Newspaper Page Text
ST00K3 AGATN HIGHER. ALL SECUBITIES ADTANCE. i CALL MONKY ACTIVK. HKACHINO U7 TEH CENT?HONDS AND MONEY. ,Eo AT mi BTOCK BXCHAXaB BOVBMBBB 2 PBAUB4M IN BOJ4U8 AM> HANK KTO.KB. laOT.lOBAi 11080 Jl Pae i*t Beg...11141 .?hi.ii> S 1'ac Itet* -110 .?st1.*) i .. i??. d., i> B*a iu.i7.ios1 BWOU B -i- <*??. I:.;.-. .Bl.118 Aic.*t lo .nsv aooo u.. ?*??> - -?! Ann \ lal 40. ? 70 ?JUOC A T ?? B I* >. n 4a . "" 7.1 1K00 810W rlOOO ICajO oui J 09 fjooo ?i?oo jioono i <--??? ? 1000 .?. I -.14 704 T?*4 12.AIO K 1* lst <?? Jlrl*.110'4 ..(**! (lo .110% HOW) .1.. .111 IB0U0 N I* S.l ?'ou He.a A*st . 70 3T.OOO N I' COM 8a HcU A*st . 4h va*) 00 . 4SV? IMMKI ntil" Bouth 1*1 .. . SH |(>*i Or* Stlort 1. 0a.r.ll??4 1<I*. .1.. .llO'a tiijo u a i. * U n Oea Itet* . 'V4 1<*>*> do . 044 UajQO P * B l?t af Inc .ii pd ... 8808 Ai .in 4.-.-V, 45 |, ;... 114 mooo .1 ?JMHIO 00 laoon * do u ?' )i?m B**r* . 40\ . 414 . 4(S.? rt: Ttti Ave lal ,v,n Ba.llrt't ?, .. B W * jnoo t'aa tooo ao .???? j.? \ 0 ''."'i 4*4* ie*1 *. .r Ut Otd, 80 P>7 HH?> XO0H ll>H?l I....-I J. l??. 4.??kl uooo IO.H1 20000 4S..-.II llil 1 1 do . .. . 454 . 4B*J . 88 . 8014 K 2d pf Inc . 34 . 344 . .'14', ..? !',4 ?'I-I*., BB B&4 asaZ 13 ,;,,,, C Ar 0 B * A l?t i.n 4* ? ? ?'?' inm. r il .v Q On 7a. 115*4 1 ?'?"?*' 25! .;. cobti .???. ai i"""" uali r-hlr .V- i: III Oen Ba .al. !'i ?. ... \ r !?: Bcla 42 ....???> .h,_ .. v \'.' .'<--i looo '"?" 'V ..V...?U?** INaal ...i ,? K 1 * P Ea Baioe 18000 .,.., d . .... IS008 r & II. t & it ;<d pr im i.n pd . .io . do . u Oca 4 Asat .... Io . f*NI BB' ioooo P -t I. 44? A .K..rt TrflOO Hlo .! Weal lot.. T.j 5."1" c!".,H?fl ?jtjno r w * o ?'ti .ma looa bi i. a s r 2.1 i; ..1.11044. mav. ilo 2.1 <* ? ..'..1104* 1008 do ?.' M 8. ?? .104 5m*? 81 I. B 1*'-.?? ''*?' ' S. .1.??? *? "000 S: P M A. B lal imk Kx. K2.IK 111-4 :ui m .io. 'I:1* !,.?> si r & s C lal.111 S00OO I A I A P 1-. J4 .-,.<?> s l' <'nl 8. <><n.xl BB ..... * P N B*. Ul .Ktt% 8000 do . ? ?'''., .... F"tit . By 1*1 -,s ' 8SHI lTimo .io.?? 55!* 20BB do . .aur. KW* nrfai do . .'5 d 11IUM l<*f. do 1000 Lea 1 IV H COa A?*t ... aa*! ... L * N l'nltie.1 .?.?j. <r. I ?v. 74-4 74>j .io ,1 . p.... Man Con 4a. ..<'. 80 .'.??. Mi.-h C Cin Ia.llli ? m i Mll * a' ? ',ul ? e a p w B...UJ i:.'i m ?; a- t i*t 4* m\ . Hl ?? 400" .Vri:.. (lo .lOO"? do aooo i Bi lOBi .1. B2*a .'..? Mr lal en 8* xl B8 ,..i M | .. .; M 4a. ''?' ia*aj N < .t st I. ."on I's i*gi N v >' l'.?g !"? ?? . r? ixyi V.?i| . .102 . . . BOU :::::::.aaai . >-7;4 I'nc IM ?'" 8484 2.1 Inc -2' Leataer '.xi e.110 .Xl.lllv,S , M Qld BtOd x' l?. .si... Wali.-I: ti"| BOOO do )(??! do . 4000 \V:it .'?h 21 8. ?'1 h a? d. BUOO do l>et> ll ? NB08 \\>s. a .;'?'. 4a .V<*> rt . . louuu ui*. >' lal Bela im?h? Be . .".. >m . ;.?.i d.i . .!<<:<?. ..loala ?l"\ .. rt. ' .104 ,.I04:4 . 341 THK OENERAL LIflT. BAiutoAu rrocaa . )pen a ? u . II ,;??? a. *n> * Baa. ?? A- n Aroor . I.. pf .*, ; A rh Top 0 1 V : , pref .-? , & PaelBc... a 1 ? ): ^ . 1 .-v. u> pr . v \1 Al4>fe4p BuH B A. Vi:<*. ??r . . I: A Noi . .:, goulhern ?? Pae fi. . r' g Mi"" . ? ..-..: ..r s 1. i'.. . . /.? a Ohk. ,1 il' ? A- Al:..:. . . pr?' . 1 jiur * y. . iikc 0 Ka*t III. 1 1 . p-ef I. C li'. 9ioi Mll fi 81 P ! pref. . ...? N >rthw, .-' ???.?? .-, c f. 1 * ?'* I M * ?>. 1 . pral ? ? .... C.eV I. * VVh pf . . 0 Pllia g I . : II v * 1 . do ;. ?f. li. 1 ?r lludaon.. J.?; U.rk .v W 1 *n ? aio <; Pl Daa M 8 Bi i' 0. pref. tne . fl-. 1?- pr'f do 08 pr*r Braa* *. I ???< 1 ? P'*f.;?? d( Xortta pref G 11 W * 11 }> III not* Cratml. !<,??> Ceatral., ? 1. pr-r. KAna. A M*eB... Ke k *? V-* M d ? ;.rer. 1. K a Weaiern. do pref. L b I atteii 8 laUnl. 1. it. a Saah \j N Alh &<?*.. I pref...^... IBaahaitaa 1 oaa M?x ? aai tladi M?x N*'. rr eer.. Bllrh Ofntral. ? Mnn A *-"' Ueul* . 1 pl ?-. P ?n 2 pr ?". p a y. Kan * Tea. . ? peel. ? . ra.-itii. y ... * 0 a*?M. *U .rr.4 *? K??ex. Nev. r;*-gla:u'. irciHi. N v Ck A- M U dn 1*: pe*f d . Sd ir f N V N II A H N V . >nt A- VV. > V .?'ii* 8 W n d ? pref. Kaaf&k 1 ?>?. i . pref. K .r-..?rr Paeiflc lo Pl'f... Onl > Kiulhern. .. ore lly 4- Ba*.. ore S I. * f B. 1'..,r.a * BMJ. !??> I)*c *t Kv 1 hll * Revlmg i' r Oa * 81 L ?. ? pjel.? I' Ft W A C Bl 1 Ken* n. lara. ? ? I*. rr,* W Ar "K >-? Joa A <'.r I S' I. A * T II K' I.. i.? B .uihw 1 ? pref Bt r?o; * Dan. do pref.?? Bi Paal M * B Boutaera Pm t'o p. urr.err, Ity.... d*. pref. T'xa* a Pa'tfle To. a o Ceat... di pref., Cnloa PaclBe.. Vr. Tae I) A 0. ',.,.'.n.:. . do pref. ?\\herl * I. ? d> pref.! \\.? Caartral Oo, : aalM? '1 *Iafl U a 1 .1. H) A?k - ,17f. Sriar' soid. BB 47'-, 47'-, BTS 14'; 1?.'4 li..'. 109 14. 14' 77?, 7H 77?. 74 7? 74 76 1^ i? 138 ia Ut.". ni.:'-. I?0H I"'"-". 140 1*''. 141 I4J c.7>, io-, 07 81 i 42S 424. 4J!? 42-, lor. 12s 12:. 18B 2-.'? 2->'? 2"?U 8BH ',??-. I''.', IH--4 1"**4 128 180 41 u.v IM 44 1-4 125 isa im 4::w 44 l.irt l.l>5 104, .... iaa 77 ?a 87.4 n.i .'?'4 7..'. iaa 102H 144', 07 42 122 1.1 114 188 44 4?'l i.v4 !??.'? i.'s iik? il_ U4 88S 88S 88S 884 Bu ao 80 "JU I"'* ;ut, ;u\ 81H 81-a 81 I 111 K1 Bla "2-: U2 .I.". H2 81 ll>. 144 78 HK? 6', 7? 12C, !?.'. 144J'J ?7'? 42'i l2^ 28S .'41 lfli., ; GO | 12". l.V. 45 "??1 fiu 134a 84': 21 81 .Vi 117 , 3 427 10088 1" 2Mi 100 l.lwi 3<'13 ;i7.-. lo l.foi 401 1.1*15 21.1 :iiio 1.242 1<K. io. 2?n ia is-< r? 12-ai 2n? 18 1s . 1'..".. li:.'