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WILD CHEEK8 ON I'HANGE. LIVELY Sf'ENES AT THE CLOPE OF YEB TBRDATI MARKET. PATRIOTIC B0N4M BtWJ AND CREAT ENTHCrMASM SHllWN BTOCKg D1SFLAY STRKNOTH- HIC.1I RATE rOM M'.NKV FA1TH IN THE TRIIMI'll l>F BOCTTD MONKY. Thore wa* a patrlotic 4M m?.ns;ratlon on the Stock at the close of buslness yesterday aff-r noon. It BbOWed that th.- rnembers were heart and , noul for aound money and llhewlae hearl and aoul aaalaal repudlatloa an.i anarahy \\h.-M taa chatraaaa'a garol fell al I a'ctoca a greal ahoui arenl up, and ll waa followed i-v three , ebeera for Ibe Btara aad Btrtpea, thrae more for | honest motiey an.l three more for MeKlnley. Rich ard :i. Halated had aecured tha Dry r"",,ls ''!",?'', juarri-t. ompoaed of Iwo m.-n and iwo aromen, and M rondurteal ihem on lhe Boor. The) alood -.pon ba aeata aurroundlng lhe Wheeltng and i-.kc Erle ,,,at it ?raa the flrst tlme aromen had ever beea idmlited lo the flo .r of the Exchange. When rhe | ?heertng Bubalded tbe quartel began to atng "Am.-r ,-a - They had nol aang many arorda befora tha and tl.rowda In lhe gnllarlea Jolnad In. |l w,.s ,, m..s: Impreaalv. aa well aa enthualaatle . ..,- Never before had Ihere bean n acane llke lt wlthla lha w.iiis ot Ibe itock a-tchangn. The cloae of rhe lons waa innrbed bj ebeera Ihat falrly ah ??k tba bulldlng. "Th-- Btar-Spnngled Bannar" and a number of rthar patHotk alra were sung. ..r?>i there were rheer* after each son*. Th.- demonstrntloti lasted for hall an hour Ti..- bandaoBBe dlaplay of the Natlon ,i oiors prepared f.?r Plaa D?F. hurt s.mir day. had not beea dlaturbed. and It oonlrtbuted to the inspiring apectnete. THK OOURSat OK STOCKS. The rourse of the sto.-k market proved the f:.ith ef Investors and Bporatora In the trlumph of Me? Klnley and sound moruy. A notal.le feature of lha inark.-t was tho tflda r.nigc of d.-ullngs. A greater numh.-r of atocks w.-re deall ln than for many n.ontha. Th.- flrial iran?artlone were generally at or the highesi ptioea of the day. The wheat market pl k.-d up with the atock mar? ket. Deccmber wheat. or wheat dellverahle in I>e rember, in which the de.ilings were largest. opened at ar.t4 cents. w'lh-h was the lowesi price of the day, and was '? if a cent a bushcl al.ove the closing cf Paturday The Ilnal price. which waa alao the rughest ot the lay, waa "IS centa, and aceordlngiy aaade net galn for tba day S of a cent a buaheL The net gain in May wheat waa l6* cents a l.tishrl, Indlcatlng a bellel that as tlme went on the price of Wbeal would climl. up. There wa* n net Raln of one .ri.iimr of a ct ni in December cora and one-half a ,. ni in I " c?-mb*r>. The commereial |<r!.'e of ailvor remalned unchar-,-.-l at ? cents an 881808, THK MONKY MARKKT Thr- rate for call money attaincd a hlgher polnt y-.-ter.l.iy than wa- elpected. Tba flrst loan on the S ..-k Exchange W4|a made at 10 i?-r cent. hut aoon after Ibe dellvery hour (2:1.'. p. m.? there were loans a; ona-balf of one per ceni commission "and inter aat," whlcb in vlew -.f Ihe facl thal tbe ;<>ans held for two daya ma4le lha ra;.- Rgure oui M per cent. Most >.' ibe taana were made at cne-qu..r:er of one per i-riit and Intereat, which waa equal to :>i per oent. The laal lonna wera made at ihla rate. Moal <-f :he BBoney waa auppli. l ?> lha arndlcate ol banks which waa formed laal Frklay to take care ol the money mark... untll after electlon Th>- pollcy o: Ibe ayndicau w.,.? nol :- :.x <i rate, bui lo lei Ita money oui al the ratea bid i.y borr wera. I: waa the borrower* wh,. carrled the rate np lo the nelgh b.rn.K.u of im per cent. There was enough money. Bome <!.' the borrower* were ahort or storks. Tho aioi-k market waa vary atrong and they l>;d up money in hopea oi breaking down atock pri.-es. ln thla thev w.-re unaucceaaful. Prlcea dld no; yteld. The h.Kli rates f,.r money were attended wlth no azcitement, and aa ihe N ivember l Intereat and d'.vl dentpaym.nia had been provided for II a/aa thouaht tha: the poat-electlon ratea would be conslderably lower ;:ian thoae which hav-. prevalled for the laat K-w daya In th. r worda, th* bellef waa lhal th..- dla tarbanci in money was practi....... over. There weri a good many u ea o; t-_*n atocka thal lt* the atock waa boM for iramediate dellvery and payment, Inatead of fi r dellvery in ihe regular c .urae un VYedneaday. There were iwo reaaona tor these .-ush sai.-s. one was to avold carrylng atoeha ovei Bloctloa anl tha oih-.r waa to aecura funda at otice. KOHKION KXCHANGE STROND. The forelgn exchange markei waa VI i y stronn. Kates we:e about one-half a cent hlgher than on Baturday. The actual rate foi demand ster'.lnK. upon which gold are baeed, waa 4 Sf.4 10 4 ^.\. or apparently !'?? t.? 1\ cents above the goid 1m porttng polnt Neverlheleaa ?aaxaM In Amerlcan ,dgl,-s waa Wllhdrawn from rhe Hank of Kngland for ahipment to New-York. The timnaaciton was made posaible by the high rate fur money here. Th.- withdr.iwals of gold from the Bub-Treaaury were tne h. avlest of any day BZCept one alnoe ih. moveint-nt of gold to America from Europe began. They aggr.-gated $i.3i.'.i?J.>. i?ne bank wlthdrew HUI...IJ0O The expresa companles wlthdrew lar^.r amounta for interlor banks which furnlahed l-gal tendera for that purpoae. The Adam* botprea* Company was a.iid to have wlthdrawn tBLOta). There waa a long llne al the gold wlndow ln the Bub. Treaeury all day. A majorlty of th. poreona ln ihe llne wanted gold in amounta ranging from Y> to Jjf. Many tendered allver eertlftcatea, an.l were angry when Informed the) could obtaln goid only on graonbacka an.l Treaaury eertlflcatea, an.i. ol courae, gold certifluares. The d.P.and upon the i.ulllon dealera for gold waa ao great thit they Incr.>aai d the premlum on caaB gold .goid for Immedlat* dellvery) from one-half of one per cent lo l'? per <ent. or to $12 o>. on each thousand. Calla good f.r itnrty daya (contracts to dellver gold to the h.uders ,.n demand any tlme within tblrty davsi were sold at 1% fOt cent. ( alla good fo: t^ixty daya ware sold at Iti per cent lt w.s reported lha; a large b,.