The adoptlon of a free allvor plnnk at the Demooratic Natlonal Convention la llkely to re eult ln the abandonment of nll effort to jret Now- ] Jereoy'a eleotornl VOt. for tho nomineo of that j convention. Benator Smlth is bosslng the Jen-aey j Domo, racy thls yoar. and ho wnn'l waste any > tlme. money or energy In trying to belp a hope- | less cattao. Sndth -oaaa't care a rap about Now-Jeraey'a ' ah-.wlng t rward a tl-ket that cannot wln. but be haa a deep personal latereat ln the electlon of ? State LetglaUture. He wlll try. lf poaalble. to elecl a Dernooratlc Houae of A-aemWy. and he la preparad to take diaaperata ohancos ln B-cnr rng tha electkm of Rapobllcan Banatora la Ess-x. TJnlon, Monmouth. Bonaereet and flalem coun- | tlea. Warr.-n ta aure to eloet a Democrat, whlle , Camden and (llouceeter aro reaaooably certaln ( lo i-omain ln tho RepuoMcan ranka Tho Senator- elected thls year artll have a ? vote ln the electlon of a micceaaor to Benator Bmlth, If Smlth ouid aucceed ln carrylng to vlctory ala of tha elghl Benatora to be choeen , next th? Senate would then atand j thirtoen Republlcana to elght Dafttocratg, At ( preaent thera ?ro Hghteen Republlcana and threo Democraaa To rapture three m rra S-nn torlal votea next year wOUld glve the Pemn.-rata I controi of tho Benate. Of the aii eonntlea to , etact Benatora next year flve are now rc-pre- ! aented by Republlcana and one hy a Democrat. Even lf ?mlth aucceed. at the polla?and that is baroly posslble?yet it mlght cwie to rasa that aome one elee would etep ln and do the Bratua tn.-k to hlm. as he dld it to Leon Abbatt. Apropoa of thls. "The Haokensaok Republlcan" discusses tha? frlendllneew of Smlth and Allan L McDermott. and apeaks of "thla apparent harmonv and thla brotherly alliance between tho leader nnd tho old Abbett fa.-tlon and the man who haartleaaly de/eated the Bfelong ambltlon of the now dead ox-Governor for a aeat ln tho Vnlted States Senate. the disappolntmer.t. ln and trearhery of the wbole affalr eon trlbutlng very much to fihorten Mr. Abbett a llfe." The Ross Democrata are ln the awlm inst now and runnlng thlngs to ault themselvee. * ha; mat ter lf th* taxpayere don't like thlngs' Publh' offlr-e taa prlvate, anap and ward woAerai mua.have Ihelr Bhare. of the loavea and Babaa-fNow-Bruna. wir-k Home Newa Tho taxpavers walked Into that mess wlth tholr eyos open. Thelr experience- in the past ahould have taughl them what to experA fr^m a return to power Of tho "old gang " But lt was the old atory of well-meanlng peoplo wlth short m"m orioa belng deluded by sweet promlsoa. Allan l_ HcDarmott arg-.iod before tho Su premo Court laat Tueaday ntratnnt tho conatttu tlonallty of the aet at>ol_>hlng tho Lay Judgea. Tn eplto Of all Mr. MoDermott's eioquenoc lt is alto gether likely that such expensive ornamonts as Lay Judgos aro of tho past. Morrls County's Freeholders want all the M cyc-loa in that county taxed at their full value. SuppoBo they bea;ln flrat on other classea crf prop? erty? There ls scaroely anything ln Morrla County. or elsewhere ln New-Jers-y tot that matter, tax?d at Its full value, altho-.igh tho Con atltution roQulro. that all property ahould bo ao taxed. Owners of hlcyclea are entltled to the same righta as othor people anai no more. At last accounta Cilonol Wllllam Thread Ba-bour Paaaaic Countv'a .Unlor delegate to Bt Eouls. had rot auceeode.1 In ronv-rtlng the Hon. John kfsn Into a McKlnlev man. Colonel Barbour aeema to be a dead as an evangellst, and the Job had let ter be asslrned :o som* one eise, na the tlme I* gettlng short. But walt untll Oeneral S*wei: speaks to Mr. Kean prlvately.-(Haekenaack RepUbUcan. Mr. Barbour ls dolng good work fOT "MeKln? ley and Hobart" ln and out of New-Jeraoy. and he wlll probably do more before the convention makes Its choloe. There haB been a great hubbub ln Jersey Clty alnce Memorlal Day becauae Colonel Abornethy ordered or permlttod the police to march ahead of the 4th Reglment of the Natlonal G'uard ln the parade a week ag.< yesterday. Colonel Abornethy ls ^-nmandor of the reglment, and Is Hkt-wise a Police Coanmlaatrrnor. His aubordl nate ln the Natlonal Guard. lleutenant -Colonel Ma_aon, waa Orand Marshal of the parade, and he protostod wlth much Indlgnatlon agalnat the change ln the marohlng order aa he had ar ranged lt. If the Naval Reaerves would take the 4th ReejUnent offlcers off on a crulse lt mlght cool thelr blood and lnduce them to look at thlngs from a more phlloaophlcal polnt of vlew. IIudBon County's llquor dealers are "hot agalnat the I_w and Order deteotlves." who have been obtalnlng evldonce of Sunday llquor eolllng. It ls aald to ho the lntentlon to have a few of the lndlot*d Balorankeepera plead not guilty and etand trlal ao as to foroe the detec tlvea to teatlfy, and thua expose thelr personall ty. The a. outllnod la that those wlll be plled wlth qtteatlona untll thelr llves be.-ome a btirden to them, ae one of the aaloonkeorers put lt. Patrlck J. McArdle, preal? dent of th? County Elquor Dealers' Aa aoclatlon, Is quotad aa maklng theno romnrksi The aaaoo'.atl3n may alao a?k tho employer* of theae deteotlve. to dis.