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VouI.YI N? 18,143. NEW-YORK, MONDAY. JULY 2?, I8!M>.-TWELYE PAGES. -MCE THREE CENTS. tfANT THEIR OWN TICKET. fO?ULI8T8 OPPOSED TO BRYAN sjtfOCBATIC LBADBM HURRTEPT.T CAI.T-KD TA > PT. LOUn. ?j^-cT OT AN lNnoR-SKMENT OF THK PHICAOO VOJfIVTrES FV-.tNO. AWAT RAP1I>I.T-Rr> Irnrtv or thf stttation py a sot-th ERN POrri.lST laTTlNNINO ANT thino r?rv>x*nAT!c - ri'TTi OMBW rr>R rr.Rsir.KVT. [BT TKI.E1RAPH TO THB TRtBtN'r 1 ?t Loula .Tuly 10?With the arriva'. of a tafgfJ mber of the delearates to the Popullat Natlonal Convertl n II la becomralng rr.ore and more rldent ths* the proicramme of the "Western en triU?!?S''s who have been plar.nlnR an unrondb llona! iBdofaetnaBt of ihe Ohicag.-. plaform and ?,(.(.? *!','. ^'ic.itintcr a very eerlous and for idr.l':? realstane* Withln the last two days ?ntrm,>nT ln f*vor or" tho nomination of a e*?p ?,. Kat onal ticket and the traintenanc* of ? k. pre?-: ' Popullat Na'lonal organlzatlon has ? n itaelf ao vigoroua and pronounoed that ?ajre i? " *" ';,':" ,>r no llkellhood of the capture cf r\"\' We needay's convention by tho hurrah jjrtl s ? atl eaafully employed hy Mr P.ryan's ? .. . ai i k'rs m stampedo the Chkag-o fA..... - - ? days oajo s,,,,.x rXJrVLtWTA AOAIXBT Pf'.YAV Wh?n atfled to tba bott'.tn. it ls found that the ? o* thfl talk here in favor of the aeoei.tanoe f. .??.? Bryan-Brwall tlckel without conditlon or qualifi'-atlo" *,;'5 ,h* rnerging of thr Populist. - and Democratlc parti.-s int > a slngle or? ganlzatlon for tbe epproachtng oampalpn omes from primlnen' ex-Republlean and Sllx-er party Jeaders lr: th- Wenteni States rather than from rsraK?r.? ..? -vi. Popullat organization proper, whlch ha* had Its freest and most permanent , nt ln tha South. The aooepted rhiefs v'thrr th-- Populist ranks aro, wlth few ascep l, eithei v".,irm toxvard the project of ln 'icket nnd platform <>r are ?,-??? ? rltterly opposinp; it The more radlra] ar '. Bgajeaalna party 1-aders. like Tau l*n?. k. of Illlnois. the chairman of the Populist Hatl r, il Commlttee; "Cyclone" Davls, r.f Texa? per.aror llarlon Butler, of North Carollna, and Ns'lonal Commltt^eman McDowell, of Tennes? see. have declared openly ln favor of malntaln Irg 'he present Natlonal organlzatlon bjr noml r.a"rii; another Presidentlal ticket than that chosen at Chicago. TI"e more rons?rvatlv? and conolltatory ele pier.t !n the party. represented by Sennt'T Peffer, gf Kansas. though frlendly to Mr. P.ryan's nnml r.fttton for the Presidency. stlll ding persist^ntly t ? the 1d?a of pr'-servlng; the party autonomy by puttlng a P'.pulist electoral ticket ln the fbdd ln every Ptat. TBE N'".nRAtK W> nUjBNlsl. Only the Western and N'orthwestern delepa t'-ns. headed by Senntors Allen, of VebraatUL, and Kxle, of South Pakota. ivlnforced by su.-h Popullats as Ptewait, of Nevada, Teller of C lorado. and Pubole of Hnh->, aro standing; . || f'.r a eonplets abandonm^n* of the pnrty < rgnnl7.ation for th? oominir oampnipn. and ab poluto roalltion with tho Silver nnd Demooratlc partt?s ln nn effort to eleot the candldate chosen | v Tillman, Altgeld and thelr followers at Chl (?irn. The ntifcnrr... of th? contest between these three ractioiir. be tne poputtaH < amp is now rravelv ln doubt and lt Is safe to i.redict oniv ? -n. ronvontlon wil! refuse an uncondlttonal lemenl of the rhlcasri nominees and wlll ? allv Inslat on a coallti'.n whl.h xx ill grlve Hy P ipuMat T'arty ret,resentation on the Bnan .. ? ral ticket in each Sta?e, nnd. ir The evertt ?ss. insure the ch j! e ..f a Populist for th? Teaidencr. There <-an be n-> doubt that th-' stronf flpbt b-tns; made by Ifeaars. Taut.e ajork, Davls Butler nnd McDowell for a aeparata pl -ntlal platform and ticket and the ad vocaey by Benator Peffer and hls followlng of ' el. toral ticket acheme har? prearly ? - 1 the fri?rirjai nnd backers of the "Boy Orator," who bava been confldently hoastinft of lllty to stampede the Conventlon to hls mpport 8T ..\"" AXD JOSwTB T*BjL*TX?l?APfTED F"R of the Populist and Democratlc mar ac-r? l en a h i realbwd the character of the op ; n whlch wa* developlnf to tbe Indorse r?-- - .-? ? ? ? telearrapbed yeaterday for Oov ?raor Bl of Mlssouri. th??n at Jefferson Clty, *ho is underatood lo be ona of th? moat trueted n ln thla Btate of i^ryan's intereata, Qavern - Bt ne tooh tha nrs? tra'.n for thls clty, v .-- ? ', n' once to 'he Plan'-rs' Hotel and conference wlth rhe Popullat leaders. ?> to the UoverrKT's offb-lal posl four of theafl leaders, blCludlng Messrs Tavbenech and McDoarell. went to the Pianters' - ? - ^ 'he requesr. and ft conference laat '?ng more than an hour was held Ir is under r"*A to have i.^en rarh?T st?rmv. Stone ls a BMB %ho -an bulldoM or crinee accordirs tn ?Btsj ft ;- h- found tbe Popullat mnn ar?r* so obstlnata and x.el] fortifled that he eoaJddat thlng wlth them. At tha cloae of the 'a.k Oovernor Stone telegraphed to Benator IklBM K .Lro-v. .hairman of Ihe Democratlc ?tee. at AVashlnirton. that hls rired ln St. Loula at th~ earllest ; n: ?> -. egrama irera alao ^-m to tn ar a doaen other leadlng Democrata over rme here aithout delay. within i*o hours & reply was received from Mr Jones, ?Thli ? tak- the e\-eninj? train for St. rrive hen '..-nlR-ht. A For: ioxe CON 'I.'SI'.N QOBi ASTRAT. The i ? ......'. nndoubtedly r* m ? aerloU4 frorr* th* Denio'-ratic- j-.'.lnt of r'*v Ir I.a. >_-.!. c onsldore. by Gorantor Btone ?M Mr Bryaa'a repreaantatlTaa here a foregoae the Popullata would etrnply meet *f'i a; pr .- - rh- arorh "f tba Chleaffo Conventlon. ?''1 for T**j;_i. ro make th-m a "ePOWB of Iftrtli a ,_ cr,,Sj n? R(ii(j ? orat),,n aml.l frenel-'l .. ry of a gtrong <lrlft of ? toward ?i ?:-j,ara... Natlonal tl^k-t has '**?_ i rlolent Bh__k to tho i?,y randklata an. **8 '1' lupportera. Senator J< and waiuor Btona art] ap____ to-morrow arlth the ta ai I .:' .