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He was flrat aaked: "Ib to-day'e race conaHared aa the aecond or the thlrd of the aer.ea?" "The thlrd race, of course." "Then you dld not accept Mr. Iaelln'a offer io reaall Tueaday's race?" "No." "Have you any fault to flnd wlth the commlt tee'e declelon?" "No. We sa'.l purely for aport. and as the com mlttee'a work la to declde the rlght and the wrong of every eontroversy plaeed before them, we are wllllng to ablde by thelr decesion, although lt waa not ln our favor. ln England we alwaya a*cept a commlttee'a declalon aa flnal, and never cfter any diapute to the rullngs of the authorltiea ln any ahape or form." "But why could you not aee your way clear to accept Mr Iselln'e offer?" "Becau under the condltlona prevalllng In yacht-racing ln New-York waters, the race might be salled over four or flve tlmes, or even more than that. and atlll no aatlafact.iry result ar? rlved at " "Now. about tr.-day's flasco. Wlll you glve me an esplanatlon of the Valkyrie's wlthdrawal?" LORD PUNRAVE.VS LETTER. "Yea; the whole thir.g lice in a nutshe.I. If the commlttee had acceded to a request whlch Lord Dunraven forwarded to them in a letter last night. the Valkyrle would have aalled. In that letter Lord Dunraven asked the commlttee to make certaln arrangementa, but as thTe was HALLO, YALKYHIE! WHAT S THE TROl'BLE? no compllance wlth the request we dld not feel Justlfled ln starting." "What were the arrangements whlch Lord Dunraven wished the commlttee to make?" "That I am not at llberty to tell you. The commlttee only can do that. It has Lord Dun raven'a letter." "It may be taken, then, that >ou had no In? tention of raclng to-day?" "It may be s. taken. In fact, wa went down ei.-nply to croas the llne in ordT to make a race for the Defender. Th.4t was. of course, ruppos lng that th? arrangements rf whlch I have apoken to you about were not carried out. We found that those arrangements were not to be made, and therefore wa went to crosa the llne, accordlng to an agreement we had arrlved at among ouraelves to glve the Defender the race. That we were bound to do tn all honor." NOT INTERKERED WITH. "It la reported that you were interfered wlth by boats Just prevloua to the start to-day. I? that true?" "No. That was not the reason of our refusal to start." "Is the Valkyrle going to race agaln ln the Amerlcan waters?" "Not thnt 1 know of." "Then the contest for the Amerlea's Cup ls at an end." "Ro far aa we are conc?rned. yea ." "But supposing the commlttee ls wllllng to concede the condltlons contained In Lord Dun raven'a cummunioatlon, how wlll mattcrs stand then?" "I am not suftVlently arqualnted w'.th Lord Dunraver.'s plana to spenk upon that point. You muat remembT that we have travelled 3,000 i::i:ea to rall fT aport in ;i falr and square man? ner. and. Inatead of everything being arranged for pure aport, we are a?ked to tak." part in a clrcua aha.w. aud that we decline to do must emphatlcally." "What are you go'.ng to flo wlth the Valkyrle now?" "I have not the faintest Idea." "D > y a pr j oe retumlng to England at one*?" "Pretty soon; but we ahall have a few day's needed rest flrst." Replylng to an Inqulry. Mr. Glenitie aaid Lord Dunraven poeltlvely decllned lo be Been or t. say anythlng for puhlleatlon. When Ur. Olennle had mounted the gangway he went tO th?- upper derk of the City of Brldge port where all the party, with the exceptlon of tne Eari of Dunraven, were aeated. Here Com* modore Glennle was asked lf he had refused to answer a slgnal reported ln an afternoon paper to havo been aet for the Valkyr> by th.- commlttee boat. He sald that he dld not .?a?e any uae of en tering lnto any dtecuaaloa by reepondlng to such a sl.iial. aa lt had be?n fully declded what course to puraue In the Regatta Commlttee refuaed to ac'iede to the requestR r.iude in the Earl's leitrr. ANCJRY |*B0PI4_ ON THE EXCURBIOM BOATR The Valkyrle and the City of Bridgeport both took on a look of glooni. The nncoinmu.ilcatlve nesa of the aallorB and offlcers waa ln no wlae In creaacd by the tauntlnic* Bhoute of the returnlng excurrdoniUB. whoac diiappnintment in not *c.ini* the antlclpflted race waa "taken out" a.n tha VhI kyrle and her repreaentatlvata. Tbera arere crles of "You're no good:" "Why don't you hurry back to England?" and now and agnln a chorUB "f In sultlrig remarka Trouble waa looked for when aome of the more dlsorderly excursl.m boata i-ame by. The aallora on the Valkyrle g >t below nnd etnyed th?re aa tho fourth or flfth load of Jeerlng and angry penple eame ny where they w.-re an chorert. Then there Were choruaea of dertelve ateam whlatler, aa if to call tlie men from thelr retreM. as some of the exciralon ateam. ta ahot paat. There was never a resp.