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AWAITIXG THE VERDICT. FUPLIC INTEREST AT A HIGH PITCH !N CH1CAGO. iaajiBirfirMiiini to Dnrnuat'Ta thb kbwb M"RE OOBfPLBTtf THAN BVBB -I'HAIK MAV JONf.S S r.l.LN'DER -MORF. -roix nunrgarg activitt. [BT TEL-SGRAPH TO THE TRIEI'XK 1 Cbkagc. WOY. 1?Oa the eve of th" electlon. vlth the work of the campalgn Chlca g-.'has feltlef" down in exprctatlon of to-mor roW's resulta with a confldence whlch e/oold be aeifena were it not for th- great laauea Bl stake. lt Would not be true to Hay thOre is an absencc of nervouaneae. The alarminr paaaabllltlea Ut reaVed ln Bryan's aanfaaa are ever preaent. and ,iof untll the vctea have haaa ?"?>unted and dc rhayed win the bualneaa world l.reatho freely. The trnelntBB men of ChUago ar? to-dav in the P'?8ition of the roaq who is, about to ur.defgo a surglca! -.peration. tbe su.'.-es* of which is prac tlcglly assur'ed. but ln which th'e slighte--t slip of the vurgeon'a knif-- meana death. He baa eonfl der)c? in the aurgeon, hc knowa there la no rea? aon for alarm. and yt he approaches the i\ Ith a noXv*OUJUkWI tb'H tannot tuUr.cb' b'ww .-eale>d. Hur'mVss men nrc ready to wager almost any amount on McKlnley's nic.-ss. but th'-y will all fcel k great Iraad lifted fmm th- Ir niinds when lt ia dtflnirHy ae-tiled. rilAIR.MAN JwNKS'g BLTKDKB fhalrman Jonea has made a great tactical hlunder ln the laat daya af the campaign. He baa Issued a flnal bulletln in nlch he claima the electlon of bla randidato with a ruargln of only ihir'.y piertorel vot. s. The loaa of any three of len Statea he. clalms. wl.lch ar<? also positlvely clalmed by:tb* i^epublican maungere, wlll mean defeat for his man. Hla gravest blunder is ln placing ln the deabtfol column llllnola wlth Its twenty-fnur rotaa. Uttnois from Ihe beginnlng of the flght has been held by both partiee to be the plvotal State. To admlt now that It ls doubt ful ia praeMically. to encede it to the oppositlor.. and the I^rnocrats who have haaa bnnking on the aftuteneaa of.Chalrman Jones are atnazed at what he haa done. It le an abandonment of the flght ?>efore the knoogout blow haa been def4.1t. Jones has been soundly berated for it by Altgeld, who long ago abandoned hope of Bry an'a BuecesB, but who has been kceping up a felnt \of. courage. in the desperat* that he mlRht himself run so far ahead of the tlcket as to snatch success from the gerierAl wreck. Altgeld Issued a bulletln this af? ternoon in which be says Illinoia will go Oemo ? ?ratle by 00,0110. but too late now to correct the blunder, too late for a new prediction. POPULAR INTBRBBT IN THE RF.SULT. The lntereBt in the result throughiut the city Is Intense. It far surpasses anythlng that has mmXed previous campaigns. It naches into eygry clrcle of soclety. Men who have been Indiffeient and llstlesa all thelr lives are roused now for Ihe flrst tlme to a sense of their re aponslbillty as citizens. Never before has the result of an electlon been awaited wlth such fevertsh Interest. The preparations for dis tributlng returns to-morrow night are without precedent for eompleteneaa. Hitherto the newa paperB have been diattibBtlng cer.tres. and the newepaper bulletins bave had a monopoly of the -rnwds. This year the telegraph o.mpanles have arranged to aervr 350 other plACea witb speelal wlres. "The Chioago Trlbana" has en ffared the great Coltaeum. where the Demo .ratlc Convention was held. The Auditorium wlll be served with Weatern luion bulletins from th" plattorm. and thousnnds wlll be BC ? ommodated indo.-rs in this way. Bulletins wlll be posted at all thr headquarters. at the thea tres in the saloons. in restaurants. halls and churches. But most slgnifioant of all. and ll luetrating better than anythlng else the man ner in which this Interest has penetratod the aocial fabric. is ihe fact thal wlres will be run Into no less than Jim pcivate houses. Chlcago has tnvented a new fad. Many of the "swellest hotjaoB ln the clty will entertaln "loop partles to-morrow night. the feature of which will be the reception of election returns. The demand for services of this kind has been BO sreat as to exhaust the facillty of the telegraph cotn paniea. MORETON KBKWKX'a ANT1CS. lt would be a pi y to allow this campaign to pass Into history without commemorating the achlevements of one who has been a valued ally af the Democratb; managers Moreton Frewen, the Engltsh bimetallist. who clalms an Interest ln things Amerlcan. because he marrled an Amerlcan girl, has been a consplcuous flgute here for weeks. He has associated exclusivel> wlth Chalrman Jonea and his asristants; has dined wlth them at the Auditorium; has fre nuented thelr headquartera; has issued letters and lntervlewB Ui bchalf of free silvtr. and ha? burdericd the cables wlth predtctlons of Bryan a aucccSB. whlch have doubtless been rated at ihelr trua va'.ue bv the London public. to which thev were addiessed. and whlch. by this time, muat be more familiar with Frewen's callbre than those who have watched his a;itlcn here. Perhaps th? moat extraordlnaty thing this Kng llsh gentleman has done was to interrupt a meetlng ln the Auditorium. which Theodore Rooaevelt waa addrefcsing. He roae in the mld dle of the audlence. after one of Mr. Roosevelt a statements. and began to put questions to the aueaker Mr. Roosevelt came back at hlm wlth . ompletenesa, and rofralned from con.mentlng on the improprlety of an Englishman presuming io Interrupt an American politlcai meetlng, the extent of whlch can better be gauged by trying to Imagine an American gentleman puttlng con