Newspaper Page Text
AFFAIRS IK BROOKLYN. BICYCLE FARES REDVCED. BRIPGE TRUSTEKP MKKT A POPULAR DE? MAND 0N_ CENT EACH WAY TO pr. rHAKCKn WHEEL men-the ri.\/..\ qcnnoM ksld OVER FOR A WEEK Th<* Bridge TrusteeB did not tackle the Plaza probiem yesterday afternoon. but th?y dld en _, -,- rhetnselv.-s t.. Me] ci. -rlders by ndoptlng a lth>n roduelng the fare t<? one cent each WHv, iind a.*> goo.l as sald thnt when the I .? ^ laturo meets a bill arlll be introduced permltting them to ailow people oo Mcyclea to croaa free. jsuperintenderu Martin said t<> a Trlbune re? porter. after the jc.*etlng adjourned. thai blcycle tlck.*:** would be printed withiti tWO or three Aays, and that as OOOO as they ar? ready they WlU be pteOO- at the dlsposal of the publlc. The Uiove ls sure to prove u popular one. and was r.r ..a.'ht about by the kng-continuod, ln The Trlbune. IV sfnt at the meeting were President Howell, Jdayor Schieren, Controller Palmer and Messrs. Pag*. Henriquea and Keeney. Mayor Schieren jr. ned that tlckets for l>i< ycle-rld-rs be sold at the rate of three for five cents. Mr. Pag<* moved thnt the price be the same aa for the rallroad ti kets?ten for twenty-tive vents. Mr. Howell favored a one-cent fare, whlch waa adopted. J. Seaver Page brought up the Plaza subject and the presentment of the Kings County Grand Jury. Mr. P_ge handled the delicate subject w:th ao much tact and manifest good nature that he avolded offending any one. He said: I want to say that I have beer. i:i ornVe as truste^ j tew months. When 1 errtered th.s |.os;t;on I I ? at care and pair"^ to examlne .mo what had j ? ine by the truateea, aad i mua* nay that 1 i never aaw more orderly arrangementa than I found. I an, Burprieed to nn.; ??? preaa rms attacked the Bri ige ternnnal matter without K:vr:K thought to tne fact thal :'i< utn i maldei n w.i*> given th.s subject by thi are aware that ,: i . :r> ma le a iir*sentmer.t against the trusteee relative to thia termlnal What they ask>-d ta be done w,is .lone at atr ? Thia Board aubmitted the proje ? to a board ??'. re.-.-.g niaed experta onakatlna of Samuel Spencer, C ?. Buckh -? A Plympton, of thr Brook? lyn Pi ? I the eu ' with prrat eara .ir. I ma le a repoi thia Hoard of what thev thought wai <ow, alnce wi have pproved the actloi ... experta i land. we ar.- tui! the requiremei nol ade qnat?- ?'? -? ? .; th? publ ..:>.- ua .1 llttle tlme ___\ tbe i -- . ti .:' ;h.- ;. rmlnal ' Dl ex pert enough to graap - i The termlnal i* not ? na. We - ayrl over here ma i ?he trar* hat we hav.- a bai t to hai b a dlfncult i i I u ? - " ?si ? gera every nlm tj a. on la If tl _ n v..;.. _ newapapei men, aad knew ? rhe probli n ? solved; bu are plaln, s n ; ? .;. to -'hat. Whe:, ? ompleted there wlll be one 'aree atalrv twelve feet wide. leading 1 - - - . r""V,\rt ver? m-.i'-h the complained-of "?? ahould be - g the ver) best, with 'he ail of ? ilnable. lo -Met ?hat the publl iranta in the ma- ? Mr. Page's addreaa araa reeetved with approval fr^m al! gldaa A lett.r frona Preal lent P.ossitcr. of the Brook? lyn Heights Company, to tha truateea, sv? In it he holda that his mad is as much :< publlc rorporation as la the Br.!-- Itaelt and that its first conslderatlon is to ftve the publlc con v^-nient tranaportatlon factllttee. H*- says in his letter relative t" tha polnt that the clty, only 6 Bhort time ago, b-ught a part of the Plaza from the rallroad. that the company would buy it back agaln lf tha: wera poaalble. Then Mr. f-rs to n report publiabed by the Bridge Truateea ir. 1IK givlng the report of the board ta on termlnal faciiities. "The whole aubject of this report." eontiu_eo Mr. Roeelter, "araa to the effec; that th- fa' ilitles of tra\,.; upper New-Y<.rk and Brooklyn ?w-r- . [equate, and .hat to reach k almoat aa lonff, and was much more ur.c^>mf>*rtnbi?. than to rea>.li PhilndHphia. mllea ofT. lt further stat-d lhat every ?hat cnuld poeetbry be done to bring the two <".!-,.