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GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Cail aad mrf"1 ma Bflsrl. mvsatad a***** Oraad Ptaasa T'liiKht I.rm. Alao for sate f-r carh rr on In.tull* a feflflflfl ...ortment ef nearly new B._UHfaA1 Iran) l'i>ri?ht BBd BflflfluTfl PlBBBfl, *'-l avarrante. lllce thelr new }>ian<>*. Also. flflCOBd-flflflal Tianoa of olh*:' m?k?. Ir perfect order, at low fl.urea. STEINWAY & SONS. 107-111E. I4ih St., m:w . okk. GIKLS SENT TO PKISON. MAGISTIlATi: MOTT DlIRBOA-tD?1 ABBXn\\. TIONS Or INNOCENCE. _tUSfM_MT c\v.::v BT BM BBTVaUL to pta* .TIAROE AMI'I.TA B flCBAVBH Ml I? ttBEmt AS A IBmm7Bux*BBl.t i" RBOB, DB8T1T1 BTBONO rvii'::N.'v. in HER FAVOB rUBTIIBR teXTOBS !*OT. "L 'ti:i.i: Iflc* Tbfl Btttkal of Clty ftUgtatrat. M ?". *1 tba b_mbmi Market Court. oa Tlmrs.ay. ln WBinrlttiflg AinflMfl Biiaab tb a to ** ?'" ? diaorderiir . . ahe cUlmed to be InaoceBt and Vlrtuous, caused flurpr i fusal to llschargg hM. ,. . . - ol ber clalm to rtsmectablllty had beea admltt. I. eaused much amitzement. and a lawyer who hai be?n i-Hnaed lo ..-:nB of ber eaaa immedlately set abonl tbe wo* of preparlag tbe papers la an appH oatlon fi r hahoaa cofl Bl !-: OW **"?> ? The fecbaaer gW. wb_ is elghtetn yeara old, had he.-n livii.R wltb Mr*. Joflcph BapB ol No. OO Flfth a*e Brooklyn, as a nuiaemald. Bh? wa* arreated ln rirflt-al late Bfl Wedaeaday Blght by Polleeaian Raagaa, of the n/th-Bt. fltatloa, ln Ibta city. ob the charge of dlaorderly condu. t. or. l he teatlfled ln tha ? court on tb. foll iwlng da. thal hs had bccb her fo.ii.w ? man a haHway. Bhfl Bflid she had baaa trytag to Bad her aunt. Mra. Dlttmeter, who hai llvi 1 al No. ie First-Ht. Ihfl alao declared thal tha pollcemaa waa druak wbea be arreated her. fttagrtatrata Mott Old aot bellev. ber stor>, and cotnmltted ber t.> the irorkhi Mrs. Wllllam Oatenl irg, of No. 4:2 Elghteeath-at, BrooktyB, who Ifl ai thi aocuaed glrl went Basex Market Courl yeaterday wltb Mrs. Rapp Both ? imen were pre| ured to teatlfy to Iba good character of thi glrl. Mra DlttBiBer, the glrra ? ? . e ? -.'- aad eaplained that ahe naoved two waek? ago from No 16 Flrflt Xo, :, Delaacey-flL, ? fBCl whlch had been BB* kn;.wn ti bar Bl?ce. Ifaglatrate Mott refuaed to hear any of the wnmen untll af;?r I ]'. aa., flnd bfl appeared to ba great'.y : uh-n H .1 OoMflflfllth, a Lawyer, who waa i ip tha ..." Bflk 1 for ? reheartng Mra Oal nburg said ahi had Been her Bleea on Wadn - day cvenin_. and kn< B lhai Bbfl was latendlBg 10 go ? . Mr-. Dlttmeler'fl houae m thla dty. When Amalia H waa ca'aled befora Maglatrata Motl again ahe aald Bhe had an .Pl lataieBl ta meet .-? Douglas, 1 youag man nltb whom aba waa keeplng compaay. bul h? fall I 10 meet her before ; h -; bi r a - Mra I>:;:meier. Tho axamlaai n waa aa followa: Q.?Did jrou | lal 1 a hallway wlth ? man" A. Yf8, sir. 1 sflked him to ba 10 kli I aa to iaquire in a ?\.oon where my aual bad | fle, and l la the hallway f * hla r (j.-l>ii 1 oflflcer coaae ta? (Potattafl to Pollce? maa ?.,,.--.ii-i-'.-u-r.) A.- No, 1 dld not BC. him Illl th. ral! ? . ? ? :i??'? Tbe girl Imlti I having been arrest her flt^pmotl '?'? ??'?? ' ' alon. , Mr.-- 1, l I. wa gave the girl a g ? fb :i : ter, an i "? 1 1 ?.:.:. tall. .1! Ma -K . .. or l' ?ug Ihe latter being his ai ifather'a aame. II aal I hi had I- en !.? ? 1 1 mp inj ? th ri;. . jhte?n - but had nol m 11 up his mlnd rry her. H. aald her reputatl n wai good. v.,is to bave ra -t ber on tha .-lght of , ? hui ? ? r , n- ?;. :.?: appolnt mith 1 r. ask 1 : ?r the ? achargi eoung wi man. Mag'.strate Motl said In reply: "Thl.-> glrl knowa a poltceman when .blm. Bhe knowa ahe could have gol proteetlon from anj policemafl thal . ? , ? hei .???.?. Bhe knowa that any p >lica man she met ild ha glven her I hi . aunt, or ? 1 lae ahe - . l . . . ? thai no wi 1 im to her : But her. ' ? k ar nlxht. . 11 in the publlc atrcet, followlnca ati nge man mto .1 hallway for whai purpoae i don'l know." .; .- | .- ,\ iv the Incldent of the Atrange man." Inalated the lawyer, "and tho clrcumatanc - liefore you 1 ow an different. Bhe te||? a plaualble alon tnat i- nnr dentaH by ingbody." "M:. .. lUlfferent gtDrieg,- anspped the Mafl-ttrate, "ta regard to the B'holfl rriin Tf,.-n tbe testlm my of the - ? ifla ni n, wl 1 li- hai '?: ? "-? I vitb ber for elghteen month.-, bui .1 to man y hi.". doi 1 aot |r '.-. menl In the haa :. >1 ? p h< 1 . The ? taken bi ch to Jflll, crytag Ki terly. and h 1 1 ere ln t< ir.- wbea they lefl th coin ?. om. Mr. Gol ? ... . drea up papera In habeaa roraua procecdings., which wlll bo beisun thla mornlng Magiatrate Motl declart 1 tl i! all he hai to Bay bad r.- n be r. commltti I tbe glrl. .\l_rv Doyle, nlneteen yeara <?'-.. of No. 88Cho"stle st., ata. arralaned In the IC-X Markei Court ys terday, ar.a Matrlatrati Mott commltted her to the ayorknouai as ' lisorderly Bhe suid ahe ?.??'rki.l ln a ikery ,.t No. 171 Myrtle-ave.. Hrooklyn. ] day ? ntag ah< gol home at r- oclock, and ..:t^r ? par w. nt out to buy some sklrt*. Inteading 1 ? to 'a Oraad-et. store. :'-h>- walked through 1: Irldge-at., aad when ibe reaehed the poUi ? al Detectlve B <b.'l leanlng gali -t th- ralllng. 81 ? mla! >k him for a p itrick Bun nd tapped him on.tbe Bhouider, aayli . "Helio, Pat!" wberaupoa ahe was arregted. She crled la court, aad declaraa that she was a vtrtuou. t*irl. GBIBFAXCES OF THE CITY MARSBALS. TIIKY PAY THAT EX-MARSHALfl OST THR DI8 P \*xmXB CA9BB FROB TAMMANY (T.BRKS-AN OBOAB1XATIOB FORMED FOR PROTBCTK>M, Th? city msrabflla w r<- ln coaclava lar,: nl??ht at the John .1. O'Brlen dub r 5m? al Foraytk aad Oraad ata., and they are oot for ? s.jiKire Bght All of th<- mer. are Bepubllcans. ar: 1 th. ir COB> plaint in that nearly i*j per cent ef the ^lapofaeM ciftea ar- wa raaed tal the btfada of the az-marshala, owin=r to ty.o ol 1 Tammany clerki who are ?tiil kept in oflic; by distrlct JadgCfl. The larltal ? to Iba meetlng Nnt to the aewa papers arara -riiJa. aad lll-apelt, aad II was learned that tbey wcr<- BBfljithorisid; but, after ?n execu tivo meeilrg 1 of I ren mar Bhal af tbe <-'.. tha r-i rten wera admitted. ir w:is learnfld I t H ry Lo iry, ..f the IVth Ju j |, h.'d 1,:. ?. aad B, A. Mur r.iy. ! tbe Nlth Judldal Dlati t, .