Newspaper Page Text
-sBan on MM ? "^ *!i 1KWT.M8 184.052 406 8403 004.1138 1406.881.002 1402795,187 oJSSBdiaa '"~*? T^faurrnotva 88a,13B?*6 488.887.541 474.101.117 alli-er 822,218.221 127.124. <W1 |lh,884.o70 TBS 0-.NTRHLI.KRS STATEMENT. bbw. .-..-troller of the Currency'a atatement of g^mberJI, IfJS, la aa foltowa: ,t imtaaaal - - " y, ;:40,.., . ir.g ",h* mt-n-r.irg nv.nth RATtORAL RAXB ROTBR. hanaa ? 118,280 !? ?;,%, ,? clrealBtloB... JtM I $1,230 1*. Jaare* ?:'?''?' ? ? _ ?"* '? ' ""* 513 OtM $212 7(12.237 itg-* Jaa.B28.iia ..tMgn I?V*V M matl mteit' artng tba ?.."8 (45,812 wontti* . ton iT-i. wi.h th, Treaaa ,5\- tea of '"!r. , - ika...005.815 v?-i ? 2827.327 ? II 5*4.052 _ ,A ? ... depoaH.. ?-? 105.300 ? - ? |..-r 803 4.0 a . Ilag 13 . 8,055.078 ln tb* ITRRI I >X1 I ON DRP08IT T ? ? I Paciflc R R b nda, 8 p-r eaal ... 112.042.000 11.152.000 rnded . *?n t laW, .st.nd, I a: . 22.374.350 l Vun.le- ??: 4 j.-r .-nta. .. 148.581.80o 11." rSaoed - ? ? 13.S11 MO \ -.- . .2 0.::- ??>. , .$21 ? 188 580 |1 ON THK BTOCK EXCHANQE rga onttnued eaaa ln the 1 v.-ign tachange . . ? gratlf] Ing effe >t u;.... - erllng .\ hange waa lowef again to <jaj there was ,\ large aupply ?' ? :' ': r'iia .:? the market, an.l the general bellef araa UUU n-> gold a -this week. The aanfemei i of gold on apeclal tral may be aaid to be unr.-rtaln. tuit at the presei I ratea for agcha eratloa of ea - II from here v ? \: - - n bankers >,ft^. ? dera ln the markei : i wlll moei .Mo)\- nn them m thi Eu opean marketa. . . ? ?? *t the enttre ..- tra llng n nalne l t, outald. Intereata preferrtng ? ,....,.- iln that th*> oat ? t gold waa at an end. if ] , . fear i f . 1 c itton bllla are ;i ? market ln good aupply, apd the tra ? ? from thla - ntre t ? tha Bouth I amoun'-.l t i over 1700, 10 . -? - ? ? ? .- ? tred ln the Induatiial group, ai.l Sugar Reflnlng, Chlcag i Qaa, Dlatllltng and . .-? Feedlng were all actlve and hlgl - - n coverlng f ah rta and >n 1 trade pruapecta, and Chl ago Qaa and md Cattle Feedlng ar. ' de pi - ? ? - in the affalra of the . -ago that the plan I the Chleago Qaa companlea w anaounced thla Week, aad .hat II ar uld provlde - f irmatloa of a new ? whi h I buy the of the a. atock f ir the ; ? ? - Fl lellty TTuat Companj. Whli was atrong on aeana I ; r graaa ln the i ... ern, whlch. 11 --??? * by the n*w man i| i if the Truat. Th- ea> .ii . -l..v the rej ort that : been made, the ? i ir. this c lumn thi- mornlng. Tl tillaof thla Bett!*?nifnt. aa far aa th* ? - t whlch the Greenhut-Morria Intereata wlll r. e lntereatlng readlng matter lf th*T an ? j.ubllf-. an.l the p atltlon theae men a ln th^ future of tha DiatlHtng ? - wlll b*? a matt-r whir-h the Btreet will ilke ta b? well Iniormed upon. The Bubjecl of the set tlement mav be madr- publl-in court whan the re <fivf-r flles hia rep rt, whbh h" is eapecte I ihie< w-ek. Thf> Oranger Bharea and the genera rallwav Uat w*>r? atrong ar.d -1 Bed at galna ? Teaterdar'a last prl ???-. iilinois St^-l Company wat< bought by Intereata Identifled with lta man ngeraent, and it b ?ored. an advanr" of 34 percent, ?ndl Tenaaetw.-^ <- -il nnd It^ti waw orttv^ nnd cioaed at a k-u" of trrer 2 per cent Th- f-.llowlng are to-day's flra! pri^^ rompar-a ?Aith ya-Bteniay'e: ' ? ? 1-4' - J\' Ma^n. Tipeka and\ F-... 22 ^ 2.'i .11 T nacco . ?..10M ?.far lieflnlng.,.-...?}.'-? Of Xew-J*raer...?-?-....niV '_-. ? J* . ? Oita .? aa 70 7 . - - * raiar.d and Paclfle^ .- , 7??i - \ Chleago, Burlingi >n and Qulncy . *<.'? BJS *il? Chleago, MUwaakea and ft. PaaL TJ ?? - . and N rthwtatern .-104S IXlaware and I " ?? ? ?1HS? '- * + * ng and Cattle FeedUig.... 34% 84*8 Ele<-tr1<- .-? Wv* - - Hl> I im .la Ste-: CoBapanr.-. ' ? ' -V S5> aSi? " ' . irl. and Texns p--f. 3.4 ;|s> . Wlaa^uri Pa-iric .?;,,i ?''? a > y. Ontarlo and W*ai?n.. .- .-. J - - ??? Buaquehanaa and Weetern pr^f.^ 864 . - ? .lla and Rea-.lina-.... 21S - > ? ? ivific Maii. ?":? Railway nd......-? ; - 4 T-nn??a-. <" nl and Ir-n. >- M . - . Vnit-d Stat-a L-ather pref..?????. * . rlage Tr. Oa, retB-. f* ? ' - ? ? Pa .- }*,' ;,.' _ ? - pref ..-? . fMj 8BJ " S | .,:. 1 Lak4 !>:- . l-'H BONDbV-THI FBDERAL TREA8TJRT. i;.v.rrment brnida w?r? tna^tlve. Thero arera r. i .-a.-.s. aad flnal qu itatkma were as foUowa; D.d.^\ak?d. Illd.Aak'-d. . C f 4*. IBpI. " - o* '^^ !"1'* ? r.u'ed at 2. r.7 - L'.B. Hir Ha,PjB/I.1041.1 ? I807.reg.lll% 112'. L'.B cur. 8*. lWaMOJ - . IPtrT.cou 1I14? 112'. L'a cur ?ia, l??!..l'f> ? L'.a! 4a. 182S.reg.123H l?< ICher. 4a. I**?... 100\ - i 122N 122-, Cher. **. lSP7...10nai ? ? - r - 1804.reg. 115*4 1184. Ch.r 4-. 1888.. .100% i - ? ... her. 4.-, lat*.... .180% ? o.l .??-'. ioo ? i Ia Btate laauaa there wera aalea of 11,000 Loulal l;.na Con. 4s a. BB^g Among railr..a.i bonda iri t-r?