-.king-house aold a thirtv-dav call f.r a conalderabla amount of go.d at .' per cent and a aix'.y-lay call ai 2', per cent Assav Offlce checkB, which are reoalpta for go a depoaiUd in th.- Assay i .rh.-e and are redeemable ln goid co.n at the Bub-Treaaury, w?-re sold b> holdera to bulllon dealera at ibree-quartera of on* Uer ceni and reaold by them at 1% per cent pre? mlum Ale.vilng bank reeelved a drafl.from anout of-town rank whlcb kept a balan^e lt. a. e n j.anled witn Inatructtona to pay the dratt ln gold, which was t,. .,- forwarded b> axpreaa. The, n?j Y..rk bank lelegraphed lhal lt would pr<- ure lt_ Lorted gold from a buliion deaier, bui thal a nremlum of 1_ per ceni would have to be pald on [[ The ,vplv wi; that this arrang.m.nt W88 BBL WL*?Urg' Tha^inrT& ET^UB $* in ,old in th. Iiub-Traaaury. Muller, Bcha A^o 6o. noalted I80O.0OU in the Assay offl,-. Bilberman A joslph witiidiew J75.KK) from the Bub-Treaaury. MONKY KOR THK INTKRIOR. There w;-a an enormous demand from banks throughout the country upon N, w-York bank* where thev k.-ep baiances for enrrency. The New York banks had bee.i sending ailver dollara and sli ver renlflcates, bot thelr vault* nad been pretty thoroughiv elearad of thaaa kinda ot money and they wer.-'obllged to senn legaJ landara upon which Lold mlghl beobUlned. Telegraphlc ^onmtnoot EwSr ^?JW^SW?&? ^jsv.r'.rs^.'VKe-ir. __ss money In a long time._ GOLD WITHDRAWX AT CHICACKX Chleago Nov. 2.- Klghty thousand dollurs was to day wlthdrawn from the Sub-Treaaury on legal tenucrH of the 18W iaaue and later. and on gold cenifl.ates The wlthdrnwnls were In nmounts ranging from $W to tLBOa and were aolely for hoardlng I'eople atood In llne throughout the day, but many had eurrency of Ibbucs not redeemable Sf thli Vrancb. Wlthln tba.laat three montha ni.ont 81 UaOOD has been wlthdrawn from tha < bl ?i2Jf *uivrn-aaurv. bul the dally wlthdrawala nere amall untll Saturday. when $_J.WW waa taken. -4> DBAWINO OUT BULUOH IM ST. LOUIA Bt. Ixiuls. Nov. 2 -Over HOO.uOO gold, ne.irl all ln twenty-dol'lar pl.-ces. was wlthdrawn from the Unlte.l Stati.s awb-TlOaeury here to-day. Thls ls three tlnres the usual wtthilrawal. Chlef Clerk Rteker -aid the moveaaeni had i.e.-n antlclpated, but would not aay to whom the money was pald. Tnere was dellvered to-day to the Mlsslsslppl \ al ley Trust Company I.O0.0U0, ln sllver bulllon, con slgned to a svndlcate of local capltallsts lhe bulllon rome* from Arg.-nrlna. Kan? and !s the product of Amerlcan and Mexican mln.-.* l>emo cra-?s are to-nlght uslng thes.- heavy Iranaactlona ln monev aa campalgn argumenta, and say th. ellver ls" hoarde.l ln aniltlpatlon of a rlse when Bryan ln elected. FWBTIXQ EoR I>R. BVCBANAT8 BoOY. Blnee I>r. AlexandT ltiichanan dl.-.l. on Septem b.r 2 last bis wife. M.irgaret Bucbanan, has araaabt aavarnl suits in tne Supreme Coairt, ane ta oonteat his wlll. by which she was enl off wlth a of l'.i>; another to set aside conv.-yan. ? - of ratnabW renl .state which he made to Mrs. Kate M faat III. ar.d the thlrd. a most r.-markubl.- Bttlt, to r.cover | ,,ss<->islo:i of the body of I>r. EHrebanan, Whleh was biirled by his broth.-r. .1 .m.s 1 >. Huch aniui. on '?'. In QraanWOOd Cemetcry. l*hB wlll contest nn.J the s.i'.r to set aslde the de<>ds wlll ii(|t c.-.m.' up for trlal for several Woefen The contest for th<- pOBBN ssloii Ot the body of l.r came up yesterday before .Justlce II.. k man. ln tp4M lal T.-rm. I'art II, of the Sujr. tne Court, on a d. murr.r murposed by Isaac N. Mll ler, counael for Mrs. Huchanun, to an anawer put ln by Marry Overingron on behalf of James li. Puchanan. Mrs. Ruchanan. as admlnistratrlx and Indlvidual ly, aues Jamea D. Xiuchaiian and the Greenwood Cemet.-ry to recover actual poa*easlon of the body of Dr. Huchanan, from whom ahe sccured a separa tlon about len year* agu. She alao aak* for P008O damag-s agalnat th.- defeadaat for the unlawful sdaure aml l.urlal of her husband's body. The defendant fll-.l un answer .lenying that the body had been onlawfully aetaed an.l wtthbekt I The defeadaat, Buchanan. i.y hls counael, deetared thal he had a rleht to th.- body, as hls hroth.-r, I?r Buchanan had befera hui death reqoeated him to take hls body and bury lt. Thia rc.tue*t. Mr. ISuch anan aald, he ha.l a perfeci rlghl to carry out under Bection BOC of thi Code, whlch provMea that a peraon may illr.-it what ahall I..- done with bla body after death and lhat this requeat mual be re apected. The plalntlff'* counael demurred to thla p.irt <.r the anawer upon ihe around thal the Code had nol been t-emplled .Mth. Mr. Mlller conten ed that tn.- dlapoaltlon of a body as provlded for ln ihe Code Intended and requlred that tho dlrectlon for the dlapoaltlon of the body shouid tn- made in arrltlng. 'ihi- waa dlapuled I.y ex-Judge Erneal Hall and Mr. Overlngton, counael for the defend anta Judge Hall aald that a verbal dlapoaltlon of a body wa* aufflrlenl Juatlee Beekman overruled ibe demurrer, holdlna that ih.- verbal dlapoaltlon araa aufflclent. B) i.i- will Dr. Buchanan pructlcally dlalnherlt* hl* wlfi ind three daughter*, aml makea Mrs. Foa :.i ihe prlncipal beneflc'.ary. He bequeathed t.i hl* wif- !.'.<? aay Ing: "The reaaon tor aald bequeat be? lng mi accounl ..f th.- Ingratttude ahown nn- i.y my wif.. for aeveral yeara paat, aml. rurther, sh.- hav? ing rtlrcnd) n 'elved from me upward of I75.0OJ." To each of i.i-- dauahtera, Marcella, Alexena aml Loulae, hi lefl only V.. ? VIRED ON BY t CRUIBER. THK BOBTON BRIQ CARIB COMPELLED TO HKAVi; TO OFF CVBA'B COABT. Thi brlg carlb rame Into porl yeater day wlth a atory thal lt had been held up off th? Cuban eoeal b) a rrulaer. Th- hold-up waa at mklnlght. aml Ihere was no way I.y \. lil-h Captain Montgomery. .if tho Cartb, could h-nrn the natlonality or nnme ..f the enilaer, bul ll ls a natural supposltlon that she was Bpanlah. Sh flred a l.lank oartri'lge. compelllng tha brtg '." heave tn and gtve nn accounl <>f heraelf. Thli belng Batlafactory, ahe was allowed t.> proeeed on her way The Carli. left Truxlllo on Octbir 1."'. wlth a general cnrgo for New-York. conalgned t>> Kggers & Helleln, No, ."