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THE NEWS OF 11IIOOKLYN. INTRENCHED IN POWER. THK GAS TRCST NOT TO BB DI8TUBBE1J by thk attorney-.;i:ni.i:ak dLTioN artxjb aa bbxwm to rMaasyLva ma 8EVEN OHIIINM. ' 'OMI-ANIKS?THE OOMBI NATION IN flTLL ('ONTROI.? VVKTHER ACTJOM UKBUel Altorncy-(-fneral Haavoock yeeterday dedded nm to Institute precaadlBgB tn annul the thnr ter of th.- Brooklyn-l'ninn Uaa Company, a. pptitkincl to do l>y Dr. Joiin c. Leater, ihrough his ettornera urant. Do lare a* Mayer. He BMcMod. however. to be-Rin aetkma to annul the charlers of t!;e WlllMUBlbarg. Fulton-Munlei 'pal, Naaaau, reopie's, lietropolltan. Cltlaena' and Hrooklyn (;as Llght ompanies. whoee fraarhlaaa piants. eoati-aete, mains an.l leaaea erera ac(|tilre() a year ago 17 ,h'' Hrooklyn-Un lon rnmr>an>. in tho memorandutn which he hied lha At torney-deneral aaya thai th.- saies of property and fiaii.-iiiso.a were uiiid. by th.' aevefl eotn panl.s to Ihe Hr..cklyri-l*nior. under chapter thts. Lawa of 1898. whlch permtta such eon veyancs. Bal thla law, ho polnt? 0*4t, cn- j lemplatea tho rnerging ..f tl.e eoBaolldatliig for- j'.rs int.. tl. ? fllngle new corporatlon: He J adds t^acworntlotia whl h hatn trameferrv**! llieli prop arty and frnnrateea oughl no' lo be permltted lo l contlnue th. aeinblanc. ol cori?orate l.:-. e*pe olally when ibej auapended ihelr ordlnary ai.d lowful bualneaa l>e\on.i th. tUnc perrnlited t? ( iuv,- Actlon. wlll iherefore be oommfneed In th* name of ihe people io dtarolve Ihe aeven cOm panlea win li have dlspoaed <.r ih li eorporate rlghta nnd property The aewa whlota Arai came from Albany was to tha efcect that Mr. Haacock had de nled lo attack tha Brooklyn-Unlon company on the ground thal i: waa an lllegal combmatlon to prevenl competltlon. A aale of 200 abarea of atock waa made at >'.?'?. as agalnal !?1*3. the last prevtoua quotatlon. Tho repori waa after- | ward eorreeted, nii<! tho atatemenl made that ! l.o would more to dlmvUve the aeven old com panios, by caitaearl of the attornej of the : l?rooklyn-rni.>n Qaa Company. W. H. Bykmah. wh'o'appeaired for the Brook- | lyji-l'm bb at ih? bearlng before the Attorney Oeneral, aald yesterday: "I'p.'n argnmenl we dlaclalmed ownerahtp <>r Ultereat ln theae aeven compeniea, an.l con- I ceded lhat they ahould be dlaaolved." Paui B. l'?? Panre, who argued the caae for ; l>r. l. *el i. aald; "If thla h all lhal the Attoroey-GeneraJ has i decided, 1 can only aay that it would have l.een ] far vis.-i. ;;:ni the people would have been bet- l Icr BatlaBed. and tha Intereata ->f the publlc | better aerved, if the Attorney-General had broughl actlon to reatraln th** Brooklyn-Unlon Qaa Company from contlnulng in the exer< isi aad the operatlon of the franchlaea and planta lt aoqulred from tha aeven old khs rompanlea, and to dlrecl it t.. jriv.- back i" them all that | lt took fr.mi them. and dlrectlng them t" re Miae the operatlon of thelr .>.'. n Bvatema Com potltlon would havo tbereby l.c.-n reeton d to . ua The p .ple want a renewal of competltlon. , That can only be ddn< i>> perpetuating theae severi ..'.I companlea nnd compelllng th< Brook lyn-i'iiion company to Bjlve i.a.-k to them what lt look away. "If this dectaion do..-? not take under con aMeratloa any atepa to dlaaolve the Oaa Trust there are other meana whlch may nnd. I can aay. wlll be puraued Any ov.v l.uylnp a com modlty has tln r:>*h* to ask from the courta what I ask.'.l from the Attorney-?ren*>ral. There ls no doubt that such an actlon will ba brouKht" POriTXEY BIGELO W IS COURT. I.XAMI.\'i:n IM S/l'I'I.EMENTAHV PRO CEEDIXGfl AT THE IKSTANCE OF COLONEL POPE. THB BICTCLB MAMCrACTCBEB wants PAYMHNT u.\* IVOOMKXTB AOAINBT THK. MAOAZINB warrBBr nrOMiaaoav botbb \\*hi<ti WBBB WOT MBT. One of the beet-knowri magaalae writers in the countrv i gpoerod in l'art 1 oi the Bnjpmnfl Pour: jreatorday la the role of a jaciKtn'>nt debtor, the Jurtfrm.nt ,-re.litor h-inj; orle jf tha boat-known blcycle manufacturcrs Hiid Kuo.l readfl advocateejin the I'nion. Th.- (iei,:,,r w i> I'oul ney Blgelow, a aon of Johi, Hig.'low. 'he formtr Unlted H Miniater lo France, anu the frlen 1 and brOgrapher of BaUneel J. Tililen. PouJ|ney BBgelOW la well known aa an axplorei and ;. fftend of prlnooa, and he ^a* pubUahed of lils fiiendahlp wi;h aXalaer wui.-im and his aequatatanea wlth Prtnce Mlsmar.k in lha coiumns oi newapapera aa well a> ln the pages of magaalnea, Hta anlclea have been tl.e BBoana af aaaklng the Qermari Kir.i>eror's mnn ners and eustotn? well known to Ameiieaae. The JiKlirmert credltor 10 <'<,lon?l Alb.rt A. Pope, 1he head of the Pope MaaUfaCtUTlng company, ?which BMaa/aetaiaa ireB-knoara rr...kes of blcyclea. Colone! Popfl h,i* been *pok..n of as the orl^ln.ii "jrood road*." man of America, aad ls sometirnts called "the father of the Kood readfl movernent." He has recently flerured In the aewapaperfl and called down oa lilmself Popocratic dcnuiiclatlon for aaylnjf that If he thoug-ht Hryan was to be elected be would close hls many factorlea. The trouble arore over Mr. BJBffllew*fl excur?lons Into the magnzlne fleld on hls own account. Ma\inK long been a popular manar.lno wilrer he was selxe.l wlth a dcslre to have a ?agaatBM of his own. In addl tlon to hls other arcompllshmenta, he ls not.d as a rportaman. and hls eye fell longlngly upon tho gportinK matraxlne called "Outln-j." At that time. which was aeveral year* ago, Colonel Poi?- OWXMd thla BaMllBllon The two men entered Into ne?{o[Ia tlons whlch reaulted In Mr. Higelow's porrhaMnB the magazlne. Colonel Pope touk Mr. BlgalOW'fl promlssory notes for I2I.325 ln part payment. Mr. IliReliw falled to meet the notes WBaa they became due, and Color.el Pope begjBa au actlon to recover the amount due upon them Judgmi'tit was obtalned agalnal Mr. Blgelow ln Orange Countv, an.l about a year a*o an ordi-r ?was entered for hls exan.lnailori ln BUpplementary proceedinKa. lt was impoaslble to eaamlne hlm. however, becntise the defendant was at that tlme engaged In explorlnj? the Junxkn of Afrlca, by way of IuvIi.k a foundatloii for *undrv tbrillli.K maKu plne artlcks. to be publlahed on hls return Prea entiy he return. d lo the Inited States. an.l aev eral attempts were rna.le to s.-rve paper. upon him, but without aucce.a. At last h>- was found, und thu reault waa hls appearance ln the Hupreme Court yaaterdar, to be eaajnlnod in aupplementary proceeiilnKs He declaree that Colonel Pope 1* ln debted to hlrn In the ?um of $1u0,'mj for llterary work. Mr. Blgelow aald in hls examlnatlon that he had no money wlth whlch to pay the judKinent ob? talned by Colonel Pope. Ho sald that he had no Income except from the auma which he recelved from majraalne edliors for hla storles and essajs. He la eufYorina from wrlli-r's cragap. and ulsu from the .