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port of all votera opp->aed to a return of Tam many rule. I IX FAVOR OF JIIHIK ALUSON. It waa aald that Thmtas Allls n w.Hihl he re- j nomlnated for Judge of thc c urt of Oeneral Se*. p.|ons. and thnt Theron O. BtfOog, wboai leeml talcnts and paeeooal charader are well kttOWtl, w.oild probably he his runulng matc. Job E. Redgea the Mayor'a aecretary, was a "?vo?*e f..r Judge of the Clty Oourt, and leadera of thc reguiar organlaatlon Wboui he ha? foughl to a polltlcal way for aome mmths. expreeaed tne wlab to pee his name on the tlcket. Mr. HeflfW, however, aeemed Imbued with the Idea that ne ought not to accept a nomlnation from thc con? ventlon unleaa It unequlvocally Indoraed the pren ent adminlatratlnn or the dty governm?nt. ab thla is not probable undef the ttrcumatancea; w. Hedgee'a name may not be preeented. Judge Henry C. Botty wlll be nomlnated for the place be nnw holda ln the Clty Bench. The of tbe Fi.ut delecatee t>. the Re? publlcan County Conventlon at Terrace Oarden alreadv alluded to was largely attended laat nlght. Mr. Lauterbach prealded, and a 1 -ng aie cuaalon t..ok place on the qu>*tinn of fualon, ex clae and an adjoiirnment untll Monday '?veulnj;. A BTRONO APPKAL PRE8EXTBD. Shortly after it had been catted to order, a commlttc" from th-> BrookSeld delegataa oonalat ln? of John J. OolUn* Benjanain Oppenhelmar, Rohert Miiicr and PTank Daty, prenwted a b't ter which had b en ad< pted .it a meetlng of the AuU-htachlne leadera Thc docutrent, which waa Btrong ai l convlnclng argument in favor? 01 Martin H. Healey, Blmon Oayln. John Blmpeon, lames 1 Clark Th.i re 1 Ruble, Roberl MilW OeorS- reltman. Wllllam Henkl*. Thom aa F. Bag*ii, Benjamln Oppenhehner^John c. draham B. C. Croft Jacob Kahn. Frank H. l.aly. Charlca A. Adama. P J. O'Brten and John LThapaper, as wlll beobaenred. although declar ing that i... reaaona of a aul?aiUintlal charmetei exlei for a fallure to pul up a fualon tlcket. con talna no threal >1 a purpoae n d to accept the to be voted for al the romlng electlon. Aa you are prealdent of th.- Rcpubll ar. County > ommlttej and promlnent in the rotim ;:- f th, party. we take the *bern of calli-.e yonr attentlon to theae atate menta. and aak you to place this communlcauon before the conventlon when It meeta nexl rhuradas '"tIic campaian of taat yonr. which raaulted In the electlon ..f Mi Ptrong aa Mayor la of ao rewnt a date and the clrcumatancea connected with it ar? ?o know'.. that for our purpoaaa II i? not a Hil neceaaary to refer to it In deUil It la aufflcli nl to s?v the.t so thorougbly eon\ Inced were tne peop ?? of thw eity of the neceaalty of overthrowlng lam many Mal'l. thal men of all pertlea and pf every ahade of oplnlon, patriotically and unaelflahlv unlted for ? lal purpoae Tlmmgh ihe agency of the i om in'it.e of gevehty actlng merely as an advlaory > a unlon of all thc dlfferent Antl-Tammany oraaniaatlona was perfected. Conaplcuoua aniont; theae bodlea waa .!.? Republlcan organltatlon. Which enthualaatlcally accepted and Indoraed the platform of prtnelploi upon which thc campalgn waa condu. te 1. Btrong In numbers and In conndence. it wai eonfeaaedly the nust Important agent ln brlng Ing about the defeal of the Tammany candldatea. and its attltnde in the fiKht for decenl and horv at rlty governmenl was worthy of its beal and higix-st tradltlona. So emphatlc waa the poaltlon pf the party al thal time n? to the Imperatlve neceaalty for a unlon agalnst Tammativ that m 1t> platform it congratulated ihe people upoti the fa-.t that "for the flrst time ln twenty yeara the people ol the clt> "t New-York feel an ns?ured ronfldenee that the op l.ortunity bas preaented Itseif to extermlnate thc forces of evll which. throngh the agency pf Tam? many Hall. hare ahameleaaly und reckleaaly domi nated our clty govi rnm< nl " IT COCLD Not BE MIBt'NPERSTOOD. The platform alao atated with equal truth and clearness thnt "Ii la not a ((ueal on ??' party, but a rpiestion of patriotlam, clvlc prlde and duty, which thla year prcs<tr? Itaelf for the determlnatlofl of every vot-r of this metropolls." FollOWlng IBlB eloquent atatement of party duty waa an arralgn ment of Tammany Hall, ao lual and forclbl. terma. that there could be no mlatinderai in llng aa ?o what the party thought and whal II pi tO do. It la aaserted aa a fact not to b< ntroverted tha* "..ur burdena have grown '? ?? year b) year, and our prl tl Immunl ties more an i mi ? trta I, 'thal Ihe pr! vate fortunea of numerotia Tammani poll tlclana ha\r' been bnll: ,. bj meana of money unjuatly extorted from the thrlfl ol th" .ieh. and wrung from the hur.i earnlnga ol Ihe poor..hat ihe exposurea nit!.- uj the l.exow Commlttee ha\" breiMjrhl to liEh' ?).. featerlna orruptlon which i.pi'va.lpd our munl l.-.a. (ovrrnmrnl." anil "ihit thc evldenee adduced before the commltte< p ? eents a condltlon alarmlng, dlahonorable and dla goating." IN FORCE TO-DAT AB WEL1 Then the partj mad< ihh ippeal, lo which we < all your eapeclal attentlon, as. ln our oplnlon, It .i foi ? to-day .i- it 'i"i a yeei u^o; and It t iln aa tbe formally axpreaaed pollcy of the party untll revoked bj ''>?? aame atithori-v thal i lopted it. In othei worda, thla a; peal and the pledge thal followed, are a part of thc accepted platform ol the Republlcan party ln this clty and county. They are .i* follows: '*VVe appeal to all ritlaena of New-York, r>gardle?a of party afhliatioti? or Incllnatlon, to |oln with os ln one iletermine.i and unlted effort lo reacue om clty from th. ? ? apollera of Tamman\ Hall " "We cordlally approve of the platform and decla ui'jin of prlnclplea fidopted by the Comm ??? Reventy, and while ;),<? candldate for Mav r agreed upon in conference with othei organlaatlona, and iiomlnate.] by ua, Ii a Republlcan, we pledge for him an h.