A ajercRi utwaaiaBB imrjb urbmbbRT wheel
An intereatlnr. programme of blcyrle rac?a haa
k*#ti arransred for Saturday .n conj.m.r.i >n with the
\\V?:che*ter County Falr. at WhfM I'??' aa In all
jl? entriea have been reoei.ed wih a :otal ?n:ry ltat
0f abaul BR Batrba) have been raeatvad on'.y from
CUaa A rides*. an 1 s.mie of the beal men in that
claaa are mentloned ln the 11st. On account of the
Um antry Uat the racea wBl begln at 1:30 p. m. ln
?,?1 of at 2:30 p. m.. aa waa lntend.'d oi glr.tliy.
fta keatractaaa of the bieycle academy ln Flat
k yn. yaaterdajr by nre wipea eal an
rcla landmark and the Urgeat estab:iahment
0f the kind ln that city At one time during th?
yrar lt waa RtM '.ba. oa an avomga BaB new rldera
wrT* turaad ont a Baoath from tbla one achool.
,. BcbanMbach, the oM mana?;<>r of the acad?
emy. wbo la aa longer w'.th the coaapany, aaM when
ha vtewed the ruir.a that he felt na !f hU Old hom?
had gone up ln snvke._
The Gramercy YVheelmen and thelr fridds erjejrt 1
t houae-wartnlng at the clubhouae, in Bt Mark'a
'.ast nlght. There waa a large crowd preaent
ar.d the er.tertainment waa thoroughly enjoyed.
There waa a vaudevllle performance. i >freahmenta
?.in of the banner won on the re
c*r,; ?ntury run of the Metropolitan Asaociatlon of
Dg Cluba. _
Ubert) VA'heelmen wlll give i falr in Brook
;ch Wlll last a week. beglnning on iMOaoabcr
: ,\ ; re'.imir.ary meeting to airanga all tbe
. held at Leffarta Hall. In Brooklyn, to-nlght.
XI womea frleada Of the club promu* to make the
I lucceei _
| Wllaoa, Jr . who atarted on a record trlp from
N.?itK to Indlana|>oli? a few da>s a;o, nas l.ad
tkd btr> After covertog earer Mi mi:ea
ge '.own, h'.a phyalcal condition belng such
a ,,f tba Oood Roada Aaaoclatlon of
al the clubhouae of the Long
Wh-eimen on Prlda> nlght. The aaaoclatlon
ft r lo aaalal thi Bouth Brooklyn Wheeimen in
? _? ure b few weU-paved streets
(or tha - ?
The b cycle craz-. althouab like .h* -otton cr. r.
iktng lta impreasion on the Btock Ex
m autuma U con motion
Street. A pei ag ban I ?' *ome iorty
- of the v.ninger .;eneration h ive jdani-ed to
? Jervifl a week from next Bunday and
? ? - | away by blcycle to :he iKiiware
of the prlnv movera in the p.an
\- iratl m la advl to be P. w
>f S . 03 Broadway. He livea In Alplne,
\ \ir H pklni gol away too tanv yeai
t ? iiicht ln upon tnti Innovatloa ..n 'Chaai
?The , ? n Of the New-Yirk lo r \<->->* of
of Amertcan Wboelmen is out and ia
llatrtbutlon. It la put up in convenltnt
ind can be carrled ir. the pock.?:.
alrlna to join the i.eagje of Amertcan
men mav obtaln fuD nrtnted Informatim ?ni
? i'.rai name and addre?? to lha Cycling
? N< w-York Tribune
j.avii. oiiRgoR Aafoxo thk vTarroRa hr wma a
A falr cr?wd witneased the racea at the Aqueduct
racetrack vesterday afternoon.
Dartd Qldaoa visiu-d the track for the flrst time
?-.d waa BUCb pleaaed artth the aafe turns and long
\ smail wager on dovernor Sheehan at
paJd bls expensea and left hlm a handsome
btMdee The flelda were large and the
racinc was exeeilent. conald-rine the ciaas of horses
Captain T aroae from the irrave, left the
company of the "alao rans" and aurprlaed a few of
the Rockaway cUmdtggerg by the impoeit.i
wlth whl'-h he won W ?V.ntraat Haly amiled a
S\engall amile and claimed that Captain T y>
feated ln hla reeeat ra ea by betag bampered at the
Here are the aummarles:
fir?t RACR?Paraa l"'?' Bbi rarteaga
D T PubJlfeVa I t G^eraar BhaahaB. by *?*}*- ,
ARatr 4 n,*. 101 n (car. IO?H)..-?-; ;"<F2ktai) '
J Hayman-a b. g - , Umliyi 2
Bhafaaaa Mabte'i 1 m Maaet Otewa aged kk. -ii-aiy> jt
,.i M.r.',,. *art.? '.. .-.- !?3l s.lffl?Htan t?7
Morrb!) Berwyn r.'a <Ham?; Lady Adana, S .Keefei. and
112 (R ^v ? ran
. . . in, to to 1 ani 4 to 1 ? Chatta
- ? lubd Olana IBtolandBl l
v. ? aaatty ay a aaagtb; haif a leagtk betwaea aaeaad
an 1 thlrd.
6K'-ond RACE-For two year alda: a*uir.f: paraa $soo.
rivf Aarteaga.
v... ?traaa'a Mk e, Oatlar Joa by Fr-'n^-Pn-T
??.f11, rw S^SSritt 1
oidloll *\ ...?I.eary. Skv Kue Bl (Ooylle); la
B <ear. ? W: ?f"?Lt^',
,.: ,oan | ulu. 101 i*
H II. '.iT rahaw); Venetta II. aa <*<?<.?
. ..ni. im lOIRort). ah _
Betthw-Oatler .1 ? lo uTl ijnd 4 te 1: Reaaltaal m.
t . , . ? I to 1 and i. t" l.
I a head. a neck betweaa feni and
? -
THIRD RACB-BaObag; paraa ??? Oaa bbRb aad a ata>
a*b. _ _
4 ,..,,. b. e. raea. by rh.rl.e Caae^Bay ]
.-.<Oigerdl 2
M Pad ?a" *? ,,M ,car' 1( ,^ni,. 3
,1inl, o? .o-ix-?r%. laqulrendo, 1?7 fPerklna);
,,,, ,,,.^. - 100) 'I'ulT^ ?:
OMR Doggaw! in.^IThur^on. RM (Ham). alao nn.
PBtlWe rbaa 2 ari". I to ."? N?< 1ml. 18 to 1 and 6 to
. lUtt, 2 lo l and 4 t" ?>?
:n a hard drlve by a head. a neck betweei
?nd thlrd.
BwnajRtB RATE-rurae $4'?r r>r\' mlle.
AV .' Daly-f cb h OaptalU T., by Wand^rer aia.1
\-. -s rb. fJCeefe) 1
x ? f Campania. 4. M.tO l^?rv. .
