OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 21, 1895, Image 6

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1895-11-21/ed-1/seq-6/

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?ATIONAT, ACADKM) OF nWWII ?:?? ?o ? *
to:.sx> ;. m i.-'-oi ExhUiltton ?< p-rtraita.
ACADEMY OP MUB1C ? The BperUaa Da heee
AMRRICA.N TEEATRE I ln Blghl oi Bt Paaia
Bl.tor THRATRK l:M The NtgM Clerh
RLARRglJCR OAM.KRY, Wlh-Bt. ??4 Mh-ave - PartiaR
BROAtr* *T THBATRB -Sin-Hi- Exceltaaey.
CARNEGIR H \i.i. I II Oaaeaii
CACINO l t:. Th.. Wlaard af tne HWe.
I'ni.rviirs THKATRR l:li MyleeAreea
DALY'g THRATRB l 18 Mkaj PyajaaaUoa.
Eio.v v ; srr Oon i rt.
KMP1KE THI ?> Rl I 18 Orlatophar. Jr.
j>-i i in | ? HEATRR-g Oknaooda.
ORANP ITCNTRAL PAUACE II .- rn. to 11 p nv
ORAND Ol'ERA HOIW-! Tha Blrjrda Olrl.
Mai ?
HOYT8 THEATRE 8:30 The Oar Parletani
li:\ im. i'!.- I 18 Bwi. vTapaea.
k - rER -v ni m.'s i ?
i,rvi\ LYCEl'M 7 i '? ii ?- Mowameat Eatr.
UYCE1 m THKATRR ?-' 8 Tha Prtaonei of Beada.
.. : ^ OPERA H"i BR 1 ? ' ''" B*"wW
? i-iiii.
I'M.mii. rt . I1KATRE * Tl ? ? ' ? ; i 0 ?'
, * PLEA. v !'W..V'i- 12 to 12 Vaoderiua.
gTANl \!:i' THK vi'ki: s 80 - n,k; ?'?
I ITRE - 80 The Teai 0
T1FFAXY f - ' .i. ni 10 4 P BE.?
14TH .-. . . KATRK I Tha M- m v w ? i ?'
Jnftfi lo 3lb?ertiBfBiefitB.
i .... u
l.i ..
i ii
' I
? -
- .
???? .
Inuru B
V. ?; i. : .
DnsincsB Notirca.
lioffl ?nd OfBca Furnlture.
, -.- ?i.j Prlea
lio. 111 Full n st.. N. T._m
unuaual dlanlay of h dlday NoveRlea ln
i iini a, 4.'. v ..-. naar i;r ?d
1 vcir 0 ino* ,", m^n. | ma
Datly ; dayi a ?.-<k.fiooo fr."" J- r.o $n?' .
i ? s inday_ s '?' ?? 80 1'"o 60 8 eti
? . - ",| l 08 80 ... 8 ? "?
. 1 00 .8cti
Hfin-W. -o. Trlbuaa. 100 .,?_'"?
. 8 00 .-> eta
?: t a< herelnafter
CITT POJiTAOR T ?<? law regulrei thal n t nt i taa?
Bun lay
foi local dellverjr In
Ww-Tork Cii> nriuei !?>? pald bj aub
, . i. ? . ? ng thelr
Tribune fi ' ?
j -s ! - v;k To all forelgn eountrle. fexeept
. ,- . . a- ? i M- \' ? I ? It
.... . | p,m| \\,..;.; !
\V, . ti ' ' ??'?"r
REM1TTANCEB Ren I I P rtal Order, Exprte. Order.
i i ... | . ? i h oi Poital
. ? tter. wlll ba al the
' :;s "T THE TRIBt'SE.?Maln offlce of The Trlb
. ' it., Ni -v-V rl; Maln upt ?'? "
\ ' ?? m ,i|| . m ap i. lenca ilmply
x.--'.'. ^i rk_^^___m
TI11 RRDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1898.
FOREIQN.?Three Auatrlan warnhlpa n
! to prepare for aervlce In eonnectlon wlth
irklah troublea have salled for the A>-K<-.tn.
a ivl pg from Cuba ara lo the effecl that
. ? ? '. ?? . rdered tl. ? di i
II ,n 0f a augar plai tatlona found In opergtlon.
h itan Parllamenl reopena to-day;
. i' matti ra wl 1 com* up for < onel li ratkvn.
jabea Bpei ilfour and the other da
fendanta, wlth the exceptlon of Dlbley, were
; gulity ln thi Land ABotment Company
DOMESTIC?A cold w?ve pre.valied ln the
B . , .-. pf the Rocky Mountalna
The young men who wrecked a Naw-York
Central tr<iin were arralgned at Boane, N. \ .
d wlth murder; they pleaded not gulity
and were remanded. Oovernor Morton
Inted f now Board of state AgtMgaora
!,? i Markel Club, of Boston, held
j.^. nv , . .... ?'? ^ > .-letnrv Herbert
d the Mlnneapolla to ^a!l for Turklsh
^ ? i wlth ui d'i;iy. Alcaaua Hooper,
Ri ] ubllcan Mayor ? :' Baltlmora In
tiii,-\- yeara, wos Inaugurated
C1TY AND BUBURBAN. Calvert Vaux. the
ln . i- ? ? tect, myateii tualy dlaappaared
Tbe Taj Commlaalonere appolnted three
r ilicana and one Btata Democracy man as
? l fonr Tammany offlclala ??
Henry Irvlng dellvered a lecture on "Macbeth"
enta of Columbla College. _?
Thi Kannlgan murder case was eummed up on
both Bldea ? : A eommlttee from tba lr>n
1 wlth the Btate 15 iard of Arbi
: ln regard to tbe houaeamltha' Btrike.
i Th" Btock maiket waa atronger.
THE WEATHER Porecast 1 i to-day: Qan
. |er, nrlth brlah n rthwenterly
wlnda. The temperature yeaterday: Hlgheat,
57 . . -,l iweat, tl; average, 44a?.
Mr. Hooper, lha new Mayor of Raltlmore,
Tirot.' a ?-.l beglnnlng In lii>< Inattgural addreaa
and lni'i down prlnclplea wblch, if adbered to,
wlll i"' Kreatljr t'? iiit? advantage "f tuo clty,
wlillf ni the aame tlme Ibey wili bave n power
fnl 1'ii'ii-iii-v to Ineure permanenl Republlcan
controf "f Baltlmora. Mayor Hooper promlaed
thal all the departmenta "f tbe munlcipal (for
ernmenl should b? condacted on ;? glrlctly i>us!
n< .? Itaala, nnd acnouuced hN bellef In prac
tiin! f'lvU Bervlce Reform. I; wlll rexiatre coflr
age and determlnatlon on bla parl to carry uul
the Ideaa lo whlch be baa proclaimed liis adher
init he wlll be eertaln I i have the aupport
of ;ill right-tblnklna cltlxcna who are weary <?f
j-i ii_r rtlh*.