>s:. - mlcal and i on-partiaan admln Jatratlo;, of munii pal affalra"; on-1 ihi? pledge is followed by .?! ? lupport ..f ihe party la dne "eoually lo all candldatea upon the muti Ipal tlcket, be they Republlcana .a Democrata." I'ncn Ihet ? and pr tmlaea the party ap pealed to the people, and the L'nlon tteket waa elected. We have made theai referencea to tbe platform of our party in the conteet of last veu. becaoee of th" dlatlnctneaa with nrhich they deflned |ta poaltlon and duty at that time, and !?. hm^. ue belleve that what It aald then. i; certainiy meana notr Thc I mngnltude of the evll to be leatroyed and thc neceaalty for unlon to accompllah :t arere thei ! fuby recognla'd; and then waa nel her healutlon | nor doubt aa to th< lexltlmati m. ina to Inaun < eas. What unlon of all Ihe antl-Tammany tl< m >nta a.-ttially dil li a tnatter of hlatory, um il la not too much to aay that, had it nol beer for this nnlon. the evils ti which our platform of W<i so eloquentiy refera would have been In exlatence to day, Btronger ar. 1 more affenalva than ever, THK BXAKE NOT KILLED Qaar rletory -.v;.s a ut.-.i' one, bul it waa partlal and bteomplote "We p,.t\<- acotche*) the anake, nol k Bed it". aml Tammany taught cautlon by defeat, and relylng upon aUeged dlaaatlafactlon In certaln quaftrTB. alreedy eongratulatea Itaelf upon the proapect of aucceaa which it r'.i'x-? can only re au|t from loablllty or Indlaposltlon to combln* agalaat it. ln whal we hivi ^ail no referei haa been made to thc tr.arkt l Improvement In munlctpal af fairs under t!;>- preaeal adi ai aa ?reu meni for a lhat haa ma le ? lalble. That ttie change haa been foi the ad vantage of the i.ple of - dla pute. That thc Btandai hlgher ?han before is admltted, even by th< ihe adminlatratloi and we venture the oplnlon that thc p? >p!r wlll never be contenl a th anj or pfopoaltlon thal may hav< a tendenej to lower it We belleve tiiat queatlona of mun cipal ? aae f loo gra\. and aerloua ? charactei ta be ?? -i i with by appeala to party prlde 01 parl - n }.rejud'"f We belleve. too, thal an overwhelmlug majorlty of ihoae who laai yeai yoted foi Ihi tickc ?.? i ? , G . earneal ln th.-ir d< alre tha ,;" movemenl foi :?? ttei an i j.urer o'.'y governmenl al ill bc pei ?. untll th? prlDclpie .f eatabllahet] lhat then .'.,?;: (.. ? cjmplete acparatlon ?! munlc.pal laauea from Rtate and Vi'l ?'? al laauea The Conatltut on ol :h<- Stat< i ?? , . prln clple; thc .,?:. In regard to It waa adopte.l after tull diacusalon, in al aolutelj meanlng leaa if eandldeten for clty offlce an to be ,,,tel for becaure ef ihtlr r'.""> atand l>ellefa A MENACE TO OOOD OOVBRNMENT. rrippi?d rfs Tammany la. an-i ahorn aa it haa been to aofn BXU ' "f |<ower und pteaUge, it stbl re malna a coatlnued meaaca t . good government, ai.d ao long an it Is powerful for avtt, the duty of every eltiien 1? aa p'/?in to-day as it wa.- ,i yaar ag i. Tnat it can be defeated by a unlon la, we thlnk, heyond ejuaAtlaat; ar.d It sc?ma to u? cquaiiy certaln tha: ?wo or more aaparata and distlnet tlcketa ln the field againat II will reault In ita Bucrea-. There are no Inaupara'de obataalat to a unlon upon BOOM V/usia that wlll be iionorabie and aatlafactory t-< all concerned. and that will malntaln the prln. loie*. {or which our par'y haa heretofore rontendi I For that reaaon we have the honor to aak that \o>i uae your to hive n commlttee appolnted by the Republlcan Conventlon to cenfer wuh oth.-r organlastiona. to the end that th" opportunlty may rot be thrown aw?y to complete ih< work ao au?pic:ou.?!.\ begun Inal aulumn go fai ??? clt) ohaeera are eoncerned, ln thi< can.t.aign aa ln th>? one a year ago. there are bul two pai l< Temman; and antl-Tamman,". . and aa Republlcana, we feel that are can appi il with entlre conndenra to lh< Purely Vegetable MilJ. cfticient, reliable, Safe for delicate vvomen a\k\ children. Thc best foi family use. Hood's Pills p OMMERy ?SEC" and Champagne Nature (Vin Brot). " SELECTED for the Banquet in Hamburg given to the GERMAN EMPEROR and the GERMAN PRINCES." N. Y. TIMES. RepubUcaa organtaatlon to occupy In IBM the proud : p eltlon " dld ln 1MM. Much (Uffer. i..e of aentlment on the aubject pre aented by the Brookfleld delegatee appeared ln the dlacuaalon whlcb rollowed, but it waa dec ded that after the convenUon waa organlaed to-nignt a commlttee to auggeal candldatea for nomlnatlon ahould be appolnted. rompoaea of one ****** from each Aaaembly dlatrlct. after whlch the con ventlon ahould ndjourn untll Monday evenlng. Edward Lauterba h waa aelected for temporary rbaTrman of the conventlon. and W. W. vVhltne, and Beul Roaenthal for ae .retartea. Alenander T. Maaon was agreed upon for permanenl cbalrman. ? WITHDRAW IT* DSPSW 8AJ& HIB ADVICK AB TO THE OOOD fJOVERN MEXT CLURB TICKET. THR OROARIRATIOB WIM. BRCOMR A OOMFRTWa POUTICAL fa-tpin. I1B savs. n- THBT FRR Hrr IN THR1R OOimFR. IXBTRAD Of THR POWRR FOR OOOD R1IICH ?riii:v n *VR BRRX. Chauncey M. Depew advlaea tbe Oood Oov ?rnmeni Cluba to wltbdran the tlckel noml aated Monday evenlng, and watl untll the reg. ular partlea have nomlnated their tlcketa before taklng further actkm. Aa Mr. Depew la one of Ihe ..Bl,rour" and iherefora an advlaer of hla part?. hla worda bava greal welgbl m tbla matter. He ? Mtd yeaterday, ln apeaktag of the actlon of the Oood Oovernmenl eluba: \ day'a time aeema to bave compllcated Inatea i ol otorifled tba attuatlon. The Oood Oovernmenl eluha have taken tbe taak upon tbemaelvea of nom ,?atinga? Independenl tlcket and all piaotb-al men wlll condemn them for thelr haety actlon. rhe beal ihing that they can do l? to wlthdraa the ?chei and wall untll the neceaalty of nomlnattng an Independent tlckel la Ibrual upon l"?R befor'a1"" taa Theae politlcal babaa ln the wood and twaie ,'.,?,nk polltlctan* have