^EELMEN_ON PARADE. , - PAGSANT IN THK BOULEVARD .ut' BU? ' * AND RIVBRMDH DR1VE. ^= ra* BPaXTATORi UBI THK ROVTB To REM,,N-r A NTMBKK uF WKLlVKNOWN MKN OB THK KKVIKW1NG -STAND. . g^ing the wondorful intereat ln the In i a f.--v daya M ?. Bt. Clalr ItcKelway said ?tHbuna reporter: "1 feel thnt 1 am atandlng ?*? l^j tbat the wbole worM la troing by on a * "' - Cbauncej m I>epew, Lawaon N. Fuller ?Jcy eje. ?*** other people, who t?at In the revlewlng Jjldftaterday ln Rlveralde Drlve, and bjw the ,ltJ! g pajade fo b>', muat hav. bad thought, ina ln ? r..mllar .hannel. New-York haa rJ!,n ..at Daradea nnd atreot rarnlvala and -Btratlona of difrVrwnt Borts. but thla clty 4rt"P Idom lf ever, aoen anything like the parada **'!* cyclreta, whlch tooh placa In tbe Boule lagaad Blveralda Drlva yeaterdaj afternoon. abbbI Mey l? parade Is b new thlng for thls * gjtjieuffh Brooklyn had a llttle parada usi **' to eekebrate formadly tha openlng .af tbe fJL-jath m that clty. When tha parada ol yea E! waaflnat ragseated, people thought llttle %?, ldea. but a.- the tinM approaolMd for tl.e * to take plaoe, wheel t-..lk bocarne pretty ral Th,'n ,n" M >' u' r-lul'8 Wan t.a think ?*.9lt would ba a. brlajhl ldea to ahow the puhlle fr. tj,e bii-ycle waa, and they sent rn thelr 2bj aad r ?'?i'-'re.i t. take part. The nrrango u w? ?nduoted hy "Tht' rv*>nlri?r Tel'* mfn ? *n.i the turnoul exr-eeded the fondeat ex IJtfBg.ofthapromotera aajaJPAOEANT MOVEB ITP THK BOULEVARD M aage.nl atarted at Blxty-flfth-at an.l the . ..'-evard and the ? y illata pedkalled alowly upthe *Varivew:iy i . Nlnetywaecond-at., where, owlng a^ioorroad the parade awltched over to the aaWatat Contlnulng up the west drlve to Zraadred ?nd elghth at.. the cycllata ahot Ln their-:?::-? to Rlveralde Drlve. Thla beau gtf *?**? nf i ?d waa followed on th. aaal Iraj M One-h li ?'? gnd-fourteenth-at., wh-re ihe BBBI '' PJ ,;MS l"'1^'"' ,n r''v,''w before JJL Bjajl-l Itlaena Th.- llne of wheela laTeBBdnui I up ind around the nweep al Clare ont ar.!. ; -~ "** '""rant'B tomb, came ba-k on Bjajwaat drlve and agaln paaaed In front of the iwawtflg -' _ ,v |? ? .-.- rhe Boulevard and Rlveralde aajBgwer. throna arlth the rldera of the wheel, Wflf.?.. . rlvea arere atrangely de ^ Tr, 1 waj 'na aeemed t . Lagorae other r utea to reach thelr deatlnattona ulfV... ..- torto that part of the awaust hava b. ? I arlth the ldea that gaatklng. ii of th. rdlnary wa. about to take About 1 o' '."k youtha and llttle maldena on rtaBabesar to 1 >->vard Then BIbwd - i ' '? ' women and women wil - I ? ? ' > Btjonl ? along the r lewB k .?' s"""' acle wb!.-h had never - ??- n aeei I - dty at leaal - ' ~ '"*'* From ! toSo'doch ?? ? ??? "? ' "''? ;''" ferent bkrj le cluba r BBoni lr. the - le al reel Aaehtb me .......--.* unlforrr.. took up I and walted for th* word to fall Into llne Ea -h di vialon waa under a ape lal in or captaln. and when rh* wor I I atart waa glven the d ffa -- BMdlvlalona fell Into llne llkewell-dr - - ?*ra and there waa IHtla eonfnaaon ?rd few aocldenta PKKPAHISO FOR THE START. Then eaourlera and ofBclalfl h^Kan to awe??p up taa Boulevard. clearlnf th^ way for the mlghty ?Bralcade whlch waa ready to *t;ir- At - ? ' ? k rja4jaiawalka aJona rhe Boulevard w?re thronged wlth people. and the Jarg* anaoe In the ?-?tr- was aaggmataamai ry fron F fty ? Inth l ? Oa4?-hun 4r*o-an4elghth -- In Rlv. ral le Drlv. there ara. BjBiBBBBBittBeraplrIng humanlty nn along th* route mCaagaajeht. H ?uaee an I varl u ;-':' *a of business along ?': ?? the ).arrt'lf W.leeo ratedlaa far a Natlonal h lldaj Beveral enter frising storeke*;-ru had fitted up '? granda-andK ;n fr nt of thelr pla ea of hualneaa, aadtaaWBaada 8i h ?'??-? penny rentlng i - at, MffwMceat, ? .$1 *i h. Al Onat-hundred-and eighth-st. BBother atorekeeper had fltted up a BtBeaforapectai ra Hehadaold b aeatfl cn Friday Blffht lawraBlpoini of Intereat arai at One-hundred utfiBnifiiih Bl. where th* revlewlnf-atand had been er<- -?'l. Aa the proceaalon came u] line, the acene was a atlrrlng on* Buch a tamng haa aeldom b<>f-n aeen below Claremonl Ev*n- Btallable inch of apaM svas tak'-n early The Nfrlewtng;-.tand was crowded two before th* I ral dlvlalon mme Into alght L >ok BBftBBBt, - - Hudaon Rlver Beemed cool and refreshirig. I il no refreahlng breeaea rame up the Incllne to eool the heated browa of tl I land,. A't m the rlver thi Pallaa lea I