No faUll can Juatly be found lieonuae Ihe Tag
i immUslonera bave al laat gol rld of Ihe Tarn
Board "i" Tax Aaaraaora. Blnce tbe mn>
?icipal revolutlon achleved a year ago ibere h.is
been In aogae in!ini> too much tenderneaa la
rcference to oity employen Identlfled wlth the
TMiiimmiy rAglane. i'ln>. fJoea nol nnttn ih.it
thaare were n<> food men in thc Bonkipal aervlce
whlle Tamgaany waa i t power: bul thcrej would
have been do Improprietj iu turnlng oul :it tbo
earlleal ? nv. iiii-ni tnomenl nil Iboae rosJiecled
v. ih thc Tammany organlxatloa. Inatead, we
have >? ? n men reialned In thelr placea who iinr
,wz tbe re. i-iit campalga worked opeely for tha
gajceeng o( hba Tanamaay Hcket. Thal is nol
wlint the people latcaded when Ibey roted ia>t
year to ejeel Tammany from Ihe dty govern
rni-ut. Tha Tammany Tai Aaaeaaora bave been
k> jit ln "tii'o too loai
iu .in addreaa la Waahlngl m yeaterday <'Ij;iii
rellor MacUrackea, <<f the ITnlveralty in thin
?Ity, outllned a plaa for thc rlaaalfkaUoa mt
Amerlcan unlveraltlea, collegea and achoola,
whlch wlll comaaand thc tboogbtful Bttcntlon
of educatora. Al preaenl Ihe Natlonal Commla
!?i ii r i i Kilucatlon i> bonnd to accepl the re
;- - wblch be recelvea, and adncattoaal msti
tatlona are tbertfore ratcd accordlng '<? thdr
iwa ? ei m >??? - at Ihemaelvi a, an ! i*? *t BccordlnR
a> any r.\.? i ataadard l?r. MacCracken )>ro
p -? iiiai tbe CJommtaaloncr aball bc antborlzed
to iDni.e laqnirtcg ragardlag ?nlvcraltkra anl
collegea .in.i claaalfy them wltb ret>reiice to
,1,,.: .,,-u.ii roudltlon. Whllc recognlatag ,,1P
limlted power of tln' Govetament ovet nueb ,n
gtltutloaa, Dr. MaeCrnekea rlearly potated1 otit
the advaatagee thal wottW follow frata the ptaa
wliirli ln' ettggeeted
Tii,. WaahlBgtoa AdBUtietnttoa aeema at laal
to nppredate the laiportance ot rlgoroua meaa>
nrei for Ihe proteethm ot AawJcaa latercata
la Tarhey, At all eveata, ns the reaull of Cab
laet coafereaeea a dedaloB argg reached yeater
(ln io dlapateb the erolaer Wnneapolla to
Smyraa m< apeedlly aa poaelble, and ordera lo
thal effect wereprotnptly laaued. it la expt I ?'
thal the crulaer will be ready to itarl In four or
Ove daya and tlint phe will reacb her deatlna
tion in gbonl Ihrte weeka. Thla audden cbange
<if pollry is Mld to have been cauaed by appealg
from mlealoBary organlaatlona nnd from many
promlnenl mra In favor of an Inrreaae of our
njval foree ln Turkiah watera. Patrlotlc Amerl
caaa will regard il ag a aenalble rhange.
A vlgorooa proteat will be preaented lo 'li'
Repnbllcan Connty Commlttee nt its meetlng
thla evenlng agalnal the blgh-banded metboda
of ii;.' machlne leadera to keep Ibemaelvea ln
power by preveatlnf Republlcana from enroll
Ing In large aambera, ns they would nndoubtedlj
do If the opportonlty were glven them. Tbe
proteat will come from theCampalgn Commlttee
..f the Repnbllcan <'lni>. whicb took artJon on
the matter on Ifonday evenlng. How far Mr.
Lauterbacb haa departed from the letter and
spirii <'f tln' conetltntkm ol the Repnbllcan or
ganlaaUon la ahown In the auggeatlve rontrast
preaented In another colnmn between tbe pro
vlalona of the conatltutlon and tho Lauterbacb
Inatrnctlona to the eommltteea whieh be baa
empowered to dfrect the enrolment
The flnandal foollahneaa whicfa baa bronght
dlatrnal and dlacredll upon the rlcheal Natlon
on earth is not llluatrated more plainly by Becre
tary Cartlale'i gpeecli than by thoae who ap
pland it. Lel ns aee if they cannot be belped
to understand bla nnd thelr mlslake. If th?
Treaanry haa a gnrplua-revenne, it mmt reeetvc
gaore money of aome a rt than it paya ont ln
timt caae, nol a dollar 'n gold can i?-' drawn
from tbe Treaanry excepl by taklng a notc from
clrculatlon, and the notea ao aurrendered the
Treaaury baa power to accnmnlate in Ita vanlta
untll no more gold is drawn. Bnt if tln- Tn aa
ury lms n deflclt, it mu<t pay ont elther of gold
or of notea more than it takea In, and if it paya
q, -., ih, ae may be at once exebanged for gokl,
bo thal Ita entlre deflclt goea onl ?-f the ;-r"ld re
gerve. When Secretary Carllale atated tbat Ihe
Goveinmenl had to borrow $162,.,000 In order
I., malntaln Ita gold reaerve, be dld n.,t atate the
mct thal the borrowlng was made neceaaary
by a great deflclcnry of revenue, whlch look onl
of the Treaanry gold or notea, and deprlred it ol
power to malntaln its reai rve.
When the Natlon bnya from abroad more ihm
li gellg, gold wlll go ont In aettlement. About
150,000,000 haa p ae thla year, becanae the ralue
ol mercbandlee i xported has been ahonl $31.000,>
000 l.-ss than tbe nomlnal and over 180,000,000
leaa than the actual value of Importa. Bui if the
Iraporta had been reatricted by a wlae nnd patrl?
otlc tariir. aa they were for many yeara, there
would be In tbe long run gold to come ln and nol
gold to go oul for payment of balancea. In the
fourteen yeaw ? ndlng wltb tl.lectlon of Cleve
land in 1805! over $100,000,000 more gold came
lo than wenl abroad, even Including all tha mlll
lona aent to redeem bonda held abroad. In the
last threc yeara, bealdea all the gold brought
hlther by laaulng tbe $102,000,000 ol bonda part
ly taken abroad, over $145,000,000 gold has g me
out ol tha country. When thal gtate of thlnga
exlata the Treaaury reaervea nre drawn down,
iust ns they are naturally Increaaed when K-lil
la comlng Into tl.ountry.
Thua ihe aame law wblcb reatricta Importa by
ndequate dutiea, and yleula an adequate rerenne
to the Treaaury, operatea to atop both the outgo
i.f gold from the Treaaury nnd the outgo ol gold
from the country. That intelHgent Natioual pol
Icy waa broken by tha electlon of 1802. GoW
whlch had been comlng In durlng the month of
October w.-i.t out In Kovember after tha elee
tlon. The Treaaury goM reaerve, whlch waa
$134,400,657 November l. .Uist before Cleveland'a
electlon, haa run down below $90,000,000 In aplte
of ihe borrowlng of $162,000,000, nnd la runnlng
down each week. Thoae wbo ara IncapaWe of
underatandlng rocb facta as theee naturally ap
plaud Seeretaiy Carllale for aaying that tba
aource of perll la the clrculatlon of notea whlch
may be releeued. Por fourteen yeara aach notea
drculated, nnd goid did not go out but cain.- In
largely, in aplte el the payment ?.f $1^06,700.000
bonded debt, much of it origlnally held abroad,
ln threa yeara under a dlfferent pohey the aame
notea are alleged to have Inereaaed the dehl
nnd taken mn the goM. Tbe aasertlon may do
for pollUclana who have been phenomenal fail
ures ln flnance. it ougbt to be too absurd for
practlca] bualneaa men.