. aa 48V. 124 2>1T, ?4 4 4 2 15 18 I" Igu is^ is nn-. ?;?v, .JM 14>?', 14*S 4" II ).'. 1;4 M 4S\ IH 89 BB IV.', IC7 IS IH 21' .3 I.4S ?H 1 104 74 4* 12*4) ?Si* 22;? 1> p?) 188 li? 10.1 Hl" J..'. 12'-, li 24", 17 144. 21"S or. 114 14X. 14 1* ? 14 6 14 27'.. HS a'. *.-4 12'* II 7! a-<". 21. ^ 172 14*. 14-h t *?, 24\ 2'.'. 2.' ll'l 17 17 17 17-.. 144. 144* 144. U\ 234 22S 884 22'. 24 24 24 21 !.'.', 184 114 li 2't 24 24 24 L?e. 274 2>4 2S', 134 loV I84 1?4 47 _ l _ .- ir.?j - _. _ 175 _ I ? '? 110 || 6 6 io*. lo\ 18 ? I 7H 107 11 0% r.'i, 4\ i?\* 1*4 14 14 10 I 94 274 8*4 84 0 1C4 B . I fi 184 184 74 6'*, 20'. BMi 3 ? 14 10 284 2S' ???. HS 2.1 5U 104 104 34 ; 1044 1?4 tC 7 2H'? 2S I 414 14 34 05 lo ?4 2?4 2" 140 454 '..:. r.4 Bj 175 144 14 254 12 1144 ?44, 884 i? 2) 18 0 8 i '-"?'?? 14 M4 iaa 112 '. ao 64. y 15 I 10 I 2*4 300 7.7r. m ?i BO P*. 770 ? IflS 4 4*1 Mir. 2"?> ni 1.1.12 315 l.f.70 8*4 75 I04 84 1?4 74 .311 iaa f.5<. 1 BB8 117 Ita ?oo a\?4M ?*. 1.1 ir. 5 4.84.3 4 215 1.808 lo.au1 l.?U) 1.77K 3.0H1 4.000 iaa :**> MIS''KIJ.AN'KOI'? HTOCKB. Ai:.m* E.preae. An eri.-.ft ' *??!? An Oel 011 ??? 1 , pref 8 p ?'? Ainir Eapreaa. Am Tel A V Co. An T-bac<*o ' "? '.0 p.-el. Arner ep:ti!* ? 44 pr?f. |; kiyn Cn ??*? Braaa.rx Co. ?? Chkag.. 'I..* Co. C'-.rn ?*t.i* Co Col 1: * I D Co. 4>l IMel A 1 ??? di pref. <_? >i.* -. ila* ..'?1 C n 1'o.i Of MJ. Ed tl 1.1 IN V. l-.;.e Tel * T lo <i?n Fleetrlo c'o Mi m? M.nlr,f Co )1 inol* B-.eel Co. jLjr <T1*? tlit Ul. |-Actual aal?a 'i)p*n llix ? l.? 1 _ 1 144i 164 13S ?14 f'7 f>'''4, 774! 7?4 77 O- a*. oa 7'. 74 74: 20 20 20 , rll', B04a "?4 4 1 I 714 724 71S ^loalng Fln Hl'l:Aak. 1140 1140 111 125 i<har?B e >ld I _ Bo pr?f. ,i?n a*. >i?n l>i'h i"o.. Md CoflJ CO l>f.. ? >l:nn Ir..n <'o. ., , Nat Una Oll Co >Tat Btaret. Cj..; do la' pref - di "I pref....| ^?, , c r'.si Ce. Kertfe Amer '".?. Ont BU Mln Co.1 Oreg n Par Bal -Ha 00. pci.n I'oal. I?uil P?! Cr '?? Q-ilrknll Min Ci ?1 . pref. Ti'14 R CjB. T*)lrd-?v? R 11 V B . "ordag* ('??>. d< gi'1 8 P <? d. pref. t S Kipres*. V 8 Baaaoa Oo. r'r-"f. **? - Furgo *"x. | W*fl4 Ualon T.~i ', 9) i 20 ' )?4 I4D4 150 1484 054 8f'4 804JJ 20'.' tV> ' 29'. 504 ?>4 8?4 2.*. 284 2f. 7d 70 7fl ?Xr4 01 80* 17 j 17 IT | _ 54 5 ia \%\ I41 214 24 214 IV, 15. 165 24, 24, 24 2*. 274 2* 1"J. I?o 1C0 44 f'4 44 10', 20 194 ?4 I" > ?1 434 414 434 ?/? 21 20 7.r, 714 704 88 i 80*01 88 14, 14; ? j 24 ! 224 W* - 8(10 840 | iaa is3 l.'.i 24 2 . 18 27 ; 274; Mb M 184 20 ' 04 10 274' 108 Jv* 20 10 ; 43% 40 I 45 0)4 21 ? 214 714, 714' 72 I - 87 I M 80 | 88 8541 100 2,rm 14 3i>i B.OfiT ie 2,BOr3 am r.40 20 1.005 |0t) B.030 LNLISTBH BTOCKB. I-Actual aale* rV-alna I Bhare* '(">pen HighlLtow. Kin. l'..d Aak Amer Suifar Itef 118 11*44 I"1 11184 1's H84 I8.MH 8* pref. lOiK-j lol'a l<r.\ i<il>? loo\, loi1, 880 II.y Btatl .Ina.. 1.1 , |p_ Hl |BU l*'v IBf. '.??"'?> H'klyn n.pia Tr 21 1 22 31 22 334* 33 I.44B c..n >-?i * Vu . i.a.l I.BB 1 n% 1.83 Mk) Did Bo S & Atl. 4 'i de pref. ? - ? I - io 11*41 - M.-r Tractlon... 1004 '"1 188% 101 Nai4 I'?3 33U Natlona; l^ad... 24'j 2.", 24'i 2.'. 24'. 33 Ho do oref. ab)| B84 km, bb4 s7?. bb1 ?'..!.' 1' S l.e-?tli-r-i l??, iii U% >.-., ie 10 1.810 do pref. a:i 6814 Bt* 88*. 08 684 3.41S ?Weat Un Bott. ,| ? _ , 71. H T ,tal Actual aale*-1?Clxlni Bh*r? lOpenlHIflhlLow. rln. Bld. A-k. aold. Sil Bol) Certf*.. av, 881*| fl.'. 1 fi.1 | C"> | 88 . (13,000 8A1.EB AT THE OONBOUDATErj BTOCB AXD PB7TBO l_BVM BTXCRAKOB. BTOCKB ciAkanra raicaa or bobtom btocxo. Baaton, Noveaaber 2. imiO Baturday Ta ??? . Sat.irdu. T.-i--. Mexioan 4?. 04 ?8 | llaaton UaAd... 0% B% Atchlaon R H ? WH 13 Hoaion Watei P. 80 11. 11 ..a: 1 Albany.. BJI l-ani*..n Bior* 1*4 ip H,at * Ia.well ao 3884* Qeneral Blerirlc 3?4 2J?4 li... .v Maln?..t8K I8U du j.ief. 84 ? Chl,- itar * Wv. 7.'.S 774 V B Hubber .. 118* Kltchburs pf... 804 '?'"1? T' ailnlun .'-..i. . "?'-? lu Ma-- .?-nt pf.. M Bl *?'?.? "?" ~: \ Y A V H_ITB - - Atiantlo ..,. 1- I* . oi,. c.iuiiv ...iit- I7? h - a M?nt.. aa ?>- . rm. n l-it.-ltl -. . 1". 10*4 Buite ? Hoetor 3 2', Pullman < ar ... - 168 c. 8 II- l. 8!3 BIS Wla Cent . '-''? H lankllr. ... 1. I" U'.-a-. Kn.l pf .. s.': vi Kearaarg* ... H'? I3'4 ? imm -i . . 87i, ??> 0-la . 3. 374 Bell PBone. ?B Watnn .113 llt \- k Phon.'. i'l 89 Tamararl.-.'. 88 Kii- Pbone. 0.1 ITamara k Jr.... II; PRirlSfl OK rnii.M'i;!.' iu \ BTOCKB Bbl A*k? I Hld.A?ke,l I^hlKh Valley .. BM* -*>\ C T of N I .'- "2 -? 1, , ? _ \ .- . <2 411 I a 'iaa Itip '' ? .' I'er.r: H K ex <1 M B14 ?'-'?? ,; '? ?'? ? ? ??'?': ?_ p ft B Btock 14.'. Hl U7 ia Elee B H cara 21 T '-"? 4a 77'? 774 1 i-'-# 3 ' PhllaTractlon 834 ? I'Ul.ivi'-. 14- 148, I'ni i; Traetkin. ii'4 HS do pref . 21*4 H K'.ec * I' T < '??: ? 8*4? BB B>!* Com ron V-t Tt actlon. .. 100 101 d . pref ? ''-'?'. C T of N J sn ga 3a hfonday, Novemb. 2pm The flrm conrlethMB that lha pei ple of thta rountry wlll vote down tho advocate of Natlonal dtshonor i.y an overwhelml ?? majorlty waa re flectad ln a hlajher range ..f valoea ..n tb.- BtocV Kx.hange to-day. H>-nr trndera who l re t?4?en shurt of tho Biarkal and n f?-w othrra, who liav l.eon niixe.1 uj. wllh tho Bhoti Intereal ..n Ibe I ? liof that Bryan would be elected. mnde ronahl erable hasto to chnngo thoir poaltlon, nnd ihelr anxi'-ty to covr wlth tha pr. enoe of only a srnall amount >.f st.,. 