green ar.1 li '? ng. Amati ur ar. 1 proi ahatagraahera llned both aldea of tb. D -? whlle bbm al rve the revtewlnej-etand waa of thos* vltaac >pe macninea cllcklng away with lightr.ir.g aneed prepanng a rnaarlc lar.t-'m ar laaajasaaant, arhlch wlll later ahow the world large what New-Tork can do wh'i. lt start. out to have a blcya le parada THE jajIMfBB1 OOACH-RIDI Tia THH STAND. The Jaflglg who wera to d*-cide to wla'.m the many prlzea Bbatdd fall rtv-t at Broadway aad Thlrty-flfth-st. before 1 o'clock. prepared to atart for ih* ravlawlng-atand In K'"-rd aeason. laaaajon N. Fuiler'a c .a^-h, drawn by r-lx pmnc Ing horaes, was u> t.iK* the hlgh oftVialB to the Haaj of revleia anal the other '.fflclaH followed astBjBaearrlagea Am^ng those on Mr. Kuller'. ^?chwere Chauneey M. Depew, Qaneral Horace Porter, Dr. Hepworth, J. & Townsend. Jeffer 10,1 Btllgmari ar.d Edward BelL They were ???BaraJIajong the route to One hundred-and ?aaMejBJto ^Wrtde waa to hav* started at 2:30 p. m., but lt ggj r.,.ar]y an h^ur- later when the vast ?*v*Jc*de was put ln motton hy Orand Marshal StiubarJi, of th* Sth Reglnaent. Then the llne rnovesi off in K .od order wlth a HiikIhk ^hout f!c*n the Baaembled thouaanda The varioua Baka and dlvialor.. statloned ln the nlde atreeta fcl into Iln*. Th.-r^ wan a llttle dlaorder at ^aty?aecon 1-at., where the para.le croaaed to *'?st drlve, but moat of the paiadera were Ba w*?rt riders, anl the line was ln g.>od orda-r in * few montnta. The tum at Onc-hundrad-and ItThth-su t, Rlveralde Drlve wa-. mada In xo-'-l "tler, end a.; the fiararle approached th<- revlow ** atanl the crowd ac-t up a y.-ll whlch could b heard for a mlle. A mora )i??rty welcome **ld not have i,.-,.j] givaa at the return <t the jH>iu-e .-aptainH, oame "fatid paaaed the atand at a ?mart tra.t. Th? lnt*i;tgent anlr.wl heard the sh'iutfl, but he knew th*t they vs-,-,,. not for hlm. When oppoalte the ***n<1 ahe atrimal threw back hla head an.l emlt< t?d & ioud Bnd prolonged whlnney. it aounded like & note ?f deftanoe to the conqt rrlng bl ?nd the crowd roared, whlle tt.<- boraa pranced out of elght with hi* gtoaay mana Butterlng *UdIy. it vs-a- .miy an Incldent, of courae, but nud? ar. Impraaaloa THE DBCORATIONI AND COSTUMBf thi" that Vi8t cavalca<1<' there was nearly tvery th * *? *ar as ?"lor arKl decoratioii k<>, is'ivlng to whole a earnlva] appearance. Th.-rc w.-re sol ln fuliy army .-ncelt* the "**" lB the Htrt'etB of New-York brought up bJ"1, of *he procesalon. The police clearr^i the 'ahgth* *rd *nd R,ver8Me Drlv* ot all vehlclea dur . I*rada. Actlng Inapeotor Tbompaon waa ln charge at the Claremont end and Captain Har ley nt th<- Btart The number of BpectBtOra arho BBW the parade were last nlght eatlmated at anywhere from ".'..?khi tn 160.000, whlle the number of rldera who took part i-.iui.i n.it have been laaa than 15.U0O. The blcycle movea at a good rute of ^i - ?l even In a purude, yet It requlred um- hour und a half for the parade t<. pans the revlewlng-atand, Three new ambulancea were wtatl^ned near Claremont In ms.- medlcal utte.-idanoe sluiuld Ur needed. The haal was Intolerable. Promptly at 4 o'clock the pollce eacorl paaaed the revlewlng-etand, followed by the wheellng membera of the Bth Regiment. The a ildler wheel men, carrylng :irien awung un.ier the frames, wora fatlgue unlfurins and carria i knapaacka \ unlque ambulance was cona true ted of two lan dema. K- ll >wlng came the Bth Regiment, In full marchlng urder, .i? membera In llne. The Majeatlc Wheel iiu-n came next, an.l they ln turn were followed by the Rtveralde Wheelmen. The Rlveraldea were heetded i.y a bugle corpa and flve tandems. Thfy wore brown unifortna und turned oui aeven ty-flve Btrong. The Qreenwlch Wheelmen wore blue unlforma and white capa, and had tlft) riir-n In llne. A pretty little glrl of all yeara led the Century Wheelmen. The membera were dreaaed In brown unlforma wlth white glovee, and muatered nearly 160. The Trlumph Wheelmen, to the number of twenty-flve, wore blue unl? forma and black gweattere. A prettj mlaa dreaaed aa Little Red Rldtng il->.. ? - li v twenty-flv. dlstrl I i ? ' ? .. heela llke .-? rans. and thrtr i ,],, ...i ;.. ---.:.!-.? wlth the - ' ? ?" n Paused appla iae all a nj; the !. Th? vei ? in ...... p rae " rode an K\ ? i Pnwr vheel t i ' hlgh and manj i?i' ?. - ... ? ther. . , .... a|, . illlbrlum Al i rHmbed all over hla wheel and caiis.