-s nearer to*ether, and make travel more attractive, aafe and comfortable, Bhould be done. ev.-n at a lare- expen?< ir. order to aevelop - nly the maln ;? .rtlon of Brooklyn, but th tu.per ward* and outlytng aiatrlcta, whlch ln turn would I ' w-York ln llke manj ? emphaelzed at thal tirne the necesalt? of cloeei Hn_ ,.. ? una wlth the aurface rall If this wer>- tru** ln 1887, when the Bridge ----- la rertainly, rnore an now when tbe bualneaa is more than double. ntroller Palmer moved thal eonaideratlon f thi Termlnal Commlttee'a report b*- put over tlll Monday of nexi week at 2 o'clock, out oi ? rence to May. i Strom aad Controller Fltch. .-,." aald Mr Palmer. Thla ?wa* done, as waa alao the quentli ir of llghting the New-Tork termlnal ai.d th? acceptance ol any bld relative to ar experim; - pment forgwltchlni eara on ?- J~ ??<?? ''>' "1,'< ?ecretary'i trafl etatement f Bl wa recelpta of I107.H I - agalnai |1M for tbe same m-inth laal yeai A PLVMBEWa DBUSEEE DLED. TRI-P TO raOOT H!> WIFE. THEN KILLED HIM. PELr IN THB I'HE.-KM i: OF Kli CHILDBKN. Mrs Mary OUlloan, her m >ther-ln-law and three anall rhlldrea w< ?'' N"" Ul Berry-al . Brooklyn, :??-' John Qir.ignn. the lr.t.i tbe '' w"rK -^ ir.nB-.-r un Qllllaan a^k.-l h. ? : t. be qCie't _^1 n^'ar..;;. tne youngeat ch _*j5volver and polnl Jifa. ?-??B J"? -, a tm ih whlning pasl her head. ?-*. OiHl__n ran Into the ' her hoahand ?.?**? . ? era ittlng il agalnet hls rl?h U?e "M^VhS betn drinking heavllj Ha wa.a a rl^r^r and htd 8 .k P ta tbe basement of his home. THF. WAI.SI1 I.OVOHRAX WBDDIXO. K.Ooaal B--l~. lo Dr- J- J- "JJJ ? f?s?rJM*2**r_. _-aa I-ermlssion to P]??_?n *i!*nrtr -eara a?o from ? I..... ry rrl\..-- . ? and conaecratea._^_ <ri>DFS- BEATB OF MBM WDBM BABC ? '?' *u *:"Vr_.t.t-^ - wurd? h,r hv snat'hinK bOT P< _ V; ur: ...terday mornlng. Iha Qatee Av-noe PoUce . gnctry ?-? w";1' ' . ;. '?" m, " !.- ?-M ""P - ,. after H , d ,.x . ?? ? aa - r ;, COll* ' B ' HA1R ORNAMENTS ?r rria lara***! ' .??.??''? ?~ 'f ,,,.?iKn?. aaa ' i"''- ??* l/l" , aautti-Aunant ?? *-4? *|- ii.i 1!;.ii i.rnnn.".." '" "'] jn.ulur n_u^|. i .,,,. ,.,?: AartM Omtn '? ( )<>t ____rt nn, ' ? !Tmtitt-VB* "" l''r""v __,_ bt ???-'' aaii . i;..,,!!-!'-*" ottv?ry ?...<! un .i"! >""""'";, U ,n. A. SIMONSOW, __. __ 21*i ?"J "J ~* - ?. ? . * _ _. Horse Show Tokens in Sterling Silver IN rccognition of the general inter? est felt in the annual Horse Show, the Gorham Manufactur? ing Company offers as appropriate mementoes a great variety of articles expressly designed for the occasion, and which will be instantly appreci w?ed by those whose tastes lie in that direction, as entirely fitting and re markably realistic in ornamentation symbolical of the Horse. GORHAM Mfg. Co. S____*L She besan to arcue wlth hlm. and rapldly became hysteiicaL BJuddenly ahe Rave a loud cry and fell dead. An ambu'.an.-e gurfteon who waa -alled aaid he thought Mra. Marqueat'a death waa caused by hrar; diaeaae. Coroti.-r Crenrner ha? ordared an autops) Rorraquara was held in $l.r?m baU for t-xamination next Monday. ?????.???? THF. WILl OF THF. LAik 3081AB H. LOTT. HIS OREAT FORTt'NF. PTV1I>F.I> AMONO RC-ATTWg ANP CHARITAH-S iRgfiTtrnows. The wlU of Joalah H. Low, of Brooklyn. who dled on Bepteaiber 18 at Sewport. wai bat. yeaterday moi - Burrogal Vbb -rr. The ,f the estat. la H.0 ???? . of whlch 1 ? ? : - lonal property and the remaln ler la In These flgurea lo nol -over th,- ei re i ?? ot the estate, It Is belleved, aa Mr. Low owned mu. property outslde of New-Torh Btate, pr the Wfl - oth. The wlll, whlch -a dated De ember 3, IH i by Wllllam A Whlte, .lohn T. Prothingham an I r-<:.k Lyman Th- execul Maxlmlltan E. 8a ns-ln lav. of rh" lea The wlll leavea to Mary ll n 111 gl i ewport houae an 1 Ita i lei I - No >> Oraea Courl alley an I with the us" of the town resi- ? ll S Bt for flve yeara. a.'ter whi-h tlme lt Wlll | Orne, another daught.