? South vVllllam-at. When beatlng north ward off th- aouthweal eoast of Cuba. on th- night of October 10, the maMhead l.ght ..f a steair veaael aatern waa slphtrcl, which rai'idly overhauled ihe btif. Two whlatlea wort blown, to whlch no attentlon was paid by the Carlb. Then, whlle thosr on Imard the brlg were watching the veaael ast-rn. the flash of a gun was aeea, and ahortly came the rep.rt. Tho Caiib was ln ve to, and the steam veaael, which proved t.. be a crula tr, ran up to within a ahlp'a length. Bomethlna. waa ahouted In a forelgn language, to whli h Captain Montfomery replled: "I don't underaland." Then in Bngllah came the Inqulry: "What veaael are vou an.l have you any Cubanfl abdard?" Captain Montgomery Bhouted t>aok: "We are the Boaton brlg Carlb, i.<>un<l fr..m Truxlllo to New-Tork with a general cargo." "All rigln." was called back. and th- rrulaer turned Hnd ateamed off. Captain Montgomery sald the crulaer waa one ..f aboul 500 tona burden, ha.l ?ne amokeatack, two ma.'-ts and a ram l>oa He doea nol look upon the peremptory challenge as out ..f th ordlnary an.l attachea no Importance t" it. ?.? ? BB0KEB8 To TAKE 0RDER8 TO-SWBT. a-IRbia TO HAVE BRAKCH OFPlCEg CFTOWH TO PLACE ORDEM IN THB LONDON MARKET. In vlew of the extraordlnary Interest In the elec? tlon a mimt.r of sto.k Bxchange housea have arranged to opi-n temporary offlcea uptown thli evenlng, where they wlll nol only recelve electlon returns, l.ut also take ordera for executlon In Ihe London market. Prlce, McCormlck A- Co. announci that they wlll keep open their regular offlcea ai Na 71 Broadway, and one al Room So 00, In Ihe Poetal Telegraph Bulldlng, No. 263 Broadway. and another In Parlor No. \ ol the Flfth Avenue H.. tel. Ladenbura, Thalmann 0 i o. wlll open a tem porary ofii? at Room No. M, In Ihe Plfth Av. Hotel, for thelr cllenta and membera of ihe New Vork Stork Ezchange who ma) dealre lo opera t. through them ln tlu- London market .1 B Ba he A- <'o. wlll keep thelr brancb offlce al ihe I'laxa Hotel open all night, and wlll recelve fuil reporti of the London an.l Uverpool markits ol to A A Houaman A Co. wlll malntaln .. tempornr) ofllce on tlu- ground fli..>r of ?he Hoffman Houei whlch wlll remaln open untll th- followlna mon ln*. Zlmmermann <*i Ki.rshi.v wlll open nn offlre at No l" Baal Twenty-thlrd-.t., near Republlean Headquartera, where they wlll recelve electlon re? turna and recelve orders for executlon ln tlu- Lon don market. -* IT WAS SO SOYELTY EoR ?/. .'. A8T0H. HB SAYS HE HAS OFTBN BVB A LOCOMOTIVE. ANI) DB0CRIBB1 IU*- BECBNT TBIP. Colonel John Jacob Astor uas at hls olllce In West Twenty-alxth-at for two houra yeeterda; Hi returned to thi- clly on Bunday from his Weat? ern trlp over th- HUnota Central Ballroad, bavlna atteaded the annual meetlng of ihe dlrectora of the corporatlon in Chleago Thence Colonel Ast..r made a Bylng trlp t<. by waj of I.oulsvlll-. Starllng after l.r. akfast at Pulton. Ky? be took r-harge of ihe locomotlve of th- traln, aml ran the englM for I7r. mllea to Heraa Branch, be tween Fulton and Loulavllle. coion.i Astor aald yeeterday, apeaklng of his cxpiri-iice: "This was mi nov-1 malt.r f..r m l have often run a locomotlve before, and I enjoy lt Imaaenaely, i obaerved lhal aome "f th? mw> papera bad li lhal l put on lha englneer'a cap. 1 ,iid nol w. ar that l wor? ni} own i:." i made the run from Fulton to Horae Branch in .-ix houra, making flve Btop* for croaalng* ..r. i ihree for water \\> madi aeveral mll? s n one mln ite ? ? ' the run between Mayfleld and Paducah Ky., ^ixty Hve mllea belng made in alxty mlnutee. Colonel \s-,..r sald that th? llllnola > entral peo? ple ar- conalderlng the purchaa. ..f forty-flve new locomotlvea, H< added: "Aml some of theaa wlll The'chlcaaro Intervlew wlth hlm. Mr A-'..r add ed In whlch hls aympathlea wlth the Cubana end his hopea for thelr Independence were expreaaed, was correctiy reported m lts man. featurea. He has Bte.df.atly neld theae vlewa As to the po Htlcal ..utlo.ik Colonel Astor expreaaed hls <-<.n fldence that McKlnley would bfl elected. - ? EARLY B0BSIS0 BVICIDE8. NO APPARKNT BEA1OB0 IN TWO CABBJ AN OLD MAN TII'.KI' 00 UFB. Anton Sandner. Dfty-Btx yeara old, of No Bl Thlrd-ave., drank a tumblerful of oxallc add early yeeterday mornlng ln his room. and dled ln tw-nty minut-s. Th- old man llved wlth hls daughter, Mrs Charlea Reldl, whoa-j buaband Beepa .-. aaloon nt th- ahove addr-ss San.lner was de.pondent. joaeph Dlngea, thlrty-aeven year. old, com- , mltted s.ilf l.'.i- at hla home, No Bl Eaet Korty- i alxth-at., utiout i o'cio<:< yeeterday mornlng, by ahootlna hlms.lf ln th- ilght Blde of the head. Ho dled Inatantly. The cauae for his aulctde ls not known. Dlr.ges was marrled, but had no chll- j dren. Ha was a drtver ln th- employ of a Itquor merchant In S.-oiid-ave . luar l'orty-fifth-st Hc had ateady work. anu earned BUffldenl wagea to support hlmaelf and hla wif- ln a comfortable manner Mrs IMnges lanm.t aci-oun'. In any way for her huabend'a aulctde. Henry Ayrea, a clerk, iwenty-flve yeara old, of No. is CUaton Place, yeeterday gaahed hls lefl wrist wlth a razor No reaaon could i- learned | for hls aulctde Ayns's parenta are aald to !??? wi-il-to-.lo people, llvlna ?" No. 2'.". Weal One-hun drcd aml-tlilny-flflh-st . wlth a rountry home ?omewhere on Long laland. an.l he ha.l occupled a room at No. 48 Cllnton I'!..?. 'vlil-h is a board Ing-houee, run bv I.. a. Cuneo. He lefl there laat aprlng and was not heanl of again untll all weeka iik<<. when he returned, aaylng that he hai been worklng or, a farm out or Long laland. About ifl o'clock yeaterday mornlng Mra. Roaa De Rerrebetto who i's i aervanl ln the houae, weni l ? Avr-s's ro.mi t.. make the he.l As sh- appi .hed tiie ooor of the room ahe-heard groana Bhe knocked loudly, bul recelved no reapona. Bhe then ? ...i.-d through Ihe keyhole and aaw Ayrea lylna on th- bed, fully dreaaed. Hla lefl arm wa* badly cui ai..l i.l. ...I waa drippl.ig from Ihe wound Into a wa.h baidn whi-h he ha.l placed alonaalde Ihe bed, The woman weni down.talr* and told Cuneo whal ahe had *een. ..n.i h.- mmno.l Collecman Hlckey, of the alercer-al atatlon win. broke open t;,(. door ? nd, welng thal Ayre. was unconacloua, ?ent for an ambulance fr..m St Vlncent'* Ho?