- retary, of a permanar.t asflOdatlOB. The objeel of th'.s body li to org . it they ahall be recognli '. ?? lb Dnlj i all have tha -,. -? ? 11 h cume Ighout r'i Ib tho 1 gava thelr cxpi efl. reiiina: how th. v w. r.> handl .-ij.; > .. loi Th'ir work iirlng tbal the ex-marsbalfl nt-.ll bad in lha d.f-tn.-t courta, where 'he clerki thn .\ all the work ln Ihelr r/sy Marshal laibuachei aald that th- ex ma:i: I the r algrifl oul as eity marnhalra, ai . al nearly DO per 1 ol the work done la th. |r I.u- only unprofltubli rasei belng glven lo the me:i arho I alnce Tan wi? ai ? '. ?? <.''.-i'i. Ho iv:.-. back ln h:< remarki by the new preaideni ? I i veral athers j A (ommiirpe, coeaCsttag of Marahala I.ubuseher, Tolli Ire, Abrahamson. Bifhln ar 1 Maaa, m 1 eh_s?n r of 1 '''!?? V rki an I lay 1 I the fael thal < 1 -m 1 re dls playln. rh- 1 ? publlc bulldlnga and Imper boi ??? ? ?* 1 '?'?'?. The Biarahala wlll bold nndihrr mect'ng m a few daya th* LegUlature I tlon aad a falr ?molum.nt .'or the.r work. r.ic BYWAWTtE orxs TBBTBD. San Fr,i"",ro. Vo-\ 1?Thonflaadfl of f.r-^ were kil>d. DtvU'fl SU'e hp.l a has. hole torn ln Ita ald-. ar 1 thfl Paclflc C * ' ?Bfl ren.lert-d less pac.f.^. hy the S4g_cuflsion 'i -"1 by the 'Ivnam > gur.s nt .lol.le flate entrance yeaterday. The thr.e war mon.;r:- recelved tf.a-ir ftrs. pra tcai, and the resirlt was emlBeBtty auccesaful. You Know That ('.: ?- . 1 ured by Ival applleft tlins. Yrrt kr.oc. th_t .our b'.;.<1 must be purl '. 1 la or-W t. cur. your catarrli. Yon know Q Sarsaparilla Ia Hio Ohfl Truo TT.oo . T*_rJf!3r. IIouiI'm Piit* ct:.\? cil 1-ivi Isbt X "n.?. IN REPUBLICAN KENTUCKY. POLITIC* THERE DESCRIBEP RV WAlaTER FORRESTER. m: p\ys TBB KTAW BAi ?EBM BBDBBMBO rBOM THE DEV.OCRATS FOK YEARS TO COMB OOVBBBOB?BlaBCf BRAM.KY Ai A IKEPU'ENTl AL CABDIDATB Walter Fomatflr, managlrrg c.Iitor of "The Uttlfl ville Comnirrci.1." waa ln thla fltt. V^^lay. Mr. ForrflflfW was aecratary of tl RefaabUcan Egecu tiv. Commtttcfl m the receal eamflakm ta k?; wcky. He la on bla way io flttetid ihe mccflng o ... Republlcan Natlonal commlttee m Washington next Tueaday, and carrlea the pnwy of Ckwrnor elect Bradley. Tho meetlng of tbfl Xatlona. Com ?-..., m w.-.-hiiiKton BBd the lanugurailon of Oovernor-fllect Bradley fall upon the flfltna datfl. -,. ember 10, and Mr. Bradley is un.bie te bbbm Baat for that reflflOfl. Mr. Forrester. ir. Bpeaklflgo th. reeanl camiaalgn ifl, aald: "1 thtal that Wfl have rc.eemed the .State from the l>.m ocrats for many years to coflflfl. Wa hava man; , men who have pui thelr Bboulder tfl tbfl whee:, an.l if the llepublleanfl do not maka ? ml*; take I thlnk that thfl Btatfl l* aafaly wlthln the RffllKblica* flolumn for the next tweaty years. The cSipl |gn ., . bltter oae, and we won on our merlts. Tha Ibbu* ***** ctaarty definni and tha peopl. voted upon tbem. Mr. Etradley has been falr? ly eleeted and I thlnk lhat he Wtl carry out thfl rtforms thal hava beea promifled Oa. thtag ta coa necttoa wltb the receal vlctory is tbat tbe Demo crata realize that lha RepubUcana have tha State they can hold lt. Kefltucky will glve a Ra pahllcan majorlty fa tho nexl Natlonal campalgB for tiie Repnbltcan nomlaee, If h? runs on a aoflfld maaay, protactlon platform. aa ba la bouad to do. ?iii. m..rt.r wblcb Ifl i: I refltlag na Jual ai prea eafl B the Legislatare. To-day we have a maj rlty of one on tbfl Jolot An i otloB takefl plaee to-morrow ?o 01] ? vacaacy in tba Lower Boui . if the Deaaocrata wta, we ahall bave a ti" oa Jolnt ballot If we wln, w? Bhall have a m*Jorlty of two. BealdflMJ this. there are two COBtflflted BefltB Ifl the leower n>>u<". aad the Arsembly la overwnelm Ingly Republlcan, ao lt oan be eeen that whaa wa eome to roU for a Senator fcftcr theae conti ti I aeata are adjusted wa ahall hav.' ??? majorii) wbether we wla the apeclal electloa to-morrow or not There are really oalj two caadldatea ln tne Held for the plaoa.lfl tbe Beaaia. ?eaator Joaeph s. C. Blackbura'. i*nn explrea la law. It la to n.s plaee ln the Senate that a Kepubilean wlll be eiecl ed Th-- leadlag candldate a.ema to be w. uoarrey Hunter, member of Congrea. from tbe. Uld l>l? triet who has been in Congraaa b.foro tbe pn em aesslon. He waa chalrmaa of th.. Campalgn com? mlttee on the Republlcan slde in lh? receal iight, aad manv people think that be Ut eatltled to tb. honor. fhe other candldate if Augustus c. wu BOB, or' LaOUlSVllle, Who was eleeted 10 CongrCSI ln 18M but wa.? louiit.-d out by thfl Democratfl. Whlch- v-r lt ls. however, there la one ih ng aure, and that is that Benator Blackburn'a s-at gota ifl a Republlcan." ? . , wh.n asked what plaee Kentucky favored for tne Natlonal ConvenOoa of the Republlcan party. Mr. Forrest. r i-ald: " han no slngle choice. Bhe would be latlsfled wltb Clnclnaatl, I'lttsbnrg, st Loula, Chlcago or almoat an) plaee la ihfl MM II. Statea. Wfl are golnjr to the meetmg of the Natlonal Commlttaa unpleuged; that is, at least I When aaked about the report a that had Iv. ome eurreni that Oovernor-eleot Bradley wa.- a candl? date for the Presldential nomlnatlon, or. if not that. wanted the aecond plaee on tba Ucket, Mr. Forreatflr replled: "We are going to po to the Natlonal Convntlon pledgfl tc Governor Uradley for the Brai piact on the tlcket, and if not that, for thfl BCCOBd. The Ptate delegatlon will be for him, bul Wfl flre maklng no pledgea outslde, aad are asldng nothlng. v.'e tnlnk that he la "i I'reflldentlal stature, and ahall vote ao, Keatueky will g> Repuhlicaa neat year on a aound-moi proteetlon p.i.i.rm. \\> know that Mr, Bradlej - uld carry Ki. t.i. ky, but we alao think that he could carry moi Bouthern Btatea th.iTi anv oth.