OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, September 19, 1895, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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fltrntig'? nnd Ommlsi???ner H ?.?evolt's policy and
manifest ? Ink? warmnees lit the treatment M this
excise question, the Herman-American Reform
Union, of c.?ui**e, may have t.. part company
with it
Ar to Tammhny limi, ? would like to say thai
fi far it has noi defined its attitude on the exois.?
question, and t!,ere is no'prospecl whatever, In my
opinion, that the-German-American Reform Union
?will have anything t?> do with Tammany Hall In
case It should act timidly ?>r in a <?? war.tly man?
ger in reference t? this subject. Th?> Qerman?
American Reform Union will nut pell oui or aban?
don its convictions on the subject of municipal
reform on account of the excise question, hut the
Republican party d,?es n??t afford any euarantee
for better government In th? city of New-York,
and the Ofrman-American Reform Union ?fill eer
ts'.hly not unite with the Republican party. In
view'of Its attltud?*? on fh<? excise question. I il??
not know of any intended eleetton of members of
the Reform rnlon.by Tammany Hail as del?gate?*
to tne State Convention St Syracuse, und I do.n-'t
believe that any member of the Reform I'nlon
would accept 8ii'*h an election."
It was tho tafk among locnl polltlcintrV yester?
day that there had been an understanding b?>
tweea certain Tammany leaders and members of
th?? r'.orman-Am.'rican Reform Union l>y which
the delegate! lO ba sent ?'*?' "?'' nnl?n to the
Democratic state ?Convention should be allowed
to have seats In th?? convention, and the opportu?
nity to make speeches on the excise qneaUon.
There were reports als.? to the effect that the
Oerman-Amerlcan Reform Union might be ai
lowed to name a candidate for one of the local
Judlclul offices and |WO ??r thr???? candidates for
Arsemblymen on condition of a combination with
Tammany In the fall campaign. Several Tam?
many p.>?!tic!H!is f-aid yesterday that it was not
at all certain that the organization would de?
clare In favor Of more liberal exdse laws or
against th?? strict enforcement of the present
laws. There wen? r.dipl us Influences? they said,
which might deter the 1-aders of the ?irganlza
tlon from giving expression to views which are
favored by them, and by the frreat majority of the
adherents of Tammany Hall.
????????a von y. ???? a ??kiiman amici?kan*.
FJaratoga, Sept, is (Special).? -Republicans of
prominen?** who attended the Republican state
Convention h?>re y?raterday have generally ?x
preeeed satisfaction with th? work of that b Ay,
both as regards the candidates nominated and the
j.:.itf<?rit) adopted.
Although the bulk of the convention eroWd
left town last night, there Were a good
many RepuhlU ?ins about the hotels this morn?
ing. Mr. Platt went away on the 1 a, m.
train, and Mi. I?epew left ??n S special a few min?
utes after adj ?uniment. Chairman LeXOW, War?
ner Miller, Krank Ulscock, E?dward Lantcrbach
and a s???re ??f well-known leader? and perhaps
taro hundred not so ?well known remained over.
The topi, of ? ?nversatiin am ?ng th-m was th??
Warner Miller pl?nk In favor of enforcMf^the
Sunday laws "Some ol the up-?? ?untry Republi?
cans nre enthusiastic over the matter, but there
are others from th?? cities of the Stnt?? who believe
with Mr. Platt th.it th?? safer plan would be to re?
mala fll'-nt on the ?x ise matter. Mr. Lauter
bach. who made the fight before the Committee
on Resolutions f-r a liberal excise l'lank, und did
n?>t raaooeed, believes that the Miller plank will
do much harm in New-York, Ruffa 1 ? ai) 1 other
cltlea His objection and that of others is not to
the wording of the plank, but to the use that It
may be put t?i by the Democrats. They do not
want to be placed on the defensive ,.nd accused
during the campaign Of favoring the old blu??
Sjicaklng of the ticket, ex-Senator Ulscock
It Is strong and our candidate? will be elected by a
handsome majority. The attitude of the party on
National Issues Will meet the cordial approval of
even R? publican, and of citizens of ali ?orti o?
political proclivities, who sinceri desire a return
of American prosperity. There l? a well-defined ex?
pression abroad that permanent Improvement in
business cannot be l??okel for m 1 ?? I as any branch
of the Government Is in the hand!? of the enemies
of American industry and progress. We have ??? ?
on the up-gra '.? ???,?, the Democratic Congre??
elected ln lHiV expired, ani tue pe,,pie at large real
ir.? 1 that It could Viali no moie Injury upon them.
Th? ?arty has taken th?? right ?tend upon every
'?uestlon that crime before the ?-?invention. an?1 Re?
publican* are returning to their homes in good
lighting trim and In good beali for the campaign.
Chairman Lei iW was asked for his opinion this
morning 0? UM work of UlS 0 invention as a whole
and on th.? Miller plank In particular. He said:
A? for the resolution Introduced by Mr. Miller, 1
think that Republicana should always h.- on the
side of law and order. We ?an afford to stani on
that plank. The law.- ?hould be enforced. If. as
i? held by ? ime, there ought to be mure liberality
ln cities as t ? .Sun lay observance cud liquor telling,
the law? should be changed.
Ueutenant-Qovernor Bast?n said:
I am very glad the convention adopted Mr. Mil?
ler's l?lank. The Republican Party cannot afford
to ?h!rk the responsibility of facing th?? ax?eise
1st IS or any .ther Issue, (?ur action will lie In?
dorse! by the people, and we shall win again ln
Warner Milk r said:
1 do not tee how any one can assert that me Re?
publican party la a prohibition pany from th?
resolution which I Introduced. I believe that th
vaat major!!'? of the people of thl? State stand by
l.iv. ,ind order Our friends all over the Btat? .x
; ted a declaration from us on this subject, and I
do not believe that we could affor?! to be silent
Frederick w. Holla, a weU-hnowu Qerman?
Republican, was asked what would be the effect
of the plank upon the German and liberal Amer?
ican voters. He said:
The resolution 1? so meaningless that it 1? diffi?
cult to consider it as a serious pi?????-? of work ? ? thi
part of serious men. It cannot mean that the Re?
publican party favors th?? maintenance of th? pf? -?
snl Hundas law, for that w.i? passed by a Tam?
many Legislature i.,r blackmailing purposes. Rut
it may mean that our convention has Indorwd the
Sunday law in the abstract in the interests of labor
snd morality. I greatly fear that the plain people
of th?? Stat?? will not reliuh thi? ambiguity. Sensi ?r
Miller's speech I regret lo ?ay, will, if t: ahould
be considered seriously, drive from our rank? thou?
sands ??f '.;t"-ral Americana, l? ?th native an.l foreign
born. It contain? ?1 about as many falla!?.? as
sentences, and was a g.iol example of that ?pirtt
of narrow-minded liberality with which the Demo
crat? have so often and BO unjustly charge i the
Reimblkan party He Is only one man. however,
and I shall do my shar?- to convince the voter? ot
this State thai the Republican party |? now, as
ever, th?? par y of true personal liberty under th?
law and ?if progress and enlightenment.
