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HOME NEWS. PROMINKNT ARRIVAIaB AT THK HOTKLS. M.iiKM XIvI.I'-Ar.-hhlshop Irelaml of Mtaae aota. an.l Oeneral John Q Parke, l nlted 0 iatOB Arr.iv CAMBRIPGE Colono BatoUel 1 ColL ol Rhoa> laland. FIFTH AVKNt'E-Ea-Ooyernor t'har'. ; r.-t.-i und Wllllam M. Hshn, ol ohlo; ?''< Stnator Henry Q Davla. of Weat VIrgtnIa,.and rt Oovernor C. H. Bawyer. cf New-Hanwhlre HOw LAND?Jamea H. !?:ekole, C. >ntro , r of the i ui rency; ex-Senator Lyman U. Caaiy, of Norta ua kota and Bamuel lt. Thayet; forrni ^ *,"'v ?' gtatee Mlnlater lo the Netherlarda HOrFMAN Aaalaunt PoatmaBter-General ChAxrto* Nelkan. MURRAT Hll.'.- .i.i Ige J. s- .1-,"'",,1l. v?? Vork tady. and Ollberi Bajbertaon. ^Ao?i 1 vrii__ud?e State Hoar.l of Arbltratlon NORMANDIK--.Iu dae J Henry Metcalf, of car.andalitua. N. V. fAKJj gVEXI'E Oeneral Thomaa L, Coaey. ' ptte i Btatea Armv. anl Jtidire Wllllam U 1/earaed. ol Albany. WALDORr ConarenamanJohn M Al? len. of Mlnalaalpni: Hamuel W Allerwn. ot Chi? cago; Oneral Oeorge B Fletd. of Buffalo and Mnvor C P Walbrldc. frnuncpy I. l-noy. ex ronVreaaman Nuhan Frank. Barauel M. Koanart Xnd Wllllam Warner. of Bl Lpula. \\-\l->'>?>'' ahley Pon.i anJ H. B, U 6*0*4, of Detrolt. WHAT 13 GOINCJ ON* TO-DAT. gharifT Tamsrn's trlal. Hebrew fair. Ma Ueon Srpiare Oarlen. Young Arl n bfUL iVuihhouae. evenlng". Tnlon C tUOBO Alumnl dinner. WaMorf, ?*? P- m. Leoture by H _ Krehblel. Carnetfe Hnll. Chap ter Room, 3 p. m. RapabUeaa County Committee, Stapleton, Siaten Tslan.l. I p, rr>. Profeaaor Koenesay. oonr-ert, IMen Muaee. 8.-io P- aa, ,, ,, caaeter A. Arthur ciub haii. Ceatral Opera HalL Mrs. Maraaret Bottomea thlrd Mriortalk before ladlos of Brooklyn. parlor.- of LafayettS Asrnue Presbvterlan ChurcB, 11 a. m. Toung Udlea' Ald Bonlety of Madlson Avoaao Presl.vt?-nan Chnr.-h feetlval. R. ll. Ablararrtt'a ad.lresa. Cooper I'nion, 8 p. m. K. O. Drapar before nooa prayer raoottng, No. 113 Fulton--:. _^__ NF.W-YORK CITT. The Weat Btde AuxBteiy, Weoaan'a Republlcan Club me.-ts Krilays at 8:U p, m. in the Hotel KnJl eott. No. Rg West aaghty-aeeond-et To-raorrow Mra' Jcnnle June Croly will he Ihe &uest of honor. The HrltlBh ataamer Mnerftia. Captaln Baw, ar rlv?d here yeaterday from Japan anl Chi::a ports with a l_ carKC of t-a an.l curlos oonplgne.l to Carter. ftfaoy * i>. Owtng to the pfevalence of ajtolera ..t Japaa p?i:?. Healtk offlcer D*Sty tbought lt prodeat to detam ;he ateaaaer for a Uaorouga atatafection. Her crew srere trartaftrreal to Bottraan laland, where thelr ckrtblng anJ eff.-t? were thor ?ughly dlBlnfected The eresr's ojnarters were also waabed down wltk a strong aolution of bt-chlorlde T.i v- '. whs p,-mltte '. to proread in the afteraoon. All are well on boarJ. wiun th.- Atlantlo Tranaport freighter Masaaoka Bttta waa ancbortng ta Qtawanttaaj early yeaterday rn irnlng abO ?Irift.-'l stern toracaOat agalr.s; the i e.:?rn of th- =t.