-r man In the party. We ahall urgc that, but shall n. .k- no deal.-. If the ae ond plaee on the tlcket ls for him. then I ih.nk hfl will take ,:. i thlnk he wlll take elther plaee on the >?',. ti tt.i1 ii . '. aith igb bla Individual prefen would be ; i aervi oui h'a term as Gtavarno I tl lt would be a wlfle policy to p'.ace a Bouthern man ,.ii the : ket, aa II would t?n.i atlll further to 11b Intcgrai 'he once 'Bolld South,' which ls ilowly go? lng ov< r to thi Ri p ibll aaa." ODDS AND ENDS OF SPORTS. rUNISHED FOR JGOIXQ TO LAW, DECI8R.B or TBB BOARD of REVIKW Afl TO QBOROE CARYIUU'fl CA8C. One of the m >flt lrnpcrtant declslons ever readerod by the IJoard of K.-vk-w of tbfl Natlonal TrOttlOg Aaaociatlon WU handed down yesterday at the annual BMfltlng In th- Murray Hlll MoteL The ease uf the St Btephen Driving I'ark Aaaociatlon igatafll Oeorga Carvill came from Canada. Brlefly the factfl were thfse: Mr. i'arvi.1, who ls a proml aent cltlflaa of st. John, owoed the irottim? .-?..i;i lon BpeCulhtlOB, and entered him ln the raCCfl at St.-" Stej'h.-n. but befora th-- rac the uwner of the horse i ; : '1 not to ^!art him. and s.-nt a t. lagram tO the oflloers of the course. The rules raiiuire t::_t notice ..r wlthdrawal muat bc lodged wlth the ofll ear. nol later than 7 o'clock i>. ni., but Carviu's mflsflaga, sent two hour? c.trlier from thr nelsh borlng town of St. John, dld not reach the flflcrfl 'ary at S:. Btephen until the next mornlag. 'i rte Drtvlng i luh that St.eculation could ROt be wllhdrawn. and they eaforced th.-lr declalon h> taktng the out of hla atab.e and ntart..i? him In tne race wlth a driv^r of tli.-ir own ->;.. tlon in tbe aulky. Thla waa ia violation ol' _!! rulea, law and preeedent, and, to mak. naattera worif,', the horse came out of the race lame. Car vill brought suit against the Bt. Btephen Club for ji.iaju damagea Hla claim was reduced to $4<i, but thfl flflflitl and expenaea to the ciub amounted to nearly %l.<**> befor.- the liiiiration wan ended. Tho track manager- having been wor.ted ln the court. BOUght to get even bv u^klnj* th.- Hoard of Revlew to expel OarvtU for havlag brouahl tbe flctlon ta a civll court. Oae of the rulea of the turf provlde. that every entry t^hall constitute a eon tiact tbat the party maklng it wlll aubmlt all eoa troversies growmg out of such entry t" the iioar.l of Revlew. aal lt was for violation of thla rule that CarvUTfl cxpulslon wa-: demanded. Although It was admitted on the trlal of th? ease before the Board that tbe d.fendant hax taken the uaual meana of aending notle.- of Wlthdrawal to the St. Sreph'-n Ciub. and that the latter nad ? >. ? ? ,-i ita authority ln takln_ the hors.? out of hia stall ond ritartlnK him in deflaace of ihe owner'a ordera, the uirf trlbunal yeaterday declded vlrtually io expel .'ir\ill from all Natlonal Aaaociatlon tracka. S'o formal decrea of expulaloa waa made, i>ut the secre? tary waa lastructed to inform ull membera that Ihey muat not uceept entrles from Carvtll In the future. Thi* uction on the part of tha Natlonal Board waa much ciiticlBed by the horae-ownera and drlvera yea terday, the prevalllng sentiment being th.a under tiiis <b- iai'.n there ia no limll to the uuthorlty of the track maaagi ra over horae. entered in races. Boveral otni i c.isia of minor Intereal were declded veaterday. Mutt Tanacr, of Albany, was expel). d for rtaalng ih? pactaa mara Fhylll* ffi:i uadflr the name of Trlfl.-. After hia riri.T.'irpr tour lijst season Taniur broupht the mara to New-York, ar.d. representln. her io be a green >ai ?-? Iboui a re.Tord, aold her for ? rouad prii to Charlea V,>: latul. of the New-York Drlvlae. Cvb. Mr Wlll not reat avttii havlag -ectired the expulaloa of Tm r r. He wenl lo Albany yeaterday for the pur poag of proceedlng agalnal the horsemaa in the courta. ihe Board will probably i nd ita wurk to-day, m. ? TROTTRH8 AT $10.". EACH. BEVEXT.-S.VE n;:Ar> BOLD TESTEBDAT lOfl THIfl AVERAOB. k : gg*fl cemUaatlon Aale of troll i i ; came io an end yeaterday ln Madlaon .s,:n. Qarden. F*ew hlgh-claa. horaca areri otr^r i. an.l price. wera lower than at any aale of the aeaaon ln New-Yi rk. ?eventy-flve he.ij fetchtng or.'.y 17,938, an flverage of $1'". each. Tho urand ti I for tbfl four dayfl' was 5.':-..',_>. an averagfl of Jiw aach for tb. BO anl Bflala, Tbe one aotable ln.'ldent of yest. r_ay*a Bflla oc- ' curr.d w/ien the oM horse Lflbvnd araa broughi Into tle ringi He la one of the beal brad aoaa ol Itya dyfl/fl llambletonlan. and. althouRli twenty yeara old, i-; atlll *1gor_*_i nr.: -.v^ii preaarved, Lelaad I ? ? sir.. of the famour caaipalaner, Qeneva, 2:111 -, ? i other koo 1 Mr. RflUocg naid yesterday that >''.""o co.ild not iii'.'- bought thfl bav stallion al on^ tlme in hia llfe Nobfldy waatad him. however, ar, i he r.oul I hava been knocked down t'or $4'. ;. .1 w Oednay h_d not conaented to wlthdra?' hia bld th'ia permltllng the old horae to rMurn io -?? :, F^rd. wh*r? he was foni< I , BMBd tba r'-a- of hla llffl. Forrv an'mils from Itony Forl were s .11 v' tarday r..r t*jO*\ an averaite of only llni aach Mam fteld, 2;.'fl. ? a-.n ot llflssenger Duroc and Oreen Mountaln Mild weat for KO^. Followlng b a par tial list of the horsea floldi Thr prr-p?rTy nf Cflfltrlflfl _hM i(m:in fllnn- F'-r<I N*. y ? F.-n-lia. li. f . IVjI. by K*n'.'j.l.\ I'rlnrr? Rflftna Iv Wood'a Iiambl.tcniuii: \V D. ra"i*. N-x-Vork ... 2T<? Che?'nj'. rtliy 18K_ ty l'rlnc*~I_?agrry, M*ss?.nr?r Duroc; E K. ."t^vena, N'tn-VotW. ?j60 Atu...... br. f . jWi, iy Kmtucky Prince-Natllle. ly ll-rnblf,. man X: I- M, Hart. Nflw-Tnrk. 200 r: fll ? ?? r:. Iflflfl K?ntueky Prtnefl?Rotrtaa, Ly H>.ni<i*t-n:_n X. '.v. il. Hk>?gg, N.w-York 200 Ha>' r.'.ly !