made nn error that lt la SJtVhe hard to remedy. I have ****** Mayor Btrong. and h too. I. dtaguated a way thlnga have gone The nomlnatlon ol b nea I:,ke. by thew cluba compllcatea nmttefa toaurhan extenl thal ont la onabk to aay wbal wlll l ..r>o you thlnh thal they wlll wlthdraa '".'r.!,,,-! know mough aboul them to venture an opMon. That wouM he rhe proper tblng foi lo do. but as tbay have been ln auch headlong haeti ,o gel II ln the neld It la hard ... aa) arhat they wffl do in tbe way of aupportlng it. Any of the nen nomlnated are foollah to run .... th Thev cannot be eleeted unlee* Indoraed b> other organtaatlon or party. Tbe Oood Goyern ,,,,,. by jumplng hi abead of th. old partlea ... nomlnattnga tlckel ceaa. lo be an organtt.tlon o vlgllanee and become a party ln tbemaelvea t li ?," m.ich of a Party ,o h. sure. f,r they can ha . command over t.000 votea Tbereforeaa they hav uken the inltlatlv. atep thev have broughl hem Be)vea to b polnl where they mual aund up and be counted. and thal la nol gotng to mak. a .,.,.,. ngion numerlcally. A ooOD RECORD IN THK PA8T, ?The Oood Oovernmenl cluba In the paal ' iv< Dlaved a commendable part. Tbe) are compoeed of young menwhoa, wlah lt I. to ae, lh?.bealtform of -overnmenl prevatl. They were, under the o.d .litiona .? lower of atrength They were prac ticalrvan unknown quantlty WMU nomtnally the) were auppoae.1 ... control 7.0M votea. yel Ibetr ln Huence waa anch thal they were heW In ?w< ?? pollticlani generally. They were looked upon wlth f.,,r by th- Republlean polltldana partlcularl). Their unlque poaltlon ln po'.ltlca made them eo. 11 waa thelr duty ... i.. a Ihreatenlng Bword over tbe ?..., is of erafty polltlclana. Thelr 7.W0 votea eould ,?. laugtaed at, bul the Influence that they wleMed , ,.? anothei mattei Bay. for Inatance. they had .,? , ned In tha background nntll the regubir partlea had nomlnated their tlcket then the) had eomi to the froat and espouaed etther of the tlcketa iban they would ha.- been a power, and arell worth belng allled wlth. -Thi Oood Qovernment cluba wer< only Ihi cli ub of a nodeacrtpt party and can be OOthtng < la* But even ln tbla fact they arere an unknown quan? tlty and aa auch to ba feared Buppom, foi Inetan. *, thal when the oM partlea had nomlnated theli tlch eta that the leadera In the Oood Oovernmenl Clnba had eome ont and aald. Here la a palpable deal. Here la a nalnaMe effort to retaln Tammany ln power. and ... dhrlde the apolla of offlee.' Then b) dlaownlng tbe tlcket* nomlnated nnd cbooalng om of thelr own they would become an laaue ln the ram nalgn They would be the place of refuge for all votera of Independenl Ideaa who belleved thal the election of the tlcketa named would nol be foi Ibi beal mtereata of tha party. Then. Indeed. thev be? come a faetor. Their 7.0M votea awell ... ? polnl where II i1- Impoaalble to Bgure .... what the reeull wlll be They may hav, Ga,l.r W?,m, or even more They are aorl of a refuge for politlcal rene Kaden of all kinds who wanl a better form of gov :;, ftnd feel that they cannot hav II through tbe trlumph of Ihe oM partlea wlth the tlcketa In the fleld. A COMPET1XO FACTIOR ??By antlrlpatlng the a.tion of the old partl. puttmg a ttcbei In tha Beld they no longer remaln a menaca ... ihe regular organiaatlonB. bul they become at ence a competlag factton. lt |a l< thal they Bhould go beyond thelr own provlnce and become a party In tbemaelvea Here they are ln Buch a poaltlon that their irue welgbl la known. Th.-v an no longer the nucleua of an an.ided or ; anlaatlon who onli unlte for Ihe good, bul thi v become a ctaaa dlatln. i and deflnable 1 h< menace is removed and the oM partlea can co ahead and do aa they pleaae and reekon arlth cer talnty upon the oppoaltion that they may ex|.; from thal Th. ir ume-talti llmltat'ona are deflned, .md tbe polltlclana no longer i?iok upon them as an linkiiowii quantlty thal ran groa Into irlanl proportlona al a day'a aotlce and cruah an) attempl to Imj. a bad llckel upon th* people. I hope thal Ihe) "^l aee the matter ln thal llghi and wlhdraw helr Ickel and remaln Irue to thelr natural arork, an l ihey m. atlll be a power." Ni,. pepew aald thal he fell Ibai Ihe men who had i,.-..ii nomlnated would aea lha mattei ln thli llghl and thal they would nol run. ix Benator Warner Mlller, anoth r membei of the Advlaorv Commlttei ... thi Republlcan party, waa ln the 'i.v yeatlrday Mis name waa thi flral entry on t).gl?ter al th* Flfth Avenue Hotel, and II waa aa thal h<- came down here lo he prea cnl it conaultatlon* coi.rntng th>- beal .-...irae t., followed ?.nt alnce the Oood Oovernmenl cluba had taken Ihe bll In thelr teeth and were i i away from all advl * When Mr. Mll'.er wa? about ;i ? cauae of hb * ali to th< city, and if h? would -iu anythtna aboul th.- actlon of iha Q od Oovernmenl rloba, he rep.lcd: "I am not from New-*ork, and I do rot eare to mlg up ln local affalra. i mual deeiine to exprea. an oplaion on tha' matter ! hiv- affalra ennnph up the State to keep me hiia;. You have enough people here to aettU- tha? dlfflcu.ty wlthoui my Inter ferlng " Mr Mlller decllned to make any rimmer.t up..n Mr Depaw'a advlca that th? t,.ket he wlthdrann ite'talked durlng the day wlth Charlea W Haekatt, chalrman of the S.ate Commlttee, and aeem*! huav wlth men Wentlfled wlth local poiltica. but hl? mouth waa aealel ao fjr aa an expreaaion of oplnlon waa concerned. _ _^_ MORE DEBERTION8 PROM THK WIOWAM. A BROTHRR OF THK LATE POVXTT CLRRR B f HKi'.t.v \M.iN'i THRR BfTRTT OF THB DRUANRT ROtfT Auioiir the receni <' from Tammany Hn'i ia Arthu. T. Reilhjr, brother of lha late County Clerfc and aa-gtata Beaator Edward F, Retllj who haa jolned t'oe Independenl County Orgenlaatlon In tba 1 Klllh Aaaembly DbMrlCt. "il..:- dlagUated Wlth | Tammany ate Oeorg* \\ Cofbett '? xv Johneon and Max Men.nt. prombtenl Tamman) men "f ri,? XXXVth DlHtrl.