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Y?M,VI....Na I&250. NEW-YORK, MO\l>AY, NOVEMBER :, I8WJ.-TWELVE PAGE8 PKICE THREK CRNlf. MAJOR M'KINLEY SERENE. CALM AND CONFIDENT AT THB C10BH of HIi HARD CAMPAION. A nni.ATF.P DBUKUTIO!! PAIJ/i OX HIM BSFOR UAIXT- -OX1 MORg IPEBCH TO MAKB. A9 -: H'- CTTJITOM. TO li TS TO* i/i\v Ti)A'nsm::n Caaton. Ohlo, Nov. 1 (Bpeclal).- Major McKln? lay baa apenl the laal Bunday of the eampatgn ! Hka aii the precadlng onea?In ? qulel and rest- j fnl way. Ui ugh ? belatad delegatlon ralled and j 5h ok handa Baturday wm an arlu ua day, j an< Major McKlnlay waa pretty well w >rn "?; ? ? nlaht. Hf haa fUt. ln addltlon lo the labor. n II menl and ktraaa ol the campalgn. conald- | trable ap.xi-iy abont Mra. MeKlnley. *ho hn' - Vf.,r conflned to her bed wlth a eeld for ?*ve"' , df.v? (h ugh to-day ahe waa better. Notwlth- , rt.ndlng the hard work ol Baturday. Major Mc- ; Kini-v looked thoroughly reated and refraahed ; JoSay H> expectn to have but few vtoltm-abe- ; nvt,,n thli aad electlon. and bopea to maka but '"iVu'nlv nlghl the peopla ol Canton wlll call ur..?'hlmln a body aad be wlH h**^""*"; ltrM, bean bta euatom for more tbaa Bfteen L?tpapeak ln Caatoa tha nlght bafora the ?tuunn electlon. aad hla fellow-tuwnamen ; *Z* allllng to have him depart from U.I. Jrletka. Th? re ara i o dalajatl :ns expacK d Mon. . *?, from a dtatanca, aad II la nol Ukely tbat : tL, lm be many caller* Whlle Major Mc K.nirv dl 1 nol maka aa many apeechaa a* uaual : f' v:p<.k hehadtomeet and ahaka handa wlth ifaaSally ?rga number of peopla. H. hj. MLmd m lha elactlon drawa near. tbat the ; haraot.r.f the people wbo eome to Canton ha,^,.;newi-:a^. Agrnrtmaaymoruthaa ; tmmn, inatsl upon ?natag tha candldate. Moal Jtkaie who try to aaa hlra ln the Ubrary ure total ftrargera and have nothtng ol conaequence ?aay.andltcaatn rwdlly aeen what a rraye burden calli ol 'his Rtad m,iv l.oma. Major MeKmley poaaeaaea wonderlul health, food na taTaandpatlenee, but thara muat be aorna llmlt ev.-i to his manrelloua enduranca. or. Tueaday, Chalnnan aanna ta cornn* lo?a rrwa Ciaralaad to apend threa or four h?ur? wltb Maj-r McKlnlay. He wlll go ba. k lat? m the afternoon to Havaland. and recrtve tha Mil of tha Hectlon tn the Unlon Clab. ln tbat cltv Th^ talk Whlcb Mr. Hanna and Major MeKlnley wlll hava on Blaetloa Day wlll be the flrtt quw. aortal rbat whlcb thay hav* had for many montha Mr. Hanna haa baen hera orre or twlca. but hla vtalta wara wry harrled and hc had to ronflne his converaatlon to a dla eaaal m of tha aallani and praaalng baamaaa of tha eampalsn. . l___ THE RU8H To CAXTON A 1IAP.IT it lonks aa thonBh lha mah to Canton had be- | cnme a habtt whlcb eoald not be put asido 1m medlataly aftar riactlon. r>opla have baan com l?. hera ao fraqaantly, and la aoch lam num J,rr<? tbat the daJre to rench Canton has become aomMhtni ol " maahv and thare ar. Indlcmtlotia tbat it wlll be carriad ta a foollah axtramlty im mediateiy aftar the riaatloa. One of th. rallwaya betwaan Canton and CleTetand bas reeelved an erdar for twa ipeetal tralna to ba la rcadtoaaa a Ita Clevaland termlnal ataUon on T -day at mirtni^bt. and it ta propoaad to brtng aeTaral thoaaaad yalllnaj enthaalaata to Canton by - , o'dock Wadaaaday morninsr. Bome of the amall- j or cltlea Wlthln fifty mflcs of Canton an- ar raaainc to have apaclal tratoa, and expaat to g?t , here not lataT than aooa on Wedn? day. it \ t,w? tbat there i* w be a raaa for th* dtattae tton of Rn aarly arrhral tn canton. Thare ta no ,lllUi,t tbat tbta town wtn ba eraaad wlth natna ?nd exritement for foHy-alffhl houra or Dton hfter the electtoa, lf lha retums ara aattafactory. \ -!?. Repabllcaaa have reaaoa t.> think thay wlll he. Major MeKlnley gald to-nhlh thal ha boped to p.-t away for a waak or iwo wlthln ten day? aft-r the electlon. but thal h" had nol daddad whare ,,K1 go. Hahaa racelvad Invltatlona f. aeraral frlanoa. He naturally wanta raat and oulet ar.d is mnch oppoaed to roaklnf any aort Ol a tr!p Whlcb wlll t-rinc bim unduly bafora the poiicy of put bim m a poaltlon wehar be wlll l,. expected to maat and graal many people. Hla frtenda think thal ha is .-r.tif. d to raat. Ha haa .. idreaaed m <n than balf a miiib.n paople alnce ba waa nomlaated, and has ahakan handa wlth many thouaanda. He has now mada W4 apaachaa, and wtn in.r-ase tbat aumber by hall a doaen before tha and of the waak MORB THAN HALF A M1LUON VIMTOHfi Tha railway ofBdali c nnectad wlth the roadi eomlng lato Caaton have made a calcuUtlon. <111(i thay nnd tbat thay have brotight about Wff.000 people to Caatoa alnce the nlddle of juae on apaclal tr^ins. Thli doea not Include thoae who cama by the electrlc llaea or upon regular tralna Thay all came to aee and graal Major MeKlnley. Organtaed delagatlona have bean h'-it- from twanty Btatea, an-l there have baaa eallaw from every Bute ln tha Unlon. uistory has ac recard ol any candldate or put.ile man wh.> has had so lar?.' a number of people ecana to his own bome to < aii upon hlm as Major McKuuay has reeelved La tha laat flva montha. Major Mi K nlay la rarana ai.d bopeful to-nlght He has aaboundad coafldence in ihe Rood aanaa, hitagrlty ar.d tho patrlotlam ol the Amerlcan ffopie. Not for a momenl sii:1''' hla aoailuatlon has he doubtad tii< ultlmata trlumph of the Ke p-iblican iiarty. Ha foreaan the dlfflcultlea and the daagara from tha rery beglnnlng. and aal at work raaolutaly ta meet and conquar tbem. Ha lias racalved reporta from all tha dabatable States thls evenlng, and tht-y ai? of a highly en r?urajclnjf character. Ha expecla to recelva aub itantlal pluralltlaa !n all <>f tbem, with th<- poa ?Ibta excaptloa ol Kanaaa, and tha committaei and the managara ln thai stat.- ai" clalmlng u vlgoroualy. B C. Karena, the Republlcan mam ber of ? .? Commlttee from Mtoaourt, lalegrapbed to-nlght: "Mtaaouii la g.l ti^htinj: iround, and the Republlcaaa aeem '... bave about ?a evaa chaace thara." TO MAKK THRIR VOTEf COUNT. Major McKlnlay .ias racah'ad ln the laal f.