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THK i.oiAL CAXDHUTES. ; -OMlKATIONa '?>' ti..: VARIOUB a?AR TIBB. SMEN AND A.-l.Mld.YMKN j rORONEH. " I TO ri: ELECTED IX THIB CTTT. ? ' ihe lo-.ii candldatea to , Th? ..... j to-day. Th. namea ?f the lovoi ? .fflcea are glven the candldatea ?<?'?' R CORONER ? ,!;n:;;:^.nd p-op. n nal De party. - ?: t-Labor part* A' ,-..,: CONORESB. gi ? Bartlett, Rep. and Nat. ttitt Wati Tam. arTa |nd. Clt. prm . -. t'iiln-a. Pro. and John H Bfi 5ra n; ? Murr, v Mltchell, Rep. and Nat. "VnH ??? IPi .ple'a; Jamea Vem lllllam F. Weaterfleld, Bo. - r W ,.;. II, Rep. ar.d Nat. Dem -jy - i Bradley, Tam. and , J, pei , . ?? mveen. Pro.. and Daniel De r "?? ? i Laoa. e ,.- Meade, Rep.: Anrns J. Cum- , 'v ? . *?,*, ? iln Tomklna, Nat. ! r. . Wllllam Rnddy. ' r..-*r. , Bac-Lat; - ??? !:? ; : Wllllam Siilzer. ? - j Connor. Nat. Dem.; tiermar. Mlller, Boc - joha b ' La' h.-io, A Heaa Rep.: Georp.- B. Mc ?xHtb-S I Nal Dem.; Wllbur S Hobba. i.,ii.. ,.nd Marlon II I - yillor ': ".. si nnon, Rep.; Thoma XIIH H Madden, Nal. Dem.; Bi ? ., ? )?-. ? . ialdor Philllpa. Boe. People'a, and Tbomaa r Lah ? Ri p ; John Qnln.-y \;-. , ??; ,.'. ?? Charlea V. Pornea, Nat. ,\ - ? . - r . Pro., aml Rlcbard > _ I II ~ ,w, It< j'. and Nat n.m.; Wlll N'.'i ; oacar A. Gage, Pro.; Enoch |ai , . ? ! Archle C. Flak, Pa> 1,;*'* . ?aaek i. Ward, Rep.; Eugene R . ^ v Lawn ?.-. Nat Dem.; ': ... | n Banlal. Boc-Lab-. m ?: A8BEMBLT. m .rtet-Art: .r Peaold, Rep.: Daniel E. Flnn. ?s< D?HRian H rsens. Nat. Dem . Q. F. Carr. Boc.-Lab., and Edwln O.BeanFmP,0f; Kilhoy Rep. and Nat. Dem.; Ild-wWam h !> ",?-.-j,,../ H Wyburn, Pro. Thomas -?m'?;'.? i ,. .l,:lt.. aI.a ,\rtemus J. Smitli. jilius riani-'-1 . r:..f'r'vui"= .t Hoennlnger. Rep.; Wllllam H. uid- Ubji gn .. N . Dem.: John ? n ki- Pro-: 1':;",z KaK Boc.-Lab, and .' i ii."m;-Iki i;..,: Patrlcb H. Rocbe, , .- ' ? . \ . - Oeorge Knevltt, p^Hein:.;?. KahibauiS: Boc.-Lal . and Wllltam JJon? . Baxter. Itop.: Bdward W VnVm' > *??' N <:.!>. m.:A..r..n J?-11,';.,,'.. Prt Plumenthal. Boc.-Lab.. and OKVtTh^l -'> Ad'er. Rep. and Nat. Dem ; *"J m ? M'.hur M Keon, Pro.: S I .??;.,.;,,,. and Wllllam F Mlller. mon I ] I. Blackburn, Rep^: Jamea F. Mae .; Norman, Nat. Dem.: R i - 0. Tecbe. Boc.-Lab.. and pj0-g Jivan. Rep : Otto Keiapner, rlatian H. U Nal Dem . ,i.rr. Pro.. and Ooorire BUburg. aoc mu-adC. Lee. Repj Wll?*? g. Gledhlll. . ., ,iuai ?'. Thiir... Nat. Dem . nd J imea Boyd.ltoc.-Lab . . ,S.JBB! ?.?..? ^ jgJfcTaej. ,-. ...... (MU.IW J?*f '';;;? ivy^Vto, and Joaeph Btalbor. "xvlh-Rlchard C. Van Horn, Rep ; Thomaa r. Mvei - ri J- Walah, N . g,>m' ' .' ...- ramea af. Orr, Pro.. and Nx\ B .'.??'!'1:..P.: Penjamin Hoffman. Peopte'e: Thomaa F. Leonard. Nat. ;. .\ | jr. Pr*. and IfeyM Loa '?\\M -D.KFra'nb Lloyd Rep i John A Demp ai?,. y,.,..:;\;:.;^r,^^h: T?m- ViiehaelJ Kelly Sat. Dem.: John Benney, .... Boc.-Lab. and Wllllam J. 0XIX. : ,:0^'V-'i?rn"- WIU' , .. -, i ?. \ VTI troan, Nat. l'<-m.. ni" Patri k J. OBrteo, Boc-Lab. Rep.: Joha P- Corrl '? xam ? 1 i ??? T R ka. Nnt. Dem.; Brerett kN ,;?,?:? ''; Berger, Boc.-Lab. and kV k. mar. People a. lvv . vuatln. Rep.; Thomaa J. Mur AA. .),.??; g? orge J Veetner. Nat. ^'In- .. ? ? Pro.. and Fraah J dSl-A^?i5wi.. K.m I-iH I>Tooher: and Charlea H. Dalhauaer. Antl Blatdilne. XXIIId- R i R*! ? T,-,,ma? ?'?. Ha>' leVTam l John :?' T Nel D-m . j.eorge y . impaoa, Roc.-Lat... and ux\ ? ? ? ' r?p-: ?'?r,y.p !CST ',.[,; ? . Ftanclg B. Campbell. N ." '. Pro., and Wllliam Kjg^{ Murphy, Rep : Andrew Nal Dem ; Harry , ? , . , ? . Appleton Weldon, People a. \\ . ;A.e Bep . Patrtck J. An (-rA;. Pairlck Bl. John fyBul Uvaa. N ' Den . 1"' nk D Du Bouehet, Pro.. and Charies Fr ?? z. 8o< . . x-yv;.. ilmbeer, Bep.; CbarleaA. Slofioj I'i ..... Kerrla, .Nat. ? * " '* ^ ??' ''r'- ,. T ?V, I XXvIIltl lohi I" flherman Bep.; Joseph I. r,;..;. Gabrlel L teowenthall. Nat Dem.; t'l rlea Knappmann, Pro., nnd < ari liallairom Boc.-L _ _. \\\\- i. Brown, Rep; Bdwara Lawaon Purdy, Tam. and People'a; Mark M. Bcblealnaer, Ni i Dem., and J. H Tarnell. Pro. XXXtl Th. :? W. Brlcker, Rej. .Oeorge Wlll? lam M.- ? ? . ? ? B Bi ? . Nal. Dem.: C. L K'id ? ?: Engelberi Bruckman, 8oc.-l.ah., and J-irn. i J. Dalv. Pi XXXIet Hai T. Andrewa. Rep.; Kmnk I. F.k.; P. ple'a; <;? orge K. Mornan. N il D? m ? ri T Hull Pr.. XXXUd I'i. -rl(K H..m. Rep.; Th maa KghPon i.'iiy. Tam.; .-' i . ??> ?' Gonnoud Nat. wem.; Cbaxlca C Au> Pi ? . Aaron Henry', Boe.-Lab., ?:..! Patrlck l: i ' xxxiiw-j,.n, r Deaman. P.-i : -Tohn F. Wakax Tam. and P< pl< . Wllllam T filover, Nat. Dem.: Charlea N. M /./ Pro.. and P H Von Kl Itl g, for- -Lah XXXIVth-I'hilip w. Relnbard. Ji . Rep.: Lymnn Gladn^^s Comes W'tna better undtretandlng of the tranal?nt nature of the rnany phyBlcal llla whleh n8)* befor- proper efforta-genlle efforts -Jl*a?aat<ffortK_rl>{htl>, dlreeted. There la com ,rt ,n Ik* knowledge lhat ao many forma of ,c?r.enare r.ot due to any actual dlaease. bul "mWy toa conatlpated condltlon of the ayatem. *hlch the pleaaant famlly laxatlve. Byrup ol *'S?. prompiiy removea That Is why It la the on,y rrmedy wlth injlli.ina of famlllea. and is '?wyihere rateem d ko hlghly by all who ralue *-X-d health. Its beneflclal effocta are due to the *ct tnat (t ^ tne oa- remedy whlch prnmot?s "ternai enaanllneae. without debilitatinK the or ?*"8on which it acts. It is tberagore all impor **HIn order to get Ita beneflelal effecta. to note. "?'I you purchase. that you have the genulne ^?o. whlch la manufa. tured by the Callfornla ** RyrUp Co only. u-.'i soid by all reputable 1r??rlsfg. ? ln ihe enjoyn-iprU ,,t trood health. and the *y?l*Tn ia regular. then laxatlve nr other remtr j ? are not needed. If affllcted wlth any actual " ***? r*rie may be comnu-nded to the moal i_^UfUI Pbyslclana. but If In need of a laxatlve. lehauld Save the beat. and wlth the well 1 every waare Byrup of Flaja atanda hlgb at large! >? uaed aad gtvaa moat gaav COLGATE & CO.'S Cashmere Bouquet TOILET SOAP and PERFUME. W. Red.llngten. : Auguatua J Bpang, Nat. 1 '.