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jjjE A PALL UP0N THEM' Jo ENTfaVSIASM HF.RE FOR W. J. BRYAN AND FREE SILVER. ' jKW-T-OftX PET-OC RATS MAKl! _0 _> EalOl gTRATlON IN HONOR or THB CA_r_.r>ATB AM> rifATFORM-Nt'MBBlRa OF THBM ANNOl NVK THEIR 8CPPORT Of VKiMKT AVK BOCND MONET. xnv THEIR r._n>VST WITH THB AXAR CHtBTS or CHICAOO. ___. wtth'n tha m-mory of tha oldeat polltlcian. ln __ rTrk. Jaa any Prealdential nomlnatlon been re SSSTdS eltV with auch . conepleuou* abaenee _f_______aa!SS that which followed the sueceaa of t'CS. _f N-brsBhs. ln Chlcago *???_??*? ___ I7?iaB IS he aatlafaetory te any one who ?2 ard daajfsa aaoss who have srown gray tn *h v_ of the oarty aa well aa the young Bd?na t^i^rSaal- glrded on rheir ?<** lli I not hSStaatS to expreae thelr dlsgust and Slaacs and to declare that under no cireum ***Z w_.'d thev aapasal men wh?a* platform SZ ,-er.v at WriSncS 1th what h*d WSTSt J? Zal toofcld upon aa easential to Demorratio **!?, ._^rl_ea ef re.ud_e_.-V dtartvoneoty aad aa JZZ gtrtch aaws been eepouaed art Chloago. w*_? mmmXto JllimaBll by auch war hora*. of Deanoe ______ __,._a_._-_- WflMssa R Oraee. Wtlham _*-ln. S I aMaraid 9lrmiwn_ E. Bllery Andecaon. J. MaaaBB. c-am. I_ouIb Whvdmulle.. Tas Commla a-onor T_e_d_re _t>_tr_. o?u*c-or Jamea T. Kttbrejth. rt.O_.*>0-ar_*_n Counae.1 Wlttlajn H Clerk. ea-Col Ifrtor -8BS* A. Bulllvan and* other repi'*4-_*?nta_ vs ra_mVr? of rhe party in thiB oky. who were repre _w__a b* rhloagn this we. k. Bev*ra.l of theae and trtrfcl'z'-no. whos* afnilat-rma hav* been poMtleally opposed aa the Republlcan merthods of gov?_r_inenit, ^air d* .lar*d ihat under preaent oondit-cma they -eferr*. th? can.ldacy of McKlnley aa__ the Ro mi!_Uc8_ platform of sound mon*.* on whtchhe ?too_ to the red flag of an_.rehy and the avoared prociamatlon of dlshones-y. w*_l<__, with othe. ahoml .a*1one. had heen lahelVed Demo-rntie by enioh faie fUl-BS a* Tlllman end Altgeld. ?V?r_ . xpres-'Ions already glven to tho publlc by Deniv-.a's whose leadersh lp and tnfluaeie* ln the __e_n:'..ity are unquestloned. H may he aafely pre d_cted *_*t the work of the Chicago Convontlon wtll bo; ba accepted by one-haVf of tha rogular D-mo _ra_t. \-oter* of Nesar-York Oty. J. EDWARD SIMMOXS B0LT8. HE REPVDIATE9 THE DEMOCRATIC PLAT? FORM AND WILI. VOTE FOR M'KINLET. HIS STROVO AND __!/>QrTNT WORM-DTSOCST *_tOSO rtSANCIAlf MEN AT THE RESIT-TS Or THE WORK AT CHTCAOO If _v_r there was a thajlistsd oommunlty lt la the *-__r>- lal communlty of thia clty. and ha dlaguat ls d/e to ihe piat-orm adopted and rhe rtcket named by th* iBsslBUaaan ia_iualBiliiB-il paBaaiMstla aa aj-MBtk Osun-joa ad rhl^ago. Ther. waa no de-r^r dls?r_Bt Khown and expreeaed yeerterday thaa by rhe I>>mcf-ratB ln the flnanola_ ?x?m_iur_ty. Not ?"w_ll-known I_-r_oc_it eould b* found w-ho ?ald he would" vote the ncket put up tn th* nam* of hia party On the eontrary. th* De__>aratlc flnanoiem who were spoken to aald they would vote for Mc? Klnley. They be'.leved lt to be thelr duty as Demo err.ts not to refraln from \-o.lni. bOt to vote for Mc? Klnley. ln o-der to maintaln the flnencrlal honor of th* Natlon. and more. to |M8B8..B Its very ln?tltu tVona. The BfatoU-ktlra elemen. d1*play*d Irs sentl .-n-nt bv takini? hold of the s.roek marke. and raily inr H \n the fa-**? of the mervaolng work at Oh1c__ro. The hfrlna* up of aniuea w-b a Blan to lnT4_r_orB lr. Ameri-an secjritle* and aniaaprtaiB. both at home _w_ _broad. that repudlatlon would not be p*r rn_t.*d In th*a country. and that honest money waa ln no aotuai danger. Proof that European hokl*4-a at Amerlcan Btocka and bonda fe't no appr_hen_lon waa found hn rhe fact that no orxtora Oo 9*ii BBBB- reo_ived from rh* other _i.?. Pr.\*?.te cable dispatehee sald tha. th* _B-a_*?BSBB wi'h '"hauncey M. D?pew, prtm.d In I>on d,m. had had a rea _rjr:ng efTect on foreljrnere. ard. lr. Bhot.. had convlnced them thait ane_-phy, wh1!? noisy, eould never prwvai! ln th* T.'ntt*d Stafes. J EVlward Simmons.. prealdent of rhe Fourth Na tlona: Bank, a llfe-long DemoerBt, oame out pr.mptly in oppoaltlon to the Chicago platform and ncket He said: "I have no hesttatlon ln aaylng that I intend 10 vote for McKlnley. and I believe lt to !>e the duty of every ao-jnd-money Democrat to do 4he aame in ord*r to concen-.rat* rhe vote of honest m?_ in b-. th p_-rtiee agaJnat the revolutionery plat fbnn and tlcket adopted at Chkrago. I have bean a DsauiCiatSSM my llfe, and nerer oaat a Republlcan __'.;_. before. but I place my country __>_-*? my pany. patriotiam ahove parUaanahlp, and al? though grieved beyorrd meaaure by the neceaahy of p_r_ng from the polltica_ orgunlzatlon to which I hav* -iwiiya b_lon?:ed, I cannot now acce_pt the an archwtic and revolutlonary dootrlne* whlch hav* been laUmed by th* Chicago ConvernKm. Th* ?dhoriaJ in Tlie New-York 8un" of thla mornmg faily pre_*ma the \*1*tvb I hold on thla q_*?t_o-. I have had oocaslon recently to apeak with mauiy I)__>ocrat* of poaltlon and influence. and almoat ?_lo_t exceptlon they have taken theaame vlew, Bihoaest Ameri.**an cltisens, that I do." It vaa sald that Jamea 8._lmen, prealdent of the HM_____ Clty Bank; Jamea T. Woodward. prealdent of Bh- Hano-er Natlonal Bank, and E C. Benedlct. huikar at No. T Proad-at.. all Democrats. -would come OUt for McKlnley. but they were e,h*e.n_, and aaasaajoaaUy expreasiona eould no. b* ob_aln_d from thain Mr Btmsaan Is at Newpc_rt. Mr. Woodward li Bl Bi- Ilarbor ar.d Mr Benedlct Ie at Oreenwlch. Al three ar* psrsosal frlends of Prealdent Oleve hai Bome tlaas ago I?!