-w '!.i>s arrltten and oral aaaurancea ol tupporl from a graat many promlaanl Bound Money Democrata Thara lami to ba a conalderable awremeal golag on amon< the Bound M nej Democrata Maay ol tbem bave baan allenl dur ing tha campalgn and refralned fn.m aaylni *hetber thay would rota for McKlnlay or for ti^n^rai Palmer, oul on lha ave of the electlon there ih reaaoa to beliav* thal Sl? par >,nt of ttaaj wiu vote Lha R pub'Jcan Notional tlcket. ? th>* h -,,,,, ,,,,t only a I MaJ Mi Klnley'a wta in the Klactoral C llere be large, i>nt lus papakir v.,i. ?lll i??- en< A dal ?-at|(.n of < - - ??>' attendtd aervlca at tb>. Firsi Metbodtat Bplacopal | t'iiun )i in a b idy. ar.d in t?i?. afternocn the rnem bers of the Uetrolt party eall?-d ln small gn ui>.i upon Major McKlnlay at his home. There wrre aa formai addraaaaa and the vtattora atartad for thelr home* ln the evenlng. Major MeKlnley, ln company with Mr?. Thoma? McDougall and John w. Warrer.ton, of Cincinnatl. was also preaent at the mornlng aervlces at the Flr?t Chureh. To-nlght Maj .r MrKlnley la In the beat of aplr Ma He aaid he could acaroeiy reaiize that the fght waa over, and that be had made nearly ' apeeeheH. Cha-inroy M. liepew snld when hf-n* that after aeatng the crowdi at Cant?w and faal< Ing the exrltement with whleh the alr Is chargad, he waa couBdanl h- rould not Ptand tl <? llf.- here lona>fr than a week lf bo had |0 d<> balf of what Major MeKlnley had baan dotag dally ataca his nomlnatlon. Major MeKlnley has bean raquaatad to preaa the button whleh ahall oet In motlon the maehln ery of the Tonawaada Tron and Pteel Worka on Tburaday next. an| wlll probably do ao. FOIl GOOD OR 1LL. A TIME T-oR PATRIOTI8M, M >T PARTIEB. MAJOR Bt*XIXLEY'8 BLOQCKXT WKECH T<~> ms OUD rnxsm tknvs KH'iM THK MAHOX INi; v.M.I.I.Y. CantOn, QklO, N'nv. 1-To the delegatlM from tho Mahonlng Vaney who ealled on him yeeterday Major McKlnley Mtd: I am more than grateful for and apprectatlve of thli aplendld demonatratlon from my old frienda nna conatltuenta Thla audlence l? remarkable, not in ita nnm^m, but in tho character of thoae who are here aaaemblod. It 1* not only an audlence repreaentlng ray old conatltuenta, bnt lt !s an audlence repreaentlng tbc homa of my Mrth and early manhood, and 11 la alao made ap of repreeentatlvceltlxenaof mylateryi ara Polaad la h*re (cheera), Toungatown is here (cheera), Warren la here, t!.e old town of Nilea la here, and horo to greet aa frionds of my boyhood and man? hood are the repreaentatlve people of tbc dty of Canton. Thelr volc s are minplinK wlth youra in a chorua of patrlotlam that atlra my hoart and gtoriounly auatatna the greal caoaa In whlch we are engaged. lt la a reunlon of old frienda and revlvea a multltude of awecl and tender mem orlea; for y u come from my blrthplace, tba homo of my bojrhood and early manhood. and tho 6>ar old town where, aa a boy, I enllated in tho aer? viee of the country.and you repreeent the eounty arhleh for aeven conaecutlva terma voted for me aa a member of Congreaa. Thla preaence re ralla precloua memoiiea, for here i aee many of my early, never-1 >-be-forgotten frienda lt la as a benedlctton from thoae we love You nr.- here for no Idle purpoae; you are here bceauae you have th?> ballol ander our glorloua free Inatltutlona. (Applauae.) You are here be cauae next Tneaday thoae ballota are to be eaat. (a volce, "For M< Klnley,") for good or 111 to our comnton country. What we wanl In the Dnlted Btatea la the rea toratlon of the glorloua proa lerlty of four yeara ago. Whal we wanl la the loat Job and th" loal w urea nnder whleh we have suffered for the laal three yeara and a half. They talh abonl free allver helplng you, bul you have labor to be em ployed. (A volce, "Tell "c where wa are golng to g t thla free allver from") You are golng to get this free allver juat aa you get your money now?by worklng f"?r lt. and In no other way (cheera), and If ail the allver of the world waa rolned to-day :t would be no nearer than lt la now. WANT THK LOST JOB Whal we all want now is to )iv<> ur to the f"11 poaalbllltlea of Amerlcan cltlaenahlp bjr worklng and votlng agalnal anythlng thal dlacredlta oi dlahonora the glorloua Amerlcan name. We have ao far i.n true to the precedenta and Ideala of tbe Republlc founded by our fathera, and have proapered nnd advanced faater than any other Government ever kn<<wn to man. We wlll con tlnue to thrlve and proej er If are are tru<- to theli Inepiring examplea and teachlnga and k.-.'p < loae to the greal princlplea of rlgh*. Juatlce and honor. it is nol th?^ mere laaue of free trade or free allver, dcatructlve and aubveralve aa they an- of proa ],. rity. thal ahould recelve your emphatle eon demnatton by your ballota next Tueaday, but the monatroua propoaltion that the Unlted Btatea aball ceaae to be a Qovernmenl bjr law?a laad of Hberty regulated by law. The first at.'P is Inaidloua and artful. Take cara it doea nol recelve m ch enrourapement an to emboldea Ita proaaotera to yet mora perlloua and threatenlng atepa. Thla 1s not a queatlon nf randldatea, but of conacJence; it \r mt a tlme for partlea, butf(,r patrlothnni ?nd tba amartcan peopla, If true to th.'lr ??-at and hlchoat !nt^r.^t?, a-lll bury all theaa raactlonary lendendea and propoeitloni onder ao overwhelmlng ? roajorltj that no eonalderabl ? \><^y of men wlll ever have tbe hardlhood to propoae them agaln. What >?.u want la tbe loal k>b. What you want li to gi t back to the payroll. (Criea of 'And we want Protectlon.") Whal you want la Protec Uon, as my frlend aaya (greal applauae), and you know how to get It. You know ? hat party gave it to you when you had lt. and you know yo.i hn\c had v.