troveralal queatlons to an Knglish speaker ln elmllar clrcumstances. But Prearen la a minor lncldent of the campaign. THE DMTQOOD8 (IJ B's work CL08ED. KEHOLl'TIONS ADOPTED AT THBUB LABT NOON MaarxiBO. The Wholcaale Dry Gooda Republlean Club held thelr laat noon meetlng of the campaign at their headquartera. No. Z'm Broadway. The followlng reaolutlona. presented by .lohn A. Beach, of Tefft. Weller &. Co . were adopted: ? Whercua The Wholesalc Ury (Joods Repubttean Club ln the memorable campalgn now cloatng. has a?m demonatiated ita loyalty to the great pnncl 2Je* of the Republlean pariy In the advocaey of a Sund currency. the protectlon of American trSaTand good wagea for i\? American workiag m\Vhereas ihe candldatea of tbe laerahUean aartg. th?, Hortonii le Wllliam McKlnley. o< Ohlo, and par ret A* Hobart. ot New^eracy, beat lyplfy ihew lofty V whlr^aa *\n the prosccutlon of tbe Important ?Ark nf the club lt is .-roper that the uiiilrlng ef forS of ita activc w ke's ahouM reoetva ntting llr^r^:th. Honorable WUItam L. Btrong, areM dent of the cluh. haa atldeil strengih la the cajtM by ihe um, of ais nam... as weU aa valuable aaala - ance by his actlve efforts. and Mr. W illlani B. I- uli. t. nrat vlce-preaidc-nt. h;.s devoted ao much tlme and itdVlllgenl care to the work of the cluh, prrtleularly ln ihe preaentailon of apeaken and to wliom ln an "ceptlonal manner ihe aucceaaful work of the club a diie- and Mr. Andrew Jacoba. the BecreWry of he cTuh. haa so ably and aathd^etorlly dlBctorged the Important dutles of lhat ofBce; and Mr. < hiiries II WeU. chalrman of tne gbMOUttve < ommlttee, aad Mr. Leonard Paalaon, jr. chalrman of tbe BluaV Commlltee. upon wliom haye devoKed \er, ImDortant executlve, llnani-ial and mualcal dutlea. ^^.ccompliahment of whlch they have been eo emlnently auccaakful; and Mr. Seth M. Biiiiiaen, S and hla courteous ajslstatit. Mr? Meaerye. andthe followitia memners of th^ Bxecutlve orn rnlttae: Mr. Jamea M. Wenta, Mr. P. Bradlee Btrona. Mr Morris May.-r, Mr. Arthur T. Sulllvan Mr. K. (' ilovey. Mr. Wllllam Harbour. Mr. M. F. Daklu. Mr Albert V. Hall aml Mr. .1. C aTckonek, whoae ekthUBlastle efforts have coalributed so largely to ward the aucceaaful completion of our work and Whereae. Captada Younx. of the Slxtfai Preelnet. and hla officcra. who have been atert and ready to melntain order at our orowde<l dally nvetings; and Wnereaa. m?r fellow-elMten* who have noi here tofore afflltated wih ns politlcallr. fut who have ome noMv forr.-ard to a*sls' ua by thelr and Bnanclal support. ln helplng to malntaln the Natlonal credll nnd Natlonal honor; nnd Whereas O.r.eral Horace Torter. grand marahal ef irhVIrnislnesa Mra'e Faepde of Baturday. Oeloher B ftrfTf WlaUm K V\>hh, marahal of the Dry Oooda Dlvlalon. hav brought to a glortously suc jaauL?J"i_-. "- J1- -J-L--3t Bhould be ip evi-ry famlly medkine-* e%*iA- ana *.rer/ -| traveller 8 grlp. - They are Invaluaba* ^haa. tbavatomacAl la out "Sf orfYef* .u're headache. blilouanees, and adl llver troublea. Mild and efflclent. 25c, Pills Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELECANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of refinemeti* for over a qaarter of a <?entury. eeaafal caaKtandea tha aaoat Imeeelng demonstrntion eeer witnesse.i in our country; therefere, be it Reaetved, Th;.: the lhanka or the B/aoleaale >r> i;ofda Itepuhllcaii ?'lub be tendered to the preeiileiii nnd efflcere of tbe club, and 10 our patrlotic fellow cltlaana above menikmed, who have ceatrtaatea so loyally to its suecess. -a WOBK1XQMEX FOR WK1XLBY. AM. SCHKMKS TO MAKK THEM DKSKRT THK RBPUBL1CAN PARTt PA1I* To-day th- peoreet wwWiajaaan will go to the r dla aad eaal a rote wbl. h wlll ba as valuable an.l as pewerful ln accompltablng a purpoa as tho rate ot th- rtebeal aan In Ihe land. Ia thta clljr h leaai evefj warklngnaan who haa a rote aml can get to th- poUa wlll eaat it for tha candldatea ef Hla cholec. Thera baa beea muob tulk ln th -ours. of the carapalaa aa ta how tba wortdngtneri or this city Wtll vote. The Hiyanite- al th- be ginnlna of the caaapalan cmlaaed averythtng ln ?tght and apaha conadently as ta the way work tngnien would cast th?ir ballot*. A numlwr of lahor leideta were nlso carrled away at flrst BV lhe rlamor and < nthnsiBsm of ? few m?-n ln bibor's tankj, nnd. b.-liiR anxlous to mar: h at tbe head Of the winnlng proeession. no mattor which slde it represenled. appHrentb.' iralors d the sentlments of tho rabtd Bryaattea. Oraduatly, however. BOber common-?ens- began to prevail. and th te abo- I-nders who at first abOUted for fr.e sllver cbanged th-lr viewv. Tha Brya He. then worked toolh and r.all to get organized btbor Into their ranks by tryln.: to tnduoa labor unionu to indorse th- Popocratlc . andl.late. and rlght h?-ro met thelr fir>t orusiii-ir defeat Bunday aft-r Sin day they attended the of tho .Vntrnl Labor Vnlon ln ClarendM Hall and ahootad long and loud for Bryan and frre sllver. They made motion after motion to have thls c.ntral body, whi-h represents som? sixty labor orKiirilzatlons In thls clty. and N afflllatel with othe;- central Iwdics all ever lhe country nnd ln Euroiie. to lndors ? fr, e s'lver and freesilver'? candidnt* a: 'but all tba mo tlons met overw helmlng defeat. The cfTnrts ef the Rryanltes to ttampede singlo labor unlons were not more BBOCaaafBl. Then Tammany Hall entered the fl, 1,1. The nn scrupulous an.l oxponenced polltlclans and wire pulkrs of thla notoiious orcranlaation wenl to work ln a different way from that adopte.i by the so ca'lr-d Bryanlta loaders In the ranks nf labor. Tam man's cohorts labored under the deluslon that the vote of erajantaed labor was to be bntight. Thev nomtnated J. K. Bauach, the aacratary of the Cen? tral Labor Union, for Coroner, and dld other thln?f? to capturo the labor vote; but even then they could gel no offlclal InderaeBaenl of Bryan an.l rree sll? ver. The worklngmen w.