-t. and Nalhan S Levy, ..f the Yin.h Dlatrlct who hav.- atra aanoaneed theli in tentlon lo |ea\e H.e yVlgwam and Joln Ihe Ii d. pendent CoHnty Organtaatlon Reporta from naarly avery part of th.- city Indtceta thal then Ii to be a Kreat aiirinkiige in iin- Tammany VOte n'-xt in... i . The holt Of tbe Ifelaliej folloWing l.i 'he Xltil Aa^embh Idatibt |? .-auHing trouble ln tbe vYlgwam on the Weal Blda. "T.many wlll nevei j"H agai.i that loo.noo retoa Ohwdy and Ouy Mow M on* and hard about at Hrrneuae laat .Wfek. aald . mnt ? aloner Harhurger yeaterday. r*".Tn??"* li?Se tbla yenr Is l*aten In advtn. e and there.are? anm. amurt men ln the crganlaatlon who reallae and aa mit It." ORHKM BPBAKI IN HOBOKBK. jr.itsKvs nr.piiii.PAN ktanmap.p BRARg* wahmu WEU?MBO. john W Orlgga, the Republlcan candldate for Oovernor of New-Jeraey, addraaaed a m.-i?s.m.-.-?. Ing at the Quantel Hall. Waahtngton-at.. Hoboken. last nlght. The blg hall was erowded to the doora with an audience that falrly brlmmed over with appreclatlon of the many telling polnta which Mr. Orlgga broughl oul during thc evenlng. Like other apeechea which Mr. Orlgga has dellvered recently. bta addreai laal nlght was dlatlnctly gggreaaive throughout. BternH denunclatlve was he of the ,,?.,.,?,. r,,, rd of the Democratlc rlngatera a rrentoa and his aovere and fbratble arralgament of the ini.mitica tha. marked the Deaaocratlc ad mlnlatratKMv mel an enc.aging reaponae froni thc sturdy Republlcana of Hoboken. Aaroa a. ita dwln prealded. ln a fcw well-cboeen worda the chalrman Intro duced Mr. <iriggs to tha meetlng, and .?n rlelng to begtn his addreaa he waa n elved with enthual asiie cheera Al the outael he appealed for tbe rap ,???, ao, ,,?h 0f .:, ? Republlcana, bul of thal cbtaa of Democrata who leatred an honeal and nund admlnlatratlon al Twntott. . Mr "irigus then wcit on ln deUII and aequence to expoae tha nefarloua methorta ?Bd reconia 01 th- Democratlc UglaJature, and dwell al hugth upon the revelaUona of the V'oorheea Inveatlgatlon Commlttee. He ended ai followa: "1 eome before you as the candldate Of the RB publlcan i.arty. I know what is r**f?n,l,bil?*1n right. and I wanl to abrldge no man a llberty n ariythlng 1 profeaa to be atandlng at thla time ln th- nlneteenth century. In every reapect up to da ? and no bfceh number. l befieva that leyWatlon ?hou!d be ln th< Intereata of the whole peop.e, and 1 be-ieve that one of tha thfnga we ai a auflfei Ing from ln New-Jeraey. and, In fact. ln all the 8 alea of "he Cnlon. la ;?-. much lealalatfon. I ahall >e my alm to reatrlct the conatanl tjnkerlng of the SWa and to Bllon the.I ?? <?? dy- with-u. t,,o ,?..?.,, p?ur?al governmenl. thla conteaita for hon eai governmenl foi the people of Ihe Btate rega for the rlghts of Ihe peopK no plundertra. no atea. Ing ... parttaan leglaiatlon In the ntereala of pfflce Be,BKera.m?lncrenaeofaa:arl1 ^[".""my ?tate hoarda on a non-partlaan baata. nm \-> m., platform and. If ?1.1, I ahall ajwaye ln to aei the I- ??' Int ? ta of New-Jeraey. 55 K Pamrborn and olher pncnkere fpl.ow< .and heartlb ipported ihe candldature of Mr. Orlgga ? -? ? TO OO AOA1X3T JOHN RAINKfl. THE DKMOrRAT" OF THK XMItJ W5XATE MBTRtfT JUDOE -I. HKNKY METCALFE. ....... N y.. ocl 'J (Bpeclall Al the Dem. tion for the XLHd Benate Dlatrtct, compoaed ,. u a)-n, ,,? j onl irlo coiintlea held h*re thla aftei ,.,,.,?. the nomlnation ol J. Henry Metcalfe, i iu,ia.' ontat ? mtj waa madi wlthoui oppo l ,lon. The nam of ludge M I alfe waa preaented by prank Rkn an I hla nomlnattng ?;.!l *"? qUentlj broken Into by ealla for Metcalfe Tbi thualaam wai unboundt I When IntroduceJ Judge Metcalfe aal 1 ln ?ub?ta Thla nominntloi. meana a ? matant. untlring atrug . .. from ln daj untll electl m and I m< in to pul Pn,o thla campalgn all the hard ???? keneriay a ? ? SVllflh! lnYel!t*< .t v?teraof WayneandOntarUi ,;.^!^;I::r,,.::nii;.1:i'^'?h',"-ir ..,? ,??'? urg. ,,.,:??;.-.?f <he beat C ItU ti ? r publlcan part) ln thla II trlct. and ti.j na i ?f expreaalna thelr dl-ap ? 0f theae methoda and of Buch candldatea i thla hlgh offlce I i your aatlafactlon ludge i Henry Metcalfe the Democratlc nomlne< for Benator In the XLHd Benate Dlatrtct. ? n ,,. Canandalgua, K. Y.. i ... a\ l?7, tnd ha? alwaya Hvefl there II- waa educatH al the Canaivlalgun "Vademv and on his twenty-flral blrlhday he waa the bai 11- th--r-.ip..n ?.-! I hlm; -,.|. m th- practlce of law, lo arhlch he ha devoteil hlmaell It. January. !??'. he waa appo ? ? ? , ?,:?,??, ..u.iK- -. aucceed FrAnK AIce n Nov-mber of the aame year he waa eteeted Judge of th.n tarlo FAVORED BY THE BTATE DEMOCRACT Tlf KXE?-UTIVR < ...MMtTTKK I'A.-'SCS A i'NVM lini s RFHOMTION I ? H A I'XITKD F10H1 11 ..-in.n t/."\i. OPTIOX. Tl . Executlre Commlttee of thi Xew-York 81 it' D mocmcj pU. thal on i n laat evenlng i, ? practlcally unanlm ? ?'"A '"' . . . . ? the clty ln favor ol pr aentlng ?, unlted froni agalnal th r< atoi iti.I Tam? many Hall to powi ? ?? meetlna waa held ?t N< ?s Baal TwMitv-thitd--t . onl waa attewled nj ncarlj all the membera of the Committtee on- hun ,,,, |? number Indudlng Charlea B. F chalrman; Maurl. ? J Power, Francia M B ott, John ,?. p/itl Warner. Theodon But. .,, Thom. C atlga Henrj P- l- or- ? ? ?., Roberi Orlei Monm . O. irge Walton Ore?n lohn A Hennebern-. 0?nlel R *??"