-ry llttle of a alnce that party wenl out of power. Now l am for t>." Amerlcan work ahop. We have bul one alm, one alngle alm, and that ia for th<- publlc good. ??ur doctrii.m bracea every home and fln alde In the land. II ia not aectlonal, it la not tocal, t>'it it Is general an I unlveraal. _ m ,, _. , __ ALL OF I 'M- CLABB. Wo d'in't bellevc !n claaaea in th^ Unlted stato.a. There la ju?t one claaa under our Bag and all of ua belong to it (cheera), nnd tha pooreel boy In the Mahonlng Valley, thanh Ood, ander our free Inatltutlona, can aaplre to the conflden< a and bonora of hla eountrymen. What h aplendld, glorloua Republlc we have! Noth Ing llke it under the aun; ona tha equal of every other, and everybody haa Just aa much power next Tueaday ns any other anywhera in the country. I remember the old eounty of Maho? nlng. when it had leea than 25.000. What haa glven you that larga advancement? <<-ii-s of "Protectlon."). Th<? argumenl aeema to have been made (Laughter.)Both roungatown and Mahonlng Val? ley haa alwaya glven ma th.-ir bearty and un aelnah aupport ever atnee my flrat electlon to Congreaa in l^Tf.. and }.a\<- ahown by the exer cise of thelr raffraga that they approved the princlplea whlch. for the timo. I had the honor to repreeent. They wlll remember thal In two rrwrt* th'-s<; campalgna have everythlng ln common. Flrat, thej have alwaya been for aound money, and aaeond, they have alwaya be* n for protectlon, Wa cannol get on In this country unleaa we do our own uork at homa and aend none of it abroad, ao kmg aa thera la ? alngle unemployed Amerlcan dtwen who la wllllng to work The progreaa whlch you have made haa been under tha protecUve ayatem, nnd i under t-ke to aay that no cauae has contributed ao mucn to produca this reault and to atlmulata olll. mtnea, faetorlea and workabopa, as auch legialatlon eonatantly haa. f? the pertod 1 have deecrlbed, Toungatown madehergreftteal atrldea In manufacturea, whlle \\ ,?i?,, k.-t.t nace wlth this ?.derful prog '"r "u- haa to-day more machlne-ahopa. fur L2L Sfd mblea^han ahe ever had before, wlth, nacea ana ??"*? " ** , gu.OOft.OOO of caplta ln ''V.Tn'iMlu; l,s 'ltha?rodno, of flS... v,.,u,i ?lM??n? proaperity touch theae l""i K^rtiea. andTtheldahonlng Valley wlll I* ;it '" ' , .' r before; a reault, to whlch, by gour^ltoJ'igt^ead'ay, y?u rsn eontrlbute. ISJUR1E8 CAV8ED BY A UVNAWAT. D7.|ta Mr Levy. of No sis levealh-ave.. vai ,,.,.,;.' BlonI jeroaae-ave. yeaterday afteraooa wlth hl, brotber. la ? "?ht road aagon. h< and i:ii? ... , colililoa arlth another aragoa drlvea by an unkaown aaais. arhea oppoalta Oae-buadrcd -? :??> ??? throwa to the , ,, i kii r, ,-- . a aplrltvl .1'i'Mi . i,ir, awjy. .'';;'?. V.,.. r* o:d. ol Na tfl ColUge-aye :... Irruaa* it" ovci urnad and Umai and nla UnghUr \ , tt wn out. 'i'-^ horae. ?,-.h aadJaualabed .'. ! kmi on h.? wi.d cirter up the avaaua and JlTbv.o Kmea BUbarg. of Na Ul Fuito.-.-*:.. arbo ?? ridiBa on hi* wheaL n<- waa throwa to :h? ?Vuad and Wa whwl demoli.h*;. Ali the lnJur*d w.r. aMendcl by a phyalcian from the Foraham HospltaJ. and a* r.ons were aerlously ir.jured. they all w*>nt h,omi. _^__ KlUh:i> 91 A FALL l\ A HOSPITAL. Vtetof Kry. an anglnear of Hadaoa Btrr.-t hm, i.itMi where be had been etaptayed for aevea reara, dled there auddenly iaat niKht from apoplaxy. la ,,?. aft.-r.n K'V was BttBed wttli .? II ?! apOptexy .nd tell down ti?> oallar ataira. fracturlng th?- aaaal bone and hto MmIL and au-talnlna; other n.jun.m, whlch reaulted In hla death. , Bverythlng kat med Eal and aurgkal aJUll could do waa hrought Into pUy to aave th.- man ? l?f-. ?*?"^?r**2%>l?r In tbe Inatltutlon. Rey waa thlrty-elgnt yeara old. and uiimurrkd. .1 \ TE-ELECTIOS E8TIMATE8. CON8ERVATIVE BXPECTATION8 BHOW A POPULAR PLURAUTY OF i.'.'.:.? FOR M'KINLET. fnr.ton. Ohlo, Nov. i (Bpeclal). -Joeeph P. Bmlth, ex-Ubrartan of < >hlo, arho haa been In Caaton dur ii^- iri.. campalgn ;:i>.i acth ly engaged ta cam palgn work, ihis evening fumlaht I the followlng eatlmatea of tha pluralltlea In tbe rarloui Btate*, tagether wlth tbe roen on arboae Informatlon tho eatlmatea ara taken: Al .1 ima, v. Illlam Vaughan, < halrman Republl an Btate Commlttee, Blrmlnghanv- Bryan, i ??"?"? Arkanaaa, II. M. L'.>r, ('halrman Bepubllcan Bt ite Commlttee, Llttle Rock Bryan, 50,000. Callforniu. Judge Jamea A. VVuymlra, Fran Ciaco- MeKlnley IC Colorado, Captaln A. C Bharpe, Cnlted Btatea Army, l>. nvei Rryan, 15,000. Connectlcut, John Addlaon Porter, Bdltor "Eren Ing Poat." Ilartford MeKlnley, 4!. Delaware, Henrj O, Morae, prealdenl Edgemoor Brldgc Worka, VVllmlngtcn MeKlnl y, 2.000. Klorida, Dennla Bagan, chalrman Kepubllcan Btati Commlttee, Jackaonvllle Uryaii, 10,000. Q.Kla, A. !?'.. Buck, chalrmnti Republl. tu Btate Commlttee, Atlanta Bryan, .'???..?<.. Idaho. \v. J. McConnell, Oovernor, Bolae Clty? Bryan, 7." ?> llllnota, Dr. T. N. Jamletson, roember Kepubllcan Natlonal < '? mmltti i. i 'hlcago McKlnb-y, ISu.OGO. Indlana, John K. Oowdy, chatrman Btate Commlttee, Indlanapolbi MeKlnley, . ,000. lowa, A. B. Cummina, member Bepubllean Xa tlonal Commlttee, Dea Molnea MeKlnley. 40.600 Kanaaa, Cyrua Leland, jr., member Kepubllcan Natlonal Commlttee, Troy MeKlnley, I Kentucky, Bamuel .1 Roberta, chalrman Repub llcan Btate Commlttee, l^oulavllle MeKlnley, i.WW. Loulalana, A. T. Wlmberly, member Republl an Natlonal Commlttee, N?-w-Orleani Both purtlea clalm the Btate. Malne, Joeeph ir. Manley, member Republlcan Katlonal Commlttee, Auguatn MeKlnley, 5o.ofl0, Maryland, Qeorge L. VVellington, member Kepub? llcan Natlonal Commlttee, Cumbcrland MeKlnl. 20,000 Maaaachuaette, willi-im M, Oaborne, aecretary Republlcan Natlonal Commlttee, Boston MeKln? ley, 100,000. Mlchlgan?Mark s Brewer, ex-membcr of <"..n gr< aa, Pontl ic Mi Klnlc y, 15.0 0 Mlnneaota, Tama Rlxby, chalrman Republlcan Btate Commltb c McKlnli v i.I#ooo. Mlaalaalppl, Colonel Jamea 11111. membor Repub? llcan Natlonal Commlttee, Jackaon?Bryan, ?>.oW Mlaaourl, Chauncey l. Pllley, chalrman Repub? llcan Btate Commlttee, Bt. Loula?Clalmed bj both partlea. Montana, L. <;. I'hei|i-, prealdent araterworka, Oraai i-'.i i !