Por the aake of dearaeaa, the Influence of poa
sibly overrupld debl paylng durlng tln- fourteen
yeara, of tbe mtechlevoua reductlon ol dutiea
'on Importa ln 1883, and of the large Increaae in
laauea of notei under the Bherman act, has been
omltted. if the debt payment bad been a llttle
more gradual, if the reductlon ol dutiea ln 1883
had bei-n gmaller and leaa hurtful, the Treaaury
nnd the country would bave been in atronger
poeltion to meel any gtraln. Tbe laaue of gflver
notea was furer-il upon tbe country aa tbi only
mi'iins of avotdlng fr.-olnage ol gllver, de
manded by Beeretary Carllale'a party and siin
ported by Beeretary Carllale hims.-if. But in
gplte of any und all mlatakea or Blfflcultlea, the
Natioual policy ol Protectlon kept the Treaaury
lortifled wlth an adequate revenue and reaerve
down to ihe hour of Prealdeni Cleveland'a elec
tion. The contraat baa been ao ghtrlng that moai
of the rotera aee It, whether Mr. Carllale doea
or not. ^?_^.^.??
A un GRAB /"/,' 8TREET8
Tha people of Brooklyn were on Monday
brought laca to laca wlth whal cannol truiii
fully be charaeterlxed as anything bui a giganUe
grab by a trolley rallroad c >mpany, whieh pre?
aented a petJtlon to the AWermen for tbe priv
Hege of taylng tracka and operatlng eara oa
goorea of atreeta in all parta of tbe dty. It can
bave cauaed no aurpriae wben it appeared that
tii?' new company, wltb a comprehenalve name,
waa one ol the enterprlaea ol Patrlck II. Plynn,
wlth wboae actlrltlea in vartona dlrecUona
Brooklyn people are toleraWy famlllar. Thal a
Btreel la uaed for reaidcuee purpoaea exclnalve
ly; that a Irolley road la already in operation <m
g parallel atreel only a block away; thal certaln
tborougbfarea have been aupplied wlth |.I
pavementa wltb th? expectaUon thal they would
I... reaerved for trafflc by rehldea other than
cara none ><t tbeaa conalderatloua aeem to have
bad any effed upon Plynn and his aaaodatea,
ex epl to lead iln-rn to inctude guch atreeta In
i tin-ir gtneral arheme Tha propoaal to turn over
?tr<'?-ts lii.r- Claaaon ave., sixth ave. and lionr.
; at. to a graaplng rallroad compaay could only
; be Jnatlfled on tba ground of Imperatlve publle
Deceaalty; and no aueh neceaaity can be ibown
to exlat. The new concern waata to become ?
rlval to tha Brooklyn lltiuhts Company, wblcb
controla a greai oumber ol trolley Uaea, aad
alao is aeemlngly determlaed to coeree tbe Al
lantlc Irenue Company, ahleh Plynn'a otber
,i baa been trylng to abaorb
s.i far aa tbe appllcatloB ..r tbe Eaai Rieer
and AtlanUc Ot-cau Rallroad Compaaj la coa
cerned, ii gpparently especta lo gel thc rlghl to
conflaonte tbeae gtrectg m* a free glft. Thal tbe
Bo.'inl of AJdcrnBca arlll conneal lo anj aoch
anrrender it M hnpoaedMe to bcRcve. Brooklya
baa ahrcady bad ?caae cgpcrlence arlth Patrlck
H. Flynn. and it bchoovca n* ofBctala to aaake
bard-and-faal rootracta wlth bUn, and bcc thal
he la held'" them rigidly. Whether thc romp my
lotenda t" bnlld oa all Ihe gtrectg Indnded In Ita
magalflccnl arheme or not, it la perfeelly plaln
th n li ahonld nol bc deall rrltta by the rlty an
thorltleg mi nnytbing bnl Ihe Btrlrtegl traalnpaa
piinclplea. k' ime i 1 the atreeta ln nmeallon II
,.,,,, (jatp t legltl '? te rlalm to, for they are
omphntlcallj nol rallroad atreeta, and ahonW
uever he pcrmlttcd to become anch. Por the
rlgbt to nae other gtrectg whlch may be apprn
priately acl apart for rallroad parpoacg thc com
pmiv siii'iiM !>'? compcllcd to pay llbcrally. The
fniii'iii-'" ii acekg are of greal raluc. lt would
be tbe belghi <>f folly for the clty to make n alfl
,,f iiioiii to Ihe I'lvnn concern, or to ncccpt a
Irlfllng ?nm aa compenaatlon for the Inrgc priv
il,.-,-, it aeeke,
The detaila of the movementa and plnna of
Mr Lnnterbnch'a Conntj rommlttee are abroud
,,1 in myatery and p&*\ flndlng oiit. Tbe maln
rmrpoac. however, la thoronghly nnvcllcil. Thal
|8i m accure the electlon of a Conntj Commlttee
.,.' ,]?. December prlmarlea whlch wM contlnue
M,-. Unterhacb In thc prealdency and pnl the
rountj organlaatlon for tbe comlng year In tbe
,. ?.,,,i 0f the Platl Unterbncb factlon. The
Trlbune haa heretof.notnted oul Ihe proceaaea
by whlch it la propuaed to nccompllrt thla reanlt.
They arenobragen and ainlncloua llial they have
alreatly awakened tbe anger aad Indlgnation of
tbe greal body of Republlcana arho bave the
welfare of Ihe parly al hearl and nre aollclfnna
for ita ati eegg; and we nre gbtd to know that
dtcpa bave been taken tn defeal the infamona
conaplracy. Bnl the Importanl clrcumatance baa
,,, be reckoned wlth thal Lauterbach and hla
aaaociatea are now in control of the machlnery
0f the cnrolmcnl and thc primariee, and wlll not
abrink from rcaortlng to tbe mnst nnacnipnlons
meana for rctalnlng It They have alrcady dhv
rloaed thal pnrpoae, Wlth thla advantage in
thelr favor the laaue may be doubtful, bowever
greal may be the majorlty opi oaed to thelr donv
Inatlrm. Indeed, from preaent nppearanccg, nn
leag there la an unugnal demon*tratlou i d ibe
part ?f earneat Republlcana, they wlll ancceeil.
To defeal them tbe party In thla county muat
be thoronghly arouaed to Ita duty. Por thla ;s
arj emcrgeney not leaa Imp rtnnt than anj
baa confronteil thepartj fi r many ycara ln Si ite
and Congreaalonal pleetlona.
?| . reallze what the re-electlon of Mr. I*auter
!..,.), t0 the pr< ildency of the County Commlti ???
would mean to the Republlcan part) of Hi ?
-. j,, |ta Internal hnrmnnj. Ita i apa Ity I
OBeful work and Its Im] - r< r ruture ati ?
or whal lt would mean lo tbe rauae i?f mun! Ipal
reform, I i whicb tbe partj bna di IHhtii ? ly com
mltted Itself it is only neeeasary l i glnni*e al
tbe anllt nl polnta In hla brlef eareer aa a pu
Htii il leader. Il wlll be remembered thal witli
bla aelectlon aa temporary cltalrman of the roni
mlttea In Jannnry of thla year. wlthoul waltlng
to be clected permaneni prealdent, he began to
Btlr np dlaaenalon and utrlfe bj an attack upon
th< ae wbo had anpported another condld ite,
, waa nol only In extremely bad taste, bnl
bo groaaly offenalve that aome of the beal and
trueat Repnbllcans ln the organization i. np
and lefl In dlngusl l'i m Umi tlme foru inl he
IokI no opp irtunlty to abu?e aml defame not only
bII who were conne l .1 wlth the munldpal n i
itratlon electini l?y Republlcan rot?*, bnl
promlnent and Influeutlal Republieana,
only offenca waa lhat they dedred ibe Repub
lican Leglalature at Albany to pnsa law* in fur
tberan.f tb ? Reform movemeni in ili i clty
for whlch the votcra by 4."..O0U majoritj bad ? \
preascd theli tlealre. Il wlll l?e rcmeiubered
that early ln April he lamted n defamal ?rj elr n
l;n-. altaeklng well kn ?wn and Inflnentl il II 'pul*
llcana aa "ambltiotia and envloua men." who
deaired i - "atab Ihe Republlcan part.) lo the
beart" for no other rcogon than that ibeae Re
puhllcana had nnlted In n reaj.tfnl req
to tbe liCglalatnre for tbe enactmeal of lawa In
thc latcreat of munldpal reform.