-r, th- ? f. of Maxlmlltan i: Sand. The contenta of the house r wlth the ailver, are ut ba llvldi I betw.i Mn Rui | md. The latter la alao to r< ehr? a ailver how; presei l Mi Low bj hia brothei Abbott Low, while a gold watch goea ro Joail Low, a graadao- Bmaller pieces of Jewelry ar queatr.ed to E'.helbar: I. Low, Harry Band, Ethel ben L Band and Fr- lerlcli Huntlngton, grs dren of the tesUtor. ..?her bequesta are K.onn each to L.len I.. Mll.s, a sleter of Elwarl A. Low brother of the testator; Cnarlea p Low, anorher brother. at. : Hei ry i Lk> and Emma C. Low, :hil Iren of 8. Haske.l Low. Kats Lomea. a niece. U I i get R.aOO; Mary ar -her niece. ?.*"?: Mary A Portei ? Joslah o Ixiw. aor of Chauncey E. Low,'. J >atah 0 Low. H.000; JoaUh Low Blackwe.l R be-t W Ceorge I.. Joalah I.. aad Prank O well 81.000 each, Ellen Milia Averlll. 11.800; Mary A ?\va.f 111 11.000; Charlotte A Horwlck ? nurae, ao.ow; Mary Shaughnessy, mald ro th.- _.--t;itcr a wlfj ' Rl-hard Murray, a manservant, 8S00; uaniei e.?oui llvar. gardener. $2M. F,.ch aervi nt .n thi the famlly for more 'han a yeai r.Iver 1 00 Bamuel E. Huniingtor.. Mkxlmlllan E Sanu Mary L'e Hine former wlfe of E. M. Low; Mary irldow of Chauncoy P. Iaow, ?5.000 each; IM00 la left to the I'o.vtechnlc Inatitute. The r?al property at Newport Newg \.. . ra to m ennallv dlvlded between Mrs. Band ano Mr-. Huntlngion. TY.- executor* are Infltructed to take charge of the toal land.- of thi testatoi in Mlnne ?ota and Nebraaka. anl a'.i :he other real property outslde of this ?tate ln whlch he wa- Intei wlth A. A Low, E. H. R. Lyman ar.d ithers 1 ne revenue* therefrom are to go ln equal parta j. Mrs Sand. Mra. Hunt'ngt.-.n. the chiidren of C I. Low, and Ethelbert T. Low, ar.n of E. M L >a The realluarv estate ia a? > to be dlvlded p_rta one of whlch Is to t , to Mrs Bani ar .thei to Mrs Huntlngton. the third to be held li bv 'h.- Brooklyn Truat Company for the chiidren of Chauncey E Low, aad the fsurth alao to be held in truat for Ethe'.bert T. Low. Mr L.w was born ir. Balem, Maas.. on Ma I8_ He waa educated Sslem. anl In '? beaan u? a clerk the auccesaful buslnesa career In whi.-h he amassed hla fortune. In 11 .t partner with hls brother In rha flrm >f A A. uow Mr. Low waa deeply Interested ir. Brooklyn's chari table and educatlonal Instltutlons, and me of the organ i - an 1 Poly ?? itut. In 1W. He waa a tni ..'?.n Truat Comnany, ai I a i Downtown Club, of New-York, and the Brooklyn Club __^__ COLD CAB3 IX THF ELEVATED TBAlXB. A COMPLAINT AOAINBT BROOKLTN RAILROAD IfANAOERB. To the Ei.r >r of The Tribune. B r Bln ? mj arrlval from callfornla a few montha M . i ,i.:-.. ; -.?? obaervlni aeveral thU - eral prlnclples I am much ?; . to I ? ? ,.-h . ? Ingi thal can oi rlghted tr of publl - .plnloi. ? i ?' n"'? ? nga agalnat tbe | mn tte I . ? th(. pievfl ?? ? road riar run- ft im tl Cypresa Hllla, In Brooklyn. ,.? . it- there waa a eold ra.n neai Hundn i? of peopie wlth wel feel and el i ? -1 theae -ara to ko home The) wen : rlde for half an hour In ean ia old u ? houae. Thla w<--k II Ifl rhe aame. he com? pany has appllancea f i heatlng, no heal I u provlded thua far. Women and chiidren ai ill f,,re | aiike. Ar. n I thooe who pa i: mej entltled to ordlnary coml M Thla aame eompany providea i ei i omi Pi m all u lirii?e tralna It throwa Ita Cypresn H.iia r_s spnger" ofr ai Van Blcklen-ave. compel lng "iam to take anoth. r trair. ... rder 1 - - ? ' ? or four statlona II i unfalr and unjust, ? .lone to aave the companv thi rxpense ol I ?wltch anl an extra traln or two Manj pa-..(,,e hn\" moved a?a.. anl manj mon wlll mov. away unlesa thla deplorable Btate of thlnga ls ret.. Freuiia-'.t complalni haa been ma ia- to the mai ? bu; he Ifl lieedVe-a. lf "ot h*-:-' What can peopie do und?-r *n^h .-Ircumstancea When a man nas purchased a home near thla line. It ? ,, f.'eacii of rru?: for rhe company to srive hlm treatment. He eat onl: <?,. a-hal I am trying to do Inl.ct the company ar the lar of publlc ?i am* aure you wlll confer a favor upon manv Tribune reaiers if you aill give your ssslsi i this matter JOHS A MERRILL. Brooklyn, Nov n. U ? TtKATH OF BBXBY DlOBYXiOX j;,.... r > - k in?? >n dled on BatUTda) afternoon at ..... Ne '?