Ellis H. ?Roberts, assistant treasurer ln this cltv
during President Harrison'? Administration, nn J
now seasldanl of the Franklin National Hank, la
enthusiastic about th?? nominations Which ?were
made at Saratoga on Tuesday. He says the records
of th? ?and1,.lat.s who were nominated ought to be
sufficient Indorsement to insure their re-election this
fall, if the people of this State appreciate Iret
elses government, and he believes thev <)?>; ?,?,???
the new candidate for Judge of the Court ol Au
??eal? Is as fit for office as any man can be Mr
toberts says that during Its tenure ln office the
Republican party has shown every ?juallflcatlon for
the great trust imposed upon it, ar. I under these
conditions he does not ?ee why the people of the
8'ate should not vote for a ticket that so much
deserves success,
The (Jleason Dam?-racy met In I?ong Islanl t'lty
las', night to elect a contesting delegation from
Queeae Couaty to the State end Judiciary conven?
tions, to represent the 1st Ai-s'tntily District. The
following delegai? s were eboeen: T.. the Itati
veniion. Patrick J. (?leason and J W. Moore. Long
Island City, and John H. Ucea-, Neartown; to th??
Juillciary Convention. Thomas Koeller.
MR. RBDOn for TH__ stati: TICKET.
Job Ba, Hedge*, the Mayor'* secretary, BttOWed
laet night that he had not ceaseil to be a good Re?
publican, although he had b?en turned down at the
State ("onyentlon. At a meeting of the Rlaine
Club he offered a resolution to Indorse the State
ticket, and th? resolution was carried unanimously.
The Executive f'ommltt???? of the State Democracy
held a meeting last evening In the headquarter*
of th* organization In F'ast Twenty-thlrl-st to ar?
range for the ?ending of a delega Hosy to the Demo?
crat.c State Convention at Syracuse. J,?hn He
Witt Warner presided, and I'niler Sheriff 11 H.
Sherman was tsetototf. Among other prom.p : t
members of the organizan??! presea! were Maurice
J. Rower. John J Qulnlan, Dr. J. H. H<-uner. John
?*??|_? family medicine ?hast skoal 1
I ll*W ?ontttln Hood's Pills. They
basi for family use, so gentle in
action, eoey In effect and
perfect in risult that
they ?re th- [deal home cathartic. Sold
by all druggists.
'il conta
Urtai ..re Am id??.?
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Used by peo*>lo of n*finenn*nt
ior over ? quarter of a century.
j. Brady, lohn Jerolomaa, Thomas Coetlgsn,
Thomas F. Keating. Alfretl BlshOS Mason. Thoiii.i*
.1. Nealis snd Isaac H. Klein, it was decided to
have s spectel train to carry the IOS delegates, lu.
ni:?ni?tes ant SO sl-erer* to th?? Convention. Th??
train will leave the Orami Central Station at ??.".?
S m on Monday.
The talk at the meeting lust evening was to the
effect that if the State Democracy was recognized
et th?? Itate Convention ? would unite with Tam
nianv Hall to present s lolld Denwerstle front in
the fall campaign. _
thky elect DELSttATn AND inciukntai.i.y
BUscnoNa a slap.
The Democratic party in Kings County, or the
Shepard DemocrScjr, as it is better known in Brook?
lyn, last night elected delegates to the Democratic
State Convention to ba held In Sy-.i'iise on Sep?
tember ? There was hardly a semblance of strife
in any of the twenty-one districts. Edward M
Shepard beads' the delegetloa from the III ; Dis?
trict, George Fost?r PeabOdy that from the 1st, and
Thomas Q, shearman and Senator Daniel,Bradley
that from the lid.
In the Xlth District a slap was given to Com?
missioner of Elections Edwarde by the adoption of
h resolution declaring that no ofllce-holder, whether
National, stai?? or municipal, should be eligible t??
membership In the Democratic State Committee
Mr. Edwards was working to secare on?? of the
paces on the State Committee, which the Shepard
Democracy is entitled to under the agreement with
the regulen.
Good Government Clubs of the XXVth, NXVIlth
ar. 1 XXIXth Assembly districts held illstrlct con?
ventions last evening ln the rooms of Club A, at
No. TH I.exlngton-ave., and tre conventions were
respectively presided over t>y Prebls Tu.-ker. Arthur
von llrlesc-n and Talbot oliphant. A nominatine
committee <>f seven and a campaign committee of
nine were appointed at each Convention. Then the
Goo 1 OOVernment men held a Senate Districi Con?
vention for the XYth Senate District in the sum?
rooms. Arthur von Hrlescn preside?!, and the con?
vention dedded t.i unite the csmpslga uni nomi?
nating committees of the Assembly districts to
form couimltteee for th- Senate district. Tha
nemes ot Ellhu Root, Gustav H. Schwab, J. H.
Van Anirlng?. Sar?;in H. Wales snd Wheeler 11
Peckham were sdded to the list of the Nominating
Committee for ;h?? Senat? district, ol which Mr
von Brleaen is chairman, and the names of Henry
Holt. William B. Hornblower, Everett P. Whi
Qustav H. Schwab and Professor Ven Amiinge
were added to the list of the Campaign Committee,
of which De Paresi Giant is th?? chairman.
The nominating committees of all districts were
vest???! with authority 10 confer with political
organizations as to the choice if candidates for
Assemblymen and Senator, but It was declared that
there would he no affiliation with the Piati forces
or with Tammany Hall.
A secession from Tammany Hall occurred or.
Tuesday night at the convention of th?? YIlI:h As?
sembly District, held at th?? Logan Club rooms, at
Orand and Ludlow et?. Morris H. Oottlieb, s num?
ber of the Tammany Hall General Committee, chair?
man of th? Logan Cluh member of several of Ita
commltte<*s and one of the m??st popular men ln the
district. announced that he was tired "f the domi?
neering way? ot Martin Engel, the Tammany leader.