-ff.-cta or a fever whlch he eontracted ln Afiica. He lntenda to start for Burope to-.lny, t.i obtaln materlal for more artlcle?. Hla attorney waa Mr. Itos?, of Naw-Tora Clty, whlle colonel Pope wns represented hy <>rant B. Taylor. Mr. Taylor wlll make applleatlon for the appolntment of a recelver for Mr. Blgelow'a property. A STRAW FROM A BCHOOL ELECTIOS. BOTB ANI. OIRt.B OP PRATT INSTITTTF; TOTB AND BHOW HOW THINOR ARR GOINO TO CO TO-rUT. The member. of ihe Hlah Sctiool of Pratt In atltute yeeterday held an electlon to expresa thelr preferenee' for Presldent of the Cnlled Biates. ?Boys and alrta roted. The result waa: McKlnley. 188; BTyan. 8; P.lmer, 11. For a week the pupil* had been eleotleneeiing. and . polltlca! me. tinj* waa held every mornlrrg at Which addreaM* were made and campalgn and patrlottc aonga aung. The heavieat cahvaaalng waa done by the glrla. AEATB'.OF. CHARLE8 H. UA80\. CbaHea H. Maaon. of No. 128 Flrat Place. who wbb promlnent aa an eiecutlve ofllcer In the Pratt Pivlalon of the Btandard Oll Company, dled nt hls. home yesterday after a ahort lllneaa. Mr. Mason waa elahty-two years old. and had never been III before a day In hla life. Netther had he ever re taalned away from hla offlce a alnale day. Mra MelOn dled aeveral yeara ago. He la aurvlved by a daughter and two aons. Tne funeral wlll he held Kt bla home to-morrow, and will .be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Rlnsolvlog, paator of Chrlat Church, Cllnton and Harrlaon .ta. Burl.I wlll be ln Green WOOde MA 80NIC FIX1>S JX VOL VED. BRANCHES OF THK ORDER CREDITOR1 OF WAYLAND TRA8K & CO. w L'NrORTtTNATB 0OKD1TIOX OF AFFAJBJ AT THB CATHEDRAL BEDIttRD-AVK. ANL MAPI BON-gT.- AN OFFBR OF K) PER CBJCt iv si-rrn.KMKNT RWBCTED. Th. fallure nf Wayland Trask * c.,.. tha New-Tork bankera, whleh oecurred a *ew mon;!^ ago. has onusi ) conelderable irouble anl lll-fee'.lng in high Maaonlc clrelaa In 'his dty. Mr. Trask, who la a thlrty-thlrd degree Maaon and prominent in the order, by reaeon ot his Btandlng In flnanclal etrclaa was naada flnnn lal n_anager of aeveral Maaonlc organraa llona Ha bad control ot the funda ol Klamel Temple, Knlghta of tii<- Myatlc ghrlne; the Aurora Qrata Caifti Iral, lhe Aurora Crat.i Club an.l the Conalatory of the Scottieh Rltea. ln his poaaeaalnn were amounts ranalng fr >.-n IL8O0 to 82,880, in all amouni nc ro over 11000. Upon the announcemem of the fallure, eon alderable ri!k waa atarted among Maaona, but no one rapecti i ? :? tl moneya of the dlfferentordera would ba or iij.i bnen aerlo laly Impalred. The announee m<-nt aoofl after thal tha Maaonlc funda had become a portlon of lhe ilal llltlea ol Wayland Traak .<? Co waa llki .. thunderboli from a dear sky. Mr. Traak'a ..ffloe iniin..> l.rcamo the acene o* aeveral raye (?rioua bul heated eonferencea, Th.- reaull was that Mr Trask propoaed to pay !.' centa on tho iloiiar. T.iis uiT.-r waa Rnally accepted by Klamel Temp>, bul nol wltb i .??! grace. The Aut .ra Qrata Aaaocla llon Indlgnantly rejected the propoaitlon, notwlth Btanding Mr. Traak'a former atanding In Ihe order. The dlreotory waa nol alow in expreasing tha oplnlon Wayland Traak & Co. had no buaineaa io plnca tho tnnda bo that they would ln any wny be Involved, and thal Ihere waa na reaaon why Ihe aaeoriattan ah luld be aubjeeted to any loaa. Bartng Ihe anlmiiB or* the aaaoctatlon toward hlm, Mr. Trask realgned his plan- a- dlrector ..f ti." Aurora Qrata Aeaociaiion, and later realgned his plac* ,i- an oii,i.i oi the other ordera wlth which he w.-.s connected, bul retalned hla memberabip. Althauffh there waa mueh ili-i'.-.-linp up to laal Frlday niKht, It wr.s hius'v Intenalfled at the Cathedrnl. Ar ? agementa had i?-on ma.l.- to hoi.i ,-m Inltlntlon ceremony. .Many promlnenl man were preaent, 1:1110114; th.-m belng .1 u.l_-.- Anplnull, Alderman .1. H. Rugglea, Charltlea Commlaaloner John M. Iiurtls and Dr. Bklnner, all Mnaona ol liisi. degree. When th>- membera arrlved lhe plnca was ln darkneaa. They tboughl al (irst that tl... Jnnltor had been derellcl ln hla dutlea, bul when Ibe Janltor was [ound the wiioic thitiK waa made clenr. There waa no g.-.s. It ha.l been turned oft almply beennaa Ihe aaaoctatlon had no money ln Ita treaaury t<> pay f<r it. and ihe company, after raln attempta lo ... li 1 ita duea, decllned t> ba a credltor any longer, Further rxplanationa followed, and it waa dtacorered Ihnl even Ihe tanitor'a wagea were long puel due, The meetlng, which was to have been one of Maaonlc Jolllty, became one of downrlght In dlgnatlon * Later, one of tl- membera who was present. re lVrrlng to it. sai.i: "A year or so ago. when th. treaaurer of our organtsntlon w-ns ahori $1,000, Mr Traak waa loudeat In !.i? denunclatlon, and de mundrd thai the recaldtrnnt treaaurer bo proae cuted. It would have been done lia.l nol the treaa? urer made thi amount good through '.'.?? aale of his allverwaro ..nd (ewelry. I cannot thir.k ..f ryae thlng aald i>> Mr. Trask whlcb aarored of lenleney luw.irn tne oft. nder." Alibough ar.- mueh worked up over the affalr, they ar. alow '... aay anythlng outatde of thelr ?wr. order. Hut Ihe facta have leaked ..ut an.i tlios-- who know beat have hlnted lhal th.r> are further developmenta 10 follow. The fallure of Mr. Traak hus brought aboul a rhange of affalra as regarda thoae who handle Maaonlc funda. Al a r.-.-.-nt meetlng a few nlghts ago of the Brooklyn Maaonlc Veteran Aaaoctatlon reaolutlona w.-r<- adopted requliing lhe recordlng s..-r.-tarv to furnlah bonda for tr.'- anfe-keeplng of duaa raoelved by hlm. The reaolutlona wer< adopted on the moilon of Fraderlck L. J.-nklns, Hlii_.waH tilius.-lf. re.-ordinc eaeretary. Followlng upon tlii1- actlon, ll was gala yeaterday that simiiar action will be taken among lha other Maaonlc orders in this clty. Laal nlghl a frtend of Mr. Trask volunteered the atatemem thal no one Mtgretted the unfortunate oceurrence more than Mr, Trask hlmaelf. "The affairR of th* tirm." said he. "became bo auddenly involv. .1 thal Mr. Trask had n.> tlme to sa\.- WbAl be had In 1.1- handa He wnnted to do It, I am sure, but lt was one of thoae exlgenclea ln buaineaa iif.. wh- r- a man'a hnnda become lled before he haa 11 opportunlty to turn about." It was ;?-arn..l laat nlght from of the ofTVer* ,,f the Aurora <;r.<11 Club, which la Mr. Traak'a credltor to the .-xt.