Newspaper Page Text
V0L- F/V\..N? I7,!KI?\ NEW-YORK, Wi;i?i:si)AV. XOVEMBER 3?, 189S.-8IXTEEN PAGE8. PRICE THREE CEPCTI. THK SULTAX TO 8ALI8BURY. VSIQUE ACTIOX OF THE TU11E. XPKS THE PRBMUER TO .MAKi: A BPEBCH IM His BBHALP. gO OKFSKT THK ADDRKM AT THK L0RD MAYOR'fl PANQI'kt OIVM ms \voiu? OF HONOR that THE RKFOHMS WILL UF CARRIRD OVT? HOW THK REQCBgT 1S gl 11TI.Y OOMrURD NVITH BKIKIFICARCI OF mSTKM I'.VIIA'S CA KKKR AN1> CHARACfRR. I.nndon. Nov. 19--An incident that ls unpar illeled in th? awials of Knglish dlpiomaoy oe purred this evenlng at Ihe o..nferenoe .>f the T loaUU agent* iu London. This mi the reading of ? letter from the Sultan of Turkey to Lord tajtabary. begging him t.> make a speeoh that w.v.ild offset the OM he delivered OB the oira f! n .->f the Lord lfayor*a banqnet '. rd Salisbtiry referred t.> the impr -.priety of reading the letter at the .onferen.e, hut he took advantage of the oorask.n siniply to grant, M far ?s lie coRld, the reqoeal made bjr the Suitnn. At IhC nutsrt of his 8p.-e.h the Prtme Mlnlster sald: "Allow me to aay a w >id in anawef t>> a very dlstinguished. distant rorresp.-ndent. if 1 may B0 terni him. Who has racjueated me to make a etat< - ment in so?)e pubJk apeecb. M) correapondent !<? no leas a pers.'nage ihan the Sultan of Turkey, (Loud cheers ) I feel that there la prof und im j.r tprfafty '.n thruatlng any dlplomatlc detalls on your aittntlon, and I hope yo? will bellerc that nothlnf wouid have inddoed me t.? produce on ?his ocvasl>n the augu>t moiWff l >->>all ;' "1 .-xcept the d'.stlr.e: eommanda of the p- rs..n from whora lt proceede I." Lord fiallabury then rrfeirvd to the apeecb he (Teilvcred at the Qulld Hall on Norember ?>. and addad: ??His Ma.Vf.ty haa bean pleaaed to aend me a n ossatre- aaylng that he has been very much pained to read the report of thnt ipeech and of the opinlon that the promlaed r-form* in Turkey would r .1 be i aecuted Hla Majestv deatrea a to be known that he hi carry lag out those ref..rms dectded upon by him }?.. 1s desirouf. <<f executlni them a: the earlieal , wible moment. and has so repeatedly ln ,-nieted his Minisrer* Hi- Majesty eontlnuea: ? 'The only rea5.o;, why l.ord Salishury ahould thoa throw doubta on my fcod intentions muat br. \hf intiiguea of certatn pnsons bere or falae rat^inents made to cauae auch an opinlon.' ? After Intermedlate obaervatlona, His Hajeaty ' i repeal that T ndll exe. nte the refm-ms. i will take the paper .-n-aininK them. Plaee lt .? . me and aee that every arti.le ls put in ' rce This ts my aarneal datermtnatlon. and I ?tve my word of honor. I wish Lord BaMabury to kn^w this. and 1 be* and <]. sire hi? Lordahlp. havlng eonfidenee In theae declaraUona, to make another speerh by virtue of the friendly feellng ani disposltlAii he has fot me and my eountry. I shall a^alt the result of this m^sa^ wiih the greatest anxiety.' " When the Prime Minist^r had flnifhed reading th? letter. he was gre^ted with loud applause. When quiet had been reatored he again ap pealed to his h"r,rers to acqult him <-t imprnpriety ',^r such an unprecedented aet aB reading surh . message at a pubUc me-ting. bUt deelar-d ? hat he conld n<>t abntaln from reading it wlth QUt ahowing discou.tesv to Ihe dlstlnguished potentate Who had written it. He then sald: ?As vou know, ?? ar- part of th<> concert of Kurope. vhlcb has ret Ived. s. 'ai at ii acta, to a-t with unanlmlty. Some i ? i - - ?'-1 ''';'m^" Ine -hat we dlapoae of*th? dertatona ol the Powera That iscrediting ua wlth more Influenc-e than we inaaeaa. Whatever la done muel be done wltb unanlmlty. i do nol admlt that reapona bllltj 1 r anv dertalon that the Powera make reata en tirely or malnly on thla eountry. We andi .... the Powera are In ? poaitlon rommon lo thoae wh6 ar- obllged to acl I -gether, namely. ha ifMhe^ do n t agree wlth them >h.-y .??... have their own way, bul 1 m nuwlat dealre to IMimate by these word. that the dtehtaM shade ct diaagreement haa artaen among the i owera. EULOOIZE9 i'.i'STKM PACHA. i^rd gahabnry eapreaaed deep regrel for th? ,PParenth Irracovtrable lllnetaof Ruatem Pacha, the Turklsh Ambaaaador to Oreat Britaln, and rald that he had been the moal valuable Interme dlary batwean the Ottoman and Britlah l ?? menu bul 11 waa nol tnhi that had gtven him a name an >ng tl ? rtateamen ; f Burope. He waa a ma^ Who bs comblnlng flrmneaa Juatlce and coSolUatlon had broughl peace to the Lebanon ^t?tr f when lt wai torn wlth the dlaaenaloni .-, .... , Hecouldnothelpfeellngthal l^,7Z:X^- r, *ed ,, ..... dat.ll.of ?H?f^LaSnu53d. "there wera men llke Rua . m 'Par-ha aSund the Bultan. the problem ,m ,,-,i h, aolved by external aetlon of the rrffini PoweS wMch lt a clumay devlce a ad\lsing !-?? folvad by the naturaj \:r? 0J 7ha counael. of an enllghiened ...eratlon . r ,.fflclen1 and compe minortt) worwni l;!'h..,.rf, > i do not aee the ? l SrTre Jo SJlwT Bu.t?n, Pacha. I mea who are io r , wh th?r,. ;ir, ,annot ??t?rm^toj;entV-fl>e yaa? ago there i, ne au^-h now. u "> ' ' ,,, conalder ? ?XZ ..rirmenun%S& ?? *?"?? " d" n:;' ^iwcanbecuredbyawavaof aase| or, the^P " ^ . rwu,,B of jong years ? agirians wand. n , ,h(. ,.ru..i taw S .^t 'th'se1 WlTo w?U Pay a,; nol who H rnere noj but tne .?-- - ? ; (i^,.utU]y waa Wllte U|-..n papei a Ji< ? aatam of dootrlnalrea. f ..,, ,^f. nc*. , .,.rlnK to ruture nvM-un a of n .,.. lt nr,;r Sff^iS*-^ n> i ? i fleeti ano n M f a momenl it threaten Britlih aafet) a h<j <x ' "? (h,[ u"\ v, Sruntry to be threal ;. 'h- safety -f ''I..!1 ,;,??? waa now ? r. H. la Ilev.d that -i ?' ,. er? ,',-"'1,,y rt;. "",:.'.",.'.?.;. 5 .?..?> fwraoma Uma i--f" .-. lU ?ffectlng large Ing i a period of ti^u. u d t0 ,?. ph: ,f tha J?rty "JJSi Jfeuid uitimately tte, i thal bad ^["{JJ* .rrangementa. The ?ampel a ehanga of i" 1. >? *' .' . w? corolng IWre fa.t that s. mu- ? ? ^: # ,,()W(.,, int thenmrket waa.aireaaon^ Jf. f'"<" -!]' ?7*Ll?ra4ncy This atatement, he afH nsi every ???"'