li wlU alao be remembered that he penmaded
tbe RcpnbUean Btate Commlttee, or rather Ita
pgecutive offleer, to Indorae tbe ncandaloua ?ii
cnlar and aend it ont through the Btate. Ai
thal wben thla bad provokctl a atorm of Indlgna
liun. Iu- made n cowardly lacak. and pretended
t,> the Connly Commlttee, before whom be had
been caljed to account, that be dld aot Intend
to laaue tha rircular na bo offldal document,
but only aa hli Indlvldunl ntterance. li may
-.!-.,, bc recalled thal dnrlng Mr. Lnulerbach'a
pntlra Bdmlnlatratlon of tl.tflce of prw
Idcnt df thc < louuty i' immlttee be b/ta b?>n mi re
clamoroua In liis denundatlona of RcpublK-nn
uili.i.ils for nol givlng hlm patronage tlum
agalnat Tammany, or the traditlonal op|H?n iiIm
of Keptibllcanlgm, r.-r any range wluttever. h -
whole conrae haa been faetlonal and mlachli roua.
Xo man'a waa evei more ao. We leave aalde
bla gnbacrvlency to bla rllent, Mr. I'latt; hla
rank reputallon na a lobbylat, lii> ambltlon lo he
Unlted Btatea Benator, and aimply aay that aa
a mlacbief-maker and ractlonlat, aa ;i dlaturlier
of the peace, a atigma upon ili" reputatlon ai -
a blndrance to tbe Bucceaa of the Republlcan
party, Edward Lauterbach haa no more buaim -
to be prealdi nl of tbe Republlcan County Com
mlttee than bla Batanic Majeaty baa to preslde
over a conference of Llberal Chriatiana.
Tbe fonr peraona wbo wreck <i thc N'ew-York
Central traln neor Roma on Tuesda) m
nre nol boj i. Thelr ;i-1 waa h"i the mad freak
; nf chlldren, auch aa we are now and then enlle i
uiioii t.. ihronlcle. li waa tbe delllx rate, ii. ti I di
crlme nf young men iild enougb lo knou the
oature >>t whal they dld, fully to renll* ? tbe Itarm
they were plottlng n i>? 1 tbe punUhmenl tbnl Im>
longed to Ibelr deed. They were determl.I
enough to hold ihelr pnn?oao in mlnd t ir ne irly
' two weeka, whlle waltlng I ir the walch wblch
w.'is soi irfter thelr tlrat tampeting wlth the ra 11m
to be removeil. In 1111- bo].i plundi rlng the
traln thejr bnrlcd II lato Ibe dltch aml ancrlflci I
aeveral llveg, ao addlng murder to tbelr other
| offencea. Thelr .?iini"st Inconcelvable depravitj
la manlfeat, apd H may be aaaumed lha) they
wlll gnffi r ihe jti^t pcnalty "i tbelr crlutc. Thej
gre evll-doera of a rerj rimple type.
V. i thej are noi old crlmlnahi led by progre??
alve offpneca Inl i an attltude of warfare on ao
dety, nor bave they grown "i> In .i lawleaa com ,
munity auch ;is derelopcd Ihe notorioua bandlla
uf the |iliiin-i. The young men were not In wnht,
nor la there nnj evldenee thal they came from
erlmlnal atock wlth Inherited rlcloua tenden i
. ies. One of them at leaat appeara to have l?eeu
reared under gentle Influencea, and to have been
Ibe objert <>( the eare <<t a worthy fatber, wlth
v.ii..-.- aorrowa :iii wlll aympatblre. The tele
graph atatea that bII fonr gre Intelllgenl young
men. uiint congenltal predllectlon t'? cvll a
Lombruao mlghl dlacovcr ln them we do n><t
knoa Perbape each waa tbe one bad boy gmong
len thouaand, whom no tralnlng, ao Inflaencc,
n ? reformatory, coukl bare made Into a worthy
riii/'ii. itiit there i-? aa yel no vi"?m>i for Btich
bellef, nor la aay theologtcal dtctum of tbe ile*
perate wlckednega of tbe bnman benrl niiim
aa i to iceounl for thcac ladlvldiial manlfeata
uf li, An 1'ii-i'T i ? plaiMitlon i? m h ind li
n Ihe |i K'kel "i "to ? l the j nung ili -|i"i i
d'-.-s. it waa t yatlow-eorcrad hlatory oi ih?
pxplolta of Ihe Jamea brothera That hook nlone
,ii,i nol hrtag about tha wreck, bui that ixwk
rerenla the yoaag men. nnd teUa tha type to
vvlii. h Ihey heJoag. Dwefllag la n rlvllhwl nnd
(Hirlatlan commualty, they grow np worahip
plng ihe outhtw, gtoattag over diahonorabb' ad
renttire and rovetoua ol wealta, bowever gnined.
I, ,,..;? be aald rh.it thla is ihe imylah fante for
pxdtemeal whlch gratlfiea its. if. whatever pnr
pnta ma) do. But what an Indletmeet l? It of
nhinition to aay that it has ao atlmuiaat to tbe
r, uthfnl Imiglaatioa, i.ntlet for actrrltlea to
offaei sin ii appeala! At aome potal ln Ibetr llvea
I, ? , ki aeem as |f g nleber ideal of explolta
than wrecklng mall hralsM mlght hare found
lodglng in fheae young mea'a mlnda. If dld not.
Tbe nnnala ol rrlme flred Ibetr blood. They
made ihemaelrea otitlawa in mere bravado.
Til,...,. gppeara lo bave b< n no other Bftloui
,?,,, v.. for they dM not take even demeatary
precantlona to blde thelr tracke,
i h klnd of rrlminnl is conatantly bdng edu
rated. He may not wreck tralna He may only
wreck hlmaelf. He is the vlctlm ol vlcloua pub
Hcatlona. Wben be ahould be dreamlag over
?,,:,],. romn.a. fllllai bia mlad wlth blgfa
Ideala, li ? la lavlted la Imaginntion to conaort
\-i-h , i-niiii iis and admlre thelr waye. Ilis
mind and paaalona are early laflamed wlth im
],,,;-,. irritlnga. L'nder the aame ol blatoty and
nca i and reallatlc llteratnre thonaanda ol Amcri
,,,? youth to-day are havlag Juel thla traln
Ing. Publlabera dreaa the recorda ol erlme and
abame In variona vlrtuoua dleguleea, but thelr
aole aml only objecl is to make nacleaa proflt
by nppcallng to all the worat Inatlacta ol na
formed nntiire*. We have nol yel lound a way
...?; , hildren from contamlnation. i*< I we
Vl.,,,,!? i- -ii ontbreaka of yoiithtul erltne.
Ai,;.,l fiamld'a letter to Lord Ballabury la
uniqiie. Tl n rhroalclea ol royalty and the re i
? dlplomacy may be aearched in valn for
p,?,.,.. i, i.i or parallel. For a monarch to write
;, . j;, ,,,] |ptte ? to a feflow-aoverdga, or to aome
great dlgaltary ol bla owa court, is uauaual.
