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TO-M0RR0W8 ELECTIONS. WHAT WILL BC VOTKD FOR IN THE DIF PERENT STATF.S OF THK INION. orF,,KS to BE P1LUBD AND IWEWITUIaONAI. AMENDMBNTg TO BE PAgBBD ON?HOW ggW-TORK PKoiM-i: BHOCLD TTIEAT THR1B PU.I/rTS. [V people ol tha Unlted Btatea wlll vote to-morrow aJTpre^dVntlal elector* who wlll deel a Ind a Vlce-PreeJdent TheW are slx National tu~kete ln ihe geld, namely: REPUBL1CAN. e,r ,.?.< dem Wllllam McKlnley. of Ohlo. ZfT vice-Pr"aldent. Oarret A. Hobart, ol New jerw y. DEMOCRATIC. -_ Prealdent. Wllllam J Bryan. of Nebraaka. {? \ ..... Arthur Bewall, of Malne. SATIONAL DEMOCHAT. r.r prealdent. John M. Pahner, of lil.noia f? vice-PrealJent, Blmon B. Buckner. of Ken turky PROHIB1TIOM. r.r prealdent. Joahua Lcvermg, Maryiand. For Vlce-Prei lent, Hale Johnaon. BOCIALIBT-LABOR Tnrr-.< |enl Charlea M. Matcbett, of New-York K VI ? P'caldent. Matthew Magulra, N.w-Jer PKOPI.ES. tv,r Prealdent, Wllllam J. Bryan, of Nebraaka. Y ; v. -Prealdent, Tbomaa K. Wataoa, of (leorgia. The follow nc are the Presldential and Vlee-Preal Itetlel eleci ra of the vartoua iarties in thla State: REPVBUCAN. nonlamt" P Tra.y. K iward H Butler. Carll S J1 ; ,.!..- Robb, Charlea A. Moore. Robert A L?J!Uv Krancla F Wllllam*. Wllllam Naaon. Pred ?& flaldv SlchOlaa Flsh. Herman O. Armour. eT ; V i'i un Prancla J Drummond. Henry Bir SSTSaSthrp'ne! LeopoM Stern. Seth M. Mlfllken. w--.nT i *? ? ? Alpheua Potta. Archlbald Hogera. ESSTA Rarden, Wllllam Baaton. John Bandford, Jam \ 11 !??? neh Lanalng M. Howland. <Jeor*e H. WlwC!rS'v ? 'I i;u ' '; Char>i M. IhVkinson. Ly ?:'fr s, : TheodoreH Wlckwlre. Pimnklln 6 EiweeTMllo H Olln. Jamea 0. Cutter Chrhutan kSg^--- rr'"n' '1r? a?0,*, a DBMOCBATIC, ??w.rt P T'.u?h. Benjamln Wood, John P. Mad ,Ro/ndreV McLeanTJamea Burrell. Bamuel B . d,:"u,v? \ i-iin 1 Duane, John Ennla. John WattabaBBe. Manin n^ i?? Mlchael P. Lvona. ; EkU,1/ri M uiV-.. iV Blumenthal. Wllllam K52*Hearat Henry Ouenther, Wllllam L. BW?i.?'*i?"r3.~'.?s?:AUiJ2,''J: L';:1V David s. Wrtght. NATIONAL DEMOCBATIC. OaaraM Ottendorfj r Theedore Bacon. Patrlck J ?luaaMi (leorae \V. Wincat". Jamea A, Mur. .?. r h iirv \V BheVrlll. J. Edward Bwanetrom. J, ? <?.n K1..1 M Weed, Edward J. r\Yoolw.-.r,h. Georg J. ?'.r7-,fiell. ...n.s I. ? ur iachter. Wlllard E. Caae. Hugh 1 . Hayt. J' ' >'?.? . Haatinga ileorge VV. Archer, John Irlbacker, Ba Wf.r.l II. Hub hlnaon, John P. Blocum. PROHIBITION. Prcderi B F Wheeler. l.oula Alberl Banha. Henry W. Randal!. Freeborn U. Smtth. Jamea Meyer, ,>?,. m ,.? . lohn Berry, John Bremer, .1 .m-s . . . . ?dMaj^hn Glover Seorge 1B. Hlllard. John Ihmer, Kirory Cummtnga. .lohn MeKee \\ llllam T. Wardwell, Francla M Hammond, AHred U Ma nl rer, Jeaae 11. I'nderhlll. ' 'haunoey Lropkv Wal rrlngtoa H. Cla> Baecom. Deloa I^JBtraaka. ,; ., \\ Revnold . Wllltam H Place. t redertck ? Hewitt Damel W. Oould, John E, Dwjner. , n parce. .inhn Qreen. Martin r BtarK. n m Huber Henry C. Lockwood. Benjamln (. M "tgomery! Jarnea McNelll. Joaeph H Bherer. Wllllam ii. Bperry. BOCIALI8T LABOR. Oeorae Abelaon, Thomi a J. Muiphy. Abrahatn Shaplro, Carl Wendelatetn, Otto Hatje.W alfrld I. ? rc Jaeoh Upelre, Oeorge B. BulHvan. Jacob fllmmer. Ix>ula Bchnelder, Joaeph Bmlth. Jamea M-Viarvey Joaeph ? Bweeny. Wllltain Waffner, ?i.,..v Btaalua tl-nr- C. Bomalne. Fran* panh :' pdlnand Mug. Loul* Hoechel, Roman ? wemmer. EmU tl Nueaale. Joaeph i? n.-ws.-?. a,. rlmmln-. Frank W Boberte..Charlei A . , y ;?:?-..... Peter Bomervllle, Thomaa ;. , Henrv Waldman, Henry Behleeaelmann, Mnx F k-r Jamea ..ix,m. John W. kUrtln. Bran '.. h Koenls. Baaajamln P. Ketnard, Auauat Wtnkelmaan PEOPLE* 9. ?? ,.-?? P Buah. Benjamln Wood, John P. Madden. \' ...? McL in, Jamea Burrell, Bamuel B. whlte . \i irtln H Duane, John Ennle, John E walab. .? MM Si-. r. M. :?:.-; K l.yon?. John Jor yjaurle. B. Blumenthal, ?\ Kandolph Henry Ouenther, Wllllam l. Brown, John '??,,.... John Brlaben Walker. Henry P.Cha Wllliam D. Brlnnler. Davri Morey. Michael j; \ \ii -v Van Bergen, John W. olmatead. tVXell fharlea D. Moore, Hpratlo P. Wlther laaon P. Merrlll. <;e,,rce Freeman. \\ ll.'.am <? s\\ ira ii - a T B >ckw- I, P. Fltch Bissell Walter ?? ??<?-. jacob Btern, Abraham J. Ellaa David 8. Wl .Z.ll. THE ELE JTORAL COLLEGE. Tha varlOUJ Btatea wlll ehoos* 447 Rleetor?. The I fn;>.winK tabk ahowa the popular vote of l?^2 and tbe number ol Electoral votea in ISSI: Alahama . MM-1*. MK ?.!?! 280 II . ? H7.H34 40.HM II MI 118 L ':..... ii'.na iiM4? 2r..aM 8.i? o r i ?.?! . -"'-"? ??????'?? l.n?1 * ? ? tlout . ??? ;? "-; ** ?*? ? . t-'.M 's "v- JJ ??'.?;? ?; so.143 4 aaa 4.:. ? , . 1S9.381 4*.?? 42'.:;7 !?** 13 H.M-J 10.520 2^-s J,.,. ," ' 42*.2?i :?.'.<. 2** w.*t aaaro 24 ......... 202.740 255.815 22.2r? 13.0M 19 ' ] .v , . ... 190.307 210.7W 20 ?