?'' ',.,.,, ,,, .?.,,,, that he ex aild n.uat not ?e foMtrueu Tu,.,;ish Em pected a ai.<?y dlwluUon or in h n ,,ir, Not ?nlj in T (k', ,?,,'. i,,ri of change. Waa a tendency In the mrm thk prrm on ?? ^?'????AVS ,j:tt::;; m "Tha Poat" to-morr..w. oom g?II?n"w??' t0 1'ur'1 B*,ta,H,rjr' mentlna oa the miiii^i. s ,.?,,,,, DoUtloi aiU ealnv v .,> who ?-ona?lerH Baa}< ',?" s.r.i.k b) fhc unbla^ed ludamant wlU ?u w , eM ,,f ... B pathttlc 'tlgnUy and franK ea" ian'? riK-saoge The Oraphlo" will ^-^ ,h). Hul,.,-,. haa ren dered a slgnal servl.> n!n' ? Tfc? .. - r,Mlh*.tle eineerltj in ' ?_?, fi4,i BUBTMM l'ACll.4 DMJD. TMI TVRKISH AMBaMADOR TO ORCAT BRITAIN DIEX AT 3 OTI/ii'K TMIS MOItMNii Londoa, N'.>v. 30 4 a. aa.?Ruttetn Pacha, thc Turkifh AmbMMdgr tu Qrcat Brttaln, dled al o'dock thisi mcrnlsf 0! oongattloa of th- luog*. U'COXTlioi.I.BB WKMn.i: B1AMtSBD. THt: OOMMMHON DORi HOT sav ihat iif. is in sa\!-. iiiT DKCLARES mim TO BB OT 1 NSiiCND M1NI> FuUonvllle. N. V . N W II I rommlsplon to ,,r?y examlned ex-State COBtrolhW l\ hvard Wetn pla as tO his sanlty. Th- COmmtaakW WOttM Mt report on the eommttmant blank that Mr. w-mpie waa tnnane, hut r?-portel that he BCtcd llk- one j who had been nn a IOt>| deban-h. tif waa h proper peraon to i>o rar-! fol and that he Wi of ijnxoimd mlnd. Tha fart that the commlaal >n eraaed th- worda "1.? Insane" froin the cpminlt- ' ment blank reaulted tn County Judge wende.l >. fualwr to Indorae the .?ommltnmt. Mr. wemple waa recantly placed under arrcat, Charged with incendlarlsm 8TUDBNTS iBBBSTBD Foii BOBOIABT. STOI.KN" PROPERTT KOINT" 1N THK ROOMf IAF" TWO MKN AT I7KIOM < "1.1.1.'IV.. Bcbenectaay, N. T., Nov. 1*. An altaoal nlghtly perlM of burglarlea ha? been gotag on ln thla clty for th' peel f< nr araeka Cana of prcaervea and other houaehold auppltca and utenalla havc been atolen frcm calUrt and roorna of raaldanta. Qooda have alao t>.?pi ftolon from atore* of marchai varloui llrta of trade. Th? polica untll to-night werc unablj '0 ooUiin any clew to the ttalevea. Thli evenlna. Aaalatanl Chlel of Wrtlce Deforeal and tn-n poucemen wenl up to Unton College on from tli- college otTtetala, and found In the rn,.mn of two atddentf nearly all th- gdodl al tl'.it h.!v h.'< n mtaaM frow atorea and prlvate All th- plur. i'-r wa? removH t i the pollca -? . ,..]. wh< !? II awatta MenUlJcattpi Vi >ng th. articlff! st< l( n are Hv? c latly rlflea taken from Rlchai I* i aporti nti ? g ni ?i ? . ntudenta m whoai rooma th- goods w-r- t .und >r, c c Humphrey, i phomor*1. from l i 1?? lawan Countj. md (' C. MHIer, fr**h ? Ratavla Tha two atudenU ar* In cuatodj have enjoyed thc acqualnUnci of thc I In town FtJlow-atudenti mada the dlsrovrrj ti . reported to Prealdenl Raymond, arho Informad the ;_,_ lYPUOlD TBYBB IV THK MII.K. OKK ITL'BBORM DKALEB \> WATBRTOWN ITlii:.-' THK HEALTH Bt)ARD Watertown, N V.. Noy. 19. Thi Health B thls clty is in trouole. A few awk* ago .-..- x the cltj - ? ,:' typhol I for thc \'..i- a/aa iargcl) due to Infecu l mllk deltv ered by .i dealer arho had had tha dlaaaae In th? famll) and b< n careleaa In the araahlng of b There wtr* ovei tw-nty-'iv- caaea <m hli route and two ,,,. three deathi reaulted. !!? a/aa promptly oi ien l to itop aelllnf rollli and hla nam< ; . ? Tlia typhold ? pWemlc eontln u l. howc ?? The Health Board tooli aamplea of all the mtlk brouaihl int>> Waterto^rn and had It -? 0loK|i ,. ? v imln itlon. i ?f twenty-tfi ? -1 lwelv< conulned llfeaae e-rm.-. aom of Ihcm ; ?? phf.i.i ana aome tuberculoata. Thli report li now be ' ?. he I '? iard ?n?. namei ol the l? tl< i are wlthheld e*cepl :n ,?,. Caae of onc named Henr> Ward Beecher, who ha^> detl- 1 the health auth irltlen an I ?ya he wlll ron llnue to iell. Hli lloenae i- been revoked. Th? H-alth Board nofi -afui - I ? - ? ihe namea ol thc other m*n to the puillc on the svund thai It wou '. hur thrlr bualneaa aftei havina In tlw flrai pla^o, niined onc man> buslneaa. The Board s-'f wi'h assutnliiR il^ reaponalblllty ol romp the dealera t.? ppt tholr miik from other concerntna: whirh there are n i - iar?iclon?. in ins the p- t>l' thej may Mfi '? dealer who i? allowe I I "' H U hai al new teata made of all th< rnHh n -w h h ? Watertown. Th*re l? mnch pubile Indlimatlon be eauae th? tiam<-s are a/ltl ? - ?? ~. HJ1> BBBS STKAl.lSd FOR TBBBB YEJIts. RITTK.R. THE ABS< OXD1NH PBJUAOKLfHIA I'AY 1NO TKHXK SOT VKT ARRKBTEP. Thiladelphia. Hot. 1? Th^ offi'ialH of the Tarony Ssvlnjts Fund. Safo Dapoalt, Tltl? an 1 Trual Com pany to-day made an exa.intna.tlqn Into th? accounta d| Charlrs W tUtttr, t'nt- la> aaaiatant aecretarj ati) paylna tetkrr ol tha concern. arho myater n i dlaappeared on Baturday evenln*. II Waa al nr^ thiiiRht that Hitt-r ha 1 not uken a doljar. but ati axamlnatlon of tho booka to-dty reyeali that Ft tter ha ". beer Byatematlca'.ly pllferln? ror th* laat tn'rp*? year^. Th^ itnoun! of th. defalratlon n-ai not Klvei. bv \bf offlciala, but H wai learned fr. ;n other aourcea that It arould not excead H.500. Rlttar h kf noi v-t tx en arraat< I ? ?? ? COLD WAFK l\ THE WKST IT 18 EXPECTED TO RRACH rHK \QiO TO-DAT \ BMZZARD IN INWAMA W1RK8 DOWN in thk northm fan CMcaso, ^?",?' ''? rh" aecond apeclal bulletl.i i? B??d by tha Blrnal Beniea to-da) aredlct* that a cold wan wlll ovarapread thla aectlon by R'ednea rlav mornlnaj, carryJng ""? temperature to al degreea abova aero. Cleartni areather for t( li aiso piedlcti d. Tha mornlng bnlletln waa ai fol oa - "Btorm northwaat rignali are holated ?n Lake Mlchiaan T-tk?