*'? De Kalb-avi . Brooklyn after a lotiK IllneSO, from Mrlit; I ?'rn OB ii.-r 25, UBi, ln " nahlre, England, and was ado. *i ' ? '''' ' ?' ?" Ackworth, where he was .. schoo.raate >.f .lohn liright Twenty \...,r- latei he came tC thi-- cirtrv as aaent of (. Bheffleld hardware flrm, aad opened ihe Weetera Branch of the componj ln ladlana Latei hc tnother branch m IVew-Vorh Clty In 1871 he be partnei ln a banklna I al v ?I Mr r>i. k.n.-on waa a mlntstei In the Bo. ?' of Prlendfl for forty yeara When, on ? couni A)li. lou aa truati e of ihe toclety'a funda | sstlmonlal t- hls raluable and .... :-,-.-? es waa i tered In the m ? Mr. Dlcklnson when In England w ?- .. -'.' , ,. - ,r, the temperance ? luse, and the organlser ;:,' ,h,'. firsi .- ool esUblUhed b) the y >n.-iet- n thla ' .untry He wai ai actlvi worker uith Henry Ward Beecher In the fre. wreau A .hou"h of Ensllah l.lrth v waa a aran ;i Amer ican. an-' hla aympntho-.- ware alwaya arlth tba Re publi an part)_ ^__i 1 LAW8VIT OYBB THF MOBAX r-l.iir ,.-inf.; M..ran. by h.-r -[?-.. k ardlan. Thomas H ar-of yeaterday uppllod to Burrogati Abbott i>k.vrj r>r ?,. irdoi pi .hlbltlng Mra Uaale P Mchmar. x of ti,.- eatate of Pranda i .,,??,,_er Moran, from golng to Europe arhle h.-r ; .,.7lriV 1,-fa.r.- A P la^sarafaraato IBsadtai Ethel Moran Ib 8 daugrhtor ..-' Mi Moraa. who i rortuae u- ? oootr*Jtor. and Mra Krotasch '' -?a 1,1- WadOW. He lefi 10 hla Wldoa and .fltate valu.i at HM.8B8 and Mra. Edlth Schriener. daughtera of Mr. Moran. jolned In the applleatlon. DecUaion waa reaerveo. flROOKI.YX XBB'8 XOTFS. r.ATHERF.D ABOUT THE TOWN. Oeorga P. Elllott'* term of offlce aa prealdenl of the Law Bnforcement Boclety expiree to-day and h* nya h<- I- nol a candidate for ra-elactton. Four ..r five indlctmontfl for llbel are pandaJig agalnfll him becauae of tha- Itsl of dlaordarly housea In . Brooklyn whlch the aoclety publlehed aome tlme : ago M- Elllott dlsclalms reaponalhlllt) ln the mat :,.r. m - ti under no ir. un - n - ?""" ' be r> m - nl . prealdenl of the ... ;: road. yeaterday aald thai no ? n i i. by th. companj to m n . B ..;? .., . me) Island, for th. ... .... i thal lf ?'" Ora. ? ,,.:.'. , .. red a rtghi of way ther. thi Nassau Ele trtc .'ompany would ma ? trol of lt. er ll iward Van Auken, an norohar ,.ar-<,,rm- , , - ;, New-Tork. ha I . ,..,. ,., arreal laaued agalnat him by Justlce - m the Bupreme Courl la Broea ? the groui la aboul ro leave the , lalnanl In the caae _ Van Auken - ,. f, u . \ an A ik. n, who is aulng h m for ,, .he ground of abandonmenl Bhi he ireis a salary of S'.,{' a weak len Hayea, of tne K.ns,* County Penttei tlary, vesterdaj to I Dr Ortando E Bradford th. terfelter, who la juar hegir.r.ins; ro ?erv t,.,m ..... ? be would nol ba roaponslble for the Bafekeeplng of the doctor'a .?v- laed ar. 1 l -orth M8.088 whlch he had depoalted wlth !h,. w.:- ? \ frlend of the .... tor wll take chargfl of them The Brtgbti n Baa * Rallroad haa reduced ira ratea i-.fwe.-n Brooklyn and Bhaapahaad Ha> from . _ for the round trip. and from U to 10 cenU for a single trip The change took effi I ... - lay. This actton of the Brlghtor. Bea^h ?m pany was a r?*.;;; of the redn rion m ratea by rhe Raaaau Rallroad .'ompany. Mrs. Ann Whlte of I'ay Pourtoenth-st., anl John - | | Brooklyn, were marrie 1 ,.r. Buo daj even na ai Bl Ptnbar'a Clrarch at Bath '?? The bride la a wtdow, years oll. and the brldegroom ia a artdowar of ei*h:y years. WOBB FOB 8IX0A OOVBYY 0OXTJCT8 The Hoard of Bupcirlsora of Klnga Count-. - - : a meetlng yeaterday afternoon at whlch a communi ,-i.,n from tbe Btate Commlsalon of Prtaona ?a. eotlng that tbe Supervisors take aome ,i 'tion on the pr .poaltlon to have the short-term ?? in the Penltentlary work on the road* ir ounty aftar January i. i?7. after whlch tlme the law aaya the) may nol be employed al laboi I, ..,,-. . ? ? . ? ui) tr. le or t rofee matter was nol acted upon by the Supervisors. however a ' lM that they are Im , ,.