___, by Antonk-Marlett*. by I^l.inJ. C No'.an Ofth^n. N. Y. 201 Marit'.ta bu_ ra... lssn. Ly Utaad?Utalto, by K*n t_cl_>- Prmc* Frr1 WaCBofl, Iir.? ki'a. N. Y. 2*0 Iji.v c, r..-?-?-? b f. i*:g, iy Kentueky Prm-? r>atnc -. ty Hfln.bletcr.lafl X.. \\ H. Pa.l., N?? *. nn.. Manafl*!.. ch, *. 187*. by Ue.aent^r Duroe-Orflfln M.r'intaln Maid. by Wiii,.'. lt?rry dav. Pri.'ik Pi s. X'.v-Vork . __i, Th* tiropfrty of Rchert Hce. New-York: P!!.r M.'.-l, eli m., l^e by Bia^k Pllot-tflily Ii:n b*rt, ty Liaalel l_.rr.bert: Iraac Tt\i\r.k. New-Tork.. 830 T-liy of rrat;* Um* . V.Vfltfle;., M, m ' > * raflfl by Alryns. Crwrrs. br Aktr"* lAtA: P. 8f.Oflflch New-Yrrk. ... . 840 The prrpa-rty of \V. H. WtlUta. l|r.?|>n. .v Y ,; tfl, b, 1 , lsi*. by Tai'rvt'wn-Iiuby. bv fltart!*; ? .?? If, OfflflV .Vrtv.' Vo. <. y^, '.ro pit^ny of H. 8, \'A.-.<1?iburt, LUbaavi N. V ; ? l\ U J., .a. t. ln?!'. by I)*ur?iion-Jer.n.?, by Ha> I_UnBflrt; JflBB M("jutr? .\>w-York. 200 Hint to a Busy Man. Put on Your Holiday List Colgate's Perfumery. COLD dXD Sll.YE.'i IS DAXGER IIY EIRE, PUAMES in THE A.-SAY OTFICgr-OREAT BXCTTJ* MatXT, BtTT I.ITTl.t: DAMAOe. a flre waa atarted in rhe Aaaay CJtBe* tn Wall-at yeaterday i>y the aieiwaataag of a joumai to the depoalt awltlag roeaaj where K**t.0M ln buUloa waa i -.V. i before wltbdrawal for Bblaeaant to ;:.. ,.?. t< day. Th. naraaa followed the nll alo e tne ahafttng to the eeiiinr-'. whlcb eaoghl Ar*. and thi general r**utl wai a f*w raomenti ..f latenae eacltemaat game of tba ate* raabed for water, whlle othera engaged in n effort to aave the fcOW.OW ot 13,008,406 i:; gold Bnd Uver ....,- around the room. it r*p,ulr*d oaiy a moderati ',,,.,.:'?;.;?;,,r. of water to aatlngulah the flamcs, bul the bunrmg otl mad,- a nooA deal Of imoke, whlch poured oul throutfl the ercvteaa of tb* wlndowa .in.; attracted ap latereated crowd ln th* atreet An alarm waa aent out. but before th<- iir.m*n reaehed the bulldlng. .lames W. Coraa, the ?upetintendent, bad ordered tbe Mg Kron doora to i* doaed, an.l wben tbe englnaa cama eiatt.-rin.-; THB ASSAY 0FFICE. up the doorkeoner n fUBed to ndmit elther the flremen or anj policemen. Thbi unprccedented ic ti.m waa looked upon hy th- flremen aa more or li if ,,, an Blti mt to theii dlgnlty, und they threat ened to break their way in. They were then .: i irltted. but there wa. no need for thelr eeryicee. X it the leaal exclted persona ln the crowd which ha 1 gathered toutaid. ihe i to ed lo. ra wer. - i>r?-i tlva ef L. Von ri Co. and Laaard I rei ?-, tor whom the 12.400.000 of ?oId wa. bcmg aasaye... ,: paratory to ahlpment. They were much eaer ?t-ed leat the aecldenl would a deiay to thelr flrm., and poa.lbly bring about aew later* natlonal compllcatlon.. . Sp'-aking 01 thi- tir- aft' r the exr-lt-rTK-nt had '.il sided Mr. Coraa aald: "i'he whole thlng wai in half an riour. It delayed the wl^thdrawalB of aold whlcb had been engaged only aboul that tlme. Ihe damagi wlll be leu then ItCO. perhapfl on.y ta The belta of the raaeblafery were burned. thnt i. all Thr butldlag'ia owr aeven ty year. old, hav In. been bulll in ISB, There has never been a nr*- before, ao far as i know. in tbta parl of the isaay Offlce; that ta. the fmnt bulldlng conuinina th aasaylng and execatlye rooms. The on.y prevl oua lire was in the rear bulldlng, contalnlng ttw reflnlng department. We bave. at the preaent time, altogether aboul J20.'~a'<''.000 In gold and al.ver al the tsaay Offlce. Mobi of this la gold bara ind eom, the silver amountlng to only 4*>V"U ouncs FATAL RESVI.T OF A FIOBT. DEATH OF A MAN V. llo WAS NI'KI.M IN THB i:vk on THAXatBOIVIXQ mhiinim; Korti AKBCgTI MAi'i". Jam. s Healy, th!rty yeara old, formerly a walter in Harfa restauraat, In Thlrd-ave., near One-hun dr.-d-aiil-tw.tity-iifth-.--t., dled yeaterday al Harlem 11 apltal from a fraeture of the skull caus,-1 by a k!ck In the eye ln a quarrel on Thankaglvlng morn? lng. I-'our arresta in th*. case wero made laat niKht. About 3 o'clock Thankaglvlng mornlng Healy weal in- * liart's restauraat Intoxleated, and haldlng bta haixl over hi. right ey*., where ba BBad h" had beer. k.. k?"d "by a frlenh" He refuaed to say who the frlend wus. Letet h*> male the remark that Jame M.-Kown, a mllkman, who wa. a frlend of hts, waa in the crowd wben he was hurt. Healy ro.e early next mornlng and v. ,..;-.?? i to Harlem Hospltal. where a* remalned tlil he dled. Whlle at the hospltal he was vlsited by Henry IIIU, n fellow-WBlter, to whom he aald that a negro bad k'ek'd him. The pollce of the Kast One-hundred-and-tw.tKy elxth st. atatlon wore Informed of Healy'a death nbout noon yeaterday, and tho arrests follOW I. At the atotlon-bouae lt waa learned that McKown, who is a well*to-do mllkman. at No. 1,821 Fultoti ave., Tremont, had .. long-standlnB; grudga agaln.I wiiiiam Thlera. a bartender ln Bmith'. aaloon at Thlrd-ave. and . 'n.-hiindred-and-lw.-ntv-sixth-st. On Thankaaivlng mornlng he and Roberl Brown, roiore.i, oi < tne-huadn d-and-aeventy-seventh-st. and Arthur-ave., who baa a repatatton ... a prlae* flghter, went Into .Smiih's aaloon anl tried to ralse ? dlaturbance, but were ejected. They wen- talk ing al One-hnndred-and-twenty-.lxth-at. an.i Third a\e. when Healy, latostcated, came bv an.i accoated them. Healy got into a nght wlth M.-Kown an.l was gettlng th. beal of blm whea the negro ln lerfered, nnd. aa alleged, struek lum down wlth a ? .irn- and aftei war I kl> ited hlm Ip the i r< ? Taomai Dolan, ,i brtcklayer of N... l Mfl Park ave., and Oeorge Wpaal in, a butcher, who llve. *t the Emplre House, rrne-hundred-and-twenty-thlrd Bt. and 'l 1.ird ave.. who w.-r. ln tha aaloon when .McKown went lu there, were arreated aa wltnesaea McKown and Brown were lorked up charged with ? aualng Healy a death. BBPUBLICAR8 AT THE STATE CLUB. MAW Arri.IirATIONS POR Mi:M!!i:i:SII IP .<; BNl!:.\ 1. I.A ORAWQg OH CITT POUTtCa Large aecaaaiona to the R*pub:ican State Club, at No. a Eaal Twcaty-aecoad-Bt, ar.