-r |?a__e?_. trylng to head off . -1 mov.rn.nt an?l s.t-ur- a ? fuaion ntrleh shall not tnclude the ? electora, a. l-ast !n tha Boutbarn *Ut?_ Ha'or McDoweH, one ,,f tbe partl-ipai ts ln the 5 ? ? eoaference, is oae o_ tba most irteiilgent *^',1 a-'- - ol tba "Middla-of-tba-fUMuT ??iBn ? .; volcea 'ht- Bentlment of the Boath ** ^-'"???'x'.'.r- wh. geneimll) oppoaa tba bt ?araaaaeni ??? tbe Brjwn-BewaJI tlchat ** " :! :'"' *l. ' ..'r.e OP l.ere OUt of thf ?"Jth arlth a four-artha majority agalnat ln ?r8lr'K i,r Hryan ai<l the Chl. ugo platform." ??i<l h. to-daj io a re-p___e_.t_.tKe of The thi. J1*. "but we wili ha.-- tba artive .o-operatlon ?'*_?._.,?..., of tt,.- daftevatea froen n,.- Nortb ??*. OflJeaB H.rneihlnt urifot.-_.-en .hall hap ,,,"' ,his ?*?"?-* BbOBjd .ontrol the ConvOfl ??? l have to daj heen aaa ?r,(_ .,v frlenda of ^?n that lf ?-? m-akeuny ..?t of a platfom r4?, arT an'1 ?:"n*inate Um ?r, lt he arouM thla ^ *"''' 'h< n""!lnt,i"r> I Btm'i aay that but ?.'"'"*" ^ H d,r*C< """*'" " f""'1 Mr BfTBB, ?doae eoaa from ..-ntW-men from hls own Bertlon who nre rlnse to hlm ani who nre under stood to be In Bome d.'gr.-e hls personal repr a?-ntatlves. DICKBMNQ FOR COAIJTIOM "But our plan in to make a platform an.l to nomtnate a tt.k. t. The candidate for the Pre.l deocy wlll probably not ba Teller, it was our original Idea to get Teller nomlnated at Chlcago an.l to get a platform whloh we eould ratlfy at St Loula, and thus make a roalltton. In that we falle.l The l.e.nocrntic SenatOTB eould not , carry out thelr agieniiiiil with us We worked i very hard i , a.-complish the coalltlon. Some of ; the deiegat.-s at chicago treated us eourteoualy; 1 many did not. Hut that matters little ln a p-r scnal sense: ln a party sense lt may matter more. (.'ir und-rstandlng with the ao-colled silver Senators was very dlstinct. T'nder n<> e_r cumstance. would the\ accept any Iiemocrat who mlght he nomlnated by ihe Democratic party. They would only go to Cht.-ago and work for a roalltton candidate, and falling to get that ! they pl.-tl_-.-d u.i the\ .milil .ome I.a, k here to St. I.ouis. 'Hir flnal agre-ment _as reached with them after the sllvei bolt ln tba Republlcan Conventlon, and *.vas to 1-t ni us.- Mr Teller'e name and form the basls of a new par.\ per manenth ; to lnclude free rolnoire, ar.-l of courae \ the elementary prlnrlpl.-s of our own party. ; They thought thnt to form such a unlon with the T_?m>? rats they would s.t'.i l.e oaaociated with gold mer. and they hnd Just lefl ihe Re I pul'llcan party to get rld of 'cold-buga ' "These silver Senators are all to l.e here at I our Conventlon Iltit Wi have informatlon from ? them that as the si've- sentlment In the N'orth v;-. st is so nearly unantmoua for Bryan they ? wlll l.e unalde to rontrol thi. section foi Mr ' Teller. and Ir. fact I dout.t if Tell-r will now ! permll the use of bla name. They ean't, there i fore. carry oul what ihey honeatly d.-sired to da We have that straight They hnve _.,.* <-_ I rh .' th-v nr- g .int; to wltbdraw hlm. Ir, fact. we don't know deflnltel) what ihey are Rolng to do when they gox here FRTT1GRKW FOR THK1R LEADER But should Teller wlthdraw ..r l.e with 'rnwn it ls not at a'l llkely that the calltlon Idea wil r.e obandoned Tou probably have notlced that Senator Pettlfrew has it. tlie last few- davs left the Repul.Hcans and he. ome a full-fledaed PopU list Ther* la eonalderable meanlr.g. I think. ln this The Benator mny or may r.ot kn>.w that he ls now. since the new turn in affnir. relating to Mr Teller. belng very actlvely, though qulet ly. talked ahout to head the Popu lat-Bltver tlcket. He would make a verj Btrong candldat ? ln the Northweet, and would develop th.- party'a strength in ihe South. wHh a good aeleetlon for Vlce-Presldent. We hav< n Tenneeaee candi? date, the Hon A. L Mims. of Antloch. near Nashvllle. a very excellent man, who would prove to he a deatrable candldat.- He. llke moat of us down our way ls nn oneinai Democrat and ls a thorough repreoentatlve of the prtncl plea of our party. So it Is not by anv meana unlikely that the ticket. should the element tn favor of a .-p_r_-_ tlcket and rm eontrol the Conventlon, wlll bo Pettlgrew nnd Mlma BCHEME r>F THF. BRTANITES. "There ls on* polnt I would like to ha. ter underetood." continued Major McDowell. "and that is that the Idea of ratlf-rig the ean didates and platform of the Chlcafo Conven? tlon ls very objeetlonable to the Kr-_* rr ? the Popullst partv. Thos- who want to BUpport Bryan wlll advocate hla nomlnatlon on a Popu? llal platform as an Independenl act, as though he had never been heard of at Chicago, ao that. as far as thev are eoncerned. he would almply be the Popullst candidate f,,r Presldent pure and almple. Now. my Infotmntlon satisfies me that 78 per eent of our peopla from the Northweet arlll come here to support that propcaltlon. Ru'. mark my words. fcir-fifths of th- Bouthern Popullata and one-fourth of tlie Northweatern del.-Kates Wlll co-pe h-re fleter-nlnc.l to make _ I pUtform an.l ivnilnata a ti-ket out.ide ot the i nomlnatlons at Chicago. ?The silver men of the Northwest are now ? realizlng. or will he made to r?aiize, thst any i nominations made by, sav. one-half of the : eat ?_ in .his Conventlon, would. Inaure th< - tlon of McKlnley, and they ar- not new demand Ing. as they ar flrst did. ihat we should tak Mr Bryan and silver. bul are beglnnlng to dla r_iss how a unlon of force. mav t>e made lf w_ go ahead ar.d make nominations wlthln our own party PROPOBED DIVIBION np Et,ECT< RB. "Bome of theae leadera of tho Weat are now proposing io dlvlde electora between our tlcket and Bryan ln order that there .ha". not be a aplll in the pany, the Popullata to have their proportlon and Democrata thetra, and both par tlea to support the some aet of electora If this is effected it wlll hold the Popullst vote together to a man for the -;.