-tise fr tn Ihl Clty of Brldgepi.rt. On" steam launch went I.y wlth her rpars gaylv dreased in bunttng ar.d a merry collectlin ot brooma hanglng from a number of llnta that had been Btrung from innst to maat. By thla tlme a doaen of tbe ctev. of the Valkyrle had cme on deck, and they actrd mu'h like balted mastiffs. Some of then: ahook thelr flsts and ueed all klnds of unperllamentnry luuguage. It Ib aaid tbat the Valkyrle wlll go to Erle E-sln thla mornlng to bave h?r ketch rlg refltted. It waa al-"- rumired about the English yachl late last nlght that the Eail of Dunraven la to go to Canada ln a few days. No verlflcatlon of either of these nunora COUld be obtalned. CAPTAIN HAFF'S VIEWS. HE CANNOT 1 NDEP.RTAND WHY THE VALKYRIE WURPRBW-MR t-UBJJf- DUO-BR ON THF. Xl-X'KAN. The Defender arrlved off Bay Rldge at R SO o'clock laat nlght. She waa pulled up from the Sandy Hook Lphtahip, where the race flnlshed, by the tug Fllnt. Aa aoon aa the Defender dropped her anclior Mr. laelln and hla party. inc:udlng Mra. Iselln. Mr. Leeda. Hewburjr Thorne and Hut ler I>unean, went to th?i ateam yacht Neckan in the naphtha launch. A _'.nner w_a glven aboard the Neckan at 8 o'clock laat nlght ln honor of the aucceaa of the Defender. Mr. laelln aent a hamper filled wlth llquld refrenh menta and cigara to the Jolly men on the vlctorloua sioop, and the celebratlon of the Defender's trl umph began in the hold of that yacht wlth a round dance. In whlch Captalna Haff anl Terry took prom lr.ent parta. The crew of the Defender are dlasatlaflad to a tran. Al! are aure that ln any race wlth the Yal kyne the Defender car. come out a long way In front ln er.y k;nd of weather. and they wanted a chance to do it. Aa The Trlbune rejiorter j.lned Ouptaln Haff, the latter received au Immcnee Bora] Cure your hcadache by uslng Ilood's Pllls. Slck headaa hes are caused by dls ordt-red llver or atomach. The beat temedy for th'.a dlatreaaing complalnt ls found la Hood's Pilla. Prepared only by C I. Hood e. Co.. L.welt, Maaa. 1 U) lilB' Your Headache Jobannk, "Khiff of Natvral labh' \\ aters." ls conceded lo be the flnsst Table Water ever imported. Bottled at the Johannis Spring-Zollhaus, Germany. Ernea, Qfl^M. 50 Broad II , ? I , V.nir.ra Aa-n, ln 1*11*8 ?.sn1 r*.Baa, Tr ...h-ni,*. Mmift. l.n >n. offerlng ln the shape of a gigantlc horseshoe. Cap ain Haff aald that any talk of Interferenc*? w th the ch.l.enger yesterday Ita. *"?*****? Jj* only boat 1n front of her wa* 8 ******** ?? a long way ahead of her-ln faC off ln *'. '' <?r o He was ln B hlghly ss.isfle,. r,ooi la*. nlgh said for one thlng tha. bfl arauM bfl t-Bd to V*t ** of his own money ln . ayndleaU stake1?*? with the valkyrie of iweaty mlleaito bwarard. ar wln-lward. and back. Captala HaB***?'*? Valkyrie dld not make any attempt t?J^ *"J Mm for the star. ycsterlay. and that he is s.. D I tbal she dld not intend to race. The eapt.ll .?" not imagltte why tbe Vaikyrle should bave ak.n all that lead out of ber bottom on Wedneajai U 8ha did not intend to rac yesterday. ^ ?* ? what earthly reason the Vaikyrle CBB barfl bad tor not wlshlng to contlnue the sport. ??I thought that the Engllfl- w. re used falrly lr. everv wuv." he went on. "but I BUPPOBa tbey Wl put out bseaaaa they dil aol tal tbal decHlon frorn the New-Yerb Taetal tT.ub Regatta P?"?,"*Snde*r they may have eapected. althougli I -a niu 11 ? r stai.i how tbey could oob fnr i' No 1,r"' ?'.';' mSttee could bare ieclded any othi-r a;a:- thari lha New-York Yacht Club'fl Comrnltiee dld. ?"_> * *r? sure that Dlaety-alne men ln every himi.rc, tnat aaw tbe ra.e wlll *ay bo." Captala Haf ???<?"? thought ono reason why ibe Vaikyrle waa nol aailed in yeeterday7. rae< ara? that b.r peoplfl raared that it wan not goi'ig lo b? a Vaikyrle day. "A* lt turned OUt. contlnued ( aptnli. HafT. 11 was B perfeet Vr.lkvrle lay, a* Brfl underetand II Hut If the wlnd had hauled a little to the? *ou li tvnrd It would not have been so well lf the wir.ti had hailled to the southward It would have been a rearh b.ith way*. a broad reach out and a ciose re,.. h in. and they would surely have been beaten. As it was. It waa an Idea'. Valkyrl.- 111 dav Th. Wlnd wa.* weai by north, and we had up our spin? naker up 10 the atart, but took It down. as lt wa* a good broad reach nfteen mllea to leeward, -nd com? lng back the wlnd wai dc. 1 abead, nnd gnve u? a good atralght beat." ... Captaln Haff said he was dellghted wlth U.e Lr fender'r afti >n ln ve*ter inv's snll. Her n*-w top mnst, lie said, stayed ju*t U I' ??? I"ii. and car rlel even better than lt ?n- (gpected I. vvoul'l. Captnin Haff r-n 11 he dld K * know Mr Iselln s ln tentlons wlth respect U> tbe Defender. bul said lhal a tug had been ordered t" !><? ln sttendance thls mornlng. It Ifl flUPPOfled thal Ibe Defender wlll bfl taken to the Krie Baalfl Irvl", k then. Mr Iaelln wh.n Men aboard the Meckan al Ray Rldge laal night refuflfld to say anythlng whs.ever as lo his v|.