-re willing to ln.lors Bauacb, bul <irew tbe Bne riKht there. and rafuaad to jro a step further. At laal BBveral Bryanlta daaaaaearaea attemptori to hold meellnga ae-called warklngmeu'a meetiiiKs. where worklngmen could t?- perauaded to enroli themaelvea under the banner of fre- allver?bul tho me-tings reaulted in "froata." In the languag.- of on- of the worklngmen. the demagogues got "oold feet.*' and. finally, abandoned th- fl-ld ln disgust. Kven on the Fast Slde th- Mryanlt-s met no bet ler aucoaaa. M.-yer BcheeafeM, the loader or the r.ill.-.l clothlng tradea. oame oui flat-fooi-.l r<.r Me Kinley. and the tailors and ojouk-makers, It Is sar.i to predlct, wlll rr.llow him almost to a man. Attd so it bas ijone all over the clty. Tho sentl nieiif of a large majorlty of tlie nrganlzod work? lngmen is best summed up by one of th'ir num? ber. as follows: "Mr. Bryan is all rlght. and we think he is ain eere tn his fri-ndshlp for worklngmen. But we d<> not ajcre- wlth his vlews. We rannot stomach frve trade tutd free nilver. or elther of these doc trines. We feel sure that tha unlimited colnag- of sllver would not glve us more employment or In crease the purchaalng power of our wagea one cent. We know, from bitter expcrlenee, that when the prlee of eommodltles rlae. the eoramodlty of labor le the last to do ao, and that It never rtaea ln a proportlonate rate wlth that of other thlnga And aa for free trade, It haa rulned the home* of thousanda of worklngmen alrendy, and we wlll have no more of it. If our votea can prevent lt." It should tilao lw? remembered that ornanlzel labor ln thls clty only represents about 30 per cent of the total vote of worklngmen here, and that fully 70 per cent of tho vote of unorganlzed labor will be cast to-day for MeKlnley ar,d Hobart, sound money and protectlon to Amerlcan lndustry. FEW YISITORS AT BBADQl7ARTBR8. THE WORK OV THE CAMPAIGN ALL DONB BARLT - REPUBLICANS CONfTDBNTLT ANTICI PATINO VK.TOIIY There were few vlsltors at the Republlcan Na? tional Headquarters ln this city yeaterday, and the members of tho commlttee who had not jrone to their homes to vote aald that the work of tho campalgn was flntahed. They appearej to be eon tent and confldent of rlctery. Joaeph II. Manley sald: "My vote wlll not be net-ded In Muine, and I am paircd wMth a Uemoc-rat an.vhow Tho viciory for MeKlnley wlll be overwhelming." Qeaeral Pewell Clayton has no aapectatloo that can l>e carri-d for MeKlnley. ev-n lf the Democrats allow ail the Republlcan votes to bo counted. Ro he will i-maln ln the clty and not vote. Oenera! Osborne Is sure that his vote Is not aaedad ta Haaaachuaatta, and N. B. Beetl will ii at the headquarters until lhe reault of the electlon ls known. This evening the aaaabera of tba Na? tional Commlttee who ar- ln the city and some newspaper men wlll ba al the he.iili|Uiirl-rs lo r< cetve clecttea returna. i.ut oaly porsons bavtna lickets will be allowc.l to l>e preser;.. The Hepublican State h. a.lquarters ln th- 1'ifth Avenu- H.itf-1 WBTa deserted .\est-rda\, all tba aaemhara or the cemmtttea who iive out of th? clt.v havlng gone to their homes to vot,. It was sald tbat lh<- only dOUDt about the electlon ln thls Btate waa as lo tba slz- of MeKinley's ma? jorlt v. Al tba heiul.juarte, : of the Kepubllcan County commlttee.' in Weai Thlrty-aighth-at., ti.e leadera deciared that for th- flrai tha cit> of New-Vovk will gl^'' a majorlt) far tha Republlcan National ttcket, and th'y want to mak- the ma? jorlty as ta_rga as posslble. Ai iii- Popocratlc headquarters, ln ttie Hotoi Bartholdl, Mr. St. John ..nd aeveral other m-n wara ailll trving tp llyure out a vbtory for Bryan in this State. D< mo.-rats at the h.-anouart-rs of the Natlonal Demoeraey were also still persistiti); In advlca that all Democrats -diould vote for I'almer and Buckner as a means of defeatinjc Bryan. BOTH 8IDB8 f'l.AlU EEXTTCKY. THB l:KliitU''ANS APPEAR TO BB THK MORB iVj.NriUE.NT l.ouisville. Ky., Nov. 2.?The lndl-atioiia are that K-iitiicky will to-morrow cast tbe heavlest vote ln tha hlstory of the Stato. The rampa1?u managers for both paiiios express supreme eoi.tldence ln th result. .'halrmi.n Somtners, of tlie Free Sllv-r Democratlc ?'amp::iitn ''ommlttee. almlts that Bryan will lose bearlry In iiie Hiue hthss distriet. bat aaya that gains in a/eatern Kentucky v.ili more than offs.-t th-e loaaea, Twenty-nlna thou sand tlve hundreil and fourte-n ls Mr. Sommers's esilmate of Bryan'a plurallty outslde or Loulavllle, which be coneedea ... McKlnlay, wlth lha reaerva lion that the labor vot- r.i:iv develep great str. ngth for Bryan Chairman Boberts aaya l.'i.efo ls a rock-boltom eatlmata tor McKlnley'a plurallty, Neltbar side makea any new rlsims on the <'onicre?.? eontaata Colonel Brecklnrtdge ls golng to hav- a hard fight in the Vlllh Distriet. with the Chanoaa slightly In his favor. 'rhe weather ls clear and warm. with Indleailons of rair for to-morrow. -a AIL gfffiVfs FOR M'KIM.EY IN DEIAWARE. Wilnitngton. Del . Nov. t- The poiltlcal sltuatlon in Dtlawnte r.