-< tora thua a*reed upoi remiit as 1 believe, In the electlon of th? joint electora an.l. of courae, tbe defeal of Mr M< - Kinley Whether Buch a roalltlon on electora carri-d out when we meet - b iuci that muat yet t-e aettled, as there ar- aome lead ? | | npullata who are oppoaed to an> htnd of n or coalltlon with the Democratk party, l.ecause we hav- no falth ln thelr pledffefl or promlaaa to have enocted into law the prh thev have put in thelr platform. One gi\-en hv thf* Popullata ?*ho oppoae a coalltlon is that the gold standard Cngressmen and S-na t, rs wlll Btlll har.. the right to a volce ln tha raucuaefl of the part. . taking as an excua record of the Dem -eratlc party lr. the Lgat Con- j gress. whe-i th-y hnd nearl. one hundred ma- | Jority in ihe lower houae and refuaed to out by enactm. nt into law th- verj '..rln, Iplf on the money question for whlch they are now con tendlng. WANT NO REDEMPTION MONET. 'There Ib Btlll another ol.jectlon urged. anl that ls that the platform made by the Bllver a ing of tha Democratlc party. an<l they were in the great majority.adheres to redemptloo money,whlch the Popullata as a part.- do not believe ln Therefore Popullata do not occepl as Popullal doctrlne chi.ago. Popullata believe that the silver quee tlon is a verj Btnoll part, and <>ne ,.f the leaat conaequence in the flnanclal issue. Th-\ don't . -hat free allver alone wlll l.ring proeper Ity to the countr. Th- vital polnt with u -. of the .trculating medlum by the uae of legal-tender paper money, bas. d on the credlt of the Oovernment, (ual as behind 'h- Na? tional i.ank laaue ar- boaed We believe 'hai to recognlae redemptlon money means to eontlnue th- ayatem of redeemlng paper money ln gold thua forclng the contlnual issuanc- of infereat beanng bonda to keep.up :h- gold reeerve whlch Wm believe must flnally result In Buch a hurd-n of del.t as wlll hankrupt the Oovernment. We hold that if all mon.-y -gold. allver and paper ls mada a legal-tender for all due*. publlc and private ea* h th- equ__l of 'he oth-r. this difli culty arlll be < bvlated And thla eondltlon la noi met In the chicago platform." BENATOR BTEWART POR BRTAN These quotatlons from Major McDowell give a pretty r!-ar vi'-xv of the difflcuiti-s Whlcb must be amoothed out in th.- next f?ur or Ilve days bj tho pucaled leaders of thr Popullat organlaation Senator Btewart, of Nevada, who. though noml? nallv a Popullat, la nol a delegate to the Populist but to 'h- Bllver Convention. ls sure that I wlll be eccepted as a unlon bj all tbe ',.'..' colnaae forres He aald to-day: "Bryan wlll recelve the Popullat - ipport In tba Btatea wblcn muat I- carrted in order for him to ***** u.,? ??it? ali tbe blmetalllaU ln the \x eat If an Independenl nomination ahould be made here ll , oniv make tbe Populist part] nd. if the ooDoeition to the gold atandard -h..uld di ,i. in thla pampalgn. it xxiii never be able to ie" together. The onlj way for the Populleta to hold tn ir strengtb la lo support Hrjan "thej nominate another man rhe rotetl wfll leava '*' "understand there ls great oppoaltlon to Bry? an ln the South That xxa- 10 be npoctetV lu* a" img as the oppoaltlon eoonea from the Bouth Tt is of Ilttle eonsequence The Bofjtbern Popu ''sts will rote for Hryan whether their leadera ISt hli. or not The western Popullat. want him nomlnated at thls Convention. am ther- la no doubt about hls recetvlng ihe unlted support ..f the allver men la ths fTeettra Btatea CONOREB8MAN TOWNE'i BOOM Somethiiig <-f a break la the Bryaa forces fr.,... ,),'? West and Northwest occurred when a amall TtTnTlatird ob Thlrd Ps?e M'KINLEYGOEH TO CLEVELAND HE WILL TAKE PART I.V THE CENTEN KIAL CELEBRATTOM THERE. aftku^ vr.r, nr wiu, visit Hotnrr tnnoM col !_____? AN*1> TilKN RRl RM H"ME F<'K THK -i'mmi-r im.av. ron bfcakkm m THK CAMPAION Canton. Ohlo. July 19.?For the flrst tlme since his nomlnatlon f"r the Fresi.lency, Major Mc? Kinley wiu leave Canton this week. The preooura up. n hlm to \ other clties for the purpeoa of making speeche. and partldpat ing in eelebm* tlons of various s.>rts has been persistent and strong. Fifty towns want-d Major McKlnley on ihe Fourth of .luly, and lf ba had given heed to half the reuqecta whlch pour?-d ln upon him h would hav- had BCOrcely an hour at home since ; the Bt Loula Conventlon. To-moiTOW Major Ml Kinley expects to go to Cl.-veland. and ll is not probaMe that he will re? turn tO Canton before Thursday afternoon His promlae to ... to Cleveland to tak- part in the cent?nnial exercises ts of long standlr.g. and th oceaalon ls ?n<- of dignlty ard lmportance. the purpoae of lt belng to ..bserve tn a flttlng waj j the lmith annlveraary of tha settiement of the v\-,.?t.rri Reeenre VTrilnraday ls Founder' s Day, and on thit day the formal cere monles occur Major McKinley has not beet, to Cleveland to v ? ialn longer thai a few houra for some w..ks. and he feH-* that he ougbt to apend a f-w daya among hls h.-st of frlenda In city. There will be a gr-at many people in Cleveland. too, this week, from all part. of the country. and Major McKlnley wlll wanl to tnlk to some of , them on matt-rs rclRflns: to the eampalgn anl 1 its conduct He leavea the detolla to the man agemenl of Mr Hanna and th- commlttee, in all ' of whom he hns pr-at confldence; but no im portant step has been taken wltbout hls advlce and conaent. Aft--r parttclpatlng in ihe pnbllc funetlonfl of Founder'a Day nt cleveland. Major McKlnley wlll go t<> Alllance <>n the day followlng. to spend a f.-w- houra at M >unt Cnlon College. This wlll finlsh his little tour. and he wlll be back tn Canton 'hat night. where he wlll doubtleaa stay : untll he g..