;? . baa wrltten to a Mlnlater ol a for
dgn and n ?t now frlendiy court And auct ?
lett< ;?: ii is an appeal for mercy; a requeat
H.at i.. i.i Ballabury wlll make a pubttc apeecb
ln tbe Knltaa'a behalf, and nae bla Influence
loward a relaxntlon of the preaaure Oreat Brlt
:lin Bnd ihe othei Powera are puttlng upon the
porte. Tbere uever waa anytblng llke it in tbe
v...:lil laefore.
Tbe flral fael auggeated by ibla extraordlnaiy
. ni la. of ?."-<?. tliat its wrlter is in a |
..-,. plltfht. Wi re tlia: nol ao, he WOUld
, ,..,. Wrltten 11 Bui after tbat, what? la
|hp ;i . , | i; shnll the Powera
wlthdraw and l? l the Turkiah Hovernmeal take
[?? , ,- n roum ? We tbiuk not. We moat <b
j tniBi n.it. We have no aympatby wlth
;i?. itadical i rlnta ? I London, whleb make this
i..;-,..- mere oeeaalon for revlllng Ita wrlter arlth
ite ol tbelr command. We are
I i , ngree wlth tboae more temperate and
na journala whlch --.? In the Bultan'a tet
,,.,. a rrankneaa and a pathetlc dignlty whlch
none the leaa call for aympatby becauae they
are m'.ttaken and IneffectuaL This extraordi
?,.-, protinlure ia Jnal one more evidence of
Vi , ;; mid'g dealre lo .1" well.
H ?nd thla la ihe all Importanl polnl it la
evidence, abaolutely convlndng
. , t bia inability lo govern bia Kmpire
nnd ut bla Inability even to see and to
I ID(| the rool of ihe tronble. He aaya be
... .,,,.. ii] . ;, .. rma; he will place the paper
.. ,, ,,.. them before hlm, and aee tbat every
artide la pul In foree; lo thla he glvea his word
,,-? !?,,.. ,-. well, n ? are willlng to belleve he
. it, Bui the nnawer la thal be has been
, . , v rrtite Ihe reforma for the last two
,,. iveeks, and has nol aucceeded, and is
i.,,v, further from auti eaa lhau ever. Tbe maaaa
,,. ,.,,,,! in Teaae. Thc Bultan'a own
,,.; , n ,,||,| ironpM diai b y his ordera. Kvery
, Kmpire la fnlliug Into chaoa. \n I
II .,., i. nitb ail hia good Intentlona an I
mf4en. is helpb-ss to cheek tbe down
ward nwb I iward ruln.
!? ,nbtl. aa hia eyea are bllnded to theee facta.
ll,. s aurrouuded by a throng ol Ibe moat cor
Ml,, pourtlera iu tbe world. They flatter hlm,
;,,,,! i?,. io bim, aml tubetltute thelr wlll for his
boul the Kmpire. They tefl htm, and he
;,. ] , . -. th.n there liave been no niass.-or.-v bUl
mi>ri'l.i auppreaalona ol revolta, nnd that the
Armeulnna are reaponalble tor all the trouWe
tn.it baa occurred. How caa be help blmaelf?
ll,. cannoi pereonnlly go to Baaaoua aad to
Aleppo and to Dlarbeklr and to every aceae of
tronble in the Kmpire. He muat truat bla Mln
liitera and tluvernora nnd other agenta, and if
?i,,. hetray hlm, what can be dol Thal they
have ii.iiiwil bim is certaln. The repreaent
? ic Powera, of Amerlca aj well as of
Itusal i and Kraaee and Great Brltala. are coa
; ti- ,ni personal obaervntlon, thal the very
trorat lalei of waaton moaaaere and ontrage fall
.;,,,.- ol reveallng the whole dreadful truth.
\inid Biich dnnimataacea, for tbe Powera to take
?ne baekward atep would be a rrlme, whleb ao
faith in Ihe Kultan'a good Intentlona nor aym
w"iii hlM evidenl dlatreaa could pallbtte.
I.. i Kallabnry'a commenl on the letter waa a
,,.,?, ,,?,.. -The ivMiit- of long yeara of error
?i,,.,. i be pai ! for, and ihecrud law is tbat th ae
??who will |Kiy are nol tho??? who wereorlglnally
"iniiltt .it' iii" offem-e." Alalul Hamid may nol
i?. gtiiity oi ti.ffenees of the Kurtla, or of the
knareriea of Haaaan and Pahkrl. Bui there is
no eacaping ihe relentleaa law tbat bc muat pay
ihe nenaltv. Thal is Klamet
Xh ???:?! ; Buch a thlng as the Clty Llbrary
h, it ia a ife t - aay, the aver
kn iwa nothlng and i area nothlng
If the facl is ever brought to hla at
..,,;,..,,. it |a not In aueh a way aa to make an)
Beri oa Imprea.ilon on his mlnd, This la due t i
, |ri uniatam ?? th il the Clty Llbrary has
, be >n plai ? -l In i harge of a competi ni per
.. j tl ii llttle palna have been taken to
it v.;. u it ought to be. The Indlcatlona
rhange of pollev In this reapect are, there
I , V\ i. ome. Ma u Btr ing reoently appolnt
, ,i ;i rommltl.f eompetent cltlaena to Inqulre
nditlon of the*llbrary and to auggaal
;, poiii | i to Ita future management Thla
rtmmlttee ronalated of fjeneral Jamea Oraal
Wl . m, i.iv. ird i" !>?? Lancey, Chartea B Todd,
Wllllam i. .-'t'-n- and laaac Towneend Bmlth,
.,i,i iii>" i--;- ri waa handad In two or threa
ireeka Owlng to the prevalenl polltlcal e?
. nt it falled to r.Ive the attentlon whlch
ii ,. , .j. ,t. bui we hope and belleva th ?t 11
?rlll be taken up for offldal aetton hereafter.
The rommlttee reported thal II found the
llbran "i!i a condltlon hbrhlj dlacredltable lo
? th,- hlef clt) of th ? Unlon, and not al all corn
"parable to ihe reference llbrarlea of other dtiea
"ol the iiist claaa aboul ua" and recommended
thal II ba reorganlaed ns tbe "Llbrarj of aau
nlrlpal Ite rda and Referencea," t.intaln or
dlnancea and proceedlnga ol the Common Councll
and othei rec >rda relatlng to tbe dty, Kew-Tork
Btate documenta, munlrlpal ordlnancea, chartera,
? , of ev< ry conalderabla dty ln this
countr) and Europe aa far as procurable, worka
: ., town and ."iiniy hlatoriea, atandard
worka of hletory and |.graphy, aewapaper fllea,
, |. Whlle ? Ing thal luch an Inatltutlon muat
bc of gradual growth, taa commlttee expraaaad
ii,,. oplnlon that a begtnnljpff could ba made arlth
oi i. ? i. i importanl recommendatlona
i i.ii'tii.- appolntmant of Ihe h
brarlaa ut thc c. . Labrarj ^auuu bo veatej ui
a commlttee conalatlng of the prealdent of the
New-York Hlatorlcal Sodety. the prealdent of
the New-York Oenealoglcil and ntographieal 8'
rlety. and the senlor Juatlre of the Rupreme
CottCt of New-Tork. and that th* tlbrarlan ahould
hold offlce dtiHng Ufe or good behavlor. unleea
Inrap.icltated by age. The ctiatom haa been lo
regard the ofTice aa a sultabl* one for aome mem
ber of Timmnny Hall who waa aatl.fled with B
amall snlary nnd no work. Only once that we
recall wa. an effort made to aecnre a thoronghly
competCnl man for the place, and that waa
nearly twenty years ago, when Mr. Rlchard
Ilonry Rtoddard conaeatcd to take charge of the
lihrary. But under tbe condltlon* then exl.t
Ing It waa Imposalble CVCfl for hlm to do much
toward maklnp It what It ahould be.