II? resigned from every ?dllce he held and l?ii the
convention, taking with him fifty of his followers.
overtures were made to him on Tuesday iii-jht, and
several times yesterday to Induce him to return, but
It Is reported that he will unite his forces with u. .???
of Jnax W us trow, leader of the Slate 1 ?-nmcracy In
the VHIth IHitrlc;. Much interest Is felt through?
out the district at the probab?e outcome. Mr ?; It?
ll'h was st-n it his law office, at No. ft Eaeex-st,
yesterday afternoon. H?* said:
"Although I was chairman of the meeting when
Engel w.,? .-i?;?? l >ader of the Tammany Hall >r?
ganlsatlon of '.he district, 1 tin ? and there openlv
criticised the metta la ???"?'! to .s.-cur?? bla election by
packing th.? polline piece with dlareputabli charac?
ters to th?? exclusion of the respectable element in
the district."
Tammany conventions were held In a number of
Assembly districts last night to Select delegates to
th?? state Convention at Syracuse. As a rule the
conventions were harmonious snd simply rei
? .:i of the district boaeea. Among the delegale!
... -, ? were the following:
Henry M. Ooldfogle end Samuel J. Foley,?from the
Xllth District; William Rulser, from Ihe XlVth,
Deloi UoCurdy and Augustus T. Docharty, from
the- XXVth: Amos .1. Cummlnga an 1 Wauhope Lynn,
from the 111.1; .lohn C. Sheehsn, from the IXth. .1
Sergeant Cram, fr..m the XVth, and Thomas C
O'Sulllvan. from the XVIlth.
Jamestown, ? v.. Sept 18. At th?? lid Chsuteu*
?ju,i District Democratic Convention at Mayvllle to?
day. V, 0. Ladu, of Portland, was nominated for
member of Assembly. C, H. CorbetI ani c. a
Crosby were elected delegates to the Siate Conven
tlon and A. A Vsnkuson and l'r? Uri k A, Larktna
delegates to th? Judicial Convention.
Ex-Mayor Hugh J. Grant end ex-Corpor
Counsel William H. Clark wer?? chosen ????? the
XIXtli District.
The citizens of Richmond Ulli. Long Island, are
disgust? 1 with the blanket ballot. Th? y gave il s
trial on Tue* lay, and the resui* is that ..n.-sixth
of the vote cost is likely to be thrown nut by the
blanket Scheme The two parties who tlgured In the
election are known as the Citisene' Proti
League nnd the Citizen?' Xon-Partlsan League.
The iatter faction has carried every ?lection for
aererai years, but its candidate for trillasi presi
d?-nt. Ain. k h. Man, nsiTOWly escaped defeal r.
Tuesday by the new voting s-hirrn?. Tho Citisene'
Protective League had a mechanic's arm and the
citizen?' Non-Pari san League a star for sn emblem.
There was a stub attached t.. t.?.? h.? .ot with in?
struction?, which r?,ul as follows: "To vota a
straight ticket, make a croas within thi- .'Irr!? sbove
one of the party columns." Th.- voter.* In Rich?
mond Hill looked in vain for the Circle, and not find?
ing it i.<-carii?? confused and made the cris* mark
anywhere and everywheri Every vote so cast will
havp to be thrown out, and the defeated candidate*.
will prof.ai.ly contee! ihe election on those groundi
Saratoga. Sept 1*! (Special). Th?? Fourth Ju II Is]
District Democratic Convention held this morning
at the Adelphi Hotel, was sn exceedingly teme
affair. The eleven counties of the district, Includ?
ing Warren, Saratoga, Washington, Essex, Frank?
lin, Bt Lew ronce, Clinton, Montgomery, Hamilton,
Fu'.ton and Schenectedy, were repreaented bj nina
delegates, four .,f whom live In Saratoga. Fully
awar?? thai they could ti.it elect one of theli party
In this district, th?? Democrats unanimously in?
dorsed the nominati m of the Republican nominee,
judge ehester B. McLaughlin, of Port Henry, Essex
?'ouniy. for Justice of the Supreme Court.
Syracuse, N. Y, Sept 11 Philip S Ryder was to?
day nominated by the Democrats for Senator from
the XXXVIth Ustri.d.
Mr. Snippy?Tour litt',?? boy strongly reminds me
of von,
III Seedlman-Inde???!! but?cr?hs'a only my step.
Mr Salppy?Ohl I don't mean the face but ?he
overcoat, you know Ifg the seme patltrr, a? the
ulater vou etili owe for.?(Ally filoper.
ES Senator Platt and most of the delegates living
Id Kew-Tork who attend?*?i the Bepub'tcen Btat?*
Conventlos at Saratoga oa Tuesday, got back to the
city yeeterday. Os the amy down from the con?
vention town one of th?? main questiona discussed
b) the politicians was whether or not a straight
Republican liehet ought to he nominated here.
Flushed Wlih their success In excluding from the
Convention most Of the del?gales from this city
wh ? wire known as Reform Republicans and who
favored a ontlnuatlon of ihe work of munlcljial
regeneration begun las: January, the Machine men.
with few ex.?? plions, expressed their convictions
that a straight ticket and no alila.*s with outside
organisations was what the people of Kew>Ttrli
most ardently desired. This expression In greater
or less degrcee Of emphasis seemed to be the settled
opinion <>r Edward Lentefhach, chairman of the
Rep?blicas County Committee, who went to Sara?
toga professing to represent constituencies In three
different Assembly districts; Abraham C.ruber, of
th.? XXIsl District; lohn Relsensreber, of the
XVIItfa District! .lames M l'oremus, of the
XXXIIId Dietrlct; Es-Senator F. 8? Olhhe, and ex
Juetlce C. W. Mead??, of the lXth District; ex-Col
Icctor Ferdlnend Kidman, of the Xth Dletrlet:
Oeorge *V. Want-saner, of the xvth District; jame?
\Y. Anteil, of the XXVth District; ex-Postmaster
Cornelina Van Cott, nnd ss-Asaemhljnnea L L
van Allen, of ths vtn District; "Uncle c???rg.."
Deeoe, of ?he vnth Dletrlet: ex-Polloe Commis
Bloner Murray, of the VHIth District, and some
Ex-Justice Charlea ?. Tslntsr, of the xixth Dis?
trict, did not lake an extreme view of the case.