- Buperlot and Lake Huron Hlgh north ehiftina to northweat nlnda, with miow and , wive. are Indlcatlona fot t Mlay and to nlxht. Olearlna to-nUht \U telearaph wwnmunloatlon with Mlnm Duluth and other Sorthweatern polnta la t-ui <>ff. wires have baen down all day and are atill down l<r!i. Porte Ind Nov. i?. North-rr. [ndiana la In ihtTthroeaol a bllxaard. A gale la blowlng from henortTand the anow la beln? plled t.p In drlfta Th?' train- on north and aouth t'( an.ayed. Telegraphlc communlcatlon haa been aerloualy In terfered with. While New Torkera ware oul enjoylrg the ararna aunahlna yeaterday. peopla oul Weal wer? h th-:r Dngcra or holdlng handi to theli Tha weatber rnan aajra New Torkera wlll b. that too, before nlaht, and he axpecta th; ? Sry to fall to the freealn? polnt. rhe cold ara ? ''?;',,? thla way and atorm algnali Indlcatlna northw-St* 'U ara up Th. cold la llkely to affe, I 2ll of thla Immedlate part t th< eountrj and the i',I,n narl of Maaaachuaetti Bnon in , i bn'ty?ho^g* cold raln li mora llkely to fall bara to-day _?, _ MIAJMAT1C CONDITION OF THE MH. Peopla In the atraata lata laal eventng ware re- ! marklnc aomathln? paculUar In the air whlch . cmuaad th^-m to cough, and tbey apenl eonaldera- ; ble tlma In trylng to ttnd ont wbal it wa . II ;?f fected tha tbroat aad lunga much the mim aa if a paraon wa.?= la a room la whlch duat waa belng ?wepl ua Boma paraona thouxht thelr coughlng waN cauaed bjf the aweeplng maehlnea ol Btreet Claanlng Dapartment, and thai thetr ttir^ats I Hiixt wh flne partlclea ol atreel luat. Th< rn-jority. bowavar probablj dlacovet S; ind were of the oplnion that the ti.???? ... Aam t.> a ?niasma. The mlaama probablj i ortglnally. trom th- Nan Jaraay meadowi and low '''-r.'s' -.?.m" Da?uuarlty bn tha .iir iraa notl.I on m ,'iav nlxht an.i pr?.led the rtenH? fog wlilr-h iv ,!, t'-- -itv yeaterday mornlna Many i. ni. declared laat nfghl that there arai ;"\ '. ,, ' ,,. tha air. as it not only mad? thera rough. b?t had a moat depreaalni effect upon theni _ ? _ /./o/.vN/.v. rajRVOM OA THE ERIB CAXAl \ii.any Nov !?? Btate Bnglneer Adama : turned from hla tour ol m of the a Mvlalofl of th- BSrla CanaL He aald to-day thai he , ' thluK detmit-ly determlned up >i . > ?? triD wa? that plana ihould be proaecuted Imme foi the twln HfUng locka to tak< the place f the t<-n toCka now In op ratl n it i. I Thla work Wlll poma under th. H.000,000 approprla ,i, i," Th- queatlon ol decpenlng the iaal level ?: ,;'?. Kl|- Canal tbree feel to provlda nln (??? - ol .. p' wh-r- now tbera li only als In the . 11;- ol ...ater, ??-? li not determlned. aa It la a problem i? ", unaoved af to whether or not :; laki ... \ ,lrti , \m not lowet noa than it la -?. i llkel) i i aKain The laal level of the cana fet. Ita watei from the lak-. and II preaen. eondltTona are . i.' c'.n'ld-r-d normal, then it arlll bi n-aary i nen the lev-l tbree extra fael by excavatlon \%. Y*d|atance of twenty-elght mllei It ['" .?? !, ,,!.,. th- t.ank- on tbat portlon of tha f.a H1DI1 ' ,_?. ., roOE MAOKEMEl *EA*OX OU>ucMt?r, Haaa.. Nov. la Only fo ir m vla of tha mackaral Baei remaln to n,-,y of IfaR ?"??< ?" "" "?"'r'1 M ' r-'!l""-' ? lh, cateh wlll not axca*l K.OM barrela, m Yh.. flr., of ih. Nawfoundland fi nen berrtng fl^t aalled hen.e t.-daj. and th- Bumbei of ???? raady ? aurt la ?Ur, whlch arlll pro . .1 tn ?eventv-flve to *all Ijisi v-ar tha Mne.uf whlch mude two irlga. A OOLD CRAZE IS cnLOli.WO. RICH riNDB UBPORTBD IN THK BOUTH ERN PART OF THB STATK. IRRATOn TELLBH BRURVRi THKY WILL RCLiraR ALL PREBBNT QOLD-BBARlHd MINHs IN THR WORLD BXCrTEBtRNT ALRO HIOH OVRR . B1PP1 K CRRRR BTOCatR Denver, Nov. lt. Major W. 8. Peabady has hr.oiKht h.-rt- aome remarkahl* speelmens of gOK baarlag on> from Archaleta Caanty, in the southern paii of the BUte. n averagea on the Mrface ? * ton, and | >raoni who have axamlnad the veln aay n is 1.M0 feel acroaa Benator Tallar, who recently ?? i the raglon, la enthuelaattc, and bellevee the new tl.ld wi I ecll] W all nre-ent golrt-bearlng reglon? iu the world. A mlnlng-etoch eraxa is now fnlly on In this ****** and peeple predlel that the wlld daya of ""' Comstoch Loda exdtetnent will be repeat^l <>r e?? ; ceeded befora the winter l* over. Three eichangea | In Colorado Bprlnga and oha each hi Crlpple l'rf"'k i and Pueblo, aeem unable to meet ihe damand Wf mlnlng il . ks. The .raze has become ao gr-?t ?s to In luea the Real Eatata Bacbange to turn it* ; sttentlon to quotatlona of Crlpple Creeh stoeka. , The Denver Mlnlng Bxchanga began yeaterday hold two dally calla The brokers are ?wamped arlth orders Dne of them pomplaine.1 that he ,'ou1^' nol Ml a alngla order on a Uat caiimg far kaom iha-ea, I.auae the atoek waa nol for sale An other broker lald that his commlaalana nowamount to ttOO i day. Brokera In Calorado Bprlnga and are turnlnf away orders wkleh they have ... time to attend to. The atruggle la to buy ; ti , . few aelCng except at a bealthy advance. Thli demand ror atocka .omes from all claaaei of i people. from acrvant eirls to hank clerke, and from atald, conaervatlve Bnatoeen men and ln ireaton who belleve th.u a ganeral advanee I pricea of all Crlpple Creah itocka le certaln to eoma Over Ihree hundred and Bfty Incorporated eom panlea now bavi atocka to aell. In tha new ronv I torka were llsted to aell <r from 11 H to v, a thoueand, and then aft< r th< deman In .),, i, p ? iferred al allghl advancea io i i ? ks m i.lnally rlae tp ? vali.I ? ?? ... ,, .>,,,,. The r.ex- tranafer . k .... ,,, probably iwo centa. and hua tne .,,-,. and flnd few cusl >mere, aa the i Rr ?kers from >' i New-Yorh are ? id- , ,,,... oi rlpple freek bj telegraph and stoeka ,t ;,',?, da'h iransfrr of "hares In Denver now . hall , mlhlon. althougn ihe pub - ;,:,,. th< H one m llloni or Xa'amniii i to i ???..?:> on< mllllon shan i rlpple ,T aU eie.{ement The camp Is falrly over ruS wlth vls'tors. and buainesa ls extremely llvelj . : mlnlng alralra Cripple ??? ?' ?eventy mllea aouth of Denver, In El Paao Coont:/. Ita mUiea, whlch art largely goW prodocera. ?r.> ih^ most recently de ,. ,,[.'