Jnbrr to ^otitrti8emrnt9. Pace.CoLi Aue.L.n Balea lt- .1 jfo* jj*J?. IN- .-i H*lp Wanied. menta -1-' ?> Ha teM ? ?? ??? ???? Kank i? \ l-a i. r*..23 <'. kUrrlaai - -?- Da.thi j:,, N, ;,.? .::>> ?'? 0 M - ";! '; ' ?'" . R anl an.l Rooma... ? 2 Ifopoaala . ll.islr..--* NotlCB*- 0 IReal K--?<-?. l>..me?tif .-it.a.iii na I8p*elal Noilcaa. WaantM . '?' t" gteamboala .... ? ? Bxruraiona .. *?? B Bummer ?????>"?. ? ? Prraiunaklna. ? 2t?uromer Reaort O 4 Kur p*an Advla.24 :} <| Work WeJlted. r.nan<-!al . .1" ..H> .. 7 Daily. " daavf a w*?k. taaily wlthori a.nuny. | Trlt.uai* . Trtliur* .... Baml W. ekly Tribune.. Trlbun* Monthl) 21KI 1.". 2,?a ] 00 , n Th Si.n.ln> ...i S*emi i... j , i by ,', prepaMby Ti,- TribSnl '.W a* baertmtfter Cm-' POBT40B - Th* law ***** th.?a )--< P atanii. ..- affl..'-d tn *wp c .''> . r |oeal delWery an rr Beaal-Weekly Trnmw maiioflt ror a ji|b N.-w-York Clty ThiB pOB'?'W "J ' lv ,.?ylng thelr aerlba-. Readers are bettat aerr. a Trraame f aa a .awjaleaJaT. eramtriea feaeept rOBEION POBTAOK To all f^'JVf"" Canada a.-i M'-xk >i ? r'",p Tnhun*. 8 e*.ta ? eopy >n Daiir-. - Weaftly aad Weekty Thla poataaw " Biibacrlber. . rir,?.r Exoreai Order, gnWITTANCEB- Remll '>v PoatalOrBar. wbp , Check. I-..- r i:eai?-*r*?'?'?"?.?.? -*m b* nt lha Not* It -'-n. lai nn ..raijtaW/aal letter. -^THH^TniBCX. CFTOWJ. OBTICB. ?g??^ Ay-SIC?taaA.^th. fenewtag P??a taa aanmll fllej r Tt-.e Trib.n* ai uM oank?: _ ?. , c. B. C *"??w?*1^3p" Parl* J MUB. I ? CO.. 1 BueBcrlbe. ta* ?, kv :??*%' stpiSs ffsct Oen*va Uwnbard, Odler ? 0ft, m: -i B ink pton-nee- Whltby .t ro. Virr.na- -Analo Auatrtan R.-rnk ?t Peterabarg '^XT^ Bad th* Lrmdoa rdBee ^ -Tr?^n:n;I;:rrIh;^,Tln laWB^JBB. M^'gwaT* LaweK Sorth-mberland-nv*.. dlr-aly op *>obII* tb* r,'?n4 H-'tH._ " ^fttr^trrklMa tTribvtta -aB>-a FOTJNDED BY HORACE OREELET_ srNT?AY. .irNK T. ^'-"'- == "tIIIKTV FOUK PAGE8. TUE XEWS THIS hlORXIXG. rOREION.-Tbe repr-rt that tne four toadera o/ the R form Commlttee in Johanneabun had been released is denled. == JuleeJBmon,^the celebrated Fren.h statesman an.i author, is dan ?rou,ly ji,. r= The Duke of orleans sum moned 'a .-ounoll 0? hls 1-aders to dlsouss h.s claims to the throne of Krance. COXORF.Stf? Itotl) t>ranrhes in session. Benate: Tho day araa devoted to conalderatlon of conference report- it waa voted to Inalaton the conatructlon of only two battle-atalpa - Hovhm . A meaaage from the Prealdent vetolng the General Defldency blll waa recelved. the veto was auatalned. nnd an amended blll passed; actlon waa taken on aeveral conferenee reporta DOMBBTIC. ? Democratlo prlmnry electlona took place fchroughout Qeorgla; a heavy votewna eaat the alhrer queatlon belng the teeue. ___ Many peraona were potaoned at a hlgh Mbool dlnner In Prankfort, Ind. = Mlnlater WlUla ha? deddad to return t ? Hawall ar.d not run for Oocagreaa in Kentucky = UtdoB ClaaaacaJ Irstitute of Kentucky Bcored the moat polnta ot the Castern Xew-York Intetacbolaatlc Meet in Albany. =rr? Prlnceton beat Yale at baaeball in Prlnceton. CITY AND BUBURBAN.?The .th Tb-glment had a foBad day at Van Ooitlandt Park. The Yale craw eaUed for Europe by the Berlln to take part ln the Henley regatta. = The blg bicycle parade ln the Boulevard ami Rlver Bi.le Drlv waa vlewed by thouaanda of apectaa tora ss=3 Wlnnera at Graveeend: Irlah Reel, Patriclan. Lithos. Paladin. Margtnv DormltOT. ,-st. Laula defeated New-York at baaeball bv the acora of 6 to 4; Clndnnatl won frorn Brooklyn. 19 to 0. = Tbe erfnuaJ regatta ol the Knkkerbocker Tacht Club waa salled <>fT tha club statlon at College Polnt, Long Island. = St. cka wara dull and Irregular. THK WBATHER.?Forecaat for to-day: Llght rain followed by fair weather. Temperature aaaaterday: Higheat, BB degrsee; loweet, BB; av. r a*je. ~~\'g. _^____^___???_ Kuvern of The Trdmne Will aoa/er a f.iror by renortinq tothe BMrfaeaa OjBca cfthkpapar, 154 XdKsau 'St.. tveni vese of tailmra ot a frwfa boy or newsdealer lo have The I nbiiiic on sale. Perotmo going out of town. titkar to ?*?*??f reaerfa or f*efr country homes. ein wre f?e Jtaihi 4/?rcvorl ! he vddnss can be changed av ojtei, as desired. Kvid.-n.e of tho gBtoalBblug BJOWtb of the pojaiilarity of UM blcy.-le was furnlsl.e.l by tha bugo parauV wl.i.-li t.aok plaea jraatarday aft.-r n.M.n <.n the Roulevnnl. It ls estlmatc.l tliat the uuuiber of wheels in line ex? .???<1 elght tliousainl. and every wlie.-lui'ii.'s clui. ln tb? Emplre State, nnd IlkawlBa of Now-.i.-'-sey. was Bpparently represeuu-.l ln tbe prweanton. That tl.e parade aboalaj bara prored aocb an unquall ti,-.) BUCeeaB, antllmmed l.y any l.it.-li or ii.-.-i d.-iit. muat ba b Boarce <>f aatlafactlon to ilae orpaniz.rs of this blg nndertaklng, woo may eofAfrarobite tbtrmaetvea on bartag proTlded tlie <'ltlz.