :';?'-?'?? : ! f M .:'.?'. ? ? ? ? ? ; ? ? m 1 in ?? : n-rai party t'oi l< ring u ... ......,?? Ilsastern me i that s there is a gesad deal ti .;;??-? 1 ?. I ' it : - pr ? tit view f ' he flut llttl red, ?need I to I 1 - ng tl ? ? ? J ... [teasel 1 The 111! ' ? ? - ? .'ii ? vard the n Greal lb itatn. Tl ? I pi ? - Petet irg does ? ? tween Chin 1 ?.:?'. P.w?r far 1 1 ? :. ? 1 ; ?? 1 ? i- - illroad a ....... ....??-,. ., , . -t !?? ?? ii and 1 I . . ?11 11111 ?o I : ? ? ? t what v. wan! 1 ? . ? ? 11 letti ?? .!? ' . 1 has . ? 1 !? ? 1 Comnilll 1 iti >a : ? ,, ? ? '. Mr 1 ?resh ; i',i ?.???:?'? .1 II ? I the I r Ta kn tl'.ls, I best material to han i. anal w ill tl nid lai ulse? s of l . . ? l H I .n j : ' t iW lo do t!".: W ? k 1 ? y can do will ? ? - ? 1 f dl ever ? ,. ? . ?!?, pays anj il - ?. ? . ?? .1 I If they were able to ,. m . papen they v.oui I ii:.,l 1 hat th?-) were I und for Have. 1 s'a I* ?ker, the tough est crew ? It pal . thlthe r. While tl ? .,,i, 1? .,1 ,\ . water there la some Interest in ... [i h 1 nef li - mai neu*, res, bail II is like I) '?? take ? ? ? I piungu bead dowi ward a*, any m ment. PERsoy i/. Tlie K, ?. .1 T t'oli ' ' w ? - lie ' ?n, as I- ? . , , t 1 1 .1 ?. \ ,. ? ? , V me r I e-a 1 C h u 1 h pla. <? "i the Iti v. W. A. .Id. I" irklsh 1 ' ?tal ... ritte ? 1 ml d 1 ? rnphs ol Mr Llla-I 01 1 tai '? l'i '?? 01 Itrj ? ? ..... \ u ibb's i- mil ? ,? .i-. ???... ???- . s.iv . "The Hurll .'??? - ' 1 r'ree IT? ?": "Wl lie 1 :it. , ;,...? r' , I 1. VV ? ' r, of 1 he ,:,,,: ty nf Vermn "'?.! the 1 An profe s urshlps of (Irerk ? a'ollcge, New-York, I ? he a ; ? 1. ? ??' by him, will be u crions I 1 ? i ?it \. t he II .,. ii m "1. rtjaiei ; ?? . : m In one 01 : 1 ? leading Vlil?-I ??? 1 i ' : . ? i. ' .:, nut on t<> him, ban '.. the univi :. Ity -,., .... him ? ?? ? He j-, . mil le Ro lays and Anl mln Pi rU 1er. e litora ,,.? ? i,, par?s l'i.' it- " re ? ttl) n a an ? lab?rate ,..,i. , 1 1 he . red hall ? the ne?? i..|,i ?ina? In I lor of Clic you ? of Ser ..1 V . 1 ,:, v.. u ' ' ? ? ' .? son ol the fani ?u? b 1 ? ?, R : 1 11 i larvar.I madi h da but In lioston :.: . .v. t. Tl ,? Paris pap rs are number of si :.? i 'arpe nix, the ilptor, i| ? 1 - of an . \ hihli Ion of hi ? i1" ' ,"?"'. us ?a .-i u .i,.?, .,:?.. ., 1 illy BbSe ut mil',!.?'!, Invlt.-.l , nu r ill' 11? b) the Kmperor N ipoleon III, mil 1 I ? ir ??< Bugenle, he pulle ? oui hl 1 and tilled ?t. discovering thai he 1 : ! 1 ,. mat) hei. be took ?? -? rap of paper, ? II .? I u| ?n .. chair ind llghte I the pipe from the greal 1 . It? 1 above the table v , i el? n't ?n- 1 smoking, .?o you. m i'am?" h . ? I ? ? tin? l'.tu;,|. ss, . ,.? .'?.. |.' a 11,.m .1 1 Ich n 'tt,.ti an ordi 1 t.. mal ei iilptiai? 1 group 1 pre ntlng the 1 ' , ru .t,f the \ oui n Ants under an ie e ? ; 11. 1., \ had no : ""? ?' 1' ae ee| teil t .?> 1 omm in than ? regretted It, for the ? ibj? 1 t h id no t.. 11". 