love ?loi'l ablde wlth H!m. for grace a-.d merey
la to hla n?j) |a, and "- hath care forfHta rloct.
Tbe dlaeourae was iletencd lo l>y a large -ongre
BtHprt*. -?_
Th- Rc Dr Charlea H. Parkhurat look i nrm
Itgad agaln.i Bryan. Tllliw A l ld and thelr foi
low.r. >? iterda> morning ln a aermOB whleh he
atmched i;. the Madlaon Bquai Preebytertan Church
on ^Indlvidual aad Najlow Cori ip " ! ?" -':
moa waa atte^lv. v Itatencd W by - ? tgregai >n
i v . :..;..? r:} ",11 1 (be ehufeh. ln Ihi ?? it.
tiAnlfm :o ill g v< rnm. :..-?
-fTS. . . . . . i by Dr. Parkhurai waa, 'Oh, tha
there were ?uch an hear: in Ihem, ibal Ihey wouid
fe*r* M4 ar.r k'-;i ITl My Commo nenti tlway?,
-.irat ll mlga b? wi 11 wlth bem a id wlth Ibelr
abfMrtn feravi r."
He rajd furtber:
Tn :.< aai been growina nlnda of i ime ;
ofTt durlng - ? ?? and verj recen yeara .
tha" t ? ? o ii Indli I lal. aesoclate and
J4tural i ? ?? ??? comlng io th. oartlng of ihe ;
wati We are noi moved to tbbt bl an fcllureto ,
aaweciau th- baautle* *? I amenlUn o( our extot ng ?
"ivW?-tlon. To the gn u malorby that clvl.laa lon
is fra-.-gir. wlth very mueh ol coml >rt. and even ol ,
hrxnrv Nlne oui of ten of us probably are iq :??? ,
? njovin. ni ol jellckles luuh aa were npt poagewed
by V ? ou: ofnen of mir fathera, or at iea*t by our
graadalreii, .?;?! aflde from a'.i the merclea thal
tn?k< 'h. Ilven of co many of ua ln a mea*ure
pafiidI?lao th ?? ..? ?'??-? means of peraonal culture
aitd artlatlc requlremen whleh operate to qiake
oqy ciyUiaatlow -aa1 mia,at 'ang beautetws a- r. is [
yVhcr., however, we lum from '.he graee and
geUclouaneas of out eatate t.i the ma'tter of its
wbaleaomeneaa and robuatneai we confraat anotber
aid dlatlnct featura of the altuatlon, and ? featnre
wfuVh w rannot contemplate Intelllgently and crit
leeUy wlthoui a meaaure. oi miagrvlag, We do not
inean-To'tm nyi rcr'.t'.-si. a-.d ca'nnot be peaalmlrtfc,
bui thera acc tympUuna batrayed, iir?t of all by in- !
-livlduai character. and therefore naturally ?nough
bv the body aegJal and body poMVc. that make
ma-'-r (o; aerkit*.and eoncftottd reflectlon. You
wlll obaeTAeMoia m *pm??rng-^triai In 'h<> or.lor of
atatemeni juai made, we bave held ludlvldual <-har- ;
acu-r raapeaattltt for ?h*teve? of evfl dlatlnguishea |
th? bubllc' Chhrhcter t; large. It la an .?*y thlr.K
to taik about the rr|mei pf eodfty and th. knavery
af corporationa, and tha depravltj of tha clty, com- i
mpnjvtalib.?.or .^Cauuii. and ihere*la BftWi a cor.- i
venlenee in b?>inst ah:- thu^ to aummarlae ihe attua
tlon. but ihbi t^ainrc of convanienoa wa tnuat ba |
cireTfil <uid r.ot W: dlaaulee to us th- fn<-- tbat ;
.?ocb-ty- la ciimlaaJ only ta ae far ,is i: is made up j
o* men tha; nro Lodlvtdoally crunlna): that lf a ;
corpotatlon fahill.'s Ita accounta, porchaaei legiala
tton ar.d in tha: way practaMM ?? rafla i form of .
bllckmaU, ll la only becauae there h aa mueh per- ;
*ona! depravlty it, Kx IndivWual aaembera, that eon- ?
ceateVI khavery la the only ..;?!c\t. :.--,?. an.i thnt it' !
an aaUre i<- >.].:.; .-ii..w i?-a':!r.>:-< toward metbodi of i
orgajxlaed llfe 'h*' ar< moratry q leatlonable, or even j
pronpunoedly ?loi?t?r and Magltloua, It is becauae the '
nHmber of citlzer.s Indlviduaby corrupt i? so iarue
as ? i Leava ih.i bBpreaataa of .< Natlonal complexlon. I
'l ,.xe is do roclw corrupttoa abari from the cor? :
ruptlon of men and women that ar- ln llvl I i
corrup:. There la no corporate knavery dlatlnct from i
the knavery of the Beparate mm tbat compoi
eorporatlon, axd th<ro fat jio polltleal debaaement
that is any otber than the debaaed hearta of a
gfeater or leaa number of nndtvidual eitiz.'tis that
har.p. a to agree to work in concert.
Tf there la what for eonaclene. - tke we -all N.i
tlonnl v-uilt. we sball have to Intend i>v it almply
the stim total of tbe contrlbutlona of gullt made by
the Indlvtduad componenta of the Natlon. All may
not contribuie ln the aame degrea, but what w<
mean to auy ls tbat contrlbutlona datf. each of
them, from an Indlvidual gullty heart. There is no
great heart, there la no organlaed morai aanae.
Su'-h phraaea aa corporate conacience may t><- con
venlent. but iheie la no facl that anawera to them.
There may bea great many people dolng the Bame
klnd of wroag tblng, and dolng ll at tbe Bame tinx
and wlth ? common purpoae, but each doea it for
himself. an.l r-ally each doea it by hlmaelf. They i
aevat eacaa to be Indlviduala, and thelr depravlty
r.ever ceaaaa to be Indlvidual depravlty.
Wa are sayint that however amall mlght he our
applb-atiun of tbe enjoyableneaa and elOcjuenee of
turrent elvllisatton, ?>? cannot eonatder aertoualy j
th- atarwarl ri>rht of tbal clvtUaatlon wlthouj a :
feellnjr of dlaqulei and anxlety, The queatlon I |
want to aubmlt is whethar tbere t- among ns;';is a"
people-thal is to aay, whether IKere is among ua
as Inriivbluals?that degrec of monl atamlna tbat
makea us competenl to weatber the Mvrm* that al- '
wayn m<tke out a part of our Natlonal and indl?
vidual llfe. and competenl to rsrry th- amoiint of
aatl under whleh, hs a gnat Natlon, the timb. r and
eordago of our tempeat-toaeed crafl are atralnlng
and crebklng?
N'ow. thls is tbe queatlon wa have to fa<-e. it bt
not ;m affair primarily of t-rritorlal extent, nor of
population. nor of wealth, nor of the abundanca of
our hnrveKrs. nor ef th- a-tivity of our manufactur
aaa All of theae things eome In as eb-ments. but
netther of th-m hlngly nor all of them comblned
oanatltute th>> foundatlon nuaonry of a natlon'a
strftigtb and perpetultv. It is to be preaumed that
all ?re hnpeful, and alrnost triumpbtintlv hopeful,
touehing th- toauea of the preaenl week, but at the
?arne tlme the crisis is ho momentoui and the bure
peaaiMIStlea of evll so terrlflc, and th- yawnlng
,1-pthx of lylng lawleaaneee and obatreperoua An
arrhy thal have been u|..-ned ln our midst are so
cavernoua and blacb that. with all our devout ax
pectatlon of belng able to pralae Qod wlth patriotlc
aeclalm before the week is out, all are quleted with
a -ondltlon of aobrlety under the cruahtag welghl
of the crlsls, and all are iii a condltlon to tblnk and
pray with a good deal of thoroughneaa and devout
ness eoneerwmg- the Interea.ta thnt are at Btaka
There ls one fundamental f.u t relattd to every
Individuai an.l nol u: y organization of in.lividuals
upon whlcb it aaeaaa to m- tha ntoal of men, even
christian teachera, have nothbig lik- an adequatc
grtp, and thal la lhal tha weal and th<- aafety of the
Indlvidual and tha Natlon depend upon the t-na
eious adherence to that whlcb ta dlvlnely tald down
and everlaatlngly flsed. That is the only klnd of
atuff that makea rjb work Bufflclently eompa^t and
durable lo hold In place that BOfter tissue that bj
lald upon It and to wltbataud tbe strain it is eer
taln to be aubJected to, There la an Idea tbat
movea through everytblng wlth whlcb Ood has to
do, and whleh far antedatea in polnl of dlacloaura
anv revetatlon whleh He haa made of His mercy
and loving klndaeaa?namely, tbe idea that every?
tblng that transplr. s )s an Impertlrtence exoepl it
la run ln th- tirne laeternally englneered forlt
It means that to tlon's IhOUght there Is no BUch
thlng permlaalble aa fast and loaaa. thtit then i^
no erwated thing exempt from tiu- obllgatlon to ba
at lts appolnte.l pla-e on the appolnted day, hour
and Inatant, and thal fallure lo be tbere wauld be
mutlny against t'.o.l and a Iiiiik- al His tbrone,
The t\rfi tblng (ioti aald to Adam was to command
hlm to biK-kle on to bim an unelaatlc harneaa of
moral obligaiion, and to tell bim thal lf he dld not
wear that harneaa and pull In it he wouM <lie. The
flrst sermon Go<l praacbad to Adam was Uppad
wlth o menace of dumnation.