> pir.ii Ayrea wa.. tak.n ta that lnatltutlon, and dled there al l*J0 o'clock yeaterday afternoon. Cuneo, whei aaked whal Ayre.'* father** bualni was. aald thit he dld nol know, Ayrea left no letter* gtvlng ? reaaon for li- aulcld. ll. w..s jn good health, aml s.-med to have ptenty of money. -? Miss FOLTE \Ylxs her CABE. Miss Clara Pldta, t...- woman lawyer, who want ad Thomaa CCeaner, alias Thomaa Joyoe, the ea , ij -.1 Inmate of the Morrta Plalmi (N. J i Inaane Aaylum, turned ever to the Long laland Inaane Aaylum, \< whlch be had ortgtnally been commlt ti-d", matead of belng returned te Morrta Plalna, won ln r oaae in the Centre Btreel Pollce Couri yeaterday Inatead of civlnx <?'onnor into tha cuaU'dy of the Morris llulna Aaylum keeper, who polnteo the man out to a nollceman In the Bow ery on Thuraday, and . .use.i his arreat, Maala trate Slmm*. on Ml*s Fonz's applleatlon, ordered h'.m to be dellvered to Dr. Mack. of the Lona Isl? and Aeyluiii, und he wa. taken lo lhat luatllutlon. WE6TCHE6TEB COUNTY. MOI'.N'T VKHXON. In addition to other queatlona, there wlll be pre renD-d to the electors of Mount Vernon to-day a propoattlOB to approprlatc U95.000 for the purchase of a Blte and for the constructlon of a munlclpnl bulldlng. The sltes' submltted are the southwcst eorner of First-st. and Beeond-ave.; the Bnrton & Koomls plot, about M feel north of I'ark-ave.. trontlng ?n Proapeot-ave., and Harthry Park, bound. ,| on the north by Kast Klncoln-ave. and on tbe weal by North 1-V.urth-ave. Mrs Cynthta Howe, of Rlch-ave.. chester Hlll, la conflned te her boma, autterlng from aevere ir.juries reeelved whlle croaalng Broadway, n.-ar Park Place, ln New-York Clty. Bha was knocked down by a The KrMav Nlghl Ut.-rrry Club ri Its last me-t Ina -.vaa pleaaantly antertalned at the oi Mra W ,\ f.rai.g.-r. The princlpal aubject for the evening waa "Kate Carneale." by lun Maelaren. \ft.-r the meetlng the membera and Ihelr hUBband* ?.:-, Riieata u a dlnner provlded by thelr hoatea*. The rluh ha* declded lo attend the lecture of Dr. john w.ii ii ("lan Maclaren") In lonkera on i>> . ? mber 3. ? PEBK8KILI The campalgn In thls clty was i ,?e.i laat nlght wlth a maaa-mei tlng al the Depew Opera Houae und r tha Buapli - s of the rtepubllcana of thla vtllage, The prln . ., ,. apeaker w..a Chauncej M. De;>ew, who, ever ?<n, ).. riaa been b publle apeaker, ha* addrea ? ' > peekaklll audlence on the nlghl before every Preal den lal ??:???!,: There waa B grea crowd pr.seni .,.-. . mueh enthualaem waa dlaplayed. Healuea Mr. i.. pi -,v a Humber ol ;h<- local candldatea addreas. i ?!,, meetlng The ampalgn here thi yeai haa la-en q iietei than bi i . ampalgn ln th* hlal >ry of , , lea. 1 hi re have been no pjrade* an.l only :>.:.., publli no- nga. Peekaklll and Cortlandtown ai.. Ixith Republlcan .<? ? general >? ? 'tlon, and they win remaln irue thla ..- i ? ? BINQ SIN<;. As i aeanel <>!" lha Halloween dlaturbance ln thi- vlllage, .'hi.f of Pollce Carrlgan had a half doaen or -o of lhe rlngleadera of lhe erawd thal hanged hlm In afllgy upon the Broadway achool houae Bagpole arratgned before Pollee Juailce Palmer yeaterday morning The Juatlcc idmlnla t.-r.-l B Bhnrp r-prlman.l to tb-, who were all under Bge, and made ihem take away th.- dummy lhal had cauaed the trouble. The Ita ui- b...i already been laken down, and reciined In ,,?,. ,,i me chalra In tha eottrtroom In .. Ilfellke ?Th^Kepubllcana held a mnaa a.llna al pllve 0,,..,., Houa.- last nlghl under Ihe Buapfcea of lhe young Republlcan club Thare was , ahort pa r- i ? pr. vl.-.ih to ihe meetlng, and the greate.t en ,:;, si. s?, Vr.valled Th- town wlll glve a aplendld majorlty for MeKlnley and Hobart and ine real of the Republlcan lleki 1. - ? NEW-ROCHElaLB Bamuel F. Cowdrey. an old realdent, dled d.iv ai hla bome In Mnple-nva, He waa born ln Kow-Yorh dl) on December 17. HUL and came ro | x.u Roehelle aboai flfty >'-"?" -'?r"- ?'"", ,1:,S l,r'* i here alne. He practlaed law ln Sew-YorB ' ?',.,- me. and retlred aeveral yeara^ ago. The funeral wlll take place to^orrow aft-mto?n biirlal wlll be ln eme er) 11 four chlldren Frai I , Bi mui Wllllam a i WHITE PLAINF One enthnataatlo RepnMlcan In thta vlllaae pro ;. t, ere t a flag.ole rlaty-flve feel hlgh on ,, ,:..,,- .. Hlll. from whleh ln eae* of M K i !>,?. .ie tlon, Ihe Btnra and Btrlpei will Bo i Wedi -s.i iy The pl? - '- ? eommai ? li N on the Raa wlth H- . - mpanylna brooma and other ymbola ? f vlcloty. wlll." f"r ? ter? d,p ,a ce In every dlre llon ti.intl ig of lha ? fhVlal bnl ota ma I* n ? - ,batltutlon f Rich M S 1 . . for . ?t ol .... -p i: K n , aa B o Aa-. mh ?? I ? ??? iti.11 ' ' . i |irt> i ,,ii - on tl ?? i d-?;>? ?!.?!???>? column ?> , i .,. for . ? :? ? intl e I < a. . . ? ; ,. oi .-. .1 ? -" I rl oui t ? . ?..:?? latrl ,.(,,. ,..,..?. aho t y a'tei n ???? The Re,.ubll throua ,1. n; ol aweepini ifirj ?? -i laim i i . ? for th. .-li ? is i- - ..? r- ? t ? ih ? ? ' H ;?? ? m t.-.,-.-' I, , |. Mrl ? t ? I- m. , i ,? ?-, ? il.e Ib ? ? ? ' '? N|.,B Btrona opi ? ? . ? '? ? i; !? ? ,1 i. In hN own ; i. ,, . enl ol 'I <? ?? tlon I.y a ha on e i ? . n.i IBatrl. t 'l .--??:??! i , f i!. ?%. b ,r ll . greal tl le .,f il .-,. .| the weaB ? invii - ma '? ' " ? : ? I, n aki M Bm' ?' ehane a of . - rl n Blmoal n rur t I i ih lll> I 'i I li ? ? '?' " ' , Mn ,r.rld. I lhal ' im. - IV ll-.- ' the i< ui g. r v.,11 rome ii t of th. > va - a I nr .it v ir i n aa ?! majorlij Tl ? opi artl- n ... hla i haa . - '. '.v"-.^ .,! ?! di-.-i a !/? ? Tl ? d trlc i stror .-iv Rei ubll. .ii .nd Mi H- '? rt '"" '" reiial wlth hlm I Ib ??'? ': ? ?' ,n ?? lorltpa, T > trl t, ? ot \\ i 1: >m 1. Ward ?h in dldate fo- Repreai latlve 1 c . ? - ' .ln I maj. rir. foi hlm ln thi dlatrtct ol I ? tn ? I "" >nd ?j ;.? . | n ho . ont. al f-- I e reg not r. . I n fo Re - bi ni ii -..- Ir. Con .-? - ? two \\lrik.-s of the Republlcai p rts ln lhe XVIth II - lrl< t In ?? I.-. ir\ year* would I I . (T.ilr --. ba K Ihllt a V'rlorj ' r ? ? I ? ?!, ? r , t ?? ,- || | ? ? oi;| ? h iv.- b. li Iii. ? i bli ' ?? ' - .. , ra ? Imtng aentln-.i t of Ih. I .llair t -.-. tn- lo be In favor of ai ? '-.g ' ' ?? l whu i- aoun on I ? mo y o, >--t ...i ai I ,?'