Newspaper Page Text
Mm V??-LV1....1H?- 18,251. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, ISOYEHBER :,, I8M.-TWELVE PAGEvS. PRICE THRKK CElVTa?. EVE OF BATTLE IN CANTON. MAJOH M'KINLEY SEREN'ADED BY HIP NEIGHBORS AND TOWNSMEX. -E 4WAITB WITH COBFMMUfCfl THE VKRDICT OK TJ1E PfKBneaV-CAIdi OF A DELEGATION OP a*OMBB IKKl'AHATIONS POB A BIO J0LL.IKU-AT1OX TO- MOKROW. [117 IBaBUBIIB TO THE TRIPl'NE.] Canton, Ohlo, Nov. 2.?Tha moat remarkable mpalgn ever known ln Canton CeOaad Wlth a ?aamlflcent torchlbjhl parade thla evenlng ln whlch al! the baada, drum corps and RepubM m Btarchlaf claha of the city Joiaad The gtrefcta through whleh the procession passed llr.el with peop'.e, and the enthuelasm was ur.bour.d. .1. HaJOT .McKlnley was serenadcd by the ajaithlBf elah* Ha apoha to them as foi lows: t aiiBfOClata very greatly the ?all of my nelgh .aD(i feilow-townamen nt this. the oioslnK hmTr of one <>f the moal remarkable and lm aeataat polltlcal campalKna ln Amerlcan hls trirv The bOBf for dlacuaalOB has paaaed by; he argum-m is C.osed. The vast interesta of he Amerlcan people are now ln the hands of Ihe neoDie themeelvee f.?r proper settlement and determlnatlon. and there ls no safer Jury in The world to Blt up.?n Ameiieaa interests and Amerlcan honor lhan the Amorican people themaelvea. (Applause.) But you must remember, my fellow-townsmen, ?hat the batt'.e ia not won untll the ballots are ln. (A voice' "lt wlll l>e," and applause.) The great urv of the Amerlcan people can be confldently trusted toestahlish by lts verdk* that the credit If the countrv is to contlnue unimpeached, ita rurrncy unqiiestioned. its honor unstained. and the Kiorvof the Republlc undlmmed. I thankyoua thouaand tlmea f.-r the oourteales and klndnesses vou have shown to me in the last three months. and bld you all P;,^-n'Kli; Meetlnga ander th- auspi. ea ..f Republlean or ga'nlaatlons were held In every wnrd of the ci'y to-nlfht, and an uncomnmnly 1 rge demonstra tlontook place ln tho Tabernacle, where soveral Republlcans of local reputation Bpoke. Major McKlnley Is in the beal of health ar.d gpirita to-nipht. In fact. be oxprossed hitnself aa never having, felt better ln hls llfe. He has flnlshed the eanipaiun wltln '.it even taklnp a illght cold, He recelved bundreda of teleprams to-day whl-'h came from all parta <>f the country. ar.d contained udviees ?.f the r oat assurinp nat ure. He is oonfldcnt and eheerful. Mrs. McKin ley continues to improve. She 's able to be out of bed. and haa nlmost entirely recovered from the illness whi<-h conflned her to her room neariy all of last week. Chalrman Hanna (t the Republlean Natlonal Commlttee sert word this evenlng th ;t he would call on Maj.>r M 'Kinley to-morrow. He will f maln in Caatoa untll 4 o'clock, when he will re? turn to Clevelaad VISITKD BT WOMaW KKOM AKRON. A de!ee;at;..n of SBO women from Akron. Ohlo, called at Major McKinb-y's home at 2 O'clock this aitOrBO ::. Th-y were IntrodUCed by Miss Martha A. Bortle ln a happy apeaeh. The mem? bera of the party bTOtjght larRo bo.iuets <>f flow ers ir.tended for Mra. McKlnley. In respondlm? to the address of Miss Bortle, Major McKinley ?a d: I am greatly obllged to the women of Akmn for ihis nelghborly and gracioua call. It al v.avs ls a good omen to have the women en lis-ed ln a publlc cause. and one of the aourcea of etrength in this now rnemoiable campalgn. almoat clogad, has been that we have fell all tho time lhat we had auppurting ua the Amt-ri can home. over whlch woma.i presldes. I wlll not undertake to make a speech to you?only to express the pleasure that it gfvea me to have ???ou make thiw call, and instead of induUinfj te. faav tormal wordal I pret>r, ,t u Ib pleaaant anO ajrt?aa.we to you, to greet each of you per sonally, and to thank your speaker for her elr, qaeal assurances of good-wiil and confldenco. iThree cheera f'>r McKlnley.i A small delesation from Massillon called on Major McKlnley at 3:30. They .arrled a ban ner readlng, "r-allor Club of Massillon; thirty vnters?twenty-seven for McKlnley." Jam?s Peacock a^ted aa spokesman. Major McKlnley thanked the delepation for the call, and shook hands with each of his vlsltors, but made no apeech. KOW M'KINI.KY WILL IMGCE1VK THK XEYVS. Canton I? bust'.ing with preparations for to morrow n'.pht. ^'ir>-? are be'ng struris* every ahere, and never before hiva there been auch preparations for the roeelpt of elertb.n newa. Aceordlng to custom, the Republlcana have ae curfd the Tah-rna^le In which to recelve the re? turna. The hall haa been connerte.i hy wlre wlth the Western I'nlon Teh'4?raph offlce. Returns will alao be received at the Y. M. ('. A. Hall, the E!ks' lodge rooms and aeveral other polnts about the city where political cluhs wlll assemble. Major McKinley will rer-eiv*- thp newe In his library. seated In the sanie chalr whlch he oo cupled when he n?ard the news of hls nomina tinn. Six laleajrraph operatora wlll be emplojred, recelvlng the news over as many dlfferent wlrea. Joaeph P. Pmlth, CBptaln H. <>. Ib-lstand and the other membera of th? McKlnley boiiaahold who are not reaideata of Canton have g,.ne home to vote, leavlng Major McKlniey and hls Htenog rapher, Mr. C<. .per, to attend to the e;reat maas of correapondenc-. which Is poaring In by mall and telegraph from all parts of the country. Thla correapondenc- conalata lai^-ly of exprea alona of good-wlll and congrntulationa upon the extremely favorai !e indicatl'<ns of an over whelming trlumph f..r the Republiran tlcket. Major McKlnley aald to-nltjht lhat. no matter what the outcorne of tiie eb-ctlon mlght be, he felt he had not utlered a slrmle word durlng the campaign that he woald reeall. He wll! wti a K<K>d example by voting early. At 0 o'clock in the mornlng. headed by the (Irand Army Hand. the Younjr Men'a Sound MoaMjr Club will form and parade. Ku\^ to all predncta to allow mem? bera to vote at ;h<Mr re;.pertlve place?. They have Invlted citlaens generally to Join In the demonatratlon. Major McKlnley-, own city and county wlll K've handaome pluralltles for hlm. Notwith ?tandlni{ the fact that thia (Stark> rounty Kave ? Plurallty of l.'jon f0, ci-veland In IHll'J. Phair m?n John Thomas. <.f the County Republlean lommlttee. |S confl lent that McKlnley will carry ? 