-harge them from rh?lr prl? vate r-oeltlonfl in ciae we icarn enough about tholr reeord to warrant ,u<-h a requeat. We are after theae amateurs. The llquor dealers would do well to thlnk twice before they enter up.n such a plan of oampalg;n. EfTorts of that klnd would render thoao par tlclpatlng In them llable to indlctment for con taahracy. and lt would certalaly oroate a atrouR public aentiinorH agalnst tho dealors to have lt known that they ajaprovod of such a poHCJT. Th* men wh . have been clle -tlr.g avtdanoa may be mlataken tn their metruals, but they are slncere ln tholr doslre to aee Ihe law uphold, and at tempts I ravanga f,r. them wiii Inevltably rocoii upon thoae maklng them. TO BVPPBI88 CHVRCH 0BGAX8, TOO. The members of the .Jeraey Clty Helxhts T.laauor Dealers' Assielatiori, at the'r meetlnn Frlday even? lng. deoided to try to put a stop to the playlng of church or^-ans or> Bunday. Wllllam .'remplen, Bec? retary' of the aeeoctattoa, aaya thia .-an be done under the old Blue To-day membera of the aaaoclatlon will aather evIdMca of the business of ?torekeepera. th?j runnlng of rrolley-.-ars and the plavlng of organa. A rerolution to pr'..-eo,] aaainet the orgaalata w;a? lold over at tho Frlday evoning meetlng untll the r-ane ,/ Ouatav L Heweli. who waa arrested for selllng aardinea laat Sunday, |? jlapnaefl of b>-*. I>ouglass Mr. Hewell'acaae arlll have a hearlng M >n.lay mornlng. MAQOWAB BBTURX8 ALOXE. Trenton, June a. -Ex-Mayor FrBnk A Mnprowan. who waa expected to brlng hls hrla.'c, formerlv Mra Helen P. Barne*. to Trenton to-day, arrlved a'one from Philadelphia ahort.y r^fore noon, imi was drlven to hla Cllnton-ave. mansion. He refuaed to tell rrponers anythlna; about hls alleged weddlng or his future lntentiona "The public haa no business with our affalra." wras all he w iui'1 aay. Magowan'a former wlfo an.l her children wore on the plazza of thelr home vher. Mag.iwan ai i-,.u- . at the houae next door. ln whlch he la to llve; bul they dld not appear to revo"nl?.e eaoh other. Mre. Bnrnes 1? exia^-ted to arrlve ln a few driya. /fO.47) RACER AT FORT LEE. The Creeornt C) r-lers, of HlWlaoa County. hell their flrat seriee of r~ad rarea at Fort ]anil?>'. Boron<1. lt. Martln. thlrd. Tlme 1 lOS^. One-mlle tir.?trh). Wrn bv .1. H llurlay: H. T. W_J lama, aeoon.l; L. Sinilley, rhlral. 2 l.iv^. One mlla ihancil^_pi- Won _> II. T Wllllama (airatrt-.a J Hurley .10 rarda), aerrm.l. E. J. Bralr.n (Ba vartlai thlrd. Tlme-1:12. Two mllea farratr-h)- Wn.i l.y R. T. Wllllam- I. ?mal.ey. aecon-, R. Martln. thlrC. Tlme--4.SG^. PITNEY AND 0OBNI8H AGAIN THK FIOHT OF 1S04 TO HE RKN'EWED IN THE IVTH OONGREM DISTRICT. DBMOCBATIC TRAMTIONB DBPWDBD OTOM mn Tin: i-i.K.'TioN OP THB OJICB DBf-ATBD CAB DIDATI TllF.Ki: IS TltOtrB-S, HOW Evrit IN vin: COaWWH CAMP. It Is nrtural for the New-Jeraey l^^1""** .bout the ivth congress Dletrlcl and tb* aeaJWll. ties of the re-eleotlon of th* preeen R*i*ubltc*n I iLtntlve. Mahloa Pltney Th* JJ* *?? I,< be_, suoh a "reck-rfbbed Democratie otatrt U *7Sov. rnor Orifep ?llad 1. when h. ?~gf? mp thal tho who!.- Bt*** feels Intarested ln th* slt Stta.TevaTat thls aarlr aat*. ^."""X dltlon of affalrs ev. n now th... make* s study of the bi-n-iing of the polltical straws one of interesa. ^-C^'ui.eywniK.-.-kur.-t-.M.Iriutlon^nd b, , ?s ?,:., ih. flght underatnadlng -hat he bas h* hariest polltlca. ?ank sH for hlm of ?iw?? ? N-w-Jersej delegatlon. Hka opponenl wlll b* ea ?0?greX.n,.n CornlBb. of Warren Cotmty wk..?, he defeated two yeara ago. Ther. run ot . : > , wlll contest tb*r^ln. ..... wlth th* young orgnn-bullder of Washlngton. but I IS be found wh.-n Ih* lareHmtnary rtdr?? J?J th.,: he arlll be comfortably aeeted la tbe Demo eratlo band wagon. . , . Mahion Pltn., WS. an UBWHltog ?*?*?? ,. ??_ ii.. ?, -,-,.:-.ti-l ih* nomlnation unai r ibled hlm to wln by \M P>??lltr. wWe*?J* nomenal. conslderlng thal bl. dlstrtcl w.. tha 0 lirj!!?rofii,-lvn.^,v..,,,:!1.fourth. afltl. fairty saturated wlth B??^,'m' ^ WamB, Th* IVth Dlatrlcl eonal.ts of Bpseea, ? .a ?unt.rdon and Morrls courrUea I, n. lhat ln some parta ot Hunterdon the "? **. ror ?Hlckory" Jackaon, and up la iuaae. the treea on th" hlghI bllls grow Democratie bsnners. and th... ln W_?tn.t^^ vote* a Republlcan tlcket wlll have . bllghl on hl. n.r*. Bo\Z broks .wey baat fall from tb? trad 1 Tne supremeay of th* r*aHX>raey of tb. peepU of the dlstriet tbal brlngj rornlsh out f>r a second ::;!;.^H,hn,n,,,^e..n^1l,^^ulRn:;rl:v; vear... ..nd b* hns tb* Cornl*h rnecMn. n good ahnpej partlcularly ln a-aaea snd Warren. ln Hun terdon there are clouds gatherlnf whlch ? ornlaj .1 - c^eonS.nonly wlnd. whlleJnMenJ there 1. oppo*.tJon, but ?? i- thought to be frlendly. DAMON AT WAB WITH PTTHIAB. Th* most interwsttag featur. of ?* I^""*""" flght k. that en-OonnreBBmai. Mdcoeh i* again Xralao. and that there lath. -f.*.!