? g ?! to vote for and BU DOTI B proleetl ? lailff W th thi* aentlmen* In I fav r .ir. i ?? | i,\ bla per'ona popularltj there ? . d uhl thal Mr Ward wll pu i thr>. rh w th * ha .' "" ? p ur.l ty ?? h '? .111 B. far a R. publi. ?? candld '.-- f i the ave i ,...- ? . fl ar n i rn- il '!.- liem. ' ' rt j ...,,., r. and leadera thcm-.-l.e- have I tlli hop oi defeat Ina thi in. a I:udE OARDEXS <>\ PIERS. ONE TO BE MilI.T \T BABT THIRP ?1 A. \\ k\ PEBIMENT PT)B THK ItESSBFIT OF fllE POOg Tb<- I'o.-k Board voied al .. i peel il m. ? ilng ? eater d.iy to bulld h roof g ir.]. r. on Ihe pler al Ea t Thlrd st lf thla aho ild prove a auecem, it la probal I. that other gnrdena wlll be ,-r. r..i on plera >.i il Eaal and North rlv n fot thi benefll of the people of ti,.- erowded tenemenl houae dlatrleta Thi n ao lution f.,r thls purpoae w..s propoeed hy Prealdent O'Brlen, ai..! the Board la enlliualaatl. over tt Edwar I ll Kend .11 haa i.- en appolnt. i eonaultlng ..t ro ihe Board, and wlll prepare plani f? a two atory n.of garden ar K;.st Thlrd-at. lt i lntende-1 that thl? sh.ll ba eompleted for the open ir i .,t nexl -?: on The Btructure wlll ln Ihe ni Ighborhood of I- ? - ? ? ihls flrst garden wlll be BM f.-.-t long by BO feet wide, lhe exteni of the preaeni pli r It will be erected over ihe preaeni mercantib h< I, and wlll nol Interfere wlth lhe buaineaa there. No Intoxl eatlng llquora wlll be sold al the garden, bul th> prlvllege of aelllng milk wlll be awarded free lo some charltable oraanlaatlon Admlaalon lo rh> p|?r will I..- frei. ai rl 11 la belleved thal lt wlll prove a greal allevlaior of th>- aufferlnaa of the i.r dur? ing 'I..- hoi montbs .,i Bumnn i The Hoard .-i Aldermen haa requeaied in varioita petltlonii t'tiit aueh roof gardena as theae propoaed bv Ihe iMx-k Board be bulll on Ihe plera al West Kleventh, Twenty-aeeond, Kortleth and Poriy elghth at. and 1 anl < >.,.? htindn d and ^. venteenth st The l?o. k Hoard declded, however, thal the greatea) good could be don. by hulldlnji lhe gardena ln tb.- most erowded parta of lhe .-ity. ? ELECTRIC AID8 Tn noon BALE8. BOME OF THB CrtTBtOt'fl i:.\I'i:iui:n. i:s BKCOfN. TERED IN Sil'iV. 1N<; THE BfRlllNER'B liis TORT IN ANBWEB TO ELECTRIC CALUa, The novelty of The Trlbune'a plan <>f ahowlng eoplea of tha New 11 i v t.. r > of the L'nited Btatea lr. ronni itlon wlth the us.- ..f the lelephone and A H. T eall-boxea al tlrst aeemed to exelte mueh doubl aa to the praclleal worklng of the aebemi Man) readera aeemed aeepileal thal flve rlnga al lhe meaBenger-boa woubl biing, wlthoul any ln Btructlons, th<- promlaed aample volume* and nol* addreaaed to the box-ownei glvlng ih. detalla ..I lhe plan; bnl aa the eonfldence growa thal fivi j rlngs- do really brlng lhe rolutnei for ei imlnatlon the algnala are uaed more and more each day. One old gantteman ealled at The Tiibune ofBee yeaterday ta apologlae for k..-i.iri^- h,,. boy nanrly ' an hour. He ha.l b.-.-oin.- intereated In readlng 1 the voiimi.s. and f..r?.,t ihe preaenee of the boy. Ha relleved when told iiia; ihe purpoae of the plan waa to have the boy* liepi .s long as conven ;.nt balf a day and welcome- and thal Tha Trlb ur:.- wanted the booka lo t.-- thoroughl) lookad at, Many thouaand >.f dollara' worth ol tbe blatory w.-r.- subscrlb.d for last week, notwlthatandlng tne fa i thal money waa aa lu^ii *a 100 per ceni ln , Wall Sir.-.t. aml lhe whole elty waa upael by pa radea nnd poiltlcal igltution. Dm of the rn..-t promlnenl bankcra downtown -? ru for ,. *ei ..f the book* and a doaen order hlanka He aald ha bad a good many m.-n In bla ofh. ? who ne. ,|. ,i nothlng ao mueh aa .. knowledge of thelr country, and t.>- pro? poaed i! now they ahoLld r.-..d th.- atandard l.i' toi i of th- ir own land To-day apeclal irrani iment* huvc been made to i.i., .- ., larn. I .;.??? ol boya in ih.rvle* ..f The Tribune-Bcrlbn r Hlatorj ,'1'1'- Trj thelr efllcleney bj rmglng an> A T. D. caJl-boa five ilrnet or glve your name and addreaa t.< lelephone No 1,880 Thlr iv-.-ighth-st. Brooklyn readara ahould ring Rve tlmea on the Brookl) Dlatrlci Telegraph call-boi ,.r lelephone No. I ? '? Bn >klyn. Tbere is na . barge whataver for tba aarrtca, wbatbar you or.ltr I the iK>ok or noL POWDER Absolutely Pure. A rrenni ol t.irtar bnkin powder. Higheil ot al in ivening itrtnfth-l*M UniUd Skttn Gtwrmmtmt Fooi Rtftrt. R..VM Bakin.. I'.iv.iu* C? New York. HUM0R8 OF THE BIQ PARADE. HOW THK BTRENOTH OF THK BANKBRB AND BROKERS AFPECTED ONE MAN. HB PBOIXAIMEO it kntih -iasti.'aU.y to BM rtUXm D1NBB0 IB A-DOWNTOWB BBi TAIKANT OBBBBAL ll.'.TK'l PRAiaaa thb pouca. lt WBI be -ome tlme before th . lust la heard cf tho e-reat aound money parade of laat Baturday. NaW atorlea of Ita res.ilta on thv publlc at large and .,n Indtvtduala In partlcular are atlll bdng told. One of th- ncst amuslag ls recorded of a man who ...un- Into on- of the downtown reaUuranta after Ihe pro.-. ssl-.n had been over som- hours. He was one of the many youthful peraonfl whoae eathuateani il(?l i.n celebrated In Ihe cup that ch.-.<rs, and alao doea other thtnga not qutte ro realrable. And 11 cannol ba denled thal he was one of too many. Thla pirtl. m ar man was lall and rolmst. U'h-n he entered the reatauranl hls bal w..s tllted on thi bnck of hla head, and In b>th handa w..s graaped .. n.ig. A huge badge on the U.l -f hls coal Indl Mted hi* calllng. The badge was entlrely uaaeccea. ?..ry, however, far the flrai worda ha aald were: "Bankera and brokerBl :'.>?- atrong!" H. -vid-ntly took pn.i- In lha atatement, for be repeated ll be f,?,. ne aal down. Then he called a walter, and when lhal functlonary came ihe enthualaatle man aald Impreaalvely, pnlnllng nls flnger al the walter: -Bankera and brokeral :'.'"" atrongr' with tha ac ... nt on th- "atrong." Hi a - a man of one Idea. II- had nothlng elae ... aa) Afi r h? had ordered a ateak b? waved hls Baggracefull) above hla head to the immlnenl perll ,,f thi electrli llghl on the wall, and repeated his atatement ??i beg your pardon." aald i ue of the men at tha nexl labi-. "bul dld you mentl n afayor BtronajT' Tha blg man ahook hla head. "No, no." bfl aald earneatly "No tea li thla Champagne. Cham \. | don l forgi ' Bankera and brokera! :.,.?" An.l )!? stnot- Ihe t-il |e Ull th- (la ? - ..; Buddi i.i-. he v i -.17.