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TIIE COURTS. AT WAR WITH THI ARONSONiS jl B ii BTBPI OOMTEH OVM Thk BuJMEBBIOM AKP ltir.HTS OT THT TLAY ??itKNTLEMAN .lOE.'' y, p I'urtls. who played "Sam'l of Posen" for taara, applled ln theSupreme Court, to Judga Aadrewa thruugh his attaraa*/, fbarlea Henry But jer. yaderday lor an Injunctlon to restraln Rudolph Aronson and other.-*, laotodlBg James T. Powers. tho aotar, freai produdag ? phty caiie.1 "Oentie nian Joc." ihe rights to produce whlch Curtls ci?:.'..s f l tbe Ubtted Btataa and Car.ada for ten ypsrs ftoai OolabW 8, IM, It is alleged that the Aron?cns intr.-.d to prolticc the piay at the RIJou fbaatra ln .lanuary. Thc oontrad naaaaod, ma-le with l.nwenfeld, as tho ageal for Haad k\ Hangbtar, of i*ondnn, the juthors of the play, gtvea t'urtls ti-e rlaht of pro _uction on tha payment af IfcfM in advanre of roy eJttee, aad he ls botmd to produce the play before jfcnuary 1. . y s. Truax, ronreaontiag the Aronsons. ? ..-. -he contract that i.'urtU showed was cb ?ait: ? from tli. Kar.k of Nciv-Vork, where it. was ;.r- > Loweatbal by fraud; that Mb option had j\; : ' ire h? took un the contract Mr. Truan'a slde of tbe case was that Quatav Arnh irt. wh > ll the ageni of I.cwenthal. flrst Intro gi Curtls to hlm and got hlm the option for jp . ? curtls offered Callfomia lands. whlch were ble. and i^e eallcl tor Amerlca. When v rcturned to Amei-i.-a Curtls told him that Ecou i ii--: ra ee the money, but said that Rudolph 4i \- iii take the piay. Then Amberg went ;o Ai -o.' with curtls. an.i there Aronaon offered . r? 12,300 and go to London to aee the play. ', ? on the ocean Curtls went t-> th< bar.K. sai ? he waa a partner >f Arcnsoa, pald IS.SQO .in-'. gol ;h<- play and the contract that i ild nol have hai for leaa than {5,000. This ,. - . tud alleged by Mr. Truax. ??\\. now tender the return of that $2.rA\" said | jlr. Truax. '.* it?" aahed Mr llutler. counsel for mr I I I TH bave it for yoa in flfteen adnutea," was tbe I Ju.ii.J Andrewa wanted to know what atithority j inder in ?i\inK thc manuscrlpt to ind lt waa contended that when Amberg ac rmj ol Aronaon. and <o notlfled l<owen . ' itter cabled ;.- releai the play in 12,500, and thal . urtla t oh advantage of that. li atlll another complicatlon. Albcrt Aron - In an atii lavll thal whlle his brother waa ? ii ame to h.m. ahowed thal he . and made a contract with hlm to have thi i- >u ;:i January, wltb Jam.-s t. ii.. tltle rflte. Curtli alao contracted wnh ,. thal and Ai inaon to submit the namea .:.. won to piay the parts, and ? :",,; ; ptable to Aronaon and ] Thla, :' ia said. ha fatled to do, and Mr. the mllk in 'i'.< cocoanul was aimpl) Br. Curtla wanted to piay the pdi pur: himself, whlch nelther of the other partl w.-.ui.i allow. \ Imlttlng," aald Mr. Truax. "that Curtls ? ?*? intrac! with Lnwenthal. itraci to produce tlu- play wiih ua, and d >ln ua from dolng just what he hae ua to do." Mr. led the asaertlona of Mr. Truax. .\.s took th- papera and reaerved 0" _ TO PrNlSHI ARONBON FOR CONTEMPT. y.\- ?? H. Oppenbelm, a lawyer, obtatned from Cl e Van Wj k in th.- Clty Court yeater I Rudolph Aronsoa to show . ? ? why :n shoui: not be pun? ? ipt of coiirt In falllng to appear j r ? >n In lupplementao' proceedlnga Ti:.' , ... ..;;, a: .>n Deeember -'. to whlch . ii natlon was adlourned at hla own ri The Judktmenta wer ? obtalned by Carl '..-.? iu:- money loaned ag gr (??? KR HAJ-MSR8TEIX IXMES A Sl'lT. A ? i.t brought by Oacar Hamviereteln, the (keatrlcal ..... ..-i. agalnai lanaar 8. Kilison to : - on a note executi l at eiRhteen montha . ,ina Hammeratda, hla wtfa. *as on tria'. ? ludge Con lan and a Jury ln the Clty Court. The defendanl declared that on May !?. 1M& Hammerateln preaented him with the note id two othera. Hammerateln admitted that he t.n-' thc not.-s to Kilison. but not as a glft. The Jury h>. Id that the notes were civen as a . _ JL'DOE WALLACB Afl A WITNEBB. \.. . . i . ?-. of the Cnlted Btatea Clr c urt -a Appeala, was i wltneae ln an aeddent ma tri-il bl the Common Pieaa Court I e ????-?". yederday. ; iair.tin* is James i'assi-)y. a aewaboy, who i - recover K000 damagee for Injudea be re ^ .. from belnp run ov r by b eoach belonglng t,. :.? ? - company, ln whlch were Judge Wallace and his Wlfe. Robert B. W ;. ?.?.-?:. ni of the c mj an; . la the d fen iant. g. v. . ac eai led thal the eoach was not Irlven furiously, ai allegi I, but thal It was . i he fell a JOlt, an 1 when he looked ught that hi aaw the boy lying on th- alde The case wai noi concluJ. I. CONTKBT OVJUR A CHKCK FOK ?-.:?."). On thc apollcation of R. 8. Green and Thomaa D. Day, raadvarn of tba Eaal Rlver BUk Company, of which a*. one time Roben W. Inaaan, who was loat overboard from his yacht last aummer, was a mem? ber JitV'*> Andrewa In tbe Bupreme Court yeater? day, appolnti l Francia L. Donahue aa referee to take testlmony anl -icttrmine what Interesi Lorenao -^ |n b eertaln som of money nmountlng to -.1 why he should not be oompelled to pay ll over t-> ihe r- ?? iv. rs On June 13 last, the) ilege, prior intment of the recelver, Alberl B. ?| . > ls 1 >W ln .Smfi Blng for d< :r-\\: lin^ the ?v and who waa tr< ksurer. made . che.-k rnham Moffat for a debt. Moore used tlie company's fui la.? Mive t;;- chack to LMlo to give to M iffat. Cllo ?;. i bo, bul Mr. Moffat. when h fceard of Moore'a irrest. returned the check to Ullo, ?? ? ng that he thought there misht bc aomethlng wrong w:?h it. T'lio took the check. thc r^cclver^ al lege, an i haa iln te ref taed to aurrander it - ?? ? COURT <>F APFBAL8 CALENDAR. Albaay, Dec, H.?Tbe Caun of Appeal? calendar for to-morrow is Xos. 1,060. l.c?oi, 170, Id, MI, MI and 3.<-.'. __^_ .THE BUPREME COURT CALENDAR. WaahlngtOB, DOO. lt?Tba day call !n the I'nited Btatea Bunreme Court to-morrow wili be as t'ol . Noa. 111, III, H?, y-: OA, Tl". Til, lfl, 124 .md COUBT CAUCXDABfl POR TO-DAY. I .-,rir. oourt?Oeaeral Term?Raeew. ,?.,.,,,-: i . Andrewa J.?C-jurt , ? . :. y . :it 11 a m. B| Term Fai: I?Befara Lawreaca, j \ I.i r. .. , ... Term- Part :: Bei n Baa h, J ^.- c alendar. ftipmne Couit?Bpeclal Term Part III?Comt apeai a: Crrcul'l Oourt?Parta I an-1 IV?Adjouraed for tho term. Circult Court?hart II? untll Moaday, l'ecem circult Oourt?Part III?Before Barrett, J. CBaa on: Ko. 8872. Whltney va Biitton. No day cateadar. <UD?riu- .?ourt--S|e-.i..l TenD-BafoTa I>u?To, J.-.Nos. I'-,: OA? TOT .'153. 101. ?'i-" Buperlor Coart?Oeaeral Term?AdJo?waed ur.iii wtdnia ^ip?^BCoort?Trtal Terwk?Parta I ar.d II?Adleuraad J , !rt xrta! Tarn Pari III-Befora Badgwlck, .- ! s - wiwe w? ??" "?*. ,24i- 17-*' ":-':,? ''"'"? ,,,... i .... ? m a-.i uiaad \ I tha term ? nte'sMCwirt-U.-ham1 - Kitsgerald, g.-No ' 'd.Lr wiiif foi ; ? ? arlns Ooldstrom, ,-\^m'V,: ? ' >0:?a m.; PhU lnlnal'orn Joseph L'ntllion. at i'p. in. lorte?aMra Court-Trtal TertB Bsaara Arwald. s No ?;'. .. a :-r,i Terra-Adjearaed aaUl Meaday, '?^I'n^^v^ T.r, Btaehe-. |r., J : ia as, i.i. Bo. <'???. i--. r.?.. .... *?>. sv. .'-? v'-- ?? ?"? ?* 'lr:^'"' Trtal Term Pari t Befora Olafsrlch, J. ffioPli0M -'?:; vS. ?????-? ??-'-? l??. "-'? ,,,s ? ?-/.' ves- V??-? 31 ?". 2?5. 1538. 33?4J, _?71. ''nlM^? Tr ' Ten I ui ti Before Dato C. J-r ? ? -./ft-?ir.v.- I. r^ C^uyBd-yd. ;:,^-^T^: ?!f:,e"v.n,fe. C J _ t.i.,1 Tfrm -Pan i Befora CbBlaa, 1 -N ?* i .ty Oourl -Trtal rei o_ ' .''.,.' '.^^. rov ,.- .-- !?.s :??! 170, 244S. 1 .>.. 344. 2*74, B02SH. Is* ?? 8BB, ?->.. ??-.. ->^. "... "/;.^oi. ,,,,, Tena-Parl m- Aijo,mM tor ti,? t,::';.y Conrt-THal Te.r%-I'.rt IV'- ***? ?g*?? fe^rwi^?St_r af "^8m- ^ im, 278T. 2.'-2f.. vnh, nat --?> bar. WCreRBBB APPOXKTED. Fupren.e Court. By Andrewa -l lnmanva. BBBt Rlver Bli rPrancIs I_ Doaeboo. . omp.By-H.rdd M. na va. Adame-Pater B. Olna*". B.jward T. Woo-J. Comm n l'lra* By i ' ' " ?'? MatUredWUMaaah l:. Oeraoa Op? '?'' ?" giiparlTr O nrt, j;y Daawa, i Bieck va Wronkow-Thorw.:. M-Adaaa. r.ECEIVL'ftH Ari'OINTKD. Kuprcme C>urt. Vy Andrewa. .T. kaajft Hoffmeler va. W-lbUB D. and Oeorge H. Xndr.wa ?