-.inier Vlttorla, whkh waa already ] aaobored. P\>rtonately tbe blow waa a gentle one j anl no daaaage waa caaaad to eHber ship. The high j win.l was reopoaalble for the aocktent The Kotbarlanoai Une stoaaaer Edam, now rlue at | tbla por' rroas Araaterdam, was tormerly the Rotter- i dam. of tne sasae i:i->. Tne cosapaay Is huil.iina a large ateaaaer to be c-alle.l tbe Rotterdam. The for- , mer Edam was aonk ta the EtagUab Cbannel '_" S<*P- | tember laat, after oollision with the at< a ner Turki- i Btaa Owtag to tne great Intereat dtoplayed ln tha FTower , and Butterfly Exhlbltlon now belng heM at the Aaaarleaa Art Oallerlea the management has de aklod to oaten I the tlme for elootng to Deeetnber 21. No one aboal 1 fall to vlew thla fascinating anJ edu- i eatlonal collection. Colonel s. v. ix. Croger, preoklent of the new Bkaard of Park Comsataalonera, and Coinmlaaloner Betb S. Terry, of the Buraao of Aeeounta, hal in t. rvi.-ws wltb Mayor Btrong yeaterday. Afterward Colonel Cruaar waa aaki I If ;i report that tne Part Papaftiaenl waa to be Inveatlgated was true. Mayor ! gkrong sal'i that as soon as the expert accountants ln the Buraao of Accoonta got through the work they were dotng in other departaaents they would j be aent np to tbe I'ark Department to examine tho bock.s an.i see !f thlnpa are ln proper shape. Mayor Btrong yesterday kanied tbe u^.iai permits to Um rartona straei raUwaya of this dty aatboria Inp them to use Bnowptougbfl .luring tbe wlnter. tJador tbe reootatlon of the Park Hourd Controiier Fitch yeaterday aaapointed Wllllam H. Burr aa engi neer to examine tne Bpeedway ln conneetion with the enslneers of the Park Board. lt l.a eharge.l that the Bpeedway ia not property eonatmetod, The anneunoemenl la made tha*. the Morton Houae, I at Broadway ond Fourteenth-aL, of wblcb sherldan j Shook a .' tbe i ? BO* ? r for yeara an-1 at tlmes the maaager, haa been aold to other poraona aad that Mr. Bhook has Oetarmined to retire from the hotel ' kaatneaa on the steamer Ifasaacbuaetts whl.-h arrlvo-1 here ' yest-r.lay from I.ot. lon were flve blooded hon=e.s eonalgned to Lools IL Beboenfeldt, of LootevtUe. Ky. Tbere were four marea anl one stallion. The horaaa were In eharge of three man. A Baass-meetlng will be hehl ta the haii of the j?.;=. : h, Washlnw-ton Bgoare Bouth, this evenlng - k, under tbe maaagement of the Clty Vlgllance Leagua Addreseea will ba mai.- by the Rev. Dr. Bdward Jodson, PoUea Com ralaaloner Andrew D. Parker aad th-.- Rev, Dr. Ckarlea H. Parkhurat. The Charlty Organizatloa Bodety acknowiedgf" ajltb many tbanka the f< llowtag ? ntrlbutlona in toaponaa to IU recent appeal for the age.i ooupie , whom to place tn a nome: Mrs. Mary J. Walker, ROt; "H. B.," IS; Mra Aator and Mlss R, Butler, 00 -i . DavM Lydlg, 110; M. W. | raln. Mrs. John Ellla Plake. James E. Boyd. Charles W, Drake, "A Bympatbuang Prlend," Mrs. Adaas, , Mrs. H. I. K.. 10 each; "IL A." R; caah, "B, T. A." BBd ??<;. R, A.," ll >?*? h. Aa Hr'0 is .still needed to BBBka ?p the reqtilr- -1 amount, further contribu tions art earneetly deeired. The auit to prevent the aale under foreclosure of the Long laland Traotlea Company has heen dla missel and tbe salc will take place to-uay at Na 111 Brca:i? :;.. m ? WAIVABLB BLA88 A\P TABABBA FlOUIlF.f; There waa ctUMtderoble Intereat raanlfeated jreo tarday afternoon ln tba aa!c ?: a number of pieces of aatlque glass from Oreece. Pboenlda and Crett-, ( UatlnK from i ? fourth eentury, R C. to A. D., sw. and aome Oreek vaaes and Tanagra ftgurlnoa The \ M> aa - i . bI ?'