<1 Ihe ill. iren much merrlment. A bunch of littlei tota In falrylike coBtumea wera loudlj applauoea A NOVEL DT9PLAT Another dlapla) attracted mu h attentlon, A , .,?:, Df ..:-' man had their maohlnea draped ao tha: they looked llke horaea. T - ? . wore Jocaey coatumee, and their rmarnta had euch namea ai "Blr Walter." "CTIftord/' Hornplpe." "Bl Maalm" and other name. fa i l0 ,-a .-K ..-rn |u-4 now. Another dhaplay which wlll g*t i Prt?? ";i* ? '"' ":" ,"'Lm;'.V '. I k llke the Defender 'Oaptaln h itT \ ? -..??? ?: Ith. " - ' ' ? ? ? ... ? g. a. wlth th. .' ' nt urlen. . ? ' ' aff wiii referred onea p?. f -. .,,-, w. ' ? . ' ' " ' ? ' ' . .' . ? ? \- ? ?'? ng ' ? ? ' '. ? - ? and th. r? I .ar, ? MAT BinrcLEfl br ic rn n kt. i. .tWI? U?K8 FOR IN i ,. | .;,..?. ?? rABK - ? ! ?" . ronlln haa aski I th. fori ? ? n '' ? a blcycle a .... ,v ?:?;? ? .?. ... and the la. tea that "thi . ii./; :,,,. .:.ao.pl ' ? ' ? he rharg. a. . ,(>;1 ?,,. ih. amounl ol thi t?! m.mt b ?'? h. - ;;...?,:.'>? w?ll ba told that a Wcycl. 18 aufl "rhtaf of^raiea Conlln oa Frlday^gav. ,nK at f'oltin.buB-av, and J ^^ ? f Clareno. " ?.5'a'-;',.';. h.,' v?...n con.ld. red on? - * ^rnX^.'^-^,';,;.;-/::^;::' heavy at some boura BALTJ BEATEN BT COOPEB, nrramEBTiNa cojarwrrg at thb frbdonu aairr Of TBB L. A. W. Fr.V.nia. N T . .M-.e ?. "IM!1"" ^Idand J rWroamatogether u>-day a --;:;;?. AW atirrealoiila.andOooiiertaameoutthetji uu ma.li Anl , !v, dMlartng thal be had beon pocketed by two Si2t in tS^fwo-mll. rae. b. fell on the tat half r'dwMSruuwd.ll.htly. lt waa tb. general oplnlon *z rr,. ;;:;-??; : "?? ?; 1,1 " , ;-,..,. ]? nn . won; a lolph Oo.hler, of ;.,;.-.. mlnutes a,..iah..'r Ray Uwion, of the S^'orkAthletlcaub.wonth.flve-mlb.r. , ,. .,.; .: th. same club, won I.ne-mlle ' , ,,r The meet waa a successful one. Ph? -....rfect^nd the track ineacellen, . ^".??r.,K "enny, of Uttca. broke hl. rlghi ***-? and^ilocated hla left ahoulder. Hummarl ar:" -1"1 ' ' , ,?. C ll. Whltaly. Erle, IV.. Twant) mll " ?" '?* ',. . ,, N- K(.nyi ?.. iiuffal . u ...ti..- ' ?... CAMiaTm Vllkey. Iiuffkl.. mlnulea) a? -rti< rime mlnnrn Adolph 11 -hlt-i ",:^". "i ? fliat ln 63:31 John - li '-.'-- 4H 'BaS:4a; Mw,rd . ' ?'? "" : "J "m k H .'? II W, | .. . :,.L. italooln, Moors. Buffal Vr1' V;;,.. rbandleap. --?"-'^ ,,' !'^. Byrarus. IW K.rf.) I ',*,%" . rat.-li), aecond; <-. > iiorsn. i>u>. - ' Tl:. jnut <.,... Pfxaftaaatonal) "T?m" ' :? ' I -" ' , .; , . , . Tlma 2i'o2:. Jrnaey f.H ??' "- ' '?" braaains hla right arm i.,.,i; \? Vorl lme mlla lope. mnat'iiil I. A. 1 ..?al'. ?>"'1 v.,,1 ?? A I-..V-. lluffato. .1.- ad;J r. B?it?. Byra?uae, "'Im1 n!'i'" <>HVX imal.ur) C. W. .* ' Uuffalo, thlrd Tlma 8J0. ...,.,??? ,? ,?, i... Tw .....il- (h.ndlcap. prufeaalonal) rom t I ?,,,. (KrMeh). won; -.'?? M.ya, Brta (110 i w i iMf.-.i I'llca (180 yardal, Ihlrd. Hraa ,'.'-" rn.. niiie (handlcap, amateur) iu> !'??? n. m-* ' ^a ,-,.:,. M. .... v. M Prekhi.lurValn (IW yaida). ?? ond; Ray n.'er, BufXale (800 rarda), thlrd. naa ?- ? ,-? TENNIfl AT TRAVCRfl MLAND. Tho Beml-nnala in tha New-Tork Athletlc Club'a handlcap tenala toMraaaaeBi for the clnb champlon shii> were played ut Traveta laland yaaterday after? noon. The k-ame wa.a i.y jx.iin. and reanltad aa followa -.' 0 1 1 Kelley, 1). - BBB <> ? 1.. ?? ..,. |b. ...0040 a> '? -I; ier, Ht) . a. .i i :i o Qulmhy, **... ... 1 l 3 1 Al.nmn, rf ... n l ai ?> i, r.? BaUIl*a Zb.. ?> .. .. l i Hmllh. e . u 1 i' -l l Hmith 8h . .. O 0 l 3 0 Wlll n. ...... 1 I ?. 1 1 .a,-. -, , . r ..... B ia ii B*nk*y. Zb.... 1 0 3 t 0 Trudaaa, ir. >> .. i o n Tolal* . D 0 ST 13 3 T ?'..:?> . 0 8 37 n .'. Prli -i .3 2 O 0 1 0 0 0 0?6 Tale .i?y ICaata -r. ','-m* nf ?nm* 2 .'40. I'mptre - . ? : D.\R-mrr.T-Tfr. T; wii.mamr, I Hanover, N". lf., Juna 8.. raartmawth twaad th* tablea i n Wlll ima te aay an l aron a miar lnr. ? Ing gun. T.K>? h .tne .e.-im aurprlaed the wr-.-rtatora ? ; tying, both In the fleld and ?t the '..ii-. The I Partmnuth . 84000000*7 . n o o s s o o o 0?g -,i,? ?...-. .. ... -i ? ? , . m r- ? ? n I ima 4 '? -? !*? -4'onway and Felaomi l*.?'* *"1 lu ?* ? ? ^UANr-.r A r, U: AVMKRST, I. Tha ftrange \\ lefeoted kmherat on tli* ^>rnt-t? Oval - terdaj tmherai waa weak ln ' . ? ? ?" kin;f, and Oranaa ptl*d up, enmi ' - d *: -i; out . .r*- g-.. ... ? '?? ;,!*? ? . ? ? j- ? H'.ir ? . - a a run ln tha v> i l ejee-tr " '. ? ? ? -.- d Orana* . B B B B 0 0 0 0 0?13 3 0 0 .. 