^Jiimea J. Ntalli. By J Oriaade J.dwin ra. WBahua B. BUm tiaabllB nim. Oaaaaaea Hana By Btachoff, Jr.. J. Kar. M Wallaeh va. Johannette Berg^bwaagnrWebB P. Bataaaa, ?rnviNfi to on HM *LBem again. ? _ n. _ iin unt'.l Xevember Lawreaea '-omiot. ? reieraa who 'ni'1 U*.. aaa amjdoyad aa au aaaaas*- Ib the Deaarl mer.t of RkbtlC Worka. haa ohtained from Judgs An ?5**w an or,or f,ir tba i.'onunisaioners of I'iiIC'. worka ,i .^h..w cauae arhy a writ .... peremptorj maniiamu'i ahou: i not be htsoed compelllns Ccn nor s relnatatemenl, as i?> wns dlachargi l wlthoul cauae or charges belng made, and eotitrary to law 94,aTI AOAtMBt BBBBBMBT OIBMIBBBB. Chicapo, I)rc. ll.-The fchost of the Whiskey Trust flrai in the courts made Ita farewel! aggM-aran.-e in lhaUnltedBtatea nistriet Court this aaornlng, when Judga Orosatun, In a hrief statement, illamlased the rule whlch he Isjucd aualnst ey-President Qreen hut to s?how oatise why he should not be punlshel for contempt of court In havlng osed the name ,-f Btdney L. Wonaahr. an employe of P. J. Qoodhart B I'.v. of New-York, In the orttrinal blll for ihe Whlflkey Trual recelverahlp witbout Wormaer'a eu tborlty. When the contempt proeee.iin.irs were be .gun Br. Oreenbul ma le afndavli tbal he had the authority of A. E. Qoodhart to uae Wormaer'a name, and Mr. Qoodhart ma-le a poaltlve aflldavlt I . the 'ontrary. The Court Btated that Br. (Joo.l hart and his aaaoctateo decllned to come here and testify, but their reasoiu were Inadequate, and !??? was unwilrlng to rely on tiieir depoeltlon to declde the is.on-' of veracity. Tlie Coun als. aaoaerated Kunneiis & Burry, counael for the plalntlffa, de clarttiK that they wvre Juatlfled ln bellevtng that they had authority to oae Wormaer'a name. OABJTBBIB STEF.L OOMBABI BPTg BARA Plttabcurg; Dec. IL- The Carnegle Bteel Company, I.irnlted, haa purchasr-d a rnile of frontage. or about aeventy-four aorca of lan.l, on the Rononga* helu Itiver. beiwtcn and DutJUOane, The money pald was about BBsBN, Ths la probably the largesl purebaae of an unlmprovsd manufacturir.g alte -or broughl about in Allegheay County. The parehaee is in fortherance of tbe project of the Carnegle company towurd the caacentratlon of all ita Immenoe Induatrial Intereeta Ins one riclnlty. This aocjulaltion glves the company threi and a half mllea of vatnable frontage on the nver between Homestead ar.l Duqueane, and lles dlre. tlv a tbe rlver from the comc ny'a exteni >? -.ip. n whlch are < recti d th.- Immansi Btoel worki f.-.rnace plan) th< Ed| i Tl mi m - eel Worka at Rradd ick and Bessemer. Bhould all th>- .';.: nteresta become concentrated -t this locatlon, i ai ild en iti an indu?tnal ntve, capitallaed at $B, 000,000, employing 13,000 men. RO MOV.F. DF.I.AY IB TBB BOATOX MAILM. on, Dec 11.?For aome tlme complainta have been recelved by Pootmaater Coveney from bual . n of delay In malla between New-York and Boaton, The delay was ? ?ii ? ?> be due to ch ln the tlme of arrival and departure of the New Votk tralns. Th. Poatofflee Departrnenl aras c m munlcated with in relatlon to the matter, and a dlapatch, aaylng that there would le no more delaya as the traln achedulea ba l bei n r< arranged. YOYAOF Or A BOTTLK OX TBB ATLABTIC. Topeka, Kan., Dec. 11.?Whlle on thelr way to Burope laal Auguat Davld BcQowan, of Xewton, K.iii.. and Edward B. BcClelland, of Pittaburg, pul thelr carda In a bottle and dropped it into the mld dle -.f the Atlantlc Ocean, belng four daya out from New-York. Mr. McQowan haa Juel recelved his card trom a Btranga hand, with the following letter: York Cottage. Crolby, Alderney, Cbannel lelea, Kngland. Nov. 11 |. ? s;r: Havlng on the aftemoon ot Oci bei -. und on the sh >r.- of our laland a D ?ttl [ two vialtlng carda, with your sddreaa on one of them, i now take the llberty of ?? 8 them to vou, thinklng you may havi thrown them over board, wondering If you would llke to hear rrom or aee them i-sain. Belleve me, your humbli vat t. JOHN BERXARD Bl RKE. -...^.-- ? ? ro CVBTAIL LUMBER PBODVCTIOX. Texarkana, ark., Dec. lL-One of tbe largoat and moat important lumber meetlngs of the year l '?? pla.-e yeaterday. The yellow pine induatry of the States of Blaaouri. Arkanaaa. Teaaa and Loutslana waa repreaented. It was decided to curtail produc tion one-thlnl. runnlng the mllla only four daya a week. The capaclty affected Is B,( ?,0 l feet a aay, or l.WO.OOO.OOQ feet a year. nvBSTJTUYiox or dbcbb .< cbimb Tiie followlag will appear in the December ttwue of "Tbe National Board of Health RagazJne," ol ? Allen H. Btlll is edltor: \ Rew-York dally speaka i I omplalnta made by phyalclana thal prer rlptlona an nol proaerly Mled bv* ilnujglsts to whom they have bi -n taken. A . ? , lan relatea a case of malarlal ?? vi r I .r wh h .... preacrlbed ammonol, the pr acrlption belng niled bv an Inferlor drug. The BUDStltutlon of or..- drug for another is a penal offence in this State, and we heartllj concur with the Btatement ol Dr. Bulllyan that tlie Bplrit which dlctates BUbatltutlon 'sbelow contempt, for the arugglst is "ready to aai riflce the i ??? of ai. unhappy paik-nt on th.- altar ol nis in human greed." fhe dlacovery of the eynthi tlc me I coal tar producta- antlpyrln, phenacetlne. ammonol and othera has been most fortunate. rnoy ire preacribed every day for the relief ol paln and ihe reductlon ..f fevera. ln fact. they ar.- aa - aa oi .,:.: ?? or morphlne. The mosl ai i loua ? -..? atlon In the admln - t theae druga ls wh'ih .... they will depreaa the clrculatlon and whether cyanoala may nol occur and another caae .: fallure !..- ehronicled. ll- irl fallure ..- alarm n't nowadays, and aome -i '?'.- coal tar ? are charged ^\!t',. belng th.- ca those whlch are conaldered sai^ and nol,'. in casea oi weak heart, and, ln fact, the onlj ono ?a hlch Ia ?? atlng ls ammonol (the drui v, : i.. ,i by Dr. Bullivan). If any drugi -:., bu ii i case. aubatltute another drug, and fatal -. enaue, he woul l be gullty of a crlme. Eor lunately there are not manj drugglata ao un BcrupulouB. But that aome drugglata do sn'.sMni;, one dniK ror another r.. cann t .!>?:.y. and i- ;s the duty of honeat dealera t.. purge the profeaalon of Bcoundrela, who fatten lik- gboula upon thoae v 1... are sick and in pair.. THE STATE OE TBADE l ,,-.-. -. , ? ii ; i .... un. hanfl I. 'a-v: No ^ re I -r .t ..n-i H ? OT,- Ua}", ..'..-.''.To leam r '-? ? 2 red, I ern by I in i--, OStiOT. . ,i ., - ,- - . ".24,i.>. buah; - ? ? i-Vooo buBh ? ., ? .; l.... ii er, ?'>??? ? , i'??? .U'ur.i?,. . ir.ixt-,1. :'.."?..'!-' . - ???!' whlle roft, Sl'i yellow, .".-'?? n-v.- ?? : atock, 1 .?(:."..<n?. b l".',.0Ul i.ush. Oata flrmer; No - arhlt* \\'.-k<i:.. 25 Md; Na 2 mlxed .1- 2Se i.l.i. atoek, -'-?? 00 I , !1\. quln, - .\" ? 2, ti-ii'.,- nearby, 40a-4"c ?'-?-??-..: atock, :.:..::.?. Hay ati adj . eholce 111 - >il? . .';'" ?'. I. F C'otton nomlnal: mlddllnfa, B c. Egga H rn, ::?'? . .. .i- ? tiai Boaton, I>-". II Fhnir Bleadjr, I O ta qul I. r. rlal irt , I ar flrm; >.' creamer; f,>.->. iVeaiern, J- :? ? I ? N . ,.i ??. !..,/ j l , \. ei t. i . fifl io . '.??. : . 23 \ ? . 11 23gi"i. . ,? .. L> ll Thi le di ful .-?- ri rup : I Wbaal N . 2: Openlna;. ilo .-?-'. J.-,. 1 >. - ? ii,t.. )? . '??" ? - . ? ' ? '. .'?,"., i iniu ?: . ~ .- , May .614???1 ? ?i- t02 , '?) j?l ,1 . |01 , Cpra, Bo. t: Dacaanbat . 2-',v? 2-"-:- -'"?'. L'.".\ January. -?'? '?? -'. i-'.;, \..'\ :'?; May . BRi BRi 28*44] 2844 28% .,.-.-. No. 2: Daeaaaber . t"'? II I i*u ITH May . lOfat h. i W - ' 18 ? 10% Mraa pork. per bbl.: I'Meenibr-r . *7 lia 17 60 $7.;.% $7 AR January. B424 s ,-, >.;,, s .n >iay . aatn aaava -s?b'-, B7u LarO, per JOO 11).: December. f> '?"'^ B07 BOTH 507! . B_4 B821,, o'M B20 May . f. 4f. .. 47 . *4Zhi !> 41". Short riba. p?r 100 tt..: Daeember. 4 17'; 4 ITty 4 it .. 4 17'; January . 4 -- i i ::?' 4 :7' ? 4 ro May . 4 4.". 4 4T4 4 424 4 4.- _? .'as!. quotatlona ?<.-.- ;?? tollows: Plon .v..^ ateady .?? Brm. Dealera ln aome naia . ? were ;,.-k,-.? I0e ovei -.-. ek'a iii ea. Trada waa Ha ' No 2 aprlng \\iirat. :.. M%c; Ro .1 aprlng a/heai, "?- ..'? '?,< . " , 2 red. HPf No L' . va. 2844c; No 2 oata 17 .17 .. No 2 i ? nomlnal; ? o 2 barlay. 884>40r; No i ?.,,v-,.i im j.riin.. tlmothy aea i, 83M meaa pork, j . I ?7 75?$7M1?; lard, pei !"? rh, >:. i::?'-.?*., i7; ; .-'u .: lea, l?--.--. $4 20914 :z??.. dr. |4 AO0S4 7-">. ? h. ;i |. ?? nhlakey, dl IIUerB' flnlahed sooda, per xal, m ::: .ut loaf, 85 82 rranu ted, 84 70 ? lar.1 : s? .?