Newspaper Page Text
Vo1** LV...N* I7,?)(f>. NEW-YORK, MONDAI APRIL --\ l^-TWELVE PAGES. PRICK THREE CENTS. FOUND IN A POOL OF BLOOD. BRl'TAL Ml'RPKH OF A WOMAN IN THO... P BON?8T. ?camilla lUToaircno on 'u.[*. way to early MAPS roMI7S UPON Tin: BODY IN THE HU.I ? TH17 VI. TIM WAS 11 ?K.NTI t 11-71 > AS AI.Ii'i: \N!' DIED LATER AT r.Ki.i.i; VI 17 BEARTHINa F"K THE MURDERER A murder recalling in some respects the mur? der of "Old fUiakeapeare'' in the Kns; River Hotel a few years ago. was commltt? 1 in Tlmmp pon-st. or its vicinity some time during th- ? arly hours of jreatertlay. Tiic victim, a woman kn?->wn as Ali' ?a Welsh, a frequ? :it<-r of the regions ar.-'.ind Thompson ami Sullivan sts., was found In n pool of bio, ?1 in tho hallway of No. 14" The nips,?n-st. Shortly before fi o'clock. Mrs. ramilla Ruggtero, wh??se son, Frank Rug gt.-ro, is Janitor of the live-story hrl.-k tenement house In which the body was found, left her r om on the third floor ?arly to go to muss. The Flairs were still dark, but In the faint light which came through the ipen street door she law the t T'ii of a person sittinii on the sec md step of thi* ?taircase leading from the entrance hall, it was too dark to distinguish whether the ?**?**son was a man <>r a woman, and Mrs. Rugglero \?as used to e.-.-ing driink'-n men and women sleeping 'ii Ihe stair? and In the hallway in the early hours ;. ? the supposed sleeper was in ssir-h a position as completely t.? hiock Mrs. Rugglero in her way t"> the street. Tho feet rested <>n the floor, the h - ly on the so i nd step, and the shoulders r? ?ted against ths steps above. The left hand wai ex? tended, grasping the banisters. Mrs. Rugglero bad by this time grown - ' dent.y accustomed to the d'.m light to see that the person n the stairs was a w man. and she took th.- outstretched hand with th.- Intention of placing it by the sleeper's sid?-. and thus I? room for herself t.? pasa. Thi hand was ?tune cold. M.-s Ruggier i fled bo i. In alarm to her rooms and aroused her s n Prank, who !. on a few clothes and wont down to the hall to in- ? VMtlgate. He struck a match and rder? woman t > get ? ul of the 1 n Wh? n she t"> respond to his <? mmand h? rep a ted it. and i fh'.ik her by the shoulder. The on was a faint moan. Then he struck ai ?I match, and by its licht h? saw a poo! if bl the floor and a trail i :" bio A leading'toward the Struct door. FRIGHT AMONO THE TEXANTB. Ruggier-. did not Stop to Investigate further. His frightened y-lls brought ;h" other Inmat?.? I the house to the lower floor on the run. a num? ber >f other pe iple of the ? ame In from the ?treat They were all iftheopinlo the woman was dead, and ftuggiei a ni nt an 1 . found Patrolman Thomas Gorman, of the Ma - dougnl-st. statli n. who was patr Hing his ; st, Thomps-n-s:. Gorman thought that the woman was drunk, ? that sh-? had some trivial allmenl or Illness. He mimmoiK-.i an ambulance from St. Vincent's Hos? pital, and when it arrived th<- surgeon. Iir. J. A. Kyle, dwlded from a brief examin?t! n that th?* woman was intoxicated and Buffering. I>r. Kyle took his patient direct to Bellevue, where abe was entered as suffering from the causes whl -h ai? p-r-ared at the first examin;.ti n. Sin* waa pis ?? : In Ward 21. Dr. Pinch, at Belle*, ue, th?n male a thorough1 examination. He discovered that the woman had been stabbel in the *Mb**sO region, and thai tnere were? many bruise? on her body. The |o ation of the wound ae ?untad f"?r the ?llffl<*ulty li ing It. and for Dr. Kyle's failure lo find It at the first BOperflda] examination. The woman re? mained in an un ?nscl< ;;s c m Iltlon from th? I 8iie was fii7?t seen on the stair? until her death, wht.-h ??curred al 11:13 a. m., when she hs l been In Bellevue f.-ur hours. Th? I I* was taken t? tii?- Morgue, where an aut psy was perf rmed In the afternoon >-,?- Coroner*! P O'llanlon nnl Dr. Robert W. Hall, of the Belle* i? gtaff Tli?* result 'f their Investlgatl n showed that a moat brutal muni. mal?? fn;r. is by "Jack the Ripper," had i.i committed. The h ly wai well shed and ? well formed, and was apparently thai ah'-ut twenty-fivi It waa aim cre?i with bruls? tl : ? ad been sub J ??? l to th.- most !>r it.ii treatment befoi final assault which caused i the I ?? i free fr? m th? wh:< ii appeared to be caused bj !.. ks, ?' thej --?ere especially numerous n the lega ai i tl T!ie weapon with which the w und was made, t> lors s ?id. was . Ither am r s long krif- sharp n? 1 keenly. (1 mlghl have been a razor, but this was considered rather unlikely, l ?? the weapon has pen* ? n? e ? f fve bichea. The liver Indicated drinking h THE DEAD WOMAN'S BTORT Bel ra the autopay was performed Carrli WA lar:?;. ,,? No. 335 East Twei ty-l fth-st., a prl .-:? : to Bellevue, asked to .?<??? the body. She Idantlfled it ;:s that of ?? woman whom she had ). i. a- All - Welsh. Alice, she sni !. lived until about a year igo with a man who was known simply ;is "Jim" Ir. Fifte? nth-s' , near Eight h-ave. "Jim." the Wl .