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A HLX. w* O/^iANiS A' TKA (XWN OF CBEAM BATIX. *OROs:s AT BREAKFA8T. A DELIGHTFrL MEr.TING AND A BERI Ot-S DWCUBeHON. ARGIMENTS mO AND OOM A? TO WHETHER THB Ht MAN EATE DETERIf-r.ATE*- rTTTglCAIXT AP IT ADVANCES MENTAIXT. Sorosla hdd Ita aecond aoclal meetlng at tha Tvaldorf yeaerday. and after the aaatal hrrakfaat a?,emb)ed 2 rhe fallroom and llstencd to the fol? lowlng prorramme: 'he Bablai*"- Quariette_ **jF9?&svFKffi ssw ss Saa JeaeieW. Mlthv aaeoad atto. ..Ikaaa Baj* 'Ann.e *?%unr.??n -&*??*'?''' Air by Kudiey Baea, The nueatio. aaupeaia far ttenaaaloa waa " a-e 1- ireatal.y. It k. ??tert?tl?1 phAlcam- It waa prea-Bted by Dr. HadTfcd C Keatlnge. an? then take* aa in th- affl a^lre bj Florence D-Oait Bbaar. Dr>K D M to tingeand D| Kattorlee D fegfaetta.?** ?J ? eaatlve hy Btell. Ooodrld, Rus,e.>. Dr. Harj 1 Bond and Miy Flarer."- Park. Mr,. shawderiared that ikere ^o-.d ba aa aa gw-er bal "Yea." aid that lt eajuM bs fo-u.d la tha eve* and nerres of the ehlldrea who are now h- arlng the punlshnvnt for the pbyaleal afaa of thelr pro cenltor- M s. Ribaell waa equdlly Bora thal th omv rationai eaeWr waa "No." "lha av. Engl' te-da* ahe aald. "ceaiW not Bghl Ifl the armor of bka eve-tor*. far the atraple i that lt ia too rmallin the walat, too narrow la the lolns and not iarg< eOOOgh In tha Head All kattc recorda baeebeen brehea bjr modern Anglo gaxor.s. and they Burpara hi^torlc racea ln k ?:: cral health and e)daraace aa mueb aa Ca Webb, w..o aaraaa -he Enadleb Cbannel, - n - Leander. who-e naatoiy powera wera eejual onljr to the Helleapont.' Dr. H. D. Keatirge malnUlaad that machln-ry had taton the plaee of rauaclea, and as the kttter weat ou of use thej muat d-terlorato. The eitemporanems eUeeaaal m waa parttclpated ln Iy the R'v. Ph.1.- Haaaford, M a An'a Ran dail Mahl Mra, lebecca Merae, Mrs. Margaret ?aiaabaB Mr. Airtc Baaelrm. Dr Joantt de la M. Lor'.er an.! Mr- Maria BCot allOUgh. bfr* U?g*ton thOBght r.e "<-** of tha mo'>rn kerchief auffio.ent proof of latproved health ln women at le??t. ler grandmothc-r'e hanrtk<-i chlef. ate sairi. ?t; aa krg-e as a BBBall takeaeJOth. and waa lr.ter.dirt to beiwept Into. Tae mode-n woman dld not cry, a .1 a hai.dkerchl 1 six lnches BQaaie wa* aufflclent for ler need I>- Loil;r ?ald that a eound Batad without a sound body wa-. riathematically r.r.d acl*ntlflcally impor*lb:c. Tha foiioaing w-jmei arare gueeta of the cluh far the -.'av: Mra J?bnChapBian, of tbe TweBtletn ?.'entury I'l-jb. I'tttaburg- Mrs. Terry. Mra. Clara A Kcrn. .Mr* Alben Beat, Mra. H. L T Walcott. Mr* Webh, of i'.ajt;m<re Mra. Bamuel Btearna, of Detroit; Mr* Charlea Birtram aad Mrs Jan.e- A. Sptr:y. of the Chlropjan Cluh. Hrooklyn. GOIXG ON TO-DA F. jRb)Ladlee' Tienlth -Toteetrre Aaaeetatloa raeeta t?-day at i; o'clock in loom No. 12 of the Aeaderay ?"Mediri:,.. No : w.t Forty-thlrd-at. Mrs. Bcrlm _?or ami the Bev. >rt?. Wrinht. mi-mlura of the ?^aalilyn Aaaoelatloa/wUI Ik- prcaeat Btog Adele M. F1e|e leeturea thia mornlnu on "Parlier'ieritnry Pracgce" before :<? elaaa In the iBBBB of the Lcuguoof rolltlral Btudy, Berkeley !*yc?uro. Thegoclety for Pofclcal Btudy meeta this after ?*>n at 3.3ri o'clock h ll?t<-M to Emlly Wakeraan, ?bo wlll |-,e gpeakT if the day. Tiie cluhrooms *? at No. 14* Madlso-ave. Jbt Vl'omen'a Natloml Demorrath* League. at No. ?laat Flfty-nlnth-t.. wlil ?tay at thelr head ^?tera ti-day and ecelvc the electlon returna. laa Bepubllcan Wanen wlll dlapenae coffee. aoup ???.aandwlchea to da- at No. 21? Eaat One-hundred **^dfteenth-at. th? Itallan headguartora, and at **? !? Weat Twenf-eeventh-at., the home of Mra *?** Hall, prealcknt of the Colored Woman'a "?Wbllcan Club. "hls used to be done at all the **jag placea. but there are so many more bootha **?' tkat the reen io not i?ave to walt aa formerly. taa 2jAot B***1 **-??? refieahmenta. The Itallane J^eaiored peopb have grown to expect lt, how .'?TT' *ad lt waa thought beat not to diaappolnt tBaaa*^"" Bo?'"8-* *1<1 Mra. Merce wlll vlalt theae w4U C?^<>n? In :he eourae of the afternoon, an 1 wL?*. t-ccompartled by Mlsa Eltzabeth Hanks. g-TJ^wa retuna wlll be recelved at the head CrJ*_?. at No l.m Broadway, an.l the place wlll ?*?? caSgJ-ll everlng and r<ady to welcome frienda of _^t bouse-to-.onee campalgnera made thelr last rf*?"?n yeafrday ufurnoon. Heater-at. ..nd lts ^BhbOThood inanp th. ,^,int of alta k The party ^"?"ed of Mra. Clarence Burna. Mra. Miidre.l R"ld, Baeh i2i2ifm Jf4>?' W,H J 8,*"-v and Mr.. Peabody. BBHWT_5*n taok aa much llterature :,n ahe tould ,j5aB_*0*mre*ll boy, loaded wlth tho aame com (^^*aecara?anled them. ITEM8 OF NEWB IXTEBE8T. At tha Normal rollege the Alivnnae Rhakeapenr* nn.'. Lttaratara Claaa yeatertlay aftaraaaa r.ear.i the aecond Brownlng lecture of Mra Hnrrtat oti* I>ei ugh Ty.e Alumnae Ldbrnry wna fiiied to ..ver flow-irx Mra D. Ilenbaugb reads from the poet and th.