?? Plfth Aveno Art QaUeriee, No. bbj PUtb-ave., and waa wo'A atteaded. The priza of the day wai an Ap iliart amphora, irom Ruvo, of the thlrd ..iittiiv, Ii. ?-. The l-<oratlon ..f the vase wai . ? i ? ? .i om< .-?>>. wi lu . pui pl< yellon and red belng used on a -lark ollve back ground. The \ i ? h. I two large'., \olate handlea, \m h Mi luaa ?? ida In ,ow relief. The i.g Inclutf'd ' - rape I ao 1 eeated; llermea. :'r Pa - a faun ?? i aeveral Amaaona. The vaae, like ; iobi In 1 irelgn muaeuma, had been ? of it.-* kln-1 ever offered foi m'.>. After aomi jharp bld dlng, .; ???? ia aold for MM. Thr moai valuabla of was an A] - led on a i >ck and . . band. Th? is oni> nlne Inchea high, but it waa valued al ?2-">" .\ Th -' i, . ?? ve and i half I - ild foi j. . . : ? ? j amall r flg ire, unmn I, broughl C'i?. A largi urn of gi ia havlng a froi luatre. th. ' tdy eeorated with two Blde hapdlea hn; rll f. wai ? prla ol th glaaa apccl ni. r- it a I near Tyre. hhI ia of early Pho?- . waa ..-:. aidei i ? ind al Capu i and th. -! '-? ckoni d to be aVIOO . each. S: .-? ai i and l i-niorrow aftfr ooon- - i >f art,.stie antl |u: tle- ': ? i . raperb i lon of c.U pott.i;.. I -? , ra, a:id agate c:ir\ings, ttO. 8BOWALYBB BBATBB BI AtOBtBY. j. W. Ba def i\< i by Joha Morphy in the . hamploi ib p i arnameal ol th>. Brooklyn Chf.?s CIui. or Tui iday evenlng, Hen followa the acore; nBTH ROURD TWO RRIOHTg DIFRNCR AS BBTEBTAlBMBBt FOR A WlSBtOW. The eonference an<l niusii-;ale for th? beneAt of tt? Eighth Wuid Mtaotoa at the WaMorf veateriay Bahing Pute. mornini? was weii attanded. The Couateaa ni Braaaa ?a* prevented from tnkinj? the eatertam ment l>y tho s'ldl-n drath of a re'.fitlve. The Rev. c. W, De Lyoa Nlchola took part in the dlecua slon of th? BBW woman. nnd declalmed strongly agalnst woman anffrage. Arehle Orawfnn). ihe KngiiFh baiytoae, K.ive an attraetlve proKrwrrmo af songs, ani Ilra Clennonl W Hrst anl Arthur Bevern arare eacored la piano ?olos with ' obiijj.ito. Among thaae preaenl were Mr and Mrc Wi'.'.lam Rhlnelandc-r. Mrs, R Drexel, Mra Thomaa E. Btewart, Mrs. J, L; Uardiner Mlaa Adele Oardlner, Mra. Oertrude Van Portiandt Hanii:ton. Mrs. J. Muhlenberg Balley, Mrs Mn-on Jonea, Mlaa Uvlnaatoti Maaon, ot New j.r.rV- Mrs RmVrt 1 Wrlsht. Mlsj Wriitht. the Bev. l>r Bdward Cooper, the Rev, P. S^ran-^ M crolphton Wc-bb and Ihe Rev. Cecil Lanadowa . ai Bngland. ^_ A C1TT CHKCK FOl: BABOX ROTHSCTlIt.n. Control!er Fitch yeaterday ?ont a r-heck for ll'.OY) to liaron Rothsr-hihi. the inter.'.'t due the Haron on city bonda held by hlm ln Kng'.aml. MARIXE JXTELLIGEXCE. MIM1ATUMB AIA1ANAC. Sunrlae T:18|Baaaot 4 .'..I Mooa rls^? a ni 3:17 Moin'a nrc 2". HltJH WATER TO-DAY. a M flaaitr Hook 4KB!Oov. laland 4:3.", h<-ii o.ite r.:2<< P.M? Hook 4:4B|Oov. lsian.1 6:1.'. H.