-nt of tl.t00. tha- a.. ? bmi as the club found Ibai Ita funda wen beyond thelr Un medlati reach they <-:i"a"..i the aervlcea ol Hugo H.rsa the lawyer, t.. proteel thelr Intereata. Mr. Hlreh ma-lc a qulck bui comprehenalve examlnatlon ol the altuation. and reported tu^k 1 ? the Aurora .:r..:a Club thal Mr. Traak had n 1 aaaeta ?? th which he coul1 relmburae Ihe club. Blnce th.n :hf. matter has been allowed to rest, and :h?' feellng ->f ,.rll< Imb ;e* tne membera of the Maaonlc fraternl ilea w.10 gather al l ie Aurora Qrata Cathedral pra venis thelr ;aklng any bnrsh meaBurea. the pr- -?::? ai i.-a-i. ro r.-.-.nor ::i.-lr los: mon.-y. When Mr T'a^k was brought before the m<-mi>cr? of ihe cluh an.l an rxplanatlon demanded from him. he made a rlean breaal ..f t.-.<- who,.- mat;er and ?al<1 nai .,.. wouM pay hack fhe money aa aoon as he -, ul 1 AltbouaTh aome of rh?- aaaociationa whleh me-t Bt th< Aurora iiraM Cathedral have algnlfled ihelr wllllngneaa 10 necepi Ifl per ceni of Mr. Traak - .,,!,. ...].. ..>; to "i. hi ln aettlement, they have nol n. v-r reeelved tha l" p'-r cent. Membera who were .,.??, '.is- nlghl by Trlbune reportera ai Urs; dl* nussi .I ihe affalr guardedly, and In no raa* would ih.-- talk wlthoul blndlng th<- repprter Jo aeerecy wll 1 reference io r v.?-l r name* becomlng puhllc, rhev one and all, however, Bdmltied thal ihelr loaaea were b ma-iir of eommon r-.:k in Masonlc clrcleB. and thelr ln llirnallor, al 'he bad tr.-.-itmen: rer-?-ive.j >t the 1 inda ?' Mr. Traak madi ihem willlng to ea prea* themaelves v. th fref^om. Mr. Trask cou.d not be aeen al h\-> hom?- laal nlght. - ? ? .1 BROOEIA V OIRL OET8 THE PR17.E. Miss i:HN\ FAT KAMBD FOR TBACHER 09 DRAW IN.'J NOW IN STA1NTON. VA. All the membera 0* rhe rommlttee on Dmwlng of the Board of Bdnentlon were prenent at the m.-.-t Ing :.? i.i it. lhe aecretnry'a otT.'-e laat nlitht to ap potnl ? new tencher of drawlng, sui.Ject lo ihe ap proval of the Board. Bupertntandanl Mnxwell waa aNo preaent. The vaeancy to be Blkad waa cauaed lr>- th<- prornotion of Mr- I'atteraon from the gen ernl for.-o of drawlng leachera to a [.onltlon In the Olrla' lllah K.'liool. After some dls.-ussion nnd con Btdering th.- nanaea of sevcral candldatea, the cum mlttt-p unanUyionaly roted to rfommpml th<- :.p pointment of Mlss Kdna I> Kny. a tattelwr of drnwlng ln Btnunton, v.i. Mlss Fay Is a Hrooklyn glrl, a graduate of Cram mar Srhool No. 26, and nfterward of I'ratt Instl tuie Iligli BchOOl nnd of I'ratt Instltute N0rm.1I Bchool Sh<- waa gradunted th.-rr- wlth diattnetlon under ProfeaBor l'.-rry. nnd has elnce ln-.-n teachlng drawlng. Bhe haa nnd charK'- of drawlng and manual tralnlng In Btnunton. Riie lirln_rn thr- htgh eat poaalble recommendatlona from h<-r preaent .'m ployrs. and Is B young woman of ?rrnt fon-<- of character nnd entnualnam for h.-r work Colonel John Y. Culyer, chalrman of tli.> commlttoa, pre dd. d at tlie in.-.-tiiiK. ? - TBC8TEE8 80VNDL1 CBNBVBBD. thi: COMMimnt AWOIZTKD TO INVKSTKIATL THK sotTM.ii.i' PBMBYTBRIAM .lirii.'li AF IMR EXONBRAT-Xl TIIK PABTOR Tha R?W. James II. Fiaeinail. i.nstor of tlie Flrst PTeebytertaa Church of Bouthhol.i. Long latand, has off< n-d his r.-siKiiatlon to the Preabytecy of Long leland. The reporl of the Comndttee of In veatlgatloa was r.-ad in the rhun-li 011. fiun.lay. Th.- report (?ompl.-ti'ly exon.-raied the j.astor from lha pif-s.-tn embarraaBBaanl of the church, aadoan Bured :h. truateea f?r th.-ir actlon. The roport said that somp of lhe truateea wera not I'hrlntlans. and were incompetent to sit as judgaa of the eptrltual \v.-''ar.- of tlie church Th.- church muat pay to Mr. Fn-cmaii liis snl.iry untll January next. He wlll preach his farewall scrmon next Bunday. ./K'f>i7 WOUTB IS CHARGE NOW. County ("!?rk Jacol. Worth. who was sworn ln on Sa'.urday, vni-red on the actlve performance of his dtitles yesterday. Al) BBl haif a dozen men who werr employed under County CJerk Saffen were lald off. Their nam.-s cannot he learned. and it Is not yet cer taln that thelr aervtoea have been permanently dia pen?.-d wlth. No aucceaaon wlll he appnlnted In their nlace;, at any rate. It is underatood that thia move ie alnply !n lhe directlon of econorry. CAPTALN 8T0KES DECLINE8 A PROMOTIOS. An electlon for Junlor fMd orflcer to aucceed Major Henry ('. Everdell. realgned, was held at the 31 Rt giment armory lnat nlght. Brlgadler Qaaaeral JtuMaa MoLaat ptaaMacL Captaln winiam A. Stokea. Company H. and Captaln Thorne. of Company F, wf-re placed In nomlnatlon. The vote show -d foiirtccn for Captaln Stokes and ten for Captaln Thorne. Captaln Stokea decllned the ??]?_? ? tlon. and a re-elecilon waa ordered for next Mon day niKht. Captaln Stokea la held ln hlgh regar.l by every offlccr ln the regtment, and he waa the popular cholce for the offlje. Mueh dl lappointmer.t wa* expreaaed at hla refuaal to flll the offlce. NEW-JERSEY NEWS. REPORTED DEAD. BVT LIVE8. AN INSANK WOMAN IX THK BOUTH ORABOB AaTLtTM I? BbWOONIZBD Bt ITUaWDi ITVi: TEABfl AFTBB HEB BUP POBED DBATH-A JOYOUi MKKTINO WITH HBB BI8TBR Orange, Nov. 2 |Bpectal).-A romarkabjo .-ase hns jus. romf to ilght of a woman Incarearated ln an '.nsone for a long BUBjber of year.-, re? ported as dead and flnally fou.n.1 to he llvlng:. BHa abeth Willlatr.s Is the name of the womao, and sh was found ln the BBae* fouiity AaylUBS for the Inaane. Many yeara ago ira Wllllam., a .1. af mnte. liv.-d ln OranK- In a small honse .-,:?., 1 culttvated a sm.ill farm. He had two daughtera, EUaabeth and Har riet, both doaf lr.ut.s. He dled In April. 1887. an.l his elder daughter, EUaabeth, soon after began to acl Btrangely, taklng her father-a d-ath to hearl gret.tly. Three montha after the old man's death Harrtel waa marrled to John \v. Ackley, a doaf nmte farmer. and weni t<. Ilve wlth him at lils home i;, New-York Btate. Aboul thla tlme EUaa? beth was entleed Into golng. on pretenee nf a rlde, ?o ihe Inaane A.ylum at ,M..rris Ptalna Mrs. Ackley waa greatly aurprtaed nt this a<'tl..n. aml wrote to the aaylum aboul her alater, recelvlni reply thal ahe waa dolna well and was n:l.l 1. ?11 by lon.iiile as could be, and thal her fri. nda at an) tlm. , .. Two montha later Mra. Ackley recelved a letter in whlch lt waa atated lhal her alater w.a In rall Ina health. and In November. 1881, two telegrams were recelved ln aucccaalon by Mra. Ackley, ihe flrat atailnx thal her rtater waa dvlng and ihe aecond thal ahe waa dead. The body was burled in Morriatown wltboul Mra, Ackley aeelna ine ra maiiis. Laal Priday two .h'.if mutea who were vtaltlng the Bouth Orange Aaylum were told that there was an old deaf Biute there whom they mighl Hk. and on her belna hown theji recoirnlwd her al onceaa Mlaa Wllllam.. Bfra. Acklej was arently Hatoniahed t<. lenm lhal her alater, Mlaa tVllllama, waa .Ilve. .is -t... had belleved her dead. reater day -Mrs Ackley puld a rlatl to Ihe a.ylum, and an nffecthiB *e?