-ms woman said, was an Industrious work, an?i supported Alice in good style, Al >ut a year og > be lost his position and quarrelled with Alice. He wai- ifterward sent to the penitentiary for one year, and Alice Welsh oecame s dissolute won..m again. 8n<- was a frequenterg of Frank Stevenson's resorl in Bleecker-at., 'The Bilde." which till does busi? ness In a qui<-t way. Stevenson, Carrie said, was a friend of the dead woman, and she was In ths habit of alaclns, her money, when she had any, in iilr- brads for safe keeping. NO CLEW TO THE MURDERER. By fi o'clock the entrai Detective Office had J I Its available fores on the case' They began their work by taking ir.t.i custody Philip Mewly, the night clerk at the Torktown I?? ?t* :. who, wh?-n th<- woman was dis? overed in the hallway. <an,' wetooa fr in the hotel ;.? i told the poll ?? who she was. He was detained In ire station* hottae, to th<- great Indignation <>f his employer, who protest?.! vehemently thai li<- had known him all his !::? as an honeet man. and knew farther that h. had not left the hotel from th? time h?* went on duty Saturday night until I o'clock Sunday morning, long after tie- woman was f .und. ah ti,.- people .n the neighborhood united In pro? ti U R th<- Improbability <.f Mewly's having com? mitted th.- prime S , far as c ul i be learned, th. only evidence the police have connecting him In any way with 'in woman Is that h<- had been seen talking to h'-r o, aslonally al street corners, and during the earllei part ,( Sun.lay evening she was undoubtedly in the n..t< I several times in ?uc eo? lios?. Mew ?y s ,. painter i.v trad.-, and lined for* mart) to work foi William Finch, of N ?. l"1* Thomp<*>n-?t ii.- i,..e.-iin?' ill two years ago, snd w.-nt to the l'orktown il tel ai nlghl ?i'-ik. His only fault, in- employers said last night, was ins liability t., -> . ,. n,.- spree nt regular Intervals As the murdered woman's rnovem? ats "i? -1- itur <!a\ nigh: wer? traced, the poMibllltlea of M?''s guilt steadil' lecreasod. Alice was seen In sev? end of th?- sai, ms ar rund Tbompnoit st., In srhlch an? iv.'i i Atii known, during Baturday evening, particularly In Burns's pUce, at Thompson and Vtaat Houston sts., which is now k?-;.t by a man named (Jar?an I. She drifted at?"u: betwe? n these BOOcea and th.- Vorktown II"'.! during the early l?r: ?>f the evening, and nt midnight was In Gar liiiid's ?v!th "Mik '" Welsh, with wbom Fhe had liv?-l al Tri-?-?.".'-.r Interval*, snd wh ?as name she had fik. n Alb--- with lour companion-; tramai led in Burna - pa'.- until ii<-?ity i o'clock :?sterday morning. Th'-y ?ejiarateil o'llsldc, but wltb.'n half an bout" Albe was ha? k aitain with an Italian, tvho W di-?ertbed aa a big. stout man, spanking K""'l i:ne,llsh, but a stranger In Thompson-st. The "**an was decently and b th be and *? ! ? hud mor*,ey. It waa lear.'i.d that tliu two remained in one ??f the bos a, and sa,on fell t.? quarrelling there, bul tipparei ere .-. ur a pi ? together about 4 o'clock Bun ' Nothing '.vas afterward ?een ? f the ? i >'?'?'- found writhing in pain In the I nement hallway. The ?poll ??? ai e no? trying - in ?.urate ! description of thi- man, but late la I nlghl one of th?- detective? one the i that so far they we re c ?m pi ?! ? h iflled li their at tempts t'? ? ?Ive the myste y. Till: SILVER QUESTION. SENATOR HARRIS GIVES HIS VIEWS. FlU'i: SILVER 1 INI) l? HIN AN VH NT ?'It ?Ml Memphis, T?-nt?.. April 21 nator Is! O. Har? ris, leader of the Demo ra f?*.rceie In I State s Senate, to-day fui ed the ter vie? : '?Senator, do yon think M Democrat i ? I able to organise the Be - "There will I"* Ihr?-? ; i? ? ? . 1 e ? the Benat? when It me et of which will havi o ma rlty, The He will have three or more and th. Ponullat Hen?tor? ??.: i ? '? : tin I no? r.f curing th? power t reot Ra? te ib. - ??What I? your opli ?nee of the free-atlvcr sen ime - lat?an to the ?? ?Tiip.iH-:. "Th" utilisation ai. i : ? ihe ?tivii to its p laltlon ot ,. mai ultimate r? le mpt! ?n. und. ! a? the n fula ?? f that t called money, It ?verwl elm ai i West, iti ! in my oplnloi ? ? . conclusive ? rere ?? : re If pe ? the ni: !? niable fact that i ? * ure ',' law, rea It Is now, nl? must he, what I make? It, and whe It? own country, ? i I - mm? is .? n t ? mark' ' : the foreign B?LACKBl'RN F ?R EtEK .-I l." 11 THE KENTfCKt BKXATOH IIIM-'"!.!' ' ?N THE FIXA? I. eul?? lile, Ky., \; * '? 21 Senatot Ihe pain ? .-. . . - 8? nate. and bo rene) . que ?tIon ha? be ? \prt Slate, i . ? . li however, ? . | . 0f | "I an at i lo?? ? - ?aid, "ho ? ? ?liver q-^esl ? itter ? \ :????? wh? re- . ? ' ? ? in try ? ? I opinl >n nor made allghteMt degree alter, I am In fa .. . ? ? ? ?act .'i i.. ? I IB ? ? i i ? ?i ? lllsm. Wltl ? .ti. I ..- I warn tlnu? to Insist up on ? ven term?, aa th? re ( ?untry I would ? ah ?ut by th? actl but I '?m opp ?.-'? ? 10 this t; an? sue n c ?uferi n? ?? to ae ; ?tic-h agencie? has not be , .r finpe foi . "I urn In favor of the t met 11 t he ni t ol an ext erience ? . ..... een the t wo m< I take thi? pendent of the p "Now, If thei tea for the .