- belng re red, -:. i lt la eapectad tiiat thli amoclatlen ...' itcrilng Itcpublicane wi'l be Increaaed b< ia manj n .??? i.ew member. before tha end ot tha yeai The parlora of the Hobhouae were fllled laal evenlng by well-kaowa cittvena, many of whom were recogn aed a* mllltant membera *.f the Antl-Machlne i: , . ? Org*ntaatlon, ..f whlch Joha K Mllbo'.land vai prealdent. a^x-Aaaemblyman Thomaa tl. R ibertsoa, of th* XXXIvth Aaaembly Dlatrlct, preatded al tbe meetlng, and <;e,.i?e Ludwtg, of tbe XXVth \* aembly iiiitiict. was tbaaacratary. ln tbe eouraa of the evenlajg aboul two bantdred and flfty appllca? tiona for tnembershlp Ib thu Btate Chib were mad. The IndlcatloQl were aa many mor- WOUld be made m n Bhorl tlm* B$bbbBjBb arati artae* hy ur. Milhoiiand, Q neral 0 i; La Oraaga, Colonel campbell, i>r Qaarga W'Ullam U'liit.iburn, Thomaa IL John Gaffney II. 1?. Petty an.l orhers. Uetu.ral I^i Ornny. ma.i. a rins.n^ addreaa, in whlch h? dadared that if proper m?tho.l.a i-.ere emnloyil Ihls dty COUld be mada permanently RepubUcan, H was tlme. he aald, tnat the fr.eada and advo.-aie. of honest pollf.cs Uld BBlde faebla and lrelYer.tual meana of l*.ili:.g with ibe enerjay, and adopted ihe jii^n ..r flrhtinj- the devll wlth tlie. If the real and true who want to dethrone boisism In th n town would miik* a a.r.slble uae of the'r advai - tagea; ihe 'Jeneral felt Biire tbat they ,-ould d* stroy the gr , .,' y. . h:r.e polltlrlans upon the or!on. and make i Tammany reatoratlon ln the eity of Kew-Tork imposaible. ? Jeneral La 'Iranae. bafora e.ttlng down, aaid the proviaion or th* RepubUcan city con.t.tu t.on whlch dis-ol'.'-I a momber'a'.on wlth the organlaatlon as eoon as ho was appolnted ;0 tin offlre had work'-d onlv to w.-aken the oruan.7. . tlon and Impair tho ?oI:tl al u^efulness of ... 1 Repablrcan* in thought tha e.-.ii?titut:on in th s rrs;,eet ahoulj bo ami'ii !<? :. BO UORr: BOXtXB BATOBBB W BT. Lnris. It. I...ulB. Dac. 6-Ti're wlll he no more h.-ixln>. matchea between pi ifeaatooala ln thi. elty. Ti.u- la tha announ?.':..? Iti raadfe by ''hi*f Harrigan li n M to neWipaper. denotnrin. .ueh ,:onteits rPTi*t**Qt )fooney. of .jae Uufinea* AJ. n'a iliu ?ertfged a bbtlna tournameni ?, r-ike plaea n: I'hria'H u?v* |a*t ntxht. a iqaa wer. pr?aeni oni forMde the oaateata Thu will have tb* effae: ol stoppli.g ajvorrlaed ixii.inrj :... i,' Ifaber, Sullfvaa anri other trigiiist* ' READY FOR A B1XISB ROOM. BOTH THS ITOCK AHB COXBOUDATEB F.\ CHAKOSfl CLEARIXa TIIEIH DBCItJ POB ACTKK*. j.,,.-..,,. :- ..-'? belai Biade on bolh tba Bb k and Cona .lldati I exehsag for han IMng anv boom in mlnlng aharea whlcb may ??a their way. At ,,.. Bta k Exchangi a proposltloa ta erecl a ataad ,ri for ihe beaeill of dea'.era ln mlains itockfl, who now hav- ti i ral on th? Boor, la under ,-, t, ' i ratl . ' tl C ?"? ."i"" oa L'Bllsted Bl ieh i . , , , ; ., i ittng on the advlsablMty of admlttlag , .-. n| iai ? to the prlvll?g?s of thi Ba ' ai . : ti . Ba i iBga the Commlttee ? n Mlnlng Bceurltlea has declded to elear away the ,;, idwood and itrtke ?tt from It.a li.t the names of many defuacl and laa ipaalea whlch now . ti rumb. r lt Accordlag to th. rule. of tba i aehaagea Blxty daya' notl e mual bc glvea bef ire a company'. name mav _ wlthdrawn, Tbe commlttei has there ? ! | , . llatS, .a Wlll be liropp.".] altogether afl r February 1 and ? ...,..;:. : -' "suapended Ilat" aad aot "called" Bfter February 1. excepl oa de "i iad .._.__ Among th at< ks named in these two llsta are ;-i v whlch ' few y ara ago were the ccntrea ol v. IUI peculatlon and whoae namea were almoat told worda. Thoae whlch are to be dropped .-. are Argenta, Bechtel, RbbsI k, Bradshaw, lidated Pac'ftc, Carson Rlver Dredging, Co lumbia Mlnlng. Dei Monte, Dlana, El Crlato, Exc I alor Gold and Sllv .. Klko, Emmett W. and M., Free land Found Treaaure, Orand Prlae, Oold Strlpe, Iroa Hlll. K aauth, Martln Whlte, u iall r, M mi Dlablo, Mutual M. ind B., Navajo, North Belle lale, l roustltc, Rappabannock, Reward M. and B., Sutro Tunnel, Butro Tunnel truat certlflcates. Burinam, Ban flebaatlan, Bulilvan, Scornlon, Tloga, Lnlted Cop i r. Wall Btreel M. and M. Thoae to be relegati 1 to the "auapended llst" are Auguata M. tad I., t<"th atock in i bonda, Columbla and Beaver, Cleveiand Tln Mlnlng, Colchls, Hc'.tma, Holyoke, Hector. Lee Haaln, Monte <'r??to. OiieBtal nnd Mlller, I'l'ini". Roblnson Conaolldated, Ruby Bilver bonda, St r mount, Bllvei Queen, Saatlago, Bhoshoae, Trlo aad Torn ido. A BROTBEB WBO WOULD2TT FOBGIVB. IX! ISTED THAT TIIE OTHER BHOLXD BE KKU. TO AX8WER POR BTRHCfXCI HUI. | I. ?.'.?;_ B, Blnase, .... I forty-elght yeara, aa at .,'' No. 113 Basl Twenty-flrst-at., brought hla broth.r. Cbar>a IV. Bloaae, aged forty-aix yeara, a retlred buslaesB man, of No. 100 Baat Bev .?:.(?. nth-a;.. before Maglstrate Craae, la Yorkvlllfl Courl yeaterday afteraooa on a aummona, Lewla i.a.i a much-dlscolsred eyfl, th,:r be said waa tbfl rcsull >ii a blow from Charies'i Rat, Ha aald th.-y ha.l .some worda regardlng Bnaacial mat lera on Wedaeaday, and hlfl brother assaulted blm, 1 and hfl want--1 i::::i BUBlflbfld, BflCb brother wa* represeated by coua_el. Cbflriea d.d not deay his brotber*a aceuaation. "Thla la too bad," aald Magiatrate Crane. "Vou Beem to tie reapeetabla metf, of good aenae; now, ; why oan't you rettla thi matter right bare?" "i'm willing to do anythlag in my p wer," aald lh< accuaed man. "Our mother is lylng dangrerous ly ill. anl I it wuiild kill her if flhe knew of this.'1 "Well, on your own admlsslon, i thlnk \ ?u ahould ftpologlse t.> your brother," aaid th-? Maglstrate. "i'.-s. I adiu:t I .iii wrong." reapond.:.! ? h irles. I "I am aorry i".- it, and w:il apologlz* Lewis, i _.-i; your forglveaess," sad he extenued hia hand. Leswla Igaored It. Then hia counsel aald that, wini.T he appreclated th-- Court'a klndly meant ef forts, >??' there w.