**'** ... ,? Wllllam F Orote. B B. rerry.JRI ? Turner Wallace Macfartone and Thomaa i KaaUng. Becretarlea Bhermai and Murraj record I the pr "??' II , ,, Thle la the reajlutlon % Iclng Uh aentlmen of the organlaatlon aa ... the pollcj lo be puraui I thla all Th..t i? la the aeneeof ^?con}ml?ea ^H\;a.n\ecome%uhJectl. rule of Tammany Hall , , , ,,,, I, .,-! m lf everybodj pteeenl applauded Ihe il. bu! Mr. Orote, of IIh XVIth Dhurlct, moved t., la) i; on the labl*. There was only one v,,l(. m favor ol Mr. Orol 'a motlon and thal * i ,... ,,,.,. ,( .;,,,... hlmae'.f. Chalrman Falrchlld .;?.,. ,,, . . n tlon io idopl ihe reaolutlon, and II iraa can ? I a Ithoul II (V?. geotl aald thal ln vlew ot th ilMruMlon regardlng tbe eactw queatloi he had ?..,.,. aaketl lo offer a reaolutlon. which was adopted ;in i ordered t i tx aubmltted to the Btate Dem County Ci nventlon, ? h met ta al C ?per Cnlon next Monda) i i i Thc preaent . ? lae Ika was fathered and Intro ii.. i !., the Leglalature by rammani H il \ ? :,,,?,,,,, an,| paaeed al a ifme ^nfaramiW Hal held undlaputed control of all branehea of the law maklng powe. Ha long aa Tainmnnjr Ha I con trolled the I'ollci Denartmeni and pollce courta, his oneroua and oppreaafvi atatute waa free) uaed aa a meana f"r ??vVlng bla ' ? ln? ?l"': "l'" Kea-tng polMlc-ilnpi."ta. foi rayorlng and pro tecttng polltlcal fi nd foi ?He ?? ing ; yorg gtal Dem ?? i nalata thal everv cltlxen la entltled by th< faci ol hla . tlr.< n ?Mr, ta enloy the largeal meaaure of peraonal U ,?';;, con?:a?ent with the weifan ol the community and'noi n conlllei with the moral and rellgloua ronVlVtlona of h fellow-cltlxen-" W hlle are be? lleve lhal the aan. tlt) of Bundaj ahould be maln iined n Ihe intei ?' publle morala and ;',., hrough .????' from aU unneoeaaary abor '. !'.. wi ? - <!?" rc??rd ahould be had to tne aentlmenta and ? latoma ol lhal larg I , rMop of the community who dealre on thal day ' ,,v ,,,,, orderly and harmleaa re-rentlon We therefore favor, and wlll endi \\ ir to ? ,,.. ",,,-h a mo.lincatlon ol exlatlng lawa .... i, partlal l) and opprcaalon, ai Will enable thla clty to determlne foi Itac.i t?j I w" <\ ' ."? whetlier the aale of food, In-veragea .,,,.r ,,,,. <aarlea ahall be permltteil on Bun ;.,v during au h houra and under au.h reatrlc a-ith rellgloua obeerv , i(i,.-c and exerclaei ?i , . | ,? ?? immlttee reporte I thal all nomlnatl i ta I of th? Bute Demowicy itate, rtty and dl i ,.hiiMi , t?. by ronvenllotn and nol by certlflcat*. Thc County Commlttee wlll meel for organlaatlon ?? -? ?''V r Cnlon, ... I Ihe Coun v "onventlon a II meel al the aame place nexl ,,....i... .?.eini.i; The datea ol other conventlona ., . venina The riatea ol otner convenuona .'.,. ,iX,. i Ma followa: Pongreaa, Xth dlatrlct. Katurdav evenlng '" ib*r 5. al Xa 2M Weat Taren ,y.thlrd-at ; fenate conventlona. rueaday evenlng. (].",,,')',. , nbl) conventlona W? Inea i ly ing. ' N tobt '? THK POPUL1BT EMBLEM A CLOVER LBAF \;h.-\!,\ Oct -' Th< nominatHma by thc Paople'a party for BUta omcera were Hled to-day. The em blem adopted for uae on ihe pmclal ballol la tha ihree-leaf clover The Republlcan Btate nomlna tlona i .,% i ..' ? been hled. E M. 1YMAN A CAMDIOATJE FOR A83EMBJ.V. E M. Lyman, gacretary of the Clty Vigllancc League, of which the Bev. i?r Parkhurst Is preol fltnt, is a candldate for Aaaeitmry ln ih* XXHi DiB tr ? ar.l Is lik?ly to reeelve the nomlnitlon of thc He; ibllcafl Conventlon of thal dlstrict Mr. I.v man beeldta being eecretary of the league, la tha Edi'ot of "Tha Clty V'lgllani. a perlodlcal ehph advo. itea the work af in< ao. etv I-r Parkhurat it it iald. is desirous ..f h.vitig .Mr. Lyman .,, to. Aaaemmy. ; .Mdl.\ l? VREBT.AXD XAMED FOR iBMATOR, john 1?. Vte.iund, r,u rounael ol Morflatown | wa- noml .'? ' for atmal ? al the Morrta County Repub.lcan Conventlon yeaterday, B?-Mayor Charlea B, Hopkins. of lloonton, and Joaeph it. Hlghter, of Itocluiw.r.'. nere iiomlnated foi the taeemblv on Iba <?iu.. '.. *(.-? Then waa s..m? oppoalilnn ?. 'he nomlnation of Vreeland, th< frlenda ot ex-Maywr Counghlood wantlng lo k'\< th.- p... >? to hlm, bul it.- nomlnatlaa *n* flnally . ma le unanlmoua - ? Jf'DOK <l.\VN'?ir |fl ??rOhTBIDERIKa." Judge Wllllam J.Oa^noi waa aaked by the neara> papei mer and many otltera yeaterday what he >i i pc ted to <io liiiatlve te acci ptlag the aoaalnaUoa for Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELECANT TOILET LUXURY. UhoiI by pooplc of refmemont for over :i quarter of B century. Dy the commlttee from the Mayor offered to hlm by Ihe ?omn - ; ?? ??? aS^?nOZ ?'"'?I am'cS-ld.W th- matter and wlll glvVaa anawer In a gapat two. TWO T1CKST8 NOMINATSD. THIB Ifl TBE DBMOCRATIC HARMONT THAT PREVAIM in BROOKLTN. ?,. MHUWAXROCB SVMCUM CORVRXTIOXII B.ERBXT WRAROtRD ARD ?ffMaXBD THB I nvsM BRTWRRR THK TWO PACTJORi -II,IT i l'"N THB N-iMINATIoN OF ai.mkt P. IRRKB. ' The ftrel two of tbe iwacb-herakled simutane.,,,. conveatton- '* '* It'""l',r ?"", TT iZr cratlc factlona la Klnga County took place yeater , ;;'',?,? the a~emb..n. of Ihe *?"**??? ?OB- ofthe lld Judlctal Dbrtrlct They laatedIfrom H oclock untll after fi. and then harmony becem an r,deacenl dream, and each eonventlon nomlnated ? ?,k,, 0f it- own, oniy oaa caadWatc gettlng on both tlcketa Tbe i.ilnatloaa are aa foKowa: n,? , i ,m< - w covert, o liong laland i uy. man ?''" , , , ., , ..... iireene, of l!r<> .k !?;? T,!.! \ T..V1..V. ..f Brooklyn and Martfi J. Keough, of Weat Cheeter The reault la looked upon by polltlclana aa the end r,r harmony proceedliiga between tbe Bhepardltea ,n i Regulara ln Klnga Couaiy. Tn.nventtona met al tt o'elocli ln the court houae the ReguUra oecupylng the Ctrcult Court Chambera. and the Bhepardltea the City Court. M p McOoldrtck "! l!l""k:>"- i'l'""-1"' "v"r "'" McLaughlln conventkm. The delegate* mel ln ., the Commlaaloner of Jurora" room b> I ir* .,? ,,..,. | ? ,n wai called to oi ler. Hugh Mc< Un waa lh* ?? nti il Bgura In lh* au< ui othera i.n? ? ?"? John Delmar. Bernard J Thomaa F Farrell and Ex-Benator P H McCarren. They declded to atand b) ex-Corpoi?lton Counael \ nie, K. J-nkr. deaplt. Ihe protea ... the Rhep ,,,,;?. aho aenl woi i earlter ln the day that the) ?ou.l no. aupporl Mi Jenka. Jamea W. Klnklejr. chalrman nt the Democratli Btate Commlttee. wm . al the eonventlon ... the regu.ara, and iirged Ui.