-'?-.-.ii .... \. ??old standard. I ee mine It K pit?- ol ? ? ? . te ?J ?le liir,.-. m. Tlut 1 r. . ? ? ... ??nt .if his dra ??... fi om the ? invae? HERMAN SENTIMENT ' ' ."ST !> ; S f i W. - '? .-?-.-. I ? ? ! : ? . . . ? -. li a. :. I Im, ' ll ? ? em of WL' I.';ii|. n V?Hr?-?K? i . - . ? ' I - ' ? ?'--?'. that nu Hi?'? ?! that could p< .. ? ? ERIGBT nVTLOOh \1 FALI Fill!: MM.I.-' TO I:i:.-' ME I'NDKR TIIK I IVAOE8 TWENT? ?*?*OI It TIIOI A. 1.1: TO UK l.i.M.i - F*all River, Mass . April 21 Tl mill? will r? operation? lo-morro? morning1 under ih? \'. age? ,;. operation previo ?0! Twenty-foui houaand nrorkei ?-.II b? I. There I? evei s proi i.: ol ? fair trael coming -uiniii? r a - Ihe milli ?r< no? I ?i Id ah e a< Bli ? l i I i ed ? tlon ol there ha - been the (treat? ? u of help evei noticed In thi? cenl re Overseers has I,".ii due ??? -1< kne low wna?i ?nd a fee among the float Ins help that place here during th? warm weath?-i, II wage advanced A group ?.f Fall River and New Bedford overseers who wer? tall ? tlon lo la ? . .- ild that I hey expected lo ie? mur new help In thi two i tl? thin ? w-ttek or so Saturday afternoon there wa lerabl" talle among mill i con -ei nina the t imoi ? ol mill? and ?ddltloi ? to old on. It w? ? d thai ,t mo? me i, ????: afoot to bulkl ..??. for the Tccumsch Mills, and thai the l?aur?l Lake Mills would equip ihe? with !" ms now In the old ,,,,,,-, Mi. m \.,i ?i ihe par? roem ?>ul?l ),?? ni:? ?: a 1th m ?? frame*? and a machinery, ?o that the r?roe1u< in?*- (?owe i ol t .? plant? would I" In? re? w abo it em me etlngs of dire, ton ha *? been e ?II? I, but " . nated am m? w? 11 li form? d pel ?on? Then ..i ?? consldvrable talk o oth? i ? orpoi ?tlon - mak Ing addition? foi the purpose ol i?ro lu- lia- wlelei an 1 in."i ?food? than ni n iv? ma le. Several out-of-town n ? pa| rs hav* recently conveyed the Impres Ion thai the Iron v. would not t??- ;...? In? n mui h a ot h r n thi new ?rhedule. for the I.n hnl piece? of ?loi h wo? en there an loniti-i than tho t? wo? en il " i?'i prlntcloth m Ils ? ?fll ? ?Veav? r?' 'ni"ii ?ay thai the Iron Work? l'ompany do w?-avc I, ? ;-, , , uta than the o? linar? prfnti loth mill??, but the picks In th? clol i are fewer, ? on equ ntly R take? no long?T t?a weave a cul TEA SIPS BECOSIE TBBEATBXIXf?, Laporte, Ind., April a. -it I? I ' Wli; i?. a . .f ii. al i.i y it, a ? Co inty, ?rhcre ? large body of tn int ? camp TI i ? I '"? "'? **?* ,v ' '? *-n ' pricautlonarj ?tepi have be? n lak attack thai ma) b< mad. upon ??altlmor? 1 o ? . : ger or expr-?s train? !?? Pa? ? at I I ?tatlon, and ? dispatch ?ay; tha the trampi have taken forclbl? f ?>?" * Ion of the H itl * UToun I nitor DEAD m Hi" BWRST. ' POLICEUA X Anderson, lad., April IL?-*gtrolman Harvey Paint er. of Alexandria, and Alita? B" ? '"" "" ' l??t night in Cfeaal-at, m i hi? t ?ny. an I ' i i ? tea ?which reraltad In ihydei**! drawlna ? revo , h- -nada the ?notion, the o?eei puIm lout hi The two men exchanged shot?, and ;," - ?!' ? 1 - ?,?!? i dead, e.t.f the stray ?hot.? from Patote rer hit a thud per?on, ?Those """" ? noJ . He was that In th? bead andcanno recovei i gava him*, i: . . immediate*, otter ?!.- ??vs he fired in ?elf-d?fence. Th r? has be.? b-d fawing between ?'"? b?4--- tuT mou*"a* AGAIN IN THE PILLORY. W. B. ANDREWS ARRAIGNED BEFORE OF? FICERS OF THE IsOTAL LEGION, HE IH FORMALIA i"HAROB**i V.lTU i Mil.' "MlN'l I'OXnt'tT" IN THE AI.M?OEli ACTEPTAXCE Rini in: MAI i;i: EX 171.1 i ', I'M THE l.t: IIOS Will Ian S Ai Irewi ex-Commissioner of Street ' " ' member of the mllltnrj order of the Loya I rj ? was | ul through s pro? ti icted and evi ? "ci I prouts" on Batur ,ii bj the .m ?? and dignified B ar ! of ? >t?f -? i : - of ih.- Department of the State of x-u York ??! th? Legl : which is seeking to determine whether or not he is a proper person to i nain ' :?? ' her ol thai honorable snd dls tlnguish? il or I? r. The Lex. tee's *i \ pstlgatl? n led to the .!.- I.?usure of the following allegations against Mr. Andrews: 'I i;.-it man-, years ago he drew from the Government, for nn old soldier ac? cumulated pei ion money amounting to sevf?i*al in ..- ; ...,'. n - of ? hleh lie appropt tat? ! "the li, n'i ? "????'. despite the Jui t dei ? ? he ? ? t? ran pensione!. that while i was an Es Ise C unmlst I er he was fi -i vsrloui o? ?-.?, , . I that he to >k no for ??suing a Ibjuor lii-et ? t., I. ; ?? ?'! aude, the k ? pel ? f the r.iri al Twenty-nln h t. . 11 : I ave l 'nd -r .i rlgi' i lion, Andrew - leal, ? . a.lmil ihe 1 .,;' the ch irg? . bin he ill ? ? A failed which were u (i. wh ? bountiful : - . ? ' ? ? t ?in?*? il. i 'it ii people f th? il n ? a ? i ?a p| ' rk? ? ? . ? .im il \ i ? - ? ? 1 . . ? I? ? :?....' ? ?I ? ! ' I' I" ? tl - II A r? i'ii K V. : i ?er A : I". .??". N.. i ' ? ' l*. S ... s ils 111. All ? i . ? ? ' ?? UBS, PARS ELI SO r.l ?III; ... | . I. ? ????..' \ ... . I.II ??lily at ? ? MM D rilElll III! IS MID <" l l V. ? .. ? ?? ** V :? 