Dr. Parkhur.t tftfri sald thal men wanted to do
Just what thay wanted, nnd not what otbers wanted
them to do. H? then toid of an address r.cenily
dellvercd by Andrew I). Wliite. formerly praaldant
of Cornell CoiverHity. in WlUCb Dr. White said that
when a Michigan sebool-teacher atttmpted to whlp
a boy, one of the other acbaalboya tiireatened to
nhoot the taaalair i pistol. vVhan tho re
malnder of the boys w-r. searehed thirte.-n of them
were found to have pistoK Dr. Parkhurat eoa
Bome of tbaaa chlMren may ba vetera bv thta
tlme, and whether uexi Tuesday they wlll -ast
thelr ballots in tb? Interest of law or wlll llne up ln
u rtw wlth th- Ttllnuna and Altgelda it would re
quin; very ordinary xaga. ity to forecaat N'ow, aa
Mr White intlm: t.-s Ip tbe pus.-age Ju?t quoted, It
la exaetly tbat flabblneaa of inoral sentim.nt that
ll A perv'aslve factor in the thought and actlons of
people, old and voung lt ia not realired tbat if h
tblng Ut not perCectly rigbt It i? utterly and dam
nably wrong ? ? ^ , _ .
ln the Bfble hlatoVy of Ibe Jtebrew )>eo|>le Ood
promlsed a brlllmnt future to tbem if they would
behave tbemselves tmd keep His commandmenta:
He threateped th-m with natlonal perdltlon lf
they dld not bebnve themselves nnd ke<-p His com
mahdments. They declded to do aa they plehsed,
and p.-rdltion cam<- eaaae Ju^t as It has eome to a
ajreai many natlona alnce?Juat as lt wlll eome to
our own Natlon lf we foo! wlth realltlea. play
aconomi- tricks v.itii What is immtitai.le. and tnlx
.'ivtiit determlnatlan aad human caprlce ln one ln
discrimln.i!. jumble. The wholesalt) overtbroa of
th? Hebrcw people ns a conaequence of their be
havinr as tbough there rere ro law ln ih- world
ex-ept the !uy\ of tl>eir bk-s or fanclea is a brtlllani
objt-vt Itaaon, broad enough t;i ije vlalble to hooeal
cyes that kfep themtelve* opan 1.100 yeara latei; a
aubllnw leaaOn of truth that Ihe llnafl we sre to
trrao in our thlt.klng. faeUag and aetlng are line*
lald .lown for us, and tiiai the auprema duty of
mar. in nia every'day relatlon. wl ether to.bjmaelf oj
blt* n*igbbor, 1% tb tread tbem.
Then, In tle aaiartd p!a . n hoat of <u:r children
For pure biood, abund dlgea|loa and good health
by Investing in a few bottlea nt >!< od'a Sar^apa
rllla for o rall Madli Ine'. Rejuembey
? Itll
la tha One True Blood Turlfler. All druaglsta. Bt.
nOOu S KIIIB eaay to operaU- 2*> centa
A seap recommenJed for ths laundry
and toilet Ls best for neither.
are for the TOILET.
are growjng up wlth no other Wea than tbattobea
man. conatata prtmarlty ln belng able to eaaert
one'a aelf exempi from the handlcapplng of father
ami mother phd teacher, aa unappreetotlve aa a
youag liger-of anythlng llke a reallaatktti of au
thorliv. ln the thinl place. the Chriatlan pnlpit
needa to bro >? luelf up to a more atulwarl handllng
of the Breat matter of ain and retrlbutlon, inol
vidual ind eolh ctlv<
Dr. Parkhurat Ihen apoke more dlrectly ol the
laaue of Tueaday next, aa foltowa:
Bul aettbig momentaiily aalde all lhee< mattera
whlch have a permanenl bearlng upon ua, and
whlch wlll be aa pertlnenl nexl week as thla, the
one thlng whlch the aolld hitrlllgenl Integrlty of
the country haa to do thla weeh la to grlnd Ita hee
relentleaaly and unpltylngly Into the rlperoua head
that is iiitliig Itaelf up ln venomoui antagonlam,
nol only 10 tbia Qovernmcnt, but ln venomoua an
tagoniMii to all government. We rocognlxe tne
wronga tl al need to be rlghted. We appr< ? late the
buroena i.'o heuvy to be borne, whlch the tyrann)
of wealtb, ln far ioo many caaea, haa buckled upon
the tlred ahoulders o( the poor, and no man mnw
v.-.mlii throwblmaelf morewhole heartedlj thanmy
s. if into tha laak of trylng to unbuckle thoae biir
dena and to beal the brulaea they have wrougnt.
but the nral queatlon thal la upon ua, and the one
we have to meet thla areck, la one lhal reachea
further tfuin the rightiiu; ol Indlvldual wronga; ii
Is a queatlon thal plercea to the wry marrov, ol tne
whole? matter nf governmenl of an nutnormye
framework aufnclently eetabllahed and robuat 10
make ?! ?mv permanenl avall any effori lhal we
mlght put form to the rellef ol Ihow wno are
wronged. Bo long as the proWem now before tne
Amerlcan publlc was ln Ita elementary and eco
nomic atage, and the dlepute waa aboyl a matter
or the rompetltlve rlalma of two metal*. aithough
to mv economlcally unenhghtened eyea ihe proceea
of refualng to put ln my credltora pocket tne au
centa I owed hlm, aeemea lo nue almoni aa airect a
siap al the Elghth Commandmenl as fyr me to
club hlm Into Inaenatblllty and anatch from hlm
the M centa whlch he dld nol owe me. Tet i"1
Htlcal economy la a alngtilar aorl of thlng, and
many confea*edlv honeal men were preparea to in
dorae the acheme thal acarcely aeemed ",;>?? o
make lo it more than a paaalng reference. Butthe
economic atage is now all by; it la noi longer .1
queatlon of gold verana allver, nor is II a queatlon
whether we wlll reapeel this authorltj or whether
we wlll reapeel thal authorlty. but whether we wlll
reapeel any authorlty. it la a queatlon that la
flowlng ruthleaaly Into ihe qulvertng rttala of our
ronatltutlonal llfe as a greal people. and la blood
thlratlngly menadng the permanence of our in?
atltutlona: As tha purpoaea anlmatlng t ha\e
grown In Intenalty, II haa let allnojt the robea of
proprletv and legallty whlch lt had wnaMeratelj
asaumeifi and atanda forih to-day ln no ?>nalder
ahle part of the conatltuency In the frankneaa of
Anarchlatlc nakedneea. u., ?.?
\\e have oocaelon to be gmteful thal the dlaeaae
had advanced far enough before elmlon todevelop
nymptoma lhal Intelllgently advertlaed Ihe real
geniua of the malady. To thal degree M la more In
Krently fktal lhan aeceaalon waa ln 1MS. S.aalon
,iid not aim to abroaata authorlty, bul to tranarer
the aeal of it. ,
The movemenl whlch we ought lo meet and
ihrottle thla weeh has a lurklng hatred Ior all au?
thorlty lt haa naturally drawn Into Ita wake inai
clique of organlxed crlmlnala thal for yeara and
yeara have fattened on Ihe apolla and the vtrtue of
thla -ltv. ronvertlng it morally into a kln.l ol mu
nlclpal hell, and has had the effrontery, almoel
n Bgnlflcenl In Ita proportlono, lo brlng to ua here
for the purnoae of Inatructlng us In our rlvlr dutle*
n m.n whola the erowncd hera and the worshlpped
depy of the Ar.arehi.-ts of tbe Northweat.
The lermon of the Rev. Dr. John Balcom Bl aw, 11
Ihe Weal EnJ Preebyterbin Church, la?t evenlng
waa on tbe aubjecl "Nexl Tueaday'a '"''>' >'
aald in part
Siv ^cks ago to-ntghl 1 called a.1 from
thla pulplt to the mon.l bwuea Involved ln Uiw
\,,ir's preatdentlai eanvare, and appealed lo an
Chriatlan dtlxena, wlthoui regard lo party. oaa
puma toward th.m the rtghl attltude Phe outlook
for our country aeemed to me al lhal llmi ?< n
dl'-mal one t.-tt th? re has ?.. en n* atrlklna h rnaiu ?
i,i the 1 .lltlcal world alnc? ihen aa lhal whlch I ia
t.,k.ti pUoe ln iIm- m*uiwhU- >'!?'" the f ? ol
,;.;,.., our Hopea for vlctory thla comlng weeh
now Reem to me as brighl and br'.lllant ua ihe .0 -
ora of our autumnal f- Rage. I'nleaa all ?lgna ahall
fail and the probable Inaiantly change Ua naiure
nnd beeome the Improbable. tbe Intereala oj trut 1
end luatlce and righteouBneaa are aura lo wln nexl
Tueaday a vlctory as grand, aa overwhelmlng, 1
reaseurlng aa any ever a< hleved itt the hlatory 01
our country. This encouragea the huolney
man becauae lt la th.- nmml.f returnlng proa
Derlty. Ihe forerunner of better tlmea and Inri
Ing Induatry. and wlth IhU feellna every loyalI cill
xen must heartlly aympathua?, hm l myaelf nnd 1,
ii the warranl for a hlgher Joy and a more aacreo
aatlafactlon. lt is more than anythlng elae a prooi
of th<- aober tbought and common aenae thal ;?"
vall among lha peopla of thla country. of the deep
and atrong moral currenta that n..w beneath itie
lurface of our dvlhsatton. Our eountrymen havj
ihouahl 11 all over. wdghed the argumenta, Uced
the fart^ and as a r.'snit ol lhal s.,uii.i aecond
tfiought whi.h has always been one of the atrong
eat of our saf.-guai.i-. bavi made up belr mlnda
ln favor of the rlght. and wlll caal thelr ballota In
lts behalf and for Ita executton next l u.-.lay.