-7 : aee 1 ...? ? ? ' L>n lhe Pi iv ?? 8j lo daj i. ?? butti r mail 1 ura ? reamery, 2<i.', . ;? ? Oll I*. I 20H4I21 Mllaauk. 1- il- Wheal opened ;,. lowei ;.i),; weak : ih. .', ? report. I al tll'tc i . . .>;*,, . .'..- b and. . . below. . impl. -.i-.,; '... . ? : \ : and iiulajl auppb i. No 1 Nortl : ? " .? , :-. 2 N'jrthern, 58e; No 2 spring, 58c, Bairts) n .ininul ai X2'.r \ (or No ? caah <.r Deeember. ... N... ;; jreli .w, 201 .. ; No 4 mi tii.rV.. 20c. O . ? ; No 5 whlle, iv , . N ,":: ,l ? 1 ?-, I8?4f 1*3 '? "b ; No 1 on tra ... ??'. - V. Sj, do, 86c. 1 I ,ui araady, bul -i ? .. and prlcea were VI ?? !??-.: | ln | . .. r - in .-??. ?? chanfe.V hn al na lower; meaa pork, *> ;;o, Jan J? ::.i.- ^Ic;ll!l lard, <??'><.."> CBSb .. . . 85 811 ? .r>. Miim -..i" lia, i'??? ? 'I rbara araa a ateady decl wheal all -i-.y. and with. ui a. -omi* tement. The markel loal l nearly from top prk-e and yel it a i mai .....i oa a vry dull Bnarkal "? were no trad. r . .--il,... Ma) ??: ? i.-.i :.i ..7".. . I. i ?. of V ::? m > ? ; rday'a . i...--.. I ad am ? i I. .7 . :. . i .. . . atnadlly i" ?'',i?'- ? ' I -u.t ?>? ?"?. aarati I .7 Millera an.l elevaloi were free buyi I Norlhen at il ? ? . un . -i - ; ? h,? t and to arrfea ? -II bi .'-4- . ' No I, <wlii n niriK>- -.r .'.-J-4??.-?..'.?.? , No .1 .... . ... trafk: Ko 1 hard, .'l-i . >.'.> 1 Norlhern, 58 . No - Norl i etn r.j.. Corn, '? - .. ? I ai 23. i ? -.-. atead) ; No % ?-nlle, IB ,- with earrlen n >l ia thi ? |gr; No 8, l?i ..ibi. Plmn qul i al 12 ttu-^S-'l 31 . ).H?<nt^. |l|Kia$20? bakera |,|..<l.|. t;..n. 4i..aa? .. ? .??..:???? Miii atuffa 1 an ,n bulh ( 16 78 ah ?? . o; -'??"?; 7:. mlddllnaa, 88 25?$?7a, r. aianiio a Phiiadeiiihia. I>- ? ll- i: .1. Prlcea aiaadil) beld. i >n ,i (obbera fenerallj well i ipplled und ,i. mnn.l llght. ? iaat--Markei drpreasod under feneral praaaura t<? ??!! in r.ll home Kruln centrca prlcea drcllnlna . tract, whaat, I>ac8mbcr, .7 IH" January, *:',' j<> Vebruarr, e*'^?>?i--; Maxeh, OU' .,7'--. i:orn Prlr. . aali ar..l ?v<-caaiber rule at?a \\ under IIkIu offarirk] fui.i-.-a waah .:.-! a. ii.i.-.i :,- owlaa lo tha u>.v. i f aculatlve aupporl i ? ? -? i carlota ln m -i.-r.-ii. and 'jul-'t at f...-i"-r r..t^a. No '.; mlxed. |i .. i.., ;:.'i?4'. January. ^abruary aad M ?? ?;,. :i.i'. -? Markirl for carloia qulel and bai l; airady. with tt ?: lna> i"..?' ra* dull nd unrhar i s I I and* - '?'??.? 284402* '- ?? !??.-< ; . ii l ui | PaM dull; arlBter bran In bulk, fl2t>fl200 w r l-a. Otbai artlclca uncbans'iL IMB 141 THE MABKETS. TOTAL RECEIPTfl TO-DAT. Bew-Tork. Paaaaabar Ifc BllBBBI pkcs. I T-,r. hl-Ia. .,.,.?", I Baana. bbls. r.7i Ol eake pkus. *'-trt,i itonna (CBl.), bags.. 818 ml luh., bbls.. . Eg Ploor. pkK*. B7.6S8 Oleo. atock, pM?. ,,,;., . Huckwl???'. bush... 20.475 Peanuta, bags. 'gri ; n. W. 't-ii. pkn ?? 4P0 Pork. pk?-*. ,.-, I ("ornmeal, bbj . BOfi Ueef, pkgs. ? ,.,-, I Comracal, ban. 8.133 t'utmeata, i>ks?. :,,,,,, < >: iin- 11 bbli. i>.?i Lard, pkea. _.1B0 W'heal bush.288.030 Lard. k-rf. '':i;,; Corn, bush.10T.BW Tnllow, pkas. 1H Oata bush. 40.BOT I Oreaae. pka>. (M., ltvp. hurh. 2.888 Bultar, pkfS. .',,,,?? peas, bnsk. 1.M0 Cheeae. pkga. ? irlej l.n?h. ?i?J? ??__? bW . .,-,,, 1 IV-'l 804 8,1*1 ;;T<i ii oo 13 50 im.' 50 M .11. bush. 13.2ft) Kgea Cot'nseed meal, baes 1.800 R ? ? pkg?. i ottoni .1 bl la. I "-I ' Rli ?? > haff. baf Cotb n. i.ale-. 8.47* ll ilna Cal.l ' *< '? "' , I'opper. i-ikt-s. 2,fln*i Bealeklrte rnik. r, I ? t : -. 1 frult. pkaa.... 5.406 Rktn*. balea. . .. Oraaa i I ? ... i--i ';i- lt r, r-u- ea.._.,., Hldes, bales. 80 Kucar. bbls. ?,..,', Htdea, bunllca. 402 Bukar, begl. balea. l.Bna Toi i, hhdi. ..; Holaasea, bbls. 540 Toi ??-. pk. Mi aa, I iiI.k. ::.'.'? bbli. Boain. bhia. 7.>s kVool, balea. Bplrlla nirp.. bbla... 237 Cal. Wlne. pkgl. bbls. 80 | CABfl QUOTATIOJCa Iron, Ne 1 IMot?ry.818 78 | Baaw. BTBBitfated... , So. No 2 aoft_'.. 13 00 | Molassea, <> K rr'm* , Htcel ralla. 1800 II..Ra. drseaed. IBB-ro I . IB Lard, prtme. Copper, lake ir.u. ... 1008 Tal ar, rlme. Wheat, No 2 red.. OBti I'ork, mesi. Corn, No, ?-? mlsed.. ::ir Ueef hams. . Oata No J mlaa... 28 Detf. family . m Mlnn. palent Hour.. 813 Cotton, mid-IHns. ' J CofTee, No 7. 14'. i:\r- >m TO OAT. Wheat, t-tish . 77.207 t Naphtha. r>'--' . 'uVSn '" " l-mh . i;il.o.-o uasollne aali ????? B. 'kwl ? ., i.ii-.ii .. 8 017 ""? i " '?? a*J,' Peaa, bnsk . 1,012 Lubrb at'a ' i:- I Beana bush . 10 I'ork, bbls . bUa . 15.028 lt--. f. bbli . .;.;; J. ir lacki . 4.021 He?f, tea .,,.-?.-,',? :, bbla ... 835 Bacon, Ib .' ' ' ' '',?, Bran, Iti . 87.5iin Hai n> .,?--'-, . 180 Lard, lt- .l..>.'..!?.'? j il, Ib. 6,250 Lard - ll, pali. . '?; OU eake, Ib. 540.000 gtmrlne, n. -?'." i Hplrll lurp., gi '? ? -'>:.?> 1 i'.I ???. H. '?'.?_? , Boaln, bbli . 5 Oreaa?. n> . -' *" bla . :; Butfr. Pi . Sl'-iak ' Bef. petrol'm, yala.8,407,800 Cheeae, t'. THB OENERAL MARKET REPORT. Sew-T. rk, D ? ,s:';' COTTON Tha :. ? -i-??? : m rkei ari '?? ',' *" Inc generally im- ?'. oit-c ' , ?lthough ip -t r >ti .n wai a irtfl m in I. Balei am ...... .i i - I2.OH0 bal I ?"? fri-.i Llvcrpool, ?? ni arlth n sti .-. p .ir- lower, but und ?r ihe Infl i >nce of - lag f.-i local aci unt, Ihere i i pi li ra up i-i a p itnl or ao a? - ? > ? ' "* 'i hare v aa a lack >f ap iculatlva buyln ' ? "",' Ina, an I thi ?? ?? med l - ba i >rai aelllna ;"- I l ? '": tha markft decllned steadlly lo 8.240 for January und B.SIc ror March, u derreaa* of aboul 18 poinia from yea terday'i rloelng, thea. prlcei belna reached !?-f-?? . 'i lo.;.. There ? - ? ; . ? ii ii!.' Kouth. Local i" ' bmkera aay thal thare haa baen a muoh betn-i for , n di t two oi Ihrea daya, i ul I- en reeirl ted by ihe exlrem ? vlewi ? I h The i ikure m irki I h re - I ??: bal lj ?t?ad> with . .-s. ptemb. i and O. lobar 12 nd ol m.-miis IS p ln i lower foi ll - --.:?> were _ - ,- ? -:,, \ . y, rk ?? ' markei ? ia I 18 . n ap -t markeui .. u Bavannah and Bl Lotila al iwina an advanca ol ' loc and .': Norfolk ;, . \ \* n I n Cotton Kxchannc ilrm I.i- the followlnq i--i:...-i'l.c. Ibe ?ituatlon abroad: "A favorable oplnlon la aalninc I \\ ?? thlnk red eal mati - wili am n ; ci uelng an advan " . ll *! men I inu tl nk favon ;. th ?? i.n-l a larae buili ?plnn. ra lo f- ? lha Immedlaia futuro. The poaltlon I oa n mi rli The aeml ?re kl) Interl ir n ivem< ni I . .;? NV.OUU I-.'1--- and ahlpmenla of 0U.1WD l..i . , ipta al the i-'tt- ii ?? 'i"c - Interl.>r movemi nt. The ? '? '' > . ? .... '\;. ii 230 (I "i !? iii -. . r ? "ii ' - 11 ' amountlna ??- 231.157 and la I year 342,127. Thi <?? , |pt? iit N '- - ? ''??' al 7.000 ? p i,.-,..--, . l i i i '..--.' m daj : lai -?? ? k, 11.075 ir and't iw > ccelpts N.-w-Orlaana were 17..".L.'i i Inal 14.718 aami uay last week and 15.828 laal ? uon 10.200 bal -. agalnai 8.180 laal week and 14.483 laal >tur; kloblle, 1,4.10 balea, airalnai 3wl and 1 >' -. Savjnnah, 5.0BU Baalnst 4.7:t:t and 5.f?'.?7; Charleaton, -.".'?"? balea, aguina' 2.032 and 2.204: Norfolk, 2.318 balea, agaln 2,24 3,380, Thi recelptu at llouaton wrre 4.IMI lai-->. 3,004 and 8.704; Memphla, 4.031 b l--. agalnai 4.212 aml 3.392. Ilei -Ipl i H 'Oaton I ??? eatlmated si 7.^?> balea, ilnat 8,400 aama daj Opentng. ranga ani cl - ? Bd ciuair.s M - .. i nlahl and last yi ar ti How: i ii.. -i inr. i lecei i *r i ... ... . S. 3.1 ??; ,rv Man li .8.4.1 Aprtl .s ?' .'! iy .?.ol .lui.e .v fi ? July .H.5H AUKUSt .vi! s- ptembar ... October .8.;._. ? ar .. .& 12 - ?? idy ni 12018 : td wl ? ? ? ? loslng prl ? ? i ' ? 8.25. 'i ital .- ib i, 221,100 I slea. N< ? ,8,470 .'???- Coni nt, 2.031 I Urltaln 100 bal forwarded, 1.1BB balea; aalaa 241 balea; aplnn. ra i>i b lea; stnd . 175,4 il bal. -. rotal n ,.,;?. io da . 11.434 I alea; Ihua far lh?a we. k, HU.P44 Kxporu i ? ? I ln, 0.8*5 1 iles; C >ntl< I,-..- Thua far Ihta week: Oreal Urltaln, 17 ;., i . . i; rontlnenl. 41.217 IHI3.43G balea. Bpol ? itton qi ?'. I '". lower; ml.l dllns uplanda, - . . ml : . - t i ,i.i -. Isl . . ? and contrai t, 1<?? I.i,. rix -1 i ablei SptX ? olton, ; fal ..? -. -. , an i ? \p >rt, I.i 00 Amerlcan, O.W 0 I - ... ,? . imei Ican, K .. ?i i . -i 21-S2d; Iui ii lt, a#ij i .;.i.. i. un. han ? I polnt i I3.1v; 1311 . !?' ' ' March-Apiil, 1311 : Api I - l.'C' .!