-ns a.f New-Tork arltb a norel ;mal pkrtn raaqae form of popular entertalnment The trinl of Mrs. l-'lcinini; for tbe murder of ber mother contlnoaa t?. abaorb public atten tlnn in nn e*traordlnary degrea, nn.l tba week hns eoaae ti> a rieae arlth tbe pnwpecta of tlio eonvletion of tbe prleoaier aeaalbly dlmlotshed. Thls la n?.i bo much dVB to any evMoDCC tlun fnr adduced In fa-...?? of ber tonocence a> t<> tiif atartllnaj rbargea brouajhl by ber lawyer, Mr. Bmoko, lato <>n Prlday agalna*. tba connael nn.l rxrarrta f-.r tbe pruaecutlon Whlle there , ls nothlng ao far to aatlafj tbe public timt there. N nii.v fonndatlon for tbeaa chargen, yet it is eertaln thai tha* barf Improved thc chancea of Mrs. I'l'-ininir's acqulttal, :is BO matter how lnu.'li tli.y ma\ I"' dlaproeed Ibajf are UkelJ tn leave b vngue Impreeoloaj thal she haa beeaj treated Mtfalrly. (in-at BBttboataaBi praratled among tho htjr, ci-owii aaaemblod nt ihe pter of tho aVmerlcan liM t.> nltneaa tbe departoro of tbe Yale crew for Knclnn.l. asd it was nmid deafenlug cheera that tin' BOM of old Ell stnrted on thelr mlB> BBoa to wiii tba Royal Cftmllenge Cop nt the fbttbeotnlng Hcnley n-Katta. Bo far :is ran be nRccrtaiued, they bare a fHlr chance of siH w, wlth one unltnportant exeeptlon, n BUC tcssion of defeata. Van Cortlandt I'ark was the seenr of inltnic warfare yesterday afternoon, some 40, put in nomlna tion a Btate ti.-u.-t thoroughly In barmony wlth the Natlonal tlcket, repreaentlng not only the prlnciptefl embodled in th.- Natlonal pUtform, bUt the eonfldence of the party in the eandl? dates and the popular luipulae which gaT6 lt blrth. The Trlbune has no fears that the Re? publlcan Btate Conventlon wlll put in nomlnu tlOU a tlcket Whlch wlll command the same COT dial BUpport from thc vot.-rs thnt the I'lv.-i dcntlnl candldate i* sure lo recelve. Tlie wav. of enthuslasm whlch has already Bubmerged the niachinery of what ls called tlie "regular organixatlon" will not spend Itaelf and subslde wlth th.- aecompUabment of its flrat and main ' pm-pose. New York KcpuhlicnuH, who hav.j ln overwhelming numbera and hy unmistakul.ly earnest demonatrationa plaeed thenjBelvefl ln an attitude of determlned boatlllty to the machlne poUtldans, who durlng ihe laat two years h ire controlled ihe Executlve and to a conalderable cxtenr dlrected Icglalatlon with BUCh melan? choly rcs'.ilts. wlll not be content wlth bavlng defeated these Bchemera in the Prealdentlal fleld. Tbey will nol repoae upon thelr arma after that vlctory and perroit the machlne man ag< rs t. handlcap the Natlonal tlckel with State nombiatlonB out of aympathy wlth the crent popular movemenl I" the Sation, No actlvlty.of ihe present machlne mnnagera, nor any paddlng <>f rolls, nor frauduleni primariee, nor close corporatlon methoda, nor any other ! of the d.-vlci-s wlth whlch they are ao famillar, wlll avail in a Btate Conventlon againat the : n.nss of Republlcan voters, a-bo wiii already , have aaaerted tnemaelvea agalna! Hess do n inatlon in ihe cbolce ?.f ihe candldate for Prea iilelit Tbe nomlnatlon a.f MeKlnley at st. Loula In tbe face <>f the deadllewt boatilltj >.f Mr. Platt nn.l tbe stnte machlne will make an end of the rontrol f pa.w.-r. wblrb have eharacterlaed tha Platl Morton Admlnla tratlon of the laat two yeara Nothlng ls more certaln than tbal Governo? Morton hlmaelf a-ho baa i?>n treated wlth onuaual eonaldera tlon oi.a-oiint of Iiis advanced age and prevl oualy nnapotted public rareer, and ls by far tbe atrongeal candtdate yet named by tbe macblne managera would be defeated for re-eiei'tioii even on the siiine ticket willi u popnUtT can H <]ai<> li. i. Prealdentlal year. Tho iiiM.-iiine candldatea lielng ellmtaated, tbe r.'st may ba Iefl t<> tlmaly aad reaaoaable dlacuaaton after tba r.-suit ..f tbe Natioaal Con va-niiaaii has been formally dedarod. There are candldatea la plenty f?ar both places wb<> have not tha fcineii of the Platt machlaa upon thelr garmenta. And from theae the greal body ..) \,.t.rs in tbe Btate wlll s<-b-.-t flttlag candldatea fi.r Oovernor nml Lleutenant-QovernoT wlthout lioss dietctloa or laterfereaca, Just ns tba *rr.-at body of votera In tha Natlon nre aborrt t?. chooar tbelr candldate f..r Prealdent aad Vh?a-Preal lletlt. THB ABANDOXMEXT OF BOMB BULB. Ponaal aanouacemeat baa ?t last bean mada, l.y tbe repreaeatativea of a coaaldarBbla fa< liaan of tbe former Oladatoabui party ln Kag land, of ti.a-ir entire wltbdrawal from the Irlah Home Itnle COalltlOB, an.l <>f thelr f Ireland; becanae, alao, it wiii ba ?.?aa.i for tia- Roman Oatbollc Church Fof tliis lrtiter reBBOB. :in.l fof Ibe rOBBOfl tliat it wlll l.c good foi T11? - Chur.-h of England, too. tl.e Noncoaformlata ara bWterly opaoaed to lt. An.l aa they aay, gnbataatlally, to the [rlah: "If you aupport ? Conaarvativa "tnenaure wl.lch la obnoxlous to uh, we wlll no "longer suDUort tho tueubure you dcalra Titcrc "fore. ao far as we are concern.,1. Home Rule -ia dead." That is the flnal dkrtum of tne ofjlelal gpokmmen of tbe Wealeynn Churcb. nnd |, bl so numeious a body, and for.us so COU Blderable a portlon of tbe UberaJ-RadlcaJ elec to.