??[am In favor of nominating ? combination
tick.?." be raid. "If It can be constructed SO a?? to
Cive ihe Republican party, which must furnish the
hulk of the votes at the pol'.s. fair representation
apon It I ?ant to see a ticket put Sp composed of
the very beet men who can Im* found to run. and I
WOUld offer the organizations which Joined wllri un
list year proper recognition, nnd let oa organise a
campaign against Tammany Halt Is the ?mere?.?.*
of municipal reform this ought to be the course
adopt? I But I am not In favor of turning over
10 other organisations the right to name the Repub
lieana who are to go upon the ticket, as was sens
last yen:'. Rt publicans are capable of ?electing
?heir own candidates for a union ticket, and they
Will be Of fnlly a* high character us a liood QOT*
ernmi -it committee cea Snd for us.
If the other reform bodies will noi agree ti a fair
-woposlUon iik?? th.*. tnd refuse to Join artth us, ex
? ept on their own terms, then II wl'l be necessary
for us t.iminate a straight th-k.-t of our o? n.
But ? ?..nid glee our late allies the ebenes of
uniting with us l.efor?. puttlag up a separat? ticket."
Mr. Wanmakir. of the XVth District, coincided In
the main with ex-Judgs Talntor'a views, and
thought thai a fair proposition of union should li?
ma le by the Republicana before deciding to run a
straight ticket.
Edward Laotefbech did not conceal his purpose
to urne the adoption of a local option plank In the
u mis to be adopted by the Bepubllcan County
Convention. Most of the machine Isadora declared
their sympsth) with Mr. Lauterbach's scheme, and
bt , ved th.it it would be ndopted with little opposi?
Colonel Joseph Pool, of the xxixth District, on
the wey from BarstOgS yesterday, took Issue with
ih?? proposition of Mr. Lauterbach on the excise
question, and emphatically dissented from the
"straight ticket" plan.
"If the machine persist? In putting up a straight
ticket with a saloon attachment," he said. "I want
? . - ,? Union Antl-Tanimany tlck.-t placed Ir. the
field, on which all m?'!i who favor honest munic?
ipal government and the observance of the Sunday
laws could unit?? and fight for. Such a ti. ket
ought to win ih?? support of all respectable Repub
snd Ihl decent men In other parties nn . l?.?
elected At any rat??, I am willing to make a wager
that It would get ln.iiw more ?retas than any ma?
chine-made straight ticket that the Liuterbai?
faction mar nominate." Colonel G >ol warmly ap?
proved Warner Miller's plank In the platform. In
his ..pinion it m?t tlie approbation of ? larg?? ma?
jority of ih?? people ?f New-York, who were tired
of the domination of the liquor Interest.
The situation In the XlVth Congress District, in
which Abraham Uruber reported that he had been
chosen ? Sr.ite Commltteemsn, grows interesting
JullUI M Meyer, when the districts were called In
the Sia!? Convention on Tuesday evening, denied
that Oruber had tuen elected at all. and said th.it
be waa authorized by four delegate? or IiIh Assem?
bli districi to. say that th.tr names had been
signed upon Oruber s paper ihrough misrepresen?
tation. Chairman Le_ow declined to order urubcr'i
neme pul on the roll, and referred the mieter t.
the Htate Committee. A caucus of all the delegati?
of the XlVth Congress District will be hell in a
day ..r two to elect the representative from that
districi in accordane? with custom
An effort was made by the mnch'n" mm yeeterday
to nullify John J Colline'? election on the Stat??
Committee In Ihe Vlllth Congress District, and pul
c ll Murrey In hla piece. It was report?d last
? \eiilng thiit Commlesioner RrookfleM would refuse
the r?? election to membership on ?he State commu?
te-, obtained, it wea aald. at Saratoga, through
Mr. Lauterbacb'l "magnanimity."
Ths newly chosen Republican State Committee ls
10 tie called together shortly in this city for organiza?
tion and to map OUI the campaign. Persons In the
confidence of Mr. Platt said last evening that the
meeting would take place next \Vedne?.iav or
Thursday, ,ml that c w Hnckett would be re
elected Chairman, an! Congressman B. R Ode]|, Jr
would be again chosen chairman of the Executive
Commltt? ??
Writer!own. S* T.. Sept 1? The Common Council
of the city of Wntertown has ordered the Myers
bello) mochines for u? In the coming elections and
if tli.> work satisfactorily, will adopt that method
.?f voting.
Amsterdam, N. Y . ,-'ept. IH. The fifth day of the
Republican Senatorial Convention In this, the
XXVIIth I'lstrl.t. now In session here, failed to
bring a Chang? Twenty-SSVSU more ballots? were
taken, making V,l in all. Adjournment was taken
unti] to-morrow morning.
OloversvUle, ? y, sept. || ci,irk L Jordan, of
Otovsrsvtlle, was nominated for member of Assem?
bly for Fulton and Hamilton Counties bv the Demo?
cratic lustrici Convention, held in Johnstown, to?
-. ???
Oneoata, N. y. Sept is Ueutanant-*0*?Ternor
Sexton addressed 1,000 fermera on the fair grounds
her?? to-day. One hundred soldiers nt the Third
Iti Company seted a*? a guard of honor, and
EOO pupl's of th.? State Normal School attende?] in a
? ll Mi Sexton returned to Albany late in th??
afternoon, as h?? is Acting Governor during the SD?
II nee ?'f ( iovei nor Morion.
Kingston, ?. ? , Sept iv- Th.? Dem?crata of the
1st Assembly |ii??trlct of l'Iste? dunty to-day
elected John y. Cloonan, John L McOrath and
Norman Cuajrea delegatea to the ,**tste Convention.
Port Jervis. \ ?, ???.p, ?. The Democrats of
Sul.?van County held a convention to-day at Mmtl
cello for the election of lelegstea to the state Con?
vent ill The following were ChOUSU ! Frederick
W Hsrtlg, Frederick M. Huckley and .*". K. Went'el
Trent"!), N. J. Sept ll Attornsy**_eneral John
P, Btoehtoa ten! the following message to "The
True American." "f this city, to-night:
Mr Editor: I am not a candidate for the office
of Oovernor, and could not accept the nomination
If It wer? tendered to me 1 will thank y.ni ?? say
this In your paper, as 1 observa that mv name ha?;
been mentioned .?s a probable candidate Very
!ti> yours, John' ? stockton.
Philadelphia, ftept. IS -Democratic conventions to
nominai? county ofSrera ?.ere held here this morn?
ing. For .linlg?. ot Ciiurt of Common Pleas No 1
Craig HI,111?, ihe Republlcun candidate, received
Ihe unanimous lud.lament of the Judicial Conven?
tion. District-Attorney Craham (Bepubllcan) viti
bava no opposition, bul does not receive the l?emo
rratlf Indorsement. The other nominees are: Re?
cord?.- of Pee.ls, John .1 i'iirley; Clerk of the c0Urt
".' Quarter-Beeslone, i:d?? in J Seders, City Con?
troller, Frederick s Vsndegrlft; Ceroner, l>r Edsrln
S Harringlon
?- ? . .,
tre yo?? >?-t?????.?