>at In th- Reading iBauea dled away mate rially, but they, wlth the Atchlaona and Teaaa I'aolflr-?. alone ahowed animatb.n. The total trunsa- tlona were Increaaed to $1,428,000 for the day. Tha Het Incllned to apprectate In value, bul tlie Oregon Improvementa pr. ved a weah apot, 38% The- Atchli i Ivanced ". to u:?. the T"xts Paciflc iBtB 1% ... I the LTnlon 1'.. <-,fl<-. Denrer and Oulf lata l to iz. bul changea were I nal. Tb< L'nlted Btatea Treaaurj recel 1157,170 \ ? i itea for reden : ('uatoma recelpta reported to-day from Waah nigt'.n were l'.:I.?'?"-. the ue r< and the ... I rua recelpta _ . ? rovernmei i i .., - ? f -x Dendlturea |371.1?3. Recelpta for th" month to date I! 602.-45; eapen llturea. K.347,000; ex. expendlturea, *- " ? ecelpta for the flaral ? i lt. Js" " ? " ? v irea, | v , . egpai . elpti I To-day'a washlngt m Treaaury Btatemenl . rlnp ' ' **? ? ?? - ent waa :.s followa: Oct. 1 Oet. 3 . v 72 I - - " ? .- T4s..::: *ab in tha '8180.713 ??l IH?0a8.8W I 830.111 . ?_ I38.SB I ??? I- I I -nlrK r lla- . ,, 814 21.8M . j j 1 ? 88 Bee.31.82S.08i Th' B^ih-Ttaaaary had a 0>blt balan-e at th? ' n bal ?-.- 1205,492. made up b a ii irren. y of $4"- 429 ii \ a galn In coln if S-'" 947 T ?- lay s . ? ' " a general baian.f ? f 1197.- i m ? -.sring of m -: n inaBrJ ii'/'? ? , _,..,.rr;. UONET AND rORBlON 11ARKET1 Tha local monej marketa arere ojuli t, b il - ly itiner rates pre> ailed Ratta, aa I aa Maaa papei Oatal ... ,.-.-. Thei rnmerclal biiia. mai ? ? loae of bual . ? I . ? ' . 4". ' - |Ha. .. 1. : aseharaaTa araa aa followa ?l ''.? Charleatoa, i.uying % ? . f no, .4. eU,n* __*_ N^--OrleBnB. roramer r-lal m dlsrount bank 100 premlum;Savannah. biiying par. selllnK 14 premlum up to $r.,000. 1 1-10 premlum f-t $;,oo,. ??,, ,n...r/San Fran. Cja. 0, alKht par. telegraph Ba por $100 premlum. t ni.'Hgo. soc. dlacottnt; Boaton. 10 to i?2-.v. dls. ount. Banft elee__8?a trera aa foOoara nt tha plaeaa named Now-York Kxchanites, IU0.SSS.4M; bal? ancea, S11.K7.514: Boston?Exchangea. $22,411. ., .? '':i,'"-','H' %2 v"'--:"'o- Baltlmore?Ex. hangea, S2.53S.5U; balancea, B385,MS Phlladelphla-Kx changes. H7.47S.SiS; balancea, $2,516,684. Th- prtca 0f comraerclaJ bar bUtct ln this merk.M waa 67.?.. nominaL, per ounc* Mexlean 1 dollars w.-r. quoted al U*4 tn London the prlce of bar ailver advanced l-lf. to MU-lfld. The Auguata Vlctorla, ealllng for Burope to tnorrow, win take out :?:,.! niHi ouncea of sllver. Indla Councll bllla were allotted to-day ln Lon? don at lSlS-S2d. per ounce, an Money .in .all in Londoq was >s per cent. The r.-tr.- of dlacount la th-- open markel was B-lt?8fj per cen; f.<r Bbort nnd throe months' bills. Th.- amoum of i>ulli->ti which wati wlth drawn from the Bank of Knalaml on balanee to-dajr was 115,000, Brltlah ronaola w.-re <iu.ite,i at 107S for money and M7 11 l* fot the aocount Amerlcan Btockfl ln London were dull. Laat quotatlona In London, compar< d with yeater day'a laat prlcea nnd with their Now-Tork alent, arera as followa reatar* N I M I T la< -I..'. ? . ? . t" ? . ?'-.', 81 4 81H i'"1: i ' .i: , 12 , 1'.-, 12'. 1 - - vL"4 88% M -H, ll l'i.".i, 108*4 l..-\ Inl 7" 7-'. 77'* 77 Nea 1 ?' ntra ;>??? , lo."-, li 2\ !" 11:? 11', 22 aa aa . v I. a --'"? 22'- Hfc FYeneh r qu te 1 at i^i franca 47'j n< - Parla ej hange on L ndon, 2.". franca 27.j centlmea; Berlln n hange on London, 20 marka 424 1 ' ' ?; . t ? d .-? f il] .\vs at the ? imed: Buenoa \yr->s 222 50, Madrld IS, . 24*4. .-;:. Peteral urg 50, Athena 77. R rme 1 75, Vlen LOUISVILLE AND NASH^LLETB Rl T .-? -,: ;-???- rep ?rl of the I.-mi.-- llle an 1 Naah Rallroad Compan) for the flaca] jreaT ended de publlc t. -daj. <i ea t\ I dlffar ma ? in reaulta "f oparatlona from the atate? ment made it; June Groaa earnlnga Incrsaaed - ing- de rea? I $112, Incom. - ? ' - ? .,;,i*' n''1 .nr 1 iurlng the ; ear the com 14'-' and $219,000 Ken Ontral flral 4s There weraean ? ed durlng the year $542,000 bonda, makl ?' Increaae in the ?- nd d d< r $27 Th- eapt tal atocli ia unehanged at $55,000,000 f whi h -.-i |? ?? . ?? ? 1 ?;? - Thi authorlaed In ,.,. ag( ? j3 000,0 is ? ? been laaued, There ?, . enaea lurtng the . maln ? of which $1,632,41.1 ?x and $ 8.978 ' deferred nded dui Ing I F 20,104 parlaon of 1 Be pera ? E TEARf. 1-.:?;. IBBB jj M43 .' '."... . 10:1.1 |14 074.337 $10 '.'7'. ''?'* -. W >'. !J .77 77.'. - . . ? _ 8B.437.lor. 87 -J-i" $7.."IB1 HM >? n2?i IDMl 17 1 IO.BA2 S 4;.. 100 272.2SM 303 .7:1 :?* . I5.490.7W 83.0H.V?l3fl BS.Mtf.OM |? - .. ??< . 18 '! "77 M8 HB Jgl ? ? I . ... 4- . . c - .- < N- ? r enue ..... ti I1.5T.2 inl $7 - - . lMl-'.'">. .-.-; ? . MK 551 81.552.481 8*00.581. Thla amounl Inrludea knsaea on aua ?