-tn ; I). llmer CrandalL Proj Bernhnrd Wll ke, Boc.-Lab., and Francla Fl K.. People'a. XXXVth Douglaa Matheeon. Rep . vVllllam Olll. Tam ; Oeorge R. Hamllton, Sat Dem.; Jamea O. ? ???!. Pro.; James McQullton, Boc.-Lab., and W H- adli v. People'a. Annexed Dlatrtct, Is? Dtatrlct?Alfred E. amlth. Rep.; Btephen J. Btlllwell, Tam and People'a; B*la I> r.i.-ier. Nat, Dem.; wr.llam H. Terrell, Pro.. and .;. r,rce .' fhadeayne. Annexed Dlatrtct. Ild Dlatrtct-R. B. Emmett Jr, Rep.; I'hanncev T Besor, Tam: Jonathan M. Walnwright. Nat. Dem.; Rlebard a Colllna, Pro., and Henry Ebi rli I.' -Lab. - BROOKLTN'8 LIBT of CANDIDATE8. Mi:\ who ARE to RK VOTEO for OtTTMDK OF PREBIDE34TIAL exectors AKO THB BTATE TTCKBT. Follnwlng ls a list of candldatea to t.e voted f..r in Brooklyn to-day. The nanies of noml neea for state an.l National offlcea are glven ln another column rnn JUBTICEB OF THE BUPREME COURT (1D DISTRR'T. Republlcan Qarretl J. Oarretaon. of Qu"?ns County: Wllllam w. Ooodrlch. of Klng* County; Mlchael H. Hlrsohberg, of Orange County; Bamuel T Maddox, ol Klnga County. Di mocral John Flemlng. of Qu. ena County: v\ 111 lam F. u'N.-ill. <>f Oranee County: Btephen i> Btephena. of Ki.-hmond County; Thomaa a. Moore, of klnca County. Natlon il Deraocrnt?Charlea J. Pattereon, of Klnga County; ?'. Warren Greene. ??( Klnga County; s: phen D. Btephen of Richmond County; Thomaa s. Moore, >.f Klnga County. Prohlbitlon -Walier Farrington, of Poughkeepale; Coleridge A Hart. of Peekaklll: Andrew I. Martin. ol Brooklyn; Alfred De urnot. of Weat New Brlahton, Btaten laland Bocl llat-Labor? Edward McOovern, of Brooklyn; John Bcehler, of Brooklyn; Chrtattan Ludwlg, of Brooklyn; Lebrechl Btamm of Brooklyn. ' FOR CONOREB8. I|d DUtrtca?Denla M. Hurley (Rep.), John M. ri-.. v (Dem.), Wllllam C. K.-.lfl.-M (Nat. Dem.). ]s,i;..-'k Funk (Pro.). Bmanuel T. Holmea (Boc. Lab.), John M. < "laney (Pe >pli 'a). llbi Dratrlct?Francla ll. Wllson .Rep.). t n.irles F Kr.uult (Dem.), John A. HenneeBy Petn >, Wllllam B. Waldron (Pro.), Charlea L Furman iS,.<>.>. Charlea F Brandi (People'a). ivth Dlstrlci Isr.i.-i F Flacher (Rep.). Thomaa F. l.arkin (Dem.l. Theodore a Nye .N..t I>em.> .l.-ime i: i: imsey (Pr > ? Albert Kl-'.n .a .. -Lab.). Thomaa F. I. trkln (People's) \*th Dlatrlcl Charlea G. liennett <Kep.). Thomaa S Delaney 11 >.m ?. Jacob 8 Van Wych (Nal Dem.), Albert H. Walker (Pro.), Leo BchmkB (Boc.-Lab.), Thi nt.i.-* B. Delaney (People'a) ,..,,, vith Dlstrict-James R. Howe .Her... \\ ilbatn Flckermann (Dem.). Danlel Welsh (Nat. Dem.), Conrad H Parmatear (Pro.). Ouetat A. Roecnblath \s . -i ib > John J. Conklln (People'a), Oacnr E | mger (Independenl Cltlaena') BYJR ABSEMBLT. Iat Dlatrtct?Thomaa ll. WaaaUff (Rep.), Joaeph V. Lemaire (Dem.), Evere4l Qreena (Nal Dem.), John % tsoc. Lab .. J..-??;?:> V !..-:n..:r.- ,i eople a). , t. ...rici Lewla Harry Flaher <K.-;< '. John Mc K< wn (Dem i, Jamea J Donohu. (Nat Dem ?. Ben ford iBocLab.), Edward Broaaabaa ^ind'oia'trtct-WUmot D M irolj -uaa (Ren | Thomaa h! Cullen (Dem.). Chariea A. Webber (Nat. DemJ. . ;.;,.- (Boc.-Lab.). rhomna H l Ulen lPi\vPh'DVatrlct-43eorge W. miaon (Rep.). Edmund A Whafen'ti^ How.rd T. W.lden(Nat. Dem . NleU Evenaon iPro.) Lawrence Tlgae (Boc-L,.....). HThD^rlcT^n^.^^ mann(Dem>. J rm Fv AhrenaJN^pem^Liidwl* irdVav"! ' ' ??< ?" H?ymann **?$?!? V- :-:-..-' Edward H M. Ro* t (Rep), Cv ^i'ffiW i ??;. ??- - ,:.T?;r; fc_W?aK?!S*-2 ssss*- ? P\i"tri Dlatrtct-Laclen a Bayllea (Ram I, Jooej h A OuMe" (Dem - Jamea E. TounatKel. I>-m... Joaeph Axmifwi^-H,?mr, E. Abetl fRaa-). Charla. H. Ebbcta (Dem and Nat Dem). Wllllam Ft Duke shire (Pro.). Btephen Mumaaerjr (Boc.-Lab.), An? drew *', <'v..':-y (Peopla'a) Xlflth Dlatric Orrlon L rorreater (Rep). M thew J? Kermedy (Dem.. Nat Dem. and Peopb a), W.rrfnS^DX^A^^E.'ri.ProT^ h^,rK-TSriNn Maraball (Rep.l.Johr. H Itnaeraei <&tn\ and people'a) Emll B hne. (Nat Dem.). Jeramlab Valhenburah ?Pro.>. Loula Bauer (Boc.-Lab (^XXthW* ri"-Frederlck O. Hughra R*Pj-?<*" ard J Koerner (Dem. and Prople'a). Benjamln BruahVamBuren (Nat. Dern >. Rofcrt Henry Mer ai ,, rpro i Henry Kuhn (Boc -uan i. XXIat Dlatrtct Edward F U"^J^Vrlihl7 KM,h (Dem and Peoplea). Jacob R Roetbei (Nat. Dem.i. Hugo v*?f1 (Boc.-Lab.) Excirrxa rcexes at a fibb. TENEMENT DWELLERB REBCUED FROM BMOKE AND FLAMEf AFIREJMAN'BCOAT BURNED OFF AT Ilia i-oaT. l? a iire al No t? Wvtolen-at, .-. Bve-atory tene met.t last niK'ht. a acore of Inmatea were cut o? from eacnpe for a tlma by tha tiam.h aad amoke, and flnaliv bad ro ba led <>r carrted ..or. Two Bra meii. both nembera of llook and Ladder Company No. c, and opportunltlea t.> maha heroea of tbem ?elvee, and both eame,! tha cheera of tbe .-r..w,l whi.-h qulchly anaembled when tba englnea ap penred. Tba Bra was duwovered by a thlrteen-year-old boy nnmed Anren Meyer, ef No. 140 Bul Broatd way. who waa ridir.K >. bteyela akmg DtvlBlon-at. aboul wAt o'clock. Ha lefl his whaeJ In tha gutter and ran to tba elaraa boa al Markei nnd Dtrbrlon am. Pollceman Bveawlaaan, of tba Mndfaaon at autlon, kiiw bim. Tb- poii.etnan healuted for n few niirniies um to wherther >.r not tba alarm ?bould be Beni out, bul Bnally lha alarm w:.s rung. Jr, tbe rt.-i.n tlm- Max Betbateta, u bookke-per <>f No. W Hayard-Mt., who bl empkryed <>n lha xronnd Boor of tha bulldlng, bad ran upatalra and warned tn.- tennnta ?i lha Bra. II bad atarted m tha raoma or tfu* FrtedBaan, a elethea preaaer, fr..m an evae> heated atove, and by ti?