A good opportunlty Is now offCTCd for resenlng
thc lihrary from thc lamentable state into whlch
it haa fnii'-n. aad maktng it worthy of the clty
aml g raluaMe poagaaaion. Certalnly lt la worth
whlle to gave the recordg of thc dty from the
"deplorabla condltlon" in whlch they wcra found
by the Mayor'g commlttee. Home of thc old
recordg are of gr?at value, and, ln the tudgmenl
of fhe commlttee, should bc either prlnted or
c.nrcfully COfded on the typewrtter. Mayor Ptrong
la nt the oplnlon that the Leftataterc should he
a?k"fl to pas? a bili permlttlaf the copying of
mutllated reeorda, and alao provtdlng a propcr
place for the lihrary, a? Ita present quartero nre
Inadequata. It is to bc hoped that thc auggee
tlon In rcfcrcnco to the selectlon of the Jlbr;tr:;in
may hc gdopted, so that the offlce can bg rC
movad from the category of polltl'-al apolls; and
fhen a .iifflcicnt aalary ahould he pfOVlded to
enable the clty to gceura the genrlcea of a cm
petent man for the place. The Clty Ubtary i?
now a ahabby and almoet worthiess inatltuttoa.
It Is capablc of bdng made of lar*e use and
b.neflt, and Mayor Btrong may well do ay^ln hla
poWCT to hrlng thls about
Republlcan Inqulrer- We recret that we can
HOt inform you where ynu '?an enroll next Satm
day nlirht. That Is a oarcfully guarded aecret
whl-'h in the lnterest of our readerg we have been
trylng to dlacovcr, but Wa icnrn that It Is a pri
VUte eoncarn of Mr. Bdward I-auferbach. and
some of hls friends, and niin" of the Republlcan
pubiic's btulneaa.
? o - ?
Bevcral years ago when a serloua acclJent oc
curred la th" Fourth-ave. tunnel through a fall
ure on the part of an engtaear to r"? a danger
siRiial there waa a strong impression producad
ln thc popubtr mlnd that some method of givinjr
audlble siifnals ahould he dCVtbtd to meet auch
emcrgtnctee. The lmpnrtance of thla la empha
slzed once more by the cellMon between two
tralna on the Brooklyn Brtdge In a dense fog
llke that whlch prevailed ot. Tucsday mornlng II
is almost Impoaalble for stgnals that appeal to t'.ie
e\,- ai.me to he seen. i'.ui im weathcr C indltl >ns
i mid Interfere wlth algnala appealtng to the ear.
Audlble algnala, if not more truatworthy than
vlaual onea would at least aupplcmcnt the latter
ln ;i valuable way. it la irue that In thc cane of
tra na on the Brldge when attached to the cabie
it is virtually Impoaalble for a colllslon to take
place. slnee th? tralns are bound to bc a certaln
dtatance apart; the element of dntt^cr Is intro
duced when a traln ls? halted ncar one of the
atattona, and It is her.- that gouud stgnala would
demonatrate thelr Importanee ln thlck weathcr.
Thc Brldge Truateea are not hospltable to ncw
Ideaa, bul thla Is one that they may well pondcr
The verdict of the New-York Tacht Club Com
ii Ittea whlch ls to Inqulra Into the truth of the
Dunraven diargea wlll he unheettattngly accepted
on thla si'le of the Atlantlc, and It is dltflciilt to
iw EnglUhmen of fair mlnda can refuse to
ablde by lt. The invcotlgatlon wlll be an tmpar
tinl one. All we want ls the facts, and everybody
ti erned o'iKht to want all the fa^ts.
if the Aldermen of tiiiJ town want to dlsplay a
Oag of thelr own during thc tlme when they are
In aeaalon In the rjlty Hall, we d,, not auppoaa
any one Wlll Object aerloualy, unless it he on the
ground i f eatabllahlng a precedent. Buppota that
Bome other Board aay the Board of Kstlm.itc -
ahould ln the future want to enj iy the aame pfivl
lege .liiiiiiK Ita meetlnge; there mlght be some
g, i of * c illlal ii betwacB 'iisigns. The pow
era of the Aldermen have been much reduced in
recenl yeara, am! they can be pardoned If they
Hiink they can add to thelr dignity by dlsplaying
h ilag of thelr ntvn. it la a barmleca blt "f bual
ness, at all eventa, ^ _
There haa been no real danger of a water
famlne ln New-York Cify thls year. and WhBt
ever danger dld exlat has been dlssipated by the
recent ralns. The clty wlll hegln the wlnter la
go id Condltlon so far as its v.ater BUpply Is COU
? ?- -
Since Justlce Neu'g dcchdon in favor of the
trolley companleg on the fender questlon there
baa been a startiing Increaae In the number of
irolley aeddenta on th.- other slde of the F.as'
Blvar. That it is a caaa "f cauae and effeet we
,io nol undertake to na>. but tha fact that three
peraona wen knocked down and badly hurt nn
Baturday la at lcast auggeetlva. Bvery trolley
ear ought to b? provlded wlth a fender that wlll
work. nol merely when on cxhlbltion, but when
in aotual use. if the companiaa were in eamcat
on 'he gubject they would flnd one or Invent one.
without waltlng for actlon by the .-ourts. Boardg
of Aldermen or th.- Leglelature.
When the Grand .lury sat on the BrtdgC the
Truateea sooffed. A Coroner'a Jury is now golng
to Slt "11 it. _
i'i.Ks<>\ il
Hoston papere announce that the itev. Dr. r.eorm
C Loiuri-r. Of that rlty, has dedded t^ de.-'one ttle
,-ui1 to the Untveralty Church, Chlcago, raeently
glven to him. and wlll eontlnua *?* paator of Tra
monl Temple.
fj.-t;.. \V. '"alilc. the novetlat, gpoka on "The
M iral LTtiltty of the Novel" on Monday evenlng at
the ITnlted Church of New-Haven.
Blahop Ropert (Rotnan Catholte), of Rawall, has
|UCI M||| i for Honoluin from Baa Praadaco. Ha
returned reeently from Rurope, where ue want to '
recure recrulta for mlaaionary work In his ,i!<.. aaa
He brougbt bach two prleata, fonr Brothera ai i
four iurtera, hII bekaaglng to tha (irler of the
Bacred Heart, tha mother houae of whlch is ln |
Parla The Blatera go to tbe convent in Honohilu,
where they wiii i?- angagad gg taacbefB, and the
Brothera arlll take up tbelr atatlona on the icjier
i-i.,nd "f Moiokai. one of the party la Pather
Pamphlle Damien, hrother to Pather Joaeph Damlen,
?bo whlle laaorlng among the tepera at Molokal
nix years a?o, cootracted the dlaeaae and dled. Now
hla hrother goen to take up hla unflnlahed work
Jle wlll he statloiie,] at Kalawao. Molokal, where
hi" late hrother llve.l and t.'illt a church Father
Pamphlle wlll he |g charge of thls snme church. aml
H.lmlnlater to the rollglous want* and phyalcal com
foits of the BufferlngTepere about hlm. He wlll nve
ther.. permanentl).