K. L,, To, 4. ,o, ,car. 103^.^. a
Kinei-- ii" (Wlaail Ktik^n^v. 108 IC Healri fharada
11". rlxxiaet" PanwB} '?"? tPowera) Perualnty \'?<
n-araundy. w (CTDoaaeJI), and norl
tr?ffe>,. ahoratv t^ , 44
Bavtlfg Cairtata T I to 1 aad '.' le i Caaapaala, io <
1 and 4 to 1; Uttle Toaj .1 la i aad I I l
Vl" ,n easlly by two l^ne.ha. a l-nifli batwaaa aecond
and thirl.
riFTH RACE?rurse. BRR); *e!:ina. On? mlle and a
L RaaU'B b'k. h. I-ar.gar\fn. bv Hladoo- Calphurnla,
,_?. 'u7 n. . 'k willtama) 1
\\- r-'whiteach % Apprentice, & li? Kar l'?--,i ...
.I>.*-BeMi 2
j Bajraaaa'a b. g Ran agad 1M _ fJ Laanly) 8
r.|a'?.!-:a 117 IgtmS) lUrrv Alonao. 11. 'R. Doggel
108 igheedy) Blr John 1'* (r Harai Ru
lltaer m fO'Leary): Rndman B., 108 ?<"? H-aly. Lon?
rt-^k 117 (Hren.lle.. ar.l Ecltpac 117 fW. M-.rrla). alao ran.
T;me I 88
Waa eaally by a lengrh and a haif. four l'ngths between
B<(ond a.id thlrd. _
W. T>. Grand'a sUver cup boma aale, to be held
or. Tueaday. Wadneaday anl Thursday of n?xt wek.
promia-s to be one of the hest sales ever he'.d by
h.m. A fine ellver cup w.il ba preeented to the
gnor who obmir.s the hlghe?t average price for
f.x hor?e?. On Tueaday the bomos that are to be
... : .,: DurUnd'a Rl .ir.g Academy.
. : al tha American Horse
Bzeha tb-at and Broadway Buyera wlll
time to enter thelr purchaeea la the
ghew, to be held La Madteoa Square
? ln November.
plgnora are m. m r * Co.,
Cbleago; Myrlck <v Hudaoa, Dat ? K) . Sbauaa
t Hex-T, Sew-Tork; Thotaeoa & l'.:<avl. Crawfcwda
? ... i a- CO., Baal Buffa
B:a... . .v rl H. B Naile, Laealurg,
Va - . , New-Tork; Oi ra
Katoi N .1 Balfe. Mounl RorrTi ..Oaorg
? :. Newark, Ohlo: (
i T. '''. Patti - ??
r. N< ? atnut
,; Moody, Emlneoce,
tbe aaleaon i ? ?? " ' h/
? - - H G Bteveni wm w ??
Terr^ Maute. Ind., Oct 2-The wea.her waa
warw;. . | nrA the etteadaaea waa ai
Iheaaailil. hut the raclng waa decidedly of jhj oa?
'collars ? currs
September Violets
Violet Water.
two-three order PavorttOS won in every race. and
the flnlshea were dec.iiedly tame. Summarles:
^:2"? fKASS-THoTTINO- I't'RSE Il.Oo"
Crvnollte. rh in. hy Aroiyte (Ewlnai. 1 1 1
Oariibm. b h (Oeerai. * I -
Franklln. b g (Ar.theny*. " Mtl
Dufour, h k (Callawayl. <"a
Tltn?- 2:i:>. IllTfc. 2:1."..
2 14 CLABg PACINO?rtrtsi: Ji.nno.
Aiuo, hr h. ay AttaaaoBi fltcDowetl). i i '
Dollj Wllkea *r m ipHVlm. 2 - I
Miiud c, bw m (Patteraooi. 3 :t *
(Jueen Alford, b tn o"a?n . 4 4 :t
Sunr'ne 1'rlnoc b h (Cartarl . dl?
Tim^-2:10'?. 2**%. 2 :12\.
2:1H CLAM I'ACIN.; IMH.sK |2.:,00.
Afrlt*. b h. by (i^-ble (Raaaalll. 1 1 1
Oeerge St. Cl?lr. b h iVan l?"ren>. 2 2 B
Bari Ollvar, b h iHwaaty). s ?'? -
M'.rella. b m fLyona) . J 2 2
Aileen. b n. tahockency). 3 " "
Robort !'. . b K IBerryi. R * *
Kecncutw. I>r m o'ampb-11. . J *'' *
Sir K.lwln AmoM s h . !tnrri.-tr. 6 ? 6
Ttme-2 :.?>?;. ;Mil?i,. 2 1"
Riohard Croker did not purchase Rey del Oar
reres. E J. Baidwln ncver sold a good raceh. r??
in hia llfe, and ta ln th' market to buy whenever
he aeea horses that can defeat the Santa Anita
candldatea. He mlght posalbly dlapoae of Rey del
Carreres. however. if he were over-persuaded.
Which Is not ltkely. as the Callfornta milllonair<?
haa acqulrd a dealre to see royalty and the nobil
ity on thcir natlve heath.
Although OUl of polltlcs Rk-hard Croker haa not
found muoh time to talk about anything alr.ee his
return from Europe. Nobody has heard from
Davtd n. Hfll ln anything positlve alnce the Ryra
cuse Convention. Senator Hill made a aort of a
ieft-handed prophecy the other day. but Is aa mute
upon the political aituatlon as the retlred ruler of
Tammany Hall. Moreover. Senator Hill la medl
tatlng upon the serlousnes* of assertions which
have a double meaning in polltlcal or soclal
aprechea before Demoerati cluha
A nian who Is not wholly out of polltlcs. and who
is famlllar with the wlles of the tiger. aa faro ls
frequently called. compares Senatoi Htll's position
with that of an llllterate vlctim of faro who
I a Orat-claaa cafl to lunch. Ha did not want
to expose tne fact that ba was unable to read The
lUIterate aearcher for food tboughi the matter ov-r
carefully and i- tad that he would order roast
beef, as nearly fveryboly was partlal td r aaat becf,
ar.d'he could make no mistake in ordoring that
dish. Af-er a long and careful Inapectlon of the
bill of fara ba called a waiter and said: "Fetch me
a portion of roast beef rare and CUt thick." He
nearly fell out of his chalr when the waiter re
pUed: "There ta BO roast beef tO-daj " In a doleful
voice the man who called for what everybody
wanted. ex. lalmed: "Spllt on a case!"
Thc foregoing ls a Tammany comnertaon, which
was aupplemented by a aequeL Th* man got up
,'t the cafe and hied hhnaelf to another place
that was not exclualve, and. takiti^- a chalr at a
table, he called a waiter an 1 said: "Place your
flncer on llver and baeon " The waiter did so. and
the bungry man aa?d: "1 wlU play the entire blU
both wavs from llver and bacon." As both of th?
.. ng were applled as compartaona to Senator
? i poattloo at Ihe preaent Ume, Tribune ???
who can translate Tammany compartaona may form
thelr own deductiona. .