-1 wllh au Idea, and, produclna ?' pencll and som- paper, he wrete ln ',,i aome mlnutea. Th- leeull "f hla la . ... . , dletrlbuted around th- adjacenl lablea, Tha ):.:?! ? ia the old refraln li. Bngllah "Bank l brokera, -'.?'<. ?''?-'' ' The aecond bore tho ? itallan, ind ihe ihlrd wa. llke ? . i, only II wai wHllei li Ru alan , v .... ? ' ?? . .;.:.:i ..f ..I,- !?!? a Was a of i .,-,,. .;..? lea He a u l r. d i . . . ??.'?? wavlm .... . M me alntei ? ? ? -? ' ? ; ha>.ker? and brok. i - ?> ? i ? " if :!.. li mptatlon .? ? k to Ihe . ii ii. idded lh< Inforn l ..... i :; Tl en hi *ai down g hl , . ? if- ,\f;-r lhal ? ? a .- ever) Ut tl* whlli he brok* o.ul ,lc, ri and brok* ra! IJkfi atrong! Inqulr) ha al II falled lo ahow where i.n the yel hr)*..nth?*muma rame from, Then muat have ;.,.,, ioo.i.f them. for nearly ever) parader wore v . ,:?? i who baa nothlng i" do excepi n ihe Intereal of the money he apenda haa ln ed In .. little* Itgurlna. whlch reaulted In .how Ing ihai If all Ihe yellow rhryaanlhemuma w..rn In ?>..? Ida parade I een pl i ? 'l aldi by alde they n ,u 1,1 :.,...- mada a llne over ala mllea lona. H<* .1,,. , thl* b) allowing fo ir Inchea braadlh t> en-h t!.,w-r Kouf multlplled t'V 101.000 Is 810.801 Imh"*. . arh i. dtvtded i> iaa number of feet !? , mlle, makea aomethlna over *la mllea, All of a . ? .ii ihere la employmenl for all w#o re ,,!?. dealre tt .; ii ,n\ 41 i. .c haa taken th.- iroubte t.> correcl ii... publlahrd iri ..rr. t atatement thal he waa tha .i if thi Cloah ind B ill dlvlalon of Ihe pa i,,i.. .,!. laal Batcrday, and lo aay thal Captain A. ii it. ? ? waa thi maral al of ihe dlvlalon Th- r . ? ? ? .r. aa ??? r? h< Id a meetlng yea-tei i.y ,r ? 11 , .? ? ? a i b ?? Her fi m Oener il Horan P.irtei i i i of Baturday'a aound >!, nu \ ;.-.. '.. araa rea 1 i :.,?. [hi ??? ip| inlt) after the p .ra l? Ol rh i- ,..-. .. Mi *.'? lt., . .? .i i .-' .? : M ? ?? A.a latl n ? \j." -- rr.v a ir.ur*-.. r, of thi p dlee on that i ind mi '? ?; ippn nlon of ihi nughl) ,t,imi! iidi i ave never ae< ? foi - .p pe.r I ????..!. ? ? <*? ln ii: ? ? Ith Ihe Chlef of P >. I ' in l ? . ? I wlth Ihi l i'i iltlea pre .. i, aml ready lo ? ?pei ..??? ??' the i-Xti ??? preparai I ?: :n..k ng i he march of ao irai i ?* ? mi :i iu ?--; il N..t wlth.tai.dlng the long ? lurlng whleh the p tn?*'i w. ?? i., ? i duty, .n l :'.. del ite ia*k wh .nf nted them ih. y were patlei ?* It waa a conaplcuoua pi . ?' ' the up ? 1. II ?? . lln. .i i iduci haa, I all our dtlxena wlth li r.I con fldei ? ln ? h ? i'i lency o'. th< f..r ?<? Prealdenl i; eveli i l hl i:**a*uee agreed that tha poll - arranaemei ta were a Imli ibl. "Tha Chlef, ihe lieputy Chlef | \ ? ... | ? r? tor McCullagh an io be impllmi ?.??."?-, lideni rem irked ' Th ? nn ii ri m< ? areri perfi i i rtrlghl ind Mei 'ullagh hand ed thi li end* well A.l the polln l. I arell, h n . rtrlghl and \l ? 'ullagh .1.i \ ? apeelal prala. " iftei ? ? m - '' mmli >n< r u ..?.???. u ?< nl f .r ' i' ii ?? . i ? iuty < 'io : i ? ii rlghi ind \ i na ln apector McCullagh and compllment. I them f..r thelr norfl ? OENERAL PORTER COMPLIMENTED. WILUAM F <? 8HANK8 PATfl A TRtRLTB TO TME M.\N \.;i MI.NT OF BATVRDAT'fl PARAOkC rVllllam F ''. Bhanka, the K.lit..r of "Tha Dally Bond Buyei waa muc i pleaaed by the managemenl of the greal parade ol Baturday. He wrote the fol? lowlna leltei lo O. leral Horace Wn^r. tha grand marahal ..f tha oarade, and recelved the appended reply N a tork, Nov. mbei 2. iy:?; My Dear Oeneral: I was forr.biy rem nded by your BH ?: parada on Baturda) ..f Quartermaater>Omieral delga i;i .ii of the battle of Chattanooga, arhere you aei ? .1 under Orant, .<^ "tha beat-dellv -r. .1 bati.f the w.-.r " four parade was rerialnly ;h* be*t-dlreeted .-i.isinK* feaiure ..f h>- very beai-direeted polltlcal campatan I have evei *et-n, four managemenl ..f auch an army of IBJ.000 nnn or more .now* ihe i>-? nc11. ..f tha Uiorough mllUary irainlnJl you ha.l under Thomaa ani Orant. Vou are. ..f eourae, proud of your iut..r?. an,l thoae of ua who knew vou when under th-ir tutel ige ai. to-day proud of thelr pupll. Two greal opportunltiea ..f iik- character awalt y.ii .- the apting. l*ou shouid be aelected now to in,.r.,.ii ihe meiropolltan boata al Ihe dedlcatlon of Orant'* monument. and the Natlonal army whlch will parade at McKlnlev'a Inauguratlon. I beg agaln, aa an old frlend, to congratulate you. ,? ._1.. l?' 1 1 1 1 , \, 1 ? , ? O I 1 . v- ?.*-. urs truly. WII.I.IAM I'. ii. BHANKB. Nw-V.ik City, November 2. IBM, My Dear Mr Bhanka: i am more than nappy te r.dve auch kind worda ..f congratulatlon frnm an old war frlend i trled to apply :?? the parade ..ll the "trtcka ol ihe irade" whlch we learned many yeara agu under auch tutora as you mentton. I. of eourae, f..|t som- anxlety untll ihe laal moment aboul niov Ina on achedule ilme wlth I&000 undlaclpllnod men, bul we came oui ail rlghl lu tl.nd 1 ?ppreclute your auggeatlona aboul future tasks. bul I am noi hankerlng after any more auch dutlea, Thanklna you m.irc th.m I can expreaa for your kindiii*? and thoughtfulneaa in wniing me, I am, \ery truly youra, HORACE PORTEH K ILLED HY .IV KLEYATED EXI' A PAINTEB CRUailEO TO DEATH OM THE TRACKg Wrlghl Peeka, Bfty-flve yeara old, of No I.WI I'ark-as.-.. w..s killed on iii- tracka ..r tha Nlnth av- elevated rallroad yeaterday mornlng at %:ao O'clock II- was iiiiployiil OO th- road as a palnter, and al Ihe tlme of the accldenl ln* was movlni north Blong ihe centre track. The expreaa traln waa movtng south at tha euual rata of apeed it. ihe r.i-ii boura of lha mornlng, and atruck Peeka *quare on tho body, breaklng the bonea iu plecea .mi thrawlng thi* man high ln th- alr. ii-,th araa In.t.ntaneoua. iinth tlcaet-choppera at the Blxty-alxth-at. wttneaaed Ihe iccldent, ..- .n.i man] if the crowd ..f i.ple congregated on i.oih pbxtforma waltlng for tralaa Tha body was picked up i.