7 \n : ? i ? ? .ii.i. w;th - ? ' i ? . bul ? i ' ? ?. ? I th"? 0 ? iptrfln Moon ? i- i. \t thli .. ,. 11 - ? ?. iii Moor? n mi) i ? ?,lv t In? n?. . ir.ei : ? ?? n?i appe .? ?I ' . i hlsliop UAIl.oii'ivr i in CBUBCB PLU? ?| be lit. Rev. 1 mas I Oa f*l?hoji nf T< in? ??< lelivere?! erdaj afternoon the Intro lin toi y lectui ? of rl< of lectur? whirl .-?>.. n und? r ? se of "Th? . club" of N'e? v.irk .i'ii ng Apr,! and May, h ol Ih? He iv? ni) Rei I riftl. av? ai I Th? leetur? are lo b? . . . ? n ? ... >r was prcre.1? \ by .i brief .? ? i oft! 'i rn ? hurch v..,? . rowrf. !.. R< i ? Parker Mors in I) li? ai Hi- devotional lei-tur? will i. April St, al i ;. m . by- t ,? Rev I ?r l'har ? - K W Rod). and will i ? on "The Hoi* B? rlptur? OUCBA KA\ Il t M I I't) ol: TWO MOBE. w ai I? '- Bage ? ? : ? , , ? i... , ... , of I>r. Roberl II.K'I in m. Hi- n Ife murdi r'-r. would noi tak? place in Mon?la), ? al it no I ime h id ?? el been ' ? foi the ? m ilion '? h? s u len i aid he wa wait In? -, ? ?? whel her ? lov? i : >i Moi ton would tal >- an) action m thi t .???-.? ? Olbbons-*, Bu? anan'a i oun el, went t.? A Iban) Ihl?. rnormrig In appl) t? (lovernor Mor? Ion for a respite of thirty d . ?? i ?r, i , lunlt) lo prep u ? for ,!. ,.tii. Mr. ?-. nul?! -i ? nek , hi ? : ?? ernor t,. I nt foi . i (Jovernoi Moi ton r? ? i lerfere it I.? likely n mil take nil'.- VVedn? la) oi Thui day The ?rant? n ha?l the I ? ? to the wltn? i ly to be mall? I ? I ? !?-. lost, n which lb?? lime for tie execution ?vu? i <H .t it o'clo.'l ? .' r.iornlnjt When ! m ? ia Iei .n.. ' th? Ir nn 'it hi -1 n to the ' :?''. mor. Ward ? ?nt ? . . ? . i ? ?? i n,.i had an on in the matter, ??. -? ?. VEItAL MAEE1S0S COWIXo EAST, [nd ' ? April M (8? al) B? President Harrison will I? ive here fot Newark, \ J., on ? ! the Historical ?oc|( ty'a meeting . llenera! IA r * ?n was l'rt i 1.1,? he it tended bra I : Hi .'iniilvfU . ih.? iiuiiikii '? ';? irgs waahjiigi ,n, m i mi the pr? em visit there wl'.l lie present? I m lum a medal commemorating in? f un.-r ?-??it. .".I ciiaI. COitPAWTB? OtAS'EOLIDATTiro, Ottnmwa, Iowa, Atrrll 21. ?The "Myetlc Coal Field." at Myat , thli Rtata, Im? i,,-.,, oi-ganlsed the lam? n organl?*?"on for tJ?. mining ntel market Ins. of coal In I"? ?, an I Arhapa in the Weal In II ur. consolidated lift?-* eompanie? . ing twgnty-three mines at ei*;lit different towns, with an output of ..ver l.ttt.tx/., t,,,,., ,,f COal ., ?. r II ? ,,...'. ' t it the piirp,.?^ of keen li ; up tin m., of coal und economising in ,.,.<iut lag, A TACITURN PRISONER. AYMAR SPENDS SUNDAY IN A CELL AT HEADQUARTERS. MR < "!.n. THE CASHIER OF THE SHOE AND LEATHER RANK, THINKS THAT RAKER HAT HATE REEN THE rLERX'8 ICPOMPLICE. Samuel E. Aymar, the default ng clerk of thr> Nati nal .; : nd '.- ithet**B n ipenl yester? day In .1 cell pi Police Headquarters. Hi la de 1 rll 'l b) the police ai being on? of the most taciturn ?in<] nullen prlsoneni thai they have had t" deal with for nomo time. Acting Ins;.tor McOloikey explained thai Aymar irai not it) rralltj n prisoner of the New-York police, !>ut . was simply In their charge until he could be turned over t" the United s Q ?vernmenl au? thorities, to whom he waa answerable for his ITi n ? Aymar spent Ci'* day in his cell reading and moklng, W ? n ' ????? tlves Butler and Formosa, nf the New-York Central Office, who arrested him In Brooklyn, tri< ! t - find nul from him some ? f the d< tails of the theft for which ! ? li undi r arrest, Aymar refused to talk. The only In? formation thai the police have, outside ><t the charges n?>"ti which Aymar was arrested, is the "?..'? ide hy ?i;.- prisoner when ? ir I'm ? 1 ?r Mclaughlin In Brook? lyn. When Aymar 1 detectivi - In thi of .!. ? >. Barnaby, N ?. J I , Brooklyn, on Satui '? ly, he s ...| rjuli tly to 1 ?? te th ?? F 1 nsi i, s ho ha 1 re id the hai ge, thai he hed nothing to say, and that ))?? was ready t . accompany the detectives, I bj Insi ? tor McLaughl Boll ? Hi idqi nrti n In Rr ??,.?? n hi tdmltl I . : ? ? ? ? the bank, . 1 . ? ? ? I over -"i 'h a 1 Id not gl ' te fact I ?-??'::: he replied ? \ .is:', rly thai I ?? did n I n masnbi r .1 ? ? e| would talk : 1 NA?l.i: Ti ? 8EK THKIR F \ :i I ; :k. \ ? ' ailed .u Police Bead ? II lllowed .,???; \-. :i m ? 11 ? Hi me>1 restli I worried all i it ? t ask ouestlni I ? ? that I (fleers ?ank ? ??:?? me? t . Then Iclon that t the 01 I ., ... ... ? ? I of ? ? ? ? ? ? ; ...? IS led It i . , . t rue, t hen \ ? a federal of the , .1 to thai It |a : dpi ? ? ? ? f tteely's defalca sr <>f ? ? all the gnisant of ? ? John V lent of the Nal n 1 rtlb report I ? re regarding the ? iymar than I rho is 1 .? ? rvlce mably as a ? ? |l,f r of years \ I already nd M 1 ine thought thai t fall s'il in ? - ? ? I 1 ? : 1 : ! \ ? . I>t at 1 mei 1 or ... ? i 1 ? ? ? ? and - ? ? ? ? ? HM.TNKH TAI.Ks* VI . ,? ....... . . : ' ? 1: ? 1 j ... Nnl nal Bank h iddltl .1 ? ? ? ?!.? ntar) Mi lillti ild t 1 1 T : ?. ? h No ;.:? West On. ? .