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Dr. Lf on's PERFECT Tooth P AN ELECANT TOIUT LUXURY. LVjl bj peopta of nfinnnor.t for ot?t a qnarter of a century. MACHINEMETHODSEXPOSED gVAUTBHfeACH'B VIOLATIONB OP PARTT CONBTITUTION. nn-: ajgCtpucT BET1 AM> THE Rl*bE* BENTEO AT THE MAOHtXE CIRCCLAH - . TO BE PRR .11!' tWXTl COM Ther.- wlll be a prol I the ;?:. i Flatt men In the H to ovarrldc thc laati m In thi ?' ?'" lh'' "'",v ':i' polmentf. Th.- ptoteal wlll b preeented al the ineetinK f the R< '' mmlttee thls -v. nlng ?; ' -: N '? 11:; NV"st Tblrty-elghth-at.. and tent wlll be tbe Rej ubllcan i ": New-Y. rh Th.- Campalgn C mmlttec I thc Bepubllcan Clu!, . tj rvenlng and talked over th- ?'' thc g*cen< i i: al ir of tnatructlona to the < i imitteea appolnted ta revloc iw rn: s waa natdi ed R. lutlona were I irtng thal l ic eon gtltutlon of the part) vlolat.d In the Im tA. H. ?' *? Bablne Bmltb and otb - ' the Republi can Club, wl i are i - eml rra of th. R Ikan County C aere emp wen pr- ; ire the proteat and | n ?? ni II al the meeting of thi R ? ubllcan C C ttee thla ev >n gag Th-v werg preparlng tl proteai yeati rd u There la llkely t i be a full dla uaalon al the I, | ; the Bepubll an C unt) C mmlttei I - ajght ai ; ' Dl " hl ii the Platl Repub Ucana exp< t to k- p th maelvi i In p ?wer In the oi , n. by k*ei I lj elae .>ut ol the gg-ganli itl l be full> < xi ?ed. Th- Itutlon of i R -Ubii an i ? ,;- > the clrcular OI im whlch wai by Edward Lauterba . l ? airni tn i I the Republlcan County C ? ' '??? i:' l!"' : '" aowinf OOXRTiTI Tl< >N ',!' THE 1::.' ' Bl 1'"an' PARTT IN THE <1'1 V AND KEW-YOKK IRT1CLE I Th un tl d '. f. ti ? - a. ti-'ii ; ? nh j I : i ? tak- - \ . . CL1 CJBANGING ELECTION D18TR1CT lAXV.i UPWARO LAITTKR BACR'fl ClRCVLAR LETTER TO AMAHA THORXTON AND OTHER HENOHMEN, La it. rl . fi app dnti for 1 a ivork.of thc . . .: m< :.t an 1 ? s .. . thi old Aaaam LAl'TERBACH'S IX STRUCTK iNH Th > (Amaaa 1 H t ..... |, 1 - ti ? t ? ? ? : In thai i t to be i . actlra ch.iiif : the j tl, and In ycar .-?..?? ....... |:.. .ti ?, Bhaj| . f the dls the ai ... ? ? ? tlon l t" ? ?t h ftperton, ? al ? .? . ak\ ;-i.-: 2i. i\ HOV I r t ? I i ? j a ? . ? ot IRBAClfB BTRCC1 II iNB. Th'-J ? i th- . ? ? ? enrolment ion dtatricti \ -. !. : ttrl I I dla bc a f. * i thc Ri t Wl AR1 |i I WHAT ? A h :p A il : aon, i a Re; No i l fleern ? llon artici.i: n T - I A*?. rr ? p r r 1 . aha h-. ? r triet, li l ?\ ? t I.At'TErtBACH'S WAT I |T ' ? . falluri ? ? ice the i ? ? ? Aa* m ?'.-.? ? ? - . r.:ativi I ' ? ? . ? ? : i. ........ ro' . T I Ihorlt! t . : : CUBTOD1 ? ' ;: ? "r 1 th" al] t ! i I ? I t {J.'' roli, :.. i ;i . ? '??i i ' P ? . t , i ? . ? ? -. ?. i ??? l i.-. ? Im i ti "VESTED" BY LAT'TERBACH ? ? ? ... ? ? bj th* i 'ounty the / i .. i ?kc Of !\ . ? the -? 0 i- n : C'-J'}' Qg b; ed, th \ll r- ??/ i . ?i a - - i ? . ? ? i CHICAOO rVAXTi THE RE1 BMCANB Phlrago, Vov J. ? '?'? of Piireiy Vegetable MilJ. eflTu : :ii. reliable. Safe for delicate wom< n and children. The best for familv use. Hood's Pill 3 Inltlal Btepa to hrlnK the Republlcan Natlonal Con vintlon to ChlcagO, said to-day that he had can rggajgd the buslnoaa men of hls aequalnianee luffl . i, MI) t'- aaavro hlm that betweaaj |M,OM ?'"' IBW? eeuld eaally ba ralaad hy aubirriptlon, and as aoon a^ ba recatvea an anetret from Obalnnaa farter. of t:-,. Natlonal Commlttee, to wh>rn'he wrote regard* iiik the condltlona whi.h wgiiid be Impoaeo on i ni etpo !f the .onventM-n l?t to ,-ftmo, herr-, \Tr Peai ?? Intendi to obtaln ihe ameunta promlned b) Chlcagoana and corporatlona he haa Been. He ihluk* that the eonventlon wlll co?t Chtrago not ovrr afcumo. The Cplltrenm, whieh ro?lap?ed whlle ln courae of erectlon, wlll be nnlahwd by May 1, and II ii hellevel by the Tmventlon-promoters that WhCfl lt in known generallv that the aulldlng wlll accom S0.O0O peop>, the fjgel wlll be a BOWerfUl ar g'.iment ln favor of havlng the conventloti hrre. THE MACHINI PLOT DENOTJNCED. LOTAL Ki:ri ni.l'VVNS OF THE XXI8T D1BTR1CT ADOPT STlltiMMi AND VIOOROUg RMOLUTIONI Tha better parl of the RepuMlcaaa of the XXIai Aaaembiy Dlatrlct, whlch "Abla" Qruber mlarepre tn the Republlcan Cottnty Oommlttee, oppoaa gnd denounce the gtieaapl of the Platt-Lauterbach machlne by fraudulenl tnaaaa to eontrol the ptima . .,- ? inventkma in the oomlng month. A plritad meetlng waa beld last evenlag at \o. 7W Amaterdam-ave., attended by orar sw aelf-reepect loyal Republlcana of the XXIat lhstrict at whlch tha Infamoua machlne plot was condemned II rota. Aibert .f. Berwln prexlded and Carlton A Clarfc waa aecretary of the meetlns Beveral eloquenl apeechea were made urping H> - publlcana to arouee them*elvea to the need of pre ~erving their rlghts ar; 1 overthrowlng the aaacrupu loua .