-11 Oate <:oS IXCOEiyO STEAMERS. TO-DAT. I n Veaael. I rom. Llae. Hadlana .BI Thomaa, Dee 4.Qu MajPftr-.Llvi rpo . Dee 4.Whlte Su lllianca.Oolon, Dee 4.O Newport.Ooloa, )>.-.' 4.PaclAi Yucatnn.Havana '" 7.N ^ a Cuba Ktnjonrton.Antwerp, Doc 1.Red Star pomeratuan.Qlaagow, Xov .'U? aii<t.Biarnen, Dwl.XO Uoyd Dretden.Bremen, Nov .'lo.X ?; Ll yd (lirlbel.Xavaaaa, D< 7.lllaa Albano.Hamburg. X< ? 28.Harob-Amer jtC0(la.Ilamburg, Nov Is.Bamb-Amer FRIDAY, DECEMBER IA cumpania.Uverp * i. Dae 7.Cnaard Krance.London, Xov 21- .Natlonal Htk'.a.ChrUtlanaand, Bov 2H.Thlngvalla BATURDAT, DKCBMBEB 14. ]_, Champagne.Havre, Dec 7.French ?u. paul.Southampton, Deo 7.Imerlcan Santiago.Xaaaau, \><c lo.X v *.- Cuba OUTGOIXO STEAMERS. TO-DAY. YeeaaL For. Mafla eloaa. Veaael aada Aucimtn Vlctorl.i. Ilambf, Hamb-Amer *:.?<' .i j:j 7:00 ar.i P. 7aiaid. An -'? Hiaiii, Xeth-Amer-11:00am 1:00pm Furneaaia, Olaaaow, Anchor.12:00 m 2:00pm Ar.lfa. Rikltl, Atlaa.loiio a m 12 no m Orlnoco. Bcrmu-li, Queb.-.. 1:00pm 8:00] i gouth Caaabrta, Porto Rtco, X V a P '< aiOB p m 4:00 p m FRIDAT, DECXMBER 18. Hllarv. Para, Booth. 1:00 pm 340pm Semlnole. Jackaonvllle. Clydi.- 8:00 pm BATURDAT, DECEMBER 14. I_. Gayrorn", llj\re, French.1040a m 2:00 pm Etrurla. Ll erpool, funard.10:3Oara B:0O| . Bdam, Rotteraun. Neth-Amar.II:OOara IK?i m Alane, Port Llmon, vias.I0:iaj a m 12:00 m Vm-aian. Tucaian, X V .v Cuba.10.30am ttoopni Kitty. Porto fur--. N v a P lt.11:00 a in 1:00 pi I'e-.ieauala. Curacoa Red l1 .11:00 am l:00ptn Turkiah Prinne. Bantoa, PrlBcc. IMpn ":o>, BUIFPIXG JfBWB. POP.T OF KJBW-YOBK?WEDXE8DAT, DEC. 11. I1-'1".. ARRTVED. sieamer Maaaachuaotta (Br), ? cquet, Londoa, K irf-r us. with mdse an<l 11 cabln paiwengen to Xea Shipj-inir Co. Arrlved at tha Bar al )- 80 a. m. Bteamer Oeorwlr (Br), Th mpa n Ii i-ember .to. with ni'l:"" and i pai enger lo 11 Maltland Ki ArriveJ at tba Bau Bl -t !?'? i- m. Si^tiin.-r Enargia fBr), Baw, Yokohama, Auaual 7. K be Peptf-mt-^r 7. Rhung-hal October 4. Fooi h ?? 8 llonj K ng 11, BI igapore 10. Port Bald November 18, Alglera 30, \\ ,\\ n-i'to" ' - Carter, llacy & Co, Arrlved al the H-ir al 1 a. m. Htearn-r Palatla (Oer), Kr-pff. Hamburg, Xovernbi -'-. with tndae, 86 eabln anl B22 BtpeiaK* paaaengara ta H bjrg-Amerlcan Mn.-. Arrlved al ln. Bar at 6:48 a. m. stcam^r Enargle (Oer), rortmann, Rotterdom, x??? 88, in ballaal l ? Qual Herr. Arrlved at tha Bar al - it. :n. sti>am?r Paaama 'i'o. Chabot, Bordeaux Xovembei :?'. with i::l>-^ nn-i l piinix-iifc..-- to Fuach, Edya _ ?'?? Ar? rlved nt th* Bar a' IIM p. m., Deeember 1" Bteamer Jaaen (Br), Fraaar, Klngaton Xovember i".-, Montefo V-\y Deeember 'J. Bt Ann'a Bay '?'?. I"'-!-' Marla . ? Anaatto Pay 4, nith nvlaa an-1 4 naaaengeri ti E K!-rr _ CO, Arrive.l a' tha Bl ?> p. m. Hook, Dee. 11-0:80 p. m.?Wlnd Btrong breesa, nortkeaat; elear and cold. CLEARED. Btaaiaar Vaapar, Wati m, Phlladelphla^-W P Clyda A- Co, s,-.,i!ie! Beaoon l.ipht (Br)', Anderaoa, Dover, lint; ? G -i. ?; At Trube. Rteamar Auguaia llctorla (Oer), Kaempff, Hamburg, Plymoatb an.I CberbouTf?IIambui_-Amarlcan Llne. steamer Algonntiin. Pla't, Charleaton and Jacki nvllli W P Clyda I Co. Bteamer Roan ka, honz. Xorfolk anl Rlchmon I Domlnlon Hs Co, steam^r Clty i f IVaahlngton, D.iriev. Havaaa and Tam ploo-1? Jamaa li v.'at-i A- Co. bteamer Ben Bellldo (Br), Touac, M:itaTir.,-is, Cardanaa, Siitrua. ete Wajdell .