- nomlnatlon of Jamea v llllama of I) P? bul It waa decmed Inadvlaable ln Ihe llghl of Mr vYIIIUma'a connectlon a th th' famoua Dutcneaa ,- iunty .;. tlon rel irn ?? .-? Wh- n Ihe Regulara were made awan of tne noa tilltv ..f Ihe Bhepardltea lo Mr. Jenka, many ol them ?ai, thi were glad the hreah had eome m orrter lo rnake a llnal eff.-rt toward harmony eonferenc* , ..nimiii.-- were appotnted and wrangled for Ihree .ira Th* gpltl araa upon M. Jenka. The Re foimer* polnted oul t? Ihe Regulara tha. Mr Jenka had i"--f nltlmatel) identllled wiili Ihree ol tbe aoral admlnlatratlona th- elt} had e ?-. had, unrtei Mayora Whltney. Chauln and Hoody, anil thal ac ceptlnn h m waa uttiltlfylng th* organtaatlon ln Ita mtfeaalona of reform and good government Aa Itoaa" \P-i,.tikIi.i had aald thal Jenka inn?i rfn,a,ln on the ii.-ket at all haaarda lln aplli wa Inevltable anr] -.. the conferer.mmltteea r ......-d hack o t...t- eonventlon thal they had been unatile to agrei The two ronventlona thereupon nominateu the two tlcketa named. The feellng became ao bltter before Ihe .la) naa orer lhal it waa generally com-eded that th* Meget nomlnated b) the Remibllcana on Monda) would tove a aure wtnner PolRlclana aay thal II the -.1 not agree upon the pi trdltea an 1 Regulai romparatlvely unlmportant matter of ?udlclal noml twitlona unlona upon the nomlnatlon for Mayoi and Diatrlct-Attorne) would ba oul of the queatlon. -^ ?. vVORTH NOT BURE OP NOMIMATIOX. flOIRlXO OS THR RRPIXTfl OF THB BROORtTN roXVKXTtOXf" SOMK ?l RPRWRf '.m: i<AM>tDA1 i> ,\ j.|, ^e Republl an City Conventlon oi ' ,la\ off polltlca were rlfe ln Brooklyn yeaterda) Il waa hard ... eorrectl) analyae lha altuatlon and demonatrate thal any partlcular candldate had won , .,,... majniltj ...' Ihe dele??te* ?. the Tu.s.lav nlgbi prlmarl. There were aiirprtaea all around Ex-Benatoi Wc h wa* lefeated b) aeven In hb own diatrtcl by the VVurater-Batrd coraWnatlon. Wlll latn cullen Bryanl belleved by Mi Worth'a frlenda ,,, be In the lei d a* i Mayor ill i candldate. waa alao defeated, but hla diatrtcl wenl agalnel hlm by only ,?.,. vote <>n the other hond, e?-Naval Offlcer lYIIIIa won In hla diatrtcl bj only om vote, and he did nol know that he had any appoalthm antM tbe votea were counti d iti the iv.h Benate iuairi.-t. where ex-Benatoi n'orth tri'd to gel delegate anoUgh to Inaure hla nomlnatlun foi the Benate, hi- frlenda s?. he haa won l>) a narroa margln, bul the antt-Worth leadera ? ? , oul a majorlty agalnal hlm. Thi general reaull on the rlty conventlon no one can eatlmate Whlle Mr Bryanl la conceded to have a* many vote* for the flral ballot aa an. of hi? onitonenta, lt I* aald bi eaperlenced campalgnera thal he Ir llkely t.? b< defeated on Ihe Beeond ballot by a unlon of a number of the other candldatea delegatlona There wlll be M.45I votea In the ron ., maki.iK f'.-L'T neceaaary to nomlnate Con troller Oeorge w. Palmer wlll .all the conventlon to ordei u TIIET U'AN'T OLEASON AOAIN. I.,.\i; Igl.AKU < ITV DEMOTRATg SOallKATK IIIM POR HATOfl ?Ci,.. oleaaon Democrata owned I^ong laland City ;;,-? nlght, and bonflre* Maaed even-where ln honor of tbe nomlnatlon of Patrlck Jerome Oleaaon f'.r Mayor Th. Queena County Courthouae w t< |ammed wlth polltlclana of all ihadea, and foui conventlona ?,r^ . ri lh programme to nomlnate a Benator, member of AaaemWy, county ofBcera and city ofJI ,-,.r-. Le. everythlng waa a alde laaue compared Wlth the nomlnal|..n for M ?v ? >i The t"K ?x-Mayoi ara* nomlnated by acelamatlon, ,n i when he made hl? appearance the uproar eould be beard h ili ? mll* away. M . '1.1; 1.1 .A N I ? N' >M ! NATK11 1 K \V I :ST. 'II C8TBR \t ihe Democratlc Benate Conventlon for the XXIId Benate Dlatrlct, held ln Mouni Vernon yea? terday, ea Ctati Benator Charlea P. HcClelland waa nomlnated b) Joaeph I-' Daly, and John Othney pre u, n."d the name ..f Kuceni Travla, of Peekaklll, Thi vote was cloae, Mr McClelUind recelvlna v and Travla \ votea Mr (llbney, ln Ms nomlnatlng -,',.... h, j.i thi ea Benator In round terma He .;,!?! he araa no frlend to the worklngman, and only wenl Into polltlca for hlmaelf. Mr Olbney then told ihe conventlon how McClelland aeni a poor work? lngman io the penltentlary during h!s term of offlee as genator for wrltlng hlm a poatal card denouncing i,i Bctlona ln ih ? s. nate agalni I a blll ln the Inter ertaof the worklngman There wen no other noml natlona made. >ir// \/i iiir.n i"ir VALPKACTICT. Dr. Dennla Bweeney, of No. :ni Beventb-ave., who waa arreeted Tueaday nlghl by Detectlvea vValtg ! idei and Dale, >>f the VVeal Thlrty-aeventh-at s.a tlon, "ii tbe charge of havlng performed a crtmlnal ,,,,. ratlon on Laura Meyer, daughter <>f Dr, H Meyer, of No. 117 vVeal Forty-elghth-at., was ar raigned In Jefferaon Markei Court yeaterday, IjOUla i , ....,, tcln appeared for hlm Bweeney pleaded not Bjullty and Maglatrate Crane al the reaueal of tha lawyei aei th. eaae for examlnatlon this afternoon ,i .:',,, |och The i>nil was tlx.-d al W.ODO, in defuult i.f whlch Bwerne) was locked up Tha detectlvea \w thal a man named Qulncy, h mlik dealer ln One hundred-and-twenty-flfth-al near Tenth-ave., la ra Rponalhle for the glrl'a condltlon, bul ahe declarea lhal thla la nol so. and thal Bhe wlll nol dlacloee tba name of her betrayer, ?i,^ Mya ahe lefi the Holy Croaa Convent, where ahe atayed laat wlnte*. beeauae her father Btopped iiaylng her board Bhi been llvlm; lateiy at No. ?n Weat Thlrtlet'c. Bl "AWORDINYOUREAR" VM >ECPET OF BEAITY of the compltxi'in. hjnd<!. irrrv ind hair i^ found in the ytr\tc\ icu^n of the V' >re<, produced by rttUcnrn The mr>^t efT^-tivf skin purii\inu ind beaulrfyka]-_?? soip in the worti, ?