- Uaaa tha warntag waa beard t^.'i renched tha atutrway. Neariy all tt..; tafaatea ef tha bouaa arera abed Rothatein'fl votea areaiard every one of tbaaaa, bew ev.-r. and ??.ti attaaapl tu metla ro gel out of the bulldlng i.y ibe from atairway. Thla waa impos hihle on accooal ef tba tin.k amoke. Upon ihe arrlval ef the flrsanea uoontrano. oenM begalned to tbe int.-ru.r of tba bulldlng >>> the front and Flreroan Sb.ri.b.n. of Hook and Ladder Compnny No. 6. w.-t.t to tha renr and cltmbed to the flre eacape wltb a line ..f boae. He uot to tha flre eacape of ih' nrtr? lloor. when a ?heet ,,f flamo upon him Um wbidow. lt cnaghl bla eoal and bornod lt a? bta bnck before a atream of water <o..i.i ?,<? turned Into tba boae he carrted. when it w;,? he polnted tha boae_ai hlmaelf and lot the water how on untll he Vaa thorouanly drencbed. Taan he turned the atream into iii roorna Hundreda of peopla were watcblng ina flre, and ;.s they s;.w Bhertdan atandlng ?i the wlndow, ., , oaa burnlng and tha ib.rn.-^ Ileklng u\* bnck fron Inald. the houae. Ihej eheered hlm wlldly Pireman W.lkinscn. of the nam.- company. earne.l .,,--.??? cheer by carrylni down the>eacape from the too atory orf Mrt. Lfvy, :he h*?v|est woman In the bulldlng. wi... w^?. wercome by .'moke. The flames i u i W'lklm >n and hla burden, too, bul be atumh.ed on and arfi.i ihe woman aafely to the ground. The flre w-nt throaxh the house qtilekly. hut by Bourtna on . irrea: deal of water the Btractura was ia ved from ihe Bamea. Neariy aM tha contanta of the five tlo^ri. were loat, howewr. Chlef Bonner. rrho bMered a ocond alarm for rhe flre becauae of rhe danxer to other tenemen:s In the row. sald that the damaae would he about I*.'**'. The r,vupants of the burned _?M__,?^?__h12S?: lOH laat nlght. Tbey Wara cared for by nelahhors ;ui.| fr!md?._#_ KBVOLVBB AND MNIPB IX EBNTVCBJ. I.exlm;ron. Ky.. Nov. .'-A dlapatch from Hrowns viii.. aaya thal John J-wcii. caleiea, waaabotand toateadty Mlfed there last nlght. The Bmllh-Orovo Mlnatrel Treuna ama ?i^^atSS?r ' 7,S^r ;?? VXon.onMCoKu'nn{y%h.. morn wt??."??* to ?J?ct from a meet ina of ?okT Democrata. BRYAN'S FINAL JOURNEY. HE BFOKE IN MANY TOWNfl IN NEBRA8KA YKSTEHDAY. _l_ OFTBX OBEETBO WTTH OOLD BAMBS AXD RIH DOXS, AXD BOXE riMKs WITH PICTVBBBQITB REPBEaEXTATIOXS OF THE 18 TO I IDE* - IXTERBaTIXa BCEXE8 AXD IKC1DEXTO. Aurora, Neb., Nov, t Beveral hundred people were waltlng al the Burllngton atatkm In Llncoln thla mornlng to se~ Mr !!r\;tn off eri hl? Itaal cam patgn Journey. They creered when Mr. and Mra Bryan. wl h thelr little datiRhter Oraee, who win make Ihe trlp Wlth them, app.-.ire.l and s'lil Bp B partlng about as the trntn movad off. The day waa clear, the aun waa i.richt and the atmoephere had an exhllaratlng crlapneaa At th.- t*r?t etop ping place Mr Bryan was remtnded thnt the op ponepta of the ' hl-ngo tlcket ln hl!> own Btate were actlve. Thli w-is at Beward, reacbed al 1 H oviock fjold badgea were dteplayed there in lnrg? numbera, but Mr Bryan waa not taterrupted in hi? nfteen-mlnute apeach. The Republlcana had alao arranged a eountcr dlaplay at \..rk. Tellow rtbbona u.-re notlceable there amona the crowd of :..?.., The rhecrlng was Intermlnaled with aome shoats for McKinley Mr Bryan aald some of the people ln Nebraaka aeemed to ba very mucta afr.-ii.i it would become popular tr. bave .i Prealdenl from the \'."???? it w.ts evldeai thal the Republlean Btata Commlt? tee had been as actlve ai Aurora in the dletrlbutlon of yellow ribbona aa li had been al Beward an l York. Badgea Of ? n. inr .lesign and BhapjB, 1.. aring the namea ot McKlnley and McCool, the itepuhii.-an candldate 'or Oovernor of N.i.ra.-ka. were wnm al all three placea. a couple of thouaand people ga'h ered to heai .Mr Bryan al Aurora, where he .*r .kc f: .;n .i atand en 'ted ln an open ti.-.d. Conatderabli cheerlna f ??- McKlnley araa interjected wlth the en thualaam of ::;?? Bryanltea. The extreme Weaten place in bla lon?r campalgn tour waa re.iched by Mr. Bryan al Orand laland, where he turned eaatward agaln and returned ;i Aurora on hla aay to llaetlnga. Orand laland fur nlshed the largeat crowd i I the la) ? ,> to thal tlme. it ?.is ? aatheiina eompoetd largely ol farmera, and. although thi town la conaldered a Bepubllcan atrong iiold. the audlence waa plamly In Bjrmpethy wlth . Dem ??*: ?.:..' candldate. The dlaplay ol McKlnley McCool ba Igea waa n< l ao large, proportkmately, aa at the oth.r ).;.?.. - mi :.::oi. d. Llncoln, Neb., Nov : People had gathered from far and near lo hear Mr. Bryan al Haatlnga T-n thouaand .>f them, moatly farmera, made up tl... aaaemblage tbai greeted wlth wlld cheera hla appearani.n a temporary atand Gold badgea wera few and far between. Whlte ribbona beartag thi word "Bryan" In two-lnch lettera were plnned on the hata and coata of men, women and chlldren In cloalng hla gpeech.1 Mr. Bryan aald: Now my frienda l wanl to aaj when they talk aboul wearlng ihe yellow rlbbon. I have wonaereci irhi mi farmera oui here, If ihej want to ahoa lhat ibey an lor gold. do nol war a bun. h of yei ;.,? .... p it | luati nea the condltlon of thla goia atandard (Laughter md cheera.) The gold at ar." ha* been ?? threshlng machltie. and :t n.ia done ita wrk well ll haa aeparated the wheat from the str.n-. ind It ha-< glvn Ihe arheai. to the Wall Street ayndlcatea and left the gtraw for the f,ir:iicr Btopa of only about Bve mtautea were made by tbe candldate'a traln ai tewna and rtilagea between lla-siiriK- and Llncoln, wltk the eaceptlon of Crete, where ten mlnutee were apent Harvard. laxon Butt nvllle and Hr.ifion turned oui good ?laed crowd* A brlef Bpeeck thal waa ah.I nerce In Ita de llrery waa made (?