<*.. . feaslblllty of the echetne rhe rlty of the short-term prrsonera ara- now kepl worklng ln .ther way?, bul the good roadji pro ,-.,,,-.-. want r?..-:t labor to bi used ln beautl ylna epavlng the count) thoroughfarea. rhe. eard the communlcatlon referred to as a nctor) for th. _^_ JOBM REDFERX'A XXJVBJEB FBOWCD FATAL johi Redfern, of No w> Proepect-ave., Brooklyn, whoae richt arm wa? wrenched from hia body ln ? poruble rubble mlxer In Clark-at, laat Baturday niqhr. dled on Bunda) nlnht in the Lona laland . -..r inei Kene ? 111 ho i an Inqui al AVTBOB1Z1XO THF TAX I.t.YT v the mea ?- Brooklyn Board o( -: i - ? . thi various It-ms of ex .,, nM tor tl - year 'hat conatltuti I ? ta? \ey v -,,: ive' Tl total am bi l of mone) ralaad la l_.481.18011 Thi largesi aanounta .- , . (ax \ ' I ? :4 n. count) tax. 1- ; ? ent. ?? debt, 1834,081 01. Inter ,..- on the publlc lebt, I M8.887 05; expensea i. . g lightlng atreets ln first l -.. : .: : Tnlrtleth an i Thin. -flral - _m_ I'F.ini or f/va r.i.v webb Bara Van Sees, a retlred maaon. aiie.i Bunday In ... \ .v Wa Brooklyn, In thi alna tistl yeai of hii age Death araa due to oi 1 ..s-e and Mi \.<r. Sesa wa* born ln Uttle Falia. N J and hai llved ln Bro klyn for over Bfty y-ara ia : ??-- man) yean agot and s;x v-ars ago -elebrated, sritl hia wlfe, the Rolden a sarv of thelr wed Ilng. Mra. Van >.'?-*.? haa i.p lea'd ? a ? eara OEATB OF MARY BLIBABBYB WILL. Marj BUaabeth Hlll, the wldow of lohn J. Hlll -I ed) on Bunday a.. the home of her *on-in-law Jamea i. Mor_,,]!. |r., Ma T ^,!ert?ep.lnt-??. Brooklyn from c.impllcated wlth h'-art trouhi^ Mra HUI waa born In Albany oa .lanuar> z\. iw B|m ?a< marrled u John J. Hlll. a lawyer of that ??;>. and a partn?r of Oei-Cral QaoaaVOOTt Bhe ar.d her huabai ? removed to Brooklya in iv,7. and had Itved In ih- cltj ever atnca She waa a m-mt- r of chrlst Protestanl Bplscopal Church, and was actlve good worfca of the partsh. She took an Inter ??-? :ri anl araa conne with a number of cbarttable organtaa lona, among the*e was the I cnurch Chartt) Foundatlon, of whlch sh- ?n? a manager Hei busband dled rn Decembei Threi irvlve ber; .Mrs B B. Cblttenden, ? Mra .1 I-. Morgan. u . and Mr* p A Bloaaom Mra Hlll had llvi I for nearly twenty yeara al No ? :'/>! Hlcks -' and before her ;e,iwi ahe Uv? I , ..;.-.- ai N - -".- Columbls Hetghta It. I | ta-r |...rr of - . ?? returned from Bi , County auffering from lllneea, aad wa* never In ' L- , ,' | ? ifterward The funeral wlll be ; 1 .'hr; ? church this afternoon at 4 o'clock, and arlll ted b) rha- Rei l<r a B Klnsolvtng, the Burial a Ul be in) i' >mi I n o'clock to-morro ^ m irnlng Th- dlspoeltion ul Mr*. II late ls aa yel unknown. All 88 i /?/' Kl W8 r>KAl> \ . DHckei lled on Bunday ar bl - So C ?-;?!? ?: ''??' ? Brookljm. ll- ?..-* born --n geptembei tt, I8S8, al L'tlca, and whei .. young tme :.. Sew-Tork Clty. Me had ? kmg ,r?-r aa a ablpptag merehaat, and hls ofllea u: the nn." of hb death i-.a.< .it R i 101 Bouth-st He wa- always an actlve church workar, and *f -,, member of tha- Wnahlngton Avenui Baptlai 0f Qrook yn if .Mii"n !,.- was ai -ma t:m. ,i trustee and treasurei He ?a* a liba-ral con ? to benevoleni flodetlea The funeral a. r I be at I 8 tbla rvaedag al hi- h.,n. I'Kaiii "I l./RA BBBBBIOI K/.r.i r. .,' Ra ni Macon-at.. Brooklyn, dia-i on ia\ Ha- waa born in Wow-Canain, Conn., oa November ? Itta, an-i ln ltt? he entere.i ma- Ah ..- buatnesa ta (Maaa Falia. tt. Y. il became promlneni in pobU. ..ffaira. and dld much ta, bulld ap tbo town Ha boM a number .f pubtk ofii.e- tbere, aad ??* ar iifferent time? toam tr.-.. urer, prealdenl of ihe Moari of Health, praaMaat of ih- Board af Truflteea of the town. an 0*888888 of the Poar, and a trustee* of the Preabyterlan Church Me ua* one ..f the orlglnal ahareholdera In tha Q.ene Ealla and Lake Oeorga rian__R?B<Ja *n4 ~?