-?r WormBer. banker, at No. 17 Boad-v . a .tanch Democrat. aald that if a free aBrai ptatforaa should be adopted at he would vo;e for M.-Kin'.ey. Henry ll.mi. flrat vic -president of the Chamber af Coaamerva and the chalrman of Its Sound Money CSaaamea ?')d a tosd__a member of thS Shepard Dem-v-a.-y of Brooklyn. said: 'I shall vote for Mc? Klnley 1 bekev. that ls what every ?oiind-money Derr.v-rat shouM do M.Klniey may ne4rd the vote cf every _eund-mor._y Democrat. I telegraphed to Frt ier.r R foudert at rideago urglng the aound Bone> men not to bolt and not to put up an lnde pend-n* ticket All aound-money men should repu i_t:e *he CMeagO tleket and platform I am In a poa: :.n to meet many Democrats. and 1 have not tne. or_ who la ner; golng to vot* for McKlnley " HoW KEW-YORK BANKER8 FKKL THKT DBX-l.AHK THAT THK ORBXgT OF THE NATn.N Dapaxn om thk MTocaaa or thk aKtnraucaa nocar. The rankerB and brik.ra of this clty. Democrats BM BepubHcana allke. are unlt?d ln th* belief that j t-*t mbj wa> is Ba'saaraa the linandai hategrlty of j th? XaHoa ia to Jo!n In support of the Republlcan j 'l^ke* and ._'* an end to ihe fre*-silver cmze by i ?n aiai ohalmlBa aafsal of tbe tlcket nomlnated at ] |_Maa__l Trllrune nporXerr. yesterday 'aikea with a Baaabei of the ____?'?-> of th* clt> and heard only j oo* BBtBtoa on the sub]ect. A fea of the statem?n.s j ?ude b\ representative bankera ore append* J ir-r-: x,\ ?. \ ,f illustratioiis: ar_*fi Pre.Mdent John P Townaend, of the Howery ; *?v._i_. Bank ??_ found ln hls prlvate ofllc* at . { ?' BatttBttsa ho got ln the flrat qufstlon as 10 '. e?; new* fr^-m 1 hl-e_o Then he waa ask*<l aha__ei m hls Judi-ment a thlrd tlck-t was ad- ; <*s_r, . as the reault of a eonvention by the go'd ' l*n. r-'? With hardiy a mumi-nt'i pa jb* he said: ; "T.|i me rhe Mrength of the conatltuency behlnd | th??. ,j;v. r , .,h[.< and 1 can anawer yosir question I "I. n'.r mean wh?t they repres?nt by thelr attltude '?ow r. CMsaaa btM ho* many vot*a hav* they b*- | ?M th*fn If there Ib any danger of weakenlng Bjt rbance of a vlt tory for sound money throush ' '*? nomlnation of a thlrd tlcket. th-n e.nphatleally. ] *? I ahould llke |o we th* Issue p__c*1 aquarely ? >?for. fh. i.eop> for acjuaiment wlthout dlvialxn. ] ?">u rerr,.n.ber rhat Mr McKinle>. the other day ! a hta of aerepian.-e, plsced the tar ff Issue : -,'",l wrirrh was pr.hably natural Mr. H..h_rt. on j ?ther hand. when rhe commlttee called upon ? pla.-ed rhe !a_>u. for sound money flrat. and I "?*????> hope tha< Mr McK1nl?> will be led to de- | j"r? hlm.elf with lh? same dirertness The la*>ies i 'o-'lay tn their impon_re. ar. hardly seeond tn i PJM ?'hlch prevalled in 1_B?. Then tha Northern I ??Satea wer. _ried down. Juat aa Mr. Whltney anl | *? eoadjutora have been in Chlcago, aad tho result. tbe "AND THE DEAD, OARED BY THE DUMB, WENT UPWARD WITH THE FLOOD." ' ? Tennyeon's "Elslne. was three tJeketa. although Mr. Llneoln waa elected in rhe end. To my mlnd we are faclng a very grave ertsla at thla tlme. It le not a contest be? tween gold and silver so much aa lt 1b between gold on one alde and fence ralls on the other side, baeked up by a eomWnatlon of elements and headed by the PopullBts who would foist upon the country the in? come tax." John Harsen Rhoades. presldent of the Gree.n wtch Savlnge Bank, at f*irteenth-s1. and Slrth-ave.. was asked rhe same queatlon ae affeetlng the Dem? ocratlc of the altuaticm. "A very grave mlstake ln my Judgment." he said at once and wlth em phasis. "and you cannot put my objectlon too Btrongly. Thls Is not a new issue before the Con? ventlon ln Chicago. There has been a covert ad voeeey of tt eovertng the pwt ten years. and llt? erature has beer aeeretly Iwued by the ton. pol sonlng the mlnda of the Amerlcan people w'.th fftlse bellefs on the queatlon of money. The time has come to squarely draw rhe llne, and lt Is not to be drawn. to my mind. between parties. Thr tlme has come for us all to rlse above party 00f> I slderation. and to assume a patrlot'.c atf.tude As I wrote to a frlend wm? tlme ago. lt ls not a party lr?ue, but the moment ha* arrlved mhen we ahould stand for proteetlon, sound money and the I honor ot Che flag Why, you know. that part of the Beeret llterature on BMs subject whleh has I gone abroad accused the bankers of the Eist of ! coming Into colluslon to pTecipltate the panl" of 1882. It has tainted the mlnis of men every j where. I am a Republlean and a consistent pro tectlonist. and again lt la my flrm convK-tlon that < protection and sound money musrt go hand ln hand. I You oannot dlvorce them, yet I sinc.erely hope that Mr. McKlnley will not draw tiie iaaue there. The Republlean party must a-ssume hlgher ground than f that. It must stand for sound money and no trades | of any klnd ss a sop to the Popullsric element ln , Congress. Make the aquare declaratlon and flght lt out on patrlotlc llnes. and we wi.'l wln. I am I not sure that a thlrd licket mgrht not ao compll cute matters as to threaten the defeat of the ?ound-money laeue, and I hope the gold Demo? crats ln Chicago will rlae above party feeling and vote wlth the Repubhcans on thls question. W need all the votes we can get. and If we move along the lines I have suggtrsted I am sure we will sweep these fellown clear oo: of exlsten-e. We have them now all on one side, the Pcpullrts, rhe Anarchlsts, the