* C.4..2 13 ..... ir.7 ?.??'.; i?a iai 4.sae 10 K-nturky. 175 4*1 184.441 23.500 0.442 13, ? ? . ina . H7.IC2 18,2*. 13.2*1 ??i 8 JU? ....... l*.o44 82.9211 2.3SI 1002 "". ; Marvluid . I13.MKI '..':?. na .'>.>>." 8 MaaMchaie** ... 178.M3 9C.BH 8.210 8.188 13 V ' u-sn . . . 24tt2!<a 222.708 IH.WI2 14.0*1 11 I MUin'tota .*. 122.H23 2H.SI3 12.1*3 i> MtialaalpBt . 40.287 14'"'. 10.258 :?10 '.. ataaoun . ?.-.,?:?.:.- 22H01* 41.213 4.XI! II Montaaa . 17.681 I8.HS1 1.334 .">4i? I N**raahe . 21.'."43 H7.227 88,184 4,'.?>2 B Nevada . 7i? -,SH "'-'i ? I NVw-Han-Mhlr*, 42?*i is.CM 2:c 1.2K7. 4 New-Jetaa? . 111,040 I38.WSN '.?!:? 8.488 K> New-Tork . ?M *B8 aai.850 IS.42U 50.1441 M North ramnaa.. 132 '.<.! I?0 342 44.7:i.; 1884 11 v ,r;h PakoU... - 17.5111 17.700 wa. 8 1 li, .: 401. lU. 4 ..-.,1?7 14 -.'?. 20.112 2.1 j .' 14.24.3 85,002 :??;:?;.?. 2 2sii 4 ? -ylvanla ... 430.884 51?.<?U K.714 2.-...>2l 3. i irland ..' 84.SK ?-?>. '.-7. 22* 1.884 ? - ? - llna M.8U 13 845 2 4 '7 ? 8 1 v .-., nakoU a?ai :i4 ?v* 28.544 , 4 -?. . 138.874 100,881 23.447 4.K-1 U Texn .' ? llk 81.444 00.8*8 2.188 10 ?. ? -! 8 Vht ai . lasasi 37.;>i>2 43 1.410 4 Ylninta . IOS.?77 118882 112781 2.78* 12 Waabtaat'x. 2?.*>J 3?4<;. laiOJ 2,542i 4 V*at Vln nla ... st '?'?'? *' -?'?' 4.188 2:4.", ?'? Vlaron-I.. ITT.S8S 170 7HI ft.l-W 13.132 II Tf J liaUBB s?**4 7.722 IjM_ 3 " t .??:? .i jmai* '? iM ina i.oti.oa 2x5,2071 447 On Btaetlon 1 ?.<y tbe poUa In this eity and ln every other clty of the Btate will i>e . pen for the pttrpaoa of votlng from f> ?>? ia. untll I p. rn. The law re fiuires the Inape ttora of eleettan. poll clerkn and b.tilot ctttfca 10 be al tba polHng pl icea balf an hour aetara the thne f..r opealng, aad maka all arrajig. menta. a? thal the rotlag may begtn promptly at la. tj K.'oh voter wlll racelva twu oflleial bullota, one of whleh l? ihe l.allot f..r eandulatea and the oih.-r t!..- hauoi ie decide tha ajuaalloa lf the Btate Conatltution ahall l?e ehaaayad so aa to permit ? aale Ot a portiur. ef the Adlrondjek forest Thtr* is pra tleally 110 change ln the method of v?ttng hxm yaar. A voier who wantu to vote * *trai|ht balloi haa merely ti maka a crosa mark wlth a black lead penetl ln tbe clrele under the l mi:em of his party 81 the top of the party column. To vore a apllt tatket, the voter can elther refraln from maklnj; Ihe ream mirk ln tne elrcle and make a Toaa mark ln the space to the left of each and rt<Ty name of a candldate for whom he wanta to vote. or he can make the croaa mark In the clrrle *t the top of the column of hia party, and then make a croas mark In the apace before the name of each candldate for whom he w-ai.tx to vote In other columna. ? Under ne rircu?natanc*a must a voter aeratch out THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER HsinyadiJulnos Pktwi Hahltuai conatlpatlon. Hrmorrholda. ron.-e qutnce of indlacivtlon* of dlat. FOR ?AUE BY At.^ nRt'OOISTB. DO NOT TAKE SUBSTITUTES. Koa*. gtuutaa wlthout tbe algnatura of tha flrat Andreas Saflehner oa u* ?*!. the name of any caadldate on the ballot or make a mark over the name, as that would make the entlre ballot defeetlve and worthlesa. If a voter wanta to acratch a candldate of hla own party aithont voting for the caadldata of another party, he ean mark In tbe elrele at the top of the column and then wrlte the name of John I>oe, or hls own name, in the blank column at the rlght of the ballot, under the deslgnatlon of the ofllce, ar.d then make a crosa mark in thi- space before the writlen name. The crons mark in the circle raata a vote for every candidate named in the column. egeept that candldata from whom the vote la wlthdrawn by a croas mark in another column for another < aate. The ballot for any questlon to be aubmltted to popular deehnon la to be voted by makina B crosa mark In the space before the word "yee" or in the space before the word "no" on tbe'ballot The ballot clerks ahall dellver ballota llready folded in the proper manner, nnd the voter muat take them into the voting booth, unfald them, HOW TO POLD THE BAI.I.OT. mark them. then refold them and keep them folded until he handa them to the ohalrman of the Board of Inapectora of Kleotlon. Of Intereat to voter* la tbe feJlOWlng porlion of the new law whlch relafea to Ihe lntent of electoro, as follows: Subdivlalon Il-Intent Of electors No I?If the electOf marka more name* than there are P< rsona to be elected to an offlce, or if for any reaeon H la impoaslble to determlne the rlector*a chdcc for an ofllee to be fllbd. hls vote ahall not b. counted for such ofhce, but ahall be returned a? a Mank vote ror SU.h Ofhce. | No. :?-lf the elector ahall have made a ? ioaa x j mark in the clrch- at the head of 11 party ti k< t. and | befoiv th. nani.* of Indlvldual candldatea on Ihi aame ticket only. tbe voting m..rl<< in the vot Ing spa.'