2 .1 rlt.nl Ble'.d v??'?r!?T i"?mnnn ^* w<. - ? ? I !n a far tha ? < ftritaj .000S00OOO?I .. .i .. B 0 B 0 0 1 , ,., . ....? ? .. . ? n - . -. ? - and 1 ? HARVARD " Pl ???-:-v'.VAN-TA. * Roata "?. ?' -"A ' llar ? ' ? - I gaun* wrth th. t'ntve " ? - ' ' N Fla ?? ' T . ? . : ? ' ? ?? ? : I 1 I 41 I . i ? . ? " A B ' ? ? Pl H. J' : The a -?? . I aaal. ........ -?" , ?? i ..'; ? . . Bl j ? ' : - 11 ? " Man .\ .... .... ., II ' ' ......... 1 ' . *' . f, . . . ?? .?" MAMIAITAV. r J Pren4*rsaat, no ?? . :;? E. B. Kay. mn ?? . -* ll s. Tatteraall, n ?- i?' .;?? ? ' Klnnn. - ? ? *a . u*a '?? *.???? . , Wldaa . ; ' ?:-..... .:? Al '?? .t.a! park >? tterday the Pateraon Club bad no dlfftculty In lefeatlni the Columblaa by si runa In ;i i hamp4on.htp gama <>f tha Xew-Torh Crkkel Aaaoclatlon. The all round play of .\. K lUrdlna waa tha chlef feature >.f tha ...ru... whlla . Robertaon dld good atlek worB for Pateraon, ind I* Dodda i.i..l w. tlarkaon dld the -hier bowttng. The ? are 1-ATI.KS.iN ?' C. | ???>?' M'.'A '? ?-. u it, n ? . la a?, b Hard T. ( ... ? B "._' . '?' a r Hardlna, i. I) B ? . . na " ? ' ?' ''? '? Kotertapn .. ? ? . . ,, Kirhard H >', Hon.mera, , My. - . I...-:. ? . A \'. al i- ?? * b Imdd 11 iJ ) Kt. laal .... 4 |u* ' i Imi . '?.:. .8 I I. M. ?!.. v. a. I-.. li ln .i ii lira l( .rd n-?t oul. .. 1 8 II 1 i' ? ... i. ' iBrkakJ. ? Sllvln 'V ?'-,??,,.- totala weVi v...kvi;:.-. 37; Carlbbeana, IH tw.?v "woman il Ontral P.rk veat r,l,a>. a:..l 1..-..1 . , aame, In wh -h the team capta ned bj W. B. Atklnagalned a vlctorj.i W A.ton'a alevea ,,v ., acora of 31 lo M IXTERBCHOLABTIC CONTBBTB. Vi,,,?, .i ,n, | Thi Unlon Claaaleal InatltuW, af <:>l,u. ., |, - ,..-.! tba iia...-i potnw la lha Ba.tam Sew-Yorli Interacbolaatk: athkrtl. ..>??' ta thla clty ?,. llv Tt,.- Bcboo-a eompatlag arere t^verack -.1 '?.., .?:..?..-,. .n....uie, Albany ^ **J .Bdtba a'nrla.lan Haothera" Academy. of AIbany. - -ra of Albany. dld BBBM wondarfal .prlntlng, 26 TO 40 PER CENT. SAVED ON GROCEf.lES, &c. . l . ', ... -., OrUnwIi-h atreel havo ?: ! newS sirtmeni ? aupply famlllaa II ? t irH???WfW. Pi i...,,,. Wlnw Uuuora. Flour, Canned Opuda. Haroa Buttsi I-- a ..: irletll ar _ ' . ..:.... ... ?.,.. mii lo grueara and m* - reas. ...ti- quantlf.ee?aavtng tham from ? i ? ?? i. Th. iu*-. apaiUltj of .uppl> ing country realdMMB. -? am :.,|,. '?..?.- '.. .; i isas, ac Th*l gu ra M all , .,;, ,., ba of tha besl quality, aad ialtoat al 8 ? - rras ln and ut of tha i-lt) Am reader preseti ,. ii .. i. in ? pi :. , tl) and arell aarvad. A rlewriptiv. ' \\ .? cnll atafvlail nKenil.iii lo llielr Old !?<<'?? l nlilnei Wblsky. B3.BII |.i-r rallon, fciiiiriin Ireil lll.al.llllel ? |tiire ll.> limel ?lll f??r liM'?ll en I ll?e. Ile. ,.mm. mleil l>? leaiPiiu lili'al eliina liliil Imloraeil liv Ihe lllle IMM TOR I.OO'IIK. wlnnlng .vervthlng lt. whlch he entered. ronper. nf i 'nl m, won the blcyi ;?- racea eaally. Bummarles: < in- bundre.1 ;. ....l laal Pl 11. B.; l--\ r, V. C I . aee n. a. ii. ?., :?: t:. ?'. i . ?(. w al.li . i . ?? ? .i.i Tlmaj 0 Hall ... n . \ M I! \ ... i Tlm* '-? OH I ?'? 1' :,r hund ??! and '. rn i-ard dash Won u o'N'-II!. I. nd. Tlma I. a?a-. Two-hundre.1 arnJ l. nl) yard iah wi n i>) l.evl I r I.J M. I> li iu-:i. .' H A., -" .... 1 m? -'?". I S "-.. .ir... mlla blcycle race Won b) ?' '??? -. I", C, I . Roh. ln-.n A. II. S., ??? .nd. Tlme 2.:t* 2 f> One-mlla rui Won ?? D'Nelll. t. t". 1: Bchumarhtr, |" i- i aecond Minf- 8:43. Putilna ths twe|r?-p ind ahol Won by Todd. r .'..-.i {,. , - mchea (V?p r i .'. l . ae. md, W feet 4 Inclvs Kuimlng broad Jump Won i. (loets, i .' i, i, r .-t 11 Im ti.-s N in... I". .' I . ae, ni ' p . iul W .1. bi T .1 i. < ? I'., 8 f**t B Inehea; C'ooper, |- ,? i . ,.... .i?l. s f.~> Hhowers, .'. I ., Rt r.-?t .. ln ho* M.-...-A. --? ATLANTTC TACHT rU'l'.'S LADIEff DAT. A fONTEBT rOR TWO CUPB PREHENTED BT vin: niMuor.irh Ai'.\M?. nnn of ,vi* moal Bucceaaful of tt"- Atlantlc Vacht Club'a ladiea' daya waa held yeatarday under tho lona made by the club for ratended enter talnment. Tbe plan adopted by the organlaatlon V.-.HA to alloa each of the competlng boata to carry aa many n< aix women, and to k'^" the women of avery wlnnlng boat a aeparata priae. y. ... r i. ;. ?