blathenk.tes., the scalawags, and the thieves, and If we cannot suppress them with paper ballots we tmall have to do It In the end with leaden bullets. The question Is the most momentous that haa dlsturbed this country slnce the Convention of 1880, and that ("onvention led to a four years' war. Let us vote to maintain the Na? tlonal honor." Henry Clews said: "All rhat is known about Bryan ls through hls speech of yesterday. whlch proved him to be a deaier ln words. and whlch is evldently the only quallfioatlon that obtalned for him the nomination. He la certainly too young to have had any experience in statesmanahlp to exjulp him for the Executlve offlce. He ia a good mar. to be Baslly beaten by hla opponent. who has the ad vantage of havlng a platform to stand on that eommerids Itself to Democrats and Republlcans allke who feel an Interest In perpetuatlng the fjor eroment and malntair.lng its hlgh credlt and the solvency of the Nation. "We now have all there Is to come from the Chicago Conventlon, the wonrt anMc'.pations of which have been more than reallsed. The long expected hes come at last, and, as usual. lt has been discounted In advance ln the sto< k market. The only thlng; now left to do ls to begln to dls count the utter rout and defeat of the polltleal rebels at the polls next Nove-mber, whlch should be to BTCn eagacloua thlnker a foreg.r.e r m rluston. The market ought to Imprive now ln an ticlpatkon of good to come. aa we have dlscounfed the ba-l that has come. "The ChlcaR.. I'onventlon platform ls too t <[< heavv for Its hase. It ls an Inverted pyrami-i. and will be sure ro toppie over. The wlse. reapcctable and responslble members of the Democratlc party will all nin away from the threatened crssa hi.! get out of danger's rssch Wna; setf-respe I man wlth any conslderath.n for hlmself or pa trlotie Impulse for hls f-iuntry aroutd coatrtbuti lo prop up sucli a dl?proport*omite and rtdlculoua structure" It must as a natural BSBJusnce fall to rhe ground nnd bory those who are rraponsro ? for Its erectlon." MERCHAXTS ARK ALL FOR GOLD riBM.K^BATB OT THE DRTOOODS IlISTRKT Wl!.!. VOTBJ FMR MKIM.F.T ANU BOUXD MOXaCT IM OPPOBITION TO THB POPCMBT PI.ATFOHil Many merchante ta the clty who have been known for yeara ?.< loynl Democrats were express lng disgu*: wth the acti.>n of tne CbtCSgO c.,n v*-n'1on ysstsrday and that ihe Demo? cratlc party had rrasei 'o exlst a? a Natlonal party. A Trlbune reporter who was In th<- !r> g'.oOs distr.ct learned that a aamber ..f tbe proan raeol DeasooraSle buatassa men of the district had gone to Chicago at fhe bcglnning of tiie w?-.-k. bellevng thst they mlght h" ot servlce In aarlBg the Democratlc party from eomplete dlsruptlon Apparently thelr mls?!on had fstted, and one of them yesterday sen: a dlspatch to hls flrm rea ing as follows: ?Am on my way home Conventlon altogether p^puiiat. Dsssoorscy is .?*??''. it it McKlnley and Bounl money or ruln for the country " Some of ?h# men in the drygooda dtstrtcl v ?? r gay said they had no patler.oe with the Democratlc pollllctana of the Krnpire Srate who ressstaed la the Conventlon after th- PopUbSt pla'.f.wm bad been adopted. They declared that they oould not vo'e for the Democratlc eaatUdalsa on at:< h a plat? form. no matter who was nominatcl. One of the pr.mlnent Democrats of the dl?irlet !? Walter St i.ton. a member of the flrm of Converse, rhiir. ton A Cullen. at No ? Worth-st. Be was n chi? cago early ln the week. althouff^ n ?: a delcgste lo the Conventlon. and other member* of the flrm iaid yesterday that. they exp-cted him M retirn to-day. One of hla parners said "I do not Know whut the DeiaocrstBE lasdera of thls ftate wlil do, and I can apeak on.y f<ir myae'.f. but I ahall vote for McKinlev although I have al? ways voted the l>emocr?t c tl.-kei in the ,,..m I thlnk it would be foiiy for the g.-ii i Dassoersta to put up a 'hirl ti.-kei. The best way 8 to mak' t'ie Issue h squsre one between gold snd a'lver snd defeat tba F'opullsts. who have esagttrad the Demo cralic party thls year ' A drygoods man wHh l*>e. Tgaaty * Co-. ln Worth-st.. said: "I raave alway? voted the DetBO rratlc ticket, but there Is ne eholce bu? ts vite for McKlnley thls year I probabl> will he able lo voto ? Stats D4m?ecraUo Uckst. aad I ohoil couader j myself a Demoerat when I vote for the only eound mor.ey National ticket." "I do not reoognlse that eollectlon of Popullsta in Chicago aa a Democrauc Conventlon. even If the Democratlc label has been stolen." aald another indlgnant Demoerat ln the street. "The way to rebuke such a thaft ls to e'.ect McKlnley. The old party llnes have be<n wiped out th-,s year. and Democrats wh.i have not turned Anwhiste must v.-ite the Republlean ticket or not vote at all." A Trlbune reporter called at the atore of J. Speneer Turner. at No. IH Duane-st.. and asked ts see a member of the flrm The only member who waa present at th* tlme was John A. Harden brrgh. When asked aa to wheth ?r he waa a Demo? erat, he sad: "Well. I harily know how te answer that question. 