.-s before the namea of eui h randldatea on I auch tlckel ahall be ireated aa aurpltwag*-. '":'' hla vote ahall be counted for all ih* candldatea on auch , tickets so marked In ihe clrcle Na 3. If the eleetor ahall have made a croaa X j mark ln the .ir. !e above the name ..f Ihe party. aome of whoae candldatea he dealred to k-ote for, and he ahall abio have placed ?? croaa X mark befora | th.- name of any candldaK of my other party for any offlce, tiie cross X mark in th? clrcle above Ihe name of th< party tlckel must be deemed lo have caat th< elector'a vote foi every candldate on Ihe tlckel of auch party ao marked, excepl for the can dldate or candldatea for the offlcea whlch ire ln dlvidually marked on other llcketa, and Ih eandl date or candldatea ao Indlvldually marked >n auch other ti ki t or llcketa ahall bi deenu .1 ihe < holce of Ihe voter for aui h offlce or offlcea, . <' S8TIT L'TIONAL A M1 ?:NI >M E NT-1 Caltforula wlll vote on oonatltutlonal amend ments to extend Ihe auffraae to women, to permll thi' us" of tbe votina macblnea, and to provtde f..r the taxatlon of "money, > r.-.llts. bonda, ?t".k duea, franchlaee, and al! mattera and thinRs real, peraonal and mlxed, capable of peraonal owner ?hip." ln I'oiorado an Btnendmenl to the Conatltutlon to ilmlt the contractlng of debt by tbe Btate wlll be vnted upon. Mlnneaota'a amendmenta ar>- on the aubjecta of homa rui.- and taxatlon of aleeptng l.arlor and dininK cir rompantea, arid of forelgn and domeatlc Inaurance companlea, ar.d to enlarge thi- qualUlcatlona of votera Mlaaourl votera wlll be called upon to determlne between .lefferson Clty .ii.l S..i..lin as the future aeat of the Strue government. Montana wlll vote 011 the vo'.ing machlne am tlon Waabmgton -The eonatltutlonal nn.erdm?-nt pro vtdea for addltkmal auffrage quallflcatlona South DakOta wlll vote or. the woman BUffrage nnd prohlbition amendmenta Idaho wlll alao vote on the propoaed woman suffrai?" amendment. The foreetry amendment wlll be roted mion ln ihe state of New-Tork. if the amendment la adopted the Commburion wlll have addltlonal power to improve fon-st pnserve. lt allOWl th? Com? mhwlon to leaae for ooltage altea landa aritbln tbe forest preeervea, bul no peraon wlll ba allowed lo lease more than five acrea lt alao permlta the Cnmmtaaton t< exchange land owned by tbe State outside the prem-rve for landa insb'.e the preeerve 8TATKS HAV1N0 THE iECRET BALLOT The follOWlng Btatea have adopted new ballot laws and wlll uae the Auatrallan ayatem In aome form: Alabama. CallfomU, Colorado, Connectlcut, Debtware, Idaho, llllnola, Indlana, iowa. Kanaaa, Kentucky, Malne, Maryland, Maaaa chnaetta Mlehlgan, Mlnneaota, Mlaalaalppl Mbv aourl, Montana. N'ebraeka, New-Hampahlre, New Jersey. New-Vork, North Imkota. OhlO, OregOn, Pennaylvanta, Rhode Island, Bouth Dakota, T.n neeaee, Texa?. Yerniont. \'lr?iriia. WashlliKton. Wevt Vlrglnla, Wtoconaln and Wyomlng. Membera of Congreaa wlll be elected In eeery ?tate oxeepl Malne, Vermont and Oregon The newly eleeted Leglalature* ot Ihe followlng State* wlll lake part In the elec|lon of Cnlted states Benatora: Colorado, Connectlcut, llllnola, Indlana, Kanaaa, Mlaaourl, New-Hampahlre, New York. North I'arollna. North DakOta, South l>a kota. Waablngton, BTIaeeneln, Callfornla, Nevada, Pennoylvanbi and Ctah. /.v the tabiovs statks. CALIPORHla john C. I.yn.'h la tbe candldate of ihe Republl CHna agalns. W. T .leter for I.ieut.-nant-tJovernor. COLORADO David H. "Walta baada the Pepuliei tieke' for fJev or xhe RepuMleaaa bava nominat.-.i Jared L BttSh and the varlous candtdatea an m.-n of acknowledged papularlty. The new Leajkdatura wlll elert a BUCeeaaer to Henry M. Teller, the allver Re pttbllean Uaiied Btatea Benator. CONNKCTICVT. There are four tieketa In the fleld. The are: RKriin.KAN. 9?22!?:iiLZZi'.....'..?>?""" l>. Dewell. r.1..,?;.n?,...>overn..r.;;;;;;;;:;.?harte. ?wip7 Treamrer. ...tlenj. P.afaaat. <"ontr<iller. S1I.VKK DnfOCKATlC. .J. It. Sara-em . Qoreraof ????;?"??. .g. a Crandall, I leut-nani-fJ..y-rn?r.? ? ? ? ,.???? Becretary of Ktate.? ? ? Ab(i ,, ? ^ Treamrer. .,.. v Blpiajr, Controller. ROfND MONKY HKMOi'HATIC. Oeeeraar .w w'Sfda Ueatenant-ilovernor."? n,.i, her y^ ...? - c,ht. .wa, nefi ner. h?,-r*.nr> ,.r aun. . ... ... ... ^ir-::::::::::::::::::::::::--^::',,!,, enor. f i.ntrnll ?OCIAL LABOB. John A. M'.rt'.n. Kdward ChatAaM. K Sern.r. H.-nry l.i.ltn. Oeieiaor. I.|eutenant-?5overnor. gecretary ?f Htate-?? Tfaaurer.ll ' .,""V, CtoeuaHer.??*?? 1"wM1 PIlOllIHITION K S. Van'-rieater. Oovemor. I.,e?..n?n.-.i..vernor. . ? .. - "SJJ SaKer......*- ?'? ?"?