'ark County by over '.?,iaa>. "Aa for the clty of mton." aald Mr. Thomaa to-day. "you may aay ?t althouj'!; ihe normal Democratlc plurallty la rrom BB9 toflfjo, Major McKlnley has never falled ?BBy the clty in all great conteats, and we fc^c| lhat hla own clty wlll glve him at b-aar ^Wn'-lity to-morrow." "**ARl.\0 TO CELEBRATE THE VICTORY. oaafident are the people of Canton that f^ j0r a>K!r:li y wlll be elected that every ar to ntWn*ntt,*; l ran ?"'?? niade la belne; completed to ^'?*?"?" de'egatlons here cn Wedneaday Jcla in a monater Joiiific'ttlon over the eer n four yeare of prosperlty. The rallroud tiae^*11*8' Bhar,nff ln thirt b?'l)?'-'. have adver and ,p*CiaI traln" from Clevalaad] and Akron **>' "tationa on Wedneeday mornlng. Poat /* htve been prlnted and circulated announc * the low ratea. and invltlng all to embrace ?a opportunlty afforded of greeting Prealdent ?lect McKlnley. Terence V. Powderly, ex-Maater Workman of *?* Knlghts of Labor of Amerlca, called at the J*?nley reeldence to-day. Mr. Powderly haa ?"?? aixty-seven speeches durlng the campaign. ?W haa vMatad the Btatea of lowa, Kanaaa, Illl ?Pi Mlnneaota. Mlaaourl and Bcuth Dukota. 'n theae Weatern Statea," said Mr. Powderly. ? found the people were largely In favor of J? allver. but we have ao thoroughly can T*t??d the Infected dlatrlcta and ao thoroughly "?v?ioed tha people that tbey were belng mle led that the Bryan free-silver aentlment has now lost whatever popularlty lt may have had. Maj?r McKlnley'a speeches have done a won dt-rful amount ef good. They have been pe eullarly effectlve among the laborlng- men, and his appeals for honest money nnd protertlon have made a lasting ImpieBBlon. Hryan's deolarations, on the eontrary, have worked apalnst the Democratlc cur.didate." now roTE~Axb voTe eauly. AND VOTK THE STRAIGHT REPCHMCAN T1CKF.T. HEI.P TO 1IIRY RRYAXISM PEKP?BE CAREKII. AROIT THB MARKS XOV PCT ON TOUH RAM.OT. Vote early! Vote for MeKlnley and Hobart. Bound money and National honor. The polls ara open from (5 a. m. until ,r) p. m. Laat year and ln prevlo-is yeara the hour for cloalna the polls was 4 p. m. Follow the dlrectl.ins printed on the top of the ballot, and make no mark'on the ballot except the oross mark in the olrele or spaee indlrate.i. Any other mark may cause the ballot to be thrown out aa void. The mark muat be made with a pencll wlth a black lead, not with a pen or with a colored pen eil. Take a black lead pencil wltb you to make inire that the ripht mark is nn the ballot. Mark in the clnle at the head of the Rej-ubliran col? umn. lf a Snund M<>ney Democrat wants to roia for the MeKlnley and Hobart electors and alao f?r the state, Conareaa and Aaeembly candldatea of the National Democracy, he should place a cross ln the etrcla al the head of the Republlcan col? umn and then make crOBBIB in lhe gpacee to the left of the candldatea f..r Oovernor, Ueutenant Oovernor, Congreaaman and AaaamblyTnan ln the column under tbe antblera o! the ghlp. Every voter will reeetva a ballot folded. He must be sure to take it into tbe'votlna booth, utifold It, mark lt in tha rtianner deacrtbad and then refokl it before l.-aving tha booth. He must fold i; a* it was folded wb.-n i,-.- reeelved it from the ballot clerk. To tlraw a line thr.mgh any name on the ballot, ..r to viase a name, <lo.?troys th- ballot. lf a v >'.er wants to refraln from votlng for a candldate tn tba party column, and d->-s nol want to vote the candldate of another party, he can write any nanv Iv- aelecta In th* blank col? umn at tba riuht of tbe ballot. tind.-r the tllle of the offir-. and rnake a rr.<ss mark ln th.- Bpaca bafora tba arrtttea name. Ta eeratrh out the name of the ohnoxlotis camlidate would d"Str..y the wholp ballot. Tb- rross mark In the rlrc.e at the head of the rolumn caata a rote for every eandldato narned in th- rolumn axcapl that randldate from whom tho votr- is aitbdrawn by a eross mark for another candldate In another rolumn. If a voter hae moved from one hou?e to nnothor ln the same electlon dlstrlrt sinre he was rcgls tered. he need not lose his vot*>, hut to BBVe trouble he should mak* a statem. nt of the fact to the elrrtlon lnspertors whon he recelves his ballot. The poliro wlll protect every honest vt.-r. In votlr.g tho ballot for queation. the voter must make a rross mark ln th" spaee beforo the word "no" or ln the spaee before the word "yen" on that ballot. Mak* the matk ln the space be? fore the word "rm" and preserve the constltu tional barrler against the sale of any part of the Stato forest preaerve. which Is the queation to be submltted to-day as an amendment to the Ptato Conatltutton. MAY THE PAfPF.R BUHB VOTE? fllx Inma'ea of the Instltutlon for the DeatltUte Bilnd, Araaterdam-ave. ard Orie-hundiad-and-reurth Bt, wera arraiKn^l befora Magiatrata Deuel. in the Hari^m Pollce Court. yeaterday afternoon on a charge of bavtag raataterei UlegaHy. Tho prleonera arera Jihn CaehdoSlar, Joaeph Honnet:, Moaea I?-- riraff. wnii.-im Aaderaoa, Bernard i/onirnor and Oeorge Stonett. The arr^sts wera maio on tha anptlcatlon of Drtor tlves Maxon arul McOlOin, who alloRf-.I tha: th? men wera not rnt-ri'-.J to t.^ or vote. bo'ng Inmatea of an insiit-.tion that l- wbolly Bupporti 1 hy publle eharlty. Tha MaKi-,::.'>:. Bald thal at Ursr ihongbl ha was lnrlin*<l ti belleve that tho inmatos ..f th* ln?tl tution were not entltled to vote, bul ho woul-l glva the matter careful <-oii.?=i 1 ratlon and rander hi.^ oecl .?ion thla mornliu:. In tho rr.i-an tlme ha would paroio tho prl?onors on condltloa thal they would preseni themaefvea ir, court ln :hr morning, and r.ot an.-mpt to vote unt:; ho nn ,)Vre.l his do.Msion. Tho prleonera BBld tha: thoy ha 1 lioretofore voted wlthoul Objectlon. -a L-aanrciti abbioned for ei.ectiox ajuiesti The Republlcan Club haa mn'lo arranRf-mor.ts to have oeanpetent lawyera a: all the poil--- rour-s it. th;s city to-day, and at the Supremo Court, rhamh-r?, to aet far all Republlcana who tnny bo a. tr-str 1 at any of tbe votlng predncta Reapooalbta Republlcan hond?mr-n hd\e voluntooro'l an-l will bo prosont a: earh of the nolh-o courta and in the BupreBM Court. In caaa of a fallura to flnd counaal or bondamen it. a: t.