-ne toob plac arhen the two alater* met, Buperlntendenl Hlnckley, of tbe aaylum, atated tl-.t th* woman waa one that he peraonally iranaferred from ihe Blale l> the county aaylum, an.I thal the mlatake mual have happened by th. r belng iwo women ..f iiie mme name ln tt" Btate aaylum oneofwhom had tlled and waa buried Pr. II irns. tl;.. medlcal dlrector. had Juat taken 1 '??.,.., when the tranafer was mn.le of aome Beventy-flve poilenta, and ihe iwo women muat have been eonfounded. ll-' i*ould thlnk of no otln-r way ln whleh the mlsiaki could have occurrcl. Mlaa Wllllam. la undoubtedlj Inaane, nnd wlll rernaln an Inmate o( l ie aaylum. ? CAUPAIGXIXG TBRoran thi: uailb. A Ni:\V JBBBBY POBTMAKT H with an v i'i:.\i. TO VOI Keyport, Nov. - (Bpeclal) of ihis \ lllage \ ere aurprlaed BTAMPB UBTTEBB ; POR BBYAN. The Republlcana >n Baturd i> e\*en ing when they recelvd through the Unlted States malla ? one-cenl Oovernmenl envelope contalnlng two llcketa, one ..f whlch waa headed 1 A BRTANITE CANCEI.LATION. "Republlean tlcket." and rontalned the name* of a!l the Republlean candldatea excepi thoae for Senator and iherlff, which were rovered bj paatera beaiing the name. of Wllllam it Bte vena and Houaton Plelda, the Democratlc randl datea for Benator and Bherlff. reopei tlvely The oth.-r tlckel was the regular I >? 1.Tatli llckel throughdul A notlceable pecullarlty of Ihe envelope waa thal th* Inatrumenl uaed in ranrelllng ihe stamp. Inatead 1 f ra arli ?-. ih ? uaual one auppjled by the Government, contalned ihe worda "Vote Bryan." Theae envelopea ?'era aeni tn p.. publlcana generallj :ti this rillage, ..ith ihe ea ,. ptlon of Ihe leadi ra Tnere waa nothlng either upon or Inalde the envelope to Indicati the polnl from whlch 11 ha.l been mailed ? FLA08 DE8TROYED /\ TBESTOS. POPOCRATIC VANDAI-a AM'SK THEMBBLVWl Bl TBABIXQ DOWN THK BTARB IXtl BTBtPBB Trenton, Nov. I (Sperlall v aang of Popocratl hoodluma devoted ihi irreater ..f laal nla ' '*r ihe Btara 11 .1 Blrtpea from th.- home* ..( Ihe Republlcana and Bound Bfone: Demoeral* of Ihli clly. A doaen Amerlcan flaa* were deatroyed On the call for patrlota to dlaplay Ihe embl >m <>f llberty on ihelr homea on Ktaa Daj none a.r.. more prompl than the realdenla of Trentoi The Btara and Btrlpea were awung lo Ihe breeae from one end of Ihe clly lo Ihe olher A largi numb. 1 if cltlaena decorated Ihelr homea r..r Frlday nlght'i greal aound-money demonatratlon, and determlned to a'.L.w the decoratlona to remaln untll Ihe returna announce the *-l- - -r 1 ? ?i? ..f McKlnley and Hobart to morrow night. One of Ihe lalter waa Colonel ?; N Nutt. grand aecretarj "r ihe Orand Lodge, I. O, o r. who reetdea in the hotbed ..r Bryaniam Thla Bsornlng Colonel Nnn found lhal t.i- handaomi 1 Baghad been lorn down i" the nelghborbood doa ens of other Baga ?. re '..rn down and lefl ln red ln tbe Btreet. No one *iw the aang ..1 work excepi Oeorae Btanton, ? rallroad brakeman The men were then t? ar 1 nk the Btara and Btrlpea from the home. of the patrlota llvlng on perry-*t . In alghl of the old "Bwamp Angel." lhal dld auch *o,,<\ w-.ik to preserve the Bag. Rlchard De Oraw, af l. mii.-r ton-si whose decoratlona wen deatroyed, Informed the pollce, nnd, wlth Ihe ald of Mr Btanton, the pollcfl belleve Ibey win aoon catch Ihe randala. ? SAY THE '-HEM.EIC BELPED THEM. BBTVKBAI. PBOPI.B Vl.-IT BCHRADBB ANI. OBTAIK hi.i.ii-r Bebrader, the "Dlvliie Healer," contlnued t.. treai people at Salt-r's Hotel and <'asli,.i. near Hayonii-. yesterday. Wbere l.'."" I" l-ons vMle.l l.lln. Sol.e were .Ir.iwii l.y . uloslty. but .then ln pl.-nty aoughl lha ald of Ihe healer In obtalnlng rellef rroca allmenta. Bome declared, after they ha.l undergone the laying <>n of handa, ihai the; already f? 11 better. Contrary 10 expectatlon, there was little BCOfllng at the man ..n.i hls H.ilni.- i.f dlvim power to heal There were three women in tne crowd yeeterday who aaked Bchrader i.< ireal them. <>rn- auffered from i.llndin ss, another from paralyata and tbe thlrd from deafneaa. Bchrader bleaaed them, and the woman who had snh". red from paralyal. aald thal she felt better. Th.. one troubled with deaf neafl left ber Irumpet beblnd, aaylng she could near without lt. ? ELECTIOSEEBIXQ LE TO DATE. AN BUZABCTB WOMAM BOUCITa VOTgBJ FOK HEB HUBBAMO. BHaabOth, Nov. 2 (Bpeclal). A novel feature of the oampalgn was devekmad here to-day ln the appaaraaea ef a foiaaJe canvaaaar for .inm.-s p. Powera, the Daflaeeratle eaadidate for Senator, ln the person of hls wlfe. Mrs. Power* ls OOfUiected wlth 'he Kllzaheth D.iy Nursery'. nnd whlle eanvnssInK for siihacrlptlona to day for lhal Inslltution she Ihaajghl ahe would do n little mlsslonary work toward helpltiK alonjr her husband's polltkal amWtlon. She handed tha women whom she called tip'-n n Rapabllean tlcket wlth Mr. Powers's name paated over that i.f hls opponent, Kost.-r If. Voorhees. and aaked the women to try to get thelr hushandn to rote for the Deaxocratlc nomlnee. ? /7/S' BtLYEB TVBSED TO Frank a harber at Xo. 140 M...*ket-*t . New ark, 1* a ff80 BflrOf advocata A raliinfj >adirig up to hla arfop door l* nrtianrntM with Ir.ire*. I^,1 nVc had the*e palnt*d In allver a week aa.i. On Batarday aome waa* palnted ihe leave* over wlth old g-olri. was extrermly aagry untll hl.< cuatomera lauahed hlm Into a aood Ininior. a- - ARREsTEh FOR CBIMISAL LIBEL. Hackennack, NOV. I (BraaflaD. ?JBjaflg leOaeh, the well-known f-mper^nce reformer. was ,-?rre*:ed thl* cvcnlna on BBMOd Bf Judge Van Valen on *ult of John J. Hate, Democratlc candldate for Aa aemhly, charginR hlm wlth ?? Ilbel ln a clrcular laauerf agalnat Hate. Henry J. Herlng w*m on Leach'a bond for S.0M. Break up your Cold Over night. Pon't i'.<-" M>ra\-, ?. 'tn bi a, ; UMnacb metlicincs, Dooth'a l )) " Hyomei Pocket Inh..lcr Outlit, the Australlan "Dry-Alr" traatraant, wlll do i:. It cnret ly inha.'cti^n. Air ls ths .>:.!; thing la for tho broathins Ot__nS. . A e of ih- alarof of the City ef Trertrn.:.". j. Mafch j, tS.^. Prar Si" Y ll have nv BBnBia**** IO r-.>V that I le'.eve. t.. rar *fl* o* th* moa: ?C4_4_r*Bl , i:-e? far ca'-rr-i ar.d thrnat ir-i.ble tlut r-a-. ever l.e-r, clucnv .... li. Bt* .aieiii: **T*CI hi. b**a w*ii*H*aB. Lmokv N. Taaa, Mayer. Trirc Ji.oo. For B-le by rirUKKi-ts evCTf where. Bxtra bottlea of "Hyom.i" Inhal ant at druRnibt'-. 