-, June July, 133b; - V'ama, i I i nlng ( -nd n . ] ?! ? qtili i . 'l il- FEE Very Ul . ?:.. ? . ? "m hai . . P< ndln. Ihe holl laya manifeet In iirr-1 k ? . . full, llavra i-ablei wera al sboni yrt terday'a piicre, cloalna QUlet. I'--. mber, 80.30 france; January, 87.78 franca; Fabruarj 88.88 franca: March, B4.Su franci A1 Hamburg Ihe markei waa berely steady, i.r cloalna al 78 pfennlnaa; lanuary. 70.80 pfen ebi uai '. 80.30 pi h, '-' 23 pfennlnt . B7.B0 pfennlngs. Rlo nfneial cablea dull; No 7 .|.i ;.'i al I3.B50 la; ? ? hanae quoted al I '.. r. ;...-iu bagi i l aran llali s, 12 000 _u ' < ? it Bk). 224,000 -. rvlpta, l . U00 ? ? Btock, 481,000 ba i. Mark I q ili ; al 14 700 i ? ntrai la cloa I ? i - al un h inaed lo 14 poll aa followa: Tba atatlatlcal poaltloB ot Bra "- Isasfollowsi T . 4a; S - iterda) Laal w ??' N'ew-Tork Btocks .233,487 200.888 2t?'..012 Kaltimon . 21,578 21,832 '-':t '.'l* New-Orteana cki. B8.4T1 R0.3H1 32.181 Btock al .'.tl porta.,880.480 838.800 S4O.O20 New-York dellverlei. 7,14<; Sl.Slli ".""I Ifiltimorc delirarlea . Z'.l M8 ?':'s New-Orieani dellvertee .... 88B 881 812 Total delln rli ? . 8JW0 g.288 ? 144 Uloal .170.000 179.ISS1 I!s?,0ih? Vtalble pupply .?'"?" 'Ml -r'i7.?'?j Tha marl ei : ? Hraall i mln illy flrm, with Rlo Xo 7 .-i- ' qu led al l4Nc and Blo Xo ? , Bt 14 ,i - i,.,s ?? ?| ,u io take bol l of Invol ? ' . i.imi il ,i iiu li ? ? la.:. in th* ? I tha , ,,,;, ii itlvel) i- '.- order* are - ml .- In. l-'.-r mll't ii,.-. ]?. a flrm market, nm, ? m? aai i al i-ill prl mual - the bualnew In amall toi The i ,tal - i ., , . v.,.,, i si<> bagi Mai i. ilbo and i'.i?i baa tr ii Amei i in on pi i\ sta i- rn.r. ri/iiii AND MEAL Tr.. i- waa llahl and Ike i- llng wraker. 1 hla a - dua vei-j largelj lo ih dc llne In whi ii whlch em .uraaH alvlna r --? lo ... >,..' ihat ii , ? l j were cnlj ludlna 1.730 i ? '? nla, i? .'? la 75; 2 430 I ' ' ? "*? >>w" ' ' Sai; |3U bbl eiira 2a. |2 75; 7,003 I I .., | 13 00 184; 3 ?'" '-.? ?? ..;.. ?:.., 83 ' . ,,-. ?rk, extra 2i 12 ai. ..II i*i JVIIBAT PL ? ' i "i demai I I l :; .?: 10.IUI-. ,,,,||. .; w- .. :<<? ui s- .'??? -.*- i"1 ... I'|||\ Ml ?L \'-- il.ii-I a.tlv,.; IM bj la I iiiiut. ' ? *- ?-- i " 33; ?eat< - m . i. $2 20??*2 33. UAO MEAL -. -. ^ low, si;--- i; < . ? . 7* ,.,- . i:i:ii Steady. Qu i. I: 40 ti-. iXm ." . ? > so : uu .. ,i i ii-. W .7.' . ?? ! Ti. 75c; il m< al. '?'-'; i'f"' ; clty I ? ? ? ? - i: >. i\ '., ii... i marl lull I il , . and waa ^.?l> qulcl d irlng the fore ,.,,., ;., ? wlna wblcb t ?? i" lurn \ ?tj llttla eflfect early i - ? ? '" ll1' '; "?':: ,:" nl report, I il latcr the i-eurs t./ur. eouraga aad began bammerlni ,-. nuldi ruhle loi irat wn broughl oul '.?? thi a- tlon ., '" "' 'lUlle eaall/, loal ? . . ? . .:, i of 2?0.iaai.- | ,: Piis I- subje. . I-- : aui ii . li.ii.cii > idltl n? . ? i?- '?; n ?? and hai' ? ?l ,,. 0f bul little if any valu i'i.- ewsift im abroa ,,,- \, r. qul ' i. ' ? ' ' .8 verj llttte In futun .1: '',:' ?'"'?? Minm ai ? Dui mi t i- I.. ? ilnat 1 -??'? laal weak and 08d aai Inti-rloi rerajpti of Itll, r<i7 buah, ? ... buah I., .t > ln 7 1 123 ' uah ? .-,. , ?<-, |)U , . . ::"?.?'? 'I bB ? 204.277 ? 1.203,770 bu ... igali I 7 .-' :?.:? buah; ? i ; ,, . ,..-..-. During i i. I ??' i . ? n * aa -m ?> rather am .11 ac '?-. with .. beliei than lha I ? ? araa a litic ., buah of 130.00 prlvate terma. No IrMi >- qtmta . b iti-ii. No i hard, r, ??? si May f o b ,floal ind No l Northern. %< over Maj t o b afloat Late ?_? N .rtharti , -?; i . - t\ '?' - f ? b ? ." . f ? ni i. CORN Thc mai ,., ? i i ,, -,- ti dull aa i "? eaaer, iw n- m d ,1 u v:,..\,- .i arealer ?- - i the i.r-1 inl ? . im.-, li i adrl. > ? i ln I ? ?? I ? ...rn and (? t ?ereral daya tba \. itarn markei.^ hat il ,i derllnlna landency. The Umpnrary local a. , ny ci - i with tiir in- n .!"? ln arrivals t ie -i"i and nearby dellverlea have ri glren away. Thi cloa. waa .lull .it v?. decllna on i- ?? i?-r lo '.- decllne i n May. Cash - ?? n waa qulet. O.ono i.uhii No I sold nt :~>V dellvered; 04,000 boab .t ;i.ik??j:irt??i' f o i> afloai n-iity iiti-i apeclal umi prlrata lamta; ona ar of \.ii..". at 80. etevator and bu^li on pi il lenna f o b afloat. The Inlarlot reeirlpli of -i I i 1 -po i Pusij ..k ?l 43O.IS10 :.'i-;. la?l '.ar. ??-., ort ? ? T-io.. i l th .is .-'."??... i .uat:; The i. . ? ' i il ? lull ?. . ? ikei - l bul lha -ii i ml -i- i - rli ? hk-.hi ?ci in ' ?! i ,,? I,, ji,ii slon A'aat, whl n baa '???" m-i ln| of lata uwiiik ta tha rerj llberal Inierlor nv.\ eni*nt. The ' ia .-,. ui.,-. :...., ir. i.i.??>? .|,iii ii . . -. . . i || .,u h nld No 2 al 14 . I; If 000 buah urii:-.. -d whlle. - a ? and l.iaai buah n irk mlxed 23. dellvered; No 2 whlta quoted al 84' bld, nr.d No 2 ui 224fr23c .BAIt I IV Market dull. <*luutatl<..)s rauae from :i-*' 17., aco.rd ln? to (trad,..BA1,T?Bualnesa la practlcaUy at a atandatlfl, i Ith prlcea nomlnal at .VJ?Woc. rtvi; Trade llght and quot.-itlona unrhanged al 43048c for earlota.... RPCTKWHEAT?Market ateady. Prlma Htata quoted ut 41 '?? u:... Tba .|'intatlona tn day. tIn? clr.nlng prlcea fnr the prevlmia day aad r|?Mng prlcea for the turrcapondlng -l.,ie laal yi ir f-.liow: Open- High- La>W- CfcNH _B*. Laat ,;: mg. aet 88t. in* n.glit- y?H December ....884-4 804-4 8*4 8SU 88*4 ,; Januan .? ? ? w\ ?7'? W Pebruaiy .... ? ? ? -- B3 atarrh .884 8gtt Bgaj BW 804 (34 afay .8B4 I - ? BPg ?7-? ?'>*'. ?. ? - 07r, 88*4 '-' Juty .? ? ? 0s 8*4 ''? Com: ber ...344 MSJ 84U M4 ?"?". ?;.'; January .844 at i 844 844 844 . : r-cbniary .... - - .. -*? May .254 8*4 B B . ??? ? ?'' ? Oatai ? ber ....-- ? 8? 8? jJJJ 23 284 :,.' Pebruary ....284 ?4 BBA BU 234 .844 24 ? 11 , -l1* -.-? De white: , mher .... ? --- 84 ?> -"'? 255 i January .- ? ? B4 - ? l R-'* I ? pta of breadatuga at interior p.mta ln ,;"'",it;;'.1v iaal thrae clphara (000 ? BTaui bbla B*a? Beaa. i Ki-ur. Wbaat Oora. Oata. l?jF?.B_1ay. ?'h|eaa-> . 17 IB 31" aB J H atilwi uk ?? .81 7.-. :i fl * -. Lottii. ?? BO 88 BJ . - .'- B -; - i . - 8 s .) " ? I'.x.rla . - <l 11 ',4 polla . - 848 - - ? I . ? 82fl ? . ? 23 ? . ? 1 M ^4 Totala .~K T.^7 47H BOt ll Ua Bhtpmaatfl from thei,e point?: . s 7^ wi -?"-?< " R Hllwaukee . 7 10 B ? ' Bt. Loula. ii 12 01 ?' ~ To|. I-. . -? ?'?? -ll 1 - !? r ? . - I 2 ;- - Pe rU . - 1 80 "?' _ . 88 M - Duluth . 131 -- ? ~ Kani .-. Cltj. - I?> ? *" . ."il ::i7 "i7i SM 3 xi I ? pia at Atlantle Borta: N. ir-Yortl . 81 2S3 K?T '41 3 31 Phlladelphla . 7 -' :??> 13 Baltlm - ? . '.7 0 I^J . i; lu 88 II na . 2 M i . .:?. . 10 i .' M ?" 81 .. fr in ai:..- ? i rta; Nea ". rk . IB 71 131 ? - nhia . N ."-?. 10 - - Italtlm. ra . 1 10 112 -- ? Ikiaion . 1 ? r New-Oriaaaj . ? 184 ? ? ** Totali . 20 101 BOB 18 ? ? IfETALa tin- Th* ; a oa futura dellveri << ?ln ? pronounced , ,v '-1 ??">?> a -.. under tl ?? - ftVrlnga, i loal ir al a llttl. -. ? . tl ilea Included 23 I i " I ? ml i al $13 -?'. -?? ' ii. Mli ???-.,?.:;.. ? ? ?-. 813 s.,. and ~i , tpril ?-? !l -. ?< optlon, on ? day'a notl. ?-. i : Ji.i h >. Tl e arrl - .- i ??- 17'. i >na.OOPPER II.- , ? . Ung ..f weaknei ?? both lu II r,l raatlng gradea. ln* t taa been :-.'? $10 .;:,. nn,| 110 23, i.r.-l otfirolytlc 110 171 fin ;-. .-. tatlona ou f the - b ? are al n allghi conc >?8lon on ili- ngurea . i.!:..!) Ilarki. dull and w. ik on ad. I n: irk, ta at th V I ? ? al ?-"? 23. >!?'...! R cloatna ' t'-t ''?? ''? il* tlon in nomln il quol ittona waa i n advlcea of I ? .-?; j., ,,- .IRON Trade u..s featu ?: a, wlih ? . 'i h< atn k ol pl? ;. I 18 1O7.0U0 t. "?<? Nn I X P vanla nli I at &)'?'? ?'>'' .-tl I: No 2 al 112 .-.'.iJ.-'.. >.,-,-!.,;. ? , ? Iry, Ml. N ? 2 aoft. f '.".??..-i:; 50 |21 .1041 $22; furelgn. ex-ahlp, ?:;.',.;?;.', 7j<); doi . >.:.. ,??) .VI. MOl.ASdRH AM> SVRL'Pfl Thera la a atead on ll ,- pulai . i.i.i.-.. an i th# demand .^ :':0'' i urolan m .laaaea la dull an l " ni nul. Sj i ipa uii- at. a i . a ith .< r Ir demi i d. -'? i ,\! naaea, New-Orleana, rentl -nik. il, - i.. ,i. . lAfflMc; prlme and cholt-a nomlnal; S w-Orl'eanj open kettle, falr, 24*J26c; goo.1, 274J2U ,,. :... ;n..;:ilj . cholce. a;;;<:::.. ; Porto Rlco, 2??J31c; I. i .,!? 244120c. S\i-.i,,< Sugar, ralr, lOfjHc; g- ?, I24J |4e; i hoice, IflTjIHc; fan< . 