-ndance telephone meaaagea ahould ba aenl 'o th^ l'nlon I>*aKii.- Club -ir tho Republlcaa Club, No. 4V. piftb-ave._ _ JAMES W. BD8TBD BVBT. A BTTKET CONTAININ'O A THOVBASfD rOfNDS OV IRON FAU.S ON HIS FOOT. Aesemblyman James W. Htisted, Republlcan candld.'te for ??e-electlon ln the Hld Assembly Dlstrict. ln Westchester County, and the young est aon of the late Jam-s W. Htiated, was badly hurt yesterday. "W'hile on one ef lhe wharves of John Smith, Jr., a eontraetor, In Peekskill, a bueket contalnlng a thmiaand of lron fell on his foot, rrushlni? It badly. After the physleians had dressed th^ woun 1 Vr. Husted was taken to Blnp Slnp, wolklnK on erutches, and fulfllled an engacament tbere. He re? turned by tbe late truln last niRht, nnd was conveyed to his home ln Waablnctoa Park. A M1881X0 1/lV FOVXD. _ - A. D. 1'OWHRS. A WORKKR FOR .TBA. KOI'ND AUVK, BUT 1NSANK. Chtsaae, Nov. I?Albart D. rowera. formorly mt.nriK.r Of the 1'ui.nn U.ll-f Huniu ln ihla clty, wlios" mvst*rloi)s dlaappi-arance some w.-ks sro i.-.i to the beUef af foui paay, is altva. Ha was feand by the pollce at l'nlon Clty. Tenn . nnd a iBlaBTam from tbat place yesterday aaM that Powors 488888 to that clty yeaterday mornlnK from Martin, Tenn., w here he hud t*en for a. veral days paintlng slans. He had a llttle boy from Martin wlth bim, and waa aoliiK around trylnjr to get permlsslon to preaeh In the eourlhoiiHC. when ho was met on tho street by E. <'. Mnws, a relatlve. Hawa aaked hlm what ha was dolng there. He aald be whk loat an.l had rot seen hla wife for alx yrara. Then Haws Inviied hlm to his houae to take supper. Ho sal.l he was In no condltlon to meet hla family. but would go and dress and eome back. Mr. Hawa wt-nt to the telegraph offlce to let Powers'a father know that he had found hla aon. He left an offlcer to watch the young man whlle he waa gone, but the ofTWr kl hlm go. Powera went to the llttle boy and aald hc waa diacovered by a relatlve and muat leave nt once. which he dld, golng Bouth. Beveral men are reported to be after hlm. and they think they wlll flnd hlm. He had been for lorne tlme about Fulton, Ky., aetlng atrangely. Hla mlnd ls reported to bo lmpalred. Whlle nt ' I'ulton ho mado h coffln and aald he waa golng lo bury a man ihere for three daya and then reanr- j r.rt'nlrn. . T> _? , __ Th- dtaappearanca of young Powera Just as the taunchlng of the amhltlous projeet of the Cuban Melb'f llureau had ellelted from some Bnaalarda I of I'hlcago vlobnt expreafclons of hatrod, even threata iiKainst hln llfe. gave rlse to a be lef that rnoth.-r Cronln murder had occurred. ( olonel H. D Powera, father of the young man, nnd prealdent of the Flrat Natlonal Bank of Owensboro Ky., where both made thelr homes, came to Chleago and apant conelderable money trylhg to trace hta aon. A PB0MI8E OF PAIB WEATBEB. CLEAR SKIF.fl TO FAVOH REPUBLICAN VOTERfl IN THIS CITt AND THROUOH oit TTfB COUNTRY. The weatber propbeta late last i.ip,ht protnlaed ; the most favorable aorl of weatber f->r Electlon Day. Tbey amlUnaly declared tbat to-day would be a perfeet apeclmen <>f tbe iat<- Indlaa Biimmer. Mr. Dunn, lonklng out from hU lofty tower on the big atratcblna clty away below, eaid to a Tribune reporter: "To-morrcw prornlaea j to be a perfectly fair day. It has been so to day all over the country, exceptlng In tha , Dukotas, arbere a bttie anowr f.-ii. and in aflnne sota, Wlseonsin. I'pper Mi-hliran. Washingt'.ii ; and Oregon. With th- exception of thaaa Bec ' tlons, and of Indlana. MlagKMJI i and I lowa, where the Indieations \\-i- a btt uiu-.-r taln, every;h!ng proaaUaa falr.-st ski-s and lhe most genlal winds. In the Btate <>f N-w-York and the East gc-n.-rally. in the Bouth an.l In the t extreme We.^t. th.-re wlll be the nv st favorable electlon weather poaolbla lo itnagin.-. ln aad around New-Totk I: aill ba a llttla warmer than yesterday." If the guarantee of thls perfeet weather com-s I true. no voter wlll have an eacoaa for shlrkin^ : his <luty at the polls to-day. Rinee it Is a w.-ll known fa.-t that good weather is alwaya favora Ue for Republlcan proapecta, tbi.< proanlaa <>f ! fair skl-s adds even more to tba confldence . whi.h tba aapportera ?.f aoand money and Na? tional honor f-.-l for the Bocceaa >.f th-ir cauae ! ln to-day's great battla ln vii-w of tba rreal Intereat that ts alarajra ! f* it regardlng Electlon Pay. Cblef wiiiis L Ifoore, <>f th- vVaahtnaton Weatber Bureatt, ree terday s-nt <>ut a Bpeclal i.ulietin. it reada as followa: Kair atid pleaaant w.-ath-r. wlth about iioitnal temperaturea, prevaita thla morning ln all Btatea. except as followa: From two to four Incbea of sn.iw ha? fallen over Bouth Daheta. and mi.? ta atlll fulllng, wlili a proboblllty thal lt wlll con ti.nic t..-ii.iy and to-nlght. In North Dahota aboul two Incbea of anow has fallen ln thi aouthern cen irui pdrt nf the Btate, uti.i tiu- condltlona ari fav? orable for . moderate anowfall to-day and to-nlghl in the aaatern hatf of the Btate; ln Nebraska llghl snow wBI probably f;.!l In the north half of the Btate to-nlght In Mlnnesota, Wlsconaln und l.p |m r Mlchlgan Ihe w. ither ta cloudy, wlth ? llona atrongli Indlcatlng an unpu-aenni Tue wlth llxht raln or anow; In lower Mlcl art- gatnerlng, and Ihe condltlona Bre favorable ror warm weather on Tueaday, wlth clouda and .... i alonal ahowera; it: Indlana, llllnota, Mlaaourl and towa the weather la warm and plensatii lo-day, bui clouda ..r-- ; iherlni I th. condltlona .,,. uncerti ln foi Tti. edny, w itli Ihe welghi .<f vl ? dence ln favor of b.rally I r wi ither In Wush Ington and Or gon raln lu - fallen every day dur? ing the laal week, maklna condltlona had tra-.-.-l In lhe country, and it i nrolwble lhal henvy rloudlneaa nnd a moderate fall -f raln wlll . ontlnue ln both Btnti < n Tue day; ln all other , Btatea ti- weatber .inn thta morning gli ? ; strc-ng Indlcatlona of I i nd pleaaani weather for Tueaday. -e PROBPECTB IN THE MIDDLE W/EBT. Waablngton, Nov I Tha meteorologlcal fore caatara ara uneertaln aboul the ? mdttlor.a wbl h wlll prevall ln the Bla ?