1 do not know how to anrwer It at the present t me " "Were you a Demoerat before thla Conventlon, and have you voted for Democratlc randidates In former eleetlons?" was the next question. The saswor came qulek ar.d sharp: "Tes. I have l.oen a Demoerat. but I can hsrdly esll myself ?ne now after the platform that has been adopted by the Chleago Conventlon. The sound-money Demo? era ts,' of both the and West. can now do only one of two thlnga They must StthST not vote at all or else they must vote for the Republlean ticket, The Conventlon at Chicago has been sn unfortunate one for the country. It has not been a true Democratlc Conventlon. What the sound money Democrats will do, It is too early yet to tell, but I do not believe that they will put another esadldats ln the fleld. I flrmly believe that they will let the CbtCSgO Conventlon have Its own way and flght !U< own battles. and that they will either not vote at all or vote for Mr McKlnley ard the Rspubllaaa platform. It Is utterly imposelble for them to vote for the platform that has been adopted by those who are assembled In the I on ventlan Hall at Chloago." Another promlnenr merchant who was inter rtswed by a Trlbune reporter was Frederlck \s. of Lawrence & Co., No. US Duane-st. He aald "I fuess lt will l>e hard for you to flnd a man wh.. will tell you that he is a Demoerat In this nelsrhl-Kirhood to-day. None of them Ua-* to a.-knowledg-e lt. Th* platform adopted by the Con? ventlon at ChieSafO has turned them around as com pletely as tr.e araek on Kort Sumttr dld. By tbla I 1 meaa the prominent men of the party. and the I Democrats who are thlnklng men and who have the I lest Interents of the country at heart. At rhe Mer I chants' Club to-day there was a good deal of talk j aboul the sltuatlon. And In that club there are? I well, I was going to say a majority of gooA l>emo j cra'.a. but ar least there Is a very aetlve minorlty. I I dld not hear a eingie word about the eound i money Democrats gettir.g together and puttlng | foi ward a candldate of their own. and I dld not hear a man say that he would vote tor the candl I date who Is put before the country on the platform that has been adopted by the Chicago Conventlon. \ The general oplnlon waa that it would be Impo-ssl ' ble for an honest, patrlotlc man to vote for the pr.nclples laid down In that platform, and that the votes of gold Democrats would be eaat for Major McKlnley and the Republlean platform. ' Those who were at the rooms of the club all seemed to agree that rhe main lssue of the day Ib the monev qjueatloo- whether the country Is to h*ve good money or bad money. The tarlff will regulate Itself, bul all aober. thlnklng men agree that the question of tlnanon must be a grave one. and that the platform of the Chicago Conventlon. lf aotod upon favorably, would ruln the country. Next in lmj^rtanee to the tree-colnag* piank oomes thst whl-h will practlcally make the Government pa>' the debts that it has contraeted in eoln that la only worth V. .ent... on the dollar I mein the doctrlne of repudlatton tha: has l<een enumlateci In the platform Thls haa Mlrred Up a number of rn-n wln. have always been BOHd DeBIIH IBJS hut Who hav,- always belleved that honesty In bUslneee is imperatlve Personally. I do not believe that there wlil be any sound-money Isemocratti- plat? form or candldate, and I do not believe that the sound-money Democrnts of the East will be con tent to sit itlll and not roto. I thlnk that they will ,.. .1 ?i. rotea for the .-andidates and the platform that were pol forwsrd by the Republleaa Conven tlon at St. I.ouis" ? VTEWfl OF GKRMAN-AMERICANS. <ti'.i.\.;i.v F'.H BOOXO monkt. WTTBOVT Rr <;ahi. TO PARTY. There s.-rr.t t.. be but one oplnlon on the BMfley question among the German-Arrerkans uf New-Tork, ani If tbe ..pinion of tl.elr leadlBg tn. n may bo taken a? Indiealtng the rlewi ..f tbeir feUow-eWlsena of the san.e rs"e, McKlnley aad Kobsrl arlll reerdve more than 9f< BSf eenl of tbe <>rni?n vote throughout the eoua try i;ii^.hv II S Ir.viib. wh'. Is a memb.-r of il,e Com .. oa ;.. icrature of the Oerman-Amer.-stn r- ind-M inej League, was seen at hls oftic yoo terdaj and aald 'hat oui of osl ilermin sswspspsre that dlscusa iH.litirs. .'"?< have deeiared In favor of sound rr.ori. > "i>ur commtttee." he ssl ! "mslled sboui 75.BW e'rculars to Oermsaa ln varlous parts of "!ie l'nlted S-at-s, ln whl'-h thelr oplmon was BSked >n the Bubied of the silver question. and In i,.|,,\ we receleed letters whl.h fusttfy ua in say fully SO per <-ent wlil vote only for a .-.- sbo rsprseenta the sound-money Idea. uur repLea came from m^n of l?oth parti"?. and Democrata and Republlcaaa allkc ore srronn .., -her lenundatioa of the silver business THB C.KP.MAN'-AMKRICAN RECORD "I mrtke thls statement." h" added. "not at ran dom. bol baaed en the r*plles rec.-ived from our eorrospoadSBta The 'arlff makes no dlfference T ? 'iiain haSBC Is the money queat on. The Ger mai.s wera always oa the right side on the flnanelal queatlon. They st.,od up for scund money in the Ohlo campa un sf MO, when Bsysa SSIBStsd 'Hlll' i Allen. a:. 1 thelr attltude at 'hat tlm? gave fhe rictorj 10 Mr Rayea and caused Al'.en to say: | ?The DutCh are d-d ur.rellable ' In Illln.-ls and I u ,-..?.- i, r-iey also eame uiit for a .und m -ney at | ? tlme. and they may now he rellel up-.n ,., Bund nrm agalael tbe Aia.-chistic atlack as propert] wblel la aaade t.? tne CsassoMsa Is Chl %4r gebwab said basl allhsogii ll bow appeared | IB per ceoi <>t the Qeraiana !a ?he L'attss Itstea j inisit be In fasor of 'ree silver. he jekavrd be f?re .he day of elsefsa eaaas the fjarssaa aasertcaa -?ond \1 .nev l^?ar->e would eonvert ihe majorily '?, ,.,.. p^r.eniaae. and lhat then only 1 or I per MBKSf the Ol WB raae would be east against the | "fflTeSST-ll h. mm* Btm to. pm\ would be on* of sound money agalnat silver, and that tha Orman-Amertcan ctt.zens would be found on the slde of sound monsy. rerardleas cf thelr oplnlona on the tar.ff questi-sn. AGAIN9T A THIHD TICKET Perclval Knauth. of the flrm of Knauth. N4chcd A Kuhne, waa aeen at hia offl-e. No. 1*1 Willlam-Bt., and sald h? would hls earnest and i.ndlvided support to McJClatsy and Hobart Ifl the eomlrg campa:_n. "I have been a U?mocrat." he tald, "sn.