*"^ ,h* Harrlaltes. Som* years ..go ttrtson I'l- ock and I6s*ph Cornlah were D.n.on and PytWaa ln polltlci. Thev bullt uP . machln. lhal endured for menjr vc.ra. ..nd thal both mad* profltBbl*. bul now 1 U eock ia aaalns. Ooralsb- father aad aon II ha. been N for several yeara Pld.? U OnljT B remnant^of hrmself. He la alteged to be poor. bul sotna. oftn* hard-headed farmers of Hunterdoa and Warren rountle*. who wer* bl. hard by bl. fallur*. shske thelr head*. Blcnlncaatly when ea-Crmgreasman Pld cook'* poverty ls alluded lo. He ls Old snd alckly. hoving had two paralyllc BtrokeB. H. waa a ? bm in hla polltlca.: domalfl kaw'than fiv* rears ago, bul now he |. b dlsgruntled polltldan. He la ln thls Ught for Bll he I. worth. bul lt la svldenl thal nll he can do la to prove a polltical BUlaance. Hs can pull down and cannot bulld up sn opposltlon. IM can dlatur'.. but cannot organfk* ihe dlssaUsned men he creetaa H. la trylng hla bes. i ? let the H-mterdon County delegatea for ea-Benator ?. n. Martln, who bas septretlone for Congress. Ha snd Martln ar. m irklai logether, ar I aome of tho polltical aeera predlct tbal ha arlll defea. Cornlah In gettlriB the delegatlon. There la n natural feellng agalnst hlm In the COURty lav-auw of th* poatofflo* flghta There in Frenehtewa, riemlngton aad l.ambertvi'.le. "The DisspiMlnrei Poe. maater* Cluba." oompoeed of men to whom w-?:?? promlsed poatofflc^s, which they never g^'t- They all agalnst ea-CongT***man Oornlatl. Then* :::en ar* good DMBocrau, bul they hnt. Cornlah and wlll do all they can to defea. hlm. Pldoock recently mad* nn ettempt to dcmonatrite hl. r.-vivod polltical Btreagth by laklag a hand In th. organlaatlon of the Hunterd m Board ot FreehoMers. H*had c?ndi datea for County Pollertor nnd County iollcltor, bul h* wa* greatly rn th* mlnorlty when lha itoaea wera chalkcd. Ho l. not deepoadent, however, aad haa lenator Martln for ^ongreas und sa-Aaaemblyman liaur*ac. Trlmmer f^r Ser.utor ugulr.*t Charlea V Beadlng, uf rrenehtown, who la likely to b* tb* Bepnbtkmn aan dlJate tor Benator. Martln BlBO haa a grtavaiic* agalnat rornl.-h. due to the postoffl.-x: flghta Th* | Hanterdou County machine put a i>rire un e...-h offl.-e. One ihouaand dollara wi..s the sum, I n , Comlnh defeated iheir piune to collect the amounta ? COrnlsh ala^ eonducted hla catnpalgn two years h'. I i-ersonally, and ha Ignored 1'H oc> Bnd Martln even i ln th* dtatributtoa of tho "slnews," nnd that irri j tat*d them much. Porntah. however. flgure* on ! gi-tring hi? help from County ''.'-rk W. I>. Bloom j ar.d hla confreres, who are now pnseUaally nt tb* j head of the Damocratlc worklng forces. It wll! b. B flerca flghi bi th* best. IMOTHBRED BENTIMENT IM WARRBM. In Warren County there Is consideral.le talk about an aritl-Co-rnlsh eentlment, but rio or.<- to lead lt Thls Bentlmeat haa been rlfe f.jr ten years. It la left over from the days when there was a flghl between ! ex-Congreannian Henry S. Harris ar.d the Cornlah | rlng. The Cornlsbes, fa:her and aon, have m.n.ged ; to keep control of the county machine, and that 1* i a Bouree ol dlscontent, for averytblng that go-a ? wrong 1* cbarged agalnst them. Ther* ar* mnnj ! indlvlduaia and some grovips of men who declalm agalnai t'urnlsh. They are practlcall) polltical ] eaatterboxes, whu graufy their lll-humor i.y talk itig on atr'*: oaraera a.'.'i condemnlna tha power. ; that bo, the Oornlsh** Included. They never regleter ' a klck :r. s conventlon nor organlse th* dlsapprov I ing ?*ntlmeiit all be.-auae of Henry 8. Harrls, srh ln times g^n-* by ptood for antl-Cornl.hl.m. Henry I Harrls ls nol as .trong an sntl-mschtn* m?r, aa .v waa His brother i* County <'i'-rk. asalsted ro power by Cornlsh, and ex-Congre**man Harrls haa l rea.-l-.efi the eeneluslen that tb. an:,? do all theli flghiing in th. baok room. of -igar .tores. '1'lii-ri la ?om* general talk that Henry rt. Hu.-r.s WOU d ' a candldat* agalnai Cornlsh, but thai la nol Utn.-ia belleve tha: ut the proper time he will oome up ln the Benate Conventlon ar.d tr,ut ths Cornlsh people would not oblex.-t fo hlm, becaus* his , _.ri?l 1 daey would have some HfTi-o! on the dlsgruntled and woiild rnaienally etrengthen Cornlah*. candldaey. A few years ago Wllllam O'Nelll, who waa then Surrogate k"i'l the antls actlve ''?'Neiil Is one legged, but s.irightly at thnt He |* now helping hls brother-ln-law, John M. Blnnera -n, edlt 'Tho Wur r*n Journal." This paper is n ?t as rabid agalnst the sa-CongressmsJi as ii was, although O'Nelll ?aj'H be i* aa much antl-i'ornish aa he *\<-r was ln the lowt-r end of th* POUtltjr ther* Is mora or lesa genulne oppositlon io Cornlsh. The rallroad peopl. ?lisiik* hlm for hl. vof- on 'he eoal combtns i.iii when in :h.ker. Ka-Aesemblymaa MH ton Wllaon. a st;>r>-kee_.,er Iri Washlngton, is also being favorably consldered for Ih* Domocratla nominatlon for Benator. ln Hussex County 'here has bei-n aome talk that ex-i'origresstnan rtamuel F,wier Wouid llke to go back to Congress, becaues he l* ?:. enthusitmt on tlw silver i)iest|.,n. an.l Wben B nefflbtr of tlie llouse of Bepresentailvea he vot*d ssveraJ tlm*.* for aiiyer. Tbe best that Fowler could do, however, WOUld be to K--' a majorlty of ihe delegatl a and tnrn them ovr 10 Cornlsh Hn*s*x Is In good ahape, for ?be county machinery is sald to be wlth tha Warren candldate. Ea-Judg* Lewls .1. Martln anl Prose eui ir Tb*odoT* Bimonaon, tt..