- of tha Mlddle Weal to morrow. RecognbdnB ll greal Influenei >.f the weatber on Ibe reaull of thi ? h llon, .-;-?? .1 ef forla have been made t.\ ihe Weather Bui ' foretell aocuratel i ondltlona ."?? ??? ' "low" central over i a i -.1: ta eon ceded, how-ov, r, nol aa bad ktoklng i l "towa" uaualiy ar.-. for it ha. hung around I atj four houra now wltboul developlng an lamagi Tni re bi abeotutaly nolhlng In Ih. weatbei ? il prevent averj faraaei In New-Kngland, ih* 11 ar:i tha Bootb fren reachlng tha polta, liuwover .nat?nt, for la 11: aaa aai llona tba road* ?r. I.. lha t.fst poerlble rondltlon and are ? ??? lo r..ii.aiii >??> for daya The Mountaln H'.u.-t ar- uleo ..... I.ut tha ?rh'?-rii alupr >,f thi i'l ?! |pp| [??) bea>n i ??. .. . !-,-.- thr. f. ii ?'?? ?'..,- .; ln Ka -? Nebraska leamlnn i* >-> heav) i no'hei gen '?rul abowar would make manj poor re..-. Impaaaable. Thli n itate of afl w..t?.- in ij'<-h...i and Waahlnglon lhan ?>-. . Ire ln ihe Unlon. Tl ? i la on li< i be raln .itnl. pedhape, anoa ??! hall In Northi gan, ?I". on?dn and Mlr.r.. "'... ... 1 - of surtlci. nt lnt< nali irdenl vou feared for Mli hla in Hut . 300 m k li III., aa a ci mr.. lha llni I I :? . indlana, llllno.a, lowa, Mlaaourl and Ken? tucky, i- the - ? ? ??? ' h mlghl b. .ft.--r.-i ;.\ ihe only "lo* " on lhe i H- re iho \\ , ather Bun lt ?;..'? gre looklng enl for aaualta. N? HEAVT BNOWFAL.I. IN BOLTH DAKOTA Huron, s. D., No-. ! A h< ivy anow fell here laal'hr. and a foot of it i- now cn tho greund Tha stutni n. rto and weat I reported i en graph polea and irtree an down between here and Plerre, n i communl atloa aitb thal clty bean !...'i by wlr< aln. a Thurt daj ? nlng ari allghtlv detayed. lt la egpecied the atorm wlll Intei f. r. \?ith a full vote to-moi rew. ? I BleOIF s\lh TO //11/. VAU8ED OEATB. Tho pollce aro Inveatlgatlng tt..- di it*. of John McDonald, a young truca drtver, who dted on May n ai th<- boma -.f hta parenta, No. :-.". B/eat Ftfty aecond at. He had baan :ii apparenlly onlj a few mlnutea before his dealb. l?r. Joaeph II. Byrna waa . aii,-.i ln, an.i aacrlbad *.hm yotang Bian'a deatb lo eenvutetena which, ha aald, mlghl hava been r.-uiso'l by a l.low or a fall. The McDoaald famlly dld not know tbat the young ninii inol been l.i Jiit>-.1 In any way. and tba I'oronor was not ln fonned of his death. About n week n>,-o th.- dead man'a bretber beard thal be had been atracb with a baleatlch by a man who waa eaapleyed In tho Btahlaa of wuiiam Breoha *? Bon, al No. tu B/aal Forty-nlnth-at Tha brtrther wenl to tba Coroner*a ofllce yeaterday nn.i toi.i hta atory. Ho waa Instructed ' lo aae >ba Dtatrtct-Attorney. Mitchell Bendala, an ex-employe of Brooha B Bon a atablea, who told McDonaM'a f.itt.."- that Thomaa Burna, an employe al Ibe atable, had ald to bim that young M-Ooniiid had been aaaaulted, sai,i thar iiiirns told hlm thal young McDonald waa standlng In front of tho stal.lo w-h.-n K.iy Bmlth, th?. bookki-'-p.-r, ran out and atruca hlm aeveral blowa on the head wlth " beJeettck. Bendala aald that Burna told Ihe aame atory lo Thomaa Reilly, lamea Kelly Patrtch Wiils arul Louta vVendel, all of whom werked at the tlme f..r Brooka Burns, who stlll works at the atable. could nol be found yeaterday nellher could Smlth. the bookkeeper. Mr. ltro.'.k. denled r.ll knowladaja ef lha affalr. -a BTOLB FMOM MB. AND MB8. R. L. CVTTIXO. TH13V ARE DRIVKN TO PROBB??UTB TIIIMR TOtTTH KI'I. MAIK BBRVANT AFTBB l....-iN'.i $!??. BT PBTTt TBEfTB. Rehert I_ Cuttlng, tha huaband ?.f Htnnla Ballg ' man. tha n< tr.-ss, was .otBplalnant In rorbvllla Pollce Court yeaterday agalnai Annla Powera, a ?ervant, who had been in hla easptoy f..r three j v.-<-.-kH. Mi. Cuttlng llvea ln lha Nevada aatbouae, af Ih- Itoul.vur.l an-l H-v. iiil.-th lt Ha t'.l-l tba Magistrate thal lha glrt, who ls only Blateen yeara ' oid. bad been In tha honaa only a f,-w daya when ( his w.f<- bagan to mlaa thlntra Nebedy bad a. i ' to thelr apartaaenta aacapl tba glrt, aad Mr. aad i Mrs. I'uttiriK wera loatb lo belhrra that aba waa a I tblef, bul tbey nnally eoaduded la wateh tba irirl The petty tblevtng eontlnued, bul aba wa* never di-t."-.o<i in taklng anythlng. j On Thuraday laat Mr-. Cattlng i-ft her j.o.-k.-t ! book eeatalalaa t-Vj "" ? -??aatt vVlthln an hour l the poekatbook aad tba ataaey it C4>atalned wara rnlsslng. Mrs. Cuttlng aafcod the jtlri about It. bul I she denled havln>i n-on the pookothooh anywhoro, aad ihe Cuttlnga arera puaalttd. Thay bagan to 1 roc-kon up th. Ir loaaea, and_,found that. Includlng tbe money, they aa aadod ttW, rnei they deter ? mlr.-il to seareh tho /ervant s room. rhev fouu.l aame of tha miaaing arti.-les hlnden ln ?he l?-.l. and Mr .'utting want to the Weat Btgry-etghth-at pollce ! atatlon and brought io the houa- with hun !>. I fertive Charlton. Tne detectlva talk. d Wlth the ! alrl and endeavored to get hc-r to tell v.-h.'t ahe had Sone wlth the money and the rest of the stoler. rronerty but whlle rhe cor.fesae.l that she had taken that found in the b<d, she denled she had stolsr. ihe mor.ey or lha other mlaelng artlcles. She waa flnally taken to i ?? station and locked up. Mr. Cuttlng aald ln court reatarday that he aup nosed aome people would think hlm hard heartexl ln r.reaslng a charge of larceny against so young , a alrl but ahe was ao pretty and had such engag ItiK niannera that ahe would apeedlly ingiatinte I hersolf wlth other people and flnd Tiew vlctims if Bhe waa not prevented from dolnB ao. Th- alrl was colf-possos--.] wh-n in rourt. 