--.. - aplalna an i Inti rpreta :..j arork. In three S'.ares? Wyomlng. Colorado anl T'tah? women Will vote tO-diy fot tlie prealdent. and lt la azpacted thal rery faw trtH shtrk the duty. Thay hara takfn nn part In the campalgn. and are well orRanlze'l. nn.l rhe leadera ara among the beat women ln The Btatea. In two Btatea-Califor nla and lllaho?a ??atMotlaBal woman-aufTraga amendment wtll l>e voted on. A favorable reault la conflder.riv axpected, aa tba amendment h?_ been praetically 1nrlor-"-d by all partlea The ReptiMI eni - made ir a jdank ln their pla'form. the pr-.pu Itstfl Indoraed lt. and rhe Democrata gave it a large rote. Woman auffrnBlata i.ave Bdvoeated the meas ure In all BortB of pontlenl meetlnga, ar.d have eon .l-jcte.l a vlaoroua cnrn*pa_gn ararywhert. Huaan n Anthony haa boen ln thi weat elnee Mny. aml haa .n aaalated by Mra Harrlel May Mllla, Mra. Bbaw and Mtaa Mollle ''. May. Tiie School of the BtlCtaty for Harmor.loua r'ul'ure wlU bnva ita laetnrea thla aenaon at the Barkeley Lyeeum, No II W al Forty-fourth-al Dmwtng .-. r.ri palntlna, music votea and Inatrumantnl; lltera : ii the Innguaaea, iihi; wophy, atrtlna an.l or ? .? wlll be taugrbt, ;tr.d one eouraa of lecturea le givn Thuredaya at 4 o'clock, and another on Sunday svenlnga a? ? o'eU* k A corpa of well-known tn Btr-.ietora has l.eer BCcnred, and the wmter's work promlaea r.. i>?- a aucceaa in every way. The Kxe,-itive Commlttee of the Natlonal foun r-ii <jf Women will hold a meetlng ln Boaton on Da 2. 3 and 4. One af tba threa pablle meet ir.cs to i-e held wi',1 be glven up lo rhe dlacnsalon of lopl ra relatlng to local councila an I cablnet ofti Natlonal organlzatlona and atandlng eom mltteea wlll be tak- n up at the other two meetlnrs. The Broman'a edltlon af "Tha Eaal Byracuaa Kews" wlll appear on Thnrsday, Novernber fc. Tne monev made by the advertlaeinenta :.nd hy the anle of Ita pnper wlll ba addad to tha fund for bulldlng a n? w Preebyterlan church. The rtearnship St. Paul. of the Amerlcan I.Ine. wbleb salle i for New-Tork from Southampton laat Saturd.iy. had among its aaloon paaaengora M:sa Prancea F. Wlllard, Lady Jntlan Pauneerfote and her doughtera MI.-;- '.:ca lirandon and Mrs. Henry B. Abbey. ? -a - - XEW8 OF TBE CBVRCBE8. Mra. R. 3 Bnrratt. formerly aeeretary of fhe Florenre Crlttenton Tlomo Aaani latlon. and wldOW of rhe Rar. Dr. H.irrett, general mlaalonary of tho rrotaatant BrAacopal Church, wlll addraaa a meetlng to he held in Phlladelphla t.ext week for the purpoaa of proraotlng a grentar mteroat in church leatua aalaaaatl work ln Philndelphla. The maatlna la rhe outooma of BBBVaatlaaa made by tho romrnitteo on reseue miaaiona at the eonven tlun of th? Urutherhood of Sf. Andrew. In addl tton to Mrs. Harr.-tt. tba Rar. Oaorfa C. Groraa, of Hr. I.uke'e I'hur.h. Sca. C1UT. L I.. who was ehalr man of the commlttee, and Major BakeweU, of th? Church Army. I'lttsburg. will Btldfcaa the meetlni;. Helen Foraland. alias B'-rtle Trlpp, belonglng to the S.-ilvatlon Army, laeaailf took polaon at Hutte. Mont.. and dled In a frw mlnutea. Bhe had a ro m.'irkaMo. cnraaff before beoomlng a member of thi Balvntton Army. havlns D8aa for y. ..ra an OBtlaw and .. robber Attlred as a man. rhe lad a wtld 'an.l lawleaa llfe. but flnnlly she want to portland, Mi and j..itnr.R the Bnlvatlon Army. r/nana acUva worker i;. Ibe ranks untll her unnccountnbla aul cide. _ Tha unnual conventlon of the Womfn'a Home Mtaadaauury BotAeVf ot tha Mathodtal Kplscopal Church of the Cnlted Statea was held laat Waak UI Sprlnirfleld. The next meetlng wlll be ln Maltl mor.-. John Milis. who haa Juat dl*d at Bowdon. rheshlre, Kngland. aays "The Chrlstlan fommon w.-iilth," wa? the author of the beautlful memorial llnea: Hla work well done, Hla race well run, Hla crown well won, Here let him reat. The atanza. acccrdlng to the contemporary Juat quoted. waa written ln memory of hla brother. the Rev. Wllllam Mllla. of the Methodlat New Connec tlon. and Mr. Mllla waa greatly aurprlaed when. yftara afterward. he read that lt had bean engraved upon a monumenj; of Prealdent Garfleld. tn Amerlea. He trled to aacertaln by what means the llnra had got to Amerlca. for they had nevar been printed. but he never aucceeded. The llnea hava been frequently quoted ln memorial .ddreaaea ar.d were Inaerted ln the wreath which the Prln ceaa of Walea placed upon tne grave of her aon, the late Duke of Clarence. Mra. Matilda Caree. of Chleago. haa pladged her aelf to free tho Woman's Temple from debt, and haa begun by aeourlng a condltlonal glft of $_'./??) from Afarahull Fleld. Mrs. ihnrles Wheeler. who dled rerently ln Prov H,M) |,.f[ .. vnral larpe bequeata to rharltable aa BoeUtlon*. Among them were three mlaalonary Boeaattaa, the Seaman'a Fund Soclety. the Congre gatlonal Church Bulldlng Bwlety and tha lllnls lerlal Fund for tho Congregational Churchea of Rhode Ialand. THK Y. W. C. A. MEETIXG8. NEW CXAB8B8 rORMINO- BSPORT8 OF St'M MER WORK?MRR BINCLAIR*! EX PERIEKCE IN MONTREAI* The Youag v?omen'a Chriatlan Aaaeelatleei hei.i lts seeind monthly bualneaa meetlng of th" ne.-isr.n yeeterday mornlng n' thi aaaoctatkaa beadquartera on Plfteeath-et.. an.l llatened to reperte el rummer work. The preskjent. Mrs. CbtTI? ic- E. Beebe, pr Fi-li-.l. The chaplaln. Miss Dobeny, preaented the repert of the work of the summer classes. Theae were held In thi- parlor:.. an.l the on.