- ? glnking fund paymenta, leaa markel Ien, $175,000; unfundetl dla $6,Ss7; f North Alabama Rallroad C ?'??? M 7 669 The asaeta of the eompai ? - alued and all loaaea and accounta have 1 balanee of profll and loaa June '"lo 217. The b ilan. e-ahe. I - ??-.i l?'i." rti.-ina-'. ... . . -.070 83 .V.e- '':i'i I'- I1.41S ll'l . _.'::.i.'ai.". . -.'17 77:i : ? laeta .... 4.V, m". B5S.014 In 217.ISI7 ; 808,5s. I 331.870 ln J- --?? 238 WSJ '. H4.11.1 ln 210.218 gtoek 2.2UO,OOU IfAINE CENTRAL'fl REPORT. The Maiae Central n.i>:r .il Company reports f-r the nine monthfl ended June :i". 18*5, com pared with thi orreepondlng period ln ihe pre vloua year as followa: l^.:.-:.4 lst.4-0.1. Chnnrea -aa . $3,234.7.3 $8.4f3ft,.M0 Inc. 93 C "2 Inc. 188.288 V .- .,-.:]_? .$1,230,240 $1,205,274 Inc. 806.004 . 30.537 S7.0BB Dee, 2,444 .. .- 1 1,777 - ? J 367 In :. ?''- -' ra- . MJW0 7U '??? Ilec. ??-..j -io o-: .?,:! . -?. aao7 ia . 223.AB2 '-"-'? ^i*' I nta . I.2U8.188 1.801.138 Dee. lT.'Min _. *82S.41S $81,234 Inc. 879.049 INV ESTM KNT Nl<TKS. Danlel A. Moran A Co., No. -ii WhII-hi.. offer t" Inveatore New-Y. rk Clty G per eenl i-'-^stervl lion-is due In 1S1S The Croton Valley _ llway Company, capltal $20,000, haa been Incorporated to bulld a narrow gauge four-mile surface road from Cro .'i-rt.-ii Dam. Charlea K. Orattan, John McNally and Adolpbua Tompktna ara amuiig tha <l:r>-'' ra Sprlnga minlng quotatlona, u? re eelved by Thomaa L Manson, Jr. t<- Co. to-day, were .1.-- foll >wb: Argentum-Junlata, T0'-4; Mollle OlbBon, 60; Portland, 170; laabella. 264; Work, ? -t Anaconda, S3; Qold and Olobe, 15; Crlpple Creek Conaolldated, 15%; Anchorla Leland 200; Colorado Clty M 2%; Oranlte Hill, 2%; Exploration Co., 15 Markel was acttve Th- st. Paul, Mlnneapolla and Manltoba Rall wav Company glvea notlce to the holdera of its tirst mortgage 7 per cent land grant gold bonda aa followa: "The c >mp iny offera to holdera of all bonda of the above laaue the prlvllege "f e? ehanglng aai naolldated mortgage 4% i bonda, 'l >llar f >r .lullar.' Tl. defaulted yes ?-..? lnterest of the Phlladelphla and ? . ;: ad and < !amden C mnty bon la, both i tlng to ab il $10,000 In Aprll l.tst the Intereal i I f,,,- t..,. - ra i ald out feater ,jav a s" intereal and rental?. Th.- annual rep rl - f the Long lalai '. Rallr >a 1 -. - . imlaal n : - to ahow a Burplua f alth a del I $50,000 in ? 194. In 1895 4 per cent dlvl | denda arer. 4*4 pw i enl ln ISid, The reductlon fr ma5] ? - . t par '-"nt I'fi-'is m '- made In ;!<?? last q larter i ?' the nacal year . 1894, T iny has a t ' of a few tli ...-?.;- irel) operatlng nnd Intereal elnce been dls ^??- i. N W. Harria A- Co , of N< w-T .rk. Chlcag - in l . 44 per -enl ta ? iter bonda :' Kansa? Clty, Mo., Intereat and princlpal payable In | elng a l"?ral In . ? banks ..-? wat. r-.v rks plant of the l for Ust year, |S06, 875 Thi nel ufflclent t.> ? ntlre cltj debt, an-l ?how - OVei $34,000 The t-..-t d< I ? -- than i;j per . enl -? - - I - n. Tl ? ? hall '? .1 Bank, al the cloae of _- had loana an I l.-? and total reaourcea ??( al atock ?as $1,000,000, the ii fund thi aanv and the undlvlded i t.ixi-s pald, \\ ? -?? ' 79 T Mei antll. N tl il .'? n k. al the ilneaa on Beptembi 28, had loana ami 7 74 and lotal reaoun - - -? a waa $1,000,000, !'.. BUrplua fund, $900,000, and the d. ; I ? Tho \i rchanta Natlonal Bank al the cloae - ? loana and . ? ? 126.671 Imoni the llabllltlea were rap ital atock, ;. Burplua fund, $500,000, and ? all k: ida, $12 446,137 The Natl t. at loae of bual 28, had BB nr.d diacr.unts l Of $42.90.1. - irplUB fund were led proflta, less I taxea, ? ere $2.24)9.671 OS. - >ld at publlc auc v. -.v-V-.ik I:-... Eatat. .-..--?!" m, by H. Mull 6 ?0 i ? ? ??? -n au.i Qalsey - I .Miirii'ol'B i p i? ? ',: H ? ..' ,, ;,; - .???? .-..1 B4 PBnl H - k l-i..r:.| . I. - - ' . ' * .- ili.,r ,1 304 aha ii.- . j ,aha i. mwrteaa ' '? ?" ],,.- 1018 "y? ai taai Inauran e l i l.-n,-:. - Natl. nn: Mar.K . . ., JS . ' ,. , ,,: .. I'.MIlk fl_'"_t |.. . ibu llrooklrn . Ji**1* B .liarea Lawvep. Tltle InMiraw- ?*n. 150 4'l.harea Pnntlnenlal Inauran.-e To. of New V. rk . 2"-v? RAILROAD EARXING8. nn.xiKt.yv ^.r:, ated. laagj n?..4 's":' Kuart*., ,f m'l*. . ia 18 .?'.* r-ourth ?-'k ln !?ept... 831.077 $2?.?*4 IM Oul 1 Jan 1 M Bagt 50. 1.8112883 1.250.000 1.324.122 wBaranB inar-TOaUi axd BflaaiaTivtarta Niimu- of mlle*. "il" '*? , ,A* i w??k ir, Bept . . 128,800 177 88D 883 888 I iao l t.. ,-<ept. 21 . 2.H..2 sV. 2.1T0.J50 2 :i3.?,2<2. PajJtTgB AND RtH GRANI'F Numlvr of mllea. 1.288 1 aB7 1057 M nth i f Aii.-.a- - Oroaa -arnlnea. 8481.24" 8*44.80*1 880.1.508 Pperattag aapaaaaa. 128,888 MT.48B 821.482 Ne. -arnlnaa. ' 1321 ? $2^7.110 .luiv i m A-iaua. 81? . ,,. ,.? a *i ?