Richard Cr kei ? a Uatener at the preaenl time
anl docs not talk. Moreover, nobodv hearaany
fhrng of the Tammany leader making I ?
uaerUona Everybody knows that ordera from
John C Sheehan would chafe many of the old Tam
manyitei Conaequently. his poaltlon, at Tammanj
Hall ;s almllar to that of a clgar Ii H Indl
, mall tr.oi- In thal the wbole
sAie hu?;i.-^ Ii tranaacted elaewhere
The "tuatlon is ao Intereatlng tha
Ru-hard < -rokT is Uhely to rcmain n the clty untll
after the electlon. Of courae, bond ayndtcatea are
_ thbS?' '? thelr way to relteve the ati
gold exportations, and to keep the gold reaervei ln
tact It mav be a aurpnse to many to hear that
hefalllng off ln revenui recelpta Bince the enforcc
ment of the exclae la* la ao great th?t a d.unme
fppeal was made from WaahTngton ???rwtti
vtral- lf nos< ble It ta said that with a diff.-rent
emiaaary a different exclae plank from the om
[IS*would have been placed ln thc bemocn,
platform. Moreover. BOme of the .cadingD.no
crata who are OUl of pollttca favored a dlatlnct
Tammany party wuh thelr own emoiem. ao aa to
oreveni anyalllance or compromlae with tne po
fragmenta thal are acattered about Bince the
tidal wave enuulfcd the Democratlc hoata. Every?
body wh. is promlnently aaaoclated with Tammany
H:,;', wlll contlnui to rtsll No. 111 Broadway, whlle
the "twofera" wU vlall Eourteenth-at
Richard t'rok.-r labored long and earneatly a
yeaterday He dlned with ei int-Oovernor
"william'Sheehan at the Hoffman Houae, and after
?trolled up Broadway arm in arm with the
blue-eyed boy from Hufialo. Mr. Croker deblrea to
- ime of the marea that are bta Indlvldual ; i
erty He ls aatlafled with the aalea of the
atera bred al Belle Meadi He mav ship a fe*
marea to England to breed to Dobblna, but that hs
? .:, as cholce marea can ba aecured in Eng?
Thc Gravciicnl entrtae for to-lay ate as follows:
fikst H.vi'- Flra farl ajga
.......MI f'f . |?
114 Hs .??'
BECOND RACE I'l.- farl ng?
Mr Koe! . 11" atedlca .J^Z
M-^'.um I!.110 Katamora. ':
gan Marco .ll'? Wlahard .|":
Klna ? ? I ... nnemaugh . ;"?
ter II 110 Paaaotty .i".
Ronover.' '"
THIRD RACk gEASHORR STAKKS. rrva an'l a half
.111 r.-,.H<"fe .la't
l mw-11 .108 !'? ;? ? Dj]. |"1
. o.:: Hamllton 11 .1"!
eata ... ",:' kadaor . ? ??,'
. i'? AJaa .g
J'.^.^maK^r .1"* Anrah.* . **
nl ."'?" Ed K-arney . ...
Lacla . 10 .?
Fil'TH RA< 'i: Ptve l hks.
Ann-.t Lala.1"' In-?rmi??iOn .101
BlJomer .I? Em i ni . 1?
Paverdale .11" Oletn. Dda .Ig
A . H- " .|J*
InhfrVuv" .101
grXTH RACR H:x rOrlaaaa.
tnalauaa .1"" '"mar.rh* .1?;
Muah Penny... '"- ?' '* .1""
"'',. . lOS i ortella .
,-n;%n boo::::::... ?? .g
A.n? .1"" ' heaapeane . ;
Kis'.ers . B4
I; . rrln
VI !??*
)n-*K?Yy" ':::::.'.:...? i-c ranaie h.n
Key \Veat .lOJ
r'arls Oct. 2.-The Internatlonal race for trottlng
horaes in harness for the Prttl Cronatadt took place
to-dav and was won by James (Jordon Hennett s
Helen Leyburn. Mr Hennctt^s Autraln waa thlrd
and J W. Mackay. Jr/a BlrdarYourth. The distance
was 4,^' metres_ _
I^xlngton. Ky.. Oct. 2 fSpccIa >-Trowbrldge &
Co. Belle Meedc, N J-. l>ought twehre hcad of thor
oughbred yearlintss here this afternoon of MUton
Young and John E. Maddcn. Among them were a
slster to Frecland and full brothen to Ruaaell Rkld
more Krog Dance an-1 John KavanuuKh. Thc
othera were by Woodiands. Onondaga, Strathmom
and Hanover. m _
A sale of standard-bred carrlace horses wlll be
1 eidon Octoher U by W. D. Orand, at th- Aaaertcan
Horee Exchange, Kifti-th-st and Broadway. A
,.hl;1(... of .arriag- and road horses. bred at
the Vlllace Farm of Eaal Aurora, wlll be offered to
... haheat blddera. The ) ; owned by . .
j u di H Hamiin. Beveral conaignmenU from
other briedera will be aold on the ?aana day.
Toronto. Ont.. Oct. : -The sccretary a
teurAUletlcAaaoclattonofC reeehred -he
er.trlea of tbe New-Tor* AUUetta ClRblor Batur
,luy, Kame, at Roeedato. Tbe Uat tocludoa T I.
. v, bmA* h s Lyona ? n Kiipat
L??, Qkwrge M ^'V^, ,.,'... u Ortoil Btephen
t|(k, T ,. , onneff,. Oenrg'g Miu.he.i. A i
' ''-:'TK- % ;Vy andIR T. Uona They
^lun^'h.::;;,. ??S.a?ffl SSS *?
\>W-Haver,. CoaUL. Ort. I ,S,, >. , Th" NVw
TorSdTfeaUd th-E..? Ma^au-. ge
athletlc aa.ociatlona atua tc-day. by the acor. oM
to4. Thahatt^rgwer. N;-Yorh ?< j
Haltren and V? llson. fc'Jfc. ?"*'
Rrennan. _m._
PhUadeiphla. oct 2-The Iniversity of ivnnsyl
vanta defeated Huckn. 1 tn-d,y at ? ' bal ln a
6ame of two twenty-mlniite halvea b, ^^ J
S to 0. The Hu.kn.il atovaa ?%*g?ygm ^foSi
(oal ? tha aecond half.
A brlKht. braclns i ictober day. bleaael w.th a
warm aun and a amashlng hreeze that would have
done the Uefender's heart gOOd In the September
ra.-. -. waa in tavor of the anecaaa of the -
day at tha Weeteheeter County Falr. The absence
Of the ehUl Of Tuaeday araa urateful, and ln conse
quence there waa a per .-ptlhly in.-rease 1 ait.nl
aace, although the hlgh muk of former years has
baea atl ilm L In tbe paai there have been
ae many aa 10,809 pe.iple on tn- grounda in a .'tnf^e
day. and the hope is e\. Lt thSa racord may
be aurpaaaad to-day. Tboraday ha? alwajra been
the racord braaker of th.- week That it m.^- oel
hlatory aalda i> the prayer of the ofhcta'a The
more the c.??-? ? ? > ? '?1(. the more he
: a r.ature to brtng th.- flrsh of honest prfcta
to th.- rfittTrf o' BTeel ? i r.ty folka.