Take llorxforil'? Ariti I'll ..spli - ir
i'? ? ?? m....?.,, sicseboro, ??. . sayei ' t bees
?sel tt In ner\ou? troni,lei for year?, ind al??)? with
? ?I mu??. '
W. & J. 5L0ANE.
Special Sale Oriental Rugs.
Have just rcccivoil, and ?fter for remainder of this week only,
Average Size 5.4x3.4. YOUR CHOICE: FOR $6.00.
_-t o g ___
Average size 7x4. YOUR CHOICE FOR $11.00.
Our own direct importations and recommended as rare bargains.
THF. ?????????? HAS DrXTLARCD fll Vt THK
Clt? Magistrate Cornell has recently declared hie
hellet that a croni In* to thr letter of thn excise
law thr privata dtlsen who ?iv*!? n.pior to s K?>rst
In his house on Sunday bas violated the ?t.itut??
?? Ir- reported t?) have ?alii:
"A man ?The gtV?M away Il.pior In his house on
Sunday vloiat?'H thr law. an?l I woul 1 apply thr law
to him na wei; n* to ? saloonkeeper. Ther? Is
,? . uteljr no dlstlaettoa to be ma?lr In th?? matter."
Wtvn Idstrlct-Attorney Frllows wa* asked for
hi* ?ptalos "f thi? interpretation of the law hr *al?l:
"In thr first plu????. Pu v-ntur* ti)?? asserti m thnt
It would no lmpos*lbl<*? to n<-t a jury that would say
a man wa* wrong in Jflvlng away ll.pior tn his
home on Sunday;
"In thr |.md pla?'e, thr law was. never inteniled
to apply to such eases. Laws must lie interi?:? t.,?
In th?? spirit In which thry wer?' enacted, with due
regard t?> the CSSSS an?l conditions to whl.ih It w,i*
airan? thry .should apply Mow, th?? law srhlch says
,? man musili, .?ill ?ir ?,??. awaj llqUOT aft.t Cer?
ta.? sour? "f the ?.??p ?ir on Sunday haa tins main
Idea running through It: The Idea thai ihe peace of
a n?lKh1j..:li....?l and th?? r? ?t and w.i'.ir?? ol indi?
viduals ?hould not be disturbed by Uqiior?seIUng In
?il,?).???? t ? whloh thr public had ?.s-, or ?here
llOjUor-selllni n?ght offend ih" public eye. Thr let?
ter of tli?? law (loes ?ay 'hut liquor nnwt not t>??
given away ??t ?tos.? places or times, but it w,is
obviously never Intended to mean that ? man, ?n
th-? privacy and se urlty of tii-< own home, must not
offer liquor to his family .,r guests
"Again, the law is to ??.? taken aa applying to
planes over which the law exercise? supervision,
?uf-h ?s sahmas which are licensed. The p??p to
drink laarer Is ,? natural light Which th?? State re?
stricts, and over whl.'h It exercises supervision
and power ln certain cases. I mean that toward
the creature* of the law, thr saloona for Instance,
the law stands, and must be Interpreted aa stand?
ing, as lin aient having full power .it ln\ rstl?rii
(lon and supervision. But th?* law. In my opinion,
must not, In any way, Invade the privacy of S
man's home and say hs shall not Klvr away liquor
to hi? guests ?m Sunday, or any other day."
Corporation Counsel Beoti said yeeterday that he
did not agree with the statement of Ifaglatrata
<*ornel| that "a man who gives away liquor In his
house on Sunday Violate? the law."
"I think," he continued, "that Mr. Cornell must
have made such a statement without due consider*
atlon of the intent of the Kxcl?e law. It was plain?
ly the Intention of the lawmaker?, ln Inserting the
word 'give,' to prevent an evasion of the law by
liquor-seller. They wanted to make It Impossible
for a saloonkeeper or bartender t?> dispense liquor
on luaoay under the pretense of giving it swsy
If It were not for that provision of the law a l.nr
keeper might have an understanding with l'iisto
raers sad refuse to receive money for ?lrinks served
oil Sunday, l,ut charge up the cost to them and get
the money on another day. The lawmakers h.i?! no
Idea of restraining a man from the use ,,f liquor
In als own home ..rt 8un?lay. or of preventing him
from giving liquor to a friend In his own horn.?."
Magistrate Kudli-'h was asked in the Harlem
? ourt for his opinion in reg.nl to the statement of
Magistrate Cornell. He declined t.? give an opinion
and ?aid tha: he had determined never to prejjdge
? ? ?-.? thai might poaalbiy be brought before him.
Magistrate Molt, sitting in th?? Morrlaanla Court,
"I hav?> no opinion to give. I Judge each ease ifl
Its merits according m the evidence a* It come? ? ??
fore m?? hrr?> Every ? i?e has as peculiari ti??? and
ther?? can be no general ???,????? touching all."
Magistrat?? Hr.inn, In ISaeea Market Court, ?aid:
"I win dispose ,,f .xcUe cases brought before mt
"? theevldei.? re*ent<td in each eaae?' The Mu-in?
trate listened attentively whl!?? Magistrate Cornell's
views were read, but said he had nothing further
to M]
Migistrar?? \V?nt worth, at the Tombs Polte? Court,
sill that he had no opinion to e ? pre?? on Magis?
trat? Cornell'? position on the excise question.
"I don't know what I would do," he said, "If any?
body would be brought before me on the chance of
giving away liquor in hli own house. I haven't
giv. ? th? sub1??.?? any thought. Magistrat* l'ornell's
interpretation la strictly, perhaps, within the word
Ing of the law, i?ut I'm not ?r? pir??! to say whether
I would or woul?! not act up to ?ueh Interpretation."
Magietrate Klammer, sitting In Vorkvll'..? ('?nirt.
said: "I can make no statement eith? r upon Mag?
istrate Cornell'? view? or upon the ?setae law in
general. I can entertain no views tip?>n hvpothet
li-al case*. Kverv case must he judged ??n it.? merit?
Th.? Piter of the law embrace.? every Individual
arho ihail ?ell, offer for *a!??, exp?,*.? ,,r give away
any Intoxicating liquor on Sunday. Hut. ?* I take
It, the exe.-uMv?? of the law should t, ? k ^ ???ufn'.zanee
i Ita spirti, of the end that the leglslat.,rs ??Might
to attain in framing th?? messur?