1-. avnllnbl. rnuaed ? ahnru raily throuahoul tho il*=t. Openlng prlcea wera at atthatantlal galna fr.-m Baturday*a clonlng, whlle last jiri.-os. after ii rinai rapld upward movemont at thi- rloae, gavo not advanrea ln the a. tlvo list of 10284 per cont. The hlgrher rnnge of valnes waa made doaplte stronK'-r money nn.l forvlaja ox< haniro markois. A ahnrp demnnd f..r monoy In the morning advanced ih<- call money rale to BO p*r ront, and hlgher rates durlnit lhe day were qaoted. Some Itaaaa wera mada at tafj 10 par rent. and tho ayadlcate forrned to relteve th.- altuatton affordod ail the accommodntlon de alred. Storllng- ox< hanRo rat.-s er* alr..nir. and tho demand for 8B4__ail_r* "as rather henvy, u part of lt (omlnK from peopla who pul thelr monoy into aterllng ex'-hnnge for the samo na aon that othera hoarded |Old. Oold wlth.lrawaN frtim the Siih-Treas?tiry eX4?e*4!ed $1,280,0-0, tho demand ooming ln great part fr<.m people who had amall amounts of car ency whleh Ihey wlahed .-xohanafo.l for gold, tha only -!?,"? wlth drawalji belng for $Hh>,<xm) aml *7.".."?<hi. Trndlng in Bt<? k? preoented ao novel fenturea, arol ron Blatod aimoMt entlrely of profeaalonnl tian?a< tlona, although the t,iiFlri.-s.-< was well diatlibuted throiiKhotit tho llat of uaually aclive atoeha. Sugar Hoflnlne;. BorllBfton, St. I'aiil, Paclflc Mali. Hi.iithorn lt." 'way preferred and Tetjaea Ka coal aaaoauji tha acttra atoeha r/era ui> 29 288 per rent, and among Btoehfl I"?h aettra Bay state (in- and iliim.iH Bteel wera eonaplcnoti al nat gain* of .*.?/? H"<1 l'--' Per cent reapertlyely. cioattiB prlcea f?.i a number of a.tiv.- atocka, compared wlth lha floal flgrurea of Bnturdny, wara a? followa: ,? , ,;i N ,.- | Oet, 81 Noi 2 Am Tobaece.... 19% 7Baiaki?halUq C*? UBH '.'?? Ai., *-.*??. Bef..llBH lis1-. Mu Kan * T pf. 88J. 3tt% AtT'*? V.... i*% l.v-. Mo I'... irv 2i\ 884 A T IRr pf. ? 344 M4 H P aU ln p .... .'2 . 384 ililtaa., U,.r t r. Tl'? .24 I'a.-lfi.- Mali . . ? -1 ? -? chic k i a I-..- a? ???> '.' * ? ' r-;: :'J" ?__> :,: - ( 11 a W>- ?? p4 J74 M...tii?rn, Rl Pf -84 ?4 Chic mii * st i' Wa 78 Mih a ?? ,r -, ... . Chlc *.- Northw.l4?4 '"-V '""'?,' ' * R; *..',.? Ti* r-cc * st l... bb a.4:t a ^g__nL?rf" ?P' ',; im! A .124 12T. I ni..n Ta.-rV- ... !? I" i IJerieral la-e.-'irl.. Z.c, ?> , WhclAI. I. 84 '/er*;' .?...r.V.ltM4 BM W?4ern Inkai . 884 ? !?,.,!.* Kaab... 474 ?BH IVaaaah nf. 184 W* UOM>S-THK MONKY MARKET. ?atf- of tjovernmcni haflda were .S".,ixai cou la of 1!??7 at 109>n, pkAOO coupon ls ..f 11K.I, cx intorost. at 118, pA.OW at I18?A. W,(|?| r.-Kl. t.-rcl l? of 1IMIT at lOBVa. and |5.00tl coupon 5a. ex-lntereyt, at llt fliial ajawfAttaata follow: BM.Aatr*d. B*a.Aaa*4. .- ? a. lRtil \V.?. cur. 8.. 1*87.101 ? ifH?.;.oou. 184 i ?h ? :;?" ? ?? ?g ;;; * z L\a7oa,1804,r?slll ?12 i' ?"r- <l'' ,M'!'- ' * ?i:.s. _a.lBaJ8aBBa.lll lia I *f.x Intereat. Rallway bonda were Irregular, wlthmil ma terlal change, the majorltj of lsr>u?-s BhOWlng net galna. The princlpal advum-ea jrare rnnde ln Readlng flrst j.reference teeoaaaa, 1*4 to fV*. Texas and Paclflc aecond bicomea, 1 to -|uj. Fort Worth and Denver Clty Brata, -' to .)-'; Erle general llen 3-4a. % to ??*)**. Burllngtor, eonaol ib Vi ?? llftVi; Soulhern Rallway flrrt 08, 1*. to 87V4; Rlo fVrande Weatern 1?. M to (?'-; lOadlnn general 4a. 1 to 77%; North-ni l'adfi. eonaol ftfl reeolpta, % to 48%: Denver aad Rlo Orande 4a, ?4j to Hll; Atrhlaoii ndJuHtmont Im, 1 to II; th' goneral 4a. 4 to 7?5V&; Readlng aecond preferoBce Incomea. 1*4 to 3.'?V?. and the thlnl pn-fenn. >? Incomea, 1% to 3iH* . . . Money on call waa ll<&.^l P*r cent. wlth ox ceptlona up to ?" P*r cent. Tlme money wbh unchanged at 1'- pT cenl for nlnety dayB, nnd 6 per cent for alx montha to a year on gopd mlxed Stock Kxchange collateral. Oommercial paper waa nomlnal at BaflO per cent. The forelan exchange market \\nn strong on n umall volume of buaineaa. Poated ratea for atoi -ing cloned at $4 H.Vt and Jf4 BB% ton long and nhort bllla reapectlvely. Ratea f..r aciual bual nese cloaed aa followa: ' C.hlea. I^ l)->mand B.-r.lnB .*Ji^?_5 *^l 2c": ' <'^\ ? ' tfrat\rm . B BJ4 o-^1 * . ?'? r&b^rk. .... _R gH ?44)jattU Uutldera . 404 ?" ?'?,? DorneBtic exchange war aa followa at thoplacoa nam.'d Now-Orloana-Comm. rcial. *1 ... dia count; bank. par. Chaifcslon -Puylng Va dl* count; aelllng. par. Ravannah-Kuylng |-lfl per cent otfj aelllng. par. 3an !francl?co-Slght pai; telegraph. par. Chi?ago-7.V. diac.unt. Itoston ?Par and 10c. dlacount. _. Hank cleaHnga In thla clty were: Rxchangea. |73.*49,ow8i lai&cea. ?5,487.382. Phlladelphla Kx.'liang. s, Slr^UrSOO; halarvTW, 9XJBMBA. Bal tlmore Exrhangea, ^'J.'-'Ts.-Mn. balancee, .*4l''>. 583. Boaton Rxchangca, |loJa32rH4S; balancae, .S-.".'t.'l.SMI. Th<* pri.?>? of .-.1111111. r. lal allver In thla mar kel araa (B. Mi-xl.ati dollara were ipioted at r*llH4K."lVg. ln I.nnrlon l?ir alhvr waa utn'ruing.''! at :n?.l. Slxtv silver luillion eertjflcatea arera aold on the Btock Exchaasjc at flntjffi.*. Tha Bteatner Beguranca hus arriv?-.l at thla pott from Tamplro. afexlco, with ouacea ?f allyer aml .<i;,ihmi gold. Silver exporta to-mofTDW, ZBO, ihmi ouncea. Porelgn gold anivala to ?lat?*. with amount on ahlpt>oard s.n.1 engaged, upward nf B7!UCt2,4Sfl?. I?ndon open markei piice for gold 1"ir*,> l*w?r al 77s. lii'vd. Qold pn-mitimB. <%*>] ,.er eenl (of Hpot: 1 percenl for thlrtv-rlay calta, and l'a per cent f..r calla nat of vear. Hank of England aold i.'C'.iiii:! .