. of ai?y l" Colorado, and the atory of the wlld rush of prospectors and mlnera to thal r^sioi. StO. I irJ ago ls -tlll treah In th- P?bHc it ? ig a !??: ultlon ol the i.-ad\i. e ea. ite ... . , .,.,?,,,,; The dl^trh'sfronr. Colorado do noi make II lear tha| ne? l< ? ?,...,;< al the mlnei havi itarted the preseni boom ? "rlnnle rreeh atocka. The ^eeulaflon aaei ?.e conltned enUrely to the g?ii groap. !HC TOyiWAXDA CJ8K3 ,-,?n iNPirrMncTn ron rtrorr m the nnrr ,,,;,;,;,;, ncP TWRLVH ??? WOT V'T"'' ' ,,? cAPT Mv" I'MII.l.IfS l.lKKt.V To MEWT JPgTttR Buffalo v ?? ??. '?""';r rndkonenti for mnrder the nrsi'degree and twelve foi rlol wara raported a, .- o'clock this afternoon by the Grand Jury of ; lh- rour, ,,' (.-.;? and Termhier. whi^h has hs ! ( ih? Tonawandt oaaaa under ronslderst'on for thre. weeks. Ther? ar? two eount* !n -s-h Indlr ror murder. The Dlatrlet-Attoraey has msd* hla pr ? -1 -??? >ng in iheee eaaat that lt seems eer taln tha murder of captatn Phtltlpa and his pmi Charlea will be avenged. Those Ind ted for murder ar? also indieted foi ii .t ao that no loophola of en.-ape i* left The llal , nd ted li as followa: ,.-.,.- mur,ip| ? ? : gree, m Iwo eounta: Jease Graves Qeorge Hyde, John J. W'Urk and Irvlng t'olllns! ,, , . . . y ,,? riot: Jeaaj Oravea, George Hyde, .i.>nn .) Oulrh Irvlng I'olllna. Archlbald Lough. Bberidan \\ , |c. - Jamef Rllev, Rdward Munger, .larne. Dlxon. ; -, i , ? r. Abraham R'heeler and rrederlcli .. ig will bedlacharged of compllclty In Ihe rlme bul will l>e held as v^itivsses' N"t? ). Wandell Kdward Dunn i't-1 ?H'Mk.rk. John 8te v, ?c Kdward Lawrenee, Mlehael Caln. Bony Rai ,.., v? - ni oo ;. R >?. ' R< " I, vVIHIam Blai tery Lottle Knowler, ^nn O'Ponnor and Mra. Rlle) Th< .;ia:ii Jury haj? also found two ? f'" Indl i eved i ne li agalnst faptaln Pl ? on 1100,000 bail. The other roan ? :???.: arreated. ? ?? D/fj ffOT DKFRJCD 11\\: (.nVEHSMKST. OFFICIALg OV TH2 !TN\ S-KFI. roilPAKT AC Qftn El) !.V ORPKH OF THK Jt*DOB , lelphla, N ?? H The trla! In the frit. d gtatea D Irld C in of Frederlch Baldt, manager, ,. | fam< T, tnderaon, foreman, of the Peni < .. i Caetlng and Machlne Company, ><l Cheet< Who were ac laed of attemptlng to dafraud I I ., timeni li ? ontra. I for gun caatlnga, en le I to-day in ? verdlct of nol gullty. After th< f.,.. th. I'nlted Biates had h<en preaented, . wai t. q ilre i for ths defi i t Ju Butler Inatructed the |urv io icqu and .< verd i t gulltj aas promptly rei ? ? SORTB i:aRUUJIA*S ISIK STRIAL OBOWTB. HEH COTTOX AXP WlOOLI.R< HILLg REPRR* 115,000.000 <AII 1X1. AS[. BAVE NEABL.1 1,000.000 Sl'IN'PI.LS Ralelgh N C, Hov. lt. Th? annual report of <..,: babor Commlaalonar Laey w.i- naade puMic to-da) Reg rdlng mllla It kIvo? the foilowlng In formation, ahowlng North Carollna'a prog -- Then are IM cotton and wooHen mllla In aetlva iperatlofl and aleven i" eoaree of eonatructlon. There ire /ll?M aplndlea and :t? looma This II i very good ihowlng ?hen th- faet la canetdered .,,., . igTo there wen onh gJ.000 aplndlea. There - ,,...-.,- employed In mllla. and the amount ofecaplta m^S? or aWul '? ... of thei ihen are MM men, M" .,',??, . ,,683 chlldren. of whom LM are i i ,.'..., ?..,,,- The mllls durlng the year con -,,,.,d I23.?MOOO pound. .f cotton or about 3?.o?* ! ,?- Twen'y-sls eountles have produ ? '. r?,j<6.?j? , ol an th rteen have Pfwluced r.7? fcy .. . -ix have produ ed 51.737.M7 yarda ,.,. ,unties, Porsyth and Cabarrua. havepridu.i 2.000.000 yarda ol woollen gooda, I-or ?th I-. Ilng wlth 1.8J0.W0. l?#fj WKL8H COMM1T SDIClDKt A , ,,|;mi i; I BRINTKNI B3CT <?? PAKKB IN THB ANNEXKH DIBTRK T DIBB I KOEM gl ? , |i ioi B ClBrUMBTANCEB, George VVelah, iwenty-nlne reara old, a foraaei Superlntendeni of Parka In the Anneaad Dlatrlct, ,,,. . IU idenlv ai bls boma In Bberwood-at.. naai Marlon-ave., late yeaterday afternoon nnder aoa and the Coroner was aaked t0 luii... ,,; ..? . , ,n R'elah'a two chlldren have b tM htherla foi aeveraj weeki an I " I...W ? n\ ii- - \i?,, .,, m: '..??.- i tooa them uut of oaori When ?hi reiumed ..; ? o'clock Bhe found ber hna i?8 on tb< fl ...i ol lb? alckroom writklng l, lk. , ., i.i Bimon ? Bradley, >.f Uncota-avi ?-, . i . . ..-,,,!,? i and reawra flves w"", n er. :. bul were of no nvall. Weleh u,u an hour Di .1 *eph K. Dunn, r-ave., arrlved jual before Relsh ,,,',i on maklng a haatj examlnatlon ot tne ,,?.,, ,,ionoun. ? i tha caee auaplcknu Apo .??.Xv wa? reported l i th( pollce ai havlng been Hh, bul later tb< phyalolans ',,?,,.,?. , H ;, probable eaae ol sulclde ??nb.ra i, thouglu io have been uaed. X bottla whlch had quantlt) ol IBI drug couW not l?. ?,,,,,, | .nd Dr. 1 ?? I f" detected the -. lor 0l chlora: iboul ihe dylng man \:, atomlzer ahl ontalm i carbollc ai Id ? ,;. flooi besld. VVeiah, bul Dr Dunn .,.,, |t> conten - ?rere nol BtroBg enoogh to latfl Both ..h\si. i.ii: ? refuaed to make any poaitive :, auceeeded Loula P Halfen aa ?upertnten t parka ?i. ???? th< latlei waa electa I t" the l,.,.,;!? ent Btreet Improvementa, and l?>et it wh'-n tha parka of ti.- Annexed IHstrlot ceaaed to be ii leparati lepartmenl aal apring Ha haa been , .,.l.iii alnce, and lb? .-onatant atniiiioti whlch h? Kave hia chlldren had iffec-ied hla h?-alth WeAh ,.,.. , graduatf ol tha NavaJ Academy. at Annapo lla and aerved 'ixht ye,ir? iu tite I'nlted Btatea Xavy, havlng attaJned ii"- lank of llt-utenant whea be rtaijii.ifd. nlna yeara TRUNK LINE OFFICIALS ACT. THK JOINT TRAFFIC A880CIATION olt OANIZBD. AORECMRXT TO 00 1 Ni?