*ws regnrdlng the Vaikyrle 8 acilon, or what he would do wlth ihe Defender. STORY OF THE WALKOVEB. HOW THE DEFENDER BAILBO HER LONE LY COt'RPE. HER ELAPSED TIME WAS i HOVRS 44 MIV'TES 11 t ICOOXDS-TBI VALKYRIE HOISTS THE NEW YORK YACHT CI.l'B FLAO IMMEDI ATEI.Y AFTER THE PTART. The two racers of th<* gr?at deep were ied down to the ocean course by thoir attendant tugs in good tlme for the start yeaterday. The Defender had on a new coat of her magic blue pnlnt, whlch ls poptilarly mippoaed to be n BOltttlOB of greaaed llghtnlng, and her bror.ze bottom, newly bur r.lshed. shone like a yellow harvest moon When ever she heeled over. The Valhyrle eat llghter ln the water than formerly, on account of the remoral of aerereJ tons of lead from her baUaat, but as there had been no opportunity for a re measuremenl. she could claim no reductKn of tho har.dlcap becauae of her shortened water-llne. After pas?lng the Narrows on the way down from Bay R'.dge, tha Dcfer.der hoisted her malnsall, the nmazemf-nt Of t-M oalOOkera, atlll omltted to rot up her clubtopaalL The Herreahoff hoat luffed up to th,^ BOUth to meet her opponent. who waa comlng along sl iwly on the port ta.-k. and thr-n fell off till the wlnd was dead over her stern nnd her boom "n the polnt of Jlhlng over. The ptnrtlng Rim waa flre,] at 11:2.1, and Captaln Haff. lufllng up. went over the llne, atlll on the Btarboard tack. settlng his eplnnnk<r as he rroeaed. Valkyrle Jlbed around the llghtahlp and f .iio'ved her opponent l minute an.l H seconds later?Juat a Bcoonfl befora the handlcap gun. The . > n i a -; j i time waa: The Defender.X1MM Th'- Vilkyrle .11:21 :r.9 THK VALKYRII DRAWi OUT. The Defender went off In line atyle with all her ?tiiwv rsnvan gleamlng ln the ?n, The Valkyrle ?till furthrr confounde.' the'iokera by lufflng up under the lae of the llghtahlp, hnuiing down i. r laysall, bolBtlng ihe Maw-Torh Ya.-ht Club'a flag und polntlng for he- tug, whlch w?s lylng .rr in ih- weal "f th- llghtahlp in evldenl nntici patlon of lual ??.! h Bctlon on her part. She I .\ , ... | ; .r ),;, ,,.,,i malnaall nnd wns towod ba k t>. Ba- Rtdge, glvlng the fteet '.f eorloua tiivti. and ?team yachta aa wlde a berth n* poaedblea. Tha- Ameri'-an champl * faded in'" lha eaatern haae ln lonely grandeur, H">.n thr wind if-an to haul to th.- ?anitli ind tr- plnnaki i- araa mken in .md ihe balloon J '?> aet Tha arlnd wanl more and more to Ihi aoulh .is Ihi coafld w-ns lefl behlnd, and when the turnlng mark hova In s.ght it was blmvlng nb >ut enst of south by a half BOUth, and Captaln Haff hnd hla sheeta hnuled well ift, THK DBFCNDCfl ni.MlNfl HoMK Themprk wai roundad al IM >. tba balloon llb came down nnd ? llb topaill that dldnt draw wortb ri cent WBB Bti Ii looked na IhOUgh ahe .. .11 make IIM lighixhlp wlthout tacklng. hut al | o'ck> h Ihe wtid had hatlled IO ihe weal ao that ahf came 01 IhB stirt.onrd la'-k. Aa the Hrai half <>f the nomeatretch eompleted the reirl..n of weeterly Wlndfl waa te-enuird. and during the te-.t . f the way the Defender hnd to i. .?? her wav home Al - 2<" Bhe hauled down her ilb topaall and aal a baby topaall in Hk plaee. The tlnlah llne .-roFfled at iMM. The elapaad llme araa 4:44:11 On b.mrd ihe Valkyrle wara Lorfl Dunraven, Mr. Watson. Mr. Rataey, Mr. Buah, Arthui Olennle nnd H. Maltland Keraey, Paaaengera >.n the De? fender wete C Ollver Iselln, "Nat" Hei ra-nhoff, W k Vanderbllt, ?*Cominodore E. i> Morgan, Herberl C Leede, Woodbory K,in*, Newberry Thorne, W. Putler Duncan, Jr nnd Mra Ia-Mln. Dr.vid Henderaon aboard aa Lord Dunraven'a representailve. YJEW8 OF AN EXPERT. REA80XS ASSIGXED FOR THE VALKYRIE'* NOMINAL ENTRY IN YESTERDAY'? RACB. i.orir? nrsRAvr-x totai.i.y DiaaATIBTHn. WITH THK REGATTA COMM1TTKK 8 DBClBIOK-THg IlKf-T WAV OCT OF THK PlKKKn.TY. CHrlng to The Trlbune's puhllcntlnn regarding certaln premonltory rymptom". people were to a larire extent advlaed beforeband of what might oc? cur ln yeatcr-lay'a raee. The prompt nnnounce ment of Lord Dunraven'a dlasntl?factlon and the clear terma ln whlch that dlaeatlafactlOfl waa InrlW-Ated by him created a goDd deal of doubt aa to whether the Valkyrl* would take part ln any further raclng ln New-York waters. The result of thla wss that some people atayed at home, thouph It m.irt be sald that the crowda on the excurslon ateamera aeemed In no way lea nn: defekdeh wixxino tbe last race. and when opposlte IwtnbURM Island broke oul her Jlb and eaat off the llne from her xun. the W. R. Fllnt. There wa. B stiff braasa from thr- soiith west and ihe blue BlOOp t/anl Blong Bl B ten-kn d galt. When Bhe was passlng Romer Shoal her ataysaii alao waa aet. Tha- Valkyrle came flown In tow all the way wlth onlv her malnsill up. MANOBWRINO KOR THE 8TART. When ahe neared tbe llghtahlp the Defender holated her clubtopaall and began to manoeuvre wlth the evldent purpoae of teatlng her new | ip mast. The wind hid flroppad BWay by this tlme, ard the boats gllded ab .ut with alow anl siately motlon. The Engllahmnn contented hlmaelf with the heavy-weather ng of malnaall and Jlb. his Btayaall belng up In stops. The wlnd was nearly due west. The cky was blue and only a remr.ant of tho mornlng haz* hun? rn the watern. The rnited Press tug ran aioagnlde tha Valkyrle wlth the news Of Mr Iaelin's i R rr t" run the TlMBday'fl race over agaln, but no ieply could be obtalned from I/"rd Dunraven. Captaln Haff crulsed about awhlle to the lee of the startlng llne, bal came up to wlndward of lt as the prellmlnary gun was flrrd fr un tha commlttee boat at lOT.o. The c.iirse hn 1 been slgnalled aa east by eouth, flfteen mllen. The Valkyrle atood away ta the south. nt 111 oetder shortened aall. Al ll o'cloch the Valkyrle .ame ab'.ut and BtOOd back toward the llghtshlp After _ while she Jlbed and ?:?