8h<' ndmltted taklng th- nrilcl.s found hidden In hor be.l but dontad ..II knowtadga of tha othor losi property. Magtatrata Cornell held her ln BBO l-all for irlal. _^_ ROWOKEs RAYOR FATALLT IS.IUREl). Roanoke, Vn., KOV, 2. M yo/ Robert MeCleltand j waa knocked down and fatally lnju: ed by a trnlley- j car In C'ampbell-ave. thls morning. Hla skull was ; fraetured. and It Is not belleved that ha can llve throuah the nlght. I LITTLE BRYAN MONEY. AM BXCEEDINQLT QUIET NIGHT ilE Fork BLBCTION. iu;ra T<> OBB thi: PBEVAILUta i?i.i?s on mkin I.I1V'I BteBCTBMf- BBTI OB THK BtSB Of I'l.URAI.ITIIlS. Nobody on the evt of a Prcsidontial elec tion. evi r knew Demorratic bettlng men to glvo. the cnrrl.i.i's .,f tbe Avenue Hotel and the Huffman Hoiise BO wide a befth as they did last night Uaually the ground floors of ! bnih thoaa eelebrated hattlag grounds at alao* tlun time an rtlled with earnest and excited politicians, bootaaakaTl and bettnrs, arranging wagera aad coveritiK atakea, But this year only one slde has had the rourage of ita convlctlona and thal la tha slde that is backtng Major McKlnley There were more people than usuul In theae placi a laal evenlng; baf if a church convenUon had been the cattaa "f tha jratherlng the mrridors would sea.-nly have been more (|Uiet. Tlii'iv was aome bettlng, but It was Inaignlfl eaat eompared Wlth the wagera usually made on auch occaalona Whea it la romembered that i*ii-i Preaidentlal conteat him been the hottest e\. r se.'ii by the prtatal generatloii, the absence of heavy and general iiettlnp can <mly be ex plalaed >n the ground lhal the Bryanltaa are uttetly arithoot confldence. and renli/.e t.eyond queatlon thal they are wofully beaten, EVEN ON WE8T VIHOINIA. N. n. Sctt. mamber ..f the Republlean Na? tlonal Commlttee for Weal Vlrglnla, He.-ured a bet of 9300 even with Oaorge C. Pal rrawm that YWat Yirginia would ?.*'> Republlean. Cotone! Henry L. Bworda, of the Natlonal Com mlttoe, made on< bel of $1JU0 Bgalaat MOO and another ..f $lmi agalnsl 928 .>n McKlnley'a elec tl.m. w. R. Hearat, proprietor of "The New-York .Imirnal," waa < redlted with a bet Of l&SOO agalnat So.immi thal McKlnley w.mid not recelve Ibe electoral votea of either illinola. Ml-hlgan or Indlana. Tha Republlean who to-.k Mr. Hearat'a offer waa generally regarded as having a clnch. lt waa -.? i? l ln explanatlon of Mr. Hearat'a remarhable bel that he only made it to ereate an Impreaaion .'11111011: free-allvaTltea that hla courage had nol entlrely departed. Wllllam Learj bel Wllllam McM. Sp-er HO even thal Bryan wlll noi rarry all "f theae flf leen Btatea: Ptortda, fleorgla, Mlaataaippl, Ala, Leoulalana, Texaa. Bouth Carollaa, Arkan ? . -. Colorado, Utab, Nevada, Montana, idah->, Mlaaourl n'"i T- nneaat e, ON PLURALITIB1 HEKJB, ,v. li Brooka, of No. 7 Wall-at, bet 92,400 agalnat 932,000 that McKlnley'a plurallty ln the Btata would n'-i he leaa than 190,000 Ba alao bet 9400 agalnal 9000 on a pluralitj ln the state if mal.lMRI for McKlnley, and .<l."-MO n-alnst || ihhi tnai n ?????? Y..r'i Clty wlll give McKlnley ?_?:. ibbi plurallt) Charlea De Wltl bel ?.'i"i a-calnat 91,000 on Brj an'a electl ai 1: B Talcotl bel *l.r.',:| agalnat 9800 with n Waahlngton bettor ob McKlnley'a Her-tion. The detalla were arranged by wlre. A bel of |Ha1 Bjtalaal 170 ?ai announre.l thal Indlana wlll 10 for McKlaley. There waa alai n bet ><( 9300 acalnst flmi on McKln lay'a electlon, tha paitlea lo VBtea wlihheld tbelr nunn s. \ . lerk ln the rtuprem<? Couri yesterday bet |7l . even that McKlnley'a plurallty ln the etty ! i..r rtarh '-'?"?,HH|. Mr. ebiMachmldt, a .1. to .k the Republlt Jn <-nd ..f It. A man nh>i gave bla aame as \v. J. Bryan ??.t jj;.1. wlth R N Merka thal MeKln ley'a plurallty it New-Torh Clty would not reaca. BO.O0H V bel "f ?*1"-1 even . 11 230.000 plurallty in the .-? tte for McKlnlej was announced at the P*lfth Avenue Hotel la-r evenlng; alao a bel of 92.000 , . nB| *:,i*i ...|.is 1 t.. 1 on McKlnley'a electlon. .\.i even l?cl was made yeaterdaj of 9100 ihat ! McKlnley'a plurallty on the popular v..te would ea.l J.".i 1.0: n 1 ? .; .... beta were made jregterday on McKlnley having 10,000 plurallty In New-Jeracy. A !>? 1 of >.'"" "?????ii waa made at ihe Hoffman Houae laal evenlng thal McKlnley would carry llllnola l?: a ploralttj ?<( i5?.?00. (?n ihe .-' k-Ii l.\ hange reaterda> an offer by Bdward Waaaermann to bel 910.000 to 9A--00 ..11 McKlllle) waa taken up. W. I>. Hat.h and A. C. Tower bel Kllnreth & i"arr V-'.imo even tha! McKlnle) would have ^(khi plurallty In New-Tork BU ? A few other moderate wagera were made at odda .-f :: m 1 on McKlnley, bul offera of 1 to 1 whlch w.-re made later, found no takera Colonel John Webb, ..f the Plfth Arenue Hotel, ?ald it ?:n tho quleteat eve >>f a Natlonal electlon thal he had ever known. john Peacock, "f the Hoffman H..use, aald: "There haa bettlng worth mentlonlng to-nlght. Everythlng had been ettremely ttulet, 1,111 we look for eadtlag acenaa on electlon night" At the Waldorf there waa little polltlcal talk. although detachmonta of tha heavy artlllery of the M Klnlej campalgn were acatterod here and ihen- in the garden and caf.'-. W. Bourko Cockran attracted tha moat attentlon. Ka looked well aa if be aiahed to lake part ln an other campalgn. The uaual out-of-town trav ellera and Btrangera were mlaalttg about the hotela Colonel Bworda of tbe Natlonal Commlttee, re relved a reply yeeterday afternoon t.. the teie gram he s.-nt tn Mr Btratton. of Colorado, offer iiiK to accepi the latter'a reportcd offer of 9100, imhi in .<:',ini.immi that Ibyaii would be elected. The lelegram read: "If you wlll aend your money to tho El Paao Bank, Colorado, you will get ail the bettlng roa want" Coloinl Bworda langaed wl.en he read the tele gram. "Who In the world." aald ha, "ia golng to aend money to Colorado Bprtngaal this late hour ..f the eonteel"" Cotoael Bworda athted that he Mr. Btrattoa'a offer to bei was a myth. --o NO BRTAN MONBT IN WABHJNOTON. Waahlaatoa, Nov. : (gpotHal).?MeKmley money \- golng begglng In Waahlagtoa. Then- n acareety a publlc reeort ln the clty where plenty nf lt ls not walttng t" be wagered al tha odda of :t 10 l ot> the electlon of ni.