- beat attendert wa* that for pbjrsleal ealtare. This c:*s* keeeme aa larga that lt had to he dlvlded Into three aectlon*. The largest atiendnnce In tho parlnrs on any one evenlng was HB*j the smallest. 83. Of the?e. many were not connected In any way wlth th*1 nasoela tlon. Miss M. Motr, chalrman of the Commlttee on Vaeatlen Work, reponed thnt aa raaaaj women had bc-r-n entertnined in "The Rerkshlre." ln As hury Park. and thit the beuae bad been Belf-eUB talnlng. Mrs. R. S. Crane told of a rew feature ln the work of the West Blde Settlem.-nt. at No. 4M West Phrty-aa vonth-et., when the baaemeat of th? houae oconpied has been rented for the purpBM of afford lng spaee for a llbrary and IndttBtrlal class.s. A librarv of 1,808 book* has already been eoBected, apace ls th.* anly tl Ing that haa yei been provlded ror the elaaeee, The llbrary ln Plfteenth at, baa been enlarged by tbe addettaa of art atodlea, whlch wlll be dreakated among the holder* of carda just a* ihe baaka are When th.- raperta bad all baen r ?';..! Mra. Btaclalr, of the Montreal V.iung Women'a .'hrictlan Aaao '.. tlon. gave a most aaauelng aecoant of how ahe atarted a reoklng acbool In Montreal The aaaocla? tlon dld aal apprare of ber projecl i ? ? auae it ap Iiear.-d that fund* would tbereby lie dlvertad from th.- new bnlldlnga were betng pul up Mra Blnclair accordlngl" appealed te Ihe men ef tl clty, an?i Bucceeded In aiaklag it so elear to tbeaa thal their own phyalcal eomfon would be ar' l Increaaed by tha aucceag of ihla - I ool ll al money poured In from man) rjuartera There are now 1.888 women alodylng In tbe Bchdol Mr- K a. DoremuB. an aawactati member af Ihe .-ity Toung Women'a Chrletlan Aaaoplatloa an.l preetdenl of Ihe Intonmtlonal Board of the Toung Women'a Chriatlan A *o itlon ln the I'i ted Btate* and ram..l... re.-. lve.l "?nae rn.dal from the Columbtan Eai H i .lueatkmal and Bther weeh am .ng aelf-eutrportl 8 women. The B?dal will be kapt al the di luarti ra la nr ''??: tb-at . The Toung Wemen'a Chrletlan Aaaoclatlon ln Wew-Tork was founded by the late Carollne D Roberu nearlj ra.aga. and haa ?teadlly Increaaed In Ita memberahlp and ln Ita . | r^vlta Donatloni i I glft* of every d? _ n are tbankful ? epted. and ihould be * al .', th? ireaaurer lo. Ul Baal T rl _. rottr-al . who wlll aee lhal ih ls made of th< tn T!l,, . B are held In large. brlahl room* i li i ? taeb Btudent eaeelleni ? Itlea for ? Ing any auwjeel cheaet Bha an ?rn maklng, cooklng. mlBlnery, ph i beok g, or recelve Ih .r mgh 1 ti I phyalcal ultura ind choir-mui 'laaaea are open only le women atudylng for m ? . ipport, and applleanu mual '? Batweaa the r . itjbti ? ? and thlrty-flre, ai ? th other achoala Appllcatida for tii- claaarr muat i*e made In peraon and factori rel.? ar* Invarlabl) *? , M ? .',f the deparimenta wll llon wlll ?? ?' ? x are requlred to pl< regular il i i ' ?? l f fl mu ?? made befor ? . ... laaa ?hl h ?:? p aill wlll lw returned at ll ? ' lerm, unh forfell by ..!.>. nc or wii s udi ?.!? i are ? x, ? i? . i i i ihelr own exrx nae, all i.? ? maierlali ?-.?.? h inl. An ...?:?? . | ? ? ' ? I tei The bookl ? ? ? . .... . k :? bo well fllled that 1 ? nol enough room far thoae who wtal ? ? ei Thi i la held li Ih* hall ovei - ai I o'clock p m., ind all wi m< ir* w. I ? m< eotlonal m< Mni a at I o'clock .I eervlci ' *ong ., eld In the rhnpel erery iunday afterno i ? o'clock, lo whlch iti l i Bad T .- rlaaa In pl lure I ed lo ?.??? r flowlna ind eagerly attended. ahowlna plalnlj ..... ,| 0f ... ..... inted ggm :... 11 m The Toung Women'a <' Aaaoclallon doea a , beautlful work, nobly planned and ? irefully car rted on And ihe goo I work doi ?? ? Ing II glvea a nea llfe lo many a ? - gtrl ?ire.i on; ?.lth the burden ind atrlfe of h-r hard rla.11) llf.. patk nl | ind hop fuil) .:??? d. The "Freeh Alr Pund" and '-TraveBera All ? hundred* of methera, and they have re turned ?.?? eaee of llfe and bleaalnga ln thelr hearta for 'he goodnees and kimlness uf tho.*e -,\ /. , b< lp > arry on thla n *rk -a BYPN0T18M AT BOME. \ REXARKl OH THE PRACnCABltaTTT OF APPLTING IT To EVERY DAT LIF1 hTypaotlam, llke eleetrlclty, haa aiw.iv* been altl ns. bul not untll recently have we been famiis.-ir wlth even tho phenomena of either, and *'iil more tiy have w-- made praetk il applleatlon ef tha power of eaeh to the neeeaeltlea of every-day Uf If one underataada that love ls the- reault of liv|.no tism, than our moada an alao a rouir af bypeotiem, | and even genlna may trnce itcelf to the aame source. Now. thia may aound heavy nnd profound, bul lt :* not. When you conccntrnt* your mlnd upon n BUB ject. the result Ih a bypootlc Btata, aelf-lmpoaad, f>n* can see how this flalght prove the c.nnecting llnk be? tween mlnd ar.d matter. ror example, you thlnk you are III. Vou c mcenfrate on the aubjeet ef your Hlaaea. and you Bnally hypnotize youreelf into geautae Ulneaa, The Cbrlatlan bclentlat aajra: "Pray ta be well. aad you wlll ra torer.'" Tha mental edentkn bkaa you repeal to yeuraelf at.tte menU about your weB-belng and yOU wlll Bl one be weii. These conditlona are i.ui another name hypnoM-m. If