2H?22e. NWAL, BTORKH?Btock: Roaln, 80,001 bbla; aplrtta ? irpentiua 1 188 tar, 1,601 bl is. Bplrita turpi ? quoted at 274C271 for ragulan on 1 niuchi;; ->. m h.r.iiiK :. verj '...???? i de. it iln i il. with ii i-l-.v- aalea ni vement and prlcea unchanR d; con ii?.i ia a-ood atralned quoted .' II 104J81 75, und unchanged; quoted bl *l s.i'..M '.." for r. [U i . ? b. |1 70 .. I NO, .?. KAN PREIOHTS Thi 1 ?! - ind '? dull on il.- berth, bui poated ratea ara i ntlnuing . ~ -: ; '? reported t ? da) Kiuln al llamburj; al i7 ..t........ w. quote: 0 ! !...,.!.:! n. ." d; Ola :. td; llull, 4d; Newci lle, i I; Aniv elllea, 2a 8d; Hremen, 13 ptennlnga; llani ?. i. Kotlerdam. 7',. ; Amaterdam, 7-....-. f'ork roi ;- . cotton lo Llvernool, 3^2d; i-? uleum to l'nlt-l ..... i2a IM.i'H VR1 BR8 Ball l< n nage ?...-? in muderate dt-mand lo-day, prlncipal I foi tl r : . Inqulry I - . , ? untlnu. i llghi wii liout . hange. Bti am I i . , ? - . illj for gi o.i. , | ? ultable veaa. la. Chaiiera f. II .w: II at. im r, 1,038 lona, coti n, Bavannah ... tha -M- llterra 11--...ii, prlvate terroa; Norweglan ateamei ."To t na, v\ al IndJa t ii. ? charter, two ir three montha, teo psr month; Norweglan atcam. r. 328 \ I montha ' ; 8hlp, i ? 11 n . ' -' .Icra to the 1 .t. 2Hi ad; al lp. 1.474 :?..-. coal, Ual 8an Kn.ncl , *H; llrltlah oark, 1.312 . .:-. .--.. rai rargo. hen lo Pitl Ell il 'tl ,13 ... I and waa l - ?_s and \-v.. ?; M...H ahlp, i :.< ton?, chalk, i . ? , . m alitp, 1,241 i n i, chalk, F a v i - ? . id. l| .... 7- thi; - ; - er, MM1 gi neral i arg", :- n f to Ceara. t< rnia; i ? i i airgo. " n. ? lo H il . . pi I ? ? . - ,.- Turt i laland I Hoat .; Ii, ^l i tona, g, nerul i arg i, ln nee t Polnl Potre, ner, 021 I ma, . al, Phlladeli ? Ifavana, al or ?'?> .u II ?'?''. and ba 1 fi m Tan ' ile i-??? .. i i r tt! i tona, lun S ? 84 .'0- H H 23; ach oner, .i^l tons, luml lon to Brldgeport, 85; - !.ner, 343 lons. lunt., Havan i ::ii lo Daltlmore, prlvate lerma, coal oul fi "' Phlladtl hooner, 511 tona, kiln ''ri.-.l lumber, Waehlngion N c lo New-York, 84; achooner, 811 lona, coal, Phlla? delphla to Oiarleaton, 82" i Hi ,!- achooner, 124 tone, coal Port .: hnai .. lo Hl J< hn, N P, 7' ?, 8. i oner, : I" , ,n- coal Bdgewater lo VVilmlngton, N t, '??'. ar.d dla .;; ? North v I , .N- a l'ork, 4",. ? ..II.-- K nomlnally firni market ia re,.. i .'. . .-?:!. althnugh tradlng waa Itght, notwlthatandlng th I und. ? waj. ?>- < t... Houthern marketi, ti ? Bltuatlon la un mgwl. laird and linaeed olla hold ateady, with the demand Itght. 1 oil, prlme rrude, bbla. 2:.'. 2<* . p crudf 1_. f .. b, mllls, 21082c; off-crude, bbla, here, hutter ? il. 31032c; aummer yellow, prlme, 2!afi ?>.:>? ???? aummer yellow, nP. grade, 28fJ2Sl?c; w - wlill prlme, r.2 .:?!. . lard i i., prlm clty, d oil, Ara i.. an law, 42c; Amai kan I -.; i.'- . . 'al ulla raw, Vi PETROI.KL'M The markei for Natlonal nlp ratea rloaed with 8168 aaked al New . >rk -'..?? n , ?: ,1 , I -. I . ? ? ? ? ?7 :?'.. ? ai a, New Vork, IM 73 I7?; i iphlh .. I? 25, PHoVlHIONH Tl. ? market ? ;. nnea depreai d, The m qulry t ? ? L*rd waa I. wer to da . with ., amatl trad, al lh< d.. llne . ?. mpo ind lard b. ..n a Ivanced, ln Ihe faci . t lha d I owlng, it la underatoj d, to a ..pmblnatl. n pi bj VVeaiern reBnen.PORK I'nii and aalea 130 bbls; quoted: M^aa, lOfiSO 50; ramlly, |10*3$1U 50; ? |eai $10 7313112 .Ml.... UEKF Klrm; quoted: Ba t,a meaa 8B; flmliy. IIO0I12: i. ': ?'?!" ?'>.'. rlAMfl flrm at $1.1.rglU.I>RK88ED Hoas Hei i atronger; 1'/. ir. qu t. .1 ai 44< . ra I hea .., 140314c. CPTMEATB Plckled helllea dull; quoted al 4V<i.".',~r aaked for 14 10 10 B?. Plckled ah. ild. -vitii no demand; quoted at Bo asked. Plckled hama qulei al I i"?\..TAUiOW l*">y al VM'v. KTEARI.VE Eaay; lard luoted al >:>>,'*<'<',<?. ,-,nd oleo. ai fiC.'V' .1 ?' .i .l.M.i1 i/.x'-r; sti.'H ;i.*.ii tea at B.43e, cloalng al 5.43c h-'o I; clty, ?"- i.lOc; reflned lower; S.-uili , i-,... . 1 fltlnent, 5.WV; compound, fVi>->- . a ? :. I5c, n. mlm . .' ? I ? ? mber. Kl."i: A atead) lo ;? .1 markei ls reported l-? -.,!!>. wllh t the | rketa. where recelpta 1 ? ' is falr. \v ?? ' 1II1 I...U-. . |..u falr to falr, 1 .....,;. h - ?? ' ? I ui ? , 54f54< ? extra h, ad, ?'? ?'?? '. 3'., .': ?; .i? ??? In b ind, 2?2' JaiNin, :;',..'i-. P.itna. :r-...;?.? . Paina ln bond, ": , 1. a 1 -n tugar i . - ? ??>? - ? ', - aome ,. . it, fer.eral eondll . .in-- rulea qulei bul '-.. i\. though '. . ? Java -in -i. 1 at 12a BO 1 II 1 ri Anlna ll - Ihl. ll ?' 1 il?l .un.-. wllh prlcea, 1 .- Imprrt ? 1.' and qu .ted at 10a 1*1 and 1 .; 10 IO" ' Tha 1 -. ii mara 1 for raw augar 1 >'? flrm, with n ?-?? of lhe large holdera ahowlng an I ??ni aelllng al 'ii-- prli ? r. tlnera ai , . \\v |uot. : ?' ntrifug .1 . ? ?? ? ??'? .- . ni 1 -? " . - - augar, Ml lest, i cablea report the < plan ?,.ii, is of Banta Cl ir.: thla w. , i for reflm d aui ' Iy to fln .1 1 -1 quol al '. 1: \ '1 1 - v.> ? kl\ auctl - ' beld to-d 111. lndiiiK 1.811 1 ?? ? falrly \..ll eapeclallj for greena, whlch were li demand al full prlci 1 -T '? ? .7 ; 310 Y. II l ? .? . "-.. 1 i-'l; 1 .",-?'.i'.'.-. lort flunpowd ,. 82. Pim :..; Voung ? ? - ; 44? T\ ? I. ? ..;-i ? i ..-.?' -. 01 227 pan I 51 1' kel :.-. I 1641 1 ." . 23 < .,: 1 . 17' DO I ?-?,,, 15. 2a r.i ind ? " in ? Pi I ? -. 13 . -.-1-.:. a:,. Fonehow, B44ri24c; H i Amoy, s-, lu , ^...!-> !'-i 1 he tup ;.ri... 1 ? ing 80. COUNTRY PRODUCE MABKET. N ? rork, l.nber 11, 1808 1 '. \'.s ani. PE 48 Ruyera ara ah : ?? llght, Hll 1 l"-li I I '! ' B jtlni furthi Impori ml ?? inei aatona. Tl rathar a haavy t ne, und buyera mlghl aecure If thej ? ml l talk I UneB, Oi l'i We ...1 i.-. lt.- o.\~, I n-'i. m J74 ,1 . mefltum II 3*.' .. 'i 33; .1 , whli red I '1 ey, II . ?i ? $100; ... -..,l w eye, *i 10; do llma I'alll rnla, 11 !?... >l ',.., aa. . $1 10*581 20; d ? foreign, 1... a'.um. ol '? $1 '? ? ffl !??: >?'? ' I ' 77' . , do .-?? ? 1 !.. 77 , m [-1 BR -? Ilera 1 .un 1 no dll Ii ultj In h Idlng 1 ..- ? , ? ; . |n flr.e freel butter, bat there wa ,., ni, n t.. r 1 t prlcea any hlgher al pr. .,nt. !? | \>hs only falr an<l n,> r<: leem. 1 1 1.- ? en ugh ^:?,<k lo m i eurren! wanta. -tnn.- creamer] '? movlng pretty wt-ll in I la Brmei 1 pecially th* fan -. atock lhal ?..-' he ui ,? 1 |n , lai e of t.. <b butti 1 Btate Uali inovlni Cold weather i^ belplng lha 1.1 all . 1 -<U leqult. ?ig .... 1 -? gradea .:? I la at 114*113 . We ql .......-. -'? ir. '1. ,-xlrna. 27. . do, 1I1-1-. 24fl2el do, tliii 1 to la', 23 do .1 1:1- make, fan. .. 22 t22' do ? ? n I l . .- 224c; do, rall 1 l< 21, , ..... ihb :.- - - Brsi t'.r-'-' . Btate enilra dalrlea, ;. ? dalr) 1.1.. ia, IBf/IP , Imltatlon craamery, r.-i.t.ry. freah, ii.iv. do, June, 11014c; rolla, freeri ll*>ll I'likii. 1 i.?ai>-ra generally r.p<)rt n falr demand froai ll I,... < . I.. conaldarlng tb, eaooa I year, when ll i^ nai ? ' eapeet a dull irada and i--i- ? ara h. 11 wltl gral. a. Ijit all oi. arrlving are ra Iy d, ? md 1 , * latl r-at ln ?1.1 ..:.- Ilnra ?-in.-ii . ., 1 1, pi 'i 1. . 1.. ? 1, , 1 ? J a? - !. aald to ? .ii simtf 3.ono bosaa an<! Buppoa<-<i io baea I .! ? i -f h?,.-. Chenango County, part ?kim*. ... : unehanged we quote; itate, f'jil er?ara, fancy, ?i. larae. 0*4010c; do Int.'-ma.U. go-.-l to ii,.i\ . .io common ?-? prtme, 7-?,a.s4f.,c: du anuiil. fancy. Beptember, ln'ifMoV. o-, latr rnnilr. good 10 prlm., 8 ? | io.-. do common to priBM, 7?*tr!ic, Ilxht aklrns. amatt. cholce WAjm; part iklma. mmii, fair te prtme. IM lljtht aklma. Iarr;c. cholee, BCWfcC: do fnlr to prlmo. 814 | ?ui iktme, 208 Liverpool cable, 45s for eolered and il* for whlte. EOOS Ri alptl ContlatM moderate. but thr-re la no ?carcfty, excepl of fancy aew Sgga, Th.n" a.c hard to . Iln.l and flrm, wltb mr* lots ,,f ex--.pMonally faney, both ; Wi - ia and Routhern, piared at a mght premtum. Oen- ? eral demaod la dull, howvcr. and th-r* la a llberal offer- , ln? of ttoi 1: from 24c down for Weatern. and 38c Juwn f'.r | Bouthern, for whlch ll ia hnr<i lo flnd a prompt outlet. Refrlgerator ?sa? are m.ivliiK falrly well and at steady prl ?-. geaerally I7?17'?c, but with n f?w lota of euperla tlra quallty placed a :itia,lo lili;li?r. Kan.y Ilm.d < a iui!