-ate. that all hope of gettlng another Horae Rule majorlty wlthoul ii is entlrely outakie 01 rraaon Gladatonlan Home Rule is. therefore, indeed to he reckoned dead. Th- redemptlon ?f Ireland must now come from a now BOUrce and proceed on n.w llnea. LogicaJ as this con.luct of the Engllsh Non eonformlBtB may appear. Itta tbe loglco aelflsh neaa an.l Inalncerlty. lf Horae Rule la r ght ?s thev formerly deelared, 11 is right wlthout regard to anv Bcbool Wll lf Imperlal rule ol Ireland is B erlme, as tbey one vchemently proteated, it is no leaa a crime mercly because tbe vlctima of it are aeeklng some sllgbl meas ore 0f amelioratlon. lf Ihe Bngllsli Noneon furmlsta ever really belleved In Home Rule aud Bupported it on princlple, they ougbl to do bo now 1ust ns much. Nothlng haa occurred to dmngc the princlple of the thlng In the Bllghl .... The Engltsb Nonconfonnists knew len yeara ago, |usi aa well as tbey know to-day. tbal the rasl majorlty of th.' Iriah Home Rnlers w.-re Roman Cathollca, an.l tbal If Home IMlc w.i-e granted thc govcrnmeni of Ireland woubl he admlnlstered largejy ln Ihe Intcrests of tbal Church. When tbe Protostnnts of I'lster re inoiistratcd agalnsl belng dellvered over io Cathollc rule, they acoffed al their feara. Wli ti a dlvlslon occurred in thc Irlsli party, tbe) sltl ?.! to .., man wlth Ibnl faetlon whleh was mosl favored by the Cathollc clergy nnd whlch was moat nnder pcelealaatleal controL They had im foar of Olerlcallam tbeu, ao long as it was io l?. cxerciscd over some one else. in another country. "Puritan and Pnptst." as the aaylni: waa, worked hand In band. Rnl now thal there ls a BUBplckui of a bil of Clerlcallsm belng i i i< Used upon thomaelvea, In thelr own cuuntry, they cry oul In Indlgnanl protest, and desert thelr old nllics. and abandon Ihe onet' ati i il cauae of Home Rule. Tbe Inddeni \\ di convlnce Uip world thal no matter bow Bincere Mr l J lada t one nnd Mr Morley may bave been ihe majorlty of l followera ln the Home Rule cauipalgn were nol Bincere, nnd were sclflsh. They never reallj belleved ln Home Rule. Tbey stippnrted it i ? |y for tbe sake of thua Bccuring Irlsli Biipptirt in rcturn, to keep them ln offlce and lo fui their own meaaurcB. Tbey dld nol care n row of plna about tho "Juatlco to Ireland" and ihe "union of bearta," of whlch they t Iked ly. All they iiired for was, "Votes! votos:" as Mr (lladatone ol. eipressed It. Tl?.y were. from flnd to laat. secklng thelr own Bclflah galn, and uslng the Irlsli as n catspaw t.> that end. As longaa Mr C.ladstoiie, wllli ihe preBtlge bf his greal name and thc. treim nd ?us power of his nnmatcned pemon dity, wns al the bead of ihe party, thc aenmy slde of the con tract waa concenled. When bp retlred. althouajh bls party Btlll had a majorltj thc terms of thc alllance became much stralned V?w.?wben Home Rulo la for a llruc In 11 liopeh -- mlnoi ?-.. the mlaerable aordldness of Ihe wholc pnrehnsc and Bale is made apparcnt. rhe Ki tin- irisii no longer nseful io tltem, or no lonircr snfllclent for thelr pnrposea, nnd ? rasl iheui off nnd repudlate thelr cause Ii I. a illsheart- i rnlng Bpectnclc, Rul it maj nol ls? an un mlxed evil if 11 leaehes thc true frlend. of Ire bud an obvlotia and much needed lesson, ?-~~ A\ IXi WEXT IA PARH BISTORY. Tbe abeudonmeni ol ihe ;????' '? : a | l.ath ln Tompklna Bquara la Iu tbe Bound prlni Iple tbat an oi?eti ?p i< ? crowded clty ougbl to t-' atrlctlj tl< .- ??? i to the purposea whlch lt waa tb ? gm I lo \v.> ahould be glad to know thal - rerj , offlclal bavlng even the allghti t autl the parka of N. w rork, aud rtll ibe i< !, i\e taken an Intereal ln thla partl< ular ? prlae ir..m benevolcul motlvca, meani change of plan to bc a i epted aa a foi tual i ? nttlon "f thal princlple lt haa i taak to defend the parka agalnsl nnd apollatlon, not merely bwauae ai thera bave been men In poa ? r w bo ? l.-s^ Intereated In thelr pr* itlon tbai promotlon of peraonal snd ;???? i but alao beeauee many ? tlxeu. ? ?' exeHb-nt Intentlona have neve>r ??? j : ? ,.??!?.t a park. And doulu uecea -ary for yei ra to come to i \- 8 Ing rlglbtnco In in-h.-ilf ..i ihe ? pi - .~v ]I.|JS. lt |b not t.a hr Biippoewd t'l it nu purpoac waa bcblnd th.- pi-..p..-ni..n to i lisii ;. large public bath lll I ll ,-mai for lhat eery reaaon ih. ,?? - - * llluatratea tbe dangera to wbb-h t'.-' parl rxpoaed. Tompklna Briunre la luraliiabte u deneely popolatxl dlatrlci In whl. , i ! -. Durlng rerenl yeara II baa be d Iraiiafuru ??! from a bldeou* waate, oliBtrui-ted and .i.i.i-.i by mlacella.ma rubblah, int.. a slglulj hiiiI wboleaoma cleared apace, wbb-h roufora i gnd cnaatant l..