hypnotlsm l? to prove Bccountabie for condl tlon and drcuaaatanca, my natlon i> thal Ihe aooner we mme to nn anderatandlng on tbe aubject tbe better. _ l.ooking into the aueatfau ?.f hjrpaaalaaa aaaay things .ue Baade \\ a daaeera wbp it la ao easy to livi- up t.i the good thal aemabodr ex pecta of us when that soin> Iiody undirstands Hnd approdataa u*. It'a a BlmpJe caaa ..f bypaatlam, and. conalderlng Ihe neaeual af good thal must eonstantly aprlng fr >m thi* i*<m when w.n dlreeted, B efaalr of hvpnotlsm mlght well be establlshed ln every achool and college ciirrlculum. Mother. and fathera and hushands and wlvea mlght well learn to b? hypnotlsts. r?ne can aee how a Uttle knowledge In thla dlrectlon would luad the way to a regulir gold mlne. of wlsdom. openlng up de.poalt* of aympathy that are hldden away ao deeply that even the pogaessor does not know of hls wealth. Good mother* are alwaya expert hypnotlata. One of the beat and moat gucceaaful mothera In the world aald recently that ahe had no rule or theoriea to depend upon In bringing up her famlly. "They know that I *xp?et them to do the rlght thlng." aald ahe. "and they do lt." Waa it becauae that mother loved her chlldren better than dld aome other mother whoae llfe work had been leaa aucceaaful? Certalnly not. It waa a clear caae of materna' hypnotlsm. So. after all, hypnoti'm la not new, and ln Ita relation to the glmple every-day afTalra of our llVea lt haa alwaya t*-en In vogue, but we hnven't known what to call It. Hut a?-lf-hypnotl?m ls th-> lntere*tlng part af the subji'Ct. It expl.ilns the cauae of our moodst, and lt glves ua a hlnt of oui poaallilliiles In over cnmlng Ihem. Perhapa It Is bad temper that affecta ua. or maybe ll ia tho "bluea." Well. you know how It la. We eltnply concertrate our thoughta on ?bad temper or the "bluea" untll we become a.'lf Gold Wires *Jt S Silver Bells and a Gold Mouthpiece to the Tdi^phone Would not be to.. e*t>en*ive ka repreient the value that teiephone aervice haa for manv who uae it larirely an '. .lr;en ! oa it at an integral part ot their business maclunerv. Others uae it lesa, pty leas for it, hut ftnd it an nlrroat ind;*;'en?;ible convenience. Ratea to suit ail Baan, 16.000 TfItPNOM SIUIONS P4 vtw YORK OTY Minimum Rate. [>: I.ine, Baa messa^ts *90aycar P^?SJ15 NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. IS (ortlandt St. 115 Weat 3Ath St. hypnotized, an.l we ar.- pewartaaa to overcOBM them. The (irmer plungea ua inro humlllatlon and dbagraco, and tha latter aaakaa of _a rery unde Blml le . ompnniona. Chuwea for tha JkawiTilnaiinn of the s.-ienee of i hypnottam wonM ba an encetlent thinc. Th.- Bub j Jeet ha^- t.."-:i '?'.n-<i.,.< re.l a dninc^rous one, on | aeeoitnt of the evll mlght eaelly nrise from | a knowledge of lt tinworthily apntted. One muat learn how to uae lt as he does flre, for ex.imple. and m.ike it h potanl fore.- to baaserciaed arorthlly. One ran Irr.riglne the peaatmtal beeomlng an optlm Ist when he understnnds lhal he Is bypnOtlBCd hy eynleinm. One ran imnglne tba good plny that must be enarted when aaa eaat everyWIy for a good part, believlr.g no Cnonbte of plnyina- the vlllaln. Ii seems rather a short eur acrOBfl lot.s to the mlllennltim. does !t not? PF.OPLF OF PBOUIXEXCE. WHAT IS RKINO DONE IN THK WORLD OF SOPIF.TV AT HOME AXP AliROAD The r>'ike and i)u-he?s de u Rochefoacauld have ratnmed to rheir hotel in Pans fmm thalr Norraandla cbftteao; They enrertalr.ed Mr and Mra, Ka.rman Roeera (formerly of Fhiladeiphia) a' dlBRei .:i Orto I.',. Rii.en T.?",-?, nleea nf Mm?. Riehar.l Fay. of Boa-.-m. wtll j.asr. ::ie winter a: .'an.i.-. Chft'e.-iu de la ni,-ra r. ;!i !,e occupted hy the Mir qui?e de M .rra-iee \\ .fTrmn. formerly ..f Xew-Tork Mr. and Mrs Oerarl W irrln?r are entertalntag at rheir Bngllah h-?me, on rhe heiriirs ahv.. Eaatbourne, Mra and Mtaa tiodk'n anl Mra Dillon-Ollver, of New-Y'rk The Hon Mra Xay'.or Leytand. nee Chamberlaln. la .,,,, o( ., houai party al Hbjhbory, the Blrmlngham home af Joaeph Cbambarlalo Ttu |,. ... ;. j.- |i nlth bai daugbtar, Mr" Allen. :?-. L_>ndon. They w.i: aoon j da i -? i.r: -.-.aky in I'aris for a few weeka During the mai layaMr anl Mrs Allen wlll be gueeta ' the Erahlnea a: Cannea, anl later wl'.l Joln lhe raa di Pino at Pi-. f >r lhe remalnder af the A ? . - ? ? ird Bonal la, f X/ew-T irk, i more, ar.d ha i ratly en i ral ei ?:g partlea Mr and Mr- Henry Baeon, of Baltlmore, hav. lefi Parli to p*?e a fea 'av aa r arata of Mia Ra ph Londoa _ Mr aad Mrs Thomai R " V;a''* r:""'1 ? - oountry sea: and nre a: ihelr reatdenre ;n II ? Vernoa PUice, Baltlmore, for lhe winter Ui ? Etana i Terry arlll be one of ka ?e*?.n's at lel.utantea a' ?? ? .. Mra Jamea W. Oei li ..?..*? lea of mualcala at her h uae, No it Oramercy Park. ih-s -? ? .; -ara'. and Mrs Oinle: RtiffernVd ,re "nvlted to . . . .... A ? Bi I i, ?' Kk*. this Beaaon. Mar> f Tnyl r *? '? Mr Baeon, nf Boaton, arOl be narrl.d Ir. N I'ml.'f, !? :' owtr.g to the re,-e:.- | , T.. ,-? aiothei a weddlng wKI ba a aulei . M ? :.?? i ?.f Mr? vTUllan w.n ' Boaton, arhoaa m.r ata ?<? | ..,. ?.,. <? . . r brtl ????? ? ? S 18 t) d'lr . , ? . n ...