A tahlet haa been erected ln rhe cha^el of ilirat.l
College, Phlladelphia, ta commemorate the herolstn
,.' Btephen Qlrard. the foundef of the rolleRe, .Iwr
Ing the yeiiow fever epMemle of 17M.
it is Fipected that M. Kotacbue, the new Ruaalaa
MlnlBtet to the Catted States. wlll nssume hls olll
(?:ai functlona In Washinnton in a few waefca. Hls
full name is Rrneet Charlea Kotaewae "Ha ia a
couata of Prlnce Cantacuaaae," aaya "The a/aah
Ington Btar," "and. ilke muny other menih. rs of the
KusFlan illplomatlc service, he I* of German orlgtn.
Hls famlly ls one of promlnence In the Haltic
provtnee af Ruaala, Hla grandfather waa a famoiis
Ruaalaa naval oaacar, He made a cayaaa areaaa]
ilie wartd ln 18,18, and waa one of the earllest fm
Blgflefa to enter Japanese terrltory. Mlnlster
Kotaebua ls a privy counsellor aii'l chamberlaln. and
haa 1.:i BUtlOUed at Wilrtemherg for many years.
He wiim orlgiaatty kataaMfad for the naval aervlce <>f
Itussla. and waa, ln fact. a tnldahlpman on (he
frlgata Potkan, of tbe Ruaalaa Bquadron, under
PiTnce Conatantlne. ln the Mellterrauean ln Laa>
,,!< Qaa ol hls fellow-mldahlpman on that frigiit*
w.is the preaent naval attuche of the Ruaalaa I.ega
II.ni ln thls clty. Mr. Kotr.ebue renmined in the
naval Bervlce fir only two or three yeara Whlle
erulalng In the Levant Mr Kotaebua met th?< lady
Who la now bla wlfe Bhe wh? the daughter af tha
ItuaBlan Ponsul al a port ln Hajrpl It was through
iis wlfe'a Influenca tnat Mr Kotaebua redgaed Ma
poaltlon aa i naval offleer and accepted m place as
an undar-aeeratary ln one of the forelmi I.egatlons
wi Uuaslo. Ha haa aeived al ae\eral impoiiant
poata. He waa ln IM Cw.ndtlor h the W?f*f
ln a*r?nea and hla lasf mhtglon waa aa Rnaalan
Mnfate? to STCoUTtof WUrtemberg It la eadTr.
Miniaier to inf ? rompany hlm to
Waahlnlton ?t nraf K * ?? howe -V. brlng wlth
K"hiU'omy aon. who will an .. bla prtvate aeere*
tary "
Booker T. Waahlnx-on, prlndpal "f ?"*?*??
(Alabama) Normal. ffld Io?**?*? flStra"
ataylng at tha Mrand I nton Hotel for a r?w na,*
nri fiaVi o/ ////; /HV
??bui" Bgatth, ?he faaaeea Adaraalark giaale, u tfi
raeallant bealth, la aplta et the r?et thal a paper
ln thla dty prlBted a rol.unn obltuarv of h.m tbe
othar day. "WB" aaya that fho.igh thi wrlter
-.lone" the work well. he waa |04 btaaBtal pra
Oreen-Vhey fell me you wrlte for "T. '/^'l.''
c.rav-Yea atr, aad ray writlnga are rena aaara
than tha writlnga of all the otbtf m*n ?? ?? paper
f-omblned. .
Oretn Bo? Whal do you wrlte
Grray-fhe hea'i llnaa. (Boatea Tranaernw.
The eoming mronationef tbaCaaraadCaartaa ef
Huaaia at Moa.-ow ta to t-e Mmdaeted oa a aaoet
taagalBceat aeaJa iiundreda of taeaaautaa al ?e?
lara are to b? apant In maecttoa wlth If ln tha
old "Ctty or Baapirora." Th- peaeaarry and tbe
peop> are not to ba foraottea The eoart tnaamaar.
);,.., ampowered to mak- all arraagameata. tn* other
,lay gaVB an order for IMM k*K< ?f Bl Bd, ahlCh
are to ba dtotrtboted aaaaag the p< ; - "'inci
wlth tradltlonal uaa*? il B^BBBiB cerOMtfcMBU
Ha Aaarovad th.- RectM. "laa you know, ? i*ar.M
...i,l Mr H.innlmnn.-. "that i Itfcg tba am] >
make a WelBh rabblt..'
"Why, '"hariey! she ax-lalmed, f9? WOU you
couldn't eal the laat one."
"Vaa vri'l I want you to maKe '-m all j ist ince
it. Wbeaever 1 eat Welah rabbll I bava ndlgaa.
tion." i Waahlngton Itar.
?Tha ifaeofl (Oa.) Telagraah" ejootea J R I 8>
ard g prominent rltlaen or Maaaelflfle, Oa., aa ??
plalnlag bwv tna placa eame by IU Utle. Mr
ard aald thal or'.glaally varloua namea aei
geated to tha Poetcflla Departeaeat, but ol
araa made on on? ground ar. i aaothef. He
"Al laat I aat down and arote out a llat of I
hundred namea. and toi 1 them If they eeald -
ona on the lla: to BUft tham th? " i W ??
malB name>aa. for I had <nw?t"l mtf BBIM I
had "ver heard of. l:i d tlfl tlm? tba ar.-w-r laag
bacfc, "i.'t ii remalfl WanaeleeB,' aad ever a!n ? -t
tln,.? ir haa hai thal name. whieU, whl'? I " i
Is not aurh a bad nsim- after all "
i.al of Ten-i aay, pa. erbal Kt**J?"2&*J&
theaa numbera al tha- bottorn of i-^n pi iraT
Look at tMa one, Shakeapaar-. 138.
I'f-rplex. d Fath^r (who haa n?ver l>?en in a ga|.
Igey befareUh! ?hl--I expect that la b a te.ephoag
number.?(Humorlatlche Blatter.
Il ?..* alreedy ecrtala tha: the ncgro axhlbli la tha
Tcnnaaaca ivntanniai BablMtloa n?xt
year w:ll be very .-omp>f". 1 C. N>' er B pr .|
ncgro of Naabvtlla, hia bean appolatad ' ot
tr.e eablblt by tha airactora ii>- waa f -
ber of yeara a paembat of the Kaahvthe Cltj
cil, and aerved on Imporiant bualneaa *
ln rhar bciy. II- waa BJtate rommtaatoaei
Naw-Orleana Bapealtloa m ItW He hai * 1
law b?fore the Naahvtlie bar for aeven M
Bucceaafully nnd haa w )i the r'?r r ; ' ' "?
alty. Re haa made ? > *
anug littie fortune.
Tha K lltor of "The B iala" pl ? > . ? "*?
fi m .i aeedllng ::???? u| ? ':
N v on November 4 It a ?? - ?
alae, .ni.I of tin<-- quallt) It waa i irea
had b irne, in
had fallen inor.- than a foot ln depth ?
h i i .-luna t.? tha leavea an i - ? i i ???? ?
?, ich as to pr Bort - ll rroai tne froai
lowe i. A peai b of tl I* qu il
Ihe aaaaoa, w tul l n ., :
ent llat of frulta. [I la poaalble, howei *
may ba a freak, the produet of a be ' ? a
eaoaped the s'-ver.- froetl uf laa-. May, \ ?> ?