\ Co. Bteamer Andca (Br). Macknlght, Cape Haytl, Bl Mare, T.-rt nu Prlace?Plm, Forwood A- K.-ilork. Bteamer nrhaninn iBr), gagota, Maraelllea nni Naplea? Jaiurd \v Blwell A I ? Sifamer I_mrata*. Bnrr ?v Oiilve?ton?C II Mail-rv A Co. Si?amer I.lzzie licnri?r<>f n. Wlllein, C Rob-rt*. tstpamer Plantt Veaaa (Hr). Kelly, Wew-Orraana Bal ff.uv. Wllllamaon a.- Co. Stramer Piuefle]^. Ma?in?o. Baltlmore?H C FVtater. S'eiiin?-r P CBIand (Dutch), Brunama, Am?terdam? Funch. Edye A Co. B?Th I_.inh?-rg:i iKn, HeDoogall, Saif-n, Chira?J F Whltn:-y A r'o. SAU.r.n. Sfam^re Brltanni" IBr), : r Urerpool; Sjieri (Xor), Oreytowa, Nlc; Itcyaliet (Brt. Wllmlngton; Bt. Loula, goothampton; Xoordland iBelg), Antwerp; Btandard (Oer), I'lnshtng; H>.anok?. N'orfn'k am! Rlchmond; Oulf of \k,it..t (Br), an-1 Trnidad, Clty Ol Waahlngton, Ha\ana and Tum)i|' o, THK MOVEMKNTS OF BTEAMER8. FOREIOX PORTB. ft*?iner Cheaaaeikka (Br), Payaa, saii?-d fron lyir.don for x?w-York Deeember ll. Steampr Hhvp] Oicn. Xiirow. from Preni-n for New Vork ga'.lcd fr ni Southampton Deeember 11. Kaa!<- (Oer), Kt-sti-r. New-York f'-r Southamp. tcn an.I Bremon, paaaed BcUly Deeember 11. Dress Goods. llitfli ClOBfl Noveltios, $\.r>0 to $4.50 |ier yardj they we_?$a.00 tO $9.00. DresB lenffthe for the Holtdayg, $2.00 to $?.O0 per pattern. Fancy Sultlngs, 50 oente; that were ?."> <*<*iit>* and $l.<)<>. James McCreery &Co,, Twenty-thlrd Street. Underwear Departmeni. Seeond Floor, Fancy Btriped TaflVta Silk Skirts, PrinceBB and Umbrella Bhape, :? vanls wide, $7.25. Btriped Silk Skirts, Umbrella Bhape, 94.75. Eiderdown Iin'ssintr Baequea, Fancy Btripes, i>"? eentoj wnrth Ladfes' Fancy Aprons, trimmed with Ribbon, 45 and 85 eents. Lawn Aprons, 18, 25, 35 and 50 t't'llts. James McCreery&Co., Twenty-third Street g f T>,y^ .'w># ^ C old Weathcr Clothcs For Children. Cloaka for fiirls, $6.75 to $11.50; were H.00 to 115.00. Boys' Overcoats, Reefers aud Suits, $3.85 to $7.50. A 8ugQBBtion t Other CWldren than your own, leaa fi rtu nal ?. but on lhal v ry a :c >unt more keenly >Hve i - r< m nl i ince al ChrlBtmaa, ar iuld be gjreatly benelited by a ?lfi of ClothlnB aelocte I fr m theae broken lota an inex ?tenali ? cham a to do ?'< n ? ld ol good. 60-62 West 23d St. AN ACCEPTABLE <ill:T. A CHOICE RUG FROM COWPERTHWAIT'S, 104 WEST 14TH 5TRI-ET. s.,.,,r p.rta I:-;'-. Mew.Vorli for Bouthampton, Fendt, fr i- >??? ?}< ? .; ibe laleof IVIglil D.m ... re, tl Kear-Yort N'" . ,.,..! tha lala of wlgW I ", """; wiXTn? ,..,. go ror Hamburg, aaaaad lha lala ol WlgW De. . ...... ,.;..r,. r__?n, fww Altona far for Lh , ad Bn - I'- " .erober 11. m iDutch). Btengar, foi . , . I, ,-.- I--... i> i lmi I ecember 11 ? ... 1-,.,,-r. rraa Kew-Tort, at r ' \ ?.,' ?? 1 I' lf H I ,1 !.) T '? -i '/ ?'"' l'l. "stfamcr itaMa inri WartU aalled from Valeaeta for Ni w - ork 1 ipcemlx ?? 