> Mr Bryan al Bxetar The Une of demarcatton between hla aupportera ..nd hla op ponenta there waa well deflned To hla kfl arere the people wearlng whlte badgea Inacrlbed "Bryan." io hl* rlghl a atrong dlaplay of orange Mr Bryan lalked a mlnute or two to tl* - *'?? ?? rlbbom ahowed thelr Intereet ta hla cauae. ..'??' then turned qul< kly lo tbe people w !'"'" bore evldi nce of ' "'? '" theae I - aald lhal ta voting for .. gol I atai ,h,.v rorgot th< feeltng of prlde lhal mual ry man In readlag ita i gee of hletory do ,.i l0 the Revolutlonarj War Empl words wlth rlgoro ii l -' irea be told I i tonea Ih il U ->' wanted theli dren to feel the bluab of abame for Ihe ita ir f..ii.. re, tt.. ?? al ould nol vote for a | ihai allowed Amerlcan ftaanctera t.. be domli <? I v forelgn Inlluen ? - Blxteei ? - ? on whlte , impanton ? n a d in aalmal '? ai ? I aitl the BpUMI "f lha -, ?? i. lhal lh< ? l< ? teen i aina eromen ?I.apoaed in eaemi llon or thi ? |en ' ? ; ??" r "?*? traln ?ho it li % llki m id loung i : ? women in golden r?u< wei ?? ... ? ,v . . ? ;.i,- al Frlend ...,i ?? glrla arere l Three. hundn-d ? t.-r. whlch alao provld. I ?. , ..... . . .... amall bos - wearlng broad yellow n track laaae i: iln, i 1 : ? latlon^tn M ? [.?J,K,-J lej i nami Mon ? ' traln when lt I wom. -?? : . I Mi Bryan'* ?? m..rk i>... .-t.,w.| at I' ' * .--..- uda f.'I i th A n iml er of won " ?-? !?? . '' ' '' ?'? m '" the mlnoi Hla home . lt) of Llncoln gavi , . ? .... to Mr Bryan In the alf h? ir ??-? . . ?. mi* ? ?? ntne '"? hla paasage to Om ih i before ?; ... lo. k ? ? : ? raln n ? ? '? ihe I .. :-.... H| ,..,,. The Tr... Illng Mei ? B "ta- Hryan llon,.- Ouarda ihe Mary Bryan < lub , ompoeed of womi ... m? oi hora. :??< k riki -? other organltailon* were ln Ihe pro? ? ??'? >n '? it ? ? late und Mr- Bn in lo Ih. coln Hotel A? ihe )? ' ? ?' '?? i" ' : '. ,; ? '"' "[" ? . n aalule was flred from tl ?? po i When Mr and Mr*. Bl balconi .i areat rhoer aenl up i he ? ai .id. ? -: iweo hl* appredatlon ol hla re eptlon ln hl* m,,..,., h ii- relterated Ihe al itemen made ju* after hla nomlnatlon that I .led he would no l. , andldate foi a aecond lerm ir hla ?pee< n ni aald Bo fir as i am peraonally ooncemed. thla elec ,,.. wili -m..dv determln. whethe, . *h.l rem.ln ? prlvate clttaen or .uny ihe moal ', V ."''',''V', llon within ihe powei ol man "'"'''? '"':' '. |, w-mnn lt wl determlne whetl ? i ahall re mah adth you .Phold aa beat I can the hand of the on- who la erected ur.i l hls , oh. . .. !? i.v.r-..! ai Ihe po N. ..r whether I *hHll aepan fr,?? voo ... .,- gon? four yeara and then retura to llve wlih yo . the reet of my aaya Omaha Nov l Three atopa were made b) Mr Bryan on the run from Uncoln lo Omaha Thej Were Oreenwood, Aahland and Oretna, and al each tt? candldate waa enthualaatl; .Hy greeted. Mi ? iitvii - peraonal campalgn came lo an en* ln The Republlean demonatratlon waa mora oreten ii,.I S...M- 'f organlaatlona nearly all beartag torchea formed a proceaalon that io..k an hour ln ,, all .* a alven place. M, and Mra Bryan wlll epend the night at the Paa> . '? ilotel and nt ? -w ln the mornlna wl.l go over lha HurltaRto'n io Llncoln. where ita candldate wlll raai .... ,-,? gnd awall ibe returna J0SE8 F.MIT8 ISOTBJER 8HRIEK. T11K POPOfTIATI DtaoovRni nlAIRKAB AXXOPXCEB THB : a ti:i:i:iiii.i: BBPtTB i.i.wn PLOT Chlcago, Nov. I Benator Jamea K Jonea, ebalr man of ihe Democratlc C nnmltte. . setit the foi Liebig Compan/s Extract of Beef is the essence of all that is best in bcef. Only the best partsof the be?t cuttle, raised f>y tho company on their t,wn grrazinfj ficlds in Uru euay. are used. That's why tt is the beat, and for over thirty years unapproached for punty and fine flavor. ror Imaeaeai and aeeae^te Ceekwy , ror refreablaa. neuriaklBg beef Im Every American Needs the Standard History of His Own Country. ! 900 A. D. T. MESSENGERS 32,000 CALL BOXES 23,000 TELEPHONES Can and should be used to-day, after you have roted, to bring specimen volumes of SCRIBNER'S HIS? TORY Of THE UINITED STATES to you for ?? amination and particulars of THE TR1BUNE plan. aw**...***^^ a> I ? 4 4> I i U'e .ire nuking hisMrv to-day, and the time is onportune to deoide whether you do not need the only full and adequate popular biatory ofthii country ever published. For further particulars pull your A. D. T. call box lever 5 times w telephone yoor natne and addreaa to No. 1S20 38th St. No charge for service. No obligation to order. Test the efficiency pf the svstem. Complete sets can be seen to-day at: H 1:.... ll ???; Mir.ii.n:?!i. Bladlaaa Aee. ?n<l 42-1 St. iTyson). Plaaa ii lal .'??...'. Bt, and Bt8 av. Wladl - H '--I. rtfth Ave. (W. A. Tyemi Bew rerh Trlbona Ageney, 243 Bfeai I2jrh Btraet. OUT OF TOWN ReaJers may have the books sent on ?p proval, and bcrause of the sterling raBM of the work examination is courtfd Wa pav rxpre<> ORDER SIBJECT TO McKINLEY'S ELECTI0N IF DESIRED, Addreai ?bc Xcm tlork (tribnne. Tribune Building, New York. lowlng dlapatch at noon to the chalrman of the many Btate coromltteeax The llon A L, Maxwell, Democratlc candldate foi Bute Audltor ln Illlnola, wlrea me from Law rencevtlle, IH . Mmt our frienda havi dlecoveree a plot on th.- parl of lhe Republlcan managere r-> --.... the electlon In 11 -i t county: thai they have raptured .1 vallae full nt oftVUI ballota 1 under utand thal vlgoroua atepa have i.n i-.k.-n t-> i-r >*e cute rverybodi t-onnectcd wlth the fraud, number ol irreata have i.n madi aireaoy. it would be well for you to advlae everj county cpm mltteemai ln your Btate al onee of thta ana to have th. ni notlfy each townahli.mmltteerann ln II p|r reepe tlve countlea and urge lhe moal ex iraordlnary vlgllance on tha parl of our people io prevent the perpetratlon of auch raacallty ln you Btati Bpare i.xpenee neceaaary to? femt oui anythlng of thls klnd In your Btate. Lall the at tentlon of our panera evenrwhera to tni* vuian) ,?d ^-.