What l am most analoua for la thal thla aaoeel
shall nol be alght of next Tueaday, and. If mj
predlctiona are fulfllled and the rlgiit rauae wiua.
thal the moral effest of tha vlctory ahall not be
undereetlmated or go unutlllBed. If Ihe men ot the
church ahall g 1 to tbe polla thla week, and ln ihair
commerelal seal, thelr evgerneaa 10 avert the harl
tlmea, th-lr determlnatlon to pul down free allver
1.,?.,- fre.. siiv-r would mean ? pantc, Ihey shaii
forret that they are voting for aplrltual proapertlv
aa w. II aa for matertal proaperlty, for better tlmea
morally as well aa for better tlmea flnanclaliy, 10
avert a panlc far more dangeroua lhan a monetary
one aould ever be, they wlll mlaa or pUruae one of
thearreatea! ooportunltlea lhal our Amerlcan <iti
xenffhlp has evei had, and the glorj ol lhal vlctory
shall soon fa.h and l>e forgOtten.
Tiie Flfth Avenue Baptlal Church w;i? well RBed
last nlght v.h. 11 the paator, the h>v. \>r w.
H. P. Faun.o prea.hed 011 "The Tralnlng of B
Natlon," "Demoeracy," he aald. "la the dlatrl
butlon of royalty among all Ihe membem ?.f
tha staie. it la ptadai a crown on tha beada of
the people, kamlni patenta of noMllty to even
freeman ami leachmg the body polltle to waik
aion . Demoeracy aitbool <?o?i Ii bul tyranny,
This comlng electlon, not only \ot.- a? you pray,
htn pray wnlle you vote.
"Kickfe, wayward chlldren can b- ohanged into
atrong, genulne, falthful, lovlng men and womeu,
wooden blo.-ks can ba earved bj .1 earpenter;
htaliif-K cast in a foundry; 0OUUI iiom gold and
Bllver. <iod can create by a word; He can rllng
worlda into apace by command; He sald let Ihexe
t.e light utid there was n?ht, bul <io<i cannol aay
let there ba good men and good men are. He
muat tratn them. Ho la lt with oui Natlon We
cannol sa\- 'ii muat he' anteaa \<.t traln II and
make lt so."
- ?
Profeaaor FeHa AaUer, In Carnegia Mualc Hall,
yeeterday mornlng UUked to an audlence wh* 1
SUed the hall "TL, Keed of New Polltlcal Lead
crs" was the BUbJOCt.
"Wherever Demoeracy haa 1.n irled," he ?ald,
'as tbe country grows i>:.i> r, Ihe poHttclan growa
amatter, and lhal h keeauaa th?- pe< jd? nre alecting
commoti. ordtaary men. and de nel "oii ku great
men. TI ?? tendency is a leveUIng one. Bueh bt 1 iw
case ln France nnd in Amerlca. It la only tempo
rary and ?ni nol lasi. The reeaon why ora have
not great men aew is thal gie.n nwn ara only
iinaalhle when gre:it Ideaa ora upon tha people.
smii perloda were ;?* tin- beainnbiB of our country
! uid again al the tinie of th.- <"ivii \\ai. The ?.<^i
tru.- Amerlcan aplrll Is tha beal llfe for eeery obe,
wlth eejual obancee for all, and the beal IhTa is when
every on.? doaa ihe w.jrk for whlch h>- Is :?< ?t Dtted;
' in every one'a feellng that the wr.rk he doea M for
ihe soi i;il gOOd, and that, no tiiatt'-r hOW l"w lt Ul,
i lt ahould not be deaptaed. The utateaman rarely
createa ideus. He tnnJ;. them and abowa ihem 10
vuu. And lt la only by Improvlng th< maaaca lhal
| we can hope to create atrong lea leva
? Tlu- Rev. in. Thomaa Dlson prea ed iterday
mcenhtg ln lha Acadomi ol Muak on l ia wbjeci
?The Bva of BatUe." )!? aald In part:
\\v are on the ev o.' th< greeteal polltlcal batth
this reuntry baa aecu for yeai . u ever. lt la ??
conteat between honeaty, Natlon I bonor and i?a
? trlotism on th? ona hand, and dlahpneaty. repi.dla
? tion and dlshonor on th. oth< >? " ':
for all tha patrtetlam and honor ther. n ???
. ? npalgn. atVd Bryan for . ???: , repu? I u on in i
Nattanal dl?honor.
In doatsg Mr. Dlxou uid lhal ? beUeved ? ia)
tba reoull uf Tueaday'a aleetkw ardu I on thal
tha Amerlcan jieople had not forgotten tbelra and
IhO Natlon's honor.
' Aithougii u w** not lncumbeni upon the lecwii
. of the Epifcopal cnunbea in thla ^lio^rse to ;ncor
: porate Into the!r lervtOOa the apecial prayer for the
| pica*nucrl?i? rtcently aent to thetn by B!?;ioj> Potter.
tne prayer. ln thla city at leai?t, was gen.rally r-.i.i.
Inqu'rlea were made laat nlaiu at a number of the
Proteetaat gMooaaal charchoa in New-Tork by a
Trlbune reportej-, and wlihoui excepilon it waa fOUttd
thal the prayer had heen BOOd ln the mornlng aervlee.
Tha prayer rcad aa follows:
O Almlghty t<oid. who faahionrat the hearta of
mea and consldcrest all thelr *ork, arani, w?
beacecb Thee. to ua and to all tha seople of thla
land tha spirlt of Qbedlaaoa ta thy c.mimandmenfa,
that. walklng onlv |n Thy fear, w- may. under i ni
mlgnty protectlon, eontiaue to dweii in righreooa
new aad peace. Defeed our llbfrtlw wea^ra pur
urrtty: eVFe iut from dlahoneety. larwleaanaaa ar.d
vlolence, from dlacord and confualon. from prldeana
airoaaney, and from awery evll way. < ommu- iny
goodneaa to an. taa; the herltage reeelved from odr
fathera may b pre* rved In oui Uroe and tranamlttafl
unlmpalred to the generatlena ;o eome; that aii ina
natlona of the earth may know tha; rn >u. O Lora.
.?,: o-i .Sa\lour and might> t-bv.uvr and oui King
forever. Orant thla, we beeeeeh Tbee, through Jeeua
Chriat, our Lord. Amen.
- - ?
Af.l; tl i:i>. Afl agBN BT DR. KINO
Tbe Rei Dr. Jamea M. Klng, a: tbe Cnlon Method
Im Church, yeaterday preacbed on he auhject. "Tha
Battlc wlth Baltou on Novembar I. and ihe Prlncl?
piea invoi- A." ii- aald, In part:
A majeatl ? apectacli ia ta - PJre.?eni< I p ie
rlvlllaea world on Novemberl l?* Thlrteen ml.I. >n*
of aovtrajgna, repreaentinv ?O.0Uo.00ii people. ar< to
.\,..--< thelr optmon and render thelr variiict ion
cerning prlnclpiea of vlul Imporl to the KepubMe.
Th< experimeni of aelf-i ivi rnmeni la atlll on iriai ,
in thta land. The natlous of me earth are i*geri>
looklng o. 10 -? ah? ihei i republlc wl th unlvj ir/al
auffrage haa aggregate vlrtue enough u. hehoneai
and poaaeaaea the eaaenttal elementa ol l-n?; "??>? ;
Commerce movea wlth iremuloue atep, and eapltai. m
wiiich coinmeree reata, bldea lu face l-?. podtleoJ
dlahoneat) ahall by nai atamp a Ue on lt. im
provldent Mvlnga oi honeal loil. the biauranccJUarta
ta whleh ihe helpleaa and dependeni are tatererl i.
i-t Inaccurely, lesi ui tne vnubs ?a-r- t.i-> ? "?
auppo -I to i ? aafe agaln i the Ina*; nuturof burglan
-!,.' ma) b. i h -1 of Ihelr ? due by a klnd of
Ical th everj i ia lo Ita work wlthout the nece*.- tj
of breaklng boita. Bencvolenl and mlaalonary <ii
terprlaea atruggling for malntenanee arowait ng
i.. L... lf they .... io be atrucb wlth paralyeta n ha
r,,. of the crlea of Ihe dlatreaaed al home and ln*
demanda of heathenlem In darh and dlaiani Ih ua
Probably no campalgn of educattan evei enualtad
the one noa cloaing, when Lhc patrlotic i...-..iv ..
of tb !?? mle haa taken anch pnln* .o ;;?. . i
themaelvea and aid thelr fcllow-cltlaenj M Bf-t raa'iy
for reaponalble aetlon. We are ealled upon ln he
romlna conieal lo i-.-v- to the natlona t ia! ;???." ;
b- trnated. w, hav. done ll onec. when a-e res ated ,
the force* ol dlahonor whlcb wughl to rorc ua to
, v i rdcpriclated valuea the debt fncurn taMvIng
the Natlon'a llfe. Kvcry honeal c:;*i\ la bound 10
take aldea In r:-1i ? con l .?