\. li ink aftei it ti . . i .? 1.1 ?? a lei ?? il 1 . him u. .1 ? ? ? ? ., 1 liquor stoi s 1 . I ? lnritl< a I did not ? 1 ? ?? h m lo : '. .-red until 1 liad lion li) him, ? hi. h l II ? !,..?? kno .\ s I hi ?'? >l ? ? ? on, bul 1 : ..? ? ? ? ,' a ? Il n he thai his li 1 1, >' '. ..1 . rtamlnatloi whlch ted. 1 J m'l know ih 1; I. di ink to ? v 01 that ; drank verj heavllj .it am i Ime, I ha) ?? ; ? een ! .?r ! . : he ! .??!.. I .1 ir lie i I iki i. i : ? or I? , innatural!) tl i-h. ! I ill-1 ??? ntl m of Mr, '? de, the ? 1 and l" ? is . r the sum" oplnl in I havi never notd ? 1 an) Indli atlon <<r his . takei . : ? ? to the bink ? rnlna 1 im Im 1 nie l to think that In ?is 4 ? ; 1 Hr rather than a steady 01 regular drinker, THE l'i:i:\i l.TKl: s METHODICAL WAY AM? NEATKESfl \i:inr ? i n ? ?' : I SI ! >k* "? Illy In fact, hi ? methn I and 1 I ? ill ther too much for the a ?nd of ihe bank I writ .? ?i< it of the i\? rage bink I.kk ? ? ? ? . 'K Bank r'.erk -. you know, h ive to writ 1 o fast thai tl.:?> not u m 1 writ? a v:\ 1 tiiuiU thi clerks of the . 1 1.. at her 1.1 h< r 1- it tho ??? ol ,the Poui 1 ' l nal in thai rei ?? ct A) mar app? I : ? : ? I. atth). and he lucl never be II. mi ... ', n 1 . from ? fi m force ol h iblt. knowtns th< t h it ?? ? ? . ,1 anil, like * darl ? Imsi If tin.1.a: 1 feai >?l deti etl n of their ?mini Mm-, .r mroUR 1 lear ni ueieruon in inrii fi in lu'.em \ It I? ihe 01 storj ol thi m in an 1 ? ? ?' lal If ihe m in 01 ? ? ? the tl [er bj t.II hi on t ? ?fetj |? t., hod 1 It t>? Il al a!l h.iz.n . I di n't ki iw that A) m ? '"played the 1 ".ir imble '. as R< I) to have done. I qui lion the pi lu irantee C ?m i' iny nn thos p >|nts, l?.n hi 1 ? - ha 1 made p .i on mal 1 ihji et. a knew nothing ' ........ , itlon ??;' $.:.i <<?i, f?| .... mr-h h 1 ntence ?-':.?? I': ?n, W ?Ul I : ' ? ? " '"'' ? ?' ' thai ha 1 been ? ishe.l oui ind the deflclenc) made <;.1 I'roof of thi would b of t. ? 1 to the lianl.I w i 'i ?I isslsl In 1 .??:.>?? i>n ni ?ne) I am not prti ?. 1 in tan in dotai; ho? ?? fund of ..r m. ? Una l?s??' ?? ius< 1 !.. : ( 1 To do mi Wim I be 1 the bank In li' nut and ? ner il r< I III. ? horn the) do n ?l ? ?nci rn I can on! 1 -?<> thai ll la not .1 ; iai inti mi re!) on r iper, bul Is om ??!' aci m e ish -.if. ,\ !? po 'It' 1 'lf course, It Is u..? I-. . ? than It was orlsti ' hein? the sli:ir.' .!? Aymar's K.|?falcatlon, w ilch the bank thi other i . 'i"- In lern nlty bond ?riven t . the innk \-\ it"' Buarantoe rom? pan) of North America, with which ihe I'nlti 1 Buara. Company Is connected, ml which, I think, dlvl le risk with the1 former AYMAR'S DTTIRg \\|. PEH?>NAli HABITS Aymar and Beeley were ih? two bookkeeper? up t<? tin- tin.f the latter*? Bight, In November. :;iii'-.' then A \'s aole dut) im-* '"???" '" keep the bal ?in..r "akelet m" ledger There ir.ii> two recu? lar 1.kkeapen ot^.- there ire man; other employe?, but the) are designated .is tellers, clerks, etc. Aymar dresaed well and neatly, luit nol es ti 1 \ "?? m:.?. Bo far .?< I know, "" evidence has 1, in fiuril he had any bad or estravsganl Ki'nifs other than drinking, srhlch Is .1 bad habli for any one, particular!) 1 bank employe nr officer. I .lon't know what Aymar did with the money he stole, or whethei ?,. own* the house In which he lues, or any oihei property Ha waa entirely under Couiiiiui-d on Saeaiai? i'huc. FIVE XECHOES LYNCHED. THREE OF THEM WERE MEN AND TWO WERE WOMEN. THE WHOUSBALE Kiu.i.'le'. FOtAJVeTB THS MUR? DER OF A WHITK MAN* IN ALABAMA KAMOED TO HUMS. Moptgomery, Ala., Apr!! 21.?A man wh.-? ar rivcd at ;e o'clock t ,-night from Qreenvllle, Ala , fort) miles south of her??. reports that five ne groe? were lynched near there last nleiht. Just ?before hi-- train left Greenville t'.-nlpht th.? aheriff of the county came Into town. He re ported thai In passim? through the Buckalow plantation, three tnii-s distant, he had found the live negroes, thr?v men and two women, hang? ing by their ne.'kf? to trees. Th?'lr bodltN weh? ceald and they had evidently been dead for seven! houra Last nlirht n?-ws r?'.'?''he.l Greenville-? of the brutal murder, near Butler, in that county, of Watt? Murphy, a popular young white man. by three ner*roea Murphy era? a n?-phew ??f the late Governor Watts, .?f this city. After murder Ing him, the negr??e? pi.? ???d his body in ? brush heap and burned the hear?. The ashes were ex amlned, and parts ?>f the victim were found. Th" ?balance .it the body had been contMinwd. An Investit? Ml m was institute?!. Three B?agTO?? were arrested. One ?if the neproes confessed th?- crime, Implicating two other men and three neirro women. The officers arrested the-m, and were closely guarding the prisoners when last li*--? r | f lust night Th" report to-night <l'?es not give the ?letan-, ?f h iw the an -h secured the murderers, ?-X'?ept that they we re taken i??? force. TRAMPS MAKE .1 RICH HAUL. ? HT A ?"