-re thinga back of tnia that pre 1 clu le l .rn ..ii hand aettlemeat. The Maglstrate said while he dlda'1 waat io Beem Bfflcloua, ne belleved they would both be better aatlsfled to ehake handa _?.?! make up. "For your OWn Bakes, foi the aak.' of your fr.ends. of your mother, aettle the matter right here and now and depari as frlenda. aa w<-.i as brothers." ina Lewla h. il out and on proaecuttng Charlea. rio tii.- Maglstrate entertalaed ? .-om p.aint. held Charlea tn *_0U ball and paro'.ed him in iii.- cu.tody of _ouo.el to brlng a bondaman this moralBg. I "CBEAP UOXEY" 1BEOBIE8 Dl.SSE' II D. EX ' ON IRBSSXAX J06EPM >' RKaTDftlX TALKfl OB | TIIE Bl'BJECT BEFORE BOCHEBTER BANKER8, Ri liester, Dee. 1?Tba bankera of Rochester held a b&nqoi t to-ntght at th... Oeneaee Club, where ex Congresaman Joaeph C. Headrlx, of Brooklya, ? pretaident of the Natloaal l'nlon itank, of New York Clty, dellvered an addreaa on "Cheap Money riiz.a," aa lllufltrfltfld by the Bgltfltlofl tor the' :i ? colnflgfl ".' Mr. Il.ndrlx aaid in part: Uke all .-hea;. money craaea, '.hia oae atarted ln | th-. notloa that the bankera and capltall.ti are 1 aggln.t tne people. Bul ihe Amenean people i tn.nk Btralgbl when they get thelr facta itralght. Thej llatened patiently, aad gave tha Questlon tba , benefll of thelr commoa-aease. To ihe lurprtflfl of the free-sllver agitators, the prlcea .<t ad alaplea ii^ai: t i nae, ano they had t>. explaln it na aaothar trlck of thut myatertoua "money power." whosc cltadei, abldlng plaee and Identlty ire alwaya lefl to th.. Imag.natton, Tho v power" la a Popullstlc term for the law . i] .dy and demand. Then .r was ahown lhat, Inatead nf tbere beinc; i | .al lach : mone) attainable. ti.ere was moro in .... >? a--, klng Inveatment ln thla country an.l abroad than there fl i-- ever before, and that thoae wh.i had anyth.ns of value upon which lo borrow m iney cou! l gel it al rerj am ill osl Thfl Bpeaker revlewi i the eftlrmatlon that there waa nol gold enough l ? ?." the bualneaa nf tba world, ani ? lowrd thal there waa not gold, allv.r, iil.el, conper anl braaa eaoogh for purpoa.. He rldlouled tn.- apecloua tppeal thal waa made ii "Natloaal prlde" thal xx i ahoald not allow Eng land in dlctate ..a- atandard of value, We mlght aa well talk of England aa dtctatjpg ui preference for pure ii.' and aunahine, tbe laa of gravlfy .md our tondnesa foi wheai bread; f".- when we waat a atandard .f length or welght, we have to rake tboae . thlnga thal hav length flad welght. Gold. ir waa urgoJ, waa ra.- money of th" rlch, ...? i iUver th.- money <.f iba poor. Therefore, ther Hhoui.i i.e more Bilver, Bul tba averaga .itizen eofl tended thal t> the .Ment of aarnlnafl i.otii rieh an.l poor g>i the Bame money, and all of it iva< BOW a* good as gold ani moreover tht- rlch man used the bank chackfl and the poor man eaah, -i tha: mone) waa chlefty in the poor maa'a haada. 8o tbla argnmflflll went lame. The *[it'_ker eloaed as followa: lt ia u gr^nd flpectaclfl tfl *ee a whole natlon flfl> i ii. aith eonOdenos a dlfBeull fluestion. lt u a battle of tha atandarda aml a ("ght to th. lirvih The cbaap money epklemlc ieemn to have v. rked I ira own cure. No alngle new eOBVert amon_ the | publlc men of oui' eountry has been rnade. 'Aotuo | I former udvecntes ef fiee ailver have flltered thelr , viewa. Th" be:.T answera to the .igitatora have : . .me f.-.-m thi thlckflflt of the flght. The recent ! r electlons went agalnat fre.--ailvtfr eardl late*. Ther.? l la :-. . threal of aay free-colaagfl leglal.ition at thli i of CoagraflB, aml the alectlOBfl >.r tlfli mu.t tflll ua bow to nnla'i the Btory of OBH of the mu>t -tir.g or all th.- chcap-moaey movement. ln hlatory. "* T|? i v; ir rXiAl BBXIBB TO PVBBAXT. Baa Fraa, iffleo, Det l?e Murphv hla mom ? Qli I the f..r fl new trlal n -he ,-;iae af U II T. iJurr.iiit. OOBVlfltfld Ol thfl murdi r - f HhTM-ii. Lraont, and order?d tbat ha be lurm i i la th. ...ri-.. ..' .-'in Quentia Penltentlary ? ???" untl! thi daj flxed fur paaabtg flaateaca usoa i . ii->- ' | roveJ the x i i "i ine Iury, li behii tha oaly one tht: could hava been i ? | i ler the clr um la ? Phi lef. u ?? gave i ,.; an ap;. ,.i DR. II. Y. SA TTERLEE ELECTED THE K1W DtOC*m*M OF WASHINOTON CK0088I HIM FOK BISHOP. ?..; H -rm: lUCCTOn OI' ? ALVAl'.Y rlltlHH IN THIS CTTT-THg CiiNVirN'riON lUMtfaaaYH ITS KYMI'ATMY FOR TUB AttMr.NiANS Vfaahlngton, Dee. 9. Th- (Ur. Dr. Henry Y. Iai (,,-?*.. rector of Calvary Church, ?w-York. was elected Btebop of th- new I'loc--)'* of Wa-'mngtor. on tn.- founh to-day, reMlvtog fofty-**" ***** ,,?? 0f ., total ..f Bixty-threo. The Rev. Dr. M-icim. one of the eandldates, raovad to maa* nr. Satterlee . etc ItlOB iin.Hilmoiis. Whleh was done. The iiloeeaan Convention. Juat before electlng Dr. ?etterlee Hlshop this afternoon, unanlnioUJ>ly adopt ed the followlng reaelotloa of sympathy wlth tho Arrr.'tilanq: Reaolved, Thnt this primary conventioni of we I>rot..ata.U Kpls.-ipa! Church ln th ? D}***** ? Waahlngton extend lo the Armenlana to .****?***. and A-.latl Tur* ; theii **\^**}JFf*}*Wto** fearful peraecutlona through whleh ********?b*. paaalng, and that the parlihea k lh aw dkambi reo.ue.ted K) make ? voluntary collectlon to be glven to th- Armenlan Commlttee la rfew-Torg. As pfopoead, tba reeera.*** ca;."d on Congreaa to uae Ita fulleat powera to a?oure to Abbbt Ican mlBBtonartea and rtvttlana la Turkey the mo.t i . lecurlty aad pr lectlon to peraoa and prop? erty. Many dll***tei COB*ld*f*4 thla 8 refleetlon on Pl ||d ni .1. ar.d It w.i- Bpeedtly inodified b> .... lubatltutton of th.- word. "exe-utive aathortty of the Government" ln?t**d of "* ?"*"??*?? . . Om of the moat promlnent of the lay **:***?%!: .t. c. Bancroft DavlB. three ABBlatant.8 tary of State under R epub l? ran a drala b ra lloi ia. n..t only oppoaed 'hla ?