"A ? rdlng to the letter of the law. ?-. man arho
?hall give another a glas* of brandy on Sunday Is
Hat?:?? ;?? prosecution f?>r excise violation, even
though he Is a private citizen and the net l.? com?
mitted In his own house.
"But, on Investigation, it mav appear that the re?
cipient of the liquor wa* suffering from boleri
morbii*. and the liquor w is administered as ? ?
to a humane end; would th?? spirit of the law hold
th?? giver of the liquor equally guilty srlth s wilful
Louisville, ??.. Sept. 18 (Special). Kx-rr?>vrrnor S
?: Baekner ?? ont to-day in a stirring address to
th* people of Kentucky giving many and varici
reason? why th* Democracy of the State should not
support deaerai F, W, Marin for Qaveraor. (>en
eral lluckt? r. among other scathing things, says:
Ther?? :? no see m sttemptlag to conotal from our
selVSS or from others the fact that the head of the
Slate ticket is nt war with the principles of hi?
pany on the flnanct.il question, ami that Insten 1 of
regulating hi* action, as ?* have a right to expect
from his Interview that he would do. "hy the ?111 of
hi? part) ?lellierateiv espresse 1." he now ?Ielle? Its
authority, and ??-ts his OWS will up a* u guide f.?r
the action of h la party If his position be correct
he ia to the party what I.uuls XIV was to the
The for?*e of this Indictment Is strengthened hy
th? fact thnt both men havr bren leaders in the
?am* poMtteal organization, that lUrdln was At?
torney-? .enera! when Buckner ?va* Oovernor; that
Pimplos blotches, blackheads, red,
rouj?h, and oily skin, prevented by Cu
tlcura Soap, the most ctlective skin
purifytlaf and beautifying soap in the
world, as well as purest and sweetest
for toilet and nursery. The only pre
ventive of pimples, because the only
preventive Of inflammation of the pore?.
??.?1.1 ll,,,.?,.!,???.! ID? w.-.M Holla), rl.poli t Nl??i?r ?
I "?? I Kl. ? ? I ?a?.i ?! . I ?nr!??? roil?? PSI ll a?b I IISM.
L^li , ?*l? ????? , liu. ?.?, I. ? 4L
Hirdln owes his non).nation to Huckner's refusal t?
accept It, and that heretofore these two men have
been the closest political allies. Tralnln?; hi? gun
upon Senator Blackburn, ihe ex-c?overnor fires this
The pian proposed by Senator niaekburn is, like
his character, direct and heroic. It would ?pare the
p.it ent any unneceH",irv tortures, and with a IC-to-l
shir maul w mid fall him with a sinici* Mow. As
is iusceptlbl? of the clearest demonstration, it
would Instantly destroy half the value of the life?
time savings of the Industrious poor, of bank ?tock
held by people of moderate means, of life policier?
payable to widow? an! orphans It would paralyse
every Industry, destroy the mark?*?* for the sale of
our surplus products, close every financial inst.tu
tion In the country and bankrupt the public Treas?
ury. I nier the assumption that a few persons
mlarht perform the Impossible task of Kettlng up a
"corner in gold;" It would proceed to corner It ?o
effectually by legislation as to ?ir.ve it abroad or
into the coffer? of money-changer-, who would use
It a? a means of .speculatiti?; on thr miseries of the
people brought on by such inconsl.l-rat.? ie^lslatlon.
The country srould be Mexteanlsed in twenty-four
The ? ! Ilesa has still further added to thr demor
aliaad condition of the i?rm ?eraey of the state, an!
tends so to ariden the bleach a.? to mik?? the ele
ti?in of Hardln an Impossibility. In the event of the
Republicana falling* to carry the L?gislature. Oov?
ernor Huckner is looked upon as standing a good
chance t?? be Itlackburn's successor.
G???) TO HIM ????G??? AS T?) I'HF.SI
Oearge Oraaam Vest, i'nlted states ?Senator from
Missouri, was In thr city yesterday. He Is an
si ? ?? ?liver advocate, bui iat.-,y stories bava been
g ? riar the round to th- effect that he was changing.
an l that bla faith ?>n th?? white met ?.] area on the
wane. Senator V?ial w is at th? OllSey HOUM when
In? was asked about his loyalty to the free-sliver
He hud jii-? arrived from a two months'
sojourn at Carlsbad, aad came In yesterday oa
th?? ite.? Btar steamship Westernlend. H?? said In
reply to the query:
I am at a Iosa to III leistend how the report
b?T.une current that I had d(*serted the cause or
free silver. I Know nothing about these r??p ?r:???!
Interviews an?l conversations that have bren pub?
lished In the pap??rs. The conversation reported a?
having been held with me never occurred. Dur
??? my stay abroad no one approached me with
Inquiries upon th?? silver quMtlon, and ? talked to
no on.?. Th.? statements are unfounded. The first
tint I knew of tn? matter was when I got hold of
a paper down the Hay last night. It was with the
greatest amaz-ment that I rea 1 the recital if .1
concocted Intervtaa? thnt had no truth in it wh.it
"I have never wavered In inv adherence to th?
cause of free ?tlver. My principles have never
changed, and to-day I am as strongly ln favor of
the white metal as when I went abroad. I firmly
believe in the free and unlimited use of silver
Sgelasi tha single apild standard. The fight to-day
Is the ?am?? that It always has been, and I am ar
rayed OB the ?ame sl?lo that I have always been."
Senator Vest said that he had an excellent time
In Kurnpe, and that th?* waters of Carlsbad had
done him a great ?leal of good. He expects to
leave th?? ?ity for the West to-day. When ask-l
for .in expression of Opinion concernimi the next
National campaign snd Presidential possibilities, he
declined to s.iy anything. lie said in explaining
ills reticence:
"I have been away f??r *o long and so many
things have happened that I hav? sort of loot track
of things. I ,1 ,nt care to Ray anything, therefore,
until I can talk Intelligently upon the subject I
am told, however, that the country Is becoming
mor?? prosperous each day. and that It Is an omen
of success fO" th" party. We are moving on t ? Del
ter tlm?'S, but I cannot say anything about the
campaign, and, anyway, it is useless to anticipate
these matters."
SNTRIES ??? <??\ ?????? ??G?.??.
Th? third lay of the tournaments at the West
chester Country Chi!? did not begin auspiciously
yesterday evening. The heavy showers ln the first
i, tlf of th?? day lnterfere?l with the golf srnme-i
which were arranged f?-r the women, but the
weather conditions In the afternoon were decidedly
more favorable for the tennis matches. These were
played In th?? excellent courts In front of the cluh
11 ? ?, ? s ?