Tlie forcea are llnlng up On tl.'--'?? ;"V"i:"
guldad men, who rW a a -van-.. and allow them
Selvea to b- bllnded by prejudlc. ? ihelr hiirt.
Ignoram men. a.ledhytin ??"i"' "'"i1" n ?
.,,, ?;,. ,a ,?,-??. and not aa Ind rMmla: men of
Intelllgence, who laxll) niul I'harlaa callj deellne o
vot. men aho v rmft i i- maelv. -? lo be .n.i <>
worahtp of Ihe fetlch nf party regularlty: mei
hoid toVetharon ?ectlooaJaround i ;i ???rol kg.sla
,,,? ,.,.. m,. atrlki thelr aeetlonal Intereais -
whn follon polltlcal leadera. rtahl or wr-ng ru<n
?'m bave eome 10 na from tvr.u,a!..i forme ot goy
emmeni undi r whleh they prefcrrcl an in
tvrannv and do nol .n m reallae thal anarehlam
haa no . x. .. ? ln ?> republlc; PtomilM agl itora. n o
K.: helr livlng by fomentlng dlacord amoni r
foll, wera and aeek 1 i aYray i laaa agiilna . taa, ai
queation prlvate prop rtj rlghta a;h .-. ai the wm*
??,-. iheV advocate a pat'maltam In ?:..\en.n ??..
,.,?., abaurd and revoluilonary: mlne-nwnc ? who
buv up State l^glalaturea and hold up .--oa ? ? men
. .,,. ., i ihe .. -ol- ??' t i-.r monarcnlc .1 edu r . i.
v\,,: ,\., conceptlon of Ihe aplrll and genlua of re
nubllcan Inatltutlona; men w io owe dcota. and wnen
iilf-lnterea* i? ..? s...k- Ignora peraonal honor: men
n , , do n reallae l al < normal natlon \* an en
?,'t-d monlitv. .ml thal the Indb Idua -I laen canit ?
,', . ,?',,,,,.. .?.,, ??,,:;< repudtatipn wlthoul weakem
fng the MgrVgata Natl naTmorallty- n,-n who think
i; ,n -M,i-r:-. ol wtadom lo prate ab.mi and ?up ._i
flnanelal I icorlea whleh tha .ai?i,:>- of ?*?9*
have p ove.1 fallaelous: men who think that ?-'.""
"?ourt deel lona and the D ? ilogu. can be nmend. l
hy"popnur maj.rltlea ind by U glalative ?..:_. m-o
w.?, i,.-i:. .- ln Bute Baverelgnti aa oppoaed to rw
? malltv und who would :-' ? , ; ' "'', .
whleh we had hoped waa relegated l i obllvton by
forc. of the new patrlotlam. -iiidariiv
On the othei -i )? are arrayi I. In mnjea.i. auiuaruy
aa ?? ?? befom ln Ihe hlatory al the Republlc, nol
; r-n when th- batl e wlth bulleta waa in foi
,r r*?.;!?,/ ? ,- rnlon. Ihe Influentlal.
'? ,:.. ?'..;? <.wlihalawtnnbroh.nt.nii
moal ol Ihe ? I icatora and ituden n n the hlgher
matliutona of learning: the leachera ol i Iglon
hemen whn -.I eommerr, and inarrantlb a
?"K<aS rTheir*! < '-'.; .,,?,.-":
?/'??.?."..".'.'.?.'"k w^n ie they wort' tbe tn. .
.i mtiiotlam ta atavlah parl
'. ? ,. , ,- ? ,bel ? n . platl tlcal prlnct
iruthfully tell .
. .. .,,.,.,;? llf ,he (TenerallOjwernmen o
i .. ,.. .? i. ? .i ApT?>m."?? .?' :vl.:':1,':'.
...... ..-:?;..???;?? :
," ' "', . '? '; '", ..,. w .. ? al> Mea l.ll ? ?? " ' ??
,. '.. ./:. ,, Thla. ???? aa .tu Natkmal
?eneral health of the b-i- pol
he rlVhteoua'pi I
Im ;'?? ? - --.rtad Wlth aueh realarlea.
??? '. IV ndnhd! :?, j ?;? J have
bIP ih ? natlon" prevall.
? ?
HOW TITB BEV, i R Mi'NOKit or m:u ravbn.
New-Haven. Conn . Ifa?. I fBpaciall Tbe R#v. L>.
TT Munger. paator af the tTnlted Chui i
Ing Congregatlonal Chure* ef thta parl of the Btate
and n member ef the Ynie Corparatlon, dellver. I a
atrfblni campalgn ^rmon lo-day. Dr. Munger aa i
? x.- pulpH woaM not aater Ihe q i tl ' ' ;-lf
d?, || i were n quaatloa of Bnaace, even Ihough ll
Involved, or aeamad I > mvelve, Ihe i ommerclal h? nor
,,f the Nallon Tha pttfcUl i- not tbe guardlan of I .
Natlon'a oradlt. There ara otbara wbe ean defend it
battei and battar oatermlna bow to raadet lo Caaeai
m ,? ia ,i ic ia Cae ar Had i ie eanvaaa been
wii un lha bmlta of the New-Torb apeeeh ol I
candSdate, i >la pulpll would hava rematned allent.
.Bul ihe queation has paaaed fai beyond ihoae I
a,?i hM beeome ethleal. ll la ?thlca thal b
crlmi agalnai l ie llfa ol tna'Natloa and lha riatr. i
of aaan foi hla fellow-man.
"Tbere la one tblng atoraa tban a aeetlonal a ir.
bu< h uf ih wai far I ia Cnlon: Lbal ?j. had aoough,
und ii was tboMUShl) pualahed. bul the veri l
: ,, :?. hatrtd waa aeetlonal toob away mueh ol
Ita attal Tbere waa reri aei aua work al <:.:t>^!
burg, bul tbearra) waa no odoadl] aa lha: t?r.i
Bnd encauraged and lauglu ai Chl< igu laal
U/bai can ba a irae than lo cui thla graal armj ol
Induttry Into twa parta and pui batred between
,,?.,!, ,,. ?.,?,.? , l Ihe relatl. n Itaelf, and arhai la lha
ground of ihe i-nemj unfalr aagea, lll-treatment,
i,,..,.:, ,,r ontra ?:. Infrtngement of p-i- ?nal rlghu?
So. Slmpl) .. dlffen nc? ol oplnl >n .. - io tb.
i? ,;;,.i ratlo between Bllver and gold Ii m ?? ??? ??
>,], importani queaUan. Taki I Ihen, ie the polla
an I .-? tu>- lt. Bui 11 carry ll there on ih raath ???
batred ia nexi dooi to wer. Th u waa m.lo -i
Krtd i) ln Chloaga taai w< i k. Warkmen bi i i
thouaitnda aere addreaaed, bul ihey wera nol ln
?tru-ted ln ilu facta and ,-rrouf of pollttcal econom;
?I ??? i aunvniiaa ll they have an) w>.-re uaed ;.
arouae a apii ol hatred, but nothlng waa aald nb u
tne pollilcai queationa. but onl) .... array pl ...
aatalnai ? i.. . in b rUld by ??? natani - igg< *i ?n thal
tfie futur" Oovernmeni would be ln ihe Intereai of
one .1. - agalnai th. otber, and lha rtoi Mamea of
batred wer. f?n.ied un reaaan and charlty were
"Thla waa noi patrlotbuu. MI thla la beJnej donc
under the nanw. ol u-.d .>>? a greal party. It la ao p ?
roundly unraoved :ha. on- looks curloualy ai ine
M.ui.-e Of ll vVbftl I aai on thla polnt l- nm l>a.t:
h,n beraua.ioea nol refer to a party. '">' rathet
to m conalomerate thal la maaqueradlng .. .. i>..rtv
\. i ? hole it has no common prlnclpiea or meai tn
'itH imhIh or rallymg caatre la lha worai balf ?>f a
dlvided party. ln one aectlon i: is un- i.i ng, ln an
other aectlon ll ln anotbar tblng.