?LEVER PLAN THEY HOB A ROTOR REAR PATERHON, S t. OF 13.000 THE BAVIXOS OF THIRTEEN YEARS 'l"NK. The police of Pat*r*on, N. J.? wer? Infwnwd yes? terday of ??? rlevei j planned roM*?er) by tramp? on Saturday aftern Blngac, a small pla.-?- ?Is miles from P tt - A tramp called al the of Mrs. Thontas Smith and, going ? the front loor, aaked Mr?, Smith mettblng I eat H- to! l her ? pitiful story ??f ? ?? hi i been III In iteed, an I k"p* her talking to ? i -???; ?? time, : th? m? in tli ? tramp who was in com ; ?. . ? ' the one who ? tiled ??? the from door, broke ne by a rear ?'." ?r Mr? Smith wa? all : . The trami who broke into the th? ' r d r thoi ighly ranaacked th? part -' he ho .-?? He ?? ? nt to ? ireau ? . $_'."??', onk 11 ? .i?'-1 After Mr-. Smith Ba? ling wltl ?-...:??: the front ato ;> vent Into l fou irt cle? strewn about ind i ? ' ireau drawer In which money wa I and f< ind I hat ah? ? ? ? Informed tl rttle? and h??r bua in --ui : .?? Del tware, ??anna ind Western i ? I, and the B.000 rop i aa? - few thi t t 'in. - n years. He sa i ing? v ?k?. an l alwaya kept The ' rampa h ive i. it t<>-"t. , .. ? I MF.l.l1.1.A AGAISST Willi'. THE WIFE "I* A PATEBSON PVWYlCB OF THE ri.A'l'. HAS A KKJHT IN THE STBEET '.? I. H HER SERVAN V HER 1?'-? IND ': HE ?'A si: - mi icen? late Saturday even In,.- m from of th- Pa'teraon (N. Ji City Hail Madeline UumuHon, wlf? of Ju?!. ??' th.? Peace Dumullon, m?-t her bus) ind walking with their tcrvanl ?*.ri T:-.?? ?:*> tied t-een looking for her husband, and ?ays sb? ?apected to Had him with .i f. malt ??? : thua ?splalna the fa.-t that she .wh :- With the whip Mr?. Dumullon ?. ?nt ??nuil lion ran ?way. but the ? ind. and s' uck back with la ?he .vu? , arrylns I h? w ?men h?* . i . a .--. other until separated by some of th" croa I v. 'u h gathei ?? i The poll ?? luatlce ?aya ?hat Mrs. I'timulion I? not hs wife, .?nd thai ?ugb h? baa been living w.:h her. no m?:- remonj has i??.ti ?.i ! Mr- ! umullo yesterda* aei?ed the an ai oi th? ?irl for ...--.' ult ?nd a count? r ... nature I ? m ? ted. nil ii ts n i /Nt? IN rut: AIR ITALIAN'S FATALLY ?Mil N'l'KI? IN A S TI liXTTl.i: IN nil? ? ?Kl.VN During i battle i : ?ng .i number if Italtai ive.. Bi ?k ? ? ? ? ? were moi tall} ? and a t ? ? e - The poll? .?. ?? ? ? ngaged : . the ?: ?re the 11 i-t- rn I >?? ?? ? :? i . r Lou Departs? Vo :?', l'ni? n ?? ? . ,: ;?'?'-. ne s. - -1, of ?Vo? !?'?*? I : ' , ? . ? ? . , n an I ?*?' - i ick, terlng the lungs ; he glri \ i ?? i, of No i" N - H nd ' eman O'Xeill, of the Nineteenth Pr? t, a ho waa the flrsi tl ? i n tl ?cene, alao b? i a :?,.?! ; d? ? i. pe " oi ? - ahota .? r. ? ? 1. tt llnlov? - a -i I". the tl an I the ecu pant i -?? ? ere gr? at ,v . n.?, 'I -,. ijuan - - of a circular, whl h ?as sent a t in the It illeui , ulon? !,\ rleof .. re f the wife ai . ? ? ? \ > . .. Phi lattei ? .. ? I that Res i had Issued the I he vowed vengeance. A number ? i Is promised t" al 1 him, the part) irm?-?! i-mseivea ??i:h the ri.l.--; w?-r? ke| th. ! .ih.-r shop ? :' Raffale I'.i'ii. at N S'oi h siecon?!-?! .-?? ? a woe in en " xus.-ll.i and h", with i? number, of friends secure t heavy calibre revolver? ??aturda) nlgl I Bwe-i recelveo* a letter from In blejod, In which he denounced him for posting the circular and told him t.? look out *?'..> iner t'treamer took '!??? ante-mortem state? ment if the fatall) wounded men. TEXXBBBBK I.EOItLATCBB To BECOXFBMB. Se ville, T' ; n . April 'Jt (Special) Th? Legtal? ture ?rtll reconvene to-raorro* Tile most Interest? Ing ma e t .-r to be l:-|'-'S'-l 't is th?' .-oni-st for-th" Oovernorahtp between Peter Turney (Dpm.), the present Incumbent, ?nd Henry ?la? tirant iK.-p? Mr i:\ati??. it ?ill be remen en '?-*???'?' shown by th.? face "f th.- eatii, lal ?*??nirn? to h..??? been elected by a plurality of ti? Turne) contested th?? .-lection, m i Bubnequentlj Evan? took the (?ath of offle*?, hut i the Secretary ot siat.- refusad t,? -receive and Ml? ! the oath. 'i*ji?? commltt?* appointed t.? Investigate charge? ?>f fraud In ?arious countlea at th? ? . will lap..rt thts week There will no doubl be nu lint? Mini mlnortt? r?'i>?>ns. the former signed by the I?. mocraU ?nd th? latter by the Republican?. it is expected there win be an exciting discussion. Turney men ar?' n.?r?l ?t work. Bvaaa'a friend? ar? hopeful, ind the resull of the .-mite*; |g ?walte l \?ith m. it Interest Publie sentiment Is ?trongly In nl ihe seating ,?!' Kvana. in ordei :.? ?eat Evans the Republican? will have to aecure nine more Democrats than ?voted With the Republicana again?! the pa??age of the la? under which the contest waa made. Indication? ar? that th?' vote will be v-i-v .'lose * JOA?CIY EIL LEE'S 1 II F IX BOROLVLV, s.u. Pranciae i, Apr', fl (Spetctal).??A st.?r>- about Joaqu?n Miller's desertion of? woman named Arab? Miller Olivier In n ?no! i.u, ??.?s conflretnd to-da) by the poet at h.; I- me In the bill? back of Berkeley. Miller ?aid: "Th? ?tory is xboul nine-tenth? truth. Th.- ti.- Ion ' 'in. s In about m> leaving her desti? tute ?nd about my being the father of in-r child. The woman ??is brought to .n? attention In Oak* ?and b) l'rofe??or Sn.