-.hjue whi.h had nnJertaken thelr dlafran i hlaament. Reaolutlom were adopted tn?l?tlng tipon the maln tenanca of tha electlon diMHet ayetem: oppeolngthe aa an I denymg the right of auch caucuaea t< bind any electlon dHtrict aaaoclatton; denylng the tlght of the Commlttee on Organtia a| olnt iMmtiitttn'B of three to usurp the - and powen ol the electlon dl.'triot aaaocia lenounclng the pruvislona that the*.? com mttteea of three may atrlka from the rolli tne of Repub'.lcana wlthoul notlce to them as a dangeroua uaurpatton of power; iallin? upon all t i reslat auch a rtlon by every lawful ..i! i appeallng to all men who are attached i . the prlnelplea of tha Hepiibiioan party an.; who u aud honeat conJuct of polltlcal affalra ? t > it tliat th" mmes are duly enio'.lel In ?.lectlon JlntrictH to-morrow nlgiit, ,.? ; y caal an 1 COUnte i a! ?i.. pproachlng prlmarlea of Tueaday evmtog.De . . !ll!..'l 1". ? [NDIANA WILL BE POR HARRISON 1-NMfKTAKABLG BENTIMENT BHOWN AT THB gTATE i:i:i ' ni.K AN OONFBRJBNCE Indianapolla, Nov. M (Bpeclal). The oonferenre ol alled by the Btate Commlttee brotiRht oul to-day abi ui aeven bundred of the local leadera, repreaentlng every county !n the State. The meet Ing was beld thla afternoon In the room* of the Travelling Men'a Republlcan <'uh whlch waa only ,. . enough to bold balf of thoaa in attendanca Th- v.-n-1 ifa..- Rlchard W. Tbcmpaon, of Terra Hi iti Beeretary ol Ihe Navy under Preetoent Hayea, prealded He belleved, be aald, that th. trend of tne tlme* Indlcated the renomlnatton and ? 0f Oeneral Harrlaot and the announcemenl of thi-> beliel provoked tremendoue applauae. Bl,.,. hea were dellvered by Charlea vV. Falrbanka, who may aueeeed Senatoi Vo rheea; Congreaamen Johnaon nt:d tVataon and othera. The me-tlng gave an opportunlty for the candl latei for Oovernor to do mlaalonar) work, and a doxen of them were preaenl atrengthenlng thelr de f, i, - The mosi Intereatlng developmeni In thli ? ? ? . neman Btei le I il hp ? ra< ?? il th it he \* a candl ,]:1-.. for i eetlon to Congreaa Another marked ?ence of a ; irp?- deleg itlon from ,; the rlalmi of willlam K Mc Keen. prealdeni of the Vanda'.la, for ITnlted Btatea .-'? :: il- I. (,? a| ., ? the -?; llmi nt a i* exprespe i that tndiana wlll be lolldl) and enthualaatlcally for the r, imtnatlon ol Oeneral Harrlaon ln the nex: Na tl nal Conventlon The Stat.- fommlttee met thi? mornlng and h\e ; January :'S ar the date for re catli??! of tl commlttei li llcatlona i-dnt t.. the electlon of V H. Nebeker aB chalrman. SrSOD <>l CATBOLIC CLERGT, EI.ECTION OF OKFICERX FOU THE ARCHDIOTESE ? .i- m:w york. The .o^hth triennlal aynod of the Roman Cath -? cu'.nt clergy of the Arehdiocese of New-Torb I - . lay at Bt, Patrlca'a Cathedral. lt waa attended by aboul llve bundred prleata and Archhlabop Porrlgan and Blahop-eleel John M. Far \r '? ,i. m they began to -it St Orphan Aaykim, Madlaon-ave, an 1 ?? >flrat-at. At H..V. o'oiook tha proceaalon atarti I for the Cathedral. The clergy marrhed two b) two, bar '-i led and wearlng whlle aurp ? flrat-at, to Flfthave., whei I entered the ?hurch. R'hen the clerg) were all - ttt I the eele. ia i-s waa begun by the Rev Michael J Lavel'.e, re :tor "f th-- Cathedral, Ar h ipled the :hr..i... wearlng thc .. ign ?. .'i greal cloak, After the maaa the aynod gol down to burt The votlng for the prieata ? ho are lo aaeiel Ar.-h blahop Corrlgan ln ronductlng tbe affalri of the thi ?? al three yeari h.oi he, n tha ita laal week. They aenl tbe namei . clergymen of theli cholce to the Dloceaan iltor b) mail, ao thal the only thlng m-of i iry to be dom wa to bi n in ?? I he n i m< :. The offlcera of the aynod a re Ihe Rev. John J. Kean and the Rev. Charlea Blgl, procura ? ?-. thi Re) lohn F. Kearney and the Rev, Jamea .1. Dougbarty, promotera; tbe Rev, l>r. Oirard Ter rante, aecretary; tbe V'ery Re) WCllam i. Peni an-l th Rev. Jamea .1 Flood, Judgea of ex- uae fof i!' ii-e. the Rev. Jamea N. Coaaoliy .ui'i the (;?'? H nr) T, Newey, manter* of ceremonlea, The decreei of former aynoda were ronflrmed, after whlch thera wa? a proi?-.??iion >f falth, and all thc offlcera elecled kleaed the ArrhfiiMhop'" signet ring. The Arrhblahop then made an addreaa, and a benedlctlon cloaed the aynod Following aie the offlcera elected I >r the enaulng threi :? i'ior. aan Conaultora Rlshop-eleci John M. Farlej, the V'ery Rev. Joseph r Mooney, \ O.; the Rev Jamei li McOi an, the K< v. John Edwarda, the n Jamei J Flood a:.<! the Rev. Charleai 11. Colton. Cleigy Examinen The V'ery Kc Peter A. Pula tne K. \ ln P F. McSweeny, the Rev Dr Htnry A Brann, tht H> \ PhUlp Cardella, B. J . the Rev. Dr. Jam?- T. Curran, thi Ret Dr. Francla il vt'all, the Ke) .1 aeph 11 McM ihoi . the K>- ,i n .i Kean, the Rev Michael J Lavelle. the Re) ' R Li Ibfrlts, C BB i: R M. ihael l> r.iiv. o P huoeaan Attorn?^' The Re\ Matthew A Tarlor Defender of the Marrlage Bond The Ke\- Dr. John McQulrk. Theological Cenaoi Th Rev Thomaa L. Klnkead Mi leratnr of Theologlcal Confereneea -The Re) s .1 Dloeeean Board ol Examlnera of Teaeherr The rt. ?.. John Edwarda, thi Rev Anthony Keaaeler, the Rev. Anthony B Bchwennlnger, :h<- Rev. .lohn J Kean, the !