*i.W? I1.312.IS" .. 888,888 880. T33 720.808 [ X?t ^nrntnaa 2 mon'ha $2?fl.27.1 $4.T2".l 8381.55.1 rhargaa ??. 411.1..... 407.088 gavataa . ?2122.122 188.811 1127.200 ?? - ? ? IfCXICAM rJaTBHWATII >H \'. Mi ith ef auga**? ,-? ing* . $141..whi |157 100 S2i:802 ipenae* ? 82.210 108,371 ? rarataaj* . 84*780 ?'? ? -? >'? Jan. 1 ? IngtiBl 31 Oroaa - ,...11.388,813 H. 138.232 81.704.888 052,54'.. 132.874 I 020 8? tftt .?i.rnini.-. 8 nt'.t.tha 8409,288 $? ?J,B7B 8878,888 OREOON IMPROVBatR?tT TOatPAKT hfni of Auania. - <;-,?- rarnlaga. 8398.718 8831.21.1 $3-. 53i Dperatlng np?n?a, 3a Ul 277.327 233.115 I ? .-nrnlnira. 888,288 Tl 881 880.8381 ! ... 1 t 1 Aui'i't 31 tmlnga . 12.835 125 |2 -> ITH 12.4 ; 1 ?...,.? ., 2.838.080 2332.044 2.148,247 N-t ( r !. BBoatba ... 8480,322 8421,421 $20-277 ETROPgAM KIN.WTW. BfARKETI I. r. I01 ? I ? ? *ola ?...T,. 1 - ?? ? ' 107 11-10 ' r ihe m. i unl fani llan Pae ? ! . . n 1 cona la, "2%; I >'?'' ? ?*< ?l llaan 21%; Bi Paul ? ? ??< ??? ? 78 B*w > rh f"*n . new 4 per 1 1 "!'.. Louhr ? - \ ? aon 1:80 p. ra.?Th. f I .,-??- lwn rmm the . ? , ? aa .??' M '?-'? per ' ,H> al 13 l'.. :.2i ner rupee an edvano*of 2-32d on pi HBte ? 540 p m. Parl. ? 11 p?r .-n- -?-.-? n; 100 : ? - ntlrae. r .'i- 1 iub ? IB franca 271- rentlmea for ch*eka. ?fmatuiai. NEW YORK CITY 5's Reaistered Bonds o 1)1 ? IB1B. ? ? 8ALB BT DA1NIEL A. MORAN & CO., 4H WALL ?(T.. KiK. VV 11,1,1 Vil. ilttXK OF N. Y Bt'ILUINO.) TO HOLDERJ Or THK Metropolitan Trust CompaBy's Ccriificiles FIRST CONSOLIDATED M0RT6A6E BONDS SOITHERN CEiNTRAL R. R. CO. ?i 1 ? .? 1885 ? ? . ? .i recelpt. Th* ? ... 1 1. Vllltl T V. HORART, ' n mi;m:i b. dhinki.ii. J "?* tv v rn:'' ? - ring mml'temati NK\Y-E\M,A\D M>\\ A TRl ST (0. Tlila ( iini|inn> avill pn v tlie prin.-ipnl ?ir ihe Flral "*erl?-ia ol lta D.l.eiil ur.s IBaOl VI IM. III KHH..IHH. nnd ii.nMirlnc ><?? eni ln-r lat. I*BJ*J, on Ihe I Ilial |)\1 Of Mi\ i:>llli:i<. lan:,. llolilera ?if th.-.f ?t.- In-n I iir<->? n re r<-?| ii?-?t.-?l to praaanl th.-in ni I ln- <|>n na "a offli-ea on tlmi <ln> for piijment in full. 3 1 \ it~ >>\v-l'ork. UTAH SOUTMERN iMii.Hiitn imii'wi rniM <.i:\i:n\i. ?ORTGAOB \Mi I T\ll aonili:tl\ H\ll, II.. Vl? BXTBrtVaiOB BTRST MoltTii VI.K. A1 tba r?ntte?- nf tb* baMera '' .. large aaaenai!, the mdert .k- n to aei tlon of th. tneai o( Th. ';.iii flouthern pi . - ' - lem n-.t '? :ilre:i,i- ? lag ?? r ? i- aur* ni t* whl i greal - ten ;,..klna; I - ; ? in'.' : . <n i ?? an.l al! hoMei - ' ?hrn tba i ia ? - ...... ' 'ii- Trn?: Coaapaa '? .11 ? ' Blll. vl.K\v\ni:it il BTBVBBB, x Ull Baa. ? VHH. ia v vi ii i'KTi:it it. WTCKOrr, ? lafM BerrH iry, IBB Bi Bdwai Nea -V -w Wisconsin Central Reorganization. Wltli .?f?r-r'? ? - BiarleM - '!<-e? trim tha CMM dera a~e n ?? adsiasd that a aMjarlts of tha rtrat i * i-?-; Bepoaitad alta tn- Calted :?-.- aad that tba -.? !.- -.- ;:?'.-.i -n ?!?.? N> w Btoch Exehaagea. T.ia COounlttea lera oi both Kir?i an.l laromi Boada ta 4-p:)?it thelr H-.r.-l wl.-i lha I'nited fr.i.-a Tl I4era in Boelon mav ,i?;.v.r ih.-ir H^ to Messra. K--wn Bro? * On, thera. OBOmOSI COPPaUala. Chalrman, CHAIU.CaC.BEAI ..... ii- n::i", a DALE, Becretary, 2* Escaaaga riare. Kew-T. rk, -h 24 UM. New Vork Citv BANK STOCKS I'Otigiit and Bold< Harvey Fisk & Sons, 24 Nas^au Street. GEO. H. PRENTiSS & CO., t!7 \\ illlaiu SI...VY. and '.'.ls Montacue 9t.._'k? DEA1.EHS IN LOCAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Ilexnbere of tho ftJew-Yor? Stock Karli?n_e. \\'.\\ri:i> A capltallai arith |25.noo io $50. r* iaai -4' an eata .uneaa wi'r. .- , ? . - ! larfe ? ? .-na ru iran-.-' I it peraonal aer ?; ?a No pa'.er.' n*W min:if->^t-.inr.c Ir Bpltal -, | oret ??.>? - rean itiartei - n enta The bualneaa ^.n he m-!? worth ha ' rrv reara AMre?a, luiinc ipiral. PETER I \ ?. Reaiatrar t Deedi T ront Oatara Diui&rn* JSotittt. THE 11 n r_AF_IN nOHTAKT. ? ?--r.- : -??,'"??. > i ? ,. r .1 M 4 Ql'ARTERLY DIVIDEXD nf ONE AXD A - NI H l?g PRR ?'."?'? k will ? a 13 M ? - ? ? S i , ? ri-aaure. - i I:i I ': .-i.M PAWT, . ? ?? .- m laaa i DIVIDEND of Three ne* r*nl Oll haa thla - ? , ind i.f'rr 101 :.. '. ransfef . ? :.. ? .. r" 11. i'IUM |a i qaLlatin SATIO.N VI. B 4.1. .%?-?? V ih -?;?-.. $5tl T'HE DIRKfTORx uf thla hank hare thla daj ? I ril E PER ' K.\T an.l an ' I ' ? r tiu> < ? t th? paai ,;v Dwatha, , and oftet '. Il- u.iiiaf-r booka wlll remain ? I r--l ur.f;i <1a.e AIlTIIfn A BIIERUA.N. . aslner. Dinibcnb Noticca A THR ASCEmiCAR TOBACCO COMPAMl. 3DT--B w-i -'-1 Btn ' ?-, v.-rk oet aa, iam otWUKUI.Y DrYTDEND of raro P*r f*_1 _? haa been ledared SB Lha fref.rr'.l 8 - r.