-e BlSlns ran for Pr-id-nf. I ha?S Spent monev and have worke. har I agalnst Mr. McKin? ley but I w'.K vote for him al tha ?>____ eleenon, be.-'ause I believe the money question la _-._r-m.vint and that he stands on the platform repre aanta ;he h.?t poUcy. Wa can t_- with a hl.h er with a l.-w tartff. but thla cuntry oul. not exist _f the v'.ews of thoae who (rtimM the'.'orm of the C__lc__0 Conventlon were car ri.xl inro practlc*. I am ror a m?mber of the Germar.-Amer.n_n Bound Money League, he added, i "ard am aot a aound-money maa becauaa I am a Oerman. I believe m the soup.'.-money pUtform becauaa I am an Amec.can cltiaen. This ta > tha ooncern, not of Germar.s or any other race cla?s but of the Amerlcana I trust that the I Democrata of the Btata ol Sew-Tork wi.i not !* another tleker. because lt would gala ! r^m* v-tea whlc* WOUld 1>e rlrtually thrown away. I and t_es? vot_s. !f no third ti rket wera nomlnated. ? would naturally aa to ;he Republlcan nomir.ees, i where they would lo the most .ood. WILL CAST HIS FiRST RBPUBUCAM VOTE Wllllam Rahnray yeaterday de. :-irvd h:maelf aa poalcively opposed to any candidate who miftht be nommated by the Convention at <"hl_ago. Mr Btettrway aal 1 that h? had never voted a Repub? llcan tlcke.. that he had been H*ntl_ed with the Democratlo party (br mar.v years and had been honored by it in many ways, but that under the ex.sttng clrcum?<an ? -s he eould not oon?l_rtently support any candidate who dld not stand on a sound-money platform. Mr. Srelnway said tha: It wouH be a _ir_n_e axpartenc* to vote other than on the l>_mo<-rntle slde. but that he would caat his vot. for M.Kinley. anl he h-Ilevel that most of the German-Am.-ri.-ah oit'.zenB of the 1'nlted State* would do Hhewlae. Mr. St.lnwa> is presl.ent of the German-Amerl can Sound Money League, The other offlcera of the Deaaue ar?: Honorary pregidents, Oaarald Otten dorfer and Cari Bohura; vle.-pres!d?n.s, John F. D.-srener, L. F. Domm. ri^h, Kwald Fleltmarn. Ja* eob H S"r.iff. Oeorere k. \"i-1? >r; aeoretary, ESdwmrd Grosse; rrea*ur. r. l/OUla Wln, executlve com n.i r.-e. Edward C., Mir^hae! J. Adrian. Phlhp ENaainger, John F. De^ener, Dr. John Frte._Ti.~h, Henrv He:de. C. M. VOm Baur, Jacoh Mack, J. B. Pannes, Herman R:dder Wllliam S.hlrke;, Theodore Sutro, Tauscher de Sieg-hard'.. John .>mrr.c, ESdward C. Schaefer, Gustav H. _-*hwab, Emil Frjer. Jean U'_!, t'harlea C. Wehrum. August Zlnsser; oommirtee on llterature, I__uis WtndmUller, F,dward Gross*. Gustav H Behwab. WORKI.VGMEN WANT PROTECTION. M'KrM.PT If" THl-iR CHOIOE. _ErAU__- THCT WANT BETTEH T..V__r. ANTD BHTTKK WAOES Ther* are no Anarehists amoti. the Amerlcan workliinnen of this clty. and the dotnge of th* Altgeldia.-d Democratlc Convention in CMeago wlll make oo converta amoni? them. The sllvep ques? tion wlll be m_4_e th* Isau* by th* -wlld Indlvldua'a who cotHrolled Conventlon, in rhe coming cam paign. but the m_sj of worklrrjrmen long ago mada up thelr mindB to a__tn have pror.?~tion to Amerl? can Industrles if !t eo_M l>e obtained through the ballot-box. A number of the Issdaas of orffanla-d labor ln this dty were aafcad fsatsaday what they tbought of th. w >rk pf ti-.e Donio.iatlc COnvantlon, but the majority of them decllned t . say anythlng. As most of th..rn who refus_?l to talk sre D.-mo BTSta tha BtgnlflcancS of their refusai will b- re_._ily apprertated. W.lllam J O'Brlao, preatdsot of th* Board of Wiiik'.nu Delegatea, whlch repra _e.its about au the bulldln* tfadea in rh- clty. sald: "I ani a li.-moorar. but I am hsajbinlaaj IO bottSVS ln what Tim' Suiii? van sald, that what with the in thlB State and tbe :n thf Waat w. are not In II at all. It ;..._*s t_ me us if ttirr* might be three tlekwts ln rhe n. Id." Axal N.llsor;. the delegate of the I **an,er.ters snd Jolners' t'nloa aa_d: "I am a atanch protef-rionlst. hscause i hellere *ha! it :* the only ihing that caun ?hv r.1 _ * irldnamen .?: thla country from rhe- drs as'rous effects .if comp ??.:. n with the cheap .ai->r ot the Old World. J thlnk McKlnley and Hobar: w .1 i.e elected t ? .1 certainty." il.-.-.r. WhHe, ..-? .'???ary ol tii..- L'ntted Garment Workera ot Amerlca, haa alwaj been a Democrat decllned to praisa tbe v...rk of the Obloago . onv'-rition. M?) ??: Br 1 ? ? fel i. laa-if-r of Iha Kas- Blde tallora, is alao the publlaher of .1 newapaper, "Thi Jewish Recorder." H- aald rhit he had alwaya %*lon._-i to that .-:aa? .,f peopla known in polttlca as "Inde pendents." I am a pr.:.- tl-.r.'.-.:. however," he continued. "beca :s?- l believe thal protectlon is bet? ter for tba arorfctngmen of thi-. country than free trade, Moat .' 'h. .-lor'n from whi.h th? .-.I'.thlne of the nuu?a of peoi Ie la thla countf. la oaada should be sril eould b* manufactur.d here lf wa had pro t.- t .-. If 1' 1- mada in other eo_ntri*s. th. re !s )uat tbal much ;*aa a rk for our peopla t.