-? Brj an, !?.< ? Nebraake, fleorge \\. Poat, chalrman Republlcan Btai ? Commltt) e, Uncoln M Klnl \. 5, i Nevada. Colonel H. B. Maxeom, ex-Sunreyor-Gen ??!..!, Bi iio Brj ? . .'..!??'. New-Hampahlre, |\ c. Cheney, member Repub? llcan Natlonai Commlttee, Mancheatcr MeKI 15,000. New-Jeraey, Franklln Murphy, chalrman Repub? llcan Btate ' 'ommlttee, Tn nl?? i Mi'K inley, !? ??. Xi'w-Vi;ik. Fraderlck 8 Qlbba, member Kepuh llcan Natlonal Commlttee, Nea \>ik McKli ? ', North Carollna, Jamea )'. Boyd, member Repub? llcan Katlonal CommltVe MeKlnley. 5.000. North Dakota, \\ II. Rohlnaon memtier Repub? llcan Natlonal Commlttee, Mayvllli MeKI 2.0n0 <>li|r>. Charlea I, Kurtx, chalrman Republlcan Btat< Commlttee, Cobimbu.' MeKlnley, I Oregon, Charlea n !>?i!. m<-mh r Republlcan Natl I i' mmltti e, Porttand M ? Pennaylvanla, Thoma \ Cooper, i-x-ehalrman Republlcan Btate Commlttee, Hai MeKln? ley. S* Rhode laland, Charb** R. Rrnyton. mcmhei B - N 1 Commlttee Provldi nce M Kln ley. IJ.0 ? Bouth Carollna, B. .\ Webater member n llcan Natlonal Commlttee, Orangcburg Bryan, 40,000 Bouth Dakota, A. B Klttradge, member Kepuh llenn Natlonal Commlttee, Bloua Palla MeKlnley, 6,000. T, i ..,.Svoo. t h n iker m< mber !:? puhtli an Btate Commlttee, Htintlngton MeKlnley, ?-? l".-x.t -. ! t John Ci mai R< pul llenn Bl l immlttee, Bherman Btate H ih, Cllen MII1 i member Btaie Bei ate, ? tll Lake Clty Bryan, r. Vermont, Oeorgt T Chllda, member Republlcan N ilonal ('omm ??? i Bl llh in M ? 0, Vlrginla, Oeora< K. Mowden, meml>t-i Kepul tn N ?' ?nal ? 'nmmltti e, I'ori ?' I ? ?? ; 11 ? - . lalm 4 '? Bl it. tVaanlnaton, P. C Bulllvai Natlonal Comn iir.???. Olympln M< K ? ? ? Weat Vlrginla. A B. Whlle, ? ? ? Re| I n Btate Commlttee, Parkeraburg MfKlnley lo.ooa \\ , con In, H A. A.t.iin^. I ?:? i< v . <om mlaalom r. M idla< i McKlnb f, W ? imlna, Judae Wlllla Vanderanter, memb.-r Republlr in N ittonal i' imml '? ?. Cbeyenni M Klnley, . ??? Orand lotalw?HeKlnlny, i u ?? ... McKlnley'a plurallty. I,l52.ono. ? HOW IT LOOKB IN INI>IANA. CHAIRMAN OOWDT BATH MK:n!.'V m\T OBT ao.OOO ir.' i: \;.i : v IndlanapoUa, Ii ' , N ?? : i Irman floardy, of th< R< publlcan - ?? Ittee, Ihla afl fun lahed tbi f dloa \ conaei ? II thla tlme inowa ibai Indlana wlll alve .. H pul II y of r...: le ta than .' .?? 0. and i!. >? ? i |. IIMOII I. ? ? ? . ? ' '' ? ........ ? for Ihe Republl. an ilcfc t. I ? , rea. h ?? The It- publle in ora mla itl< n !t. Indlana li > ( ?m I ... ,i | erfe.t ll ? : ilel I ?' lie lleve an) ntb mpi bj tl ? ? . i ' \ ? . . mai< rl ? Ituatlon The R.'| ubllenna a II eli I .11 of lh? IS C . mei 81 ii.. tnlwi ? ? ' ? '?? \ ii . mbl) ind !?'. oui ??' l Wlth ' he ? Republlr.m ,-j.. iri ::. in the s i n I ? R< puhllcan* m ! ':. ? n in ijoi ii . ??!? :. ln ib- ll ? ? : 12 l ... ol f lo the 1 nlted Btat< a Benate to ? ? t !? mb i V\' Voorhi i - ,Trn;\ c i;. i\vi?v. r aliman ? M'KIKLET'BCHANCE IN NORTH CAROLINA THE lti:i ' l:;.l.AN BTATK CIIAIRMAM BAVH HK I sil.l. TO WIN Ralelgh, N r. Nov I Mr. Flolton, R giate ..' lo-nlahl "I ' ? '?'?-? ? ?? carry Ihe Btate hj 16,000 ' r M Klnli ???. ?'?.'?"' f.>r Rui ^. II, :in l 8,000 f ir Ihe ( lalon ll k. t, an i el< ?; all l , :,. | . ..? .-, iami ? ? ? l>. m ?crati .1. ?. al -orn. ? md ' 11, in . i . ? "? i ?? ? ; '? ???r '"?'" iwo \ aao The R publ an ? nie arlil Ix i . i . ? . |...;. i||i - i:i.t |>. mocr iti r imblneil.' i, g M ?-. F'opullai nomln<'< for Conrre?a ln the II.l Dlatrlei to-dav annoiinced hln v it i ? ??? ,? ,j|. 0n ihe Popul ? v.ite r..r Woodard. the I cratl ? n >mln e. ai i '.'? t" (e ilora h. Repu ? in IT WILL BE A M'KINLET LANDBLIDE Waahlngton, Nov. 1. Vlee-Chalrtnan Apaley, of Ihe Republlcan Congreaa Commlttee, lefi vVaahlna .. .. .-,r ii o'cloek thli mornlng foi hl i boi le al H 11 . ,. \| um .... , i hla vote for MeKlnley and Hobart. "Yoii may aa) foi me," .^.i \ Mr, Apaley, on Uklng tho tr.iin, "thal i itan I by my formi i ;?? l ?:on th tl (he Republlcan ilek?-i wlll >" trlumphani by more than Ms votes in the ri.???; iral Colle?e; : iat, ln facf, McKlnley'a electlon wlll bi marked by n land^llde: v;,l that I hai. in .l.tb'l my eatlmate of the tdHdlon of --I Bound Money Kt-publlcam to Ihe Houae." ,-? . yciTV. \\'li.:. BE CIXMIE IN OREOON. j.,, tiand, Ora.. Nov. I Oregon haa !>? en carefully canraaaed by both RepuWIeani and Fnalonlati The ?trong ihowlna .>f ihe Popullati In rn.- C ,, laal June haa aen*ed to m< n I the Im i lo. .I Republlcan rank*. Conwi \n Ive Ri |i . i,i in ,i-.-i- eatlmate MeKlnley", majoilty ;it from "?.'??" ?, , ,,,., a/hib ? ?? K ?? ' ": ??"' r1"' S:. !"' II ? ,'n ; ?. from 2.0 n :,, -,.'??< Tin Fw. ?nlal ? ? are a:i p'ledg?d t? IVai i ? REPUBLICANfl HOPE FOR WVOMINC Cbeyenaa Wyo., Nov. !.? \\ inie tbe allvei aen ? ??,...', _:, ? | ;.. ,., . Bl ite aad tbe chancei ara ta f o| . victory foi the Fualon ti.'kc:. the maiorlty ?vill not probabfy bt more ihan I.OOa Republlcana declare they have i Ihi ro a ? oraanrtailon and that ih.-ir polli ahow a aafe nwijorlty f. i MeKlnley, - ? IOWA COUNTBD BAFELT REPUBLICAN li,- MoJnaa, lawa, Nov I Tbe campalgn In lowa ,],,.,.? imI nlght. It <>..- baen tha moal actlve and ltng theBUteevei knew I* th ?klei comlucted ?, and arell- irganlxad i impalgi - Repul I HIS UF.i'T ABM IMIItU Vt A FALI. TtOM BI1 Bicvruc. Marrhall P. Wllder. the numorlxt, had a fall from blaMcyelaal Oaa-hiwdrad and-thlrty-?yenth ?t hii'I Hlv. r?i.i>. Prlve nbout noon yr-Mi-rday. His lafi iirm wa* aartaualy lajurad Ha araa takaa to *,,,! rubatatloa ta Rlrerafde loh... wban hla ln mrlea arera attanded lo, and be aeaj bome ? - BPKAKBR FI8B I MN 8VPPORT <ir BLACK. ,-?i,i Bprlag. N. \.. Nov. l CBpacJalJ.