- iat:er a brolher-ln law of Becretary of Btat. Kelsey, are keeplng Cornlsh's fenc<-s .-?; In good repalr. ln Monia there are two candldates. Ba Benator K'iaa C. l>rnke nnd Judg. Wlllai I W Cutler, son ol ?the farmer** frier.-i." Augustus vV Cutler, fr*. quently in?ntion*> somewba. ln th* public mlnd The Iiemocrata thlnk thnt the flght ahould !>?? made ln Morrls, wher* ''.angrcssman Plt n*y wlll gather lb* m< .-t atrength, s. the ehanr*. of d*f* hlm wouid be better The name of ex C'ongressman Augus:ua W. I'utler ls being freely ,is*-d ln Hunterdol nnd Warren ci>.int>* a* a name that rhe liemocrat* could conjure Wlth, bul Mr Cutler has been s*?ji, and hr- declarea thai ha la not a candldate. Jude* wni-ir.i W. Cutler also declarea that he is oul ol polltlcs, bul le others lt la aald he has cxpreaae 1 a WllllngneSS to tak. lha n >mli.ii tion, lf it comea atroaa enough, Some thlnk thnt th* fri'ti.lshlp that exlsts between hlm anl the Con greasrr..-in from Warren Is y.ich that It Is not Ilkeiy that they would contest. anl If .I.i lg.- i'utler would become a candldate lt would bc to turn the detega* tion over to Cornlsh. KN'TH I'HIAHM FOH riTNKV. un th* other hand, the Ilepubllcan* of th* IVth Dlatrlct are enthusiastlc over CongKiSBIIiail Pltaey*B rocord so far. Hi* renomlnatton wiii be unanlmuiis, ar& ^TOvS'not h-Vtl^Une to do anygf****J*$ ir. connectlon wlth my re-eleetk r ta a..*- ? i.._ oftlcial .luile. ln vv_.hingi..n. I dW nol a aea or aire tha nomlnaton two yeara ago. 1 ?_*,.,*??? ceaaful law practlce, nnd 1 was yerj pbiih .??? ^r;KeVl^:^r?r^n^'; l' "'^V^ \^ ,^^ir'^' iwlll hav'.a h.r.l flght. and thal BL"OT_TlTf?to Cornlah, is prep.rlng to make the flahli of h s , wln. I an, advleed how ver. that 1 ^'/'^"h,, f_rl eneouraged The aigna of |J? ?"g! HJ. ,nh" IM will bo another 'people'a year. and tnat tne nld-faehloned Democrata of North Jersr, wlll roti for who.n they pleaae. . .__.... ?,< Trlb K_.Conrressmnn ( ..rn:*!.. when ,een -J iw ?_"? hiWimi prlvate cltlien, worklng from morn toV-ntn n'lghf. and Iprefer ?^?V,lSw aSftt" bualneaa eontinu.-s to keep ao good. 1 navi aeen_mj mentloned in connectlon wlthi th. ?0?f? Blon.1 nomln-Ulon. but I h?ve auIhorlaed ? Btate monr on the BUbjeet. There aro lota Ol iOOa men ln the dlatricl wh,. can wln.' TIE8 PLACED ON TBE TRACK. A NIC'KK-naa-WKI.I. AND THRatE BTROM.BRfl jAtRfCSTED POH ATTK.Ml'Tl-.I) TRAIN WRECKINO. Ptolrifleld, June I. An attempt waa made last nlght to wrech th. faat frelght drawn by anglna Xo M of tbe Central Ratlroad of New-Jeraey, be> rw.-er. Netherwood and Panwood Tba engineer of frelghl tnain Xa ?k\ on his way to Pblladelphla. aaw a number ot rallroad Itaa on tho oppoalt. track about alaty feet aaal of Ibe Terrll! bridge, whlch waa recently partly deatroyed by flre. rhe engineer of frelghl No. Kt, knowlng lhal tho faat frelghl from Phlladerphla would ba due ln aa ahori time. ran bla traln te Panwood, where ho gava trarning to the operator, and tho operator tele traphed al ing the llne and auecaadad In goning wnr.l to tho engineer of So. M lhat thara waa nn obatructlon on ihe track, so lhat the traln waa Bl .pped The engineer of No. ks won- ba.-k to where na ttea wera and removed them from Ihe tracb ln one plac there were three plled on top of each ..ther, i.:,i ten or twelee feel away there wera two tlea, and a llttle further aeveral mora Afrer the Ue, bad been removed, both tralna proceaded. Traln No n ram. here, whcr. tha oftioiala of the company were Informed Detecttvaa B. Z R-dd.r bueh. of the road. and Maddock aaal afcrgeant Klei of tha Plalnfleld pollea wenl lo the place where ihe tlea wer*. found, nr l dl, .vered Lawrenee Wal lace, who llve* m flrotta Plalna, ptcklng up one of the tlea wM.-h hs l been taben from tha track Ita aald he waa "nly movtng tba tlee further away from the ralla ll- waa laken Into cuafody bi p?;i,-o. on mak i , a further aearch, arreeted Itlnerant umbrella men-lere. who w-r? found ln me wood, Wallace waa partl) under tho Influence of II | | ,r, anl -i e .. ithorltl - belleve he pla ed 'ho I ea ... fhe tr,. >k, n .1 knowlng wha; he waa Walla.? waa arralgni?d befnre Juatlce Naa Plalnfleld, thl, afiernooi . and w.a held to th? actlon of the Orand J iry He d.nled that he pla.-od the tlea on the iraok, bul Ih* rallroad ciala aaj they have atrong evtderi ?? agalnal him The thre. Btrollera gave thelr namea as .lamea F.mmona. Joaeph* and Thomaa Hurna. Th?v arere held aa aceeasorle*.. ran! wlll have an examlnatl n on Wedneadaj neal Tha three dente Bll kn..wledBe aboui the affalr Thls la tho thlrd Incldent of the klnd ln New Jeraey withln a few weeka -? . ? BTOLEX 8ILYEB BECOTERED. TilTtrr HtWgEBREAKERi Alil:r.sTf:n IN A D X i-UI IN I 1HM.1I -Stlfll'I Phllllpab'jrg. N. J., Juna I (Speclal) Three m"n were found galecp la b Jeraey > ir thla mornlng In ll la place bj WH era CJraj ind t bangh. Th- men ahowH flghl when awakened were eovarad wlth revolver* E.