*..1J f..r t-xport t.. the Tnited Btatea Bub Treaaury ratrrency tranafers to-day. I3S5.000. Il a l.atik hollday ln Lendon. Krenrh rentea rloaed al 1??1 franea ttt\k eentlaiea. Parla .?x.-hanm- on Loadon. 25 fraaca Wri eentlmea Dlacounl rat.* in Paris, ".' per CeBl. DlBCOUBt rate ln Berlln, 4*0 per ceat THB 1'KDKUAI. TREAfeVRT. To-day'a rVaahlngton Treaaury atatement, cov* eiing actual reaulta .>f two daya ag". rompared with ihe laal preceding atatement, giv.'." the fol? lowlng balanrea: ,,,., ;t| >-,?? 2 fhaiiK-* Bel g.'.1 ,,n liar.d.SI IB.441.08I $117.12t',.523 D<-c. 81.3KI.4Hi N'l legjal tender* ?Tl lian.l. 04.I.14..3MI 8B.C38.aa Inc. 1 .?liM.***^? Net .llver on hand 14.ii7i).5">5 13.4lll.4D3 DflO. 800.011 a. 'ii.ii eaak m tii* Trenauiv raalta >,\ -r out .t?nd Ina eerllllrate 8227.430,0'8 8i27.lJU.222 I>ee. $368,0*4 Depoalta la baak 10110,047 10111,801 Iaa. 8,188 Arallable eaati .$?03M\aaa 1248,100.818 Dee. 1048,801 l'-.Iurt minor lia bllltli* . 0.1154. K5il 0801.881 ln.'. 3.f.72.r.l*o Aetaal raati g^.B237.41*2,004 $2.'i.i.572.70i ik-.-. B0,tt0,m Cuatoma recelpta reported from Waahlngton to-day were s Hi."..??:tr.; Internal revenue recelpta, $raK?.7lKl. and mlacetlaneoua recelpta. $-11.KC'; total Qovernment recelpta for th?* .lay, $1,<B'7, 1131; expenditurea, *l.-i??J.?mm?. exceea <>f aapendl turea, s::,,ii'.,.".iis. Recelpta for tbe flnial yfar to date, BlOfl, rflrt.011; expenditurea, .<l.*'.,.i,7M.!?.r.7; exceea ..f expenditurea, I3&28B.84R. Rerelpti of Natlonal bank nuti't-- for redemptlon to-day were .*?_* I\77<>. Bub-Treaaury recelpta f..r the day arera $-. B42.Q24, and paymenta. 84.7HO.178, r.'HultltiK ln a general Italance ..f 8i?Ti.8H7,178. roiunartlng of tY20.2TA.Kfi ooln an.l N'.v. li'U.'ilii currency. Th. Bub-Treaaury had h debti halance at the Clear Ing Houaa nf S'J.Vl'.m;:,. and Ha bH l>>s? on baluno.* alm'.- Frlday \mik tt.880.0Ml, made ap by a I"1"4 ln coin ..f 91,1*92.101, ..inl a in < urren.y ?f M.-Vv.Vjii. Recelpta ..f Baturday nnd to-day were 14.771 .!?*?, aad paymenta f7.ffil.TBR. BXPOaTl 00 MKin II ' N'DIBB rit.'M 0BW-TOBB iv.11 IBBB '.s1"' W, k iri.llr.f V v.2 17.484.117 8.',.|.-.VH47 |<i S.34..V.7 Pr . n J ,'oi.n. I . 907.108,141 iaa.B0O.4Tfl BB8.ai8.lll RAILROAD EARKXNOaV IV01 IBVIUjB AM' NASllVIt.I.t: M nth of Bepteraber ? - ... \ .. he, , ? S.BftS 2'.."0 ???* ,;,?.. J.. , n t.-..-..??m Operallaa expee*e? 1.014.888 1.1BB.OB4 1214..'..?I svt aaralnga . p;74 121 tW5.8B8 8M1.0M Juli 1 lo Bepl BU Groaa ean . 4.BI0.201 8f..l04.?8fl M.0M.O84 Operatlna ? 2.804.8T1 i:lTl??.:w 8.881.808 Kel earaanga -i ? ? ll.aao.BM *i 7I.4..-..7 11.801.111 UBXICAB INTKltv ITiON IL Moatti of BeaietntMK _ Oroai ean n?? 1141 7*^i 8IHB.M2 (218.103 ,. . . nc| . . .... |oa ."2.1 138.774 140401 Vet eamlna* .. 88*1.827 8B2.188 I7I/-TM Jan. 1 ?? -??; t 3.1 , Oi u eaniirg* ai r.-1 '-' ? ll.aoa.ici 82.lM.aeii . ..-r--ng ?M.-r.-e? BTOaBI I l.l.i 4" 1 I.878.MM Net earnln.* B mo* I- 10 [oi I730.H8 8BM 8M MRXtrA> . BK1): 11. Month ? ?? ? ; ? ? ' er , , ?. V ... , ,. . .,.,... 1 Md ? ?.... 1 Ml BatW *.-.4 I74-- "'?? |BM 121 . -.. 4'.'. 871 440 184 MT.Oli n.. .. ???! IB3 80*2 ..* 8800.204 .1.. ?. 1 ? - ? 8H.2I7.hM B8.M7 Wl }. ?'? 1441 ,,..,. <.y. -.- 4.222.821 4.-.". 4..M.20B Bel earnlnga B mo* ll.BBfl.sea 12 77.???:?:? 83.00.038 ? . .1 THI BN PA< ll ? .... >: ? i ?' ? - ?..'.. . '..2 Bi.007 IM 14 4-1 782 ll 4,.""., operatIna - . ?" 2.808.308 1.828.421 2.088.081 N.; ? K Il..'.?: 11.800311 |l hii7 l?a lan 1 ? ?-'? i' I' ... ?-...... M I ?.BM 747 |.34 -t.*.Hr.-. iiperatlna egpenaea B4.gfla.BM -'4 s.':' 444 :m*!7:4-i svt rararaflj* 8 a. ?? 111.81*4.871 |ll.tas.?a |ll.04a,lM BIO OBANI'l B i 8TI BB M ' ?; . i . S'm r of mllea ..... 620 '- ? -'o>' |2I? 24. 1238 ... l.'l" .'.:. i .: i-7 ii: .??: .- ...... im |ioi iaa B8B ?: i . iminga 1360 M8 !??:?? ?<-?< !'? * 1.11 ? Operallna eapenae* 870131 IO4.701 420,113 Net eantlnc 1 aaaa. IIB8.1M 1271. 122 BJBfl .: DBTBOR 1X0 M 4CX1B 4C M nth I I 1 .-? Oi *a aaralaa* ? 821 111 |.*-4 2-/5 ?25 "87 llnfl eape. 13.178 -'. BT1 ia r.74 N- . k 17 '.V4 Blfl ?-.'. I0.4O5 Jan 1 : ? 4tlfl gfe, 'ir..., earnlnc* ' |IT2.aM I250.BM 8-31k <*4 Operallnfl eapenaea ie; ?*.. jaa.041 J?4.T14 Kel ? .???.- - ? .1 |7.i 128 IH4?ta 81I3..3.VI PITCIIBI'BO, BOJBtl.l .o Kea v. r? Btat* fai.iaiaiuiiaral (junrier ?nde,1 s.?[.? B8 ||.00.004 |I.BM.faM |l 818 411. Operallaa *.nr, 1 ?i7 .13 7 1 121 .,4* 1.218.81a Nr- aamlaga. |7"l m',7 |8T1 '.."I 8080,808 Othei In ??' * . 17 iaa;4 Toial . pi*(. irr.i 8871.733 J"..-- ?? .... 870,884 .Wi 11711 811.818 Burpla. for aaarter 8323.8X8 I8I8.MI 1800.114 TViution Cmlio Sinantial. l.OI IH MKBIBR. 4ucllonerr. Ili:i.ll.4ll 4MTIO\ BABeR f5?t<30li? UOTXdLtS Bv ADRIAN H. MULLBR & SON, \\ i:i)\K-?l?44 . Mll. -ITH. At 12JH I'tHoefc, ;,! Ui. NV? V.rk l(?a! H?'a'a Brira ? m, III llr ..dw 1 . 1' r *''. nr.i t ? li. 111 ll ma . e.-'ieern . r.o ?l 1 Dlan 11 1 llali l. i'i . lllrpd.l ]..,..,. Kea I rk H.r< nll fi (H.;kIi ifluhr 11 . ii 11 aar* i*?< lim -I ~ .'.. ? \ . i'k III-. il 1 . 