^ th.-,..-..i.:-..r..u>-.l iamfsk Josm Benator Jonea later aent the followlng telegram to Ihe chnlrtmn of endi Btnte eommtttee to-day: .1 nicblc Dcputy-Untted Butea Marahal, haa v. ir.-.i me from l_?wrencevjlle, IIL. anfoUowa: ' 1 h? n un of the Repuhlicana to .-..rr> Illlnola is to have offlrlal tlrketa In th- handa of the , Judae. and aa thi v..t. ,- ....*. ???- hla I allol to be depi alted ln the I iiloi -1...X the ludge la to put ln .. atralght Repub? llcan tlrkei in u - atead We have captured a rann here wlth 100 tlcketa and *4.?. m coah He haa ?-?>akened and irtven lha whole plan nway. rma wlll probably be ntt..mi>t?.l ihroughoul your s..,.. |: [, abaolutely neceaaary thal honeal men ,.r. inlae vlgtlanci commltteea in all your countlea . ? m-nehlpa lf p. aelblc, for the purpoee of pre v.ntlna th.r.aummatlon ..f thls vlllany. ?.-? taki Immedlate and vlgoroua Btepa lo call tne .at liul.ti of ihe publle lo thla plan. It eeema I the Republlenna wlll herttnta al no vlllanoua at t.'n.i-r lo s.-.l thi electlon l<etthla be Iwown. Republlcan Btate rhalrman Mir. h and Natlonal i rommltteeman Jamleaon denled any knowledga .>f ? ploi ro iteal Illlnola ..r any county thereof, an.l they place no ???? ??? In thi report from Lnwrence vtlle. Miepe< Ilna ? nt lt wa ? oi ly - in -.1 ited aa an l . leetlon <?%.- doda? ??> ??; lo eaplaln lha defe .r whi<-h ,... (,,,,1 \n ?,,,r. for the Democrata In lllin.u* to morrow The acheme <.f paaalng n marked ballot ia ?i,l thej . ... il i ?? Buuirt m ui would try ll Chalrman llltch lelegraphed for a r.-i-.rt from Lawrenci ?? Illi on ll ? ?Ili -? 'I caae. ELECTIOX EYE IX OHICAGO. BOTH BIDRfl PREPARED POR TO-DAT'i TRIAL OP BTRENOTII. ^ :-|.; ??. . ?:? hjc -n,vi:itiTKS TO 8TART TROl'ntJ! t r HE POLLB TO T- RM THB RO*E <,\ BtOTOUa M"!^ Weather condltlona ?tii predle a rernmeni eap. rta ta ik prece . ? !? . - lentl il polli il ?'???? gn *?? ? !" were only ?< fe* of i ie ind Hepul n leaders al tlieli ?'?? aaa .,,, i , ?? , oi no buatneak for them (o attend l ;..... iion T - day araa not ....;. ... however T- .??.?r.un- paaa. I .- i fi ?-. ti ?? r il hendqua ra n lattng r.. , . ti mm elee lon > ? U nn marked i I - - i ?,'r< *llh '" : v ? ... Hai i . Id not a mj t< legrama of lhal M , . B| I pi i) for nne . .' :. io gel - M laetr full ? >t? it If I - ? ,- .... ,,' Pr .feaeor Oarrt tl of thi ? ? ? . ?? ?ther 'ondltlona i . ? on iw there n thla cll) in l Btate anl llana and a - to be followed b. ind falr weathei t aay whether thi oi after lha eloBlng ,. ,or Moore, l id weal ler ? ? ki i a a ? vlea - which maj prei iii In the Mld lle . , ?;,,. ,., ira lhal lhe poUa are ....... are t ' ' " iBterfer . . f rotera by wlnd, rala uc .:. v. atormi B and "ea a ?- ma n. I ,. |a) eipreaaed ff renca M. ? , a ?. n ihe ?? bHh r wo I ? ? >? na '-?' M K-' Uy WOUld ' ; I ? ' ' '"' ' ' ' i , . ,,-'.-.?.mi ? >m .. | , ' ? .:???? ? M r Hai na read i fea flnal lelegi im? of a . he. ?' from the Pacl Coaal I > n.I the u >n m giate < .mm itee ? egraphed lhal lhe i- I i. gtate , ?' :?"'"" ,;l ? ' : N' Kii li i bi i nat th. ?' ? ? ,u" Tha rallfornla BUte chalrman lelegraphed lhal lhe Btate : be aurel) depi nded up .0 1 i .-?-... vote for \i iKInlej i rom the chalrman ol the Waah ., Btate .'.mi-.- ? at.. meaMge th .? the rttot, ,,,.;: ii | . | .;? Bryan, lielng i-erj m i. h In I i ibt, bul ? . il lhe Bepubll ana wa ild el< l ll ? Btate and . ,.. - .,:. i . irrj ihi l^gli..' -r Bxeeutlva t'ommltteeman Leland, who haa been ,. Kai ia foi aome tlme, lelegraphed Mi Hanna guara^ileelng lhe electoral \..-.-- of lhal Blale r..r Ihtj . 'Antoli i Itlsega Mr Hanna receTvrd congratulattona from many pi .ii.iu.-iu rltisena .. io hla managemeiii >>r the .,, ,,M|K|, .,, ,i rtll vs';.. ralled al headquartera lo -,v goodb) lo M..J.U McKlnley'a rlght-hand mun ?ren poalllve in Ihelr bellef Itutl vlctor) had pi i ilculli been won Mr Hanna ha-i nothlng neu to a.ld t'.. hla predlctlona when he ;....k ihe i.mht iraln i..r i.i- home in lievelanu Aftei vollng he wlll x>< ,,, t'anton to in..... iw and return ln llme t? racelva th<- .-;.- llon returna In Cleveland. Cxtra precauitpna have i.n laken bi the |> Departmenl >.f thla clty t>> aeoure .. r.-u. electlon aml equal rlghta io all rotera wh.. eome to lhe polla Paraona il.i havlng buaineaa al the polla wln he kepl i". feel away bj lha pollce, .....l Ihe paaaugHWa) will be ? l-ar-.l for lhal dtalance ai ,,,,., The !?? partineiit la determlned t<> floae ever) aaloon In the clty, and everj entrance wlll be guarded lo preveul aecrei vlolatlon of the electlon i.w ln Ihla refard. The pollce have ln-en nia^-lall} ir, -11 .i.i. ? l lo be >>>w .. r.l all VOtera _, ,j preaerve lhe paar* al all haanrda B< Jonei reeelved . t.i.-Kr.un ir..m apolla clalmlng lhal Indlana would k^-- Bryan i.nuu oluralliy Anothei telegram came to mm from B W, Redford. ?-( La Croaae. Wla., a eglng thai ihe aiipertntenilenta .-f Wuwonaln rullroada were chanaing ihe runi of employea ao thal Bryan men could nol gel llmi lo rote. The -llv.-r f.,r.-.M In thla clty have airanged nn Klectlon iMi lurprlai for ihelr opponenta, Tha liiw glvep to each r.Hdate on rln- ballol the rlghl to have .. n-preaentatlve lu each polllng place when the rounl -i the ballota boetoa, but lt haa baen cuatomar) roi ? fc* repraHN-nlatlvaa o leach party onlv lo be nreaenl to wut.-h ihe couni and tnne ?ognlaanceof any dlaputeever ballota between the judge*.. The allver .P?e. however, have made J.. r ? engaaementa for Ihlrty m-n lo bo nt ench nollina i.ia.