-Tbe Bapub iiiti i of i'biiii|i?'own aleaad iba anmpalgn aitb a roaatog maatlag M tbaTawa HalJ haw laat nlgbt. jud^ Wood and Bacakd iUh aoukc. Mr 1 t^h urged a bearty aupport of Frank B. BUck for Qaaaraar. DON'T FAIL TO VOTE! i BE BURE OF NOTHINQ EXCKPT TO GET TOUR BALLOT IN*. I Ti:.: QBEAT PARADB ON BATtTKDAV A CACSB FOR REJOICIXG AXONfJ rotTXD ItONBt mf.n?.V OEXKRAtt TllKMi: OT < 'SVF.ItSATION TRflTERDAT. : T'e aure that nothlng K-eps you from eaatlng your vote to-morrow. Tha conAdence l? the overwhelming trlumph of McKlnley and Hobart whlch tt!is tbe hearta of patrlotle dtlaena to-day may prov* dangaroua to tiie cauaa of aound monej and the restoration of prooperlty if ita effccl is to gtre votera an excuaa for neglccthcg tTi?- paramount duty of the hour. If you would make the vlctory over anarchy and dkdtoneety tbe atupendoua. lt ought to be, do your duty ' to-morrow. The popular Impreaaton lefl by the prreat petrl ? otk parade <>f Baturday waa not hard to dlacover yeeterday. lt waa the toptc whlch interested everybody In every part of the rity. and in every walk of iife. Th<- oldeat htbabltant had never ae< ii or heard <?( anythlng of the ki . that ap proached lt in numbera aa for epthusiaam and fervenl loyalty to the' ">dy cotil 1 compare !t tn anythlng except th<- splrlt of 1881, when tiie country reapoi ? d ns one nnfn al the eall of Abraham i.inrnin to put down treaaon and re bclllon. Nlnety-nlne dtlxena oul of a hundred belleved yeeterday thal the greal demonatratlon that waa wltneaoed from early mornltiK tlll darh tbe day prevloua, aounded th^ deatb-knell of Bryanla: i, Altgeldlam, Tlllmanlam and Debclam, and thal the electora, not only of tlv> metropolla, but of tha whola country, were arouaej to defend the lif.' of the country, and t.i dellver a blow that wlll forever deatroy tha >?: imenta of hal ? and dlahoneaty whlch bava as aalled ti<<> honor of th^ n.i>.-. BHOWB HOW NEW-TORK BTAND8. N< w-Tork Clty'a peerleaa reaponae of Baturday proved beyond queatton where the maaaea of h?*r honeat, law-abldlng dtlxena atand on the quen tlon "f the hour, and the telegraph haa already i arri-d the newa to every nook and corner of the I'nion. h only remalna now for men who would r?-pei the Bryanite aaaaull upon dvlllxatlon and law gnd ord< r :?? make th.-tr way to the polla to morrow and caal thelr votee. One of the notlceable featurea of the glorloua paradlng column on Baturday ?a* tln> abaenca of counter demonetratlona alcng the line ..f march. Al about every large polltlcal parade v. hlch haa taken place In New-Tork w' in a ?en ei itlon, it has been the cuatom for amall bodlea i f atout-lunged young enthualaata of the oppo ; arty to hang on the flanka of the procaaalon and yell and ahoul for tl.ppoalng candldatea f..r Prealdent. The almoat total abaenca of i for Bryai and r?f phraaea antagonlatlc to M< Klnley waa remarked aa Indicating the unan Imlty of aentlmenl whlch prevalled umong the hundreda of Ihouaanda "f apectatora whlch llned the treeta and watched th Impoalng column of li 10.0011 Amerlrana on thelr trtumphal march from Bowllng Oreen to Forty-aecond-at. If there waa any anarrhl tli aentlmenl among th" vaat numbera thal throng< 1 te thoroughfane* on irday, II waa rowed and allent. It was tup ? i and overwhi Imed by the lnvin< Ibl aplrit of loyalty and patriotbnr. THK MATOR'B OPIXION OF IT Mayor Btrong, In apeaklng "f tlils feature of parade, neai reeterdayi "it adda taimenaety ti tbe effect whlch <mr demonatratlon wlll have it the p"iia In every eounty and st.-it^ in tho L'nlon on Tueaday. Nothlng eould be grander than lha march np l'r tdway of that great, , ned to pr >tocl th<- country ,n thlr aupreme ? mergencj Joaeph M. Manlev, of Malne, aald thal Batur ;...;? !?? t aa the greateal In hl itory. "It la ;iii done noa bul the votlng McKlnley*! ? n bj the nv al aal mlahlng rote alnce the nri i !??? !? nt waa ch sen la ai tur d " X <? !?'. ii Mld I- fore atartlng to Owego, ..!,,.. nG .,. || vote to-morrow: "There la an i,,,.,,,,..... Hignlflcanre In the greal parade. lt ? , thal our clllaena aie arouaed aa they have nevei i" ? n alnce the flrlng on Bumter, .... ; thal N w-York I'lty wlll, for tbe ftral tlme. K\-. ? i mbatontlal majorltj f"r tbe Republkan late f r i:i ? !']? Idei ? >." IIOW IIRYANITKfl WANT TO BET. ^ ,-, mii of Baturday'a greal demonatratlon obeervnble yeeterday In an Increaaed tb.|ty of tbe Bryanltea to w;u;m money on the i. -ui'. No l" ta on the electloii of McKln 1..., u.f. t.. be acared up. The Bryan commla had onl) offera on pluralltlea, or aome ihlng In that llne. to make. "Bllly" Edwarda'a LUnuniaalona ronalated In offera llke theae: ii iired dollara even thal M< Klnley wlll ,,.,! .:u!> evers eounty In New-Yorh Btate. Flv< hundred dollara even thal McKlnley wlll nol finvf "i"a").00*J plurallt) In New-Tork Btate Flv? hundred dollara even thal McKlnley wlll nol recelve .To.OtKI plurallty In New-York ?*lt>-. H,. reported one bcl of *li?<i even thal Mc Kinl y'a plurallty In ibla Btate would n >l exc.l _'.".' I I N N I. Richard Mach bel a Republlean by the name of i.;i.m, ,,,??? m.ven on McKlnley'a plurallty in h ? Btate belng under SMU.tlOU A Bryan man lefl fli!0 wllh John Webb, who keepa the clgar atand In tha Flfth Avenue Hotel ,:, ,,..,,,n yexterday wlth Inatructlona t?> bel lt ,C ,,,1,1, 0f i to 1 could be obtalned, C. M. R.I, of Erle, cami and promptly took the bet, puttlng up ^i'.Ih on MrK nley. Wllllam i.r. aecretary of the Parb Depart ment, at the Flfth Avenue Hotel last enlng, of f..r<-d to bel SL'"i.v.n that he could name twenty two Btatea a-hlch McKlnley would oarry to-mor? row. Wllllam McM. Bpeer, formerly edltor <?f "The Albany Argua," and now a candldate for . |. ,t..r ..ii the Bryan tlckel In thla stnt.-. accepted the bet. Mr. Leary named Connectlcut, llllnola, Indlana, lowa, Malne, Maanachuaetta, Mlchlgan, Mlnneaota, New-Hampahlre. New- ei ?y, New >,.,k iiiii.i. Pennaylvanla, Rhode lautnd, s.mth Paknta, Vermont. Whwonaln, Maryland. Weat Virginbi, Kentuoky, North Carollna and Me braaka as the twi'nty-two Btatea. Both men promptl) ataked thelr money. McKlnley muat rarn :'M theae Btatea t.. wln tha bet for Mr. !.. ary MANY BORE-FOOTED CITIZtBNB B< re llmba and bruiaed feel were to many th* prlnclpal remlndera "f Baturday'a Kreat Bound Money parade Many a man nppe.uvd In Uroatl w.,y yeeterday who could be Identlfled at onee as on.