- . ?.>-.lrr.e. M.?? I.?.->? Chl, dai/r-T ?f the Cnlted ?a'ea Am laaador lo fJ?nnany, bi entertalaUBj Mlaa Edll udn of Ouy Thompaon. whoae engagemeni ., m ,. :?;.: ui reeentlr announeed. Jamea Bai n Key. arho haa paaaad the sunim-r la ..... ray l bm? In Xi ?* \,.rk _ The phllanthroplc Dr Willlara H. Craarford, of v. ... v a need hla enaagem. ? l Muu n rti.-,-.- Da Ha ?? -. 11 u ' ?' '"?" r'- Hatna and granddaughtet of thi lab* raye. Mr? De f'.ra'se f - -r aa l her d.. ightara, of N'ew Tork, h?\e returaad fi ra Europe and nill pasa th ? ,n:< r |R Italiimore. Th- Rarone.a Von Wa".hrn:.a 8/111 v ??:? relBtivaa ir. N, A-Vork and Baltlmore in the w ni Mlaa PnttainaB-atewarl la a gueai il tha B/elght VTlla, RCaf I'hlla le.phla. Mrs J. In.iglas Barnn. ef Fair Oaka, V,r, will entenain a bouae party daring tbe Thankagtrtng h di daya, and amom lh4 - ea ? wlll ha Mlaa Bdltk ray ai at, aad Edgar Morgaa and Morrlaon Lea, of New-Tork. Dr. Charlaa MoBurney'a r.ew vtlla i Lenoa if to ba a cbarmlng eomblnatloa of "Oud brand ia:en" and Bwlai archlteetura. M;-s Mary K wiikin- entertamed J. M. Barrte at her h .me In Kandoiph la?t week. Mr. anl M'? fJaOTBB Uii/.am fieals are a---t>d ln their home la B4?oon-at- K.tion. for rhe adater. Mr. and Mrs Wl'.ilam Ifurrham w'.il pasa the wln:er ln I'arta and the gouth of Franre. John Btruthera, of Phllada^hla. has purchnaad the plCturi f'pie .-.-ittage sltuateil BfanoatU Trmlty ChUTCh ..: U B 'X- _ Miss Hunnewell, daunlner of Arthur Hunnewell. wlU be on- of the Hwsro., d*l..itan:es thl.-< se,ia?n. fharirs .'ar. .11 JatlfeaOfl .md famlly bave lefi L-4UUP ollrn thelr rllla al Bai, an,j retur:.-.d ta thelt winter home in Haw-York Mr and Vr.?. Frank W. AndreWB have ciosed their New'pori v.'ia .mi reiaaned u> Waahlngtoa for ihe wloti r. ' _ Mm. Mlnot and Mr.'. 0_K?f m'.e returned t,, BTnahlnatoa _ Mr and Mrs TkOBBaa I.e.iming, of I'hiladelphia. Bra coachlng wl.h Mr. and Mra A B. Bigeioa la tho vlclnlty -if Boai at,_ Tha Thomaa Hltcneooka, Jr. Mr. H4rrhart Laeda and It. M. Appleton wtll ??. io Alken for iha artatar. Mr F. W Anderson and f.imllv have left Sunaet I.awii. thell Newport hom-, and reiurn.-d 10 Wanh Ingtuii. Mra. (ieorge ll. De F.?nst retanied to New-York from Larnoa yeaterday._ Rosroa C Waahburn. of Provldenre. and Mlss Ellse Nevlna. niece of Mrs Henry Nevins, of New Vork, have announeed iheir engagement. Tha engagement of Mra. P.lchard Henry Lee. of PennaylvanTa. to Robert M. Ganney ia announeed. Mr and Mrs. Sar.kett Murray-Barclay calebrated thelr allver wedd'.ng annlversary wlth a tea at thelr Cazenovla Vllla on Monday evening. Mra R^hert Sturgla ar.d the Mlaaea Sturgia hava returned to their realdence on P.luenhouae Square, Philadelphia, from Bar Harbor. Mr and Mra. Wllllam P. !Lyman have rioaed thelr Nahaat cottage and returned ta thelr winter home. No. 2)2 M lrlboro-at^Boeton. Mra. Wllllam C. Otlaand her daughter. Mra. Pea body. ha%e returned to Boaton from Nahant. Mrs Jennie Jerome Hlldt, whos#> marrlage to Charlea C. Motl, Jr.. has been announeed for No vember io. i? a gran4fdnuarhtar of the tateAddtaon Jerome and a i-ousln of Lady Kandoiph < hunhill. The ''ountess of Warwle)< haa returned to F.aston I.o.lKe Eaaax, from Bcotlaad. On Novemher 2 the i;,r! and CoURteaa wlll return to Warwh-k fastle, and later in the month wlll be among the gueatA enterialned ly tl.e Duke and Uuelieas of Marl boroug"h af Hlenhelm. Mra Weatervelt, of New-York. tloaiSd her chAlet at Alx-l'-a-Balna early In October an.l. wlth her daughter and aon-ln-law.Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Trot ter. went to Parta. . ___.. , WEDDINOS PAST ANDTOCOME The marriage of Mlsa Oraee Hooper. the only daughter of Mr and Mr>. Edward Auguatus Hooper. to I>aniel De Woif Wever. waa solemniaed at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Avenue Beformed I'hurch, Madl.ion-ave. and Flfty-aeventh st. The marrl.ige ceremony, whlrh wi* performed hy the paatcr of the church, the Rev. Dr. Abbet! E. Klttrldge. wa* not fo'.lowed by a recpptlon. The bride wore a gown of heliotrope cloth comblned Wlth foraat green vclvet, and a hat of heltotrope veivet dreaeed Wlth green plumes. She carrled a I ruquet of mlgnonette and whlte roses. Miss May Wever, the brldegroom'i aurter, was.the mald of hon r. Dr. Eiri C Kern. of riiicagi, was best man. ard WlUlam F. BImpeon, Alexander M. Weich. Dr. Baahford Deaa anl Harry Bashford were the uahera. Mr. and Mr*. Wever wlD be at home on the first and aecond Thuradaya in Pecember and January at thelr new home, No. ITj Eaat 3even:y-ninth-at. Mr. and Mrsr John I. Davenport. of Stamford. C'onn.. have *ent out invlt.ttlons for the mtrrlage of t,ue!r daughter. Miss Mary Davenport, to Jamea f'-ill.'-rt Graham, of Newburg, K. Y. The ceremony will take place in tho Preabyterlaa Church. at Stam? ford. on the evening of Thuraday, November 12. The areddtag of Miss Se'.ma Arnsreln. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ftigene Arnsteln. of this clty. to Adolph l.'eherman wlll oc-ur on Tueaday afternoon, Novem? ber 24, at Delmor.i ? .'