>? races ... ?? .? for two ?''ii1?, plven by Vin i mn ?: ir. Adama, one for sloopa and ymwis, anl another for eatboat* A ateady aouthi .... | blew sll i.y. freshenlng to a veloclty Wkteh thelr utmost capa Ity when under full aall and arlthoul reefa The pre paratory gun for th. starl of th. aloopa waa flred ?. |] ? m The Btan for the al ?| ? waa al 11 M Tb. preparatory gun ' ? th. catboata an l th. handlcap gun far Ihe aloops a eai I . ..,..,..??. ? an I ' - andleap gun f Hsrreahoff thlrty-footw Wawa, owned by , gtiumai . ? ? aat of tha atart. I ...... ? ? - .. gun . , ' ., mll. ahead of th* ?l nl. all i ?? - round Th. Wawa - on. ?' ' ? " ' ' bullt bj . .. rr for ??? - >u? ownera a hav. . Bh. was 1 ? ? ,. ... .,.-: by ths 1 '?? ra. th. I ? th. Ki ksrboi k.r Tai hl rlub . . . ? Th. test yesterda n thla ase rnn ln .,.. ? . ?...;.. .? nal '.n?a. of h rea| f I ...... ra. i ? ? nbi ??.?? 1 aa the ? ? .?? ,?? Thi , for from - ? . a bell ........ . and th.nc. t ff | .'?'?', ri ! r- tun I n ? thi ? ; Sn. U Th.dl.tat ? ? ? ? -...?? ? > - - ? ? tlmi nuras f..r ? off th. 1 ' ? Reef bell knd lay f i ths Ita ^-- ? ?y ' > Buoy , ,.? ? g ten and ? half mllea r?r three tlm.a round Th. rwiuli if thls arrani ? . ? ?. % hat th. .?.? r > a w?:-,'. rOUD '? ' I ? - re. lha a un. *har ih?, a , ? .- . ? ? | th* short rourae, and tbla I - >ua front of th. is. at nt ??)? tha ..n.i) ? ' a of .ach round. ?ta. ?????- lh? w ? n.r t " ?? Adama ? >p for ..... - .. ?? Mra Fred.rl k .1 A !a.-..a, ?*.--'? lonor i - ? . md Mla. I.tving.ioi p foi boat alao . i> ? aj.' ?:?; t.r'X". N-arly nl ri hOBl C.rrh 1 "r l.-n*.! > womei ? ..... ?. . - ?fv ?? ? ' lll .... f tl a as t wo, f oi . ? ? I lt, I four . ? -. ' f a nol i . irs. ' ? ? . ... ? ? ? ? ? ? i | ? ? . ? a-era, M al ? M Sawyer, Mr ?? ? ?? . f)ak Vl.au Ita . ; - ? .'. 83 ia aatll 8 .ist .48 !? 1 - - - " '? ? ? ! : ? ' ? ?? . ..-. 17 :. .-.i ?_? r Sl '.i : :. |A U R rt ??>'? " II 2i 3 II 't s |7 .ii S 32 13 2 11 28 2 M J-.i :i 14 :T .1 .'"> M 1 80 88 '.' " 8 ;. i.. .'-. '.' .' ??' '-' r 13 :. i.i -..i ;. i. ,n - -??? i.'t 2 ir. 2t i ia ii i'.'i ? ? ? THB KAIBEB'B TACHT WISB AOAnf. Blll W1XB THI! k-":JT l,l;'i: 'N' ?" ''HANNKT. MATCH Umdoa, June ? Dmp^ror Wrlllam'a now mtter. the aleteor, to-day again beal th. cracfc Bngll.h yachta ln tha Channel match salled under the ausplcea of Ihe Boyal Thamea fachl Club. Bhe well aufltatned the reputatlon galned by her In her malden race thal iha la lha faateat yachl aver Been m Brltlah arat.ra Tha mateh waa open t,, yachta of an) .'..' of nol leaa than flfteen ratlng, belonglng '.,, ',',. , ",',, ..-.:/. l j. hl club, BritLh or f.-r.-i^n. ,., , ,. r prtsi wa. ralued at 1100. Tba coura. waa from thi Nor* to Dover round tbe Ooodwln Ba I and keeplng lb* ueual blg-ahlp track; ITaehl Raelng iiaoclatlon tlme allowanea for a alxty-mlle courae r,,? ,., ,,-s x .. aa ty al 10:30 o'clock, tha atartlng Une belng drawn between the Mlddli Pant and tha iion xhe Prlnc. of Wale.'a cutt.r, Brttannla, .' ,', jh. i, | poaltlon when the gun waa flred ai I '. . , over th* ..." ln the lead The M.teor. All a .;, ,' sai mlta followed n the order glvi n ? -,.. , t,r ,./.,. waa -om na fresh out ol the wi il ,..,'.,, the starl . ?? mad., and tha ya. hte ha I no ioone.l IUL i away than th. Mete n b. lanlo plck , , '.,,;. Rrltannla Boon ?he passcl th. Prli e'a ; ' .. ... , ,, v as onl) a ahorl tlme before ah. was a '.' *, ;.;,,.? ,,: .. mlli ln Ihe i-.ii. wlllng well. ?,?,,,. i-.m uiiiia noa t--a4^n to aall a little fa.ter, ,, ?., .1 n ?? .' ::"" ,:i" 8 ip t?et? .. h.ra^lf and ,' .,. ,.|. ? Al Hroad faua rhs Me ? ir waa mlnutes .n*ad of th. Hrlttanla The other boata .,;,,,,.,? alon? ln proee, .lon, the Batanlta be mlnu ead of tbe Allsa, whlch :. , ??,..,. mlnuti behlnd th. Mi teoi ? n.ii the 1'banne: .. .- falrl> entered th. yachts ,.,n into t dead ralm and ths resi of the race wa. ,. i,it-::.i- match in whlch the Meteor had all th. "'ri'i'.'."''^'-'. >r iin'-i-il al l:M:? Th. Brttannla whlch waa bIIowihI k mln Ui ?? nda by thi . ..,. .. , . , ,i the Hnishtng llne at 6:07 > itanlta llnlahed Bl 5:12:15 .mJ tha AMaa a f.n I"'lrli".-'t?i'n't' ratera aalli I over Ihesamecourse aa ti . larger i.? Tha ?l irtera were the N agara. .. Bilnt and th. Penlt.nl The rVnltent beal ,,, ja.,.;...,aiiy ai i the Nlagara was half un hour behlnd the Penlt.nl at Ihi flnlsh ? BHOOTINU AT rRBBDMOOR Th- laal detachmenl of tha Tlet Regiment, rom poaad of Companlea i-'. I and K. under command ?' !..,,., nanl ColonH Wallaca A. Downa. wHb i ana ,,f th. ti> Id, it iff an i non-commbuiloned staff and b f#w stragglers, numberlng In all nt offlcera and men, practlsed a: Cr*edm.