- Cantoa man to-BBorrow. bul there 1- no Bryan ?I.O...H-." to mm a favorite colloquial ll rn. ln llght. An etilhi'slast or two tn.iv be fouti.1 who .an I '? iMlte.i 10 Ihe betMng polni by a.lrolt argument, bul the BBoney pal u'p ln aoeh Inataneea ls Iu ^^lall si:m-> Six to 5 ls belna offere.l that IfcKlnley wlll carrj Maryland. nnd consl.ler.ihle money ln amall amounta la belng wagered al these. odda There is conalderable heaalng ln prograaa One man whr attalned aome promlnence a few ?reeka iko by hls wllllrtgneaa to -het on is aald tn have bel Beveral hla auma on McKlnley ?it i tn 1 In ordei to (???! even. no matter whleh way the polltlca] cal Jompa to-morrow. The laiter beta were mada throagh an agent -?. "?DDItr BALD BKTS ON M'KINI.KJY. BufTnlo. NOT. 1 K.lwnr.l "Cannon" n.-ild. the i.i .-. iist. to-nisht mada a aragar of 11.000 to ?oo, put up hy John Brown, a baakar of Hnmllton. Ont.. lhat M-Klnley would be the next Prealdent of the Unlted Btatea Mr. BaM offera to bet 12,000 more al the iame ocMs. and thlnka he wll! be able tu place hls money before noon to-morrow. "? llABIUTY OF BAXK DIREC70RS. Orand Rapld?. Mlch.. Nov. 2?A ault of more than uaual lntereat io har.kera haa been eubmitted ln the Unlted Statea c'ourt. it ls that of Robert T. Glb bone. 184101 var of the Natlonal City Bank ->f Green v'.lle, agalnat Henry N. Andoraon and John J. Foa ter, directorfc I.eroy Moore waa prealdent of the hank. When It falled. In June, lf,93. he waa found to he n ilel.tor to the nrnnint of |:75.0<)0, or for three and a half tlmea the totai eapital of ihe bank. ln October, 1^2, his Indobtedneea, dtree| and aa in doreer aaa IIB.CC0, aad tha Coptrollef of the Tr.-aa ury ordered h curullnaent. The was maaaged en'ilrely by Moore, and the dlrectora to let hlm have hls own way. and he Inrrenaed hla lla Mllty by |f.|.?i0 before the fallure. The ault la to de ternilne whether the dlie.tota can be held flnanclally re-iponalble for thelr neglect of duty In permlttlng Moore to contlnue hia lootlna operatlona. Some of the teatlmony addticed, ahowlng Moore'a methoda, la aenaatlonal ln Ita nature. FIXAL BEV1EWS FB0M6TATE8 IT IS Cl.OSE IN CALIFORNIA. RBPUBUCANI ikki.. KOWBVKR, THAT THBT WlU. CABBT rm: statk. Baa Franclsco. Nov. 2 (Bpeclal).-No electlon ln t'alifornla has evvr stlrr.d up proat.r lnterest than that which wlll be doci.l-d to-morrow. In fact. th- only oontaat at the polls whleh -.jualled lt in popular teeUng was th- tilectlOO by whleh the aew Conatltutlon was adopted From all th- re ; turns It s.ems safe to ray that tho Republlcans : will carry the State by from 8.881 to 10.(H.) majorlty. but if thay como out even In San F'ranclsco thay I will dO well. It may bo that the D-mocrats wlll ; carry thls < Ity Ly irom 1.081 to 8.4)88, Tht-se flguros ' do not taliy wlth Iboaa glven out at the baadquar ters of the two main partl-s. Th.- socretary of i tho RapaUlcan Btata Ccntral Commlttee Ilgur-s [ out that MeKlnley will carry Callfornla by 15.000 majorlty an.l that K.-v.-n Republlcan rongr-ssnien wlll bo elocted. The se-r.-tary of the Democratlc . I'omrritt-o predlcta that Callfornla will glve Bryan from 1,000 to j.ik.i majorlty. wlll return ntno Bryan ! alectora, and will elect a Demopratlc Leglalature, ' so ih.-.t th- n-xt I'nlted BUtea.S-nator wlll be a , Domociat. Ii-tw-on theae two eettmatea the aafa 1 BTOUnd 11-s. Th- contest ls sur- to bo oloso, unless all hIkiis fall. Wlth tho -normous Popullat VOM of 61.000, poll-d at the laal electlon, lt ta Idta to : talk of any large Bepubltcan majorlty. becauae the defcctlon from Democratlc ranks is not h.-avy i er.ough to completely upset thls. Th- returna from the Btati are cheerlng to-niKht for the Re ! publloana but they .lo not Indlcate any landgltde. , lf tho Republlcana get 1,008 majorlty, nlne etoctora atul llve out or s-v-n Coiikt. ssm.n. they will have mada a gr-at flght. TEXAS IN DOUBT. ArrORDINO TO POri'LIST FIOT.RE8. M'KINLET HAS A Goon CRAStrjB r?F CABBTIRO Tirr: iTATB. Auatln, Tex., Nov. 2?The campalgn elosed to nlght with every Indlcatlon of raln to-morrow. Notwltbatanding that Chalrman Blako, of the Bryan and Bewall .ommttteo, ls elalmlng the State by _W,000 plurallty over MeKlnley, allver loaders her- aay It wlll not exeeed 2J.<X'0. Illake plaees his eatlmata on -i total vote of MOUNO, of which he gtvea MeKlnley only US.080, Bryan and s-wall 275, 000, Bryan and Wataou 80,000, and Pabner and Buckner 10,000. In thta ctty an.l county at least Bl p.-r cent of the Poullata will rota for McKlnlay, and Ihelr leadera aay that M per cent of th-lr party ln Texaa wlll vote for him. lf thl< be true. oui of b total vota ..f 180,000, thay aay llual MeKlnley wlll recelve fr-m Repubiloan*. Popullata and Sound Money Democrata 196.000; Bryan and Bewall, lRn.orvi; Bryan and Wataon -5,000: Falmer nn.l Buckner, 10.M0; i. iverlng, M.ooi). Por Conaveaa it tooka as though Crawford, Sound Money Democrat. UI tha IVth Plstrlet; Olbba, Popullat ln th? Uth D!s trlrf Pope. Ropubilcan, In the Vllth. and Noonan, Republlcan, ln the XHtn Distrtet. would he eiected. -a POPULIBTfl OtVE DP BJORTH CAROLINA. THBTB POtA ny TIIK FTATF. BHOWg 8,080 BBTtTB LICAN MAJOBJTT. RaleWh. N. C. Nov. 2 -The Populist State chalr? man aaya his poil of the Stato shows 177,eOO Re? publlcana. 4.1.000 Topullsts and 130.000 Democrats reglatered. -?--? IN RRYAN'S OWN STATE. thf: POUTICAIi DBIFT IM the CUNHXO BOCBJ PAVORABU TO THB REf'fBI.H'AX?. Llncobt, Nei... Nov. l?BBmlnattng the errect of W. J Bryan'a trlp throuirh Nobragha to-day. . whi.-h nor.- deny hi? bean a factor for his beneflt, th? polltlcl trend of tho State for tho list thirty I sW heura has b-on favorable to the RepubHcajtB. I For this ef affalra th- PopuUat rupport< or? of Mr Bryan bave mon in th-lr own ranka r.> l.l.-imo Tba meetlrjTB of to-dav and Sntur-lay nglu were atarhed at a number of tcwrs by ov-rt acts. iu h aa throadng oiras at Republlcan spoakots and burnlng R?-pul>llenn bannf-ra. and the reactlon haH MI ln Aatde froaa thls tbe a haa been nothlng to . h,n?? lha ?tlmate olthor way. The vot? will be .?loae In any evett, nnd lt ls o.uestlonab!o lf th resuli even on htada of tlcheta, will be dannlteiy kn-.wn before Thuraday. If tho botttn* Is any In.ll eatlon liryan meu bev* h trinY- the battar of it No lar^e wagtra hara h-en mnde or odds ofrore.i by olthot sl.lo M- Hr.ans rome county Is clalrned by tho Rermbllcara by - ? >'. bnl his ?upport-rs In atal that lt ls f.i- toe largo. AN ESTIMATE ON OHIO. Tllf: BEPt'BUCAB CHAIBMAN BXPBCTI Tn WIN BT PBOM 88,000 TO 148X088, Colurabua, Ohla, Nov .' Chalrman <*aren of the Natlonal Democratlc Btate .'ommltteo and Chalr? man MeConvllla of tho Democratlc Stato Commlt taa wlll rtiv no eatlmata af tha electlon reaull ln i th- Btate. Chalrman Kurta or tba Republlcan Commlttee leta his Btatemenl or Situr.l iy nlght. ln whleh he .iain.