-n.-iit* on a|| who iu> rltfalty, But Inaamut-h ;a - it belung* lu clty, aad aappoaably tberefor. could l*n :??? qUlred Uillaaaait COOl for .1 II. Hla l.lp.l 1 pilfp....-, .1 araa eheerfully aalected aa a oi.- for the pru j.-n.al biith, wltbonl a BiiaptcluB ..n tbe pnrt ,.r tl..- good peopla dlreetlng the muvi*m -nt i ..t thelr cboica waa unwi-* aad laiprovlilent. Au.l y.-t fr..:n every point ..f vlew they wcro mal Ing n aaiiona mlatake They .11.1 aot i-.n.-.i that tba elta they wanted could i?- aold lo peraona who waaulal guarantee not t<. entnh llah upon lt a worae nulaanre than a iMtthbouae woul.i ba-, for a aam far In exct- -.i that whlch tin- clty wonld have ta> pay for a Bite rxactly ns wall adapted to l.aiiil.ou-i- pur poaea Sh.1i a dlapoB'.tlon >.f park Bimt-e a-uuld in- unlveraally conileiuuattl; bul would it u??l i? la-niiy more Bonnlbla than He' oa? a-hk-li ui-tually waa propoaadl In tba .at. lt N cou.-a-lviilila- that jnik apB(*a mi^lit be Burrendered for an ..bj.-i-t i.? wblcb park anr roundlnga would ln- fnvoralile, bo tliat Kouir rompenaatlon wonld be dlBcerulble lu manj .-:i-"-s. for ozample, boapltnl p.nl.-iits would i>< greatly cbeefed and beaetlted l.y ir.-.-- aad grass .ind fresh alr all flroiunl them, aad ihe Bacrlflcc 0f park H]HH-a' ta, hospil :i I 0008 Wollhl liol I.i- nli ntter waate, though on tho whole unju?tlfiablc. Hut if th.-re la one public Inatltutlon whlch ban less clalm in reaaoa tii.u. iniy otber i<> .. park Blte lt ls a batbing eatabllahmtrnt. ir it la well llghted, well rentllated, well .-.|ulp]iaa| an.l w.-M kept, It anawera pvery purpoae for whlch n ei Ists. Peraona who are inalde are n..i in a lii condltlon t.? bw.k out, tboae a*ho are <,.n*iii>. have Iio eX.'UPo faar lOOklllg ill, illial th.' lm t Ikt's pleaanrra nn.l advaatagn wonld not l.nbanci-d ln the Bllgbteat degree bj the rlrctimHtance of hls baviag reached the place of ghlatlon by a patb wlndlng through Bhrabbcry Inatead of by ll fligbt aaf sleps llolll ll sialiw ;'lk. Poaalbly it may be Iboaght lhal tha- tnia- prln t-lple of park admlolatratlon la rlolatm] by th. agreemeat t.a eatabHah tha- new Iwtli at. extremlty of tbe llttle park whk-h i> t<> be cre i.icd oi. tbe lower Baal Blde. lint this is ??-? n tlally .liiT.'ient from tha- Tompklaa Bquare propoaltloan, Tha- <-ity aioa-s n..t Burreuder n cleared Bpace whlch lt now poaaeaaea, bnl aeta aparl for i blgbly dealrahla ..bj.. t a Biaall por tlon of ihe Bpaca arhlch it is abanl taa clear a nortJoa so located, moreover, thal what la left wlll not be banaed by tba occupoMoa of Whllt Is lllka-n. If Wa- Mtippiis,(l tllllt tllls :i| raagetnenl wonld ever !>?? ancceaafully appealed to ln defence of aas echemc for tbe ml9:iL>Di'i> prlation of park land we should certn.nly on * ?. but we do nol thlnk ii is eapahie of beJng s? conatrued. On tbe eontrnry, tbere la reaaon to hope that a munlclpal Ineldent whteb we have more than once dlacusaed al eonsld erable length will hereafter be clted as a prece dent agalnst basty and Ill-eonBldered actton whenever a public park is pul ln Jeopardy eltber by poUtlrtanfl or pbllnnthropteba, t- " BBAKESPBABE IV COLLEOB. The season of eotnmencetuenta Ib again at band haa, Ind.I. already begun and aome thouaanda of young men and women are ner voush Intenl npon its faaelnatlng functlona Oratlona are to he wrltten, eommltted to i.n ory nn.l rehearaed. Essays are to bc prepared. Capa and gowna are to be procured and fltted, ,,,?! ,|?. nrl ot' wenrlng them gracefully must ,M. acqulred ln ihe famlllar pbraaea of thelr own oratlona th.- grndunteB are enterlng upon thc lin.-.l dreas parade before aolng f?rth '? "" ?ge in ti,- enraesl battloB of life, Y.-ar after year the same scenes are enacted, tbe aame aentl.ntB aonorously expreaaed. V.-t here and there appeara a tendency to modify ihe ira dltional commencemeni programme, or at leaat io connocl it wlth aome new featurea, whlch, whlle perltapa nol 1-s- speetacular than the..1.1. are leas BUperflcloi an.l more practlcal v, smith Coliege. for example, the perforro .,,?,, ,,,- ., p|ay ,,f sterllng merll by ?me Btand .?.,, B?thor bas laecome a regular reature <>f rt.ni.ncemenl week. ln former yeara master plecca ..?' Bopbocles, Bbakeapeare. Rrowning ;l|1,l c.eorgp Ellol hav been produced. Bn ?,urng?Hl Irj th- marked auc.w of -A Mldsutn in,- Night'B Dreain" lasai year, the plaaa of isiMi has pre|?red its.-lf lo glve two perfonn ?? .... ,.,? ?ab Von I.il." II." awl there is every ,, | ,,;, l0 Bntlcljwte therefor an equnl measure ?f Htieceas Thc atandard of an.aa on such nn ..nslon varlea, of course, In some reBpeeis, from thal In an urdlnarj theatrieal perform ance, although In aome respecta it eolncldes W|ltl ,, Tliere wlll l?e no Inalstence upon an wcluslvelj aeademlc and therefore oms-alded |nten>retntlon ol Bbakespeare The fact ls full, taken Into aecount tbal the dramatlsi ?rrote hi- playa to be plnyed, nn.l to be played l? tl,-e atidlpi.s of ,-i erage i.ple. Whal la I.i and laatlng Iu ihentrlcal trndltlona, as nf fectlug tl." practlcal prmluctlon of th.