- ye.terday Laptaln iu.tln, regrm.ntal Uupector of rlde practlce. aup.r Intrndsd ih* ahootlng. The rolley tlrlni? at rhe man tan.et reeulted aa foii.iws; Ra No abota Be. ?h">a P'.aell.la >mpan>v n'un. Brad. aaersd. arora. r . ? 850 ub aaa |.. . 48 4-W H4 ??? THE DYKER MEADOW CLUB. PORMAL OPBNINQ OF THK NEW GOLF OBOUNDB. A OBEAT BTCCEBB, UOT1I A? A TOI'RNAMKNT AND FROM A SOCIAL POINT VF Y1KVV. Aa a 8jc1.i1 affalr and aa a golf tournament the forn Bl oper.lng of the Dyker Beadow Oolf Ciub at Port Hamilton yesterdray waa a t.rllliaiit Bucceaa Pl ir or flve hundred people well known ln Brooklyn , tembled on the grounds, and car rlagea llned Ktn.ty-eaoond-4?t. anii Boventb-ava foi a long dlatafl ? ? In th. ::elghbo.-liood of the ciub. The grounds, upon whlch the prufeusiona:, aieorge Btrath, haa been worklng aii through the eprt.-.g, are in excellent (.-ondltloia. Thelr natural advantages, a : have previouBly been describci ln The Trib? une, a.. ? ne of the beat goiflng flelda m ba found anywhere. Th* ciubhoiiso haa Just ixset. . ..t.ii.'.ete-l and r.-eelved much pralae jroBterday fa.r Ita beauty ami eomfort. l.uneheon .-.a Berved th. re in the afternoon. Thera were twonty-eeven entrlea ln the tourna? ment. all ut w-h.ani fltiish.*.! and han.le.1 In .ejrea. They repreaented many player? who are meniiaers of other golf cluba, a.i well u? of th*. Dyker Maadow, a:n ?:.?; theae i"-iiiK Danlel Chauncey, J. C. Tan Byck aad K. L. Cuthb.lt, of 6t. Andrewa. The handloap llmlt wa* thlrty-silx i>olnt?. (', P. Orant, gcore w:is ii: 2if ?;, waa the winner. The acrmi aoore waa that of Danlel Chauncey, '?'?<. and ilii-i .l*X> won aecond p'.ace In th* tournnmeni. More than thla, Mr. Chauncey aucceeded ln maklng ..ti amataur reeord of 46 f?.r the nln* holea, whlle hls total, 89, I, alao the amateur reeord for twice around tha llnkia, lim acora by holea waa: a >ut . T 5 B B 6 .' Lnuilel t-haune*} . BB B W r h Btudw*n . iaa ;?> C. J. Poat, Jr.. 131* w yllj i Terry . llr> A. 1. Nurrla . ll* W. K r.-.sl-r. 11-1 J. II Mcrrttl . 11-1 .i i- r b n . iaa k. I. Cuthban . IBS VV. H. lYltten len . 11" .i C. T. -. B) .< . 11 ;?:. w, Jeweti. 118 ii i. Paiuraon. iit .v a Putn >n. . 12?' [. I 11- :. !: . . I*. ;:. i. r?;.:iihi ... . IBB .i. ll. 8* man. IBO .). ll Henahaw. IBB . Rd rarda . 188 II. VV. Maxw-ll. IBB K N l?ubl*daj. 101 . A raylor. 144 ?? n fl Dlka . IJJ y rf. Perklne. 1'.* i-'. J. Phlllli i. l? I, r Karper. 163 Among ti. '? preaent vr* Mr. an-1 Mr?. A. A. Low [.- wil am l< Brlnamada), Walter Hlgglna, M ia lm agen Bmlth, Mlaa Lowell, Mlaa Allee Low fl, Burnham, Mlaa Owendolyn Burna, Mra ? Burna. Charlea I1 Notham, Mr. und Mra 1 mothy !- VV.IrufT, Ira Brandt, Mr. and Mr*. Wllllam A Putnam, Mr. ?n-l Mrs. Dwlgrtt Rlehard . ,i -.ir .." I M - ir- lerlek ii. Webater, Artl ir \f Hateh Th.-ni.- \ Garaer, Mr anl Mra, Jamea I; |.-..?-...- \riaa PYancea Wallace, Mlsa Pearaall, Hlai Mlaa Raldarln, Mlaa Mary Baldwln, Mr an.l Mra fl Edward Vernon. Mr and Mr* War gll ,\ |r., Mra. Jamea E. Hay..-. Mlaa H.n . -,;.,-.--.. Mr. nnd Mra. Marvln lt. Lyon ii. 1 . ? i- : .1 POBt, lr. WON BT LAWRENCH B VAN ETTBB. lar fortn'ghtiy handleap to'imum'tit for T ebaud Cup, at the Khollwood Golf Club ?? ...:.. won yeaterday by Lawret a E. Van a i ratch acora of 101 Th*re w*re only ? n-hi handed in eardB, aeveral playara Brithdi ;rt?e..f rhe ?r*.m*. The s :or?s: .;r--a. I. i: V '? Btt*. .B. \. ? Reynal . 11" ? Kellay . 1? a r. oi - i-r . m R It 'tark . BW A DRIVINO CONTEST AT BNOI#BWOOD. The arrnrig'-tiien-s of 'he Englewood, N J.. Oolf ? :? the openlng of Ita ne-w houae and grounds a/eaterday were aomewhat ai-?r*d by the non-ar j the MonteUIr Oolf Club r*am. A matr-h between the pl.yera of th* two oi-jb-. was to have h**n tha feature of the rlay, htt a dr'.vlng con-eat among the Englewood members was mada to flil the pl, ? ln, . I Th* new elubhouaa la a amafl bul pretty b-.iitding, n -. ,, br al phuaa and severai pleaaant rooma aon araa aeried Ut* In -he -.ftern.Kin ln ono of theae rooma Th* eourae eonalata of nln* holea, la'.J aouthorn alopa of tha Pallaadea. Th* . ??? g, wlth ?? turf anl a var!*tv of \ ng ?-." nre fAticea. dlt<-h"ra i, | ptre ??