90 centa. Hyotad Da!m, a womk-rful licilcr, 25 c-.its. Ad\i?c frca ?f~ R. T. BOOTH. U East 20th St., New York. HIS PET8 TAKEN BY THIEVE8. AN AOBD OBRMAN'i QRIBF AT THF. LOM OF HIS BONO8TERS. THKV PDtBB ALL HE HAD M THK WOBLO. A?D BB8IDEB I'.i-iN'i BM PMDB ANi' JOT. THBtt WKlti: :.l- MBAWB Of LIVBLIHOOD. Th.- rollowlng li Iter came 10 ihe efltee of The Trth. nn? yeaterd ly m irnlng: To ihe Edll ir o* The Trlhune. Blr- i"..i-- ?:. me the fai >r and take notlce wnai had iiappened In my blrdI atore thla morning.J ar rlved ln my blrd atore ai ?;>. at No WH?u? on ?.. thi. , liy. (ad r. und ihe do ir brokenand a my talkina narrota arore al ilen, bul only one le*t. Ail m) fanary C wen . - taken, ln fact, m-? han the hall ot my entire other atock waa robbed. 0. I im ?' poor man, and I belleve thai Ihla -.'.'.. r>- win ru.n ".::'i" V "^""''^MUU.i^KOSKNT.iVl. No i'l B. Houaton-ai . - "? A Trlhune reporter areni up to aee Roaenthal yca terday afl rn on nnd found hlm In the deptha of woe. He keepa 1 llttle blrd ahop -.: So. IM Ba?l Kouaton ., lt u a dlng) ' ? ?x, balow the level of thi atreet. nn! .1 alngle gaa-hurner glvea tboul all the ..,.. |* ;>,. re A man' ...-???? 1 Bim* can -.,,-. icroaa - ? entire ?.1 10 the ah.-lv. 1 on elther sid.-. where Roaenthal wa< accuatomeil to k,1;. hla llttle aongatera, Bul th< ahelvea are now empty. rtoeentn il la in ol 1 man. ???'? pa?l "?? '' i ?'''?'?' yeara. He haa a hump on hla bark and hla hair and lN ,1 1 nn ..- whlte .- mow. He ean'l talk m 1 :i Bngliah al an) l me, bul ye* erdny he s,, over ,,,in ?:? 1 hla loea lhal Im "ould :..rl.\ -;?? ah Oer nM-,. 11 fi . : 1 1. -. ? . il- -1 - 1 '???? "? lhe . ' ? ,,i ot. 1. .,? 1 he a .? comforl the ol l man w.-.. n i- reportei found hlm yeaterday. Ile told the atory i ? - - y Roaenthal naa ver) fand of hla peta, hla "kl. ???? Bxii 1, :.?? a-- rp. a-" 1 10 call them, ar.d ha often -t i) ? 1 . ?,. ? ? ite Into tbe 1 I: wa : 11 >' Ratiinla! 1 Ighl arhen he lefi ttle atore u hen 1,,. ,-ui: ick it ? Bunday morning he found the >,,,-! . i:. ..- n, ddle ??: the ti mm al 01 , .,,. ,- thi -..:.. ?? ?<-? -. the ..:,:?. one ra.- ihlel had lefi, an.l the pari t, 1 Mgnlslna thi well-known form 1 ,111. , : .? 1 .11 Hell 1, pupa! 11.1,,. ,,.,,, 1!" \\ ..- ??. 1- th. bli 1 -ii the Ha >r? He a.. I ii ?: '? : I 1. r-i ther. The old in.:. groped hla iray !?' th* cornei r. len : ? . n, ntatnlng hla darilng -anarl. ?. ?:...,-.. II v. tl >,-? ,i.,rk -. ?? :?? ahop, and he pul hla h inda iui 1 , foi da tn .- .:? They weri ri..: thera All Ihe - .\ ? .- gone >-i ? 1 y .ni \ - larrow 1 m wa the -v.f arhere ?:oo<i lhe e '.;? ol ?.a p_i 1 >ta, ? -? 1 ne .1 r.:, -n ha i 1 ??? 11 trH.n- 1 1 1 k:,,i-.\ ...- .:.... I 1 - ?? ib to him im. '1 he] ?. were 1 1 r. mblli . rurk a II hl The Uny ahop ?..-.-. Been.levaetailon Thi Bhelvea were The floor waa llttert-d Wl :?.??.".- Neai the du >r lay ll k and thi > had ra ? n I b ? ? ? '. .1 ? d The roorn, : > :'. \\;:'.\ :,-.?: ? , allenl ? ? ? ?? Oi ? t: -> ; .-? ? 11 . ? ? in hla ??..*> upon lhe tl.. >r 1|,-;1 .. j..i; .1 . lello, ,'i ,-?.' Ro*. rila way to th.- I rniae ?>'. bla fi 11 . .- ,:, 1' ? ? . k? . and wlth in.ui. 11. ...-., 1. up proken," a.ti.l li ge ,. ? ||,. |i-'- . ? ..- il h. 1 .- dl r.- f ? :.. lei -.-!? B il - off tler ;. 11 r,,,is wo ll.l pita*. .-..-? ? He b md dem r 11 nod ti. ? 111.11 h dem to d.iik undl 10 alng One ofl dem \ iuld aing .me.ilng v 1 ? ? ?. i . ? .- man ln L.--t Un undi ?? go 1 . der Krledrlrhat. 'I .-.. --r ?? It vould I I . . .?? ?. ? r ru ki m< 111 Klnd I.-. mual 1, .? h H> rlln " lt ,s.?-.?-. ,, wha :,-.-. heen altting dolefullj In a eorner, .4 ip aa ? - - 11 ? ll 1 ,.' 1 bla and - 1 ?! \ a. und 'Kl du lieber Auguailn' undl "ln I.auter bach hab Ich mein Btrumpf verloren," und '80 |< i.. t. wir: Achl du llebi r IJott!" And he hl : 1 .- ii ir- ??-..-. .??:.? on Helaner, "he vould deach il. 1 irroda do alng undl den dey v-iiil-l f.r m re i...., He vna a r man undl ?:?? ? ll I ? ia! daken rfHrytlna '?? hal Dera vaa a .iirn>- ven he >- .11: . " 1 .-...-.? -.- ? >f Ro*.'s ru*. lomci ? am. itu th. al ip, 1 1 Ina ng onu .if ihe ?tolen llnneta He aald he na. golng lo work ...ui. k: ?.-.. morning, and ?.. n.-.r Ri tadwa) In 11,. .-? r -? when ? - a ? man in i-ik aeveral rage. ?! ??." .im and .. hla batakei on tne other He apoke i.i l nn and lhe n an buvi hlm one ..f ihe llnneta, ari I he look lo Roaenthal, thlnklng mighi ? 11 Iii '?' - mu. '. aurprlaed a eii he learn. .1 lhal ti had 1.n alol. Danlel Altmoat, of N ? BS Bldrldge-ai . w ia found r,, bavii :?.. ol Ihe alolen btrda ln i.i-1 poaaeaalon ,n.i h. ? .< arreale.1 H* *_W he i.oiiKht ihem from .1 - iii.r ln lhe Rowi ry, and aa h? promlaed t.> take Roaenthal lo the man from whom he u..t ihem he waa dlarharged Roa>-nthal, old ind feeble as he la, apeni lhe Ki.-it.r |..rt ..f Ihe day In rlaltlng Ird ainr.-- nf ihe Bower)', hoplng t.> n-1 aome trai ?? ol hl ki-iti.r Klncli 1 " ? t BROEER ARRE8TF.D FOB SOX-8VPPOBT. a*mnklyn 1'oxe, jr.. forty-Bve yeara old ??< broker, HvinK at ( Mi.-lniti.l.. .1 an.l t w. nt> sixlh-st. and Bt. Klcholaa ive., a ?? arreated yeaterdaj afternoon In lhe fonaolHlated Sto.-k Rxcbange bj Detectlva M ? L'arthy >.f lhe Yorkvllle Couii aquad, The warranl rhargrd f'oxi wuh ar*andonmant, and was tssn...i on the iworn comptalni of Bfra. Rdlih Coxe, of Ko ggS Blith-ave Mra. Coxe declarea thal thay wari m-rrled In New-Jeraay Ihree ago, and thul tor tii<- laal six montha ha had not aupportej h.-r, bul was llvlng wlth another woman, who la alao knOW n a? Mrs. ? 'ox.-. 1 -(.xc mnlntnlna lhal he was dlvorred from nt ill another wir- Bevernl yeara ago, and lhal b) th. de. ... grnnted he was nol allowed to mnrri agaln lu ihla Btate. He aaya lhal, accortllngly, 11.m plainaiit la nol wlfe lu thls Blate, and he ls nol bound to aupporl her, Maguitrate I'ornell li.-UI I'oxe iri ISOO bull foi examlnatlon on Krlday after? noon. I'oae furnlahed lhe bond and was releaaed. U'h.-n Mrs. t'oxe l.-ft lhe court Bhe was arreated by iw<> LVputy sii.-riffs and laken to Ludlow Str.-. t Jall. li waa nol known what the arreal w..s for ? /. CABLTOX WARD 0ET8 II18 WBIT. .1. Carttou IVard has obtalned an alternatlva wrtl >.f inaiiilamu.a from Jusll.-e l.awr.n.o, ln tho Su pr.-mi- Coun lu-r.', ordertiig lha ITptown Aaaocta? tlon io simw cnuae why he should not !.<? retnatnted io memherahlp. In bwulng this writ tha Pourl followa tha d-ilslon of tha Appallnta Term of th. Becond Dlvlaton, wlil.-h n-vers.-.l lhe I'ourt h.-r> when lt refuaed the wrll .t Brat. Mr. Wani propoaod Henry Btaael, of siepel * Cooper, for memberabip ln Ihe club, and l.< waa blackballed. Ward aml hla frienda then ealled a ?peclal in.-.-tluK ti. reconalder the actlon, which ended In Wnni's expulalon. Ile at onc^ su.