> aVTRCT i.waI'.y i ISM AND TO CORTUIUI II\ K TRARI -1NTKKSTATB OOMMRRCI LAWI TO BE oi:skkvki? TERhH or thk AORERMaUrr AND POWERI OF THK MAMAOERS. The Trunk Llna presidenM yestcrday, wlthotit a dtaaCntlng VOiCV, tO addgd th- muoh DBOOtCd artlcdfs of organliatlofl ..f the Jolnt Traf flr Assoolatlon. The dlfBcultica aris-ing from the ( [nteratate Comtnarca law and frocri the oppoal tlon of the Pannaylvanla Rallrcau! Company, on the oatetogiblc plea that ir WOUkJ be unlawful for the dlrcctora of thai oorporatlon to U i gate their powcti to tha propoacd Board of ManagarR wara aremlngly ovef !OUa. TbCTC ara aomc who iay that injun-tlon proceedlnfa wlli yet be begun In behalf of ioitio one of the roads to prevent tha enrrylns OUl of th?? agreement upon the grounda glven. Th-re wore ninmrr- In the Street, also, that th? agreement WOttM enabl- ? -rtaln large syndl^ate to float Rcadlng, Brle, and Chcaapeaka and Ohlo aacurltlea abroad to a Kreat advan tage, atncc these roada, undcr th- agreement, would be pla?.1 in an exceedlngl) favorabla HRht in relatlon to thc Pannaylvanla and ttp carrylns powera UXBi REPRBSENTED. The Tnink llnes wer? rapraacntcd as f..Uotv?: Pennaylvanla, <: B. Robarta, prealdent; Prank Thomaon, C B. Pugh J. B. rVood, Jamea ItcCree and i>. B. <;ra>: Baltlmorc and Ohlo, C. F. alayer, prcal i-nt; <v Bmith, C. K. Lord, and Frederick llarriott; Cheaapaaka and Oulo, M. E. Ingalla, prcatdant, and W. P. BTalter, Jr.j Lakc Bhora, D. w. CaMwcll, prealdent; Iflchlgan Ccntral, H. R Ledyard, prcaldent; Naw-Tork, Chlcago and Bt. LottlR B. K. <\illaway. prealdent: Orand Trunk, \. A. Beargeant, general manager; New fork Ccntral, Chauncej M. Depew, prcaldent, and n. J Haydaa; vVent Bh ?*c, J D. Layng, gen? eral manager, and r R. Todd; Erle, B. B. Tho ma.?, prcaldent, and one l the re elvera, and <:. Q Cochran; Lackawanna, Bamuel Bloan, preal d-nt. and i: \ Hegcman, Lehlgh Valley, K P. Wllbur, prealdent and H. H. Klngaton; Readlng, .1 B. Harrte, prealdent, and one ol the reeelvera, and B. H. Ball; Cleveland, Clndnnatl, Chlcago and Bt Loula, M E. Ingalla, prealdent, and O. '". Murray; Baltlmorc and Ohlo Boothweatern, W. I tuncan, vl ?> -pi eddi nl The purpoaea of th- agree.?ienl ara ?>et forth in thc articlea as rollowa: To ald In fulfllllng the purpotci of th? [nteretate Commerce act to ro-operate with each other an.. adja-ent tranaportatlon aaaoclatlom to eatabllan and malntiiin reaeonable and lual ratea, rarea, rulea ,-.nd regulatlona on Btata and Interatate tramc, .o prevent unjus' dlacrlmlnatl >n, and to aecure tne re riuctlor and concentratkm of agenrlea and tne in troductlon of economlea In the conduct <>f tha frelght and paeeengei aenrtc*. LIBT OF atEMBERB Polkrwlng ls a ll*t of membera: Thc Baltlmorc nnd <ihh? Rallroad Comdhny, Baltlmorc and Ohlo Bouthweatem. Central of New-Jeraey, Chcaapeaka and ohlo. Chlcago and Erle, Chl? cago and Orand Trunk. Cleveland, Clndnnatl, i(o And Bt. Loula, Delaware, Lackawanna and Weatero Rallroad Company, Detrolt, Orand Ha\-n and Mllwaukce, Erie, Orand Raplda and Indlana, tirar.d Trunk of Canada, Lakc Bhora and Mlchlgan B ittthern, Lehlgh Valley. Mchl KH.t Cantral, Naw-Tork Contral and Hudaon Rlver, New-Tork, Chlcago and Bt Loula, New Tork, 'tmari. and WeatCTn. Northern Cebtral, the Pennaylvanla Company, Pannaylvanla Rall? road Company, PWIadelphla and Readlng, Phliadcrphla, vOTImtngton and Baltlmorc, Pltta burg and Lakc Brla, Plttaburg and vreatarn, Plttaburg, Clndnnatl. Chlrat'. and st. Loula, Tcrre Haota and [ndlanapolli (Vandalla Llne), Tol do, Prorla and Weatern, Wabaah, and the W'est Bhora. The affalra ol thc aaaoclatlon are to b< ad mlnlatered by three boardc, a B>ard of Control. a Board of Managcra and .? Board of Arbltral The term "trafflc" In the agreemenl covera thai ? ? ith frelghl and paaaenger Bevtlon l, of Artl ple K. rea I Th>- aaaoclatlon ihall have Jurialtetlon over all campetltlve traffl ' (?ubj. to th eai . In Sft-tlon .' of thii artlclel whl h pa - to, rrom or throuxh tha weitern termlnl ol the Trunk Mnea, viz Toront. ''.m . Suapenflon Brldge, > Kaiia Ton?wa;ida. Black Rock, Buffa Ba falo. Buffalo Junctlon. Dunklrh . Balaman i. v v i-iri-. Plttaburg and \ l'< ' ' ? Be lalre Ohlo; Wheellng. Parkerabura t.'harleaton, and K-nov i \v \'a no ^?hl?nd Ky., and auon other polntaa'a may hereafter be lealanated by the mana cerr .,. ?uch termlnl; ala 111 traffl : wh th ma through othei (unctlom of .panlea partlen hereto whlrh i Inc'.uded ? :;i any of h. terminl >i lunotlon* abov or hereafti i ,,,,! nuch othei traffl ai mai bv rommo ,,.?, ,,f tt,e cttrtlea be hereafter In. In I ?????? ion ? Th- followtng ihall not be It i?, i r,,,i ,-oke Iroi II flnder. II n pVtroleum. crude or reflnad. (b. Ti?ffl<; deatlm I i ? :,. tnlng from K'.orl la. Oeorgla, N? rth and ? '?arollna. Vlrginia, an-1 vieal \ l\ ; the aouth IIim of tha fheaapeak< and Ohlo Rallwa) BOARD OP CONTROL PRO> IDED POR Artldc in provldca I m th? Boai I i f Contr . aa follo ?? The Drcaldcnta of th- eompanlea formlna tl aa eoclatktn and of ?uch other i mpanlaa as may oe .?..,. partlei hereto iba I c inat ita tbe B controT whlch ihall meel on thc wrltten requeat of any tbree of Ita members r? h metni,-r of the Board of Control ihall he , . .., ,,, one rote, ex< ept thai no lyatem is dealgnated in Arttcle No 1 ihall have more than thre- votea in tne aggregai It ihall rcqulre three-fourthi of the entlre num oer of ?uthortaeil votea to adopt anj propoaiUon comlng before tha Board of Control. Th- Board of Control ihall fix tbe aalaiiaa of any Commlaalonera appolnted by the tnanagera th- aaUrlea ol othei offlcera and employea of the aaaoclatlon ihall b? eubject to ita revtaa and ap The Board of Control ihall iclecl the a.