- plnys, ahould nol be fouud t.. confllct, therefore, wlth ih,. dlcta >'!' Sluikt -i"'-"'"'111 aehobira and -. ,,., otalora There la, after all, n - better com m, ntator than thc pra. tbal luterpreter, the Itiaith or Irvlug or otber Kreal artlsl who glvi ? bl ! i-- to maklng ihe drama IIvp There may be aome Inten il ln revlvlng, b? a mrlouB pxisTlineiit, Ihe arebalc condltlona ol tl ,. ] itxalietban atage. as alao iu dwplllng upon .olpie and the obscure In the ' ?' Buch excur lona are doubtleaa ln a measur.luca tional. liut they .1" n?i nfford thc I Ind oi ..,'. entlon aoiight In a flrst-clasi i ndern eollcge \\.. maj rxpect ilds pl - ??' Bnilth, ?' prefoti', llke thai of Insi yenr. to emlKNly nol tbe ?.. (mii al | - - nllaar ile ' ? ? '' ,!'-' es aentlnl aplrll of Sbn iid to empl bsIzp v, hat ls ln hlm for all n - n ni il for all ilmc ?,Vhai haa ' ? nd by II try Irvlng bimI An n IhUy haa properly been atudli d, f?i sup I |.. ..? atmetl -n ..f thc i iIIprp profeasur The young women ' - Ith wlll come i" their ll ;. || . ii .t ..uly ol ' yeara "f rlassroom '1 llbrarj read ,,,. . ? r mai I pra. llcal -' i - ? Ir pari ?. a< ,.f ,,u" ..i Uip ii.--' ap| ? ?? ' ln :.,, wn . could thc IH . -.,:-. ciiltnre ? f ?)? ? "? ? '?? ? -'?? nl rr owned, an.l ln no ?ray i*oiild tbe festivl ,...,..?? a gracefully ,; 'i . ui .. rtnklna la on. thnt wlll be . | ?. rt, ?,? .,i, nnd Bppreciatlon wher .. nf ihe worka nf .mr l .| ,it ui ..?' ? la r. ? ognlzed :i-. ... . ? Itieatlon, ?'..,..- 4 u.'i . irv s'oiseb. ? ?:... . reel \> li-l.-r haa ? ? ni . itj llfe lhal 1> i. l. ur ' . UI13 bo.ly io BBk w h) it ah itil.l !..- iillowi-d iM ao long aa the : -I...- |N-rmlttlu8 . , , , !(s .varai ?? bla legal ,:..'. ,-\. 1. tbuBfl ? ho are 5 hla raii4t.ua nlulatloua bai ?? ? ?.. 1.. nngrj w llh hli H. un. nl Ih Ing lu a ??. ii tbe ? iMlmii ..f allowlng su-h to thi . il ihli dln and rlaiuor \- riw 11 lli n Wl ,, ,1 Brttfle th. ? ?-..-.. \ pu.lera have tba ng tb. aiifferlnga of 1., 1 \.. 1 . bdiI - . 1 ? : le; ami the nervoua Bnd I . .. .1-. i< . UlBB lu a . Ity like N'.v. \ , !?. bnd < nougb tr atreet-rend . a Itli 11.-n-aiat. Diuaii iil rolcea; but ihnt ls fnr froiu I cord . . 1 . ;.i bj lhr> rltre '< Veml -r Hiireau," aaya "The Itecord," "only ..:,.? mnn l.na applb-d for a pernill ao far thla .?fl .1. who waa nol ihe vlctlni of a aerere . io laryngltla rhla oi..- la n.rded aa "tinrlng onl) an aggravated clefl palate, Botnc "of ilmae w 1.1. are belng rendered deaf l.y the "illat-onlanl rrleo may reretve aatlafactlon from ti,,- ti.i.ii.-iit thal .Ix weeka In the bualneaa ? |a the Bverage tlme for a laoj to loae bla rolee ?. ntlridy." Na.w why ahould on<- partlcnlar claaa of mer chanta l? allowed to nioki' auch public nul -nn.... of iIii'mBelveal " Pho Uecord" antcra Us [irotcai in tho nnn.f Invnllda and norvoua IH-oplc, iuhI it conflnefl Ita crltlt-lamfl mereljr to ihe i-iit-s of Btreet vendera. Bul the atreet \.-iii|. is nn- i.\ un in. ai.-. the only, or the i-hlef, aluui-ra in thla inntter, nnd luvallilu and nervoua p. ..pl.- are nol the onlj peraona t.. l>.- coiialdercl ln dlHi'iiaalng tbe queatlou of iiune. .waary nolHes. 'I ln- i|l|.-stlai|l |s, in fll.-t, a.f tin- nr.-illrsl llllpi'r tuiice, ,-in.i every alu/.-ii. whether ba la ln good ha-nitii or not, is rltally Intcreated ln it. Por it ls ;i matter a.f r?-<-<>r?i thnt thi* nervoua ayatein of clvlllKctl mnn la ncutely aenHltlve i?> Imprea ^l.ir.h. thal would bnvi' no effevl on the prtinltlre s.-ivi.L'.' .\s tbe world advancea In culture it siiiinks more and more fmm all exporleneea thal .-.nv.-t the nervca sii.-li ns pnln, grlef, auil ib-ii atirprlae and iioIbo, The anvage a-.n. (-n inn wlthout fjlnchlng pnln tbul would be Intolerable io ihe clrlllxeil man, and ha' would not be .11 < coucertcd by nolaea that would ilrlve biobI pco ple iii rtvlllzcd lifa- io the mnilhniiMe. Na, one wlll qttoetton this; .nul yet, Btrangel* .-inn; ;!i. in our i-ltlea liule effort la made tn Bvold nolm*. in 1.1..-1 Ameriean towna tbe pnve iii.-iiis s.-.-iii iii be i-i.iisiru.-te.| wltli a rlew to maklng ns niu.-li imls.- ns pOHslhle. The i-e<- -ni ndoptinn of rnl.l.a-r tlrea f. r rurrlagca has ahowu what con be done In cllinuiatlng ihe nolae of vi i.ii-i,".; bui nearlj all trm-ka nre n >cdleaalj p.-isy. They are s.a looaelj pul togetber tbal they rnttln through Ihe >tn-.-ts like n raovlng i.o'i-i aliop. The aame thlng is ime In n large meaaure of atreetcara, and there are few rall w.i.\ trnlna thal are not run wltb a greal deal more nolae than is ni :? 11 Deeeaaary, Tbe Xew Vork Central Itallroad has s.