-ai ihe Soutn tliere la th^ Ilngerlna old-tlm* hereay
,,f thatreglon. m "h- V->> Weatern Biatea, who ne?ia
ln be lold v. at i- th* anlnmtliiK piinclple Ihere? In
h* Miaalaalitpi Valley li l? h raal dabtoi ctaaa, ..h
hMcat aa aiifferlng debtora uauall) are, foi debi
d i s the eenee of .or. ln Ohlcago it i? Ihe mob,
m ii ihe red flaa of anarehy balf unfnrled. In New
Torlc ll la Tamraanr, the chlef pollilcai erlmlnal of
tn- century and all over the land drMmera ol
Vriama honeal ind welUptanlng, but belonglna io
that larga claaa wl.> "-? ?"lte know bow to f..rm
?ii-ori^n witb rJ-ls.'?
Tl- Hav. Dr. Bmory J. Ilaynea, paator .,f the Bl
lamea Methodlal Epiaeopad Church, One-hundred
and-twenty-alxth-at. and Madlaoi ava., preacbed
)aU B|gtii ..... the BUbJei I "Wbal Makea a Natlor
ajtroni ' '? -^'"?: ?f Baturda: 'a parada ba
Mv who;. aoul waa atlrred. Never, alnc i iood
i y". 11 k?.- lad ln v"ei moi t and aaw Un flral reglmeni
,.", i, ,.,. j I, |s.,i. bi.;* l baan ? . movad. Doea
ihe Natlon anaa boa tha honeal work? Th< a ???
manhood of thla aupaab eltj aiore lu heai.on
Ita aleave ycaiterday n waa Plymouth Roolt h ii
under Broadwaj I ?i mllea, and the feal thal trod li
were a" flnn In i tolve aa Iboae of lha I'llgrlma
wbo tounded the Republlc. Tbe aelf-control ..f
?|.,, fona lln . Ihe peraonal capacliy, the aucceaa
?i llfe'a etruggle preaanted tbere, i?h? never bafora
ln tha htetori ot tius worbi been breaghi mto oaa
auch n??a ' n waa thr targeal Bower evar ><-i
bluomlna cu tb* hTfinap uiock. N'o apevuior eoyld
1 V'beiicve tbat banaaty, frugallty .mJ raverimea for
Ood th* Ruler ivtl! prevgtl. But we rnuat nol fortjet
Home ihtn.a There are wrOIlB^ to be rightcd <.n
aoetety Thta la far from .. perfe.-i world Bpr
?hj bard to baar an here. lt la not thal I. for
one dlspute the t. ronii* or an bilnd to tbe
row'a it la thal 1 know thal a-H cannai eaal down
h,-n Batan deea aot .-..^t etil Bataui. Commun ?m
, mnol cure povarty, Papultom, aa i underatand lt.
feedll'g ui on cla?a hatr.-ds, la no cur. for cla
I'hrlatlMii lov<- Ir. ihe aure. B/a mum, aftar our
vlctory for Uw and order, rememlxT bow hard tha
lot In life of niHtiy men ln \\> mtir-i corre.-t ihe |n
Miiallt) of llfe bv edacatlna th<- poar boya and
ifirlH of to-oay. by foundlna and suatHlnlng
church-a and Cbrtatlan Inatltutlona, and by polat
There can be only c
one President made j
this Election 2
ar.d rr.ost of us know
v/ho wlll ffll the BUL
There is only ons Te'.cphone
Service in New York Ci:y. ar.d
16,000 Stations show that u
fiils the bill.
Rapld, Efflcicnt, Permancnt.
Mlnlmun Ra:?. DbaetLlBe.aOOIocalmaa
s-ge:. BpO uyeur. rVty lin?= $19 ies:.
18 CorlMndt St. lel. MIO Cerl.
115 W. 3Slh St. Tel. 6010 38th
\n igeat wlll -i<ii -?' i'-."??<?' i v i-;- ;i-'"".
wbli-hinayU made aitbual tbanje.fl.aay
I'.ll.l.- 1'1'V S-,l ..".
Im :,, the noble example or bumane. cultured and
fbri il ini/.. .i wealth
? ? ?
v.v DIB4 N a EXI i: I'it?.-'??':' i BBIAX l Hl ? H.
The !:? v. Dr. C'harlea U Thompeon, In the Madl
son Avei. Preebyl rlan Church, yeeterday morn
i?.; deiivereil a lermon un lha ubji t, "Our Coun
Iry'a < Jrlale."
?Thla la .i roiir.try for ti a people," hi .: lU. "Thla
.intry ? xlata for l ??? peoi le; II l( glalatorl are nol
f,?- ;, CMRa or ecllon, bul ? q lally and impartlally
for ,.|; the pi ople, and lt wlll be rioomed the momenl
II eh uige . ? It l? every clllaen'a duty to be a
pollllrlan oi Ihe aenee of one who 1 veraed ln the
Mlenci - f ..... rcin. ul. Happil) the men ol all
pertlei In thl i i a-npaign have been aboi e moral
, i.; i i-ui.
? -I",. rc . ? ... ?? ?! ln ? ' i canrpuign a queatlon
of .\ nioi nl honor. i havi no rlahl tu api ik an a
linanclul mau, bul II would .- ? m lo b< ralrlj plain
to nti ?.I lo al I ? l " '' ,l:'.' '"'
cr< . ? ? of alli ? r i > u?< n? oui il dlai . ihi n our d bta
wlll be pabl in .i ilepn cl ? i urren y. and thal la
diHl ? . ??????. ?'- ?..'..'? II, " ' ;" "IIV
. and t<> :.ll manklnd.
? TI i- i - nol a lighl ot randldat* - bul of prln
,\,,\,i md b. e.iuse there are many men wi<>i ar?'
irr'lng'to vote tbe all vei ih-ket thal f.o-t onlj '-*'??'? to
xhoa thal the) aregrlei uialy mlalnken. loafrrrm
lhal ihl numu r, v ??? h I - neai ly hall of oui popu
latlon are dlahoneai men would be onjuat. Ir'ni"
?..? ',,, n u. uid noi n: ik* rti d Iferenwi whlch
,,,,, ,r ihe candldntes !?? elved ihe majortt) a im
' n'*~ on Ble< llon l>ay " .
|i- Thompaon llifii denounced thoae poiiurai
M? who bv iheh* iitterancei ure arraylng tbe
masaen ngah 't the i?sea and ?e? llon aaalnal aec
tlon. Il- idded: ' '.? i ua Im tr.lough. ?";"?'
Kt-oua nnd broad-mlnded etiough lo have prtde ln
,, ,, wh le eounli ?? from e i to ??? i. ') ;??? plank m
Ihe I'hli ago pi ilform whl. h eondemna ihe Buprem?
t'ourl menaeea Ihe country nnd ahould be rebukeu
bv fhe people nexl Tu ?laj Our Natlonal honor
?hould .n ilnl ali ed, ? rlonallam atopped and tn?
dang. rou Koclallati< aplrll rebuked
Th?> rroni of the pulpli from whlch Ihe Re\. i>!t
Thompaon nddreaeed the congrvgatlon waa drnpeq
a Ith i largi Amerli an Oag.
?Hi,: m;\ [>H MACARTIIt H'H BEBMON ' ' ' At.
< ?;:'? BAPTtBT fllUBfll
ertitlra and lei a campalgn
form. : ? Hi' Dr. MacAi
! . Calvar) Bap:
pp;tJ... , ? ... ii . b. ? a. ? n Slxth ai I 8cv< nth avea
1|. -.i ! .'.' :
Th< long agony a < impaig
; . u atratn up " ' ;???'?
,.,..,, lt h i- ali I tha
, i. oi the i ? ? ? i?'y.
I- . , .j ? i are a
., ., ? , Wry m in) though ful cltli i
belleve th< tlm< for i v ? . I' ? ??' i '? rm
r.o it ,id.:.: lo i eiigi ib l ?r ?? i ? <? lon h ? ar
, , .. ???...? ??? i '
.... itag< i
had man) m ?: ? f-a.
urea \l. * impali ? b. ? n #lmp > i que?
n.l pollcy. bu h< dlai in
. ? , ? ? ?? N i ? ? '
i . . t , ? .: r Amerlcan llfe l na
utloi ary. Thi- ?? ?? I il
i . , ":? .''. igo pla form ?
l trgiim< ? ? ? ' i - m< i bj ? xper ? n ???
v ?. , - . igo piatfoi tu ir? i i blme al
, ,-. :, , ii rivll Ben .???? reform
? ? ; by tn? poaalbla irlumpb o( tha pla -
. , l .ii t ? v.-r i! "' M? pre le
a of I ?form. The
.. ,- ? ; , ? m ol dlahom r ?, 1 deatroy all
? ? .? ^ l rcvlve the apolla ?y.:^in.