*bltratora and tlx th*:r o mpenaatlon and t-rm of aervlce. Th* Board of Control ihall appolnt an Auiitlng Commlttaa who ihall examlne and report to li upon the aocount* of th- aaao latl in The Board <>f Control ahall preacrlba the oon lltlona and rule? under whlch addltl inal rallway ?yatema ..r eompanlea ihall becorae partlaa hereto utd be repr*a?ent< i upon th? Board of Managera. Only the Board of Control ahall conalder appeala from tba actlon of tha managen on all queatlom aa i'. ratea or farea ex-ept dlfferentlala. Pendlna declalona by th- Board of Control, the declalona and orderi of tba managcra ahall pra vali TO HAVE AT LEABT NINB MEMBERB. Th- Board of Managcra la to conalat of not ie<iH that; nin- membera, of whom aach of tha followlng nlne ayateraa ahall daatgnste one: Tha Baltlmora acd.Ohio, the Chcaapeaka and Ohlo, the Erle, tha Orand Trunk, the Lackawanna, the Lehlgh VaiUy. tha Pannaylvanla, tha Vanderbllt and the Wabaah. Addltlonal tnanagera may be dealgnated by othei ayatema ?t lompanlea whlch may jret be ? >me partlea to the agreement. Bach manager im to hold offlcc dunng tha contlnuance ol the agi.ment, aubjecl to thc pleaaure of, and to be i-omp naated by, ti t-ni appolnttng hlm, Tb- managcra are to hava thdr prlndpal of? flcc In N-w Y.ok Clty, and to contlnue In aea pl ,n aubjecl t i l idr rulea. They are to elect a ehalrmun annually. I' wili rcqulre the afflrma tlve votea of three-fourtha of th-ir entlre num ber to adopt any propoaltlon comlng before them. in conaldertng queatlona whlch exceptlonally affect the intereata of anj rompanj part) to the agreement but unrepreaented upon the Board of Managcra, auch company la t.. have an oppor undei th- rulea of th- tnanagera t.. pre a?nt to tii-m Ita trlewa bafore flnal actlon la taken The managcra are to conatrue the agree 1 menl and all rea ilutl >na adopted under It Ri, ti n No '., oi Artlcla v. reada: Ad appUcatlona r^-r dlfferentlala and for changei l I,, ral hargei an i rulea ihall ba made to ' the managen Theli actlon upon dlfferentlali and upon all queatl 't.j excepl - an i r irei ha.ll b< ^i>.|?t ;?) appeal, tait only to the arbltra toi Thelr actloti aa to ratea and far-< fea ept dlfferentlala) ?hai; be aubjecl :.> appeal onlj to th* Boai I of ''..ntml Declalona and orderi of th- mattHit-r* hhall he comp!led with untll iu 'h appeala ar?- d* . i-i BCHSDULEB OP RATEfl REAFFIRJIED. The |iubllahed Kbaittiec "f rnt-n. ttc, now ftled i with the Interatate Cotuni-rte Coiimilaslun, are reatflrmed, and copiea of aoch nre to be fiied wdth th- mauagara aithln t n daya <?f the agr-ernent golng luto effeot. The tiiaiiagets are from tlme to tlme to reeommend ?UCh -hanges in ratea, rules. -te., "as may be reaaouabia and Jtist and necaaaary for governlng th< traffl- covarad by thls agreement and tor protecttng the tataraaal of th- partlea hereto therdn and the faiiure to obaerve such recommendatlona by any party hi rel i as and when ma le ahall be doemed A vlolatloti of thlw agre-ment. No company party hereto shall throtlgh any Of Ita ofBceri or agents devlate from or change the rates. farex, chargea or rules herein reatflrmed or ??> racoguaaRdad by the managcra." Ba tlon No. I of thls arth le readi: . Th- pow-rs conferred upon the managera shall be 10 . matrued and e\er-lsed as not to permlt vlola tloa of the Interatate Commerea Ad or any other law appll able to th- premleea or any provlelon of the ihartere or the lawi appll-abV tO any of the companlei parti-s hereto, and the managcra ahall operate with th- lu-rstate Commerea Commla ?lon t.. aecura itablllty and unlformlty in the ratea, farea, chargea and rulea eatabUabed hereunder. Ap to non-eoneuri ing eompanlea, Art'.-le IX. Bcctlon No. I. reada: Th- managcra ahall dedde and tnforre the ,-our?? whl-h ihall be puraued with lOnneotlng companies DOl Dirtles to thls agreement. whlch fall or decllne t.i obaerve the rates, fare?. chargea and rul-s es tab!lahed under thla agreement The Intereata of eompanlea partlea hereto Injurlovaly affe-tel by xuch H-tlon of the managcra shall. In su.-h Inatances. be accorded reaaonable protectlott In ho far as the maiiHg-rs an tcgally do so. Artlcle X la as foltowe: It la recoanlaed and agre-d that economy In th? operatlon of thr.. igh co-operatlve and commlsslon fr-lghi ilnes and th- llmiiatlon or terminarlon of iii.i..;. of th-ir -xis'ing powers and funotlon." ar? required, and the rompanlaa partlea here? to wlll actively co-operate with tbe manag-rs and -o manage sa h llnei as to a-compllsh such reeulte. OTHER POWER1 OTVEN. TIk- mauagera may organlae Jotnt freight and p.i-s> nger agendaa and approve contractlng agenclea, deflnlng the dutlea of the latter. Tha Orand Trunk is to i>e allowed to appoint adlc Iting agenta at points in Canada "ncoaaaary to in- t the competltl >n of Canadlan llnaa not p*r i'-s hereto," theae to b? aubject to the managers. Tha eompanlea are to atipply all naoaaaary re poi ta, etc, to the tnanagera. Artlcle XVI provtdea for forfdtnraa aa f<>l loa a: Poi any actlon by any t>.irty hereto whieh in thc ludgmet t of the managers conatltutea a vloiatlon :. the ..ft'cndir.g company shall for fell to the aaaoclatlon ? aum to i.e-det-rmin-d by the managcra, not exceedlng 15.000; but where the gtoii r-celpti of the traneactloa in whlch this lated .-.had exceed B.00B, the offend Ina party ihall, at thc dlacretlon of the man : rfoli a lunt not -x<.IIng mch *ross re rfalturea ahall ba applled to tha payrm ? expenaea of tha a*soclatlon, except ? eo npanj ihall not partlclpate In au h appllcatlon of it* own forfeltore. MONET TO BE DBPOSITED. : iny, al tha >ali Ol tha manager. 1s to deposit 15,000, and mch furthar auma monthly, baaed on groaa earnlnga, aa the managcra deem ncceaaary to defraj expenaea, tncludlng salarles of rommuurionera and arbltratora. No refund la to be glven to a company retlrlng from the agre.