Yeaterday a.'t.-r waa almost a panlc on
the grmnda, cau.?e.l by th.- eowbojra and coochy
000689 glrlb in tha BtreeU of Catro abow. Thla la a
lame sort of an affblr, and yes.erday ln erder to a l
vertlae it to the beal adv.ntaae the COWb IJ -
denly emerped from the tent. each wlth a Kirl
aatrlde tbe aaddlebow m front of hlm. and awaj
they racad acroaa the falr ktl-;r i.? to a prertoualy
placed atak? and back, to tba dallgbt of the mixed
crowd. lt ir- not lik.lv that they wili he permltte.i
to repeat th? dartng performar.ee to-day. Hut the
crowd raced away after the rcckleaa ridera llke a
lot of mad peopte and enjoyed tbemaelvea huge.y.
No more lnterestlng space in whlch to paaa one or
two hours can be found than in the callery of Floral
Hall. There tbe women of old W.-stchester have
full away and no luckloaa man dare Intrude, except
to expre^s hi.i unquallfled admlratlon for the reeulta
of woman's aklU aad ?;- niua. Tba preeldlng
genii:^.= of this phMO ar- M." M M. CaprOfl and
afra Bara ??? I Colea, both of Valhalla, who ar.
rtatenanagera of the wetaea'a departaaent Mr*
Capron, who has been m attendance in aa ofhdal
ty al ev.-ry falr for ? ? yeara, re
mark.-d to The Trii.ime n porter yeaterday that I' ?
have never beforo had so tlne an aahlbtt Of WOt
work Tl.. ??? In tbe vartooa claeaea are to be fo ;nd
. w of ? mbrolderj ? ' ngend
knlttlng, to aa) nothtng of baad palntlng on aatln.
All this work la of a i. -
Tbe llttle folka have an exhtiut of whlch the m.m
agera are partlcularly proud There ar>- to ba
I >und Btami ' ;if-<'. eantn ,
and traymata dona by llttle glrta rangtng bn aga
from alei an to fourteen -
There la a alumber roba ol tbe well-knoam but i x
tr. mely dlfflcull toabox pal tarn baagtng al tbe w-st
end ??: thi gallery. it waa worked by Mrs. Capron
iund, a
atudy ln coi ? ? .-.- d wlld roaea on ?> sjro ind of
hlack, madi b) .Mr- Colea, thal la a trtumph
Of courae tba troti - ? aa had thelr full ahare
of pati iterda), and ittendance on th
bom abow was better lf anytblng than on Tue?
day. Tbe ? were there in coacn -
. gether wlth ng of newcomera
fr..ni varl ua portlona of Weetcheater The pro
gramme, a bl I waa nol ov< r ... ?'i lock.
,a- i an ? :: ten itlng than
on Tuesday Th- judgea nere tbe aame. but th-ir
a were i I an i dlffl tult. v"it the
ris were recelved generally wlth aatlafactlon.
Tbe Brat touch of Inti real ?? ntred al
40, It waa remarked tha; |ual t.-f..re tbe
came In Dandy, the Defender Maacol
g cautioual) oul from ihe :
uater be deacended to the ground and took poaai
? whatevei portlon ol ground aulted hlm
beat. >)f courae, after th... Ii wa.- eaay to guea
the blue rlbb n candldate Could It be other than
Mn C Ollver laelln'a Lady Derwent? E. C Pot?
ler'a Maude caueed nol a llttle aenaatlon during
thli diapla] a her n i inl W H Btaplea,
coachman for J. a. Bnulta, jr.. who attempted to
a.-.ist Maude'a rldi :. wai thrown. He ha i th- m<M
? n: ire by Ihe bit ar. ! WM ahnlng tO keep
her nigh foreleg ln ti>> a.r. Buddenly the brute
lettllng ?..i'-k or. her h u ncbea, gave her
head a twlat that awung th-- coachman'a feel
of ihe ground an l thr.-w hlm over. He stru-'k on
the ba<-k of his head wlth Btunnlng force and had
aaalated from the fleld. Th- crowd ol faeh
lonable peopli I . lyed a aeen Intereat In th
teal for aupremacy on tbe part of the varloua
coachmen, and .-ome exo^iient drlvinc waa
The tandema were alao <>f a iorl to compel . Iml
In the rlnal for lightwe.Kht huntera, thou>fh.
th>- neateat aport of the afternoon was wlti
work of Franela Ii Beard'a mare Per
fectlon. Rarely is an anlmal aeen witn su.-n an
? of troubleaomi nervouaneaa and poaltlve
. igerneaa to aeeh oul a hui lli . an i after iindin*; lt
to tak- ii. as thouirh wlahlng it miKht 1* ai. IUI
four f? >. nlgber The |ump and ih^ r- iver) were
so nearly ain ill tl H the atrlda .med
Bcarcely i-.^i Her mount, Donnelly, la a maater.
Following ar?- th^ aummartea ..f tbe i
Ponlta. b r. bj HaaalhVi .v:ni<-nr. Jr. .. in. B aa,
\: no Rlna 'Th maai.1 t 1
r eater Uiik^/.. t, ? di nusi.;i - -
.I ? ?
BennM W., ar ? iValenUae).7 :\
Draamland, eh l (Black) . 4 ^
Ilaz/.. b B <M..r II . ?? J
Fairlawn. b. ? iHeamei.
b. ? .Kl-.'.-r. . -
?r rn, .Kn,^.- . 8 bi
Ttma - ? - -' . -
2.27 fl.ASS TKHTTIN'.; Pt'RgR taOO
Muaqu< B ? ??'??
p.r \\ ....11^
Ella Raj h m (Fl - -i..} ; ? -
ttt, rel - - .f ? * ]
I (Roi k.-t. .8 # 4 8
Wondei. ? b k lBurn?. .I g 8
TUBJB UMfc 2 Jib. 2-7',. 2 2-..?
PoltOWlng are the boraeahOW summarles:
.- . ? . Ihr.
?-?r- l.Mr'.-fi! Vail S:r Arthur
ra, J. F.
v naref r a^l.lir.cx. p..n.
The iiiiin vThfl kr.'jts liis stoinarli in
tirst-cla.ss eonditioa all tln? time is tbe
only man uho BtaOfl* ? cbaViet of suc
cess in !il?-. For all digonlen <>f tlu?
itonifecb, iivcr antl kiilncys tbe jreiiniiifi
Garlsbavl 8prodcl Salt iswithont equal.
It is snerially beneflclgJ for ebronic
con>ti|)an<?n. Ronty fMid rbeamstie if
fectioog, (liai?cti>, etc Betl retnltf
obtaioed irbeo ootdoor ezereite <';in be
Iwnl. \u>, ,siir?' to obtiin tbe geoaiiM
?rticle, whicli has tbe tetl of tln* dtj
ofCftrlgbod ind tbe lifDaUore of **Ei?
nkk A; Mkm?i:lson Co., Agts., New
Yo?k,,, on everv bot'Ie.
Persian, India and Turkish
Neweet cnlorlnga and designa. ranging In slz?
from r?x*> lo 27.2x17.9.
Bpoctal patterna made to order ln any slze.
?.! eaaa aadar aaddta, n.-.t eaaMadtaa M.l *?*?? Flrat.
: , erwem m.. ciahi ware. atra i Oliye ???'?"?
s?-'.nd. imp. Itoonllght. m.. aeven reara fj?*"** "
thtrX Hoatle, m., Mr- J ? rdea Harrlm m.
Claaa 2D reat palra of harn??a taanwa orer M .1. jet ?*?