<< \ Nigholaa .1 llughea, i ,e Rev i ea 11. ''ol. the Rev. Michael C. O'Farrell, . Rev. Michael .1 Lavelle, th- Rev. Patrlck w the H- v. Charlea R. Carley, and the Very Hi-v. J -.- ? . .: ;' Mooney. eana The Very Rev. A. A Mnga, foi the ntlei ol Putnam, Weatcheater and Dutcheaa; the Very Rev. i: M Bweenv. for the countlei of l.'later, and Sulllvan; nt I ,:". very Rev Wllllam 1. Penny, foi ' irange an . Rockland Inapector of Dioseaan Bchoohf?The Rev. Michael J, i 'oneldlne, i| Boal i R'eateheater, Putnam and Dutcheaa .?v the Rev. f.'ornellua F Mahoney, the Rev. A I.inga, Ihe Rev. <; Rrudei and the Rev. john A W;M.-: . Orangi and Rockland countlea, ? v Rev vVllllam L. Penny, the Rev. .lohn P. ? lancy. thi Rev. Jainen I.. Croab) and th- Rev, Miohael Sally; I'latei and Bulllvan countlea, the v.-rv Rev. Edward M Bweeny, the Rev, Rlchard I. Burtaell, the Rey M Kutn-n and the Rev. John B MetJrath The Archblahop formall) announeed the appolnl if Monalgno] Farley as auxillary blanop of -.. ? ,'i.-k anu euloglaed tha blahop-eli l J.OCAl BUHIKKK* COBPLWtTIOXM. Ltaeola B. Palmer haa beea appotnted reralver of th< putaam Papae Company, whoM offlce waa for merly at n'o :-vi Broadway, ii\' Judge Lawrence, of the Suprerm C -i rt The company waa Incorporated on Mareh 14, UM, with a capltal su..-k of J!".-?i". an i handled the producl of a mlll at Putnam Val l< y, N. Y ?|;.. ,-:. rllti i of Hi ??' Vogi dealer m i lothlng, in Thlrd-avi al For'.y-nlnth and One-hundn twenty-thlrd rt:\ who faLed la June laat, wlth ha - ? ? rlll racelve a divl i I pei cent, an oi '? i havlng t"-?ii made ln the Court of ? ? i i ,-..r yeaterday dlrectlng Bamuel lfo.-?. tha ? ?. ? i m.-'ke the payment. The acta dulea of Louia Katamin, manufacturei of ? lo.-ikf, ai No. r.4, Broadway, ahoa Llabllltlei . nomlnal naaeta, 130.012; aciual aiaeta, RS.MI gmenl foi HOOJ waa entered reaterda] ? thi Ro heatei and Plttabura Coal and Iron Com pi y la favoi of Thomaa r. VVentworth for h.t vlcea an eounael batween .lanuary 1 iwi. .lai.n ary 1 , l ? ////. /\ a BBOOMl IA UOTKL a Rre waa dlseovered at aboul iu?i o'rlo< k lam nlghi la u room on tha nfth tioor of tha Hotel rfan No aa Bouth Oxford-at., Brooklyn. it had ' Bra from a k":- jet The gueata la tha wen arouaed and burrtedly lefl tloir rooma, I, an thi Bamea were uuh-kiy pui . .i No one wai Injured, uml the damage did not axcaed Htfl I'or <?? er?liiilnl^< ii< ?? TAKB HOUM'OHIIH M ||) IMIONIMIATK. Il praeervM ?nt i'n?w? ih? vltallty, atraagiheaa Um tH-l.i. al,l ?'.illiullll' .- tbe ktuUlkLU. SUMMON THE CZAR! Rxclalmed the Bmpreaa ..f all th.- Kiiaaiaa an baby Olga began to anuhUe yeoterday. "Now, Nlch <i-ar." ahe contlnued, as Hia High Mtghtineea apptared, "1 want y.m to rabi" acroaa i.> New Tork for ? l d of RIKER'S EXPECTORANT. Tb? Wal.-s lia!>i.\?< were DTOtigbl ii|> 00 it? ynu know and lual shi.ii.iho our own prectona tootato wootale aboukl ftet the Croajpr' ?iRJIA ?0 C1H. A IIOITI.K to the Czar of Ku?aln -or aajrbody alae?and money bark If it fall*. Of > <>iir ilrugglat Cf at Riker's, 6th Ave., cor. ggd St. RESTRAINIKQ ARMENIANS. < iiiillniK-d from I'lmt I'tmf. tion n..t only t< natlve-boni cltlaena but to Armenlana and othera who bave becomc naturn! laed Turkey reaenta thc Idaa thal h<-r aubjecta can'aive np thelr allcglance l> th.- Bultan, hut Admlral Belfrldge wlll recelve Inatruetiona to af? ford all aaelatancc In bla powar t.. Amerlean clti Admlral Belfrldga'a fleet wlll be unable to afford protectlon t<> Americang In th.- placea where the recani outragea were perpetrated, Thee* dlaordera hara tak^n pla.-e in remota In land dlatrlcta. Hl* forre however, wlll have a moral Influence, an.i in that way the preeeni.f th.- fleel in Turkiah porta wlll bc of advantage to Amerlean Intereata. in the geacoaat towna <>f Turkey ordar n m prevaila, bui outbreaka are n n lmprobabIe, anda< theae p InU thc fleet canitake ?.. actlve part. If neceaaary, Admlral Selfrl i. wii| i?. dlrected tn aci In eoncert wlth ih.- for elan fleeta In the arorfc <>f extendlng aUCfor la the dutreaaed Whatever may ba the turn of af ralra it la nol at all llkely that ba.would co-op ', ,.,. | ,.,-., ,,,. :,, aaurea. m* ordera wlll bc t .' ma ntaln atrtcl netftrallty. Hla apectal mla ?lon wlll he to afford protectlon to Amerlean In tereata and t i keep aloof from European polltlcs. \* to whether Amerlean aallora and marlnea wlllbe landed i n the Bultan'a terrltory, thc naval authoritlea cannol apea? d.-rlnlt.dy They nay thar the declalon of thla queatlon wlll be left 1 i the dlacretlon of Admlral Belfrldge. If a lan.lina ('...,. be n ??- ? ? ?eaeary, II li pxpected thal th. Admlral wlll lo* no tlnu In orderlng thc move n....,t Becretarj Herherl II >f the oplnlon thal lai Pre eni it la imp ralble to nay ahal lerv.c a the men wlll be called upon t?.rform. He aald to day thal Admlral Belfrldge w uld be dlrected l i confer wlth Mlnlater Terrell and to aci in oon Junctlon wlth thal offlclal. How far It would be . . . Bmn to go would depend on clrcumetancee, Th.