->. Invitatlona wlll *oon be Issued by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Braeh for fhe marriage of thelr daughter. Mi-s Hlanohe Hra-h, to M'-rriil G Weiler. The cere in.<ny wili take pla. t ;;; Iicimonico's on Tueaday evenlng, Deeemb?r 1. Margaret.-It Is h.irdly poeelble to glve directlona mlnute aad compleU aa to enabie any peraon to make a paper earl without furtber aid. but a glanee at ihe i.ird, or at one made of tlsaue paper. Wlll glve the geri-Tal ldoa. Crease a aheet of whlte tl-sue paper by drawing lt through Ihe hands. Then >m the sheet in hnlves. Day one p|?ce upon the other, maklng B double thlckness. f.,1.1 in in- mlddle. nnd BeW the edges where they ,ome together. Thla muk^ a baa openiat both enda Tnen new a croaa about an inch and a naii from the tep, the umjer edge to form .theimre. Draw the thread n little bo aa to ?bape t Futla cotton and ahlrr acroaa agaln. k^rlng about twe inches at the hottom for the talL Wlth the BCU gora ahape the top llke eara; cul clrcular p>ces for the eyea wlth plala yellow centrea and uae ahoe huttona for the puptfa. A pieca of etift, brooaed nlnch-l t.. ,. iharp polnt and placerl be iwi.n th" ?yea form. the^beah. Palnt wlth black and whlte to imltate natural featurea. Eleanor Bewgrova Houae. nt Himpstead, where DU Maurler llved for over ten years. Is now an orphanage for glrla, preatded over by Miss Mo catta. _ Mrs H. T.?The flr?t Ice cream was made ln lTTi. iy a Parh ebef. Antlquarlan.?Mother Oaeaa waa born ln the year iej] Her BBetodteB were composed for the benefll of her gmndchlldren. and were tlrst pub II ihed in 171*1. Houaekeeper.-L Try paching the egK* in salt. It ll aald to keep them 'julte fresh for aeveral mon tha. I Vou eaa ctean the braaa thoroughly of traatalns by Ctttttng n l.-mon ln half. dlpplng lt ln table aalt. u.d rubblng it brlakly over the atalaed epeta Then dry. an I pollab wlth woollen iloths and powder, Nellle.?Dellcate ahadea for evenlng areer ahould alwaya ba eele ted by gaallght Many ilght colora ? look beautlful ln the day do not "Ilght up" w ,1 atYntgbl A gwe<]? ?u |s eetlmated that there are twenty ? | Bwedea llvlng ln Itrooklyn A large num ber li\?? In New-Torh. Allce M - -Vot keeplng the hair ln curl the fol : wlng barmleea prepar.-ulon ls far better than m.nv idvertlaed. FHi a teacup half fuil of weak tea and drop two lump* of augar ln it. Stir lt untll the augar Is thoroughly dtssolved. and let lt ,w,. Dampen your balr with lt before you put ? t ui. in curlen at night, and tne curla aill ?tay n ni'- v , day If you k.ep thla up for a few daya yl.rh.Hr wlll aoon beglB to keep ita curl Indednltely. _ Schoolbov-King Alphonso of Spaln la now ten yeara old and BOCOrdlng to the Spanlsh Constl . wlll ' Of age at fifteen. A PATBIOTIC DEU0S8TBATI0V. rur. BEFl'BMCAB arOHBN BOLD A "OOLOFN' RED amiTE AM' IIMK MKRTINO ?" The Bualneaa Womaa'a AuxBlary of :he Womaa'a ,.. v. latlon held what B ea.leJ a-gokloa r, l-whlle-an l-bl i< me, r;ng" laal nlghl it -he home of Hlaa Clara Predencka, No. IM Eaat <-n. -hundred ,,.',. ixteenth-et The room and cbalnaaa'a deab wt>n ., . ? wlth flags and bUBtlBg, and each bv n... r ? rea Mg g dd img on the rroat ef her gown ^ general gl rlflcatlon of "OM 'il rr" and hnnes: -? ,-,.v ?..- Indulged ln. and then the* awttled ,. mn t0 lht . Muaaton of a gueadoa ralaed by the ? Mr-. Kathrene Lane. ar th.- laat meetlng. V, niuatraia -omethlng ahe was d!*-i?*ing. Mra, i,.ne mentiom : th* caae ol a youag aurrled woman ?.',. . tdwlnner for her famlly when I araa .,.,-. Ilitreaa ar I wobe up Bt :he en l of L fea yar" to the facl thal her ehljdren were groar ,* .., uhe uttl* aavagea .md h-r huaband aaaal reidy a conflrmed drunkard; yel lt araa Impoealble for . ? to : irn bacb then. for rhe waa tha ?o!e de ?"?r ,'. riuh brc'ame ao much Intereeted ln thla story that 11 reaolved to wntlnue ihe eonalderallpn of it. ., . 11 were read by Kra A k. k i.i ani m -- ?-. Krederlcka An aalmated dls ,;?;;,?? foiiowed. m whu-h Mra CorneBua B rtobin -..,11 ? ,1.1.- el Hjuently. CUO CU H ELECT8 0FFICEB8. The cila Club had .1 fuU neetlng yeeterday after n m it belng the oeeaalon of the a:ir.;i.?; electlon of ? c ^|rt ii x Plerce w..s unanlmoualy re . ! preal lent, wlth the followlng as a->sn:ant offl .-- Xlea AdetaJde Baaaller, Hr?: vtoe-preeMeat; Mrs. Lyman D redtagl m. aecond rlee-praaldent; Mis* M. !. Olbha, .r;<-? .nding secrerary. Mr*. H. Griswold. recoriint: aecrei irj ? -Mr" Farrand, treaaurer; Mr*. A. M j tdeon, audltar; Mi?* N M J mes, hleterlaa. After thi.ctloa the annual reporta of tne different rji .... irere read The papera ahoared the organlaa . .. .,, i?. m .1 HourUhini eondltlon. v i.uge num? ber f aueeta have been entertalned by tha club thl* year and, aalde from the four month*' vacatlon, thlrty-two ae. k,\ meatlnga were held durlng the \\ irklr.g vear Nexl Monday the afternoon Wlll he ln charge ?>} Mr* Malcolm McLean, an.l "Waehlngtoa Irrlng" wlll be the tople for Btudy. FOR IHE 8BUTISB. From The Phlladelphla Preaa, BBenufaeture by InvaUda ls nn enterprlse whi-h extBta In Chleago, thanka to Mlaa K. I.. Huntlng. Famlly reveraee foreed Mu<s Huntlng to support heraelf, and she took up lace dealgnlng. rfhe h.i.l 1-arn. 1 la '<-ni.iklng aa .1 pretty cmploy ment for Idle ho.irs. and tlOW turned to thla ae compllahment to earn her Urlag. **he m.