-.s to the annual encompment of the r Army of the Republlc, in Mtnneapolia, ln Kept em ber H- ma) ru . up to Cleveland occoatonolly, but lt wlll be f'.r a sin .!e niKht or a few hours onl\. Major McKlnley doee no propooe, If he can help \ it. to be turned fr >m hls purpoae of Bpendlng Ihe tlme between now and electlon at his home He is atlII averse to taking the stump. and think-- rha- th-r- wlll be no ? " raaion f-r him ; 10 d. BO The H. puMlrnn" expe. t to coaduol a strong apeaklng eampalgn. Major McKlnley'a mana ger?. in 'o.iking over the iist of available apeak ? -rs. flnd that :h>-. have more than fl ft > men of wid<- arquaintance and eatabltabed reputatlon upon ?"hom they < an call. In addition t , these well-kri.,w ti "apellblndera," there __r- I.V) men who hav. reputatlona hi th-it own and neigh boiing Statea for rampolgn oratory of uncom mon excellence Ex-Prealdent Harrison Sena I i* Poraker, Thomas R Reed, Benator Thuraton, Charlea Emory Smith. H-nr>' Cabot 1. -if -. Oeneral Btewarl L. Woodford, J P Dol I Hv--. Penet. .- Bherman, Governor Hastincs an.l ????;. M Depew wlll be -xpected to do the heavy w,,rk. Alreod) th-se men hava recelved lettera from ecorea pf citi-s and commltteee % them tO make speeches. but It Is likeiy , th.v when the Natlonal Committ-e ^-ts to work ?- headquartera all arrangementa for meer Ingi arlll be made tbroufh the medtum of ita Reverol rommlttaea hnve been to see ex-Rrest d-r." Haniaon, and a numb-r hnv- called upon S-nntor FtimhoT tr ls underatoori tha' S-'.i: - Poraker ha- promlaed to go to Mie Poetfle alopa ,-,nd tha' Oeneral Harrls. n wlll mak- a tour tln .ugh aome of the Weotera state. Major McKinley has had a <la. of unlnt-r rupted raat to-day For the flrst tlme alnce hls natlon there arere no r_i]ef. ..f note. and I e ,. H. :,)i.. to '1> ?'?? the da* to his own affalrs. .).. i ni atart with Mra. McKlnley at noon to ? for Cleveland, where tbey arlll be guests of Mark Hanna untll they r-turr tO Canton on Frlday Mr Hanna goea to Chlcago te-nlght, III be .'.T-k m Cleveland <>n Tueaday morn ~... n aftei Mai-.r McKlnley returna to Can ' t,.n he wlll Bel to work on hla letter of accept I ance. FBEE 811 i ER IXD ' BE \P WBI8EET. MAOISTRATF KIT'I.t'lT RF> '"MMRNr-S THE OOI.n ? ? T" A WHITE MKTXI. BHOUTER Rlchard Hayea actlng under the insplratlon of numen ' Bowery whlakey, an.l w*ar . . bearfng a plcture of the "boy orator," pted t i srgue in favor ol free allver at Canal . the Bower Bi i r ay night ?rwiu' lOo'olock liirrih for Bryanf he yetled, aa he waved ht-. aboul lr. ? ? alr He soon had a crowd ,.-. und blm, whoapplauded vtgoroualy He cllmbed up the lron lattlce work of oneof tim eievated rall - road plllnrs until he was above tr.e t.^a.'.s of rh? ? ? . :???.! ? Fr.-e sllx-.r li Ihe Btuff f?r rr... Boya whlskey Avill go i ram In ;?"? - when we *-,-t free stiver. ae wlll have two .irink.-. for a nlckel. Hurrah f.,r free Btlver!" "Hurral ' snawered back *om.i rowd. Three rheers for Bryan " he B.-?id ln response. Offlcer Hoefllng, of the Bldrldge-sl Btatton, eatna slong st 'i.r- moment, snd, selglng him by th< ea ifllaat down to the sidewala i ? er! Bllver! Hurrah for Mry.r.l He had part lal!) sobered ip when arrnlgned In *ex Markei ' . irt ? ?-?? rdaj tead of vellinc for silver. lr would have oeen more aporopriute fot you to ha\" uaed your ? ? (Old c,,re.- said MagtStrate ' h ns he imposeil a fhie of tl Havlng nelth-r nor | he rouldn't pay his fine. Hayea Mrrtle-eve., Brooklyn. iv w ROB U rB FALL. HE r- BAVED PROTSl instxNT i.Ex-il nx ai.mht i\r, nN sixii ramden. N J .Tuly 19 (Bpeclal).?TlN grear erowd of merrvmnker" a' Waahlngton Park, or. tbe Dela? ware. |uai beloa Oloucester Clty w.i* thrtlled thls evenint: by tbe fall of Charles Raymond. an ? ?| m hls psr '? ttex he had maii? ? ntly suecessful sscent. Ii* fell . feet. ar.d. besl ken hlp, re t tbe head whloh mny cause hl* death. He wa? hurrled to Cooper Hospltal. hut the ? there ar. sllght ehsnces of hls re , overy mond whose name i* really Wlliiam Sfevens. .- ? Norfolk. Vs. He has been making dally u enslona at the park. nnd taklng darlng pera .. ,. pa He fell laol sumrner. nearl) josing hl* llf,. ., . . . he has ' een eompelled to Jurnp ,...??!, ? ureot helgtal Aai tbe hallooi - s iflcended at 0 o'clock to-nlght fully . were WHtchlng l.lm Wh.-n lr ha.i reach. ...?,.? Raymond ? ssl hi- i li ? g turned over In th. i *rachute fslM to llll properly, snd when , .' ?a* srlthli about aeventy feet ... nth. trapese The aeneral expectatlon was thst Raymond would bs ? hc fell in soft Band. Hnd . i instant death BOBBBD I* ' 'TY BALL PARK. Brnesi KmettVI. ' N ?'-? CWaa-et . Jeraey Clty, Wi.nt ... ? baack in Olty Hall P?rk Clrda , ilt'. evenlng When :.- asroke and atteatpted to con ? ,, illver sa'-'h "? '"?"?! that ll had dieap 1,,.,, \,.Ue.i ip bc saw Lotrrfl Peecolllo, twenty-flva yeara old, ol Bo B Cberry-si . burrytag m ? irard Prankforl-sl l'..rk i-oiicman D .... near i Br ik' irti >i \ andewat.r ^ The uat-h iraa I rvered. bul th. prisoner eras locked up In 'he <>ak-t statlon. ? I 81 1/1///' tlOUB FOB BIB8I0NABIBB. OM orehard, Ma. July rJ -Tha mbsaleaarlaa' oaaja mer home WU ' '? l ? ' ? ?'?' ' rr- "n Jt w" ,..^cted l.v Mrs rharl-* Otaaa, .f B.ilMmore. aa a daugbter and has heen nnnol .Mlnn . - Ifl Rt ' There ??.? large tmonfl these who partlctpated m -ri. serrt m .. H*y Dr '?>-. li.-. :r: fpr many year. . . r ,i,.rt- ? -a- Oonetamlnopli ., , immlngi - mi-sionarv fp.m .. Re. J M Aleaaader ot th. Preabr Mliiflton Indla Mlsa Chamt*?rUln( mtssloa r'.-kev. and rhe Re. Isaa .McCana, of the Boydton .Mi**uiurv InaUtutS *' Mrglnla. DUG IT A POT OF GOLD A STATEN ISLAND FARMER BTtJMBUM OM A BURIED FORTT'NE. Bl BAW THF SIDE OK THE IRON RF.< F,PTAn.F. IN A BOLB milCII RAD PF.F.s M.