..-.lir.K 19 baada: ptrat Tha Bat ?. ?va yeara ry Fer
g?a \.-.ir-. i" Q I Qagnwn
Cbtaa 8B KhM ladj ? heeha n t aader 18 baad;
handa: rirat, Terrebonna, m.. BiAj r**?'
? m Oerkan; aaoond, i-adas. g., ?ight yeara;wre.
- Oerken; thlrd. Sr-rting Dwehaaa, m. Fr.jn aa D.
irl. !
gj -r.t prtaa Bf ItO, , ff'red by Thema* > atalt
land ?? beat performaeeea ?f profeaatonal coachintn. ??
ing , palr of boraea: Plrat. rfeoree H
FreJrrick W. All*n. aecond. Henry '?'. lan for
p .\ Wataoo; thlrd. W. H. gtagtea e,,a<-hman Bot .r. a.
Claaa 21 -gtataaa ataliloaa, marea or nldtoja, harnaaa
hor~, arer la and a. i exceedlng IS 2 har. la flrat Ituth.
Btrauaa * Heater; aecond. sen?ati"n. ?..
Pranru r- I?? u .. thli : Blaataway, g-. ?i* year*. ooorga
B. Halate.
t-iMiui IT- nIna laiiilima, beraia oaly tj ba eooaldered:
g., aix veara. and a i ... c .
Oeirn H Hulme: ??ccnd, atonareh, f., ar t Benaatlon. g..
. I' Heard: thlrd, Peacock. c. aix yeara and Dr.
? ? - \v. i, Br
i Threa Itght-waight huntcr?. three rmn "'
iso po
Plrat. P
iear?, Prancki D Beard; aecond, Counteaa,
Mn H?nr> Badgwlck; third. Oaliaaala, m.,
rieveinni. Oet i.?"Tne most escittng baU pame
that was cver played on any groun ta," waa thc ver
dict of men who have follow. 1 beae ..il for yeara
th.- Brat of tha aertea of eenteata for the
Tempta rup between Cleveland and BaKhuora to
day. For four innlnss it was a pitchera* battle be?
tween Toung and McMabon, both men pltchtn*
Buperbly. Then the battera gol I < m ?rt and the
aext tive lanlnga were raplete with hari ad
tttic bitttng and pbenomenal Bel Ung When the
Baltbnorea forged ahead in the elgbth th- .
loal to Cleveland, but Tebeau'a m.-n |uiled
themaelvea together and tled the acore ln thelr half.
ln th- runth Haltim >re ajtaln got one rnn to the
Kooi and aitaln th- crowd thought the levrianda
Were defeated. In the laat half of the nlnth rebeau -
men BTeeted .M Mahon with a fual'.Ude of hlta and
batted out a vlctory amld the enthualaaUc shouts
?.? ,,?., ,, .... The teaturea of the game were tne
.? and neidlng of McKean, tha tunely tattlng
ol m.ik" .in i tbi tin- work of Jcnnlngi at Bbort .v.
tendance, MBa Th- acore:
CLg^LAWD. BALTI!!??fi1-a.
ai) r 1b po a r at> r Ib po a ?
,,,.?.. .,.. 4 i i o o 8 McOraw. ?. 4 -j, I e 3 >
,., ? 4 o I 8 5 0 Keeler. rf .4 0 2 0 ?
. ?n |, ??(. .",1144 Jennin??. Bi. 4 1 1 o . 1
l !, 2 0 0 Kelly, lf..... 4 0 B 1 0 0
rTTebeau. Ib B S 214 0 0 Brodle. cf... 4 0 0 2 0 0
e... 4 0 1 1 9 ? meaaon 2b.. 4 2 2
HI-.K- rf 4 o '.' 3 O I) < :.'-' Ib.... 4 O III" 1 U
Lico.'n .ib 4 I 1 o 1 1 Boblnaon. c. 4 1 t 8 0 0
. J o i o 7 0 MM. D. O. 4 0 0 2 2 0
:;:. I i.; .?: ltHJ' Totata ...M ? 11?8? M 1
nlag rjn made with two out.
Clevelaad ." ? ? ? 1 ! ! J H
Balt.rr.ore .? " ? ? ? ' " - '7*
errora-Baltlmora I. Left ,n baaea-Oevel.jrei l.
more 7 Kir-t t*ii? nn linllf-Off Vmipk I. "ff ?' ala
Rwk ont-By Meatahon l Thi*e-baae hti M
Tw^baae hti- M K-,,. Blake. Jebeau
?on UcOraw.
.. v ... ? Double pla U Cea Phllda and Tebeau.
Wild plteh? Mcatahoo. L'mpHaa Kaata aad HCDoaaw,
A felr-etaed crowd of spe-tator? went out to Kliza
beta, N" ?' . yeaterday to witness the footbaU game
.... prtneeton CoUaga and EUaabeth
Athletlc Club teama The Tigera ahowed up ln koo.1
form. .in i thelr work as a whc*8 was partlcularly
gratlfying to tha frtenda of the eoUaga who were
preaent The men from Prtneeton ahowed much
.n thelr work and won aa they
p.eaaed by the score of M to 0. Princeton
11 poiatfl In the Brat half anl II
polnta ln the Bocond half. Balrd waa the on >
? :?? an i hla Injurj ? Two
twenty- . ?- ware played Rosengarten
imc pretty runnlng a.nd l d<ing. The u una
PrtB ., n I ....n? Kllzit..???I.
, .I.eft ^n.l -B. Coe, \\.??!ni(T
. l.ef. uckle .Townley
M'enta, Jordan . ? !?? ?'?' award .?.Lana.in
. Kiah' (tiard .Armstr"nK
Um.Rteht uckle ...Lavary, M ' '? ???
? Rlght end Aleaander
iir.kaw .(Juarterbaek Ktrker
Ayrea, luir-l . i.-f half back.Knapp
? : . Rlght half back. Woodmfl 9a
I ..;:.. I. . M.e \-wzw i ..; ?
l>f.-r^- Aleaander. L'mplra B
New-Hivcn. Oct - - Arrana;cment? have been
completed for the dlnner which will be ftran by
Y.ii" alumnl to th- Cambridga and Tale track teama
ln Sew-York. it will take place aexl Baturday
evenlng at gbarry*a aftar the rata-Cambrtdge
gamea Judge Henry B. Howiand. of New-York,
haa been choaen to preside. and the foilowlng ?].e.ik
ara have been aelected: Chauncey lf. Depew, ot
New-York; Judga wiiiiam K. Townaend, of Vew
Haven; Charlea H. .Sherrill. Yata 'gf, of New-York;
- -k H. Horan. captain of the ("ambrldge
tra k te.im. and Learta P. ^h.-ilon. r.iptatn of the
teeaa. It ls expe.'te.l thnt after the f..rmal
? taati have been ? to then aeveral
..ther Informal addreaaea Bli Jullan Pauncefote,
the Engltah Amiiass.i lor, and Prealdent Dwlght, of
Ya'.e, hn\e t.een lovlted to the dlnner.
There h.i? b.en BOme crttldam heeanse the m.in
agement of the Yale Tra -k Aaaoclatlon haa
. nise the Cambridga cctora when the }?:?.?
dshmen wln a conteal at #ne aimes on Saturday
and the Tale eolora when Yale ariaa it la tha iten
cr.il oplnlon tiiat, as In London last year, thc ?