\ ihe rallroad employea and carrled t.. .. nearby drugatore, to whlch an ambulance wa* called from Rooaevell Hoapltal, bul the aurgeon found ih- man was dead when bfl arrlv-.l. The body w..s taken to the B7eal Blxty-elghth-aL i...iic.. *ta lon The eagtneer of tbe earpreaa traln, Cbarlea ... Caryl, ..f No BB rVeat One-hundred ai d-tw-i,:y-f.,nrth-st . was arr-stcd by th- rVeal Slxiy-. Ighili-M. pollce, and at onca s.-nt down 10 th- Coroaer'a ofTlce Peeka wau ? Orand Army man and a Peeaater. The englneer, when taken to the Coroner'a offlce, aald tliui liu had aeen 1'Yeka on the truck and A carcful boiling down sbowi tliis rcsult: no matter what to-day'a politi eal outcotne, we still sliall liavc M Kood riothea, sln.cs, batsand fnrnish inpJ as we know how to ,,'ot; :it as low pricea aa right qoality and work will allow. BTORBfl CUX8ED TODAT AT 1 ori.Oi'K. ROOBBR, PBBT & Co. Triti. * ar..i Broedafay. Warre'n an-l Uroadwa1 Thuty aecond and Broad vn> ^;-^\.!:!:;:,tnf'b,:1;1t^,-:'l,,iUr,^ nr,rvl!s"rotn,r,was',r.,-.,,.ly klltad in NaW-JaT ? v ??v a !-,ar.y i-oa.hmai. who a few houra after S.-V . ward eommltted aulclde. HOME XEWB. PROMINENT AHIUVALS AT THE HOTBLS. CAMBRIDOE -Antonlo Laao Arrlaga. Quata malan Mlnl.ter al Waahlnator.i. and Iaaaci H. Blauffer, of New-Orlenna. PIPTH ^VENLB Mrs. Btanley Matthewa. of Waahlngton. Q***" rieneral O B. WlllcOK. Of Wasl,l,.g...n. D U HOPPMAN Colonel Danlel B. ';''",""/\f"|" ',y of war. HOLLAND Mr. .....l Mra. J. M. Ban ... of London NEW-AMBTERDAM Blahop C. Kln tocfc Nelaon. of Oeorala. ^^^t^S^Aot K. Waahlngton. of Tenneaaeo. ?w*_^_^7wm of CtnclnnatL ? WHAT IS fJOINO ON TO-DAY. Vote for MeKlnley and Bound Money! Putla open from ?'. B. m. to .. p, tn Morrta Park racaB. I p. m. HUrh Bcbool-Paclflc Athletlc Club gamee. Eaatern Park, Mrooklyn. K a m. New-Yort HlatoHcal Boelety. Eleventh-at and Se, ond-ave., I p. m. Ornnge-Ellaahetti football game. orange. N r. m. Clllaena1 Cup blcyele race, Preeport Rlvaratda Wheelmen blcyele racea. Outtwbura. Iroquola Wheelmen racea, Hudaon Couaty Roule rard. Orange Cycllata' racea, Irvlngton-Mlllburn courae. Harl-m Wheelmen road race, Waal Cheeter. New-York County Wheelmen, Cllfton traek, Patchogue Wheelmen racea, Patchogue. Klnga County Wheelmen, Wllson trophy, Merrtck Road. -?, .- ? NEW-YORK CITY. Qeneral Thomaa T Eckart. presldent nf the Weatern ITnlon Telegraph Company, said yeater? day "The eontract baiween the Weatern L'nlon Compan) and tho Amerlcan Bell Telephone Com pany eaplrea on November Ift Thare have been no atepa looklng to Ita r. newal " Beveral aulta brought by the New-York Llfe In .. and True! Company against Jamea M Watcrbury and Chauneey Marahall have been dla eontli.d ln the Buprem. L'ourt Tbe *ulta wera ,,, T.ver ?'..??? a on notea, which have alnce l ? n Mttled and pnld joaeph C. Ryan, Itabta regtater eli rk ln tha Cora mlaaloner of Jurora' ofBca. al HJN b year, reeelved notlre on Baturday lhal hla eervloea would i?> no loturer requlred He w-ns a Tammany holdover. and >,.,.! b. en ln the oBlce f..r flve yenra He la a nephew of ea-Commlaaloner of Juron Oeorge Caulfleld and of ea-County Clerk william A. But ler -? l>r VAl FOR QrARTRRNASTER-QEXERAL. The rrk b Ii of Ll< atenant Hora. e C Du Va;. Niniii Company, Rh Reglment, hav.- atarted a boom for hlm whleh may reaull In glvlng hlm th.- of Rrlgadler-Oeneral neat January Accordlng to reporta whleh were elreulated yeaterday a strong . rr..rr wlll be made to ?? .-ar.- ihe appolntmenl of Ueutenanl Du Val to the pla..f Qu irtermaater Oei -rai on lhe ataff of Oovernor Bla k Mr l>u v.ii's frienda aay thal bis twenty-flve yeara' aervlce In the Natlonal Quard and hla f.imlll arity with tha requlrementa ..f the ofll re and hla peraonal popularlty wlll mak. hlm i atrong indl? dale Mr i>u Val waa .i--ke.i aboul hla candldaey f.r lhe place and aald: "Thli la tha flral l have n< ird ai...ut li. and if any of my frlei have apoken for me it w..s done wlthoul my knowledge What I ;,,.,, in,i.r |nter< '.l In lual non la the electlon of M Kinley an I lllaek." iniong thoae who have occupled the place for wiii.i. Mr Du Val la belna urgi I wen Uenerala cheater A Arthur, Pranklin Townaend and Charlea P. l-..i.-t.>ti N'lota Announ^.aifiii*. E & W. a n*w Coliar. NtOtaV MA /i7.\ E IX TEL LIOEXCE. MiMATtiu: ALMAKAC ?=nnrla-8__ Buae*1 I M M-.n rl?*s a rn 4:38 Mo. Ta aa* 2. nniii u a 11:1: TO i'AY. am aaady HooB B:2_;Oov. Icland 5:44 il*n* : :i: l'M Si.n.iv ll'?.k BJUiOov, laland ?>?'.' Hall Oal* 0* IXCOlllXG 8TEABER8. TO-PAY. Yattt\ From. I.m* Oltle....?,..~.I'i n.'-'. "t U .B/lleoB i,-) Sud .???.?fea Orleana, Od 2".Btorsan Powhatan...OBiraltar, ".-t ii?.Med .* N 1 M ? .Ilremen, 0 I 24.N >; l ? Mifaii.lppl.l. ii,|.-ii. Ocl '.'?-'.\'i Tran* X?ordland.Antwerp, "-t 24. Red Star WEDNE8DAY, N'OVEMBEB 4. Ki ra .-a- ,n ' I i"-1' iw, ' I t 24.Allan Bl lt* Coneho.flalveaton, Ocl '.'s .Mallorj THI BBI vv Nt)VEMBER 5. .Itr.-m.-i. ".-. 21 .N <; 1,1.nd 1. <i-i 23.Brlalol citr .dull. Ocl ?:-'.vril* n . tllbraltar. 1 >? t ?."-'.tnehor .Jarkaonvllle, No* '.. l>.Ir Trav*. W.lli nty ,',,!..1,1... \ I, toria AlK . l.|.nn OVTOOIXQ 8TEAUER8. TO-DAT, Va?aa| fOt t_B* Malla r|naa Yeaarl aalla. Har.l Breraen. N ?' Uovd .T:08am lOrOSaaa Fl N.'.rte N.-w Orl.-ar a M. BM) p Rl .'ity .f Auguata. Bavaaaab, Bavaanah ? tsBOpai WBDNEBDAY, NOVEMBBB 4. Bl Loaia Bouthamptoo, Amerlcaa? IMia ia_B)am Bouthwark, Antwerp, Red Btar . 7:" BriBan Blberian OIbbbuw. Allan-Htata . Nor Win.lwurd laland*, yuebec. 1:00pm 8:0U p nt Teutonlc, laverpooL Wiilta Btar.8:00am IBKWm s.-n-.-n. Havaaa, Ward . inipn i':un.i.a. lal i' ltrd I?.II..N>am IXBipm rii*r..k.-. .' .'l>.le. B.IWpm Alamo, Oalvaataa, Hallory . - Bawpm THUR8DAT, NOVBMBBB B A. Vlt.rlii. 1 Iiii.i-.ii_-. Ilaiiib Ain.-r. . 4:.?>iim 7 ihi it m nri:i,,... Bairmuda, yuebec. 1:00pm S:ia)pm v.ini. 1:00pm S:00pm Bi M.nt*. N-w Orleana Margaa. 8:00pm BBIPPIXQ KBAT8. POBT ni" HEW-TORK MOHDAT, KOV. ?.'. isihi. AJtRIVED, Bteamer Bovle IBr), loaaa Uverpoal October z\ with ind** tn 11 MaliUnd K.-.a.-N. Arrlved ... tb* iiar *i ,-\:ii. " Bteamer B4a4* of Oallfomla IBr), w wa, Olaagew Octo b.-r 22 and M.0 ill" 28. wlth mdae, TL' rabln and Ts ateer i.k* |i..r.?".ia.'.'a t.. Henderaon Hl*. Arrlved al th* Bar nt ... a in Bteamer Chaater ;>utti.i. Rnyaen, Amaterdam October 17. in ballaet t.< C H lUiadebroek. Arrlved al tbe Bar ut .1.. in rit-Hm.-r I'ltve .Un. Heeli v. Leghora o.