?i | ,s ti i, ? ?? ? wau l compel ua to faw the .pi-b
fhi r*ed< r.t: autbontlaa
ir< ? , ? Lbjj ,.. q .? - ?? |i - Itnl. .
haa - proteel ? ?
i( . . . ?????! ime !?? ? .\>
? ?,;?> yera Thla tr^ .
| ? v< ? . .
i ?. ????.. ? a ii,. , ln ? ? - ? imp ilgn ' - ??? '1
,, , . ? : ? ;! t haa been poa ?r
r . ? . i newapaperi hava 'ik- n ,i :|va
parl In lh< and !nv? spoken fearleaa'.y
. . ?..? ii r m iral I Matlonal k> ???? Tha
pnlpit i.r arlth no .ii rrtaln m in I.
utterlng > ? lal the Ten Commandmei -
and tha ?'?-.:?? Rul< i Biaca l i ihia coun
i . , ? ? ? mdmeni haa nol
rue The feci I il
no ? i' .? moral chai ict< r
Utei ? lel he p -H'it frre to dlaouaa
tu i il Imuci Man) p ilpit* thal mei
,a\ ? .-ed wi re moi i latl Had tha
llep . . en dlvlded there >< ? . I I iv la n two
- but w11 ?. i . r and Na?
iln May God Aimlgnty pr< un ?? ui
lha Ihreat. ? n il : ?? i h nnd moral d!?
i.'ino; if lha ballo:-bo) nexl Tuetdoy
Tha Rav l?r Willlum Lloyd, paator ?t lha i>n
Iral Congregatlonal Church, Plftj ae\enth-et.. near
Klghth iv dlacuaaed 'The Bnfegunrda of the
Amerlcan Bepubld ' In hli aermon Imbi ci ?? ig
Among other Ihlnga, he i id
Flrnl among Ihe forcea wbi'b . ? ol I make
for Nati inal character la lha hon e and l imlly. If
there .'???? waa a llme for pareiit* nd li to
mrtve lo inatrii i Ihe romlng n m rutl n ln the '
prlnctpli - uni erlylni \i ? ii ? in illaallon II it
now. The wcond ^nfeguard i hall mi iilon I*
iiollll .1 lhal i . oui r..:in of governmeni our
jii.ll'iirv and our Bupt >me Couri Th< rharneter
ol h i eople la in... Ided b) lha tone of ih< Ir polltlc il
llfe, Whocvr aet-ka t.. lower thla lom?, ??? put ;
pollcy ubove prjnclpk and exp. Ilency abovc llghl.
i hretiten* oui |?oIli k*al aafi irda,
I Impi iieb !!:.? .'.... J Ifi "in I i ! hr e i
romi. honeat) it u .. blow al the Vatlonal '
.I- ln l Impi ii b II in the i. ime uiJ thui u uty be- J
tween man und man, Il nlm? lo ?et claan agatna)
.in.i preclpliHie confllcl between labor and
capllul. i Impeach lt in lh< name ..f law and or
.1. r. ln ''. I ii woubl aunul lh L'nlon and reopen
..ii. i actlletl itl i.o.-i of th blootf of
ihou iiide, ?'? 'i break down lhal rouri which i- Ihe I
?iroiuceai bulwurh of our Inatltutlona.
Tln refore, I. .. ? o i Itlai... have don* und ahall
do nll In my powvi lo cruah and utterl) defeal lt
on Tueaday M xl
? ? ?
Tha Bev. 1-iH.ik \i (loodchlld, in the Central Bap
:i . ? lurch, i"or.\ >a?. and-ai . near Beventh-ave . Ust !
? i.-uiiik: dellvered a aermon entltled, "Our Piwenl
Dut) ??? Pollllca." He sa d, ln p.irt;
Thl' i- ' ?? tmp ilgn of prlnctpli -, n.: pai
and nevi i have ine i?llgloua rlemeni -t.I ia on u le
.1. and anpealed ao lo thi lilgii moral aenae, ,\
crlala ia immlnent, and the peoidi '? ?? ihai ihi coun?
try v\: i f.i i Into dlaamer. Itevlewlng the polltical
plalform adopted al f'hlcago, w- flnd chal I ley pro
poae to foree the Uovernnieni Into ? fulae declara
iion ihai 'a centa wo.-th of allver i< arorth .. dollar.
thua fon .i, i.u ci dl an lo take hl ? p|e< ? oi ullver '
for ..ui del , . ? uttbiB th -a iu half.
Other Iniqultlei aa) oni ?>, ahleh la enougfa ta)
wi-ik .-. natlon- an be I mr.d ln thla plalform a
pliiform whlch beara ihi marka of the lnud of th.' v. im |... lon* Anar. hlata. li I* pro|>oae<1 to unk.
the Bupreme Couri .iu.'?-????. Inatrii i of men who ? \
pound th-- law, ahyatera who wlll t'w Ihe lawa to ?ull
the wlrfm of the hour ot lhapar y then in power.
Th eonria are agaln macked where Interference
w;th Ihe Btat"i I* prohiblted by the I'nlte.i Statea. '
i have n i ayrnnatby wiih Ihe uovernment thal cao
proiect in.' :.i Buropa bm rannal do s.. ln New-Tork.
The daetrlnea of ih*ee people ar.j woeaa lhan tha
it.. thoda by wh'.'ii t ioj h. to earry them through.
lni.VT Si;i'AI! A'lK I.ACnlt A.\l> CAPITAI*
Tha Re i M Haldemaa, paatat of tha Klrst j
Baptlal Church, Bcventy-nlnth-at. and the Bouli
viir.i. pi eai i - al laal nlghl on "Wealth and Wagea,
and Thelr Adjaatment." ln tha rouraa of
hls lem. i Iu h" >ald
Wealth and labor bobJ the relatlon lo aach other
of a pnrtnerahlp. There la no greater fool than
the capltalUI wlw looka on labor na hU alave,
Thrre |a a- gi pater fool than the uiborer who
looki on . apltal as bta ntaater, They are abao
lutely neeet tar) lo each other, and retiibutlon wlll
r-oma to tho~e who aeek to aeparata them.
The iiu. j. o. Wiiaon, at at Andrew*a aletb
odlat Kplfjopal Ohureb last nhxht. ?pok.? eu the
ralrjeci "The or?a: gTlactlow Whlch Tlckei .-:r.aii
I \'ole." He aald in part
ii t* not my purpo*e to pfeaoh a poliileul bn-nion.
though lha ilieimt m ?agge?ted ny the preaant
poiltral fituatton and the approaching ele itlon.
II h.i-i been my dealre to brlng to this qneallen the
breadth and falmaw nf tha patylat, and noi iho
prejudlcg of.tht. partlaen, All falr-mlndrj men
ef all part.c ni.giii t... and wlll, apptaud the pu' it
for courngeou Ij cmphaaialng ine tremendoua
moral la uea Of th's campalgn, and for boidly ?!?
eiarina ' if fellowlng propoaTllona; i-'ust. that tbo v ho falhj io infonn nlmaelf on the laam
rlearly divlde Ihe nartlea and the ehgrai i . of th*
men noralnbted for itubllc qfftee i" no: :'i tocual :.
hiillot on Kb. tlon pay. This woubl dlafrenchlao
iIoiu-hiiiS of n:> ii who are groaaly Ignoraht upon
tbe princlplea and lisuca involved ln the alaction.
Theae Ignorant maaaea have more than once tiirned
the acalea In great Natlonal electlons. , Second, tho
pulnlt ought to havo tho tlianka of all partles fOr
dcclarlng that every man who votes on Tueaday
next who la not entitled to voto ought to be lockcd
up 'or at leaat flve vears, nnd that in the aame crll
Wlth hlm ought to be looked the man who had a
rlght to vote and yet would not do ao. rhird, tne
pulplt deaerves thanka for boldly decljrlng that
the man who aella hU vote on Tueaday for K or toOO.
or any sum whatever. la unflt for Amerlcan cltlaen
-hip. Buch a man offera on s.ile hls honor. hla
manhood. hls country'a flag and the llfe of the
?The Word of Ood Our Oulda In tha Preeent
Crlala" was the aubjeci of lh? oermon of the Rev.
Dr. Davtd O. WyUa. paetor of the Bootch Preehy.
terlan Church, Nlnety-tutth-at. snd Central Park
Waat, >aet evcnlng. He took for hla tott Bxodaa
xvi'l. il. B piv: Of Whlch :????: ?'.Voreovir thoU
ahall provlde oui of tha pei ?' able men thal foar
Ood." Amcng other thlaga ???? tald:
The preaenl conteet ia pohullar. The Igauea tw
largely inoral nnd ethlcal. What Ibjht doea the
Blble throw m ?n them? It leuchca that there M
gri it danger In maklng r< kleaa experlmenta. Tbe
Ulble wnrua ua to be ru'm, to rcaaon, and to pro
rlde men who are able t i thlnk calmly and rurely.
lt la tria that there have been hard tlmea,'The
rcaull haa b- i i uncertolniy. unreat and laeb or
ronfldence. Whal la propo? d lo rellevo th" pcoplel
Whal la Ihe Btor of Hope ; dnted to bb? What ia
the medlcine to hcnl our Vatlonal dteeeae? A pollcy that meana ahaolute debaaement
of the Natlonal .'.rr<n H atory. if it la unanl
moua on any queatlon, teachea us thal any deoaae
m< nl of Natlonal curn icy haa alwaya carrled mls
.iv to the people. Ood apeaka to ua In Hla Word
and aaya: "Ba ralm deeld. wlaely?prayerfully.