'II ???!. ?' I ,-^ialiH H...II..,'. . Maieh >?. .11. p 1 > _ /lllilliciltl. HAIGHT&FREESE [5ANK[?RS AM> COMMISSION 5T0CK BROKBRS. n:t BflaOADWAY. RBW VHHK 4ITV. vmi us. BjOBOB, I.H4IX. COTTOB, PROVI8IOBB, Bouabl and i-old for mai. Ul o. ? Juargln of | ti, B per rent. rommlMloB, T 18 Wrlie or i-all f..i our "*W" PArtrS MX.M'AU" IllMMraled with rallroad r..u|.?. rMng roenplel* Inforrnalloa >.f all'Ali and IM" SI'lllAl.f.i iperllea, ln. luding hlgh erl and loweel Brleea f t ? a-rlra nf ln to .'!.) >?:ir* <A S. ,, ,.^. H.-ndn. 'iraln and ' nllon, .inl BB80 ihe BB84BM* \,t l.u)ing and ?i-.Hng oa nmrgln. IBBtTED OBATW AKI> MAIU60 PBBB. DRTRRMIX1B41 THK KIX4MI4I, RB)8a*OBBI? nil.lTl Of THK KIIOI 44 ITH WHICH gOfJ nKAl. IS I" nil'OHTANT AS M'.I.KI'TIMJ THK IIMilll ITOIKB. -,?.? Torl rfallnn.1 H^nk r<-fer*n.?? furnlil.ed. Tweaty yeerir aaaerl?*ae?. :nrr.;f*, mo*. mm ? .!,...? nfllrea 1-?l !?. .kernae ??i.l'e m ,11 ..?* lt "?ry.TOW.?i himmii, 1 ''I" Ilr..*1??.. rt?\\ lo |i"!iiioiii. ..??, n??r 20th Bt. 1 ' geOBTON OKKUKi *B si A'i'i; at. piBKcrr wfltiea._ T.I WARD & CO. :u 4>n a:t nni)4i?U'AV. 35. v. Depnall* rn.el.e.1 rhe. k Ijx.k* fi.n.lahe.1. IKTKBB8T ai.1>j?vi:i. LOAX8 Mada un llalefl aioefca ?n.i aaafla. DKAI.KHS IN I Mi'iil) BTATBR linMis. STOOK.S, -*MMI i 4bh 011 ii*n?i\. , |-s- or AB IXVBBTOB <>H opKP.ATi.n CRBTRAL BBA.M H. ar.a BBoatya/AT. bbab bt. I PTOHX BBA41(11. ? 1,270 fcHOADWAY, NEAR 3.3D BT. SHOO-NT-D HY TIIK People of the United States. We. 'he p-.ple of t!.? Cnlted 5tatea, *v.?r nln.fiil 'liat the Imerea-a af chrtatlantty and rlvlllratlon nn thla BBn tlnent have heen plaeed ln onr keeplnr. ever mln>1fnl of tha r-lnima of o'lleat e.tlj-. n hlp whleli reat p-rpetuatiy ap n ua for ihe hetrer adv..n.-ement of all manklnd, and Ihe betier developnrnt of the reaource* of thla Ineompar I al.le country whlrh we own, on thla thlrd day of No vemlier. In the yenr of our laird elghteen anl nlnety ?lx, 1.) the ?>mn and volcelea* ceremony of the catlng of tlie ballot. .lo h*re and n"W roni.eer.ite our a.-l.ea to rlrhteouar.eas. \\> do now derree that the hon r.iel Inv. of rr.-.neiary Mtttemeata, wl-.|.-h the rivllzation of e.lue*Mr.B rentiirle. has .elected and orda'ned, .hall I* niad. th. flr.arulal thron. of our Imperial land. anl rh. 1'ft.t whlrh be.t. up n that thron* *hal', com. from Hlm Who ?!ilne. at>ov* the t'nta aa well .. beneatn them. We thi. day deoree that thla v?.t, rnaje.'lc hom* of our*. r.ewly eon*err?t*d, .h.ll be the ta'.-'y vault of tl.e m ney of the world, ar.d w. d'dlcat. uuraa'.vta to lt* falthful B*ardlan*aB> Ih-I lru-t wlll ne.-,| n> ann'.ir.B army on guatd lief'.r* It, for II reata iti th* liearlhitime* of a eafe pe. ple ar.1 I. ruirrfea.led Bf lhe l? laM.n of Im parturbat te oe.ra We do now proclalm to all peop'e* on *:i *i.|ea *f nal ...ean.: KoMeal erbUrailoa ?haii r,.ntr.,| i.ur Interea'. BtaD ad. tntegrltv aha'l itovern our l?,l, lea a' !? me, aiwl .11 -UI ut>llB.tu>na, In .very i.l(M ? at pl.a>e. Ihall le perpe.ajatly lrvl.)!*te. We BTttg you .rr... th* A-laVr Id'.. ite glgantk- domaln of thla !!? puMlf, a rery unlverae nf f .re.t ?tj inlr.e, yph w*?'tli llka aat* ib* wealiB af Heevea, in .?!' cn,p an.i rllaaate, ?r,1 we im-v Ita 1 r? IB I I aa "I e fuiure w rkahnp of rr.? w >rl 1 We .'.I'.-'t fallbfal of th. funl* of y r '* lal * \t i Haa ?l h n :r in ompaab * lal*. , lo the f.r |_mo| f a pr mlaa, dhlr.e'y wroiiftit, thal 'i,. et| >? i. r ?BaafactarH p. dtwta .ind the n i r*?t. n ,.' Bgnenltaral prodoeia ?t' i mwI yearealarge ' relatlve *raap ..n lha in> reaalnr BPealth of the ? r i. for lha better advanii?? f th* frnad* ti -'ua'ei t,? ua ar.,1 Ih* ,i'i?r ,|,-.fl-f-r.?n- 'f liappipeaa In nnr own rt kfat And t.i >h' fallbfal perforaaaae* Bf th>??. bvi ahllgn ? r?. we riw pledg. iiir llve*. our fnrfir.** ?r.d ^ur aa.-r'd h-mor. [jjf, 7htt*c*f4*. The aagwta ara beadlaa duwa rrea* Bt* baleoatea <f Mearen Ibl* bappy m "nlng. wlth f-o-.a ra'llant of ).>y. .. .he> wlm.-a* the people ef rha Cnlted Mat*. ni.klr.r * n*T? Dae'.arail n of, The orlgUul I>ec ;am-,l n r?a, ur.l il.l. r, .ir.try from Ih* grlp Bf HrHaln Thta Bew I>?- n la av n BMfB Imporfnn'. tot it nie.ia oaorai Iad*p*a4*nre. aad raarue* ihla .aairy tttm ,-a'f All BalbMa now h ?\l l.rea.h ln .|.a|. ariap.-na. f..r .hev BBderetaad lhal ne ?r* *iiier*-int from ihe bmb! aerl ,?!? BtntBflft* ln tl.? l-laqf >.f BMBhlaa. that tlielr own rteatlnle* hav* beafl biretved, an.l Ibai w. ??-. m l.levlrg a \l.rv wholi ptftfl l.ew hope Into lhe Wurld. * bl.a,.llea? \-1ct.,r>. r. tnp.ire.l wlth whleh th,.' M ea'le,! .,,;,,? ,,f |il?.,irv are ... gl-.w w. rmj. BBtO ?'.-. Tll. day. Ih., ihe l innti ra. * BtepB up '<> a halher level. ander litdintiaj .f :he rnit.d sntea. ti.i. iay, re vealed In 'he almple rerem-ny of th.? I aatlng of the bafl t. m.-n .-at.-h algl.t of th* long pin"?* "' t'ie Al itim 1 1 >' flkalj arhoaa plana wt-an 'h" r-rlurl-a t-gaibot ?rd ur.d r Ib* ? "w it-v'npti>?nt of ?hl I. Ih tol'lnc B>na ,,f in. n ii-- * rr Ifl -d. Arrttnow ,ia we Han.1 !?? 8ay In the gaxe of an\l ti. ar.d ..ltnlrln* naMma. I.I ua B*JB*Bta ourael\e? anew, In hl*h reaolve. to a.ialam thi. g.i-rl ... level of at'aln.nen'. whoae ihourht. are In tli>?.' Bnaa, feeb'.y phrua-.l. wlll iindert.k* ihelr portl.n <>f th* lask. Fint aniouB tha P|e.||rea rontatBad ln th* ala.v. pn,.