-1 man n ia , ? I wttb a haavy ra Ibra rev. Iver. ai i '? ctared thla afterno >n ?? al ll * a, i ie the offlcera had 'he drop on ihern thal ih.y dld nol lo aome Bhootlng themaelvee They were ,eai ar;d found io ?? loa la l il >? -? wltl erwar. had been rteJen. ai I n f lt waa I ?? nto r'.oos T - ,' ? ? D. I.. ?% " aon had aa -..-'. - ? ?? ? brought the newa to P flcer M'.rr..-. n waaamt [Ing bI tba bai ?' ih. IVewi Rnd lloi venl wlth Wm peaceably "'??. "' ' ' muHer at the poltce etetloi I ? ' B ' .-,. red h-r ?? II- ?? ad to Jall wlthout ball to nwait tbaactton of i. The woman'a body waa I I ln the tenemenl la H;-- Iwell-a ?Ta'.ly." 1n a pool "f blood, partl l -i ?' ? half ander the bed Tbe man .ridemly an arlth an aaa wta n ahe was lylng I. Th. bi iw craabed through lha ak ill Inio th. bral llved near!) Iwei I ? mll '-- ' aeema al most lmpoe.ll a that any one Id iva aui Buch a hij* for -'? Inoi ir.l B.r J.mea Uougl.e* en ? '? .? 1 iry ? ? - vlewed tho remalna. and th* ll ?. leel Wlll b* ??.- ' ?ai Tuea-.y avenlng rh* a i. --? a i- ? I row mornlna at r> o ?? 1 ???? . ly ?*. *? I ln :he klichen behln i ' ?? al >va a- : -.a i I '--? -.. ? . off wlth _ I we, ar. I.' : >:, the room where ihe m u lei ?a- mltt. i vt'liaon "ii- to aforrlai arn .. ? iwo yeara ago from Norfolk, Va.. and waa alwaya auppoaerl to he a Kood-natured man and harmleaa Wlth th. ei -;. f| ., -,' frenueni quarrel, ? i ? wlf ha ??'? ol -. peaoeabl. dlapoalibin Thej quan-elled freq ? I, .wever *"'! ahe often ? ?mp alned io Ih* n. a of hla ireatmeni Bhe haa ona aon John Taylor, ?h'< waa norn a?.me ilm? befor* Wllaon marrled h*r. and h* waa rery lealoua ol ?'-.?? boj Ha la _ aa.ia.l man and ls Ihlrty-flv, yeara old afra Wllaon thlrty-two yeai FEXKIXOTOS BCHOOL BIEBCI8B8. Tho publle exaaaiirniti. ns al Pennlngton Beml? nary wlll b<- held thla week, beglnnlng vTedneaday, and the baccalaureate aermon for tha tlft\ s'.x;h year wlll Ue prea.-h<-d nexi Bunday i v tha Rev Dr, Hanlon, th.- pre.l_.nt. Bunday afternoon tbe fare woil reltgioua eaerclaea of the i?\>\-r claaa wlll be held, and In tha evenlng tho young afen'a Chrlatlan Aaaoclatlon annlvevaary, wlth an addreaa by Oln ton l". \\'...d. of i-r'ai? .-...-I. Moti.l.iv evenlng la i day eaerctaaa wlll ba held. Tueaday there wlll Le fleld aporta ln ihe ra arnlng, and In ihe eventng or, torical conteata for the Ronan and Biull gold medala Wedneaday tho Board of TniBtee* have t);air annual meetlng at II a. m . ihe Rev .1 W, tiamble. of Balem, N. J.. wlll glye the Phllomaihean addroas at 3 p m , and a; 7i_0 p, m 'ho Phlloma? ihean M.inlver-a.rv w, I.J b. held. followed by i lie prealdent'a rei-eptlon Thuradar, Jun* II la >m mencemenl day, wiih graduatlng e.erciaeB ?t t:.A a rn. nnd rammencemenl dlnner at noon, followed bv thi ahimnl r?un!on. A HI88IXQ BABY BETVRXB. Bellevtlle, J me I (_rpeclal) li la mi Bhan-s out of Bl abaraa of Ibe atock, but under ihe by lawa th'- dlrectora abollahe,] ib, ofllce of general iniiTi.ig.-r An experl acco.intanl teatlfled lhal 'he oompany ha.l tls:! in exr-?-ss ,if jts jebt, A com promlae was Buargeeted, nnd the .as? waa pul off uni'.l next Tuea lay. A MAX WITH A BAIXBOW FACE, Iteivl.lore, .lun.. C A BtrangB c.ise In Wbtab tha local ajaetora ar?- latareated ls that of Clemenl flmlih. a young aotored man, who drlvaa the public loo w.-B-in at th's plare. Aa the skv changea hls fare takea on a dlfferent hue, nn 1 ll !h aald that lt is aiowiy aaaumlng a'l tbe colora of tba rninixiu. The doetora who have oxamlned the niHi. aay they aro paar.?lo,l, nnd tho onlv explanati,,n liioy can g\\? tor the Htrar-^f fri-ak of nature ls that It la ??.-.nsei by th. ehemlrnl nr-r'on of the aun's ravs on the \r* whlch Is handled l.y ftmlth .i.lly Mrs Bmtth, ihe mother of tho yourif mar., yeaterday trled 'o waah the lii.ea from hla face. but could not do ao. 8CH00LB0TS SCORE WELL. NEWARK ACADBMT WBfl THE IN'TER SCHOLARTIC GAMF.fl. TBB Ynrs.iSTK.ts oovrr DIBTAMCBfl W BACITO. .M MIMN.; AHD IM'TTIN.: CRBt)ITAB_f CLOB1 to Al.ri.T PBBrOBMABCBB. The New-Jeney [nteracholaatlo Athltlc Aaaecla tleVhSd J- WUBI ehample-rtlp Wd.wsm^m y.sterday afternoon on th* ?n_nds of the New ? Jers*y Atbletle Clob, al BergeB Polnt. The tour j :,:? Aw,s ? genuln. aucee^a * ???? i oquabWe, no mlehap more uofortunat. J? ?" ! J,v header laken by on. of th. cycU. a. apd no - Hingl,- hltch ln the programme occurred to mar h. afterroon's .port. The thtrteen r,*rs enthe rard wer* run ..ff In two and a Quarter noura? ??? ..,..? ,.?,?., .-; Butllvan. of the *"-j^J"J^ ,.,,?,(0fflcUied aa referee. ^tle hta feltow^lubm.n. Brnesl .rtberg. waa starter. Th- y were aaakrted by the customary corpa of mlnor ?"w*rK Aeademj H* took tlrsi honor. ln .he hurdl* r.i. e and 1 I ln 'he broad A summary ot th* aventa and thHr reaulta i? ap pendedi . ,-i- ! un lr*4 ..ri 'a.l. '- ?-: ?? -??" v'-a' '?' * ?a A -.;?'. ? A . ?- a * Ut ? --. M ' ?-? Hr Hll ' ' ' ' v ' ' .. . . j || 2-ft ?? Flnal hea ..,.....,. Tlm* .. ? ? On* ' ra rard. 'V -'",' , ..? r ??--.> a ? ? ? E P r. ? ?? 1 IMna-rV S-I ? ?-..-..*? S?-?nd "a '.. . . v M*r- J ' ' "???'n; ....... | ?...-? ? ,. .!-? a'. 1 - '? ?? ? . ra" IV.i heal . H .- 11 |r ??? ??>?-? IV J n?