- ..f the aound-money boata as reaatlly as if be bore a sij;n announdng the fad In lettera ? f,,..t hlgh. Tha "parade llmp" was omnlpreaent Boma of lha men v\h" paaaed the grandatand In llne Baturday looked aa if it had tak.-n all thelr reaolutlon t" get there. They Umped and thei puffed and they pcraplred, i>ut they atuck m thelr taaka manfully for tha entlre djatance, : even If they knee th< y wera t.. he mora or less i me for a aeek afterward. A number of them ;,i,i pvldeyttj bllatered th?-ir f? et badly, for t'h.-v walked on the aid? a >>f thelr ahoea wlth a ,,,,,! nke thal of a man who tr!.-.s t<. walk on sk it.-: The llne of march "?a not far fro:n i four mlleii for m< I of the paradera, and that i is a oretty stiff "alk over any of the atreeta (.f 1 ,"<.. city ' Bul over cobbleatoneo, wlth whlch Flfth-ave la paved. the wa!k was a aad tribu latlon to many of the paradera, Th" avalancho 01 aound-money enthualaata ' thal iwept through Broadway and Fifth-ave. on Baturday lefl ln t?<-lr trark a waate of paper. tiiintlrR. torn and dlamantle.l emhlema and atlrka and other decoratlona, whirh were Irampled Into a duty and Irrcgnuur maaa The big rerlewtogj atanda looked bleak and deaolato yeeterday, and .),,. uraaa -.f Madlaon Bqnara ahowad th?> m?rks llf |.nerahle feet. Hrlchr ^nd early cleaners .,'.,| ?? ? rk rleantPS the atreeta ; si:i> FOR ORATORY. Th- 1>Ik atanda were UStd durlng the day aa polnta of rantage from whleh to addreas vagrant p.d.atrUnn who would atop to hear any one harangue. A number ot Bryan and Bewall | oratora, aa weU aa aome defendera of the Me Klnley creed, were on hand all day maklng apeecbea, and llttle knota of people gathered at the rarloua points to haar the talk of the waa* derlng apellblndera. Later ln ihe afternoon, over i in that part of th-> aUnd wbera all day Baturday , Qarret A. Hobart, Oovernor Morton, Tlmothy L. Woodruff and other promlnent Rapubllcang atood, a llttle l-and of rad-ahlrted and deep volced Balvatloa Army workera toek thelr po. siti.m. '. but.' baaa drum was botated Into the Btand, and toon a Salvatlon Army hymn was ech.dng wbere only a faw h-mrs bafora tha wiw plaudlti of a 100,1100 marchera teatlflad to th.^.r bellef in honaaty and Juetice. Durlng tha day, on all shW hardly anytnin^ waa talked ?.f bul th.? parada. Every oae aald that. nevei in tbe bist,.ry of polltlcal demon Ptr.itions, had there baan ao much enthualaam, ?o many marchera, auch a vartad and attracuve number of bannera and devleee. and, Jbova all. surh a magnlflcenl managameut of tha whoie affalr. Th- aound-monej Icadera were Burprtaed and dellghted wltb th- thowlag, and all day receive.i congratulatlona T0 BEOIN WOUK TO-DAY. J. D. LBART TO COMPLETE THE F1RST BBCTIOM OFTHE DRIVBWAT. !ir: PORM OF COl TltA'T APPROVED BI" Tt;i: CORPORATION COUJCBgU?ABOUT ONE VK \R KBCE8BART TO riM.-ii IT. Every lover of tho beautlful in the davelopmant of tb." featurea of New-Torb wBI ba deii^hted to know that thlH morning the work of eom pletlng the Brat aactlon of the great Harlem Rlver Drlveway is to be raaumad after an ln tarruptloa sino. June. 1808. On Baturday Jamea I). Leary, for hlmaelf and Colonel B. V. R. Cruger. for the Park D-partment, Btgned the new oon traet und-r whirb Mr. Leary wlll take up the proaacutlon of the work on the Drlveway. The pontraet has been a bone of contontion for m/nths. In August the Board of Abbnnen tho Park Board t.? maka tbe contraet f..r th.- v. ..rk t.. ba Bnlahad without puWlc bld ding. Tha reaaoa for thls was that Inasmuch aa Mr. Leary had l>>en the orlginal eontraetor, and aa it had been concluuIv< ly ahown, ac* eordlng to Prealdent CniRer, that the fault of tb- bulglag crlbwork lay ln the plaita and apeelflcatlona drawn by the enginot-r of the park Department, and was not at all to be ptaoed at j Mr. Leary'' door, it would therefore be poaaibta ' for Mr Leary, who had th.- plant ready, to ! eompb'te tbe work for a mucb leau aum than it i could !>'? done by ai y ..thor eontraetor. The '. suin approprlatad for the completion of the work ! waa $280,000. On 0ctober2 <'.>ion-i Crugerand Coramleeton or Bamuel McMIUan. aa t apecUl commlttee of i tb... Park Board on the matter, cama to a pra.-tt cal agraemeat wlth Jamea D. Leary ragardiag Bpectflcatlona and prlca Tbe dlfBculty had bet-n ! one wholly due, accordtnj to Colonel cruwer. ' to a dlfferenea ..f oplnlon as to cprtain englneer* : Ing featurea between Profeaaor Wllllam H. j Burr, of Columbla Unlvemlty, the expert of the I Park ln th- Drlveway project, and Mr. Leary and his an, I'aniei Leary, the englneer : in cbarge of the work. The delay sine- than haa been due partly to tho need of bavtng the approval -f tbe form of contraet from Corpora tlon Counael Bcott That approval a/aa t'.naiiy pi\on on Frlday laat. and on Baturday the con tra. t waa dnly algni .1. Danlel Leary aald laatevenlng: "i ahall reaume arork on th.- Brat aactlon to-morrow morning. I have all th- plant neeeeeary. a dradge wlll be put to work '?> t.-ar away tbe bulglag crlb work down t.? a polal Boma six ft-et balow low wat-r, plbs uil! tb.':; '...' dliveo thmuf.-h the crlbwork. and on thesc a retalnlng atone wall wlll ba bullt f'.r a dtatance <>f aome 800 fect. Thta plan of obvlatlng tb- naad of tearlng out all th- bulged crlbwork orlgtnated, i beHeve, wltb Profeaaor Burr. Beeldee thta i. rtatloa from tb- old plana, there wlll be a len-foot-wlde itrlp of tree plantlng aloag eacb alde <-f the Drlve. Profeaaor Burr has ln mlnd, i belleve, aome ea cellenl plana for beauttfylnR th- l>ri\.?ay ln tbta manner. Inatead of tb- racecourae llntab of tha roadbed contemplated in tb- orlglnal plan, a telford pavement wll be uaed in order to pravenl any illdlng "f the BUrface ;n conaequenca ,.r raln. ??I ahall be aWe to flnlab the flre* aectlon >>t th" Drlveway, under decenl condltlona, by October j ,,, x; .