>? d : i the .?".nth airaln. The Defender lay up ln the wlnd a few mlnutes and then fell off on 'he port i.i'k Meanwhlh- th" patrol b'.its had been busy, and several of the itaam yachts *hb h were In front if 'ha- Defender backed w.n.-r to it-a\. tba de* slred half a mile ">f apace about the llghtahlp. At 11:10 th.-ra- was an'ther gun and ihe ra-1 ball waa holated. CnDtaln Haff -inr ta aboul the Marboard tack and the Vr.lkyite wore around aa/iu.'i and came back frum her Bouthern trip. The ale pt. were a mile apart. The Defender hauled ln her sheets and luy dead, waltlng, to the wlndward of the llne. for the ten mln-itee to paaa. broke out her Btayflill, but, to aenet Theae thousands, a'.though dis.ppv.nt?.d, | w-re not wholly anprepartd for that whlch hap- | pened. When. then, tbe stwimera _:i gathered at laady | Hook l.ghtihlp II was nol entlrely a BurprlBfl whei. Lord Dunraven'B yacht waa seen movln* BbOUl h?r topaall and beyond ibl not Intendlng :o rompete. Hut hope w.i* not yet dead. The firat pur.s had not been flrrd, ani aa th* enormou* collaattOB of iteamers roae an.l fell on the alckening swell from 'the prevloui n'.ght's wmd 'here were many who walted anx loualy to see a topsall go up. Th? better tafomed had na auch hope. Th* condltlon of the yacht. aa the swung BBBUE 1 under malnsall ar.d J l> only, told the whole story, or. rftther, eunVI-r.t to let them know thit no race would take p'.ace. Then the* t*i.-m,r.iite gun went off, and as the ? ilng minutea sllpped by hope iapeed with them. Nn raclng flaKfl were added to the Vaiky? rle. hut she turned toward the startlng llne, and then her Intontlofl became clear. ln the tnean tlme the Defenier was waitlng ln fall battlfl .irrav near the crosstng llne Hhe ha.l her blggest topaall on, ani her eplnnaker I. mm was lOflrered down on tlie rtarhoard atde, tboartoflj .hat the course would be tu leeward. Bhe was pre pored to amash thlnga. As the ten-rn'mi:* Interval drew near ita end the Vaikyrle drew near?r. The gun flre.l, and the Defender swung for the bne She crossed at the ?low paea arhlcb .he .,-.;..? w:r.l al!onod and dr.ipp.-d away f >.- the leeward buoy. Kven her l.lg spinnaker. whlch she broke OUI before rroeitng. almost hung llfeiess an she drlfted out from the throng of aleamers u'.on*. ALL BTH ON TMB VALKTBJK All eyea were on the Va'.kyrle and (he wom-n felt aure ihe waa golng t> roce when abe ereaaad the llne Um tbfl aM handa knew l.ett.r. Um ?drlfted acroaa cloae ta the ltght?hlp and thua nominally entereil the race In order to glve .t to the Defender without furthei dlapute. No d .ul.i rrlri- ,->0r. A lloltle? At 111 l)rn_,u lata. THI. NKI'IlALOlNE MFQ .O. NCW-TOBK ,ITV 1 Baefl u*?.l >'.u "Neuralf Ire ' f.r paln* in M.t l.a, ? ni rheft, also tor Hhtuma.lim an'l fli,,| II a * ? Wf 1-B.a.r. AUOh WlLLlAMBUN. B-IU. Baal. Lord Dunraven did this In order that he could not | be accuse. of abandonlng the contests In a way thal would leave the flnal reaulta of the aerlea of racea ln any Inconcliihlve eonditlon. His aet on yosterday glves the thlrd and last race to the Defeader wlthout ompetition. Th!? ends not only the 18.'?5 sTles of racea, but rr t?ii..y all furth t coniafctn for the Afnenca'a Cup. There I.i much rrason to belleve. and In fact lt naa already beea ahown ln the reporta by cable, that the Krcll'ih ne.v4pjpers and the Engllah nation gen-raiy wlll eapaaaa Lotd Dunraven'a cau?.. wh'th'r hla obje.-tlona be rlght or wrong. After the framlhi of the new deed of glft. which wa* objected to. It was not the Intention In Eng ]nn<! tO challenge agaln for the cup until th. con dltlona arere alterad Hut it was owing to Lord Uunraven. anl to hlm eolely, that negotlatlona were once nore opened up. Hy doing so he at flr-t offended tome BngHah yacttamea, who aubaequently fontave hlm arhen Ir c>ar that under the new arramtements the ccndltlons inslsted on by ihe New-York Yaeht Chlb w mld In thla caae be waived in ori?r to s"t i aateh on. It wia thea hoped by bOth n.itl'.na that thla wa* the final end of all dls BKreMnenrn, -nd ihe conteuts of Valkyrle II were enjoyed by both t-aertca and Bngland. aapeclally tho former. m.t miy for the of the thlng, but a* an Inde- of ,i -ncre marked amlty between the two countrles. I.XISTIM! VABIAXCBfl MAY HK PATCHBD UF. The preaenl .-Huitlon i.?. Iherefore, to be more partlcular** depl3red, becau.?e this wlee interna tlonal alm hai. reeelv d a aetback, cor.crnlni; whlch it is lanpoeelble at preaent to for.-a'e the end. That ln io sav. lf ihe -iow exlMIng varlanrea be not ln a. .ma. v4.i) patebed up. It la n.>t beyond hope that thla may oceur, ind if by any reaaonable eoneee* ?lona on i" ih aldea it may ba ai compllabed, it ia a reault lo be deetred The Maod haa been a t rlfle hot tn*-" co I Jept. n.