\r>E for a TP.oi_ L.EY FOIM Tiir: MOXCY, HE THINK.. WAS UDDSM HY HIS FATHER IN THE FIFTIEH. Panlel Wandell. a well-known farmer, who llveB in Rlchmond Road. Cncord, Staten Island, cn Baturday dug. _rp a pot of golden cotns. whlch e?i__.ped the attentlon of laborers who had b?en dlgglng a ho]e for the erectlon of a trolley pole. and whlch for thlrty years had latn under the side path over whi'-h pedestrians ! tratnped every da\. Mr Wnndell has llved ln the old homeotaod for Btxty years. whlch for nearly a rentury has been the home <>f fn'h-r and son. F'anlel Wan d-ll. sr, was a well-knowo farmer. rredtted with belng a hard worker, of a savlng dlsposltlon. and with a dlatncltnatlon for putting hls weaith In savlng- banks. He dled In the fiftles. *>n Baturday ih- workmen of the Mldland Rall? road dug a hole ln front of Mr. Wandelt'a home. The house Is rlgh' on a bend of the road. whlch at the polnt la rather narrow. In order to leave room. rhe waa lo be plonted adjacent to , the fence llne. Th- men dug the hole deep. and when they lefl Mr. Wnndell went outotde to look over tbe work. In looklng down into the hole he dlacovered the aldc <>f an old pot He bethc-ught hlm--lf of mon-,- whl .i waa supposed to have been hldden about the house. c.ettlng a Bhovel quickly, he dug the pot out Taking It Into his yard. he opened the eover, and a maaa of gold rotni m-t his aotoniBhed g__e He put the monej away, bul told the Btory to his neigh b.,rs Th- amount la auppoaed to be large. and. wh!'.- Mr!"!' odmltB that such ls the case, for some reoaon of hls own he refuaea to teii tbe exoct amount. |fr Wondell was seen last evenlng by a Trlh une reportei He eold: "II la true that T found 'the money and ln the manner descrlbed. The trolley men dug the hole, ard I went OUt tO l.,.,k at It The hole was rather deep. but Btlcklng out from th- Blde I saw th- edge of an iron pot. I managed to get It out. The pol was a round affalr, with a corer "n lt. I took lt aslde. and upon openlng I found tha. It was ..iled with gold coln. The pot and rr.etal showed plalnly thar It had laln where I found it tor many years The colna all bore the date of forty years or more ago, and were of the colnage ot the I'nlted States I don't care to say e.actl- how mu'h money was In the pot t.ut the aum waa a larsre nn*. lt,d?d. It waa not small by any m-ans. When my father di-_ here at the old honv-st-ad, back In the 50a. I knew that money was hldden some where. He had worked hard nnd was of a sav? lng dlsposltlon. He often said to me, 'If you take as much pleasure ln spendlng my money as I do In making it I wlll be eatlafled.' and he kept on hoardlng his earninps "Thlrtv yeara .-._?'? mv mother dled here. and I thouuht th?-n fhat the lost money would turn up. Hut ir dldn't I looked everywhere, bul I eould not flnd lt. 1 was still aure ir was around. bul where I eould not tell. I often reset my f.n,.. poata and dug wlthln a foot of wh-r- the pot wob found "I have put the money ln a safe place. No, I ' won't say how much was ln the pot. for reas<>ns of tn\ own. I know there was a large sum, and that is ail thar is neeeaaary, Not even mv fam iiv kr.ov the amount" Mr W?rdel'? frlenda and netgbbora have been congratulatlng hlm on hls good fortune. He !s weii-to-do and has man. frb-nds <>n the island. ; Hla family ls one of th- oldeat there. CVBI0U8 CA8E OF L08T TDEXTITT. HERRERT C BPBKCER, OP LAWREMCE, KAN., F"r'N*n IN PH1LADELPHIA HE IM^ WO REC OLUBCTION "F HIMSELF "R HIS FAMILY Phlladelphla. July 19. -A curlous case ?f loss of ntemory wns marte publte yeaterday by th? Identtty of rhe rktlm belng dlaeorered On March I a well<dreeeed young man accoated a .oll-eman ln the Btreet and told hlm thar he wns losr, and had no recollectton of wlio he wns or where he ratna from. The man waa aober, perfeetlj rationul. and, ? 'ro.-ri hla loaa of memory, well balaneed m-n t.-flly. The man's entlre paat llfe was com; -r.i.ll at.-.l from hlr> mlnd. nnd he had no r rion of anythlng prlor to tha time he apoka 10 rh.. pollceman. H<- araa sent to the Phlladelphla Kcapttat, snd. as ha waB well edueated and remeaabered whal I ? _ rn_d 1 - w-,- rn.1,1- elerk to the c-hi-f phyalclan of ihe instlttitlon He waa c;?ii-d "Oeorge Brant" and untll yeaterday waa known by rhat name Tea terday Dr Roblneon, ol Lawrence, Kan., a young reeldenl phyalrlan al rt.- hoapltal, happened into the chlef physl lan'a offlce and recognlsea Oeorge" H. , '. ||ow ton oaman an l coll. ga ? ira of hi.- own named Herbert C Bneneer Bpen er la tha aon ol - ?? ? p Bpencer, of Lawrence, Kan., and th. hla family heard from hlm waa ln Washington, D C on January _7 last. Mr Bpencer, "-nio.-. ls ? ? r hla war nere to tak. hla aon h< m- - rer'a dleeaae la known aa amneala, or mlnd-bltnd . .v Bpencer h.i? rio ree. Il< tloi of Robtnaon, and ,'. | thing of hla paat llfe wh.n H repe ted to hlm Dr Eaaterly, ano.h-r townsi in of Bpencer*! alaa Identlfled hlm. THE WILI OF BBB. 8T0WB. Hart! rd Conn., Julj rl The wlll of Mrs. Har i rt^tt R.-e,-her Stowe wns almltted to probatfl Batur i da) afternoon Bhe leavea all her property tn her thre.. .-hlldren. th?- Rev. <"harle? K. Stowe. Miss i Harriet Stowe and Mlaa Bllaa S'owe, the son to have one-thlrd an.l th. balsnce to ba held ln tr'i*t. ' rh* in.ome for rh- support of th. daughter*. At the death of the aurvtvora of elther the princlpal i is to go to tbe son'fl descendanta A large silve,- (nksrand glven ro Mr* BlOWfl by the women "f Engl ,nd. at..l ? i-shln"' of slgn il rea ? ? owncd men and women, an beejueathed to tha ' son. A silver walt.