>t with auceea* at the stnrt. aml when sh" found hers?-if well lannched In the bualneaa she eoaeetved the Idea of helplag otbera to make the laee, *he to devote her efforta 10 aelllng the laee to the wealtby people In cltlea an.l Beaarlde reaorta Bbe ohaalned addreaaea of thoae in ne.-.l of work from the acure un of the Bhut-In Bodety of InvaUda. Slie has bullt up the Imalnes* among them 1111 she now has RftOOU mire or leas regularly em ployed, scattfre.l all OVer tbe country. from qulet New-England farmhouaea to ptonoer homes ln the Kar U'est. They are all Invallds for the reat of lli-ea. many of them .iolng the work In the -...lltude of their own slck chambers. patlently and car.fully. wlth thelr languid flnger*. incapable of anv heavler occupatlon Fllagree flnerles of flouncea and Jabota. whlch are aeen at balla and p.iTtleg on the flne gowns of soclety bellea, have pathetlc llfe hlatorlea wrought ln leaf and bud. and the rosarlea of cheerful pa tlenee are told atltch by atltch ln the garlanda of gosaaraer rosaa that adorn the handaomely dreaaed women of the gay soclety world. Mlaa Huntlng haa don* far more than ttmply pro vldlng a way for thes* membera of tha Bhut-In Soclety to earn aome money She haa glven them alao a ohance to Indulge thelr artlatlc and aeathatlc taate. She has taught them all how to do the work. for only one or two knew anythlng about lace-maklng when ahe prspoaed lt to them. Some of th?m are more expert than othera, but Miaa knowa what each can do. and provldea them with aultable dealgna and directlona, and ahe 1* aure thelr work haa ln ihe alx yeara alnce lt waa begun greatly changed the Uvea of theae InvaUda. Beirldea the lndependence of belng aelf-aupport Ing. It haa glven them many little luzurlea and made them cneerful and hopeful. -??j .4/7. }Y0E 18 UEt r.iu-e, Btranger. pauae, aa you pas* by, ,And ahed a hrlny tear In kln.l memory of hlm Who Uea Interred here. I dld not dle of fever dread, ? Nor orampa. nor Indtgeatlon; I cronked of too much telllng how To aolve the money queatlon. ?(Buffalo Expreaa. M/iKER'S PRICES. We have now completed our Fall line of Andirons, Fenders, Fire-Sets, Gas Logs, &c. As we manufacture these fcoods we are able to put them on the market at lower prices than other dealers. Conover Fireplace Mfe. Co., WAREROOnS?7 and 9 West 30th St, F-etory 114-130 W. 30I- 84. CA XA PA'8 WOMA X A XA L Y8T. SHE INSTRUCTS MEN CHEMISTS, DRUO GISTS, ENGINEKRS AND COP PERSMITHS, THE WORK OP MI-? EDfTH M. CrRfciV. PBO KESSOR RLLIS S ASSIi-TA.N'T AT TORONTO I'NIVERSITV?OTHKR PIK) IRK-SIVE women 0? THE nosiiMON. A Trlbune reporter visited the depnrtment 0* rhemlstry ln the Toronto Tachatcal Sehool laat week, and observed a f;.!r. sllght girl. aweet-volcad and gentie-mannered. instructing B large claaa of men. a number of whom were middle-aged. She was lecturlng on the analysls of alloys, auch as aoidsrn. l.rass, type-metal, etc Among ihe men were chemlrts, druKgist*. engln?*ers. ooppersmltha, galv.inlzed-lron workers, bra/sworkers and other urtlaana. This woman teachor waa Mlss Edlth M. Curzon, a II. A. of Toronto Tniveralty an.l u Pub? lle Analyst of the Domlnlon of COJOWAtU IffJaa Curzon la the only woman in the Domlnlon who haa passed the examlnatlon at Ottawa en titllng her to the poaltlon of Puhl'e Analyat. Under an acl respeetlng the adulteratlon of fooda, druga and agrlcuirural fertlllzers, the Domlnlon Go cnv ment appolnterl Publle Anaiysts ln t>everal I'ann i dlan distriet*. Professor Ellis, of Toronto Unl verslty, ls the Analyst for the Dl.-trlet of Toronto. 1 and Mlaa Curzon Is his BBBtBtBBB, She ls engiged ln I this work on every weekday. Her BBBoa ls ln the Srhool of Solenci- Buiidlnx. in coune.-tion wlth tha | I'nlveralty. On four eventngs ..i.h w. ek she at j tenda the TechnloRl School, to 1.-. tur>- ln ehemistry | to senior and Junior cla.sses; all le.-iurea are Hlua | tratsd hy experlments. ! The Toronto Teohr.lcal School, no* in Ita fourth I year. la malntilned by tha city for th- purpoee of i providing a cducntton free of charge. The suhjecta taught are druiightlng. mod-'Ilng. ehemlsfry. merhanlcs. math-mritl. B, electrtcnl engl ne. rlng. steam aml afram cr.glnc. appttod me . hani.-s, hydraulics and dom-sti.- BCiaiMa In Miss Curzon'* room in the Srhool of Sclenee a glan.e at the raaorda of r.-.-.-nt an.tlyse* Mhowed a list of medlelnes nnd w.iters. pharmaeeutlcal llqucrs, drugs and oila. Infants' foods. npeelmens of glnger, pepper, tea, cofTee. rlce-flour, buuer, eheese, ete , and fertlllzers. MIs* Curzon ls de i vcted to thla work. and would be an enthuslaet ' were not her utterances tempered by cool Judg ment. ' 8h? Is a daughter of Mrs. 8 A. Curzon. president . of lhe Woman'n Canadlan Historleil Soclety of , Toronto. Mrs. Curzon ia well known ir Canada 1 aa a graeeful wrlter, and as one WBO waa Instru ni-r.'.-il, ln <o-.yj>emtlon with othera, in obtalntng. after a hard flght. admlaalon for woaaen ro the uni ? veraltlea, and t-oeducitlon wlth men. The rerord of ', her daughter !.