-? daya The power, either Indlvldual or coll-Ctlve, whlch Introducei a calmer eonalderatlon ..f he preaenl state .f thlnga arlll b. valuable. .Ium :t..w lt i.i ' '<?aiorl. al." And K.r thoi-e who ... both ildes i. ir.uch llsturbed, the nug geatlon of calmer counseli wlil not, a~ usual, be very acceptable, . . The r.i.i it that although many ihouaanda on t.o,.i f\,\,n ..,' thi .. - in i i be raguel] wlld. rery few on eitha-r .':? wlil knoa eaacto wtial they are wud sbout. Th. entlre ijueatlon la ..ri" arhlch can only be handled b> va.h'.lng experts. And it n only ty ? itr.-ni .i"ii of careful explanatlon thal all tne othera onn ba min> to i ind the whya and forea, the In and outa, nf M.e caa.-. Tbe ..f both natlonfl arlll houi. but Ihey w'.ll not kii. ? why. lt may, howev r, ba tiken for Krnnte.l that rhe Interferince of -he excuralon boats, aithouvh put forward nn l/.rd Ininravn'a reaaon for wlthdrawal, i4 nol tin- oniy ?t mnd ..f dlaaatlsfactlon. hut li merely a pollta and polltlc method of covering up -< d-eper eauae for .liagrln. And on thla. poinl i i ini?.i.ika> itn). perrapa, be male ir iii.. i clslon in r.'Kard 10 lh.- Defender'l proteat be aupp..-aed to be the real eore ipol Lord punraven hai at leasl txpreaa. I hlm l( clearly on one polnt that h? en* tir-iv dlaagreea wlth the Regatta Commlttee'e var diet. And when nodouhl i? left ns to thla, the other i i mi r.nw pul forward in regard to tha eacuralon ?ri maj Ix bc spti i aa extendlng over mor? ?round thiin thoae speclally menttoned li. hin-i a. -v diplomatlc het lona on each Blda, the rondltlona oi itffalra al the tlme of the sllght C0l< llalon and lha oftVlal Judgmeni regardlnx thoae rondltlona are the real polnta at laaue. Noa. the evldence taken before the Regatta Commlttee baa not been and never wlll bc pub llahed. And ihe general publlc must not allow It? aelf t-i be i.-.i lnto poM?ihiy wrongful eoneluatona by the hastv argumenti an i itatements of red-hot partlaana, both Journallatlc and oth.-rwlae. All ihe greater .'nr.- ahould ba taken on thia polnt becauae of the multltudea who look?d on perhap* not one ln tt Ihouaand w'aa eapable of formlng a rellable oplnlon. The whole matter which hava been on both sldea complalned a.f occurred very qulckly. and the rjiieatlona at laaue. ao far aa they sxtend beyond aacertalnlng lha reapectlve posltfons and movementa of the boats. can only be handled In n technical way accordlng to ihe New-York Yacht Club'a prlnted rulea. The wrlter of these notes waa loaa lo the competing yachta at th.- tlme of th. colllalon on Tueaday, and the aecount here glven ls axactly whal hjpp.-ned. BOW TUBBDAT'g ACCIDENT KAPPBNBD. After the ten-mlnute preparal tv nun waa flred the boata had to occupy thla tlme ln ?>:i 111 n? about be? fore the startlng gun. They went off together to some dletance and Jlbea 0n the far slde Of a large ateamer. The Valkyrle twlsterj qulrkly snd came out to wlndward of ihe ateamer. and the De? fender paaaed to leeward under ber stern. Imme dlately afterward the iiefender haule.i up near the Valkyrle and thev saile.i near each other toward the wlndward end of the croaalng llne. Both yachta were BOW ln a prodlcam"nt, becauae they were 'oo noon for tbe K'l". ar.d nelther wlahed to come abiut In order ' . ailoa the proper tlme to elapae. In order to galn further Mm.-. tiu-y both bore away until each boat had the wlnd quarterly. In this move the Valkyrle commenced, and the i>e fender followe.l ault. They bith proceeded ln t.ils dlrectlon for aome ilatance. until ihe \nlkyrle re (julred to make her .um so aa to .'.>me head to wlnd qulckly, io there wall ;lll the gun was flred. While thev were- both on thla COUrae (he Defender dld not glve the Valkyrle room to turn, hut moved up further to wlndward and nearer her. until the sldea of the yachts' bulla were rery cloae to each other. THK RIOHTi OF THB BOATA It was, iberefora, for tbe Regatta Commlttee to whet riKhia one haa over another when both are runnli g almoat free. They had a'.so to declde whether there was any rule whlch allowed the Defender te crowd ihe Valkyrle ai-ro** ihe atertlng line b'foro the gun a_B Bred; and Blao whether the Valkyrle bad a rlght to t'irn where *he wr.a. She ha.i t.. ko somewhere And ahe ould not ji.^s tu leeward becauae tbe Defender was on io her nn tha leeward alde, Nelther dld the wlah to be crowded ?var tl.e Une before the gun. There waa nothlng f..r her fo do hut te round up head to win 1 And ar> ahe dld BO, her long boom did not m it? awlng oult ? clear the weather rleclng of thi Deferder, and a topmaai abroud was i rl"d away. Now, that touch waa th- polnt protest* |, rt waa not the sudden bearlng away of the Valkyrle thui the tini of the pnteat depended on. That would hive broughl up a dirr-rrnt eaae lt waa the aii?ht colllalon arnen both bonts were well off the wlnd. A DimCVLT QUBSTION TO DBCIDB. The whole poaltlon ls a dlAcult, one to dedde. There are no raclng ru'.ea whlch govern lt. There ara bo dedaloni to be quoted whlch t mch the same caae, If one boal had been on the wlnd, and the other free, tha-n rula-s would COHM ln. Hut here i,,-ith t.ta areri at the time w.dl off ihe wlnd Thus ll wlll