- ??' woodland, through whlch tha hall m iat he rarefu y gulded lay, both fHatanee tnt g I dlref r. wei taken Into a n int W. C p wi-h a drlve whlch, lncluJlng yarda. Tha lummary of the flre drlve ' . Total. Av?n>r. a\ r Vaa Antwera . . M,,s \'' ? ?" B 11 ?? ? . ??? *J . ???[ "2 ll 11 !'.-.-.?' . 4*-r . ?*t ':: . KJ 2 :::: i:5 S vn ne thoae preaent at -he r;*:.'."* wtra V.r ? | Mra a ?? flulllver. Mr ai 1 Mra Thoi a, .. ilreen, it and Mra J. v. loatow 1 -ri k - .-'" Ith, Al Ml irlea Neavea \ir Feralay Mlaa a'uthr.e, Kdgar ll. Hooth, Mra (.-.v, ,\ tj Vermllye, Mra. P. Dun.-aa ? TI'XEDO BEATfl BT ANDBEWB -i- ...... .,? tha T ia ' > \' lr< a ? '? terclub , . . . iy afternoon. at T ia? I Park, ,, , | . ?? defeal f. r tha vlaltlng team, only .-- the Si Andr. ?-? ? eding ln beatlna ..;,????? J , ? - Park, "h K. nt by three ?.: I P. W. Men ... . ... feated Prl. e V allter b> - x up All the ... for the Tux< do playara none . ,-i-...... ,-x ; : - ? al betwa.cn . an i K. B. Kerr Even Mr Btod'am fn n I i. |. ? arh ?'?? ll . ia announcd yeaterday mornlng a .. . mbatl utlon of J. H. Chadwtck for .1. K ,\i mstrong Tha m or. TCXEUO BT aJaTOBaTWS. It !?: '' Rushmora. . 4 1.. B. st-.i l*n. 8 i. . Keni . 0 lajnaa i'..rk . 3 r>ri ? . a> r W. Uanalaa. 4 Olaf Van ' V.atlaiia.lt. al VV. B. II -lKaiian. 0 I'hlllp A11.-U . 2 K. 14. K*rr . 0 ll: , .. nd I'UU.l . 8 J. It- Cha.lwtck . a) To.al . lf- Total . ? A TOUNO OIRLaV TaH'KNAMENT. A pleaaanl g.'lf tournament for young glrla wrte ?..-: i yeaterday aftarnooa at tho Morriatown Ptetd alirb. Morriatown, N. J It waa tha ?e.'onl aemt annual contMt In a Berlea*whleb ia belng piayed for a sl'.ver cup giv.-n by ?'. -v. aeeordlng to the age llmlt of elghteiw yeara, rtlaquallned from enterlng. The eup must I... taken threo ttmes ln otxier to b? paimanently won. Mlaa Anna E. Klp, daughter of th.- tiv?r of tha cup, aaa tba ylctor yeaterday, artth a acora of Hl eighteen holea The courae lt*.-lf ls only alx holea In length, ao thal three rounda had to b? mada t i eomi I. tha regular number. Ther. are i ianj go '. haaarda Inoludlng a Btream of wau-r ?uni i? ?, .,? i a bunker, and ln aoma raapecta the B-rotiud, alihouah ahort, i* u-..:.-.- ajportv than that ?. ,. vjorrta County Oolt Club. Mlaa Allaon Turn ih.il vvi11. lil ara. a :;>?"! aecond to Miss K.p. Her plaf.us Improved bj ,everal Btrokoa ln t-a. h ,, naalva round. The a?.-.i ?f the elght com ., . ,,, ranged from thlrteen -..' alxtaen yaan, and ,ni. a orei are falrlj Bood, L-onalderlng the lnex ? ?il.ii'.- of th.iH,- wh.i nia.il.. the.-n A number of ariH-t.tora were ?t 'l"' gwne* ri;., women who ,,'.,, | I,,,- ihe pl.yera were all membera of the Morrla I'ountv Golf Club, ?h.? take jart ira th? t aurnament, tr.e.,-. Tha acora: i ?:..??.?< ' Mlsa v.:. i r Kl|i . \i bb All .ii l' inibull '-1 ?I >l .111* Uari-la.Bt U i . . II.*y M,., .?.,.? Ili - Ftllajwaa. M ?- I ? .ra Bla la . M,, ii kttla Lwyi klna k . BB M.-^ Man K Howall ?n?. aeor ara in order of ? l p phippa Mlea M.redlth, Miss John-?>n. Mlaa Llttle, Mlaa Hopklna, Mra Arthur Dean, Bllfla BryoB and Mlaa Heag. __ THB AMBRICANi WIS DOIT3LEB. London, June .n ?'"'*'>'? tjprKii Baaad. BaSSla.1 Hi.aaila.nM ??'?}.* ? t.rtraal^a* IHara Trlal rraa boaVa at No. IM Weat Forty-flftb-at ??????/ w" olavina r.eor the alr*h.ft whi-n he fell Into lt. ria waa taken to tbe heepttal In an :inron.?.-io-.i. coaa> tlon._ (HJMBTB AT THE LEADIXG BOTBLM, AUMtaAftLB HOUaAira, r"-|r-?aa.- an T. Bart.a.t, K v t: . ,Xi e^ Fra.irtase. N*s V rfc j Rtrhardaon * ?ile Ba*a Mra. v. m. Johaaon, Pblla. ,!ni.,., itelphla. _- Mra C H. Kountt*. Daa Mr* lt. a. Taylor, iiwn- ? V(... ' ,wn N J ... , ?- tr v n. t>v< Marttaaaany. Jfe J. E. Devtln. Wall -n N. H. . 6,.u.h Arrte> , li. u .,: a *if*. Roehes- w" v ,,. ,r.. ^ wlf,# Kax? l'-! ... . aaa Clty. Mlas Ami n. Montraml. H H w,,.r. vThimgo. A. ,. Botiro. Brjai , R. . j; w 1IuM,. t,u,t Oraasa* IV. R '"?'? ? N. J. F Lawren -. r iton. ,. ( ifeCala. Buffalo. G. H. Ur..wr., Nswark. ori. . T j H,rt^ri. Bostotk. M i. \v. Hlwh, PhtladM-?" Mphi?. KOBStAJW* F. A. Bwlsjckassa, ytwoo.-x- Mri 0 Ha-.k-ni.eek. Nssa A ' V. A !.-i, SfeTW* *1, r-nn ' ? u. (? naka?, ProffW .'. A. Ki.-a, HtlBUBBMO. ?nca> Ix-na Uland A. neveltar * w.te. Los>\ Iv \,.f>. elty. A i I'i-uah. 6t. Paul. E. M. Oriv-a KaftftaTe. (. , Pr iBaer. N??? Ycrtl nKf.Af.u-AV CBKTBAJ . . Ot^ cfc_ ^^^ , w Outaa A ?*;.'?. 0. Millsr ?.- ??'?'.f?. llttabursj. WoresBtsc u atlllar, Fi?ts?uri. ?