?i i, h rlptur ? teai h u Ihe duty of natlonal
rlghtouMifea. Where la there and rtfhtouaneaa In
Ihe dcbaaemi .: of ihe currency. Where Is there
and rlglitouaneaa ln maklng our dollara worth one
! thelr preaenl value and in breaklng exlstlni
coniracta? Contracta are aacred. Clvlllaatton has
? one ihrougn tbroi - and wo? - enough to make con?
iracta Invlolable. Anythlng that makea it eaay to
br.ak conti icta it ?< blo* al rlvlllaatlon. nnd it la
propoaed to make contra l breaklng ? aay,
Tho Blble teachea ua to love our nelghbora. 11 is
,, natlonal dn lo dlvlde nelghbora, All appeala 10
rdaaa halred tire alnful In llod't alghl accordlng 10
Hla Word It Is n aln ro p|| r|.-h aitalnst poof or to
llne up ln baltle array labor Bgalnat capltal. We
are all brethren. We have one land. one languagc,
nnd, iii.iiik Ood. one flag. There ahould be one ,
feellng of hrothei hood and patrlotlam. Palaled, then.
h< ihe arm and wlthered ihe tongue iml mraed
be ihe man or party lhal would *???:?. to dlvlde thla ]
,,...,, tmertcan people. The Blble " i"hea ua thal I
all our effort ahould be made for the progreea of ,
th.' Klngdom of Heaven Bplrllual progreaa la ron
ilnaenl uoun malerlal protcreae. Tha Word of Ood
. b uly ii. im. - ihe laauea In thn name ot Natlonal
linnor "t i.t i,. - iu..; - . ??. .f rlghtouaneaa. j
of ihe'rhnreh. of Jeaua ' h-l?l ihe moral Oovernor
nmong the nattona, i ?? ?eeeh you to conalder
i-alinnlv nnd wlaely, ? arqull yourerfvea llke I
wli ? |m.Ic men. i
The Rev. Dr. K. C, Bollei of tho Church of Bternal ;
Hope, Blghty-firat-at., weai of CelumbuB-ave.,
prcached n ermou ???- erday mornlng, hla aubject
? ? ing a 1.1 - Word Bef ire Electlon."
He aal 1 thal Ihe laauea of thla campalgn were quite
ea kublle and aerioua aa any alnce tho Clvll War. He
,|:d nol belleve thal lha anai rhlatlc Ideaa thal aeemed
:,. have ihown themseivea were of ? euddan growth,
? I been gridually developed foe many yeara.
He remarked that a arrong pollcy had be. n followed
.a crylng down the ao-called "money power." Ha
thoughl all lhal araa exiating to-day aa great, good
ind Rrand owed Ita exiatence to the money power.
Thorc waa, however, a wlde dlvergem.t opinlon
aa tu whal Ihla money power la, and he didnoi be
lieve thal it pertalned to I ??? mllilonaire* excluB.veiy.
bul thal tne small iradeaman, tln laborlng man. and,
?. : and evi r) one wao . arm rt an imount,
n,, maiiei i a n ill. ai I la I by i .?? rcei tage d It
foi future 'is.-. eontrlbuti d to thla aame great power?
.,? in m ita indlviduallty, bul ImmeneeJy vaal In Ita
Hh aald thal when ha vlewed ihe wonderful out
oaurlng of i.ple ln the procesalon ol Baturda) be
.:,. I to hear above th< craah of m.irtlaimualo tha
iheiie i ....??? whli h turne l the cheera of tha inultl
tudo to trlumphunt ih iuu ol \ Ictory.
Xhe Rev. Dr. Robi ri Collyef pr< ? thed In tha
Church of Ihe Heai th, a( Thlrty-fourth-at. and
Park-av< yeeterday mornlng from th< teal "Ba
, .... BDd aln not." "I am glad." he aald. "thal a
nget ],?, been arouaed t? hetghta of beal and
oble i manh.I agalnei ihe borde aa i eatted II
.,- Bunday, nnd ' repeal the worda
horde whteh would make arrock and ruta of tha
N'ation'a honor and lhan of tbe NaUan. lt B th<
., oer we were bound lo reveal, lt la the hoeri ol
ouT^nbool aflre agaln far??eedo?. ?*MJ??*
.?-.I i,,i- lovalty t.i ihe banm-r Whlcn We now ecr
dlplayed wherever we larn II la tha^ heart ?f
ii it..vobition when the uthers rlanged the peiia.
Vu the heart whlch birned and flumed to aave
,.? N.,ii n I. V.'r. and Whlch gB? blrth 10 LhV
i'??; nobi.. >.:h al Oettyaburg whjja the aia
'! witn ., - aentimenta of peace and good aill.
.e ? -
I'l.i.i.ow LINCOLJra ADVi-'i:
,-,.. ,(., n: Madlaon C. Potera, ln the Woanamg.
,,,:,. R, rmad Church. laet evenlng praachad aoer*
??,., ,,, : . capltal and Labor laaue la Thli I am
pabm" ?' ;r"'? "hlch ba aetd:
The lamage dona lo lahor by demented denuujoguea
natW&? thal they c.a neve,- galn>>nytblnf
bv drtvlng capltal Into hldtoa and '' ."'?' ia.tuPh,1 ,,^
.'.iiri.ii- tha lyrapathy and ihe reapeel oi tn. puj.
ii "l^'i the power of the wnrkmen lo make
Keir conlllot b c/vll war. but H wlU Btralghtway
Br(iwTh of infu.trlal i .iterprlee ara the-eo^Udon >ot
,,: Mperli) for amployea aa we., aa -a ,.loyera. Take
.,,,".. jy t, itlng how far we are ln advance of other
? , .. ,nd thal In ihe matier of wages akmc wa
. , :. n. i <* r*r ceni from IMO to l?l. I would
haeeve'y worklngman note heaa worda of Abra
m Llncoln: "Propeny la the frul ol labor; that
: ?.;". lould be rlch. ol icra may .oma ao. and
H the encouragemenl to Induatry and en ? ?
;,- no man who li I imeleaa pull down he
- mother bui ?l liua work dlUgeatly and
priv.leg.mthUlm.daf tho
... ' ,, .'. ', ,, leatlon i f maklng ihe oi whal
' ,, it |? mdK'ldual manhood that tella All the
,,.,.,? md g; rloua men of thla counfry were obecure
. ?: Vin and blrth. Our oBksea of honor and
. ,.,,,'u .. all Amerlca :s aynonyrooua wlth
,', nortunlt) All are nol ? idowed wlth the r-ami
J,;,',,;.,. "a,;,, mea bui for thal our ayarem of gavern
ment li no reapoi all k.
? -
The Rev l?r. Charlea IL Baton, paator of lha
, ul ... o| ,:,. Dtvlae Paternlty, l-'lfth-ave. and Tor
ty-ttfth-Bt., choao for the aubject of hls aermon UuU
nlght. "Alexander Hamtlton and Honeet Ptnance."
Tha teal araa Ihi nari veraa <>f the.Paalma gclx.
After glvlng ^'^ Bloquent aketch of the early llfe
? j rirat pacretary of the Treaeury, Dr. Baton
, , i on aa follow.-:
un,-,, you caat your ballota nexl Tueadaj re?
member the framrrs of the Conatltutlon, among
whom il.imilton stood rtr.-t. a:id t.tnvuibei how
hard he fought to .any lt through. and do not
vote for any other candWaU bttl th. one who iuu
thlnk In your own mlnd, orUI atand and linin for
the Natlon and Ita Buceaoa as hard as be dld. Lel
ua atlll rvialn tha dollar of our daddhea, although
the polltlcal partlea of lha <!.?> may havo new ln
,.',1,itu.ns of U. He bdleved In boneal currency
and ahowed our Natlon hon U could pay IU hon
i ,,,..,.. i.ook bach ' U aandei Hamllton, who
. i,i he bellcved ln the future of the Amerlcan
ItepuMlc ae.d would lay dOWN hls lif. Iu drfeaeg gf
"Vhe'il' ''oii^o to the polb nexl Tueaday pray be
f ir,' rou vote for ihe welfare of this country,
,',,,1 lel your laJt duty thal niKht before golng 10
bod be te offer up another siinnt prayer for the
man who has been elected. and that ln bla Admln
etration he wlll remember the doctrtnea or that
greal leader, Aleaander Hamllton
-e - ?
Tln Rev, Htnry Bvertoon Cohh praachad ;o a targa
and appreetatlve cangragatkm yeeterday oMralag in
tha CollegtaU Betormed Church, Weat Bnd-ave. and
ieventy-aevamthHrt., en tha auhlod of 'The chris
tii.n Cltlaea." In clcalng 11 addreaa he aald lt be- I
booved aum not te ba aaclted or frlghteai 1. but to
meei lha Mahw oatually and aquarely ga Chrlatlaa
men and dtlsana, lo daal Juatly, bul unfllnohlngly, I
,\, a thoae .?haiuses whlch ihroatoa the welfare of ,
i,, .;,,\ ri a..i. . II'- ! - ?? I lll*t waaM any man |
luoealed .j lha prajudlce and paaalan of any o'aaa
, men oi any lectlon ol country, and when he
could -i^.-?k i.r ona greal portion of ihls fa'.r land |
as ihe "enemy'i couniry": arhen ha aei poor agalnai >
rlch or rlch agalnai poor, when out of ;h^ Inevltable
dlallnctloni beiwean culturi and ijnorance, between
?'.-i iu* and Incompetance, between induatry and!
iazi'ie?.? ue'.ween inafl and tbrlfUntea, ho creattd
biterr.e-'i atid Jea.omy, he atruck at th? organlc
unl'.y of lb? N-itiori and the brotherhood of citlaen- I
*hip. He waa corruntir.g irta <plritual llfe of the
Natlon, he was threa' tho foundatlona of gov
arnmar.l. Wha:e\?r he miaht oall hif miialon. lt
wat r.o'.e the Mi the u.iScmlna'.io.n of ;rta?on. and
ba who praaoaM '."? ?? a tral:or.