* at on* tlm*. Its BUpertnteadenj In 1V>! he '-oat murh valuahl. pruperty hv u flr*\ anl ln l**ir>. he moved to Brooklyn, wnart he ha* lll ed He conducted a wbo.eaele ah ... bu'lnesr1 in New-Tork untll about rep veam ico. H< owned . hatids.nn* houaa on i.-ike an i paaoed hla aumraera II ri In 1M1 he mirrlel Ml"* Mary Ptr-ng Ptxley, of (ll'ti'i Falls, wh.. dl*-l In 1881 H* waa the father of f.hlmren C Bdward Benedlct, Mra E J. ,.i ii.e i-ninran -i . r.'iw.iri i>.-nr..i. .. ...,- .. ... Blr-ktnaon. Mra Robert J II i Bene ilct of Brooklyn, and Mr.. Oeorge R Weber, of Nen Ifork ? fineral aertvtCea wlll h? held it I - this , evening, al hls home, and th* burlal arlll be hl ii>n's Ka'.ls. A MILLIOXAIRE'8 MESTAL TROVELEE -NDiunv o. corpnt, *- wealthi oitooKUtttrnt, TR1KI. B_VO-_ A U NA< Y CDMM1B8IOK. The m*ntal 'ondltion of Andrew ? . ColBn, n re tlred merchant. llving ut N .. tt Cl Btl I Brook? lyn, waa Inquired Into ) bjr a aherlrTa Jury before Commiaaloner Wernberg. Mr. I'ufUn ia ser.lor partner of the ir.iR flrm af Coffln. I'enritngton & Co., of No. 73 Johii-st.. New Vork. and a BPaetal partner In the flrm of I'enr.lng ton A <'o. of Baa Praocla a H.* awna r.-ai eatate ln Brooklyn. and la a atoekbolder ln the American Natlonal Marrk if Kew-Tork, th* Blectro-iillcon fompany, the Fifth Natlonal Hank of Kew-Tork, the Manhattnn Blevated ''ompany. and other com panle*. Hls- property is valusd nt over a mlllion dol? lara H? la aeventy-ntae yeara old and bla - i ' . wlth whom he ls now l.ving, la nearly Bfty y*ars younger. Mrs. I'offln appllci for rhe apj.olntment of a com? mlttee of hla person and estate. She teatlfled yea? terday thar her husband baa ahown unmlaUkable slgns of lOBi of menr-i! power, lsn.t. Sherwooa C'offln. a ton nf tha mllrloniilre by his flrst Wire, B-M 'leclared that Mr. Ooffln was competi l hav. r-narge ot hi* property. H aurprlsed tne |ury bv aavlng tha; h* wante-l to object to thi treatmer.t to whi'-h hla fathtl B ll home. He aald thal hla fathei had 8ev*rai urnea compiained of lll-treatment and bad begged n.m to can fnr him , . ., Br. Shaw. the jn?an!;v e.pert, declared thal Mr. c.ifflti ii auffermi; from icnll demeiit.a ti that he had bei >ma vlolenl ?n aaionB, but that (V waa g.-nerally harm' s. FAL8E tLABMJB ICRSED TX. PKCl'UAB i iNDt'CT OF MlOClUBANTfl WHO BOTHEB THE BftOOK-TS FIB- DEPABTMEWT Ofllclala o' the Flre Department have beei ; . tla ? bv falee alarma ft >m the Ea Brooklyn. Ko leea lhan aeven calla have been sent In during rh.- last m -nth, ?* i from ri..- boa at loutb Tenth-at. s iMifa Nlnth-et. and Drlg from Berrj an i Bouth Third ata., an i h< Bi if-.* I ... r. and t irth-at Thi wai -?: ? ln from a box on a ': - ' ' llam Walker, arho ? houae dlroetly eppoalte the b. a, aaya I ? *a m thal atdi of th; Walker tavt he waa Btar ling ln *;:? .,,:: :;-..- befor* the B-wm wai e went ne.ii the b v ai -? !n wltl The preaenl F.r-.- i imm Wurster ha i hla beat men neighborh ... i when tl ? alarma havi rei Ir: A pe u!lai part of - ,,v called hai urned n rh ? - reclaely ihe aame hour - ? ii ..,., hl the i.r-,.' or I :, i ihe flremen and pollce io mu li will i.< deall barahly wltb. 80BE OF BBOOEL11T8 8MALI PABB8. I .,,;.-;; ,: COMPAH-BONI BETWEEN THE PREg ENT ADM1N1BTBAT10N ANP THE PBE CEDINO ONI Two of the Bmall parha in Brooklyn arhleh Com? miaaloner So,ujer f'''1"11 uP?n hta -*nd"' J> '" ?"?'? iok i-harr.- of the Department wen Buebwick l'ark. Ir. tba oi'l ElghteenUi Ward, an l the park in the twetfth Ward. Bometimea called '?Coffey l'ark." after that enilnent stateyman, "tn* Hon. Ifike" Coffey. These bad been boughl bs commiaaloner Browar, but llttle bad beea ln the way of Improvtng Ihem. Aa regardi Tweifth Ward I'.irk. nothlng hai I.n dom llttle haa i>eer. done ain-e \; la a blg |ob to make B park cut of the ar.