-i ,-i good example lu this matter Irv ordertng for its yard In thls rlty b nolaeleaa awltch-englne. But the atrange thlng is that pnbllc oplalon haa not long ago faorced every rallway company t>> aiaa tba aame tblag. ln onr patleni enduranee of rvlta thnt caiiilal easily i..- BTOkled m.' are a lOBg-BUB>rlBg people. We alia.w trucka iaa carry loada of loudly rlanklng Iron rails throngb our atreeta when wa miL-iat just ns well uk t.a.t insist on thelr belng packed ao as ta> be nolaeleaa An.l wa iaorn.it tbonaaada of mtlk-wagoaas to tti tranalatlona words wblch ln the courae of renturlea bare acqulred a Bpe (-i.-il technlcal BlgnlCcatlon are uaed aa tbe equle aient of terma which at tbe tlme tbe hook* were wrltten bad Bimply an ereryday cottoqubil meanlng, One ..r the most aerioua faultaof tbe Engllah rerslon, In Ihe oplnlon <>f Mr HorwIU, la its arehnic Btyle, whlch, <>f courae, was entlrely nbscnl from the Berlpturea themaelvea, "Nlne -,,,,.,.:. oul of ten," he says. "readlng in tbe Tiospela y.-' for you'. an.l 'doeth' for 'doea', ?auppoae that Jeaua Chrlat, both In His di-* "rouraea nmi In His conrersatlons, was aceua "tomed to nae atllted, onnatural apaeeh rather "more qualni than the faahton <>f Priands." Bo far as thla Impreaalon la created, tbe au thorlzed veralon glvea a falae ldea of tha BlWe, And, wh.it is almost as had. It has 1,-d the mln latry to adopt an unnatural, obaolete atyle In their sermona tbal la to-day doina much to allennte the people from tbe Church. lt js aald, however, that, though tbe a-i thorlfptl Blble contalna obaolete terma nn.l ruult) trnnslatlona, lt ls ar leaat an Engllah classic, to loiich wblch la little leaa than aacri leg-fi it |a, Indeed, well known tbal many ed :,..,,. the Engllah Blbli aa a plece of llerature who pither donbl or dlabelh re Us plalma to he ., iHvlne reretatlon Mr Horwtll thlnka that thla rlew i- not horne out bj tbe facta, The .. Bnxon atyle of the Blble, be says. la mnrred hy auch Latlnlsma aa "annetlfy" for ?make holy," and "mortlfy" f->r "put to death." and auch slmpllclty aa it poaaeaaea la dne to the of ihe original U la tba Blble'B ._?? iluii has rommanded II lo the Engllah us |N>ople, and it has won its waj in of Ita style, nol beeaunc of it The world haa outgrown the old bellef that the Hihle was intended to teaeh adence; bul there are yet many who thlnk that lt la somehow a model of .. irj atyle, b vi.-w wblch would have been rery novel to fl man named Paul of Taraus. nf tbe 320 longuea In wblch tbe BlWe is clrcu lated '?'?-?' are In tbe rommon. every.lay apeeeh of people now llvlng. And ono namely, tbe Engllah Blble is in Ihe tongue of people who Hved nearly 300 yeara ago, In rtew of theae facta, Mr HorwIU proponea lhat there shall l** ar intervala of a bundred years or ics? a com pli te m n. iranBlatlon of the Blble In the livinc rernacular i f the day. nnd rhnt the preaent au thorlwd rerslon i?- preaerred Bimply as a text book of the language. If is one ihinp. how ,v..-. to propoae nnd nnotlier to accompUab; nnd In aplte of the good Benae of much ihnr be aaya be wlll flnd n hord io Impresa hla views ? a the Engllah-apeaklng world , rr el ?>?? Pannoyar, of Portlaed, Ore. .ays h. wlll draw only nrjf the aalary belonglng to hl? ? ?tTV e. Ha ihoara a proper eonceptlon of the value f hla aervlc?a, hut he ls * lltt'? wenk on fra: tlona One-tenth would he better th.in or.e-hrilf; and, by the way. dld h^ ever atudy Inflnltealnml nl ulusT The cost of the coronatlon was twtea that of Ihe Bt. L".ul. cy.done. and th. los* ..f life attend Ing lt three or four tlmea ajreater As a specta cle the latter for a short tlme surpaswd any. thlng whlch the more ppotractM pageant had to show, murvh&lllng ln lUfht and flre the rnse >f tho powerB of the ulr more potent than all of Ku.sla's llne of bannered Ozara frum the da>. ? f lt'irlk down. lf lt had hajpened ln IfoSCOW .t tha tlme when the coronatlon solemnltlea wt ra Bl thelr hclflht lt WOUld have added to the Ruaalan annala the most thrllttng pega which they OOntaln. But no one country or OCCUBion in hav. everythlng, even th..u?h the oaaanlry be tbe blggCOt ln thc world und the oeC8s8aOU .0 auguat ii one aa tha crownlng of its ruler< -e i'l-.e eonatltuant elaanenta of Jeraey dder have never been known, and ths myetery snvatopliig them have ffenersHy i..'?'n regarded a? Itnpane* trable, lll... Uiat whlch broode around tha Kio;> tlan a,; hynx and tbe North Oerman aauaage. Hut u ls going to ba all aettled preaantty, The Unlted ta1 -i Government has undertadcen nn an.iy.in of rhe fluld. nnd will bilnjr. all th?- cbemloal re sourcea of tha Adtntntetratlon to bear upon it. The Inveetbjratlon arlaaa oul of n suppoaed vi..la ti n of taw .it Asbury Park, where a bsvsraga locally labelled as clder haa been openly on aale ? nn .'if cta upon Ihe real lent i>. pulatlon and the atranaer wlthln lt.