-mains unchanged aince Baturday. Slgns of eiowing Inlensl. however. are vislhle on every slde, nn.l tbe voters are awalHng tba reault anxlously. Democrata In a poaltlon to know admlt that th- Flgns polnt to a majorlty for MeKlnley und Hobart ln lhe State, and no estlmates go lidow 1 000. It ls belie\ed that the entlre Repub? llcan vote wlll be eaat for the Republlcan elec tor?. The reault on Congressmen rannot be pre dtcted. there belng four candldatea ln the Held. --?--; A XEWSPAPER E8TIAIATE OF KESTVCKT. Loulavllle, Nov. 2.-The poiltlcal edltor of "The Courtar-Journal" flgurea out McKlnley'a pluratlt/ ln Kentucky at 2.000. baaed upon prlvata Agurae of tha' Sllver Democratlc. and Republlcan chalrman of tbe eleven Congreaa Dlstrleta. H. w. pfflSKU'i\ CBBCK.8 MADE noon. Huffalo. Nov. ?.'.John H. i'lary, one or the pro prle'.ors of the (Jer.esee Hotel, who proeured lhe ar. re*t of Henry W. Cornell aeveral days ago on a .-harge of passlng fraudulent cbeoks, wenl to pollce court thls miMiilng wlth Cht.rlee Bj, Cornell. of lUia.a, brother of the prlsoner. and witbdrew lha warruni. the cheeks havlng been made good. Tha amount Involved waa aboui ?S00. CHIEF COXLIN'S PLAN8. KXPI.ICIT AND COMPREIir.NSn K ORDBftl TO THE POUCE. A CHAXCB TO VOTB TO BB fJIVBSi TO BVEBT MriMi.ii: .11- TjiK ronca ABBAieoiaiBBTi rpU THK RM :iPTlOB >>y RBTtlBaa Final erdera to the poliee for their work in the electlon to-day la thla clty were glven yee> tei.lay to the ...Tptains by <"bi.f Conlln, and never have the ordetg been more ezpllclt ot comprehenalve. Ail the commandera <?f i"'r" | dncta were called to the chief's offlce at Pollce j Headquartera t" recelve coplea of the prlnted j ordera, and la addltlon tbey were told with ail , poeelble omphaafci that they woaM be hcid atrlct Iy reaponaible If there was an) fallare to have the ordera obeyed la letter and splrit. Ia hi* wtitteo direciinns lor tbe work of the polloa to? day Chlef Coalln gava tha toUowlag lajanc* tions: Ins'.ruci your m--:i thal ll B the duty of the pollce ? . preaenre order at ihe polla, and t.i aee ;h.t citi aena are nol improperl) er lllegall) Inlerfered wlin ln voting; thal ihej are at the poll? aa rAjllcenien, nol aa electlon offlcera ..r aa partlsun lhal inej mual be vtgllant, prompi ind energeitc ln ibe aie cbarge of Ihelr dutlea; lhal Ibey aiual be rourt eous end attenllve In thelr rela wna wlth electlon offlcera and auch peraona aa they may come in eon tacl wliii iu ihe performance of Ihelr dutlea, bul that where any emergency arlaaa lhal requlres ihem to perform pollce duty. they maai do It promptly and wlth energy and declalou; lhal whlle tbe De partmenl aa a whole wlll l>e looked lo lo prcserve order and to eee lhal ihe electlon goea nff honeally, falrb and with luatlee io all it ls .he performance of duty i>\ .-a.'h memiier ..f the force that goea to makr up Ihe whole reault. aml that If each .iik! .-v.-rv une of them fcls this nnn" aets aocordlnglv hic superiors and the puWic will have good reaaon io he B4eaeed with the work of the De partmem to-morrow. MKMHKKS OF THK FORCB TO VOTE. The ordcrs ln.luded Ibe minutest details of permitting ihe aaatabara af tbe foree t" rote. Under the law there rrual !>? two poli.i-iiien de tafled nt each polllng-plnce. and last year lt not posslble to have thi poliee r.-lleve each other so that ail could vote. This year Chlef I'onlin has made such nice cakrulatlona for the rellef Of every policeman la tum thut all wili hriv.- ga opportunity t<> vote. Ifl his ordera on the aub Ject the followlng Is a part: I liav made provlatona ta enabla every man to vote, and, tn viev. of thla fact, there ls no reaaon Why any man who deatrea to VOta ahould !>.? tltnlc.l that prlvil.-ge. I want you lo aee that everj man of your Bommand rotea. and l repeal i want you t.> aee that this work is doae just aa qulekly aa i>"s sihl". it must be retnemhered that on Electlon Day men will i>c relleved for no other purpoaa boi that of voting. On acedBnal ?>f tha electlon work nii leavea of abaonoea of poHcemen are cancelled f..r th< tlme. and ali the raaerveo are kepl on <lut>. Chlef Conlln's ordera include the rnforcement of the eacate law, whlch vlrtually aloaea to-day every place in which liqoor Is aold, eseepl bo teia. Thi- ordera oall the attentlon of tbe pollce to ihe provletona of tbe la-v. nnd contlnue: This raeaaa thal dartag ihe tlme the peJla are opeji the conditlona as to the sale ..f llquora mn.'i ba tbe aame as on Bundaya and durlng the houra r.n weekdaya from 1 to ; ... m . excepi In placea that an- noi wiihin a quarter <>t a mlla of a potl Ing-pl.K.?. ln conneetlon wiih im* matter l alao Call vour attentlon to the follow ItiK eatracl of Bectlon 10 "f the Blectlon law. vta.: "No int..xi catlng llquora, alc or beer ahall be aoM In auch bulldlng ivlz.: placea f<.r regiatry) or he allowed ln aay room in which an electlon la hel.i durlng the day of the electlon or Ihe rai raai of tnw votes. Any person or persona Vlolatlng 'he pro visions of thia aectloa lo be deemed gullty of a mladereeanor.** BONPIREO. rORBIDDEN The ordera Inclode the work of th* pollce after the cloae of the polls this evenlng. Careful ln structions an- glven aa to the manaer In whlch tbe pollce shaii m". as meaaangera ln carrylna. the electlon returns from ihe polllng-plarei t ? the pollce Btntlona eni from the atationa to th. Central Offlce. The pollce never have been abfc to prevent the boys Of the <|ty from btjlldlng bonflrea ln the streets on BkBCtlon nlpht. ao mot ler whlch alde has won, but I'hlef Conlln hns glven the usual ordera ta Ihe pottee lo enfor.a the clty ordlnaneea and protecl piepeilj The orde.