-r. glven to Mrs Stowe by the women of Engiand, ls left to Miss Harriet, and a i allver cake t.asket, alao glven by rhe women of ' Engiand, goe? to Mt*. Eltsa. The gold bracelet glven Mrs pjtowe by 'he Duchesa of Butherland la [ glven t,, Mr. Btowe'a daughter Qeorglana, Ifra. Allen, of Boston, i,o? deceased Mrs Btowe'a i collectlon of plctures la to he dlstiibuted equally be ] tween the chlldren. Her resldence ln thls city, valued at 110.000, la glven to the daughter* The Wlll 1- dated November 3. LM Her aon aa egecutor ha* flled an Inventory of the l estate. sin.wins the value of Mr* Btowe'a property to he 142.303 PL A V 8 rn I, TH E XE \Y BATTLE-BHI FB Ws.srttr.gton, July 19 ?Among ?he important mat? ters thar have made neeeesary a week'a poetpone rn-nt ef Becretary Herbert'a voysgs of Inapa on the Dolphln are th. plana for the thre. now bettle-ehlpa and rnirteen torpedo-boate, the oon tra rta for which. la aee irdanca wirh tba ? I ' Congreaa approved on Jun? 10, must be a?arl..i wlthln UO daya. That llmlt will rxplre on October 8, and as aome tlme had to b? allowed f.r ean and conatdertng ?hr propeaala, 'he adver tisements srblch had alroedj besh issued called for opening the bid* on the r.irpe.lo-boat* OB tember 14, and oa the battle-ehlps four days later Ilans ani apeelAcattona for tba torpedo-boata, which are tr, b. of three elaaaes, mak ng re epeetlveiy 3>x 22W ar. i 20 kaota bave already been prepared fot eight Mddera who have applled for them, anJ <*h!ef Constructoi Hlchborn ls e u.ndent that tba rlrawlngi ind lets - f the I itt ? w ;? he i.i p isscssl ". . f the >niy four .utaiiirsn menu la ths rountry .-apaM- of auch ing ? .-K later rrian Auguat I Tl entlr. resources of thfl Navj l?partm?-nt hav- been -rru :.-I to thelr utmosi to *xp?'lite thi* work. ani ?* aoon a* ;t I* out of th. wav a gaaeral effort l* to be ma ie to haaten the completion of eswtlng contracta, BoaSS of which ?r. behlndrlme BUOAB PLAXT Bl BNED HY JXCBNDIABIEB. N*>. Juiy l8 ?A dtapatch from Doaatde vOa Le., ?ay? that the Bouveair Bugar ReBaery, rhree BBllea fraaa tbat plaea, waa aaacroyad by flre ahOUt 3 a'CSBCk this m,.rn;ng Several hundred har rel* of a.igar and muny tank* of**e? orare .lr Btroyed Th? loss i* aiwin ITS.,**, The Bouveair i* owned by Mr OoMebaua, of th.* ettjr, and l* one ,,f th. flneflt *ugar plani* In the aiata Tlie ttfa wa* uudoubiedly Inoendlanr. YEXEZUELA TO MAKE REPLY. HER AN9WER TO THE RRITISH CASE EXPECTED TO-DAY. A BmrRISE SAin TO RE IN ST'.RE-A change OF FRONT FROM THE PEFENSIVE TO THE AGORESSIVE. Washington. July l.-Somethlng of a sensatlon tn the Venexuelun dlspute l? -xpe-ted in a day or two. posslbly to-morrow. wbOB B r -pcrt ro th Pollock nrgument. whlch pr-faced th- Hrltish blue book. Is dellv-red to the .'omrnisslon an.l niad puMie Btmultaaeouely la thla eouatry .ml r.ngiand. l*p to this tlm* the ag'nt. ..f th- < . r.. m-n' have contented themseh-s with putting evl dence before the Veneauelan c0mmission ..n.i polnt ing out the numerous alleged InconalBtafielaa and fiilse .le.hictions ln the Hrt.ish eaae, bul atnce .Inmes j. storrow, of Hoston, haa becoma aaao ciated arlth Mr Scn._-.-s. ns Veneauela'a counsel. the -ase has l>een whipped into legal abape, BBd B brlef has been praporod which i? BOdeTBtOOd to handle I.ord Sallshury, Professor Pollock and fhe other Rrlflsh lawycrs and dlplomnts wifhout gloves. It ls sald Mr. Srorrow hns Utterly demollebed the vl-nl t.olnts of th- HrlMsh cont-n tloa nnd turne,] Professor Pollock's favorlte argu ments dlrectty agnln-t Lord Snlisbury's corn-n tlons. In hls few months' conncctlon with th- eaae ita entlre conduct hns b-en changed frooi one of de fenoe to thal of most vlgoroua aggreealveneee. It ls sald rhat Mr Srorrow- wns Beeured ns asBoetate counsel ,.t th- BUggeatlon of _e.retury Olney. whoae rlaaa mate he wns nt Harvard Law Behool. In addltlon to belng th- chlef legal edvlaer of th Hell T-iophon. Company and oth-r great eorpora tioi - Mr Btorrow haa alwaya been ? deep Btudeni ln tn.ernational l_w ard foreign BlTalre. His llbrar.- includea ore of 'he f-w coraplete aets ln this country of the Royal Oeoaraphleal 8. nuhllcatlona and he wns ? pnrtl'-ii.nrn onthe win ning ?ide of the contreverey between Onna ami Lawrence twenty yo?r* ngo, over rhe charge of plagtarlsrn in edltlng Wheaton's Internatlonal LAW -m~ CLAPP SPOOXER IIT'RT. KtCOCKED DOWN AND TRAMPLED RT A HORSE IN RRIDOEPORT. FEAR." THAT HIS IN.H'RTE.- WILL PROVE FAT.VT#? r>NB OF THE REST KNOWN MEN IN* CONMBCnCCT. [BT TEt.EORArH TO THE TRIBfNE ] Rridgeport. Conn., July 19.?Clapp Spoor,er. ex-Mayor of this dry, and ea-vteo-pteeldent of rhe Adams Express Company, was knocked down and run over by a prlvata feam here to nlght, Just as he was about to board a trolley cor. Mr Fpooner sufered a fracture of the right hl. bone nnd two r1bs, and grave feara are -n tertained that lnterna! Injurles also resu'.ted. He ls ov-r seventy-three years old, and the ln Jurl's. - omMnert -with the sho. k. mnk-s recovery almost tm:"ssi.,|e. Mr Bpooner OCCUplea a palattal home on Oolden HIU only a few yarda away from th-* . . _ne of the accldent. He left hls home about 8:30 nv lock to vislt h frlerd. He was Just ahout to board the car at the foot of Oolden Hill ?n Maln-st when a splrited horae dashed up the _itr_?.r, strlklng Mr Bpooner ln the sid- and throwlng hirr. to the asnhalt roadbed. Th- horse stepr.ed on the prostrat- man. and but for the actlon of a number of byatandera he would have been trampled to death He was removed to hls h'.me, and Dr Rlodgett, hls famlly phyalclan, summoned. It wlll be Bome da\s before the physicians can tell with certalnty the rhanceB Of the patient. He was r-snng romfortably to nlght. under the eircum?tanc-s Clapp ap^tn-r te a Ritlltonatre, and one of the hest-known men of the Pta*.- H.> BeTTed in the Legislarur. and waa twtee chosen as the Mayor of this clty. For nearly twenty-flve years he was tdentifled with the Adams Express I'nm pany anl aerved several terms as vlce-preatdent Fout years ago Mr. Spooner and John Hoey, owlng to a 'lisagreement ln the Roard of Direc tors reparding a transaction with the Bouthern Express (* ,mpany, ln wblcb Mr. Hoey, presldent of the company. was also interester_, were re? moved from offlce, and a large amount of thelr property pla.1 under at.achment. Mr. Bpoon? er retired from actlve bualneaa puroutta at that tlme, although he stlll retalned hls Int-rests with a number of Siuthem railioads, ar.d is a dlrector ln several of the banks of this city and vl-lnlty. Brook Lawn Park. one of the largeot and handsomest parkfl ln this clty, Is the prop? erty ? / Mr Fpooner, and a f-w years ago he opened lt to the fr-e us- of the publlc. Al Ja.