-a ln Red Hook purchas. ! irfc purpoa.? II la eirl ial'.j aa ol I bbIi heai of . aaa. bo ipa, old Iroa u nati r..u that gel toaeed tog An attempl haa been n - we, bul lt is a aorry bualneaa Aftei grading la completed lt wlll laanda of dollara to cover tbe sn'.l, whl-h wlll have m be br .uarhr from a long ! - tl.' rr'1"' ;''' '"' ha ' !!1 th" netgbborhood. The worh mi Buehwlch Psrk haa ad an Bd much mor* aatUfaetortly. Tha gradli g then pleted and the work of Impr rerm under way. During rhe tumrner v*< rr- m o ar. ! th' f tl ' f'v,r or f'v' . - juirk hai - '? ' ' be erected. One of tbe nga wl ir, ?,i.> ihe work Of providing a pond or ama I lake In 'his park, whi rh ha underl iken by hla predec. ,, f.-w acreB In eatent. lt wa* '??'" ' rrendei anj ot ihe an for thi ; md coul I onl] b. a - n; affali proba more nance than a bei ? and il , . park la alreadj p ipular wlth thi - I a- far ai they were when It waa purchaaed a larae ea - - -' "' ofthe sharo ? '' ' ?'*' : "' ''' I'omrntsslon. r lt ta w< Hushwl k ."ark. six acrea I ' ; ai |, whi - Lln ili Terra e wli intali also dra- - ' ... nd wlll req i aum ro - ;..; lete ll and Coopei l'ark, i Ward. whlch la a aa ll rea. and j//;. DOOLET 8BE8 A FOOTBALL GAUE IT WN'T THK KiN'U BE Lit-5 Tr. I'i.AV. BUT HE DOESK T WANT 1 i INI CBFEBE WITH EDL'CATION. F- :i: Th* ChleBgO K\ ? ll ? "JawB aa I Mr D ? b ii - ii ???.'? a*ai - H ..- aaked Mr. McKenna -Well. * ' ? ? ~ai .. . A;i. Ta li ?'- or thlrtj or a m hui l min an boya i ima together ? -' ' had a roun np an a?i th a i ar id '?? nt r-run - i ' . riewed-u| I i l . l ... n. nami Iv McGuIn - kick ai ' ' *. Thln thi bi ighi lt bark. lh llttle lid an' I kl. ki Brothera' ? ? ? down an' ?a\- he "I". ley, i'r'. kick -? he ? iv? fl i I glva " wan t j? i< <? ? |V me fut ar.' k:r h( I Hlm -?) ?' young man tbln, In th* j voung Kegan an Ke^Hn klcked Caasilj .. a; ly kl k I ' ' ir- ? :. II ' ' Brli tl k bt! Bl ' Al*xi? an' '.ai to do -v atatlon* i i? an a -.. ?T_ai ??'. .- fntl.. ' Bul l." wi ' ask*i m. fr to g . over l i th' ba k h rh J u aee a gami 1 ' - : Voung rta -' ?- l took Hinnlaay \. th me, ma) tjawi frglve mi He'd ne'er aeen a | Tn' la-i'*- ?..s ther* wini, we com* I luk. I th" fleld an' aaya ! 'Whal la tblB? Mya l 'What're .,.. y goli iy? Hlnnlasy ma le i tweT Th Muicahy k. ! wai d ina U| , -.' aai muffa -. i,. :n ., can i Hi a ir* n halr li hea I llke roii ilaa hlm > e eud iv ?>?..' i. wan ? '.'... i alr >. rn-in blea llttle Mulcahj reach. in' gii son .. pun h in th' n '!? ?k Mlke Mulcahj -:i ' ' ... - nowan. aaya Mulca ..... re'era Ivi r k. :ki TH have th' lae I i t. Ilttli M:'-<. ??Well. i i :?? -r ? ? \l i ? ih. an' l . ? ?-" i ... toward brl Igc Jubi tl n Ho gan ? .i - " ?" hla foi Into lltti __n- 0|* j [j w nl .... r H.' 1 U.l< i T ? ' '?.' ney'a noae. 1 tn.ik thlM apart gi 'r . ome back |uat ar mm th lad* v^.!- ,,n Tnmmj <''!?? ? dl ?'"? ? ,- . ? . run away with lt a ,i pu k .hi ih' Jaw an' r - dowi i I ?' ? ' ? n i.j. 1 I 'uiiK.ui u iti. <B k.. k .?!. ??? ba k an' . ?- l iln HU th i fell on Dugi . \ ..rr O'Leary, aB bul w an Thal wai Dlnn; Caae) The H>gi-ni- Treatment 0/ Constipa.^.i and Ordinary Djspepsia. BirJobn Aodwws, tbe Bnjcrlinli pto fet-or, believeg rbut in t i??- teoi awjor itv of nt-Ci eon?ti|?_itioii ma) be rocoeMfnllv ovefcoitHi by tiikuij; a teaspoonful of tlu' _i'iiuiu^ imported Coriibail Sproil-J Rall diaaolTetl in a tamblerfiil of water (b?lf 11 piut), <-olil or hot, t'ltrly in tht* morniiiir, and if nect'ssarv, OU |OiQf tO i??*<l- U?'st taken wlieu out-door exeirise cau be Lad. DR. GREENE'S NERVURA. Physicians Urgently Advise Use of Dr. Greene's Nervura. Well Known Physicians EDthusiastic in Their Statements of the Wonderful Curative Powers of Dr. Greene's Nervura. L-R. jc>n B-'EET. ,,.. n, tlM BMt noted phystdaas and aavgeoM ia Dr. rob BwMt ,,f New-Bedl rl. Ma-a He mokoo tba | .. ... a., tte laLummaadsd tha- ass V-rmra bh I Sltd Mtr* ? g na, rr ... na * h'"* la a Urgs mimber * theae easso It has provsn ??..'"ard H. Hi-s.. r B 8 Be., of Weatn.M. N. J, ? ... paal eapen nn oedlclr? aaya ot thia mnrnA flaeoe. '. ; .