\ B4 ,,:,! \i:ii'. at leaet, OUghl to se the whole Drlveway ready for openlng to tbe pubiic. Mr. i:...iKr-'rs, i underatand, expecta to be through wlth th- eecond aectlon n-xt spring. it may take hlm, however, untll June." Th- f'.r the iii?t aectlon of ihe Drlveway. ! whlcb extenda from One-hundred-and-flfty-Bfth Bt.. at Edgecombe-ave. and st. Nlcbolaa Ptaea tolllgh Brldge, were opened on January 24, 18B4. Jamea i>. Leary was th<> loweot bldder, and tho contraet "as awarded to hlm at $020,318. Thls aectlon la aboul one mlle long. Oround on tbe work waa broken on February 5. 1804. ??wing to the dlacovery thal a peat bed had been rata taken i? an englneer of the Park Department for Bolld bottom In bls borlnga, tlvs belng aome t-n f.-t deep it became neceaaary t.. >m down a total addltlonal depth of Bome atxteen feet The breadth of bottom for the crlbwork was n..t Increaaed however, by the englneer In tho aneclflcationa for tbe new work. and tbo bulglng I nf the crlbwork at thls polnl reaulted. Work I was atopned In June. l??. untll th- polnt could i i>e aettled ?s to wh) waa rcaponalbla for the defectlve work Tbe Park Board. aa Colonel rr,a-r haa alraady atated in Th- Trlbune, I f,,ni:d thal the fault My undoubtedly wlth the Deparl.nt'a englneer. t c Rnd rera aeoure 1 ?ho contraet for tbe Bee nn\i aectlon of the Drlveway, between Hlgh ' RHdare n-d Dvckman-at., on the loweat bld. thls ; be,,,, $751,240, thls aectlon belng aomawhat ' lawr than tbe fltst one._ BRT.iX AT 111* nOME AflAtX. THB POPOCRATIC rAXDIDATE gBXl I A KWUIAOa T > CHAIRMAX Ji rNKfl T.ine.r.n, Neh, Nov. L?A tang ileep t!i!s efteraeoa and a longer one to-nlghl Waa J. Bryan'B w.iy of preparlai for h!s flyins tr!p through Nebraeka to-morrow. Th- campalgn ?.f the candMate praeti cally ended Ihli morning when be atepped fro-n h!< prlrate car "Idler," furntabed by tbe Pemocratlc Na? tlonal Commlttee, In Ihe Burllngton itatlon, here. II* and Mrs. Bryan iipenl laal nlght in Counell Bluffi ani rode over to Omaha thli morning on an eleetrle t.i take lha IJO traln for Llne An, te whleh the "iiiier" \\?il^ attaebed. Aboul BB i>.'opl?? were waitin^ for Mr. Bryan here. Then wai a Joyoua se. n?. of eonrse, at thd Bryan boma e/hen Vip threa ebUdraa of th.- .-an dldate welcomed t h. ir fatherand aaathar. Mr. Bryan ?/aa tlred an,i arenl to bed aoan ifter raaehtag bome. Ile alepl until aupper time, an.l returad aKaln ear'y to-nlghl to ??? tura raat for to?morrew*a Jcurney. Mr. Bryan aeat the faUaaiag dtapateh to-nlght to Chalrman Jonee ?t Chleago: l lUggeal that vou nrK<- nll nwnbers of sllver cluhs throii?hout the I'tbted States to n.\e the entlre day Tueadjy, lf poeelble, to . ur rauaa. In Statea where the boltl'ng Democrata bava been allowed to use the uarty name, it wlll ba neceaaary for our peop'e to wirn votera of the dt-e.ptlon an.l at all poldng p'.ace.* ;h<-- wlll be uaeful to meel the mlarepraaentatlona *> i.-ii rnay he elrcutated too iat.- to be arr<*sted by our apeakera or through the praaa Thp goi.l ayn.1i rate and the iru.?:.-? ir^ flghtlng for exldtenee and we must be prepared :o them at every polnt. W. J. BRYAN. G.l/.ES PBMDWTBD FOR X0YEUBER. Waahlngton, Nov. 1.?November, on the North Atlantie Ocesn, promlaes to be dangeroua for navlgatlon. Aceordlng to the offlctal foracaat for the current month. Isaued by the Naval Hydro Kraphlf Offlee frequent gales wlll he eneountered between the New-Bngland roa.<: and the Brltlah I5|p? an.l as aouth as thn 40th parallel; be tween Intltudea 2". north and 4>) north. and eaut of longttude TO weat, occaalanal galea, aome of which n ay ba qulte aev< re. 1''<>k on tbe Orand Banka, but al Intervala only; atao ??a.-^t of New-Knglnud to the ?V"h merldlan Boma Icaberga ta the vlelnity of Belle lalej probaWy non<- aouth of the Wth parallel. THB NKW CHAMPAONB VINTAGE. A iruly rtaiarkatda \ iuU&^HfUit ?*?** admlratlon, now belni O. H. Mumm'a Extra a3?S2Er*r*i FINAL PLEAfl FROM PULPITS SERMONS ON THE ISSUES BY PROMINENT CLERGYMEN. PATBJOTIO DI?COfR3ES HT THK T.EV. DB3. DIX, HFXTINGTON. PAHKHtT.ST, KAFXCB AND OTHBHS. The rtnal trumpet-call of the churchea to voters to atand for their country'a honor to morrow was sounded from many pulplta in thta city yeaterday. Ncarly all the denomlnatlona were represented in this ajajajajra) plea for the preservatlon of the Natlonal welfare. The eer mons all took the ground that Bryanlam waa a menace to the country'a heairh, both poiitlcal and moial. Two clerf?ymen of the Fplacopal Church. a do I nomlnatlon Wboao mlnlstera rarcly preach on ; publlc nurstlons. urged upon thelr congrega tlons the Importanre of the present laaues and tbe neoesslty for conscientloua cliizena to do I their duty at the polls to-morrow. Thise were I the Bav. Dr. Morgtn Dlx. rtCtOT of Old Trlnlty. j and the Rev. Dr. Wllllam R. Huntington. rector | of Grace Church. Dr. Dlx itoatd hla mornlng | Bernlen wlth an earneat prayer for the dlvlne : prot-ction of th? Natlon. Dr. Huntington drew I aome lessona of clvic virtue from the teachlnga i of All Salnts' Day. a feaat in the canonlcal | calendar wbJch N wboarvad on November 1. Dr. I'arkhurst devotoB hls mornlng aermon excluslvely to a dlacursion of preaent leauea. I He beM that the Bryai movement had In it the aoeda of a lurking hatrec of all authority. Among other clergymen who preachei on publlc queatlona were the Rev. Dr. W. H. P Faunoe, at the Fifth Avenue Raptlst Church; the Rev. Dr. Charles L. Thompaon. at the Madl aon Avenue Presbyterlan; the Rev. Dr. Robert Collyer. at the Church of the Messlah; the Rev. Dr. David J. Burrell. at th? Marble Colleglate Church: the Rev. Dr. E. C. IV !lea. at the Church | of the Kternal Hope. and the Rev. Dr. Robert 8. i MacArthur, at Cahaiv Haptist Church. -? DR. 1)1 VS EARNE8T AVVlikL, [MPREB0IVE WORDS FROM THE RECTOR OF OLD TRINITY. HE CROn IPON EVERY MAN TO DO HIS PUTY AT THK PuMS, AND PRAYS FOR THE SAFETY OF THE KATfOW. Al the rnd of hla aermon In Trlnlty Church yeater day mornlng. .he rector. the Rev. Dr. MBfgaa Dlx, aald: ?T kttOW that wbUa 1 have br-n apcaktng other IhOUghta have been in your mlnda. biendlng wlth thoae Bppropriata to the day. Thoae varled tiioughts are not Inconalstent wlth cach other, even though we dare not drcn Chrlet*0 measage an.l apeak on the troubled utterances of the day. It Is an hour of palnful, of Intmse anxlety for erery lover .