In thp set of mix???! doubles .Mrs. Charlee I?*. H.ive
meyer and LaarrtBCS Waterbury beat ?Mr?. J. Hor I >n
Harrlman an I Charles r,?ih'.en; score, ??2. ??2. Mi -
Heneilic; and Louts Wehh bent Kiss Cooley ani
Crelghton W.-lib: score, ?V 1. | -_. Mrs Charles Ed
wards sad Charles Bands beat Alfred Cooley sad
Mrs Onatlvta; ?core, ? t. n :>. Mr*. Bdarard Clark?
10? Potter and C. H. Mitchell beat Mrs. William
Hutler I ?linean and Duncan Klliot. s-ore. 6 I. 0?3.
I?r Denting atxl Miss I>emlr:g b-nt Miss H.n?dtrt
and Louie Webb: score, (j. .. | 3. .lames if. Water
bury, jr., and Mrs. Howard N'ott Potter beat <*. B,
Mitchell and Mrs Edward ClatrkSon Potter; scor??,
?5-2. 6--3.
In the semi-finals Mrs Klward* and Charles
Hands play??! again?! I/iwr?mce Waterbury and
Mrs. ?'haries v. Hevemeyer; James sf, Waterbury,
jr., an?! Mrs. Howard ? Potter played against i?r.
Leming an?l Miss Doming,
The day's sports were followed by a dinner an.l
dance, given last night by Willem K. Vaaderbtlt
on b tard of his yacht Valiant, which Is anchored ln
thr Hound, off the clubhouse Mr Van ierbllt's gtseata
Included Mr and Mrs. John Ja?-ob Astor. Mr. and
Mis. Oliver Harrlman, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Borden
Harrlman, Mr and Mrs James M W.u.'rbury. Mr.
and Mrs. Duncan Elliot. Mr. and Mrs. charlen F.
Kavemeyer, Mr. and .Mrs. W Hutler Duncan, Mr.
and .Mrs. .Marlon Story. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian isolili.
Mr and .Mr*. Edward ?'larkson Hotter, Mr. ami
Mr?. Sidney Dillon Hlpley, Mr. and Mrs J. C. Coo?
ley. Stanley Mortimer, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H
Allen, Mr and Mrs. ? ?. Hotter, Charle* Han.1*. II.
Livingston Ileeckman. Frederick 0 Heaeh, Wln
fle|,i Beoti Uo>t. Miss Maud?? Livingston. Louis
Webb, Crrtghton Webb. Worthlnuton Whitehouse
Alfonso .le Navarro. Wlnthiop lluthrrfcr?! Hanlel
Bacon, Erneal Lorillafd and Nathaniel c. h??) nal.
??-?1a>? the gymkhana race* will be the attraction.
Th.? .-ntrles. which closed last night, are as follow?:
cigar an?! umbrella ra?*e, Lawrence Waterbury,
Jam??? M. Waterbury. Jr.. Reginald Hrooks. J A.
Stlllman. I. Towns? p I Burden?, jr.. ? Iward C. J'ot
ter, Craig Wadsworth. Uoses Taylor and Eben
Itevi ?..
Ladles' Hace-Miss Coo'.ey. Mrs. Potter ani Mis?
I'otatu raise?Lnwrenoo Waterbury, Jam??.? M
Waterbury. li?.. iteglnald Hrooks. I. Townsend Bur?
den, Jr., E. C, Hotter, Adrian I?elln, Moses Taylor,
liben Stevens an?! C. B. Mlt?'hell
Saddle Race? J. a. Stiiimin. K. C. Potter. Craig
Wadsworth. Lawrence Waterbury, Jame? M. Water?
bury. Jr, Reginald BroolU, Marlon Story. Mo???
Taylor. Irlben Btevsns, Charles F. Havemeyer an.l
C H Mil.hell.
Tandem race?E ?'. Hotter, Mr?. Harrlman. Ma?
rlon Story and James m Waterbury, Jr.
Hurdle rice- Lawrence Waterbury, s_ c Hotter
end C We laworth, Marlon St?>t\ and Moses Taylor.
(Junrt.jr-mlle d.isti-Lswrence Waterbury, Ilegina 1
Brooks, .Ian.??? M Waterbury. Jr. and ?, c. Potter.
Goal COB test?-J C Cooler, Lawrence Waterbury.
James M Wai'rbury. ir. J A SU.iman ?.-glnaM
Brooks. I Townsend H?rden. Jr, Iv C I'otter and
Muse? T.i y'..it
The . ?. tr.kri.ir. : ro?*e? wl.l I,,. . ui'lnued to-moirow.
talli III? Kl> ile. of the w ?k will en?l with a ball III
th ? clubhouse to-morrow nlghl
?ox? or p. ? miss receive $Bt\on
?III ?ago, Sept IS -l'hlllp P. and C.eorge Sf ?_*?_,
sons of P. H aMISSb th.? ilospel hymn writer, who
Was kill??,! In the Ashtahula wreck, receive ? ,??
est?t?? of |1??"?"' yesterday In the Probate Court
here I'hlhp Is u ?graduate of Hrlnceion, ami hi?
brothei 1? In th?? eoaloi class at that university.
Their home I? at Home, I'enn . but the executor of
th. will live? here, l'art of the ?alate came from
the contribution of pennies lu t?mida. ?.? iiool? at
Ih? rcqueat of D. 1* MooUy.
THK i-TTintK ROM! of the nkw-yor-j
???????????? ????? HY THK Ot*lCNCnU DATI
The first of this year's meetings of the Cout-ef*?
of the New-York University ?u held at th? re?
building In vTaarhtngtea .-"?liar?? yesterlay affrnoon.
The principal object of this meeting wa? to d?*ctde
on the date for the formal opening of the n(w
buildings at I'nlveraRy Height?? ar.1 of U,e saw
halls for law and p? la ?fogy ar. 1 the grSdaegS
? ?nues in Washington gq__rs,
The Washington Square h,?i s are so nearly . wo?
pierrd that it waa r? mlved ti.?? ?h?? School ef Ijht.
the School of Pedagogy end Ihe enrolment of tha
(fra?late students should open on Tuesday, ''-fi?
ber 1. Everything Is oxp.>*r?>d to he In reailneis
th>n. except possibly the recrear .? r.oms ????? the
riof, designed for the use of law students "-??? ?
lectures, and perhap? ?he library iho'.vlns. Th*
council resolved U) postpone the formal public open?
ing of the Washington Square B il. "r.g to the sime
date as the formal opening of the new binding? at
t'nlverfity Heights. Thi? \n to take pia e at the
same time with the breaking of ground for th?* new
University Library Building, which 1? also to he
the administrative bill ling, with a commencement
hail peatin? 1JM persona asms* heU 2co
f?-et ln length.