< tlon I eauaad it to > "tricken out. but declared from bi. long e*nertence ln the diplomatlc affalr I th^n fthht .uch reaolutlon. embarraaaed aad baiapered the ?'-'? ttve inatead of trengthen ig Ita lunda i ? encoiir agtng IU action. Though dlfferlng m polltlcal faith Socretary Olney, h? utld b bad confldei that ofllciar. abllity, Integrlty and con?c:entloua determlnatlon to do everythtng poaalble for th pri ??.it Amerlcan Intereata everywher*. rl. rould voucli that there wa. no ncoe.alty for re* ng .Mr O.ney to exert hla fulleat authorlty tn the matter. Mr. Davla'a remarka were eatauBlaaU* cally Indoraed by all the d*legatea The Rev. Dr. Henry Tatea Batterlao, the rector of Calvary Protestanl Epiacopal Church, Twenty flrat-at and rourth-ave., this elty, wha was yaa* terday elected Blfbop of th" new dlocese of Waah? lngton, i? tall and commaadlng in iigur,-. wlth iron gray ha.r and beard. iie has aot beea promlaantly identlfled arlth any of the achool. of churchrnan ahip. but bi generaKy looked upon as a eoaaervatlva churchman. Hc aucceeda la tha rectorshlp of Cai vary Church th* Rev. Dr. Waahburn, tbe acknowl adg. i leader of the eo-called Broad Church party. Soon after h>- took charge of Calvary Church the Rev. Dr. Satterlee aald when a?k<d wbetbei he wa. a Hlgh or Low Chur. hmaa: i aerioualy object to beinr/ labeii. <i as belongln* to aay one achool of thought in the Church. 1 prefer to be free aad untrammell. I. In aome thlnga i auppoae i am a Hlgh Ch u hmaa, ln othera Low and m other. Broad. I Haitn the rlghl to llve up to tho eomprelienslvencss allowed in the ('hurch. and tO hold the truth as I s.e it, no matter by what name tt may be called." Dr. Satterlee wos born ln this city on January 11. UUS, and was graduated from Columbla College ln LSU, und from the den. rai Theoloclcal Semlnary of thla elty three year* later. ln 188* he waa ordalned deacon ln the Proteatant Bplacopal Church, and the followlng year was made prleat He waa the as sistant rector of Zion Bplacopal Church at Wap pingers I-'alls. N. V . from ISijii to 1*7"., and wa* its rector from IflTS to May. ItH, wirn he became the i-r.-tor of Calvary .'hurch, this city, whlch place he has beld ever sin.'.- He recelved tho degree of Doctor of Divlnity from I'nlon Collcgo ln IfceZ In I8M he w.i-? elected to be Aaslstant Bishop of Ohlo. and on Pebruary 12, 1889, h.- wa* elected Bishop of Mlchlgan. Both booora he decllned* Tlu- Rev. ? Dr. Satterlee has been actively Inter eati i In the R copal .'hurch Congre... the Paro chlal Mlaalons ar.d Temperance movementa anl in home and forelgn mlaaionary work. li" la a Huent n :?," : I ..n energetlc organlaer. \\'h-n a Trlbune reporter called at tbe rectory of i 'a.-.- iry Church la.t nl^-lr' '.., was informed that he CO l.d nor .ee Dr. Batl I To a queatlon aa to whether Dr gatterlee knew of hla electlon ai Blahop of VVa.blngton, a member of Dr. Satterlee* famiiy aaM thal be waa first In form : of th.- fact early ln tb* day. "Hla electlon waa a greal .urprlae to hlm He knew nothlng aboul it untll h<- r.ived an eommunication from the commlttee i ppointed to inform hlm of his tlon to-day." .^lii tir.- reporter* Informaat "Haa Dr Satterlee accepti I rh.- honor?" "That .pi.-tion," rep.ted the young w >man, "wi'.l not I.- declded untll the committee comea to this citv to euif' r wlth hlm about It." Dr. Satterlee wlll give the mitt^r aertoua thought at-.d may not reacfa a .1 clalon for Beveral wceks. YALE DEFBAT8 I'RIXCETOX IX DEBATE. THY. REFEREXDUM QUE8TION DECIDED Cl TI.'K KKOATIVK. Prlnceton, S. J., Dee. ii.?Valo and Prlnceton met In debate her- this evenlng and the battle went to fale. Th* debate waa held la Alexander HalL The queatlon was; "Reaolved, That lt would be wlse to esr.ibliah in reapeel to all leglalBtlon of a general eharacter a ayatem of referendum sitnilar to that eatablfaihed ln Swltaerland. ' i'rlncttoti had tl, .:' ;iv<- and Val" the nega tlve. The debatera for Prlnceton were A. H. Hamll? ton, of Bchenectady: R. B. Perry, of New*York City, and R. O. Klrkwood, of Tonkera, and those ror rate were i'. r. Clark, of Brooklyn; A. Kice. of Danvers, Mass., and K. H Hcvey, of Daa Molnea, i iwa .;.ga Orey, 'Z'\ prealded, and tlie judge:. were Charlea C. !<? iman. Jamea C. Carter and Praacla Llnde Stet.on, of New-Tork City. Followlng the debate tbat* was a banquet at tbe Princetea Inn. 0VBBT8 AI' LEADIXO BOTELB. Q od buataeaa continu.j.l to rule at the leading ho tela yeaterday, aad afforded further avldaooa tha; the hard t.m.-s are a thln? of the |iaa>t: AI.ItKMARI.K. IIOl-K.MAN .1 n. Wllllama, V. B. A. R. C *tePh*raoa, ctrieaBBi. ,r. s. tTbeeler, Zaneevllte, l? Lowenthal, Rocbeater. Ohlo. I >'' A. Hill, Roaooke, Va. Mr-. .1 u. Wllllama, Waab- B. P. HteBman, ataaaai lrigt,.n. ,.''l,t>' .1. W. liennlng, Tuiedo, ,'?? Hughea, Byracuae. .1. A. Ooodrlch. Bchenectady A Nv Bmllh, Atlaaia. .1. KatBenberger, Memphla. ?' ''? rarrell m wlfe, Al It. R, rjaunt, Montreal * ?y. > !. War. * wlfe, Miltoa. **? * gua?H, Lyaa, Maaa Dr. II. 1'. .i.-Kiu-s .v wlfe. Ullton. IMPERIAL Misa ii. i? JaejUM, alllton.lW, ?.. Can rlghl Bufralo r. Jaquea, Miir, n. r*. C, Wllaop, Hart, .i , t\ ?'.. I'lt.h. I'hiladeiphla RROADWAT ' I-.NTltAI.. W. 1' J.,..|. Iterldan, w. .i Khabarly & wife.' ''" IIMUMI --, .1. A MelM, it. Loul.. .t i: n smith. Montreal I.' A. Hii.k, . O !'. ly-tr. I'rOMOence. : li. Wlae, Phlladelphla 1 ?' ? l II. ndcraon, Uuiti mon ii*.-.. i' M. rTaaa * wlfe, Bprtng T";';' , , fleld. M..3- I '.- >.,1 ,,v"'"'? Oaa M .in* w Elllaon. Rlehmond. Va. ,'v "?"?"??.."?w-rlavea i g Tobltt. Clnclnnatl *' *????. Memiun.i. PARX A\i:.vtK. H.'iiry, Altofjna. F. C. aVagg * Wlfa, Hart ford. C P. M iwea. Bt. Paul. W. C. VV. Oonnera, J.ckson vllla, I Penn. Pla. ??. .J VVlncbeeter EUbrtdge s r. Hiini-'. Byraeaaa w? T i s Crawford tt wlfe, ?*? M. Bllerbaek, BaU i-ake ri . ielphia. Cl}) i.i. Voung a. wlfe. Bltenvlll. A ?' Iteach, Phlladatpbla N. V. Br. II 1'i.inklin X.