* weil i<, ptrrral ind ^wf*tr<;t f'?r toilrt, bath, .ind nur%er\. H-.l.l ifereagbMri th^ ararM. Hnilah nrpm f. Naw ariit g ro.n?, i, Khik I? i?..r.i m , l.ondun I'ltTTrn |>at u a tHm. Uaar , Bew I'my*., l?..??--o. l. H. a. WILLIAM8 FOR OOVERNOR. THK CHOICE OF THK MASrtACHTBF/rTB IiT'-MOCHACT. RO oTitKTt BAMB MEXflOBED in IH (****?*? nOK THK T1CKBT OOMFLBTBD ASD A* AD j.h-rnmknt .jfi-'Ki.v takkn a cKt-T'dl ,?.? THK NOMIVKKH CARBEB, ,,.?,,.,?. Haaa, Oct -'? Oaorga Pred vvill (ams was aomlnated for Cfovarnor of *????? bV the Democratlc BUte Conventlon to-day. Tne Kkit was eompleted as followa: For U?t~? Oovernor, J.mei B Ortnnell. of Oreenfleldj tor Becreury of BUte, Hdward J. Flyon. ?? ?"" ??"? f ;r Treaaurer, Rhon B. Btevana, of Budbury: for Au ditor Aifrci c Whltney. ot Boaton: for Attorw - Oeneral. Henry P. Hurtburt. of Lynn. The conventlon waa held In Mechafll-s IMII. A HMoViock. wh.n II was celled to order the Booro ,he hali was. perhapa two-tblrd. fu"-"dQuh*" Vi, ? amali crowd In th- gaUery. JuaUf Q*"*? was the permanenl chalrman. and hc maoe a mm addreea on BUte and Natkmal taeuea THE PLATFORM The platform adopted renewa allegmnca to Jeffer. ?onlan princ. and commend. the AdmlnWra. Uon for its ''dlgnilled. energetlc and patrlotlc man aaremenl of our foreign affalra" and for eeoi* S reforma and Improvement. In the Clvll *rvk*i eoBgratulatea th. manufacturlng in.crcst- on the uu,,.ess of the preaenl tartff. regrettlng. however, tnll, th. full advanugea of the bill at It came from QBOROE F. WILLIAMS. thc Houaa were nol realUed: ralla attentlon to thc Increaaed exporta of manufnctun I I.I* and ?!?? nouncea the Republlcan party foi reopenlng the tariff queatlon. On thc queatlon of Xatlonal Bnancea It ?peaka as followa; we demand the malntenance of the exlatlng gold atandard of value, and that the Oovernment ahall keep all Ita obllgatlona at all tlmea redeemable in We oi.i.os.. thc free colnage of allver and any further purchaae of Bllver bujlon in Oovernmen a< counl , , ,. ., , We reafflrm the demanda of our platform ol laat ...,. thal the Oovernmcnt Bhall nol .any on a hanklng bualneaa, thal the untaxi t< ?' Btate or Natlonal banka ahall be the onl) redil curn and thal the Governmenl ahall, with the ... menl of a hanklng ayatem adequate I i the demanda of trade, retlrc ,i? rapldiv aa poaalble all l nlted Btate* paper monej We recommend that the Admlnlatratl n formu.ate an 1 preaenl to thc nex' fongresa a meaaure calcu lated to aecure theae reaulta, Pendlng a return to these aound prlnclplea of flnanee, from which the countrj haa departed undei Republlcan rule, we favor ihe grant to the Becretar) of th. Treaaury of powei to negotlate Bhort-term loana for th<- purpoae of malntainlng a aufflclent gold reaerve and Inaurlne the parlty of all our dlffereni forma of i urrency and .in Increaae ln the gold reaerve. Rellgloua Intolei mce and the American Protectlve Aaaoclatlon, its purp atea, methoda and alii.-s are de noilnced. Jeremlafi T O'Bulllvan, of Lawrence, offered an addltlonal plank, to the eff cl thal the Democracy ..f this Btate waa oppoaed to ? thlrd Preeldentlal term. Mi O'Bulllvan aald thal he auppoaed lhal the "wlac and beneflcenl deapotlam of thla con? ventlon would auppreaa the reaolutlon, bul he urged nevertheleaa that it waa a propei one for Democrata to adopt, Ife aald thal ha had full eon il'ieti.??? ln Prealdent Cleveland and admlred hla Ad mtnlatimtion, but II wrmm on th.- prlnclple lhat he deaired thal the Democracy ahould deeaaee itseit. The reaolutlon was referred wlthoul drbate. THE XOMINATIOXfl MADE. John ala tl( w here E. Rueaell, ..f Lelceater, n ?e amld enthn applauae ll" waa forced to the platform, he meved thal thc conventlon proceed to nomlnate candldatea for Oovernor and Meutenant Oovernor. The motlon prevalled, and Mr. Ruaaell nomlnated Oearge Pred wwiams for Oovernor. The nomlnation was aeconded by ./ohn F. Plta gerald, of Boaton. Mr, Wllllama was then nomlnated for <tovern.>i by aoclamatlon amld arrent enthual aam. The reat of th" ti.-k.-t was made up as given above, the namea havlng i? n recommended bj a commlttee When tbe commlttee which had been appolnted to tlnd Mi Wllllama appeared with hlm tli" applauae wa* deafenlng for aeveral mlnutea, Wh.n allence had been aecured Mr Wllllama made a apeech, which was applauded contlnuoualy throughout Its dellvcry. At i :*A tli- conventlon adjoiu ned. Qeorge Pred Wllllama waa born In Dedham, Maaa . on July i". IMJ He was graduated from the Ded? ham lllgh Bchool In leaa and from Ihirtmouth in 1171 and he then puraoed his atudlea In the unlveral tie? of lleldelberg and Berlln He waa admltted to ,, m Boaton In laTfc In 1871 he edlted "Wlll lama'a dtatkma of Maaaachuaetta Caaea," and from IgM to lagl he edlted volumea 10 to 17 of "The Annual l?igest ol the Cnlted Btetea." He haa bulli up a |.., ratlt >? practlce \;.- Wllllama broke awaj from the Republlcan narty ln 1">m and attalned conalderable promlnenee ln the C'leveland-FUalne campalgn He la known aa the "Orlglnal Mugwump." He aerved In tho Maaaa? chuaetta llouse of Repreaentatlvea In IMB>, and he mRn ei""t"d to the i.llld CongTcaa aa a Democrat. H" u.d Sherman lloar al once ame Into publlc nntlce by refualng lo ablde by the declalon <>f the i> mm ratlc caucua of the iio lee iti favor of Charlea , oria," aa Hp. aker. and thei ...i-d In the Ho ? or Roger <i MUls Mr Wllllama t....k an actlve ,'.,rt m the allver flghta of thal Congreaa, being on [he a de of the Admlnli tratloa, REPt'BLICAN XOMINEEB IX XEBRA8KA. Llncotn, Neb.. Oct. :' The follow ng la the tlcke! nomlnated to-day by thc Republli in Btate Conven ,!,,?. yor Ju ol the Bupreme Court, T L Vorval ?' Beward foi H rcnta of the Btate Cnl veralty! C. H. Morrlll, of Llncoln, and li. I* Oju.'I, ,>.!