-mpeny. pav.ilile at Ihe I'-irm-ra |,,an and Tl I _ ... i lan. -? . N-w Y..rk Clty. "? *? -1"' 'V , IMO ? ? .? hotdera ot ihe Prvferred B r- -M -in ihe l&th rU) ef Oct B?r, 1BB0 . ,, Th. tranaf-r aoofc. ror th. I^f_rred> eka " b. on Ortober U?h. laaa al 3 oVaerh P. ? sad ???' ? '"'"r "n N-mlier 2.!. :? . flfojfrg Tr,.?.,ir?r, _ THK AME1UCAB TOBACCO COMPAKY, gow-Tora, "?' -' IBBB. A DIVIDEXD "f :: p-r crtit Iwa been dednret] -n the ' '. " ,. farmers' Loa n the U r .|.l?r? 'f th' ' ? n-.-n-.n mora ". > ''''' . ? ? ; ,,, - ,.-? i.-.--. iaea ?? I " "*" -'! Wy ,%'w.y. 'AltKNTS Tr.-aa. firmncial _Ttrcttnt|?. THE ANM'Al. MEETI.Xn of llw >???'? ,~?f ,?. llll-i'l. ????r.trn. B ? tl :..-'l,r-.-r..r.; IhetT " ,. ',,..","..;. ? :.r 16 IBBB, ! ilili-fi. Btate of in.n ila, on Weal ""a'i.'.'wni.;:h 'i KACEJTAFT. ?eereiarjr. V-w-Tnrk. ... fl-r .1, I"'-'____ Bank Rqjort U'"i;i'..iM' of the roxbifiox OF THE MEIn'HANT-" EATIOMAL BANK ? V ik. ln ,-. r N ? 1 - ? ' -? - ~ -4ih 1RXR1 ' ' RKBWB'Tta I im ta .e"l"-H2j* -'"l i - -rlrnfta . '- JJ* .... ?.ii?S? iai Mt.H'h ? - :-'"?- ??? ???? ':'." v' ... fumitura i.n-1 Bsturea. s."???"?> ... -> |rfa_, m cera. i.'t-t -'i ? ? ?"ni* . ??'?iii I-.T I-.' . I I - J- I ?. 1 anka i ni-k-ia and 44008 - ? l.-a-m tender notea . $?_o.5onoo 1.412 na? i s - ertljteatea of depoell r .. ??? .,.,.,..,.,., : - ? ,| . 118 121 MAHIMTIEB . $2."" . * " ?" '"' ... . . . 4-4..;:. 11 fte ? .- ? nf I8B8. 23 01. ? . - - 2.824 <a? ii i.nnk- . *.l _-'t 1 771 "7 I ,. ? - nd 1 anhera 1 178 tts :, 130 '.1 . iimi depea lo t 831 'CH M ? . ?--. >ll 1 304 "<i '?'.- IWI r.7 il ?7.'. a;t - II Md 187 88 T .-.,; 818 120 I-.7.. -r.i | gew V rk ?. I ?' V. Ranta ' "asl ? ?? - ueat nf Bi knon I?il8" an I '' ?..' RAMTA I'-ia . ??? me thla lat ?-...-, ti IHN A HIIXRRY .- !"llll. N '. . 4--.?.: J. >HN A -TK" \l'. T , INJNAI.U M.'K \v Dlr* ' !? M ..XI.'. XX" x-, V_ REPORT OF THE roXDITIOX OF THK "BX1 RAL N ITI IN >.. B IXK at N 1 1 -1 ,- . V- ?-. ', :.-, ,' , ? IV. ? ;?;-.. 1 ,. t- 10.1,07081 . I. l'l-t,,h S. IxJI (riiiaaii.) - ,|.., ?im .Ui.aa.ia, .-, 1 "x1" *'7 '^1 ?,. : su >;7:. 'a. \ .? 1 l.lia 71i'. ln 137 ??'! itti fi anl ::i '71 IMl l'i la.ooano :. il'. U '.!/. 17.:. aoT.Biaoo ;? - ' l^p alt f r ?l<a, .aai ia. 2 R8B la.noore ? I per ? : i-i : Total . . H4 7;i7 7:t7 13 I.I IHIUTIEB . 82.iaai.non ?-' K 1. ? s 1 . "lt- a paM . 132,04308 .ir . .'I.V; H.-ai iai inha . 8.884 -'?' 17 . 1.|?I7 ia 4 4'.' .-. nn; i'l . I If. 'il ..... 7.112 <i I - msnd --??.< '. 17 . -I" '.'??M' -'! . 13.721 7S ta ol - - . 57,38m 23 T iai . *I4.7::7 7::7 I.: I. < ' !- X - 11 ' N ' ! ? r s v.' sa '-. . ..f,?,| ?r.\ IWI -n . ,a ... ber - ?" WII.I.1A.M 11. ? H.xl'MAN. 4 - ''-' ''.TI. 1 XV l' M' rBR, , \X 1. <T!'."N'; JAB il Dt'MIAM ^ KEPORT <>l* THE COS'DITIOS OP TIIK MATIOX.VL PABB BANK *l Kea V..rk Cllj n ? ? - ? .-??* B i ?? -i. - 381 I-:..". REBOt'R' ' ? Loan* and dba ritint* ........g .. af Iraf'a l". B aa . .--.-r ? ? ind Bloi tgage. n * n-l ? ank". .n >l re* ?".?? .iif-nf*. im -? bank. bi : I anki ? i *h'-rka an.! uther ea* . .... 2 505 J''- 2" . 5.2.10 i*l ii : renta 2 "?"?? ls Lawful erre ln hnnk / .-(??- h> <2 3*4 717 1" t i.;s 12." ."i [-. B. rertlf. ol "T..I<-ra . ,2 ?'?-" '??' .<i tB.047.A42 10 ? in-l ?"h I . s. Treaaurer .54 2.220 00 Piie frnm I . S. Tr , ,., :,i . .11 ,(l.,,. . . . 840 773~?45 so 1.1 vBII.11 . ?i ... 12.000.000 00 2 ? ? ? - ? I 045 01H 2.' II >*. ."?. '? ? ? ll.l 710 2->:, :U; i 1*41.627 il 1 21". .?. . ? 2>> 427 337 '?.', i J" M 277 57 31*8 ;?...; 22 -835 -c> 820 21 $40.77 ? i>RK, rOlNTT OP NKV. r.JRl i ..k.i > HirKoK. i'aah|. - ? ? : i,;lnic . obo .- utn . .? . ,.,.,..r - j , ,r .... , , , , . - , POOB > IOB T MOttRK ' D :i.M. 'N r v UKI'iUtT ??F THE CO.MHTlUN i?E THE 11 ION.VL IIAXK ..' THE fTTT OP ? -? u- ' \. .. - i -..-. RE* : M.02O.13O07 Ihli 30 ? . ."...,?..,., 1 nd*......... 5 jiai... I.isk.m 50 llanklna -, ....... i ? ? ? r - ? ... . - . I'i? 'r - i - Itema . :,.i 7,,. ;;, ?' ' rl . -? .... 1 ? * ... 0)i ? : ?? : 12. >, I Lawfni mone- r*a?>rve In ink, ? Ii - ? j ...- __-, ., L?gal-ln tJOO.OMiai i j ? ... 270 <wa. ii i i vi: 3B2 0O I ii i ?-i'h r r. ?? | Tr*ii . . . <; :;?: ????? h liabiutieb : I ln (SO - iri Iu* run i ...... 3(V Indlvid ? ixe* pbi t 70 ?43 <7 .??? in llng 88 heek *, 254 4^.-> S2 Demand e?rttlleat*a f i?r- at- .c. .-?,,-.-.,, . ?r'if!ed ? hecaa . 2'i 72.1 11. -,?> -r . ehe+a* ? itatandlng . T48M Total .......87 273 880 it ' ? ' f ' * v rk, a* i -..-?--. -,-? ? ? ? -;e abaan nBmed bank, 80 itattaMBi - tra* ? . -he leai .f BB| kr. wledg. nnl b*H*f I 8 r-ABE, ra* and b? ra 1 baf ?? n ? ibl* 2 l isn: joa aj t ivT. vi n r rr? .? At*.*. .? 11 I ?- U'K J I II n.VRI.IMl JOHN I (E" * A: ? 'v ?.:.:: n ~' 1 -t Th, , ? 1 1. " ,1 : ' KlVRIi AT TIlB ' i"r ??'? OPTIPE .-. 1 212 Rr ..I - I il and \\ >\vv iAV ?. ?.-.".? | ,. ? . . ? - , ? 