-. when tha coual begtna. one ror eacn , .- which meana .... army of ROOO men. ' belnc over WO voilna prertneta ln the clty. V . ,., , ui.-ans i,av.- arranged for only the uaual ii,. wpiioii . Theae H.uOO alhrerltea are . x niinil.i- of waicnera. '?",-,' "?? ?,,., ,?, ,.,., r,,im, .1 .,. h i.- a i laiiirlilng effect on tne coiini '" ,' ,?'r, . the pea.>f the pelltng placea. On !'"'.', ,',| ?? 'ftepubllcanB. who hav. control I i miii'i.-'p-.i Kov.rnment. h.u- arranged wlth ', i-.r I.i .rm.nt io bave Btroaau of waw-r [Srned ?... Vnl- obilffepVroua mob whleh may threat ,-n any polllng p*. _ NAYAl OBDBBB. Waahlngton, Ker. t-AaMaaual S..ra.-o,, it. 8. fikeman hu? been .let.icherl from the \ ermont , j:;-, ,,^,,.^1 :.. ihe Beataa: Paaaad a^atataat Sur a on J' B Paaa hien deteohed from the-Boaton 1 Ind or.ler'f.1 to the Yorktown; Surgeon O. P. Lums I dea haa been .letarhed from the Yorktown and or _irVd home on three W1<?*< leave; Aaal.unt ?ur ireon W M Wheeler ha? b^n .letaehe.l from the I rrankllii and ordered 10 the Hoapltal. Btera Cal laatatanl Burgeon A. Tarenbolt haa l heen dataebed fmm the Mare Inland Hoapltal and ordered to the Oretea: Paaaad aaalauat a.irgeon r, Rotha.'iuger haa been detached from lhe Oregon a ,,^?r.H tn ihe Patteraon: Paaaad Assistant sur '___L' i' M K I nedv haa been .leta< he.l from tiic ' f-VuVr^on anVl ordered home on threo month.' ^S^NavOTnbo^ t'ataal lnapealoo duty. Munhall. Penn. THE 6UPPLY OF (JOLD. F.NTIRELY ADEQUATK TO THE WORl.D'*? GROWING WANTS. PACT8 AXD PIOCBBB TO BHOW THAT tXTBB NATIONAL :*I.MirTAt.I.I>TS <>K lSTS mist L0OICAIXY BtCOMB OOLD IIOXO MKTAl.I.lSTS IX Ua* To the EdltOT of The Trihune. Sir: Tbe reaaona that promptad the himetalltsts aboul twentl years ago. at the tlme of the dl- ;ua aton and paeeaga of the Bland hiii. were, accord- | Ins to thelr own presetitatlon: Plrat?The ronvlctlon that the then reoent de monetUatlon of allver would eventuaUy auppreaa lts use ln the monetary servlce, If not over all the world, al least ln the gold-atandard countrtea; aad such suppresslon would. ln the language of H.iron RothachUd, "amount to a veritable deatruc tton of valuea without any comper.satlon. ' 8econd?That ei-u.ty requlres that the unlt wlth j whlch a mnn paya hla debta ahall p888888 as near j ns posslhle the same purchaslng power at the aa > ptratlon of hls contra.-t that It had at Ita incep ! tlon, an.l that the rulitig out of *Uver would aacea larlly work Inequallty and injuatlce as to comracts ! extendlng over long perloda of tlme. Thlrd?Thal unleaa the new aupply of gold. after ; the demonetlaatlorf af aUver. were sufficient to sat lafy: (a) the nnnunl re<tu.rcment for nrts and tnanu f,i turea; (b) the wear an.l tear of colnage. loaaea ? by ahlpwreck, etc. ar.d fc) the new wants artslng from tbe Increaae of th- arorld'a population and ' the astenalon ..r lt* Induatry an.l trn.1.-?which rp ? qulrementa were eatlmated hy rompetent .-xpert:; at I pro.OM.000 ktea Ba,aaa,0B) ln silver for the world's | aubetdlary colnage, aay nel iv..BB annually, to be tupplled ln (.' alone -pricea would greatly de cltne, to the detrlment of the produclng and debtOT , laaaea Por the taa y.-ar-i :s71-!?j?' the averaga annual productlen of gold ?i< ni&OBXOM and of silver a little under IW.OOO.OOS logi thi r BfOT.OOB.OOO; the an? nual defleli of gold below the ti.v> "?'."?" requlred f..r the world'a wants, as above atated, atood therc fore al 03.000.080. We s>.i;i nol stop here t) dlscliss tl'.e sltuallon of | the world'a ftaancee stnce 1878. excepi to call atten? tlon to the facl thal durlng tbe tlfte.-n years from 1?vi t0 ibm incluaive the world'a productlon of gold averaged $:.??."?. a year, and that durlng theae i s.mie Ofteen yeara the banka of Fraaea, Btagland, Ruaata, Auatrta and Oermany together added the rasi imounl ol 1775.008.000 aj thelr reeervea of gold. ,.r ;.-_?.... .1.. gverage per annum, a large portlon of whl.-h tncr-;i*e was drawn from the I'nlted Btatea. Agalnal thla wlthdrawal ef V"0mjtm from the world'a etrculatlon muat be offaet r^".,,,.lV>' of g|L ver added to the currency of the I'nlted Btatea ui der the Bland and Bherraan acta, and whl.-h the i Treaaury la ..i.iige.i by law to malntatn al a parlty wiih gold Had theae lawa never been paaaed this try would nol have txported a large part of ii;- gold ll aubBequently leat \\.. wlll now conetder ttc* preaenl poaltlon of af falra in 1BM r.r-t The demonet laat lon acta of t*?T:i. etc. have ? ? gg wm> apprehended, auppreaaed the use of Bllver is money ln ai y pari ? f the world Thej have on ?? - ippreaaed auch uae aa to tne new silver pro dured lubaequenl to thoae enaetmente. But ihe world haa rontlnued to us.. ISO.OOO.OOO of new allver annualh for (ubaldlar) colnage. and tbe Lnlted Btate* colned 1500.000.000 under the Bland and Bherman ict* , . B< ond Th.- gold product of the world (whlch had t..'..-i iveragtng I1X.0OU.00O a year durlng the llfteen x,.?rs mi-ISMi, had ralaed to I205.000.oou In the year ? V., ??.! nromlae* to c\..I lflS.000,000 In 1888, and to go on Incn i>mg progre**lveh hereafler Ob ?,,, ,. {??-.,.,,..., 0f gold alone In IBM, agalnal KW - oi...... ,,f gold and allver together per annum durlng :>7l ;,vi u we conalder that 160,000.000 ol allver a vear ls stlll employed for aubaldlary cota3ge, we have .m aggregate of B7R.000.000 of the two i.reclous i ii iia nvullable annuall) for ihe varloua nea wanta of the world. agalnat C07.roo.000 per annum urodueed In 1171 i*1- \s tbe annual requlrementa for the whole world have l.i pl.ic.