*? The new Leglalarnre wlll eleet a auceeaaor to Senator Orvllle H. Tlatt (Kepul.llean). DELAWARB. The Leglalature will ehooae B I'nltcd Statea S. na ,or to flll a vacancy. There ia ? conteat between the Addlcka and anti-Addleka factlona. IDAHO. There aeema to be aa mueh excitement over the woman auffrage queation as over the Btate offlcers. The Leglalature wlll elect I aueeeaaor to Benator Oeorge L. Bhoup (Republlcan). ILLINOI8 Republleana. Democrata. Bound Money Demo cra,aP Popullata. and N-t o?? P hlbltlonlau have each nomlnated a full ?^?f"> J0hn A. T-n.r .. thenomlnee %?*"? Jj KSS. SSw m Jatalat-r. wlU a.ect a auccessor to Benator John M. Palmer. the Natlonal Demorratic candldate for Prealdent. INDLANA. Thef- are three ticketa for State offlcera, and the Leghuatnre will cbooeo a aacceaaor to Unlted Btatea Senator Danlel W. Yoorhees (Silver Demorrati. IOWA. State offlcers wlll be elected The Republlcan tlcket Is ceaded by J. I.. Dobeon, and L H. Carr Is al the head of the Popullat-Demoi raric tlcket. KANSAS a new Lagtalaturu wlll be elected, whlch nill elecl i Buceeaaor to Wllllam A. PefTer, Unlted Btatea Senator Tbe RepubUcaa nomlaea for Oov ernor is K. N. Morrill. 1,01 ISIANA. Loutalana will elect Oovemor and State offlcera. MASSA*'1U'SKTTS. ItoKer Wolcoit, the nomlnee for (kivernor on the Republlcan tlcket, wlll be oppoaed by Oeorge Kred Wllllama, Demoeral and Popuiist; Prederlck O. Prlnce. Bonnd Money Democrat; Allen Coffln, Pro hlbltlon; John A. Ntcbola, Natlonal Prohlblllon. and Tbomaa C. Brophy. Bodal Labor. MARYLAND, Tbe .Tiiil:< offlcers of rhe Second I'lrcuit wlll be elected In Maryland. M1CHIOAN. There are four ti.-k"t< ln tb.e ilebl for Oovernor aci stat.- offlcera. Hasen s Plngree is ihe randl date for Oovernor on Ihe Republlean tlcket. MIXNKSi i'I'A The ? indldatea for Oovernor are Davld M. Clough iH. p ,. John Llnd (Deni >. and W J Di in 'I'ro.t MISSi H'RI. ,\ Oovernor and fnll Biate llehei wlll be elected Th< candldatea for Oovernor ar. B E :.'?;? (Rep.), I. V, Blephena (Dem.V C lt Jonea IPopu llat), and L C. Prey (B lall I Labi ? I, M< iNTAN 1. There are two llcketa In Ihe h>ld for Oovernor and Sta'.' offlei 11 NEBRABK\ Ti.lecllon ln Bryan'a Btate wl|1 Include Oo? ernor and Btati offlrera, for whlch there are flv< llcketa nomlnated The randldatea for Oovernoi are i. n m icCall (Rep ?. ? A lldcomb (Pop. I,.,,, , r s Blblw iBound Money Dem I, Jea i War ih r (Pre i and lt A. Hawlej (Nal Pi i I NEVADA The n. w I...-: Utture wlll eleei ?? aucceeeor lo Senator John P. Jonea (Pop.l NBW-HAMPBHIBE Oeorge A. Ramadell la the Repuhllean randMate for Oovernor. aanlnat Henrj " Keni fDem.) The rounelllnra and Benatora who wlll ba chooen win ] Heci i aueceaaor to Dr Joeon H OalHnger, Unlted Btatea Benator. KRW-JERBEY There are Bve llcketa In ih- tield ln Kew-Jei ? Republlean Bllver Democrat. Oold Demoeral Pro hlbltlon and BocUllai Labor The followlng on ... .. ,.?i,| -,-. , ot the two prtndpai partlea MEW-TORB There ar.' alx Btate tleheta m New-Tork The Republ in ? ind datea an Por n vernor. rrank s Blaek: re* Ueutenant Oovernor. Tlmothy L WeeaJruB for Aaeoclati i todgo of tbe .'our of Appeala. Irvmg 0 V.nn The other tlcket* are a* fdlowa ,?,?? ratli ivr a ivernor. Wllbur K Porter; for Lteutenant-Oovern >r, Prederb s C. Bchrauh for Aa aorlata Judge of tbe Couti of Appee?o, Rob*ri i" i Tltua Natlonal Demorratic t ?r Oovernor. DaiW ?? I Ortffln; for Ueuienant-Ooverner, Prederlek B Hlnrieha for Aaaoclate Judge of tbe Court ol \t ],. ali Bpeneer Cllnton. prohlMtl n Por Oovernor, Wllllam W. imlth; for Lleutenant-Oovernor, Charlea B Latlmer: for Aaaodate Judge of tne <-ourt of Appeala, Ellaa j Rool Boriall ? Oovernor Howard Balkam; for Ueulenant-Oovernor, Predertca Bennelta; for | Aaaoclate Judge of the Coun of Appeala, Theodore I p I'.ino People'a?Por Oovernor, Wllbur P Porter; for I Lleutenant-Oovernor, Prederlcb V Bchraub; for I Aaaoclate Judge oflhe <-our' of Appeala, Lawrence 1 j M< Parlln To IHI iti- vacanete* ln ihe Judlelal dlatrtcta the foiiowinr nomlnatloni have been made BECOND JCDICIAL MSTltl'T Republlean Bamuel T Maddox, W'HIUm Bf Oood rlch, Oarrei J Oarretoon and Mlchael H Hlrach berg, Democratlc Wllllam F O'Nell, John Plemlng, Tbomaa S Mo. and Btephen D. Btephefw Natlonal Democratlc Charlea J Patteraon, Bte pbi 11 l> Blephena, J. Warren Oreenc and Tbomaa s Moore problbttlon Waller Parrlngton. Colendge <? Hart, Andrew L Martln and Alfred I?'- Orooi. Boe'ialuU-Laboi John Boehler, Chriatlan Ludwlg. Llbrechl Btamm and Edward McOovern Ttalrd Judlelal Dtatrlcl Bmory a. Cbaae, Bep.; Pranh '< Oaborne, Dem., Nal. Dem and People'a Plfth Judlelal Diatrlct- Prank ll. Hiacocfc, Bep . john W Bhea, Dem suth Judlclal Diatrlct lmr- Matilee, Rep. aad Dem Roberl T. Turner. Nal Dem riKhth .i.i.H tal Dtotrtei -John Woodwardi Rep Bnd Dem.i Jamea A. Allan, Nat. Dem.; K.lwar.i N Heatb, Peopk/a; Oeorge N. Bauder, I'r.,. Th<- follOWlng Is th>- llst .,f Cougreaa nornlnatlona; ,?mi.