167 BBi Thir I ar. 7*1 Thlrd-ave 1 r V rt- aeventh ai 1 .'2?i Thlr , - II ? : 708 !? Ira- h-- 100 \V.?- F.a ind a 142 ' . 52 Vv?iu. \ 1 828 rh rd . - '..'-?. 1 r" ae Bd-*l I 511. aV* nd av. "..",4 --.,; I.SBN Tr :? ?' .< - ?_? nf.i Tl Ird -i BBd-IWeifth -1.1 One hnn V?< a: .1 'i'"-i?e:r' lta I HARLEM OPPK'E* lv. K ,.t <?::-:,-., |... | ?. ;. tw-nir r.nii .- 2a ?*???. >v- ? ?.?,.. . J. A .,| ..: .. r. |, .n,,|, ?, _. p. m . at ragula. . .'T. - ral a Bank Qenorts 1N0. .1*7 . KBPOKT OF THK COXDITIOSI OF THK N1VTM MATIORAL BAKB at PTtrW-TorB. In tha Pt?te at Mew-Yark, a' th? <-|.>a? 4 baaaai at, r>i" _?-. RESI iMli'KH. t^ina ind lla.-nunfa.13.0111.822 ?1 '.."?:? ift. aeny?.i an.l unaaaurea. i "? ? ? l H Brinaa .o aemr* pirrulatl.n. 30,000.a ?~-?irlr|ea. ate . 108.01" Ranking-hoaaa furnltur* nnd tU'urea 428,80000 I'ii- ,'n.m Na..?nal Ilank- <n?t tVa-rv. -,,. .... 827,41004 !>.;? rrom Btat* IWinka aad Rankar* . 28.813 54 I'heeka and ? .her <-nah l-^ma. . . n ' ' " Ev -i..nK"a fnr ..-? 2<?l Notea nf other Ilanka.?? 3.x*>0? nal pauer rurr*n<-T. ni'-k. la. and ? - reaert ? In I' .11 11 1500.840 00 Ugal.iradar note. . I - ??:? -.-. ' lepoetl B*sal-I*tad*ra. B4O.00O80 Redempllon fund wllb t". 2. T ilattrml . . 2.23288 . |5.84 ! I v.-':. | .'aplial at rh pn.l Ut...., - 1730.00000 Burpiu* rund 33fl.oo0 00 i'n.n proflt* aa** ? to 170 r. Rea-rvad r r laiea . .1 llnnkr. '.-. ntatanilng . iS.MflOOO 1 -t Ou. m Stal ': ; 173 -'' ...i ... 808 00 IndlvMui : dep alta ? 2 157 001 10 I >eman,l ? ?? - poali . 125 00 . ? rtllhil .-i]?<-k-? .... 17.5*17* Hai indlng . 72" 88 Total 83.aari.042 ti New-York. ' unt) ' N*w 1 irk. aa. : I II it NAZRO ? . hanb ?all aa-*-ir lhal tl ' ?'-' ? Bl i? '?' lb* 1 mi ' ms kn ?? 1?ln. an I ln R R "CA7.RO ? Bub*crlb*d ? ...- IBOB P, u BLLl< .TT ' - ? l t*?: JOHN l< CTLLE1 1 VVTI.i.iaM K [BEL.IN . D -? ? ? Al'OI 'BTt 'B I-* I.IIIRY ^ (T*cfan Olcamcis MMYOO OBD ! [L(L(Dl7i BBW-TORK POITHAMPTON RRRMEN. EABT EXPREBJ HTEAMERO ... 1 . ; i $4" ia. ' ?' 1100 Trav* .8*t., 1 '??' ."???? -> *at.. Oei 12 ? 1 Lahn..Tu** Oet. 8, 7 a. m.'H*v*t.T - Oct. 32. 8 a. aa. F*oi ! 1 Ral .. ? 12 B m 1 - ? - Bpr*..Taes., "?? 18 B ? m Ti . '?' 2. 8 n. a : T<) OIBRALTAR OEX. iA, NAP1 - .-. ? ' ? 12 ' 1 ?Thla at-am-r tOUrhM a- NAPLEB rn tlrket. av. II - ' Rremen I ? Havr. . 1EUII111s .v ??" 2 H w -_? ?;?? ? mim \ ?HAMBrRO-AMERI. VN |B iTH OER2IAK I.INF. I LI>.n 8 d. OO. Eapraaa stramer. ?-<-m Nea Torb to Olbraltar, Algia a. Nai.-?. and l*a a ?F B' 18 tPBlda ? .Ror 10. Baal*..v v 2 ?columhla.N ? 33 ?A Vlctorla. N\ .! :Kns .No4\ 30. A!I ?'-arn-ra .a:l Bl 11 a Bt Retara tl'k*-s .iva.laLle for the lt*am*ra al ?"h?r llna from Naptea, OenoB, Olbraltar, Hambvrg, Br*ra*8a I/irt don. aml ?< utharrpton. Hamtiutg Am.rleaa Rerth oerman u ? ?: p ? Ce, Ugt I Oelrlrh- A Co . rj.n A*t? . 87 Broadai iv X T. ? I B.-w'.na n--n. rt T ' ? \* URE TWIN P.'REW EXPREBB I.IN'i: FR. M SEW-TORK TO CHERUO.EO d'ARISi BOUTHAafPTON (LOHDONI, AND MA.MBT'R'S. Ho'.dlna BM re^orl for lh. fa.teat tl-pe m th'a ronta. ? ? : ', 1 ? F Rlamarek.*4V>? 21 II a m Vnrrrnr.nla.'V- 10 11 n m A VtrtorU. Bea 12 8* m. I rabln. 100 and nrward; n. TaMn 848 and *"?? DlHrCT jfj@ V.ITUMI T 'IIANNEI. KOL'TE TO - lrUUUU*Sai CROBflIN raaaengera eonvered from i.'herbourg to i'.u.s oy .p-ct.l tnln '?i ho'ir.) KKEBJ of CPAROB. HARBUao AMTERICAM LINE 87 Broadwar N. T I u El . if ibrs To THB - Medlterranean and the -tlnJ U Th? Haasbara a. ia Mn ?'? TWIN pcrrw expre^b S S I-VKll.-r uibm vr. k ? .-.. >? ? Tunla Alexan ' ? ? a ?Ina, Palerro ' % Uuratlaa, ab.,ut rk*. v |an Wlnti ?? 1 'rtil* ? t 1 -v"' 'i,ra*r--3 nYffnlirP*! Ilala Th* '^lii .". j 1$ H.mlmrg Vn.. - rVVIN "i-ReTv F.XPRES.-i S S. (I)LI'IIBIA wlll leave N'ea lorg -. a ibm f..i pon tu 1 inr* iHaytli Maj .?? :???>. :;i, ,, bi 71 m ii 81 K I ?' "!"? ? ti !.-i ... ; '??! '?'' . tfor raraea* V'eneruelai ind ; ? ?? Kln^atun ijamalea), Harana N.w-Tork Duratloa ab areeka. Thtr< ia th? Bral tlm. ? .n ordtnarj W 1. Uneri fered Harnh rrg-8 n IJne, :.7 lli a. ?TEW-YORK-aoLTHAMPTON flamaan i'arli). TWIN BTREW I' 8 M.V!t. BTEAMSHIPS. Balllng r?-er? a'*4ne*dajr at 11 v M PARIB 11 ... !? VRIB . ST i.i .lis. ? - I. >?!":* XEV f. .RK 23 NEW Vi .RK .... DBEflD ??i?\DB LQOaEa RgW-TOI K TO A.NTWERP. Balllng everv Wedn-aday Bt Noon. KBN8INOT0N c- ' '?< ItOlTHWARK ,....Oel 2: PRIEBLANt) '"? !?' IVEBTERNLANlJ Or. 30 INTERNATIONAL NAVIOATION POafPANT. Pler 14. North Rlrer. Offlee, fl Rnwiing Or?-?n. N T. CHJ ly^mmtA: PACIFI0 MA1L B. S. CO. OCCIDENTAL AND OBIENTAL S. S. CO. Kt?ani*r. leave Baa Franclsco: f-ITT OF PFKIVO.Oet. II .1 p I CHINA.rla Hon-dtilu. Oet 22 5 p. i .JJ*7'! J j ? pr-rtf .N'iv 1". " I Bl ropTIP Rnnolulu.No. 21. I p Ba. f r rrelgtrt, p-.asace ?nd graeral lnform^tl n apply to $4.1 Hn.adway. or 1 liatterr Btage, Waahington Uul.Jing. and 2^7 Broadway._ a - VTH3TI 8TAJ. MNF,. britannk Oet. 8. '?