- aa to bonflrea Is, In part. aa follows: Aa you havo aJraad} been laatraeted, .are must be tnke:i to prdvonl the raaklng or bonflrea and breaklng down of fencea nnd bUlboerda. B'hei posslble, arrests iiri*' Le made foi maklng ben llres, and where li ls nol poeelble to make ,m %f reat, menaurea muat t.e taken to put out the flre* and to dlaperaa any erowda that m?j- congregat. around them Offlcera who wlll ke OB dttt) to-morrow ..t the courts wlll, as aoon as the courta cloee, r..p.jr: ai the Central offlce und reaaaln la rem rv. Chlef Conlln anaoaneed yeeterday ihai be is to be at the Central Offlce all day to-day. hv.-\ captaina are to report for Inatroctlona whanaver there is an enBOrgency reciuiring uid from other incts. in eaae nny captalc <iini? earlj In tb< mornlng that be baa not th. requlred namber of men to man the polls lu tha ?>.? <iri< t, ba inusi call the Central Ofaee B1 once .ind net men rroffl another preclnct. ln mattera of the enforee? ment of the law tbe captaina an- to act promp: Iy, The finni word to tbe captaina n in tble i.m gaago: i ln j.'i.iitiori t.i the ordera and rommunk-atlona vou may recelve and the Instructlona you maj ! now ?r at any tlme iirior to hh.I .luriiiK Electlon i ii,ij recelve from me, you wlll ink.- such nctloi ' toward enforclng ihe lawa uiui ordlnaneea and preaervtng order "i the polla, atc, etc., aa ihe dr cumataneea and conditlona in your prectnci roaj requlrc You. belngon the arounda, wlll, of .our..', be the better ludgea as io the requlrementa ol any emergenctea that miKiu arine. and wlll, apan from instructlons recelved, act acoonkna to your Jiiii-. iiniit, conalatently wlth your dutlea ..s membera of this departaaenl and wlth tbe requlrementa ol the law. 1 ahall hoi.i commandfhg offlcera ta a very atrlct accounl for the mannrr iu whlch they perform thelr .lntles on Blectlon Day. All ordera re,?-iveii hy you musi be obeyed promptly and ' without quaetlen. TO RB KlVi: THB RBTURKB At all of.the pollce Btatkma ih.- aergeanti uh-. are the BMM81 aspert la Hguree are to be dataUed this evenlng to read and tafcalate the returna as they are broughl Irj by ih < pollce meaaengrera, and all aeeded faciilii"s are to lie grran t.. rtpresenlatives of the DOWapapera to hi-ar the return* read and to tabulate or trai smli them RANDEL, BAREMORE & BILUH6S, IMfUBTBRB Of DIAMONDS AMi UTHRR PRKCIOVS faTONWfc maxui a.t' raaaa oa 1)1 aMOBU .IKWKbKV. aa Kauaaaai Bt* BB BjaUdaa I-""*-. ??* wk' i .-;. Aaatrewa s... HoBawn Ctreaa ' "'"' n '* *' Th- retorna *UI ba r.-ad 08 at Mlcg Headquaxtera, alee, for the Infornaatloo of tne pabltc, and the wlll be In th-ir 0ajeaa to receive balletlna Late >esterday at t. rnoon Cbief Oealtn aeJd: I hava beard a rumor that II. ta lhe Intent rfoae party or the Other to deb.y tho v,0''1'* '"^ (vest !.f the allk-atoeklna dletrtcta on ^ "BK* ,tt,. Bde by rteatroylng aeta of nalkaa aftar awnamio ,.. bootba. and noldtng L^.^^ifNhSee^iite ballot. are aecured. As tba taa allewa ?brea aata ?f ballota to aacb vorer, a delay of fir??<' "i'nuiea !;:; riXVBff SVT? H_S_h_ __a%,?srsr,_fa/r* ?g_J f?oto'r thellne. Ibua anabllng otbar ^tera to gala acceaa t-> tha bootba, PoUca reaervea aiU ba on duty at the ?ast, Eaat ChM-httBdrid-aa4-tw?aV tv-Hxth-st. an.l WCBt Forty-s.-v.nth-st. s'ations, an.! ai tha Central OfBce. II is underatood tbat aoawtbUtg Uao *",,; 1,un dred warranta are out for pereoaa arbo have reg bitered llleaally. Actlna Captata H? ann, <<< the Kdridire-sr stkiion. baa tha lergeel number. Th. w..rk of dellverlng the ba lota al thy ar,. ,,us Dolke atatlona was coraplated >.?atera?y. Serinlendent K.tao. of ihe M.??tln li. Brown Prtntlna Comiaunr, lnforrne_* l MefClerk Aitan of tha Electlona Bareatt, tbat all tbe Mlrtnoo had been made. At B a. m. to-day the p.?llce w 1 dtatrlbute tb.- ballota at tbe poiiln plaeea, ?* fwera 800 und 100 poil and ballot clarka were IlorS m at en-.' Haadaoartera raaterdaytoBH vucan.i.s. Under tba Kl-ctlona law. all .caii ciea among electlon offlcera oc-curring obDjcubi Dav aball ba Blled by the Inapectora o electlon ln the dlatrtct whera the vacancy -riat-.. mrt ?ofore the Pollce Commlealonera had tbe power to fl i auch vacanctea on Btertton Day. The law on thta polnl aaya tbat if there ta a vacancy. he ',!:,?':- ?ballYppolnl a quaMfJed riectorot the dlatrtct, who ahall he a member of the same DO litienl party as the absent offlOer. - a> WKlXU'.m BABD WOBB. MR i.Ki'hW TaXM ABOUT BCEKBa AT CAKTOS tXD THI paaatPBCTB IB TBB aTBBT. Chauncej M. Dapaw returned le New-v..rk from Cnton yesterday BMrnliae, He bbM ?ben be atfppod from his avtvaU car al tha Oraad Central Btatlon .h..t be bad anjoyad ihe trtp, and tha. aU thai be bad aeen und beard whtas aarajr cowrtnead lllm ,?.,, ?,e eWellon ef Major MeKlnley am. aa -inre.i Mr Dapaw am antboalaatk abeul hla visit ,?,?.,?.?;, Ha aald: "Ket ta bave aten Caatoa dor lag -hla -xt.aordlnary oampalajB waa to have ,?.... i the oddeat and moal tatereettag foatura ot ??.,,?,..,. , ?-?? th.-r- at Mr M.K.:,uyslnvi ,,,ion. and ha m-t me at tba aUtlon. a'compaub-.i by a tara^crowdefdttaana Tha peopl. or ? aatan lmv- bulll a weoden ireb acroaa lha way about nv.- hondred feel from tha MeKtaV - hraae, "'"I ... .??,.,! || wlth .1- portralt, Bags ar.d Bowan. .,-?.. picturea m ib newepapera repreeenl a flna rnanalon wlth targa porch and grounda. lut reaii the houae ta a twi>-atorj cottage, wlth :..? ..m- ?n dmtBg-room -.. me .M? of tha hall. ...- a imrlo ,?d alttrng-raom ?i ihe other alde. Ia all reapecta ,ha houae ls |ua< llba thaaa <...- a-ea ^'..vwh-r- ln Ohlo vlllagea atmato. ntodeal and hoeaeBhe. Mra. , i ,niaj and lhe Major look greal prtde In theb u,wn hul lhe graaa h .