be aeen thnt the Valhyrli may have i: , | rlgbl tO BUPPOBB that ahe o.iniit t.a ne ,,, ., ,| room to lurn, whlch waa no: glven to her This li ihe exartly correct atalemani of the poel* tlon and aa then were no rulea to govern In the preclse clrcumatancea, whi< n ure rery pecullar and unlooked-for, u has aeeme I to be a caae ln whlch n commlttee could ?lmplv report that they dl.l not propose to mnke lawa wbere there were none ln exlatence thal touched ihe queatlon; and ln thla view aimplv auggea: thnt the race shculd be salled over Thi? ia what ia done in eourts of i.w when in aome odd clrcumatancea there la n.. law properly ? . .. ,i ?ith th- subiect. The Judgea alinply dla mlea the caae, though ihey atlll eontrol tbe quea? tlon of roata TMK RACE iHOULD BB RUN AOAIN. In thla view, II may wlth Mi...t luipartlallty and with deference be said ihat a ?tatemenl regarding the abaence of ktw and ef tba conaequent InaWllty leclde, coupled wlth an order lhal the race to would h ive met, an i al.le ihoul i !"? run over agaln ? mi in et. with approbatlon on every siae No matter how ihe accldeni waa cauaed. tn; Ot fender ceriainly BuBtalned a damage wni.-h afT."'ie.i u?r a _nti ,: m tne raci. and ilthough Lord Dunraven ,., m ... unwllllng to accept anj favora fr..m u. iselln in the aiff.-r to run Ihe race agaln, and haa reaulred the commitiee shall declde ona . other, itlll it ia more ihan probabU lhal i,,. \ ,,ii qulte agree lo race over agaln if so or dered ln an offl-ial way. Th -. ems to be me beat wav out a.f the dlfflculty^ rtn,i if ihe commlttee ahould polnt out the f.i.-t \dttfoF\BH WHO SUFFER ?/ \f 9** ?**-? montn CAn nn<'rr' hli fief and emancipalion from \ " ' their trouble*. Congeetloo and intlatnmalion of the in ternal oigaaa are geoerally Indoced hy expoaure to wet or cold, excitement of the emotlona, or a morbid con ditiOfl 01 the blood. For the radical care of thtse d.. rangementa Doetor Pierde'a Pavorite Pieacrlpthm la a tttd and certain remedy, pennanently correcting all ahnortnal c.n.litions, M that the*. trying ordeals are paaaed with ea*e and comfort Lncerettona and dia -_dacemenU of the uterua are cared hy the Pavorite Preacription." and the care ia tatttnw. Hv-tetia, Spaama, NeTvouBneaa, Indiareation, or Dvapcpsia, often depend npoa IrregBUritfca pf func ti.,,1 ni d dlapUcementa of rtic womanly omna IHc "pavorite PreeCTiption" curea by rcgulating ..nd , orrecting theae functions and organic changca. V?r ..11 IrregulariUea, BuppreaaioiiB and obattuc ticm, nr. Pierce'a Pavorite Pre-cripdon ia a tffrtjle, aml b ,? a record of 999F a quarter tj d (tnlRrj tf llllf. M, M vi v ima Wuaow, of ,. .(, .,,,- Xfantn Ct. W ?i, I writea Pot twelve lon* yeara ' i suffrred greatly with emretae ?rrv,, BtO-Sajh __ ??*> KedUeaai I had doelored wlth fo_r phyafcia-a arlth Brta ot aa ,ooi aad "ii- "? them waa aa Sod apliy'tvian*- .ould te had ; t,rf f,r gavr me ur. lo M Noae of m> tl*** V"",''"1" i ..,,1.1 get Wttt. WB ha. tried almoat erervthiag, aad nt laat I uS-ghl i v4'.,i'..l.i:vl.r Hemi | .vnrilr l-rracrlptii.n I Md ko, i.r.n..?i mmt ottfmRRm for Blmua-t two rearB AiVr tak iu_ arvrral lotlle* of UM I* vorit- I'tra.tiption and fellow Mri wilsoh. jn-tlir dirrrtioii" atrlctlv. I now Inlov hrltrr heallh than rvrr teforr in mv life I onlv wci.hed. over onr liundrcd pouuda aud now I wtlgh I it; i, . .i. 1*. ORIENTAL RU<_$. The Largest and Choicest Collect-on EVER SEEN IN AMERICA of Modern and Antique. VAN GAASBEEK & ARKELL, Broadway, 22nd St, and 5th Ave, . .- .,??-, the rlt.wtlon and thnt there ls no law to BOVern the fi _ raqulrfl the raee to ba ^^?^pf^j-arnenl and would appreciate the B****** ?rh, Hls reputa 5o?hyT:portoS:yo ^r <-rl .a... or .2 tb. worldTgrc.itfy errs ln its op'.nlon. AMOTHBB CUP MAY Bl OKFftKKD. B HOYBMBM H THAT DtBBCTBW aTABTBD H TBB ATLANTK' fACBt CleVB _. /.|,.i.-< R-autta ('oinm t'ee The Atlantlc ?^^*e2E2J f?r hy tbfl talks of offerlng a cup to Bfl ?**" ,,efe?d.-r and Vaikyrle I.I on ^J**"'J\\\a\\Z t . . -1 may BBea lo .."i"" ? '''""!," ,'nat t'h y - .aUsfa.-tory ta the Defe..r provlded that ?hey a ? ^ ,,.,. SfSSS " "rn ^mlbgnatlon ?nd d,s*a?*f?e !.;, , -s.'* on board the Cub's steamboat, ?n?. _ iropofli.lon wa. made among tb* memberato ra s e . -- if ouo t.? ?1".<m. f"r ft fl|?-'d*l ra? ? ,,,,,'?;,?.? ,?.?-..'>? "?.".h" r,""'?""'"n ?(.?!.?T-Xuj___tf^_!-__--iX rnlttofl would not aa ;',,'''.,,,,, ,>?.r. wa.* a C|ub to the oBartnfofia^urae. hut wer w-^ aentlment ln favor ..fortennr a i (h(. ???, ,w0 l...a lhan B.t*rt. '?"??* ?? "" ,;?,,,., . anywhere ? ffiTrieia wetereTfrSS Hnndy Hook ... fcarble tt^Mu*^ by the Atlantlc Yacht I lub. D/.SM PPOINTED SIGH TSEE RS. KXPEI-IENCE OF PABUNGBRI ON THJ- EX CURBION FLEET. THE VOTAOBOf THE BICBABD PECK-EARLY EX ilTI.MENT - EM-BPOKDBMCl ALLEVIATED BY Lt'NCHKON-A BACB BBTWBBM ?TSAMKBB. A mor.* dlsgust.