-i. >';i"'l'},1;,''; ? vruiia* '.'"'m,'"'.':': I. joaeptl M. HellW WUUmm A. Hanrd (OoM). , \j u,i.;.v .l..lm M (lancjr, . ,i nrileoa CTiarlea ?*. ?? ?Pranela U. wii >n. ( f||| A (| n.^ (Q |(]) 4..,..-. p. .v,h.r. .;,',::'/,;??', 'r;':"1,,,.,,, :.. a Be.?*tt. JJ^-J lv?,!";^ ?,?,, ? ., ? ,. ii,,wn \\ llliani l"n k. rni.m. 0. Mnmra I.. " "* ? I .^(..^j J, HMI.I, ,,. WII.U- ... W?d. jBXrvMurwr^% ol.,,,,,. 1T .fWlamr. .:. Oeen. fr. ^a^wWr^a (OoM). ., ,_,, i/?t, h?m Klehanl K. I'unnvll. is 11 KM.ham. 1|im> M,.trlt|f ?iu.lil .. u i.,^i,r?n lieorae <i Miiler ?. .? ,,iv.j , u Thomaa P U'llklaaoa, ?jo ?Oeeraa R. Baaaawien. mmmm lMrofi ?,,,,,,, ,. ? - ? u'lll,. r t... Iiri ll l.nitl.' 21 ?I.nvl.l Fnrr??t \MH?r. ? Loetau N Uttaeer. baalla M l>ll (fliarfca oSoldi tl ML,NTUro!r>. iraVS a^r^.W 2r, ?Jamaa *?*????* i^dL h.i,,-. . 2.1 ?Oeorge w. Bar. aiexan.i.r D. w?ie.. . .r._ . i |.,?,i,- Cbartta s\ iuii lOoM). T>. 'Tbaudnra U raa* i,,,,.. i Helden S8 's-r-n.. K. raraa. u?hrtx u' hnniama. , ... cni.t Frnii.-la O, M??,,.i <<J.,M>. tm liervlMe Pagu rOeMl, av U"p,l??-,,rth. IV P. Halelte. H ajaaaea w. waaaa oaaawa \ **-<?? 8*?H>. .. n,,.?-,t,T Wllllam I". Ilynn. M. -Menrv '. ???- Wllllam II Devta (OoM). 3; ?R.wland R aaenaay. Mrk R g-*^ f(,oM) . , n a Aleiander. Hanrej W.,n. Xt (??,!. I> H. Ale*an> ,;??,.?,. W|n(I ?;?M) ,~a hm Y?.rk ?n.i Braaalya Bomtaailnaa THK ABBaMBLt IH TIIIS BTATK. n' ihe forty-aeven Demoerata In lha pretenl Aa ? mbly ten are from eounllea outa'de of N.-w-York !!S KfJ8? Mtd 1. b. I.'lfved thal they wlll he aur ?M,,^, i,y RamuMlcana II ia eamcaded on all aadea ' ' ,he Reput.llean Wt8 "UP the S.nte" wlll be far 'ona-er than lt was ln the Inat nolltleal eonte.t. ?'. n, the lat Dl?trl-t of Brle 4'ounty and folum ""'' nnf, Henera rountlea each gave B Democrallc lurallty of leaa than *X>. R'-pul.llean majorltlea are lo.ked for there thla vear Schoharle. whleh ha. been B Demoeratle atronrhold, wlll prob? ably return a Republleun member. and even Rleh niond, whleh gave a plurallly of 800 for the laat Demoeratle candldate. la looked upon aa Republlcan .hla vear The membera of the n?xt Leglalature wil" elect a auccea-or to Davld B. HtU. Unltad Btatea Senator. _wi_. The followlng are the nomlnatlona for Aaaembly. ALBAMT. k _ DlaU BepuWieaa. jJamBamnp 8 ? Every American Nceds the Standard History of His Own Country. 1 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS ] have combined for I THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE I your benefit f to place in the hancis of all readers of Thk Tribi sf. the great Five Volume illustrated | SCRIBNER'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES W _ IM . nw a aiAiviA A laree nart of the entlre f.rst e^ltlon which The Trlhune secured has been subscrlbed for. The f PRICES ARE ADVANCING. rUular prio*is%>.b" Never aold for less. untll The Trihune made this arrangement for the benefit of Ita readers. X PI IID D openi this mornlng as promlsed, and all *U* Joln lt now can have the aet delivered for fci.OO down. and J2.00 a month for 9 ? vLUO D montha?aboat 7 .. nts a day. 9 ? . ._ j i o, 'i?oi, r i in.iini- nuiiaiiv a new eenuine levant style has Just been prepared to meet the demand I BINDIN6. grfhlnmrnrna^^a^h^^ Et 1? wlll laat a llfe and la guaranteed by ff Charlea Bcdhner*B Sons. 8 aaaaaaa ta aanrfl If rou llve In New-York pull the lever of your A. D. 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No one has lailed to want them who ? K?^ > ?* 1?r W. ffgaV^b^TWiSm, ?& ! has seen ihe volume*. We ray express charge,_ !? aireet IlwofclVa Bagle WaaWagiaa ?.. BiaoMjra. -+ M*t? W)c Xcu> flork fcribnnc, Tribune Butlding, New Vork. , ,:..,?.,, .; Beheter. A,,ir- -;. taehaea. 3 Jame* ? ?t. Ewan. , T ,;,...,v. .: I.avld Ferrla . |in s L'raae. 4 Jaeob I". I^ven ALI.ROAN1 ,..i a. Robblaa ll" > I- .| gulnti. ,:". BBOOME i Pbarle. r I i He J^"iw''?n '?' 1 .Cbarlear T-pper. fclmun iVV.ll&e. ?*?*>? i-ATTABArnfH. ? '?'????? , \\ I ,!A *'?. "?K ?"'??.ia.-iVi./.'a !* .w ? !::??:;; fAJT. "-Vn-' -.- ;;::&?? - ? .B.tb..p.A?d. ;N rw.?. M.riln v. iv Turaer. Everetl ?' Ba*. ( I t l.l .?! I - l .1 it...... ii- ;:,,.'''v'i: .gwi .... Cul.fMI.IA CoHTLASIl ,. ? , . ii mk W ' ..Ina. ?Ptanklhi P Hui ?? r] ' . v , .: .,, UKLAU m:i: ? . ,, ., !,.,.. w. Markei ? hn W. M- <rtbur. . .. n ?'.-? i" ' ' .. 'Jotrr A lt. !? M ,,,,,,. EBIE . .... I rati U.a :??????> ' , ,:,,:;, N. ,...., ..-. id>. . . . ..;li-.: U II i ??.- ? '??-'?< .;.;,.':;? ,rv;?-:.k,m>: M I rli s 4. Wllllaaa , ?c\t ,: , , ,,. ,.,k (OoM). ? ? ??? "??, "m "I'....;-M> I n. laa M - \ "?".'.'. M ,. /.;.'' io ri,. 7 >Hean .. - : :? \\ \"?';..,,, ..mi,. EMftKX ,., Hu.1a.wi FRANKUN .,-.?.- H P ; ?*Vil'uan, E amallaaaa. ? \.N AM. I.AM.I.T..N ..w.'f. 8 ' "JhXZffi OKNI MrrM. |. Bandeta i?''" * Trrri * HKKBNE ?V?