>f hls country, Ood rules the destlnlea of natlons; and to BhW 60008 the ngony of ?oul-alckneaa and tha dread of dkeaatatioa. we aay our cre? l. w.> off. r our prayera. we recelve our communlon. I hope, wlth a strons falth that. as all thlnga are In Hla band, ao Ukewlao are the destiny Of the lar.l whlch we love. the tradittona of whlch we ire so proud. the honor whlch to-day remalna unaulhed. tbe plaeo among the natlona whlch la BtUI hecur-. We have thought together of that Klngdom whl"h cannot he shaken; yet we muat not be dreamera; we must remember the duty of the rftUKtn, the patrlot. and etund up like men for the trj?t comml'ted to our care. Loog before men the henvenly k! is>: >m they iiave a charge to koe;i In the earthly klngdom. Pasa but one day now, and let every lover of hla country. of the bn threa, of rtghteousness and good falth, be at hla post an.l by rolee and vote aeault himself wlth ' a ^-ochI conadenea of the reepoaetMllty laid on heart aad inlnd. ?Our country ha* aever been In greater perll than It is to-day. The ahadow of apprehen Blon of What may eome liea h> avy on many here and there May that ahadow soon paas: May mla . chlevoua agitaUoa and unreat recelve thtlr death ' blow! Oh. <;od. aare the. State. and merclfully aa When we call upon Thee! Oh. Dord. save Thy people, and bleaa Thy herltage! <;.,vern them. and lift them "i> forevar. We look mrwatd to tha ' comlng worid for reat May Oed conceda to u? in thla worll unlty. peaeo and concord. that In our homea and In our bdoved land we may have the toretaata of that peace wherehi the higher realma are beld together in the atrength of the I^>rd." Wllllam Blephaaa, of No. U Weat Etghteelh at, oie of the congn ;;atlon who baard Dr. Dlx. aald: ?That !a. aa t'ar as I know. the only tlme that Dr. Dlx baa ever touchfd on a purely potttlcal pabloat trom the pulplt of on Trlnlty. oid Trkawy ia ? nothlng if not conaarvatlve, and the fact that Dr. Dix . kaaad hls mornlng sormin ln the way he dld ahows how Unportaat he thinka the situatlon la Hla remarka thrllled tho congregatlon. and I thlnk the utteraace wlll have great w-ight." DR. HUMTIKOTOM ON THE ISSUES. MOHTgOCaUBM AND BOUNBM IN THE CITI ZEN-I.EPSONS FROM AEL SAINTS' DAY. The Rev. Dr. Wllllam R. Huntlngton preached ln Orace ( hurch reaterday a aeiiaoa on "All Sainta' Day nnd Eleetien Day." His text waa from 8t. Luke I. T$: *Ta kolmeoo and rlghteou.-neas before Hlm all tha daya of our llfe." Dr. Huntlngton aald that All Sftlnt"' Day waa preclous to all Chrl? ti.ins. The ?ttggeattona of the day are suggentlona af peace nnd calm. tranqullllty yid repose. "There I- i methlng abeut the f?atlval that comports hap ptly wlth the Indlan aurrfmer weather-with the rlpeneaa of garnered abeavea," he said. "The aalnta of Ood test from their labors. Rut It chancea that nnother lntereat of alngular Intenslty hua taken possesslon of the hearta of men Just now. We are on tbe eve of a great Natlonal eraakV The alr la clectrlc wlth BUPpraaaai excitement. Storm slgnalj have heen run up. Kven under clrcumstances llke theae lt ls a good thlng for us to solernntze All s.iints' Day. Tha test gtvea us the meaaa of bridg ing what seema an Impasaable gulf between All Salius' Day and Klectlon Day. for the verse coupl-a together two thoughts wlihh have a common bear Ing upon bOth daya. We are to aceept aa the two dlatlngulehtng marks of the perfect manhood tn whlch Ood delighta hollness and righteouaness.' "lt Is a habtt too common wlth us to asaoclate boHneaa more eapedally wlth the salnt and rlght eouaneea more tepedally wlth the eltfcwa. We do wrong 10 maka this akarp Jlacrlmlnation. Both aatnt nnd cltizen really have a common lot. The aalnt must pursue righteouaness. If a man la a true cltizen he Is pursulng rlghteouaneaa and holl n?aa. Rlghteouaneaa ia dolng the honeat and truo thlng by one'n neichbora. It la for the maln tenance of rlghteousr.esa that courta of law are cstabllahed. For the malntenance of rlghteouaneaa ihe ruler la choaen and put Into offlce. The acale beam and the sword are .mblems of rlghteouaneaa, the one aymbollzlng the aacertalnment of what la falr and equltable, and the other the appllcatlon of power to Juatlce. Human JOclety la a buildlng? a houae not made wlth handa, to be aure, but atlll a buildlng, all the aame?and the level and the aquare, the plummet and the llne are Juat aa ea htntlal In thla sort of conatruction aa they are for common ediiUcs of brlck and atona. "There U a close relation between elvll govera ricnt and rlghteousneca. It ia an error to auppoea that rlghteouaneaa would prevall If all govern menta were aboltahed. Holineaa haa to do wlth our relatlona to Ood. We are bldden to be hoty because He la holy. Salnthood, to deeerve tha name, muat have ln lt an element of rlghteouaneaa ?of robuatneaa. A alckly aalnthood ia no aalat hood at all. A lopalded, one-lunged aalnthood la no aalnthood. Electlon Day ahould be a Qoopat Day. We can prevent power from gettlng Inte wrong handa. The true patrlot ahould put tha succeaa antl welfare of tha whole Natlon abo>e mere party Intereat. Let ua pray for the welfare of the Republlc?that holineaa and righteouanaaf may abound wlthln our bordera. We wtah to ba safc from clvil dlaaater, aoclal unreat and coav mercial panlc. Boclety haa not rauch unaelnahneat to l>oa?t of, but what llttle It haa la Ita aelvatkaa, Meanwhlle lt la good to kapw that Oed relgna?1 aermon wlth the i