-d !ot of people were never gath trcd together than thoie who pal i tbelr good money tn see a aharplv conteste l yacht race yeaterday, and then had to content tbemaelvefl wlth a arretcbfld nasco-a mere exhlbltlon run over tho course. Pub llc interest in yachtlng went from ihe bubblln-t helfbt of fever beat down to aboolutfl z-t.j ln Just flve mlnutes. theae belng the flve minute* whlch the Valkyrie occupled ln cru'slng around the '.ight .ahlp from the atartlng llne to her tug. GETTINQ OOOb SEAT3 ON THE BOATB In the mornlng the town na* yachtlng crazy. People got up flt all sorts of uneerttty hours, bolted b-eakfaets and rushed off to aeeure their favorite places on the Rlchard PecB or some other of th* numerous fleet of excur*lon boats. Having. aecured the covetel eolgn* ef vantage, they sat patlently there during the intervenlng hour and a half before the startlng time of the sfamer, a:id sm.lcd pltylngly on the unfoi.unates who arrlved only an hour before the adverttsed departure, a;id, conflequantty, hnd ta content (hemselves wlth back seats. Once cstibllshed by the forward rall, or perched upon the dlr._y height of the ta'lest deck house, theae yachtlng enthuslasts c.lm'.y brol'ed ln the hnt September sun untll the awful coavtc tlon was bome ln upon them that I.ord Dunraven had thrown up the race. Then they lost all Interest in choice positlons, gave up preeious campstools that money c.ill BOl h.ive bought before, and went below to drown their sorrow in the cup that llzzes and sometlmes lnebrlates. THK OATHBB1MO AT THE START. As the Rlchard Pe. k sped down the harbor th?r* m? <; ,1 singing breeze from weat-aou'-waai tbal oauaed hci many fl*Ks to *nap and their taut hall tarls to hum an aeollan symphony of the *.a, whOM under:ylng theme was the r...*h of fcam-waahed prows and the stralulng of swollen canvi.s. Tbera waa th? pr .mise of rare sp'-rt Ir. It, and tba y.-. ht* ing "flhari i" arera aaaer to see the iloopa wrestling with the eeer-freabanlnB wlnd. The NarroWB ?erc itodded with the flmokefluclu of the cuatomary piaaaura fleet journeying down ." the llfbtablp Bfl tbfl Paeb .am.* along. All af the cx'urslon boats, with whlch the seagolng publlc have grown so famlllar ln tbfl lt*t fllX .lay-, were on their way wlth loada but little smiller th.u. aa prevtou. days. Tba Iwaaa Channel wa* crowded, und over e/h. ra tba Norton'a Polnl LLfhtboufle atuck up out of Ibe aaad llka . reebel walltng to be flrnt n fleet nf llght-draught boit* were .-uttlllg ofT " ners bv ii-alli.g fltralghl for the fleldl ot ?ctlon. Al ivea wer- -tralned Into the h ize to CBtch the flrflt Bllrnp-e of the racera, ar I ware made on h,. ef- i tlme uf the expected race by thfl "aport g getlene,- Who mOfll dO ?-'..gregate ln tba .m.'klng-ro.i.. wi.en ih.* Rlchard Picb flnt?rfld fjTdney'a Channal tha wlnd bad failen ..ff percaptl hiv 2nd the yachtlng crankfl eaeeealng *or fowfu?ln -onBi^Bce! And tha whl.tllng buoy was mr_StIifn Kardj was detarmlned nol to baea Ma b5*ftMmer*n-irfer. wlth "f?i^fti8PDd ,#_5g dumfounded ?BBKINO rOR IXFORMATIOK. When || became evident tbal -he KngUshman had pulled OUI of Ihe ra e. Ib8 l'"^'* broad decks fainv .uaaed wlth ?i-ltameni Pari, af tbe UtB ,?? Ittat .h.- Defender. but Captaln Mardl ****** _p ,he Valkvrle. to flnd out. lf poaalble. what waa the mitter The oluater of turjfl about her grad ^'pa.aen^rro'n'1.;1; I-eck. bu, nobody knew what ''?rthrnk^he'Varl has heart-fallure. or poaslbly ^?n r-..iiire '? ehouted a facetlou* man wiih a apeak fnTtrt-mpat from the de;k of one tug Bul that wan the extent of the Information ohtained. The whole exeurslon fleet then fltaamad after the Defender. though a number of the eteam yachta went home A CHAROI ON THB LL'NCHBOB TARI.E-. Wh.n the Amerlcan champlon was overtaken the steamers ranged themselves to leeward, and the passengers descended on the luncheon tablea ln the lower reglons with a rush that drove waltera and eashlers to the verge of dtsiraetlon. As the mllea were reeled off the empty champagne bottles ac cumiilated and d'.scardsd luncheon boxes dotted the sea There was wild tootlng of whlstles when the De? fender rounded the mark, but the s.i.l back wa* most tlresome. There nas nothlng to do bui get ?unburnad. The Deal Bcattarad arldaly as t.i.- De* fenler ta.ked thi* way and that. It gathered agaln at the ilnlsh Ilna ani gave her a royal re ceptlon by whistling and cannonadlng, bul tbera w,m n<> Joy ln the sound to many of its liearers. On the way home, hov ever. the ?flxz" begun 10 get the betier of some of the voyagera' rlflapondancy, and ihere arera many I'.vely a**embiages betweaa decks. TWO BTBAMBBJ KAVB A POWTlBt Tha Clty of LeareU. whlch had hung ti) the R'.ch urd Pe.-k all day, started after her as aoon as the ra ,- over. Tba Paeb lel herself out for all ?he wa.a worth. und th<* two rival tw-;n-?cr?-w boata had lt oul all the way home. The Lowell (BUad to catch the Kew-Havea beal tbouth the uiter waa twlce aa , rtd.'i The vanauard of the flee; reached ihe'.r p.ers ai ?M o'clock. Kvervbody ... the PecB expreasel the oplnlon that tlie Kngl.shman k:.e? he waa btaten. and qult out of pure aulkineas The plot. IWoe, aad tnot he heard Mr Kersey suy Wednaaday that the K:ig Itah yacntamen were ni re eaat down hy Tueaday a Bflif.i-uaiice iii.i.1 by -atuiday's defeaL ll con ICurtain Day changofi fo Frlday of MCh and every wcok hOfMiter). YYEEKLY CLEARINC OUT J EXERCISE OF V/XLLABLEj f CURTAINS $ { and Curtain Materials t J THIS DAY EVERY WEEK. J J To-day's cxploits as follows: ? J S BtBJtBBBAL OBIBBTAl. LACB CVP A 5 TAlNH. Klt.t. V'.II.M | I \ _ LOXO. BBDt CBU H ? PAIB _ * TO...... iMtf ** g-.OO IIUBLIN <'' BTA1KB KAN M-CB 9 debp ruTBD mon i # Wir.TH. Ut fDB I/'N'i T-vIiAY. J p;-:u PAIB . X.'iT,\ HUBH rOIBt '?