^ tnent. Forfdturea are to be pald wlthln nft?en da> I ArticK XIX provldaafora Board of Arbltratl in of "three dlilntereated pera ma, ' to arhlrh appea i shail be made All dlfrereneea. except aa to ratea and farea ara to be flnally doMded b) the arm tratore. Amendmenta to the agreement may be made only by unanlmoua irote. Artl -le XXI, Bectlona Noa. I and 2. reada aa rol? lowa: Thls agreement shall not be effedlvc onttl it shall have been approved by the boarda of dlre ttore ol tn? Severai rompanTee partlei her to Certifled copiea of reiolutlona giving such approval shall be nl?d with th- managers. ...... , ia? Thli agreement shall tske effect .Tani.ary i. lBW, andi conlnrae m extatence for ftve reara 'hereafter. suhlect to nlnety day*' written nottce by any iom pnny of Its deslre to retlre therefrom. Th- preddenta held an exeeutlve sesslon In re gard to the appolntment of arbltratora and ad Journed nntll Deoember 12. The Commlttee on Revlalon was contlnued, wi.h power to arrange all detaUa procura algnaturea to the angroaaed agreement. and dedde on the dellvery of copiea 10 the pr ?? er publlc authorttlea. A BBXEOADB VTB 7flr7 MUBDBBBB. THR INDIANI IN" COLORADO KOT KILLBD BT VTHITK MEN u lahlngton, Nov. 19 Mr. Brownlng, Commtealoner of Indlan MTalra, to-day recelved a telegram from \ .?? Day at Ignado, Col., !n regard to the reont kminf ,f tl rea [Tte Indlana. Mr. Day aald that Deputj Bherlff Smlth I egraphed to h!m from near ;:,.. ?cene of the trouble that there waai n ? that "Blily" Hatch klll. I tl ? two Inlwn*; he ?^uaw wai allve, and he wlll brini her to the niencv Mr. Day thlnka the Indlani wlll catch the ?,,.r i.'t.-r He la thc only m n of the notorioui H it h aVho wai kllled In L'tah four or flve yeara fgo by ,lM [ndtan called "Rooater." and la a r-n-gale I te. ? ? 11:1.1. DBAD BY A GBAVB. THE WM'.'W or flBXERAt on.MEB BXPlREfl IV i;..\ w i:\Ttiti-: rEafETERV BAVAKRAH Bavannab, Oa., Noi la. M"J Loulaa Portar 011 ni.-r. wldow of the late Qeneral J. P. Ollmer. cblef of the Englnear Corpe of thr Confederata Anpy. and a alater of Oeneral E P Alexander, dropped ,i.,,.i to-day .n Bonaventura Cemetery, while atand Ing by the grava of Mlaa Chlahdm. arho dtt? New Tork on Bunday, durlna the progreea of the i.urial aervlcea Mra Qllmer was aeven?-one vmu-i of age. uid daath reaulted from apoplexy. Whllc the dergyman was offerlng a prayer ihe fe.l baekward on ' dted Inatantly In th.- nrms of ' Mra 'Vi'lni'er.'was a tneml>er of the Alexander fam lly of' Wllke* County. Oa., one of ten ehlldren. aml the nrat to die Bhe waa nrunment in charitiea, Wai prealdent of th- Telfalr Hoapltal, and a patroneaa of tha Loulaa Porter H >me, ? ? rI. AIX TIWt l S TH i: a B BVCKLB BVIT DBAD. Utaa ''l-ABA ORafPBRLU WHO RECOVERED W 06 rOB RHFArH Of PRORIBE or BtARRtAOE. HiTiTMiiS T.i A TUMOa AT BBH KOMR IM tROXTOB, ORIO. Miss CUra Campbeu, who Bgurad ba the famoui Arbuckle braach of promlaa iult elght yeara ago. .1,.. l al Ironton, Ohlo, yeatarday. An operatlon waa performd upon her for tumor laat week. and aha had been gradually atnklng ilnca Bunday eventag. Mlaa Campbell, who was forty-flve yeara oM, was the youngeat daughter of former Judga CampbeU, arho waa the founder of th- olty of Irontoa and at ,,n- ttme its rtcbeat realdent. Bhe recdved a thor ough aducgtlon, and wai eent to Italy where for . yeara iha atudted mude under one of the beal maatara of thc tlme. It araa ahortlj after her return to Amarlca that ahe ftral net afr. Arbuckle. a proeperoua coRea merchant \ letter of Introductloa aerved to open tl qualntance between tbem, whlch later ended In the famoui quarreL Mr. Arbuckle, aft-i a brteC, but ardent wootag. aaked tha youag womaa to become hla wife Mlaa Campbell conaented, and when her -ut. .r-i i iva grew eoM and ba falled to rnake prepa ,.u|. ni for the weddlna dav. Mlaa Campbell brougbl ? ut aicalnst tiiiii for th".'""' , , At th- evldence of the defendan *a plea andpromlie. waa glven and letter. that had, paiaed between th- lovera were read In eourt. The termi of ..,, Bab) Buntlng" and 'Buwla C. on the lettera were uaed far and ? e at the tmc. Thaiul wai inded on January 10, lam and the jury , , )?.. 0f aakOM la favor of Klaa 'Th-'hig'her courtt to whlch the caaa waa aeal ina talned the verdlct tlrst glven. Mlaa Campbell d-d.u,.. thatJhe Bota n tha her aeceptea iuIi >r had : ? breaklna he eagage !;?',;1\va!. her f?ther'a fallure in bualneaa. The defendant in tbe caae oled oa aiaroa -.. ??? _? A CABE <>F Mi ( II UTTEEEMT TO DEFOitfOMi i it.-ing MMi. Nov II Tba day before the Can Mlchlgan Bavlaga Banh doaed lUdoora, In Aprtl, lvn Ndaon K Jthlaoa, one of th- leading mar chanta of thla dty. a-lthdrea bla depoatt of R,00?. Btoelver atoaa la "',w aulag n> recover the money on the ground that II was arlthdrawa because Jeat aon kneat tha' the banh a >s Inaolvent, aa did tba banh offlclali th< lUtute provldlng thut Inaolvenl bai ka eannol llaa.I ;"'iI i;fy<r'.> or pi-t-r eredlton Thli le a teel caae, and li tha bank wlm atmilar'cuits wiU ba begun againat a larga numbei of ilepoaltori who wlthdrea money d.irinK th- run whlch preceded tha raapenalan. HIH UOEMELEM* CABMAVE KEAi aTRB ALEAA ?. Aibany, Nov. 19.?Th^ horaeleas ,arrt.tK?* Whleh is oa lt? way from N.vvv-Vork <dty to ChicagO ar rlvad here at S:?0 o'clo. k thls aft-rnoon and *t tractad erowda of peoaie along the atieita tkrough whlch it passtd. MR. CARL1SLE ON FINANCE TO NEW-YORK BUSINESS MEN. BRILLIAXTLY SUCCESSFL'L DINNER OF THK CHAMHKR Of COMMERCE. THF. ?SCRRTARY of THK TRRAaXTRY MAKK* Aft UROHHT IM.KA >t>R THK RETIRKMKNT Of URtTRP tTATRg BOTRg othkk gPRRCgfakl nr BRRATOR BURROWB, CHAR|iRB KMORV SMlTH, MAYOR ITROM AMi THK RBV, DR> M. W, BYRYKRR. "Fate cannot harm me! I have dlned!" Bald th* Fnnehman. Sueh a sense of seeuiity and satlsfactton musT have l' ?? n Mt by most of the men who parfook of the annual dlnner >f the chamber of Coitu ineroe at Delmontco'g la*t eventng. lt waa the 127th annna) dlnner of the Chamber -and the best. The flrst dinn*r of the Chamber of Com mafca waa tnjoyed by about forty of the leadlng merchanta and shlp-ownTs of N'ew-York. In the ..ld Praunca'g Tavern, In Broad-eL, in \"6H. Th* dlnner last eveninjr wai. attended by over three hoadred of tha merrhtnts, bankers and other men who glve Impulse an.' stabillty to the < ornmerce of the metropolls. Two metnh-rs of Presldent Cleve land's Cahlnet were at th-- dlnner, the Pe.