- HgBKlW ' : ? ' .' '?,:,,,,?!'-',. ",':"<r' l ?Wa let I ' ' w " ',.;.'., ,.; : |?. , i.r >1? ?' W rlewttl ? ' BrtluaJ. nail ; ^ w ?u^ ?.,.,,,, ,Tbi .. f UtaunM, ...aainat'l aa I ? ? ? ?*" UEWI8 .. . . k .-. Bdgar - K B*rr?ll LIVIBQKTON ..??. k- ? ^ Headrlcea MADI80N. Kaaerl .1 F-h ' r,? ? Mc' ? MONBOK .... r i >-? u '"" " Banereft, HOMTOOMERY ? K.I..-I Muai* ?*???? ? '"^'^ Wl .?.,'. II .',"'r NKW VORK ' ?? ?*" Nv- Y ^'''nry i, al\i n ?!???. Niv; m: \ . 'FranU A l ? ? ? ONEIDA 1 ..?; ??>?? > . v,, n 0 W lllama ?:*.,?;.- : ...... i ijp .n..\>; \ , ,?>.., ii. ? VIII on H' ffman. i Wllllam J lieiua " drt. ka) ,. ... , Ignailu. aawmlllw IBH 2 ivu'l'i 0 Tea Bi H 8e?oa R afeCTiialw. ' iiien Irlcl atm ...-. 11 Tl. rn...i> .. S:',: ,., ,,.. Bl hetaa E MeKaaver. I.iin.' t.^'n BUIwell ..i-i , .iMwIn W w-:- iMan- BenaaH B. Parler. lt':'!'> llaaa? (BeMeal OKTABIO i.itAN.'.i: .. , ,? fi ,U.<11 l-t.-lenrk i>. TttthllL 1 ?Loola I '? "'"* " i, ,?i.i |. achalta. 2 ?t?ula i.-i'i. OBUCABB. Tlaaaalrli L D?waa Cbarlaa B H?rt. OaTUTBOO . ,. T?ii,r Jamea camll. V Jr\" ta t'oat*llo a 8. Barlwr. 1MTNAM ,? w A.t.i.a 1 Uaa li TiuaadaB. QUBXNB . .^ , ii,. u... Thoaaaa P. Kennedr. iOTiVwa^Wt. ^K?hkjr ;-, ?Mnfiea Croanwaai '? RRKMELABB 1. ;tMwa^ ateOraw. wnimm Hattea, Jr. ?t lleaderaaa. BjfJL Oaarae W. Witbeek. i ?o.irae Aadera. a. ?? RtCHMOHD. , , Oaaraa TTaater. Oeanja Oaray. w ;|Inlr, sll?rt, (0f,id). a^iarlHi ,.. ^J^^^m^i iBBve. ST l.AWUKMK. . ., ,* Mit,* ?neaater F. Hartlay. : .ll^rt'tn Tl Iv.a rtABATOOA u- biaaiaali w.iiium J. DeaaaaB/. ,ir?r?e W. K..\ana.m.. ,.?,r(.? r n??iphr?y. PCBBRBCTADT, .Th.,m.a w. unaaw. i<*a C lieyara HCHOHABIB. ? n..-:.r Qaoiaa M. Fnlmer. W..|l,na,ot. K. >"'-;';HrvlJU niiM a*.,., w. MeManer. SFNK.'A. u cienn Taaaaaa J. fawgar. Kam m. Olaaa. m|jn|| ,. ..tameaI* ll-m*.". Eg???&,avea. gtjpfOUC. ,. ? ., Ar.h.r E 1'irry i. asjraatae P. ??"?? ;.,ul, ,, Btrooa lOolaU 2. ?farll S. Uurr. jr. Ajjjrej SyeSanrg (Oald). Oeoraa M. C ^l^SUW' Wmi BBkmi and TIO.IA -.' ?' nnSSr " "'?'" .. ^ ? n,,.? Blthtttaa P^araon. ?Fred K. BBtaa ^^ I ?y*j js' S5t.K*m rnu* TlriamBi. a. iiaroiurt J I r.u. waKRKV ?T.ylor J. Eldrldi*. ? "1!"m <*? ?-<""ron ?wiiiiam R. Hobi.ia. giXa^amamu. WAVNE. ?Oeorae B Hort?n. UmjB H Cl.rk. WBlUaBBTBfc ... . _ aaaaaa ir auphen J. stiilwell. 1. AUn4 B, ?aalrt. Jr. -^^ f) E??r (0old> ? ?nMDh ? B?Bal -Walnwrtght (Oold). II t22. W HuSied. Balph BaWer. a. aaaaaa w. atuaw*. ^^jj c. Darrow (Oold). WIOH1BO. ?Mofthner N. fole. "'yrll D. Lnmbard. YATKS. MOaa w. rtapiet. B B Voorlwee. 'Beaeilaaled. NORTH CABOLINA. The Tarheel Btate wlll elect Oovernor nnd Btate offlcera and a LegUlature. A aueceaeor wlll be rhoaen bv the new LegUlature to Senator .1. C. Pntchard (Bth/er Bep.). Then- are Ihree tb-kets in th- h>ld. NOBl'H DAKOTA. A Oovernor and St Ita offlcers Wlll be elected. Prank a. bhcks is the candldate for c.ovemor on the Republlean tlckrt; R. R itbbar.ison on the Democratlc. OHIO. Three llcketa have been r.omlnatod for Secretary nf Btate and minor State offlcera, PENN8TLVANIA McfBbera of the Btate Benate and As-i'ttlMy wbl be elected. The) wlll chooae a Bucceeaor to .1. Don <'am eron, Bllver Republlean, L'nlted < B nator. SOl'TII CABOLINA. A r.ov^rnor and BUte oahcera wlll be elected. The now Leglalature wlll i lect a aueceaeor to senator I. | M. Irby. Bllver Democmt. BOUTH I'AKOTA. Th<ri> are two llcketa for r.oyrnor anl Stnte offl rera and for leglalatore, who wlll eleet a aucceaaor to Benator Jamea H. Kylo, PopuUat. TENNEBBBE. The candldatea for r.ovemor are fj. N. Tillman, RepubUcan; Robert L. Taytor, Democrat, nnd A. L. Miruma, Popuaat. TKXAS Thi> three llcketa are hcadrd a* follows: C. A. Cul Democrat; Bandobjm nark. Prohlbition; Jame? C. Kearby, PopoUel LTAR A new Legteleture wlll be eierte.i. whirh aili ehooae a ?ucceaeor to S-nator Arthur Hrown. Bllver Bepub : an WABHINOTON. i;nvern-.r and State offbers wlll he tleefed Alao a I.. ..-i-laturr. which wll! el.v; ,\ suc.-is-or to Sena^t-r w.its a C Bqulre, Bepublloan WKST PIBOINIA. A Oovernor and minor Btate eehcera aiU be elei ta i. WISCONBIN. The eiecti.-n wll: be for Oovernor and S:a:e offlcera and a Leglelature, wh:.-h wlll chooae a aucceaaor to Benator wuaam F Vllae, Democrat Kdward Beho fleld la th* Republlean candldate for Oovernor and W. C. Bllverthorn the Democratlc candldate. -e ?' 