Ican naK al ???..?:. fata wlna and the
h Raf when the '"ambrldge m"r. w;n.
Quflnari Igt. Maaa . <><-'. :' (Bpaclal) - Everta Wi
wa- in Cambridga to-day to arrar.Re for the recep
tion to ? unbr lg< Hthie;e?, which wiu be gtven a:
Hi-\a^i They wlll come to Boaton on October 8
under eaoort of Mr Wei i-'.'. Thej artll ba m^t by
repreaentatlve Harva-i graduatea and
ind takei :. the Boaton Athletk Aaaoclatlon
for braakfaat '-'oilowing this th-y wiil gd to Beacon
Boldlar (who auiidenly amella rcaat gooa*)-Oh, It
amo'.le ao dellcioua here that one could fal
lmmadtata]y!-(Fli?gen(l? Blaatter.
ill ln lova
Park. wher* Burke. the famoua quarter-mller, wlll
try to break ??? r >rd for that dlatance made by
Wende:i Haker on (he aam? traek ten reara jigo.
From there they wiil be drtvea to Harvard, where
tn-y wiii h- welcomed by Prealdeni Ellot. After
the slchts in ''.ml.-'l-" 'bey wlll take
linVcheon at the Hasty Puddlng <Sub. fa tne after
n ..n thei wlll see aom -otball and row
wlll then go to Nlagara Falla
New-Haven. Conn.. Oct. 2 (Specia!) -Yale thla
afternoon met the Browa Cnlveralty footba.l t-am
at Yale held In the openlng loea-. ??ame of the taa.
son. an! won by a aingle acore. One touchdown
waa lha beal ghOWlag Yale eould make. plthough it
must be admltted that the Rnwn team nerer
threatened th- Yale goal dur'rg the conteet < ap
taln Thorne made the aolltary touchdown. and
.lerr'-ma failed at the try for goal. leav.ng the Hnal
?core 4 to ".
The laal act of the yacht rac'.ng drama of 1895 had
i the curtaln rung down or. lt yeaterday when the
D fender arenl into ninter quartera and th-- ta >
na and twenty-four membera of the crew of
th- Valkyrle sailed on the Teutonic. Tba lW<;nder
- tarad doam to her wlnter ancboraga at nieh
' tl!- al I o'clocb In th" BBOralng, as lt was an
nounead ln Tba Trlbuna aha would be. Bbe now Llea
a llttle way in behind Olen laland in a abeltered I
nook where no wlnter atoma can dbRurb i
- - reat
Captain Haff and the crew wlll have a receptlon ]
al Deer lele, ftfalaa, on thelr arrtval thei
lea Capulna Cranfleld and Bycamora and the j
crew of tba Valhyrte tbe Teutonlc yeaterday hai on j
board tba daugbtera of the Kari of Dunraven
1 Racbaal Wyndham-<ju!n and I.aiy Alleen Wynd- ;
' ham-yuin. The young ladlea aallad unl-r the chap
| eronage of Mr. and Mra. Mlcbael H. H rb-rt. Mr. j
Herbert ia the ettacbe .-r the Brltlah Legation at j
i tonetaatlnopia.
Coauaodora B. Nleaoleoa K.ine, of the neg.itta
Commlttee of tba New-York Yacht Club, was the
guest of C. '?. laelln at th- latter'e bome, All VTew,
al Ni-w-ltochelie yeaterday. _ w??bib
The annual clambake ' the Lar-hmont 1
Club wlll be he'.d at I.archmonr on Bat irday. U
wlll (ln l the 1 08 traln from the <irand central D.pot
' the n. : , Tnalt<';
;. . the membera of tne Larcomont
OUllg wlll no- beabto
to partldpate thla y-ar. aa ba has gona on an 8z
tended cmlae. _ a
Tondon Oct. ?.-"The Tachtlng WorkV after an
interview wlth Charlea Day Roae. the cha'.lenger for
imerlca'a Cup, declarea emphatlcatly that Mr.
Boae'a cnallenge la ln nowiaa a reflectloa on I.ord
Dunraven The paper adda tha. ^J^'^1*
? Mnd a chalenge for a conteet for th- .up
... th? receni ra ea betweoa \al
kyrle MI and the Defender. c ntlngent, of courae.
upon the defeat of the Brltlah boat.
Th-- Bngllah team of crtchetera whlch I aa been
maklng a tour of thla country for the laat month
Balled for bome yeaterday on the Amertcan lir.er
i Sew-Tork. Thev had loat much of their ruddy ap
pearance atece thelr arrtval here, for the cRmate
had reduced them conalderabty. The ebolerak aymp
1 toms to whlch all BngUahnaen appear to ba sub
j,.,-t oa thelr arrtval bera wen not abaent, ar.-i
aome of th? m-n loat greaUg in welght
When aeen on board the New-Yorh before aall
Ing, Captain Mltchell expreeeed blmaelf freely.
"We ejijoved our trip v-ry much," h- aald, "not
wltbatandlng our two defeata m PhUadelpbla, for
whlch we were totally unprapared. vTe foun 1
Amertcan crtchetera hoapltabla ta the cxtreme. and
everywhere we went are were treated with th
sreateat conalderatlon and hlndneaa
??Th- Phltadelphlana have a ven good ,,M' but 1
do not thlnk they would BUnd much chancc agataat
th- profeaalonal bowling of tbe ftrat-claaa countlea
of England. I conalder O. B. Patteraon the oest
bataman ln this country, b it no other man here ap
pears to be In hi? claaa. He would certalnly be ta
clu led among th- rirst twelve crtchetera of England,
althougb of ccurae, he cannot be conaldereo tne
... .,' Orace, Btod lar\ Abel, Kaclarea or Hrown
The BngHahmen were gueata at a dinner at the
F'lavers' Club or. Tueaday nlght. and they aai ed
i good oplnlon of Amertcan crtcki I
cri ketera. _
Albanj ? ? - r ? H U - nuoo of th? sixth an
? uea for th- Preventlon
? . ;.,.. ? ra :? ? ? '? to matti ra m rela
tton ta crue'ts '" eahaala ' ?'??"k re^.>;u
tiona were adopl
T-,.:1. hun i may take poaaeaalon of
? them have i, ,n
irreated or thetr poa* " .hem
properly, an i care for th-m untll they ahould ba
Burrendered, the charga for care to be a ljen on
That humai i may hav- a duly llcenaed
. i xamin- ai
vtlthout ownera conaent on order of t.'ourt, lf neces
"'That hum u - can l ik- poaaeaaton of atray
anima I horaea. when not ln poaaeaBlon
of their lawful owner, and falltng in thelr a
. . ? ,-? n m aka what furtber flia
: . of them they aee nt.
H B M??[.- I. Of Trov; H S. BlTiee, of S> r |
ar. i the Rev J. H. Deni er, were ap
oointed < Commlttee on Leglalatlon.