The date for the ..pcnir^? if th? L'nlveiSlt) Heights
buildings va? uvei for Saturday, ? ? The,
arrangimer.tr. for thla ..? ng arer? tati tal i toa
committee of twelve persons, which wea ; rompt'.y
divided into fou?? lub-commltteea The aub-*oMMSS>
tee on programme.? and Invitation? tisi fof Iti mem?
ber.??? William Allea Ilutler. I?r. Oeorgl A ??xan.ler
and Dr. .lohn it? I. That M trai:*; ri it.?? ls
made up of Pr. John P, Mirri. Israel C PsMsesj
and William A. w heel k t... ground ash mm ?
mitteo is composed of David Rangs, i'n-in??-? _r
UscCrachen and Frederle Baher. The nuance mo.
committee contain.*? Will: in F Havemsyer, John
ML {'arsons and A D .luilllard. Beeide? ih? rnem,
hers ..r these committees there v. ?re prseeai at
yesterday's swetlng William ?. Opdjrke, ii'.arlae
Butler and Charle? I. l'ari??'.
The main cornatiti ??? wea empow? k ?*a?*.i
Executive Commit'.!*?? of the four alumni Ml
tlone to appoint m ,?-* lato ttee to ce?
operate. Th?? University Medical College men are
expected to go fr in* their building, In Eaai
sixth-s:.. near th? Best River, by a ateamet
tered to convey them to tbe landing si L'alversltp
Heiifht* on ih?? occasion of the opening. Il la
thought that the entire bo ly of 4??? st ? lei * ?111 at?
tend. It Is expected that 411 i.i'.v Btudenta S ?
on a speda! elevated train .-?rher irotn Re.-tor
from Porty-second-at. it was received at yeeter?
day'? meeting to Invite the Governor of the .?*? ?
Mayor Stronfi, rh.? Chancellor of the fnlvrsi'Ty R
Kints ar Albany, and ih?? representstlvee of th??
N'ew-Kngland Aaaoclatlon of G?.? 1 Co -
leges, the M Idle States Association of I'nlvei I ? ?
ar. l Colleges, and also one speaker, to represeni the
universit?? and college? of the Weal and South, to
take part In the programme of Oci 'ber? IS Aa im?
portant iiart of the programme of the :
irieT of the ?round.* and bulldlngi ai rtltf
H-lirhts will tie th?? breaking of the -"round for the
new Cnlverslty Library Building * plat
form will be ereciei upon the iloplng ground ? ere
th?? new library is to atan I, and tn? re a ; i be -.uir.g
accommo latlons for several thousand people. The
Qymnesium Building win be used for tee c?r??
monie? in cas?? of itormj weather. Th- chancellor
announced a number of gitrs for the university re?
ce red 'luring the ?umnvr These gifts amoustes^M
between ffesvSM a ? i IM.'??".
CHANQES IN THI ??'??.??.
Among the new appointments announced yaaMo*?
say was that of Arthur B. Friz?*], a.?? sssietaM pro?
leaser of mathematics. Mr. Frisel la a Harvard
man. The new assistant professor of political iol
ence Is Edward B. Warren, ani Professor ilristol IS
appointed to an assistant professorship in b.olo-*y.
An appointment on which th?? university . ??-.grani?
lates irseli' is that of Dr. Bamuel Weir, lately of
Vienna, to th?? chair of the history of el?, tIon and,
ethic* in the School of Pedagog) l?r. Weir ?'??
born In (intarlo thirty-six yeara ago II entefej
th?? Privine!.?: Normal School st 1 1 ?a?
graduated with high honora H? ti isht for three
years ln the public schools of Census, end then
wen: t.? Illinois a en hi v-a* gradu?t? I from the
Northwestern Lnlversit) with ? ?? degree of S, A.
Next h?? tau?-ht Lai ? aril Oreek In the "touthsreat?
c-.-i Kanaaa C liege, returning to the Northwestern
L'nlveraity to pursue post-gradua ? ??*. and
later take tha degree or doctor of philosophy. Dr.
w.'ir became a student of Professor Bonn si Bos?
ton, and at his suggestion deci led to go lo i'er
ni.iny. where he was graduated from ihe L'nlvereUf
of Jena.
Half the fun of life i' lost
by many pr? pie through
their negU.: t one of
Nature's most rigid law?.
Notare insisti oe r?gul?e?
ity People who allow the
Continuance of anv irregu?
larity in tin :?? digestive
organo loos nave to pay
the penalty Free and
regular movement el the
bowel* is tin isi -t *ign
of good seen?
ne first question the
dctctm a*?> ?- v? your
Beeret? legaler?" if not,
he gives something to make
them so and quite often
that is all he needs to da
Assr-t Nature occasion
ally in removing ?d??'tiding
matter from the *'? ?m-cn.
anil bowels and jroa n?*ed
never tx? very iiek R*'?
member that assistance
don't mean violence.
What is needed i? ? gentle
but efficient helper that will work so easily and (?
naturally that then? will b?? so shock to the M-Vir,
Of all the remedies that have been prepared Ir,
Pierre'? Pleasant Pellets beet III all the require?
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vegetable estracta One ?*? a Isssdve ism ? mild
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pepale, ?listtess after eating, sour stomach. " heart?
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to imperfect digestion Bach little vial holds from
forty two to forty (.ut Pellets, and sells at the ?ime
price as the more common and cheaper made pill*.
Once used, they are always in favor
I>r. Pierve's Pleasant Pellets?it's an easy name to
remember. Don t let a destmiag dlUgglsi talk you
itilo "something just as good "
For a free sample package it"?* iose? " I'leaeant
Pellets," address World's Pisi'Rnsasy Mkhica*.
ASSOCIATION, No W>, Main Stieet, Buffalo, ? Y
t'AI'TIOh'.?Some deiigning eeelsndeoel permit thrif
customers t?? have l>r Pierce * Flies?iti Pellet? brceu*e m
frrior pills afford greater profit Such deslers are ?h?rt
?iBhtrd They ??vcilook the lact thin next tune you will go
rre you aie ?applied with wlial you ask fur
Mrs. Wlnslow*? Soothing Syrup
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