-- better. Wi quote Jaraey snd nearby Cancy, freah, per doa, 28-. I'ennajIvanla ini Maryland, 27928c: St.if. _l -_Im : Weatern. beat, 84c; do, fair lo BOOd. 21923-; Bouthern. 2l#23c; refrlgerator. lata packed 10O80 early pa ked, 171? 17> . ||m I. 17'; i7',,-, defeetrve, | l 13 73914 50. PRITITB PRE8H Applea nr.- *t||| In modaraU aupplv. h,i I red frult hoids ateady under exporl d ma_d, bul lo 'i trade Is tiuleter snd greenlngs show ?n_ weafcneaa. Orapea dull and weak. Cranberrtea ln steady demand anl , Btronr. Plorlda i,ratiR(? steady for the tmall arriva's. , I'..., . grapa frull wanted Wa qaote: Appie*. * Northern, wlnter, I2305I3; Piate. Kinc. I250988 2. Orr-?-nlnir, 817308230; do Baidwln, 12982 75; uprlver, j wlnter aorte, 1150932 Bortrem, red. tl 509*3; Weatern. , Bhn Oavis, 11 "5932 JS peara, Eastern, buahel b aaa 81 88; grapea, Bute, Caiawba and Concerd, p*r emali basket, 8911c; bulk atock, p*r Ib. I|iy; crnn' <'..;.. Cod. fancy, lar?.-. i. r i.M, $io .'-nfieit 3o: l" fc'"'1 1" Un-. 88911ft: Jersey. *7*f?- do per erete, 82982 03 oi "._- . i.illf.rnU aavela per l-x. *; m.Vi; <|n awrdling*. '?". do Plorlda, ?3 5ftC|5; grapa trult. |808* PKITITS DRIED A qulet trade is paaalna m evap orated applea, bul auppiiea ooeaa forward atowly, snd ., ...'?. rae'.lng. Bun-drted applea without chang. In demaad or prloe. chopn wsnted, and coraa and ekina of orlme quallty w,,u!,i iell falr*.y, Peacbas asove only in a j-.hbiiiK way. Raapberrlea qulel an.l easy. Charrtes, huckleberrl ind blackberrtei dull. raiifornla fruits ... i-iv. We quote: tppTi i evaporaled. faney, 7 ? '.-I. ,, . do common io g, d, I ? i. gouthern, 2981*c; A ? e> araa ? ui Bouthern, itvr.'iv; ,l Bouthweatrrn, 2k*93Hc; do W t ? i .:? g i rhopa 29214 ?; a ea snd !'.,'l'.i . raapberrlea, evaporated li'.'-i:.''- . -io cun i-'ii-1...'. rherrtei, B9I0c: b:aekberrtei 81401c; buckleberrlee, >;< ; aprlcote, '.?",?'?? 13' ? peaehe . rallfora.o, i- led, 13010c; do unpcSRd, ?'-, -'?.- ; prunea, 197 ? ilni'.s \i new foaturea, and no chaaga In the - llne ol ?? ? qu .:??: 0 ate, 1886, cta< l. e, l( ? ? prlme, s-./ii,-; <l i mmon to fair, I clfl, r mi, is:,:,. cholce, ',.. do common to pi me, ' 8c; ? ; , I8H4. 39flc; .1, 1803, 293 , I.ivi: POL'LTRV Recelpta, flfteen cara of Waal n I ? [owli were ia go. 4 ? htgher, bui ,ul ' y nhowed no Impr i ? ment. We . " - - ? i... Ih, c. . ro .-?? ra, i er fb, 5e; per lt-. c..--i'.c; ducka, per patr, 00 |l -: 37; plgeone, ?? r palr, 2114123c. |,i{i:.--.-'i:ii Whlla receiota ol Weatern Ireaeed pouttry conttnue i-er> llghl an-1 ia yel irerj llttb Improvemi il in i ?? demand, atllt. with continued cold fovorable * ? ?. lera appear ? ?? - onfldi. ln Mi-- iltual auraged ln ihe hope thal l worai li over and Inclln 1 to hold cholce freah recelpta ? ? , i. ?-. though no matartal Improvemen can I . mtll ' ? large b< - umulatlom hen ? ? Waal n dry-p tckad ' i are q ??? |o,io.. , and methina excaptlonal miKbt ba atraln l n htgher, bul for bulk oi offrrlnga 10c and have ' , be ireepted Icad p ultry neglected wldi '?'? for turkeyi snd "QAc tha extreme. Cholce freah d - . chlckena and fowls held ?< trifla e'tadier. bul average lota her.- an-1 arrtvlag are f.-ecij o.fered al i90c, i "ii. ducka flrm un.i cholee k*w ateady. We qucte: Dry-packed turkeya, nearby, 12918c; do Weatern, eh ??? IU p ? . , do , ? ? kte i nd Wei - ern 7l-.S8i ,-; do chlckena 7'-_'..-': Philadelphla - "ilb; ducka MaryUnd, 11913 . do Weatern, 04J 12c; gease, Maryland, 10912 . . S\'estern, 8910 ; u-iual>. ? n. 1150082.5; le. i pa ked turkeya, BifOc fowii . ; sc; ducka, 7912 . ?? aa, TOOc; old 3c. U IME Oi usa vi. y acarea and ' "'? J"r i li ni. ;.,. i ii w. Quall In fair lupplj. bu - h .1 ? bl ! ateady. A lol of froxen Engllan snlpa and Weatern told ..t extreme prlcea Venlaon In m derata auppl) and Itabbtta almut ateady. We quote: Partrtdaea, ". 'i irby, 7.".- -<i: ni U?.-tM: .i'..i-.".. . g: 1130(78150; quall, freah, per d '.-n. 8123982 |1 .5fl!$2; vi :-.,, n. nddlea, per Ib, 104111 rieer, 10913c; rabblta, per palr, 309iB , 30 i7." -, HAY AND BTRAW Hay .\H piieea w-re agaln well rted wllh i go i itaad) trade. With the l, ,i few broken parceli ,f fancy Bute, receti ? from lha bargee, sold al tl per 100 rt). C . ??,.?-, were unehanged, bul atroag. A pari a tho laan i ? na ln - lay'i recelpta was in, the tumlng of la^n- i,l *fc to the New-IIaven road helped to swell tha supply of lm| Oth. rooda are l-rmicintr K"'"! Ir:s,:ilrn,'.'i!s ..f>-. IVr.c aylvanln and a few cara of attractlve Michlgan. D tntlon to ahlppera aboul rushtng ln re? celpta, n aa to partlplpate in preaeal Oush >1 th. matk I The preaenl flrm condttlon bere la malnly owlng to some natural aranta ot tba traile and th.- abrupl tenulnatl n of water auppHaa Raeatpta t-.a.i better t?> allowi l to run a regutar course, because tbe holldayi are Ineviiabiy i wiiti dnlneaa, nn,i trade wlll ri-ie heavlly if a ch klng voluma of luppllea have to be earrled lato Jan ii,". 0.l cattle shlpments for Chrlatmaa usa abroad hat ? made ,-i perceptlblo i-reak in tba No 8 or shlpptng ara n-> better, aa then i- now no other ? for that claaa of hay. Long rye itraw ? ? - ? the new prlcea thal aome of the holderi rcarei id n ' put-aip an earller advance, The laat of the bargs lota sras li.l to-day, t'ommon gi nged. Quotatloas: Hay, prtme, per l ?? f l?7< . No 1. '?' 100 Ib, -7' ^i'?>?: No 2 | >l 1"' 1' - ? s,"i.., . Xo .'. 70975c; clover mlxed, 7o97.'? li hi 13930c; long rye itraw. 70 75c; -, ?? i ? ? whi it, I'l'-i 13c. Tlie i pts ol ?? n tOlia , fi ||< ..: : Hudaon Rlvi R tlti ... <> ?; Erle, -' >. ,? '" Oelaware, Lackawanna and W io. ',',.;? Bhon 190; Lihlgh Valley. 00; Ontarlo and . ? :-.. Central of New-Jeri y, 30: New-York, New. Havi Hartford, 480; m- N>; total, LT7U it- ? > Ipti of siraw, 105 i me, POTATOE8 AND VEOETABI.E8 The demand for i , falrly actlve, snd markei , S4weet potatoes weak. On actlve an.I -' - i". Cabbage lower. Rusila turnlpa Bn Kal id) ??': ??? ? Iy an! t m -r. ? ii |ei ln go -1 de n i id a .-.???' ? ?-. I ul Bin ii large, over 2.000 pkga, and p i atock li weak and low. A few Charleiton beana came ln, bul p ? ,:>!?!? above *i p r b ket We quote: I !. per utck, 51 12; do L> ng teland, per bbi. |1; do Bi per 180 "?. -'.??,.. ,, , , r aa ?'?. i ?r i,i !. 83984 50; onl ns. ? ilte, ., . .-,<:. . . i. ,. i. ?.- ? ti. do \>-i; ?. 11 f?l 25; cabbaa-e por toii t-<u$-i '?"?' celery. p??:? .1 ,. n, Hi -7." Ilrhrwer. | 12984: BrUaaela la, per quart, I - -. per orate, 11983: .-__? pl im per ' bl, 82083; k ? ? ? i I, 73 . B| i 1,1,1, |l 73fi|230; radishes, pei 25ffl30c; littuce, per bbl $<.'./?V do IM rida, p ??: i iak. I 82. K 30 | l i ? 81982; itrlng I me, j. ?:? basket, 81fi|250 I ppera, per bbl, *?: Icn .' - . ; >r crate, 81912 50; , turnlpa. per bbl, UOOS'ic; f.juaah, per bbl. iOOdOc; ,, , , lorldn whlte. : . n . 50 7" irrota, per bbl, 509 watercreaa, per Hw buachea, 8194175. EI'ROPEAN PRODL'CE MARKETS. I..-.-; ;. Dee. II, 8:48 p. m. B ?'" Extra Indla mos? i 7iis 8d; prtma mese <tuii al .">7s <i.! Pork ?Prlraa meaa Weetern llne .lull at &o?: <i, madium >iu.i al 45:<. Hama Bhorl cut, about U to 18 Ib, .lull al BBa, Bacon fumberland cut. aixiut 28 lo :;u rt,. dull at 27s: ?,t:-.rt rlb, al -oi 2.". tt>. .lull at 28a; long elear mlddle . aboul i'? Ib . t 27a long and h ,rt clear mlddlea, aboul 58 tV dull .- L-ls. Rhoulders AbOUl 12 t-> 18 Ib. eaiv al Bfls. Lard Prlme l dull sl I7i ?<l. Cheeae I) at 44a; il" colored ste.i.:. :>.! 4.' it 22a Od. Cotton*. ed ? II i.iv.-r pool rcflned dull ai 17- ni. gulrlts of turpentine iteadj il mm n ateady .it 4s 7'.-1. Wheat No 2 .,.i win it '?? No 1 Northern aprtng ateady bi s I'l-iur st. Loula fancy wlnter flrm .,t 7<. i iv.rn Mlxed Weatern ipol steady si ?'?- ?':',!. IN ber . , ai 3s -'I'.-t. January steadj ?t 3a 2%d; F. ! ?tead: at 3a 2't-i. Hops at London?r*aclflc C is) it id; .' ?i ." ? , .' ." . I.IVK BTOCK SIARKET. New-York, De. mb. r 11, 188B BEEVE8?Recelpta "- cara, tr 1.321 head "? ighterera, 168 :,. ? | actlve I r all gradea of etcera. and prlcea flrm, bul hlgher, quallty consldered. Oxen and butts ! and rowi were gener lly rated itead The market . rirm ? ,i (Tili ia ? idvlces, ai I tl ? yarda wen Kxnortera bcughi ->'> head for the Bermuda trade, I1.nt .li e natlva atecra aold at *i V 184 00 . er l"' Ih; s tpu.s al |4 7.