> a- m Brttannh Noi '? 8:28a. at, ,'.:, Uermanlr o I 2::. 8 ? m Adriatl N ? ?> B:.lo .. m. .. ? .:.., .1 n, N 27, 2 y "i KO COTTON CaRRIED BY PAB9ENOER BTEABUSRa. Pler 45, Bortb Rtr*r. OfBc*. 21' Broadwar. N. T. H. MAITLANU KERBET. Agaafc^ ACLYDE LINE. ? CRAJU-EBTON, 8. C. tlt* S.-uth and Sou'hwwt JA. KS.lNV Il.I.F. ar.! ? Praaa Pler tl E R tfaol of H ?*. - ? *i . ^ P- M. N'gi'IN I SEMINOl.E . B Bda 0 ' ?'.?"' 7 . A'eRi iKEE BtMmera' hav. Bral elaa* paaaenger * ? mmodatlon*. VM : il Aganta, S n witiig .;--n h v Pla r~ent. * P*BB Fnat f ,t- I' Lln. ? ? - ? Grea' So. F.-?ta-h' sn-l ri?a.-ng-r Lln< . ? Fharleal n T O T.K'r Oan'l Ar' ??! B*war. N. T. a - CUNARD LINE. 3 a TO UVERPOOli Bt m.'E?.Vf4TOWW. L'mbrla Oct *>. -1 o m C'ama?ala.Oet. 2<V 10:8o a. m. t. u. 11 a . S - 1 p ?' ' EXTRA BAf-.KO. A'.'K.XNIA . r -...?-'? a. m iYrin I'ler 40, North River. f.x>l r rtarkson-St. j-',. .; nranl ? nd ib n 833 *' ', I*.". u ::i-? ' <"in:.r anl mrn ri.;ne. ^?aeiage ' -a ' im! lt n ?U I ? ?< '?' ! ? . ?'- _vcrS |o? ra- a r r freiahl and paaaaff n:; ' tl Ihe < ta nanv't i flW. N'i a II nllna ij-e?n. Ne* T * VERVON II r.P.OTCN * 00.. Oeneral A.-n'a A CRl'fSE lo th- Sledifi rranetin ? 7 nr, i nai. ? - ra, Alglera. ?>| - . ? , lup.e_curalona.feea.. Bei ;.,r prucrsm. l' . C-ARK, T u Isi As-r.t. 1:1 Broadway. \- ?> I_ C'OMPAGXIE GEXERALE Tiiinitliiutiqtie. / FHJ Ni'll 1.I.M-: TO HAVRB PRABCE. I. x Bl .I',-'. " IM-; L?l etif . - I a- m. il I>. x IN i: Santelll Bal Ocl VI - i i.x ., x-i ? ?NE I'l-.i lel -i Bal "? ? W '? ? w Par.. r ?.-. and l> ifT-t-am k. ? -i - , ? . Spa-'lai Traln Havre I'.ria lor vt.'e .enai Seata $1 0 mtra. A. F'.n.iET ileneral A?ent. Nv .'! 11. arllna 'irean MALLORY 8TEAM8HIP LIKEfl l-r m New Y-,r_ W-<1 . Fr. BOd Sat. A DEUGHTFt'L TRIP BY BBA T.. Ul.: fiRTS OP TEXAB OEORGIA -FLORIDA. 0.VE-WA1 EXiTRBION nR TOfRIBTB TICKET8 I ? \.- r i ; ' tah, Irli ? M \ Ovorgla, f: rlda Eaeellent aernirm Matl na SP-CIAL, TICBET8 ATX.ABTA EXPOSlTWJf. Vt'rlt* f-ir o,,r .U-paae poehet Oulda Imatled freei C H MALLORT m CO.. Oen *.?ta Pler 80 I R S T. OLD DOMINION LINE. Bteamen for KORPOLE i ORTS\|.,', TH OL.P POIJCT CoMKQRT ai-l NEWPORT XEWS VIROINIA I!'-:ai"H PETERSBt'RO ind rt^HM^ND i'A an-1 WASHINO. rog ri M nda? Tuea TV?d . Thura md Ba< P I R hh 1 vla .IAMES RIVER-Mnr.^ay. XX'ed sn-1 Sa? F.-r tVEST ptiivT va - T i-i Thura aad Bat Pr-m I'ler Jd new No . N P. f ' Beaetl ?t . tt 1 p m BntlM tara, 4 | m Thrtwat tlcketa and frelahi ra-e-, ? ., p. in'a South anl ?'*<? W I. Qtn_?AfDEt. rradto Managar Ui:r? I?" LINE OF STEAM8HIPB, I - I.4 '\v.r? Ihiert-. <a -'.! ' Irt 1 Md Ma-v raibo .-,* r.'urarea. Ir m Pte-rtp.^nt Btoras BrooMrfl S. S. CAKA'As ? ?' ' '. I p m VKSE7.UELA I ?..???'i. " ? 18 1 p ." S h' I'Hil.XliKI.I'HIA iv i'.t 24 1 B Bl Thea? A'nert.-an "-amera. bull" ?i;.r.-aa!r '-.r Ihe trad* taava aup^n r arromnuidailoaa f... paaaengera F^r llararalto fr?ljht ? n:> H I MARACAIRO Wedneaday ? ROtTLTOK Bljas A r-At.t.t-Tpr. leoeral lla. n"> IM F-ont-at. tba Surf. Brooklyn Jockey Club. K.xl.i. MEETIKa BiX i: x. Rfl 1 ? n.xx vt 3 "' i' M tra i I.? i lt ii 'iir>? ? fro- rith-tt.. K n . \ x il 18 88 1 ir> V M IIH'i.'KI.VV Tralna froffl I'DlOB Pseot, .Ifl'li-at. and 6th ar* WJBI il i> x M 12-08 U:B0 103 l 80 :? ?>'. SJO P W Prpm aoth-sl sad Bth-ave io nn. l'. BB il._6 A. 41 . 13 00 M., U 15. l:l"', I 88, 1 -.,3 m/ i'. _. .Imnsrments. ACADEHY OF MI ?IC. 14th ar. A Irvlnf Pt fm ... THK ! MA." R-a;tm?nMI ItnM aPOK'I'IM. W Bl> * -?AT S. Derhy Ita- 111 < HR**>. BVE ?. PfNI-AY EVE . VIEW'HOF UtELANP AND B( OT-4ED. . ABBBY'B THEATRE, B'sra at. aiiiiki ?<? aniag I Bi ' ??:? Aiiiu-:i's Ms'-b 3 t'i to 488 FH IM IB IVIt *i?V K -ir-i- areel sullrvan an'l Hurntnd'a '.pera. :_ nn-: chibpi tiv _ I aHKNII 4\ TIIK.ITIII-. V. n? BMafdaf. I . ?? ? 1,. a- - , ? .- i i. : . r r SOa. THE l.KKIT IMttloMI KOHHERY. ___^ i[.|iir. F.\'_a I 18 Mat* xv-.i. anl ?*t at _ Ii MXX- If; VI IV TlfE MAY IRWIB IV x.'Uhiw \lx'. IRWIB lOBBi IT REACHEB THE HMH WATETt MAIiK ? ?:' H't, CARNEOa*. M |iT I'OIMI.IH stMili (OMKItr. Oct. 8-1 ..'-,. - ' M. '?,;? MHI'liOM n||? Hl>l II I Mtl.IKH I) X X'l' .-< II r"in<-a? -.'- '<? l.ll.llt\ 111,11 ll-'.l.T Sor.r-,no KOI llll) III M!'M I . .ilniat 1.000 a, . - , . . r. -t.e. tOLlVMRL'STheatre, Be_a_ia s m.- i ???: i t\t% ~> I IMIIIKl ?. Al \T. III llll.i.i "B 81 IT. DALY'S WRRK, II "III KK%THKV. RR I.A.-!'r V WMBm MRR. I'otthh niia. POTTER ln I ? greal [-'.ar, The Queen's Necklace. it i: COLLIER i?i: i.t iii;i\k. 11 ? ? - - -,: it Af 1 I ri-i'llx .Im riiilnz |?t:i> ""*'_' I irnia aiiii.'rli ,,. -.,1 n.-i i .i i XX orld A ' ? I ? I iVni'lKi: THHATRK. Ilr.imltx :i > A HMh-at. t|H. .1011% IHIKII - . .r Uy. th it iwi'Ht nr.vr TOtXfi {oyriM. %ril M.iniliit?