- Serretary added tha! ther* waa nothing aen aatlonal In the atep of Increaalng the Admlral a command He eould nol now aay wbetber otbei veaaelf w uld be Bent t l Turkey. R. BAYARD AT THE FOREION OFTICE UE CIIROXII LE" BB1 n:\ B* TH ? T?E I'KITRf) BTATE8 l.KSIIf-S TO IOI> THE Et'RO l-i;\\ IX?X?'ERT ..,,!..ii. .Vo\ 80 I'rim- Mitn-t-i Ballabury to-da) ,-, ived at Ih* Porelgn Ofllc* Ambaaaador Bayard ? i th* Ambaaaadora of all the gn al Powera Th* Chronli le" to-morrow wlll rafer t" thla as a M>tlng of the Ambaaaadora, and wlll r'-mark thal la more importani than uaual Mr. Bayard haa t i.n al the Porelgn Ofllcc for many montha, ,i ??The Chronlcle" aaya it la belleved that hla ,.-,.;..?- tii*>i-. to-day polnta to a dealre on the parl the 1'nit- i Btatea to loln the European concert. A UUB8ULMAN V1LLAOB PLUNDERED. the I'aii.y ti i-.KisH \.-imi\t or orrRAOBg -un TO BE COMMITTED BT ARMBMIAM& vVaahtngton, Nov. 80 Th.- Turkiah Legatlon thla mornlng reeeived the followlng dlapatrh from th Porte, under to-day'a dat* \ band of agttatora formed by the Armeni.m ,n ... Toughatch ithi* paraon had been con? . i .., hai i labor for Itfe, b i pardoned rc ?ently) attacked and plundered the Huaaulman v iiaae of Ad ipour The aame parnon waa th? aVi, ol the dlaordera ai BelJrHkdJI and otber * The* Armenlan agitator Haama Zaapa aonnded anolher Armenlai ealled Kevort n ?>?? ?' *?? atreeta of Bltlla for thi reaaon that th.- larter tr.ed .;i, i.. | i, brother-ln-law nol to attack tho ... and noi to eomroll otbei depredattoaa. '?,???;.' r'otera of Oumu h-DJIk havlng murdered Arl'f Effendl, member of tt.e Councll ol Admlnla rrafon and havlna wounded onc aoldler, an affraj ,?. ? rr?l, The authontlen tooh the neceaaary atepa . preeervation of order. . a^thoritiei ol Mai Un aelaed a "ubverarv* .,'..., ,.. ?? tanl profeaaoi of thi Khocheabrol in In that letter th* pro . .... trvlnc to - nvince both Kur.? an.i ; trmealan prtnolaallty wai to be eatabllsbed Notwithatnndlna ihe _,,.,.- of th* loeal auth ritlea, given l i th , pal Arn II iraah, th* rloteri (ontln i* I $? ,h , I They alao kllleil on* M . Bulman flred from thelr houaea on the troopa and .;.m, . ;. peaceful nhaWtanta; tbe) ITerenl parta ol thi clty. ih ?ucceeded In maaterlng the ? -? rini oi ler. NO FAITH IN THB BULTAN. ARMEXIAKg DO XOT BBUEVB HE wn.l- KBEV 1118 WORD THE MEETIXn TO XIOHT Th* Bultan'a letter to Lord Ballabury and hli promlae to i xecut* n i irm* and to "put In I ..v. rj artl ??? ? not Incph tl Armenlana wlth any conflden^ Thej ar* aa Wtter In thelr denun :? n .'f ti). Bulun a? they a-ei btforc th* letter waa made publle, and they k??gh at th.- Idea of Ihe Turh llvlng up to hla promi.'.-. eVen thourh hp baa pledged bla arord of honor. Thai thc publk li in bearty aympatby wlth th.- Armenlani and anx loua to aee thelr condltlon bcttered la ahown bj thc Intereai In tbe meetlng whlrh tak." placc at Chlek ertng Hall to-nlgbl Thc reporti ol moaaaerea and of outragei bave been ao frcqucnl of late, thc avl* denc* of Torfclah barbarlty ao overwhehnlng and th* utter hebj)>?ancaa of tbe Armenlana ao appar Mit, thal thc aympatby of humanc peoplc li only ? natural aequence. ?Thi v h iv. gi und oa Inl i the dual wlth bui li n taxea and reatrlctlve lawa," aald a promlnenl Armenlan ycaterday; "they bave robbed und plnn .,, i untll a* have noth ng lefl i>n' our Chrlattan ' n .. and noa ac mual glve thal up or dU la II any wondei thal our peoplc turn upon thelr perae cutora? The peoplc outalde of thc Orlent do nol know the condltlona; th.-y never <-<m. bui wc who have llved there, who? dear onea ar.- etlll withln -,. Bultan'i domaln and whoae llve* may bc aacrl ,n nn) moment, knor? the condltlon, and ???? kn .w whal meani the Bultan wlll reeorl i> and boa he wlll keep hia 'word of honor.' Turkey hus broken Ita arord wlth Armenui for EOO \..i!^." bc addi I, ><and li ii ;.. i" expected thal thi- man wlll keep hla ;,i im iea? Il- la the man wh<> aald: Thc wwy to aettle Uie Armenlan queatlon la to extermtnatc thc Armenl i The meetlng to-nlghl In Chlckertng Hall under thi auaptcoa of thi Armenlan Rellef Aaaociatl i wlll undoubtedly be largely attended. Tb* nv l i i la called tp proteai agalnat Turkiah barbkrltlea; to to the Poweri of Burope and thla Oovern in-,,i to atop th* autughtcr of Chrlatlana, an.i to d mand thc protectlon of Amerlean llfe and property an.i th frulu of Amerlean Cnrlatlan work In Ar menia V'artan Dllloyan, who eacaped tbe nuuMacre ol s.-s..un. arill be preaenl al thc mcetlna'. s-tii Loa wlll prealdc, and among thc rlci prei denta are Mayoi Btrong, William E Dodge, thc Rev, i'i Henry v Batterlee, ;h-K^s Dr. Lyman Abbott, Oeneral Horaci Porter, ihr Rev, Dr Davld li Oreer, Alexander E. Orr, th* Rev Dr. h I. itorra, Anaon <i MeCook, Prank li Bcott, thc Rev. l>r wiu'hiii R HunUngton, R'llllara P Bl John, thc u-\ Dr. Wlllhun ii P. Paunce, Jamei W. Perry, thc Rev It Cbarlca IV, B. Body, Ouata* H Bchwab, thi R< i Di A. J K Behrende, H K.-nii, i\ Biahop li.-inA i ?. i'otter, the Rev. Dr Charlea Cuthberi ll.ui. tbe i:.