The follow -" - for the enaulng year were
Elhrldge T. G rry. ... New-Yorh;
r ?? j. vVllkTn of Bro ihlyn; treaaurer,
u- -.? peck 0f SyracuBe. The vlce-presldenti were
re^elected aa well aa the membera of tbe BxecuUve
Commlttee. wlth thi ?ceptlon of \\. >. Peck, ol
Byracuae, who araa named ln place of Co.jn-i fc.. A.
Rockwood, of Buffalo.
Washington. Oct I (S;-e. ial) -The following Army
ordera hav* baan laaued: The leave grantad to Firat
Lieutenant George \v. Ooode, lat Cavairy. la further
txtended one month. Leave for four montha from
October l la granted to Kirst Ueutenant Da\id D.
Johnaon. 5th Artillerv. Leave for one month on gur
gaon'a .ertll ati dlaablllty, in eztenalon of his
graduatir.g leave, la grantad to Baeond Meutenant
Mllton L. IfcOraw, llth Infantry. Leave for eix
montl n'a certlBcata of dbaablllty, to take
effect <.n the explratlon of the ordinary leave of
- granted to hlm >.n July 12, i? granted to
Captain Adriar. i3 Polhemua, aaalatant surgeon.
Colonel Oeorga H. BTaaka, Assistant Quartermaater
,i. wlll proceed from this city to Jefferaonvllle,
[nd and Bt. Louis. on ofBclal busmeas. partalBlag to
the Inapectlon Of the affair> Of the yuartermaster'e
Department at the generaJ depota of that depart
1,1-utenant-Colonel John S niillnga. Deputy Sur
geon-Oenerei, having aerved over thlrty years ln the
j Army. is, on his appUcatlon, retlred. Firat Lleu
tetian. Krank T Merlwether. as.-istant BUrgOOn,
having been found Incapacitated for actlve aervlce,
is retlred. Colonel Edwtn F. Townaend, 12th in?
fantry. having attalned tbe ige of atxty-taro, ls. at
hla own requeat, retlred.
Th- Prealdent has approved tbe following Naval
promottona Lteutenanta W. V Whlta and Q H
St iffot-d to be lleutenani command* n?, and Aaalatant
Englneer A B Carnagti ba a paaaed as?iat*;it
following offlcera hav- baan ordared to
,,.u,. for duty on the crulaer Boaton: Commander
N Ludlow, !., itenanta M lt Tytar. H. H H
andJ L iayne. Chlef Englneer R R fl^knnd
1'avmaater J. R Martln Naval Cadeta J. \ Kle
.??..;... and A T Cheater ha. - i een ordered from the
MlrVneanollB to the New-Torh I t-Com
,,ir .i;.,....-.- baa been ordered to the New
', .Vk Pavmaatei J B Martln haa been detached
from th- key Weat Naval Btatlon and ordered
home, and 'aaaed Aaalatant Paymaater W. B. vvil
,?x haa i-.i. ordered to Key Weal to relleve hlm.
I.leut.nant F A. Wtlner haa been deUcbed from
ateel Inapectlon dutj at Mulhall. Penn . and ordered
to the Phlladelphla, rellevlng Lleutenani l- B. Saw
,-r who ' detached, ord. ? " '
Ihree montha' leave Lleutenani E. D l?.-t.. k haa
been detached from the Alllance, oidered bome and
placed ..n aaltlna ordera Coramandi r i . a < ..ok
haa been ordered to enaatlaaOoa foi pioatouoa.
snzr.n ar a dammme wammbit.
oiou.e.ter. Ifaaa., Oel I Th- aebooner L^urei
I here to-day tr-m Oraanland. bringing 9o,<mo
?f halibut Captain .NUrshall rep.rta that
a imnish warship Mlkad .md deatroyed the
andatorea of theacnoonera Mary E and Carrie W.
Babaon, a/hlch tl - bad kandad at t.ppi
z-tt harbor_
Trenton, B. J. Oet : Bataay akiea and ciear
weatber made thla a graat day at the Intaratata
F*lr At I O'eleek the turnatllea showed tha'
paopla were on tha grounda. Th- raclng waa good.
i? -I,,. | i;. trol an auiaeoklable eollkaoa reauited in
tba overtumtag of the suik.es af Maud c. and Joa
itn, but neltbct ftrtvei was hart_^^
< nnilirlilar ym. Yale
in.?m?il..nil Iiitni,, 1 .r?.*tr liaiiiea, Mai.hattan Fleld. Bat
SaatTartl ?< ? ?' *? ^ckeU ea aala at A. a Mpa'.d.
ng * Hr... . 1^1 Rajaao-et.. an.l lil-it. and Stii-av. : aiae
?a .-?j.i.< ht.t?u imd ticket B^aaaeaa
Surgeon-Oneral Sternberg. of the fntted Stateo
Armv. has not yei re-e.vcd the reporta of the
varioua army boarda with referenre to the teata
now be'ng made with Kolafra along with otner
condenaed food aa an emergency ration.
He waa much Impreaaed by tbe reaultg obtalned
bv Amerlea'a champlon athletea at Manhattan
Field. but reaervea hla opinlor. untll aurh time aa
the matter can be brought offlcially before hlm.
In an Interview. however. Oeneral Sternberg aagggi
br.efly aa followa:
?The reports of travellera In Africa and the
West Indiaa have found conflrmatton ln the ex
pertonca and practlee of reptttabta phyaiclana. lf
our experlmenta ln thla country ahould confirm tha
reaulta ob'tined abroad w.th apecial reference te
arm es. the importance of tbe new atimulant caa
be appreclated at once. Troops, provlded with lt.
WOUld have marke.l advantage over the enemy. not
only In forced marchea. but also when OBt off from
the baae of auppliea. Aa haa a'.ready been atated
ln The Trlbune. an emergency ration Is arr.ed on
the person of the aoldler. anl never uaed except
whafl tnttrely wlthoul other foo-l. nbvioualy a
atimulant which wlll quen.-h tMrat and hunger and
wlll carrv whole regiments over for three or four
daya without other food. ta not a luxury; lt ls a
? iencral Sternberg repeated that he was only
waitlng for ofhVial returna from army boarda.
which had been rcgularly appolnted, to make up
bta mlnd deflnltely aa to hla offlclal attitude toward
the problem. "Wo aurgcor.a shall hope to be of
?aa" added the Oeneral. laughing. "hoth before
and after the flght."
In the meanwhlle. Supt. Morgan. cf the Letter
rarrlers' lr.vislon of the New-\'ork PostoftVe and
John M. Paraona. Pres. of the Letter-Carrters- Aa
.-,on. are not wa.ting for the ofn.ial dedalon
of the t'nlted States Oovernment. Ssupt. Morgan
haa recommended a thorough teat of Vlno-Kola/ra
among letter-carr.era, on the ground that as oar
rlers engaged ln collection work have to make elght
trlpa a day of alxty biocka a trlp, or twentyfour
n.lies a day. they are more Immedtatcly in need of
the mbttary tonlc than the aoldlers. who, ln BBBBBB
t'.mes of peaee. have nothlng elae to do but drtll.
Mr. Paraon rogerta excellent reaulta. and thla ron
flrma the experimcnts of forelgn and Americaa
army aurgenns. and such trainera aa M. C.