^ B. b. BteUaajblba, Pra-nV Parx aventjb CjitTvt Oreafry, Wlaoaa E C Heipharawln, WaaV a MFnnj.i??.en. itaiif... R XMaaBfeal BaUTla, n I M--.V.1 t: wlfs, nii N V K i: rtfpfce:.. AlbaMY C.BMcbat., imtaaara. ttjl u?r.iA?!fe. Na qJS f Horabaab, i^Jn?hkMIaa?. rt NoWa BpoBbrt, il.ue. O. D V^ Uy.a A sifa, a ,-^i'"aii r'olumbaa. O. c a l.an?. LaV a worth. Fla. ,,' lf .;.>rr?/ Bi?>(tt4. \v. J. bewis ? son, Evat*~ '??...? ' V! \ Ia4 n '? lini-'ii *1>. 1'ash- K Mv..'.'.:., FMlalslrMa. inB-.i O. Botauv PlillarlibjbBa ar. C!%?aai, iw*?* ml,0 bt. JAMam n' ii'. cSake i wtfa, ????- a aBBMlsaoa. aasareafl. ._ "? ' J. F. F/x 4 wlf*, MtfdSaaa .. ' J. F^a. ir., Mamptis. rtRCWBWIi k. |{ e, MwtacsM a? wtCaa I af. Wln*. ia. K' a*ta?, i/T^'P^nnia * wtfa, incton, Enftjnd. lnyJ:; ;vri1 ? -',- ? V ', .- TC- A Ma.:Oonaia. "Wart J. W. M a ? Bavanaaa. u ?,,.,'s, !?.,.,?. otiaCT C. B. Laar, w->t C3iaa*aB? lv.a. m r* BaJAwln, naltimors, r m cibba, Pi.'.^alalpt'.a. II K TayW. Y -i:.?a^-?n, y.? ):. K. MrafS^n. bhW?. ' '**"? ui,Vl Bhtna Cuh?a. .tx RTn\ ant. j Ooodi oh, .'.:??*. j ii. i.nanhua. Lawra>Ba? ,; ',v L'pton, Toungstoasn Maaa . E. R. Bh.ldoa, Syrawnsa. r I. Renam, Chlcaao. ; ;.. ao I Wtlasere. ^ E \. Baf., s-w-n-V.n j I( McCMmlcfc. PhUaAa8 M K oimated, Harrtaborf. rj. u Chaaaaar, Betbleliwa, \" i- .;? lwln. B ston. I'?nn. y., m . K- J Puiier, aa - \'-r'?:ht, T"nr"^a*a. "Kant' ? ? K. J Buabaa, Petrolt. I h.B cempwaj, Baitbaar*. vkM?Me. '??;^A^''',? jun, p :; h^rra-t. eaa I*- {j '? ???'?-'?'!D- O"61" m^'V^H N.rt-n. tVaah n IV Oiok. WISllanMbera ,. .,?.. '.,';, H E |:r>-ar.-. hanfonV , " ; . ,-; m artf, Phll- J H lUBBcewartb, Fron n ii Lan.1 Philaaalphla. C. B ruhar. K^Orlaaaa. ri aibV.a A wlf? I*" H. ?) wiii r. Wa^s4rwa. , . nn M Haanmoa a artf., BoaaaBa J lAttBhlln, Jr.. Pltuburf. T M "."; ;V- "urr^,\.^, MIM i. I. Laughtln. Ii'ta- Miaa ?' McKtxnt, la^taa.^ bursr. " atoal " *?- *r> *? ' r?*t.oa% J ;> tjina-l.r. Bch*n*o- S J _ .,,,, -?-? iaa a_-..i daiurnwr. li \'\ Ro trta BoMoa. .n>? "> :* '*'-l>' twua >? S*w-Y?it wmwim F I^tnwa B-afn. HOBTKAX. j T K::.? a "188, Ml-Mla ,r n M?>^r Buffale. uiSr5l NJ J?h? 3i.-i rra? I. ,v D*rfllaff.r, rJanJ*. ? - k'"!-- J.nnlaa* CbMtaat mU m l?-a 8aa Fran^ts r.^rT^akwif.. Bremea r^ ?'. h .n.her.<* A wtfe, H 1. Palmer MllwaukejK; N'7;^;^. p,u>|8aBBB r? b Oatllna. Ralelgbag ,- Mj;.M. Biialib 'H?etMlm*r Baltlawr*. ,P**f' ?iniiaaa?iB A wlfe. I. Rodfsrs, 1 hl IB \\h..aniar.n & wua. k it ruog-ia. phll . . rii'velind. FOIACB VOW 100KIXQ FOM THE GIRES: john H. McLeaigWla. alabtaaai y**r. ald. of We.t Cheetwr Vlllaca, and Dennaa Bflatea. aaareateea year* old of Tremont-aT*. and Weat Farm. Ro^, ^-r, arralanad ln the Uarrtaanla Caart yeaterday under ?uapielan of belni ea i arned rn tba th^ of 8BN from jaanea Btuart, of aUddlei wa, Waatcbaabar Cou.uy. nri ih/? dtaaop.araj a wlth th.m. on Tnnrsday nlgbl year?old atap aaaa> tae, rjoldia Fn-n.-h, ar.i Bjfotber roaaj pArl n-imed Ooidle Myrgan. of tho .?.im^ plaCB The hny* ro turn.^l oi Prl day elad tn r.^v\- .-lo-ih.-s, whleh they Btatad hai been hoaahi arfth aaeaay w-ir'.s, ?:-. i had Induosal the-m to K > with th?m oi aaylnB thal th.j had plenty pf ?"??y;u Th'>' ,.,-.t that they aad tb. Jrla had apeat ^oraday ii'irht loaretber at *?me unkuown h nf ln DBW.' ery hiit tr.,t the Blrla abandoned tlrt on Frlday mcrnlna Ther afterarard retracted h?ir at?ta>. ment but th. pollc. thlnk it is tr ua aad tbe t-ri-oner. a%n remanded to th. statlon Hll to Tba poHc?en> n->w loafttaaj tar tba pir.s. - -- ?- -. FOR FA88IX0 A W0RTBLB8B CHECK. Bdamrd <^ On Barry. a elark rwaaay-alfbl yeara old, of No. M Bfott-ave., araa io.-ked aai ln >. June 8.- i;ui>?r:.?nt ebaasjaa ln th. llne af re..rnan(zation of the BrlB ltiiiroat w.ll go Into atteet on ,l_;ne 14. Th* *'ii!o:iato aad Erl. wUI ba* amalgamated wlth the Frle and ihe Nypano. The CbtOBSO anl Brle wlll be kn..v n as the CiaeBBJB dlvl ?. n ..r tbe Brla. The Nypaae wi:: heoome thef Ohlo d.\".ai..n and the iaraalndar of th. ro.d me I'^iatern .llvlaion. VI.0SIX0 PRICES sa\ FRAVCI8V0 STOCKS; V.:. rranrJaea. J.me a. iwa / Tmli-ritay Te-da) Testfnlay.To-.ay. Aita . f? 1" M.al.-an 1.18 1.48 Ualch.a. .7l1 8'i.Mnn. .08 -~ Baat A B#leh*r... 1 SO l.OO Ophlr.20. JM Bd4|* Caaaol .. *a .to ivtosl . l ? l aa Hniwai-. X> ? Bavaae .1.80 l.W n-ollar .820 4.u> Siarra X?-vada.L10 1.8r> Om Cal A Va.308 H ?) I'nlon Oaiac-l .1.10 l.lf tYown Polnt .87 .71iL'tah .1? .1% Oouid a Oarry ... i? [?> Vitw ja^iut.ea 41 Bals A Norcroaa . J.?5 l.V}\