*.. ox-'ti and sIh^.x at $1 13 l|4; , Ita ai 120*2 SV and t heavj exporl bull ,u $:t "o i iwi at ;l 2o i?-1 dreasoil beef slde* flrm al <:?- . , ' " '??' -'? cai.lea .te lha Bur. pean market elow u .t'.i.'^'.c for ref .? tor beef: A ni rlcan steers .lull al 8^45 10 ?c, dreaae.1 ?? 1 kmerlcan aheep qulet at tOllc. Bhlpi nti to-day 800 i uuartera of beef In th- Brltannlc for Baalmam Company. . the Bl l^.ui.s l.84<? quartera for Kaatmana ? mi ," ?nd :.4t quartera for D. M. Bherman. The Ludxat ? "?'?'? Wlll take uut Thurnlav 30?i cattle for BCbwarsschlkl B ' Hulxberger. The Oulf of Akaba parrted K sheen f. r L. B. , Dtllenback, an.I Kte Ortnoco Wlll have ,.l ,-ittle and .0 ? p I i- ii. V. Loiogb k CO __?v a .,., Bales D. McPharaon t Co, 8 Ohlo steers (cholce), 1 491 r iga, al $4 75 per 100 Ib; 8 do, 1.838 fb, ,,. |4 85: 14 llil Ib at 1435 10 d I 1W "? al 84 35 II do, 1 811 ", .,. 84 271,; 23 do. 1.273 rb, al M8B; 18 do, 1.948 ft, . si au >; do 1 287 fb. ai 84 13 1! Mrginla d->. !...?. m, al S4 13; 28 oxen, l 21!? and 1.'-"' P. al 83 4-^ 8.1 75: 7 do U68 Ih. at 83; 2 do. 1.315 th. al 82; 1 bull. 8.0*1 do, 580 to 1.04:; H- al 12 259*2 ?^ 2 r?.wa_S3fl !>. n d . 1.146 Ib, ai 1206; 8 -lo 902 0>. at 12 40: 3 do. ; l.,;?7 ii, al 12 io. 20 do. 780 to 1.048 th ?II?W>**, ., rman *? Culver: 10 Ohlo al enj. I 432Tb at 8400 18 ; . 1355 |b, al 8485; 13 do, 1434 Ih -?' ?? ? >??- r,..; \,!'-? ' M W: 8 do, 1856 Ib, il 14 2 17 do. 1.3U tt>. at ?_?;. )'.. do, 11 *?? n>, al 8423; 12 '??? 1333, rb. at ?4 l.-BS m. .1 $1 17-,: 1.1 do 1331 ?. at 84 "?:._?* ?. . . ?? n. ... *> ni ;:t rtn ii.*. 1> . al S4 ^.> MH4 t ? ,i M 2 ? 12 1533 It-. at J4 2"k; ',':;. anafeatVnC iedo issi fh aiMM ?: do ll - fb >it $1 io. 13 1 ,. 1431 n . .,' *?? -? ,v '.I,.. "12 n, .t 14?: 18 do imn\ at jj -;. IM i 1321 ti sl 14 15; 'J? Indlana '? , t-<'???,??" ,V '' . ? .. ??.",, ?. ai si - oxen 429 Ib i *??'?'": 1 - do. 10 . 1410 fb. si |3 S5; 19 do, IS 3 . i.i- !? ., |S; M w a. M l 1 8325: l ? x. 1210 Ih. at 8323 , fi do, 1871 Ih, sl 1276; II do 1350 Ib. al |KfiO; I Ttal to '.m, Ib, al |2 40 to _. N-.M'M . ????.. 10 1330 Ih. Bt 84 1>. 19 1432 Ib. ... 1865; 2 ? ? J'p , "'?>, '- -.. . .-, , . , ai |3 I'V i? eowe, .'.- Ih, at *.. - ?ma,n:216 lllln Is at. - -. ? ^> ?"= '''is | 1220 th, al H35; 19 do, rJ".:> Ib, al M ?H: U do, 1818 ! 'V,: . ,? nunola .1 .ra, 1311 tl j M*>: U ' 1467 Ih it 88 85 l ox, 1830 Ib. at 83 15. B. Jttdd 8 '?"-: 3 ataga 10U0 fb, al 8830; J!"??-,??? ' lt,. ?i 82; I bull, **> th. al W?: 4 do B7B- Th ai P- _ 1 , .-*-. Iij5 Ib, at J2; 1 OOW, 800 B. kl ^,. >?'? -" 8 >. MM ? ' *M Co't'llna: I oxen, 12S5 rb, al UM; l bull, tM 1%, at I Mullen: t bull. llOf*. ?MsSi ? b??,_,%! ? BTia^tf^i'^s&^JWi: > i do. ono rb, al ?2 15; I cowa, ?M B>, >.t *J. .. do, T';r '1':,.,'.' ''i'"-- c 1018 n, ?i *????<?*>. i t-i.ii. nvso rb. ai 8360; 1 eo'wi 910 Ib. ..t |l B?; II cowa hii Ib, at ?1 ;.:,. 5D 'li^lwie^'oBeB 1380 Ib. al l-'T-V 3 io, 1300 ?, i c s. i- -i 12 ? i?? i, 712 Ib, sl II 80. . . j ,rre IvrlBht _ < - eows. 885 Ib, sl 1130 ?n'l I "X Itecelpt* 130 h. td. ol whl hi tl h. -i ,- ,,n iale Oood i '? ai '? ?'?"'1 ? W ran bulk of tha offertnga .? ? ,. and salei were ehra at rather lowei I ,-, , ,., cholce i .riK-l from 120 i ? HO, i ?> ia li m ,<t ,,f the ?> were al 120 i" *i'? I li., 7 ralves lnclude.1 al I25?|40 per h. id , ;'?? ', . , 12 1140 |, r head, ;? Md'abe; H> cowi al 825<t|3o ? ?r - ltUMW ? Mul'.en: 3 c.w; at I239*M? P-r he d, I, u, j;?,.. ". rowi at tJ>\i*-- p'-r I ead Newtoa * ?'" : - "'*" calvea Included, al llajfli, re> Ively; - "Fprlnrera" Bl *?- '<> each. t'AIvi'S Recelpta, t,'-,,? haad, of whlch 937 head were .?,'.?:.. and leeeral i""1 were held -?^.r , ?low un 1 rather lower for ves i; barnyard 1 <aivr? md Weetarna were dull, bul nol lowei Puliy 100 n, ,,| unaold Ordinan io prtsaa \.-ai? sold sl 83<j8k por , 100 Ib 2 head ai 1*23; 1-????* an-l cutla ai $1 iM.'.o, , i ar i' ? i~v ?? ui I2 20y82?2'..; ).-_:liti,;M nt ii'jy: 25, anl i of '?'- Kern -.,;> ? al tbe raage ,,f III7W9 13 ia ? resaed calvea iiuiet but evrdy at reaisfdari na. , ir. ? .- Voiil-n: 4.'t veala, 145 Ib sveraga, a' H , . 100 Ih; 3 do, I4.i n,, al $7.^?. ?'? do. i:n tt>. at ?7. ! d,, 900 Ib -ii *<?? - do, 100 Ib. ..i |d; 3 do. .s'. rh. m ? i i -o it.. ,?t 8400; i ,: >. 7C Ih, at M; - ba caivaa, 2aa u>. at |SI>] 9 >..nimgi, Uf n>. at Hal| ?fl ,v?,e, BBfvm BBj B> at $3 124: ?*? ??? Oaf ak ? $9024; T> do, 400 lb, a. 88 37V4. ,t $1; 25 do. 825 n>. at *2 er,. 23 aanyari A* 8W Tb ?* '-^-.t aa. 108 ra a' 88; 2 Ao, 121 lo, at 17; 2 *V> 10a to. st ?? j. p. Nebon: 4 vcala l? n, ?t Ol'.8 ""? u" $?; ;? banyard calvea. 240 Tb nt ?262H . fl Hallentx N g H-llla. 2 veala, 1-2 rt. at a* *>? iHn, .1 ?v :. d., mMi ?-?;?.?.,%WI BTBO; 81 barayara eaivea. ^v TuS calvaa and yvarlinga, 470 Bh at I- -'? ?? 17 K.rnyard M. Sandera: 8 v.-ala. 138 Tb. at $.25. IT ?*rnyar cnlvea. 2.'* tb. a* $2 50. 2I ^ ,24 S. Judd A Oa.! 40 veala. 134 BJ g " 7?. R!?? Tb at 87 024; 13 Ao, 132 fc Bl $7 80_lS .8?. ?*? rn. a* ??7 25; (8 .1.-131 ft,. at $7 25; IgiO. faf <? ?lkT??i H7 Th. at $IV>; ftti barnyard calvea, 274 Tb. al fiw. ycarllnga. 4fiO Tb. at $2 ,to th at $7 ' M C03IBB! 1" 1?8, 12:. Th. Btfigfi ? ??. mib. Bt ?T. I, IfeElwee; 15 veala. 11. io 10 Ih. ?t ???,y,''1T1rliVi h-?a siikep AND i.vmiip -ftecatpta ?i eara. w?<fjg 1, eara dlrecl lo butchera and 47 cara ifor a?BaikM si,..? wgre Brm .nd 100 19 ? hlr-her lamba ln ;?* gjjj rrm. at an advance af i.vr2V aod tha pena aratsciBBsraa wl>h the exeeitinn of three cara. In laf ""*," J??_ prime ,h'epVld '?? 52 25?M BO per lOn Tb. B :*r afjabaM bhloe. malnlv wrthera. a? 14; r;"-; " ' ; '' JSJafLS *<5o*?S5. with p-r.eral aal"* a' I4?$4 80. ar. 1 i?'** ?t'? ?, |2.V".r..7.. No Mralght Wl of_ -anaa_B_kaagOOO ar.le i.reaa.d rput'on nrmer at VtAWBA, ?ni1 dreaeea lairia nifrhet at ?,Sfr*V _ . ,, _ . - .-?,? Palea Hallanbeck * HoHbj l?OBB*d>aa aaa Waaaera lamba. 80 th average. a. H 80 por MB? 800 do ..B Ih. at |4 0o 78 Pennaylvanla do, 74 Tb. ..? 84l?;:80 B*ats 4SB. ot j,, ,, MM 80 Sttl Bhaep. 122 Tt,. nt 88 12',; I .??. 188 Tt>. at 13; ?'> do, 130 Tb. at 88 80. , -,?' do 71 S et 14 $0; ? do, ?l B> a' II 2-.: 12I? do. BB BB, .," 84 10: ll'do. .11 tb. a- 1810; 1TB Waatani*Ma. KM Bh a 88; 18 l'e^na^hanla do, BB TT. a' 88 20 Btaaaito, 113 Th. al S ??". B do, 1"!' Tb, at 13. 8 do. 07 Ih, at $2 .... 101 do. % judd at CO : BBB gtata lamba. 77 tb, at $3: 11? taTI g> at 84 634 ""-' C ? ? ?J **?>? mx?'TPb*BVni ,47 do, BB ?. st 84 88; 78 gUU ^1W rb ? ^iH WBoVVioataa,rh.n.t^ Ao. 74 Ib. al 88?; 814 Bo, Bl ?. at 88 80: g?." re- *l $2 ?.'.-,. 120 BUU ah?.,. an I lamba, BJ th, al 88 mfc. i, H ,,,..,:.?-!. .'.7 81; 88 Aa saa> .... MB74.; 888 ?' . 7". lb. al 84 TB; 111 do. ??, p> a 14 no ,? ?7 n, a, ti ??. 1)(! Ue-terr. fo. dl Tb. at 84184. I" BUU ahefp, tVaVal )S 23. ? Bo, 88 Bh Bl $3. 1*1 We.t.rn if,1?! l^sVa^'abccp "."nd ^^?J,**?v^&Xi at $2 50; 4o Sllaaourl ahop. Pf. Ih. at $3 2.;. M P n aylvania do 125 rt Bt 83 80; ?I4 do, 110 Tb. at $2 .5. 4* do loo Th ?88 80; 74 S'ate do. 88 rt,. al 88; 123 do. 82 Tb. at $3. 47 6 Dlllenbach: 17 Buta aheajp, M fk, ?t 14 oo. 4 go, ao ?. ai ?i 50: :. Buta aheep. :'k '?. Bl 81 Iji 8 A*v? ?? *? " "0. -? Randers: t'2 Btata lamba. 72 th. .-" 84B0i -.1 do. ><? rt,' al M'- 75 d ? ? ? al M 80; ?-? gUata aheep. M ::V\tVvJK.'o- S? aoKo?^ laaako 77 th. atffc ,43 KenluTk '.- P, 1- J '??- ?? ** ?: ?g J ^''7, j? " tt, al 82 00; 84 Btal? ?'-."P an<l lar-ha. Ko Tb. at goa, Newton & Co.. 180 Ohlo aheep, 100 lb, ?' $4: *-J *n": .vivnnia ?' L? B>, at $8274; M IVnnaylvanla lamla. ? .^,,:MSr;^ba ^r^lj.50; . :,.-. " a- .?.'( 7.*. ._ .i ii n/llkaraon: 385 Ohlo abMO ? P_at l-^. p B Kaae: 88 ' aaj - ?? - i-s n ar $ - oO ll,,; i;. ; .-. cara, oi 8.018 kaaf, af whlch 103 h, -1 on aal. Market .lull at BgapaJgAJB per 100 Tb for . eh ! - llghl boga. mdudlng p aa. and B_BM8 Sf fancy pta* aolAiat 84 BO. ..untry .Ire^aed ateady at 4 laleJ iTludd' & Co.: ?? Siat- plga. 77 Tb average. at ^Uenbeck0* HoWs: 23 gtata plf'. cholce, luT th, at p. B Kaae: 17 Btata boga I'-'t ?? at 84 l_ Huma m Mullaai '.' Btate boga, 2s? rt.. at $3 w. < VI'KIt MAKKHTS HY TEI.K'iP.APH. BuOalo, Dae. n.-ottie-K-c. ??,:? jMl BaJkaaara MM -,i ,,. v-.-.k ..oi- far. 10.824 head; tofaaBaaiUbm ? iveak. 