-.:. of th? sut.- L'nlirersity, who admire?! her poetn*? She wrote aome glowing ?.i-.- on ti- South Beaa, and ??temed to t.i\- a m i'ii.i t" n" i" Hawaii in order t.? tin,l her sallor ,t. !. h ho ! e 1 de sert? ! her. I h-.p.-l he :. and ?he ,,'ii 'Frl*co on the iteamer before m "Wni i' l re ia ill mo'.ulu l fauna her comf ?rt ib'.y located, and i i"?t up al her bouse. 1 l-ft bare, pxpi -tli g ???? ?? rlti letters -, "Phi [n lependent' bul when I ?aw th? working? ?r th.? Dole Govern? ment, 1 ???uii'ln't pralac It, uei I -?? threw up "Th.? Independent's" commission. Then my letter? al : tacking the Government mad? Dole and hi* ad vis'-rs ?avage, and I learnttd ihai be m?agt t,. arrest ma so, when a steamer cam? in, i bundled m? poema ?vhti-ti i waa revbring, and ?kipped ai.,?aid. I couldn't tak?. any -if my possession? ar the woman. Mllla-r remarked in conclusion thai h<? ?uppe?ej tills ?tora ?vas sprung by the Dole Government in revenge for what be had ?rritten about liiem. VOBMTB? IV i x< Ft mon TBVBT. eir,ind Itaplds, Mich.. Apri: lb- -N'ep illations have \ been In proKre.?s several weeks with t'hU-iiRa as the centre ?if the figuring for tha organisation of an Kxcelalor Trusl It Is prup.ase.l to organize a corporation under the laws ??f ii.iuoie t> buy up all the factor?a? and operate them under a ?tnKle man ?gement. There ate abaut thirty manufacturers |n | th? .-nuntry, operating ehletlv In Wise,main. Iowa Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan. THE TROY POLICE BILL BPEAKBR FISH TO EXPLAIN TO-MORROW HIS OPP iSITlON TO IT. thi: oRinrr or* thi: MEAaVMI to rkmovt- twB POUCH IlKI'AKTMK.NT KU"M SENATOR Ml By I'HYS tSETJOWWCB AMI STOP EI?K<-*TIOJt ntAUM Tilt: HII.I, AMENTlKt? HY THE ASSr:MIM.V .'IT1KS ????MMIT Tiii-J T'j MEET .Mt'li.PHY'8 WISHB"*. Alhany. April 21 (Special).?Hamilton Fists, Speaker of the Assembly, is i-epirted to he hard at work upon "a great spssch " The Assembly i? to he enlightened by It, on Tuesday morning, as to tho reason?? which ha v.- animated him in opposln*, the bill-? whli'h Is favored by 9f> per cnt of the Re? publicans of Tiny? to take the police force of that city out of th? hands of Kdward Murphy, Jr., Iiemoeratli- United Btates Senator. This bill waa paased by the Senat.*, mu-e than six sresks ago, by s unanlmona Republican vota I t'pon its fa' e it wa? a merltorlou?- measure. It ' auUiortaed th.- Mayor of the city, a Murphy ix*mc~ i crat; the Controller, an Independent Democrat, ? an?l the ?"ity Engineer, a Republican, to appoint a | new pnllce ?-?imniissinn. t.. he composed of two Rn? I publicans and two Den "Tats Ciniueseman Black ! and tho other b-adlnur Republican? tsf Tr >y were oonfldent that l.y this method of appointment two men loyal to th>- RepuMican inrty eottld he pla.-ed In the Board of Pottce, and th.- r.-f.irrr.atl >n ?.f the police fon-e cf Tri.y he begun. Moreover, they be lleved that, with two Republicans as Police Com? mtaarionera. Interference with ??!>? tlon.? by the Troy police In behalf of th. I).?mi>crat|<' party would cease. ESdward Murphy, jr.. for many years hae controll?*d the p..lice ..f Troy through Murphy Democrats and dummy Rapubli(*ana; and. as a i-oti.--<iuen-e. the whole force of the Police depart? ment ii*.-? been used against the Republican party. Th- elections of Troy nava been chara ?:? rizci by th? gl esi frauds in favor of th" In-moe-nts, and th.- i ,|i.-.. w luid R.'t arrest D?tr.')' ratle re peaters, in i>?:i3, when [ana n. Maynard ran f >r Judge of tt..- Court of Appeals, an i the Murphy Dem?crata intent i n rolling up s Mg rots for him. the county of Renseelaer was ne of the few aradeh re ??orded Denaocrntic galna, it tsraanet down in the ? ?if- -i J r'-rurns as having given MM majority for Maynard This result was brought about by the deliberate falslflcntlon of ths ?'lection returns. This is ? l.-.irlv apparent from tho returns on file hers hi the offl ? >f the Secretary of Btate. Below la the n e * I of s few rie? tl -n dlstricts in Troy in that year: W**?*4a Whole number numtv*r t.-? of ?ot?-B Dtairict rvgi = ??red. <\?-t t a M Ita ru.. ?- : AX 4H Air. :ts.i :<?? 41* 47? xv, s-< ? *M B :'.??? 8"-, ;w. ?M ?M M: 471 471 "li Ml .'.?.i M8 l'lr?f Ward . Fir?? W.-irl .-1 ? : Ward .? Wart .1 -. n ? !-. Ward.2 .ft . i War :.2 Ninth W?r,l.1 Nln'h Wart .-1 Eleventh Wart..1 Eleventh Wart.-.2 Tw? Ifth Wart.? Thlrt?-n-ri Wart......1 TTilrt?-ntli Wart.S A -f?anos ut thte table will ahow that in severa! districts more \*.t"s were cast than wer- reg ! Istered, and In .?'.hers Just as many votea were , .ast as ?were r*eglatered In the other electing* ?llstri-ts. also, nearly every vote registered wa? declared t" have been cast. This is ***eud upon it? fie?. In every "'her city tn the S\i?e the v te cast raa frnni M to IB per cent below (?he registration That is natural, because many At!? /? na, after r- -ftsteiing, do not take the trouble to -, ?. in other i a."