-l.n:ath,n I* a falthftil tr.iaieeM.lp r.n our part of th" fon-lBn fund. entruated In our mld.t. V*rlly a n*w and b-tter era of Amerlc.n rallway manan'm.nt ha* b**n ln?u<ural"l durlna rer?nt *?.r.ln? >e.r. of -e,,n^my ?nd r-f r.n The Int-grlty of that,ent muat b? pr. aer-. e,| Th-.e wlll .oon be (r*wt lemplatl. na befor* i.liw.y man.??r.. Thla dar l? b.wn a new perlod of pro.perliy B.?t*r lhan th* *arth haa h*t*tofire wlln*.a?.1. rturltlB BBB* p* rppor nmtrlra n.ul.lp'y an.l lemptatl. n. .le^el.,,.. Th* Mone.ary Tr.iat h-BC-roth te. me. th- Wafcrt d B o ralw..> mn. .gemen'. A. tn.ate. f, r -he owrer. I: h.a lhe pwer and I* .-h*rB*d wl.h Ih* d'.t>. Ther-for*. If Iheie be d a h.,ne*t men l*ft amrn? th*m. w. .ay to th*m; Itetmm brr thi. InMl.utlon l^f-.a >.,.. *t-*mpt to .leal. nther wl.e It wlll appear .hat our law. ?re ...fn.-l*nt wl.*n or ganhmtlun utlll.e. ihem. and It mav ,.:ao".'..m. to paaa. If y?? betrav your your oldtlme fr end. may be oth.-r wlae intereated when they P?? >"? ''V. nn.l vour ?he. .n.y wel-m. ,ou at your U n* nm- wlth .hr nkln, ,nd BbaBlirlBa .fr r??dlnf thtfl c-tun-n. THE MONETARY TRUST, FRANCIS D. CARLEY, Presldent. /inancial. PROPOSALS FOR $16,046,590.70 or 10/ i\% Gold Bonds oi* thi: City of New-York. EXECl'TORS. AnMtMSTP.ATOP.i4. Gl'ARDIANS. AND OTHERB IIOLDINO TRt'ST Fl'NDS ARE AITHOR IZED BT AN ACT OF I"HE LKOISLATt'RK l'ASSKD MARCII 14. 1S8U. TO DCVEAT IN THESE UON'D.S AND urOCK. 8EALED PROPOSALS Wll.T. RE RECEIVF.D by the Comptrolle. of the Clty of Nfv-York. at hl. ofDce, Ne, 280 Broadway, In th. Clty of New-York. untll Monday, the 9th Day of Novembar, 1896, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. 81.. wh*n thtv wlll h* publlely ..p*n?d In the prcenoe nf <h* Cnmiril?alon*ra of Ihe .-Inkins Fund. or ?u<-h nf them aa ahall attend, ?? proW.l*d bv law. f..r the whole or a part I of ih? faBowlag deacrlbed ...up.,n ..r B*_tat*red Bandaaad | Stock of th. Clty of New-York. beanrg Intere.t at ttiree ? and one-hul' per r*nt. p?r *nnum. tu wltl | 844.KUMMl.lM) CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY ? Or' NEW-YoHK. F<?R CONSTRUCT 1NG A BRIDOK OVER THB HAR LBM RIYER AT THIRD AVKNUE l'rlnclpal payabl* N?veirrber Iat. 1917. fntereat psys'il- Mav |*t and Noveni ber Iat. FXFMPT FROM TAXATION by Ih* Cltv and C.mnty nf N*w-York. l.U-.".141.;i7 CONBOLIDATED STOCK OF THK CITY OF NEW-YORK. KNOWN AS "SCHOoI.HOl.SE BONDS." Princlpal ? p.y^ble Novernber Lt. 1818. pavnhl* May Iat and Novernber Lt. FXFMPT FROM TAXATION by ___, the Clty and fnuntv of New York. 102.S-40.n3 CONSOLIDATED BTOCK OB TIIK CITY OF NEW-TORK. SANITAHY IM PRO VEME N T sciioot.iiorsB BONDR. Princlpal payable Novernber Lt. 1010. Intere.t payabl. May Lt and November Lt. RXFMPT FROM TAXATION by th* ritv and Countv of New-York. l.VUMMl.OO CONSOLIDATED BTOCK OF THK CITY OF NEW-TORK. FOR NEW OHOt'NDS AND HCH.DINOS FOR THE COL LKOE OF THE CITY nF NEW-YORK. Princlpal payabl* November Iat. 1915. Intereat payable May Lt and Novem? ber Lt. FXFMPT FROM TAXATION by __ _^ th* ritv ?nd rounty ef N?w-York. ?j.lKIO.OO CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK, FoR THE PAY MKNT OK AWARl.S. COSTH. CIUROES ANI) BXPENBEB CERTI FIF.D BT THK CHANOI OK ORADE DAMAOE COMMIBBION. Prlnclp.l pay? abl* Nov*mb*r Lt. 1011. Intereat pay? able Mnv Iat and November Lt. FXFMPT FROM TAXATION by __ ?h* Cltv and f'ountv nf N?w-York. 0041,00(1.1.0 CONSOLIDATED BTOCK OF THK CITY OF NEW-TORK. FOR REPAVINO KTREFTS AND AVENl.'ES. Princlpal payabla Nov?mb?r Lt. 19IT. Int*reat navabl* Mav Lt and November Lt. KXKMPT FROM TAXATIOB bv the ritv and Countv nf New-York. 800.000.00 C0N8OUDATED BTOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW-TORK, FOR THE CON BTRUCTION OF THK NEW EAST RIVEIt BRIDOE Princlpal payahi. Novrmbar Iat lOia. Ini*r*.t payab'e Mav l?t and November Lt. FXFMPT FROM TAXATION by the riiv un,i i-nimty of New-Terh gr.O.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED BTOCK OK THK OTY OF NEW-TORK. FOR THE CON BTRITTION AND RQ1 IPMENT OF THE WEST tl'lNO OF THE AMFT.I CAN 'ICSKl'M <1F NATI'RAL IHS TORT. Prlrflpat paval.le November Lt. 101T. Intereat payabl. Mav Lt and N.v FXFMPT FROM TAXATION by Ih* P1I* and rv.intv of New-York. IT.I.INMI.ihi CONSOLIDATED BTOCK OF THB CITY OF NEW YORK, POR THK IM PROVEatENT OF ITRLIC I'ARKS. PARKWAYB. ANP DRIVKH IN THE 'TTV OF NEW-TORK. 1'rlnclpal pav /hle Nnvember Lt 1?1?. !nt*r?at pay ah'e Mav l?t aol N'.vember Lt FXFMPT FROM TAXATIOX by lh? Cltv and County of V?w-YorU. Ioii.imi.i.imi CONBOLIDATED BTOCK OF THK <TTY OF NEW-TORK FOR REPAVINO HOADS. STRKKTS. AND AVENl.'EB IN TWENTY-THIRD ANP TWENTY POCRTH WARf>?. Prln.lpal* Nnvemb?r l?t 1917 *nt*reat payabl. Vav iat and Nov?mbee 1<rt. FXFMPT FROM TAXATIOX bv the niv and r.iuntv nf New Vrrk. 1iMHi.iiiiii.IMl CONBOLIDATED BTOCK <?F THK CITY OF NBW-TORK. KNOWN AS "DOCK BOND8." Prlncipal pnyahl* November Lt 1927. Inter*?t payabl* May Lt and November Ll. FXFMPT FROM TAXATION by the Cltv and Countv nf N*w-York. T.OOO.OOO.OO CONSOLIDATED BTOCK OF THK CITY OF NEW-YORK. FOR THK RK DEMPTION OF BONDS AND BTOCK MATIRINO IN THE YEAR 1BM. Prlnclp.1 pavahl* November Ll. 1W2. Intere-t pa\able May Lt and Novem IW 1a| FXFMPT FROM TAXATIOX bv th* and Countv n? N*w Yorlt. 