-.,: m wifr i:,,....,, ? . r,.u. Mra w, irvin. Parl ??' B ManvlUe, Waterbun i:i:t\s\vii'K. T. Clara, i.on.i'ti. U.CaTnXnTile ?A%''?**~> **?* **% ?%- >y '.,. ,1;' .k y * Mllae. Albaay. MIm Un*. Phlladelphla. II ..' .?.,....,.i i>r,,i..,.?... Mra. W. I'hllndelphla. Conn mrtngeDon, ,,[ll^.? "?'?'? PM'ad91 sr. jam::s. Mr* ind Mlaa Deale, l'lola- C. A. Btarn A wir... !:.^i0n lelpl ? ^\ .- i- itar* in, Mi nlreal. ? - -? ? ?? ? ." w v. 11.-, I .os I- C. I.ufkln. UBffalo, i>. J Ueary ?>u c::> \\ . 0. i ii.T!?i;i, aaunirrai. ? ? ?? ?"...). *mi . Ity. a B. K.a.-M??"". An klan.l, ' -Sl: ?. Tttuaville. Maw /. iiii.'i ?? ' ? I'ra.iir) ^.. ?,f,. wn,. M. ii.-n Irte .<-. wlfe. ItamU , ?'?'"?? ". i"ana<] i ;'.- 'J,-, t?arn. iu. st. i. .-?;. Mr* ii. J. ' Walker, '?', ?? Ulcbaitiaon, Sea Or i- ii !?'?:, hla lean*. ',,. K' V'.';'^'- Phlladelphta, DUCKINOHAM. ? '? j*hiillp*. I'iilla.lelphla :, Dougherty, Ph.ladel IV^w^XhamV'ffi ?:'' New-llttvin ' ' v 1 \l . _. .. V..?. ? ''" ''' T. :' M \ I. Maann, N*>w| m i. M ? fl ??? porl Mia I' ii Ni 11 ii, . u;.??r tl? BTtTRTgrV \.\r. r. ?irw.iuw. :::,i,ir.i. Mrs. II .|,,tl?:, ,,..Iro,. It P, l'll?. Shirt lllba. Mlsa ll. Norton, Buu? rt|e?. .,,?;?? 'V'i!' ;" Ma. .i Efflnger, Purtland. T V'V " ' "? Ba.ttmore. Mra M I- naaders, Port-,?,.,.; I",,'r' ?l.n*gefcj m":""wuwiiw, .-i.i.inr.ii. \v' i'.'',.1'"":;.',- Ilgghjaan. Mn a i. Ubbey .BanimlL Ia'k". raaaiaMiOi. Firnt Avrxt i: wauiuhk. Ueiit-nnnt-C'oloncl Turntiul. , s \%.1,']"' .M,"?lr?al. Qu?be.. i . ?,,1,'pp?'?, -^verpoat w. i. rraahtmra, Bl Paul 'ir u ueVF4* 1 r**,Sf**?' W. 1. U?in, DoMon. '? "'u,,s' u"??-o. rjtxgrr " -"nowmn*. Oeneral E. A MeAlpIn, Al '.' Pr&^hJSSPat I . , >' f.rica. . uaoBUala. Par.n. P. M Baker. Ii,,r.?i. ' ,,'.: i'u"".v 1 ***** Mc R. M Baker, i - .'. M M ?;; in, II al ,n. B, K ir.ei l i. M Rgan, Bt I'uui. r p Tnomai, Cl.veiaad W. I . Co lv. Ul. |l.,at. Ii A. N Howard. Pii.aDmg. 1 i Barnard. H..atnn. .t BranUt. Itl. ii:r,..i, i \- . Kaysport, r*nn. W U llnmihon. Pitta burg ab - B Avanalt. All.n- . lowa ?taa I. g. Moi-tr. Alien lawa Il|chai.?i1 V... v!1*4,' . \ "'?'?? A .'.?ntown. ORAKPLXION 'i.,; ' *******>] . : n . l il. .1 Bl -. CreM " u ABbley, Wilk-ab.irre Biirrl ?? M II ??. , : ,n*l B ' . ,,. , ,? ? T W, II ... v m T VV. tl -, ? M ! . . '.. .' 1-, li. ?i ii. ?M i" h I wlfa u ,'ii laan*] ' M lleiimaa, Rtadtng, ^'. M ..-..Tl. Ulll -hl,,!,!..,,, ' B, il. wl ii .1 NVvr-Dedi r: M i--. t line* i UOtviOAT i.irrs. I'Iik Belecl l?-fort> tt.* ru*h or a??nrtn\ant l. I imttura | B*ple4e8. 45 W. ^IJ Stiaa. LUNDBORG'S Lundborg's Perf_me?, etr., are alwaya; tn chastc and artistic parkages corrc nponding with their quality, whicli ia iinaurpansed. and make most n'r-eptable gift? for nnv season r.nd f?peei:llv flg CHRISTMAS. 60M) IIV Af I. DKALERB. HAVE YOU A BOY AI COLLEOE ? IF SO, SEND HIM The Century Dictionary -AND ^?^Cyclopedia.^^ "'Twill be :i wonderful help to him, througliout his college car. er and all his attcr life. To obtain this greatett relereno.- book of the age it is only necessary to join The T/ribune Club. Sec adv. on page 4. Reed & Barton Silversmiths. A great rariety of Solid Silver ware prepared for the Holiday Season. We would call e pecial attention io our Enamelled Silver. Our line of Euamela inciudea flowera in natural eolora, Ian4* ?oapea, auimals, .nut oopiei o( noted paiiititiga, executed lu the bigbett ityla ot the art We ara prepiii'ril to furnfali Cresta, Coats (rt' Arnia, toenea of bunfe ing, golflag, ?'i *.. or nnv otbea ipeeisl irork tbat may be rv> ipiiied. 37 Union Square, N. Y. 13 Maiden Lane, N. Y. Bootii's Pocket lolaler Oatfit. Rev. Dr. Ptter Stryker teritet: N>?r Torfc, 1 UBB, Att"r ustng ByatBst for ? raa two n r its Bflflcta upon many others, i wlsh to * ??? - f ,i* to itf. marNa i . ? ? i ma. cauurrh, aad Broii i '? r.'lief. v.iun other r?m*<1l*B Bsd r. ?;lv^? nronnlas of 1 BBa ly Bflal rm '? Bttjr, I r.-.a-- _.'.il. lt ha. bflflfl Ol n Ktrtng daarn-BB and Haatlelty . ind Btaflaa. PbTTEF! UTRTKI P_Btor of 3-1*11 st. K-.-t im- i ? .- -. N * for*. We tktim /**? ffVOMBf, tke Amttrolim "Dey A ir" Brrxkwwat, and pr Booth's Pocket Inhaler Oatfit $1.00 that It wlll lmm^.llately relieve and pr y Cswa Catarrh. Asthma. Br iBchltla, Lar) Couaha, Ootda and ali PBimonary an. Br inchlaj trouble.s. XVe nrttr >on to cnll lo <nlk tlu- nuilt?*r over aml to r*)***.xrn ? irlnl irentmrni Ir.'.'. >\ e toll llootli'B I'ooket Inhnlrr Oullit. a-niaplfle, for BtJBBs aonalalluic of I'liohet Iiiliul.r im.i.le ?if ala'oaloriaed luir.l rnlibi'r, licn i.i! I u ll> |?ol lakaaDa a i?oiile af ll.oiii'l. n .Iroinir. md dlre.'llmiH for ualaor. I'nmphlct B*M8l Ir.-c. Any kramgtat haa it. ar aaa get B f r l ?. U F*B imalnt. Doa'i br perauflda i lato buylaa a aaa Thara l!" aothln_i like it un lha ?. . ? R. T. BOOTH, 18 East 20th St. (!T_{^S5), New York. For *_'..? in .\>w Y..rk bjr th?i f_CI_?r__8 dn___ii ?' ?TnUaaa tYUaaa, aa Bh wai Bay. cr. v. ..; Bt. .i*.i . st. i.'Iil >r. 841 > Aatflf HflflUM I'h?.nr.ii -f. I . ? i Bl I ) Bt, IViry'i rharniaoy, Bun Uulldtac, Ksaaea I B_f Bfl'fl ln .f^rs-M- t'itv li\ llns^r.,. llartnett. eor. MaBUBBaBBfy 8B_ \Ya.Ti-r. .-'*. Par *a> ln Brookljrfl by Boltofl l>rut Ofla, 2.'.l--'7? PBU -n ICi BM 9 ?'? - S'-t -T:i-"> Ptatbiiah Av*., _n.i 237 < luml . Si A/?%V%*/%%'%%^%1cVt.'**%*% **f Scribners' t Serial Story } frtf 1S96 w:!l bc bv T- M. i Barrie, antbor of the Etmoui *\ ??Little Ifjaihttr." j $3.00 a year. J aW %%%*V%%,%*A, BAf% *jy*AA*y^% % X fW r. %T. UHOv.rn, DBAMOND3, FRECIOCB STO.XCS. r.?.MS . srECIALTT. XO. UT JOUN 9T. SYPIIER ft CO., at 2Sth St. aad t'lfta Are niii'. bavo Juat rpcolvcil a o>l'.ivt!on of rare aiuiiiuc l.uH'ii. Aiit'i)ue btpNtfttaj u!so. tBUBt rXtVmphtB || o'.d Froneh fAirn'.tiiro, LABBB XIV, XV. XVI. OIi' ItiMan FK-nlsh nnd Enjclisa caread oak. old Englsh sllvor, _Nl Vantine's Teaa art good. 877 & 870 BR^ADWAT. ?1