10. . _ , ., , gteamer r onlc (Bn, Mllla, from Baw-Tort KoveaBMr .... ??? Deei mber 11. Btaamer Carlb Prlnce (Br), Dobaon, froni New-York ..,. , .- rti . Janlero Deeember 7. .. puffon ilir), Obla, sitii^ri fu.m Baatoa fur new Tork De. ? ? 11 Ar.-iotin.'em'-n'.s. E. _ VT. CHICO. B, & W. The new collar. _ ? ? At Flinfo. The attraetloni for ihla fall are altboul nuhiber. Bacep. ttoaal Dlaplar. Mannfaetarltig Prleee. 88 waal EM-st. Perfect patterna and pirre wool -ire found ln a Rel ible ? 'arpi lf 101 WAi I Ith j' near 8th-?ve. B> %*s The Man Under 35 BY LILIAN BELL A clever girl's reasons for not likinp; men under thirty-five years of age. In the Christmas Lssue of COfvRKJ<T, IMS, BY T?l fuRT,3 PJL1.1MAG CC?'?? THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL W ? S $P 10 Ccnts: On All News-stands n* I The Cortls Publishinp; Company, PhilarJelphla ^? Ss Ibk ^ IjTiX Beeinc Mich jroon1 reatly-raade ctotbea ! in.'iy open your cyi-s to tiic wnstof'iilncss of bnying tlie more expensJre ctistom inita <>r overcoata. Wliat hctlcrCIiristniiis sucuestion to wilc, motheror ?ister, tban a Bmokiog facket or oonae coal of tricot, plaln cloth or ploid~$5 to $ 16.50. A ilrrssiiii;- gown?neat quiet styN'S orstnnnin;: color effecta?London made _Sll.tfd to $33.50. You are aeenre with "your money back if you want it.'' RoGERfl Pbbt & Co ' Prln^a nr.i Pro? Ixir. \v.irr?-n ind Droadaray. THr'y-KT'.n'l a ?! 'inpailwijr. ^ANMETEiiia I#stampedonashoe8! MEANS STANDARDOFMERIT. 6TH aVENUE, CORHER 20TH ST. MEN'S GOROGVAN Hand*sewed Welt, Invisible Cork Soic, Natttral Wool IntolcShoe, $4#so fully worth $7 to $8. THIS is PoimVBLY A MIOF. NADH <?\ BCIBBTIflC PBIW t iri,l> \M> POBBBBBBg lllltlli: \l)\ IBTAORg IBOVB ORDIB \lt\ gflOBB. l.?t. Cbrdovan is sm lotb and aofter than Prench ealt and takea a iiigher iu.?tre nrnen pol lahed. iM. tnvtaible Corli Bolo la a pooitlvo pro ventive agalnat cold or dampneaa striking throngh the sole and reachlng tii<- foot. Bd. By aubatltutlng Natural \v...'i Inateadof Leather, the al????-? is as Resible as Itulla rtub ber, and i- b non-conductor ot boat an.l cold. this RHOB is M.l.M K\<?Tl Itlili BV BB BX < II -l\ EL1 \M> CARBOT I1H Pt H( H AJBD BLBBR IIBRB. CAt TIOV.? id BBractaa or bran.-h atorw. my -:. ? pi iaa?d <.niy b; ra-. aata'oilaarnanL roit Tilis WBBK artii RBBlAlR OPBB RVBBlBUg iiuiii * ?\i<>.-k. gatnralays uuin io r. B, A. J. CAMMEYER, (ith Ave., corner 90th 8t,, X. r. gtTABLISRBO 1144. BIX STOItr:.1. REW-VORK "iTOKIi.S. nnriA'.WAT, COR. 11MT-ST.. AND 8D-AVK. AND IZ3U-8T. BROOXXTN STORES. Broadway n?>d ft^jford-ara. Ful'-in-a*. an.l F" itbuah-a?8. AUaatle and Vartnoai avea.. and Ureanp.ilnt & Mani.attan 8T88 Ini/tortcd llmise Conts, Gowub nnd liath ltobea At Redueed Prices. Hoase Coats, $.">, 16, $7, $8, $9 and $10; Val ia $* te $15. Dreasing Gowna, $8, 19, 110, $12, $14 ,'lliil $15; Valua lio to*:::. Itath Bobes, $5 and $7.50; Value |7 and $10. Travelling Rngs, 85, $6, $10, $12 aud $15. Silk Mnfflert, $1, $1.50, 82, $2.50, $3 and $5. Neckwear, 81, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $3.50. Tbeae goodi are all this season's im portationa, and compriae aome ot' the cboicest novelties of tbe Englisb niar ket. Out-of-town ord?rg bave our bojt BtteatlOO. BROADrTAY, COR, 31 ST ST. i, benedict's tihe. _^ ^ DIAMONDS AND WATCHES .i Bpa laltv. :??