-. been iramptad o.T ty tha f,.., ofhandreda of ihjinmnda. nnd tba graamd has ,.,,.,, ..,, .1 aa 1,-ird and n- srvorh hs II paw 1 wlth asphult. Tbera ??' enca an antaaaental pick.r fenre i.roond lha gi ?ada Bvery ptehel i ", , t- .waj by lha pllgrlme. Tho wbeta aa ,,.,.. ?f ihe pta??. ib bared graaad areead tha ih. rulned fanee. the eeaaeleaa flear ef people .., Iha ball and Itbrary. rtvtdty reealtad the i. -. ],, . irtera af an araay during tho civii war. ? The lack of c, remonv BB rorelvlng the dctaB-irlons would paralyaa lha averaK.- chalrman of a village r.--.|.i ?-. cemmlttee The a.i?a<'ou? Mr. Htnna. aa ,_.,,.. ,,f ihe Repuhcican Katlonal Ceaaaatttee, arou l i <ke no -haneea X another Bttrehard bualnaaa, ,,,i .,.. dire. ?' i tbaaeeraury at Mr. McKtaMy*a beaaa ,? p^-njii ?., ipok4aaaea af ? * taaatl m to Bra off bui . .,,,,,; | ,,-, nrtttea opj af hla -pe-.i. n- l bsen Biihmltted. Tne evcr-buaj Major la conatantly ntovlna. talklng an i eonaalttaa. N?? ba is anawerlng , legram, lhan g..^':n-' a eattet or .< greap or . alllng wltb of hi? neateaaata The erearl il ,. , hlm i? prtvacy. bul nn- avaty apaea m or .,..,,-.? tlie h-'!-- ?"'?' llit.-n. ?t looks at hlm all th Hme Bxcepl ?? he can eacape ;o ihe dnlnn-rooin or I,, Mi ? Mi KJnh y'a apartmaata ba la la tha mktat of a ihrong of rery fitandty. hut most eariena .md laqelr na atrangera. Ha knewa whal! >n arriv. during the day and la nra aued I i racetve them. The muale or ? baad la beard and avarybady rusnea out Ui ,-,. .;,,.,... I., aee Beea tha precaaatoa Slea into iha yard, lha Majei geea to ihe dear, ;ii? apahaaraan i ..,.,, riui ...; Bpeaeh. Mr McKbdey aaeanta a ciialr and d'-iiM-r? hi" addraaa and than tha taader Intre ,,,,,.,.. |h? delegatlon ThU baa been golng aa avery , . excep Bundaj i--1 itt" montha, aad one ;.-. loai n ., , ,.| , at tha rltalliy and veraatlltty of the central flnure. Prem early morning untll nlghl thara are hundreda of men and womei crowaing the vir.l and aidewalk The nelgrhben ? - eall the terraeea and lawna ef the beoaea oppoalta 'the galtary." ? i did nol gaew," eenthmed Mr Dapew, 'that i would I- aaked m r|..-ak antll tba Major ealled aaa oui lo addreaa ? deteaattan of celered mra B7hea lhe next arr\e,t lt r? 04. s. ii.--,| ;|,,. |-,1 legt Leegue?twa ladlea rama from ovop the way and aald: Major MeKlnley. if Mr. Dapew apeaka ror the Btudenta pleaaa t-.l hlm to talk loud, so the g?i i-ries can hear." Aa tn iii- irip thro-arb Ohlo, Mr Dapew aakl: ?Tha algaiacanee <>f my trip through onio an Indl catlng the driti <>( publle aentlmenl was ui tba siz. ind charactertatlca of lha audlencea The Cleve? land audlence naa .- imposed of about LO00 worklnar men. ii. ii reaponsea wara m il.'K. freouenl unTl wlldiy enthualaatlc No coerclon there, except tiie L'ontrolltng power of thelr judKni'iit and .-or, telen.' ? All the audlencea \\ere aqually enthualaa ite i waa aenl from tne Laaa to tba Ohlo Blver, ai im i the anttra Btate, aa tba wbm morning trabi (.n the rallway echedula as Mr Bryan t..oi< twa weeka ago a gentleman wiio travelled with Mr. i'.i\.,.i t.. atudy th- . rr-.-t ,.r hi? apaachea end th? manner of hts greetlng ???< alao wlth me. He la a A PREMONITION. raoM the njaira cAnk a kitchbm DOatBanc WHO TA1.KKH IN A BIANKER MAH--TP'. lit'T WITU 'lirAl' KKROBKNK rlHK? NOW TO HK BRRN AND HER KATg?WHO WOIXU I'AI'E.TO 8LO0EaT IT* ?(Boatsa JouxaaJ. , munufacturcr who atarted what la now a ?UKeeB ! ful Induatry flve yeara ago. and who feara Ita de afr.irtlon if Brvan ta elected. We atopped at the fime Idacaa 'They the towna Whlcli Were the mi"ke DlMea o! agrlcullural dletrlcta eild Indus Slalcentrea?llke Cdtembaa. Sprlngfldd and Day i to i aUaana had to leave work and their etorea to eome to t? buTIob lor thelr brief talka, and. ac < "ordbig to ihe test.moiiy of thla gentleman. our 1 meetlnaa were aeveral tlmea larger In number. and l far evo.ul the Bryan gatherlnga ln cnthuslaam. I fo-jiiT the aourd-money men of Ctaetaaatl wtld with excUemenl and pleaaure their parade ' V I i umbered M.*? of the 8U.000 regietored votera ! .' r oi i.crcent At the great non-pr.rtisan evenlng m etlng the chalrman waa Oeneral Mlchael^Ryan. AaVhVtant I'nlted Btatea Treaaurer. a llfelong Dem ! o. ra, who"r.nouneed That he shouid vote 'atralght ' f0?Tben-",|a'every Indlcatlon ln the Weat pf the j breakdVwn of thYBrran oaaraaa. LiataV'trfeSt. I predletlona of commltteee are far hehlnd wh-it taa I returns wlll demonatratf." -__?e ST1LL PILINQ UP DEBT. A NET INCREABK IM OCTOBER OF MORi: THAN .57.<aa),lKK). THB DBflcn \T THB BATB Of aaa^egggaj A VEAR nUBAgUBT BBCBOTB ABD BXFBHD1 TUBBB rOg TIIE MONTH. vV'aablogtoa. Nov. t-Tha detri statement laeued this afternoon ?howa a net lBC."*aae in the publlc .l.hi. leaa caah In th? Treaaary, durlng October of $7,1 ??.'..7;:. it. Th.- latereat-bearlng debl iBcreeeed BDo, th. aon-tntereat-bearlng debl aacreaaed K* UB, and caab la the Treasury de;f*aaed B7^B*,aat4T. Th.- balanea of the Bereral eleesea of debt al tbe eloae of bualaeaa October H weri i Iniereet-tairlag deM .8??T.sjii.?ar.on p... .,, whi.h intereal Baa ceaaee alaee m* laatiKBgl 1 WM hearing' ita inlerert...'.3T2.llM.M7 M T?.s, .tq.ati.eei.rii aa The certlflcates and Treaaary notes offset bv *n eojttal ..mount of cash In the Tr a-iiry outatandlng ;it the end of ihe month were 8Jaa,taWI, a da880881 of 11M.-KA The total cash iu the Treasury IM prut"*,:*.'