- oga'lalia. ^ _ ilACDOHAf.D 18 LEADIKO. ,iii IIPV'c MAN IJKELY To WIN THE OOLF Ti o KNA URXT, Kewport, <' ''? - Pu*J '" the amai u ?? :: h im p mahlp toumamenl dld nol beg n tbla mornlng untll W'M> half bh hour later than the time an nounced. At that hour there was i large attend ,,ii.." "f aoelety i.ple, the weathei belng warm and the wlnd leaa uncomfortable than yeaterdaj The third round ln the aertea waa begun, all the Inter al centring in thc match between Charlea s. MacDonald, ..f Chkago, and Wlnthrop Rutherford, of Xewport, which ta likely to determlne tbe tinai outcomc of the tournatnent. Al the start MacDonald was ofr ln his drtvea, whlle Rutherford waa playlng well The Intereat was great, as Rutherford was nol only holdlng the Chl .?a^o man well, but at tlmea lead'.ng hlm. Thc ftr*t hole was taken by MacDonald, with b play of Bve seven atrckea, an.i the next went tO Rutherford, I -'.. making the acore avea up Th-> auceedlng holei w^nt as followa: Thlrd, Rutherford. ??I; fourth, MacDonald. 4-^. even up agaln; ftfth, MacDonald. .".-6; Blsth, hblved, on 8 ?trokee; aeventh, Rutherford, i?8, agaln even up; cigiuh. MacDonald, 1-4; nlnth, haived; tenth. halved; Bleveoth, MaoDonald, making hla acore .' up. H*re Ru-herford fell off. thotigh the tw?lfih hole was halved. Tne thlrteenth wenl to MacD aa i:i thc fourteenth, when Rutherfurd drova into the bunker three time- m buc wraloti and gava up the hok. MacDonald was no? i up, with only i to ptn\. and w >n oul on tbe ii'it gaato, .'? up, witii | t.> play The Claaton Baaton mai h wai won b) Ctoii >* R up. ; lo play, ifeaton breaklng hla ir.\.M on the ?? .01 i ?? ? i\ K. ganda lefeated Ihe Bev. w I U ilnal i I, up ,.1 in the Amory-Rogera match Amorj w m, - up. Neu v rk and Chlcago an agaln made Dpponenta b] forci of Ircumataneea This tlma n la golf which brtnga theae two cjtlea In oppoaltlon, and ever) Indlcatlon la thal Chlcago wlll wln, alnct Xew \ rk haa r K, Handa, a poung p lyer ot lltt.e ax ... t.. pli aa ilnal r m MacDonaid of ?'iil cngo aha nanda hlm aa a plaj i h iton droppel .in a, ihe thlrd round thla afternoon bv thc defeai (.f T l Amorj bj Banda Tbe afternoon ptaj cotiaiated of lmt two niatchee* EUNDBORG , PERfune A true and aUtJRf VTokt in the hand loraest paxkage on the rnarfcet phici:. $1.75 pr? BOTTi.r.. F.?r Sak by Dtalen or ? III r-< BbM oa raxcajl (,( pnce by LADD & COI-n.N, n Pirrlay 5t., New York. LEA&PERRINS a1 SIgnature is prlnted lo , /) I3LUE dlagonaHy ecross tho OUTSIDE vrnppcr of every bottle of ahe Origlnal ' and Oenuine) Worctstershiro SAUCE Am a farthrr yi'ilctlna agalast iill imit.uiuas. Afsnts for the 'Jnitcd 5tatee, JOHN DUNCAN'S S0N5. N. Y. Mrs. Winslow's Soothino: Syrup haa ;.h aacd fee over PfJTT YEAR.-' by MIL, UON8 of MOTHERB POP THEIR CHILOREM WHILE TEETHIN'J wlth perfi : SWCEMLH BOOTHES THE CHILD. BOFTENS T*HK OUMft AI LAYS ALL PAIN CURM8 fPINP COUC, and ia the BEBT REMEDT F<>R DIARRHOEA, dold by dru/TKiats In every part ..f th?* w.-rld. Twenty-five CctlU a Bottle. Sick Meadache CARTER'S ITTLE IVER PILLS. ???, lilvrlv < nr??l l?y ih*. linli IMII?. They alao relleve Dlitreai from Dyepepala, indiKeatn.n and T>. Hearty Eatlng. A l? it., t remedy for pUalneee. Drowetneae, Be i ?i n the M..uth, i''iat'"l T. ? l'.'lln ln the ?*?*. XI IRPID LIVER. They reg ulata the Bowela. ? kRTKH MMHI INK ( O . VV ... -??? ? -,ri,t lUlrkly \,-?ei l.ea??-a M. KliiK "!"r Voi Infl ? .'?:?? '?>?? ai .huggi-? ? 1 I! SfTTCl.V. N"" ' ?: . I. D E A F - N E S S ?\ i.| HKAM v.u.s; s .. : . ? ? : inaiuntl) bj u?? of WILMOR IX)MMHN sKNSi: KAH L>RIM* Th.y i. vMt.l. ??? and mfortaNe, an! ..." unUk" an; ,.W..: ? n i ? - rHIef ..< a- ?n.--- Ke .nta ? ? ;.-?.:? lha Ban - aaa|e> ... % V WII-..H Kiir Uriim ? .... l.lRg H ?> ?? ? . a. T. Mi .;..... ii wita ti Inveni. r, In rharg* A jrrciit promnter oi' sooiiibility Yantiiic's Yo-Sa CoflTee. IlK' 'VI.W A* WRINKLES , ? ar'f I i ..*??. per 9 ? T?^ ? -- ?"?a:2MacDor.ald -? nd Vm.rj p ?>? M' ,',' ' .. :?,.,.? to-m. rrow In ?> thir r-att-hOei mSom; twenty - l I - I" t*?f ? ".'^""rhi " i a.T32 iii a* haa not ' '!" " u ',' ? ft ' '1 srepot ; ??' "?' ""okee, ?"? .% ' ? rokea. WINNERfl AT TENN'IB TEBTPRDAT. M \ r. II i:.- <"N i i:is is 'lins CTTl ?ND BROOBb i,\ N ?I-.,.. i, h ,-:? a ?:> thi r tn itch reati n the v,,v. Tennti i lub'a hai * lV, .,.,1 ..-. ? m '?? Crawford a ? wl'h an ... ihip of the Weat fl : In men'i ? ' ?'?'?rn'"'> on the courta il > ' ? ' ''?'rl< vYcal Boatwlch and Plachat b al the Tayl ? I ? ,eti ln the fii il i ? B itwl k . Placher thla afternoon for thi Th- Lenoa Tennla Cub'a fa'.l tournam al araa coa* Unui 1 ycaterdaj al Bt. N i ?? . ? "' dn l-and-twenty-ae* i i i-at. Owlng to the al - . ,,,.,. th ii-..: mi n'a doubb - a ia mtll Baturda) A eoi teat ln : ? ?- - ?? \ number -.f vnl ? ,v Af te'r i ...., n tha fall bandlcap membera' l Klnga Count) ? ? ?-'" ?'> ' '" i ,- Klngaton-ave. and Dean etnUBrooklyt Rob n '' ?" meat prcmlaing of th' ' ': th* oub- *t S c>var match fi ? ->r -?f!er ? *,ub* Pnrn conteii of three eeta .vorti or tb r irggg. it i? aaa aaced thal work wlll begin on the new theatre wHeh ai to ba bullt for Frank ?, Kurtha : i .iiv i Boma aaaouacegBeaai in reqard to thit .,;.- ii wlll be bullt by ?h, ooelei ?-'!? it thi lOucheaal corner of Kcrty t* nd-ai and Lei . - ind wlll occupy a - i ;.\c.. feei li - -??? ' 'hai the buildlng ?u .,..., Be| -einb r 1 Of n-\- \. i Mbw RUn ba Waleh ia baan aagagee bj tba re? v in Thi itrlcal Byndlcate, and wlll begta at> i n about ona year henca, , compaa) ahlch Quetav HU hi ? '?> . . i Opei - Houae. Pblaa4a)pli th.- .. mlna aeaa n la aspected to arrlee brre >>" ii?e l.ahn to du1 "Tbe Bahator*' araa aeea a. ihe trvtng riace Tbe? , | n ?;lit T.i-nlgiit The Mnttle ?.f the Butl r .1 I i... pi ? luei I I'or a V-rvo 'l'onl?* I ?,,? llorafoi'it a \elil l'lioa|ilinIr. Dr || M .l.i * Mi -.- "I regar.l It BB one of the beat l.h-a "' -'" ??'-<?' "> ?hl.h H.e ,v''*'" requlree an aeld anl i nervi i ?lc 1 aava uiM lt n??iy ?.iu n. at aa"ii?ut raaalBk '