-d for reinatatement, and when his appllcotton waa re? fuaed, app- -nl.-.l. ? ELBCTION l>AY IS THE COUBT8. Ther.. Is a prol.iihllity that two parta of tho Su preme Conrl win !?? k.-pt t.usy to-day banrlng alaettona .-ontosts Juatleea Rmyih and Laarrance wlll slt, tha fi.rm.-r In I'arl II, where tho <?ont.-st.-d motlons wlll ba and tha btttar ln Part 1, arhere ox parta or.lors wlll be slRiie.l. Thore has h.. 11 boibm talk aboul ui.-?al roKistration, nn.l thara promlaea t.i be aome irouble over tha now carda ihat were kaaued to rotera thla yanr. Accordtng to th.- ruteao* tha i'ourt. mnndamuaea, which wlll practlcafly t?- the unly applicntlona mado, mual iirsi eome up in I'art ii, where, ir tha Juatlce Bactdea to laaue an order to show cauae, tho motion miist then k? to Part I for aricumont! Ju.ttl'-e LawrenCO, ln i'art I. Wlll also dorldo ap pllcntlona for wrlt* of haboas oornoa In tho t-ases of poraons arrested. -1? IT MAOE THEM I'HEER. "At the very entranoe to New-York Hnrhor you are confront.-d hy what lt would b-> dlBOOWteOUB not to prosumo the larK-st adv.rtlsoment In the world. Il-i) Is Its slmplo Iik.-ikI." Two Kr.-at .-hlmneys. toworlnjt Z!h foot h.-iivenward, advlslna; lhe world In letiors thlrty fnet hljfh to "l-:,.t H-o" are what ooc.4sloned tho remnrka h.-ro quote.l from "The Ixmdon Dally Mnll." Saturday the advertlaemrnt waa allvo wlth pa trlotlam. Btretched from chlmnoy to .hlmney floatlng proudly ln ihe brecie, wa* probahly tha largeat Amerlcan flar of all the thouaand* of flajrs which1 raulated New-York. From the de.ka of the New-Tork and Campanla crowda of Araerlcana luatlly cheered the patrlotlam and the adverttae ment. NEED8 01' THE 1SBT11UTIOX. ANNUAL MKKTINO OF THE NEW-YORK UNIVERBTTT OOUNCIL. HOBOR WTMmt***** TO Bfl E8TABUSBED LAROB NfMHKR OT gT?OBflfTB-?8>?C TBOM OP OFFKEHS. Tb. annual BBtetlai of the rounci ef *????? York I'nlverslty was held In Unlveralty Bu.ldlng. W^lngtoa akfuare. yeaUrda, ?"?*?V**? | were preaonl Prealdenl CTgartea Batler. who pro- j r.ded tha Re* Dr. rleare M. MacCrackcn. chan eelior; Wtlltaaa Aiien Butktr. wmiam A. Whec- , S1I ihe Ber. Dr. gaOdartefc Terry. Wllllam 8. Op dvka Mavid Banka. the Rev. Dr. OeorgB Alexander. Predarle Baker, israei C. Maraee, rT-lBaai 9. Havemever and Dr. John P. Munn. Chancellor llaeCraeken praaonted his annual re port and recommend-itlons. which were "-"<??? j iy adopted. Followlng is a anmaaary of the docu- | actual cash paid In. There are Pledg*. fO>Jnf_5K. tXS&SSB^tSjSBgsai br?^"jsfc?ra^?^82 ;,,.?- ,\ .pKlal m.?orl?l n,.m. m?> "? a"*[j :,'. C,.r..f... s'r,.,.,,. i:...h nnnor pg^JSJg*-**! "iS^STlS."-/ I..- or lal. ?~n ?"?<l 0" &S?3:sa3My?a%v?,B I?'..- I .-* <t[l<l <l'l l.lli^ii*** -a.lel-.iri rtVafl Ve>atra1 S the pVeS-orahlp. Tne glfta or PW'^f"^? endowmenl within the .-','?'" ?'?- pe i,"y School ofXglneerlng, B; 1^h~>^T^ff#?a' K' 1 w B. Ii....l 100 I'r.iverslty M'dlCOl < Olieg., w. ?ri'i.... fla 1.-ea may I- allghtly changed before the .',-',.. ut%l caTalogSe. The ,?,m., r iMoaiructw. ?m v.rv little from year. belng about la* Tne SeVaeTeffi^^ , ,||N| ,,? . . -1.. e.aily in ihe 1 nlverelty < oliegi nnu B.r.001 of''PeXgrwy. More than ferty pr.-puraiory achoola ar.- repreaented ln the tr^^\\SLtm*h'\\\ .1. nnlv nli'.enre BChooU n New-Tork Cltg. TB1B ,,,,.... ,,r" .'??... atitueno i-romKi. to add to !'. , "rsiTv <' ll'... ?n attra.tlon that was de nled lt aa long bb lt was without any raetdamea "Tlft, member.ot^^^Y^^M^J^^ ^^'"'^hi ,v';,'"; iMi-^ho",:.., for stii ,..,," ha. Mnce then been Ulled ... ita entlra ea , ty Seventy of the atudenta In the achool are !::?,'?,,;- of oollegee, and Betrenteeo of normal ^Th^'Voman'B Advinory Cemaaltlea reported lts recelnti. forthe year al &.44T. and Ita expenditurea ^I'mvid Banka, chalrman of tho Ubranr OfaMft* ..... reported an Increaae of 4.878 rolurnea nnd tl at th< I'nlted Btatea Oovernment has made tha llbrar> ? denosltory for ..ll publlc documenta. Member* of the Councll. ejhoaeiterma Badnplred. w. re re-elected a* follows: Th" Rev I>r John Hall. I emuel Skldmor. Wllllam I.. Bkldmora, Dr John p Munn Auauatua D. Jullllard and John < lnfl.n arnVa McCreerj ni d CyniB C. Mlller w.-re re-eleoterl aa 1 ew m mbera lo flll raranctaa cau*ed by l^f-*??" ?f .;...,rg- Munro and J W. C Uvertdge. Pho ofll r-era of ihe roundl weri re-elected aa feljowa: , ? ,rie? Huiler pr* Ident; Wllliam AUen Butler. -. |i ?? preald ?'. I.rael C Plaraen, seeretary'. nnd Wllliam F Havemeyer, treaaurer. The followlng mem'.er* of the Woman s Advlsory .? were rr-elected: Mr* Wllllam ? Coch ? ,11 Mr- Henry Draper, Mrs Bdward < Bodman, M Annle U Jennlna* and Miss |.|,, M Northrop. Mr Buaaell Baae and Mr? Jefferaon Hogan were elected ..> new membera of the commlttee. DEATB ni 1: *T" a BEMOBBBAOB. Ifontelalr, K, J . Nov I (Bpedall.?Whlle on her way homa from church last ntKht. Mr*. Mary Sh*r man. nfty-four yeara old, was ?ri7.ed wlth a hemorrhaae al Portland Place and v.illey Road Bhe wa 1 tak< n Into 'he hou?e of Ptephen \ alentlne, , |o*m by, wi.. re she dled ln a ahort tlme /Ml sT\TE 0A8 C0UPAST8 SIIT OFF. fpon conoent Of i>oth partlea to the actlon. Judgfl I,, ,,ml,. ..f the I'nlted Btate* Clrcult Court of ,i,.s ,m trlcl ha* algned an order dlacontlnutng the aull of Wllllam Buchanan inrainsi th. Bay Btata Company, of Delaware. wlthool eoata. It la .,1 ,, dlreeted lhal th? order of October 16 last ap polnllng Dwlghl Braman recelver of the company be racated and thal th.- l.ond for ti">w BktdIhj hlm be . an.-. lled and the s iretles dis'hatg.'d. The order fu-ther dtrecta thal Braman dellver tn tne ..,,,,., my ull property, booka, contracU and eertlB , .. - ' gtoek held By him. an.l the Injiinctlon re>; credltora, offlcers. dlreetora and atock hol.lria from Ir.terferlng wlth auch troperty, books .1, within the lurladlctlon of the Clrcult < onrt of thl 1 dlairi.: la vacated. ? i//,'.n. 1// 8810 DIE8 FROM LOCKJAW. Mra. Margarel Muaalg, who was takm III wlth ,,, Kjaw ..- rhe reaull of a crlmlnal operatlon nt her home. N'.? <>i Eaal One-huiidred-and-Bftir-aac ond-al laal Baturday, dled al 1 o'clock y.sterdav mornlng Bhe ?.i> conacloua ut.tll 1. few njoment. Itefore her death but to the last malntalned the at 1..,,.?.? whlch mada her caae a myatatleaa one. BB. DIX0S*8 BIOBT To VOTB. Tha llev. Thomaa ldxon. Jr., called ut the Bae llon Bureau al noon yesterday und had a talk wlth I'hlef Clerk Allen a. 10 hls rl?ht to vot* In this clty to-day. Mr DUon. nlthotigh traveBlaa a .reat deai, . lalma a i?rminent raaldcnca nt the aahtaad Houae, nnd he haa raglaterad ln the Fourteenth Kie.