! N, The gold reaerre waa tin,).flon.oo?. Net caab i elanee, lUMltlCl tt. ln the month lhare waa a derr-aaae in Kold coin nnd h.irs of I7.H7.47S r.X. the lotal at the eloae helnjj j1Bl.aTl.Wt1t Of silver there was a doereaaa of $l.iW>2 a. Of the BUrplua there nns ln Natlonal l.ank deposltorles l16.119.t1WV.. asraln-d M.m.Xl "1 at the end of the prvvlous month. The Treasury ofllcial I omparatlve Btatomaat of the reeetpta and azpandlturea for the ftscai year t-> date BCd for Octob. r waa laaued to-.lay. lt Bhowa the deflcil for tha Brel thlrJ af the carrent ftacal year to have been gfi.8tt.80lL0r at the rata of ar.iK.orai.nno for the current year. The deflclt for Oe tober wt- 17,>>!<?..'? ifl. The r celpta for the Brat Ihlrd of the year were v..-,'-,ii ii or Ba.016.000 leaa than ."or the correapond IngV^rlod of Ik* The exp ndlturti. for thl.flrat thlrd -.f the cu/rent year were ttS8.M7.fO0. or la.887. ivi areater man f--r the correepondlng perlod of lsx, The prlncipal loaa ln recelpia i?aa been ln eua ioma whlch have decllned from gtt.14S.O0l ta tbe flrai ihlrd of UBS, to*B\a?,0N lor the eorreepondlng Derlo.1 of IKtt. Internal revenue recelpta for Octo? ber, 189S, w< re tM.S3.O00. agalnal t37.nn.Sb} tn Octo ''n.e orlnclpal items of Increaae in expendlturee have been ln the clvll llat, whlch haa tafreaaed from $.ri'-" i In the flrai thlrd of ISbS, to W"A?*) tor the Oral thlrd of IBtt Tne expendlturea ln the Departmeni have Increaaed nearly ??????? ln ihe llke perlod. In Ihe Novy nearly t4.000.oi?. and in Intere I hargi nearly tl opn.000. . lie expend? lturea for October, IBB, were |3S.B78,O0O. .iL-,!nst tft, sot.800 October. IBB, the s.-ivinK bavtag been ai most wholly In penalona. The colnage executed b1 'he mlnta of the i nlted Btatea durlnj: October a- followa: Oold, 15.727 - S00' allver ti.M4.0O9; minor .<>'i BB-BOO, Of ihe sll- , ver colncii t;:.''."" waa etandard allver dollara, on whlch the aelgnloraae reallaed waa ni.out 17?,??. The outatandlng Natlonal hank clrculatlon on N'.-> vember 1 waa t2M.BB7.8?7, an Inereae* .Itirlnsr the . month of |i.:;i;..'k.7. The drcujatloo baaed on aonda !? B18.MO.014. PRE88 CEX80R8 HAVE THK CODE. RUBBIAN OPPlCIALg DaTLAT THK CHAJf PIONBHIP <')lr:.*5?i MATiil. gtelnlta who haa nndartaken la furakm The Trib ut.e wlth the re|?irta ..f hls'h with laBafcer, ??cn* aord from Moacow yeeterday lhat the Rua ilai ' n-ora haw' lakaa th^ cbeaa code whi h he tateitded to 'isr for lb? c mleet, and that they wlll attek io it untti they are ihrougb e/ltk tbelr eaaml? natlon. The match, whlch m aebedaJed to i?? played on afandaya, B'edneadaya anl Fridaya of ea. h week untll either j.layer haa won ten a;ames. will begln to-.lay. however, according to flteinlta. and it is therefora auppoaed that in thla week only two games wlll be played. Adjoiirnerj jjameg. If 4tiy. wlll t><> llnlHl>e/l on Bunilay .ifu-rnoona. Owlng to the abaeaea of tbe code, Btatalta has i..-n reajaeated to afiui tha resuits of tbe Iral gamei only nnd to fully r-|.ort the laBer ganiea i? aoon aa the eanaora win ha\e mined over to him tbe etaborate code preparcd. Th- < ?. laultatloa ebeaa matck between the Clty an.l M tropolltaa Cheaa eluba ha?* been daclared cff. Vkmna Mov. ; (Bpedal). Baron Albeti de Rotha. hii.i haa offered a burae for a ebeaa match nf iivc B.iin. s in all, to i>e played hy Plllabury agalnal ihe lo-'al crack, ISngllacb. Two aamea have been played *o botb conteeta cmling ln drawa, a ' i - UBAIS VARKET8 BVOYAKT. WHKAT rL*OBKK -. CatXTB 0\*BB BATI'aUAT? UTEIBB PBOOCCTB BIMBO. Chlcago, Nov. *: (Sjicciiib,?BpacutailoB la wheat \. i- curtalled to-.lay by Ibe uncertalntlea ..f 'i' !? day, bul even tha electlon aoxletlee >ua not prevent .ui advaaee, Tbe cloee waa -'? centa over Batur? day, vnii ihe inst prtcej about the bc-t of the day. December opened al 7i'4 .,iu>. soid betwaea 7:'.i4 and 7"> centa, and cloaed al 7j ceata, aellera. Llver pool waa stron--. cloelng tlnally -"?<i. over Baturday. The wortd'a ihlpmenta, l,t00,ooo buahela, were ai niosi 1,008,000 buahela leaa than ibe week prevloua, There waa an unegpected abereaee on pasaage. BBMal buabetg. Horthwaotera recelpta ahowed qulie h falllna off from laaf yenr's. l.l.ln cars. agalnst l.m. on tbe other band, there waa an Incraaaa n ihe Bagllab vlalble, 1M.0B) buahela, and aeahaard clearancea were gmall. IStMOB buahela. itulia A ntaa'a lieaitit carrtea him lltr.iitpli the world. IIc de pends on it for ctijoyment, for hnpptness, for sticcess, for the acl-.ievemeut of auythiiiK he baa in har-.d. Ameiicans take bia chaacea They risfc every tlitng in biuiiRss They have cotifidenee iii thi-ir brains and their at-ility. The Americon busitiess tuau is active, flexi ,ble. elastic. Ktiock him down with feilBTB and hc is up ii.; iti a minute. As long as be Ueeps his health. failure docsn't aaeaa anythlng to him. Hc hns loat a llttle titnc, but uutt is all. If he can keep his health, hr will go 011 to auc ce*s. He feels sure of that, and yet liis health is the very _ .,,, gmur i tliing he ncgleets more than \'i/i\Vjl // ?n>'thin*" fl!4f BX% health ls // _f i'/ I/ l ,ho rnpc hv wh'cn -* climbs to /?? ?/ Jr'/ I l 8aceaaa. It hchoovea him to C, ?* ?// Mf-aJ keep the ropc in good contli W^,- *bW l'on. an(* not to n<,alect hroken T4\JJV. T^, Ktrand^. Whtn the ropc of IlWllln, I~ hcaUU breakseven a little bit, Iwf I it ahould be mended at once. . . ? lt ia easier to keep health than it ta to regain it. When a man feela htmaelf running down, when he reallae* a losa of vitality and energy, he muat call a halt. He ls on a down grade. The strands of hta rope are parting rapidly. Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Diacovery haa halpad thouaauds of men in just thi* conditiou. It m?kes health, it nukes pure, rich blood, it forcea out i? putmea ?ud iciU-* germa. It deeao't make any differ enee. what naine you call your trouble bv?dyspepaia ?kidney dtsease ? rheiimatism -conaumption ? skin dneasc, the Coldcn Medical Discovery" will cure it ahsotutely. None of these dlseases can retain hold on the body wh-n it is full of rich, pure blood. Every man who tares to keep his health should have Ih. Picrce's " Cotnmon Scnse Medical Adviser" -a finely illustrated book of lonS pages. Sent to any addreaa on receipt of 21 nue-cent stampa to cover cost 01 niaihtig only Addreaa. World's Dispenaery Medical No. 663 Maiu Street, BiiSalo, N. * FREE BUTTONS! AM ELECANT BUTTOB FREE WITH EACH PACKAOE OP Sweet Caporal Cigarettes AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE I COLLECTION OF BUTTONS WITHOUT CO$T. CttluDftENl EETHlftei rirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been usert fo- over FIF" ' TEA1 S b7 Mllr LIOK8 of MOTHER8 !"OB THEIR CHILD? EM WHII.i: Tr-;KTHING aitb perfeet BUCCBBB. It BOOTHE8 THE CHILD. BOF" KNSTHEOUMS, ALLAT8 ALL PAIM. CURE8 WIND roLIC. and ls the HEST REMEDT FOR DIA.iRHOEA. Sold by drugvists in ever* P?art of the world Twenty-iivt; Cents a Bottle. REED & BARTON, SILVE3SMITHS, Broadway and 17th Street. N. T. MAZAMA: A delicious brealc fast Cercal. Fifteen cents worth, when cooked. provides 18 Ibs. of perlect Food. HEALTH FOOD CO., 61 5th Ave. TTH 326 7th Ave., CARPET CLEANING AJ.'.IA 3MTH SIKEMT. BBlaWhtJia inb "Vlephone. 1.1.12 I8th-et. asao fob circclar. IF YOU \v reers' eapartem .... r'jctal 8 '-!?? i> ,irv blem.'h on. m. er ..nrter ,_tn . ooaull Denaab I glat ansary. i-" BT. tat-rn.. H. v. IVuuiy Book tot * 3 ahlpped ne wheal arbatever. The tncreeea ln the \ rtatbte, Ijmmaaiahaia, anaa iwaaaMaraBM laaa than expected. The pit trade was not large The featara area tba aeerctti af affavUaja. lt i?o*~ ea ii tbere aaa eeaee bajrfcwj Bf Kaat, Ream and other rich men. baaasJ on etactten aayeeta* llona. The Urerpeel atoek. I4BMBJ bnabahi, ahaanai .t incraaaa for the month ef UMBJ baahala and was pronoueed BUftaCiant for only two we.kK' con aumptlon. I.oe.l recarfpta were only BB eere, ??a ICS aatlmat. d for Tueaday. , ^ .?orn nia.Ie an advinca of '; cent an l cMeea about tha toi>. M.iv s.-iiinir between BN ??"?-& eanu, and cloatng at tt* oente,K,veipte ?a m cara. with Jll aatlmated for Tueaday.. .tMtert"? from the Weet. howev.r. were rery decliTOiy ??* Th.- aew advanead ratea arenl Into effeet avery wbera to-day. it hi expected that e?^rloummet*> tlnue to in here tha old ratei for a week ar more. hut that after a fortnlght tne> ?iu Bhew .i falllns off. Bamataa were ",, cent "JfJ"". Cablea were flrm. Seahoard elearance* wer*&a.w* buahete. The aaaeabttiva trade was light. ?"?>"' most of the day belng almos- empty. lhe neww Increnaad 1.488,000 buahela. bul lhe local atocaa aa; i reased for th. week 4.v>.<>uo buahela. rraartera aaeie 4:*?,000 bu.shel*. husiii-'** done BOBB1 titne :iko. Onta made abont tha aaaae galna aa ? ,01" .':, Ji,_ Moy aold from UN to 8N cents aad ritajed at ara centa. Racetpta were ?Si ear>. with BM eatim.uea for Tnaaday. The bull helan were the ?am-- aa m corn. tha advance in rates from lhe U est. ?<> mi>? thy wltb wheat and tlie expectittioti thal taa JB .' tlon woul.l reaull in the aitcceaa ot ?oui.. Bioney. The rtatbte tncramaed SM.oeo Buahela, Ihe io?? stock i11.rea.4ed r.'J.oou buabata _,.? The provlslon murket lajfged all the eeaaion. "?? -iw. w^.a ln spli. .>f uneaaectodly *mal) nog ra -t.,ts. only 17.0BJ thi* morning. arllh only U.? ' ? ? ? mated ter to-morrow. Frlcea al th" rarda wera aw .-, to i<? cents. Tbere waa aa dtonoeltloa to irom> however. rork closed only 5 centa over naturoayj lar.i and rih.-* at rhe aame Bfice aa Beturdai. "? small hoi? racetpta were auaaeaed to be 1 nw l"I indispotiltlon of the eountr>naen to jart arttnjawg to mark.-t over Bh-ctlon Day. -V rush is look- nw Thuraday aad Frtdny. Thera wa- aomeJtlnofP^? ment over the l.lvernool stock or l.i.l. '-'"Vl:r'i at On the curb "pnts" 0.1 Deeamber wheat cieaeoi~ aau eenta. ??calb- al B) eeata. tbb eatrau r. inary Bpread belng dua to the electten "?"??;r".l.,'!."i5 ?i'.ns" on May -orn deaad at ff% eeau; '?"'* ?? so'.. ie ">'j centa. CAI.U'-OHNIA WHKAT AKHIYKS W ^VIA CaUgftta. HBT. t-Tba arrtval of tliousand-- of lana of Cabfemla wheaj at ihis port ha* had m? ?fiaet of caaatag a reductlon la arleea n> aeaai parts of th- districi- aSected by tbe faattae, K" believe.l that a tcta! of 18.888 tons of na been puixhnse.l for Importailon Into India. T Oovernmeni la doinx every ihlng posslble to aiia viute the dlatress. It haa employed 7J.S00 P1,1-1? on worka whlch liave been started in order tol nlah work for thoae who. without lt.?0UJ??u??a bly atarve to death The cffccta of ihe fal..^>W the cropa are not felt ao aeriouaIy i[??ViVthe mkV na later. Th* worbi dlatreas wlll be felt ln me w dla of December. HARPER AXD~bT0TBErFJiG llORTGM Harper A Broa.. the pubilahcra. ftUd ln the odW of the County Clerk yeeterday the conaent 88 am membera of the flrm-Horatlo. Henry **-*_**% Harper-to mortgage the property? of *X-$tm\mm1 tl.03o.000. bonda to b* laaued for the indeotaonaw payable tn January. 1987. ?' Joaeph Henry Harper. nf No. ?p^*-rtJUage* aald laat night that he had not ??**? ?JftTfOrai the mortgage. but auppoaed lt amalBiaBBBr th# neoeaaary io compl^te the lnf->^-<>"lHiPBad leier company recently formed. This w?" ^n"51rper ? hy h-uncis l.ynde gtetaoa, .o-msel mrJgTglJ Ilroa. '"The artl.dea were illed .n rnyoj^ .-rhe o'clock ihls mornlnK." aald Mr aie- j wrpora mortaaae ta slniply one of the m-'?o> ^ tlng the flrm."