-ent ro the park he laid out several th.'tisand i acres of ground for the us- of "The Country Club," which is patrontaed by tbe wealthy reel dents of this city and vlclnlty, and on whlch the State tennia and golf tournamenrs ar playe.i Mr Bpooner Bhowed hls generoalty to rhls city ln many ways, b-tng one of the most i liberal eontrlbutorfl to charlty H- has also large property tnterests ln New-York, where he had an offlce th? greater part of his llfe. It was but a short time ago rhat Mr Bpooner'fl diffl cuities with th- Adatns Expreaa Company aml'-ably settled. and over S..'".imni worth of his property releaeed from ntta. hm-n- He hns 1,-eri Iti feeble health for rhe laat few years ? m ? 1XJURED IX THF C0LLI8I0X. TOCTCd WOUAS't X.F.'I rRACTUnED BRIN THR nCRRTBOAT KEW TORK ANI' THE VALXJST OIRL RAN TOOETHBR. \r\9* Jesala Reed. tWenty-tW I yea r< , ?; '. who llxe* with her father, Ikcob A. Heed. at No ?l Morton-*f.. had her right leg fra.--:,r..i laat night In a eol I between 'he Unlon Perry Company'a boat Xaw-Tork and the iteamboal Valley CMrt, of the Btarta LhM Bhe wa* a ;>asseriger fr m 'rien Is'.and on the latter boat, whlch, tn attemptlng to mak- a leadlng at South Plfth-at., Brooklyn, ths oaptaln ?ald, wa* \ the Rew-Tork. whosa pUot araa steerlng for the Grand-at slir., In Hcoklyn afuia Reed was broughl to .'ortlandt-at.. thls dty n the Valley Oirl, where she wa? attend B -..- i. L'Abbe, of Hudson Btreel Hosplta Bhe wa-i -nken h,.me ln a coach BTUDTINQ ELECTBICAL DEVELOPBENT. MK-r.A TKSI.A AND rillFF P.Sn-SKP.n MRI.VILI.R AT KIAOARA, Niagara Kalls. N. T.. July 19-Among thfl visl tors in th. .-ity to-dax were Klkola Teele, tbe elec trlclan, and .'hief Englneer Matvllle, <<f tbe l'nlted Sta'es Navy They came to look over the Hee trtcal developmenta here Mr T>-*ln. ln an ir,t?-r vtew, said tbat he wa* Impraaaad wlth tbe great work here He said rhat of late he had been working to perfect tba s\st-m of long diatance trat.smt-.-ion. and be now regard ed tranemtaaton aa an ebsoluts succeas and certalnty ? n was both |K)s?ible an.l feastble that etectrtcal , power would In ths no dlatant future t,.- traaa I mltte.l great dlStsnCCS at probably or.e-haif the t preaent eoal of steam power A-ke,| as to his syaten Of teleijraph wlthout wlrea, be .md he had nothlng new >et ?,. kp... oui though he araa working on lt Th. >am?- an-v..-: wh* glx-eu when th- aubject of artlflcUl .unltght wms br"a. hed Mr M'-hlll.- said he was simplv here to see fhe Improvementa lt waa propoaed to Improve th. electrtcal devlcea ln tha Navy, bui nothlng had been decided upon, nor Wu? there anjtt give out. THE CBOLBBA tN EOTFT. r'alro. Ju'.x 10 There wera yeaterdaj la 'i.e mili I ,r\ ;".*r* t>.-txveen ASSQUSB aad KOSlM ri LtSt, I aacl. of cholt-ra, and Ut deatbs from thal dlseaaw. EXFECTTNQ TBOUBLE WITB UIXERs. Terre Haut-, Ind , July IS Trouble ts expected at the Htar Cltj Mine. ln Siilllxin i'ounty. to-morrow. when an attempt will be mn.le to put to work Im ported mlners to take th.- pla,-.- of men ln the bltumlrio.i* fleli1? wbo went out on a *trlk.. May l. Th" last ttuM miners w.-re brought Into the Btata durlng ?. atrtka waa to thls same mtsM la aaa ",, whlch occaslofl ,b> ii.-ightK.rlng farmers irove them awav and lt i* egpSCted tlie. wlll dothe same iniw The Imported nilner* come from Illlnola where the a. ale |* lea* than tba, ofTer.-d by Indiana operators. j The BCene of probabie trouble lb where the (lov ernor seat the hiIIIUh ln Wi to uuell ?*rloufl trouble. [ KILLEI) BY HIS BROTHER A CHARGE OF MURDER AGAINST > TWELVE-YEAR-OLD BOY. fatal, RBBCtVT or a TCMUI fiKTwr.EN HJO i>ad# I'OR THK POBBBBBIOM Of A kUggasefA MaSK. James c,rifrln, twelve yeara old. ia under the care of the Oerry Society. a prtsoner charged I xvlth the murder of hls slxte. n-y.-ar-old brother, Joseph. Joseph xvas utabbed xe*rerday ln the region of the heart wlth a penknlfe ln the handa of James in the course ot a tussU- f,,r the pgga SeaefcW of a l.aset.ali mask. About 1 o'ciock [ yesterday afrerni-.n James and hls brother Joaeph left thelr home, No, :*1T East Elghtv elghth-st.. to go to Central Park to play ball. When the bojn got to Rlghtv-slxih-st and F.'O ond-ave. th- two brothera began to .(uarre! tor th- peewajaadoa of a baaebaO ma.k ?rhteb Joseph was carrying. t.gether wlth a bat and a catch ?rs iflove. In the struggle whlch followed Joseph was fata'Jj stabhed In the left breast. nnd 1: Is belleved l -t tho penknlf- xvhlch Jamea ms'1 in Rtriklng th* blow p!<rced JooepaVfl heart. Aft.r Joseph felt the kntfe l.lade sink Into hla fl.-sh ho released hls boM of th?? n ask snd tha bat and the glove and started irroaa the street to lfeyer*a drugatore, at ?eeoasaVave. and Eightx slxth-st . and asked the clerk. Frank stens*. ** ho waa ln the st.T'-. to tr?at him As there a as no phvslcian In the drugs.or-. S?nse led fhe boy around th- c.rner to I?r Miller's offlc*.. at No. 242 Baat Klghtv-slxfh-st.. .ihout two door* eaat of tha drugetore. Dr. afUler saw ar a piance that the ia,i hai been fnraiiv Inyared He ptav ssl him upon a eot nnd xvas in the act <,f g.-rtlng the boy to tell him how he had been Injured when the lad explred. Dr. Mlller then lnformed the Toroner's offlce. and also sent word to the Eaat Elghty-etghth-et Statl'in that h? had th* dead body of a boy who had been sta'.hed. THE POLb E INVF?Tir,ATF. Pftptaln Iiean and Poltcemen John N'ilon snd James I.lston Immedlafeiy started out to ln xestlgare the case. James Grfffln had l?ft tha scene of the struggle and p'.st hasfe to hls home. but upon reachlng there dld not tell any member of the famllv xvhat had happened. Ho merely said that Joaeph had be.n hrirr and waa ar |feyer*a drugstop*. The knlfe wlth which James had done the stabhing he carrled to hla home. and xvhen he reach-d there threw It otjt of tho window Into the yard of the adjolnfng h ?