> .io lf the B-ioetnaher and th* ? irpenter tiav*1 no work to :., 'he tallor Is iroini* to sufff-r " ? MATOR BTRONG N'< >T AFRAID. IIF BEUBW-B THAT THK BOB__R .KNr-H OB AMBTUCAM I'OTBBS WTIVL KAKB AN' ovaRarHCUfiaa ncn>at i"it M. KIBUCT < KKTAl.V. Mayor StroriK \- a firm bellerar in rh- solid, BObac Jude-ment of the Ani.r! ..n peopte, an.l is not appre that ihe wlld ar.d impf-a-^l^al.le ihw.rles whi^h have been advuaced bv rhe ftas allTOf ehou'ers at <'h..-.._-. ean prevall. Afr.-r hearnif the nrmilnari >n ..f Bryan festsrdsy afterj-.oon rn. Mayor aaid: ' Tlie T^moTat* (^innot be sat-1 to have held any MathMBl '' .n\ ?-rr mn this year. The .'on\entlon m-hi-.. has _-. r h .idinK aeaaloaa In CWoags thi_ w-.-k ia a Popullal body, and i do a M hetlsva lhal H wil; li* eons.dere.l a llf-moeraf. i'on\ eo'lon by thf rSgOk 1 lar Deaaoeratle party of th.- country. Nor caa 1 ho 1> vt- r.'.ai g jd I .-rr, N rar.. if (h. r.- ar. no oth. r .-nn ' BldStaa for I'r.e d.-nr rh_n'y und w.|| feel Ifound by the WOrh of -hls <' in\ eriilon. They I wiii ne a.,r i.? <-a?r th.-ir rotsa, Indepeodently of thla popu Mtte .Hitbur". aa each one rh;:>k-. Best " ??|k> yni bettera rhat any lar*.- number of meti herstofon .. tina arlth Iha Deanocratli party .-an i_> drsroine-l tbraugtl tba disclpllne of the ornanixin fl nStO BBSBBsrtiSB the free-colnag-e nomlnnrlons'" the Mayor was aak. d ? l do not.' ISgllsi 'he Ma>or. ' A \ery larae mi Jorlly ot th_ Democratlc oairtv. ln n_v aninlon. ar* opp^aed to repudlBtJon, even In Ha mlldeet form. Wlth but theae two eandidates ln the fleld. many of the ^:urdy old roek-rlbbed Democrata may poseibly not vote for McKlnley; but they will be apt elther to stay at home and not vote at ail, orthery may vote only for thelr own candrdatea ln therr dlfferent ?Is thls silver eontagion llkely to spread, ln your lu.igment?" ?I do not imaglne that it la golng to take pwrma nent root among our vortng populatlon. The Amer? lcan rotsr ls uaually a hard-heeded aort of a citiaen whose ultimate Judgment 1" made up careful.y and wlth dellberatlOB. Whlle the silver crate has take-n hold of a ffreat many of our pvople. eapecially ln tne rural dlstneta of the Western Statea and perhaps to a small eXt?nt. also, In some parts of the Eastern rVat?s. vet, when they come to vote, I beli*/ve rrtat nine-ten'tha of the Democrats will vote for an honeat dollar and or.e Just as good In every counjry of the etvlllaed world aa lt ls ln the l'nlted Btatea Whlle we may have to ?rlvw a good deal of attention to the flnanetal nueetlon ln thls earrrpeign, l am a flrm be l'ever In rhe aober aavond rhourb'" of the people and do n->t doubt that the result In November wlil be an overwhe'.mlng vlctory for McKlnley and Hobart. -o WANTS NO ONE FROM THE W^TTR On the floor of the Marltime Exchange an Inter BSted throng of shlpplng men stood before the hulletln-board all day. scannlng the reporte from the Cblesgo Convention. When the flnal announce ment that Bryan had been nomlnated was made the news was received 'n dead artlenee. No? a whisper of commendatlon waa uttered for this new -andllate for the flrat place in the world. No beam of pleasure ghone on any face. Inatead. everybody seemed to be grave, aa lf in the pres mee of some unknown and threatenlng danger. Thls palnful feellng waa hroken by a neweomer ln the throng asklng Inquiringly: "Who Is Bryan?" At flrat there was no reeponse; then a heavlly builr man replied: "Why. he is the "Boy Orator of the Platte,' don't vou know." "I don't want to have anythlng that eomes from Platt," said the neweomer, and he turned on, hla h?el and walked away OTHER DEMOCRATS DESERT. J. 8EROEANT CRAM TO HELP ELECT M'KINLET. VT. R ORACE. E. BLJ.ERY ANTygltBON. JOHN A. ST'f,IJVAN A.VP COLJ.BCTOB KILBRETH DEVOr'NCE TTTE PUtTTORM. Ex-Mayor Wllham R. Grace. Who?e peraonal fol? lowlng among the lndependert* Demonrats of thls elty ls large and Influentlal, was certaln of only one thina poUtlcally laat evenlng, and that was that he SaSBld not Burrport any candldate nomlnated on the free-?llver platform adopted at Chicago. "As hertween McKlnley snd Bryan. I prefer Mc? Klnley No honewt Demoerat can vote for Bryan. Birt I am not ab'.e to say to-nlght anythlng beyond the fact that I am againat the platform ot the Chi? cago Convention and whoever stands upon 1t. What will be 'he pollcy of the Derrroorats wlth whom I affV.ta'.e will be better known when Mr. Whltney. Cor poration Counsel Scott and our other frlends return from Chicago. We shall have a eonsultatlon when they get bark and determine what we ought ro do." It ls BCaresly fotir years slnce Mr. Grace organlzed the great bolt against Hlll and hls Snapper Conven? tion. A Demoeratic bolt agalnsit th* Popullat-Bryan Tlllman Conventlon st Chloago ls llkely to be organ ir.ed In New-Vork wlthln fhe next few daya that will o\en-shadow say bolt known In thla country slnce 1SM. J. Sergeant Crim, ex-Presldent of the Dock De? partment. sachem ot Tammany Society and one of the most promln?nt membera of the Tammany Hall General Commlttee and of the Manhattan Ciub, gave notlee last evenlng of hls purpoae to vote for .VlaJ ,r MeKinley. "Kvery honeat Demoerat will vote for MeKin? ley." aald VIr. Cram. "What ls left for them to do? No re.spe.