77//; LOCAL CANDIDATES. NOMINATIONfl OP THE VARIOU8 PAR TIKS. | COBONBB. CONOBEBgatEN AND ABBBMBLYMSM TO BB BUBCTBD IN TFUS CTPT. Tha followlng B a nal of the tocal candldatea to I be for ln this elty to-morrow. The namea of the non.ln-es for Btate and Natlonal offlcea are ! uren In another column. Here are the candldatea: POR COBONBB K. T.itblli. Bepublkan. ? , o Bausch Tamroanyand People a partjr. Robert P. Muehenbach. Natlonal Democratlc ''"'v'\v Palroer! ProhlWtlon. WaMemar Dorfmann. BocUtat-Labor party. POR CONOBKBB !;;;";. john W. Bhlnea! PrV. and John H. Moore, S'vVlVib' Jobn Murr'v Mltchell Rep. nnd Nat. . u" ,?: j Walah Tam and People'a; Jamea }';"^\ri;-r PrL. and Wllllam P. WeeteeneM. Boc Hnr.l, Tlmothv J. fampbell. Bep. and Nat. Dem INtb Timoiny-. .,., j Bradley, Tam. and ^:y,:"Nvnl^rvi''cl'ween.I>ro..and DanUI De ''v'.'l' l^rMtce W. M-ade. Rep.; Amos J. I'lim xth t lar.ii. ? p-opie'a Calvln Tomklne. Nat. Dcn?' Fle.'h.r llamlln. I'ro.. and Wllllam Ruddy. ^itfcperdlnand Kidman. Rep: Wiiiiam,Bnlaer ?Xl , t. ...a,.??? Tbomaa J. Connor, Nat. Dem.; Tobn R Haneon. WE and Hermaa MlUor. Boe. ^'v'.ni, rttarlaa a. Heaa Rep . Oeorge it. Me ,-iXili.Tnand Nat. IVm.; Wllbur S Hobbe. rrn;";har"b"; RCoPI'. Soc.-l.ab., and Marlon M. MvMrr.h,<iucbard c Bhannon, Rep.; Tbomaa ?xAi T.m ? Jooeph H. afadden, Nat. Dem.; pra'nee M "lammond. Fro; Isldor Phllllps. Boc - 1 .a, ?' john J. Murphy, People'a, and Theaaaa P. 'fel^R'"* ?*>! John Quincy . V ? . T,.m und people's; Charlea V. Forms, Nat. Dem ; Ibnjamin T Kogera. Jr? Pro.. and Rlchard MXV?h-Pwiip*R LOW. Rep. and Nat Dem.; Wlll , ii ti.rv, Tam ; Oocar A. UaKe, pro.; Bnoch ^N'homas. Soc-Lai).. and Arch.e C. Fisk. Peo a^H^J:^.^""^^-^ und llen L. Falrchlld. Nat Rep. POR AfeBBhfBI.T. M Dlatrlct-Arthur F.zold. Rep.; Dnnlel B. Flnn. T,XTHammerr.r>So.T-l.?b.. and Artemus J. Bmlth. PifPalLaula J Hoennlnger. Rep.; "VVIIllnm H. II',,-''0!',"J- wiiiuni Smlllle Nat. Dem.; John McNIckle i'n?': PraaTgam, Boc.-Lab.. and Jamaa il1^n"1Joi.nVFl" l-nny. B^jJ^Hdl JL Roche^ Tt2?JinAarona Pro und Emll Knell, Boc.-Lab. AV?th^OhS Pa mlerl. Rep: Tlmothy P. Sulltvun. ?r inhn V (Jlllen. Nat. Dem.: (ieorae Knevlta. fro" ?nerman Kahlbaum. Soc.-Lab.. and Wllllam '\MTh-Wam" C. Baxter. Rep : Edward W. ii Ji Tam ? Matlhnw Conklln. Nat. Dem; Aaron ||!*UWU Pro ; Robert Blumenthal. Soc.-Lab.. and ^iVlTh^Chbr&Wt&r. R.P. and Nat. Dem.; .. ii. nAJe Tam ? Arthur McKeon. Pro.; Solo ^ I^mTn.sT-Lab.. and Wllllam F. Mlller. raon People'a 1 IXth -John D. Ulackburn. Rep Jamea P. Mac r?V?. Tam.; John O. Norman. Nat Dem.. B. ( . HcMUes Pro.: Charlea O. Teche, Boc.-Lab.. and ,,hxrhWeremb;hP50rBur..van. Rep.: Otto Komnner. Tam and People'a; Chriatlan H. Looa N'at. Dem.; Wimam Renalaff. Pro.. and Oeorge slebur*. Soc. ^Ith-Edmund C. Lee. Rep.; Wllllam H. OledhlU. Flint's Fine Furniture. OBIENTAL BUG8FOR ANY OOLOB SCIIEME. Tam. and People'a; .>ugust C. Thoma, Nat. Dem.; Henry Oaborne, Pro.. and James Hoyd, 8oc.-Lah. Xllth ?Rudolph Ifaaa, Rep. and Nat. Dem.; Joaeph S.-hiiliun, Tam. and People'a; Jamea Gllkln aon, Pro., and Alexander Jonaa, Soo.-Lab. Xllfth?Wllllam .'orbltt Rep.; Patrlck F. Tr.Un or, Tam. an.l People'a; Kdward Rlllliardt. Nat. I..-m.; <ieorne A. Motsford, Pro., and Charlea Kala . r, Soc.-Lab. XlVth?-t'onrad C, Wlasemann. Rep.; Jarob Frltz, Tam. an.l People'a: Jamea a. Smlth, Nat. Dem.; Jamea Trueman Kcyea, Pro., an.l Jo*.ph Stalber, BOC.-Lab. XVib -Rlebard C. Vnn Morn. Rep.; Thomaa P. My ra, Tum. an.l Paoaale'a; John J. Walsh, Nat. Dem. and Ind. Dem.; Jamea M. Orr, Pro., and Nathan Bendln, Boc.-Lab. XVlth?Wllllam Vokel. Rep.; Renjamin Hoffman, Tam, and People'a; Thomaa K. Leonard, Nat. Dem ; John F. NuIhI. jr.. Pro.. and Meyer Lon don, Boc.-Lab, XVIIth-D. Frank Llovd. Rep.; John A. Demp aey, Tam.; Danh-I J. Gl.-aaon, Nat. Pem. and Ind. Demj Theophllua J. Ilanaer, Pro.; Frederlek Rlch ter, Boc.-Lab.. and Joaeph Flnn, People'a. XVIIIth- Jamea P. Kelker, Rep.; John F. Daly. T.un.; Mlrha.l .1. K.-lly. Nat. Dem.; John Benney. Pro.; Jamea Hunter. So.-.-Lab.. and Wllllam J. Ghent, Peopta'a. MXth -Robeii Haaet, Rep.; Oodolphln F. R.ira lem Tam.; Alfre.l A Whltman. Nat. Dem.; Wlll lam Tr.rn-r.. Pro.; Patrlck J. O'Brlen, 8oc.-Lab.. and John J. Daly, People'a. XXtli Cbarlea H. Bdllch. Rep.; John P. Corrl gan, Tam.; Bugene T. Hanka, Nat. Dem.; Kverett N. Garnaey. Pro; Karry Rerger. Soc.-Lab.. and Tha Ideua H. Wnnemen, Peoplea XXI?t Oeorge C. Auatln. Re|>.; Thomaa J. Mur ray. Tam. an.l People'a; Oeorge J. V^atner. Nat. I'.-in.; Klwird H Mead. J'ro. and Frank J,. d'Elaeatix, So<- -Lab. _ _ . XXIM Abram Learle, Rep.; Danlel D. Tooher. T..m. and Nat Dem.. Oeorge W. StreWI. Pro.; Mariln Plv. Soc.-Lab.. James 8 Holy. Peoplea, and Charlea II. Dalhaiiscr. Antl-Maehlne. XXIII.1-Rlebard .iilleland. Rep ; Thomaa J. Hay den Tam.; John M. Thompson. Nat. Dem.; Jleorge Munro Pro.; Charlea K. Thompaon. 8oc.-Lab., and Mlchael ,1. Leonard, People'a. XXIVth -Henry Zweifel. Jr.. Rep.; John B. Flta ?crald. Tam. .\)-\<) Peoplea; Francla 8. < ampbell, Nat D.-m ; W. lf Dlmond. Pro.. and VMIlUm Kllngenbera, Boc.-Lab . XXVth Patrik Henry Murphy. Rep.; Andrew Govan Tam.; Jultan B. Bhope, Nat. Dem; Harry C Tavlor Pro and Anpleton Weldon. Peoplea. XXVIth --Frank A. Bovak Rep.; Patrlck J- An? drew Tam and People'a] Patrlck 8t. John O Bul llvan, Nal Drn.; Frank D. Du Souchet. Pro.. and Charlea I-'ranz. Soe.