1 ._00.004l.00 CONBOLIDATED BTOCE <>1" THK CITY OF NEW-TORK, FOR THK PAY Mr:\T (>F BTATE TAXEB FOR TIIK BI'PPOBT OF TIIK INBANE. I'rlncl nal payabl. Noeerabar i?t. ioin. Inter? e.t a??Si< Ma'- '?t an.l \ Lt. FXFMPT rglOM TAXATION. X.7SO.INNMMI CONBOLIDATED BTOCK OF THE CITY OF NEW-YORK. KNOWN AS ADDI TION'AI. IV 1TPR STOCK OF THK CTTT OF NEW-TORK. Princlpal pav ?ble October Lt. 101.1 Intere.t pay? able ArrH Lt and Oeteber Lt. FXFMPT FROM TAXATIOX br fhe Clty BBd Countv nf New-Tnrk. IHE PRINITPAI, OF AND THK INTKRKST ON THE ArtnVF. DESCRtBETJ BONDB ANP PTOiK ARK PAT ATM.E IN OOLD COIN OF THK t'MlTBD STATFS OF AMERIfA. OF THK PHESENT 8TANDARD OF WBfOKT AND rtNENESa AT THE OFFICF. OF THE D ..MI'TIMLI.KR OF THK CITY OF NKW-YORK. Th. prnpoMl. .h.ul.l b* !no|.ia*d In a aealed *nv*lop?. Indoraed "Fropi-.ula for Itonda of th. Corp.ratlon of the Clty of New York," and then Indoaed tn a a?rond ?nve|one, ?ddnr?aed to the C-inptroIler of th. CC.y of New Vork. For full hrfaraaattea a*e Cltr R*-^rd. A5HBRL P. FITCH, Comptroller. New Englanti Loan and Trust Company, .14 NAMAU BTREBT, NRW-YOHK. Capltal and proflts-S960fOOO D. O. KSHHAl'HII. I'roHi.l.'nt. \V. W. WIT.MKK Vl.v>-l,re>si.I nt. ? W. F BARTLETT, s.-.tftary and TraaauraT. DIRKCTOHS. HRNRT D. LTMAV. R. B KKKIUS. F. K. Illl'PLE. HENRY \V1IKLKN. H 1 PIERCE ll. W. MARQrARDT. JOHN UVMAN. !. I' SAMSt.N I) i) RHIBAUOH. W. W WIT.MI.U. W. K. BARTLETT. r/.*? rmiifiKii'/ ?//>ra ?/? ?ir? sir ;.''.' ?'?nt. />* hfuturt- lioniin, totlmtormUo a?eair>< I'ti .?.?*/?",/ irUrtnl flr*t HtOHfmf tltpooUM trltli Tlie lartn eri' t.onn ni?l Tttttt VompmttO no Truatrr. f/.e iini.'N nrr l?fir<t in ilrituminntiotn of tC'ttO antl ti/.travl. Na eeevjrltlea bar* aaad* a botttt ree r.l .lur'.rK th* trv inr tlmaa of tt-..' laai Ihrea yent--. thea tha DebenturaB of thla .?ur.ipuiM. We ahall ia',.- pl'iuure In aendlnij ta any ?n* wh.. mnv aah for ll ?? Uttle book gtrlag fall Blatorr of :he rcanpaar. hh ....tiine of lu aaatheda, ?">! ? Mat >f a large a?a-ker >.f laaan-nre ?nd Trust Coaara-alea, Bair Inga nanic. fniversitic*. coii?n"?. Truateea. Ouardlana, and Prlvate indlvidual. who bar* lar.atad with lha Com P?n> f.r yenra Bo Itn--t..r hna evr loat n dollar of prln.iral or Intereat ln the .'otnpuny'a ee.-.irltie... Daiikcro anb Urokcre. HOLLISTER&BABCOCK 17 AND 19 BROAD STREET. OtAL IN INVESTMENTSECURITIES AND EXCOUTg OROER8 AT THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, I.nniloii Tailora' IIIIU. Pnrla Drnaaiaker.1 OUI*. etc, ni.i b* pald by 4IIKO.II0 IIA\K CIIKUl K.H. Furnlahed In book form, th* purchnaer driiw. nn.l ntw* them hlmaelf when h* want. la r*mlt. I'aval.le in ev*r> rountry Of the world. ortlReil h? ih* .Tieque Bank. la.nd'.n Will* for i.arll, ulara I.. Aatency of Tlie I . B. 4 heque ll.inU. I.I.I.. IVre.lerlrla \V. FOWWt. MaaBBer, 44. and l_ Wall K., N. Y. ADYIRTISKJIENIS and auba-Tlptlon* for Ih. Trllv ?n- r. .elved at Ih.-lr Iptown Offlc*. No. 1,242 Urond - ..? m aoor north of llat-at.. untll ? a'ctoeh p. m., ad ,-itir*m*nta r-*l?ed al Ih- followlna l.r.nch afAreti al i.ailar offica rate* UBIil 1 oc|,?k p. m . vli.. .'..4 dtli av" . . *. c.r. ttd at.; '.:.2 nth nve.. onr. 12th at . Mac). a. I Oth-av* and 14th at.; 144 Columbua ave . near Weat IMHh . ^08 \"?.t 111 M . netir 8th av*.; 81 Eaat I4th-at.; 2ST W*'?t 4M al. h*iw?*.i 7th nnd ?th a%e?.. 108 Baai?.th? al.- 1.888 !M *v... b*ln?en TBlli and ?t... 1.0211 JI av* near ?l.t-wl.: l.TiW lal ave.. n'ar M?th at : DiO ?_ Mi h*.r 41.1.1.; r.54 1.1 iV 210 Bleerher-al.; J2S Rle^k.r at: 2.80S !d-.v* . 240 Ea.t TBIhi al.. 1.021 M iv*.. 108J 84 av*.; IS Amat?rdam-av*.; 408 W.*t 42d-at. Price, McCormick & Co., BANKER5 AND BROKERS, 72 Broadway, New York Clty. / NEW TORK BTQCB EXCHANOE. 1 X Y. COTTON EXCHANOE. M-m'jera of < N' v pkoi.IVK KX.'HAXOE. ICHN'AOO BOARD OF TRAKE. In vlea- of the fnri lhat many people may ilealre to ronimunliat?? with u* Tueeday night. we have arrangad to keep open onVee all night aa fotlowa: 78 llr.ind.vHv. Ituom imim Poalnl Teleorraph Balldlna. 808 llroMdway. 1'arlor s, llfih Hotel. All of tlur aliove ofTlce* wlll te connerfd by prlvate wlre ar.d In of tl-.e latest electlon new*. Tele? graph mexaagee addreeaed to ua at any of them wlll fe irlve prunipt utt-ntlon. Many people ar* arranalnf ti Imy Amerl.-an itirk* In>I>n enrly on Wednaa^ay n-.ornlng, If ihe eie. il.jn of McKlnley fhall be aaaured. We have jirrunged epei-UI farlllr'.ea In Uindon for th* exe.ution of ?urh order*. or for the purchaaa nf opllona on Ameriran at.laO. Such Ofdara, In order to re.-e.v* prompt attentlon. ahould be In our hund* at any of the ogto*. abere named n M latat lhan 4 A. M. on the mora Ing of Wedneaday. November 4ih. Whlle we wlll de our lie.t to nv.'.l any poaMbta non-'!?llvery of telegrnm*. lt Ifl well lo War In mln 1 that the telegraph ?ervlce wll! be a-verelv taxed ..n th- night or th? el^-tlon, and aperlal effort^ ehould lie made by BraakflO to get m*Hsag"a through t? u* proinpih, PRICE. ncCOKMICK 4k CO. mi I Forsnay, I14\KKK<4. Membera of Ihe \ew Vork Btork E?ohane*e, XO. W 44 A I.L STHKKT. To eaable our frl?nd* nnd c.jtomera to take fuil and earlb-at advantuge ef the r? ?ull of the ek<-llon of Mr. Mc? Klnley or otherwla*. we have .:.-. I.1M to open an offlre at Xo. lo EAST TWBBTI TIIIR!) STREET, near tha Be puUi'-an HaaeaaMftara, "ti ?lertion night, Tuesd.y, He raaablf .3d. We hare our prlvite wlre ov?t whlch the electlon law turn* win b* raeelred ataaartaaaMMaly with nationai* HEADQI'ARTKKH. and we ghail be In <..<>** ommunlra tlon wlth tar.don. We ahiall be prvpared. to make purcha*** or ?al*a of Btocka on the LOXDO.V EXCHANOE Immedlately upon Ita uprnlng Thla wlll pta.e our fri.