-\ John W Brown, Uoi rla K 1- th Rev Or. Davld .1 Burrell, I'nderwood Johnaon, Monalgnor I the K- -. In J..I111 1' r-i-r.i. I>r II. T, >m aon, Ueorge Man'ulloch Mlller, Edwln Etnateln, th ">\ in Henry van Dyke, Wllllam Brooktb-ld, Klllaen Van Itenaaelaer, the Rev. Dr. R 8 Mac Arthur, Jamea R Bheffleld, the Rev. l>r Qeorge It Van l> Water. John Noble Btearni and Henry u ?' .i 1,11.. 11 1 ? i? in Brooklyn who imv?? been itlrrcd arltb In ..'.j-imirm in thc reporti of blood hi . .11 Armenla, and who are deslroua of beartng th< nubjecl ln telllgently dlacuaacd, wlll have Thuraday <\i.iiiik. when I: < ta*a< * < '.-.iirih < auapl -.- of ih pp 11 '1111114 on lil !..?? , H un I. 1 th if Ht Andrew, th. Cbauaoaj B. Mr.-wei^r, of l(.-\ !*.-?--?? K Aiho|i, ?d B! lerpreter Th <;r.> - 1 'hun h Ann'a wlll alao n ik The followlng addltlonal eontrlbutlona bava been recelvi 1 bj tha Armenlan Rellef Pund Commltte* Ai 1 hbiahop < 'orrlgan, H'm. St. laikrv Chun h, Li b anon Penn., 1.',. tha It.-v Wllllam T.m- k, rector Bt. John'a Churrh, Btamford, (,'onn., 850: M fiark ?'"II. 860; tftuart A Coala, 84o. Prederlek Bllllng I Marj B Ifelei Bralth, 88t: A B n ?. "Brougbton Memorlal Mlaalon Band. <-hrin( Choi b, I'lymooih, C H, m Ali-i. Mra W H Jerkaon, 8jC each; ai t,uin-,.... .;..;.?,. Uovaraor*a i?iaua, in'ib, Bt? ( M...k-M ,-hm i, Bi ? '? Conn . Emlly 1] >} ho.k r.iroline w Ba ey, B B.. T B Caah, tne ,,, i p. Alaop, Bi Ann'e Chui i, U.klyn; the 11V Jamea S. Duffy, John Vanderbllt. B D. II.. ',,' V Bmeraon, VVInthrop B Ollmon. vVarren i S*ich Mr Helen Ala.Ilaaell, 15 each: Charlotte SfeaV'Keona. ^? H Bherwo.,.1. $2 each; Mra, M. - MeCarty, treanurer, Morrll, v*la. il.. x ? ??? Harner; J. B B., C. J. ?'. taabel D. Lockn -1. H ''*Thi. oreaenl totol of thi fund, Includlng H Drevloualy acknowledged, amounta tn X2.21S89. Th.- M'ni' ninn eolony w?a largely repreaented at a meetlng whlch wa held laal nlghl ln Lalyarj rhanel No "-'" Baal Twenty-thtrd-ai! The ai aWke ,f' th- r- entl) rep rted outragea In thelr na tve? l.ind and BTged aetlon to the ?ympathy ',,,. ,.?.ratlon of all Chiiatlana toward betferlng "he pondltlon of thelr people. Arrangementa for to morrow'a maar-meetlng were alao perfeetta. ? ANOTHER DRCLINE IN FOREIQM BTOCK8. AMERICAN BAHfWAt gTOCKB LACK VITAI.nv IN LONDOM MININO BECURTfTEa HAVE KO st I'l'uRT. Londec, Nov. 10. Prloea on the Btock Bxchange Buffered another decllna te-daj all around. There wa? ? .... iD-eam ol ??? II chli fly from the Contlnent. Amerlcan rallroad atocka dld nol have niffli lenl vhallt) l i taka g llne of theli own exceol to rxnggerate the feellng ln New-York out ?. ..j ^ the - able? F irelgn aecurltlt? wi re ln actlve and diooi Ing. ArgenUni have fallen aharply, and mlnlng ne urltlea had no aupport (?on-oii-i,-...! Oold FleUla Deferred ar. i Bimme n Jacka have each fa'.len I?-. Randa i. BaBl Randa ?, and Ba i tto Banka ', SUGAR OROWERS WARNED. IN8UROKNT8 WII.I, DE8TROT ALL PLAN TATION8 IX OPERATION. CAMPOg .m;.\IN PROMIBES REFORMg OOMEZ gAID TO HAVE RETREATED FROM LAB VlbLAB THB BOR8A BXPBDITION. n/aahlftgton, Nov. W. Tha folloa m la a < ipy On tranakttlon) ?' aa order recelved here, belleved to be aulhentlc, and hnraed froan the bea of ii portlon of the Inaurgenl forcea operai - , ln Banta clara and ,'?'?'.> In Matanaai LJBBRATINO AI'.MV OF CUBA. Klfth Corpa of the Army, Kirst Brlgade. Iii acconlance oi I ?'? Oov arnment, and to the end thal no one maj aih-i,-^ IgTi ii ni????. i hereby make knoa n To ;i ?? pugai manufa I irera, tne plant ira fcol onoai .hi.i proprletora of the gvne undei m) com Fli The buildlnga and cane flelda of ail planta tk>ni wlll be ronaldered and reanected provlded ?_.\. t; lo anj able bodli I lab< ier, nor the itlo ia of grindlng begun. n. w hen then are no fortifleatl um nor forcea lo ated In tha aame for thelr protectlon. Tii.i i \ term of ten dayi la hereby granted for ispeualon of all work, the leatructlon of the furtiftcationi and the wlthdrawal ?:' troopa. Fourth Th .*. who ontravena thla order wlll ba leverelj ; n ? i and thelr buildlnga and cane flelda I" luce 1 lo aahea. FRA.Vi isi'' i .1 PEREZ, ? 'hlef of Bi Headquartera of Operatlona, Nov. \ II Madlid, Nov. 10 A dlapatch from Havana aaya rh-- Conatltutlonal Unlon party of Cuba haa beld a meetlng at Matanaaa and renewcd Ita a adhealon to th" Oovernment. Oeneral Martlnez Campoa waa preaeni al the meetlng, and expreaaed hlmaelf aa confldi :.t that reformi would be in .i |n Cuba bj tha Oovernment at thu earlleai u|.