-t,,b.-r 11 a*_ ? II .11,1 Ni.|ilei, 18, with imls.-. ii .iiiin ?,?| (1|,( attarnga |.?h. iiK-1? 10 \Yltli> A i'?, Arrlvad ni Ui- UI I, I. I I sia.nii.-r l-'ul.lii lOerl, I. t. rii-.inn. tj.-n,,,, Octobei 23 nn,: r.ii.iBlt.ii :4. with .11 ls.-. 4<i , 1.11,1 213 *imi_m pa?na*r* ... ...iriiiia _- i',.. Arrlved ..t th* i:.,r ui bIw i> in B4*amer ...rinthln ilin. Kobarta Bareeloaa Beptember 16, Denla October 11. Tarragona B, Almera u and Ulbraltai IS, with imis,- t., itu.-b.-r A r... Arrlved al tii^ Bar al 12:10 ? .... Bteamat i'm ot KlaaMoa .ttn. Nlekeraoa, Maaeiaal Ociobei 28, Rlo Nuava '.'.'., Oracabea* 'J.;. p_rt Marla 2; ?uii in.iac in thr Anwrteaa Prull Uoaapaay, Arrlved ut ih* Bar ui I2:IU ,. m B?a**a, Btevena Taaapleo Ootofeat B) an.l Havaaa '-"... wlth md*. and tne paaaengar* to Jamea K War.l A r... Arrl\.-.l al tl..- Bar Bl A 0 111. sirmiHT .'.ihrnilu. Itiak, from Hriinaw I. k, Oitobrr 30, wlth* an.l paaBenBBIB to '' II MHllory A (.',>. staamrr Roaaoke, li....*. Nearpori Newa aad Norfolk, wlth tn'.. and puaaen_.ra lo U1U l>.mmlon 8* Co, ijaaaaa^at In thelr greatly enlarged show rooml on Second Floor, have now ready for sale a MOST EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT of LADIES' CLOMS of all descriptions. Marked at Close Margins. 18th St.. 19th St. and Sixth Avenue. HOPE'S FINE CH0C0LATE5, Flfty Centa a Pound, delivered Free :n 11. s. 41 Kassau St., N. Y. City. RPECIAL MENTION. SPBNCEK'B F? H C T A C I? El oa lil'F, GLAB8EI IM*V*T?R* O* AUDCMAIR Opera, Flald. Ba.-lna f.laiaas. Fi-eajrtptCa. 5fv'aarilaaa. Ail. rrtln-mrnti ndnillleil Into theae e?l iiiuna nre reeommended to the reader. af thi: Tltliit ae mm IBaaaaaBly rellnble. aad bualneaa "nu be ilone hy inull wlth tho ad? verllaera vtith perfeet aafety. Tbe largest assortmeat cf Stalionery Goods Iin th: City at EACH'S. B&o NassauSi.. N.Y. Over 500 numbers ?>' STEEL PENS Esterbrook's, Oillott's, Perry's. Spenceriai, liaacs, Tadella, ftc &c. OUR AIM fo naake tbe FERRIS ~? (ei Broadway, Tfia FINEST ?8*B?u,waJr? 723 Sixth Avenue,, TheThos. J. Stewart Co pARPET CLEANSING. ahe Storajje Warehouae* and .Movinu Vans. ns. RKoiDiiir, 4. r. l'.'3?.|IM)KOUI>iV..H,kir?. I.rl* * ith M.. J*r.*r I "f ? TelephofM Cocmectiona. SUNDAY ' TRIBUNE 24 TO 32 ?AGES. faaaaaWtl fce m\if bnillant rartetv atvl rl vai '.:>? of ''? r.t*nta. -*.hil. Clean. dif nlf1*d an 1 i are, 5 Centa a Copy. Th- eBrealattea haa gr*.?i |y In.-r-n.""-! .:il lt l? . better adrertletaf i!uin arei Bteamer Kaaeaa CHjr, FlaB?er, savann^h. with mdee . ??,..., i (., Orean 8a Co, ,.r El M..r. Mea Ortaaaa. wB? mri? t? '' .,',.,.V'l'j.r ,*..' \v .;v :.?. laaraa*. a.rlaaaaa, with rr. - ind I i ?-? ???:? r? to Wllliam V I'lvdo .V ?'?'? UriK t'arlr Montfon.ery. TruaUla IB l-iv*. ?-*? m.'.ae 'li! "'"'v":ni'.. Bov. 2. ?:* P- m.-Wind waat. Ilght alr; rleer. CUCAHED. - - ithwark (Brt, Bfloe*. Aaiaiia laiaiaaigagaj r% . p...--. Ckarleatea aad 1bBibib?BB8 Bteamer i ity of*: n. Btcaera n. Part aataaaa, Ja? \ , *.:,'; i.g..,. Jamea. Dover. F.-.giani-G^pl er Havo: (Oer). /anga*. Breaaaa. vta Southamrtoa ' c ?'."' I Aogaata. Dagaaat, BaraaaiB OraaflJ me- Oebenam (Poft). Vorrm. Cor*. Iretaaa? simp n.-.n Bpence 8 ^ aiag, ,, ,. ? -? *r Oeneral Whltner Rak*r. Boaion -H I ???"-*?? >? luyandotte, Wtlkir. Xorfolk aad Beflraatt Baeaj l Darie, Bewpori Sfewa aad BUCtaaaflaa ril4 :>-?.. :i Ba C , u ? u n ......; oeorgte (Br). Thoaipeow, Uvatpeai?ai ? **r itteamer Patrta iBr). Dalae, Marastllaa and KafaaB-* Vt'".!!-: -? 1....1-'.'.... s iirlmmr*''*.?Infri-atl.inal ' mA'mar'ritona iBr), brlgat, afaatertdao. mttmm afiflBj .>t, n A 8on. ..... ,_, ti- m sr.itii.r lieaefacter, Towaaaad, PhM ??'???? phia?w w 1 .Ba'k a'.'-?.!-.?'.? r UvrtrM (Kort, Haareeoa, Brtaaaaa H ' ', | .?.'lvi-^..' ijugai la, Mbbbiii raaaa. The Cuat'om Houae wlll be oeea Bovemhar 3. 8 Ba u> ,?. m. for entranca and rle.raa a of r.88 la BAJUCO. Stenrr.Kr* Oevenam tPort). f r rarh: s.-mlnola rhartea t,.r and Jwk*onvU'.e. glohmend. Bewport N??* *nd ri, hmond (Qerl. n*8at.las THB M'lVllMKNTS i r STKAMKRB. rORBIOB POBTg : ntaaaati Beaadta lOer), Kaeha, fi am N>w-T.*.rk Octo btr 17 for Oenoa, paaaed ?:n r.iU.i- uetoeer aa si...,? i \euai la iKrt. from K?? rort .VoUer 17 t r Maraellte* and a'apM* PMyad fap* aaagaa Oaaa b!8U?uaat llllrlB Uaatt. Hartelek. [J-%222? 2Zr\\mZ :t. rla airgentl, for Bea fork. paaaaaj uHBvaBar Bavasa "?guarner Aehea o:r, HaahMya. fraaa H^Teia Oate t,..r ??! f.,r Hr'nicn mneed I rn?l>' l ? '."l .>.M'iiii"r i. "?:?'r ?;'.'?'. ' ?,.,,,, Uttllei fron. Bea v rk Oeta i... Si i- Piu i ii ? i..?-.1 Pr.*.* l' ',,; N' vwnber i. "^SJK Kii lltr. Bunier. frj-m Ken \orh ^^U1 ^elmaV'^^Hleeaeyen5: Vr^BrVaN. for ^J??r?{\X!rm.VXo4M ireaa liaag Beag for SH**eamer" KwttfTo*ri. Xlerleh, aaBad Bnaa BagBBfl for N<" .m..k OalSeo* .'l'l'.tgt. BrallhwaHf. ??il?d from BBB Jar^mer?rM.rS B^eST^."'iraBB lUnitnir,,. aalM . "'' i .. . i '.,- \.-? Vork 31. m'.'.,!.,:'i Maiaii .i irr>, VaTrlae. aaaad Bnaa BtiniBBaB ' i^tean7eVYM?BKtota iBrl. ? -. BBBBd BWBi lUml.urg for Ns" .me? Italbt'iOeVi rtoHUh. aaBai Baai Baadaa for NXYmer K?al*!JJ'"wilhelM II iOort. II 4T48Baaai fn.? ?.' \ i *. ?? ,i ie li urrlved al il?'ii'-a Octontf %v*. N^:,;:i.^-'<->V..|,:,r(ir,:..N.-? fartl OMfltflg .ii '?? :'"?:;;;;', ^ ;ir"i^ .?-?".: "from Vaaeaavaa ,,;T:,.:.','"sr. rla^Oeaolala. awtvad -t s>Jn,y. M 8 Bf, Oo ' '" ' :"- .. ,.,,.,,,. ,|iri luiM. fr.n.i N*? Y.rk i>,-iob*e IBjrrSved .iHam^^San! froBi Bew-Torli OaBB m. iin.-i i-i m ut. ix-r-i. ? November l. ?? , i. >""''",;, ..'.,,,.?,. ,Kn. Baudetoa, fr..m Nrw YorB Bteamer .-? Havre November '.'. h et^'afonli*aii iHr). Hooh, from Kew-Terft <x-tob*r 14 artjrad "'/r^".^'"^.-^ from Bea TerB fjaaaket M...U11. ? ? l.,.,M?,| .\ ivembtr '.' '? ""'"' , itata V Nebrarta iBr). Browa, froaj Eeea rorbTo't.i.'r Si '" Oaaaaew. Brrlved al Blevtu. Bevaaa ]"Z i icr Parala ?!'''' BjllaW. far Beaj Y.>rk. *?ii*d trom K?Sm?r 'odSSwI foer). VuaiBjuaag. frjm BM TflaB . ?'. . . ariivi-.i ^.i Olbralur Norember t. ^ ^SL\VrSuZm ?"'???">. Dj, vne*. M N*w-^<*?. ,";;;k.-::?.,. latoa iBrt. M?n. for Bea Y..rk. aaaad from ''J;::;;i^ luad.'}? W^?. H-l-e. from S.w-York. ? . "guUr'aEi foaT^.-* ? S^ Tork* aai:?d Uvm Gibraltar .\ov?mb?r a. . f^?>