-tiou Dlatrlcl >.f th? XXVtb Aaaembly Dlatrlct. A ^uea il..11 haa been ralaed as te whether he had a legal ri^iii t. ..'te The proaeher told Chlef Clerk Allen thal he . oiisld.-re.l hltnself a pertnanent a;iiest at tha Aahland Houae, whlch he olaliaod as hls resi dence II. aald be dld not have a 100m there con atantly bul thu he atayed there and had hls aaealfl there whenever he was ln the clty. and he ha.l BO ..ih>r r.-.I.l-ii ?? her... ?'hlef Clerk Allen sald he belleved Mr I'lx.n had B rtghl to vote from the Vahland llou.?. hui Ihe preacher. to make aure. weni 10 ihe Corporatlon Counaal'fl ofllce to aee Whal Mr. Bcott had to say about It. ? 1///. KLWBLL REIXSTATEll. Juatlca M i.l.'in "f the au pro eaa Court yesterday laaued a peremptory wnt of naandamua dlreeted to the Bfanbattan Cheaa Clab orderlng lt to lm medt.tely retnatate to membarahlp nnd hls fuil rixhts John D. I'.i'.veii. who, 01. October n, hmi beea expelled frcrni the club for allegod Bwlfoeaanee. Mr Blwell had bean a member of the club for 1111..11 yeara. Tha writ Btatea thal the aettea of Ihe 1 lub was Improper; that the expulslon was not founded on any evtdence ln support ef the churge brought, and wns Inattgated throaigk maii.-e. The malfeaaance charga agalnal Mr. Blwell was tam perlng wlth th.- r-iited BUtea mall and openlng ,1 letter addreeaed to tha prealdent of the club. Mr Blwell was expelled. althoUgh he suhmltted a atatemenl from J Monu Leaaer, of Hoston. the wrlt.r of the letter, thut through a mtatuke ln hls ..rtie. the letter In queatlon had been u.ldressed to Mr Blwell peraonailjr, Inatead ef taa prealdent, ln Slr. Klw. II'. . MOTHER AM) SOX BVBJBD TOGETHER. The funeral of Abraham U Fox, who dled on Thuraday of hasly conaumptlon, and that of hls mother. M.-s. Krnestlne Fox. whoao death followed on Sunday, were held at thelr realdence. No. 1.568 Madlson-ave., yesterday. Thn double funeral at tracted a large crowd to the nat in whlch tho bodlea lay slde hy slde ln cofflna covered by whlte clotha, whlch bore the names, t.Rea and dates of death of the deceased mother and aon. The aer vloe* ceaatated of addrtaaes hy Solomon Kunta. nn old friend of the Fox famlly, and Dr. J. C. Lew Insky, the phyali lan who attended Mra. Fox and her snn In thelr last lllneas. At the conclualon of the aarvtcea the bodlea were removed ; > Cypresa HIII Cemetery for bttlial. ?_ THE KOVBMBEB QBAfSD .11 RY BWOMB IX. Judjje N'ewluirRer. In Part I, General Seaalona, *wore ln tne No\ettiber Orand Jury yeaterday. The Jndije called attentlon to what he termed the grow Ing hahlt of merchants to make use of the Orand Jury to collect their olalm*. "You ahould not permlt the Oranl Jury 10 he turned Into a collectlon agency," he aald. "The law pravldea proper methoda to pro tect credltora, and these methoda ahould he applled when ,. merchant la unahle to recover hla elnlm." The niw (ir.uid Jury Ia compoaed of Herman II. C.irnmann, broker, No. II I,lberty-st., foreman; Fred erl.'k S. Hallahury, treaaurer. No. I.OOtt M.dlaon-ave.| Theodnre K. Studley. manager. No. 15 Murray-ai.: Wllliam Jame*. retlred. No. 142 Eaat Flfty-aeventh at.; Charlea Blga;*, actuary, No. IS Aator Place: Wlll? lam H. Taylor, contractor, No. 146 Eaat Bixteenth Bti Raeklel C. Wllllama, produce. No. 119 Waahlngton Market; Charlea B. Rowland, englneer. No. 831 Madl 860 Broadway. Union Sq. & 18th St ARTIST1C Wrought , _ Mpta! * s *,R0N' rftCIOI ForInteriors.Opem WOrk *IREPLACES, ETC. aon-ave.: Francla G. Gorham. aupplktl (fo sn Rrn.a wny: Auguatua C. Bechateln, provUlons, .\\> *_ Waahlngton-at.; Joaepn B. a/, drygooaa; N? Bi Wortn-at.: Henry k. Hrow.iing. merchant Vo Im Hroome-at.. Hrani C.oooe. d:ug.. No, 311 Kourth ave Oscar R. webber, manufactuier, No i3JJ Fa<r tmj' reenrh-st.: Edward B. Peaisall. broker No \i w__" Thirty-eighth-st.: John Cromwe'.l. retlred, Ka ? West One-hundrod-.n.l-fhlr.-lo.h--'! HefbCK T GrlaTKs, banker. No. 15 Wa'l-s' Edward f |L_ Ing. merchant N*o. 40? ['. \i: -, ,e| Hiel. lampa. No. 147 Weat One-hunlred-ard-iwenty3bv? at.; Seaman H. Oeary, retlred, No. ?:. \v ii;-4| jESj C. Koch. merchant, Na. 14." \V-s- One-hundaae_JH_L twrnry-fotirrh-?t.. and Andrew I Fay, merchant Vo 11 vwst Twenty-aeventh-Bt. ' Ji-dare Newhitrarer aald there were *t_ty-OM iy.r.. sons in rho Tomb* awalting the i-.ion if tha .irand .lury, and 121 priaonors already under in.1irtment. -?- ? THE C0VBT8. ?UPRBME COURT DECIIION1, Waahlngfon, Nov. 2.--In tha Unlted S'nteg B*> pr. me i'ourt to-day tho followtiig dedatona wera announeed: No. BBJ?Tbe I'nlt.d Stato*, plalnrlfT. ;,Kt. Mar? tin T. MeMahon. and No. V.7. Bfartla T. Mo. liahon, plalntlff, agt. the [Tnltad Btatea. in error to tho L'nited State* Cireult Court of Apoeahl for the lid Circult. Judgment rereraad and caasa re mnndad t>? tho Circult Court of the L'nited State* for the Soutliern Dlstrlot of New?York, wlth dl lectkina to .-nier a nmtt ju.i>cm.-nt in <? nfbmtft* with tha oplnlon of this .ourt. Oplnlon by Juntlce Brown. No. Mi Oetnrta J. Paraona, plalntlff, agt Gua tov Venaka at bL ln error to tt,.- Dlatrtct f'ourt of RJchland county, N. I?. judgmeni afflrmed with coata. Oplnlon by Juatlce Brewer, No. M_?fleorge Moioiroy al al.. pUlntlffa, aar. th.- I'nlto.l Sta'os. In .iror to tiio Circult .'our' of tho i'nlto.l Btatea for th<- Weetern Dlatrtct of Judgment reveraed an.l cauae remandad wlth dlrectlonfl io grant .i now triai, and :>r far. ther procee.llngi to be had thereln in confonatty wlth the oplnlon cf thls court. Oplnlon by I'hlef Justlce Full'-r. Tho eall to-morrow wlll be No.-. 11 and |_B aad 130, 131. 133, 134, V.\ 138, 117, V,<<. IM and 141 -4> COl'BT t7Al.KM.AHS K< IB WKDNKSt AY. Appellate r.lvislon?Supreme Courl D Vaa Pnint, P. .!., Harrett. Wllllam*. Pattera n and D'Brten u._ iv.urt ..pena at 1 p, n. Noe. 1. 2. ;t. 12, IB, |?, 17 ls, ib JI, 23. 24. 2.V Bf. 27 Suprejti* . ,,ui-r Spe.-:?l Terrn-I'.ri 1 Bef - vr.-.-h. J. \i ,ri',n rntendar ,-Mi!e,| bi ii ?. tn. guprem* <'.ur- Bpeclal Term Parl II r-f r.- i.itj. ren.e. J. Co?rt apeaa at 10:80 a. m. 13* part. matter*. .-apreme Co?rt?Bpecfcll l-rm I'ar- hl llefnre Ke-ke. man. J ? IMvorcea: Ko* 2'.a?. 8346, 8381, 3585 3071, x,:,l, SB70, aasa, 8SS7, m-x,, 8888, 2.V4. 3887, :>.'.4i. 8538. .'le_r. Buprem* ? -ur: -dpecial r*rm- Pari l\' rtefor-, .1 Law aad Baeti Koa. 2*.".. 2755, .^"27. SST/>, 382*. :(47H. 1?H!> 8884, 8888, 8888, ;tl44. 2H<>r.. BSS7, 33S1, 8138, 3l_a, 2.14.1, 2H.I6. .'142.',. :4472. 1'lear. Supreme r.mrr- .?p-^lal T rm- I'ar: V th : r* Pryer, J. - -Tauae* to he aent from I'art IV for tr.a. I aa* unfln lahed. Supreme C'o'irt? ^perlal Term?Part VI Bel ra Mae. Iyran. J.