| n tune moment. The dl pat h a ? aaya that the rebel li ider Maximo Q imea haa laaue i an ith ?: ordi i ? omm tnd lag the - ? aata of plantatloni an l the burnlng of buildlnga thereon and threatenlng wll m rendering aaalatance hi the gatheiing of ci ipa. A diapat b from Havana to the "Imparclal aayi whlle the au Bpan - tro Cuba have b en amall j-' late, they have reau I defeatlng ao :ar th ? plana of tha inaurgenl I i;. mi /. to Inva le Matanaaa, ? Havana. Nov. "? Tb? Oovernment asaerti thal Max!mo Oomea haa found II - irry on operatlona ln Laa Vlllaa dlatrlct, and haa rej tne rlver Za'sa In the dlrectlon of Camai tTaehlngton, Nov 20 OfBclal Informatlon rei I h. :? repre enta thal the al rei Bltbuaterlng expeditlon, whlch aailed from thla eoantryon rhe Danlah ateamer Horaa, laexaggeral -i ln publlahed reporta. There were bul forty Inaur gentF, twenty of whom embarked In New-York on the ni^ht of Baturday, November 0. They had at? tended wlth othera a maaa-meetlng ln thal clty whi'di held ln the Inten -? ?? an gents. anl when thla adjourned tha men went to the Wharf, where they were taken on board ii tug whleh waa awaltlng thelr arrlval. The utmoat m ii. obaerved, and every efforl waa made lo ,;,,.,. f the Fi leral authoritlea. The tug had no llghta burnlng, and a sheet of whlte ativ.i~ w.i paati i over bei tiame, Bhortly after mldnlgfrl the l r dropped down tha .<::.:tm and car paaai ng< r to a polnl off' i 'ape BarnegaL where they were taken on board the Horaa, whlch a walted ::. al thal , The Horaa had carrled an ??.) iai number of I genta who had gone aboard al Phlladelphia. Tbeaa forty, ii la aaaerted, repreBented the full atrength . expeditlon The Horaa cleared from Phlla? delphia for I'or: Antonlo, Jamaii a I i m her arrlval :. i ban watera aha attempted to land the mem? bera ol the expeditlon upon the eaatern coa n of the llmTnd. lt wai atti mpti i I i pul the tlllbu .,, :,.... boata. Ki t ia momenl thal theae pulled away from thi Hori?a * Bpamah gunboat hovo ln where ipon th? Horaa Imroi eami l n the dlre tlon of Jomal :a wlth thc remalnder 0| tne expeditlon on boai I I pon bei arrlval at Klngaton, Jamal ... tha Horaa waa aelied by the reported ln L'nUed Preaa ?, . .... ? aaa devi loped to-day that two pf th ? of thi Hoi a e-xi"- lltlon Frani (? Mafla Agulrr ai nal iralli I Ami rl an r ln/.. n- The) were arreated ln Havana al thi out break of the rebelilon. but were releaaed at the v of Mr VVilllama, the Amerlcan Conaul . :,. Thej aaaerted ai the tlme that they had no on Wlth the rebel'.lon, an I thelr releaae wa - ? , - becauae of thelr Amerlcan cltlxenahlp II la uld that they were then In actlve aympathy , the rei ??!;? n and thal -? act la thi tiine they have a'.lli l themaelvei wlth the enemlea (,f the Bpanlah Oovernment A strong denial i? glven to-day to tha aUtement thal thla expeditlon had Ita orlgtn In Canada. or thai an) of M memb ra atarted from that country. The entlre affalr waa planned ln New-\ork. Bueplclon wai dlr.'cti 1 to the Horaa upon her ar rlval at Phlladelphia aeveral weeka ago. I'. I tomary for Incomlng veaaeli to employ the aama piioi upon arrlvlng and departlng \\ h- ? the '''?'-' i up at h r landlng the I her nilot V*k whlch la the amount he would have re eeive I had he aUo taken th. ?? -aael oul he waa notuled that hla nervl ea wh? the ? utward voyage began, would not be requlred. rhla ? I once led to the belief thal the veaael bad aorne hldden pun ?? In pui i - ? ?- and h?r ,,,,, , m, nti from that tlme wi n carel II) fo ,owe i. A BENBATION IN MADRID THB MARQCIg CABRINANA, WHO KAg ArCL'gED THB MEMBERg OF THE CTTt OOVERNMENT, ,gHOT AT W THE BTREET Hadrld, Nov > The Marqula Cabrlnana haa cauaed ii Benlatlon here b) maklng chargea through the medium of Ihe local newepapera agalaal membera of th.- munldpal governmenl of the clty The chargea ere to thi effecl thal theae munldpal authoritlea have uaed thelr poaltlons for prlvate advantagea. An offldal inqulry haa been i I -int two unknown peraona nred aeveral ahota from revolvera at the Marqula, bul thelr alm i. and he v. an not injurf I. ? TWOSPANISH DEFEAT8 REPORTED. Mv.'.i wint \ FORCE OF 1.800 MEN, 18 8AID TO HAVE Kll.i.l.:? AND WOUNDED 500 OF THE KNKMV N'EAR BANTA CUARA Jackaonvtlle Fla . Ni - ? .v cable ??Th-' Tlnie^-l'nlon from Key Weal Fla., aaya: Paaaengera b) the Ollvette to-nlghl repori ::;? Oeneral Antonlo Mareo wlth 1.800 men, had a battle ., |th ii.ii-i ii Naval.n No? m pi li tie u Santa C ara whl h laated teveni ei I in Tl e B| v','r.. ilefeate i wltn a loaa ol IW kllle 1 and wo ,;,,..,,i Navarro, havlng been wounded, narrowly l belng eaptured. Tha lnaurgenta' loaa t.? be vet x I ., ... alao atete thal yeaterdaj H.-ti-1-.!! M iximo Gornex fought a battle wlth ?eneral Buarea Valdea l,, th< Hanta Clara Pro) In ? The bni ^. ? , rai hoiu ? thi In Mirgi ni troopi aerloualy woundlna Oeneral Valdea kl |nR coion. l Aldave Full partlculars of im battle wera nol known oa Ihe departura of the ateamer Ollvi M T<t PROTECT FOREIGNER8 IN CHIWA ?,ili: tm N'i l.i va\ii:n ISBUEM ORDERg TO l"HE ai THOftlTtBB IN BHAN BEE R'aahlngton, Nov M Recenl preai dlapa'tchea an ,,,,.,?: ,i thal antl fon Ign rl ?'? ? i pped ln the Chlneae i ro) n ? ol Bhan-tee. The Btate l .,,. reeelved a dlapatfh from Mr. Denby, I'nlted Btatea Mlnlater al Peklng, aaylng thal uj m (,iu repn ntai of Impendlng trounle at Tal Kou the Taung-ll-Yamen had laaued ordera to the loeal authoritlea "'" examlna Into the matter and tiir. Randel, Baremore & Hi!linv;s, IMPORTERB "I DIAMONDS A\l? OTHER FBUeCIOl'B BTORBB. MAKI l m 1 ' BI ? DIAHOND JEWELRY. gh Baaaaa >i.. ?