*'K Ct'BTAlNB, -!, ' i LONO, TER PAIB *-_3-r IWtfl TAMBOOT LACB CT'RTAINB PBB PAIR. I ?? *-75 KOTTINOHAM LACB CU-tTA?_ ?'?' ? INTO A LOT OT BFBCIAL ITU'KS POB TO LAT OKIeT, iwm MLTMAB* to in<~HES wide. BBOC-AB PBICB isr t*>DAT. -_e BILKOUXES. 8? INCBn WIDB, RBOU* LAK PMCB iv. nWB QCALTTT, wipe. PBB TARD . Te OOO LOT KLK CTBTAIBB, BALT f:'.' ?' HEAVT PORTIBBB CTB* T\INS. T-CKETED YOU tYiOO. TO I,AY .9*A? .SEE TB-BBfl IT BO <>THFRS. B CBBNOXB .triTMNs CCT Pt DOWB a:cd ACBOa IN PBICBB-rOB TO-DAT, AND ON_f pili TO-DAT. TAPBSTRT CUBTAIBB, TABLE OOVBBB DOWN i-iu/1'.vs. &<?'.. BBLOW 008T, MaNT OB t:h:m. Baumann Bros. 22, 24, 26 EA5T 14TH 5T.. Near L'nion Square, ^RK. ^ *f>%r?W 8? 4 NEW VORK - -8Ar*aV%ravV%%^%^%^_?f___^ vlnced them that the Defender .wa. mueh tbfl -?"-? dr boat, and "was a wonder. AN INJURT TO INTEKNATIOXAL T_U3_TJ_*_. BXrBBBOOMI Of BBOBBT rBOM AMBBK-ABI aND BNOLmniBM TBB TBIT or TBB 8T. J'JHNB. The St Johns, with the New-York Yacht Cub aboard, left Per No. 8, atKector-.L.atlium.. wlta 612 passengers. The party was about the aame ai oa the prevlous races, and people .eerr.ed to know one another. There was plfnty of tlme during t-fl bet sall down the Bay to watch the pasetng yacht. and eommtnt on the races that were and on thfl one that was to he. The men Improved the tim* by taklng lessons in nautlcal matter.-. on the \owtt deefc, where the foundatlon for a royal celebratloa waa lal 1. Kvervh.'dy was a good sallor. 81-8881 was ncith.r arlnd nor nwea, ar.d te trlp ,*t growlng dull when the BL John. arrlvM at llBttsblp. the start of the r_c? es aitbdrawal of the Engllah yacht floon awoM tha interest cf all, despite the bllsterlng hs-l. whieh made lt impo..ib> to remain on tr.* -? rtred deeka for any length of tlme. Among .beea oa beard wer.. Co sel and Mra o* Loacey A. Kane. Robert Keld. Pn ... 8 OI08B1 Krederlck Gebhard. Hart I.ytnan, J. \ ? Oa** B. H. Appleton, I. I'- Morse, ^v. a. Ce-U, it. .nd Mrs J. C. Barron, T. F. ?'iark. Alfred Q CaUB* Bdward Blma-ona, Henry Klmber. Dwlght Braman, B N Taller, Jerterson M. Leey, Joha Poadir, *?** Du vivier. Ouy IMchar-B, Ceeaawdon aad Mra.JB n. Brown, Captala Joaapb Barrl, Dr. J?**?*? ,haw, Miss Enrtly Broflra. Mra.J. M ft hi-y. M??* JgB-btey. w k. whi.n.y. w H Butltr. t. D. shaw. millamOardner, C K Peter. arjl U \v .; rVelllng, 0 org. ? ?wel JebaT. Van WrcB. Blebard Petera. B H. app et.... Pa roS, RiebardT Halaea. Mi aad Mra. A B JTartog. !,,,.?,. ... wileon. r. ?*. n.. Qeerg. R PacJ M Chlcago; Wllllani C CB8ey. Mra. N L MofrlBoa. Miaa Balla Oarrlaan Arnoti. Ani ? Btetua. to - Pratt DaeM Uabmaa, ' '?^"',0^ I'pahur. f. .-? n ? -? " ">"r- >??? ,nr '"V \.!Z \v.*.on. Oeorge W iweet, Colooe '?'? ' T.jnm \w,k, Rlchard Peteta*, mi*. Ole-aala PaMf Marte. Mmeoa Henry. B. H iienin.K.. MtaaVm irv Kre MIS8 Allea Mandellck, Mr HaB^UCb, ,, M F..s.r, f. W Kerv.n. BTIIU8 Terry. ,uni'lph Henry, CBBrBa Tohiu*. H M JUlaj* Cberrdoa Kuiton. J C. Kayaa. Jame. w Oiadirt* ., M MOt-ar, the Hev. PatBtff Mah.u, JObB ltapB? Mr an! Mr.. Hatch. Mr. and Mr. OeeCffl UMJJ Mr and Mr.. 0. A Fre^aian r,,w! aM W% (;?llard. Jamea It.dirway. Herry KA*B, C- <?* .Mlln. K'ter. HeU-.v k. 1.. W. Jone* J HH-.en OeBaral Ar.ion 0. MeOaoB. aad Major CMlM US?'B- John. dld her tow.rd ****** din and a mcket wne.i the Defender ereaaadItBJ ime.'.n, everybo.v .bouted and aptUjal-d W*B UM vlctorlou. boat pas.ei _o ne.r hat ?. IM -~ '-in. b^^Bo'Th^-si BaV*rtiTa rs.??s ff t^trsa s ? ao. r^*c^r Thera araa |ey on ^'t|_,_^onbo' ch^'4n. foiiowei but there w?*? n\?-rm:'"^Bt2?m^rt %|Mt th* the flrst v'.ctory. hver>body ?e*?m.a i ? actlon Of Lard Dunraven. ?"? ?1 *?"*>' "? l^4t. better plaaaad 1 he h?\noJ.;''hl1;a*Tn ??Thu i? ? Colonel De. Lanaay .>-?" ???? ,lM:bie *x great dliappointment I can t see^in?l ^ , g rhe .UM Punraven cin for with Jrawrna^ ^ bo.t. d'.d certalnly no; Interfere *?i n n courSe was aa clear aaW. ?hn',CaU'_aT ertect oa occurrence." he added. wlll h.'.e a lnternatlon.1 yachtlng _____ club ?**<1* A nromment member ^' h' ''?oJCIUwl>(n he ,;,^r%;r;.^:^;^^?h*v-1^ l8,ffJWJVfJlr,,,,," sallod, nnd hence *^J.lH-$S7ainVa on* of the ?_ Blr Jaiiie* Ro.** lald: "his ??? one> ?? h ,x..a..rdin.ry race. I ever ?*? Th?re mu.t^j aOBM oxce'.lent reason for Dunraven. after crosilng the llne. -_,-_ for \v?nd? Henry Klmber. Member ef:PV?^?J"iSj .rrlved worth. and a member of the CBrltan t. lua._ f from Europe ye.ter.lav morn ng ?nd b> raea ,, irtirn eltor. msr.Jged to g?-t jab-)ar.t ?i . .lohn. bef.-re her ftiartarfl "?-' 8jM tha *?- _ WTien IUby wa. alck. we gare her Catorl*. ^Tven -he wa. a. CMUt. _he critsl for Oaatorl*. When -he Wim? MUb, flhe cluug to C-atorta, Whea tho hnd C-OUrea, ahe gatretbem Oa-*or__