T< irgee In The Baa -
In the pvaent dtaturbed can IH thi T rli ?h
Kmplra it is gratlfytng ta laara thal the ^,
Koben Cotlega, '" natantlBople, wai i
durlng the last rear wlihoul Intan
romtr.en-ament ln June tlft^n BtUdcatl ?' '? -
uatad, and the clositm exer
praocnca af an orderbr aaaembly of
For the first tim?- ln the h ati ry of tha
Turkiah newapapera ol ih* follawlBg 4 ?1 ?
long and very com l Batleea of tba <?
ebata, and tba ?MiriHtian papera In rartoua laa*
fj'iajrt-s garg from one to thra^ full pagl
The caneral haaltb of tha clur aa ?r ?x*
ceptlonally bad, but in tha colleg i
?erloua lllneaa. The reporl of Praa ' '?'??
to the truateea, whoaa anaual mi tini a ? I
Wednaaday, tha Itth laat., itatea ihat "tha | '?
pa^-is for 'he comlag year are unexpeeti l| -
Thera are tl# atiidanta ln Bttual attendai i
is mora than we bava ha i for a aumbei ":' yeara"
i?.- Bdda: "If mt raa onl! fln i tha meai |
ward and not fall beblnd other rdueal laatl
tuttona In Turkej an l H ilg i
arhy our laaluenca In the future ihouM i
wlder and deepar thaa In tha pasi Tha foui tloaa
hav. been well lal I. We bave a v
and confldenca of the dlfferem ? iad
w.- shall malatalfl "ur paaltlon ' ae ? ? h
ground ir. our latelleetaal ? ?;< and h.i\" i
able faefUtlea !n the way of bulldlngi and \'0
feeaora'1 WlUtam A. Baoth a - - "? '? i'-?i
dent of the Board ol Truateea, the Rat I ?? *?
ward B. <'oe ateretaiT. ?od WTIIIIi m C I .'g^a
of the flaaman'a Bank for s.iviugs. traaaurar.
In Henry I'.v.ui'.v. thla Btate, khim yeara ?t a
young woasan wtu waa aun k her former -:
heart for broaxrb af atomla* ?a- put on tl arlt
Deaa tand, and the lawyera as urual b (
all aorta of Inqulaltlve interrogatorlea. 'V . aay,
lemarkel on.-. "that th.- defendant fr iuem aat
\.i\ rloae to you"" "Veaalr," wa- l
a heetlc Suah. "How etoae?" "Cloa? - ??
one chaar waa all the alttin' raoai .? I.
"And v.i i aay ha j)ui his arm an un I youi
N .. i dldn t.' "What did you my, th*i I
eal I ha put b.ith arm- aroun' n;?- "Then ?* ii
"H* huKK'-d ma.' "Very hard?" "Tap, he ild aa
hard thal i .-ama purty near hol ? - i ? it."
"Why dldn't you hollar""" "*('au? " PI ifi i?
unsw.-r. IU- espllclt, p>aae ?" I i ?'.!"
'"Cauae I waa afaerd bed atop." (Chleago P ^t
MADAMB CALTk'A M E\11: l\< 1.
Tiie performance whl h i i k place ai I ra
!.?st nlght waa one th.it m ht frequently hi
eupled tha antlclpatory fan t <<! New-Vork'a <
lovera in th.- .-? ursa of t1 ??
Ifadame Calve returned to our s;a?,-, and i I
in the character wi;h whl<?h aha la - >'
t.ientifle.i in the popular mlnd the arorld over We
Baw ard hfard hai aKiiin u< t'armen. I I
tntlrely the old ? alon, oe rather ah '?
i ? and a llttbi more, for (ahu thal the i
of htatorlcal record demand that u ba aald Hmea
<*aivf N etoutai than ahe waa nttae ahe lefl ; ta i
yeara ago. Bui If thera were any tn t
that crowded the raai theatra who were ln
bewall that clrcumatanca there caa have be*
poaaeaHng the faculty of hidgmeal who
that the loea ln bodlly gymmetry (aad been i
p.mied ly a loaa In artlMIe s!? ;' or '
vni.-e. In fact, ti placa on record the i
and alKnlfleant demonatratto ug It
muat be aald here al the lutaal thal aa ? -
pure anl aimpie Ifme. (*alv# ni
peared tn New-Tork ln ao brlghl a llghl aa ?h I
laat n'ght There waa BJ1 Indefl rlbabtl I
in her volce, and ber phrai , i
tieatment of dramatl nuai re a aatemaka
the ordlnaiy terma ? prala rm '.ik.- aa lm?
pertlaeaee ia I ?? , - of ihe ehar
n.-ter. from the beglhnlng it ehal laameai
baeauaa of it* freedom dlty, Ita
vltality, Ita fraahneaa il i B(K>ntanelty, It i
imposaibie for ti.is aon i ich a bora aetreea
aa aha la a bora alngai evoi >lm tf or repaat haa*
aelf or anybodv els,- ln ? - i ??- Cvi ry time her per?
formance la r na* creatlon, B-hleh relleeta t1- l
innod". fe?>:inga thal ire 1 : : ; the moment.
To her the efiaracter | reaai tfl llaelf ln all the aubtl*
pharea whlch exiat ln human ? il I Iheee ah?
exhlbita in all thelr varlety, bui alwaya wlth a
s; , tanelty Wbleh ? new -harra
wlth it Al tlaaaa ahe i ? -? lu 'ttv* amlabll
Ity 01 the charaoter almoBI ? rgettlaa ?f "?
reaantlal vtetoumea il l.m beeomea
domlnant, a;-.l aaon wi -?> ? i ? lepravlty rr*
aented almosi aa foi ? ia It li ln tne aovel from
whlch tha iibrettiat> i.-i.\ I theli k
The audleri a laal . l ( i i reaaon thu waa
not alt.uether expllrable ?a me.l .-larv of ita ap
proval, but this waa probably lue to the fa.-t that
the repreeentatlon waa nol on a hi?n plane af *?
eallence aa a whole. M Maurol io appeared for tha
first time here ln th- cbara I.- ? th0Ug"|
enthualaati.allv gfteted om l-U tli -n entiam-e. waa
excaadingly uaeatiafactor) ? ?ally, aa \-\')t\-' havai
been eipaeted, for laat aeaaon his volee gafj
m ifutiv laeklag in vltality nnd reaonaaea. Tne
Tareadoe (.ona raeetvad ealy a raapeetful hand ana
acarcoly deaarvad that. a alngular In.i l?-nt ln a
i'arfi>rmaiH-a r>f "Carmen." but aha tl i .m be
looked up a wlthoul renret by all ah.tappi late tne
taadrtaeu <?f that ple.-e or musi.-.ii lautrap, tna
one da'.'.-t ln a work ihat ia all ??!--w wlth youtB
ful neiilua. ln the l?on J.?a^ of the evenlBg, a n'*
.?oniar rained l.ubert, tha nublir made th.? ??'?
qualntaaee of a ronvettllonal oparatlc teaar. who
takan n aerloua view of lll" oltlra. >. in-. in I acta
aaraeaUy, bUl Itu'ka the thtngs whi-h create a
avmpath'atle Intareal beiwean artist and publle.
M he .-.julil do n.ithina to ,-reate th.- gladaome e?
dtemeal uaoa whlch it wa* Buppoaed th.> perforav
an.-a would ll.nt ll>\% dlfferent evaryth na w uiia
hav,- been had tha l?.m .loaa been Jean de Raa-ke.
Mme Savllle'a Ml.-.i.-la dld not rea.-h ih.- arttotJa
aiature of her Juliette. hut elearly demonatrated tag
Juptneaa of tha pleaa.tnt worda wbuh wi'i* Bi'jk'a
of her lu TueaJa> a newapapera

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