1 whatever for him He put the matter ?'it' 1 ne i| 1 ;. Ill, ; at ? is urge ntlj pre?i| ?? a t.. I rln II I" In- i' m,.,,. At 11 1 one a i) i arpe iux to >k th patient patron to his stuilio and h ?s 1 i him a gn it 1 ?ugh 1..." k .a u .!?.!aii'-.i I'lsy, " Pli ???? Is the? group, ' aatd the sculptor, "Al) group? \\ In I ' "" ' V\ . tins is tin- rook " 1 '?':?? all v ry arell; bul where Is Aclt V "I'nder tha rock crashed quita out of tight, ?if eourte " "Hut wiiero i? PoLyphcmus?" "Oh. lie',' Why, 5o you think ha WAuteJ remain anywhsr? shout aftsr its hud a.,1.0 a thine nata that?'' liais was sa tar as Uta cUaiiCsJ group ever got. bul Carpe lux. It i ne, r, >, to ?,, nv, t0 for 0 ?j. i - by reaaon of his disinclination foi th ? ?ubi i }\,:,:y Watteraoo prefaced an Interview on th| silver question the ottter day in Washlnirton witr the itory of the of Cripple Creok'a badina, ' ! -*??? *??? '???' her t ilki I Impressively about hiS i< a for an hour and a half. Juat u the ?onl amen left the reverend gent I man'a mouth tlu corpse rose In the coffin and ?aid with emotion All ma. talk and not oi a . about lUvart" THE TALK OF THE DAT. The itrawberrt i now In market ara richly re? ig t "i r. bul ?le price the) i. , . i .< ,j. i Koku?j lie- wlie li is .il- ? ? fniijiJ i-"?? ?? k< ? ? r, Tl . man who buya atrawbi rr..s ai the pr m ni Dg i- M ti?S ? ? ? ye m n turn. a :i \'. Fear "Jam? a," sal 1 hli ??tih ?i?!'!? na ... "i ? . ., hair i wbiS hair" "N i. no!" le- ?.-i "i m ? our . at . "Ii *:. ?- all?" s... James. "How you fiigbtena? m. : I tnought ... i ?aw it In mj In i ?? -'. '. rlbutif, \ Phil.'? '.?;.' o. who bas rs ?? \ tins Jamaica tint the j... . iced | ? of natlvi girja to p ?- | r him Afti t ,ir. ranging th? m to , ! . i ,.,, ,a ?. of '.'i tei glrla to ul ,. ?, tli camera. Wh u ii a i isi q Il ., .? she lost do tlm? In Imparting to tl ? i ?i liad ? :. t.-i. -n ...: their ???..?? Th.- .-i';. ? ... Wh n i tograpfa wai ? revi ?le I each maklei :. intli illy cluuduaa her it her k:e -, while a i. .k ..f ?rc*| tllsi n - ap eared pon ich black < inti ?? imsa, Johnny Thai t. icher la alwaya glvtn' ns thing* idy t! al ah - no k< ? d to ai Mamma -Wh il doea ah? want y i to study now? Johnnj The map of Asit. Why ar'i ?he w?ui until tn< a ir Is i ??1 ' tWI It PI tin u ? li seem? ? liai the "M lua no ?? ? ir!<-<i i ;. n. Moo lus is a ? ind tbg "no sea" an tiled by quak ? -- .,: the aarth, the rattle of dlshci on pantry ?helves, and a ge? era! palpitai Mood irt. People .vak . nervi - havi ? Kin ?? l?an, iayi "The Hartford Times," the "noises" basa ??ma? ? i fr..m m, li r i cert ii. !.. determined; and the iasi ei ..- th.- ..he. ite aa twi ;. .-ns a..i. Mi i. Gray fto fi to the fraye? i ? I)I>1 you have White Hal her Koi . ' ?-? 1 h ' ; ?%-- h.i i ? v r itou an) I Boty Prai rlp . ! ? . i ;,. ... I ..... urat . ? ? of the s. Russian pi dep uta? t...n . ? I pol?tica to i ! , It api turna non i v that n vicia p.iss"d thi the r way to I i nal i Is ni add?l m to th*- i ? ,. ,. " ? ' -1 ? ~ ' ? t iitt? ri o? the most di i hm 'i ii" ? ; ;!i ? and '?'??!' ? .' ? I ? " "or I'll .1 |i Ipi a, : thai Engt : ir) ( ? . Of till I ? '. nt boy, -> ?? ? ? 'h .it. : v ? ? ? |f l| illowed up tl :i. ? lei s ? - ? ? . ,J la ft nli .?;:; .i br ?. - tig dowi S'ont ' ; . Spai '.ks. err. ] I to ? I. I by th.