-l.ab. _ ..._ . XXVIIth Pranda K. Lalmbeer, Rep.; < harlea A. Mollov, Tam. and People'a; rlarence C. Ferrla, Nat Dem., and Fgb. rt Q. Barton, Pro. ._ . XXVillth John F Bherman. Rep.; Joaeph i. Oreen Tam. and Peoplea; Gabrlel L Lowenthall. Nat Dem.: Cbariea Knappmann, Pro., and Carl Wallatrom, Boc.-Lab. _ ? , XXIXth - l.awre.n-e F. Brown. Rep.; Ldwar' T i\wn Tam. and People'a; Mark M. Schlealnaer Nat. Dem.. and J. H. Yarnell, Bro. XXXth?fheodore w. Briekar, Rep.; Oeorge Wlll lam atyer, Ir., Tam.: John W. Knnls. Nat. Dem.; C l. Kldder Pro.; Engelbert Rruckman, Soc.-Lab., an.l Jamea J. Daly, People'a. XXXIat?Harvey T Andreara. Rep.; Frank L. Kckeraon Tam. and People'a: George E. Morgan. Nat Dem.. and Albert T. Hull. Pro. XXXIId?Krederlek Horn, Rep.; Thomaa F. Don nelly Tam.: Mattbew J. Gonnoud. Nat. Dem.; Charlea C. Auatln, Pro.; Aaron Henry. Soc.-Lab.. and iV.-riek Rock, People'a. XX \IILl -James P. Dejjnan. Rep.: John F. Walah. T^im. an.l People'a; Wllllam T Glover. Nnf. l.em : Charlea N. afaaaa, Pro., and P. H. Von Kl XXXIVth- Phlllp W. Relnhard. Jr.. Rep.; Lyman w Reddlngton, Tam ; Anguatua J. Spang. Nat. Dem r.ellmer CrandaH, Pro.; Rernhard Wlleke, Boc.-Lab., and Pvanda Fleke. People'a XXXVtn? Douglaa Ifa'heaon. Ren.; Wllllam Glll. Tam Oeorge R. Hanillton. Nat. Dem.; James <?. Patton Pro; Jamea McQullton, Soc.-Lab., and Charlea W Hoadtay, People'a. \nn.\e.I l.istri.t. lat Dl?triet-Alfred E. Smltfl. Ren Bteoben J Stlllwell, Tam. and People'a; Bela D. Elaler. Nat. H.-m.; Wllllam H. Terrell, Pro.. and Oeorae ?' Chadeayne. Soe.-Lab. Annexed Dlatrlct, Ild Dlatrlet-n?^"?-1 Chauncey T Seeor, Tam.: Jonathnn M. Wnin wrlght, Nat. Dem.j Rlebard S. Colllna. Pro., and Henry kt.erle. Boc-Lab YIT/7IV BTBAVB OPrOSER IT. R| tTROBI THF. DBBRAT OT TI1E FOREST PBB? BCBVB8 AMENT>MENT. 4 To the EdttOff Of Tbe Trlbune. Slr: I deem It a.p.ibbe duty aa an ex-Foreat Conv, mlaaltrntr to eall attantlan to the faet that other Im portaal quaattaaa haaadaa the laaue ara bafora the rotera at Tuesday'a electlon. A notable example la the amendment relatfng to foraat praaarrea From my experlence aa a member of the Fore.^t t'ommifslon. and wlth a aenae of obll gatlon reaultina from thal memberehlp. I muat warn the people of thla State againat votlng for thla amend? ment. Ita defeat is vltally neceaaary for the preaer vatlon of our foreats, wlth all that thls Impllea. Tha agrlcuUural, ladaatrlal and aanltary lniereata of tha Coaaaaoawaaltk are all eoneerned. It is a.ught to amend a provlalon whleh waa very thoroughly con/ldered by the Conatltutlcnal Conven tlon of 1W44. The publle and ail other Intereite wera atrongiy repreaented, and the reault reached ahould be allowed to atand for generatlona. The promotere of other than the publle lntereata. howevar, do not Beam to have reated one moment. The fact that tha amendment pfopooad la to be voted on at thla electlon ?howa thut they have tlreleaaly puraued thelr pur poae. a* It takea two yeara' work in Albany to get an amendment before the people. No better evldenee la neceaaary of the nature of the raaaeteaf Interest taken In thla queation by thoae who are attacklna the foreat preaerve In thla peratatent faahlon. I cannot trespaaa upon your apace to tell the atory fully, but I urge tbe v.tera of thla State to defeat the propoaed amendment, and to atand alwaya on thla platform In rejeard to the foreat preaerve. Never aell an Ineh of the State iand. Keep out the vandU lum berman with hla all-deatroylng axe. Let the State de Ita own lumberlng. when neceaaary, and let the prod* u.'t be aold at publle auction. New-York, Oct. .11. NATHAN BTRAU8. BLAXD HEARD FROSl AT LAST. 8t. Loula. Nov. l.-In a letter to "The Chronlclejr* ?x-Congreaaman Rlehard P. Bland aaya: It la plain that no ayatem of taxatlon that could he endured by the people of thla country can ba re aorted to to malntaln the gold atandard, conaequantlp an un'.lmlted bonded debt muat be forced upon tha taxpayera of thla country lf they are to malntaln permanently the aingle gold atandard under the prea ent condltlona. But ahould MeKlnley be eleetad. he wlll be powerleaa to aecure the enactment of any law Inereaalng the taxea of the peopla Tha electlon of Mr Bryan wlll mean the defeat of ayndloatea, of truata and combtnatlona that have eo long domtaated and eontrolled ln our leglalatlon, both upon the aub leet of Anance and taxatlon. It wlll defeat the moat braaen front that plutocracy and corporate power have cver ahown In thelr attempt at the control of our elec tlona In the hlatory of thla country. It la a notorloua fact that all readlna people underaUnd that the electlon of MeKlnley U aought to ba brought abeatbf tha unllmlted use ot monejr.