< IIIIIMOnllll. .IH._ 1/ DEM MU-RB. WORLD IX WAX, ?;it \M? COBCRRTB, . Mr V n -"?:!. I.e?ae_ I. IRItK K. R. aj. A .loiKl'll ifoi.l.tXDIa - BO . . a __j Iti I '? ' 4 X' - ' I ? ' MODJRAH %. I M- ? X' M \HY STVAR - Bat CA Yir.I.E. _ i.tltl>i:% itii: 11 Hl'.. ?' i'..:.-r :? < n.vliad uarrrx Theatre, i. IBT u ii EEKB LABT - II EEKB. I \ IT -' WBBK* TRILRY. I |?T - >* EBKsi. TRJLH1. LA*T '- wEEKI. ?B ainaa .ot ? BOt'VENIR Ni::r" 2niHh i l " T 7._ ?7\RI)i:% THEATRE. i oMMEXi im. ?.< r. 11. JOSEPH JEFFERSON IN CBII KFT o\ THB HBARTH ANfl LRXO mi; ih k*). Bale of ai . . ? '? *j_*t GRAXD OPERA HOtSE. Mat* v : * Ba*. THK H ? i:M i Bl UIBL, _ Xes.1 M.-.-l.. HEHR*JAX*4 THE i.HF.lT. HO~YT*R THEATRE -'i' -? Broadwaa* :?.-._? , 'i THE i.ll Piliisi \>?. thi: ?. i? P irmi t%v aaa - -" 8 18 _ in.ii ii.ii a?l iHi: THBATRB. '.tii_V l.H tl tl.KIH WHITRBIDB, tl M. IIII.KKlc IVHITEalDE. I* HtMI.KI. _ HVRLEU OPBRA HOl'SE. ?? ?? "JS JUl -__ THE ? iiir>KI ROB ""'I Ol'BH I ? <?? ??",, H"* THE I'"' ?"" " ? I 1-aX KIT/'.l.H 11.11. nixiMi PLACE THBATRB, IS ?? irrtnaPaaaBi THK HITTLK. OT THK li' rTEBITlBB._> KOBTRR A BIAL'f. ..?'.>' ,A* MU XKIIII> 1.II1M. I'H II III V, l l.tHt \IIKI.AM). t tll)l> BiaTERR, ?aniii Lorkhart'a lri,in.<l Ele>ph_-ta. SEXT Bt'NDAl -'- _ l.H Kl tl THEATRE ?*?_% LYCBIR THBATRB " ? ..nniHN E. H. ""THKK.J, ' K. H, BOTHERB, THB I'llMiMTl OF ZEXDA . ii-<? _ LABT IT HHOIDIIII iiirtTltri IIF.KK. BROADWA1 ?? ,^[V,,i:Vi!,; PRINCESS BONNIE. V Mls ,.x. ..'I l.l'.M-Y. HABIBON *<tl 8RR OAUBKB. _? (II'KMM; to.mi.hi ir . :..o. Kik FOOO I'HOIM tTR tM> tl'IM I IM l>. |il to . A'ln - |\ OPBRA HOISB. Even ;:..r.::.; an ? M.i'.nee THE PBASAXT THE4.TRE rOHPATT, ? ? ? ? .-:!{S' i.ti'i: ??; >? ?-? Pr?ea. PRIM lolts PLRABtRE PALAI R. . . . ? mirta'l. I'Kiii I nd ?? ? .-t'i' ind Tict Avea. S'.R I.OI KHARTB COHir BLBPHABTt, . , '-.-. 44 in - th-rs. _.-!?; . - -urea. aiixn.imi theatre; i ? g | tl Ill'.l . tl^r. | Mu -I' 2 18. THE < ti'llol. THK CAPITOL l>v Amuatua Tl. 'nuta. -O MOMH FII.MKH '*?.'".'l ? Bat. : -HF.I.I. I F<>\ I UELLA F??X t AND THE i-OiiK' ? 'I '' x "VCCEtM, J FI.KI R-DE-Lta. I PLEl R-DH-LIR. i rvt. ia. ra "'"* ? -TH IIF-. THKITHK. |fi I! C Mll ? ' I r * Mana llll. > \T. I . l.ii'Hlrt .t l.tat v.. : t \ "I OCT. T?D.*A ll? <? IHH.. K. -.- \ ? - - ? >N BALE 11TII ST. THEATRE. yearBt-ae. I-- . i - x'..' <TI \l XCE1 OLCOTP THK IRIRH lltrixT. _ Ptrdmbatttj REDPCEn BORTOB BS.OO, FROVIOBBCI ._ . tirut aad Raaaa* ? ' new I'li..: :!.; n i < alwva ... - ? ? inday Full niahra ! INK ORCHEBTRA oa ?-iclt ? to P. ll.. e\ - ka_da?? FAREH UK1 >NL1 *?'. ?0 lo BOBTON M . I ther | ra PRIf* ILI.A .I Pt'RITAN ln wrnma. -i a. a " II RartB ? -a. ac :. :t?. P M._ 23 Tt) !?? BTON *2 TO WORCBBTER at M ? I _ ,__ NEW-HAVEN Fare. IX. ExcuraURi, llJaa. ~-.ii.-r-. RIPHARO !"?:? K an i C II N'.RTIlAiJ M :. i: :i P M aad n 30 P M laUg, .- . i i ueoting wltb trn:,i I* M^ri.len. lia.-t H ind N rtb._ WoL.iDsaDGD 0BBv<t[P Qdw GDswGflGnOofl LA* UNB BTLaliEB "^ "XgW-TOBJE" or "ALBASir Suadaya. Leave. Brooklyn. Fultoa ?t 10/ An.i'i).S A. bt, New-Tnra. Dwbrosaaa St. Pler.8 40 " W..I 32d 8t. Pt?r. ? Fr ALBANT, landlnj il "i Bker* y nt New burgh, P ugbaaeaal* BAlaebaca, eat.kill and Hudaoa. * >' VVEHT POINT, NEWBl'ROH ar.d POrCHKlTEPfeig, wlth 1 rwa Lay Ii> at. ALBAN1 wlth . for N rtl Eaal anl vv?a? BfORNINO *v AFTERNOON ."ONVERTS. I. \st TRtP rroaa R Y . Oet. l* ".''?'? nst EAN I'.l'KilOM' leave Old Pl? U N B .... ? a-.u, e- . ,i- .. P. M (?unday? *a> eetlng Wlth expr.-aa t-aini tor pu.:::a Noria, Eaat anl W.-t pATUKnaL ETUDSON AND COXaACaTIl \ '? ...??; l m ru,m foct r weat 111 - - 1 ng a' A l-KW.L with :i'-" ?? K an.l at HID8..N wuh the BOBTO.N Wl' V! BAX1 R ..a? II UDSO.N KiVEll 8TKAVKU BaaTf FoweU, I>Al V lEXCKPT 81 NI-Ai 8), ? '?-?'- ?--" a Mi .: i., i M -..?.-.?- Iaya I 15 P U. L-a ?a U e-i 2Jd 41 .1 .(.. p M . Satut.laya. 8 P. M. F?i ? KAN.HT.t.N S. (-i.hNW.VLl.. \KWHl KUH NEW. UAMK'KilH. Vll ...\ i .liKI-Kl-tME. HON'DOIT BIMUaToN I.i-' t p ...i 0*1 11 rrit<)Y BOAT8 <ITY OF Tl?>Y off SARA A Io.iA. leav. w?at 10th .-?i il.illy. o?r?pt Baturday 8 I' M . nu?-t ?-ith 1'i-laarar. an,l H i.laud and Fltehl.urg ?? rna Buadajr .teamer toUChe* a' Vlhunv. AMfDRLL nftaaaan hataa Pler 24. H R . fo.,t Emnklin at . f r Crgl .t >n .. We.tPomt.Oo48 Btrftagj Cor..aali. Flahklll Landina and Nenburg. w?*B aara I | m . Sundaya 8 a ra. i lASJ-.t. N H a le a. oa. A.->VEIlTISr..\lKNTB AND aUBBLBjl |p*jggj p>OR THK M.n V.iRK TRIBt'NK WILL HE RE CEIVKD tr::1' ' PTOWN OFF1CE No 1,243 Ht^ad. *?/. 3<l dour norlh ">f Thlriv nra--at ; and APVPJR. TISKMENT: at Ih. Ml?lng Rrati.-h oea .,, ga, BaVJata av... a a co.-n*r Tw*atj-thir^-at.. 102 IBJBa bf%. K