-; ??;? a ralllng for u apeedy and "ir-hinr Inqueat. Except LaJte afohawk Aabury Parlt Im the moat teetotal pbtce known In thls or mv ..ther courrtry, and anything wbleh oaartaced th. a ibric ly of lt. Inh ibltanta of eoursa had to .!>o offlclally looked Into wlthout detey, Chlef of Po? llce Hulrhart, of Kaptuns Townahtp, whlch eoa i iin.a Asbury Park, ls a .d.le. but by no roeana allent, partner <>t the Oovernment ln thls Inveatl [Btlon, and if we do nol preaantly learn what Jeraey cl ler is made of the Inqutry may ns w?>li t>. abandoned altofatbar. it haa taken a lona tlme to flnd out. umi th" most faantltar test. aaaployad ipon it I ?v. Mrlthered many a promlsln.; eireer. bul now ti.nt ih. Oovernment hun takea hold of th. Hui.jeoi the fxiut foranula, wlth all Us eheml eal equlvalenta, wlll no doubt spaedlly h. forth comlng. Rome Uugwumps are comlng to u jusit view of the Iiemocratlc party aaa public encniy. One of ihern sny. that nekln^r lln-m-l-?l ald for the Chl eii?to conventlon. whlch lt ls evldent the fr.e allver men wlll control, i? "to n.k bustneea men "or eapitaluita to contribttte t.. the saaamlilliig of "a body ..f public enamlea." -e Ralt la sometlmes an Important stSBBSnt In goM mlasa, and aa thera i? lot. ..f the former at Byra> CUSe there In ln the nature,if thlngs no reaBOO why the latter should n??t be found there. Heport of nuch dlacovary Boata saatward, a. wetl as to other polnta of tin- < ampasa, on wlaaai of wtnd buoynnt us the iir..npa?etus of the utook .vrnpany oriranlzpd to tioat it, arhloh wiii praasntly be aasuad, ii-wtng a Jbai f-i.ir?ijnv??itm^ au ,-kn eha arjaaadi t'o*"i, lf gold has actualty been dtaeov*r*rf thera w l'tlca wlll no longer oontract Ita powera' FT** gpttl them over all out of door, ln the BaaaMkV? like depo.it. and there Is no tefllag what aaa.? * pen to Rochester. A gold ralna would be aa f glft to a clty es beauty I, aald t0 be u ""'t*,al? and Syracuse may account herself fortunate ?S mine turna out to be of Dutch metal lnat*l? the more preclous euhe?ran-e. That la'e-e aanaa of local caiamity wkervmi?. i, roaa^iaa! sa!t bualneaa haa a good deal more ln lt ln th* i run. e ,0b* Wllaon haa much BOtnder vlew, on the cur*. than he had on the tarlff. but hto tXpkaZSZz the latter ln the moat ru.no.,, M ***????* fore Congreaa haa ao far deatroyed confldeWt hls peraplcacity that the pubi> ro , "* ? h.-ar from hlm on any rubje-t Th* D>at .7 * for hlm la the prlvate Btattoa where heTan a T rev. BtM th^orles at wlll. wlth no Injury 2 that of borlng hla Immedlate nelghborhiod. PFRSOXAL. ,,-.-. Thomaa Irvey Bouve, the iTOn merchant a, . ton who ha. juat dled, wa. an enthuT. ? ! ."? of natural hlatory. ar.d wa, . m^"l\"?? ton Soclety of Natura! Hlatory for n.arly nt y .^ Ho waa also a momber 0f th? at?*h? . ****? Art* and S< lenc*., 0f the Amiffi t2.A?*?*r* the Advane^ment of Sr-le.ir* and Vr\ h? Utlon '? ber of vartoua other aclentlflc aocfati2?H?*? an bonorary degree from Harvard Conafth'&'l Th. C.arlna la the Mventh woman U *?' pomted to a eoloneley m tha Pr.ia,,? ,rmv * reKlm*nt to whleh ah* haa b*en appo'ntej mXiJ* after be known as the 2 1 Dragocn Guard *?? of the Km.ares, Alexandra of RaaalTaSS? women cmonei* are the Queen of kA?'-.-V" ?'ht* colonel of the ?, DrM* n n.,? J-^wal. who i, Empresa th* Empre.a Fredertrk UwiW?*M Connaught. rhe I'.-u.??? <* Fri.-jrv-VcAa^?*" "f an.l the Prjneea. Albrecht of Pruaff ^S* laal named b-.n* the chlefa 0f Ir.finrr';. ' '**?? ir' BgBaflgg The presidmcy of tha Vatlonal < Vr-iw ,.?, Oreat rtritam. whieh h? bwn ,:.*,? i!'0' ?-tk of the preaent Karl or AIL^JS** kaat.n accepted by a j Halfotir *mVw?'r' the Treaaury ..... ., us- Jf5*J*at A Btory ls told of a Connectleut woman L want*l to aea-Joe-Jeffera n pl?, ;n th-,c,.rtB? alao wanted hi? autograph. Bhi inteaoal t/J up a party to come -1 twn for th* p|*y anJ JS Hh.> was orderlng the aeat, , brlght ldea ?truckhar She rirew her eheck p .-..,.. : , tnt ?,,,,,. f. 'V Jefferaon, an l a lay or tw , ,r ?rWMj lt *l?iW to her l.ank wlth th* a.u craph sf rh. *n*i-*fi neatly indoraed up n It Tnat autograVhhaet a Inthe wom.n'a .1 ium, ?::;, ? ,.#f "L** plainlng the natureof the eheck T King Humbert, in tha aama of hlraserf aai | Queen Margh.rlta I of th. prlnce, ot rhe ronl family, ...,- .- -. ? . the Oovernmem for -ho ragft llea of the dead in t w >und, I aol llen la Afrke th, aum of i.m.000 rranca Thi, ium i, to : * distrlbuteg wl.!h10u" : ' the Itallaa and natlva ,'?;'" " ' --i hl. ii. ' ' "?? ' ? ihai oftbaQaeal ;., ba l vlded irn ng th wt -.-. |i ! ^ Alexander H B <; ffey, well known a. th.autbw of UeQ '??? ? - ....; r,.,:,.,-, and apallera, whlch ig i -..- laat \ if McGuffey, w ia ; re, leoL b. ?-- aa .-?--..- of h. - ;? ttn i a-. tha thla ???. r*ln?- at th.it -Ima only elgh ?-.-. ear, i t age. I';r.iiir hla occupaaey f that cha noted aa a r-nMrkaMy I wai ar anderfulljr nicoeaaful al ln iti . ? in He prepared tha ive ainceba en ^j wlde* :??