BOalE LKW0N1 OP TB? haRaTE,.
Tha R^v. O. A. Geidbtn, of the Pu*M 31ora\ian
Churoh, at Laamfton-ave, and Eaat Thir:ieth-at..''
praai had ? nrmon >^ i ? ?? .. mornlng og the prlvL
legea an.; dutlea of a dtlzc:*,
Tha Bpeeker aald th ih uj ieul waa the gaaet
i -I.-.: : ibh .ii,.''..' ??-.- of lha cauntry,
bul , ?? :.. ?' falth lo >?. | he pi opki of thta
land had . ronounced oplnlona on queatlona of honor,
whlch Ibi .? Would i-lln|| 10 ?< ; falthfully n? ihey dld
to th.'tr n llgioua teneta, and when the battla
waa fought to-morrow tha reault would provo thal
A ao-called maglcian^n London has h
Ing money lately by Bhowlng people rletUrJ?!
thelr future llfe. One atrong man m ZZL2
depicted aa an aged. uorn-out wr . of hunumL
ty. broken down wlth care. A woman ln robui*
health savv herself tranaformed Into a gloorny ba.
valld. There was a trlek al>out lt. of courae but
every vtaltor went away feeling heavy-heartcd
and deapondent.
There are thousanda yf men an-. women to-d*.
who would be fllied wlth similar terror If they
could only aee the futute ln store for them unleta
they do something nt pfaoa to prevent lt. They
are r.'rvous, weak. tlred, tanguld, exhauated |a
nerve power and phyaical atrength. They trt
sleepleia, and awakcn tired and unrt frejhed.
wltbOUl energy fo. Uic day'a \v..rk.
When people get to f-e!lng llke thls it plalnly
ahowa that their syst-ms are badly run down.
Tbeee .sjmptoms are tbe sure algns of malar|?
Of debllity, and the b"st way to get rid of them
Is to takea pure. m.-dicinal Ktimulant whleh aam
bulld up the Mrtntftb. The be:<t Mimulant ia
pure whtarey. but It mu.-t be abgrlvttty pure
and tbere Isonly one whi-key- DulTy s p*j-g mt]j
?whleh ful'.y answern Ihll llOBiTlptkaB. Thla
whlskey drives OUt util luiilds up tha
whole systerr.. lt mak-s waak, waary peopia
Btrong and vatl. All grocera und druggists keea
Duffy'a pura rnuH \ hiskey. Tbere is aa othtf
whlskey like iJuffy'u. and notbing elae that caa
poeelbly lake its place.
- 3?6 7th Ave.,
PHaMhand l??3
Telephoe*. i IM *?th-?.
BKND foi: .:iP..'::i,Aa
RELIABLE ?*?* y^o*?
CAKPETSa Orkntal Ruga.
i.o\?. ? iti:i>n.
104 Ueat 14th H.
Qive Woodbury's Facial Soap one trial ut
you will use no other. It is ibsoltitely pare.
Drutfists scll it and use it.
,?,---? ?? I?i
tha citix-ns of thta Katlen had nol been false bj trust. lt not only the arivllaaa t-ut tbe
Datrkatlc duty of avt ry dtlaen on an ? \ asiou of thta
klnd to caat hla vote for the uphol.ling and ad
t incemeni of tn- Natlon. There waa no room at
Buch ri crlala aa thla for half-hearted peopta.
?? an Inaplrtng alghl tl waa." pxctaimed Mr.
Oerdaen "to ae? that parade marchlng, from early
morning till evening, through our s-.r?:s. under *
, mopy of Oaga. When the buelneaa men. lunk-ra
an-l profeaalonal men turn out ln a maaa. forgotting
the clalma of bualm ia .1:, 1 man .. for n. ;???-. it prov?a
that thev are .< unli In th. preeervatton ?f tha
honor of "th- country. lt waa no eomnton jyecue.-.
lt was a hiatorv-makinc -vent. I: ahowed that ln
every trade and profeaalcn there wtn men wlta
patrlotic hearte. whleh beal fervently t,.r th- w-i.
(are of t h- Natlon. and thal m*n WOUlil
respond as heartlly ta her defenc. That parada
waa nol frbn tba Battery to llartent, Iteateninl
all the w..y acroaa ihe country ..n.1 provee tnat oa
Tueaday neat the rredlt of *ue Matlor, wljj be pre?
11 rved and th. how r of tba Kai on uoheld.
At the morning aeitliea yeaterday al the MarW*
Collegiate Reformed Church, Twenty-ntoth-ai ana . the Rev. Dr. l.avid .farnes E'-irr-ll. paa
tor of tbe church. nreached a s-rmon on The
Mtssion -f Aaarrtca ro ihe WortaY' He aald that
ln ihis country there were no cla-s**. and that I*
who ineited c;.i?a pfttjudtea wa> a ieautgogue 1U
?ald that moii of thos- who h?d reacbad ? i-^l
tlon of weulth do-.te so elther tbro.igh thett*
ewn efforta or tboaa <-f tbelr f..ti-.-rs All had a
et?ance to work tleir way np. I"- aald, and lt waa
thelr own fault if they r.-malned dewa.
The Armeniar.s who arrlved on the Ol laaiiBBI
Callfornu a few daya ago wouMI not have em? ?
thla -ountry had lt not been fo. the chanea^g
bettar their condlttona. Thls .ountry waa.1.0 only
1 refuara for the oppreaeed. but lt was .. c.*rttr ror
bVuerTflueneea fortba waHd ..n.l tha d.>?-tnn*a-f
m':Tt* i.iood of .he lUitgbtered Anaaalaailejkj
un. us- l?r Burrell aaB The natletutafttl
world do not think ll prudent to tn-rf-re. and theai
are I'hrbittan countrlea. Oh. if Amertca. ln the in
tereal of fhrist and humanlty. would only wndt
mnnlfeato to thoae oountrlea. aaytng: 'l/.roacaa.
"ot Inwrpoae will reu let ua Aght ihelr ftghl wlth a
f ir tield and no favor? Wlll you i-t ua aendear
w it 8., .dr.... to the tondof the ^napmbablj
T. 1 "k- and etop thla ataughter? lt lf ?? ftghl ta ha
hVterea" of al humanlty; wlll you let ua giy t tha
!Slck Man' a qulck death and a qulcker bartall
Whai arnnd htatory thla would make for our chll
<lr. n to read in tbe futun
- ? ? ?
BAr *TA TF QAB COM fA V VB 4 ffi ^*
Dwtghi Bramaa. who araa aa Octobbr i< appiintej
by Judgc B/Btaa of lha ITalted Btatea Clwalt Courl
f(? tha DUtrlcl of Datawara taaapomry raoatvarBB
tbe u\v lUte (taa Cempaay. arrtaad ta tbla dty fwa
Wllmlngton. DaL, laat avenmg. He la atayingattm
Cambrldge. Kifti.-ave. and Thirty-thiri-:. wktrelB
was ?.-eti laat evening by a i.porter. Aftei praBJBe of hla work ta cooaacttoo with tha ef
aecount Of nia wom m (?.a-??. ?
p.u.y and explatnlng wby ba had tbaugbi It N"?t m
bi ing about a raorganlaatlon, ba ad* 1
Tba Brat tblng tada. tnerefara. w..^ ' ' <
Intoreat of bondholdera of all cias
..I-.Ua r...i
inVtbe Bouth' Boaton Oaa Ltaht ttannr. ^JJ
ward AddJcka Uelni PreaMen o: ?lltbeae ali. TJ "J
t >f* 'he realanatlona >f all ttaeee otncera ln [r?***."7
compVnlea US fhree Butaa wen ^-redffjtfg
atula Board of Dlreciora repreaenttag ? ? ? orV?l?t.
teiest of all aecurltlea was placed ln controL 'on*'L
J co p- .r ?aen;.:.g the forelam bondhoMera
?xil of the largeai latereata have *xrt*i\^L^t,
r^raaaautlvea and an abaoluteJ*?*jfiffml
the eorporatlona haa tak.-n p.a.-c ... .no -? e,'(|'7,r?0r,
brougbl th.- suK. racalved tmBBlaeaaa
pata. Hmith wa- kn.?-k.-.l aanai H aa
round. Ills eondltloii ha ?-?noHa. ^
Columbua. ohlo. Kov. 1,- "?;- -;;?',. Vourt.
tance Taa law, on its wav to tne ..1
was Buatalaad rorterdal ln tbe ir u ^caa
Chrichavllle. Ohlo. ^J'^lls 1 rldge g
parade was ,roaaing tl5La^<%hupa?d. earrflF
Denntaen ihe r .1 t,e ^1,*? ., mjured.
,w.-.ty-.ive baraowen ?T^,Srg^fcW|ed outrlgW.
rourt of Appeala ?
Por Ia&ntb BBd Ou^itn.