?'s Illness prevents men from \ til g after having registered Mr Fish is rep tttto to be a candidate fur the R? publican nomination for ?"lovernor. That is an ln?n.Tali'..- ambition People here, therefore. l as highl) myaterlous his opposition to *. ire liftend? ! to give the Republican party ? -t treatmeni at th.- ? 'ils In Troy. The As ? mtily Committee n ?".ties hsjv.? amend.-?! the bill as Sena I t Murphv desire* to have it .ur,. n-.'.ed. t.\ giving th.- power of appointing the ? <? -er: laslonera ta th.- Comnttoa Council of Tr,?y. which is controlled bjf Murphy. The amendment ?vas first suggested by 'The Troy E'rese," Murphy's newspaper orean, as far back .i; Januar? 17'. The bill had been Introduced in the Sena:- on January 9 on the 11th. ?rhich would give time for tho Edi'or of "The Press" ir from Murphy, who was then tn Wash? ington, this sugg-st.- in was tna?le by him. Th? illcans of the Senate refused to accept It. On th.- contrary, s sp- '.al Republican commit? ? the Senate, who had Investlguted the a\ee. tlon trau Is of Tt ?y, t ? u ? aslon In their rep .rt. ti call attention t.? the fact that there wer?? Murphy Republicans In Troy, connected with Murph) In business enterprises, and that theso ? itantly assisted him in his pol|tk*ttd enterprises; or. when he s is In peril from a R?* publl?an Legislature, sprang t his al lin Albany, Mr Fish Is understood to favor this Murphy nmi ? dment I i the Mil. Th.- Republican* of Tr-y will not n' -pi it. Th.-. will isk Governor Mor? ton to veto the bill if Mr. Fish should sucoe?v1 in forcing It through the l?"gisiatur?>. They d?> not desire a sham reform bill passed, ostensibly t,. give th-- Republican pan? twn Police Comm'.s - ners i it actually to gi\e Kdward Murphy, Jr., tin* authority to name two Murphy Ra> pu'bticans aa auch commissioners. That is the pre* nt system. Murphy i>uts into the Police Department as representative* .-?f the Republi? can party Invariably Murphy Republicans; and. n? a '??;,se ;? ?'.>?". Republican inter-sts are not protected, f r the Murphy Republican?) in si! tl m itters act with the Murphy De me. crate. Th.- Republlcnns ol Troy desire an hon? estly conducted Police I?-partment They be? lieve th?-? will i*-?*t It un 1er the bill of Assem? blyman ?'!? imhers, of Etensa?atesr, the sola Re? publican representativa of that county, and they hope that the VssemMy will not follow Speaker Plsh's lead an ! support an amendment of the bill which will prolong Senator Murphy's con? trol of the Troy Police Depurtm.-nt. Tlie fal! election of 1895 will b?> an Important otto, and the) desire an honest election h?-l ? In their city. They hope, therefore, that the Troy IVi!i.-e bill Will bs pissed in ju?; the shape It had when It . i from the Republicana of the Senate. THEIR I'LAXs EBDBtf TOILED. Colambts, s. ?'. April II. *A Itspatch from Bas? ! irg, B C, lay a: There ?as a romantic love affair up In the factor? village this afternoon in which th.? old la ly wa? not outwitted, n? is so ?ften the case. Solomon <; vi'.uyn w.?? engaged to marry Miss Ella Jonen a pr.-it? young blonde of fourteen yesra. Tha old foiks objected, and the young poop!? were to elope thla afternoon. 8 ' mon went for his girl, who, tru?- ?,. tier word, left her home to run away with htm. The ?tiri's mother was too alert for the roupie, h ?wevi r, an 1. rushing oui in the street, just in the nick of tin lelaej E la and had s hand-i?> Irin I tu?-!.- ??i-ri ?; lodwyn, who persistently refused m go a.?i>. and :: ! ?. ???? lntil tue old lady ?teppe.1 back and, drawing a rsvnlvsr sad Psang it to Ooodwyn's head, r ! t 1 the young man to leave the premises under penalty of li.iving a hole bored through Ills brain. The affair attracted a large .?r,.?!. who witnessed the uniusin?; und aimoat tragic flu ht. DIECOYEEIB? IX BBW MEXICO. Santa Pa, -V M.. April B.?Cteri , ?. Mayar, deput) sheriff tn Line?la County, arrived-here ta? in, ai. i ful!) conflrnu ths report of rich gold ?trilles on Bonito ?'??>.-k. about thirty ml>s ?outh f White daks. It i7*onststa of a ira,i of fre<? . .?r.? tliitty feet w;!e, whirl, runs Pi In gold . nd - ima silver In much a? there la p'.enty of i\ >i and water on the ground, experienced miners say th?? th?. lead would pay well if th.- rock vle'ded only 13 to the ton. ?vhrts" Yeager. a well-known miner *r?m th.? Cochltl llstrict. reports that on Tliur- lay last a remark..Me strike was mi le in ths lower levels >f tin? i?o:..- Star Mine, owned by l>en ?.-r p.-o|.:e. H.- says chunks Of fre, |0*d large aa a silver ?In'.Inr aprear in ihe white ?juartz It la msm to be worth $3,000 a ton. ^^ WtKB HIS MOTHER. BPRIBLBY Hoxo Canton, <ihlo. April 21. -Governor McKinley and Wife came h-re iast nlRht to ,'e>t,r,ite th.? eighty. sixth t.lrtfidav ;<f.the ?Vivernor's mother on Mon? day. Mrs McKIn.eM the elder, walked to vhur?ih this murntng on the arm of the Governor KILLED ET I.ICnTXIXtl BjOtO, Col . April 21-NVIi;iam Brown was kl'.'ed to-day by Hghtnlag. and Samuel Black badly Injured. ??:?^u,Yr^An? on C S' Bo?"? ?<h two