-table clt'.zen ean aupport the abominable platform puf forth at CMssgax My mlnd Is made up. From now until the polls close ln November I am for Wiillam McKlnley, of Ohlo." E. Bttery Anderson, the ex-president of the Re? form Club, who has been for years one of the mos: prominent Cleveland D?mocrats of New-Vork, and presided at the ceiebrated Reform Club din ner at whlch Bpeaker Crlsp was prevented from maklr.B the address he had prepared. aald last evenlng that he must refuse for the flrst tlme In hls llfe slnce he beeame a voter to support the candldate nomlnated for Presldent by a Demoeratic i mventton. ?It's a goo<l thlng they have glven us." said Mr. Anderson. "Pul up a red revolutlonist wlth a r?d flag and ask patrlotlc cltizens to aerve under such a bannrr! Good Demacrats can have no hesltation ln ImocUag dOWS a candldate llke thls. I will not be found ln such company." Mr Anderson said that he could not aay yet what tba Democrata of New-Tork wiu do. Tsey must wa.t. he added. until their frlenda eanie back from Chii'iigo making a programme. John A. Sulllvan. cx-Collector of Intemal Reve BUS, snd former presldent of the Bustn.-ss Men'.. Democratlc Associatlon, said last evenlng: "I am mucb dlsappotnted at the result. It ls a hard thlng f<.r Democrata to depart 'rom the traditton? of thelr party ar.d oppose its nomlr.eea, but I aee nothlng left for us. ' Ex-Corporatlon Counsel Wllllam H. Clark. for several years a Tammany sachem an<I Tammany EialPa legal adrlssr after the exodas of ff. Rourke Coekran, said that he dld not thlnk the Demoerats of New-York would be found working very hard for the Chicago ticket thla campalgn. "We cannot support eandidates who avow principles that are dlrectly opposed to Democratlc tradltlons." said Mr Clark. colle.-tor James F. Kllbreth, who was one of cieveland's llrst appolnteea under hla second Ad? mlnlstration. was extremely eautlous In expre*?lng bla -entimenTa He said. however: "The platform adop'ed 1? repugnant to Democratlc Ideas. I do not aee how Democrats eai aupoort eandidates ln ac <-ord wlth sueh aenilmenls " -a, VR CLEVfct.A N D MAKEP NO COMMENT Hl WAS OIT rielllNfl WHRN BBYA* WAS BKINO NOJflNATKl'. IVttxard'a Bay. Maas . July 10.-Presldent cvve V^nd. Joaeph Jefferson snd Private Becre'aty Thu' ner re turned lale thls afternoon from i? flrlilng trlp down Busaarda Ba> The party etartrd eariy ln the foroiMMa. a ii iiswi--|?- - ?* ??>? Oray Oabtae aaarly ln tfw *-*__*ig aad i Pysaiaaiil had anytbing to aay as to the notnliu-ttos. ot Mr. Bryan or tba platform adopted by the Demo? cratlo Oonventlon at Chlcaao. _"Tba Prasldant," aald Mr. Tburber, "wtll hasa ncChtng t? Bay with referenos to th* matter." Bul'-Une had been recelved a. l/rtef lnterrala aM tha afternoon and th* Prealdent and hla party read rbam hurrledly on thelr return from thelr flahlng trtp. BRYAN'S CHARACTERISTICSt AK IMPRE88IVK ORATOR, BUT TOVNCI AND PRACTICALLf UNTRIKD. ma NtnmrATicor attribitco to k_b um. J? tion SPTwrn?_____M_M_ rm>BH?4Tr8 ia THB Wa__n_B8l BTATES. Oolonot H. L. 8wordB, ?erg*ant-at-arma of tha Republlcan Natlonal rommittee. waa ln' th* elty yeaterday. Colonel flarorda. who nomlnally e!a__8 a home in lowa, although h* haa _us.n*BB con> neetlons ln the Baat. knowa th* TVmocratic noml? nee for Prealdent peraonally. although h* aaya tha eoquaJntanc* la sllght H* has heard Mr. Bryan apeak severa! Um*a. and aaya that hia at .My aa an orator haa not he*n overdrawn. "My r*eoll*ct*_n of Mr. Bryan ts vivid," remarked OsloSMBi Bworda yesterday. "H* la a man who looks much llk* Mc? Klnley. That la. th* outlin* of th* features ls ths aame. Hla face la nulrk to rospond to each en_> tk>n; hla v_hV* la w*ll modulated and penetratlng. He la foroeftil and elegant ln gestur* end __-_?_? m good lmpreeatori when h* speaka. H* lr well known through th* West. and is somewhat of tho aame hom_-lo\Hng. ktndly ?-nr!_man that Major McKlnl*y la, although h* Is far from havlng ths exp*rlence or th* grasp of affaira that th* Ra puhllcan nomlno* for Prealdent po*s*a**s "Bryan, aa I rem*mtoer hlm. waa thtn and aome what frall ln appearanc*. bnt I am told hy tboas who hav* e*en hlm recwtly that he haa grrvwn etouter and that hls increased welghr glves hhn a look of aolldlty and also adds fore* to his ges'u?*?. Ther* la no doubt that th* 8p**eh whlch he made ln the Conventlon nomlnated Mm. lt was a speacb that Just sulred hls a.iflien.e Tr Is the mort r*? markable nomlnatlon that has ever be*n mad* hy any party In th* T'nlted St_te*. I thotiKht. and thought *v*r alnc* lt was apparent that the sttrer men would eontrol th* f'.invenflon, th*t ?tr. Btand would b* th* romlnee. The nomlnatlon of Bland waa fo b* expe. r.d. for he hns been a fatthf __, earneat, plodding. p*r?iatenf snd tlMess ad-vocate of the fr** colnag* of silver He wa* th* logteal eandldat* of a free-sllver party. and I doubt much whether rhe aubstitutlon of a younger. perbsps a more hrlllllsnt. but a par'leularly untrled eaivH date, wlll meet with favor !n th* eyea of tha Democrata who have been preachlng fre* allver fhr many yeara "Bryan waa practloally an unknown quantify pr?? vdoua to th* Conventlon. and the tlm* that he ap? peared upon the ataa-e to make a ep**ch H* haa been prerty wel*. known through th* Weot. but bs eould hardly have h*. n sald to have a Kattonal r-.puta.tlon. H* haa b?*n looked upon aa a oomlng man ln the Bllver party, and had a repiM__k_n aa a k?en and forclble dehater, but hla maln rep.natlon waa bullt upon his oloquence. This nomlnatlon wlll turn th* saarohlight upon him. and he will h* found an earneat, hard-worklng. btilllant hut untrl*d poM tlolan. He haa b*en painstaklng and has followed hia cr**d perslsten-tly. I do n_-r thlnk rhat he caa be *l*cted or that th* people wlll indorse his rreed at the polla this fa.i "In lowa. for instnnce, which th* fr** cottaairs men are claimlng aa thoir own, I do no. thlnk that Mr. Bryan can poll saougb vore* to carry th* __-_:?. I w*m to lowa Immedlitely after the St. Loula Oon? ventlon and took a long ret-1. I talked wtth ths farmera and the laborlnc men, and I muat confeas that th*r? la a atrong silver s*ntlm.nt in Bh* 8tate at present, but I thlnk tha.t it wlil m. it away when ihe matter ls earefully ar.ued. as it wlll be ln tbte campalgn. The silver m.