Murphy. of the N. Y. A. C. and Yale College, and
Kdward Moulton, the great Weatern bicycio
Johnson & Johnson have Just perfected thelr
KOlafra for army and navy uae, and forwarded It
to the looal Army Board. at Oovernor'a Island. In
the meanwhlle. there la. lt ls stated. a large de
mand for Yino-Koiafra on the part of the gereral
conaumer. Al a harmless, non-lntoxicating st.mu
lant. lr has found a wide uae among convaleseenta
overworked and overtircl men and women, arho aro
ttghtlng the battle of life. The rllnlcal notes of
the French, German and Amerlean army aurgeona
to thc effect that Kolafra was beneflcUl ln a gen
aral way and regulated. aa woll as gave t.,, the ays
tem. are belng borne out ln this country by the
g.n"ral experlence of a large class of consumers.
bictcles BiRsr.D i.\ brooklts.
Fire broke out ln the Oormully & Jeffery Manu
facturlng t'ompany's blcycle establlshment. in Flat
,-ive., near the Wlllink entranoe to Prcwpect
Park. yeaterday morning about 7 o'dock, and ln a
few mlnutes destroyed the bulldlng. about 2u> new
machines and aXi s.-cond-hand one-. casaahag a loaa
of about $35,oc<). There ls an tnsurar.ee of $10,000 oa
tha buBdlag an 1 tv:,m on the atock.
The nre started in the repalr ahop ln the rear of
th- bulldlng, a on?-story structure unusually wide.
an 1 deep. Harry Wililams, a coiored blcycle Instruo
i -r, was in the loft of the bulldlng when he saw a
tongua of Baaaa r-aohlng through the floor. Ba Kave
gn alarm, and the Brooklyr. and Flatbush nre en
uir.es wer" qulekly on the scene, but the structure
burnc I like ? tlnder box.
A large number of wheels were saved. but a acora
or more. || |i aald, weta atotea by Ioungcra. who
ff on them dunng the excltement. Oeorge W.
? t, manager for tbe owners. says that the nre
?tarted where there wen no rtovea and no HghttB
of any deacrtptton. Flre Marshal Brymer ls mak?
ing an inveatigation of the c- _ .. -
lea the wheela were a large number of blcycle
owned by patrons who practlaed ln the aead
emy Theae. of course. were totally deatroyed.
By <s o'dock a acore or more of women arnved at
the place readi for thelr morning aptn ln the park.
gome of them crled and aobbed. untll flnally aomo
one to',1 them that thelr wheeta were probably
- ied and would be found ln a Uttle whi.e. Thla
i palpaMe rtb, but lt kepi back some bbter
Newark K. Y . Oct. 2.-The twenty-eighth annual
aeaaioo of the Central New-York Tonferetice of tha
Methodlst Eplseopai fhurch i oaveoad thla morning
at 9 o-clock ln the afothodiat Bplacefaal church.
Tnla conference embcacea within ItB boundarlea tha
countlea of Yatea iehuylar. t'ayuga, Tompktna,
rhemung. Onondaga, CorttaJKl and Kadlauat, *lU
portlons of Waync ?nitarto. gteuhea an I Onelda. to
gether with Bradford County and portlon* of Tloga
and BulUvan. Pennaylvenia. The praalaiag offlcer
of the meetlng is Bishop Kdward Oayer Andrewa.
Of New-York Clty. Elae debgates are to be selected
tj atte-.d the gereral conf*rence, which U to taka
pace at Cleve'.and In May, 189*5. The morning aes
aion waa levoted to addressea of welcome and
routine buslne^s Bishop Ylncent addresaed tha
deiegates ln relatlon to the work necessary ln tha
church durlng the comlng year. "What la neeied,"
sald the Bishop. "la horizon. a wlder tteid. In which
10 work and a olear sky to refleet thc workings la
the light of Chrlstianlty. Let us un.te ln acx.m
p.i.?hlng this anl we ahall be sajccessful." E. P.
Huobe.:. of Buffalo, waa re-e>ctei as .onference
aecretary, with power to appolnt assistants. Dr.
W. V Kel.y. Klitor of "The Method.st Revtew."
presented hla report. Trlbutes to the memorles of
the Rev. J. N. Brown, of thU oity; the Boe. I>r. A.
W. rummlng.-. of WellavlI.e. N. Y.; F. O. Hlbbard.
of ciifton Sprlngs. anl J. C. VYhiteslde, of Syracuse
ifered by different speakera at the memorial
?errtcea This evenlng the Rev. John Hamlltor.. of
natL spoke on the Fr-'edman's Ald and South
Bducatlon Boclety, of which he la correapondlng
Rochester. Oct. 2.-The Qataoaa Conference of
the Methodlst Kp!*:opal Church began Its elghty
llXtb arnual sesalon In the Monrje Avenue Church
this mornlntr. Bianop John H. Vlncent presided.
,.? on. of thc mosc Important eoclesiastlcal
bodles ln the Btata It lnc'.ules the whole of Weat?
ern New-York west of a ilr.e drawn ao as to Includa
Palmyra, fan^ndaJgua and C rr.tng. except a por
tion <>f Cbautauqua County, anl aiso embraces tha
.ountle* of McKeaa, Potter and a portlon of Tloga,
ln penr.sylvunia. The work of the conference la
Chlefly a revtew Of the vear. Deiegates will ba
e'ected to the Oeneral Conferei ce. and one of these
to be the Rev.*Dr. B. Ilur.t. Other n-imea
mentloned are the Rev Dr. J. T. Wllllams and tho
Rav l?r J E. Hi'.is. The chlef latereat centrea In
the muklng of the annutl appoli-.tments. which are
pot announced untll the conference la ^bout to al
i jrr. A weU-known Orgyman aald to-day "Thera
ta n . more aubl.me a Bpejetaclo thau when DU
Ust preachera taka thelr year'a work from tha
hii. i" of the Hlahop. .ind without comp.aint go
loya.ly to thelr new fle.ds of labor."
aHttVi ov 77;/:/* .t.v.vr.u. MXOCtmOMi
Thc seventh annual excura'on of the Borden
boya. employea of the Xew-York Condenaed Milk
roni[>any. will take place to-day. The excurslon
WtU be to Wal.kll!. K. Y . where the company haa
one of ita moat Imporunt planta. whch waa
? ? I In the eummer af ItE. About 'Mi of the
employea will lea%.- \\. , >. .wken on a ap.elal train
01 : :?"> a m.. and wlll return to New-York at
about 8 p. m. The boats connecting with the ex
curston tra.n wlll taave Weat Forty-a?cond-a:. at T
a. m and Frankl.n-st at o 4f, a m A "umb*m?
aupermtenlcnta and managcrs of "'"*fn '"''J
plar.ts from dlataat po ata wiU ba MM?* on tho
excuraion. and theae. f.gether alth ? few lnvi ea
. enterta.ncd at dlnner laat nit,nt al.tne
\ urrav H II Hote* All de?sll- of the tftp haxe
beerT^rrange,"by a,eoaamlt?ee_ af oaagfayaa^gfj
t; a affalr will probably be aa ?^'?'ul ?*?? ,n*
atructive aa ihe excurs ona of piev.ous >e-ira
The linest line of ORIENTAL RU03
104 West 14th SC