<) laereaaa in tha prlca of our Dtainanda. wui.ii.%. Dlaaanada, t'haiaa, Rlcta Jewelrjr n ii.I *?11 \ .-ni ar.-. "T1IU III.MIIK IV /, >nl) ; rfa ' ruflf, c\rr.v? I i .tl.l.Ic. . \ ^^^ i in I.k.. .. u.,lg.- i,i.d .. i "3^"^"^, : ' ? IhC l.Ut ? i/ : -^V : 3 \f < I / hla, nnl i -in 7 / I ualed with '., - v n ? -? ir or t<-;ir. Thla piten' bach '.\:\ n-> pul on anv llcava buttoa. ?ti:>i:i;i< r iti;<i i iimcs, KBBPKHM OP THR illY T1NB, ll.-Ii?<ll I;. i >ad? al ... I ' - nl . i I 81 . N'l:\v rORK. BBTABLIKHED 1BBI. * * JAE0? The Slamlanl l ndenfear of (he World. BLANKETS, LAP ROBES, SHAWLS, SMOKING JACKETS, BATH ROBES, FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS ii. N.-w- v .ru Clty .' -ui awa ? 176 Fifth Av?, i. 23d St? (MAIN RETAIL). a?> . v.... IItaa Broaa?ajr, aeai .'""l. str-..-; aaa. ) |U ,?,. u ., , ?;,u cortUadl Bt, DoaertgtiVa Catalagua i.y Ma.i. o 1 Sixth Ave., 20th to 21st St. The Createst JACKET SALE of the Year. Havlng Purchased Jhe Entlre Btoek of MEYER JONASSON & CO., The World'a Largeet Han-hetarera of Ladlee* Ganaeata, consint. '""' 2,500 Carments, ail of this MMWOn'l latest atyles and materials, we place them on ^ HALF THE USUAL PRICES. L _DIB8' J 10KBT8 of irool eberlot, OHINCHILLA OLOTH JACKETf, shield fronts, ripple backs, regalar boi and sbield front*, ripple back^ pricc 10 .*><? ,i"i,t *n" wun* rcgular price 17.98), SALE PRICE, A QQ SALE PRICE, O ^rj JACKETS of fine, heavy Kersey, box yoVELTY TAN JACKETS, silk r* fronts, velvet eoliars, silk facings, ve. eolltra, fancy silk liniuga, lam regtilar prico 12.50, pearl buttons, regnlai price '_".?.">i>, SALE PRICE, PQg SALE PRICE, | A -J BOUCLE JACKETS, straigkt fronts m_ ripple shapes; alsobox fronts, velvel collai's. .silk litiod, reirular price 10.75, SALE PRICE, 7.98 CAPES. PBB8IAN OLOTH JACKETS, hijrfa LADIE* DOT IU L CAPES ot tine button fionis.rippl, back*, pearl but- ?f?P?rted chevio clo I.. full c.rcuiar tons. silk lined, regnlar pri_c 17.98, **P?S regnlar price 13,50, SALE PRICE, O ~1fZ SALE PRICE, ^ fjw* Imported PBBSTA_J OLOTH JAOK- LADIES1 DOUBLE CAPES of tine ETS, "Overton" fronts, ripple or coal beaver clotb, embrofdered in loop backs, liued with silk, regular price patterns of cut jet, regular prico 10.50, 10.75, SALE PRICE, A^C 5ALE PRICE, *-* AO Imported KEBSEY JACKETS, _ beavy weigbt, plain or Rtriped *eams, T;ins, Browns and Blacks, silk lineil, Novdty Jackets and Capcs in \ clours, reaulur price 24.75, H _. Kersey.s, Persian Cloth.etc,, at SALE PRICE, | 4 ^C ?