- I i toward redu 11 . ? .! irnal. WEIWISGS PAST ASD TO COMB. Tl.- " Sj\ R '05 to John > ... ten r, Mrs, J. Hood \\ rial t. N ' ' ' . -. y at-.d I 'i l ? performed I 1 \\ , N .. Robinson, | Thi eamaldl were pi ? mis. W. H brother of t ' . . f ?taten I I n, Harry H?? ., ' ? . ? trihur il ' ? .. , . ? , ? ... for Euro) i : t? l i ?? I ter ol .i -. ..? i Ro . n N. bai rebeS) rliilty Chapel, Il vYe.-it Tw.'iity-l ? 1-"*'. .? ? ' '?'??? r, . . ?.-..-? -i ' ? ? . wai ???? - . So So West 1 Thi marrtuge of Miss I : t.. Ri . I s lilake will lake place t n r ? in tha ? nurd* Klyn. \ ? lay. at ful i ?. i ??-,.,.-, . ?. ?' Misa i'ul Hr.i ... y, daughter ot the I ite l>. tl l.n liradley, at.4 ,1am? ? I'::.' .-.- ? . i cltj It, i; i i: N II. rk i? >. ol / a Episcopal l1 ?: tw F rry, ; ? it." ?ere? bride .\ i- git awaj by !.. r . . \ Ohio. M.-i I...UI-.1 I'ewti.-rihtvalte, ..; Voiik was J nor, ! ?i V. llll ??? N Hu f "- a i ork, \. ,.. th.- best man, and the usher* ivert? Jerome ami N .-.,?, Hradl. y, I an i C, i', ? : of this city. The .. . ' wa4 ?ervi i by Man sl and . ; ? ?.nan i ITeiitiss a ... for l.aropi i - ... ? ro? : ir a long tour. ? /\< //'/ ,\ ?s is soi 11 TT. A if:i- ?? 'i t. i will ? Wai :?!?:' by di liiiughtera of t Uuild I : the benefit ot th| lion , . r noon. A ? . ? PI* , ? w ? ? pianist; .'Ictof Kns.ld, t Th > last ?? ng this * ison of t!-.< 11 ira u> : ; ?; it. was I; id last ? I i: - .|. and ?I Pottei N Id N rt w 3 tkiuare. Th? i ? ?'as a good attend s who a " ? lined ? ? Hi. n? n Bl ik. ?p an | were Mr. and .Mr* ? i Mr?. Chartas \. l\?H M ...... al a, Mrs. Jool Mini irn. Dr. and M K Innli utt, Mr, ui | Mrs. Gu ai I Mrs. it. M. H intb Mr an ! Mrs. M irrls 1 p. Mi u I Mm, l!. li i' , e ,. ? i ? id Mrs W, ii^ i i II. C ' . ,v h I. Hi m l< n R . :?. MM Wiilta ,'.',;? .n..n, Pi i r M .rt", jli- i'lii.i -, Mr. and Mrs. it. \\ De K Treat, ,? Mi and Mts. It in. Martinur, Mr. and Mrs. C, LawrentM l . ? ? l Mi W. I>. M The dan li ' ' ? Mrs, II. ".rt M. . . ison ai tutern i . Ju|i - \ atable. i The favora were fane) ribl m* Il srera ai t ag| ? - I'i.,. i-o? .'li il n.-. r, with l'oloi ; I' ? !..i:.e> Kan? . . n, |efi ,:, ? u ,? ; i ruiiswl k . n tlm?. 11 ? ,,-, :,,, ;. -, t. nia foi the < 'ountry i'lub at \\ . t I'heaier. Mr. and Mis Adrian Iselln, who had trip out and ba k. bad ., thi .. ".n ? ? ?ti und Mrs Alfn I 8?-toi jr., Mr, .. i Mi ' Mi En 111? i >lln, Mrs. lie I..I.I.W k ?" m itth a As! ? Wllks, 1?. L Kane and Mr Sewl ??. >Ii and Mrs. T. Surfern r will take a part) oui on the <*oach to-day, THF riCF.PREilDEXT ROX-COMMTfTAL, Chicago, April U Vl?**-Prealdtml Su-veneo?, I reached Chicago last evening from W?uhla?*rttMai H<> came t>> attend tha funeral of Jataag \v. Scott, ' and will reinaln In th? c'.ty a day or two. Mr, .-? \e;i?uti refused to talk on political mattafl anil w.?uld not rt?!tnc hi? DOaltten on Oi* ?ilvtr iitua or anawar general iniaa*'-' ....-?. ...... ?... tuetal ?? a poUucni auswar general "iiuiauoiia rtcurd W U?s n?lM \ iactv ?in bPT ".-t 5r?i3