-l tho stato f,.r MeKlnley i,v gs.ooa to 100.008. st.m.l iinamended. Lead Ing Republlcana h-re are Inciined to regard thls .-Inini ..-. too hlgh, but all think th? State is aafe. Th- bettlna ?ei raa to supporl thta, a< th- odda ara 10 to l in McK nley'a favor on the Btate ?|-i,? Republlcana mueh the better or>r.ini7..i tion In fact, b i- perfeet, and Chalrman Kurta ts Inciined lo accept the atatementa of hla local cora m'tteemen rather than rep.irts from caaual ob aervera to the effect that there are i.lir Republlcan defectlona t.< fr? allver among tha farmera and i worklngmi n. ? . a - ? ariND-up or a hot rioHT in misbourl Bt. LOUta, Nov. 2? Never before has M.ssourl heon ? . tboroughly eanvaeaed. The regisrratlon ls the hlgheel arer known, ar.d the vote wlll eertalnly pas? a:i recorda. Th- Republlcana have rousht har.i nnj aggreaalvely, an.l thelr ? :.i.m of a .?im.:iK vtetory ls nol campalgn bravado. but Is horn of ,-onrt.lenco. The Democrata nrouaed from apathy by tha vlgoroua uf thelr opponanta, hav- aen| tiielr squadrona Into e\-ry scho ,; .listrl. t. aml r.-.'i assured of vlotory. Tl-.o i<<-puhii.:an-. ar<- atrongly a'-c.-I by tha Palmer an.l Buckner Deaaocrata, whlle Bryan wlll r.tlva tha unlted au^pori of the Popullata and the s:ralght Democrata Th- only d-velopments to-day w.-re chargea and counterchargea by both par;les of ln tondt-d fraud. Chalrman Chauncey I. rllley. ror the Rapublicana, thls evening offered ISc'i r.^ward for the convlctlon of any on-;ng a VOter or com mtttblg a fraud at tho polU. ln antl.ipation of pOBBl hle rlotlng to-morrow, nCO extra ppllcaman have beea aworn ln Democra'B clalm JO.OOO majorlty an.l Re publlcana 50,000 majorlty. To-nijrht thoro iraa a sllght raln here, but th.-re li promlco of falr w?ather to morrow. THK BITUATION IN IDAHO. Holso <'ity. Idaho. Nov. 2-In Idnho the Democrats Sllver BapUbltcana and Poprtltata clalm ^.OOO votes for tha liryan -lectors and accord the MeKlnley . lectora fi.<o>, whlle th- MeKlnley peopta <iaimio,ooo. In roarard lo the leglslatlve tlckot, lt appears as though tha greater part of the s.r-ngth of the Me Ktnleyttea woul.l be thrown to tho I>-mocratle-Pop ullst fuslon tlck-t, leavliiK the sllver Republlcana to go tt nlone. The reason of thls strange allgnment la lo defeat for S-nator. To-nlght Dubois's frienda clalaa fartjr-Bva out of the aeveaty m-m bers of tba Legtatature, whlle the comblnation agalnai hlm aay he wlll not hava more than twenty liv-. Bar Conareca Borah'a frienda, the allver Renubii cans. ?<?in tha COnfldent. They clalm tho A. P. A. vote wlll ko to Hoiah. Morrlson, the McKln l.-ylto. atao .iaiiiis th- A. P. A. vote. Gunn, the Democratlc-Popultat candldate, antagonlz-.t tiu> A. 1*. A. people, and he will be scratclu-d by them. If the A. P, A. unlto on Morrison or Horah the proba blllty U tbey < elect elther. and tha ehaaoea seem to favor Horah. Il ls tliouirlit that a l.irge propor tlon of the Morn.oit vote will ^-o lo Morrison. OPPOSINQ CI.AIMS IN MINNESOTA. Rt. Paul, Mlnn., Nov. 2.?The varlous campalgn eommitte-s completed thelr work lo-day and gave out thelr flnal estlmates of fhr vote In Mlnnobota. Chalrman lloslng, of the D^.-norratlc Commlttee, aald: "We will carry the State wlthout a doubt. The ehanse of aentlment toward Bryin during the last ten davs has beea somethlng remirkable. We wlll get at least 25,000 majorlty for Bryan. We wlll elect at least four ConKreasmen, and the other* wlll be ln doubr. Und for Oovernor wlll run aomewhat ahead of Bryan. Hla majorlty wlll be between 30,000 and 35.000." The closlng eatlmata of Chalrman Warner, of the Republlcan Commlttee. was: "MeKlnley will carry the State by upward of 25.0C0 votea: Clough by upward of 15.000. The Re? publlcana will elect the aeven Congreaamen and have the Leglalature." Chalrman Olbba of the Popullat Commlttea aald: "Bryan rill carry the State by 20.000, Llnd by 40 000, and we will elect alx of the aeven Congreaa? men I eoncodo the Iat Dlstri-t to Tawney, Re? publlcan." -a RBPtfRUCAJta CI.AIM WA81IINOTON. fleattle, Waah, Nov. 2.~Hopubfl(an loaders tn thta State have been unusually actlve durln.-,- the past forty-elght hours. They clalm the State for Me? Klnley, nnd sny tbat the Republlcan candldate for Oovernor wlll he elected. together wlth two Repub? llcan Congressmen. Other fnrecaata Indlcate vte? tory for Bryan and the free sllver Congress candl? datea, wlth a very cloae conteat for the Oovernor ahlp. THE DAY OF 13ATTLE. GENERAL COXFIDENCF. IN A SOUND MONEY VICTOBY. OPIXIOBl OH WELI^K.N'OW.V MEX, BOTIt DEXO? C-RATS AND HKI'l BI.P AN9. The campalgn ended yeeterday wlth an on* shaken popular confldence in the atceeplng trt? umph of McKlnley and Hobart. Republlcar.B and old-fanhloned Democrata unlted ln the bellef that nothlng could B)W prevent the electlon of the Republlean Natlonal tlcket by a large majority In the Electoral College and by an overwhelmlng plurallty on the popular vote. The aame confldence waa felt regardlng tho trlumphant electlon of the Republlean candldatea for Oovernor, Lbutenant-Oovernor and Juatlce of the Court of Appeala; that almost a aolld Re publican delegatlon ln the, LV'th CongresB from thia State would be choaen, and not leaa than a two-thlrda majority ln the Assembly. The opln lon of well-poated polltlolans waa that the ma? jority of Black and Woodruff would fall little short of that to be glven to McKlnley and Ho? bart. A plurallty for McKlnle-* of not lesa than 250, 000 ln the State waa not doubted In the Republl? ean and Sound Money Demoeracy, catnpi. Sar.e Popocrata took a Birr.llar vlew of the situatlon and practlcally thrcw up the spunge. The only fear expreaacd at any of the eound money headquartera yeaterday waa that the seeming certalnty of vlctory