<? Mwlalaa t-nnr. Bww>>Tavlb l il ai. ???'? H(-. u .i-.ii riioii, Uaaiaai K. c. Thc lattst and best of all Dictionaries; So sav thi kighiSi authoritics (sce Mo:c). Thi work of spccialists throughout. An Anthority in all th* Dtfmrtmtnti of thss Governnunl and Canada. i -The publishers ol "The Century Dictionary," in rcferring ta the "Standard Dictionary," assert that it contains 50,000 undefined words This and other untruc aod ungcnerous rcferences are best answered by a submission ofthe mcrits of these respective dictionaries to the judgment of recognized linguistic scholars of the bnglish speaking world. See below. FUNK & WAGNALLS' ard Pictiooary For $17.00. Vou don't have to pay $3.00 and "join a club" to get the lltesl ;md best ol al dic? tionaries of the English Langtiage. nr .ioii\ wii,mami(i> p\i.wi-:n ft8?a "Hi. kaawB mifhur. r.-?-.ntl> ??ni ih? e-riltorini ataaTa e>f tbe fhree *m?-rl?-?n ?ilotli?iuiri?-a <.f tirai iBBOortaaae. nmi ifceeefaea tn ? ?."?'? (I.mi ?<? .iM-iiU arlti Untmleilae and aulhui 11 > . nn | a? I do i...' heaaute to mg ????? th? Htandari |. ? ary Knaitah w rl-tx-.k. In Ita ?urprlelni eorapleteaaee end aroure'y l? n Wtll .? i. | aci I'ltOF. \. II. **WK. Ihe Kmlnent Pbllolo?l.#. oifurd i aJveeaatr. ???., a?ye? ?Tha ntandard Dlctlooary la truly aaaa*Meeai 1 worthy of tl.e great .ontln?nt whlrh prftdtMM I' !? ? ,., , mplete |i la ?r'nin to i.ipereeJe all r dlrtiofiartea of tha fSaglMi lunguare Jaulam W. K. T9WR*MMn. I'rofeaaor o? i,i?, >,?!.- tTalecwaafr. anyai ?i h?\? rarefulh roangered '?>?? Ktanlard wlth ?h? Cea. iiiryand ' r? latemai aal ncUoaarleea 4 rveul have alwa4> pui haaed '? > eofae -f lh? gt, | .., .. ,n?j i.ic i eaaure In glvlne an or* ? ? ? plan, ?: ? ? ? il ? n. ? . I - ? C < maaa M ladlBpiaaBbBi " Tlli: ST. JAMRS'BJ IM DOBBT. LaadBB twrekly edllloei of Th? gt. .l.-ii.i. ??? OaUMrttefa ??>?! P?rfecl IB'? ? ' tSSLwAiiS * ...,.,? .,,,,??. rba atanCerC Dietioaary enouia m aae pnee i Utei .1. nlratlon of lli rary 8b glaacV' ?:? It is not for ?*? "a limlted number of readers. who first apply." Tlli: RATTRDA1 8U5V885W, I.oiuloii. "i"1 thi: *i-:\v VOB8JC thihixb *nyai "A :""1* tn ,n" (I nary) gtlda." nn: \r.w roaUl in:n \i.ii aarai "Tba Btandarri Dlotl nary li a trtuwiph in th?- nrt ef !? w admlrabla from averj point of vlew, it ? ? ,i,- ,,i.i ii. .-: . mplcta dl Itonary jei Tlli: m:w yiihk 8IB5DICAL 4BgT8aAf7I anr?? pnto tunr i"??"? i.ury latti i araa In advaa.I wal M liii\. k. j, PHBLPi, Profeaaor afLaa* in Yale Lnlveraltv, ez-Mlnlater i<> Oreal llrlt iiin, aai ai ? Tba ? rk ? ? ? tht ruali r 1 r gaa fral and practiral yuri.? It li lh? be?t Am-n-un illc You dotl't have to But for every person who is fortunatc enough to learn ol its unquestioned superiority and its nuirvelouslv low price You don't have to , nea ; iper In ( taa tba ? gpeelal inir...iii<ii.>ii l*rleaa I below. al untll i>i-.-. ,".i. imi:.. . thdl .? :i iii. I : l hlgb< l i You don't have to Bii) .i : ? . . lab la? guaga la Ina gOl.gag >? I!. . in ti ? ari rld, ind IM 0 0 n la aajr ? i. two voluaaea, in , ludlng tha ^ the ea icl i . ka ?/, ? aaagg rcr a *? iaa.oo i - i ? :? aipUt* > ?aejaM l->in ! in F ;i! I 817'". ai " ?*.-?? I ? . 4 ? .. ?-. You don't have to j'.v 8a.4*a m rth M ?? b ? .r1' "- Bwaft aa tbe ? ? i ,,. i .. gt u laxa McUoaary u ?. i ,,..,-. n< BMaaa I r 88 ?? . j ummt. and HCO i aaaaah aatll th? balaare M cand ' - uidari I>|. ti iiHM i v * aaaaaaagar ??.-?; la Re* v--h Clty, Rraebtya, or vuinity. for bm ?! i traa of all i imra?. Which one shall it be? How can you hesitate? What more conclusive than the follo*vinir> thi: ATLATTIC moxiiii.v. Bbaatcna, aarai (gepti ml? i. PJ86) " 'A gtandard Dl Honary1 la from lu filln^'n nn\ gm m to I.mpared ralher wlth the f>ntury, thnn ...i, and wa ?ball ar. tnllngl} oonflac "" ? ? ? . _. , it introduoea f. i ?I ler atl ? whole, the nln beat i i-ei ,| . ? ? hi. h li ii. re dlffli ult m I loud by A? to ? - f wordi In senaral, i - .'- t of far I tleal ? ? than that ot iirict pl ?? i ,? ii--- pra w '?'' h ea th* Of th " they ar- ofti n - le irer an l m. re lr O i THE .M?? it>\i OF i.utr\ri(?N. Boatoa, anyai ..In .. ? typ graphy, n man.U ' all who wrlte muat ; llll-: I.OMM#\ TIH8M anye ,aThc* hadHta of tka 8lai I tnetlaaan ?<??* Indlepa'j aUa and are abaadantly .,-t>*t?i by ? linr-- aantber f unlmi ???? ?''.-? I .... .,.,.! ,|. - ? : : pularlty." THI-: M:\V-IiiIIK 0II<*KHVKII aayai ?Tha . ' ?- <? ^ ? ? ? ? ? ? J the .l^|'nient? of ert and ? '"*"? * ? , n-eult la a iiarj ? ' ior -uai. in ?!? - pnl uf i i -rrtij- attati menti an 1 ?atlefaetory to ihe pr"' undHM m lar, that l? n . ..... ? ? : THK 8MMTOM IIKH*II> ??ya? "Tbe s-.t.-i. | ?!".