10,480 head; cxawlsiiod thP-ush. 1.088 haaO. to , rv ??<??? head; on aale. H4 head; market Ofamad P;,v. f.L-'i cowa and aprlnaera were .? peclally dirilaairly; ?'?.:<.., V;,,.i fatrly eteaJy foj good buwaaraf graalaa. but alow for othara; old to good fal , wa aoM Isttat Biai fiS275. Hog*1 Recelpta laal 24 houra, 12.-4<? hoaa.jaaai ...r week thua far. attto hea4: brjaama Obm laal waak, ;,.; is.. head; conBignad through. 2.44" baaAj W Naw:Tota. ?v . - ,d, on aale. 8,000 head: n i ?? aad aMufyhaJt . . ,-y dull and fully me cen'a lower U baata unw.ld l?-.. quotatloni T rl l aad nnxel tva.-ke.-a. a"e5^medlum.; $3 00?W 83 , f3 80 mJ*j3SL $3 754513 RO; i ''' ';ur.. ",, agJ0* {a TBT late aaVta of all > ? r fanda were *^.***"*K and lamba it-. I aal 24 l.oura. totai ror week thu I . - ? ? 'head for aame tlme Uurt *'?, 8*800 ,, ,.i , i,? urn -.1 through 1.408 head; to Naw-Torft 4 oou '.:. ' onaa'e u Vn'm, bVad ;n__t oaoaadivary dnii arlth ""..V lanuTn.! . ui.I rta^ly at tba eairLy a**?f.?gf?? on natlvea; good to aatra natlve lamba. II 15614 Jo. raacy, M40?S4 50; blr t? good. ?;s 7M.84 10; ,40 loada of the , Were . lanadaa. moat of ; _ ' al *4 JMi$4B0. roued aheep were quotad at $2 2."/.'$;,; ,xrra al P? and cTmo1i S'ock VaVdWlhatga, Dec IL-Cattl. ?lliajla, 14iaa l-./ad Ti.irK.-t ateady. :,.t , .Mra "?**'?.?* ?,iv ?i. .-, ..r-- n I feedera $2 254Jf8 05; cowa and bu,la. o'-'kA ?? I 73S$6?5: Texana. $2 iaJ?*:i 40. .Neip. ?%? head* Market w.-.-.k ?nd ??100 H-'-'i?'^ S*d?'i^&,0c!,olc?_lor\% t-> cholce mlxed 83804,?53; ch ;?; ^2^ ?:..,.,.::.- . . $3 354>S3 .,2'=. plga. $2 ?4>?a_OQ. Bnceo 'lt... ... .,- l..-., head. Ma.k.- Bteady. lnfer.or U> ,,,.,,, $] 304MPJ40; lamba, B84tg4 ki. _ ? Loula Kc. U. 4Jatile^ftecel|)t^ taaT heodJhj k.i atrong * natl ?. Texaa eatile arrived to? late for Navtlve ate?ra $2 508JA4 50; cows, 81 T8#83 28. .," V.,. -? 1230 head l_rkei brlak and pr.c* 5?y ,, , *.<.( 20?8S 4.'., mlaed. $3tW3 40; Uf/ht. aaiOirS350 Bheep R? elpU. l.MS be*d. Market aieady ^.!,c-kUun'o-. I.-.-I. Nailva. 82 M?tPJ4; nailve BBBalg, *K^,?_;ttaty"peef R-Moaa PaBBBsia IMaB baaaH ,?*i5- I---; iliht and heavy. wi wryM 40 meiiurn. ?? 2BOA3 33; plaa. 83 10?A3 2T>. ^o-Racaipta. 8.0f? head; mark-t artlve; natlve .le, be t. ^^.it^'Jf'f. to u on l.iti?3Sf>: ? .wa and hetfera, 83 708*88 U. f.,1. to g ? d. *i 504 >2 70 I ulla. $1 aofJ82 40. atockera and CeV-ders S2 2fag8S4U; Te?_ and We*lern. 8388488880; '?:.,'??'',' ?4',;5lo. SlH.p-HcMpt:.. 3.'AI0 head, l.iarkei ' Baai Ubarty. Dae. ll.-i..ttti?Recoipts are llght anl Lrkei about ateady at unchaogad prtcm. jmvM. 84 15*84 30; |W, $3BU4>*1; good butchera. $3 00888 SO r-reaiV cowa and aprtagera. $lS4t?40: toadato, ?3 2..?*fiSo. h.irem I225?I3 2.V Hoga?Recelpta heavy and the de. man<f*ia onlrfair ?id ih? markei alow at the foiiowing ,;.1. .'?,.,,;.? . medluma. 88 oOtWBOO^taiavvy Sradea VI50?83lJ.V comm. n to fair Yorkcra, $3 $08)88 50; rouaha V_> 7.-/.;*;: 12-.. Bheep-Oupply talr. demand lur!.'. market rlow al ..'? ut unehanged prlcea, Kxtra ahe?K BSBB ,, | $2.V.?$2??; falr, *l s ?82 40: comm.fa. 5uo gai-B: lamba, 12 S ? i -1 ??". v,-ul calvea, *?1504fS7. heavy and ibln i i $2 ?' ? ? BOVTHBBN OOTTOS a_lta_Tg Oaivaatoa, Da-. II. CJottoo nrm: aaaAathag, Ba-IAei low m'ddllnp. 7I3-H1-; g.-vl 04_UU7. ' ' Mbi B?4 n-.d eroea recelpis. 11.377 bB$aa; .ale?. 1.04B balea. BgtBBarB, 44 bllea. Btock, 138,088 baba. X ,.,;,; iv<- ll.-4'otton >.tead> . midii. -. s'.'-. low . lia-lOe; gool ord'nary. 7'?,; ner gad ajroai re cclpu 8,878 bal ?-. aaporta to 'he GoasJaaat, leOBO balea; .;,.. i - BOB balea; siock. 44.132 baleB N,v ., ,,Hi ] i ?.-. ' |. ?fotten ateadv ; g,?,l middllng. , ? 1 >?? aal .dling. rfe*: K,,h1 ordinaiy. - ., -,, nei recclpti !7.;,2i balea: groaa, ih.:?i2 balea; ex Qreai Btitatn, A.T8U bal a; to tke Oontlaeni, ,,,,. ? uniea; .-- atwlae. 1.V0S balaa; aalaa, 5,ota> balea; att k. :!'-?.o:-s bal a. i_*?_ ? , ,<t-. Kavanaah Dec. lt. Cottoo Maady; uiiodiina. 81-100; low i':...m.- 7'4c; nei and groaa recelpta, B.0B0 balea; ,. ? "1 ,,;. ,?:?-. S.UW balea; aalaa 7->2 balea, atock, 87.047 I teONDOM SPOOtj .^ALJIF. i.m.i.:;. Dae. ii Tha oCertaga al lo daya sbbbI sal.-a, .. ^ tba aertea, Brara 8,880 balaa BrBAaa made a ( 170,008 baba l W_$*a dorlng thr a.-rle#. tjf thej.* ,30.000 baleai were a kt, the aotaa trade taking ,v?.o?i) tba Oealia at 88,008 baba ni.d laaarira U'.iaw Twsaty Ihnaaani baba are heid over for ihe next aerlea of aataa whlch artil begta January 14. In conae Of .!:- lower term.nal marketB en lhe Contuieut mt ,i?. -, ikawBB in t? lalaalrlal aiatrtcta during the Interval i>r..e,iing the sgaalag af the aarba lt waa gen araJly eapactad that the Initlal prices woaM be reduced BT cent, but with a ar.ady O naumlng demand the Ws was .-nly ab .ut 5 per cent. which waa conrtned .hlefly b) tautty and wasty parcela. Well-grown flocka ..ii readlly at full B?BflBB8l rates durtna; the aertea. Tha Algerence beiwecn the good and toferlor gradea waa ?tJact The f.rmer. ui.der a BUong demand, in whlch tmerteao buyera took ran. combined v.ith a raU u\.. aoarcit ? ol - d aound c.mhlng merlnoa. linproved au-adlly. and latttrl) Ihei arara ottaa deaier than they were at the prevloua aale. Whlle tha faulty ura.iea dl.l ., . imorove The acardty of umba' wool. uarkag t" the and a fair '.manJ. eauBad a hardenlng. and an ? . .' a penny ?'ia freiju.ntly pal.i. Of cr.?abreda '.i,.,'.. .< ,, ., - , t auppiy tnr..ugh.,ut the BBfbS, and luatmui greaalea realiaad prarlaaja nguraa^for Baja and rtha. All acoured aroota were fr.,m -,d to 14 of ,; d Hope aad v.'ai dKht (^aaaiea were ., but ,t:.-r ..;.- and Maujl P^aaoia decllned I Reecea, ?aah. d aad acourad, rr .m 44 b ld. ; Pi wer. -i rallj much la favor, eapeclally with Con , j.n.l f. rhe laal ...irrent figurea. , , i an prlcea weaai New Bcuth Walea 2.000 balea; acoured, U4<lt4ls44d; , , ,. :_?-.. xr-.,.--y. :?'*: .j to?al lov.ka .-.I ol , - I ,o ? ad. ._..,. !. lfKl^la 4>,d. Iccka aiid 7dfila2d; graaay, ;.',:? l-J. ktcfea Hiid pi.c-a. Mj ? ;-., -j .v?. bal acoured, UAgHeTd; toeka and laO1 :. greaar. 84a4flia,; khaa ::.i *AssaB, 3U > Auatraita 10 baba; graaay, 4'i,i??7',d; kxka and ? ' ? __ta t. a NVw-Zealanu 200 balea; acoure.1. >>??.,,ila. gr,-a?>. K'yi. I ,,, ,i 'I ; ? 1 Na'.il loo -alea; acured. 7V?Ui* 11 d k-. .--? ? .'',-; '7\,l. Uuenoa Ayrea <ou ;-a|. n; sreasy. S^dCIOd. ? thi: trade in ?\hkacio. Dae 11 c-i... Ial>?Wbcat lo-day l?at about a i arlth \,-rv Httb rally. May ,;.-ned at ?14c, ?. ,, N:a .. ft . mid lil'.c. and riaaai at C1V eellero. Ths hraak ?ads I oaaaa b two Jaya. Tha w*-akn.-8? waa th- resuit ,r ''?? laaproTBi attaallna m Taafaay. The drop ig l.-v.i.l ^^.l'' lahaa ta rag ?bg Ihia dlaappearance ,,f ihe ??r BIIBBJIBIlla B?SM ,l>BU* and I'uluih bal B71 agjaaa BU bat w.k. aad M| u*' raar. Seaboam ? nlont 2i:?.i?x> buahela. Tha Oooersuaaatf naur-M were llttle conaldered; certalnly 1 ,>,.-> arara BOt any favtor in maklng tbe day'a pnrea. Tha i?n aelling ?aa aWafCf hf long acc.unt and waa ia?.dV i/vlirt aad 84 Uaala. Attaf iho m.rkt had got undor PUl SClctB I! ,<-..- ?aa a l?t of bv thoaa who had aold |Ut? Tuoada/. ThOfB waa a fair ! caat, l^alneaa ln wlnter WB4NO. ataaal l2i.oo.? buahe:, II .,i ..i..i t -. orar lha May price. '. ? ,,.,.,. i wheal in-lm. I ihe ."rn b drop. Wat ; weaiher through llllnola aad >"> lar-gc aaahoaia ciear ,? .. m-,4 .,m b ihela Inliri.d lt to l>e ateid\. The re ?.,, ,,f ,.?. ,; r.i.nt inauenoaa waa a aawow Baarkal. 1 wlta n r..i?h-.- ,f only V- HwinWr cl.^aed at 25*4c. J^nu. : arv Bl 21V. IU] at B**C. blg .ha.ten W*n ngOTtoBi , tha iMpactlOO waa aOO cara. Tbe eallmalu for Ihuraday ' Oata wera in about tbe condltlen of com. The ranga ! lended t" ateady th?m. ihe dadlaa m wheal b weaken th.iii. The ran*,' w >a V. IH-cember cloatng at Pro'vlatona coottaaad ln thelr d .wnhlll eourae. Pork i loai 10tjl24e. rtha and lard 5H74e. The ho.3-40.o0o i orerran; tli- e?tiii.aie for Thvim-'ay *m 4S.'X)0. prlcea ' ,,i ibe yarda wara 5c lower. Hacattra c.ntinued to aetl ... iu.-t aaora rreely Ibaa th.- mmkei could take. For the (Tral tun- on ihla daeltoa ihere waa aonve influenttal for 1 algn lu. Ing - f brd, _ On il?- cu.b puta ^n BJay whiat eloand at Clc, ealla .... puis ou Ma> com closed al 2h%o, c?Ula at 2*V.