-ivd* und cuatomar* tn a po?ltl :i ta imy or *ell In that markrt, and when tbe BTev York market ope.i* th?y .-an aell or buy to cover tl* I?.'!.! r. transa.tlona a* the .aee may he. Ol K TKWPOHARV OFKH.'K AT Xo. io East Twenty-third St ? will b? opin nt <i I' M. and remaln open all night. Hy three nVln.-l* in tbe mornlng Hn UflB* for the openlng 1 af the Lonoaa Bn-aaege) it i* experted trmt there ?nt b* enough erMenefl to wjm.nt either purdiaae* or aale* ln I lhal imrket. I'artlea not de*lr!ng to wall for the returna j cin laavfl ih-lr ar0era and huve tliem duly ?geruted. ! ZIMMKR4IASX et PORBHAY. A. A. Housman & Co. 52 KXCIIAM'E Pf.Af'E. BANKER5 AND BROKERS, ili mlii'M V Y. Iteak KxchaBK*. w* hare apeaed a taaagerai-y aflaea on th* gr.und laaB of Ihe IIOKl-MAN IIOI BU. wh-r* we will recelre ; London Quotations in American Securities. Offlce will be open from 10 A. M. Electlon Day and remain open un? tll the following morning. ORDERS FXECITED ON THE LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Messrs. LADENBURG, THAL MANN & CO. beg to announce that they will open a temporary offlce this (Tuesdayi evenlng at Room 34, Flfth Avenue Hotel, for the convenience of their clients and members of the New York Stock Exchange who may de sire to operate through them in the London market. 4 J. S. BACHE & CO., 1IIVKI1H* * BROKERS. i 47 gXCHAKOa PUVK. X. Y. 44 <? dealre lo nnuounee Ibal e?e ahall keep onr l!rntt<-li lltflre, at Ibe 1'laxa Hotel, Clty. open nll Tueaday nlalii. We eball reeelre elertlon relnrna Ihere by prlvate wlre. alae. fall r.-porta of Ihe l.omli.n and l.lverpool mitrkeli b> lal.le. and flVB aball he prepared to execnte all order. tor either nf theae mar kela._J. B. R4< HK 0 ? O. Dioibtnb Xoticro. IltAXl) RAB-lOa HAS I.K'HT <>>, C.runl Kapld*. Mt.-li. Her. 2. 1*08. U' A MKETIXO of tln' Board af Din-i'tora of *? (i.i* Ctaagaajr, baM Oct, "i?t. a dividenj al ij'j [.er ceat . n iti- Capltal Itoek ef tha Caaagea* araa declired, parabl* Mov. SUtb, lfitJ. to MocBbuldai. ..f ren.rd at the Cloa* i'I baalBeaa OH Nov. Ith. IMIH. Tranefer b<K>k* wlll be '.-"e.i rroflH Baa/. letb lo Bar. ?.iHh, both indoalv*. .ti.'.ks will t... ITii'lleil im H. D. WALBatPOa. Se.-retary. rpIIK AMBRIOAN KXrilAN-.:. NaIIOXAL ?*" HANK. IM Bfl** Vork. Ortober BB, 1(4)0. Al a meetlng or ihe BoaN of*. held thl* day, a dlvidend of THREE ANI> onk-hai.K ..IHi Per Ueni oa Ihe raattal nt k are* deelarel, payable November 2d. prwtlaM, Trnuafer b.?ika wl'l floae tlil* iJ.iy. and reoper. Xov*m l?r S|h prextntO. Kn\V.\RI> Pt'KNS. (*a?hler. iinancinl <f?lcction?. U KI.SIIA.Il .MMMlltH'IAL COMPAMT. iu wall st.-.-t N..w \oik. N. --inber 2n.l. 1498 VOTICB Is li.TPb.v ,,'ir^n tbat tiie ??. Meetlag el 'he tftoi-kuolJer* of the WelaBaeh 0*fl> ii ->:c al Cwrapan) ?IU t-e held ?i the aBka el th*1 i'onlpan>. No 40 Wall Hlreet New Vflra Clty. aa Thuiaday. la* liltii dnv ot Novernl^r. lStal. al 12 o'clPfft Bapa. f^r the rurjinm. of r.-rting thirt?--n tlS) Dlr^.i"ia for lh? en ?uliig year, nnl m,. ft) Inspe.-tor* of Klertlon tn **rr. a( the n?xt ...iuml nw.iir.g. an.l for the trunaacnon of au-h other l.uilnenti an msy prorjerly c ime b^for* *U(.'h rni-etlng. The ,4t.i<k tranefer bix>k? wili be .1 ,.?>.?.! at th* c!n*e of boalaeaa on Mon.lay. Koreaflber Bth. I?a3. ?n,t reoper.od on Krldn.'. November '.-0th. IBM II it. "All.soN. ^??l!?tant Beytetary^ MANIIATTAX ItAII.WAY rtMaTAJfT. NO 71 HRO.4l.WAY. XKlWOItK. Ortober ?'h. lBBfl fpiIK ANNUAL MEBTINO N ilx* ahareheld 1* era of the llaahBttaa Rallway I'.itnpany wlll be held at Ih. eompanv'a <.nVe :n Xew-York Clly, Xo. 71 Broadway, en>. Kor**ab*r 114b, IKW. at \2 o'clock aoon. A Iloi.r.1 of Dlre.-tora for the eneulng year la to b* e'.o.te.I nn.l .h^ee laapfClora of Kleotlon. 'fie rran?fer book* wlll be r|o*r.l on Frld.ti'. October Oth at .'! .i'.*l<v,k p. m.. and reopened i n Thiira.lar, Ne rtaaber IStk, at io ..vioek a. m I) W M. WII.I.IAMS. Becretary. (Topiirtin-rsliip Xoticre. Oftl.e nf WORK, STROXG at CO.. HAXKKRS. p o Hox 8801 sfl Uroad Hreet New Y.rk. Xov.-mber 2. 18ft*.. I^Hi: C(irAUTNKHSHlI> liHretofore exiatlng under the urr. name <-f Wi>rk. Stronf 0 Co. araa d:e?.>;ve.i bv mutual oinaer.t on Xovrmber 1. 14P8. Mr. Oenra* W...*i retlting. Th* trualne** of he late flrm wlll b* contlnued by Me?.ra ritrona. Sturgla A C... *',.h.,ee eipartnerahln notlfle ipptara below _WORK. STRONO 0 CO. Ottl.e of BTRO.XJ. BTt RlilB at (O, UANKEHB. p. o. n.?x SBB. JW Hroid Btreet. New York. November I. 1888. RKFKUKIXU Io llie alwYe notir-c of tbe dla folutlon of tbe l.rt. of Work. Btrong A Co.. w? bag t.i .itate that on November I. Itatfl. a .iipartnen-hlp under th- fli'n name of f.rong, Hu.rgl* a Co. wa* f. rmed Or the i.ri.ler?lffne.l who wl'l ?? .nilnue the bu?lnea. lateiy on li.i'te,! bv W..rk, Strong rt C?. WM. 0. HTRONO. r. K. 8TIHUI8. O. O. HAVEN. JR.. a 8. L CROMWEU. ADVBRTISP-MEXTS and aubeerlptton* for Th* TrnV une recelved at thelr I'ptown Offlce. Xo, 1,843 Braag war. 2d door nortb uf 81?t-*t.. untll 8 o'clock p. m., ad rrrdeemetita recelred at Ih* followlng braftrh ofrlcea 84 reg-ular ofTlce ratea untll 8 o'clock p. m.. via: 804 Btb ?re. ? a. e.* tM-*t.: ISS ath-av*.. cor. ltth-ai.; Uaey'a 8th ave. and llth-at.; 14S Columbu?-av*., n*ar Waat 88U M.i 180 W**? 42d-*l.. aear Bth-ev*.; 89 Ea*l 1410-88. /