might work diaad vantagcously to-d:.y ln getting out the vote. There waa apprehenalon that eome electora might on this account not take the trouble to go to the polla. For thla reaaon lt waa urged that every bellever ln sound money be on the alert to day to arouac the lndlff>rent and neglectful, If any there be, ln thla tremendous crlsla ln tho country'a hlstory, and that every vote be polled. Mayoff Strong aald yesterday: "I have every reaaon to belleve that the vote for McKlnley In this State to-morrow wlll be by 200.000 the largest ever eaat. Every man aeema Inaplred with the feellng that he ought to make thla vlc? tory the most momentous and memorable that waa ever achleved at the polla. To aecompllsh this every eltlren Bhould defend his country'a llfe wlth hla ballot. Every vote for McKlnley shouid be polled. Let none be lost through neg lect or Indlfference or overconfidence." "I waa born and brought up ln New-York Clty," sald Prealdent Barker of the Tax Depart? meni, "and I have eeen every uprlslng In the last fifty years. My heart sweiled with patriotio prlde when the defendera of the Unlon marched from anl through New-York to take thelr places at the front, but never before did I behold such a day as last Sarurday. Beneath the sunllght of a beneficent Providence and the wavlng of mlllions of Amerlcan flags there was Insplred a confldence In Ihe atablllty of our country and her Instltutlona that must show itself ln the voting to-morrow. It thrllled me wlth patriotlc ardor ro that I not only Jolned ln slnglng 'Amerlca.' but supplemented that by slngtng 'Pralse Ood From Whom All Bleselnga Flow.' I have falth to belleve that the rlgbt must prevall. that our glorloua Institutlona wlll be preserved through tne electlon of McKlnley and Hobart. I eaat my flrst vote for Abraham Llncoln. I ahall be at the polls early to-morrow mornlng to vote for McKlnley." Corporatlon Cour el Scott waa also eonfldent. "Not ln many long yeara." he aald. "have laauea whlch ao threaten the very foundationa of tha Oovernment been preaented to the votera of tha country. A man who fa!ls to cast hls ballot to-morrow does not deaerve to retain the proud litle of Amerlcan cltizen. New-York shouid roll up such a tremendous majority agalnat Anarchy and repudlation as wlll flll thelr advocates wlth a deslre to emigrate, Wa feel sure of a great vle tory for sound money, but this wlll excuae no man from doing his duty at the polls." "The splrit manifested in Saturday's magnlfl cent celebratlon." sald Controller Fitch, "la aub stantial proof to me that the electors of tha country are aroused to the dangers whlch beset the instltutlons of our country. so dear to every Amerlcan. Yet I would appea! to every cltizen not to neglect hls duty to-morrow. Let ua make the result so overwhelming and declslve that not Bgatn In our day. at leaat, muat we flght the bat t!e for Natlonal integrity, for law and order and civllization." Frederic R. Coudert. presldent of the Manhat tan Club, a member of the Venezuelan Commle sion ar.d one of the best known and most lnflu enttal Democrats ln the State, expressed hlmself as followa: "Evary man shouid vote as though the only vote to be cast waa hls. I had intended to vota for Palmer and Buckner. They are both excel lent, capable men, .vell quallfled for the hlghest offlces In the Natlon. and if I thought there waa any chance of thelr succesa, I ahould glve them my support. But. conforming to my prlnclple that every vote shouid be cast as though lt waa the decieive one. I thlnk I ahall have to vote for Major McKinley." Ex-Lieutenant-Oovernor Wllliam F. Sheehan, since he publlshed his unanawerable reasons for refusing to support Bryan and Sewall, aoon after the Buffalo Conventlon, baa taken no part In the polltleal dlscuaalona of the campalgn, but he aald vesterday: "It ls golng le be a landsllde for Mc? Klnley ln my Judgment. Nevertheleas. every man who bellevea In eound money, In upholdlng the Natlonal honor and ln the eupremacy of law shouid not fall tc cast hla ballot." FOUR XEGR0E8 SHOT DOWX. arrilTB people of an ai.abama town ob? JEOTED TO THEIR PRE8ENCE AS NEIQHBOR8. Montgomcry. Ala., Nov. 2.?A dlspatch to "Tha Advertlser" from Evergreen. Ala.. brlngs the lntel llgence of the shootlng of four negroes In Monroe County', this State. Bome whlte peopfe ln the netgh berhooi QBdOCted to the netsrocs rom.nK to that aet tlement. I^ist Frlday nlirht the nesroes were slttlng by a plne knot fire on the premlaes of thelr em? pioyer, when the nssassins crept up under cover of darkneea and flred a volley from ahotnuns. Two of the negroea are dead. another la mortally wounded, an.l the fourth wlll loae an arm TO BUILD LOCQMOTIYES FOR C/WV.4. Waahlngton, Nov. 2.?Mlnlater Denby to-day liu formed the Departmeni of State that the Chlneae Forelgn Offlce had awarded ^o the Baldwln Loco motlve Works. of Phlladelphla. the contract for butldlng eight locomotlvea for the Imperlal raU waye. -? ACCIDEXT TO JOHX P. IRI8H'8 TRAIS. Omaha. Neb.. Nov. 2.?The apeclal traln convey Ing John P. Iriah, of CallfomU, and others to speak ln behalf of the Sound Mcney Demoeracy ln tha wake of W. J. Bryan ran Into a frelght traln near Llncoln thla mornlng, and 3. M. Tlpllng, a Llncoln commerclal traveller, who etood on the plalform of the car, waa kllled. The frelght traln cnglne waa taken to haul Irlah'a tratn, and lt waa delayed only a alight tlme._ BR0KER8 FAIL IS PROTIDESCE. Provldence. Nov. 1?Mlller * Vaughan. bankara and brokera. No. 21 Exchange-at., made an aaalga* ment to-day to Jamea M. Bcott, a eatate hrokar. j. 8. Bacho, of New-Tork, who backed the arm for $50,000, wlthdrew laat week, and the Arm waa unable to aecure new capltal. The, llabllltlea are eattraated at $160,000. Mlller ta a member of the New-Tork ?stock Kxehange. PI.AXSIXO AS ADYASCE T0 KHAKTOUM. Calro. Nov. 2.-Oeneral Slr H. H. Kltchener, commander-ln-chlef of the Rgyptlan troopa. atart ed from thia clty for London thla mornlng, far the purpoae of conferring wlth the Brttleh War Offlce In ragard to the Immedtate advance of the Anflo-Bgrpnam Boudan expedltlon from t^mgoag to Kbartounw