*. ? ? " ' ? ' Plm* -81 -r .... I - ? .. . .1 t ? ? ? ?. - . I ? ? T( . ? . ? ? ?.' ,---"??? ^"nl w .1 .... Inlaar. I'lnan ' ?' ' -' "?? -* .. ll. P. Pl Ut, N?w?.a A a ? ? ? r .4 : ? - . _*lk-J. P 4 .-....> ? ' . ? , , ?>,.! i.asi r ll ii-?- a. Ilngi ra* ll '? ? . .... ... . . _, ..... , m W .* b| II E M?r Kr?mrb a^., I?n > ..... M .. ... I, Tlm* ? ? ? <.-.-? . ark a -.i'm. ... -- ? ' II I. Man ? ' ? ?.,.-..' I ? ? - a- I '..?'?* ? ? -. , |. A. H? . ? a )umi ' I " t. II man ,....- .... . ..... . 17 * I ? ? ? ? ; ? ? , . ? ?????.- ? a ?? " ? e I I r - - ? ? ? ? ? ? ?** ? ? .... i ?. ? H , x , ? ' ? ? ?? V \l . i' I ...??? . polnt* 1 >r*d by flrat. aeeond ????.. S" ? ? ? . - , 1 1 iand ... ? . ? ? I 1 ? : r ,?? ? ? 1... ,. - '? Uah. ar 1 ? |l ? 2.- .. " j... \ 1, ? I . ..n .. .. \t ? h v '* - '.? - r . Un* v. ' * . Hlgh Im*. 1 - . . '. . 13 i-... . 1 ?t. t ? ;. ? 1 hammer - ? ; 1 ? !5 *i * s 1 ?:.', BATONNB ROW1NO ABBOCIATIOM. RI'MKINQ, 1:1 'V Mi AND PtOWIVri RACn and a iMl.lN'.l RROATTS The membera ?-f 'he Bayonne Rowing \-n li>; 1 th.-ir annual earnlval o( outdoor sporta y*st*r day sftemoon. Tho prograram* Induded foot snd Mry-rl* i .1 ?a ov?r n eoura* ..n Rallroad ..?? Ilaj mne, and a rowing snd racbtlna r>-<,. f r !t |n Uayonn* bot* of N*w*York Baj Beveral hundred ape tstors, numbeiing manj women In ?-...ii atilre, 1 njoyed the ai...r;. Betweei the ei *nta ?.. orcheatra ' in ths clubhouse, ln Easi Thlrty-second-.t., plsjed popular melodlea v receptlon and hop .-ann ln tho rv*nlng Tho aventa and thelr rrsuit*. ar* aum. nt. 1 ls* l .a foi v - vur hundrad lard -laah Won t.y 11 V*ura>y: t*j r-ir b*tt. ar. und Tlm* II * 6 ae,-. \Y iv n rearal*y; 11 Psul lli,;' 11,1:, i ! vr'.e rn ?en. ae. ond Tlm* I B31 .', Itniiiitna Jump W ii bj W Turb*tl ?l'!i a Jump Of I. f**l '-', i rr - r 1 ? a. Jui -l H*l 1 ?.r mll* palr n*red ?tu- rae* Wo* bj 11 a Hn-oh bow; n Jennln.a atr,?k?, aad I" Imnlnaa ooi?waln. from K Al*t*n*[ ?ti ? -. and Harry iiwn, ceaawaln, aa a langtli Time f. 21H ilna tnlie "I*., t" ft**" ra^e Kn .-l^h' :,'r,\ .1 ,.;; ,-,.w ronalatlna r,r '\ Blnn*, bow; Uaurga Uellni 2 1 arlei Hanka I; Manin i.lavanath. * 'i?,.-r.? Ranker, f. r a Bmlih, ii. w'ii.ia.r. I'r-r-. n. 7 llenrj B*.man ??'. ? md !? ,.,- V Brnwn, ?? \-nuln. defeated i,\ Ihrea length* - ' nii irad ahall rr?* ? >mprlaln? Thnntaa F. .Jarr?n how K Alaaander Sehomaehai 3; Itiart*. A IVlob " Andrew Phllllpa, sT.ilia Tlri,, f> 2<. Taohtln. r?taiia- Trtanaalar etwira*; Blatanc* 10 nl ., Wlnner !n tliaa A, ?ii. UtiU |.-^t, Haaa 11 ,j.' l?,n-?. AII**JTO; .".aaa . , aloop. H^n II,,., CIJ.M a fATBOATB ? ' ??? F.i.lah. .'rur. I. M.K II V > Al , . a :n> || af, .,-| i.iiii* !?? m.i . ... * ri ro .1 1 10 !*H . 4:>l:fiS fl-.-.i o. M?i:?ie i- ,. Wlrhili**-. IILABB H I'ATHOATS II-...H, Ilr.tliara . t.'U-iai S: 10:00 Allf-k-r.i . 4.;i.-, m ,; |f, ou l.ll Iu . Wltt,,|r-a? in.Ass ? ? -i/..ips . I ,'ta 1.1 S:16:U Klorane* ll. 4 41 nd ? :i taj !?"? ?? 11 ?? . 4:410* 11 :t:i |? n-.-iri or th<- club PolVrwlng :. tb* Bumaaary: ..:.? juartiT n.lU- ra-e Wn* ln I Kteln; .1. lomir a'e.n.i. E. Renn*, ti-.i.d Tlm* aee. on- luir m'la arrateh W.n .0 ||. ||.-tkeh.?. J -Hein ae<-, n,i m Ooldber* 'h.i.l Tlme l:UVt on. rnil- a. n>. r. Woa by il*, M Qo'.dbfri aaennd, H. Rhalnhatd1, Ihlrd. Tin e- -2:22 aerafh -Wnn by II H*'ckabo*; J. fl-*ln, aavoni. M. U_1W_ tn:._ Tm.a- 8iia A CIIAPLAIN IN THE NAYY. APPOINTMI-NT OF THE RDV. HARRY W. JONF.S, OF ARUNOTON. THE Sra.KHSKL'L. T.AEORS OF AN EN'GUSH MINIB Tlill 1\ AMmiCAN fWRCHES-BVBINEBfl TitiiMMi AP?U>D TO C-jntlCAL wortK. Wlth tho appolnrment of the Rev. Harry W. .lones aa a chi.plain of the l'nlted States Navy, the Klrat Bapttot Cburcfa of Arllngton loaea the most ettergetlc paator that church has had Blnce Its or ganlaatlon. Mr. Jones arrlved ln Arllngton l**a than ona year hro, the^former pastor of the amall eongregatlon having- glvan np the work. bellcvlng tho fleld dead aa rejrarda Haptlst Intoroats. Mr. Jonea to,.k actlva charge at one* and Bucoeeded in arouslng tho intoresr of the eongregatlon to a marited degree. withln two montha he begnn a aubscrlptlon llst for tbe purr-hase of a more de efrable church, anl withln bIx montha had paid over half the nurchaaa money for a beautlful plot of ground ln Kearny-avo., rhe, chlef thoroughfare in Arllngton. BtnCC then the full prlee of 12.-00 haa been pai'l for the property and over Khe orlflnal plana wer- wltbdrawn mon nfror for B conalderable ebihoratlor.. work ha* noi proa;ref?o.i unrii recently. The foundattoa is now well under way nnd the new rhuroh wlll be of tha moat conaplcuoua featurea of Arllngton .' . rold weather beglna The n?w hom* for the ?s wlll be of wood built ln tha true Ootble .a'y> and wlll _'?'??- Bccommodatloil for over 000 worahlppera. The audltorlum. Bunday-acbool rooms .,. ! Bible laaa rooms, by a novel devb-e of tha , . a;.