-? wer? , . Ilahed under h'.a brother's name, although -.tv latter had nothtaa to .lo with o -? lupervlatng tha w.>rk, .'c ? .: ed law, and Bl tha ape of n. waa a Imttt.-d to tba bar Bt n aft*r ha ? own name the B <3uffey tipeilar, whl li proved aa r.-n.arkat.i* ^ i ..-.-. m as the raeaV ers h.l ?? ? :.." THE TALK Of THE DAT, Al i ?? nt confarenre .- 4daatB fniveraft* ; ther- raa a i ln r- .art to the a'.armlng !n. reai i In tha le th rate of r.-,roes ln clUaa %a\ l.,-a* ? ? ? iaea as omsumptlon and pneui ad ta esBaet dat, on the aubject. wltl to fli Raf a remedy. \ g'i:sT! .\' DKCIODi Tha aun aorter wiaka ? '? aaaaaj by, Ia . kr..? it-.' an I . i eay, An' the i .mi-hs they '.? an I ?w o'w tma ?pct wSeral lia l.ik^ t-.v hnd aon ? ? ' - ml ter .ay ! An1 I knv.v whut the) mean, fur lf, perfertly tra, Th.it ihey'a Benae In tbeli bllnkln' *n'iwlitiln'; Th. v wanl me ter tell 'ea arhut 11 ruther do. Or k > :i.-=htn'. I'm takln' my lelaure t>>r ponder lt o>r. B*ur It'fl pl.-asatit :.'r ?!? ?? ter lr*?m: _ It'a llne whair -ho moss.'s grow tbieft on tba i*8*% An.l th. ahiftin' llght Bpan.lea tb, BttaBB. , It'a all'-nt an' ooo'.; an' t'm -here out o' vlf* Of thr-m ez thlnk. llfe h.e7 n muat n. , I don't kn.iw a.f noth'n' th.l i I ruther do Than k? Bahln'. (Waab igl ? ^'-^ Th? Ht. ThiiI papera ?ay thnt .V4, member, of Ba 1 Swe.iiah Bvaagellcal Church, In Bt Paai, baa I emphaalz*-! their rJlaaent from tha .-hureh diartpiaa, Whlch forbtda memberal ; ?---?? r-er-efloianr B> dara, l.y Becedlng and formlng a r.*w r-httn-hine* Pmteatnnt Rpla.-op.il told Thelr aaarVaaai Baf ? ccnd.ieterl ln the Bwedlab laaguaga an-1 wlll ? Ideatleal with thoae of the Btata Cbarek of Swada Batween that natlonal Church a:\ the Church B aaigland. and e. wwquently the Protaataat jBaBjl Church of the l'nlted Btatea, 'y-.'-r*- ar* no *M*ntai ?l fTHr?-n,-. , Tha mlaalon lu.1 organlaad aalBBBw tut- tb. *ix:h BwedlBh Eplacopal .-en?rr*?at!ori B Mlnneaota lt ls announced tbal the actlon takean st I'aui wlll Ih? foBewed by many Swednh I* therane elaewher* la llhwieaota m tbe4waBtafg# ure at the next Church Bynod, to be held ln tbifl* to aaodtfy tha ml* retatlve to aecret iwelBBaa ?\'un you lead me 105 markaf' _... "Thara .. atngular amount to :.*k for. waaiw you w.-.r' ..f the old rlver" ?,.??? w "I wlah to .lemonatrate my h.meat ?n,ffl"'?Lrl paylng ? v" '? ?' ""?'?' Bye mark" on ^^^ -inieg*! 'e Ml.itter. w.-Ht-rti papera aay that aa .) reault of therawt dlaaatroua wlndatorma tha iiusurar.ee bui'.nea Cornlng all over tha BTeat, ar.d ever>- Ir.wnvw aflea now aavart aea iBaaraaea agalnat baaaaaa and eveh-nea. A tnat. .a:-. in.a.r* any Bt4ajalB/Baa. adaya. and maaire II Bgalaat any dlaaater. n? l. Bure hia hous* agaloai nr*. water. aeiaaamaaj atria aad barglary; I a u Inaura hM laWaBaaaBf thlevaa, hls buaob af keya agaiaal hwa, i ; eago'a auburba they are even H nirtag ?**** ^ a company guaranteelna '? t*^t*J!'m m*na\ may n* atolea Aa thta aorl af thr-ft ? i jjj a-a.mmon ;uvl a pollcy eoata oaly ? wnW' Insurancc la popular ( Bl Btaphon'a College, al Aaaaattlggggvi N y . baa recently aco^ulr. I w*01?: u c0r.?'.?t, M3. prayer-book. 'Th* ". D ***?* Waahing ?>f twenty-four neatly writtea ???? ??? arBaai ton'* own bandwrttlna, beini Pft>?' k ,aa>aaa or bocUI un for ??-? b l.y ??' '?'??.*"&. MrMjf or copted by hlm. preaumably a. aj1 . ^rjpth'. hla llfa The work ls Incompleta and en" g The UB. daacendcxj to the laat lf*r3,?aa* Mount Vernon. and paaaed into theJhM? ^-C lector, from wh.un It waa I'U^^r-aetital?* Charlea P ii.>iriiia.i. D D., wno p H:. St*|>:ieii-a -..?rltlav ^ The Natlonal l'.e.-r Convaotloa ?*?* pae* n.et al fhila.ieiphi... waa larger tbaa ?-^ Coaventtoa ?t u.ke Mohonk wiii a* ? ^^ aented mora moiwj and polltlcal '""'""'^g lt. proeedara we learn th-t Uw^jaa ^^ l.ecr ln thla country amoiint t.> BaV *>? ^ _ m $, oi.-h y...ir. and thal the capltal ,n*V" ,,, aa> baaBaaaa ia BBaJanm T:;,,r** ?ir0 * "^hwr fnW* ple w.-.o belleve that ev.-ry drop "\ 0(b(r, ia n injury ta aaelety. aad a f^JJjfl who bellcvo that a gaod m..n) of ????"? 0r ? eoneeetlaa which II la * rrlme to^Mtorajt offer to tho pubhe. The '???-r!;"1;,r;tn0o;rmanr?-, lute their buatneaa here u* lt 'l>,?* POunOB* a:i o.he,- bear peoduclng or ^Tll of ** I and lt wlll probably come to tnat daya. ^ gaj ? Kxhauated.-'B. ll?.bb.nl toMtfj?*** - heap of WirWoa.t of fOM ?hen>ou , him," aald the farmer nlr -Yaa. raet la. I gu;'? ?>* Jl*1 , -il?,ttun.|?... J-rn... ^^BBt "Men are now llvlng/ aaya yn? (ettor B? I "who heard the emlnent ^^^ *** ! aaaa, declare In a lecture a ) n0 U? earafttl mathematlcal ca.cuUuea. |0 ^ c ...id ooatala ? BufBdent amount o ^ ^AfBM lt aoroaa tho Atlantlc ooean. J J oon?"*Z he ever drea.m*.t tbat ahlpa *?^" ;*?*??*> Wkteb could contaln and couauma naar? aaud toua oa * tl?& i'wii*