-<"aua.s ro h> a-nt frmi 1'ait IV <? t llial. I'lear. Supreme Court?Bpeclal T?rm Part Vll \ i; .urnej unrii W*d_4*aday, Nov*tnber II. Supreme Ooattt Bpechll Term?I'art \'III--A ii um?d for the term. Supreme .'ourt -Trlal Term I'ar- If?Bef re K-eertmai J I'referre.1 cauaea: .N..a. .V.4K. B1B0, B84S, S28I, 8)77, .'.:.:.,). it.vio. .-013. fart>.">. B1BB, 7.>::>. !??i". 8988, 8771 sv.J. Caa* ar.t' . s iprer.i? Court?TYtal T?rm- Parl III -IWfor* I .?ro. 1. ?Noa :iv.<2. 8831. .t_??. 277.".. >7:t. :;<*-:i. 8s?4, 3kbj, ^ji<j, ;|.ji.% ;<971. :f.>7?. 8878, BBB5V*. 8BB7, 44)03. Cleai Supreme lourt?Trlal Term- Part IV?Befor. Bi-, h 1T, )r .I.-.'auaea to 1* aent ir-in Parl III fo* trlal. I taar. sui-reme t'oort?Trlal Term? Part V?Befor* Bm-k ataver, J.?I'auae* 10 be aent from I'ar: III I r trlal .'.u>? unrtnlehed. Supreme I'ourt--Trlal Term ?I'art VI?AdJ irn-'! I rl? term. Supreme Court?Trlal Term?I'ar' VII?O' (.lererloU, .: n, ? 8888, ZUOl, 2883, K-47. 8883, 8888. 8881, 4".',. 4DU, 8013, 4<>l:i. ?>ll>. 44..'..%. 4o:tl.. 4042. <ase untlnl.had. Supreme C,,urt--Trial Term---I'art VIII?Bef ra Sedp wiek. J Oauaaa :.. r?^ sen: fr-.m I'art vn for irial. tTear Supreme .'ourt?Trlal Term?I'urt IX?Adjonrnad untll Thuraday. N.vemte>r .", Supreme .' urt -Trlal Term-Part X?Hef..r? Ua'.y. J? I'aur..'. to he aent frim I'art \'II tot trial. Cass- ua flnU'iel supreme Conrt?TTIal Taiaa Pan XI -A ljourned forth* term. Sjrrisate'a lUurt?<*hambera?Hefore FitzBtraM, S ?>ft> dav Wttlt f.rpn.late: Rbeneaer BcoAald, E !?__? Salomon. Mary "' Burke. K nma S. MtrCord, (ir 10:80* ra, Burrognte'a Court Tr:..i Tenn Befora Arnolf, s. ?? .mt opena u; 10:88 a aa. Ko lay calendar. .'.rv 4 our: Bpeclal Term lt. r ? s, hu.-hman. J.?Cooit .pe.-ii h: 10 a. m. M>>ti na al 10:80 .. m Clty Court?Trlal Term I'art I?Hefore O'Dwy.r, J.? Koa, H22-; 1088, l^^i. 1048, 1083, 1808. 1883, M2, ,',58, 2T]o. UBBH, 44*3. 2.v".i. 4-i.i. 104. 4>'^. 4m>. 4BB, >.s UBBj 2ie. 4<<!. 177, 112. '..7. B84, 4.*il. 472. I1M. 1 !>?.".. CtCBI ? Ity ("ourt? Trlal Term I'art II -Before Van Wycfc, C. .1 No* r.72. 741. 4>>\ .'.7s. "112. 801, W 2. 811, '.OV :"72, 112.1 I2?!.-. B07, BSl, 1>7. >-i?i. 888, 883, 823 V35, 108, 881, 1081 IOt!7. H^s. 783, 1384. 138, 881, BBt. I Clty Court Trlal T.-rm Part III -Befor* Fltaatm a*. .1 .N, s .'MH. 511i. n',1. H7.I, .177. 848, ?'.58, 837 845, ?<'. Ua ;..',.'.. '?'J '."i't. '">. I'T'i. 877, 883 BM 883 '"'J. 1"!4. p.ts wa b<Z\> 1083. '.'?4. 1035, l>:v 1184. -"le.-ir Clty Cour' Trlal Term l'.irt IV Bef r* l' :!<n. J.? Bhon .-auaea: No.a .".2U7. :i'''27. 3311. 83SU, 3237, 3338, 8311, ::xtt< 8484 .l"2^ .r.23. :?'24. J071. 81*4, 2'? ". 3343, 3073, .um. 12.11. 2I1M. 3<i<*i. .I2ii0. 8117, 3380, 3So7. _3S8, 3181 8833, .T_?>. o221. Clear. Bjccaivaaa AProuriao. Supreme Court. By si-ivth. J. Albert I. <"rcll aft. Km^ire Srare Knlttblg O npi'v? Franklln Hlen. Marle |_ Iiewanap agt. Benbefl M Baker - i' J. Nealla .iiariea F. Bamrdort aat. Btarrna Bebr r. ma* B. BJIey. (leorie Beiier .i*t. Hanry Bleber Frank J \ iteyer a laaaea ?>;? Margaret N'all) ?? By Lawnnee, i llenry D I'armelee nat. KHIredl .v I * D. Calllaon. By Ma -I.eir-.. J. j. C. Vfataan Obnayany aa' Tkoaaaa ll Paty Maa -r.-ia A le-aa.r. Tonketa city lea Oaaaaany ,.?' Btepbea Bf. >? - -*io? M.ivii.nia A. I.eaa.-r Hllaon Company nKt. llenry Beanchaaap M.\ rrna A. I/eaaer Wllllam Gu.kenhelmer aet. Kmlle lt.irkh..r,l Maa 'n-ia A. l> Annu .Jtnive aat. la-nila Klttuna- Uaalmui A Leawr. M.ry art. Edward P atal i- irthur M Klng, william A. simw agt. Beatlnstoa V'emaa a ? u M. Kln? By Beekmari J. Matter of Hual Iron W.,rk* I >a. j h P, i^irtl*. KKFKKKKS A PPI >, NTBI' Supreme i*,nirl. By Baakaaaa ?' Matter of Weirmiin'a Sr< BdWBI I K PaU_fB B. Matter . f Uurt Wlntt.r, p Tark-r Meyerhoff va. Kule Artliur H-rry. Orannla. va. lirnnnl?a lliinulr n Odell. Ko.ha.-lill I \a. Walter-- K.l?..rd I>. CBlien. Hy M.i.I^-an. J. Folaom va. Cronln i3 tOMOj BBkrari W. rvittendea, Vurtll.rurh va. Nelihardt- A. H. llacf'" Marahnll va. M.Neill Maximi.a A. I---. r. BeheU va. Hil.ier .1. P. Boaaan Balda n. Sweetaer \a Kreueathal (3 eaaae) IfelU S. Wer-"r? larael vn. MutKh A. II Hagaarty. By Lawranea, .1. Sluart v?. Wheel.-r lli.mll'.ui Od*B. New-York I.tfe Inearaace and Tmai Compaay va rio**, wi.-k Qraaraaor s. Hnbhaid. Hy Smyth. J. Martin va. rilllWldlll TkoaaBB I>. Adam*. ii:i!-ii* va. Biimme -Adotph ar*iner. WllllHme, Jr.. vh. Canlna -Thomaa V. I',.y. I'amor.n va. Ket.-tiam Edward I. Pattera Mlrklnaon i _. Dun.-an I <n\ i.i ll.i'l-i" iMrkinaon m<. Ihwraa ilohn 11 Bocan liuthkoff va. Cohen Charlea iMaotae. MSAl.l.Y REII BB8 TO ROTE. I'ntrlck McNally. tha salumk. .-p.-r at Th.lrtj f>lxth-sr. nnd Slxth-av.v, has ot.taln.'d from Justlc li.-.-knian, tn the Supromo Court. an ord.-r OOOtlni Ing the temporary Injun.rlon whloli _? Ba_8 aJraaalf obtalno.1 to ro.stratn tho own.-rs of the proper on which Ihe now H.ral.I Sdiiaro Hotat ln to erectod from latarfcrtaaj wlth hir. pkaca af l?ual nesa. atorlos torn down. but McNally. whoa May 1 next. has rafnaad to ko. All tho proporty roundat.out. an.l - von I . of tho hoiis.- over tba antaon, hav.- ta S YOTERS RETI RXISG HOME. There waa untiaual acilvliy at tha vnrioua rall? road atatlona yeaterday, nnd trav.-l was hoavy ln both dlroctlona on account or' tho oloetlon. Rm were KOlnit to thelr homes in all part* of the coun? try ln order to ho on ttBBB to eaat thelr votea to day, an.l the Incomlna; tralna brotiKht B8a84h?attal comraercUl trarallera und other bualnaaa mon wna had boen away. but cut their vlalta flhort 80 tn? they ml*ht vote hero. Orn- commorclal t?\r>u*r who came on a Centtal Knilroa.l tn.ln eaj^ ? mlKht Juat aa well have oomc home a neeK ?*? for all the buaineaa l have done. U V*Vairi8 alble to get merchantn to look at gooda, andancwa were no ohiect wlth nny eoncera._ Everybodyaaai. ?Walt untll after electlon. If thlngs go rlght u MeKlnley la elected-come and soe ua:lf ?g^j feated we'll have no UM [OTtlOck except [n ??"?_ dosea.' I know that If MeKlnley la .ele<-?'? ^ wlll aee the greatest rush of coajmerclal **%? from thle clty to the nriarketa of the country tnt haa ever been known. W hero one came aaea day iwenty wlll go out. and thev wlll all ao weu. AT WORK OS THE BARLBB ilRlVEWAT. Work on the flrat aectlon of the Harlem Rlver Drlveway waa reautned yostorday hy l>anl?' J Uary, the aon of Jamea Dnnlel Leary. wno a. enalneer ln charge of the ixecutlon of taa' %nW Preparatlona were made for nel'fn '__" thraa morning. when two dredgea twenty acow^ ( tuga and a force of about 150 men wlll * v M work to complete the nrat aectlon. J?r.?*VJ __ laat evening that he found everythlng in 9? dltlon for taklng up the work where lt we? ? doned more than a year ago.