-^r_e Teeta, may i?e thrown Into on* Urge room Ordtnarlly 'he aeveral dep*rrment? wlll bo dlvlded by gtaaa par-:- ona, whi<-h when r?o.uir*l prl'l aink lm tl ?? floor, leavini? an un broken aarfaea accomn ia provlded for a t'*1'"/, g"dJ_ . ,i ifbrarlea The total eoet of the ,,, ? ? be .'i"1 it M.0M tv,,. loaa ol thelr paator h.s eauael the moiii":. ,,. .he angregatloB much dlMppotntment, but lt la , . . j . it the revlv. Intereat h. haa brought about will remaln aa .. permanenl beneflt ,,_,.._ . Th, Rei Harry W Jonea la ->f Bngllah blrth, ar.d although tl aroughlj Ameriean In hla aentlmenta, > is been a - tlaen of thla country a eomparauvaly nymfi/'/K --_.MN"____?-,^ ?^P 1 rW^:' .RI.INOTON BAPTIBT CWRCH Bhorl ? m* Ha waa born ti Hi Iwater H mereet ....,.. . .. ,-< .1 in th* Darrj gr+.i -, . ,., . .. g. ith Walea I'ntll IbM he was li --a wlth hla athar at i . thornujjlt , r| h ha ira lo aise of m bui.d . , ; || ibe earlv Wlntei ? s .. .. i, N.-.v Vork. Where 1... ent . Ih A- ?'a> where he re "?ara lie realgned te atudy for rhe i ar\?n i>?h ago he ii." ordatneO v la .,, |ualntance arlth the lead'.r.g men of ind .fter . year or r-.vo aun perauaded hr a pi l | '?? io petltlon for tne poat to uyhl ' h* haa J -? nm n .pp ilnted. n.. remalned In Btepne) imtll Auguat, IM, when ?-. ,., v\ -. ?? -,,nk hlm 10 Arlmrton A ?-rik::ir llluatratlon of tbe eateem la wblcb he la held i,v hla fello. townamen ln Arllngton la ahown j.n aetlon of th. Ameriean Coun r>H Ro) .1 \r inum, whleh recently donate-i a ma ai i ed glaaa wln low to the now .-h ireh al u a-oal of PJw, tne k f: belng ma > aotety o.? ac of Paator Joneee efforta Mr .locea Is marrled and 1 as ChlldL He wlll . .: \ t- In Arllngton untll he ls or.lered 0 BLACH Ul\ UARRIE8 A WHITE COVPLE. a . ' .>!! :> JCBTICB OP THi: rCACB IN MafWARot OrPICIATU AT A WBODtNO. F*-ir tho far-t rlm?. In the hlstory o>f Newark. and probably nf New-Jeeney, a negro, aet Ing us .lustic. ..f tiio Peace, .-n Prlday performed the marnaire ceremony for a whlte coupla Aleaandrr Hugga, a full-blooded African, and a man above th? avaaraga Inte llgi ?-, w i, formerly a member .af the Nawarh Pi || - Department Ho la a Republtcan and a recognlaed leader h;s people In Newark. Ha w.a elected Juatlce of tha fVa,-.. .at tha la-st elecilon nnd araa recently ojubIIAmI. About eiarhteen montha ago Hhki-. w.ih appolnted uesiatnnr lanltor of rhn Kh?.\ County OourtbouM. lt ,loe? not op penr thaai he ever oaltod upon 10 perform any duty aa .luaii.-e of th.* Peace untll Priday. <>n rh?r day a Ruaalan named Leopold Troppe, a--ompanieil by n yot.nar iroinan, ateo ? Ruaalan, appear-d a. the eourrhouaa ln uiioa- .,' aoma clvll ort',, ?r ;.> many them AII th. ofhYula bad b-"'.o away. and rhn rlerka wera aboui to dcjpari Th? eouple wore Informed tha there .\.iai no ofllclal preaent to per? form the ceremony, and ihey were ubout to bo nu.i\ dlaappolnted when h clerk euddanly rentetn bered thal iba eolored lanltor held ihe offl.-e of jiisiice of the Peace, and iw.-. therefore duly ... thoriro.i by law to perform 'h* ceremony. HiiBK* ha I begun hla work of cleanlng up the Court houae for ihe day when ha w*.. ,-aJl.?i Into the County Regtater'a ofli.-e anl Informed that has Bervlcea were ..Vjiiired h?- w..:4 ?<>:i!?rwli?r alarmed at the proapect, and ah m-el ade,i,|.-i diapo.titlon to back oul -nd ii-iura ;?> his broom, bui when ho .i? thal tha eouple were forelgnera iie more confldehce ln hunaeif. Cnder-Bnerllf Urlffln and Conatabla Wllllam Teed were pro.-ured t_ net na orltneesea, mh.i irio |^ t> then proa-if.!-! to the prlvate offlce of Hie Ragiat.r. Tl.e reraanony woa brt.f ,in l almple. v marrlage certlfloayfa was pi-o cured, fil.el out an.l algned. and then ihe newly m_r .... l i , iple were congratulated h> tba na.n preaent. The offlria :nr Juatle. wna not aBked to k*ra the brlde. and th.ii part <>f tl.e ooren.ony was omltted. THEV WOl l.n RATHER BE BOMASTIC. [_>ng Branch, Junel (Bpeclal). Announoeanenl waa mn.lo to-day of tho marriaga of Charlea II Kr.iener and Miss Manr.e Cornwell am May IS Mr. Kroener la ,i aon of Henry Kroener, a l^mg Braaak aoatnaaa man The brlde la th. .lau?hter of Mr and Mra if, P Cornwell, of Aaaeterdaavava., New-York, who ai>en,l thol.- au.nmera tn I/ona; Braach. There was r.o objectton en either ahlo to the mat?h. bui tho young people preferred to Burprlse thelr frlenda On Wedn-Bday, May IS. they took tho trolley-.-ar and on the way lo Asbury I'ark dectdad to be fl_arrled at oni-e Bo Ihej atupp.-.! at lloiniar. and there the cere monv w?s performed Thev apent a few days ln New York pnd tl.en returned. lloti. are now In Hraiia-h Tho announceinei.t to-day ln the tnal's wa, tho nrsl newa aayone had of th* nwrriaga THB MIXIBTEB VPBBLD. Hav-otine. Juna ? Ther? haa l.oen trouble Btno, Jaiiuary last -ftween rho pastor anl flan-lt of tho PrOtaatani C%urch Of R.yonn.. The feud arose bownuao the the Kev. T. I_i ellea ,Ien ner. tauabl .l.'.-arl.iea whlrh were to be too mu.-h like thoae of tbe Roinan C-tbollc ..'hurch Th, ouestion was refarred to Blahop s,-srkey, of the _) of Newark, who yeaaierday d*cld*d ln favor e. th* n_-ilater oi tba church. NEWARK, N. J. 0UR eS,imat? ?f what ^onstitutes th. y/grentest good to thc greatest num^ ber is exemplified by our nairow rn?