-- fo, nervoua llSMH ia T>r Or^nV. ' ? ',,??,.-.,. raamed Ir a-ta by affecUBg thfl y??^S-S-y* fi_-_8 . ??aS -- "''w - Jaini' Dr "oriVnea ' aerve S tMa hoapltal fof OO, pattaat. .1th fl-* SOC ..,?.,1 f wol ?? Vt.. statsss? '7 :'-l ?l..iI Dr Qreer* - Servura blood and nerre reme.'.y tot BOBM -BM flrat trylnit K BB myf*lf. ? r.4 I f?-B ll <1M me n rriu h good thai l n ? racomn-?d H I '~y Tha fart th?t ' - li m my owi ?? *h?i I am talklns abottt. Aa a t nt laoranl i- li rr.. besi of alll Dr. Koberi W Lan * ' . the good reaulta ,,?.. , ur* ot r??n ua *?_"??"? Tn?. hava recelved i;r.rit good . ? ' ' nd lt." Dt .- W .-,..;,..:? >'ai-rr.e|. In.l *ajn Oraene ? Ker n i 8 .11 I n?r ? remedv Ir my patienta an.1 lu. ? ' '." ? ????"?"-5 f ,r K ' ftw?5__-___'i? ? ? ry. 1 thmk it 1* wovt_y aad 1 reeeemaeaa t ? 'ttrneb e-.riu*ia?ti<* *rrior?*m*nt h> pbyatetaaa atampe the remarkable medleal dlacovery aa th- ar*at*-- 1 health and itrength. I' -rtainlv t_tr*m n. 1 ., I o_aeaei ther kaowa raaaady lt mik*a 1 tak* ll ?trona aad well li 1- 'he preecrliH n and *_ ....rl .-? 1 w#n-ki ?" ??"????? ?C ? -*?t 14th s. nv? york -*** Ottb* a -hara- peraonall] - Utr. . . _ # etc, etc. $4.^ Per volume. Greater than The \ Century Dictionary, is The Century Dictionary 5 and Cyclopedia _ Since the latter work includes the following: J _ > 1. The Century Dictionary Proper, , J With revisions and additions. bringin? it right up to date. J I 2. The Century Cyc!opedia of Names, 5 * With its wealth of .nformation about Ancicnt and lodern Per- , _ aorw Placea, Paces. Hietorical Event., Worke of Art Build- $ J inKV Institutions. Book*. Planets. Noted Animals and Vessels. ? 5 3. The New Oeneral Atlas of the World, J t * Coverin. every eountry of the jrjobe. and invaluable for refer- 0 * ence in conneJtion ?Ith the above or for separate atudy. J ~ make up THE CENTURY DICTIONARY J These Three in une ANo cyclopedia, *?* can be had * ,. L_.i_- ?_?- ?i ihe remarkably low wholesale price of s> J J ^ T-fl ? \\r THF TRIBUNE CLUB hai ben foraaad i j ihlS Way re*fcn who I : " *?*? ,nd ,;,e Jl"-"yn* ?* ",,:' I ? 0 ("n?y . , tke wrkt aa- ?- ''-. ' ?. ***timt*4 0 "-""*<* :'"'.. Z ?????? VTVRY DICTIOMARY ASD t ^loPPd/aT 3C ?? ??'?? '*""*????? /r^'"-v'"" _ ' >' /( V'7 ."' TRTBCVE CLl B ? %4 *J " ?'''"""? ?' "'""""' "1 ' 5-' >'" _ ? - - rx/ tk l*k TkA \ , - \ What plan could be simpler ? Wtot Terms could be ? 1 This isanexceptionalopportunity, since | it places each individual reader on a par J J with the iar^est wholesale buyer. # J Everv one is hfvited to call and inspeet $ i .. i.??.:.... .ft...- ,?;il 1... *? * the work, <>?* descriptive matter will be J j sent on application. Address J 5 THE TRIBUNE, mNassauSt. j ?_r_5wss ' J",. nr.-. I.-'' Kn "???-< b. - , i H ' - l,.rr,n \1 i ? ' bbt"tt\\t }A M'nnla.) Adown. J.. a th' lad ?>*">r-> "'""? ;* ,'1"" Hinnla ?* ?well tliln.' -<?- > nlaay, 'I'ai golo' hoaai be aaya. 'Ifyi arumid to lave ye'er aaothea, "?I took him o. ? : ar-rm a we wtai bome an ?av* i -Hlm '>'* * ma i 1 ? < '? . 'HoWa that? Wer an llltherate man.' I s..v? 'I can read an : wrlte' h.- Bay* "an" glva >- th' wurruka Iv Wlllura Carleton be heart Tbrue.' aaya i 'Bul -tin re lnth*rf.*r.-l arlth thal game lid .e kapa that ye waa atoppln' th' IducaUon Iv th youth Iv th laii.i. 1 ______] ;| n'. ti..t ne aaya. sa.lly An now th thou.i.t cornea on bm *" i_*kea aaa heart grai with \\ bln I rtitherfer* | arlth rh,.l m lln' li '.'llhiti wi'li .1 baa 'ball r. > C ya, 'dld I k.-ep antt) *u:i OUI ll a " Te ni.i> ha\ a I CL08IX6 PBICEA 01 BJJ" PBAXCtAt'O BTOCE8 >_n lUrii-ia. M il ll ia .ir. i .-. ? . - ? Illl'.W "1 '* i .ii Cal u, \.. '.' ? >?> , i ?? ? -V-r. r?: Hai. .\ N NovWttWI It IWtf U> T..-d? li \|. . ,-? .??: 38 M.n.. ;:. i>|.ror 1.88 :ti I'. : ??.-. ... - , u*>- *?< :, -i-u ?*?'< :..". I'bI?a i aaa I '88 :_ l i.,'i "T tl V*r>* hYket. BB :.4 l? 1 ? I -. 'A ?>' aa ? 4 ? KLINT West 23d St. Fathloni l-'ine, Kanoiful KURNITURE Kor Kirsl Familles.