-d by rareful . gpert* ,.t floooa 000 ?f the precioua metala, the world i- iherefore ..d.ling to lts aupply about 87S. , .. ... mon- gold lhan n needed to k.i up the inrlty of prleea on the blmetalllsU' theory, and to ,,. ,..,,i >he mucb proclalmed Injuatlce of the deblor and Hgrleultural rlaasea lu i.ldlilon lo the above, we must bear ln mlnd thit i part of ihe vaal accumulatlona of koLI by Kuaala and Auatrta wlll, before long, be ieni hnca Into cir.ui .tlon upon th.- reaumptlon <?( apecle pay menia iherebi In.lucing an Inflatton ln thoae coun ii,,, analogoua io whal waa expertenced in the I'nlied Btatea In IfhVlBal. after ihe Treaaurj had ,. umed paymenla ln gold. We may iherefore look upon tln* irol.l sltuatloti ka n0| oui\ adequate to aupply the world'a bui a^ promlelna a gradual Innatlon of prleea' the effecl of whlch must h lo remove Ihe ,i ?con'tenl now prevalllng. wlthoul belng open to the fatiii objectlona. moral. polltlcal an.l nnancial, aliendanl upon ihe propoaed colnage of silv. r al a ruio greatly ln exceaa of lts IuiIIIom value. lt geema iherefore only fair to elalm thal all the araumenla whlch led tbe blmetalllata of Rurope and Mti-rica to demand lha J'dnt colnage nf gold and allver twenty yeara aco, ar.- aailafactorlly mel H the preaent dav !>v the productlon Of gold alone. And the neeeaalty for the colnage of silver. so a* ,,'.,,,... juatlce to th- aufrerlng agrtcultural aad deh'or e| ,~s. s no lorii'.-r .\lsts New-York. Nov ? IBM PETBR MARIR THE XVITH DISTRICT OANDIDATB. EVBBT UKl'iHI.K'AN VOTE BHOt'U) BB PABT FOB BJR. fTABD FOB COKOBBBB To tha Kdltor of The Trlbwne. Slr. Your edltorlnl ln this loorntag'a Trilmne In relatton le the CongTeaaloaal candldatea ln tbe Wlth Ilistrlct ls most tlmely an.l fordble. Al? though i was nbeenl from ih.- clty at tbe tlme the ponventlon m t. I have alwaya been a eefunateni frlend nnd ndvoeate of Ilen I,. Falrchlld. an<l have belleved be was tbe rearnlar nomlnee of the Ite publlcan party untll the matter was dedded l>y the Appeltate Dlvlalon In favor of 'he ftitlre regu larlty of W'Ultam U Ward. An.l there is no longor any queatlon ta tbe matter. There ls only one Tte puhllcan nomlnee for Oongreaa In the XVIth Dla? trlcl ui.i that ls Wllllan. L Ward. and he is intlt'e.l 10 and must recelve the vote an.l h.nrty Mipport of every one dealrtng to be .iiiss,..i aa i Hcpuldlcin or an advocata of the princlplea whlcil thit narty repreaenta. An.l I feel aaaured lhat Mr. Ward wlll r.Ive from the frienda i f Mr. Falrchlld as fuil and fnlr a BUpport as would have been glven to Mr Falrehtld had he been declared the nomlnee. The loss of a Bound-money Republlean Congraaa mnn ln our dlatrlct ut this tlme would be little U-ss ih-in a calamltv. nnd there ls no reaaon lor lt. The dlstrlet I" Keo'nhllran snd must be kept ?o. nnd .1 heavy rexiionalhtllty wlll rest upon iiny Keptihllenn who In any manner hlnders or retards thnt result. Lot the Hepublloana and Sound Money Democraia of the dlstrlet cast every vote for MrWard. nnd hl* electlon la assured. KK.Nr.Hi HAl.l.. New-York. Oct. 31. 1K<. -^ WHY WORKMEN BHOULD OPPDSE BRYAN. To the Edltor of The Trlbune. Slr: It la wonderful how slow Bryanltea are ln comprehendlng that the tntroduetlon of the pro posed allleea la Baa free-colnage allver dollar wlll tesult ln loaa to every one. and eapeelally to aavlngs l ank depoaltors. The Bryan allver dollar wlll be of no more avall than waa the legal-tcnder enactment of Tongreaa durlng the Clvil War, maklng green backa a legnl tender, whleh. on a baals of 288 per eent premlum for gold, depreclated to 38 cents on the dollar. I wlll relate how I waa eaught and loal. a.: a aavlnga bank depoaltor. durlng that event ful perlod. Iu 1861 1 depositod 12,'WO ln the aavlnga banka ln gold. Soon after our (lovernment and the banka auapended epeele paymenta. Qold lmmedlately roae to a premlum, and the renta and every commodlty llkewlae roae from 100 to 100 per cent. When I drew my money from the banka gold waa worth M per rIE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Iii. 4 Bulfincl) St. (3pp. Ke.ere House), BOSTON. I'VI' .KI.ltllF.I) i> i*??o. I'abllahea tlie Renonrned Medical Trentfee* Kntilled The Scieics of Life, or Self-Preservatlon. A HOIIK I'lMl KVI2RY MAX. Young. Mllffli is d itA >?:?!. ll centaiaa 370 paaea. l_mo., iii Inva uu>!e preaertptlona for aout- an.l chronla ..-.,-??? i wind in -ul's'iinUil emboaaad Kr?n<-h muilln. full gtlt. It tr-i>'? acteatiacaUy, exhauaiiveiy and ln * ii:.,??? :? mannai- un n Kahaueted vitaiiij. Narveae and l-r .-.i .-.! DeW "? varjenceta, ard al! !>t?ea?ea ?n<4 W?k neaa . f Man. whaterar .-aia* ariaing. N*w a^'iton. r#vla?d :ir.| ?nlarc?.l. Prl ? onlv ft. t>y neall. aealed. painphlet pmapectttf wirh tcatlownaila nnd endoraemtnta of th? preae, FREE. 8en.l n.?>. ?? Thi Bctence f L4ta. or s>ir-rre*ervatlon.' la a Medl cal Traattat ? r rar? ni.-ru an.l gr-at ralue. from th? pan ' i dtatingutihed author ind famoui rr.-1i.-al prartltlonar arul N'er-... BpacialUL lt la pre-?minently a book for even '"?n Ii la pirellahad by th* rellahle. tlme-honorad .,- : far fam*d Peabodr Medl-al Inatttute. w-hlrh ta ot \t ?el( ., auarantea of eaot! ?nca ar.d hlgh oharacter. It :1> ... better for the ladlrM-al nnd tha atatj U all v r- mnveraani aitb lha trulsma ?o teraely ?*t forth ln ti... noble worh I* .-> r..,t < f Ibai .-h?ap ord?r of abomln ,.;.. .-...., ?... t broaakaat by inwanoaoBtU rartiea and pur ehaaed le aratlf) - narae taatea. t.ut n work af MMB ia trlr.ale \alu? aa rnrn->t lw mea?ur,.l by dollar* and ranta .-. mlng .,? II .'. wa, f,.-ni a auurce emlnently tniatwortny h:?: rellable, c nUlnlna farta arhtetl ?hould 1x known? facta whleh mw-t ??? knoana." --Medical Revtew. ?Tha Paabody Hedlesl lr-iltute haa manv woul?-l>? Irpltatora hut n mjuala."?Boaton HeraM Th? crltlca an.l ?!,? pr?M thro.igtv.ut thla rountry IM Enchnd hlehly rommend The s<Menre of ufe, eaa Preaervatlnn." Tt.