_ of prof.t, whereby values are reduced^ the interest of our patrons. FOR SUMMER USE SILKfl AN'D DRKS8 OOODS HAMMfK'KS AND BWlNOg. RKFRICf-RATORH AND OIL STOVEfl Ol'TEK AND INNKR OAKMFN'TS HATS. tHOBfl AXD PARAS'fils PORCH AND LAWN riHMTrnir AND JUST ABOT'T BVERYTHIKO E_H -^__s_^ uWVZ w,"<* H,\iim ?a*hBnar*\> _ ?I ? -a? ajgai ? J cut>. wor_ S2.2.,, for "? White Enamel Iron Bed (llke cut), bra.a trlm mlngs, all alzcs, worth $7, for 3.49 Kutlmatrf. rurnlflhed for (Jph .latarlnr Puf_. tnre of every kind, old or new. Sllp Covaa *__ Hand Uarved Table Hand <-arv*d Taata (llke cun, hlghly p ?!- nik* cut). hlghly wu l*hed. I'ux2'i lnch top. lahed, 24x24 lnch E* mad.' In oak and ma- mad* ln oak anl ?. bogany flnlah, ? yr. hogany flnlsh. rt ,_ reg 16.00,for . Oa7\j r*g .??;,<>. for. 2,9| HAVE 101 K BE00ISG RENOVATfD AT 5c. POLNO. ^^3___T___ Antliue Oak Chamber Bult flUM cut)./\ /?? 3 place*, worth 115, for. 51* ?/5 KEEP VOLR HEAD COOL. Curled Hair Pilloi r-ir>1 Hair Flllow 89C. Made of th* beat T'.ck anl Hair. M th-Proof Cedai Cheeta nnd rhlffoni*rs, far laytng away krthlng, al popular prlcea All gm da rnarked '.n plaln fis;ure< and aold at one prlce '?* dellvered a* ar.y ral'.road ,.,.. || v....v lersey free of charge. No _M . Iiari r for pa klng_ HAHNB & CO.. MI, 11 ? ?.. ____? r>\ BICYCLE8 TO WiBBItOfOV, rssrrx COCXTT CHBIBTTAJl EXOBATOKBBS fU*) NIN'.J To ATTEXD Tin: M tTl BAL OOjrvWMBa A large number of tha Ba*mb*ra af ih* E*na County Cbriatlan Ki av' **"*}* Jouraey on hicyeles to Wa* ?' D kwsBaJl the annual caaventlon of tl Natlonal Vnio: froa July ? le 11 Thej wlll leave. ^>?"lli_a__,i__ mornlng. snd hav* a regular st nerary ?*<*!?; Ingln Prlnceton. Tren. *\_.Wt* a: l DeUwar* rity, where the nlgh ?"'?"H ?a.k.-n tor Baltlm re * hi i ? the paltf *"? Paf wtieei to Washlngi >??? COUXT 8T0PPED 01 I 0IBA9BBBBBBB, rilK I BMOCmATI B aSTTBl I ' laTBOai BB* *** votbb wrni a cahtaIi "*v ASD TBBN Al '. U. ITI1 a .-Mai i, T." Tho reeouni of rhe rate ln th* .Irsyl'Wca eaa te.r for Board of Worka Commlaal aer la >??*?*? was poatpoeed arhlla th* F irth Plsaiat ?_*_? Fourteenih Ward waa I ":"i >"r'TL rirk-h (Rep.) beal Oray ?'k " ' -v :K "?"* "T tho oount wa* Btopped owlng to a II H'1""" ln rhi* ward waa f. ind a Isrg* wmbarel ^T erattcballots wlth th sr ? "Y" ????ftSM for* the w. ri \ lerm .__ _?_*Ji3 dlatrlct* were co mt. th* D*m rat. protNOBiBj Repiihllran ball .ta s th a ?p tal r '" "?flS -wlir- lt turned oui -ha: ^"'^'*: *,'^ feW 0f th*** bsllots. und then the l^^.v ra.ajniai ei te throw out tl ? ball i arlth rhe wort *pei? wiiii a atnall "f." SAToIlJ IV JER8F.T Cip. THB CABWKAI. I H W BATWUt. PATBIJI* AM. CATOOUC UOTAUTt ITONTHB grVDI NTf Cardlnal Batolll arrtved In yea^Tarki Irjg from Provldenc. al 7 o'clock rjataarsay^g ,nf, .ccompanled by r-.ther tR^J*!* to'ef Oonaada Coliege, WTiud.lf.m TjrjJJ met at th* boat by Father "laaeje-a af B- iwar. Church. lers*) Clty. who es rted them la a^aan furnlahed by Ald.rn.-n Moran r, ih* rwjwayj Bt ivt. r> Church, m arsad-st.. J*r?e> w w*r.> th* r.? ef r.?her ^^_^5S Chureh, nnd the prealdmt ef ?-- "J^" ^j. arhlch adjetas the church. Th* eoaea f tht aoiaely irlmmed and th* seata aa l asas . _,.?. rr,.ea rataar saw ?Mii were CUBhlOned wllh roactr ra*--^^ and the ptiesta of ths church ar.. camaw ^ mJ tho Cardlnal. who al oac* donned n? ^ _#wr.g veatmenta and conducted a '?">?M n.lPa) bene Church. After tha maaa he gafa??JJ Afttr dlctton to aeveral peopl* ln ,h? **. ?vtr ?a a*V breakf.iat h* heard Wllllam F. K,,n* e" hti\. Th* dr*?s ln l^t'.n ln Bt Peterl Co" ,n .', addreaa ..'ardlnal reaponded U> LattB. Mr' , "^^an ? eaagratnlated the Cardlnal apaa?*t*/i a^aMMM the high offi-e. ?n.i aapreaaed a *i?tt alwaya reraala ln tht* country. ^ 4 In hla reply Cardlnal Batolll ???' ^SW our ca.hoiic eolleges la that the nteiwci ^ Inatloa aro tralned. and at tne .j^gflB n.or.1 meultl** recelve proper ?'f,'n,;0"n,_t r?r ? turlea la nol fuBy de^loped. aad n* ^ phlloaophlcal eonra* wlll he **!"'1",J?, ?fl t* forwanl ro the tlm* when "'clicHl ??',,, aNa" inettturad and Bt. Pet*ra Vn, m*n who ar*jf?J ?end forth Into rtie aorld voung m?i g ^? eQ.ipp*-! ro take thelr i'1'''''?,"/ ' ? th* profeaalona and walk* .-r '??...? yeBlSVs ?Remember that you are .A?.e^trlo&o ?Jfl well a* Roman t'ethpllc*, '""',_,...?,*r,f 5 country. To? mual learn to prepare j^? - ? *___?_?I_m apaumml and W r-1'??*'..._ ?rl_0*?* -.r'_HtlS,5____8 dhiBertatlon. argumtml *;'''.V;Vm_tl.m ajAJ?J posslblltty of seeurtni a liberal eauwi ^j ^tis thorouali founaletlen or languagsa and llt*ratur*: thorougb VoundaM'.in ot the '"*'" larmuaK-'and l.tera.ure , nor d? ConcW* Cardlnal Katolll rlslied w0""1'??." St. P?l52 Bl Mlchaers Church He ret ? .^ n*ia ?? and ai 3 30 o'clock tOOk BL,??"""',T Kalher fJlllleyle. fOT V\ a hmit'on.^ COmf BFOBT WITB A ?"C** Krneat Hrlel. a walter. of Ko. N Rj j^ boken. played a faka oa v ;i^^*b>i ? ray lat* Kitday nlght. and ?n r0' #' K*rorsVJ eampaBad to pay a nn* of ? m ^ yttBfMt court. Hebokea. jreaterday mon. ?s .^ t0 tb* to enjny a jfood laugh, and. ?nh t]ttX, tfit polleawiaa. neiael ihe ofTl-*ra c t*l?"__ ,ho,k It vlolc-.tly. at ?e eama Jj^giajjj h*aUhy-looklna dog to "S^.^^iy ropiied WjK th* waiter to 3*. at. but_ grlell??SUW XW ??? reandlng th* dog to ?o xor aaaa?