* Centur; ... , . fl ?? rtefii tl?na of I ir? ' '??n - f IIIK RBW-YOBUC IM)K,I'H\DKM anyai ??It n . n i? i ' ? " to populartaa knowlaaga haa rtaea le l ghael ?l ' Your Real Opportunity is liere. With no conditions to bother vou. - These Special Introduction Prices are Open 10 all until Jan. I, 1896. iv om: voi.i MBi ii ii ? r itii^^iu . Kult Rnaala \ " 1th i-n; (? Fiill Moroeco I bob'b Indea > l> l\\?? \<U.I MEBi gig.oo iinif'.iMt . i i.imi I'ull Ittmnin j Wlth I'-in i ... IT.imi . is.imi Pall Montreo l aon'a Indei l. li'.MNi Don't "Join a Clubn but address FUNK & WAGNALLS COflPANY, 30 Lafayette Place, New York. precautlona agalnat dlaturhancee, and to make eam eat efforta to protect forelgnere." A BRITI8H VICTOHY IN WEST AFRICAj,, kini; 0T0 kii.i. :D witii many OF ms FOL LOWERS, AXD ms Q fARTERB IN' IBA PAN DE8TROYED, London. Nov. 20. A dlapatch from Lagoa, capltal of tho BrltlBh colony of thal ".""?? on the weat Afrlcan coaat, atatea that Captaln Bower, the Britlah Realdenl ln Ibadan, !ian attacked and kliled the Klng of Oyo and many of hla followera, an ! burned thelr quartera The i ountry. tl patch adda, la In a diatracted Btal .1. B. BALFOUR POUND OUILTT. BENTENCE P08TPONED IN THE LAKDS ADLOTMENT COMPANY CAK-E8. London, Nov. 10 The trlal of Jabea Bpencer Bal four, formerly member of Parllamenl for Burnley, an i the other defendanta Brock, Wrlgbt, Tbeobald and Dlbley, m connectloo wlth tbe Llberator BuIW Ing Sodtty, whlch began before Jaatlce Blr Oali - ford Brlce ln the Queon's Bench Dlvlalon of the liiKh Courl of Juatlce on October Bi, waa ended to day, the Jury Bndlng Balfour and all the beri ex eepi Dlbley gullty. Bentenca waa poatponed pendlng tbe trlal of the prlaoneri upon other chargea, whlcn n III begln to moi i The jurv dlaagreed In regard to Dlbley. The trlal .i ti..- priaonera waa onlj up on chargea ln i tlon wlth the Landa Allotment Company. The trlala chargea li m wlth the Houae an 1 i [nveatmenl Truat. the London and '; Bank and other companlea wlll proceed in oi faat aa freih Juti.-s can be obtalned I'l'M.IAN PARLIAMENT REOPENB, IT is THOUOHT Ql ITE POSSIBLE THAT \ BfRPLL'B - ?F REVEMi - M \V BE ANNOUNCI ? Rome, Nov X Parllamenl reopem to-morro* The Oovernment wlll aak thal the nnanclal itati mant be taken up for dlacuaalon it an earlj date it la underatood thal Blgnoi Bonnlno, Mlnlater of the Treaaury, In reference to tha budget, wlll de i ,ar>- at leaat an equlltbrlum of revenuea and ex pendlturea. and It la thought qulte poaalble that a aurplua "f revenuea maj t>,. announced Prlme Mlnlater Ciiapl, II la aald, wlll propoae to defer othoi than Bnanclal leglalatlon wlth the exi of iawa dlrected agalnst Boclallata and Anai ? THE KAI8ER A8 BANDMA8TER BHOWfl THE LETZUNOE.N MUBICIAN8 M"W i i mim t.i. FUNICt-'Ut" siiori.n ni: CONDUCTED, Berlln, Nov. X The "Balxwedel Journal." pub llahed In Balxwedel, Pruaalan Baxony, .*a>-. that at a banquel gtven on Ihe occaalon of the Bmperor'e huntlng tti|i ii l?etsilngen lasl week, th.- Kalaer took the baton from the hand of the bandmaater a: d ahowed hlm how "Funlculi, Funlcula" ought t > I.- played, ai i afterward ronducted ae) aral mai CAMBRIOOE TO HAVK AN INCREABI OF PAT I.I m. NOV -,,> The <'.ov.-i nmeiit propoeei Parllament, ln \w-w of hla long and valuabla i-er victs, ahall giaju to the i'ake of Cambrldge a ajoi Q CrffLDrtftfl 'TEETHIN f^l Mrs. Winslovv's Soothinj? Syrup baa been aaed for over FIFTV VL;aK6 b> .-;... LIONS of MOTHERfl FOP. TIISIR CiJILi REN tt'HILF. TEETHINO wifi perf..: BUCCESS It BOOTHES THE THILD. BOFTEN8 THK Ql'IfS ALLAYS ALL PAIN. CUREB \V1NI> COUC. an 1 la ihe BEST REMEDT FOR DIARRHOEA Sold by druRpists In every part of the world. Twenty-five Cents a Bottle. Conover Firepiace Mfg Cc <I innirrIv of W . 'j;'<l-Nt.) ANDIRONS, FENDERS, Cas-Logs, Fire-Places. nfotf Ircsiuiis in Kulll Itoosil Tilr At Kemarkably l.ow Prices. 7 antt .) \Ve?t :<Oth SMtM't, Near 3th K\o. . rate addltlon lo th ,n th.- Uuarde, whlch he holdi for llfc. noi.eJcy 1 tM )' I v/? .\ .( i | OMItI l < VVeahugton, N v .*> (gpectal) Thc foll ? ? Armj and Navy ordera have bcea laeued Leave f?r fout aaoatba, to take aaTeet aboal l> cember i", is graatcd to Captata Oaorg M . im turgeon Becoad Ueejtenaal Otbo w B Pa .i Artlllary, wlll ;. rellevcd from dutj ?? i it.iit.Ty (? ,.f that reglmeal b) iii>- coeaaiandlng Offlcer at Port Warren, Maaa, anJ wlll repOfl I rommaadlng officer al Port Rtlev. ICaa., fot wlth UgM u.itt.-rv \. M Artiii.-rv, aa atta thereto The appotntiaeni ?>? Powell Conrad Paui tleroy. to ba aacaataai *urK??on artth I tab ftrai lleutenaat, to nmk from Novembei ; . la ao nounced il.- wlll reporf to the Preetdeni Arni) Medioal Sehool, ln thla cttv, for th.* prcaertbeii v lurae .>f Inati uctloo. Aaatatant Naval I'eaatructer !t. H Daahlell lached from th- Ordnanee Rureau, and aadgncd the Bureau of Conatructlon. Mcutenent \* 8 Montgomer* n detacbed from th- Clnc nnatl an oi lered to the WaahuiKtun Navy s .; Newport, it. i. .\.\. 88 Oriata for rmt. i ablp Ualaa to ?tii for Portbutd, Me. w< ? '?? -u.i by Captabi Crownlnableld to-day. ? hiui> uiu aall from herc on Bararday a] * p Pi and probabtf artlva otr I'ortian.i on Aim.lay ? <? FLINTS FINE FURNITURE. i> > noi aglgg it if you wi .i; to kaep up wltb ' ' gg R Ifg k 'N at tactOT) pr.i-e*. ** WEST 23D STREET. ?