<Bl vid'-n.-e of 'h>- v-nue of the prlvl lege? thus ohtalned. ? A lafge number of Toronto women now avall l themselves of university aducation. Toronto t'nl 1 versity, Vietorla Cniverslty i.M.-thodtst), ln fed 1 rratloil aith the (Jntveralty ot Toronto; MrMaster Hall (Baptlat) and Trinity L'nlveralty (Eoiacopal) now open tlielr door... to women. 8t. lillda's f*ol l.-ife is tho reetdence for woaaen who attend Trinttjr L'nlveralty. Victorla and Toronto universltlea have pl.ins for eolleire r.-s.derK-es for women. I Moulton I.adU-s' f'oll.-ge u B hran?h of McMaater I L'nlveralty ln the aeademl- d.-pirtment: srudenta fhere prepare only for matrlculatlon. The Presby terian Ladlee' I'oiiege alao praparaa studenta for I matrlculatlon. 1'ntll the last ses.-iion Miss E.lith M. Curzon waa 1 the only woman on th.- regular staff of the Toronto Technlcnl Srhool. Mr.-> Jo>. a Canadian. nn.l graduate of the Boston Iriatltute of Teehnology, has n.-en Iately appotntad ln the de|)artment of oo | UMtlC arienee. The c-ourae inrludes t.ilks on tha i cbembttry an<l nutrltive ralue of, food adul I teratlon, rhe s.inltation and furnlshing of the ( kltchen and prartleal cookery. At the openlng of i the prcsent sesslon. th- Buutagon unnounced that r!->. .-lasses ln domestie acience w.iukd be rarrled on If twenty pupiis pres.-nt.-.; themselvea. About ? three hun.lre.1 young women appeared, and word was r.-.--lved that more were comin;'; greatly en^ed aeconmodatlona had to i>.- prorlded, and several Were organiZe.I. N.-xt yerir the top rl-u of the bulldlng wlll be arranged for the iole uae of thls department. and oth.-r branchea of the cara of a household wlll be Induded in the general in. atruotlon glven. UU8BVM OF Ah'T RECEPTtOW. HCNDREDS OF VISITORS VIKW THE NEW COI.LECTIONS. The autumn leeeprion of the Metropolitan Muaeum if Arr, held yeaterday aftemoon. was In every way a moct sueeessful affalr. It was the thirty-flrst of the serr.i-annua! exhihlrlons. and an unusually large number of people responded ti the Invlratlons whleh were lssued. The large Bttaadaaofl was doubtleaa due, ln part. to a general desire to see the many new BCOnkdttona of the Muaeum. These eonslst of a largi number cf paMaraa, and valuablp addiriins to the department of antl.|'.iit!es. Tlie most impcrtant of them were mentioned in laat Sunday's Tribune. Ftaaa I untll I p. m. yaalaiway the iirpe gallerles of the buiidlng were tllled with aonetaatlf movlng 'hromrs of guesrs. among whim were m,->st of rhe promlnent aupporters af rhe Mum-tim, and aeveral forelgners of note. Alrliouuh all riie reoms reeelved tbeir share of attenrion. !; waa evl.lenr that rhe chief Interest rentred upon the new paintlng. and among theae the Joaeph Jefferson lo.m rol'.e.-ti^n aeemed most atiraettvn. Many r-imments were made upon rhe p-irtrait of John Plillip Kemble, hy 8ir Taomae Lawrence. The eixlit paintlngs glven by George A. Hearn were also muih praised. toaether arlth tha additiona whleh he has made to hia already large loan exhlblt. The followlng are a few of tha hundreda of peopla who were present: General Loula P. di Cesno'a, Mme. dl Cesnola. Mlss dl CaaBkaU, Miss I_MBB8 dl Cesnola. Henry G. MarquanJ, Mr. and Mra. A'.an Marfjuand. F. W. Rhinelander. Mr. nnd Mra. John Crosby Brown. Wllllam E. Dodea, Wllllam L. An drews, Jamea A. Carland. Danlel Hur.tlngton. Hlram Hltcheock. Samuel P. Avery. Balem H. Walea, D. O. Mills, Georjte H. Story. Haron and Harcness Fava. Archblahop Corrigan, Prince Louis of Savoy and Commander Ca\. Aleraan.lry Bertolinl, of the Chrlaio. foro Colombo, now in port, together wlth most of the other offleer* of the snip; Cuisiil-iieneril Rruwaert. cf Franee, I'ount and Counteaa Naaeltl. 8imuel Sloan, Profiiiajr Walpole, Ml?s Marv Hall Sayre. Wllllam L. Skldmore. Samuel Ctump. Mr. an.l Mrs. Charlea W I>ayr..n, Miss Rutii Vr. Charles Inalee Pard.-e. Hurr H. Nlcholla. I'rofe.sor Henry Drlaler. Mr and Mrs. Georn< A. Hearn. Silas C. Croft. Jamea Uupas. Conaul from Moftaco: Mra. Ktizaheth A. Hltchcocl". Henry Beard, Mlaa Mary II Av. ry, Mra. J. C. Croly, Mrs. Woolbury L-Jigdon. Miss llenrtettn S Carradi. Lieutenant Alexatider Newbtircer, Con troii.-r Ashbel I'. Fl'.-h. I?a\id Johnson. J. Carroll lle.-kwlth, General Fuz John Porter. Oeneral Kgbert L. Vieie, Captaln W. H. (Ulver, inarles I>. Pieree. Consul from Orange Free State; Parke Godwin, John B L.idd. John I> Wl:t Warner, Felix Auealgoa, Conaul from Paraguay: Sagnl Smith. Mrs Howanl Johnson. J. fJL Brown, Henry A. Hogert, Proft>.*aor O. Caaenta. Mlaa Charlatte Vsn Der Heuvel, Andrew D. Parker, Rosalter Johnson. Professor R. i">aden Dore mus, Durand Ruel. Captaln F. Irsoh. Mra. John B. Kennedy. Mra. Anne C. Bettner, Wllllaai Colgate and Andrew H. Green._ Cfnropton Qlborrtietments. pUROPEANS AND TRAVELLERS wlll flnd (Be B-aaha eSlea ot Taa Trtbuna. TS Plaat 81raat. tL C_ ? BaaaaBaaa Plaee te laava U_Ur a_v?rtlaamaau aaat aaB> acrtptiona fer Tbe Trlbna*. London. First Avenue Hotei, High Holborn. One of the beat for real con fort and moderate chargea, Convenlent alike for Clty Law Courta and West End. Proprtaori, Tho 6or_oi Hotolt, Llaiiltd, . .