-.? The r.riffln family conslsted of James. three sis-.-rs. ail groam; Joseph. xvho xxas kllled, and th>- mother, a ho is a wldow h-r huahand havlng l.n kllled uhile at xv..rk at his trade as a Btonemason eerht x-ears ago. Affer James had told of th" Ir.ttiry to Joseph. one or th- sisters went to th- drugstot-e and rh?nce to I.r Mlller'a offlo.., and Htere found hor brother dead on a coi.-h Bbi then returned ti?m* to break th* new s of Joeeph'a death and suheequently fo t-ll that Jamea had kllled him. Meanwhile Captain ind hla ofneera arrlved at the hous? and took Jamea ? , the statlon. There the boy pris . n r made rh- followlng svatemenr to Captain Dean, who had much trouble tn gettlng him to tell 'he rrurh: "I left the house xvlrh my brother to go to Central Parfc to play ball. When we got to Klghrv-slxrh--r and Becond-ave my brother J.seph had a baseball in his hand whl.h I wanted him to give ro me I had a penknlf* open ln my hand at the time and I made a grah for fhe mask and xvhile I -.vas Otruggllng tO get lt he knocked my arm up and then my brother on- otabbed xvith th? knife. Then my brother started to g" to a drugstor*. and I got scared and ran bome, and then I threw *h* knlfe out of the xvindoxv " RAfeD TO MAKK THE PRIS' ttBBt TALK Captain Dean says 'hat tn getting fhe boy to make the statement he had to use all sorts of threats. but, flnally. the lad after telling several contradb tory yarns, and upon belng threater.ed with a xvhipl'ing 1 y the Captain, toM the st .ry glven. Coroner Hoeber presontly xvenr lo the statlon and commltted the boy to rhe care of the Orry Boclety and took the knlfe t.< his offlce. Th" P'.ll'e say that all they knoxv of the or currence is glxen ln the prisoner's statement. They have been as yet unable to secire any wit r.^s< ?., th- stabbing They i,?.i|eve that the s'albing uas dono on The impulse uf th? moment and are of 'he oplnlon that the boy had no in tentlon of hurting his brother. Th- knife blale sank between rhe ribs ..???? r rhe heart Had the i lade fltruck a rlb .I'.soph's life xx-ould have been spared. Hls vitallfy must have beer. wonderful. as he xxal'T-d unaaaiated about two hundred rardfl to rhe drugstore and thence to the doctor's ..fii. ?? The boy had been etnpioyed by H. F. Wllllama, a phofographer in Hroalway near Thlrd-sr. The mother of the boys wa.s extrer.-.elv calm ln her gri-f The prlsoner xvas badlv frlghfened. lut dld n.'t weep when he learned that hla brother waa ?!? ?? I - ? BB. OLNBT AT THE WALDOBF. PF. ARRIVFS IN THR <~TTY "V HIS tVAT To BOg T^'X T>" ATTFVP THK FIVFRM. ''F FX ()< .X'KP.N, >R HlSSV.r.t.. Rioharl oiney. Secre-.iry of State. arrrved in tMB dty late yeaterday afteraooa ani went to th* Hotel Ud not regi*-fr, howexer. a* he, **M ? i -..I rr generally known thar he wa* ln town. -? ??? I'nlne ar rhe ho'e! he a-o.n- -he ear'y r*rt r.f the evenlng wlth frlends He hai no comment to mak-- on rhe propoaed srWtraltoa trcaty wlth Bag. " State. \ir ..Inev wlll gi to M aton '.h's mornlng ro the funeral of ?-Oovernor Russell, wbleh Mkea , , - -h!* afternoon. -a '> IT ANOTBEB CUBAN EXPEDITIONt Phlladelphla, luly 11 WTuu baa aeary roossoj* blan^e ? i fl latertng expedltton aot away from nPrff thi* morn'ng. Laat ? x-.nlng a flCBO uei-rlggOdl sr.-am jra 'ht anie ?o h: Delas ira Rrves off Cim lei S J. ani durlng the night about flf'y fix-e tnen a"i a aumber of hoxe* irere t il ah ard by a tug The yachi sailed early thla mornlng, be. fore any On. ould learn tnythli | -.v. >ut her, ar.l f-nlght' should be out to sea i' sn- st-ame , 1 re ;.y ' - De! iware I'ape* TO COXTROL THF BORAX OUTFVT. Chlcago, J-iiy 19.--A local paper aaya "ByadaoJ Whleh hns Just l>een < or?unim.'te,l be-ween tha repreaentatlvea of the P Coael Boroa CoBBe whoae princlpal oftVe |a In this c|ry, snd Re<__ erood .* Bona cheealcal manufactarera of Corn* wall Worka, Kenatngton i're-n nnd Reu-edere IftlLa, Relvedere, Kent, England, the boraa autput of tha world practleally paaieea inro fhe >,f one ln ternattonal company. to be known lr. future ?- ? > ;- ? ? Boraa and Redwooda Cheaaleal Works, l.lnilred !'.;. th- '-rrns of th- deal all th I landfl and bulldlnga tn the t'nited Btatea nnd al Betvedera. Keni and the prod ti ? ras ta l 'olered ?. N--\ Callfornla and Oregon. ll - - I a Btoeti lu machlnery, book accounta, utem-il*. toola and trade mnrk* appertalnlng to ihe bualneaaa - into contn I I i new . ompan. The tock la I2._BB.00I The princlpal offl-? of th* .-?* company wlll be In Rngland, bul thi- wlll aot nff.-t the Btandlng of th?- i...-ai braneh, whi.-h wlll r- maln In contr. i ol the outpul " X RY BBB JEALOUB //' BBASD. P. tkford, Ii: . July 19?.Iam-? Trench. a talloc, mel h:s arifa lr. the i-r-et in a fashlonable part of ?y this afternoon anl flred eight shota inte her !?>!>. ktlltng h.-r Albert Hsrk-r. ? pr .mlner.t clf.ien. was nhot in the wrlst whlle grappl'ng with l'r-n.-h. who ran through the atreets e'.tnl b!,_'ke ptirsii. 1 bv an angry mob ,.f three huiidred people. H '-1 I the moh ol hOS) 991 ihe r'ver front, where he wa_ ,aptiire,l. but aftar flf.n? .he contente of two rei Ivera Brttbetf aarlaui raawRfl he ehot him ielf through tbe he_.l and Juaaped Into rhe rUrar. Prench araa drseged our r?suac.tate.| and talter. t,. th* county laall thr,.ue_ the m >b. wai h male B.ronB S of lynchlag. Hls around la n .1 fatai, jr.,! ;sv wa* rhe cauae ot the murder URS I.FTITIi Yot EAB8. Toronto. .lulv 19 Mrs. I.etttta Y.>ii_;i"s, a 0_B__a known laaiperanea wurker. dled to-da) A pti funeral wlll to* hott ln thi-. dty uii-l.-r th- auspt ea of the \V ?' T IT, - m __ "TflE HENKKUT' PBSPBCT '"il.I.AR WOBjt TON. T.enedict Bro? . IH. Uroadwaj* ^AJvt