- 1 I./tJ EQUALLY LOVV PRICES. Just Across i the Rio Grande Some cunntng, patient Mexican women make most exquisitc drawnwork on Linert, than which few things are more tastefully executed. i;or artistic effect thc Fayal needlework (from the island of Fayal) is the next ot kin, and quite as wonderful as an example of patience and skilled needlecraft At "THE LINEN 5T0RB" there can now be found a pood assortment ot" centre-pieces, irav-doths, afternoon tea cloths, bureau-scarfs. sideboard covers, | finger-bowl dovlies, pin cushion covers, j etc, delicately wrou<rht with l;aval needle work and Mexican drawnwork. Such things are special'v nice for Holiday j Gifts. James McCutcheon & Co., 14 West Twentythlrd Street. (Opposite Plfth Ave. li tel) % i Some day, when tlie history of Nine teentb century fnrniture comes to be written, very interesting things wili be said about our designs. Iu ait and ! dttrability they have not been excelled. .lust now with the bolidays ai liaud, it is pleasanl to know exactiy where to tind furniture that is wortb cherishlug and treasnring. We make a mnlritmle of smallerl pieces, Music portfolios, Card tables, Photograph and Miniatnrc tablex, I cnrious stools and wiudow seats, Serv ing tables, &c, that are altogcther deligbtful and surprisiugly little-priced "BUY OFTHE MaKEr*' Geo. C.Flint Co. 43.45 *M0 47 WEST 23?ST. NEAR OROADWAY. FACTOBY: 154 AND 156 WFST I.^STfieET. IIEAITIFIL < IIHIM'M %?* PRESBRTS. PREPARED NATUHAL PLANTS. IMPERIS1I U'l.r PALMS. FEIINS AM) TROPICAL PLAXTS. THE TROPGH DHJOR/TNG CO. PAI.M CAKPrV, INDVHTBIAL MIll.KlNa. ENTBANC- OFFICE LEX. AVKNl'E. mliN ?JD ST. Apviiitn r.iiKMs A.\r? BunscRiprtONB ron THB NEW VOHK TKIBUNK v.1.1. BE Kli 1 B1VKD AT THE ' I l )\\ is OFFh'E. No. l.'.'l. 1 way, M door Mrth .f Thhrty-nrai-ai and tOVKR. TIBBIIBN'Trl it ibi fullowln* I'.ianh Oiflcaa: 2SI risl.iii av?.. a. <?. eornar Twant) :lni.'?t.; l.'.J BisthHkV. . i:.. Fouitli nve., coi l'.in i.-ii:':. -.1 i^'.i. Ti.l -1 .n? . ,80 Tiiirii-a\.- . ? ?? Forti ?vanth 1 1.1*88 Thlrd-avi . Baal Muj-M-nat. I.TU8 1 >? Wi I Vort) mci i l-ai. Handkerchiefs. L a d 1 e a ? 1* u r e li i n e n E n ? b r o i tl e ro tl llaiidkoivliitds, 26 centa etacha Fino Embroldered and Keal Lace Ifantlkort'liiois suiiahle tor Iloliday Gltta, James McCreery & Co,, Broadway and 11th St. Twenty-tliird Stroot. READV. Von can put oft I uying vour dress suit until the lastmoment?tlndan idetl one waiting for you at our stores: $25, $30, $4? and $45. Full dress furnishin^s: shirts, coll.irs, ties, glovtt, ['/I shields, patent Icather shoes. Ilave y..ii socn tho gMckgaJ-dowa OvarooaB aad Baltg ara ara m U_f I HACKETT, CARHART and COMPANY Two Stores: Emalway anl Canal Ptreat^ Broadnrajr beiow Chaubera Itigaa COMWON SENSE Holiday Presents. tl.l.HtrOI. CALIFOR.NXA Bed BLANKETS of axtinonllnnry .lu.ility, ln mora atxaa ar* to B foaad alaavaata, balng a*i>?e!ally m., > <> ordar SBB vaxlad 1 ilngaaas to salt all reoatiimanta ls ?-''':i ef J| 9% 19, Ti. ra, M ar.l 00 in.. aad l*nfth h aa R B BB Incliaa. Poaltively theae gooda are not aquaiiad B? ?* l.nce an.l quallty tn NVw-Yi-rk. To dosa thtm out. BrB B BSM In any Qiuntiry. Alao a full of lo" aal meUium qualltira or EASTKRX UKD HLOKEU nt Pojjuiar Pric?a. Alao Toilet ?c.allf ?, ('oniibririhlr*. Para lic ???>?, BaBMa g'urtiilua, Tubla ?__?? Tnlilr (orrra, Ituga, talreuc ???! Rs?a?l?? l.iip Kolira, Ar. 41 DtB-RM VARIKTY AT AgTO*l?Rl*Cl1f LOW PRICEB. H. P. W1LLIAMS & CO., tfffo CaWaXL nt.