-n have gond crops. flno barns, plenty of stoek and _o on. hiK they comptain thait they have no mon .y They think they caa get a lot of cheap money. The fallaey of the whole matter wlll come out when the issue j_ clearly pre rent*d. and I thlnk that nearly all of th* MMdio Western Stateg. normally Republican, but claim ed by the Bllver men. will remaln true to the party. "The nomlnatlon of Bryan Is a etartllng surpr__a. I do not think that any one In the West ever thought of hlm as the poeaible nominee. It ae*ms to b* a clear can* of trtampede. Hls youth wlll mllltato arainst hlm, and rhe fact that hls whole reputation reata upon words more than deeds wlll weaken him. He will be an easy man to beat. He came to tha front llke a ro. ket, snd th?r* ls a great deal of tho spe. tacular about hlm, with a'.l hls Btaadtnaaa. arid I hard'y thtrk rhit he wlll atand the flr* to whlch hla party wlll he euhjeeted." MRS. BRYAN' APPRECIATIVI. THE WIFE OF THK NOMTNEE PATS BHE WIUK AID HER HT'BBAND IN* HI3 CAMPAION. Chlcago, July 10.? Mrs. Bryan. wife of the nom! na*. who la a small. modesr-liviking woman. had a seat In the gallery to the l?ft of the epea-kers' stand. When it was poaltlvely known that her husband had been named for th* Presidency .h? was surrounded; by admlrir.g frlenda and h^artliy consrra'ulated. Bh* thanked each one plasesnfly. and thr.n ighout main tatned a qu!?t demeanor that lmpr.-ssed thos* about her. To a reporter ahe sald: "I thlnk my husband will try to deeerve the great honor theae men have . onferred u|?on him. I appr* clat* lf, I assuffa yiti. If hl* wlfe'? ald Is of vnltio ln th* ervdeavor ro elecr him. he wlll hav* all poaal bl? asalstance from me." -?- . WAS BRYAN A TRAITOR? bland's n_i*_\*r>s srpp->s_T> he WAfl woR_rn_a FOR THE MISSOfRlAN* Chloago, July 10.? W. H. Hatch. of HannlbaJ. Mo., who waa chalrman of the <"ommlttee oat Agrlculture ln the Houae of Repr*B*ntattvea, I-ITId ConBTeea, and who wonld d_ubtlee* have be. a Beeretary of Agrleulture had thlngs aon* Mlssourl's way all along the llne, started for home to-nighL On the way to the Btatlon he was aaked by a r* porter for the 1'nited Pre_s for a atatement of oplnlon on the work of the Convention The fact ls," he responded, "I have not got over Bland's defeat. and am not oonscioua of posseselrg an oplnlon. We did not In the leaat antlclpat. aue__ an Issue as Bryan'a nomlnatlon; a*e suppoaed ha waa here worklng for Kland." -?0 HOW IT STRIKKS SENATOR VH.A8. HB 8AT3 CONSERVATIVE SII.VKR MEN ARl FRIOHTENRP HT WHAT HAS BBB_B IX>NE. Chlcago. July 10?Senator Wiiliam F. Vilaa. ot WlBConsin. was ask.d Just after the Convention took the afternoon recesa: "How do*s the outcome strlke >?.,,;. Senator?" "Just about aa it haa done from the flrat. It I* a culmlnation not desired by the . onservatlv* allver men. and th*y are frlghtened at the s;tuatlon." "Wlll the flve dissentlna- del-ifate? from your StahB b* able to carry out thelr promise of delivering ths vote of Wi*consln to the nominee of the Conveii tion'"' ? I do not care to say. furrher than that th* condt> tion makea It very dlffleult for us to carry -BS Btata for aound money. The re*ult wlll dep. nd upon tha action of the State Convention called to meet Sej^ tember 3 If It doea not nomlnate el.-ctors th*n 18 will b* plaln Balling." Senator Turpie, of Ind.ana, upon whose motion, aft*r wlthdrawlng (lovernor Matthews. th* nornina* tion of Bryan was made unanimous, on the way to the train for the clty. declln-d to talk. G. V. M*n zles. hls aasoctat. deleg_:H-at-iari.e and vlen-chair man of th* delegatlon. raap_aads& "Baa you iaier." to a re^tueat for an expresfllon of optntoa upon nominati_n. They had Just left ;. m.-.-trna of tne deleaation where J. Otl Shanklln. Kd.tor >f T.i* Evansvil'.e iviurier" an.l tx Becratary sf Btata had been chosen memt>_r of the National t'ommltte* in plaee of S. P. Sheerln. for _!xtf-en y.-ars seoretary -rf that organiiat.on. The v ,:e was 17 to 13. Althoujfb there were only four gold men ln the de>g_.t_on, the wlshes of nlne srlv.-r men overcame con>*bl*ra tions of policy and tbey united wlih the gold men oa votlng for Sheerin. -O S1BI.KY KRBVBRD BBCOMI) PLACB. fhlcago. July 1') - When the nomlnatlon of Bryan be.-amo an a*_urf.-d fa.-t this afternoon r*prea*nta? ItfSS of various State delegatlona called upon Joseph C. Bibley. of Pf-nnsylvanla, and off*r*d th.-'.r supjor. for the nomlnatlon of Vlce-Prealdent to hlm, asBurlng hlm that If he woul 1 consent to ac.-ept the nomlnatlon there would li* no contest agalnst hlm. "But I toll them." sald Mr. Slbley to a reporter for the l'nite.1 Press, "that I feit I eould not do th* same good servtc. for th* cauas at the foot of the tlcket as nl tbe head or aa a pHs vate in the ranks, and decllnrd to permlt tny narms to be uaed." Mr Slbley l*ft th* clty for hom* _? an evenlng train. _ _ Have It curea Constipation, Sick Hcadache and Bilio__nr_. in auch a gentk, cotxing way thal the unpleaaant rcaulta of more active renvt-ica are _vo__*__ ?? > -.;. !>? .w.?_ t-'l U'H'Or. "IT T4^_5TES GOOD.T0a?