-retary of the Trea?ury belng ;h? chfef speaker of the tvening. Th.' entire atcond Bonr of DMmonlcVa waa gtven up to the dlnner. In th<? large ban^ueting hall every foot of apaca was ... upled, and tabl*e were alao ael In two >.f the parlora on the same fl KW. The deUeate ->f viands and the rho|<*. est of arii eg were served. Then the ni'-n at the dlnner llatened to aome remarkabia speeches by well-known and eloquent oratora, Th.' tuc ?ai of the dlnner was .lue In greaf part to the Indefatlgable energy >.!' 'Jorge vYIIaon, the aecretary of th.' Chamber, who had Ubored un .?a^inKl\ t. perfecl th?i arrangements for the eomfort and entertalnment of the mambarg af the Chamber and thelr gnests who assemh'.. d in the banquetlng hall I .s: evenlng. ELABORATI DECOR ITIONB. Buapended from the oelling was a cluster of illk Amerlcan flaga, radlating in all from a oommon centre. Hack of the president'a ChBlr at the north '-nd of the hall was -he seal ..f the rhamber, aUrmountod by a silk an 1 gold embroldered coat of arm. of the i'nlted statea. draped in Amerlcan flags, and flanked by the repr ductlon of the seals -f the s'tate and of the Clty of New-York. Theae alao were elochad tn the Amerlcan rolors. The tlags <.f Kngland. Pranoa, Oermany, Russla, Spain. Itaiy and Aua trla were artisthally ananged to the nght and left of the .???ntre. The pllasters Bupportlng the r.eavy C'Tnlee. extendlng uroun 1 tle ro..m. bore laige golden ?agles ln gORbOratg of silk Amerloan flags, and fr>m th"se f.ilasters were also snspended other Amerlcan hanners. The mlrrors surr.-oinding th? room, as eretl aa the wlndows, doors and balcony, were eurtalned wlth AntertehB eolora snd lamhrequlns. among whi.'h arere repreaentatlooa ff th* Nstional sh.ei.!. with Its crown of stars ard drapery of red and whlte stripes. the whole prod'jdng an artistle and appropriate as well as brllllant and patriot'.o effect superlor. In the Judgment of many, to anytWug prcvlously attempted on a Blmllar aot^Baaat The large room adjolnlng the maln hall waa derorated In a manner cnformlng wlth th? en? tire artlsth acbeOM The floral decorations were also elaborate. THK MBNU. The frontlsple-e of the nicnu repre.ients In a broad manner the commerce Of the wrld, aa sh arn by th.- four medalll .na of Amerl<M, Eur..p>. A.sia and Africa. wlth a background rompos^d of a '.oindle of rods with latir^l leav-s growing there from and bound together, in token of miity and atrength. (in the upper c .rners of the deviee were Intro duced the seal <.f the chamber and the arms of the Btate, whlle on the lower cornera are Bhowa the Baltlc Bhlp Canal, with th" I'nlted States siPiiiwr MarMehaad passi.ig under the hridg-. j and the steimshlp St. Loula ofl her nr'st arrlval at thla port, an gvlden e of the ravtval of Ameri.-an ?lig. At the top ar.- s>-en pellH hranches of vlctory. 'ln'l ? aplrtted flgnre, wearlng the wlnged cap of Marcury, the god of Commerce, and hoid Ing in one hand th- thyraug of Bacchua, and ln 1 the oth'-r a nngget of put?J gold. XI - g ... 1 things provid?d for the feast weie aa : di iwa: H ..Toa. P. 'Af* . . n. mm? H.ita-nia Tortue \-rte. U.r, D'OtU I Timh?i?? i la Peclgwirgme. Polaanii, Itaxa Ha>#? au V"!n Hlano, Oratln*. iroquettea ?!- Ponunaa de Terre. Releve. Y\\*x 't<? bieuf a UB B*rnar<tl. Rntraaa. Allaa da F,''u:?,' a i.i TovJeaaa ivtita Poia PartaleBne. T?rrap#iM a La Baltlm. ra, gorbet i'iip?riHl. R..I. Canvaaaaek. ? A/i'l. U 1 ? ? .'traa Palada de La ? n?'? ?'.* 1 .'.u. ??r. P raa a U t'onda. .;<>>? Aus i>ria#i. Monne-ieVanll Ptaeaa >|. utaaa Olaeea Fantatataa. Pmlt P?tita Tr* TIP?.?K AT THF. TAHI.K OP HOXOR. Alexan ler E. Orr, presldent of the Chamb. r of Commerce, preslded at the table of honor, hav? lng on his ritfht har.d JohB 0. OarHala, Bacratarf of the Treaaury, Mayor strong, the Rov. or. M ff, Stryker. K.-ar AdmlraJ Henry Krhen, Charlej Btewart Bmlth, Chrl Bchura, Bamwal i>. Bab* cock and Murat Halstca.l. I ?n tha left hand of the presiding oflloer were J-ilius C. Iliirrws, rnit.'i Baataa Benatcr from Iflchlgaa; Jud ?on llarmon. Attomay-Oenaral Of the I'nlted Btatee; Qeneral Thotnaa H. Rugar, Charlag Bav orj Bmlth, Ctommodora Montgomery Btcard, .lair'-s af. ConataMa, vYIIUam H. v/abb, Horaca Whlte and M. ClalT M K-lway. AT THK OTHER TABLB8. Membera of the Conamlttae of Arra.-g?ir.ente prealdad at the other tabl. a sVataat thOga tablea were provlded for the foilowmg: TARLR a. Uewell Un*"*". pcaatdlng; k H??n Broarn, ghlpt. << Oreei Itufiia A. Hlbley. j Lawien ?? MeKe< n?r, Btewart llartshoea, ,;, ,,.,. i ,; ? loha IL Waa (;,. n- \ Heari ' larlae L KIck.-i*. n. Qeorg* E Kchaack, am, ii Urarn John l> IT..t?f. Henrj 1 l>unut. he. t;u?tav .1 \V?nlar. i?m..< s i ? l....ii?tii Lawlaoha, 1. J rallanun. Ktank A. IVrrtf. Willlam Tuuae) Bobert M. Th.-mpaoa. Abraham ?: M - ' rI ?* ?*? '??'?? . ; R ,,f ?,?..:?" II. Uurf.iJ. i Hanry Whltehouaa, Bdarln II w^ntherhea, Wllllam T Wardwell, IngBanaa f .tuiittard. lohn rartledav. l-.inlel K \ppl#t.-n, ,!i, Wllllam Uimtnw. K .,,.,., k s | 'an ea \\ llnohot. .?..,,.?.. p gl ? Bdward <"ar>. ,.. L, p vu k *art r. Ai?x?nj?r, Uanadon. TraaaW L l'ark. .- ii irsaa BB ?> '? ? r \iti.i: it Henn vv I'aaaoa, preaMtBg. Jamra I Rayaasad, Hanry c' gworda, Bbeneaar g Maaon. , |War?l Holbruoh, Bug?ae ArmatjtB, ii v Krethlagham. I'mvi.i 4 Oawtaa, lamea W I'romwell, \mii .??. H r.r*.na gamuel II. Heaman ?'. '?;>,,,r lf ?!!*"? i ,,?,... ii Tl ' i ? HeMrtbaeh. il.niA Bani Jsmea L?eb Wllllam H Sl.rlm.k. .j-.;. A lt..Keia. ii l(l md Fraafc l>.?i! i.MvId II ll?u?l.lallna. Wllllam H Ja.k.? n Srtiiiu^l l> .'ok.niall. Willhim II rt't~-rt?on. Ouatai 11 sV-bwab, A ?ron rarter. Jr.. Banuel a Robwaoa, ? pavM B.Jylaoa. H,.,r> It l.'klehelmer, T Mllla. Jr. jiian U ?Vt.?:i.a. ArthirK Mow*ra. Krrdrrlok T AHama. Hart l.tman. Praderte CroaaweB, ileaai ?. Sohi??. Jntoa i Watarfcary, K.iwaM winalow. C 1 tiicnt A. Grtaojin, Jamta btilimaa, te>