* ....thor of thla tr-itlae and Chlef iltlna Phyalclan of tii? Peabody Medioal Inatltute gmduated fr m the Hanard M' rv>11?ge tn 1884 and irr-na-'l.-,'- 'v .-.?mmias.oned aaa.'tant surgeon of the 5th ? rlmenl Maaaachueetta \-Munteara. In which capaelty he wrv-.l arlth nonor an.l dletlgctlofl .intll the ^ec1ln?n?. ?a? ntuatered ...t il lha rioaa of aervie*. H? jaa been actlvely an-1 Mrnvatlr aaaorlaled wlth the rVabody Medl <al In?tit..t > .'.urinir the pa?t 2* yeara. nnd haa lona been r>roamls?d aa th? m-?t fainoua auth.-r an-l th* moal Ha* . >'; ..,;.. n x-n-rl-a. In 1?T? he vnr awarded .(,. <-, M Medal hv ?h? Nb'i .nal Medlonl Aaaoelatton for th.. "Irand Prla* Baaay ? n Manbood. entlHed 'The Selenoa ot j .f.. or s-" Pi atnratfoB." Tiiere are more than 80^ .... |?tir-? al lhe Inatllule heartr.a araleful te?tlmony of hta unequalled anl trlumphaal aklfl, and that. too. tn v.-rv nianv ea^ea ttnt had be^n rlv. n up H paat eure and hopeteaj Tha A?*!atant Phyalclan >< <n- Inatltute ?r?d-j at.-l fr -m the <* i;??- of l^y?|elana and Surire.^n* An 1n telllnent ind IB rltnlnatlnB r<it '-'?' caa raadllr ,il?tlnt\il?n n^ 1 appreclate th? d'ffarenca batareea a reaponaihie anl tlme honored Inatltate an.1 the dl?rln?ulahed eklll that hnr m?.'? lt ao for a peric! "f 3-1 V'ara. and the iirnorant. : ? , r->IM". vaint'na quBCfc'. I'Mtwiltaiton rtal'v. In peraon or b\ mall. Addreaa aa ?.. .. | j. f. box 1N-". Boaton. Msm OEAF NESS & KEAD NOISES CURED!""?-! , ,r|\. .im :...-!,...- ?. nillTlaaralU rent premium The $:'...j0 I. g-al-tender notea. which I w.i* ot.lii;<-<l to aeeapt, would aarjr in the market only r.?> of my geM bnek. Oreaabacaa, though Btamped a dollar. wer.- worth B4M 35 centa on tha dollar In Canada, Burape atul thla rountry ln gold. Tl ua I 1. st outrlghl PJBJ of my orMCtanl mock of gold or .. loea equlvalenl to ?.7?W ln Kreenbacka. Ilealdea luffering rhit* los? of 65 per .ent on my orlglnal depoatt. I waa foreed to pay more for every tl in.- Xa for .?h.?*. whl'-h I boucht before for $1 30. and tl! for Bour, which coei me before but *5 * bnrrel My wagea durliiR the $aine perlod only roae from US to 190. lt waa not untll the reaump tlon nt spech paymenta :r. 1*T&. when rents and . mmodltlea becnme lower in price. thut aalarled peraona llke myaeif began to be benofiied. \i.,i now aM I look bnck over forty yeara. I be? lleve there never waa i perlod In all tnat tlme when the Amerlcan worklnatnan i-eeeived hlgher wagea or could buy more for the dollar he earna, thi.n now. I aay agnin. 1 am a;?tounded that a bank, depoaltor or a!,\ peraon worBtng tor ? aarea or a ?a, inl .i n vote for Bryan. I want no more of my . ,,i . Kperlence cauaed by a dej.reclated currency. I waa then realgned to my los;<, becauae my coun ti\ waa rlghtlng for itr? Uw: but cannot now be re alarned to a !os? to beneflt a lot of allver min^- specu lato? THOMAB J. MORROW. '\? oi w.-^t One-hundred-nnd flfty-flfth-at., New York Clty, Oct. ."1. li* ? .o L'BEFUL CAMPAION DOCVMENTB. To rhe i:,iltor of The Trlbune. Sir I r. eelved late yesterday afternoon Tha Trtbune'a colored .-ampalgn ponters, Noa. 1. J, t and i. for Bound mon. y. and put them In front of m\ ofBca wlndowa thls rrfornlng. Before l'? o'clock 1 ahould aay thal more than a thouaand peopla had atopped carefully to examlne them. I belleve ih.v ar.- aa ureful campalgn documents ...- hav.- been laaued, and I wiah l had reeelved them a few weeBa .-..riier. I trus- ln rh.- Intereata of aound money. you hava gtven th.-m b very general di.?trlbutlon. J. RUB8EL MARBl.E. PTorceater, <>rt. lt, IfJl REAhY FOR A\ IMMBN8B VOTH BtOBB THAN :.'.<i?? NWBJCEM IO m: AT THK roLLa ...MI'l.KTK AHHAN.iKMKNTS MAPE. Edward LAUterbech, chatrrann of the Republlcan ('{iinty Commlttee, cnllad a aaaaitna or Republlcan distriet lendera al hendqtinrtara y.-sterday. al which reperta from avery electlon di'trlct wera reeelved. Ii was found tiiat IhM party'H ICle.tlon Pay ma chlnery waa n.-ver In su.h .-xcellent order. More than 18.888 wlll min the i>ollf to-day ln tha VartOUa prcctneta Of whom a Inm number are vol unteera M<>r. men onTered thelr aervtcea wlthout pay than could be employed. for e\er> polllng placo Baa been doiibly manned. v complete ayatem for getttng Cnl a full vote wlll t>e ael in motion wh.-n the bootna bagtn buaineaa at I a m tO-dny Mr. I.auterba.'h sald that the renult would be the moet aetonlshlng vote ever polled In New-Tork for a Bepubllcan candldate. FiK.ires returned <m a cnll of the dlatrteta placad McKlnley'a plurallty ln the <ity at so.iioo. INDOR8ED THE REill I.AR Tlf'KET. The Kxec.itlve I'ommlitee of the Young Men'e I'lub of BTaatiitiaetar t'ouniy met ln Yonkera laat nl^hl and reconsldered Ita a.tlon of two weeka age Indotsinir Hcn l. Fairchlld for CongTBBB. and unanlmoualy Indoraed the whole Republlcan ticket. MOi ST MORRIS REPVBUCAN8 PiRADB. The Mount Morrls Republlcan Club. whoae roomi nre at I'ark-ave andiim'-lnindred-and-aeventeenth BCi para.leil through lhe striets of lhe XXXIat Aaasaably Dtatrtet last niKht. Ai?out one thouaand men, each enrrytng a torch. were ln llne. and tha dlatrtct tiirouifii whlcb they paaaed waa tllutni Wlth vari-colored lichts and flreworka. One of the featuree of tbe parade waa Vorlaky'a Battery. who were dressed ln whlte unlforma and preaented B liimdaome appearance. Among thoae In 11 na were Hnrvey T. Andrews. nomlnee for the XXXIat Aaaembly Distriet; Pr. Bewall. a coualn of the Democratlc candldate for the Vlce-Brealdency; Fnnk IfcCube. Eddle Jamea and E. R. Perrln. HOUSE FURNISHING. CROCKEBT. CHINA AND OLAS8. KITCHBJI ITENSIL8. FENDEBK. ANDIBON8 AXD r-IRE SFTP. 1'OAl. VA8E8 AND 8CFTTLE8. HEARTH BRURHE8 AND BROOM8. FIRE SCRKEN8. ETC.. ETO, 130 and 132 Weat 42d 81